
studies on luciferase from photobacterium phosphoreum. iv. preparation and properties of stripped luciferase. 19734770374
studies on luciferase form photobacterium phosphoreum. v. an enzyme-fmn intermediate complex in the bioluminescent reaction. 19744834652
status of zinc in cow's milk. 19674962019
on the catabolism of deoxyribonucleosides in cells and cell extracts of escherichia coli. 19684973225
optimal environmental conditions and nutrient concentrations for the synthesis of bacterial luciferase in photobacterium phosphoreum. 19725078563
studies on luciferase from photobacterium phosphoreum. i. purification and physiochemical properties. 19715562345
generation of fatty acids by an acyl esterase in the bioluminescent system of photobacterium phosphoreum.the fatty acid reductase complex from photobacterium phosphoreum has been discovered to have a long chain ester hydrolase activity associated with the 34k protein component of the complex. this protein has been resolved from the other components (50k and 58k) of the fatty acid reductase complex with a purity of greater than 95% and found to catalyze the transfer of acyl groups from acyl-coa primarily to thiol acceptors with a low level of transfer to glycerol and water. addition of the 50k prote ...19846147345
proteolytic inactivation of luciferases from three species of luminous marine bacteria, beneckea harveyi, photobacterium fischeri, and photobacterium phosphoreum: evidence of a conserved structural feature.upon limited proteolysis of luciferases from the luminous marine bacteria photobacterium fischeri, photobacterium phosphoreum, and beneckea harveyi, the rate of loss of luciferase activity is the same as the rate of loss of the heavier subunit of all three enzymes. it thus appears that the larger subunit of the luciferase from p. phosphoreum should be designated alpha based on its apparent homology with the alpha subunits of the luciferases from b. harveyi and p. fischeri. the luciferase from b. ...19806161366
[continuous cultivation of photobacterium phosphoreum luminescent bacteria with control of the luminescence].the paper describes a procedure for continuous cultivation of luminescent bacteria photobacterium phosphoreum according to which the nutrient flow is controlled with respect to the luminescence intensity. the biomass yield of this cultivation procedure at the given luminescence intensity 6.1 x 10(12) quantum x ml-1 s-1 is over three times higher than that obtained in periodic cultivation, with the specific cell luminescence being identical in both cases. the cultivation process is unstable at th ...19836353408
relationship between ion requirements for respiration and membrane transport in a marine bacterium.intact cells of the marine bacterium alteromonas haloplanktis 214 oxidized nadh, added to the suspending medium, by a process which was stimulated by na+ or li+ but not k+. toluene-treated cells oxidized nadh at three times the rate of untreated cells by a mechanism activated by na+ but not by li+ or k+. in the latter reaction, k+ spared the requirement for na+. intact cells of a. haloplanktis oxidized ethanol by a mechanism stimulated by either na+ or li+. the uptake of alpha-aminoisobutyric ac ...19846690427
differential acylation in vitro with tetradecanoyl coenzyme a and tetradecanoic acid (+atp) of three polypeptides shown to have induced synthesis in photobacterium phosphoreum.acylation of extracts of photobacterium phosphoreum at different stages of growth with [3h]tetradecanoic acid (+atp) has shown that two polypeptides found in the fatty acid reductase complex, the fatty acid activating enzyme (50k) and the 34k polypeptide, were specifically labeled during induction of the luminescent system. an alternate method for in vitro acylation of polypeptides in the luminescent system was developed using tetradecanoyl-coa. both the 34k polypeptide and, to a lesser extent, ...19846693412
vibrio harveyi aldehyde dehydrogenase. partial reversal of aldehyde oxidation and its possible role in the reduction of fatty acids for the bioluminescence reaction.vibrio harveyi aldehyde dehydrogenase, which catalyzes the oxidation of long chain aliphatic aldehydes to acids, has been discovered to have both acyl-coa reductase and thioesterase activities. tetradecanoyl-coa was reduced to tetradecanal in the presence of nad(p)h, as monitored by the stimulation of luciferase activity by the aldehyde product (acyl-coa reductase). in the absence of nadph, [3h]tetradecanoyl-coa was hydrolyzed to the hexane-soluble fatty acid (thioesterase). inhibition data with ...19846725283
chemical and biological properties of lipopolysaccharide from a marine bacterium, photobacterium phosphoreum pj-1.the chemical and biological properties of the lipopolysaccharide (lps) isolated from a marine bacterium, photobacterium phosphoreum pj-1, were studied. this lps consists of 40.6% carbohydrate, 27.3% fatty acid, 0.2% 2-keto-3-deoxyoctonate (kdo) and other components. one characteristic of this lps is its small amount of kdo, the basic component of the usual lps. electrophoresis in sodium dodecylsulfate polyacrylamide gel revealed at least two staining bands for carbohydrates. these bands were con ...19826752664
the effects of phosphate on the structure and stability of the luciferases from beneckea harveyi, photobacterium fischeri, and photobacterium phosphoreum. 19806967319
complementation of subunits from different bacterial luciferases. evidence for the role of the beta subunit in the bioluminescent mechanism.complementation of the nonidentical subunits (alpha and beta) of luciferases isolated from two different bioluminescent strains, beneckea harveyi and photobacterium phosphoreum, has resulted in the formation of a functional hybrid luciferase (alpha h beta p) containing the alpha subunit from b. harveyi luciferase (alpha h) and the beta subunit from p. phosphoreum luciferase (beta p). the complementation was unidirectional; activity could not be restored by complementing the alpha subunit of p. p ...19806969259
immunological properties of lipopolysaccharide from a marine bacterium, photobacterium phosphoreum pj-1. 19826982391
