metal-catalyzed oxidation renders silver intensification selective. applications for the histochemistry of diaminobenzidine and neurofibrillary changes. | physical developers can increase the visibility of end products of certain histochemical reactions, such as oxidative polymerization of diaminobenzidine and selective binding of complex silver iodide ions to alzheimer's neurofibrillary changes. unfortunately, this intensification by silver coating is generally superimposed on a nonspecific staining originating from the argyrophil iii reaction, which also takes place when tissue sections are treated with physical developers. the present study rev ... | 1986 | 3537114 |
restoration of neuromuscular specificity following ventral rhizotomy in the bullfrog tadpole, rana catesbeiana. | the specificity of hindlimb reinnervation following transection of lumbar ventral roots was investigated in adult and larval bullfrogs (rana catesbeiana). five to 6 weeks following ventral rhizotomy, the retrogradely transported marker horseradish peroxidase (hrp) was applied to circumscribed regions of the hindlimb. the location of labeled motoneuron somata within the lumbar lateral motor column was compared with that obtained in unoperated tadpoles. reinnervation of the hindlimb was largely sp ... | 1986 | 3492518 |
oxygen exchange between the fe(iv) = o heme and bulk water for the a2 isozyme of horseradish peroxidase. | resonance raman spectra were observed for compound ii of horseradish peroxidase a2, and the fe(iv) = o stretching raman line was identified at 775 cm-1. this raman line shifted to 741 cm-1 upon a change of solvent from h2(16)o to h2(18)o, indicating occurrence of the oxygen exchange between the fe(iv) = o heme and bulk water. the oxygen exchange took place only at the acidic side of the heme-linked ionization with pka = 6.9. | 1986 | 3780970 |
morphology of neurons in the dorsal lateral geniculate complex in turtles of the genera pseudemys and chrysemys. | the morphology of neurons in the dorsal lateral geniculate complex of pond turtles has been studied by extracellular filling with horseradish peroxidase. the dorsal lateral geniculate complex is a rostrocaudally elongate structure that includes the nucleus ovalis and dorsal lateral geniculate nucleus of papez. it is divided into three cytoarchitecturally distinct subnuclei: the subnucleus ovalis, the dorsal subnucleus, and the ventral subnucleus. each subnucleus consists of a neuropile immediate ... | 1986 | 3793999 |
motoneurons of the tail of young xenopus tadpoles. | the purpose of this study was to identify, characterize, and follow the morphogenesis of motoneurons innervating tail myotomes of xenopus during early and middle larval stages (33-48). application of horseradish peroxidase to a single myotome results in a column of labeled motor cells extending over four spinal segments. by midlarval stages two morphologically distinct cell types were recognizable in this column-primary and secondary motoneurons. primary motoneurons occupied the more rostral and ... | 1986 | 3793997 |
auditory pathways to the hypothalamus in ranid frogs. | three multisynaptic pathways from the midbrain auditory center (torus semicircularis) of the bullfrog, rana catesbeiana, to the infundibular hypothalamus were found using the axonal tracer wheat germ agglutinin-horseradish peroxidase. toral neurons project to the secondary visceral nucleus of the isthmus and to the central and anterior thalamic nuclei of the dorsal thalamus. all 3 of these nuclei project to the infundibular hypothalamus. these findings indicate multiple connections between two c ... | 1986 | 3491346 |
measurement of rates and equilibria for keto-enol tautomerism of aldehydes using horseradish peroxidase compound i. | | 1986 | 22283318 |
structural characterization of horseradish peroxidase using exafs spectroscopy. evidence for fe = o ligation in compounds i and ii. | | 1986 | 22283292 |
control of echolocation pulses by neurons of the nucleus ambiguus in the rufous horseshoe bat, rhinolophus rouxi. ii. afferent and efferent connections of the motor nucleus of the laryngeal nerves. | horseradish peroxidase was applied by inotophoretic injections to physiologically identified regions of the laryngeal motor nucleus, the nucleus ambiguus in the cf/fm bat rhinolophus rouxi. the connections of the nucleus ambiguus were analysed with regards to their possible functional significance in the vocal control system, in the respiration control system, and in mediating information from the central auditory system. the nucleus ambiguus is reciprocally interconnected with nuclei involved i ... | 1986 | 3806434 |
neurites show pathway specificity but lack directional specificity or predetermined lengths in xenopus embryos. | the earliest outgrowth of nerve fibers from identified spinal neurons labeled with horseradish peroxidase (hrp) was traced along surgically rearranged pathways in the central nervous system (cns) of xenopus embryos. parts of the cns were misaligned or inverted rostrocaudally by grafting a segment of labeled spinal cord in place of the same or different spinal cord segment of an unlabeled embryo or by joining two rostral half embryos (head-to-head) or two caudal half embryos (tail-to-tail), one h ... | 1986 | 3794687 |
the adult organization and development of the rubrospinal tract. an experimental study using the orthograde transport of wga-hrp in the north-american opossum. | we have employed the orthograde transport of wheat germ agglutinin conjugated to horseradish peroxidase to study the organization of rubrospinal connections in adult and pouch young opossums. our results suggest that: in the adult opossum rubrospinal axons are distributed more widely than suggested by previous studies; rubrospinal projections are formed postnatally in the opossum, but much earlier than corticospinal connections; rubrospinal axons do not grow synchronously, as a massive bundle fo ... | 1986 | 3779426 |
