
myocardial abscess at a distant zone from the active valvular infection.a case of an infective endocarditis with myocardial abscess due to streptococcus anginosus at a distant location from the active valvular infection is reported. we conclude that local cardiac suppurative complications can appear in the evolution of endocarditis caused by this virulent organism.19989639010
presence of streptococcus anginosus dna in esophageal cancer, dysplasia of esophagus, and gastric cancer.we recently reported cloning of streptococcus anginosus (s. anginosus) dna fragments containing the 16s ribosomal gene from dna samples of surgical specimens of gastric cancers. to investigate the specificity of s. anginosus infection, southern blot analysis with s. anginosus 16s ribosomal dna probe and pcr analysis with s. anginosus-specific primers were performed in dna samples prepared from 15 esophageal cancers, 43 gastric cancers, 16 lung cancers, 10 cervical cancers, 14 renal cell carcinom ...19989679961
clinical significance of bacteremia involving the "streptococcus milleri" group: 51 cases and review.fifty-one cases of bacteremia due to the "streptococcus milleri" group were analyzed. among these were 40 patients with underlying diseases, and associated local infections were present in 27 patients. the most frequent sites of infection were the thoracic cavity and the digestive and hepatobiliary tracts. a probable portal of entry related to mucosal-barrier trauma was identified for an additional 16 patients. the origin of bacteremia was unknown for the remaining eight patients. abscess format ...19989709892
tropical pyomyositis in a patient from st. croix.a 70-year-old man living in st. croix, developed persistent swelling of his right leg approximately 1 year after undergoing pelvic lymph node dissection and irradiation in the united states for locally invasive adenocarcinoma of the prostate. approximately 1 month prior to admission, he had noticed slow, painful swelling of his right groin associated with erythema and increased warmth. he reported no history of trauma. a computed tomography (ct) scan demonstrated an intramuscular soft tissue mas ...19959815371
serotype variation in streptococcus anginosus, s. constellatus and s. intermedius.various serotypes reported in three serotyping systems for the 'streptococcus milleri' group, i.e., ottens i-iv, osano i-iv and serotypes a-k, were compared with each other in a capillary precipitation test and by the double immunodiffusion test. only two of the 19 serotypes, f and ottens-iii, were identical, and the other 17 serotypes were independent. thus, 18 serotypes and another three candidates (a-, b- and g-cross-reactive) were found in the 's. milleri' group. of the 248 strains tested, 1 ...19989879944
nonclostridial gas gangrene due to streptococcus anginosus in a diabetic patient.streptococcus anginosus was recently identified as a distinct species from the other members of streptococcus milleri group (streptococcus constellatus, streptococcus intermedius). we report a rare case of nonclostridial gas gangrene caused by s. anginosus. a 62-year-old diabetic woman was admitted with gas gangrene of the perineal area. she had been taking her oral hypoglycemia medication regularly for 10 years, but the diabetes was inadequately controlled. she was treated with surgical debride ...199910025866
streptococcus anginosus (milleri) septicemia: interest in systematically searching for parenchymatous abscesses. 199910092970
effect of low-molecular-weight chitosans on the adhesive properties of oral was previously shown that a low-molecular-weight chitosan and its derivatives n-carboxymethyl chitosan and imidazolyl chitosan inhibit streptococcus mutans adsorption to hydroxyapatite. the ability of the same molecules to interfere with adhesive properties of other oral streptococci (streptococcus sanguis, streptococcus gordonii, streptococcus constellatus, streptococcus anginosus, streptococcus intermedius, streptococcus oralis, streptococcus salivarius, streptococcus vestibularis) was test ...199810093536
growth inhibition of streptococcus anginosus (milleri) by three calcium hydroxide sealers and one zinc oxide-eugenol sealer.the inhibition of growth of streptococcus anginosus (milleri) by three calcium hydroxide sealers--calciobiotic root canal sealer (hygienic corporation, akron, oh), sealapex (kerr division, sybron corporation, romulus, mi), and apexit (vivadent, usa, amherst, ny)--was compared with a zinc oxide-eugenol sealer: roth (roth international, chicago, il). sixteen brain heart infusion agar plates were inoculated with s. anginosus. each plate was divided into five separate areas. in each area, a 0.1 ml d ...199910196841
five-year analysis of antimicrobial susceptibility of the streptococcus milleri group.susceptibility to 17 antibiotics was studied in 180 strains of the streptococcus milleri group (88 streptococcus anginosus, 63 streptococcus constellatus, and 29 streptococcus intermedius) isolated over a 5-year period. minimum inhibitory concentrations of penicillin were in the intermediate range for 5.6% of the strains. resistance to erythromycin and clindamycin was found in 17.1% and 16.6% of the isolates, respectively. a steady increase in the susceptibility to ciprofloxacin was observed ove ...199910442424
a study of small-colony, beta-haemolytic, lancefield group c streptococci within the anginosus group: description of streptococcus constellatus subsp. pharyngis subsp. nov., associated with the human throat and pharyngitis.beta-haemolytic, lancefield group c streptococci within the anginosus-species group were shown by genetic and phenotypic criteria to be heterogeneous and to constitute two distinct taxa related at subspecies level to streptococcus constellatus and streptococcus anginosus, respectively. the first group, referred to here as dna group 1, comprised six strains with 86-100% intragroup overall genomic dna relatedness; five of the strains were originally isolated from the human throat and one was from ...199910555325
identification of clinically relevant viridans streptococci by analysis of transfer dna intergenic spacer length polymorphism.the utility of pcr analysis of transfer dna intergenic spacer length polymorphism (tdna-ilp) for the identification to the species level of clinically relevant viridans streptococci was evaluated with a collection of reference strains of 15 species of the salivarius, anginosus, mitis and mutans rrna homology groups. pcr products generated by using fluorescent, outwardly directed, consensus tdna primers were analysed by electrophoresis on denaturating polyacrylamide gels and by laser fluorescence ...199910555340
