infectoepidemilogic and immunologic implications of campylobacter coli enteritis in one newborn monozygotic twin pair. | since campylobacter infections in humans at early age have not been thoroughly documented yet, it seemed interesting to report the occurrence of two simultaneous cases of c. coli enteritis in one newborn monozygotic twin pair. their clinical history, epidemiology and microbiological analysis, development of specific serum and mucosal immunity as well as total ig synthesis are discussed on the basis of their close genetic and environmental relationships. | 1989 | 2604587 |
characterization and antibiotic sensitivity of campylobacter jejuni and campylobacter coli isolated from children at the lagos university teaching hospital (luth), lagos, nigeria. | one hundred and thirteen rectal swabs and 87 faecal samples obtained from the paediatric casualty of the lagos university teaching hospital, lagos, nigeria were processed for campylobacter jejuni/coli. twenty-two (11%) of the specimens were positive for c. jejuni. biotyping results showed that nine (41%) and eight (36%) belonged to c. jejuni biotypes i and ii respectively, while three (14%) and two (9%) belonged to c. coli biotypes i and ii. serotyping results revealed that c. jejuni biotypes i ... | 1989 | 2651685 |
[isolation of campylobacter jejuni and campylobacter coli from children with acute intestinal diseases]. | in this work the data obtained in the examination of 338 children with diarrhea, aged 5 days to 14 years, are presented. the methods used for the collection of samples and their storage till the moment of inoculation are described. the possibility of using the microscopic examination of campylobacter-containing native feces is shown. the work resulted in the isolation of 85 c. jejuni and c. coli strains. as shown in this work, the isolation of campylobacter depended on the age of children and th ... | 1989 | 2652954 |
a one-year study on thermophilic campylobacters isolated from fecal specimens. | during a 12-month period, a systematic screening for thermophilic campylobacters was done on 5723 stool samples of hospitalized patients and out-patients who required stool culture tests for gastrointestinal disturbances. campylobacter strains were isolated in 130 samples (2.27%) and campylobacter jejuni (mainly biotype ii) was the species most frequently isolated. no pronounced seasonal pattern was evident and the age at which infection was more often observed was that from 6 to 24 months. eryt ... | 1989 | 2674635 |
a study of campylobacter jejuni and campylobacter coli in a river system. | campylobacter isolates were detected in 82.1% of river water samples moderately polluted with organic wastes. in the majority of the samples less than 10 campylobacter cfu/100 ml were detectable. the presence of waterfowl and the faecal contamination from a poultry-farm resulted in considerable higher campylobacter contents (greater than 240/100 ml). correlation studies showed a high correlation coefficient (p less than 0.05) between the number of campylobacters and that of total coliforms. camp ... | 1989 | 2684204 |
campylobacter infection in humans. | campylobacter jejuni and campylobacter coli are now recognized as common bacterial cause of enteritis in humans. they infect the healthiest of persons resulting in a self-limiting diarrhoea often accompanied by mucus and blood in the stool. on the other hand c. fetus subsp fetus attacks otherwise debilitated persons whose body defences have been weakened by underlying conditions, and causes extragastrointestinal campylobacteriosis. c. pylori, which is able to survive in the stomach acid environm ... | 1989 | 2693070 |
population genetics of human and animal enteric campylobacter strains. | a total of 125 strains of campylobacter jejuni and campylobacter coli from human and animal hosts were analyzed by multilocus enzyme electrophoresis. ten genetic loci were characterized by the electrophoretic mobilities of their products, and all were found to be polymorphic. the nine loci considered for genetic analysis had an average allele number of 6.9 and a mean genetic diversity of 0.634. the strains were grouped into 64 electrophoretic types (ets) forming two principal clusters; the first ... | 1989 | 2707852 |
[antibiotic sensitivity of campylobacter jejuni and campylobacter coli strains with special reference to sensitivity to erythromycin and neomycin]. | 166 strains of c. jejuni and 46 strains of c. coli were typed against 14 antibiotics using the agar diffusion test. all strains were resistant against penicillin g, oxacillin and rifampicin. susceptibility were found against chloramphenicol, erythromycin, neomycin, oxytetracyclin, streptomycin and gentamycin. the minimal inhibition concentration was performed for erythromycin and neomycin. all strains tested were inhibited by less than or equal to 2 micrograms/ml neomycin, one strain was resista ... | 1989 | 2710556 |
serological analysis of the heat-stable antigens involved in serotyping campylobacter jejuni and campylobacter coli. | analysis with serotyping antisera showed that carbohydrate determinants were the dominant heat-stable antigens of campylobacter jenuni/coli involved, whereas proteins did not contribute to the serological reactions. lipopolysaccharide (lps) along with a polysaccharide extract from whole bacteria (ps(wb] conferred strain serospecificity. in general, analysis with monoclonal antibodies in passive haemagglutination and co-agglutination tests showed the existence of similar antigenic determinants in ... | 1989 | 2713136 |
evidence for posttranslational modification and gene duplication of campylobacter flagellin. | a gene encoding a flagellin protein of campylobacter coli vc167 has been cloned and sequenced. the gene was identified in a pbr322 library by hybridization to a synthetic oligonucleotide probe corresponding to amino acids 4 to 9 of the n-terminal sequence obtained by direct chemical analysis (s. m. logan, l. a. harris, and t. j. trust, j. bacteriol. 169:5072-5077, 1987). the dna was sequenced and shown to contain an open reading frame encoding a protein with a molecular weight of 58,945 and a le ... | 1989 | 2722741 |
diversity of serotypes of campylobacter jejuni and campylobacter coli isolated in laboratory animals. | one hundred nineteen isolates of campylobacter jejuni and campylobacter coli from nine laboratory animal species were serotyped using antisera to 20 penner serotypes commonly isolated from cases of human enteric infections. although c. jejuni and c. coli were isolated from laboratory animals with diarrhea, the majority were cultured from asymptomatic animals (81%). seven of twenty-two isolates from animals with diarrhea were serotype 4 (32%) and three were serotype 1 (14%). sixty-one of the 119 ... | 1989 | 2724920 |
