
[effect of pectin substances on activity of human pancreatic alpha-amylase in vitro].pectin substances were extracted from food plants: sweet pepper capsicum annuum l., carrot sowing daucus sativus l., bulb onion allium cepa l., white cabbage brassica oleracea l. by two methods with acid solutions similar to gastric environment. the pectins that were extracted were characterized by monosaccharide composition and quantitative contents of uronic acids, neutral monosaccharides, methoxy groups, protein. the inhibitory effect of all extracted pectin-protein complexes on activity of p ...201223013011
the effect of pre-incubation of allium cepa l. roots in the ath-rich extract on pb uptake and localization.the positive influence of anthocyanin (ath) on toxic metal-treated plant material is well documented; however, it is still not explained if it is caused by changes in element absorption and distribution. therefore, detailed analysis of the effect of the ath-rich extract from red cabbage leaves on pb uptake and localization at morphological, anatomical and ultrastructural level was the goal of this study. two-day-old adventitious roots of allium cepa l. (cv. polanowska) were treated for 2 h with ...201322895797
the effects of the anthocyanin-rich extract from red cabbage leaves on allium cepa l. root tip cell ultrastructure.the effect of exogenously applied 250 μm anthocyanin-rich (ath-rich) extract from red cabbage leaves on the ultrastructure of allium cepa root meristematic cells was investigated. the tested extract slightly affected mitochondria, endoplasmic reticulum (er), golgi apparatus and vacuoles. in the presence of ath, 62% of mitochondria converted to condensed type. in addition swollen, circular er cisternae were sporadically observed. in the ath-treated roots, one third of golgi structures was charact ...201120650531
effects of anthocyanin-rich extract from red cabbage leaves on meristematic cells of allium cepa l. roots treated with heavy metals.the incubation of allium cepa l. roots in pb(no3)2, cd(no3)(2)x4h2o or cr(no3)(3)x9h2o solution at the concentration of 100 microm lowered the mitotic index (mi) value in meristem by 58%, 39%, 48%, respectively. the proportion of mitotic phases (mainly prophases and telophases) in mi value was also changed. moreover, mitotic disturbances such as: c-metaphases, sticky and lagging chromosomes, chromosome bridges, binucleate cells, micronuclei, "budding" nuclei and nucleoli partly outside nuclei we ...200717416417
antiradical activity of water soluble components in common diet vegetables.the antiradical activity of water-soluble components contained in mushrooms (psalliota campestris), onions (allium cepa), white cabbage (brassica oleracea var. alba), and yellow bell peppers (capsicum annuum) against hydroxyl radicals was tested in a chemical and biological system. the vegetable juices were obtained by centrifugation of a vegetable homogenate processed at 2 degrees c or heated at 102 degrees c. the chemical system consisted of a buffered reaction mixture composed of fe(iii)-edta ...200211853517
effects on the growth of carrots (daucus carota l.), cabbage (brassica oleracea var. capitata l.) and onion (allium cepa l.) of restricting the ability of the plants to intercept resources.the objective of this paper is to assess the size and penetration of edge effects in carrot, cabbage and onion field crops and the extent to which these edge effects are modified by the presence of aerial or soil competition between the crop rows. in all three crops, large weight differences developed between the plants in the edge rows and those in the central rows. there was no indication of plant weight fluctuating between large and small values with each successive row in from the edge, as s ...200010938817
preparation of antioxidant enzymatic hydrolysates from honeybee-collected pollen using plant enzymes.enzymatic hydrolysates of honeybee-collected pollen were prepared using food-grade proteinase and aminopeptidases entirely of plant origin. bromelain from pineapple stem was applied (8 mau/g substrate) in the first hydrolysis stage. aminopeptidase (0.05 u/g substrate) and proline iminopeptidase (0.03 u/g substrate) from cabbage leaves (brassica oleracea var. capitata), and aminopeptidase (0.2 u/g substrate) from chick-pea cotyledons (cicer arietinum l.) were involved in the additional hydrolysis ...201121318132
genome-wide identification and comparative expression analysis reveal a rapid expansion and functional divergence of duplicated genes in the wrky gene family of cabbage, brassica oleracea var. capitata.wrky transcription factors (tfs), one of the ten largest tf families in higher plants, play important roles in regulating plant development and resistance. to date, little is known about the wrky tf family in brassica oleracea. recently, the completed genome sequence of cabbage (b. oleracea var. capitata) allows us to systematically analyze wrky genes in this species. a total of 148 wrky genes were characterized and classified into seven subgroups that belong to three major groups. phylogenetic ...201525481634
molecular characterization of an aba insensitive 5 orthologue in brassica oleracea.abi5 (aba insensitive 5), a bzip (basic leucine zipper) transcription factor, has been shown to be a major mediator of plant aba responses during seed germination. although the molecular basis of abi5-modulated processes has been well demonstrated in arabidopsis thaliana, its identity and function in cabbage (brassica oleracea var. capitata l.) remain elusive. here, we describe our identification of bolabi5 (an abi5 orthologue in b.oleracea) as a functional bzip transcription factor in the modul ...201323246838
responses of brassica oleracea cultivars to infestation by the aphid brevicoryne brassicae: an ecological and molecular approach.intraspecific variation in resistance or susceptibility to herbivorous insects has been widely studied through bioassays. however, few studies have combined this with a full transcriptomic analysis. here, we take such an approach to study the interaction between the aphid brevicoryne brassicae and four white cabbage (brassica oleracea var. capitata) cultivars. both under glasshouse and field conditions, two of the cultivars clearly supported a faster aphid population development than the other t ...200818721268
shoot calcium and magnesium concentrations differ between subtaxa, are highly heritable, and associate with potentially pleiotropic loci in brassica oleracea.calcium (ca) and magnesium (mg) are the most abundant group ii elements in both plants and animals. genetic variation in shoot ca and shoot mg concentration (shoot ca and mg) in plants can be exploited to biofortify food crops and thereby increase dietary ca and mg intake for humans and livestock. we present a comprehensive analysis of within-species genetic variation for shoot ca and mg, demonstrating that shoot mineral concentration differs significantly between subtaxa (varietas). we establis ...200818281414
genotypic variation in genome-wide transcription profiles induced by insect feeding: brassica oleracea--pieris rapae interactions.transcriptional profiling after herbivore attack reveals, at the molecular level, how plants respond to this type of biotic stress. comparing herbivore-induced transcriptional responses of plants with different phenotypes provides insight into plant defense mechanisms. here, we compare the global gene expression patterns induced by pieris rapae caterpillar attack in two white cabbage (brassica oleracea var. capitata) cultivars. the two cultivars are shown to differ in their level of direct defen ...200717640338
