
hcv infection prevalence lower than expected among 18-40-year-old injection drug users in san diego, ca.san diego, california shares the world's busiest land border crossing with tijuana, mexico-a city where 95 % of injection drug users (idus) test hepatitis c virus (hcv) antibody-positive. yet, little is known about the prevalence and risk behaviors for hcv among idus in san diego. in 2009-2010, 18-40-year-old idus in san diego county completed a risk assessment interview and serologic testing for hcv and hiv infection. recruitment involved respondent-driven sampling, venue-based sampling at a sy ...201322766605
prevalence, distribution, and correlates of hepatitis c virus infection among homeless adults in los angeles.we documented the prevalence, distribution, and correlates of hepatitis c virus (hcv) infection among urban homeless adults.201722753984
risk of hip fracture associated with hepatitis c virus infection and hepatitis c/human immunodeficiency virus coinfection.hepatitis c virus (hcv) infection has been associated with reduced bone mineral density, but its association with fracture rates is unknown, particularly in the setting of human immunodeficiency virus (hiv) coinfection. our aims were to determine whether persons with hcv infection alone are at increased risk for hip fracture, compared to uninfected individuals, and to examine whether the risk of hip fracture is higher among hcv/hiv-coinfected persons, compared to those with hcv alone, those with ...201222619086
provider and patient correlates of provider decisions to recommend hcv treatment to hiv co-infected patients.despite low uptake of hepatitis c virus (hcv) treatment among hiv co-infected patients, few studies have examined the factors that contribute to provider decisions to recommend treatment. surveys of 173 co-infected patients and their primary care providers, as well as patient chart data, were collected at 3 hiv clinics in los angeles; 73% of the patients had any history of being recommended hcv treatment. multivariate predictors of being offered treatment included being caucasian, greater hcv kn ...201622564797
field-based performance of three pre-market rapid hepatitis c virus antibody assays in stahr (study to assess hepatitis c risk) among young adults who inject drugs in san diego, ca.approximately 4.1 million americans are estimated to have been infected with hepatitis c virus (hcv), 45-85% of whom are unaware of their infection. persons who inject drugs (pwid) account for 55.8% of all persons with hcv antibody (anti-hcv) in the u.s. pwid have limited access to healthcare and are infrequently tested for anti-hcv using conventional laboratory assays.201222560051
the association between use of non-injection drug implements and hepatitis c virus antibody status in homeless and marginally housed persons in san francisco.up to 17,000 persons in the usa became infected with hepatitis c virus (hcv) in 2007, and many cases have unknown transmission routes. to date research on transmission of hcv via shared implements used to snort or smoke non-injection drugs has been inconclusive.201222451327
prevalence and correlates of the use of prefilled syringes among persons who inject drugs in san diego, ca.persons who inject drugs (pwid) are at increased risk for blood-borne virus (bbv) infections and overdose resulting from high-risk injecting practices. studies of prefilled syringe use ([pfsu] using a syringe that already contained drug solution when it was obtained by the user), an injection practice previously described in eastern europe, suggest that it increases susceptibility to bbv. however, little is known about this practice in the usa. data were obtained from an ongoing cohort study of ...201526382653
effect of legal status of pharmacy syringe sales on syringe purchases by persons who inject drugs in san francisco and san diego, ca.sharing blood-contaminated syringes is the main risk factor for acquiring and transmitting blood-borne infections among persons who inject drugs (pwid). to reduce this risk, in 2005, california enacted legislation allowing local health jurisdictions to legalize non-prescription syringe sales after approving a disease prevention demonstration project (dpdp). with san francisco approving a dpdp immediately and san diego never approving one, we compared pwid across cities for their use of pharmacie ...201526252980
hepatitis c infection among hispanics in california.hispanics in california are more likely to be infected with hepatitis c, and those infected have had their infection detected later. a total of 1,567 hispanic and caucasian individuals were tested for antibodies to hepatitis c from 2000 through 2013. interviewers administered the risk behavior assessment. hepatitis c-infected hispanics were incarcerated longer than hepatitis c-infected caucasians, and they used marijuana less and illicit methadone more. they were more likely to use crack, heroin ...201526372008
substance use among chinese, filipino, and vietnamese adult men living in san jose, daly city, and san francisco, and its implications on atod prevention services.this intervention study collected data on chinese, filipino, and vietnamese high-risk adults to ascertain similarities and differences in drug use patterns. study participants (n = 126) participated in a 5-week intervention study to mitigate substance abuse and the prevalence of hepatitis c and hiv among high-risk adults in san francisco, san mateo, and santa clara counties of california. data reported were collected at baseline. the national outcome measures questionnaire was used to document i ...201222381125
self-reported participation in voluntary nonprescription syringe sales in california's central valley.california senate bill 41 (sb41), effective january 2012, is a human immunodeficiency virus/hepatitis c virus prevention measure designed to expand syringe access among injection drug users (idus) by allowing pharmacies to sell syringes without a prescription. this study assesses self-reported implementation of sb41 and characterizes barriers amenable to intervention.201728807658
