[structural organization of the chemoreceptor organs in the snail]. | the data on the neuronal structure of the head tentacles, lips and osphradium in the snail lymnaea stagnalis l. have been obtained by means of general histological and histochemical methods, impregnation after golgi, stainings revealing neurosecrete, methods of retrograde horseradish peroxidase and cocl2 transport. the sensory areas of the organs studied possess all the main components inherent in the chemoreceptory organs. in the head tentacles and lips, 8 types of the primary sensitive neurose ... | 1982 | 7165519 |
intraneuronal injection of horseradish peroxidase labels glial cells associated with the axons of the giant metacerebral neuron of aplysia. | after injecting the cell body of the giant serotonergic neuron (gcn) in the cerebral ganglion of aplysia with horseradish peroxidase (hrp), we found that some glial cells were labeled along the cerebrobuccal connective and posterior lip nerve, the two nerves that contain the major axon branches of the injected neuron. starting at a distance of about 3 mm from the site of the injection, only glial cells in the nerve that are close to an axon branch of the gcn contained hrp. labeling appears to be ... | 1982 | 7143040 |
direct detection of the sulfur trioxide radical anion during the horseradish peroxidase-hydrogen peroxide oxidation of sulfite (aqueous sulfur dioxide). | the esr spectrum of so3- is observed directly during the oxidation of (bi)sulfite to sulfate by horseradish peroxidase. this radical exhibits a single line at g = 2.0031. the so3-radical can be trapped with nitrosobenzene, yielding an esr spectrum with coupling constants an = 12.3 g,ahp = aho = 2.4 g, and ahm = 0.9 g, and a g-value of 2.0053. so3- is an intermediate in the two-step reduction of peroxidase compound i by (bi)sulfite at physiological ph. at low ph, no so3- is observed, which indica ... | 1982 | 6296662 |
passive diffusion in small intestinal mucosa in childhood. | the passive permeability of the small intestinal mucosa in childhood was investigated by studying the penetration of two light- and electron-dense tracer molecules (ruthenium red mol. wt = 1000 and horseradish peroxidase mol. wt = 40 000) into fixed biopsy specimens. ruthenium red confirmed the presence of damaged and extruding epithelial cells in normal mucosa and showed a significant increase in such cells in abnormal mucosa. horseradish peroxidase demonstrated that antigenically-sized molecul ... | 1982 | 6186593 |
errant optic axons in the normal goldfish retina reach retinotopic tectal sites. | optic axons in the goldfish retina generally run radially from their origins to the optic nerve. however, horseradish peroxidase (hrp), introduced into small groups of axons through lesions in the tecta of normal fish, consistently filled some which ran parallel to the retinal margin for long distances before turning centrally. since all the hrp-filled ganglion cells lay close together, their axons evidently reached adjacent tectal sites by these widely divergent routes. | 1982 | 6182948 |
recovery from spinal transection in fish. | goldfish had spinal transections at segment 12 and then survived for 47-243 days. horseradish peroxidase was placed into spinal segment 15 in unoperated and operated fish and labeled neurons were found in: (1) the reticular formation; (2) the vestibular nuclei, and (3) the nuclei of the medial longitudinal fasciculus. the labeled neurons were slightly larger in operated fish and, in general, the longer the fish survived transection, the more cells were labeled. this demonstrates that brain regio ... | 1982 | 7177489 |
peripheral and central terminations of axons of the mesencephalic trigeminal neurons in xenopus. | following injection into masticatory and extraocular muscles, the peripheral and central distributions of the axonic processes of mesencephalic trigeminal neurons (mtc) were studied with the aid of retrograde and anterograde transport of horseradish peroxidase. peripheral projections included the superior rectus, inferior rectus, superior oblique and the temporalis muscles. central axonic processes of mtc terminated in the oculomotor--trochlear nuclear complex and in the motor nucleus of the tri ... | 1982 | 7177486 |
resonance raman spectrum of horseradish peroxidase compound iii: comparison with oxyhemoglobin. | | 1982 | 7181897 |
isolation and characterization of horseradish peroxidase compound x. | horseradish peroxidase reacts with sodium [36clll] chlorite at ph 10.7 to form a 36cl-labeled horseradish peroxidase intermediate. the optical absorption spectrum of this intermediate is quite stable and very similar to that of horseradish peroxidase compound ii. the intermediate can be separated from small molecules by chromatography on a sephadex g-10 column. after fractionation, 65 to 93% of 36cl in the reaction mixture remains associated with horseradish peroxidase. the remainder of 36cl-lab ... | 1982 | 7118894 |
the reactivity of mg-substituted horseradish peroxidases. | mg-substituted horseradish peroxidases were oxidized by k2ircl6 or k3fe(cn)6 to their porphyrin radical form and the 1:1 stoichiometric relationship was confirmed by spectrophotometric, fluorophotometric, and esr titration methods. the values of e'0 for oxidations of mg peroxidases a and c were both 0.63 v at ph 6 and depended on ph in the same way as postulated for the compound i/compound ii couples of the corresponding enzymes. unlike zn peroxidase c, mg peroxidase c was not directly oxidized ... | 1982 | 6288689 |
an indirect telencephalo-cerebellar pathway and its relay nucleus in teleosts. | in order to clarify telencephalo-cerebellar connections in teleosts, horseradish peroxidase (hrp) was injected into the telencephalon and the corpus cerebelli of 6 species which belong to cyprinidae, holocentridae, scorpaenidae and balistidae. in fishes belonging to holocentridae, scorpaenidae, and balistidae, some fibers of the telencephalo-tectal tract were observed to terminate ipsilaterally in a longitudinal nucleus, which is located dorsolaterally to the posterior commissure, while the rema ... | 1982 | 7139288 |
effects of neonatal cortical lesions upon retinocollicular projections in the hamster. | autoradiography and anterograde horseradish peroxidase transport were used to examine retinocollicular projections in normal hamsters and in animals subjected to ablation of the ipsilateral, posterior neocortex at 1, 3, 6, 10, or 120 days of age. the crossed retinotectal projections of all groups were quite similar. there did, however, appear to be a slight increase in the density of the projection to the lower portion of the stratum griseum superficiale in the neonatally brain-damaged hamsters. ... | 1982 | 7177383 |
[horseradish peroxidase: reagent for stopping the catalytic conversion of the substrates h2o2 and 2,2'-azino-di(3-ethyl-benzathiazoline-sulphonic acid-(6)) (abts)]. | catalytic conversion of h2o2 and 2,2'-azino-di(3-ethyl-benzthiazoline-sulphonic acid-(6)) (abts) by peroxidase is stopped immediately and completely by the addition of a secondary alkyl sulphate (teepol-610) or sodium dodecyl hydrogensulphate. the resulting colour intensity of the oxidized abts+ is thereby stabilized and can be determined photometrically within 60 min. these stop reagents have special practical importance for the enzyme-(peroxidase)-immunological determination by the elisa techn ... | 1982 | 7142914 |