the arabidopsis thaliana transcription factor atmyb102 functions in defense against the insect herbivore pieris arabidopsis thaliana the r2r3-myb transcription factor family consists of over 100 members and is implicated in many biological processes, such as plant development, metabolism, senescence, and defense. the r2r3-myb transcription factor gene atmyb102 has been shown to respond to salt stress, aba, ja, and wounding, suggesting that atmyb102 plays a role in the response of plants to dehydration after wounding. here, we studied the role of atmyb102 in the response of a. thaliana to feeding by lar ...200619517001
simultaneous determination of individual isothiocyanates in plant samples by hplc-dad-ms following spe and derivatization with n-acetyl-l-cysteine.the procedure for the isothiocyanates (itcs) determination that involves derivatization with n-acetyl-l-cysteine (nac) and separation by hplc was developed. prior to derivatization, plant itcs were isolated and purified using solid-phase extraction (spe). the optimum conditions of derivatization are: 500μl of isopropanolic eluate obtained by spe combined with 500μl of derivatizing reagent (0.2m nac and 0.2m nahco3 in water) and reaction time of 1h at 50°c. the formed dithiocarbamates are directl ...201727507514
cabbage lipid transfer protein bra o 3 is a major allergen responsible for cross-reactivity between plant foods and ige-mediated allergy to members of the brassicaceae family has been increasingly reported.200616751008
behavioral responses of schistocerca americana (orthoptera: acrididae) to azadirex (neem)-treated host plants.azadirex (azadirachtin and other biologically active extracts from neem trees) has been shown to have considerable potential to be used in integrated pest management systems based on its growth regulator/insecticide properties. less well known are the antifeedant properties. the feeding-deterrent properties of a commercial azadirex formulation (azatrol ec) were evaluated using both no-choice and choice tests, the american grasshopper, schistocerca americana (drury), and four host plants [savoy c ...200717370818
populations of predators and parasitoids of bemisia tabaci (hemiptera: aleyrodidae) after the application of eight biorational insecticides in vegetable crops.the sweetpotato whitefly, bemisia tabaci (gennadius) (hemiptera: aleyrodidae), is an important pest of vegetables and many other crops worldwide. eight biorational insecticides (based on oil, plant derivatives, insect growth regulator and fungus) were evaluated in the field for their influence on populations of six natural enemies of b. tabaci. natural populations of two predators [chrysoperla carnea stephen (neuroptera: chrysopidae) and orius spp. (hemiptera: anthocoridae)] and two genera of pa ...201121480463
thermal stability of selected natural red extracts used as food colorants.the color degradation of aqueous solutions of six natural red pigment extracts (elderberry, red cabbage, hibiscus, red beet, opuntia fruits and red cochineal) used commercially as food colorants was investigated at temperatures between 50 and 90 °c. color degradation was studied in respect to both spectral properties and visual color. the remaining absorbance at 535 nm as a function of the incubation time and temperature was used to quantify the degradation process. red cochineal was the most th ...201323378056
[composition, physico-chemical properties and molecular superstructure of dietary fiber preparations of the cellan type].dietary fiber preparations of "cellan" type were prepared from apples, white cabbage, sugar beet pulp, soy hulls and wheat bran by treatment with amylolytic and proteolytic enzymes as well as by chemical extractions. scanning electron microscopic examinations show different morphological structures of the preparations and a high maintenance of native biomolecular superstructure. the content of pectin, protein, polysaccharide-hexoses and -pentoses and the composition of monosaccharides (also afte ...19957571866
[an attempt to investigate the effect of magnesium ion supplements on changes in levels of nitrates and nitrites in selected pickled vegetables].the aim of this study was to examine the effect of magnesium ions on some changes in the nitrate reductase activity in the white headed cabbage as well as a practical application of the results obtained in vegetable souring. as experimental material were used: white and red headed cabbage, red beets and the same vegetable in the soured form. vegetable souring was performed using a traditional method as well as a modified one, considering a supplement of magnesium chloride at various levels durin ...19937973399
[comparison of some enzymatic methods for dietary fiber determination in foods].comparison of three different enzymatic techniques for dietary fibre determination (hellendoorn, asp, aoac)) in five kinds of food (white bread, rye rolls, white cabbage, carrot and red beet) was the main purpose of this study. it was found that our results obtained by hellendoorn's method are overestimated and therefore are somewhat doubtful. for this reason the aoac method can be recommended as more accurate.19921335163
[effect of the fermentation process on levels of nitrates and nitrites in selected vegetables].the aim of this study was to follow the changes in the levels of nitrates and nitrites throughout the process of fermentation of sauerkraut from white and red cabbage and red beets. the nitrate and nitrite levels were determined in raw and fermentation as well as in red beets and "beet acid" after a week of souring. nitrate were determined by the brucine method, while nitrates by the griess colorimetric method. mean reduction of nitrates in sauerkraut (in relation to raw cabbage) was ca. 55.5% a ...19921308742
ozone fumigation results in accelerated growth and persistent changes in the antioxidant system of brassica oleracea l. var. capitata f. alba.the growth response and antioxidant capacity of brassica oleracea var. capitata f. alba plants treated with 70ppb of ozone was examined. four week old cabbage seedlings were fumigated with o3 for 3 days before being transplanted into the growing field. the effect of o3 treatment was determined directly after fumigation and over the course of field cultivation. plants subjected to o3 treatment had an increased diameter of rosettes and number of leaves after 3 and 7 weeks in agriculture, respectiv ...201323773692
heritability and reversibility of dna methylation induced by in vitro grafting between brassica juncea and b. oleracea.grafting between tuber mustard and red cabbage produced a chimeric shoot apical meristem (sam) of ttc, consisting of layers i and ii from tuber mustard and layer iii from red cabbage. phenotypic variations, which mainly showed in leaf shape and sam, were observed in selfed progenies gsn (gs = grafting-selfing, n = generations) of ttc. here the heritability of phenotypic variation and its association with dna methylation changes in gsn were investigated. variation in leaf shape was found to be st ...201627257143
arsenic accumulation in brassicaceae seedlings and its effects on growth and plant anatomy.we wished to evaluate the effects of arsenic on the morphology and anatomy of brassica oleracea, raphanus sativus, brassica juncea, brassica oleracea var. capitata and brassica oleracea var. italica. seeds were subjected to concentrations 0µm, 250µm, 350µm and 450µm arsenic in the form of sodium arsenate (na2haso4·7h2o) during 12 days. all species accumulated more arsenic in the roots than in the shoots, except for b. oleracea var. capitata. there was no difference of translocation factor betwee ...201626435391