isolation of bacterial luciferases by affinity chromatography on 2,2-diphenylpropylamine-sepharose: phosphate-mediated binding to an immobilized substrate analogue.a covalently immobilized form of an inhibitor of bacterial luciferase, 2,2-diphenylpropylamine (d phi pa), was an effective affinity resin for purifying this enzyme from several distinct bacterial species. the inhibitor is competitive with the luciferase aldehyde substrate but enhances binding of the flavin substrate fmnh2 (reduced riboflavin 5'-phosphate); comparable binding interactions occur with luciferase, the immobilized inhibitor d phi pa-sepharose, and the substrates [holzman, t. f., & b ...19826983889
resolution of the fatty acid reductase from photobacterium phosphoreum into acyl protein synthetase and acyl-coa reductase activities. evidence for an enzyme complex. 19827085612
bacterial bioluminescence as a bioassay for mycotoxins.the use of bacterial bioluminescence as a toxicological assay for mycotoxins was tested with rubratoxin b, zearalenone, penicillic acid, citrinin, ochratoxin a, pr-toxin, aflatoxin b1, and patulin. the concentrations of mycotoxins causing 50% light reduction (ec50) in photobacterium phosphoreum were determined immediately and at 5 h after reconstitution of the bacteria from a freeze-dried state. generally, less toxins were required to obtain an ec50 at 5 h. the effects of the above mycotoxins on ...19827181501
fatty acid reductase in bioluminescent bacteria. resolution from aldehyde reductases and characterization of the aldehyde product.fatty acid reductase from the bioluminescent bacterium photobacterium phosphoreum, has been partially purified free of aldehyde reductase activity and with a low endogenous fatty acid content permitting the characterization of the aldehyde product of the reaction. two aldehyde reductases, both dependent on nadh, were separated by anion-exchange chromatography from the fatty acid reductase activity. the partially purified fatty acid reductase catalyzed the synthesis exclusively of long chain alde ...19817296339
adjuvant effect of photobacterium phosphoreum pj-1 on humoral immune response of ddy mice to sheep erythrocytes. 19817349282
lumazine protein from the bioluminescent bacterium photobacterium phosphoreum. purification and characterization.lumazine protein, a novel protein containing 6,7-dimethyl-8-ribityllumazine as a bound prosthetic group, is one of the several major proteins produced by the bioluminescent bacteria, photobacterium phosphoreum. purification to complete homogeneity from cell extracts is achieved in six steps. lumazine protein is a near spherical, monomeric protein of average molecular weight 20,000; in amino acid composition it is acidic with two isoelectric isomers, pi 4.9 and 5.0, and is hydrophilic (974 cal/re ...19807410396
lumazine protein from the bioluminescent bacterium photobacterium phosphoreum. a fluorescence study of the protein-ligand equilibrium.the changes of fluorescence spectral distribution, polarization, and lifetime of the lumazine protein from photobacterium phosphoreum can be interpreted in terms of an equilibrium between the protein and its dissociated prosthetic group 6,7-dimethyl-8-(1'-d-ribityl)lumazine. the equilibrium is rapidly attained, 1:1, and kd is 5 x 10(-8) m (4 degrees c, ph 7, 67 mm phosphate). a change in solution conditions like an increase in temperature or dilution or a decrease in ph or ionic strength favors ...19807417412
bioluminescence and cell growth of photobacterium phosphoreum.the bioluminescence activity of photobacterium phosphoreum was compared at different times after cell division by the methods of density gradient centrifugation and synchronous culture. the bioluminescence intensity per cell mass increased linearly at a rate of 1.5 times per doubling time. the luciferase system in the cell is continuously activated during growth, independent of cell division.19807419524
protein-ligand interactions in lumazine protein and in desulfovibrio flavodoxins from resonance coherent anti-stokes raman spectra.the resonance coherent anti-stokes raman technique was used to obtain vibrational spectra of flavin in flavodoxins from desulfovibrio gigas and desulfovibrio vulgaris and of the simpler 6,7-dimethyl-8-ribityllumazine chromophore in the blue fluorescence lumazine protein from the bioluminescent bacterium photobacterium phosphoreum. in the region examined, 1100-1700 cm-1, the raman spectrum of the lumazine is less crowded than that of the flavin and this facilitates assignment of observed frequenc ...19807426621
co-induction of fatty acid reductase and luciferase during development of bacterial bioluminescence.the luminescent bacterium photobacterium phosphoreum has been shown to possess a fatty acid reductase based on the stimulation of the aldehyde-dependent luminescent reaction on incubation of the enzyme with atp, nadph, and tetradecanoic acid (riendeau, d., and meighen, e. (1979) j. biol. chem. 254, 7488-7490). a direct, luciferase-independent assay for the fatty acid reductase has now been developed using [3h]tetradecanoic acid as substrate and thin layer chromatography to separate and identify ...19807440587
modelling of microbial activity and prediction of shelf life for packed fresh fish.prediction of shelf life based on growth of specific spoilage organisms (sso) in model substrates was studied. the effect of co2 on the growth kinetics for photobacterium phosphoreum and shewanella putrefaciens was quantified and modelled. results showed that microbial spoilage of packed cod stored with various concentrations of co2 was accurately predicted from the effect of co2 on p. phosphoreum grown in model substrates. the short shelf life extensions previously reported for packed cod there ...19957488526
qualitative and quantitative characterization of spoilage bacteria from packed fish.the large cells recently suggested to be responsible for spoilage of packed cod, have been identified as photobacterium phosphoreum. the spoilage activity of these cells, of shewanella putrefaciens and of other microorganisms isolated form spoiled packed cod has been studied. both qualitative and quantitative tests were used for characterization of the microbial spoilage activity. the importance of the different groups of microorganisms was evaluated by comparison of microbial spoilage activity ...19957488527
phototoxicology. 2. near-ultraviolet light enhancement of microtox assays of trinitrotoluene and aminodinitrotoluenes.coexposure of 2,4,6-trinitrotoluene (tnt), 2-amino-4,6-dinitrotoluene (2a), or 4-amino-2,6-dinitrotoluene (4a) to near-ultraviolet (nuv) light (lambda max-354 nm) significantly enhanced their toxicity toward photobacterium phosphoreum (microtox bioassay) during 30 min but not 15 min. based on the slopes of the dose-response lines, the nuv coexposure and dark toxic mechanisms of action for tnt, 2a, and 4a appeared to be similar. nuv coexposure of binary mixtures significantly enhanced (supraaddit ...19947525202