immune response to campylobacter jejuni and campylobacter coli in a cohort of children from birth to 2 years of age. | a cohort of 111 children from bangui, central african republic, was surveyed for enteric campylobacter infections from birth to the age of 2 years; stools were examined biweekly in these children until 6 months of age and at least four times per year thereafter until 2 years of age and after each diarrheal episode. blood samples were obtained at birth and at 3, 6, 9, 12, 18, and 24 months of age. antibodies against glycine-extracted membrane antigens, purified flagella, and cholera toxin (ct) we ... | 1989 | 2744860 |
in vivo antigenic variation of campylobacter flagellin. | campylobacter coli vc167 cells producing either antigenic phase 1 (p1) or phase 2 (p2) flagellins (as determined by characteristic protein and dna patterns) were used to infect rabbits by the removable intestinal tie-adult rabbit diarrhea (ritard) procedure. rabbits infected with p2 cells shed predominantly p2 cells throughout the infection; in rabbits infected with p1 cells, a transition of fecal isolates from p1 to p2 was observed. | 1989 | 2744863 |
identification of campylobacter jejuni and c. coli by gel electrophoresis of the outer membrane proteins. | analysis of the electrophoretic profiles of the outer membrane proteins could be used to differentiate campylobacter jejuni (16 strains) from campylobacter coli (10 strains). this observation was confirmed by the study of dna homology obtained by a quantitative filter hybridization method. the hippurate hydrolysis test gave a poor correlation with the results of differentiation obtained by dna homology studies and outer membrane protein profile. | 1989 | 2745680 |
enterotoxin production and serogroups of campylobacter jejuni and campylobacter coli from patients with diarrhea and from healthy laying hens. | enterotoxin production, a possible virulence factor, was determined in campylobacter jejuni and campylobacter coli by two different techniques, the cho cell test and the gm1 enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. the frequency of enterotoxigenic campylobacter strains was 32% in strains from both humans with acute enteritis and healthy laying hens, as measured by the cho cell test. the cho cell test was significantly more sensitive than the gm1 enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay in the detection of en ... | 1989 | 2754001 |
interaction of campylobacter species with antibody, complement and phagocytes. | the opsonisation of four different campylobacter species for human neutrophils was studied using a chemiluminescence system and electron microscopy. opsonisation of campylobacter fetus, campylobacter coli, and campylobacter jejuni was mediated by antibody and enhanced by complement. antibody was not, however, required for the phagocytosis of campylobacter pylori because it activates the classical pathway of complement directly. this unusual property may be important in the pathogenesis of c pylo ... | 1989 | 2788111 |
in vitro activities of lomefloxacin and temafloxacin against pathogens causing diarrhea. | the in vitro activities of temafloxacin (a63004) and lomefloxacin (sc-47111; ny-198) were compared with those of seven other antibiotics against 146 isolates of bacterial enteric pathogens, including campylobacter jejuni and campylobacter coli. ciprofloxacin was the most active drug against the salmonella, shigella, yersinia, and vibrio spp. tested. lomefloxacin, temafloxacin, and difloxacin were the most active drugs tested against campylobacter spp. (mic for 90% of strains, 0.125 to 0.25 micro ... | 1989 | 2802563 |
structural and antigenic properties of campylobacter coli lipopolysaccharides. | lipopolysaccharides (lpss) from o-serotype reference strains and from serotyped isolates of campylobacter coli were examined by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis in combination with silver staining and immunoblotting to elucidate the molecular basis for the thermostable antigenic diversity in c. coli. electrophoresed low-mr lps was detectable by silver staining and immunoblotting, but high-mr lps was demonstrable only by immunoblotting. eight different antigenic specifici ... | 1989 | 2807533 |
comparative in-vitro activity of meropenem on clinical isolates from the united kingdom. | mics of meropenem were determined for a wide range of common bacteria of clinical importance. for enterobacteriaceae, aeromonas spp., haemophilus influenzae, branhamella catarrhalis, neisseria gonorrhoeae, gardnerella vaginalis, campylobacter coli/jejuni, beta-haemolytic streptococci and anaerobes other than clostridium difficile, mics were almost always within the range 0.002-0.5 mg/l. the activity of meropenem for these organisms was always greater than that of imipenem and piperacillin, and w ... | 1989 | 2808214 |
gene transfer from escherichia coli to campylobacter species: development of shuttle vectors for genetic analysis of campylobacter jejuni. | a shuttle cloning vector (pil550) has been constructed which can be mobilized from escherichia coli to campylobacter jejuni, campylobacter coli, and campylobacter fetus by complementation with the transfer functions of an incp plasmid in trans, with a frequency of 10(-4) transconjugants per donor. we also present evidence for a dna modification system in c. jejuni. | 1987 | 2822671 |
genomic rearrangements associated with antigenic variation in campylobacter coli. | campylobacter coli and campylobacter jejuni share a limited number of highly conserved dna sequences with members of the family enterobacteriaceae. one of these sequences was cloned from c. coli vc167, and the region of homology to the enteric sequences was determined to be confined to a 700-base-pair region. the dna represented in this clone undergoes a programmed, reversible rearrangement in vc167 that is associated with flagellar antigenic variation. | 1988 | 2826396 |
gene disruption and replacement as a feasible approach for mutagenesis of campylobacter jejuni. | campylobacter jejuni and campylobacter coli are important causes of human enteric infections. several determinants of pathogenicity have been proposed based on the clinical features of diarrheal disease and on the phenotypic properties of campylobacter strains. to facilitate an understanding of the genetic determinants of campylobacter virulence, we have developed a method for constructing c. jejuni mutants by shuttle mutagenesis. in the example described here, a kanamycin resistance gene was in ... | 1988 | 2832375 |
the relationship between intestinal campylobacter species isolated from animals and humans as determined by brenda. | intestinal thermophilic campylobacter species produce stable patterns when subjected to bacterial restriction endonuclease dna analysis (brenda); this technique is therefore of considerable value in epidemiological studies. brenda was used to examine thermophilic campylobacter species from humans, wild and domestic animals. one hundred and ninety-four (61%) of 316 isolates of campylobacter jejuni from humans had brenda patterns which could be matched to those of animal isolates. poultry appear t ... | 1988 | 2837404 |