heritable variation and small rnas in the progeny of chimeras of brassica juncea and brassica oleracea.chimeras have been used to study the transmission of genetic material and the resulting genetic variation. in this study, two chimeras, tcc and ttc (where the origin of the outer, middle, and inner cell layers, respectively, of the shoot apical meristem is designated by a 't' for tuber mustard and 'c' for red cabbage), as well as their asexual and sexual progeny, were used to analyse the mechanism and the inheritance of the variation induced by grafting. asexual tcc progeny were obtained by adve ...201324006424
induction and origin of adventitious shoots from chimeras of brassica juncea and brassica oleracea.the chimeras between tuber mustard (brassica juncea) and red cabbage (b. oleracea) were artificially synthesized in our previous study. adventitious shoots were induced from nodal segments and leaf discs of tcc (li-lii-liii, li -the outmost layer of shoot apical meristem; lii -the middle layer; liii -the innermost layer. t = tuber mustard, c = red cabbage) chimeras. the origin of the shoots was analyzed by histology and molecular biology. as a result, the frequency of adventitious shoot inductio ...200717622536
antioxidant capacity and phenolic content of selected commercially available cruciferous vegetables.antioxidant activity, free radical scavenging activity and phenolic content of red cabbage (brassica oleracea var. capitata rubra), chinese cabbage (brassica rapa pekinensis var cylindrica), green cabbage (brassica oleracea var capitata), mustard cabbage (brassica juncea var rugosa) and chinese white cabbage (brassica rapa var chinensis), grown in malaysia, were evaluated. red cabbage had the highest antioxidant activity and phenolic content compared to the other cruciferous vegetables studied ( ...200722692190
artificial synthesis of interspecific chimeras between tuber mustard (brassica juncea) and cabbage (brassica oleracea) and cytological analysis.interspecific chimeras between tuber mustard and red cabbage were obtained by in vitro graft-culture method. before grafting, 6-day-old seedlings of tuber mustard and red cabbage were vertically half-cut and treated with different concentrations of 6-ba and naa for 1 min, then, they were symmetrically fit together. as a result, sectorial chimeras were initially produced from the united shoot tips. the maximum frequency of chimeral bud formation reached 6.33% when the vertical sections of tuber m ...200616565861
volatile-mediated interactions between cabbage plants in the field and the impact of ozone pollution.plants constitutively release volatile organic compounds (vocs), but qualitatively and quantitatively alter their emission of vocs in response to biotic and abiotic stresses. the blend of vocs emitted reflects the physiological status of the plant. plants may be exposed to the voc blend emitted by their near neighbors and gain information that allows them to adjust their own defenses. these plant-plant interactions may potentially be exploited to protect crops from pests, but they can be disturb ...201728357603
developmental and genotypic variation in leaf wax content and composition, and in expression of wax biosynthetic genes in brassica oleracea var. capitata.cuticular waxes act as a protective barrier against environmental stresses. in the present study, we investigated developmental and genotypic variation in wax formation of cabbage lines, with a view to understand the related morphology, genetics and biochemistry. our studies revealed that the relative expression levels of wax biosynthetic genes in the first-formed leaf of the highest-wax line remained constantly higher but were decreased in other genotypes with leaf aging. similarly, the express ...201628119701
spectral and colorimetric characteristics of metal chelates of acylated cyanidin derivatives.colorants derived from nature are increasingly popular due to consumer demand. anthocyanins are a class of naturally occurring pigments that produce red-purple-blue hues in nature, especially when interacting with metal ions and co-pigments. the role of various acylations of cyanidin (cy) derivatives on color expression and stability of al(3+) and fe(3+) chelates in ph 6-7 were evaluated by spectrophotometry (380-700nm) and colorimetry (cie-l(∗)a(∗)b(∗)) during dark, ambient storage (48h). incre ...201727979063
evaluation of antioxidant and hepatoprotective effects of white cabbage essential oil.there have been no reports of the extraction of essential oil (eo) from white cabbage [brassica oleracea l. var. capitata (l.) alef. f. alba dc. (brassicaceae)] (bocfal) or its chemical composition, antioxidant activity, or hepatoprotective effects.201727927070
development of a colorimetric ph indicator based on bacterial cellulose nanofibers and red cabbage (brassica oleraceae) extract.this work aimed to develop and characterize a smart label for ph monitoring based on bacterial cellulose (bc) nanofibers doped with anthocyanins extracted from red cabbage (brassica oleracea). the relationship between the concentration of anthocyanins (32 and 193mgl(-1)) and the morphological properties and color response efficiency of ph indicator labels was investigated. the ft-ir results reflected that some new interactions have occurred between bc membrane and anthocyanins. the xrd analyses ...201727842814
effects of seed priming, salinity and methyl jasmonate treatment on bioactive composition of brassica oleracea var. capitata (white and red varieties) sprouts.brassica spp. sprouts are rich in nutrients and bioactive compounds, especially glucosinolates and phenolic acid derivatives, and the composition of these young germinating seeds can be altered by several external factors. in this study two cabbage varieties (brassica oleracea var. capitata, red and white) were studied using seed priming (kcl 50 mmol l(-1) ; nacl 150 mmol l(-1) ) and meja spraying (25 µmol l(-1) ) to elicit the phytochemical content of edible sprouts.201627625158
whole-genome mapping reveals novel qtl clusters associated with main agronomic traits of cabbage (brassica oleracea var. capitata l.).we describe a comprehensive quantitative trait locus (qtl) analysis for 24 main agronomic traits of cabbage. field experiments were performed using a 196-line double haploid population in three seasons in 2011 and 2012 to evaluate important agronomic traits related to plant type, leaf, and head traits. in total, 144 qtls with lod threshold >3.0 were detected for the 24 agronomic traits: 25 for four plant-type-related traits, 64 for 10 leaf-related traits, and 55 for 10 head-related traits; each ...201627458471
assessment of bioactive metabolites and hypolipidemic effect of polyphenolic-rich red cabbage extract.cardiovascular disease is the leading cause of death worldwide and the consumption of red cabbage (brassica oleracea var. capitata f. rubra dc. - brassicaceae) has been linked with the reduction risk of chronic diseases.201627436527
expression profiling of glucosinolate biosynthetic genes in brassica oleracea l. var. capitata inbred lines reveals their association with glucosinolate content.glucosinolates are the biochemical compounds that provide defense to plants against pathogens and herbivores. in this study, the relative expression level of 48 glucosinolate biosynthesis genes was explored in four morphologically-different cabbage inbred lines by qpcr analysis. the content of aliphatic and indolic glucosinolate molecules present in those cabbage lines was also estimated by hplc analysis. the possible association between glucosinolate accumulation and related gene expression lev ...201627322230