sinogenic subdural empyema and streptococcus anginosus.subdural empyema (sde) is most commonly caused by sinusitis and, without early diagnosis and neurosurgical intervention, is associated with high mortality. in a patient with sinusitis who presents with mental status changes, the diagnosis of sde should be suspected on clinical grounds, even in the absence of significant computed tomographic findings. computed tomography with contrast is a useful aid in the diagnosis of sde, but findings may be subtle, and contrasted magnetic resonance imaging is ...199910555700
prevalence of the amylase-binding protein a gene (abpa) in oral streptococci.salivary amylase binds specifically to a number of oral streptococcal species. this interaction may play an important role in dental plaque formation. recently, a 585-bp gene was cloned and sequenced from streptococcus gordonii challis encoding a 20.5-kda amylase-binding protein (abpa). the goal of this study was to determine if related genes are present in other species of oral streptococci. biotinylated abpa was used in southern blot analysis to screen genomic dna from several strains represen ...199910565935
systemic doxycycline administration in the treatment of periodontal infections (ii). effect on antibiotic resistance of subgingival species.the purpose of this investigation was to determine the proportion and prevalence of doxycycline resistant species in subgingival plaque samples taken during and after doxycycline administration. 20 subjects with adult periodontitis were randomly assigned to test (n = 10) or control groups (n = 10). saliva samples as well as subgingival plaque samples taken from the distal surface of 6 posterior teeth were collected at baseline. all subjects received full mouth srp and the test group systemic dox ...199910599905
comparative in vitro activity of moxifloxacin against gram-positive clinical isolates.the in vitro activity of moxifloxacin was compared with that of 15 antibacterial agents against 513 gram-positive microorganisms. the mic(90) (mg/l) of moxifloxacin was 0.06 for quinolone-susceptible staphylococcus aureus and staphylococcus epidermidis, 0.12 for streptococcus pyogenes and streptococcus agalactiae; 0.25 for streptococcus pneumoniae, streptococcus mitis, streptococcus bovis, streptococcus anginosus and actinomyces pyogenes; 0.5 for streptococcus sanguis and listeria monocytogenes, ...200010629010
[cervical spine infection with streptococcus anginosus. case report].a case of cervical spine infection due to streptococcus anginosus is reported. streptococcus milleri is encountered in the mouth, gastro-intestinal tract, vagina and nasopharynx. it is an uncommon pathogen responsible of suppurative infections such as brain liver or spleen abscesses, intra-abdominal or soft tissue abscesses and pleural empyema. in rare cases it can cause spondylodiscitis and osteomyelitis. based on the review of eight cases of spondylodiscitis or osteomyelitis, diagnosis and tre ...199910717594
comparison of three methods for identification of streptococcus milleri group isolates to species level.a collection of 180 clinical isolates of streptococcus milleri group were identified to species level using two phenotypic methods (a commercial system and the reference method based on differential phenotypic reactions) and a genotypic method (hybridisation of the 16s rrna gene with species-specific probes) in order to evaluate the performance of the respective methods. a high level of agreement (80%) was observed between the results of the reference method and the genotypic method. the highest ...200010746501
comparison of gyra and parc mutations and resistance levels among fluoroquinolone-resistant isolates and laboratory-derived mutants of oral streptococci.laboratory-derived fluoroquinolone-resistant mutants were obtained by serial passage of streptococcus sanguis and streptococcus anginosus isolates on agar containing increasing concentrations of old and new fluoroquinolones, ofloxacin and du-6859a, respectively. sequencing of an s. sanguis isolate exposed to du-6859a showed that resistance was associated with two mutations in the quinolone resistance determining region (qrdr) of the gyra gene (ser83-->phe; glu87-->lys), and with a mutation in th ...200010837428
the streptococcus anginosus species comprises five 16s rrna ribogroups with different phenotypic characteristics and clinical relevance.a collection of 267 consecutively isolated streptococcus anginosus strains was screened for the prevalence of previously described 'motile' strains by hybridization with oligonucleotide probes in a reverse line blot assay. the motile strains represented 101 (37.8%) of the s. anginosus strains. the vast majority of these strains fermented mannitol and raffinose, whereas most other s. anginosus strains did not (p<0.001). most (83/101) of the motile strains were recovered from the urogenital tract ...200010843047
polymicrobial brain stem abscess due to streptococcus anginosus and actinomyces species.this report describes a rare case of a pyogenic brain stem abscess. the lesion was readily identified by computed tomographic (ct) scan and magnetic resonance imaging (mri). streptococcus anginosus was grown from the pus and actinomyces colonies were found on histopathology. the lesion was successfully treated with stereotactic surgery and antibiotic therapy. a review of the relevant literature including the role of stereotaxy in the treatment of the brain stem abscess is discussed. copyright 19 ...199910844784
proteolysis and utilization of albumin by enrichment cultures of subgingival microbiota.subgingival dental plaque consists mainly of microorganisms that derive their energy from amino acid fermentation. their nutrient requirements are met by the subgingival proteolytic system, which includes proteases from microorganism and inflammatory cells, and substrate proteins from sulcus exudate, including albumin. to determine the selective effect of individual proteins on microbiota, we used albumin as the main substrate for growth. eight subgingval plaque samples from untreated periodonta ...199910895689
streptococcus anginosus in head and neck squamous cell carcinoma: implication in has been suggested that helicobacter pylori (h. pylori) infection might be associated with not only gastric ulcers but also gastric malignancies. recently, it was reported that the streptococcus anginosus (s. anginosus) dna sequence was found in dna samples extracted from esophageal cancers. because smoking and alcohol abuse are regarded as risk factors for both esophgeal cancer and head and neck cancer, infection of s. anginosus might be associated with carcinogenesis of head and neck cancer ...200011078831