the environmental risks of industrial waste disposal: an experimental approach including acute and chronic toxicity studies.the toxicity of 15 leachates of various solid industrial wastes accepted in an engineered landfill has been studied. a cost-effective battery of tests allowing evaluation of acute and chronic toxicity, as well as genotoxicity, and investigations on different trophic levels in the aquatic environment has been used. acute toxicity was tested on bacteria (microtox assay with photobacterium phosphoreum) and microcrustaceans (daphnia magna immobilization assay). a growth inhibition test of microalgae ...19947525226
mechanism-based comparisons of acute toxicities elicited by industrial organic chemicals in procaryotic and eucaryotic systems.comparisons of toxicities elicited by nonpolar and polar narcotics, weak acid uncouplers of oxidative phosphorylation, and bioreactive chemicals between the eucaryotic systems pimephales promelas and tetrahymena pyriformis and the procaryotic systems escherichia coli and photobacterium phosphoreum were performed. each chemical had been a priori assigned a mechanism/mode of action based on the results from previous studies with eucaryotic systems. hydrophobicity-dependent qsars for nonpolar narco ...19947533711
review of whole-organism bioassays: soil, freshwater sediment, and freshwater assessment in canada.whole organism bioassays for the assessment of soil, freshwater sediment, and freshwater quality were evaluated for their application in the assessment and remediation of contaminated sites in canada under the national contaminated sites remediation program. using 3 essential and 12 desirable methodological criteria, bioassays were categorized as currently usable, prototype, or under development. based on further considerations related to bioassay application, a battery of usable screening and d ...19957541337
crystal structure determination of a flavoprotein fp390 from a luminescent bacterium, photobacterium phosphoreum.the three-dimensional structure of a flavoprotein, fp390, purified from a luminescent bacterium, photobacterium phosphoreum, has been determined at 3 a resolution by x-ray crystallography. crystallographic refinements of the structural model have led to an r-factor of 0.24 for the intensity data between 6 to 3 a resolution collected with synchrotron radiation. it was found that a homodimer of the fp390 molecules related by a non-crystallographic 2-fold axis is comprised in the asymmetric unit. t ...19957629024
quantitative structure-activity relationships as a tool to assess the comparative toxicity of organic chemicals.quantitative structure-activity relationships of toxicity are discussed as a means of assessing the value of the microtox test which uses the light-emitting bacterium vibrio fisheri (photobacterium phosphoreum) as a replacement for toxicity testing in higher species. the microtox test is found to be a good surrogate for testing in fish, for compounds acting by the narcosis mechanism. however, for reactive chemicals the microtox test significantly underestimates the potential hazard. it should no ...19957670864
ecotox-evaluation strategy for soil bioremediation exemplified for a pah-contaminated site.during a bioremediation of a pah-contaminated site chemical and biological analyses were carried out. the biological investigations included ecotoxicological analyses in the aqueous extract, (pseudomonas putida, photobacterium phosphoreum, daphnids, algae, fish) and analyses in the soil with introduced organisms (plants, earthworms) and natural soil organisms (nematodes, microorganisms). in all test systems a correspondence between decreasing toxicity and degradation of the easily biodegradable ...19947922149
uv-a coexposure enhances the toxicity of aromatic hydrocarbons, munitions, and metals to photobacterium phosphoreum.johnson et al. (1993) showed that coexposure to uv-a between 300-400 nm enhanced the toxicity of nitrotoluenes to photobacterium phosphoreum, a marine bioluminescent bacteria used in the microtox test (microbics inc.). this paper reports that uv-a photoenhanced the toxicity of polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbons, other types of organic compounds, and some transition metals to p. phosphoreum. coexposure to 400 muw/cm2 for 15 min increased the toxicity of psoralen, alpha-terthienyl, anthracene, acri ...19947946004
preparation of p-flavin-bound and p-flavin-free luciferase and p-flavin-bound beta-subunit of luciferase from photobacterium phosphoreum.p-flavin-bound luciferase, p-flavin-free luciferase, and p-flavin-bound beta-subunit of luciferase were prepared from photobacterium phosphoreum using hydrophobic interaction chromatography after conventional purification using deae-cellulose chromatography and gel-filtration. the p-flavin-bound luciferase preparation contained about 20% p-flavin-free luciferase not removable by the present procedure. since the specific activity of the p-flavin-bound luciferase preparation was about 20% of that ...19948089082
an essential histidine residue required for fatty acylation and acyl transfer by myristoyltransferase from luminescent bacteria.the lux-specific acyltransferases are serine esterases responsible for preferential diversion of myristic acid from fatty acid biosynthesis to the luminescent system. in contrast to other acyltransferases, an acylated enzyme intermediate can readily be detected making it ideal for the study of the mechanism of acyl transfer. although the transferase readily cleaves acyl carrier protein and acyl-coa, an alternate more rapid and convenient assay involving the cleavage of p-nitrophenyl acyl esters ...19948120025
human acute toxicity prediction of the first 50 meic chemicals by a battery of ecotoxicological tests and physicochemical properties.five acute bioassays consisting of three cyst-based tests (with artemia salina, streptocephalus proboscideus and brachionus calyciflorus), the daphnia magna test and the bacterial luminescence inhibition test (photobacterium phosphoreum) are used to determine the acute toxicity of the 50 priority chemicals of the multicentre evaluation of in vitro cytotoxicity (meic) programme. these tests and five physiocochemical properties (n-octanol-water partition coefficient, molecular weight, melting poin ...19948132177
