
rna-oligonucleotide quantification technique (roqt) for the enumeration of uncultivated bacterial species in subgingival biofilms.approximately 35% of the species present in subgingival biofilms are as yet uncultivated, so their role in periodontal pathogenesis is unknown. the aim of the present study was to develop a high throughput method to quantify a wide range of cultivated and uncultivated taxa in subgingival biofilm samples associated with periodontal disease or health. oligonucleotides targeting the 16s ribosomal dna gene were designed, synthesized and labeled with digoxigenin. these probes were hybridized with the ...201121375703
emerging thermotolerant campylobacter species in healthy ruminants and swine.campylobacters other than campylobacter jejuni or c. coli were isolated in 35% of 343 farms recently analyzed in northern spain. this study was aimed at identifying at the species level the 120 isolates collected (21 ovine, 52 beef cattle, 44 dairy cattle, and 3 porcine) by species-specific polymerase chain reaction and 16s rrna gene sequencing analysis. thus, five species were identified: campylobacter hyointestinalis (90 isolates), campylobacter lanienae (12), campylobacter fetus subsp. fetus ...201121438765
emended description of campylobacter sputorum and revision of its infrasubspecific (biovar) divisions, including c. sputorum biovar paraureolyticus, a urease-producing variant from cattle and humans.a polyphasic taxonomic study of 15 bovine and human strains assigned to the catalase-negative, urease-positive campylobacter (cnupc) group identified these bacteria as a novel, ureolytic biovar of campylobacter sputorum for which we propose the name c. sputorum bv. paraureolyticus: suitable reference strains are lmg 11764 (human isolate) and lmg 17590 (= ccug 37579, bovine isolate). the present study confirmed previous findings showing that the salient biochemical tests used to differentiate c. ...19989542089
direct quantification of campylobacter jejuni and campylobacter lanienae in feces of cattle by real-time quantitative pcr.campylobacter species are fastidious to culture, and the ability to directly quantify biomass in microbiologically complex substrates using real-time quantitative (rtq) pcr may enhance our understanding of their biology and facilitate the development of efficacious mitigation strategies. this study reports the use of nested rtq-pcr to directly quantify campylobacter jejuni and campylobacter lanienae in cattle feces. for c. jejuni, the single-copy mapa gene was selected. for c. lanienae, the thre ...200415066825
development of a real-time fluorescence resonance energy transfer pcr to detect arcobacter species.a real-time pcr targeting the gyrase a subunit gene outside the quinolone resistance-determining region has been developed to detect arcobacter species. the species identification was done by probe hybridization and melting curve analysis, using fluorescence resonance energy transfer technology. discrimination between arcobacter species was straightforward, as the corresponding melting points showed significant differences with the characteristic melting temperatures of 63.5 degrees c, 58.4 degr ...200717652482
extremely acidophilic protists from acid mine drainage host rickettsiales-lineage endosymbionts that have intervening sequences in their 16s rrna genes.during a molecular phylogenetic survey of extremely acidic (ph < 1), metal-rich acid mine drainage habitats in the richmond mine at iron mountain, calif., we detected 16s rrna gene sequences of a novel bacterial group belonging to the order rickettsiales in the alphaproteobacteria. the closest known relatives of this group (92% 16s rrna gene sequence identity) are endosymbionts of the protist acanthamoeba. oligonucleotide 16s rrna probes were designed and used to observe members of this group wi ...200312957940
isolation of campylobacter from feral swine (sus scrofa) on the ranch associated with the 2006 escherichia coli o157:h7 spinach outbreak investigation in california.we report the isolation of campylobacter species from the same population of feral swine that was investigated in san benito county, california, during the 2006 spinach-related escherichia coli o157:h7 outbreak. this is the first survey of campylobacter in a free-ranging feral swine population in the united states. campylobacter species were cultured from buccal and rectal-anal swabs, colonic faeces and tonsils using a combination of selective enrichment and antibiotic-free membrane filtration m ...201222405465
occurrence and characterisation of intervening sequences (ivss) within 16s rrna genes from two atypical campylobacter species, c. sputorum and c. curvus.a polymerase chain reaction (pcr) method was carried out on 21 isolates of atypical campylobacter sputorum (n=14) and c. curvus (n=7) using a primer pair to amplify the helix 11 region within 16s ribosomal rna (rrna) gene sequences. following sequencing and alignment analysis, 14 c. sputorum (100%) and six c. curvus (86%) isolates were shown to carry intervening sequences (ivss) in this region. interestingly, the nucleotide sequences of all the ivss were identical among the 14 c. sputorum isolat ...201020669763