bacteriology of histopathologically defined appendicitis in children.acute appendicitis is the most common surgical emergency in childhood. however, the pathogenesis and detailed microbiology are obscure.200011099090
intrauterine infection and spontaneous midgestation abortion: is the spectrum of microorganisms similar to that in preterm labor?to determine whether microorganisms associated with intrauterine infection and preterm labor play a contributing role in midgestation abortion.200011220481
mannosidase production by viridans group streptococci.the production of mannosidase activity by all currently recognized species of human viridans group streptococci was determined using an assay in which bacterial growth was dependent on the degradation of the high-mannose-type glycans of rnase b and subsequent utilization of released mannose. rnase b is an excellent substrate for the demonstration of mannosidase activity since it is a glycoprotein with a single glycosylation site which is occupied by high-mannose-type glycoforms containing five t ...200111230417
cloning and dna sequencing of the surface protein antigen i/ii (paa) of streptococcus cricetus.we have cloned and sequenced the gene encoding the surface protein antigen paa (antigen i/ii family) from streptococcus cricetus e49 (serotype a) using degenerate pcr. the deduced amino acid sequence of paa reveals two repeating regions (a region; alanine-rich region, p region; proline-rich region). two additional tandem repeats were found in the a region and part of the p region was deleted compared to antigen i/ii. homology and phylogenetic analyses reveal that paa is homologous to streptococc ...200111267788
antibiotic susceptibilities of genetically characterized streptococcus milleri group strains.previous studies of the antibiotic susceptibility of streptococcus milleri group organisms have distinguished among species by using phenotypic techniques. using 44 isolates that were speciated by 16s rrna gene sequencing, we studied the mics and minimum bactericidal concentrations of penicillin, ampicillin, ceftriaxone, and clindamycin for streptococcus intermedius, streptococcus constellatus, and streptococcus anginosus. none of the organisms was resistant to beta-lactam antibiotics, although ...200111302819
streptococcus intermedius, streptococcus constellatus, and streptococcus anginosus ("streptococcus milleri group") are of different clinical importance and are not equally associated with abscess.difficulties in distinguishing organisms of the "streptococcus milleri group" (smg; streptococcus intermedius, streptococcus constellatus, and streptococcus anginosus), have caused ambiguity in determining their pathogenic potential. we reviewed 118 cases in which smg isolates had been identified using 16s rdna sequence. s. constellatus and s. anginosus were isolated far more frequently than was s. intermedius. nearly all isolates of s. intermedius and most isolates of s. constellatus, but only ...200111317256
infectious crystalline keratopathy in an immunosuppressed report a case of infectious crystalline keratopathy (ick) in a patient with systemic malignancy on immunosuppressive chemotherapy. the patient wore frequent replacement contact lenses on an extended wear basis.200111352447
prevalence of macrolide resistance genes in clinical isolates of the streptococcus anginosus ("s. milleri") group.twenty-two unrelated erythromycin-resistant anginosus group strains (3.2% resistance rate) were assessed for mechanisms of resistance. streptococcus anginosus accounted for 16 of the 22 isolates. fifteen isolates harbored the erm(b) gene. the erm(tr) and the mef(e) genes were carried by two isolates each. in three isolates, none of these resistance genes was detected by pcr.200111451701
identification of the psaa gene, coding for pneumococcal surface adhesin a, in viridans group streptococci other than streptococcus pneumoniae.the gene encoding the pneumococcal surface adhesin a (psaa) protein has been identified in three different viridans group streptococcal species. comparative studies of the psaa gene identified in different pneumococcal isolates by sequencing pcr products showed a high degree of conservation among these strains. psaa is encoded by an open reading frame of 930 bp. the analysis of this fragment in streptococcus mitis, streptococcus oralis, and streptococcus anginosus strains revealed a sequence ide ...200111527799
antigenic characterisation of a novel streptococcus anginosus antigen that induces nitric oxide synthesis by murine peritoneal exudate cells.a novel antigen that induces nitric oxide (no) synthesis by murine peritoneal exudate cells (pec) was prepared from a culture supernate of streptococcus anginosus nctc 10713 in dialysed medium by column chromatography with deae-sephacel followed by size-exclusion high performance liquid chromatography (hplc). a chemical analysis of the s. anginosus antigen (saa) revealed that it mainly consisted of carbohydrates (rhamnose, n-acetylglucosamine, glucose and galactose), smaller quantities of protei ...200111699591
interaction between human polymorphonuclear leukocytes and streptococcus milleri group bacteria.because streptococcus milleri group (smg) bacteria--streptococcus constellatus, streptococcus intermedius, and streptococcus anginosus--exhibit a striking propensity to cause abscesses, the interaction of these organisms with human polymorphonuclear leukocytes (pmnl) was examined. after incubation in pooled normal human serum, smg stimulated less chemotaxis than did staphylococcus aureus, in contrast to viridans streptococci, which caused greater chemotaxis than did s. aureus. pmnl ingested grea ...200211756985
streptococci species of anginosus group isolated from oral and maxillofacial infections.the aim of the study was to isolate and identify at species level streptococci strains of anginosus group in pus samples collected from 110 patients with oral and maxillofacial (omf) infections. gram-stained smears and cultures on selective and nonselective media were done from each of the 111 pus samples (2 samples were collected from one of the patients, who presented 2 oral abscesses at the same time). the isolates were identified on the basis of cultural and biochemical characteristics. spec ...199911845444