riboflavin synthesis genes are linked with the lux operon of photobacterium phosphoreum.four genes immediately downstream of luxg in the photobacterium phosphoreum lux operon (ribebha) have been sequenced and shown to be involved in riboflavin synthesis. sequence analyses and complementation of escherichia coli riboflavin auxotrophs showed that the gene products of ribb and riba are 3,4-dihydroxy-2-butanone 4-phosphate (dhbp) synthetase and gtp cyclohydrolase ii, respectively. by expression of p. phosphoreum ribe in e. coli using the bacteriophage t7 promoter-rna polymerase system, ...19948144477
spoilage and shelf-life of cod fillets packed in vacuum or modified atmospheres.microbial growth, sensory and chemical changes and composition of gas atmosphere were studied in vacuum packed (vp) and modified atmosphere packed (map) cod fillets stored at 0 degree c. contrary to previous studies, coccobacilli and pleomorphic gram-negative microorganisms (2-4 by 2-5 microns) and not shewanella putrefaciens were found most likely to be the main spoilage organisms. these microorganisms, which may be photobacterium phosphoreum, can explain the short shelf-life extension of vp an ...19938257657
growth and luminescence of luminous bacteria promoted by agents of microbial origin.the examination of four species of luminous bacteria photobacterium leiognathi, photobacterium phosphoreum, vibrio fischeri and vibrio harveyi has enabled us to reveal some nutrient medium components effecting growth, luminescence intensity and luciferase synthesis. these agents are nucleic components (nucleotides, nucleotides and amine bases), amino acids and vitamins, which are part of hydrolysates from the biomass of various lithotrophic microorganisms, hydrogen-oxidizing, iron-oxidizing and ...19938285107
light organ symbioses in fishes.most bioluminescent fishes are self-luminescent, but a substantial minority of bioluminescent teleosts produce light that is due to symbiotic luminous bacteria housed in elaborate light organs. the majority of symbiotically bioluminescent fishes (ten families in five orders) harbors common free-living species of marine luminous bacteria: photobacterium phosphoreum, p. leiognathi, and p. fischeri (= vibrio fischeri). others, associated with the beryciform family anomalopidae and nine families in ...19938305135
use of the bioluminescent bacterium photobacterium phosphoreum to detect potentially biohazardous materials in water. 19938400656
inhibitory effects of tannins on nadh dehydrogenases of various organisms.we examined the effects of purified tannins and related compounds (33 species) on nadh-ubiquinone-1 oxidoreductase activity in four kinds of organism (paracoccus denitrificans, bacillus subtilis, photobacterium phosphoreum, and thermus thermophilus hb-8) and rat liver mitochondria. in addition to pentagalloylglucose, which was reported as a potent inhibitor of nadh dehydrogenases (ndh), sanguiin h-11, oolonghomobisflavan a, and polymerized procyanidin are potent inhibitors for both types of ndh ...19938401410
toxicity of produced water from crude oil terminals to photobacterium phosphoreum, chaetoceros sp., and donax faba. 19938428121
the lumazine protein-encoding gene in photobacterium leiognathi is linked to the lux operon.the nucleotide (nt) sequence of the lump (embl accession no. x65612) gene of photobacterium leiognathi pl741 was determined and the amino acid (aa) sequence deduced. the encoded aa sequence of lump was identified as that of the lumazine protein (lump) by homology with that of photobacterium phosphoreum (56%). this small protein has a calculated m(r) of 19,997 and comprises 186 aa residues. biochemical studies suggested that lump is the protein which, when combined with luciferase, is responsible ...19938472956
separation of ph, dilution, ionic strength and chemical matrix effects for biological monitoring of urines with the microtox test using nicotine, cotinine and reference urines.the aim was to investigate the factors influencing light emission from photobacterium phosphoreum in the microtox test to interpret bioassay results for urine. four reference urines were assessed as reference materials for the bioassay. nicotine and cotinine were investigated as urinary markers for tobacco exposure. the optimum luminescence conditions were: 1.85%-3.25% nacl, 0.33-0.58 mol/l ionic strength, and ph 5.8-6.7. low ph values and high concentration of toxic trace metals were important ...19938475782
microbial bioassays to assess the toxicity of solid-associated contaminants.due to the effects that sediment or soil matrices have on the bioavailability of compounds, it has been difficult to screen toxicity of solid-associated contaminants. the majority of microbial assays for testing toxicity of soils and sediments have been performed on water or solvent extracts. these procedures lead to a fractionation of the toxicity, which may underestimate or overestimate exposure routes and consequently potential adverse environmental effects. recently, a solid-phase microtox a ...19958521786
toxicity of methyl tertiary butyl ether to daphnia magna and photobacterium phosphoreum. 19958555689
methylenetetrahydrofolate dehydrogenase-cyclohydrolase from photobacterium phosphoreum shares properties with a mammalian mitochondrial homologue.the marine bioluminescent bacterium photobacterium phosphoreum expresses a bifunctional methylenetetrahydrofolate dehydrogenase-cyclohydrolase with dual cofactor specificity. an investigation of the kinetic parameters of the p. phosphoreum enzyme indicate that its utilization of dinucleotide cofactors shares similarities with the human mitochondrial dehydrogenase-cyclohydrolase. both enzymes exhibit dual cofactor specificity and the nad(+)-dependent dehydrogenase activities from both enzymes can ...19968765228
effect of modified atmosphere packaging on the tvb/tma-producing microflora of cod fillets.cod fillets (gadus morhua) were packed under modified atmospheres, with four different gas compositions (60% co2-10% o2-30% n2, 60% co2-20% o2-20% n2, 60% co2-30% o2-10% n2, 60% co2-40% o2), and stored at 6 degrees c. plate counts were carried out after 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7 days, to follow the growth of aerobic and anaerobic bacteria, lactic acid bacteria, h2s-producing bacteria and enterobacteriaceae. the production of total volatile bases (tvb) and trimethylamine (tma), and the changes in ph of th ...19968880310