nucleotide sequence analysis of tetracycline resistance gene teto from streptococcus mutans dl5. | streptococcus mutans dl5, isolated from the dental plaque of a pig, was resistant to high levels of streptomycin (sm, 20 mg/ml), erythromycin (em, 1 mg/ml), and tetracycline (tc, greater than 100 micrograms/ml), but contained no detectable plasmid dna. the smr and emr determinants were cloned from cellular dna on the self-replicating 5-kilobase-pair (kbp) ecori fragment of pam beta 1 and the 4.2-kbp cryptic plasmid pva380-1, respectively, by transformation of streptococcus sanguis challis. helpe ... | 1988 | 2841293 |
genetic characterization of kanamycin resistance in campylobacter coli. | the restriction map of plasmid pip1433 from campylobacter coli bm2509, isolated in france, was constructed and the location of the kanamycin (km) and tetracycline (tc) resistance markers determined using probes for apha-3 and teto genes, respectively. these dna probes were used to study a second km- and tc-resistant strain c. coli ua696, isolated in canada. in this strain, the km resistance determinant was located in the chromosome. like pip1433, the km resistance determinant in c. coli ua696 sp ... | 1988 | 2855308 |
restriction endonuclease digest patterns of chromosomal dna from nitrate-negative campylobacter jejuni-like organisms. | high molecular weight chromosomal dna was isolated from ten nitrate-negative campylobacters of human origin (gastric biopsies and faecal specimens). the dna was digested with various restriction endonucleases and the patterns obtained were compared with those of campylobacter coli, c. fetus subsp. fetus, c. jejuni and c. laridis reference strains. electrophoresis of hae iii digests of dna in 0.5% agarose gave excellent patterns which comprised at least 25 well-resolved bands with fragment sizes ... | 1985 | 2876913 |
substrate utilization by campylobacter jejuni and campylobacter coli. | an attempt was made to elucidate in campylobacter spp. some of the physiologic characteristics that are reflected in the kinetics of co2 formation from four 14c-labeled substrates. campylobacter jejuni and c. coli were grown in a biphasic medium, and highly motile spiral cells were harvested at 12 h. of the media evaluated for use in the metabolic tests, minimal essential medium without glutamine, diluted with an equal volume of potassium sodium phosphate buffer (ph 7.2), provided the greatest s ... | 1986 | 2877615 |
raw beef, pork and chicken in japan contaminated with salmonella sp., campylobacter sp., yersinia enterocolitica, and clostridium perfringens--a comparative study. | one hundred and twenty samples each of raw ground beef, pork and chicken from ten local grocery stores in shimane prefecture, japan, were examined for the presence of salmonella sp. (sal), campylobacter jejuni (cj), campylobacter coli (cc), yersinia enterocolitica (ye), and clostridium perfringens (cp) from april 1984 to march 1985. a total of 205 isolates of sal (112 strains), cj (64 strains), cc (one strain), ye (7 strains) and cp (21 strains) were recovered from 17 beef (14.2%), 31 pork (25.8 ... | 1987 | 2887078 |
a note on adhesion of bacteria to chicken muscle connective tissue. | laboratory cultures of bacteria were tested for the ability to attach to collagen fibres of intact chicken muscle connective tissue. all salmonellas, fimbriate strains of escherichia coli and a strain of campylobacter coli were able to attach to tissue only when suspended in distilled water. prior immersion of tissue in sterile water for 20 min or extended immersion in these bacterial suspensions was a prerequisite for adhesion. attachment could be prevented by the addition of physiological leve ... | 1987 | 2888744 |
campylobacter jejuni and campylobacter coli diarrhoea in rural and urban populations in yugoslavia. | during a 4-month period during the summer of 1985, campylobacters were isolated from 338 (16.3%) of 2080 patients with acute diarrhoea attending the university hospital of infectious diseases in zagreb. of these isolates 220 (64.1%) were campylobacter jejuni and 118 (34.9%) were c. coli. the patients were drawn from three residential zones in and around zagreb: inner city, peripheral city and rural. incidences of campylobacter diarrhoea ranged from 71 per 100,000 per year in inner city residents ... | 1989 | 2917618 |
reproduction of proliferative enteritis in gnotobiotic pigs. | gnotobiotic pigs dosed orally with filtrates (0.8 and 0.65 micron) of intestinal mucosa from a pig affected by proliferative haemorrhagic enteropathy developed lesions of proliferative enteritis, affecting mainly the ilea. other piglets dosed with filtrates of affected mucosa from the same source and from other proliferative haemorrhagic enteropathy or intestinal adenomatosis mucosae, did not develop lesions. all inocula contained numerous campylobacter-like organisms evident in stained smears, ... | 1989 | 2922502 |
comparative in vitro activity of a-56268 (te-031) against gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria and chlamydia trachomatis. | the in vitro activity of a-56268 (te-031) was determined and compared with that of 13 antibiotics against 401 gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria and 11 strains of chlamydia trachomatis. a-56268 was very active against methicillin-susceptible staphylococcus aureus and neisseria gonorrhoeae, and was among the most active of the agents tested against listeria monocytogenes, streptococci and chlamydia trachomatis. it was moderately active against haemophilus spp., vibrio spp., campylobacter je ... | 1987 | 2954818 |
survey of plasmids and resistance factors in campylobacter jejuni and campylobacter coli. | a total of 688 isolates of campylobacter jejuni and campylobacter coli were screened for the presence of plasmid dna by agarose gel electrophoresis and were tested for susceptibility to ampicillin, chloramphenicol, erythromycin, streptomycin, and tetracycline. of the isolates examined, 32% were noted to harbor plasmid dna, ranging in size from 2.0 to 162 kilobases. only tetracycline resistance was noted to correlate with the presence of plasmids. plasmids capable of transferring tetracycline res ... | 1985 | 2984981 |
structural relationship between the genes encoding 3'-aminoglycoside phosphotransferases in campylobacter and in gram-positive cocci. | campylobacter coli strain bm2509 resistant to ampicillin, chloramphenicol, erythromycin, kanamycin, spectinomycin, streptomycin and tetracycline was isolated from a patient with hospital-acquired diarrhoea. resistance to kanamycin has not been thus far described in campylobacter. phosphocellulose paper-binding assay indicated that resistance to kanamycin and structurally related antibiotics in strain bm2509 was due to synthesis of a 3'-aminoglycoside phosphotransferase of type iii (aph(3')-iii), ... | 1985 | 3002237 |