acetylcholine receptors and cholinesterase in developing chick skeletal muscle fibers. | the developmental changes in the distribution of acetylcholine receptors (achrs) and cholinesterase (che) were investigated in the posterior latissimus dorsi (pld) muscle of chick embryos by double staining with rhodamine-labeled erabutoxin b (tmr-eb) for achrs and karnovsky's method for che. during the development, the tmr-eb and che positive areas changed in their shapes and sizes. in early stages, the tmr-eb positive areas appeared as fine fluorescent dots of about 0.3 micrometer in diameter ... | 1982 | 7139347 |
improved double immunoenzyme labeling using alkaline phosphatase and horseradish peroxidase. | alkaline phosphatase and peroxidase complexes were applied to tissue sections simultaneously to label two antigens. an azo-coupling method was used to demonstrate the alkaline phosphatase activity. the final result gave clear contrast between the two antigens and allowed the use of haematoxylin as the nuclear counterstain. | 1982 | 6752207 |
effect of barium and tetraethylammonium on membrane circulation in frog retinal photoreceptors. | we studied the influence of altered ionic conditions on the recycling of synaptic vesicle membrane in frog retinal photoreceptors using horseradish peroxidase to monitor synaptic activity and trace the fate of internalized membrane. the addition of 1.2 mm barium or 20 mm tetraethylammonium to isolated retinas maintained in ringer's solution, changes the usual balance of membrane circulation in the rod cells; the cone cells are much less affected. retrieval of synaptic vesicle membrane in the rod ... | 1982 | 6292233 |
the cellular uptake of horseradish peroxidase and its poly(lysine) conjugate by cultured fibroblasts is qualitatively similar despite a 900-fold difference in rate. | when horseradish peroxidase (hrp) is conjugated to poly(l-lysine) of molecular weight (mw) 13,000, its transport into cultured l929 fibroblasts in 1 hour at 37 degrees c is increased 918-fold. the kinetics of uptake are linear with time and concentration, reflecting a process of nonreceptor-mediated adsorptive endocytosis. neither hrp-poly(lys) conjugate nor free poly(lys) of any size cause any increase in fluid phase endocytosis. all evidence indicates that the covalently bound poly(lys) increa ... | 1982 | 6127344 |
identification of multiple groups of efferent vestibular neurons in the adult pigeon using horseradish peroxidase and dapi. | this study was designed to investigate the efferent innervation of the pigeon labyrinth. horseradish peroxidase (hrp) was injected and confined within the endolymphatic space of one labyrinth in 9 adult pigeons. the brain was perfused by transcardiac carotid catheterization and the hrp reacted by the tetramethylbenzidine (tmb) blue reaction process. five different groups of hrp-labeled vestibular efferent neurons were identified. three groups were located within the confines of the ipsilateral v ... | 1982 | 6982742 |
afferent connections of the ectostriatum and visual wulst in the zebra finch (taeniopygia guttata castanotis gould)--an hrp study. | afferent connections of the two main areas in the telencephalon, the visual wulst and the ectostriatum, were traced in the zebra finch by injection of horseradish peroxidase and staining with tetramethylbenzidine (tmb). nuclei projecting to the hyperstriatum accessorium (ha) or the his region (lamina hyperstriatica intercalatus superior) were: (1) ipsilaterally the n. dorsalis anterior pars lateralis (dll) with its two subdivisions dlld and dllv, the n. dorsolateralis anterior pars magnocellular ... | 1982 | 7127143 |
elimination of inappropriate axonal branches of regenerating cockroach motor neurons as detected by the retrograde transport of horseradish peroxidase conjugated wheat germ agglutinin. | a procedure is described for identifying the motor neurons innervating individual cockroach muscles by use of the retrograde transport of extracellularly injected horseradish peroxidase and the staining of cells in whole mount preparations. a modification of this procedure using wheat germ agglutinin covalently conjugated to horseradish peroxidase is required in order to identify regenerating motor neurons that have an axonal process that had regrown into a particular leg muscle at various times ... | 1982 | 6897010 |
a banded distribution of retinal afferents within layer 9a of the normal frog optic tectum. | a banded distribution of retinal ganglion cell axons within layer 9a of the superficial tectal neuropil in rana pipiens was revealed through anterograde labeling with horseradish peroxidase. layer 9a previously has been demonstrated to mediate binocular vision through a polysynaptic pathway by way of the nucleus isthmi. this nucleus interconnects analogous regions of the two tectal lobes such that isthmic axons retinotopically map the visual world of the ipsilateral eye within tectal layers 9a a ... | 1982 | 7127123 |
afferent neurons in the hypoglossal nerve of the zebra finch (poephila guttata): localization with horseradish peroxidase. | hypoglossal efferent fibers are known to innervate the vocal organ (syrinx) in songbirds. in order to determine the existence of afferent fibers from the syrinx in the zebra finch, horseradish peroxidase (hrp) was applied to the cut peripheral branch of the hypoglossal nerve that innervates the left side of the syrinx. cell bodies in the ganglion of the left vagus nerve were labeled, but no transganglionic (anterograde) transport into the cns was observed at transport intervals of 1 to 5 days. ( ... | 1982 | 7130479 |
neuronal mapping: a photooxidation reaction makes lucifer yellow useful for electron microscopy. | irradiation lucifer yellow-filled neurons with intense blue light in the presence of 3,3'-diaminobenzidine produces an electron-opaque osmiophilic polymer within the injected cells. this technique is valuable when cobalt or horseradish peroxidase injections are difficult or when a second intracellular marker is needed to demonstrate neuronal contacts. | 1982 | 7112109 |
the development of the segmental pattern of skin sensory innervation in embryonic chick hind limb. | 1. the development of dermatomes in the chick hind limb was investigated with both electrophysiological recording from and horseradish peroxidase (hrp) labelling of neurones in lumbosacral dorsal root ganglia (d.r.g.s). the embryonic stages studied spanned the period before and after cell death.2. in mature embryos, after the bulk of cell death, physiological mapping showed that the location of the dermatome of each d.r.g. is consistent from embryo to embryo. hrp studies showed that axons from e ... | 1982 | 7175742 |
the development of sensory projection patterns in embryonic chick hind limb. | 1. the distribution within individual dorsal root ganglia (d.r.g.s) of sensory neurones projecting to different targets in the embryonic chick hind limb was determined using the retrograde transport of horseradish peroxidase (hrp). the segmental pattern of sensory neurone projections was also defined, using retrograde and orthograde hrp labelling and electrophysiological techniques, from the onset of axonal outgrowth into the limb until after the period of sensory cell death. 2. at stage (st.) 2 ... | 1982 | 7175741 |