microbiological spoilage of fish and fish products.spoilage of fresh and lightly preserved fish products is caused by microbial action. this paper reviews the current knowledge in terms of the microbiology of fish and fish products with particular emphasis on identification of specific spoilage bacteria and the qualitative and quantitative biochemical indicators of spoilage. shewanella putrefaciens and pseudomonas spp. are the specific spoilage bacteria of iced fresh fish regardless of the origin of the fish. modified atmosphere stored marine fi ...19968913813
qsar study of the toxicity of nitrobenzenes to river bacteria and photobacterium phosphoreum. 19978952935
determination of acute toxicity of polychlorinated biphenyls to photobacterium phosphoreum. 19978975803
classification of photobacteria associated with spoilage of fish products by numerical taxonomy and pyrolysis mass spectrometry.forty strains of luminous and non-luminous photobacterium phosphoreum isolates from cod (gadus morhua) and seven reference strains of psychrotolerant and mesophilic photobacteria were examined for 156 unit characters in a numerical taxonomic study. the fish strains were isolated from the intestines, from spoiled products and by using a specific detection method. the data were analysed using the similarity coefficient and the unweighted pair-group with arithmetic averages algorithm. in addition t ...19979060149
evaluation of the genotoxicity potential (by mutatox test) of ten pesticides found as water pollutants in cyprus.ten pesticides: aldicarb, aldicard sulfone, aldicarb oxide, carbofuran, propoxur, methomyl, diuron, linuron, alachlor and parathion-methyl, found as water pollutants in cyprus, were evaluated for their genotoxicity potential with the mutatox test, both directly and after exogenous activation with s9 hepatic enzymes. a dark variant (m 169) of the photobacterium phosphoreum was used as the test organism. trials were undertaken in triplicate using ground-water spiked with pesticides solutions at te ...19969111768
ecotoxicity monitoring--use of vibrio fischeri.the proliferation of chemical substances having the potential to pollute any environmental medium (air, land, water), or humans via occupational exposure, la considerable. whilst chemical analytical techniques exist for the measurement of some of these chemicals, many of the methods involve costly techniques of considerable sophistication-quantification may be even more difficult. in less developed countries where sophisticated techniques may not be available or supplies of reagents, compressed ...19969127506
cysteine-286 as the site of acylation of the lux-specific fatty acyl-coa reductase.the channelling of fatty acids into the fatty aldehyde substrate for the bacterial bioluminescence reaction is catalyzed by a fatty acid reductase multienzyme complex, which channels fatty acids through the thioesterase (luxd), synthetase (luxe) and reductase (luxc) components. although all three components can be readily acylated in extracts of different luminescent bacteria, this complex has been successfully purified only from photobacterium phosphoreum and the sites of acylation identified o ...19979128139
the toxicity of substituted phenolic compounds to a detoxifying and an acetic acid the detoxifying bacterium acinetobacter calcoaceticus 69-v and in the acetic acid bacterium acetobacter methanolicus mb 58, glucose and xylose are oxidized, respectively, via pqq-dependent membrane-bound dehydrogenases, which are linked to the respiratory chain in a manner enabling energy conservation via electron transport phosphorylation (etp) in the cytoplasmic membrane. neither the glucose and gluconic acid nor the xylose and xylonic acid are metabolized. therefore, measurements of sugar ...19979143455
evaluation of the toxicity of uncaria tomentosa by bioassays in vitro.aqueous extracts of uncaria tomentosa (willdenow ex roemer and schultes) dc. (rubiaceae) ('uña de gato'), were analyzed for the presence of toxic compounds in chinese hamster ovary cells (cho) and bacterial cells (photobacterium phosphoreum). toxicity was evaluated by four systems: neutral red assay (nr), total protein content (kb), tetrazolium assay (mtt) and microtox test. the extracts of u. tomentosa did not show toxicity in vitro at the concentrations tested. testing in vitro could be a valu ...19979292411
methenyltetrahydrofolate cyclohydrolase is rate limiting for the enzymatic conversion of 10-formyltetrahydrofolate to 5,10-methylenetetrahydrofolate in bifunctional dehydrogenase-cyclohydrolase enzymes.the kinetic properties of three methylenetetrahydrofolate dehydrogenase-cyclohydrolase (d/c) enzymes (the nadp-dependent bifunctional domain of the human cytoplasmic trifunctional enzyme, the human mitochondrial nad-dependent bifunctional enzyme, and the nad(p)-dependent bifunctional enzyme from photobacterium phosphoreum) were determined in both forward and reverse directions. in the forward direction, the enzymes possess widely different ratios of kcat c/kcat d, but all channel methenylh4folat ...19989454603
application of an iterative approach for development of a microbial model predicting the shelf-life of packed iterative approach was used to develop a microbial model for shelf-life prediction of cod fillets packed in modified atmospheres. the effect of temperature (0-15 degrees c) and co2 (0-100%) on growth of the specific spoilage organism, photobacterium phosphoreum, was studied in packed cod and in liquid media. p. phosphoreum was a dominant part of the spoilage microflora of packed cod stored at the extremes of the range of conditions studied. the organism is therefore likely to be important for ...19979506282
evaluation of the toxicity of guarana with in vitro bioassays.a natural stimulant, paullinia cupana, commonly called guarana, was tested for its ability to induce in vitro toxicity in chinese hamster ovary (cho) cells and bacterial cells (photobacterium phosphoreum). the cytotoxic effects of aqueous guarana extracts were evaluated by three endpoint systems: neutral red (nr) uptake assay, total protein content [kenacid blue (kb)] assay, and tetrazolium (mtt) assay. the microtox test was also used. results indicated that the lowest concentration of guarana t ...19989570905