cytotoxic and cytotonic factors produced by campylobacter jejuni, campylobacter coli, and campylobacter laridis. | complete toxigenicity studies were performed on 341 strains of campylobacter spp., including 23 nonhuman isolates. toxin profiles based on both cytotonic and cytotoxic factors were determined after analyzing responses in vero, hela, cho and y-1 cells. suckling mouse assays were consistently negative for all culture filtrates tested. toxin-producing strains were frequently encountered among both the human and nonhuman strains of campylobacter jejuni, c. coli, and c. laridis investigated. strains ... | 1986 | 3018039 |
aminoglycoside-phosphotransferases aph(3')-iv and aph(3") synthesized by a strain of campylobacter coli. | campylobacter coli strain 981 of animal origin was resistant to erythromycin, tetracycline, streptomycin, kanamycin, ribostamycin, neomycin, paromomycin, lividomycin, and butirosin. resistance to aminoglycosides of strain 981 was mediated by phosphotransferases aph (3') type-iv and aph (3"). c. coli 981 harboured three plasmids of 24, 34, and 40 megadaltons respectively. none of these plasmids were transferable to escherichia coli k-12 by conjugation. | 1986 | 3019983 |
evolution and transfer of aminoglycoside resistance genes under natural conditions. | 3'-aminoglycoside phosphotransferases [aph(3')] were chosen as a model to study the evolution and the transfer of aminoglycoside resistance genes under natural conditions. comparison of the amino acid sequences of aph(3') enzymes from transposons tn903 (type i) and tn5 (type ii) detected in gram-negative bacteria, from the gram-positive staphylococcus and streptococcus (type iii), from the butirosin-producing bacillus circulans (type iv) and from a neomycin-producing streptomyces fradiae (type v ... | 1986 | 3027020 |
antimicrobial resistance of campylobacter jejuni and campylobacter coli with special reference to plasmid profiles of japanese clinical isolates. | a total of 111 clinical isolates of campylobacter jejuni and 10 clinical isolates of campylobacter coli were characterized by their susceptibility to nine antimicrobial agents and by their plasmid profiles on agarose gel electrophoresis. all of the c. jejuni isolates were susceptible to chloramphenicol, ciprofloxacin, erythromycin, kanamycin, and nalidixic acid, but 55% were tetracycline resistant. in the 10 c. coli isolates, a high prevalence of multiple-antibiotic resistance was noted. plasmid ... | 1987 | 3038005 |
nucleotide sequence of the kanamycin resistance determinant of the pneumococcal transposon tn1545: evolutionary relationships and transcriptional analysis of apha-3 genes. | the nucleotide sequence of the kanamycin resistance determinant apha-3 encoded by transposon tn1545 from streptococcus pneumoniae was determined and compared to those of plasmids pjh1 and pip1433 from streptococcus faecalis and campylobacter coli, respectively. the three sequences were found to be identical and differed by two substitutions and the deletion of a codon from that of plasmid psh2 from staphylococcus aureus. comparison of the 5' noncoding sequences indicated that the regions contain ... | 1987 | 3039302 |
adherence of campylobacter jejuni and campylobacter coli to porcine intestinal brush border membranes. | the adhesion of campylobacter jejuni and c. coli to isolated porcine intestinal brush border membranes was studied by phase-contrast and electron microscopy. approximately 45% of the cell population adhered to the brush borders, possibly in a specific manner. pretreatment of the brush borders with trypsin or pronase, and competitive inhibition with l-rhamnose caused a slight reduction of the adhesion. different forms of pretreatment of the bacterial cells reduced their ability to adhere, but als ... | 1988 | 3046640 |
characterization of campylobacter jejuni and campylobacter coli isolated from waste water. | the raw sewage samples of the investigated municipal sewage plant (sewage flow of about 30,000 m3/d) contained about 10(3) campylobacters/100 ml. the sewage plant reduced 80.8% of organic wastes (cod), 85.0% of colony counts (20 degrees c), 92.5% of total coliforms and 88.0% of campylobacters. the sewage plant effluent contained an average of 1.3 x 10(2) campylobacters/100 ml. about 10(10) campylobacters are discharged with the effluent of the high-output sewage plant into the receiving water ev ... | 1988 | 3057769 |
[quantitative and qualitative studies of campylobacter in the sewage of a large city]. | in a one-year-study wastewater from the sewage system of a big town was examined for the occurrence and distribution of campylobacter spp. the sewage consisted mainly of domestic and industrial wastewater, but also to a small degree of agricultural wastewater and abattoir effluent. preston broth and agar were used as culture media. the number of campylobacter was determined parallel at 37 degrees c and 42 degrees c by the mpn-method. three colonies of each agar plate were isolated and biotyped. ... | 1988 | 3131983 |
[quantitative and qualitative studies of campylobacter in a sewage treatment plant]. | the occurrence and distribution of campylobacter spp. in the wastewater of a sewage treatment plant was examined from july 1985 to july 1986. the number of campylobacter was determined in a double set-up by the mpn-method. preston broth and -agar containing fbp supplement were used as nutrient media. the samples were incubated at 37 degrees c and 42 degrees c, respectively. subsequently 1345 isolated campylobacter strains were biotyped. the number of fecal and total coliforms, ph-value and tempe ... | 1988 | 3131984 |
reassessment of selective agars and filtration techniques for isolation of campylobacter species from faeces. | four different studies were conducted in order to re-evaluate conventional methods and assess the efficacy of new selective agars and a filtration method for the isolation of campylobacters. skirrow's medium, preston agar, modified ccd agar and fennell's medium, incubated microaerobically at 37 degrees c for 48 h, gave similar campylobacter isolation rates from 225 faecal samples, but the latter two media were more selective. evaluation of modified ccd agar demonstrated that campylobacters could ... | 1988 | 3134202 |
[survey for the contamination of campylobacter jejuni and campylobacter coli among raw meat and the environment of poultry processing plants]. | | 1988 | 3137280 |
a specific dna probe for the identification of campylobacter jejuni. | a 6.1 kb dna probe for the human enteric pathogen campylobacter jejuni has been isolated from a genomic library constructed in the plasmid vector pbr322 in escherichia coli. the dna sequence used as a probe was identified from recombinant plasmids following immunological screening of transformants using polyclonal antisera to whole cells and to membrane antigens of c. jejuni. restriction endonuclease fragment mapping of c. jejuni dna inserts from three of the recombinant plasmids showed an overl ... | 1988 | 3171548 |
