
an snp within the angiotensin-converting enzyme distinguishes between sprint and distance performing alaskan sled dogs in a candidate gene analysis.the alaskan sled dog offers a unique mechanism for studying the genetics of elite athletic performance. they are a group of mixed breed dogs, comprised of multiple common breeds, and a unique breed entity seen only as a part of the sled dog mix. alaskan sled dogs are divided into 2 primary groups as determined by their racing skills. distance dogs are capable of running over 1000 miles in 10 days, whereas sprint dogs run much shorter distances, approximately 30 miles, but in faster times, that i ...201121846742
THE RISE AND FALL OF AN EPIZOOTIC OF THE DIPHYLLOBOTHRIIDEAN CESTODE SCHISTOCEPHALUS PUNGITII INFECTING THE NINESPINE STICKLEBACK.Abstract Epizootics of diphyllobothriidean cestodes appear to be simple, but deceptive similarity conceals the myriad ways in which these events are shaped by complex abiotic and biotic interactions. In Dog Bone Lake, Alaska, an epizootic of Schistocephalus pungitii infecting the ninespine stickleback (Pungitius pungitius) was short-lived. Its duration, with a peak that lasted only 1 yr, was shorter than for previously documented epizootics in Schistocephalus solidus. The ability of the nin ...201121895527
shaggy lame fox syndrome in pribilof island arctic foxes ( alopex lagopus pribilofensis), alaska.a previously unrecognized condition is described in wild free-ranging pribilof arctic foxes ( alopex lagopus pribilofensis) from the pribilof islands, alaska, usa. this condition is called shaggy lame fox syndrome (slfs) denoting the primary clinical signs first observed. criteria used to suspect slfs on gross examination included emaciation, failure to shed winter pelage and moderate to severe polyarthritis. criteria used to confirm slfs histologically included polyarthritis (characterized by l ...201727543449
new records of ticks (acari: ixodidae) from dogs, cats, humans, and some wild vertebrates in alaska: invasion potential.during 2010-2016, tick specimens were solicited from veterinarians, biologists, and members of the public in alaska. eight species of ticks were recorded from domestic dogs. some ticks were collected from dogs with recent travel histories to other countries or other u.s. states, which appears to explain records of ticks not native to alaska such as amblyomma americanum (l.) (lone star tick), ixodes scapularis (say) (blacklegged tick), and ixodes ricinus (l.). however, we recorded dermacentor var ...201627524823
single nucleotide polymorphism (snp) variation of wolves (canis lupus) in southeast alaska and comparison with wolves, dogs, and coyotes in north america.there is considerable interest in the genetics of wolves (canis lupus) because of their close relationship to domestic dogs (c. familiaris) and the need for informed conservation and management. this includes wolf populations in southeast alaska for which we determined genotypes of 305 wolves at 173662 single nucleotide polymorphism (snp) loci. after removal of invariant and linked snp, 123801 snp were used to quantify genetic differentiation of wolves in southeast alaska and wolves, coyotes (c. ...201525429025
local mitochondrial dna haplotype databases needed for domestic dog populations that have experienced founder effect.biological material from pets is often collected as evidence from crime scenes. due to sample type and quality, mitochondrial dna (mtdna) is frequently evaluated to identify the potential contributor. mtdna has a lower discriminatory power than nuclear dna with multiple individuals in a population potentially carrying the same mtdna sequence, or haplotype. the frequency distribution of mtdna haplotypes in a population must be known in order to determine the evidentiary value of a match between c ...201525612881
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