retinofugal pathways in juvenile and adult channel catfish, ictalurus (ameiurus) punctatus: an hrp and autoradiographic study. | the retinal projections of the juvenile and adult channel catfish, ictalurus (ameiurus) punctatus, were studied by using horseradish peroxidase (hrp) and autoradiography. the contralateral optic tract sends fibers to the suprachiasmatic nucleus (scn) and divides into lateral (lot) and medial optic tracts (mot). in the adult fish, the former is thicker than the latter, whereas in the juvenile form, the reverse is true. the mot curves laterally and divides into eight to 15 medial fascicles of the ... | 1982 | 7130469 |
variation in the size of synaptic contacts along developing and mature motor terminal branches. | the secretion of a quantum from groups of release sites (me) declines along the length of terminal branches at the amphibian neuromuscular junction. the morphological basis of this decline in me has been studied at neuromuscular junctions in juvenile muscles (fibre length 4 mm) and adult muscles (fibre length 22 mm). serial sections cut through the length of the junctions have been examined with both light and electron microscopy. juvenile junctions consist of two short (less than 50 micron) ter ... | 1982 | 6291724 |
use of antero- and retrograde axonal transport of horseradish peroxidase in analyzing interneuronal connections in the bat auditory system. | | 2007 | 6188074 |
enzyme immunoassay of the glycoprotein tropic hormones--choriogonadotropin, lutropin, thyrotropin--with solid-phase monoclonal antibody for the alpha-subunit and enzyme-coupled monoclonal antibody specific for the beta-subunit. | monoclonal antibody technology has made it possible to produce homogeneous populations of antibodies to discrete determinants on an antigen surface. we have produced monoclonal antibodies to the alpha-subunit and beta-subunits of the glycoprotein hormones choriogonadotropin, thyrotropin, and lutropin, and developed two-site simultaneous enzyme-linked immunospecific assays for these hormones. the anti-alpha-subunit monoclonal antibody was used as the solid-phase (coated tube) capture antibody for ... | 1982 | 6181913 |
afferent visual projections in three species of lungless salamanders (family plethodontidae). | afferent visual projections were demonstrated in three species of plethodontid salamanders by means of anterograde transport of horseradish peroxidase. on the contralateral side three optic tracts and seven neuropil areas can easily be distinguished, which are similar among the three species examined as well as in european salamandrids. on the ipsilateral side the marginal optic tract shows great diversity. the retinal projections of the latter range from weakly labeled terminal fields restricte ... | 1982 | 7133558 |
topographical representation of the peripheral nerve branches of the facial nucleus of the opossum: a study utilizing horseradish peroxidase. | the main facial nucleus of a marsupial, the north american opossum (didelphis marsupialis virginiana), was subdivided into 6 portions by localizing hrp-positive neurons after injecting all muscles by each major peripheral motor branch of the facial nerve. in the medial lobe of this dumbbell-shaped nucleus the caudal auricular nerve, rostral auricular ramus and cervical ramus were represented dorsomedially, dorsolaterally and ventrally, respectively. the lateral lobe contained zygomatic ramus cel ... | 1982 | 7127096 |
spinal cord development in anuran larvae: ii. ascending and descending pathways. | the ontogeny of ascending and descending spinal pathways was examined in bullfrog (rana catesbeiana) tadpoles using the transported histochemical marker, horseradish peroxidase (hrp). the adult pattern of brainstem projections to lumbar spinal cord is evident as early as larval stage i (taylor and kollros, anat. rec., 94:7-24, 1946), although the number and size of projecting cells increases as the animal matures. these projections arise from presumptive hypothalamic neurons at the diencephalic- ... | 1982 | 6982288 |
spinal cord development in anuran larvae: i. primary and secondary neurons. | the spinal cord of the bullfrog (rana catesbeiana) tadpole contains primary neurons, born during embryonic stages, and secondary neurons born for the most part during larval stages. electrophysiological and anatomical characteristics of these two categories of neurons were examined during larval development to trace the development of secondary neurons and to determine whether primary neurons persist into adult life or are replaced by secondary neurons. five classes of primary neuron were identi ... | 1982 | 6982287 |
the distribution of axon collaterals from the olfactory bulb and the nucleus of the horizontal limb of the diagonal band to the olfactory cortex, demonstrated by double retrograde labeling techniques. | three different pairs of double retrograde axonal tracers have been used to study the distribution of axon collaterals from individual cells in the olfactory bulb and the nucleus of the horizontal limb of the diagonal band: (1) horseradish peroxidase (hrp) and tritiated apo-hrp (3h-hrp), (2) hrp and 125i-wheat germ agglutinin (i-wga), and (3) the fluorochromes true blue (tb) and bisbenzimide (bb) or nuclear yellow (ny). with each combination of tracers, paired injections were made into different ... | 1982 | 7130455 |
organization of nucleus rotundus, a tectofugal thalamic nucleus in turtles. ii. ultrastructural analyses. | nucleus rotundus in a large, tectorecipient nucleus in the dorsal thalamus of the pond turtles pseudemys scripta and chrysemys picta. rotundal neurons form a single, morphologically homogeneous population (rainey, '79) that projects to the dorsal ventricular ridge in the telencephalon. the present paper examines the morphology of and the distribution of synapses upon rotundal neurons. astrocytes, oligodendrocytes, and neurons can be identified in both 1-micrometer sections stained with toluidine ... | 1982 | 7130452 |
isolation and characterization of five neutral isoenzymes of horseradish peroxidase. | five components of neutral horseradish peroxidase were isolated and purified by means of column chromatography, and designated b1, b2, b3, c1, and c2, respectively. all the components contained 2 atoms of calcium and 16.8-to-21.0% as much carbohydrate as in the enzyme molecule. they were very similar to one another with respect to physicochemical and chemical properties such as molecular weight, molar absorption coefficient, rate constants of the catalytic reaction and dissociation of cyanide co ... | 1982 | 7130156 |
differentiated microdomains on the luminal surface of capillary endothelium: distribution of lectin receptors. | lectins conjugated with either peroxidase or ferritin were used to detect specific monosaccharide residues on the luminal front of he fenestrated endothelium in the capillaries of murine pancreas and intestinal mucosa. the lectins tested recognize, if accessible, the following residues: alpha-n-acetylgalactosaminyl (soybean lectin), beta-d-galactosyl (peanut agglutinin [pa] and ricinus communis agglutinin-120 [rca]), beta-n-acetylglucosaminyl and sialyl residues (wheat germ agglutinin [wga]), al ... | 1982 | 7107706 |