streptococcus sinensis sp. nov., a novel species isolated from a patient with infective endocarditis.a bacterium was isolated from the blood culture of a patient with infective endocarditis. the cells were facultative anaerobic, nonsporulating, gram-positive cocci arranged in chains. the bacterium grows on sheep blood agar as alpha-hemolytic, gray colonies of 0.5 to 1 mm in diameter after 24 h of incubation at 37 degrees c in ambient air. growth also occurs in 10 or 40% bile and on bile esculin agar but not in 6% nacl. no enhancement of growth is observed in 5% co(2). it is nongroupable with la ...200211880397
[four cases of non-clostridial gas gangrene with diabetes mellitus].we report four cases of non-clostridial gas gangrene. all cases were associated with diabetes mellitus as the underlying disease. case 1: a 60-year-old male developed an ulcerative lesion on the dorsum of his left foot. peptostreptococcus asaccharolyticus, citrobacter freundii and staphyrococcus epidermidis were identified in culture from odoriferous pus. case 2: a 81-year-old female developed a lesion on her vulva spreading to the right lower abdomen. bacteroides bivius, peptostreptococcus asac ...200211915237
actinomyces species, streptococci, and enterococcus faecalis in primary root canal infections.the purpose of this study was to evaluate the prevalence of actinomyces species, streptococci, and enterococcus faecalis in primary root canal infections by using a molecular genetic method. samples were obtained from 53 infected teeth, of which 27 cases were diagnosed as acute periradicular abscesses. dna was extracted to evaluate the occurrence of 13 bacterial species by using whole genomic dna probes and checkerboard dna-dna hybridization. polymerase chain reaction using an ubiquitous bacteri ...200212017173
direct amplification of rrna gene sequences for identification of selected oral pathogens in root canal infections.the purpose of this study was to assess the prevalence of selected oral pathogens in root canal infections and their relationship with symptoms using a highly sensitive technique, the polymerase chain reaction.200212059935
identification of viridans streptococcal species causing bacterial meningitis in adults in order to determine the species responsible for viridans-group streptococcal meningitis in adults in taiwan, seven cases of culture-proven meningitis due to these organisms were studied. the cases were all identified at the chang gung memorial hospital-kaohsiung over a period of 3 years, and they accounted for 9% (7/78) of all cases of culture-proven bacterial meningitis occurring in adults during this period. of the seven viridans streptococci isolates recovered, streptococcus constellatus ac ...200212072926
streptococcus anginosus adheres to vascular endothelium basement membrane and purified extracellular matrix proteins.the mechanisms of bacterial adherence in the initial stages of native valve endocarditis are unclear, especially in patients without valve disease or the presence of a platelet-fibrin thrombus. extracellular matrix may act as a ligand in areas of exposed basement membrane on the endothelial monolayer. in this study, adherence of 55 clinical blood and 21 oral viridans streptococcal isolates was examined using purified extracellular matrix compounds. the majority of blood and oral isolates exhibit ...200212079409
isolation of a putative laminin binding protein from streptococcus anginosus.viridans streptococci, including streptococcus anginosus, are a common cause of infective endocarditis in humans. adherence mechanisms involved in colonization of non-diseased native valves (present in 40% of native valve endocarditis) are unknown. we have previously shown that an endocarditis isolate of s. anginosus adheres to exposed basement membrane of human and porcine valve tissue in a laminin dependent manner. we now describe the partial purification of an 80 kda putative laminin binding ...200212127797
microbial profile on metallic and ceramic bracket materials.the placement of orthodontic appliances creates a favorable environment for the accumulation of a microbiota and food residues, which, in time, may cause caries or exacerbate any pre-existing periodontal disease. the purpose of the present study was to compare the total bacterial counts present on metallic and ceramic orthodontic brackets in order to clarify which bracket type has a higher plaque retaining capacity and to determine the levels of streptococcus mutans and lactobacillus spp on both ...200212169034
groesl sequence determination, phylogenetic analysis, and species differentiation for viridans group streptococci.the full-length sequences of the groesl genes (also known as cpn10/60) of streptococcus anginosus, streptococcus constellatus, streptococcus gordonii, and streptococcus sanguis and the near full-length sequence of the groesl genes of streptococcus intermedius, streptococcus bovis, streptococcus mitis, streptococcus mutans, streptococcus oralis, and streptococcus salivarius were determined. the lengths of the groes genes from the 10 species listed above ranged from 282 to 288 bp, and the full-len ...200212202549
differences in the betac-s lyase activities of viridans group streptococci.betac-s lyase catalyzes the alpha,beta-elimination of l-cysteine to hydrogen sulfide, which is one of the main causes of oral malodor and is highly toxic to mammalian cells. we evaluated the capacity of six species of oral streptococci to produce hydrogen sulfide. the crude enzyme extract from streptococcus anginosus had the greatest capacity. however, comparative analysis of amino acid sequences did not detect any meaningful differences in the s. anginosus betac-s lyase. the capacity of s. angi ...200312480520
lcd from streptococcus anginosus encodes a c-s lyase with alpha,beta-elimination activity that degrades l-cysteine.hydrogen sulfide is highly toxic to mammalian cells. it has also been postulated that hydrogen sulfide modifies haemoglobin resulting in haemolysis. the enzyme that produces hydrogen sulfide from l-cysteine was purified from streptococcus anginosus. using the n-terminal amino acid sequence of the purified enzyme, the lcd gene encoding l-cysteine desulfhydrase was cloned; the recombinant protein was then purified to examine its enzymic and biological characteristics. this l-cysteine desulfhydrase ...200212480900