construction and expression of a recombinant urease gene cluster from campylobacter sputorum biovar paraureolyticus.recombinant full-length urease gene cluster and seven 100% deletion recombinant variants of urease subunits genes, (ureg, ureh, urea, ureb, urec, uree and uref) were constructed in vitro from the campylobacter sputorum biovar paraureolyticus lmg17591 strain and expressed in escherichia coli jm109 cells. a urease-positive reaction (1.885 micromol/min/mg protein) in the log-phase cultured e. coli cells transformed with pgem-t vector carrying the recombinant full-length urease genes cluster was det ...201424974680
comparative genomics of all three campylobacter sputorum biovars and a novel cattle-associated c. sputorum clade.campylobacter sputorum is a nonthermotolerant campylobacter that is primarily isolated from food animals such as cattle and sheep. c. sputorum is also infrequently associated with human illness. based on catalase and urease activity, three biovars are currently recognized within c. sputorum: bv. sputorum (catalase negative, urease negative), bv. fecalis (catalase positive, urease negative), and bv. paraureolyticus (catalase negative, urease positive). a multi-locus sequence typing (mlst) method ...201728633450
molecular analysis and characterization of a urease gene operon from campylobacter sputorum biovar paraureolyticus.when recombinant plasmid dna from a genomic dna library and inverse pcr products of campylobacter sputorum biovar paraureolyticus lmg17591 strain were analyzed, an approximate 6.5-kb pair region, encoding a urease gene operon, was identified. within the operon, seven closely spaced and putative open reading frames for ureg, ureh(d), urea, ureb, urec, uree, and uref were detected in order. a possible overlap was detected between ureg and ureh(d), ureh(d) and urea, and uree and uref. in addition, ...201121431911
rapid identification and quantification of campylobacter coli and campylobacter jejuni by real-time pcr in pure cultures and in complex samples.abstract: background: campylobacter spp., especially campylobacter jejuni (c. jejuni) and campylobacter coli (c. coli), are recognized as the leading human foodborne pathogens in developed countries. livestock animals carrying campylobacter pose an important risk for human contamination. pigs are known to be frequently colonized with campylobacter, especially c. coli, and to excrete high numbers of this pathogen in their faeces. molecular tools, notably real-time pcr, provide an effective, rapid ...201121600037
newly identified pathogens associated with periodontitis: a systematic review.there is substantial evidence supporting the role of certain oral bacteria species in the onset and progression of periodontitis. nevertheless, results of independent-culture diagnostic methods introduced about a decade ago have pointed to the existence of new periodontal pathogens. however, the data of these studies have not been evaluated together, which may generate some misunderstanding on the actual role of these microorganisms in the etiology of periodontitis. the aim of this systematic re ...201425074492
characterization of the structurally diverse n-linked glycans of campylobacter species.the gram-negative bacterium campylobacter jejuni encodes an extensively characterized n-linked protein glycosylation system that modifies many surface proteins with a heptasaccharide glycan. in c. jejuni, the genes that encode the enzymes required for glycan biosynthesis and transfer to protein are located at a single pgl gene locus. similar loci are also present in the genome sequences of all other campylobacter species, although variations in gene content and organization are evident. in this ...201222389484
genomic evidence for the emergence and evolution of pathogenicity and niche preferences in the genus campylobacter.the genus campylobacter includes some of the most relevant pathogens for human and animal health; the continuous effort in their characterization has also revealed new species putatively involved in different kind of infections. nowadays, the available genomic data for the genus comprise a wide variety of species with different pathogenic potential and niche preferences. in this work, we contribute to enlarge this available information presenting the first genome for the species campylobacter sp ...201425193310
biological roles of the o-methyl phosphoramidate capsule modification in campylobacter jejuni.campylobacter jejuni is a major cause of bacterial gastroenteritis worldwide, and the capsular polysaccharide (cps) of this organism is required for persistence and disease. c. jejuni produces over 47 different capsular structures, including a unique o-methyl phosphoramidate (meopn) modification present on most c. jejuni isolates. although the meopn structure is rare in nature it has structural similarity to some synthetic pesticides. in this study, we have demonstrated, by whole genome comparis ...201424498018
comparison of characteristics of patients infected by campylobacter jejuni, campylobacter coli, and campylobacter fetus.a large database of campylobacter isolates precisely identified at the species level was used to compare patients' characteristics. in a multivariate analysis, campylobacter coli was found more often in older patients and in patients having traveled abroad and less often in summertime than campylobacter jejuni. campylobacter fetus infection occurred in much older patients and in hospitalized patients with a systemic disease.201424197884