organization of nucleus rotundus, a tectofugal thalamic nucleus in turtles. iii. the tectorotundal projection. | nucleus rotundus is the primary thalamic recipient of projections from the optic tectum in pond turtles. although the projection of the retina to the optic tectum is known to be topographically organized, earlier studies suggest that the tectorotundal projection is not topographically organized. three types of analyses are used in this paper to characterize the organization of the projection of the optic tectum to nucleus rotundus. first, large iontophoretic injections of horseradish peroxidase ... | 1982 | 6182167 |
retrograde axonal transport of a wheat germ agglutinin-horseradish peroxidase conjugate in aplysia californica. | to begin examining retrograde transport in a single invertebrate neuron we have used wheat germ agglutinin conjugated to horseradish peroxidase (wga-hrp), 18 h after the conjugate was injected extracellularly into the neuropil of the buccal ganglion of aplysia, hrp reaction product could be detected cytochemically in putative lysosomes, cisternae and vesicles near golgi in the giant metacerebral neuron (gcn) of the cerebral ganglion. appearance of reaction product in the cell body was blocked by ... | 1982 | 6180807 |
the detection of two electron paramagnetic resonance radical signals associated with chloroperoxidase compound i. | the electron paramagnetic resonance spectra of chloroperoxidase compound i and native enzyme are compared. upon the formation of compound i, the g = 2.62, 2.26, and 1.82 signals associated with native enzyme disappear and are replaced by two new epr signals, a sharp signal at g = 2.008 and a broad signal at g = 1.73. the g = 2.008 signal accounts for only 2% of the theoretical spins while the broad signal at g = 1.73 accounts for 60 to 70% of the theoretical spins in compound i. the g = 1.73 bro ... | 1982 | 6282864 |
the origin of efferent fibers to the inner ear in a turtle (terrapene ornata). a horseradish peroxidase study. | the origin of efferent acoustic and vestibular fibers was determined in the turtle terrapene ornata. after injection of an aqueous solution of horseradish peroxidase (hrp) into either the cochlear duct or into the ampullae of the horizontal and anterior semicircular canals, neurons in the medullary reticular formation were labeled by the reaction production of retrogradely transported hrp. these neurons were located bilaterally in the medial reticular nucleus. the majority were found ipsilateral ... | 1982 | 7116163 |
anatomical binding of intrinsic connections in striate cortex of tree shrews (tupaia glis). | the intrinsic connectivity of striate cortex was investigated by injecting horseradish peroxidase (hrp) into this area in tree shrews. such hrp injections demonstrated periodically organized, stripelike connections within area 17. these stripes occur in layers i-iiia and consist of a small number or retrogradely filled neurons, some clearly pyramidal, together with hrp-labeled axon terminals. hrp-filled axons trunks run between labeled stripes, interconnecting adjacent and distant regions of the ... | 1982 | 7119173 |
identified motor neurons in the cockroach exhibit stereotypic peripheral branching and nerve terminal structure. | the peripheral branching of the identified motor neurons df and ds which innervate the coxal depressor muscles in the legs of cockroaches was examined using the anterograde transport of a cobaltic-lysine complex and the retrograde transport of cobaltous ion or horseradish peroxidase. in all animals the axons of these motor neurons leave the ganglion in the dorsal portion of nerve root 5 and undergo a 180 degree spiral that brings them directly to the first branch. they leave the nerve root at th ... | 1982 | 7119163 |
morphologic effect of dimethyl sulfoxide on the blood-brain barrier. | dimethyl sulfoxide (dmso) opens the blood-brain barrier of mice to the enzymatic tracer horseradish peroxidase. a single injection of horseradish peroxidase in 10 to 15 percent dmso into the tail vein along with 10 to 15 percent dmso delivered intraperitoneally allowed horseradish peroxidase to fill the extracellular clefts throughout the brain within 2 hours. in the absence of dmso, peroxidase failed to enter brain parenchyma except through the circumventricular organs. opening of the blood-bra ... | 1982 | 7089551 |
development of raphe-spinal connections in the north american opossum. | the falck-hillarp technique, serotonin (5-ht) immunohistochemistry and the retrograde transport of horseradish peroxidase (hrp) were utilized to investigate the development of raphe-spinal connections in the pouch-young opossum. the brainstem raphe and adjacent reticular formation contain 5-ht immunoreactive neurons in the newborn opossum (12 days after conception) and processes from these cells can be visualized in the marginal zone of the spinal cord. between eight and 15 days after birth 5-ht ... | 2013 | 6756557 |
altered organization of intercollicular pathway in bilaterally enucleated hamsters. | autoradiography and the horseradish peroxidase technique were used to examine the intercollicular pathway in normal hamsters and in animals subjected to removal of one or both eyes at birth. the topographic organization of the intercollicular pathway and the numbers and laminar distributions of intertectal cells were the same in all groups. the laminar distributions of commissural fibers were also quite similar in the normal and unilaterally enucleated hamsters. in the bilateral enucleates, howe ... | 1982 | 6179581 |
retinal projections in adult and newborn grey squirrels. | retinal projections in newborn squirrels were compared to those in adults by using horseradish peroxidase (hrp) as a highly sensitive anterograde tracer. in both newborn and adult squirrels, the hrp reaction product was found in the dorsal lateral geniculate nucleus, the superior colliculus, the pretectal nuclei, and the nuclei of the accessory optic tract. thus, newborn squirrels have retinal input to most or all structures normally innervated in the adult. however, the pattern of terminations ... | 1982 | 6179578 |
labelling of dying neurones by peroxidase injected intravascularly in chick embryos. | three lines of evidence indicate that intravascularly injected horseradish peroxidase labels dying neurones selectively in the developing isthmo-optic nucleus: (i) in unoperated embryos, labelled neurones are found only during the period of normal neuronal death; (ii) some of the labelled neurones are manifestly necrotic; (iii) an intraocular injection of colchicine causes essentially all the isthmo-optic neurones to degenerate, and then they almost all take up peroxidase. however, deafferenting ... | 1982 | 7110631 |
mechanism of inhibition of horseradish peroxidase by cyclopropanone hydrate. | cyclopropanone hydrate irreversibly inactivates horseradish peroxidase in a time-dependent manner in the presence of oxidizing agent, hydrogen peroxide. the inhibition reaction is a second order reaction of cyclopropanone hydrate with compound i, the 2 electron-oxidized form of peroxidase, and results in covalent modification of the heme cofactor. a new propionic acid side chain is substituted for one of the methine protons of the heme. a mechanism for inhibition is proposed to involve oxidative ... | 1982 | 7076673 |