correlations between bacterial levels in autologous subgingival plaque and saliva of adult sudanese.the aim of this study was to assess levels of oral bacteria and their correlations in paired samples of saliva and subgingival plaque in a population of adult sudanese. whole saliva and pooled subgingival plaque samples from six probing sites of one tooth in each jaw were obtained from 56 sudanese adults (mean age 35.2+/-8.9 years). levels of 24 oral bacteria in the autologous saliva and pooled plaque sample of each subject were assessed by dna probes and checkerboard dna-dna hybridization. ther ...200212483235
subdural empyema.subdural empyema represents loculated infection between the outermost layer of the meninges, the dura, and the arachnoid. the empyema may develop intracranially or in the spinal canal. intracranial subdural empyema is most frequently a complication of sinusitis or, less frequently, otitis or neurosurgical procedures. spinal subdural empyema is rare and may result from hematogenous infection or spread of infection from osteomyelitis. the most common organisms in intracranial subdural empyema are ...200312521560
[a case of a bacterial brain abscess presenting as symptoms of 'sudden stroke-like' onset].we report a case of a bacterial brain abscess presenting symptoms of 'sudden stroke-like' onset, associated with infective endocarditis. a 59-year-old woman experienced a sudden stroke-like onset of left hemiplegia. computed tomography (ct) and magnetic resonance imaging (mri) were performed on the day of ictus. no lesion responsible for the symptom was seen on either ct or a t2 weighted image (t2wi), but a diffusion-weighted image (dwi) revealed focal increased signal intensity in the right fro ...200312704827
homocysteine biosynthesis pathways of streptococcus anginosus.a gene (cgs) encoding cystathionine gamma-synthase was cloned from streptococcus anginosus, and its protein was purified and characterized. the cgs gene and the immediately downstream lcd gene were shown to be cotranscribed as an operon. high-performance liquid chromatography analyses showed that the s. anginosus cgs not only has cystathionine gamma-synthase activity, but also expresses o-acetylhomoserine sulfhydrylase activity. these results suggest that s. anginosus has the capacity to utilize ...200312725939
molecular characterization of the presence of eubacterium spp and streptococcus spp in endodontic infections.eubacterium spp. and streptococcus spp. are virulent, commonly identified microorganisms in endodontic infections. the purpose of this study was to use molecular methods to identify these organisms in 22 infected root canals that include eight cases with preoperative clinical symptoms and five cases with a history of diabetes mellitus. the presence of streptococcus spp. and eubacterium spp. was examined using two sets of pcr primers specific with multiple species within the respective genera. po ...200312823801
different frequencies of streptococcus anginosus infection in oral cancer and esophageal cancer.multiple cancers frequently occur in the upper aerodigestive tract. the high incidence rate of multiple carcinomas in this region is often explained in terms of involvement of the same underlying risk factors. it has been reported that the oral bacterium streptococcus anginosus (s. anginosus) is associated with esophageal, gastric, and pharyngeal cancer tissues. in this study, a highly specific quantification method for s. anginosus dna using real-time pcr was established. we employed this assay ...200312824872
genotyping by amplified fragment length polymorphism analysis reveals persistence and recurrence of infection with streptococcus anginosus group organisms.streptococcus anginosus, streptococcus constellatus, and streptococcus intermedius, commonly referred to as the streptococcus anginosus group (sag), are commensal organisms known for their propensity to cause purulent infections which are difficult to eradicate. in this study, we determined the genetic similarities between sag isolates consecutively recovered from single patients to assess the duration of infection or colonization. a total of 97 sag isolates recovered from 30 patients were inclu ...200312843013
meningitis due to streptococcus anginosus (lancefield group f). 196514328477
eus-guided drainage of a diverticular abscess as an adjunct to surgical therapy. 200314520305
the acid-tolerant microbiota associated with plaque from initial caries and healthy tooth surfaces.the intent of this study was to compare the inherent acid tolerance of bacteria in samples of dental plaque from tooth sites in subjects with and without initial caries. plaque was collected from approximal surfaces showing early enamel caries and from healthy tooth surfaces in the same subjects, as well as from enamel surfaces of caries-free individuals. in addition to plating on blood agar, the plaque samples were plated directly on non-selective solid agar medium buffered to ph 7.0, 6.0, 5.5, ...200314571116
clinical presentation and bacteriologic analysis of infected human bites in patients presenting to emergency departments.previous studies of infected human bites have been limited by small numbers of patients and suboptimal microbiologic methodology. we conducted a multicenter prospective study of 50 patients with infected human bites. seventy percent of the patients and assailants were young adult men. fifty-six percent of injuries were clenched-fist injuries and 44% were occlusional bites. most injuries were to the hands. fifty-four percent of patients were hospitalized. the median number of isolates per wound c ...200314614671
detection of streptococcus anginosus from saliva by real-time polymerase chain reaction.the purpose of the present investigation was to assess the salivary levels of streptococcus anginosus in periodontitis patients.200314633106
horizontal transfer of segments of the 16s rrna genes between species of the streptococcus anginosus group.the nature in variation of the 16s rrna gene of members of the streptococcus anginosus group was investigated by hybridization and dna sequencing. a collection of 708 strains was analyzed by reverse line blot hybridization. this revealed the presence of distinct reaction patterns representing 11 different hybridization groups. the 16s rrna genes of two strains of each hybridization group were sequenced to near-completion, and the sequence data confirmed the reverse line blot hybridization result ...200314645285
detection of streptococcus anginosus and 8-hydroxydeoxyguanosine in saliva.several studies have demonstrated a close association between streptococcus (s.) anginosus infection and head and neck cancer. accumulation of 8-hydroxy-deoxyguanosine (8-ohdg), which may result from the continuous generation of reactive oxygen species associated with chronic inflammation, has been reported in human preneoplastic lesions and in cancerous tissues. the purpose of the present investigation was to assess the salivary levels of s. anginosus and 8-ohdg in patients with periodontitis. ...200314763512