plant selective uptake of halogenated flame retardants at an e-waste recycling site in southern china.the concentrations and homolog patterns of halogenated flame retardants (hfrs) in vegetables grown at an e-waste contaminated site were investigated. polybrominated diphenyl ethers (pbdes) were the dominant hfrs in vegetable tissues, with concentrations ranging from 10.3 to 164 ng g(-1) and 1.16-107 ng g(-1) in shoots and roots, respectively, followed by novel brominated flame retardants (nbfrs) and dechlorane plus (dps). this is an indication that pbde contamination in vegetables grown around e ...201627149147
evaluating the role of metal ions in the bathochromic and hyperchromic responses of cyanidin derivatives in acidic and alkaline many food products, colorants derived from natural sources are increasingly popular due to consumer demand. anthocyanins are one class of versatile and abundant naturally occurring chromophores that produce different hues in nature, especially with metal ions and other copigments assisting. the effects of chelation of metal ions (mg(2+), al(3+), cr(3+), fe(3+), and ga(3+)) in factorial excesses to anthocyanin concentration (0-500×) on the spectral characteristics (380-700nm) of cyanidin and a ...201627132820
transgenic cabbage expressing cry1ac1 does not affect the survival and growth of the wolf spider, pardosa astrigera l. koch (araneae: lycosidae).both herbivores that consume transgenic crops and their predators can be exposed to insecticidal proteins expressed in those crops. we conducted a tritrophic bioassay to evaluate the ecotoxicological impacts that bt cabbage (brassica oleracea var. capitata) expressing cry1ac1 protein might have on the wolf spider (pardosa astrigera), a non-target generalist predator. enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays indicated that protein levels were 4.61 ng g(-1) dry weight in fruit flies (drosophila melanoga ...201627055120
characterization and abiotic stress-responsive expression analysis of sgt1 genes in brassica oleracea.sgt1 genes are involved in enhancing plant responses to various biotic and abiotic stresses. brassica oleracea is known to contain two types of sgt1 genes, namely suppressor of g2 allele of skp1 and suppressor of gcr2. in this study, through systematic analysis, four putative sgt1 genes were identified and characterized in b. oleracea. in phylogenetic analysis, the genes clearly formed separate groups, namely bolsgt1a, bolsgt1b (both suppressor of g2 allele of skp1 types), and bolsgt1 (suppresso ...201626966988
effects of growth temperature and postharvest cooling on anthocyanin profiles in juvenile and mature brassica oleracea.the effects of growth temperatures on anthocyanin content and profile were tested on juvenile cabbage and kale plants. the effects of cold storage time were evaluated on both juvenile and mature plants. the anthocyanin content in juvenile plants ranged from 3.82 mg of cyanidin-3,5-diglucoside equivalent (cy equiv)/g of dry matter (dm) at 25 °c to 10.00 mg of cy equiv/g of dm at 16 °c, with up to 76% diacylated anthocyanins. cold storage of juvenile plants decreased the total amount of anthocyani ...201626828966
preservation of anthocyanins in solid lipid nanoparticles: optimization of a microemulsion dilution method using the placket-burman and box-behnken designs.anthocyanins are the main polyphenol components from red cabbage (brassica oleracea l. var. capitata f. rubra) extracts that have inherent antioxidant activities. anthocyanins are effectively stable in acidic gastric digestion conditions, with nearly 100% phenol content recovery. however, the total phenol content recovery after simulated pancreatic digestion was approximately 25%. to protect anthocyanins against harsh environmental conditions (e.g., ph and temperature), solid lipid nanoparticles ...201626776010
pest control of aphids depends on landscape complexity and natural enemy interactions.aphids are a major concern in agricultural crops worldwide, and control by natural enemies is an essential component of the ecological intensification of agriculture. although the complexity of agricultural landscapes is known to influence natural enemies of pests, few studies have measured the degree of pest control by different enemy guilds across gradients in landscape complexity. here, we use multiple natural-enemy exclosures replicated in 18 fields across a gradient in landscape complexity ...201526734497
chromosome doubling of microspore-derived plants from cabbage (brassica oleracea var. capitata l.) and broccoli (brassica oleracea var. italica l.).chromosome doubling of microspore-derived plants is an important factor in the practical application of microspore culture technology because breeding programs require a large number of genetically stable, homozygous doubled haploid plants with a high level of fertility. in the present paper, 29 populations of microspore-derived plantlets from cabbage (brassica oleracea var. capitata) and broccoli (brassica oleracea var. italica) were used to study the ploidy level and spontaneous chromosome dou ...201526734028
inhibition of growth and induction of apoptosis in a549 cells by compounds from oxheart cabbage extract.oxheart cabbage (brassica oleracea var. capitata) is a member of the brassica genus. although some studies on the anticancer effects of extracts from oxheart cabbage have been reported, comprehensive information on the bioactive fractions and components from oxheart cabbage extracts is still lacking. the aim of this study was to isolate and identify the bioactive fractions and components from oxheart cabbage seeds using activity-guided isolation methods.201626679410
nondestructive optical sensing of flavonols and chlorophyll in white head cabbage (brassica oleracea l. var. capitata subvar. alba) grown under different nitrogen regimens.a multiparametric optical sensor was used to nondestructively estimate phytochemical compounds in white cabbage leaves directly in the field. an experimental site of 1980 white cabbages (brassica oleracea l. var. capitata subvar. alba), under different nitrogen (n) treatments, was mapped by measuring leaf transmittance and chlorophyll fluorescence screening in one leaf/cabbage head. the provided indices of flavonols (flav) and chlorophyll (chl) displayed the opposite response to applied n rates, ...201626679081
diversity and inheritance of intergenic spacer sequences of 45s ribosomal dna among accessions of brassica oleracea l. var. capitata.ribosomal dna (rdna) of plants is present in high copy number and shows variation between and within species in the length of the intergenic spacer (igs). the 45s rdna of flowering plants includes the 5.8s, 18s and 25s rdna genes, the internal transcribed spacer (its1 and its2), and the intergenic spacer 45s-igs (25s-18s). this study identified six different types of 45s-igs, a to f, which at 363 bp, 1121 bp, 1717 bp, 1969 bp, 2036 bp and 2111 bp in length, respectively, were much shorter than t ...201526633391
thermodynamic sorption of red cabbage extract (brassica oleracea l. var. capitata l. f. rubra) encapsulated by spray cabbage aqueous extract acidified with 2 % citric acid was spray-dried using gum arabic as encapsulating agent. the concentration of anthocyanin in the powder was 253.45 ± 10.82 mg/100 g of dry basis and antioxidant activity of 4.6 ± 0.2 mmol trolox/kg of dry basis. the sorption isotherms were determined at 15, 25 and 35 °c, and the gab model was the one that best adjusted to the experimental data. the differential enthalpy and entropy for moisture levels up to 2 g of water/g of dry basis de ...201526604392