light- and electron-microscopic characterization of electrophysiologically-identified, horseradish peroxidase-injected magnocellular neuroendocrine cells in goldfish preoptic nucleus. | we recorded intracellularly from neurons in the goldfish preoptic nucleus which were antidromically identified by electrical stimulation of the pituitary gland and marked by intracellular injection of horseradish peroxidase for subsequent localization. at the light-microscopic level, labeled neurons resembled profiles of golgi-impregnated neurons and lay in the magnocellular portion of the preoptic nucleus. densely labeled axons and dendrites projected to the lateral forebrain bundle, the medial ... | 1982 | 7121827 |
sources of olfactory inputs to opossum mediodorsal nucleus identified by horseradish peroxidase and autoradiographic methods. | some sources of olfactory input to the opossum mediodorsal thalamic nucleus (md) were identified by retrograde horseradish peroxidase and anterograde autoradiographic methods. one major source originated from the olfactory tubercle and a narrow strip of piriform cortex bordering the tubercle. the tubercle-md projection exhibited a definite spatial organization and included all except the most medial part of md. the fact that the projection reached the most lateral and ventral extent of md abutti ... | 1982 | 7119148 |
exocytosis of pinocytic contents by chinese hamster ovary cells. | the extent of exocytosis of pinocytic vesicle contents was studied in suspension-cultured chinese hamster ovary (cho) cells using horseradish peroxidase (hrp) as a pinocytic content marker. hrp was shown to be internalized via fluid-phase pinocytosis in cho cells. after an hrp pulse of 2.5-10 min a rapid decrease of 30-50% in cell-associated hrp activity was observed within 10-20 min at 37 degrees c. during this time the loss of cell-associated hrp was accompanied by an equivalent increase in ex ... | 1982 | 7118995 |
synaptic excitation of the second and third order auditory neurons in the avian brain stem. | synaptic potentials were examined in the second- and third-order auditory neurons of nucleus magnocellularis and nucleus laminaris in the chick. brain stems of mature chick embryos were explanted and maintained in vitro for 4 to 8 h. field potentials, extracellular spike potentials and intracellular potentials evoked by 8th-nerve stimulation were examined. eighth-nerve stimulation reliability elicited four identifiable field potentials which could be attributed to: (i) the afferent volley of the ... | 1982 | 6289171 |
substance p-containing neurons of the avian suprachiasmatic nucleus project directly to the nucleus of edinger-westphal. | retrograde and anterograde pathway tracing techniques were used in the pigeon to study afferent visual input from the suprachiasmatic nucleus (scn) of the hypothalamus to the nucleus of edinger-westphal (ew), the parasympathetic visceral efferent component of the oculomotor complex. horseradish peroxidase injected into the ew retrogradely labeled numerous neurons in the contralateral scn, a retinorecipient hypothalamic nucleus, as well as a few neurons in the ipsilateral scn. autoradiographic or ... | 1982 | 6179091 |
spinal and medullary dorsal cell axons in the trigeminal nerve in lampreys. | the ophthalmic branch of the trigeminal nerve was labeled with horseradish peroxidase (hrp) in 3 species of adult lampreys. in each species, some medullary and spinal dorsal cells were retrogradely labeled by hrp. approximately 30% of spinal dorsal cells were labeled ipsilateral to the injection; an occasional contralateral spinal dorsal cell was also labeled. intracellular recordings confirmed the anatomical findings. | 1982 | 6179563 |
afferent connections of the cerebellum in various types of reptiles. | the origin of cerebellar afferents was studied in various types of reptiles, viz., the turtles pseudemys scripta elegans and testudo hermanni, the lizard varanus exanthematicus, and the snake python regius, with retrograde tracers (the enzyme horseradish peroxidase and the fluorescent tracer "fast blue"). projections to the cerebellum were demonstrated from the nucleus of the basal optic root, the interstitial nucleus of the fasciculus longitudinalis medialis, the vestibular ganglion, and the ve ... | 1982 | 7107986 |
brain barrier systems in the lamprey. ii. ultrastructure and permeability of the choroid plexus. | the lamprey choroid plexus was studied by electron microscopic techniques and the composition of cerebrospinal fluid and plasma compared as part of a characterization of the lamprey blood-brain barrier. it was shown that the ultrastructure of the lamprey choroid plexus is very similar to that of the mammalian plexus. a blood-cerebrospinal fluid (csf) barrier to horseradish peroxidase (molecular weight 40,000) and microperoxidase (molecular weight 2000) was localized to apical tight junctions bet ... | 1982 | 7093722 |
brain barrier systems in the lamprey. i. ultrastructure and permeability of cerebral blood vessels. | it is unclear whether the lamprey (class: cyclostomes) has a blood-brain barrier as in other vertebrates. therefore, the present study re-examined the lamprey blood-brain barrier. brain capillaries in the lamprey (lampetra fluviatilis), and their permeability to horseradish peroxidase (hrp; molecular weight 40,000) and microperoxidase (mp; molecular weight 2000) were studied in the electron microscope. all brain vessels were capillaries. each capillary formed a single hairpin-like loop. their en ... | 1982 | 7093721 |
serotonergic projections to the caudal brain stem: a double label study using horseradish peroxidase and serotonin immunocytochemistry. | cells of origin of serotonergic and non-serotonergic projections to the caudal brain stem in the primate were examined using a double label technique. following hrp injections into medullary raphe nuclei and the adjacent reticular formation double labeled cells were found in the dorsal raphe nucleus, the central superior nucleus and the ventrolateral tegmentum. retrogradely labeled cells that did not stain for serotonin-like immunoreactivity were found primarily in the periaqueductal gray (pag) ... | 1982 | 6178465 |
electrophysiological and structural studies of the organization of inputs to ganglion cells in the turtle retina. | the structure of electrophysiologically identified bipolar, amacrine and ganglion cells has been studied in the turtle retina. the distribution of these cells processes within the inner plexiform layer (i.p.l.) was evident after intracellular injection of horseradish peroxidase (hrp) or procion yellow. the observations indicated that ganglion cells may be subdivided into two groups, on the basis of their organization of inputs. type a ganglion cells receive only bipolar cells inputs, and type b ... | 1982 | 7138182 |
physiological responses, receptive fields and terminal arborizations of nociceptive cells in the leech. | the physiological responses, receptive fields and morphology of individual nociceptor (n) neurones have been studied in the leech. in each of the midbody ganglia there are four n cells (two on either side). each n cell has a distinctive territory that it supplies in the periphery, on the surface or internally. 1. both n cells respond selectively to noxious mechanical stimuli applied to the skin but not to touch, light, pressure or stretch. the receptive field of each cell is well defined and cov ... | 1982 | 7108790 |