characterization in helicobacter pylori of a nickel transporter essential for colonization that was acquired during evolution by gastric helicobacter species.metal acquisition is crucial for all cells and for the virulence of many bacterial pathogens. in particular, nickel is a virulence determinant for the human gastric pathogen helicobacter pylori as it is the cofactor of two enzymes essential for in vivo colonization, urease and a [nife] hydrogenase. to import nickel despite its scarcity in the human body, h. pylori requires efficient uptake mechanisms that are only partially defined. indeed, alternative ways of nickel entry were predicted to exis ...201627923069
multilocus sequence typing methods for the emerging campylobacter species c. hyointestinalis, c. lanienae, c. sputorum, c. concisus, and c. curvus.multilocus sequence typing (mlst) systems have been reported previously for multiple food- and food animal-associated campylobacter species (e.g., c. jejuni, c. coli, c. lari, and c. fetus) to both differentiate strains and identify clonal lineages. these mlst methods focused primarily on campylobacters of human clinical (e.g., c. jejuni) or veterinary (e.g., c. fetus) relevance. however, other, emerging, campylobacter species have been isolated increasingly from environmental, food animal, or h ...201222919636
activities of abt-773 against microaerophilic and fastidious organisms.abt-773 was tested against 317 fastidious isolates; it inhibited 99% of organisms at a concentration of 4.0 microg/ml. with ampicillin-sulbactam and levofloxacin, only 2 and 6% of these strains, respectively, were resistant at the breakpoint. with clindamycin, penicillin g, and metronidazole, 22, 26, and 58% of the strains, respectively, were resistant.200212121965
on the dynamics of root canal infections-what we understand and what we don't.infections of the root canal space and their sequelae can be extremely painful and potentially dangerous, yet they do not necessarily have to be. chronic, asymptomatic inflammatory lesions around the apex of a tooth with a necrotic dental pulp or an insufficient root canal treatment can develop unnoticed by the patient, and remain so for years. the course of disease is modulated by both the virulence of the microbiota established in the root canal space and the capacity of the immune system to c ...201525654162
phenolic compounds and in vitro antibacterial and antioxidant activities of three tropic fruits: persimmon, guava, and our previous study, we have found that persimmon, guava, and sweetsop owned considerably high antioxidant activity and contained high total phenolic contents as well. in order to further supply information on the antibacterial and antioxidant activity of these three tropic fruits, they were extracted by 80% methanol. we then examined the extractions about their phenolic compounds and also studied the extractions and phenolic contents about their minimum inhibitory concentration (mic) and mini ...201627648444
oxygen reactivity of both respiratory oxidases in campylobacter jejuni: the cydab genes encode a cyanide-resistant, low-affinity oxidase that is not of the cytochrome bd type.the microaerophilic bacterium campylobacter jejuni is a significant food-borne pathogen and is predicted to possess two terminal respiratory oxidases with unknown properties. inspection of the genome reveals an operon (cydab) apparently encoding a cytochrome bd-like oxidase homologous to oxidases in escherichia coli and azotobacter vinelandii. however, c. jejuni cells lacked all spectral signals characteristic of the high-spin hemes b and d of these oxidases. mutation of the cydab operon of c. j ...200717172349
oxygen reactivity of both respiratory oxidases in campylobacter jejuni: the cydab genes encode a cyanide-resistant, low-affinity oxidase that is not of the cytochrome bd type.the microaerophilic bacterium campylobacter jejuni is a significant food-borne pathogen and is predicted to possess two terminal respiratory oxidases with unknown properties. inspection of the genome reveals an operon (cydab) apparently encoding a cytochrome bd-like oxidase homologous to oxidases in escherichia coli and azotobacter vinelandii. however, c. jejuni cells lacked all spectral signals characteristic of the high-spin hemes b and d of these oxidases. mutation of the cydab operon of c. j ...200717172349
the influence of smoking on the peri-implant microbiome.smokers are at high risk for 2 bacterially driven oral diseases: peri-implant mucositis and peri-implantitis. therefore, the purpose of this investigation was to use a deep-sequencing approach to identify the effect of smoking on the peri-implant microbiome in states of health and disease. peri-implant biofilm samples were collected from 80 partially edentulous subjects with peri-implant health, peri-implant mucositis, and peri-implantitis. bacterial dna was isolated and 16s ribsomal rna gene li ...201526124222
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