the in-vitro activity of pd127,391, a new quinolone. | mics of pd127,391 a new 4-quinolone, and of ci934 and ciprofloxacin, two previously reported 4-quinolones, were determined for common clinical bacterial isolates by an agar-dilution method. pd127,391 was the most active drug against enterobacteriaceae and acinetobacter spp (mics less than 0.12 mg/l) and as active as ciprofloxacin against aeromonas spp. (mics less than 0.008 mg/l) and pseudomonas aeruginosa (mics less than 1 mg/l). it was more active than ciprofloxacin against pseudomonas spp. in ... | 1988 | 3182416 |
infection with campylobacter coli and campylobacter fetus in a patient on continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis. | | 1988 | 3183412 |
detection of two different kanamycin resistance genes in naturally occurring isolates of campylobacter jejuni and campylobacter coli. | a total of 225 isolates of campylobacter jejuni and 54 isolates of campylobacter coli were screened for resistance to kanamycin. among these, five resistant isolates of c. jejuni and six resistant isolates of c. coli, all with different plasmid patterns, were identified. each contained at least one plasmid greater than or equal to 41 kilobases in size. the mic of kanamycin for all 11 strains was determined to be greater than or equal to 256 micrograms/ml by an agar dilution method. in addition, ... | 1988 | 3190204 |
antimicrobial susceptibility of campylobacter jejuni, campylobacter coli, and campylobacter laridis from cats, dogs, pigs, and seagulls. | | 1988 | 3210481 |
prevalence of campylobacter in infant, juvenile and adult laboratory primates. | a cross-sectional study of campylobacter spp. infection was conducted on 125 infant (macaca nemestrina and macaca fascicularis) in an infant primate nursery housing infants from birth to 18 months of age, and 145 m. nemestrina aged from 4 months to 15 years at another facility (primate field station) housing animals from birth to aged adults. the objective was to determine the prevalence of campylobacter spp. in various age groups and to investigate the correlation with diarrhea. in the infant p ... | 1988 | 3265462 |
[campylobacter jejuni and campylobacter coli: epidemiologic markers of isolated strains in santiago, chile]. | | 1988 | 3267894 |
the response of campylobacter jejuni and campylobacter coli in the sydney rock oyster (crassostrea commercialis), during depuration and storage. | sydney rock oysters, when allowed to feed in waters containing approximately 10(4) cfu of campylobacter cells per ml, concentrated between 10(2) and 10(3) cfu of the organism per g of oyster tissue, within 1 h. when these contaminated oysters were subjected to depuration, they were effectively cleaned in 48 h. the survival of campylobacter jejuni and campylobacter coli was also investigated. oysters contaminated by feeding and injection were processed as half shells and bottled oysters and were ... | 1988 | 3275320 |
acid and alkaline campylobacter extracts in the demonstration of antibody response in hyperimmunized rabbits. | acid and alkaline extracts from several campylobacter strains were used as antigens in enzyme immunoassay (eia). antibodies were detected in rabbits immunized with formalin-treated, boiled, or autoclaved whole bacteria of different campylobacter subspecies. for the preparation of the extracts, three campylobacter fetus subsp. venerealis strains, three campylobacter fetus subsp. fetus strains, four campylobacter coli, and five campylobacter jejuni strains were used. the acid extracts of campyloba ... | 1987 | 3296648 |
small rodents and other mammals associated with mountain meadows as reservoirs of giardia spp. and campylobacter spp. | sixty-five percent (469 of 722) of the fecal samples collected from small rodents in the central washington cascade mountains were positive for giardia spp. trapping studies showed that microtines of the genus microtus were heavily infected with the parasite. morphologically the cysts and trophozoites were of the giardia duodenalis type. small-rodent populations appear to maintain their infection throughout the year. our data suggest that there is no difference in the percentage of positive anim ... | 1987 | 3310881 |
expression of campylobacter jejuni invasiveness in cell cultures coinfected with other bacteria. | enteroinvasive salmonella, shigella, and escherichia coli strains were found to exert an effect which rendered campylobacter jejuni capable of intracellular localization in epithelial cells in vitro. when monolayers of hep-2 or a-549 cells were challenged with pure cultures of c. jejuni or campylobacter coli, none of the eight strains tested invaded the cells. in contrast, four of these strains were able to localize intracellularly when the cells were challenged with a mixture of campylobacters ... | 1987 | 3312015 |
characterization of an unclassified microaerophilic bacterium associated with gastroenteritis. | four isolates of an unclassified microaerophilic bacterium resembling campylobacter species were characterized by growth requirements, microscopic examination, biochemical characteristics, antimicrobial susceptibility tests, and protein profile analysis. the unclassified isolates were differentiated from campylobacter jejuni, campylobacter coli, campylobacter fetus subsp. fetus, campylobacter laridis, campylobacter pylori, and an ovine isolate. the bacterium was fusiform shaped with a corrugated ... | 1988 | 3343302 |
ovine abortion associated with campylobacter coli. | | 1988 | 3354164 |
characterization of freshly isolated campylobacter coli strains and suitability of selective media for their growth. | typical and atypical campylobacter strains were isolated from the colons of cattle and swine by techniques that enabled the selective pressures of antibiotics to be avoided. some cephalothin-susceptible strains and a strain with an indeterminate hippurate reaction were classified as campylobacter coli by dna homology testing. tetracycline-resistant isolates were obtained from animals with no recorded exposure to antibiotics. a selection of 12 c. coli and 6 c. jejuni strains was used to determine ... | 1988 | 3356790 |
serovars and biovars of campylobacter strains isolated from humans and slaughterhouse animals in northern germany. | a total of 318 campylobacter strains from sporadic cases of human enteritis (109 strains) and healthy slaughterhouse animals in northern germany (209 strains) were bio- and serotyped according to the lior typing schemes. three hundred strains were typable (94.3%) and 38 serovars were identified. among human strains 28 serovars were identified with 30% of them belonging to serovar 4. strains from pigs were associated with 25 serovars, the most frequent being serovar 20 (21.2%). fourteen serovars ... | 1988 | 3372398 |
[animal experiments with campylobacter coli using suckling pigs]. | | 1988 | 3395182 |
antibody response to campylobacter coli in children during intestinal infection and carriage. | in the central african republic, etiological studies of diarrhea have shown that campylobacter coli accounts for almost 40% of campylobacter enteric isolations. this prompted us to investigate the antibody response to c. coli infection in children. as expected from the literature on campylobacter jejuni infections, our results show that both infection and carriage elicited antibodies against glycine-extracted membrane antigens, flagella, and cholera toxin. the human antibody response to c. coli ... | 1988 | 3410956 |