aerobic oxidation of rifamycin sv to rifamycin s catalyzed by horseradish peroxidase. | the aerobic oxidation of rifamycin sv to rifamycin s was catalyzed by horseradish peroxidase. the oxidation rate increased with increasing ph. the oxidation was inhibited by catalase, but superoxide dismutase enhanced the oxidation rate of rifamycin sv. superoxide inhibited the oxidation and superoxide dismutase relieved the inhibition of oxidation by superoxide. an oxidation mechanism of rifamycin sv catalyzed by horseradish peroxidase which accounts for these data is proposed and a convenient ... | 1982 | 7096316 |
somatic motor axons can innervate autonomic neurones in the frog heart. | 1. the effects of sympathetic and parasympathetic stimulation on the heart rate in frogs were tested after hearts were reinnervated with a somatic motor nerve. when frogs were vagotomized and hypoglossal axons were redirected to the heart for 8 or more weeks, stimulating the redirected hypoglossus nerve produced a parasympathetic-like inhibition of the heart. stimulating sympathetic rami of the anastomosed hypoglossus nerve produced cardiac acceleration.2. individual parasympathetic neurones rec ... | 1982 | 6980983 |
release of creatine kinase and lactate dehydrogenase from frog skeletal muscles treated with imipramine. | frog sartorius and extensor longus digiti iv ("toe") muscles were mounted in sample collecting units, isometric tension was recorded and the activities of creatine kinase and lactate dehydrogenase released into the bathing medium were measured. addition of imipramine (greater than 0.2 mm) to the control medium induced muscle contractures and increased the rates of enzyme release. electronmicrographs of muscles exposed to imipramine (0.5--1.0 mm) showed fibers in which the extracellular marked ho ... | 1982 | 6978938 |
cerebellar afferents to paramedian lobule from the trigeminal complex in tupaia glis: a horseradish peroxidase (hrp) study. | projections from the trigeminal complex to paramedian lobule (pml) were studied in the tree shrew (tupaia glis) by means of retrograde transport of horseradish peroxidase (hrp). neurons which project to both dorsal and ventral folia of pml are located primarily in those areas of the trigeminal nuclear complex interpreted as nucleus interpolaris (vi) and caudal areas of the nucleus oralis (vo). the majority of hrp-labeled neurons lie in ventral and ventrolateral regions of vi/vo. no hrp-reactive ... | 1982 | 6284945 |
introduction of macromolecules into cultured mammalian cells by osmotic lysis of pinocytic vesicles. | we have developed a new procedure for introducing macromolecules into cultured mammalian cells based on osmotic lysis of pinocytic vesicles. cells are first incubated in culture medium containing 0.5 m sucrose, 10% polyethylene glycol 1000 and the macromolecule to be transferred. cells are then placed in medium diluted with 0.66 parts water. most pinocytic vesicles formed in the presence of sucrose burst in hypotonic medium, thereby releasing the enclosed macromolecule. l929 cells remain fully v ... | 1982 | 6179631 |
identification of interneurons with contralateral, caudal axons in the lamprey spinal cord: synaptic interactions and morphology. | 1. as part of a continuing investigation of the organization of the spinal cord of the lamprey, propriospinal interneurons with axons projecting contralaterally and caudally (cc interneurons) were surveyed with intracellular recordings. 2. cc interneurons were identified by recording their axon spikes extracellularly in the spinal cord during intracellular stimulation of the cell body. the axon projections of cc interneurons were confirmed after intracellular injection and development of horsera ... | 1982 | 6177842 |
further morphological and electrophysiological studies on snake muscle spindles. | 1. electron microscope studies using ruthenium red, horseradish peroxidase, and colloidal lanthanum disclosed a feature characteristic of the snake spindle capsule: it consists of a single layer of flattened cells connected in series, each of which forms a cylinder enclosing the intrafusal fiber. 2. in intact spindles none of the markers penetrated the capsule. the diffusion barrier appeared to be located along the intercellular space near the inner surface of the capsule layer. through the open ... | 1982 | 6177840 |
anatomical and behavioral recovery from the effects of spinal cord transection: dependence on metamorphosis in anuran larvae. | this study of spinal cord injury in bullfrog (rana catesbeiana) tadpoles using the neuroanatomical tracer horseradish peroxidase (hrp) was undertaken to determine (1) whether the same anatomical regions that normally give rise to ascending or descending spinal tracts do so following complete spinal cord transection and (2) whether the course of behavioral recovery could be related to the anatomical results. the results of this study show that (1) spinal cord continuity is readily restored in tad ... | 1982 | 6176699 |
ultrastructural evidence in mice that transganglionically transported horseradish peroxidase-wheat germ agglutinin conjugate reaches the intraspinal terminations of sensory neurons. | horseradish peroxidase conjugated to wheat germ agglutinin (hrp-wga) has been localized by electron microscopy in the central projections of primary sensory neurons following injection of the tracer into the gastrocnemius muscle of mice. the tracer was taken up by nerve terminals in the muscle and transported transganglionically into the central spinal cord terminations of the primary sensory neurons. the hrp-wga was localized using a new tetramethylbenzidine ultracytochemical method and the dia ... | 1982 | 6179012 |
ultrastructure of a histaminergic synapses in aplysia. | the ultrastructure of histaminergic synaptic terminals was studied by the means of intrasomatic injection of horseradish peroxidase into the identified histaminergic neuron c2 of aplysia. the axonal tree of c2 was found to consist, in part, of varicosities that display putative release sites similar in morphology to those described in other neurons in aplysia. the varicosities contain at least two populations of vesicles: a conspicuous class of of large vesicles with an electron-dense core that ... | 1982 | 7083016 |
retinal projections in the african cichlid fish, haplochromis burtoni. | the retinal projections of the african cichlid fish, haplochromis burtoni, have been traced by two different methods. following unilateral enucleation, a modified nauta technique was used to demonstrate degenerating axons and terminals. some degeneration was found after 5 days but optimal survival time was 20-25 days. orthograde transport of horseradish peroxidase (hrp) into the cut optic nerve also was used to examine retinal fiber distribution in the brain. the optic nerve is completely crosse ... | 1982 | 7096633 |
connections of the octopus optic lobe: an hrp study. | the major visual centers of the octopus central nervous system are the paired optic lobes. bidirectional transport of horseradish peroxidase (hrp) was used to determine connections of the optic lobe. cells afferent to the optic lobe were identified by retrograde hrp transport in the following lobes of the central ganglia: anterior basal, median basal, dorsal basal, interbasal, subvertical, precommissural, brachial, and magnocellular. labeled cells were also observed within the contralateral opti ... | 1982 | 7096632 |