anatomic characteristics associated with head splitting in cabbage (brassica oleracea var. capitata l.).cabbage belonging to brassicaceae family is one of the most important vegetables cultivated worldwide. the economically important part of cabbage crop is head, formed by leaves which may be of splitting and non-splitting types. cabbage varieties showing head splitting causes huge loss to the farmers and therefore finding the molecular and structural basis of splitting types would be helpful to breeders. to determine which anatomical characteristics were related to head-splitting in cabbage, we a ...201526536356
wavelength-dependent photooxidation and photoreduction of protochlorophyllide and protochlorophyll in the innermost leaves of cabbage (brassica oleracea var. capitata l.).the photoreduction and photooxidation processes of different protochlorophyll(ide) forms were studied in the innermost leaves of cabbage (brassica oleracea var. capitata l.) under monochromatic irradiations. room-temperature fluorescence emission spectra were measured from the same leaf spots before and after illumination to follow the wavelength dependence of the photochemical reactions. short-wavelength light of 7 µmol photons m(-2) s(-1) (625-630 nm) provoked mainly bleaching, and longer wave ...201626519365
improvement of high-resolution fluorescence in situ hybridisation mapping on chromosomes of brassica oleracea var. capitata.the low resolution of chromosome-based fluorescence in situ hybridisation (fish) mapping is primarily due to the structure of the plant cell wall and cytoplasm and the compactness of regular chromosomes, which represent a significant obstacle to fish. in order to improve spatial resolution and signal detection sensitivity, we provide a reproducible method to generate high-quality extended chromosomes that are ~13 times as long as their pachytene counterparts. we demonstrate that proteinase k use ...201626312399
impact of copper toxicity on stone-head cabbage (brassica oleracea var. capitata) in hydroponics.arable soils are frequently subjected to contamination with copper as the consequence of imbalanced fertilization with manure and organic fertilizers and/or extensive use of copper-containing fungicides. in the present study, the exposure of stone-head cabbage (brassica oleracea var. capitata) to elevated cu(2+) levels resulted in leaf chlorosis and lesser biomass yield at ≥2 µ m. root nitrate content was not statistically affected by cu(2+) levels, although it was substantially decreased at ≥5 ...201526290787
ointment of brassica oleracea var. capitata matures the extracellular matrix in skin wounds of wistar rats.wound healing is a complex process that aims to restore damaged tissue. phytotherapeutics, such as cabbage, brassica oleracea var. capitata (brassicaceae), and sunflower, helianthus annuus l. (asteraceae) oil, are used as wound healers. five circular wounds, each 12 mm in diameter, were made in the dorsolateral region of each rat. the animals were divided into four groups: balsam (b. oleracea); ointment (b. oleracea); sunflower oil (helianthus annuus); control (saline solution 0.9%). these produ ...201526170889
in vitro regeneration of eight cultivars of brassica oleracea var. capitata.eight cultivars of brassica oleracea var. capitata and two types of explant (hypocotyl and cotyledon) were tested for their potential to regenerate under in vitro conditions. hypocotyl and cotyledon explants from 10-d-old seedlings were subcultured onto different callus induction media based on murashige and skoog (ms) basal medium supplemented with 1% sucrose and different concentrations and combinations of plant growth regulators. hypocotyl explants were found to be more suitable for callus in ...201725774081
light influence in the nutritional composition of brassica oleracea sprouts.brassica sprouts are considered a healthy food product, whose nutritional quality can be influenced by several factors. the aim of this work was to monitor the nutritional composition changes promoted by different sprouting conditions of four varieties of brassica oleracea (red cabbage, broccoli, galega kale and penca cabbage). sprouts were grown under light/darkness cycles and complete darkness. standard aoac methods were applied for nutritional value evaluation, while chromatographic methods w ...201525704714
evaluating the impact of sprouting conditions on the glucosinolate content of brassica oleracea sprouts.the glucosinolates content of brassica plants is a distinctive characteristic, representing a healthy advantage as many of these compounds are associated to antioxidant and anti-carcinogenic properties. brassica sprouts are still an underutilized source of these bioactive compounds. in this work, four varieties of brassica sprouts (red cabbage, broccoli, galega kale and penca cabbage), including two local varieties from the north of portugal, were grown to evaluate the glucosinolate profile and ...201525698361
salinity thresholds and genotypic variability of cabbage (brassica oleracea l.) grown under saline stress.two botanical varieties of cabbage, namely savoy (brassica oleracea var. sabauda l.) and white (brassica oleracea var. capitata l.) were used in order to understand the morphological, physiological and biochemical elements of functional salt stress response. thirteen salt concentrations (range, 0 to 300 mmol l(-1) nacl) were considered in experiment 1 and, of these 13, three (0, 100 and 200 mmol l(-1) nacl) were used in experiment 2.201625644878
evaluation of hypoglycemic and hypolipidemic activity of methanol extract of brassica oleracea.the hypoglycemic and hypolipidemic effects of the methanol extract of brassica oleracea var. capitata (meb) was evaluated in alloxan-induced diabetic rabbits.201425263975
effect of sprouting and light cycle on antioxidant activity of brassica oleracea varieties.the antioxidant activity of sprouts from four brassica oleracea varieties was evaluated using "in vitro" methods (total phenolic and flavonoid content; radical scavenging assays: dpph, hydroxyl and peroxyl; and ferrous ion-chelating ability assay). light cycles and sprouting influenced the potential antioxidant activity of sprouts and significant differences were observed between varieties. generally, antioxidant activity decreased with sprouting and increased in the presence of light, whose dis ...201425038690
anthocyanins contents, profiles, and color characteristics of red cabbage extracts from different cultivars and maturity cabbage (brassica oleracea l.) is an excellent source of food colorant. this study aimed to evaluate the anthocyanin pigment contents and profiles from seven red cabbage cultivars at two maturity stages (8 weeks apart) and evaluate their color characteristics and behavior under acidic and neutral ph. anthocyanin concentrations ranged from 1111 to 1780 mg cy3g/100 g dm and did not increase with time. cultivar and maturation affected pigment profile. some varieties accumulated ≥30% of diacylat ...201424991694
purification of peroxidase from red cabbage (brassica oleracea var. capitata f. rubra) by affinity chromatography.peroxidase was purified in a single step using 4-amino benzohydrazide affinity chromatography from red cabbage (brassica oleracea var. capitata f. rubra), and some important biochemical characteristics of the purified enzyme were determined. the enzyme, with a specific activity of 3,550 eu/mg protein, was purified 120.6-fold with a yield of 2.9% from the synthesized affinity matrix. the molecular weight of the enzyme was found to be 69.3 kda by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electroph ...201424879596