dna probes for identification of tetracycline resistance genes in campylobacter species isolated from swine and cattle. | tetracycline-resistant strains of campylobacter jejuni and campylobacter coli from swine and cattle colons were isolated and characterized by hybridization with dna probes. a probe consisting of the 1.8-kilobase (kb) hincii fragment from pua466 was highly specific for the detection of tetracycline resistance (tcr) in c. jejuni and c. coli. the 5-kb tetm dna probe from streptococcus agalactiae plasmid pji3 which has homology with the 1.8-kb hincii fragment from pua466 could also be used to detect ... | 1987 | 3435114 |
susceptibility of campylobacter species to metronidazole, its bioactive metabolites and tinidazole. | the susceptibilities of 115 campylobacters, belonging to five species, to metronidazole, its principal oxidative metabolites and tinidazole were determined by an agar dilution method. the activities of metronidazole and tinidazole were comparable. the hydroxy metabolite was more active than the parent drug against most species, particularly campylobacter jejuni and campylobacter pyloridis. although the acid derivative was less active against c. jejuni and campylobacter coli, it demonstrated an e ... | 1987 | 3436679 |
serogroups and biotypes of human strains of campylobacter jejuni and campylobacter coli isolated in france. | the lior schemes were used for biotyping and serogrouping campylobacter strains isolated during a three year period in bordeaux, france. of the 226 strains tested, 176 were campylobacter jejuni and 50 campylobacter coli. campylobacter jejuni biotype i was the most prevalent (48.2%). biotypes iii and iv of campylobacter jejuni were rare (3.9% and 1.3% respectively). serogroup 4 (17.7%) was the most common serogroup followed by serogroups 46 (11.0%), 29 (10.1%), 9 and 36 (7.9%). eight serogroups c ... | 1987 | 3440456 |
high frequency of isolation of campylobacter coli from poultry meat in france. | | 1987 | 3440462 |
[the survival of campylobacter coli in raw milk]. | the survival of three strains of campylobacter coli (two isolated from milk of a cow with mastitis, one from poultry intestine) was studied in unpasteurized milk. survival of c. coli strains at 37 degrees c varied greatly: bovine strains showed a 1-log10 decrease in viable cells, and the poultry strain showed 5-log10 decrease after 48 hours. bovine strains lived longer (5 days) than poultry strain (2 days) at 37 degrees c. there was no difference between the strains from different origin in unpa ... | 1987 | 3503963 |
extraintestinal campylobacter jejuni and campylobacter coli infections: host factors and strain characteristics. | to determine whether extraintestinal isolates of campylobacter jejuni and campylobacter coli are the consequence of unusual host or bacterial characteristics, we studied clinical and bacteriologic features of 24 extraintestinal infections. common serotypes and auxotypes were present among the extraintestinal isolates. gastrointestinal isolates were more susceptible to normal human serum than were the systemic isolates; however, the ranges overlapped considerably. predispositions to systemic spre ... | 1986 | 3512731 |
western blot analysis of intestinal secretory immunoglobulin a response to campylobacter jejuni antigens in patients with naturally acquired campylobacter enteritis. | secretory immunoglobulin a (siga) response at the intestinal mucosa is a primary defense against enteric infections. we sought to determine which antigens of campylobacter jejuni outer membranes elicited siga responses in 8 patients with naturally acquired campylobacter enteritis using western blot analysis of fecal extracts. naturally acquired campylobacter infection elicited an siga response in 7 of 8 patients. of these 7 patients, 5 had campylobacter-specific siga titers of 1:16 and two had t ... | 1986 | 3514359 |
two-dimensional thin-layer chromatography for the specific detection of hippurate hydrolysis by microorganisms. | glycine, one of the end products of hippurate hydrolysis by microorganisms, was detected by a rapid, specific technique utilizing two-dimensional thin-layer chromatography. a loopful of growth of each organism from its suitable agar medium was washed, suspended, and incubated with 0.1% sodium hippurate for 30 min at 37 degrees c. the supernatant of the incubated suspension from each organism was then dansylated, and the dansyl derivatives were separated by two-dimensional thin-layer chromatograp ... | 1986 | 3517036 |
abortion and perinatal sepsis associated with campylobacter infection. | fetal loss or neonatal sepsis associated with campylobacter infection during pregnancy is infrequently recognized. as reported herein, one case of premature labor and neonatal sepsis due to campylobacter fetus subspecies fetus was treated successfully with ampicillin and gentamicin. only 19 similar cases have been cited in the literature. a review of these 19 cases reveals that the campylobacter species involved were probably c. fetus subspecies fetus in nine instances, campylobacter jejuni in n ... | 1986 | 3523697 |
methods for detecting and enumerating campylobacter jejuni and campylobacter coli in poultry. | methods, media, and biochemical tests for detecting, enumerating, isolating, and identifying campylobacter jejuni and c. coli in foods are summarized with special consideration of poultry and poultry products. information is drawn largely from the american public health association compendium of methods for the microbiological examination of foods and the us food and drug administration bacteriological analytical manual for foods. reference is also made to recently advanced techniques and proced ... | 1986 | 3554203 |
[experimental animal studies with campylobacter jejuni and campylobacter coli in chickens]. | | 1987 | 3566434 |
a study of factors affecting the sensitivity of the passive haemagglutination method for serotyping campylobacter jejuni and campylobacter coli and recommendations for a more rapid procedure. | factors affecting the sensitivity of the passive haemagglutination method for serotyping campylobacters have been studied. the concentration of red blood cells during the haemagglutination stage of the procedure markedly affected the titer obtained. an increase in concentration of red blood cells resulted in a lower titer, with titers being inversely proportional to red blood cell concentration. no differences in titer were observed when erythrocytes were sensitized at a range of ph values betwe ... | 1987 | 3567742 |
spontaneous bacterial peritonitis due to campylobacter coli. | a patient with alcoholic liver disease and ascites who developed fatal spontaneous bacterial peritonitis due to campylobacter coli is reported herein. this is the first case report of spontaneous bacterial peritonitis due to this organism. campylobacter infections and their relationship to spontaneous bacterial peritonitis are reviewed. | 1987 | 3569775 |