thawed cod fillets spoil less rapidly than unfrozen fillets when stored under modified atmosphere at 2 degrees c.the effect of two months of frozen storage at -20 degrees c on the spoilage characteristics and shelf life of thawed and modified atmosphere packed (map) cod fillets stored at 2 degrees c was studied. thawed map cod fillets were compared with fresh cod fillets stored in co2-containing modified atmospheres with and without added oxygen. the shelf life of 11 to 12 days in the fresh map cod was extended to more than 20 days in the thawed map cod at 2 degrees c. this shelf life extension was most li ...19989766063
specific inhibition of photobacterium phosphoreum extends the shelf life of modified-atmosphere-packed cod fillets.inhibition of the specific spoilage organism, photobacterium phosphoreum, was studied in model substrates and in modified-atmosphere-packed cod fillets. the objective was to determine how inhibition of this organism influenced spoilage. the spoilage reactions limiting shelf life were studied rather than the development of a new product. in naturally contaminated modified-atmosphere-packed cod fillets, 500 ppm na2caedta reduced the growth rate of p. phosphoreum by 40% and shelf life was increased ...19989766075
use of an autobioluminescent salmonella hadar to monitor the effects of acid and temperature treatments on cell survival and viability on lactic acid-treated poultry determine the long-term effects of a lactic acid rinse on viability and recovery of pathogens, salmonella hadar was isolated from poultry and bioluminescent constructs obtained by transformation with the lux (cdabe) gene cassette from photobacterium phosphoreum. results indicated that the transformed salmonella hadar lux was otherwise phenotypically similar to the wild-type strain. viability studies were performed by measuring luminescence following lactic acid treatment of turkey breast and ...19989829182
prediction of water solubility and toxicity of substituted indoles to photobacterium phosphoreum using molecular connectivity indices and quantum chemical parameters. 19989841718
reassessment of the taxonomic position of vibrio iliopiscarius (onarheim et al. 1994) and proposal for photobacterium iliopiscarium comb. nov.the phylogenetic position of vibrio iliopiscarius was inferred by the maximum-likelihood, maximum-parsimony and neighbour-joining methods on the basis of almost complete 16s rrna gene sequences. the results showed that this species falls into the same cluster as photobacterium species and is clearly distinct from other vibrio species. its nearest phylogenetic neighbour is photobacterium phosphoreum. from these results, it is concluded that v. iliopiscarius should be reclassified as photobacteriu ...199910028270
analysis of river water by bioluminescent biotests.the bacterial bioluminescence has high sensitivity to the action of various inhibitors of biological activity. the lyophilized luminous bacteria photobacterium phosphoreum (microbiosensor b17 677f) and luminous strain escherichia coli (microbiosensor ec) from the culture collection ibso were used to create bioluminescent biotests. they have been applied in ecological monitoring to determine the overall toxicity of the yenisei and angara rivers and some water sources of altai territory. as a rule ...199910512990
evaluation of acute toxicity and genotoxicity of liquid products from pyrolysis of eucalyptus grandis wood.slow pyrolysis of eucalyptus grandis wood was performed in an oven laboratory, and smoke was trapped and condensed to yield liquid products. polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (pahs) and phenolic fractions were isolated from the former liquid products using adsorption column chromatography (acc) and identified by gc/ms. concentrations of pah and phenolic fractions in total pyrolysis liquids were respectively 48.9 microg/g and 8.59% (w/w). acute toxicity of total samples of pyrolysis liquids and th ...200010629278
properties of the bimodal fluorescent protein produced by photobacterium phosphoreum.a fluorescent protein isolated from the deep-sea luminous bacterium photobacterium phosphoreum strain bmfp has been purified, cloned and sequenced. the protein is 96.5% identical in amino acid sequence to fp390, the weakly fluorescent flavoprotein encoded by the luxf gene characteristic of photobacterium species. similar to fp390, bmfp is a dimer of two homologous subunits binding four fmn-myristate chromophores but has the distinctive feature of emitting a bimodal fluorescence with maxima at ab ...200010687399
activities of the bimodal fluorescent protein produced by photobacterium phosphoreum strain bmfp in the luciferase reaction in vitro.the activity of the bimodal fluorescent protein (bmfp) (lambda max, 488 and 517 nm) in the in vitro luciferase reaction has been studied. the bmfp that is produced by photobacterium phosphoreum strain bmfp is a dimer of two homologous subunits binding four riboflavin 5'-phosphate (fmn)-myristate chromophores. the addition of bmfp to the luciferase reaction in the presence of the lumazine protein prevented the lumazine protein-induced blue shift in the emission band. the bmfp reduced electrochemi ...200010687400
prediction and qsar analysis of toxicity to photobacterium phosphoreum for a group of heterocyclic nitrogen compounds. 200010757653
beta-cyclodextrin(beta-cd) influence on the biotoxicities of substituted benzene compounds and pesticide intermediates.the acute toxicities of 19 substituted benzene compounds and intermediates of pesticides to photobacterium phosphoreum in beta-cd aqueous solution (5 g/l) were studied and compared with those in water through luminescent bacteria toxicity test, and 15min-ec50 values were obtained. the presence of beta-cd significantly reduce biotoxicities of the low-polarity compounds, while for the higher-polarity compounds, such effect was slight. the differences of biotoxicities were correlated with log10kow ...199910903103
ecotoxicological experiences on lemna minor test system.are plants generally less sensitive to toxicity than aquatic animals as indicated by some authors (1)? the use of phytotoxicity (higher plant) tests as a part of ecotoxicology is relatively underdeveloped. the objective of this study was to compare the results of the oecd lemna growth inhibition test with other mainly used test systems. three toxicants were tested applying the alga growth inhibition test (seleneastrum capricornutum), the daphnia immobilization test (daphnia magna) and the microt ...200010943492