the horseradish peroxidase-catalyzed oxidation of 3,5,3',5'-tetramethylbenzidine. free radical and charge-transfer complex intermediates. | benzidine and related compounds are well known substrates for horseradish peroxidase/h2o2 oxidation. typically, two different colored products are formed. in this paper, we study the oxidation of 3,5,3',5'-tetramethylbenzidine. the first colored product is a blue charge-transfer complex of the parent diamine and the diimine oxidation product. this species exists in rapid equilibrium with the radical cation. the radical was observed by esr spectroscopy, and hyperfine splitting constants were dete ... | 1982 | 6277943 |
medullary proprioceptive neurons from extraocular muscles in the pigeon identified with horseradish peroxidase. | three to five microliters of 50% hrp in saline was injected along a central axis into one of the 6 extraocular muscles in each of 18 adult pigeons. the brain was fixed and serially sectioned 16-20 h postinjection and the hrp reacted with tetramethylbenzidine (tmb). hrp-labeled proprioceptive neurons were located in the ipsilateral nucleus descendens nervi trigemini (ttd) for all muscle injections. the labeled neurons were further subdivided into two groups based on size and shape. in each experi ... | 1982 | 6176290 |
unbound bilirubin and kernicterus in low-birth-weight infants. | unbound bilirubin, bilirubin binding capacity, and bilirubin binding affinity were determined by the horseradish peroxidase method at the time of maximum hyperbilirubinemia and/or before exchange transfusions in 13 preterm infants who later died and had autopsies performed. five of the 13 infants had kernicterus at autopsy. there were no significant differences in weight, gestational age, highest indirect bilirubin level, albumin concentration, severity of acidosis, use of assisted ventilation, ... | 1982 | 7200229 |
activation volumes for horseradish peroxidase compound ii reactions. | the activation volumes for the reactions of horseradish peroxidase compound ii with l-tyrosine, 3-iodo-l-tyrosine, p-aminobenzoic acid and ferrocyanide were determined by using a high-pressure stopped-flow technique at 25 degrees c and ph 7. for the tyrosines, the solvent electrostriction accompanying substrate ionization and h+ transfer from the substituted phenol to a basic group of the enzyme can account for the observed negative activation volumes. for p-aminobenzoic acid a simple electron t ... | 1982 | 7074204 |
[horseradish peroxidase: kinetic studies and optimization of the activity determination with the substrates h2o2 and o-phenylenediamine (author's transl)]. | to optimize the determination of the activity of peroxidase, an enzyme often used as a marker and indicator system in enzyme immunoassays, the kinetics of the catalytic reaction and its dependence on the h2o2 and o-phenylenediamine concentration at various ph values were investigated. in addition, the influence of buffer systems, the reaction temperature, and the reaction time were determined. based on the results, a test procedure is proposed for the measurement of peroxidase down to concentrat ... | 1982 | 7042898 |
smooth endoplasmic reticulum and other agranular reticulum in frog retinal photoreceptors. | frog retinal photoreceptors are favourable material for studying a number of unresolved issues concerning the interconnections, three-dimensional organization and functions of intracellular membrane systems in neurons. at least two distinct regions of smooth endoplasmic reticulum (ser) are present in these cells. one region, the subellipsoid ser, is located in rod cells at the base of the mitochondria-rich ellipsoid region, and is comprised of arrays of stacked tubules which exhibit frequent con ... | 1982 | 6978386 |
antibodies to horseradish peroxidase as specific neuronal markers in drosophila and in grasshopper embryos. | antibodies specific for horseradish peroxidase (hrperoxase) bind to neuronal membranes in drosophila and serve as a specific neuronal marker. immunocytochemical staining with these antibodies marks sensory neurons, peripheral nerves, and fiber tracks in the central nervous system of embryos, larvae, and adult flies. similar patterns of staining also were seen in embryos of the grasshopper. it appears that an antigen associated with the nervous system and appearing early in differentiation is rec ... | 1982 | 6806816 |
enzyme immunoassay for free thyroxin. | we describe a mathematical model for a single-tube enzyme immunoassay for free thyroxin (ft4), involving use of a thyroxin/horseradish peroxidase (ec conjugate that does not interact with thyroxin-binding globulin. in the presence of serum two populations of unassociated, or free, immunologically active constituents are present: ft4 and the conjugate. the concentrations of the former are determined by the serum constituents and of the latter by the albumin concentration. when a small q ... | 1982 | 6804116 |
neck muscles innervation patterns in the northern leopard frog (rana p. pipiens). | the motor innervation patterns of neck and middle ear muscles were investigated in 24 northern leopard frogs (rana p. pipiens) using the horseradish peroxidase retrograde tracing technique. the results show that various neck muscles were innervated by motoneurons in medial motor column of the ventral horn extending from the second to third spinal nerves, and positioned medially to the lateral motor column (lmc). middle ear muscle, on the other hand, was innervated by motoneurons in lmc. | 1982 | 6978471 |
an electron spin resonance study of the novel radical cation produced during the horseradish peroxidase-catalyzed oxidation of tetramethylhydrazine. | | 1982 | 6284143 |
the ultrastructure of identified locust motor neurones and their synaptic relationships. | motor neurones in the thoracic ganglia of the locust were impaled with microelectrodes and identified according to the muscle they innervated and their other physiological properties. they were then labeled by intracellular injection of horseradish peroxidase and processed for electron microscopy. the nature and distribution of synapses on each motor neurone was examined and, by the use of reconstruction from serial sections, their spatial relationships revealed. the metathoracic fast extensor t ... | 1982 | 7096627 |
testosterone uptake in the brainstem of a sound-producing fish. | three nuclear areas in the medulla were implicated in the control of sound production in the oyster toadfish opsanus tau. the sonic motor nucleus was labeled by retrograde transport of horseradish peroxidase injected into swimbladder sonic muscles, and an adjacent ventrolateral and a more anterior periventricular nucleus of the medulla were revealed by autoradiography with 3h-labeled testosterone. these androgen uptake sites occur in brainstem areas corresponding to areas predicted to contain th ... | 1982 | 7058346 |
fiber connections of the corpus glomerulosum in a teleost, navodon modestus. | fiber connections of the corpus glomerulosum (cg) in a teleost, navodon modestus, were studied by means of horseradish peroxidase (hrp) and the fink-heimer methods. the cg is divided into a pars anterior (ga) and a pars rotunda (gr). both the gr and the ga have the same cell components and glomeruli. the gr is composed of four layers arranged concentrically around a central fiber net in the following order (ito and kishida, '75): a glomerular layer, a fibrous layer, a small-cell layer, and a per ... | 1982 | 7076899 |