high-throughput sequencing and de novo assembly of brassica oleracea var. capitata l. for transcriptome analysis.the cabbage, brassica oleracea var. capitata l., has a distinguishable phenotype within the genus brassica. despite the economic and genetic importance of cabbage, there is little genomic data for cabbage, and most studies of brassica are focused on other species or other b. oleracea subspecies. the lack of genomic data for cabbage, a non-model organism, hinders research on its molecular biology. hence, the construction of reliable transcriptomic data based on high-throughput sequencing technolo ...201424682075
red cabbage (brassica oleracea l.) mediates redox-sensitive amelioration of dyslipidemia and hepatic injury induced by exogenous cholesterol administration.the widely used culinary vegetable, red cabbage (brassica oleracea l. var. capitata f. rubra), of the brassicaceae family contains biologically potent anthocyanins and a myriad of antioxidants. previous studies have shown that the pharmacological effects of red cabbage in vivo are redox-sensitive. the present study explored whether red cabbage modulates various histopathological and biochemical parameters in rats administered with a cholesterol-rich diet (crd). to this end, prolonged administrat ...201424467544
proline partially overcomes excess molybdenum toxicity in cabbage seedlings grown in vitro grown cabbage (brassica oleracea var. capitata) seedlings exposed to excess molybdenum (mo) ions exhibited severely reduced plant growth at the cotyledonary stage. adding 80 mm proline (pro) to the mo-treated medium could help 50% seedlings to overcome the toxicity and grow true leaves. under excess mo stress, seedlings accumulated blue/purple anthocyanin in their cotyledons and hypocotyls. the anthocyanin content under mo with 40 mm pro was 4-fold higher than the control medium, ms wit ...201324301928
high-throughput sequencing identification of novel and conserved mirnas in the brassica oleracea leaves.plant micrornas are short (~21 nt) non-coding molecules that regulate gene expression by targeting the mrna cleavage or protein translation inhibition. in this manner, they play many important roles in the cells of living organisms. one of the plant species in which the entire set of mirnas has not been yet completely identified is brassica oleracea var. capitata (cabbage). for this reason and for the economic and nutritional importance of this food crop, high-throughput small rnas sequencing ha ...201324245539
quantification of glucosinolates, anthocyanins, free amino acids, and vitamin c in inbred lines of cabbage (brassica oleracea l.).we profiled and quantified glucosinolates (gsls), anthocyanins, free amino acids, and vitamin c metabolites in forty-five lines of green and red cabbages. analysis of these distinct cabbages revealed the presence of 11 gsls, 13 anthocyanins, 22 free amino acids, and vitamin c. gsl contents were varied amongst the different lines of cabbage. the total gsl content was mean 10.6 μmol/g dw, and sinigrin was the predominant gsl accounted mean 4.0 μmol/g dw (37.7% of the total) followed by glucoraphan ...201424128451
supercritical co2 extraction, chemical characterisation and antioxidant potential of brassica oleracea var capitata against ho·, o2(·-) and roo·.in this work were extracted bioactive compounds from brassica oleracea var capitata using supercritical co2 and evaluated the antioxidant potential of the extracts. five extractions were accomplished to investigate the influence of pressure (10-25 mpa) and temperature (20-60 °c) in the extraction yield, chemical composition and antioxidant potential towards peroxyl, superoxide and hydroxyl radicals. the highest extraction yield was obtained at 60 °c and 25 mpa, which was 0.47 wt% (run 2). in the ...201323993571
evaluation of developmental responses of two crop plants exposed to silver and zinc oxide nanoparticles.the increasing applications of different nanomaterials in the myriad of nano-enabled products and their potential for leaching have raised considerable environmental, health and safety (ehs) concerns. as systematic studies investigating potential anomalies in the morphology and anatomy of crop plants are scarce, herein we report on the developmental responses of two agriculturally significant crop plants, maize (zea mays l.) and cabbage (brassica oleracea var. capitata l.), upon in vitro exposur ...201323532040
characterisation of taste-active extracts from raw brassica oleracea vegetables.chemical and sensory characterisation of whole and fractionated myrosinase-free extracts from selected australian-grown, raw brassica vegetables (broccoli, cauliflower, brussels sprouts and red cabbage) was carried out to determine the contribution of key phytochemicals (i.e. glucosinolates, free sugars, phenolics) to the taste profiles of these vegetables. glucosinolate (gs) and phenolic profiles were determined by liquid chromatography coupled with photodiode array detection and mass spectrome ...201323370542
antioxidant and in vitro anticancer effect of 2-pyrrolidinone rich fraction of brassica oleracea var. capitata through induction of apoptosis in human cancer cells.the aim of this study was to analyze if the 2-pyrrolidinone rich fraction of brassica oleracea var. capitata exhibiting antioxidant and in vitro anticancer activities. 2-pyrrolidinone is an active compound present in brassica oleracea var. capitata. our findings explored the potential use of 2-pyrrolidinone in cancer treatment. this compound was identified and isolated by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry and high-performance liquid chromatography from the leaf of brassica oleracea var. capit ...201323292857
red cabbage ( brassica oleracea ) as a new source of high-thermostable peroxidase.soluble and membrane-bound peroxidases (pods) were extracted from red cabbage using triton x-114. optimum activity was obtained at ph 4.0 for both enzymes, and both were inactivated by sodium dodecyl sulfate (sds). the k(m) and v(m) values for h(2)o(2) were found to be 0.98 mm and 8.1 μm/min, respectively, for soluble pod and 0.82 mm and 6.1 μm/min, respectively, for membrane-bound pod. when the 2,2'-azinobis(3-ethylbenzothiazolinesulfonic acid (abts) concentration was increased, maintaining a s ...201223013444
mechanisms of anticancer activity of sulforaphane from brassica oleracea in hep-2 human epithelial carcinoma cell line.sulforaphane (sfn) an isothiocyanate formed by hydrolysis of glucosinolates found in brassica oleraceae is reported to possess anticancer and antioxidant activities. in this study, we isolated sfn from red cabbage (brassica oleraceae var rubra) and evaluated the comparative antiproliferative activity of various fractions (standard sfn, extract and purified sfn) by mtt assay in human epithelial carcinoma hep -2 and and vero cells. probable apoptotic mechanisms mediated through p53, bax and bcl-2 ...201222901176
the dose-dependent influence of zinc and cadmium contamination of soil on their uptake and glucosinolate content in white cabbage (brassica oleracea var. capitata f. alba).the relationship between the ability to accumulate heavy metals (represented by cd and zn) and to synthesize bioactive compounds (represented by glucosinolates [gls]) was investigated in two cabbage cultivars. plants were grown in the greenhouse of a phytotron under controlled conditions in soils spiked with two different zn or cd concentrations. the measurements of cd and zn contents in soil and cabbage (leaf) samples were performed by atomic absorption spectroscopy, whereas gls levels in cabba ...201222886927