prevalence of campylobacter jejuni and campylobacter coli among wild and domestic animals in yamaguchi prefecture. | | 1986 | 3574158 |
erythromycin-resistant campylobacter infections in thailand. | erythromycin therapy was compared with no treatment in a prospective trial of acute diarrheal disease among 100 infants in an orphanage in bangkok. within 24 h of the onset of diarrhea, 50 children received erythromycin ethylsuccinate (40 mg/kg per day) in four divided doses for 5 days. campylobacter jejuni isolated from 31, campylobacter coli isolated from 21, and shigella spp. isolated from 21 of 100 children were the most commonly recognized pathogens; use of a sensitive, nonselective method ... | 1987 | 3579261 |
seasonal occurrence of campylobacter spp. in surface waters and their correlation with standard indicator bacteria. | campylobacter jejuni, campylobacter coli, and a campylobacter-like organism were isolated from a number of natural water sources in central washington, including ponds, lakes, and small mountain streams at elevations ranging from 1,460 to 5,400 feet (ca. 445 to 1,646 m) above sea level. at the two sites where extensive sampling was done, the bacteria were recovered throughout the year. generally, the recovery rates were highest in the fall and winter months and lowest during the spring and summe ... | 1987 | 3579268 |
[the epidemiology of campylobacter jejuni and campylobacter coli in the fattening chicken]. | | 1987 | 3589638 |
atypical campylobacters associated with gastroenteritis. | nine strains of campylobacter species other than campylobacter jejuni, campylobacter coli, and campylobacter laridis were isolated from patients with acute diarrhea. all nine strains showed preferred growth at 37 degrees c under microaerophilic conditions. conventional microbiological tests and dna-dna dot blotting were used to identify these strains. three of the nine campylobacter strains hydrolyzed hippurate, reduced nitrate, produced catalase, were resistant to cephalothin, and were shown to ... | 1987 | 3611317 |
effect of clavulanic acid on susceptibility of campylobacter jejuni and campylobacter coli to eight beta-lactam antibiotics. | the effect of clavulanic acid on the susceptibility of 32 strains of campylobacter jejuni and campylobacter coli to eight beta-lactam agents was studied. almost all strains tested became susceptible to amoxicillin and ticarcillin with 1 microgram of clavulanic acid per ml. this compound had little or no effect on susceptibility to penicillin g, cephalothin, cefamandole, and cefoxitin. clavulanic acid had a marginal effect on cefotaxime and moxalactam susceptibility. | 1987 | 3619428 |
utilization of monoclonal antibodies to evaluate the involvement of campylobacter jejuni in proliferative ileitis in syrian hamsters (mesocricetis auratus). | the role of campylobacter jejuni in the pathogenesis of proliferative ileitis in syrian hamsters was evaluated with monoclonal antibodies of different specificities. monoclonal antibodies were produced with two different specificities: one for all members of the genus campylobacter tested (antibody 8322-2e6) and one for c. jejuni and campylobacter coli (antibodies 841-2a11, 841-4c6, and 841-5b1). heal sections from healthy hamsters, from hamsters with naturally occurring proliferative ileitis, a ... | 1987 | 3623701 |
campylobacter jejuni/campylobacter coli-associated guillain-barré syndrome. immunoblot confirmation of the serological response. | immunoblot (western blot) examination of the sera of 45 patients with the guillain-barré syndrome demonstrated that between three and five immunoreactive bands that were characteristic of a recent campylobacter jejuni/campylobacter coli infection were present in 22 of these patients. the immunoblots paralleled the serological response that is found in campylobacter enteritis and confirmed the specificity of our previous enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays (elisas), which indicates that antecedent ... | 1987 | 3626926 |
in vitro susceptibility of campylobacter jejuni and campylobacter coli isolated in denmark to fourteen antimicrobial agents. | the in vitro susceptibility of 95 recent danish human clinical isolates of campylobacter jejuni and campylobacter coli to 14 antimicrobial agents was determined by an agar dilution technique. c. jejuni and c. coli were considered together. doxycycline, ciprofloxacin, gentamicin, clindamycin, nitrofurantoin and erythromycin were the most active drugs. 2% of the strains tested were resistant to erythromycin (mic greater than 3.1 micrograms/ml). therefore susceptibility testing is suggested if anti ... | 1987 | 3630712 |
evaluation of gamma radiation levels for reducing pathogenic bacteria and fungi in animal sewage and laboratory effluents. | sewage samples collected from animal wastes and from effluents at an animal disease laboratory were inoculated with known numbers of pathogenic organisms and subjected to various doses of gamma radiation from a 60co source. surviving test organisms were quantitatively determined by selective and enrichment techniques. the experiment was modeled as a quantal assay in which probit analysis was applied to obtain d10 values. the d10 value represents the irradiating dose required to reduce the popula ... | 1987 | 3651881 |
naturally occurring auxotrophs of campylobacter jejuni and campylobacter coli. | the nutritional requirements for 439 campylobacter jejuni isolates and 46 campylobacter coli isolates were determined by using a previously described chemically defined medium, campylobacter defined medium. with this medium, 45% of both human and nonhuman c. jejuni isolates demonstrated auxotrophic requirements. none of the 46 c. coli isolates studied demonstrated requirements for amino acids on campylobacter defined medium. the most common auxotrophic requirement among c. jejuni isolates was fo ... | 1987 | 3654939 |
rapid and improved gas-liquid chromatography technique for detection of hippurate hydrolysis by campylobacter jejuni and campylobacter coli. | a gas-liquid chromatographic method which requires no chloroform extraction of the split products has been investigated for the detection of hippurate hydrolysis by campylobacter spp. this technique gave better reproducibility than other tests also used in this study and allows the routine use of the gas-liquid chromatographic method for identification of campylobacter isolates. | 1987 | 3654950 |
bacteria in enteric lesions of horses. | thirty-three species of bacteria were isolated from the gastrointestinal mucosa of 23 adult horses and two foals. the bacteria isolated could be related to gross and microscopical lesions in some cases. clostridium perfringens type a, actinobacillus equuli, salmonella typhimurium and campylobacter coli biotype 1 could all be associated with gastrointestinal lesions. c jejuni biotype 1 and aeromonas hydrophila were both recovered in this study and have been identified as causes of enteritis in ho ... | 1986 | 3716108 |