cross-border injection drug use and hiv and hepatitis c virus seropositivity among people who inject drugs in san diego, california.the prevalence of hiv and hepatitis c virus (hcv) are significantly lower among people who inject drugs (pwid) in san diego, ca, usa compared with pwid in tijuana, mexico, located directly across the border. we investigated associations between cross-border injection drug use (idu), hiv and hcv seroprevalence and engagement in injecting risk behaviours while on each side of the border.201728683432
hepatitis c virus prevalence in egyptian americans in southern california.hepatitis c virus (hcv) is a global medical health concern. egypt has the highest hcv prevalence. few studies have assessed the hcv prevalence rates among egyptian-born expatriates. we sought to define the hcv prevalence egyptian-born individuals residing in the southern california area.201728617761
associations of criminal justice and substance use treatment involvement with hiv/hcv testing and the hiv treatment cascade among people who use drugs in oakland, california.people who smoke crack cocaine and people who inject drugs are at-risk for criminal justice involvement as well as hiv and hcv infection. compared to criminal justice involvement, substance use treatment (sut) can be cost-effective in reducing drug use and its associated health and social costs. we conducted a cross-sectional study of people who smoke crack cocaine and people who inject drugs to examine the association between incarceration, community supervision and substance use treatment with ...201728610602
pharmacists performing hepatitis c antibody point-of-care screening in a community pharmacy: a pilot describe the first community pharmacy-based hepatitis c antibody (hcv-ab) point-of-care (poc) screening program and its outcomes in california.201728602784
down in the valley: trajectories of injection initiation among young injectors in california's central valley.injection drug use initiation represents a critical point of public health intervention, as injection increases risk for blood borne infections including hepatitis c and hiv. in this paper, we explore pathways to injection initiation among youth (≤30) in the rural context of california's central valley, where rates of injection drug use are among the highest in the nation.201728458170
the redesign of consumer cost sharing for specialty drugs at the california health insurance exchange.this paper describes the redesign of health benefits at covered california-the nation's largest health insurance exchange, which covers 1.3 million individuals, and its benefit designs extending to hundreds of thousands more enrollees through insurance products sold outside the exchange-with respect to specialty drugs for the 2016 enrollment year. the catalyst for benefit redesign came from advocacy organizations representing patients suffering from hiv, multiple sclerosis, epilepsy, hepatitis c ...201627270158
the significance of harm reduction as a social and health care intervention for injecting drug users: an exploratory study of a needle exchange program in fresno, california.infectious disease remains a significant social and health concern in the united states. preventing more people from contracting hiv/aids or hepatitis c (hcv), requires a complex understanding of the interconnection between the biomedical and social dimensions of infectious disease. opiate addiction in the us has skyrocketed in recent years. preventing more cases of hiv/aids and hcv will require dealing with the social determinants of health. needle exchange programs (neps) are based on a harm r ...201727167664
hepatitis c screening rate among underserved adults with serious mental illness receiving care in california community mental health centers.although hcv is more prevalent among people with severe mental illness (smi; e.g., schizophrenia, bipolar disorder) than in the general population (17% vs 1%), no large previous studies have examined hcv screening in this population. in this cross-sectional study, we examined administrative data for 57 170 california medicaid enrollees with smi to identify prevalence and predictors of hcv screening from october 2010 through september 2011. only 4.7% (2674 of 57 170) received hcv screening, with ...201626890183
hcv prevalence in asian americans in california.the world health organization estimates that 170 million persons are infected with hcv worldwide, but only 22 million are from the americas and europe, compared to 94 million from asia. hcv prevalence in the general us population is 1.6 %, but data for asian americans are limited. our goal was to examine hcv prevalence in asian americans in a large ethnically diverse patient cohort seeking primary care at a free clinic in northern california. a total of 1347 consecutive patients were seen from s ...201726798070
characteristics of aa amyloidosis patients in san francisco.aa amyloidosis due to subcutaneous injection of drugs of abuse has been described in the usa, but all the existing literature is from more than 20 years ago. there is more recent literature from europe. we have observed a high incidence of aa amyloidosis in the county hospital in san francisco.201626370715
comparative clinical effectiveness and value of novel interferon-free combination therapy for hepatitis c genotype 1: summary of california technology assessment forum report. 201526167717
trends in use of health care and hiv prevention services for persons who inject drugs in san francisco: results from national hiv behavioral surveillance 2005-2012.multiple developments addressing health of people who inject drugs (pwids) in san francisco were initiated from 2003 to 2012, including expanded health care coverage, syringe access, hiv testing and universal hiv treatment.201525468816