hyperactivity and interactions of a chimeric myristoryl-acp thioesterase from the lux system of luminescent bacteria.a chimeric myristoyl-acp thioesterase with much higher catalytic efficiency than the parental enzymes has been generated by ligating the n-terminal half of the lux-specific thioesterase (luxd) from photobacterium phosphoreum with the c-terminal half of luxd from vibrio harveyi. the luxd chimera had the same rate-limiting step and specificity, but cleaved esters and thioesters over eight times faster than the native enzymes. luxd, along with acyl-protein synthetase (luxe) and reductase (luxc), co ...200011018714
the effect of biogenic amine production by single bacterial cultures and metabiosis on cold-smoked salmon.biogenic amines are important indicators of spoilage in vacuum-packed cold-smoked salmon. it is the aim of this study to identify bacteria responsible for biogenic amine production in cold-smoked salmon.200011123465
fate and effect of monoalkyl quaternary ammonium surfactants in the aquatic environment.the effect of the alkyl chain of quaternary ammonium-based surfactants on their aquatic toxicity and aerobic biodegradability has been studied. two families of monoalkylquats surfactants were selected: alkyl trimethyl ammonium and alkyl benzyl dimethyl ammonium halides. acute toxicity tests on daphnia magna and photobacterium phosphoreum were carried out and ec50 values in the range of 0.1-1 mg/l were obtained for the two series of cationic surfactants. although the substitution of a benzyl grou ...200111202711
improved agar diffusion method for detecting residual antimicrobial agents.the improved agar diffusion method for determination of residual antimicrobial agents was investigated, and the sensitivities of various combinations of test organisms and assay media were determined using 7 organisms, 5 media, and 31 antimicrobial agents. bacillus stearothermophilus and synthetic assay medium (sam) showed the greatest sensitivity for screening penicillins (penicillin g and ampicillin). the combination of bacillus subtilis and minimum medium (mm) was the most sensitive for tetra ...200111252480
characterisation of volatile compounds produced by bacteria isolated from the spoilage flora of cold-smoked salmon.this study investigated the volatile compounds produced by bacteria belonging to nine different bacterial groups: lactobacillus sake, l. farciminis, l. alimentarius, carnobacterium piscicola, aeromonas sp., shewanella putrefaciens, brochothrix thermosphacta, photobacterium phosphoreum and enterobacteriaceae isolated from cold-smoked salmon. each bacterial group was represented by several strains. in addition, combinations of the groups were examined as well. sterile blocks of cold-smoked salmon ...200111428576
[modification of the photobacterium phosphoreum toxicity test method].in order to reduce the variation of photobacterium phosphoreum luminous intensity during testing, the photobacterium phosphoreum toxicity test was modified by a correction factor, piacetone, in this paper. the effects of magnetic stirring time, culture time, culture generation and culture temperature on the measured results were discussed. the modified method had good laboratory repeatability and the relative standard deviation (rsd) was between 2.1% and 13.1%. reliable data could be obtained us ...200111432056
the acute toxicity of alpha-branched phenylsulfonyl acetates in photobacterium phosphoreum test.the acute toxicity (15-min ec(50)) of 20 alpha-substituted phenylsulfonyl acetates was measured using the microtox test with photobacterium phosphoreum. on the basis of tlser, quantitative structure-activity relationships (qsars) were calculated for the inhibition of bioluminescence. with the parameters molecular volume (v(mc)), dipolarity/polarizability (pi*), and the covalent contribution to lewis basicity (epsilon(b)), a squared correlation coefficient (r(2)(adj)) of 0.868 and standard error ...200111440477
biodegradation of aliphatic-aromatic copolyesters: evaluation of the final biodegradability and ecotoxicological impact of degradation intermediates.the biological degradation behaviour of the aliphatic-aromatic copolyester ecoflex was investigated with regard to the degree of degradation and the intermediates formed during the degradation process. the individual thermophilic strain thermomonospora fusca, isolated from compost material, was used for the degradation experiments in a defined synthetic medium at 55 degrees c. after 22 days of degradation more than 99.9% of the polymer had depolymerized and with regard to the degradation of the ...200111444312
cement for stabilisation of industrial residues containing heavy metals.a method aimed at decreasing the toxicity of heavy metals [namely, zn(ii) and cr(iii)] in real polluted residues by immobilisation has been developed. the residues were processed either with two cement-type stabilisers or lime. the cement-type stabilisers were portland cement and depocrete sm/2 at the self-generated ph (ca. 11) which afforded physical as well as chemical potential for the immobilisation of heavy metals. the other stabiliser, lime, reduced organic compounds, thus favouring the de ...199911529190
kinetics of light emission and oxygen consumption by bioluminescent bacteria.oxygen plays a key role in bacterial bioluminescence. the simultaneous and continuous kinetics of oxygen consumption and light emission during a complete exhaustion of the exogenous oxygen present in a closed system has been investigated. the kinetics are performed with vibrio fischeri, v. harveyi, and photobacterium phosphoreum incubated on respiratory substrates chosen for their different reducing power. the general patterns of the luminescence time courses are different among species but not ...200111710810
development of quantitative structure activity relationships in toxicity prediction of complex predict the toxicity of mixtures of halogenated benzenes (narcotics).200111730561
characterization of the binding of photobacterium phosphoreum p-flavin by vibrio harveyi luciferase.the isolated photobacterium phosphoreum luciferase is associated with a bound flavin designated p-flavin and tentatively identified as 6-(3"-myristic acid)-fmn. since fmn and myristic acid are products of the normal luciferase reaction, we explored the possibility that p-flavin can also be bound by luciferase from other luminous bacteria and serve as an active site probe. p-flavin has never been detected in vibrio harveyi cells. we found that the v. harveyi luciferase binds p. phosphoreum p-flav ...200111747297