effect of iron concentration on toxin production in campylobacter jejuni and campylobacter coli. | the effect of iron concentrations in culture media on supernatant yields of campylobacter cytotonic toxin (cct) was studied. of the 118 campylobacter spp. strains surveyed, 78.8% produced toxin in brucella broth or in casamino acids--yeast extract (cye) broth. when the iron concentration of cye was increased from 0.44 microgram/ml (7.9 microm) to 0.65 microgram/ml (11.6 microm) by the addition of ferric chloride, 94.9% of the strains were positive for toxin in a ganglioside gm1 based, enzyme-lin ... | 1986 | 3719459 |
campylobacter colitis in ranch mink in ontario. | outbreaks of colitis, where campylobacter jejuni and campylobacter coli were the only pathogens isolated occurred in weanling mink (mustella vision) on two commercial mink ranches in ontario. lesions were restricted to the proximal colon and were characterized by multiple 1 mm focal or 1 mm linear erosions/ulcers in the region 2 cm distal to the ileal-colonic junction. histological changes included thickening of the colonic mucosa, inflammatory cell infiltrate in the lamina propria and submucosa ... | 1986 | 3742356 |
[waste water from poultry coops, a potential source of human infection with campylobacter coli]. | | 1986 | 3749726 |
strain characterization and grouping of campylobacter jejuni and campylobacter coli by interaction with lectins. | strains of campylobacter jejuni and campylobacter coli were characterized and grouped by their distinct reaction patterns with lectins. heating of the campylobacter cultures to 100 degrees c and holding for 30 to 60 min greatly enhanced their reactivity with lectins and permitted the grouping of all but 3 of 155 cultures tested in this study without interference of autoagglutination and other nonspecific activities. the lectin reaction patterns of the heated cultures were stable and reproducible ... | 1986 | 3754264 |
the chicken embryo as a model for campylobacter invasion: comparative virulence of human isolates of campylobacter jejuni and campylobacter coli. | eleven-day-old chicken embryos were used to compare the relative virulence of minimally passaged human isolates of campylobacter jejuni and campylobacter coli. graded doses of bacteria were inoculated onto the chorioallantoic membrane, and 50% lethal doses were calculated at 72 h postinfection. strains varied markedly in their ability to invade the chorioallantoic membrane and kill the embryos. the 50% lethal doses varied by about 6 logs for 25 strains of c. jejuni, and by 2 logs for 5 strains o ... | 1986 | 3759232 |
association with hela cells of campylobacter jejuni and campylobacter coli isolated from human feces. | we developed a rapid in vitro test for determining the association of campylobacter jejuni and c. coli with hela cells. association was expressed as a weighted mean of the number of bacteria associated with one cell in an association index (ai). the reproducibility of the ai was checked by repeating the test six times, using four strains chosen at random. means and standard deviations of the means were 7.3 +/- 1.2, 6.8 +/- 0.9, 1.8 +/- 1.2, and 0.1 +/- 0.2. the experimental conditions for which ... | 1986 | 3770943 |
isolation and characterization of cephalothin-susceptible campylobacter coli from slaughter cattle. | in a recent meat survey, 10 of 13 (77%) campylobacter coli isolates were susceptible to cephalothin. these organisms were isolated from nine slaughter cattle from eight meat packing establishments. all 10 isolates grew at 43 degrees c but not at 25 degrees c, were catalase and oxidase positive, and were susceptible to nalidixic acid (30 micrograms) and cephalothin (30 micrograms). the cultures were subsequently identified as c. coli serogroup 20, biotype i (lior scheme). sodium dodecyl sulfate-p ... | 1986 | 3771747 |
modified selective medium for isolation of campylobacter spp. from feces: comparison with preston medium, a blood-free medium, and a filtration system. | our previously described (h. goossens, m. de boeck, and j. p. butzler, eur. j. clin. microbiol. 2:389-393, 1983) selective medium, consisting of cefoperazone (15 mg/liter), rifampin (10 mg/liter), colistin (10,000 iu/liter), and amphotericin b (2 mg/liter) (medium m1), for the isolation of campylobacter jejuni and campylobacter coli from stool specimens was modified as follows: cefoperazone (30 mg/liter), rifampin (10 mg/liter), and amphotericin b (2 mg/liter) (medium m2). a comparative study of ... | 1986 | 3771769 |
biotype and serogroup distribution of campylobacter isolates from children in nigeria. | a total of 101 campylobacter isolates from nigerian children with or without gastroenteritis were biotyped and serogrouped by using the lior typing schemes (h. lior, j. clin. microbiol. 20:636-640, 1984; h. lior, d. l. woodward, j. a. edgar, l. j. laroche, and p. gill, j. clin. microbiol. 15:761-768, 1982). fifty-three (52.5%) of the isolates were campylobacter jejuni biotype i, 29 (28.7%) were c. jejuni biotype ii, 10 (9.9%) were campylobacter coli biotype i, and 9 (8.9%) were c. coli biotype i ... | 1986 | 3771772 |
rate of campylobacter spp. isolation in three regions of ontario, canada, from 1978 to 1985. | isolation rates of campylobacter spp. were analyzed for an 8-year period, 1978 through 1985. three laboratories of the ontario ministry of health examined 146,842 human feces samples for bacterial pathogens, including campylobacter jejuni and campylobacter coli. campylobacter spp. were isolated from 5,580 specimens (3.8%), with monthly isolation rates ranging from 1.1 to 7.4%. the data showed a seasonal distribution of isolations, with peaks during the summer months (june to september). most inf ... | 1986 | 3771774 |
monosaccharide composition of lipopolysaccharides from campylobacter jejuni and campylobacter coli. | the monosaccharide composition of the lps from 5 campylobacter jejuni strains and 7 campylobacter coli strains has been studied. all lps's contained kdo, heptose, glucosamine, glucose, and (with one exception) galactose. all c. jejuni and 3 c. coli lps's contained greater than 1% galactosamine. 3-amino-3.6-dideoxyglucose was present in all but one c. coli lps and in only one c. jejuni lps. | 1986 | 3772734 |
demonstration of a flagellar antigen shared by a diverse group of spiral-shaped bacteria that colonize intestinal mucus. | western blot analysis showed that there is little immunological cross-reactivity of the human pathogens campylobacter jejuni and campylobacter coli with campylobacter pyloridis, except for a very strong cross-reaction between the flagellins. this same antigenic cross-reaction was found with two isolates of gram-negative spiral microaerophilic bacteria that are known to colonize the intestinal mucosa of rodents, but not with the flagellins of a number of other motile bacteria. it is proposed that ... | 1987 | 3818099 |