rpob gene sequence-based identification of aerobic gram-positive cocci of the genera streptococcus, enterococcus, gemella, abiotrophia, and granulicatella.we developed a new molecular tool based on rpob gene (encoding the beta subunit of rna polymerase) sequencing to identify streptococci. we first sequenced the complete rpob gene for streptococcus anginosus, s. equinus, and abiotrophia defectiva. sequences were aligned with these of s. pyogenes, s. agalactiae, and s. pneumoniae available in genbank. using an in-house analysis program (svarap), we identified a 740-bp variable region surrounded by conserved, 20-bp zones and, by using these conserve ...200414766807
"streptococcus milleri" endocarditis caused by streptococcus anginosus.unlike other viridans streptococci, members of the "streptococcus milleri group" are often associated with abscess formation, but are only rare causes of infective endocarditis. although it has been shown that almost all s. intermedius isolates and most s. constellatus isolates, but only 19% of s. anginosus isolates, were associated with abscess formation, no report has addressed the relative importance of the 3 species of the "s. milleri group" in infective endocarditis. during a 5-year period ...200414972375
[spontaneous bacterial peritonitis due to streptococcus anginosus]. 200414998467
identification of the anginosus group within the genus streptococcus using polymerase chain reaction.the aim of this study was to establish an identification method for the anginosus group within the genus streptococcus by polymerase chain reaction (pcr). using a primer pair based on the group-specific sequences of penicillin-binding protein 2b (pbp2b) gene, a 275-bp fragment was amplified from each species in the group but no size-matched products were obtained in other streptococci. further identification in the species or subspecies level was possible by a multiplex pcr with primers for the ...200415043873
orbital abscess caused by fusobacterium necrophorum.we report the case of previously healthy boy with orbital abscess secondary to sinusitis. fusobacterium necrophorum and streptococcus anginosus was cultured both from the maxillary sinus and the orbital abscess. after surgical drainage and intravenous antibiotic treatment the boy recovered without complications.200415081233
identification of clinically relevant viridans group streptococci by sequence analysis of the 16s-23s ribosomal dna spacer region.the feasibility of sequence analysis of the 16s-23s ribosomal dna (rdna) intergenic spacer (its) for the identification of clinically relevant viridans group streptococci (vs) was evaluated. the its regions of 29 reference strains (11 species) of vs were amplified by pcr and sequenced. these 11 species were streptococcus anginosus, s. constellatus, s. gordonii, s. intermedius, s. mitis, s. mutans, s. oralis, s. parasanguinis, s. salivarius, s. sanguinis, and s. uberis. the its lengths (246 to 39 ...200415184447
[orbital abscess of dental origin].we describe an orbital abscess secondary to maxillary sinusitis of dental origin focusing on the seriousness of orbital infections and the dramatic consequences of delayed treatment. classification of acute orbital conditions and appropriate management practices are presented.200415211222
[features of oral streptococci]. 200315214192
frequent and preferential infection of treponema denticola, streptococcus mitis, and streptococcus anginosus in esophageal cancers.multiple cancers frequently occur in the upper digestive tract. one possible explanation is that specific bacterial infection stimulates the normal epithelium to initiate inflammation and/or promotes carcinogenesis. this study was undertaken to determine which bacterial species is predominantly associated with esophageal cancer. we examined the bacterial diversity in this type of cancer and in the saliva from healthy people by using a culture-independent molecular method. here we report the pref ...200415245592
clinical and microbiological changes associated with the use of combined antimicrobial therapies to treat "refractory" periodontitis.the present investigation examined clinical and microbial changes after a combined aggressive antimicrobial therapy in subjects identified as "refractory" to conventional periodontal therapy.200415367191
case records of the massachusetts general hospital. weekly clinicopathological exercises. case 29-2004. a 75-year-old woman with acute onset of chest pain followed by fever. 200415371582
bacterial risk and sperm cryopreservation.prior to sperm cryopreservation, french guidelines only recommend viral screening for serological status towards human immunodeficiency virus, hepatitis b and c viruses and treponema palidum. the probability of semen infection by other bacterial pathogens is not taken into consideration by the current recommendations. the objective of the present study was to evaluate this risk and a strategy to reduce it prospectively. ninety-six patients consulting for sperm cryopreservation underwent a semen ...200415458546
molecular analysis of age-related changes of streptococcus anginosus group and streptococcus mitis in saliva.the purpose of this study was to survey the prevalence of streptococcal species, especially streptococcus anginosus (which has been reported to be associated with cancer in the upper digestive tract), streptococcus constellatus, and streptococcus intermedius in the saliva of different age groups. a sequence analysis of 16s rdna was performed and dna quantified using real-time polymerase chain reaction. the s. anginosus level increased with age, whereas the levels of s. constellatus and s. interm ...200415491464
alkali-resistant bacteria in root canal systems.the aim of this study was to isolate and identify alkali-resistant bacteria from the dentin of infected root canals. bacteria from homogenized dentin powder made up from infected root canal walls from human teeth were cultured on buffer-enriched brain heart infusion agar supplemented with 4% sheep blood (bhi-blood agar), adjusted to ph 7.0, 9.0 or 10.0. incubation took place for 7 days at 37 degrees c in an anaerobic glove box. bacterial strains selected according to colony and morphology were s ...200415491465