intimate injection partnerships are at elevated risk of high-risk injecting: a multi-level longitudinal study of hcv-serodiscordant injection partnerships in san francisco, is increasingly recognized that the risk for hiv and hepatitis c (hcv) transmission among people who inject drugs (pwid), such as syringe sharing, occurs in the context of relationships between (at least) two people. evidence suggests that the risk associated with injection behavior varies with injection partner types.201425286346
a pharmacist-managed telemedicine clinic for hepatitis c care: a descriptive analysis.we established a pharmacist-led telemedicine clinic to manage patients with chronic hepatitis c infection. the clinic used individual pharmacist-to-patient consultations. there was also a group hepatitis c patient education class. the hepatitis c telemedicine service began in february 2011 and was available at three remote sites (santa maria, bakersfield and east los angeles) from the main site in west los angeles. a total of 96 patients were seen through telemedicine in the first nine months. a ...201424414398
clinical outcomes of hepatitis c treated with pegylated interferon and ribavirin via telemedicine consultation in northern california.patients in rural communities are less likely to receive treatment for their hepatitis c (hcv) infection. telemedicine (tm) consultation can close the gap of access to specialists in remote and under-served areas.201324154637
risk factors for liver disease and associated knowledge and practices among mexican adults in the us and mexico.latinos in the us are disproportionately affected by chronic liver disease, which is the sixth most common cause of death among this group. in mexico, cirrhosis and other liver diseases are the fourth leading cause of general mortality. the objective of this study was to contrast the liver disease risk factors, knowledge, and prevention practices reported among separate samples of mexicans living in los angeles, ca and in cuernavaca, mexico. we assessed the prevalence of specific risk factors (b ...201221877109
comparing respondent-driven sampling and targeted sampling methods of recruiting injection drug users in san francisco.the objective of this article is to compare demographic characteristics, risk behaviors, and service utilization among injection drug users (idus) recruited from two separate studies in san francisco in 2005, one which used targeted sampling (ts) and the other which used respondent-driven sampling (rds). idus were recruited using ts (n = 651) and rds (n = 534) and participated in quantitative interviews that included demographic characteristics, risk behaviors, and service utilization. prevalenc ...201020582573
the evaluation of patients with hepatitis c living in rural california via telemedicine.patients with hepatitis c who live in rural and low socioeconomic communities often lack access to specialty care. over the past 7 years, we have provided telemedicine consultations at the peach tree clinic, located in rural northern california. we performed a retrospective analysis of our experience. during this time period we provided consultations for 103 patients with hepatitis c; 37% had cirrhosis, and 64% had never undergone therapy with interferon and ribavirin. twenty-three percent of th ...200819119836
education by peers is the key to success.we are a latino, a white guy and an african american, and we are all peer educators in the hepatitis c programme at organization to achieve solutions in substance abuse, inc. (oasis), a not-for-profit medical clinic in oakland, california. we are all recovering heroin users who got hepatitis c from using needles and we all managed to stop using drugs. in the same way, we all went through hepatitis c treatment; one of us was a sustained responder, one a non-responder, and one a relapsing non-resp ...200717854730
health conditions among aging narcotics addicts: medical examination results.the study examined health conditions among an aging cohort of male narcotics addicts. this prospective cohort study (1964-1998) included interviews and medical testing for 108 surviving subjects who had been admitted to the california civil addict program during the years 1962 through 1964. medical testing results were: 51.9% had high blood pressure, 22.4% showed hyperlipidemia, 13.3% had elevated levels of blood glucose, 33.6% had abnormal pulmonary function, half of the sample had abnormal liv ...200415669446
prevalence and duration of hepatitis c among injection drug users in san francisco, calif. 200111189823
fifteen-year experience with adult and pediatric liver transplantation at the university of california, los the past 6 years, advances in surgical technique and immunosuppression regimens have improved overall survival of transplant patients. hepatitis c and alcoholic cirrhosis are the most common indications for transplantation at this center in the adult population while biliary atresia remains the most common indication in children. organ shortages remain the most formidable obstacle to widespread application of organ transplantation. as recipient indications and criteria for transplantation exp ...199810503104
provocative billboard promotes legislation for hepatitis c education, screening. american liver foundation, san diego chapter.california proponents of legislation that would provide education, screening and treatment for the silent killer hepatitis c used a provocative billboard on the route between sacramento's airport and capital to catch legislators' attention. the startling billboard caught much more than the attention of passersby.200710186406
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