persistence of fipronil and its risk assessment on cabbage, brassica oleracea var. capitata l.persistence of fipronil in cabbage was studied following three applications of jump 80 wg at 75 and 150 g a.i. ha(-1) at 7 day interval. the average initial deposits of total fipronil (fipronil and its metabolites) were 1.226 and 2.704 mg kg(-1) on the heads following 3rd application of fipronil at single and double the dosages, respectively. desulfinyl was found to be the main metabolite followed by sulfone and sulfide. metabolite amide was not detected in cabbage samples. half-life periods for ...201222321411
quality of white cabbage yield and potential risk of ground water nitrogen pollution, as affected by nitrogen fertilisation and irrigation practices.the effect of different fertilisation (broadcast solid npk application and fertigation with water-soluble fertiliser) and irrigation practices (sprinkler and drip irrigation) on yield, the nitrate content in cabbage (brassica oleracea var. capitata l.) and the cabbage n uptake was detected, in order to assess the potential risk for n losses, by cultivation on sandy-loam soil. the n rate applied on the plots was 200 kg n ha(-1).201221769883
fine mapping of a male sterility gene ms-cd1 in brassica oleracea.a dominant male sterility (dgms) line 79-399-3, developed from a spontaneous mutation in brassica oleracea var. capitata, has been widely used in production of hybrid cultivars in china. in this line, male sterility is controlled by a dominant gene ms-cd1. in the present study, fine mapping of ms-cd1 was conducted by screening a segregating population ms79-07 with 2,028 individuals developed by four times backcrossing using a male sterile brassica oleracea var. italica line harboring ms-cd1 as d ...201121538103
bioactive compounds, myrosinase activity, and antioxidant capacity of white cabbages grown in different locations of spain.the influence of two spanish growing locations with well-differentiated climatic conditions (northern and eastern areas) on the main bioactive compounds, glucosinolates (gls), total phenolic compounds (tpc), and vitamin c, as well as myrosinase activity and antioxidant capacity in five white cabbage ( brassica oleracea l. var. capitata) cultivars was investigated. cabbages with the highest concentration of total gls presented the highest vitamin c level (r = 0.75, p ≤ 0.05) and the lowest antiox ...201121413789
heterosis for superoxide dismutase, peroxidase and catalase enzymes in the head of single cross-hybrids of cabbage (brassica oleracea var. capitata). 201020861573
herbivore-specific, density-dependent induction of plant volatiles: honest or "cry wolf" signals?plants release volatile chemicals upon attack by herbivorous arthropods. they do so commonly in a dose-dependent manner: the more herbivores, the more volatiles released. the volatiles attract predatory arthropods and the amount determines the probability of predator response. we show that seedlings of a cabbage variety (brassica oleracea var. capitata, cv shikidori) also show such a response to the density of cabbage white (pieris rapae) larvae and attract more (naive) parasitoids (cotesia glom ...201020808961
prediction of white cabbage (brassica oleracea var. capitata) self-incompatibility based on neural network and discriminant analysis of complex electrophoretic patterns.self-incompatibility (si) of white cabbage (brassica oleracea var. capitata), a biological mechanism triggering the ability to pollinate plant ovules, is modelled based on the statistical analysis of electrophoretic patterns of stigma extracts. the patterns obtained for 72 plants grown in three different seasons (2003-2005) have been explored with discriminant analysis and non-linear neural networks. the nn models obtained perform a flawless classification of si and provide a useful and fast tec ...201020347393
intra-specific differences in root and shoot glucosinolate profiles among white cabbage (brassica oleracea var. capitata) cultivars.shoot glucosinolate profiles of brassicaceae are known to vary within species, across environmental conditions, and between developmental stages. here we study whether root profiles follow the intra-specific, environmental, and developmental variation observed for aerial parts in white cabbage cultivars. we also assess whether greenhouse studies can be used to predict shoot and root glucosinolate concentrations and profiles in the field. root glucosinolate profiles showed significant intra-speci ...201019958020
dry deposition of gaseous radioiodine and particulate radiocaesium onto leafy vegetables.radionuclides released to the atmosphere during dry weather (e.g. after a nuclear accident) may contaminate vegetable foods and cause exposure to humans via the food chain. to obtain experimental data for an appropriate assessment of this exposure path, dry deposition of radionuclides to leafy vegetables was studied under homogeneous and controlled greenhouse conditions. gaseous (131)i-tracer in predominant elemental form and particulate (134)cs-tracer at about 1 mum diameter were used to identi ...200919640563
[sulforaphane (1-isothiocyanato-4-(methylsulfinyl)-butane) content in cruciferous vegetables].sulforaphane (1-isothiocyanato-4-(methylsulfinyl)-butane) content in cruciferous vegetables. sulforaphane is an isothiocyanate which has antimicrobial and anticarcinogenic properties, this compound is found in a wide variety of plants from genus brassica oleracea, being the most important broccoli and cabbage. the objective of this research was to quantify sulforaphane in the edible parts of broccoli and cabbage leaves by high-performance liquid chromatography (hplc). sample preparation for the ...200919480351
influence of fermentation conditions on glucosinolates, ascorbigen, and ascorbic acid content in white cabbage (brassica oleracea var. capitata cv. taler) cultivated in different seasons.the content of glucosinolates (gls), ascorbigen, and ascorbic acid in white cabbage (brassica oleracea var. capitata cv. taler) cultivated in different seasons (summer and winter) was determined, before and after spontaneous and starter-induced fermentation. different salt concentrations (0.5% nacl or 1.5% nacl) were used for sauerkraut production. glucoiberin, sinigrin, and glucobrassicin were dominating in raw white cabbage cultivated either in winter or summer seasons. ascorbigen precursor, g ...201619200088
characterisation of the pigment components in red cabbage (brassica oleracea l. var.) juice and their anti-inflammatory effects on lps-stimulated murine determine anti-inflammatory effects of pigments from red cabbage, red cabbage (brassica oleracea l. var.) juice was prepared, characterized by uv-vis absorption spectra, partially purified by sephadex lh-20 column, analyzed by hplc, and administered to lipopolysaccharide (lps)-stimulated murine splenocyte cultures. the study showed that red cabbage juice (rc) exhibited anti-inflammatory effects against lps-induced inflammation of splenocytes via increasing anti-inflammatory cytokine interleuk ...200826049990
[cancer chemopreventive agents: glucosinolates and their decomposition products in white cabbage (brassica oleracea var. capitata)].a number of recent epidemiological studies have indicated that high intake of white cabbage may be associated with a lower risk of neoplastic diseases such as cancer of the pancreas, breast, prostate, stomach, and lungs. the anticarcinogenic activity is related to the presence of biologically active components in this vegetable. the chemopreventive effects of cabbage may be connected with modulation of the activity of phase i and ii detoxification enzymes and other mechanisms triggered by glucos ...200818388852