[photobacterium phosphoreum assay on the toxicity of soil contaminated by heavy metals].the toxicity of soil artificially contaminated by heavy metals was assessed with photobacterium phosphoreum. the results showed that the duration of optimum balance was 24 hours, and that of optimum extraction was 2 hours. two leaching methods were compared, and data showed that optimum leaching solvent was hydrocarbon chloride with a concentration of 0.1 mol.l-1 hcl. dose-response curve indicated that the content of heavy metals was positively related with the toxicity of soil. the general dete ...200111758433
antimicrobial effect of essential oils on the seafood spoilage micro-organism photobacterium phosphoreum in liquid media and fish evaluate the antimicrobial effect of nine essential oils (eo) on p. phosphoreum and determine the effect of oregano oil on the shelf-life of modified atmosphere-packed (map) cod fillets.200211849488
sensory, chemical and bacteriological changes in vacuum-packed pressurised squid mantle (todaropsis eblanae) stored at 4 degrees c.sensory, chemical and bacteriological changes were studied in vacuum-packed squid mantles (todaropsis eblanae) that were pressurised at 150, 200, 300 and 400 megapascal (mpa) for 15 min at ambient temperature and stored at 4 degrees c. sensory analysis showed that the higher the pressurisation the longer the shelf-life. thus, the lot pressurised at 400 mpa was rejected after 28 days' storage compared with 7 days for the untreated lot. the chemical results generally corresponded with the sensory ...200211929163
an ecotoxic risk assessment of residue materials produced by the plasma pyrolysis/vitrification (pp/v) process.plasma is the fourth state of matter, following the three states of solid, liquid and gas. experience has amply demonstrated that solids exposed to the oxygen-deficient plasma flame are converted to liquid, and liquid exposed to the same flame is converted to gas. a low amount of vitrified solid residue material usually remains at the end of this process. plasma pyrolysis/vitrification (pp/v) has been demonstrated as a safe, efficient, cost-effective technology for the treatment of wastes, inclu ...200211952180
[characteristics and utilities of luminescent bacteria from the black sea].luminescent bacteria, isolated from summer specimens of water of the black sea, have been identified as strains of photobacterium phosphoreum and vibrio fischeri (two of each). morphological, physiological, and biochemical properties of the four strains have been characterized, and the kinetic behavior of luciferases isolated therefrom has been studied. the sensitivity of the luminescence of the strains to certain toxic agents has been compared to that of the test strain ph. phosphoreum (cohn) f ...200211962223
microbial spoilage and formation of biogenic amines in fresh and thawed modified atmosphere-packed salmon (salmo salar) at 2 degrees evaluate the microbial spoilage, formation of biogenic amines and shelf life of chilled fresh and frozen/thawed salmon packed in a modified atmosphere and stored at 2 degrees c.200211966922
sensory, chemical and bacteriological changes during storage of iced squid (todaropsis eblanae).to relate sensory shelf-life of iced whole and gutted squid to bacterial growth and chemical changes.200211972700
a case study of logistic qsar modeling methods and robustness tests.acute toxicity (15-min ec(50)) determination of 16 substituted naphthalene compounds to photobacterium phosphoreum was undertaken according to the standard procedures, while the effects of molecular structures of selected compounds on their toxicity to test microorganisms were logistically conducted using the quantitative structure-activity relationship (qsar) technique. the relationship was developed as -log ec(50)=5.5916 (+/-0.1189)-7.4893(+/-0.4900)qh(+)+0.7771(+/-0.0619e(lumo)+0.0088(+/-0.00 ...200212061832
biological properties of arginine-based gemini cationic surfactants.biological properties of novel gemini (double-chain/double-head) cationic surfactants, nalpha,nomega-bis(nalpha-acylarginine)alpha,omega-alkylendiamides, so-called bis(args), are reported. the effect of both the alkyl (10 and 12 carbon atoms) and the spacer chain (from 2-10 methylene groups) of bis(args) on their antimicrobial activity, acute toxicity on daphnia magna and photobacterium phosphoreum, and aerobic biodegradability is studied. these surfactants constitute a novel class of chemicals ...200212069315
implications of the reactive thiol and the proximal non-proline cis-peptide bond in the structure and function of vibrio harveyi luciferase.the role of a highly reactive cysteine residue, cys106, in vibrio harveyi luciferase in modulating the substrate-enzyme interactions and in turn affecting the enzyme activity has been extensively investigated over the past three decades. replacing cys106 with valine dramatically hinders the ability of luciferase to stabilize the c4a-hydroperoxyflavin intermediate [abu-soud, h. m., clark, a. c., francisco, w. a., baldwin, t. o., and raushel, f. m. (1993) j. biol. chem. 268, 7699-7706] and consume ...200212146958
ecotoxicological assessment of leachates from mswi bottom this paper, chemical and ecotoxicological data of leachates from bottom ashes collected in different municipal solid waste incinerators (mswi) are shown. the bottom ashes were collected in belgium (three incinerators--samples b1 to b3), france, germany, italy and united kingdom (one incinerator in each country--samples f1, d1, i1 and uk1, respectively). both chemical and ecotoxicological characterizations of leachates were done on the framework of the european directive 91/689/eec and the eur ...200212214969
[interaction of cationic surface-active antiseptics and serum albumin by the bacterial bioluminescence method].human serum albumin binding of cationic surface-active antiseptics was studied using a photobacterium phosphoreum k3 strain isolated by the authors in the black sea. binding of cationic surface-active proteins to serum albumin led to disappearance of toxic and antibacterial characteristics of miramistine, ethonium, and decametoxin, but not chlorohexidine. the activity of chlorohexidine was reduced by 45-48% in the presence of albumin. albumin binding capacity towards miramistine was 7.0-8.7%, to ...200212412506
Displaying items 101 - 200 of 507