streptococcus sinensis may react with lancefield group f antiserum.lancefield group f streptococci have been found almost exclusively as members of the 'streptococcus milleri' group, although they have been reported very occasionally in some other streptococcal species. among 302 patients with bacteraemia caused by viridans streptococci over a 6-year period, three cases were caused by streptococcus sinensis (type strain hku4t, hku5 and hku6). all three patients had infective endocarditis complicating their underlying chronic rheumatic heart diseases. gene seque ...200415496384
invasive group b streptococcal disease in infants: a 19-year nationwide study. serotype distribution, incidence and recurrent infection.during the period 1984-2002, 472 cases of invasive group b streptococcal (gbs) disease in infants aged 0-90 days in denmark were registered. the overall incidence was 0.4/1000 live births. most infants (73%) had early-onset gbs infection with 53% registered within the first day. serotype iii predominated (59%) with other serotypes as follows: ia (16%), ib (8%), nt (7%), ii (6%), other serotypes (5%). recurrence of gbs infection was registered in six infants, and the interval with no antibiotic t ...200415635965
culture results of heart valves resected because of streptococcal endocarditis: insights into duration of treatment to achieve valve analyse the culture results of heart valves removed following streptococcal endocarditis in order to gain insight into the duration of treatment required for valve sterilization.200515649988
expression of the gtfi gene from streptococcus sobrinus in streptococcus anginosus using integration-mediated transformation system.we have constructed a streptococcus anginosus transformant expressing the gtfi gene from streptococcus sobrinus, using a previously developed integration-mediated transformation system to introduce foreign genes onto the oral streptococcal chromosome, and attempted to evaluate the gene expression. in this system, one cloning plasmid and three pacyc184 derivatives, anchor, heterodimer, and integration plasmids were used for the construction of a series of integrants via homologous recombination. ...200415716022
identification of clinically relevant viridans streptococci by an oligonucleotide array.viridans streptococci (vs) are common etiologic agents of subacute infective endocarditis and are capable of causing a variety of pyogenic infections. many species of vs are difficult to differentiate by phenotypic traits. an oligonucleotide array based on 16s-23s rrna gene intergenic spacer (its) sequences was developed to identify 11 clinically relevant vs. these 11 species were streptococcus anginosus, s. constellatus, s. gordonii, s. intermedius, s. mitis, s. mutans, s. oralis, s. parasangui ...200515814960
identification of non-mutans streptococci organisms in dental plaques recovering on mitis-salivarius bacitracin agar medium.the objective of this study was to both isolate and identify non-mutans streptococci organisms (non-mso) from dental plaques recovered on mitis-salivarius sucrose bacitracin agar (msb) plates. the dental plaque samples, which had been collected from 63 human subjects, were diluted and plated on msb. the bacteria growing on the msb plates were then identified with biochemical tests, as well as with 16s rdna cloning and sequencing techniques. our data indicated that bacteria from 30 subjects had b ...200515880098
streptococcus anginosus infection in oral cancer and its infection elucidate a possible involvement of streptococcus anginosus in oral cancer, we assessed the frequency of s. anginosus infection in oral cancer tissues, and investigated its infection route.200515888105
experimental abscess formation caused by human dental plaque.human dental plaque consists of a wide variety of microorganisms, some of which are believed to cause systemic infections, including abscesses, at various sites in the body. to confirm this hypothesis experimentally, we examined the abscess-forming ability of native dental plaque in mice, the microbial features of the infectious locus produced by the plaque, and the anti-phagocytic property of microbial isolates. aliquots of a suspension of supragingival dental plaque containing 6 x 10(6) colony ...200515905601
liver abscess associated with persistent streptococcus anginosus bacteremia. 200516010707
dipeptidyl peptidase iv of streptococcus anginosus: purification and characterization.we found that n-unblocked nine p-nitroanilde derivatives of amino acids or peptides were hydrolyzed by the crude cell extracts of streptococcus anginosus nctc 10713. then dipeptidyl peptidase iv was purified 323-fold by the procedures including ammonium sulfate concentration, anion exchange chromatography (twice), gel filtration (twice), hydrophobic interaction chromatography, and isoelectric focusing. the molecular weight was calculated as 84 kda, and the isoelectric point was 4.9. the enzyme h ...200516055397
streptococcus anginosus-associated endogenous endophthalmitis mimicking fungal endophthalmitis. 200516081999
differentiation of mutans streptococci by intact cell matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization time-of-flight mass is difficult to distinguish mutans streptococci on the species level, and even more so on the subspecies level. intact cell matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization time-of-flight mass spectrometry (maldi-tof-ms) (icm) was applied to reference strains of five of the species of the mutans group (streptococcus criceti, streptococcus downei, streptococcus mutans, streptococcus ratti, streptococcus sobrinus), nonmutans streptococci (streptococcus oralis, streptococcus mitis, streptococcus sali ...200516101961
brainstem infarcts as an early manifestation of streptococcus anginosus meningitis.vasculitis and infarcts are well-established sequelae of bacterial meningitis. however, early large-vessel involvement is rare, particularly within the brainstem. there has been one previous case report of a young male who presented with pontine infarct as an early manifestation of streptococcus milleri meningitis. we present another case of brainstem infarction associated with meningitis caused by streptococcus anginosus.200516174887
quantification and detection of bacteria from postoperative maxillary cyst by polymerase chain reaction.postoperative maxillary cyst (pomc) is known to occur as a delayed complication of radical maxillary sinus surgery, such as caldwell-luc surgery. the cyst gradually expands with no symptoms over a period of years, and then occasionally causes swelling and pain in the buccal region and/or the mucogingival fold. it is probable that bacterial infection affects the progression of pomc symptoms. the aims of this study were to determine the bacterial density and to examine the presence of 20 oral bact ...200516238591