kinetics of changes in glucosinolate concentrations during long-term cooking of white cabbage (brassica oleracea l. ssp. capitata f. alba).brassica vegetables are the predominant dietary source of glucosinolates (gls) that can be degraded in the intestinal tract into isothiocyanates, which have been shown to possess anticarcinogenic properties. the effects of pilot-scale long-term boiling on gls in white cabbage (brassica oleracea l. ssp. capitata f. alba cv. 'bartolo') was experimentally determined and mathematically modeled. cabbage was boiled, resulting in a dramatic decrease of 56% in the total gls levels within the plant matri ...200818303838
presowing seed treatment with melatonin protects red cabbage seedlings against toxic copper ion of the targets of modern plant physiology is to identify tools for improving seed germination and plant growth under unfavorable environmental conditions. seeds of brassica oleracea rubrum were pretreated with melatonin at concentrations: 1, 10, and 100 microm using a hydropriming method. air-dried seeds of each experimental variants that were nonpretreated (control), hydroprimed (h) or hydroprimed with melatonin (hm1, hm10, and hm100) were germinated in darkness for 3 days at 25 degrees c. ...200818205729
mineral content of traditional leafy vegetables from western kenya.socio-economic changes that have taken place in africa have influenced people's eating habits in both rural and urban set-ups. most people prefer introduced foods to traditional foods, including plant foods whose consumption is widely regarded as a primitive culture manifesting poor lifestyles. however, recent studies on traditional plant foods have shown that some are highly nutritious; containing high levels of both vitamins and minerals. they also have potential as a remedy to counter food in ...200717852510
determination of three major triterpenoids in epicuticular wax of cabbage (brassica oleracea l.) by high-performance liquid chromatography with uv and mass spectrometric detection.lupeol, together with alpha- and beta-amyrins in smaller quantities, has been found for the first time in the epicuticular wax of white cabbage (brassica oleracea l. convar. capitata (l.) alef. var. alba dc) leaf surface extract. the three triterpenoids were identified by a new high-performance liquid chromatographic (hplc) method with uv and mass spectrometric (ms) detection using atmospheric pressure chemical ionization (apci). all three isomeric compounds gave a parent ion peak at m/z 409 [m+ ...200717692861
the distribution of repetitive dnas along chromosomes in plants revealed by self-genomic in situ hybridization.the distribution of repetitive dnas along chromosomes is one of the crucial elements for understanding the organization and the evolution of plant genomes. using a modified genomic in situ hybridization (gish) procedure, fluorescence in situ hybridization (fish) with genomic dna to their own chromosomes (called self-genomic in situ hybridization, self-gish) was carried out in six selected plant species with different genome size and amount of repetitive dna. nonuniform distribution of the fluore ...200717560530
effect of dose size on bioavailability of acylated and nonacylated anthocyanins from red cabbage (brassica oleracea l. var. capitata).recent studies indicate that anthocyanin intake conveys a variety of health benefits, which depend on absorption and metabolic mechanisms that deliver anthocyanins and their bioactive metabolites to responsive tissues. the anthocyanin bioavailability of red cabbage (brassica oleracea l. var. capitata) was evaluated as reflected by urinary excretion of anthocyanins and anthocyanin metabolites. twelve volunteers consumed 100, 200, and 300 g of steamed red cabbage (containing 1.38 micromol of antho ...200717542615
the distribution of genetic diversity in a brassica oleracea gene bank collection related to the effects on diversity of regeneration, as measured with aflps.the ex situ conservation of plant genetic resources in gene banks involves the selection of accessions to be conserved and the maintenance of these accessions for current and future users. decisions concerning both these issues require knowledge about the distribution of genetic diversity within and between accessions sampled from the gene pool, but also about the changes in variation of these samples as a result of regenerations. these issues were studied in an existing gene bank collection of ...200717273846
structural features and complement-fixing activity of pectin from three brassica oleracea varieties: white cabbage, kale, and red kale.leaves of different cabbage species are used both as food and as wound healing remedies in traditional medicine. this supposed wound healing activity might be connected to presence of immunomodulating water soluble polysaccharides. to study this, three different cabbage varieties, white cabbage (w), kale (k), and red kale (rk), were pretreated with 80% ethanol and then extracted with water at 50 degrees c and 100 degrees c for isolation of polysaccharide-containing fractions. the fractions were ...200717253763
changes in glucosinolate concentrations, myrosinase activity, and production of metabolites of glucosinolates in cabbage (brassica oleracea var. capitata) cooked for different cabbage, glucosinolates such as sinigrin are hydrolyzed by plant myrosinase to allyl isothiocyanate (aitc), allyl cyanide, and, in the presence of an epithiospecifier protein, 1-cyano-2,3-epithiopropane (cep). isothiocyanates have been implicated in the cancer-protective effects of brassica vegetables. the effect of processing on the hydrolysis of glucosinolates was investigated in cabbage. cabbage was steamed or microwaved for six time durations over 7 min. glucosinolate concentrations were ...200617002432
identification of three fungi newly intercepted from importing plants in korea.three fungi newly intercepted from importing plants were identified in 2004. they were ascochyta chrysanthemi on lactuca sativa from china, a. spinaciicola on spinacia oleracea from denmark, and leptosphaerulina australis on brassica oleracea var. capitata from china. the characters of these fungi were described and illustrated.200524049509
occurrence of chlorophyll precursors in leaves of cabbage heads--the case of natural the interior of cabbage (brassica oleracea) heads (kale, white cabbage, brussels sprouts), natural leaf etiolation takes place due to a limited light access and chlorophyll biosynthesis is inhibited in a consequence. instead, apart from carotenoids, whose biosynthesis is not light-dependent, chlorophyll precursors accumulate, mainly protochlorophyllide and to a smaller extent also chlorophyllides a and b. protochlorophyllide was also detected in green, light-exposed leaves of heads of all the ...200515936210
glucosinolates and myrosinase activity in red cabbage (brassica oleracea l. var. capitata f. rubra dc.) after various microwave and individual levels of glucosinolates (gss) were measured in red cabbage after various microwave treatments varying in time and intensity of the treatments. furthermore, the myrosinase enzyme activity of the microwave-heated vegetables was determined. the retention of gss in the cabbage and the residual activity of the hydrolytic enzyme as a result of microwave preparation were compared with untreated cabbage. in general, high total gs levels were observed for all of the applied microwav ...200415563214
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