the formation of appropriate central and peripheral connexions by foreign sensory neurones of the bullfrog. | 1. the ability of foreign sensory neurones to form novel reflex pathways was studied in bullfrogs by removing, during early larval stages of development, the dorsal root ganglion (d.r.g. 2) that normally provides the entire sensory innervation of the front limb.2. after the operation these tadpoles metamorphosed into frogs that responded to sensory stimuli and had nearly normal use of the limb. sensation in the limb was mediated by sensory neurones located in an adjacent ganglion (d.r.g. 3); the ... | 1982 | 6980277 |
[anatomical background of snout movement of some insectivores (mammalia) a study of facial nerve element by means of horseradish peroxidase method (author's transl)]. | | 1982 | 6955411 |
cooxidation of benzidine by horseradish peroxidase and subsequent formation of possible thioether conjugates of benzidine. | | 1982 | 7073745 |
ozone-induced formation of o,o'-dityrosine cross-linked in proteins. | treatment of spectrin, insulin, glucagon and ribonuclease with ozone results in covalent cross-linking of these proteins. this cross-linking is not reversed by treatment with dithiothreitol and thus can not be ascribed to -s-s- bond formation. a concomitant o,o'-dityrosine formation is observed by spectrofluorometric analysis of the protein and by amino acid analysis and thin-layer chromatography of hydrolyzed protein samples. it is highly probable that the observed protein cross-linking should ... | 1982 | 7041979 |
suppression of the cell body response in axotomized frog spinal neurons does not prevent initiation of nerve regeneration. | frog spinal neurons, in animals maintained at environmental temperatures above 20 degree c, show the classic features of the cell body response following peripheral axotomy. in contrast, axotomized spinal neurons in frogs held at an ambient temperature of 15 degree c showed no apparent cell body response. the 15 degree c neurons retained normal morphology, continued to synthesize and transport normal levels of acetylcholinesterase activity, and sustained normal reflex connections. despite the ap ... | 1982 | 6174181 |
the distribution of motoneurons innervating hindlimb muscles in the terrapin pseudemys scripta elegans. | the distribution of motoneurons innervating a number of hindlimb muscles in the spinal cord of the terrapin pseudemys scripta elegans was studied by means of intramuscularly injected horseradish peroxidase (hrp). it appeared that motoneurons innervating knee extensors were localized more rostrally in the spinal cord than those innervating knee flexors and hip retractors. muscles on the dorsal side of the limb were positioned more ventrally in the ventral horn compared to motoneurons innervating ... | 1982 | 7070704 |
cholera toxin covalently linked with horseradish peroxidase does not activate the adenylate cyclase of neuroblastoma cells. | | 1982 | 7056299 |
chemical transmission between individual retzius and sensory neurones of the leech in culture. | 1. chemical synaptic transmission develops between individual identified neurones dissected from leech ganglia and maintained in culture. impulses in retzius cells give rise to hyperpolarizing synaptic potentials in pressure (p) sensory cells. in suitable medium the potentials develop by 3 days and can be observed for more than 3 weeks. 2. the synaptic potentials occur after a synaptic delay, exhibit facilitation and depression and are reversed by hyperpolarization. the blocking effects of reduc ... | 1982 | 6124633 |
the thalamic connectivity of the primary motor cortex (mi) in the raccoon. | the purpose of this study was to determine the pattern of thalamic projections of the primary motor cortex (mi) in the raccoon, a carnivore species noted for neural specialization of sensorimotor function. following electrophysiological identification of circumscribed regions of mi, injections of horseradish peroxidase (hrp) or hrp combined with tritiated amino acids were made in 15 animals. labeled thalamic cells were found predominantly in the ventral lateral nucleus (vl). for a given cortical ... | 1982 | 6276451 |
localization of synaptic and nonsynaptic nicotinic-acetylcholine receptors in the goldfish retina. | the localization of nicotinic-cholinergic receptors in the inner plexiform layer (ipl) of goldfish retina was studied by electron microscopic analysis of the binding pattern of a conjugate or horseradish peroxidase and alpha bungarotoxin (hrp-alpha btx). specific hrp reaction product (blockade by 1mm curare) was found at both synaptic and nonsynaptic sites. synaptic binding sites for hrp-alpha btx, which accounted for only 16% of the total specific reaction product sites, always involved an amac ... | 1982 | 6276449 |
immunocapillarymigration : use of fluorescein- and enzyme-labeled antibodies to quantify c-reactive protein. | the method is based upon the attachment of antibodies to a porous insoluble support and the subsequent capillary migration of the antigen-containing solution in the support. the antigen-covered area thereby obtained was visualized with fluoresceinor horseradish peroxidase-labeled antibodies. the height of this area increased with increasing antigen concentration. the method was used to quantitate c-reactive protein. | 1982 | 24234092 |
application of the immunoperoxidase technique fdr the detection of derzsy's disease virus antigen in cell culture and goslings. | application of a direct immunoperoxidase technique for the detection of derzsy's disease virus antigen in cell culture and goslings is described. anti-virus globulins were labelled with horseradish peroxidase by use of sodium periodate as a coupling agent. virus antigen was detected in the nuclei of goose embryo fibroblasts from 48 to 72 hours post-inoculation and in the nuclei of hepatic cells between 5 to 8 days after infection. microstructural detail was much better in cell culture than in th ... | 1982 | 18770223 |
homology of plant peroxidases: an immunochemical approach. | antisera specific for the basic peroxidase from horseradish (amoracea rusticana) were used to examine homology among horseradish peroxidase isoenzymes and among basic peroxidases from root plants. the antisera cross-reacted with all tested isoperoxidases when measured by both agar diffusion and quantitative precipitin reactions. precipitin analyses provided quantitative measurements of homology among these plant peroxidases. the basic radish (raphanus sativus l. cv. cherry belle) peroxidase had ... | 1982 | 16662176 |
indomethacin and bilirubin-albumin binding. | we studied the effects of indomethacin on the bilirubin binding of albumin using the hydroxybenzene azobenzoic acid (hbaba) dye binding method, the estimation of unbound bilirubin concentration (ubc) by the horseradish peroxidase assay and the whole blood fractionation (wbf) technique. the addition of up to 2 micrograms/ml of indomethacin, which is the level obtained with an 0.2 mg/kg dose, did not decrease the mean hbaba dye binding capacity of 29 icteric sera or increase the mean ubc of 11 ict ... | 1982 | 7172969 |