predominant presence of streptococcus anginosus in the saliva of alcoholics.chronic alcohol consumption is known to be a major risk factor for cancers of the upper aerodigestive tract. the incidence of esophageal cancer (4.4%) in alcoholics is reported to be much higher than that in the japanese population as a whole (0.0001%). this suggests the presence of specific factors in chronic alcohol consumption-related carcinogenesis. recently, data showing a significant correlation between streptococcus anginosus and carcinogenesis in the upper aerodigestive tract have been r ...200516238596
spontaneous cervical paraspinal and epidural giant abscess in a child--case report--.a 10-year-old girl presented with a very rare paraspinal and spinal epidural abscess manifesting as fever, and neck pain and stiffness. initially, she was treated under a diagnosis of meningitis for 3 weeks. however, she developed monoparesis of the right upper extremity, and was referred for neurosurgery. magnetic resonance imaging revealed an epidural and paraspinal lesion intensely enhanced by gadolinium. the patient underwent urgent surgery for c2-3 laminectomy and abscess drainage, followed ...200516247242
bacterial flora of the low male genital tract in patients consulting for infertility.the physiological aerobic bacterial flora of the low male genital tract was determined. this prospective study was performed on 600 semen specimens collected from 543 asymptomatic males consulting for infertility. semen cultures were sterile in 28.8%, with a polymicrobial flora and/or absence or low titres of ureaplasma urealyticum in 49.3%, and with one or two aerobic and facultative bacteria > or =1 x 10(3) cfu ml(-1) and/or u. urealyticum with titres > or =10(4) ccu ml(-1) (colour changing un ...200516266393
homogeneous enzymatic assay for l-cysteine with betac-s lyase.we have developed a new enzymatic assay for determining l-cysteine concentration. the method involves the use of betac-s lyase from streptococcus anginosus, which catalyzes the alpha,beta-elimination of l-cysteine to hydrogen sulfide, pyruvate, and ammonia. the production of pyruvate is measured by d-lactate dehydrogenase and nadh. the decrease in nadh was proportional to the l-cysteine concentration up to 1.0 mm. when serum samples were used, within-day and day-to-day coefficient variations wer ...200516306712
identification of 43 streptococcus species by pyrosequencing analysis of the rnpb gene.pyrosequencing technology was evaluated for identification of species within the streptococcus genus. two variable regions in the rnpb gene, which encodes the rna subunit of endonuclease p, were sequenced in two reactions. of 43 species, all could be identified to the species level except strains of the species pairs streptococcus anginosus/s. constellatus and s. infantis/s. peroris. a total of 113 blood culture isolates were identified by pyrosequencing analysis of partial rnpb sequences. all b ...200516333086
streptococcus anginosus bacteremia: sutton's law. 200516333137
squamous cell carcinoma of the hand masquerading as a cutaneous infection.summary a 33-year-old male concreter presented with a small abscess on his right index finger following an injury at work. histological examination of the lesion was consistent with chronic inflammation and staphylococcus aureus, streptococcus anginosus and escherichia coli were isolated on cultures. the lesion was treated as a chronic fungal infection with bacterial superinfection. seventeen months later, a bone scan showed periarticular involvement, and a diagnostic biopsy identified a well-di ...200616405485
in vitro activity of sitafloxacin compared with several fluoroquinolones against streptococcus anginosus and streptococcus constellatus.the in vitro activities of sitafloxacin and seven other fluoroquinolones a (ciprofloxacin, tosufloxacin, sparfloxacin, levofloxacin, t-3811me, moxifloxacin and trovafloxacin) were examined by the microdilution method against 79 clinically isolated 'streptococcus milleri' group (smg) microorganisms. no statistically significant differences were found between the minimum inhibitory concentrations (mic(50) and mic(90)) against streptococcus anginosus and streptococcus constellatus. sitafloxacin was ...200616417990
acute glomerulonephritis associated with streptococcus pyogenes with concomitant spread of streptococcus constellatus in four rural families.we studied history, renal histopathology and microbiology of an epidemic of acute glomerulonephritis associated with throat infections and uncommon culture results in four neighbour families. a 40-year-old man (index patient) was referred to a university hospital for dialysis and kidney biopsy due to a suspected acute glomerulonephritis. an acute tonsillitis had preceded the condition. penicillin treatment had been started four days before the discovery of renal failure. throat swabs were positi ...200516454159
the efficacy of povidone-iodine products against periodontopathic bacteria.a total of 8 strains of 6 bacterial species, porphyromonas gingivalis atcc33277 and tdc286, actinobacillus actinomycetemcomitans atcc29523 and jp2, fusobacterium nucleatum no. 2, tannerella forsythensis atcc43937, prevotella intermedia atcc25611 and streptococcus anginosus atcc33397, were treated with povidone-iodine (pvp-i) gargle (pvp-i: 0.47 and 0.23% w/v) or chlorhexidine gluconate (chg) gargle (chg: 0.002% w/v) for 15, 30 or 60 s, after which they were inoculated into various media, culture ...200616490986
deep neck infection complicating lymphadenitis caused by streptococcus intermedius in an immunocompetent child.streptococcus intermedius belongs to the streptococcus anginosus group. it is part of the normal flora of the human mouth, but it can be etiologically associated with deep-site infections.200616553945
human t-cell responses to oral streptococci in human pbmc-nod/scid mice.we investigated cellular and humoral immune responses to oral biofilm bacteria, including streptococcus mutans, streptococcus anginosus, streptococcus sobrinus, and streptococcus sanguinis, in nod/scid mice immunized with human peripheral blood mononuclear cells (hu-pbmc-nod/scid mice) to explore the pathogenicity of each of those organisms in dental and oral inflammatory diseases. hu-pbmc-nod/scid mice were immunized by intraperitoneal injections with the whole cells of the streptococci once a ...200616626374
Displaying items 101 - 200 of 486