embryonic chick allantois: functional isolation and development of sodium transport. | by removing the shell membranes from the chorioallantoic membrane, the chorion is damaged, as visualized by electron microscopy, and rendered permeable, as evidenced by penetration of horseradish peroxidase and increased inhibition of the allantoic na+-k+ pump by ouabain applied on the chorionic side. the short-circuit current (scc) of this functionally isolated allantoic epithelium is augmented by nystatin, a channel-forming ionophore, when applied to the mucosal surface. electrical parameters ... | 1986 | 3777157 |
suppression of nonspecific binding of avidin-biotin complex (abc) to proteins electroblotted to nitrocellulose paper. | nitrocellulose blots of cell extracts reacted in sequence with biotinylated lectins and horseradish peroxidase-labeled avidin-biotin complex (abc) often show considerable nonspecific staining of protein bands. experiments were performed to determine which of the components of the abc were responsible for this and whether or not the nature and ionic strength of the buffer used could alter this binding. furthermore, as powdered non-fat milk has been proposed as a possible blocking agent for nonspe ... | 1986 | 3772081 |
control of echolocation pulses by neurons of the nucleus ambiguus in the rufous horseshoe bat, rhinolophus rouxi. i. single unit recordings in the ventral motor nucleus of the laryngeal nerves in spontaneously vocalizing bats. | the vocal motor control of the larynx was studied with single unit recordings from the efferent motor nucleus (nucleus ambiguus) in the cf-fm-bat rhinolophus rouxi, spontaneously emitting echolocation sounds. the experiments were performed in a stereotaxic apparatus that allowed differentiation of activities in the recorded nucleus depending on the electrode position (fig. 1). echolocation calls and respiration activity were monitored simultaneously, thus it was possible to compare the time cour ... | 1986 | 3543318 |
direct electron spin resonance detection of free radical intermediates during the peroxidase catalyzed oxidation of phenacetin metabolites. | the oxidation of the phenacetin metabolites p-phenetidine and acetaminophen by peroxidases was investigated. free radical intermediates from both metabolites were detected using fast-flow esr spectroscopy. oxidation of acetaminophen with either lactoperoxidase and hydrogen peroxide or horseradish peroxidase and hydrogen peroxide resulted in the formation of the n-acetyl-4-aminophenoxyl free radical. totally resolved spectra were obtained and completely analyzed. the radical concentration was dep ... | 1986 | 3024853 |
cells of origin of ascending pathways in the spinal cord of the pigeon. | horseradish peroxidase was applied to ascending spinal pathways at high cervical levels to determine the cells of origin of these pathways in the pigeon. in addition to primary afferent fibers many ipsilaterally located lamina iv neurons of cervical segments project to the dorsal columns, indicating a substantial postsynaptic dorsal column pathway in birds. cells projecting in the dorsolateral part of the white matter were predominantly located in lamina i and v throughout the spinal cord (bilat ... | 1986 | 3785733 |
reciprocal connections between the claustrum and visual thalamus in the tree shrew (tupaia glis). | we previously described the existence of reciprocal connections between the dorsal claustrum and striate cortex in the tree shrew, tupaia glis. these projections were found to originate and terminate in a distinct topographic manner within the mid region of the upper portion of the dorsal claustrum. in this investigation, we examined the afferent and efferent projections between the claustrum and the lateral intermediate nucleus (li) of the visual thalamus using small electrophoretic injections ... | 1986 | 3779407 |
thalamic connectivity of the second somatosensory area and neighboring somatosensory fields of the lateral sulcus of the macaque. | the thalamocortical relations of the somatic fields in and around the lateral sulcus of the macaque were studied following cortical injections of tritated amino acids and horseradish peroxidase (hrp). special attention was paid to the second somatosensory area (s2), the connections of which were also studied by means of thalamic isotope injections and retrograde degeneration. s2 was shown to receive its major thalamic input from the ventroposterior inferior thalamic nucleus (vpi) and not, as pre ... | 1986 | 3793981 |
topography of retinodiencephalic projections in adult channel catfish. | in order to determine the topography of retinal axons in diencephalic nuclei of ictalurus punctatus, horseradish peroxidase was applied to the optic papillae. the topography was found to be similar in all nuclei in that the terminal endings of ventral retinal axons innervated rostrodorsally whereas dorsal retinal axons innervated caudoventrally. in general, the retinal topography in the diencephalon corresponded with the topography of retinal axons in the optic tracts. these data suggest a relat ... | 1986 | 3768716 |
structural characterization of lactoperoxidase in the heme environment by proton nmr spectroscopy. | the heme environmental structures of lactoperoxidase (lp) have been studied by the use of hyperfine-shifted proton nmr and optical absorption spectra. the nmr spectra of the enzyme in native and cyanide forms in h2o indicated that the fifth ligand of the heme iron is the histidyl imidazole with an anionic character and that the sixth coordination site is possibly vacant. these structural characteristics are quite similar to those of horseradish peroxidase (hrp), suggesting that these may be prer ... | 1986 | 3790490 |
lineage analysis of transplanted individual cells in embryos of drosophila melanogaster : iii. commitment and proliferative capabilities of pole cells and midgut progenitors. | in this paper experiments concerning some aspects of the development of pole cells and midgut progenitors in drosophila are reported. cells were labelled by injecting horseradish-peroxidase (hrp) in embryos before pole bud formation and transplanted at different stages into unlabelled embryos, where the transplanted cells developed together with the unlabelled cells of the host. the hosts were then fixed and stained at different ages in order to demonstrate the presence of hrp in the progenies o ... | 1986 | 28305688 |
sialoglycoconjugates of a pancreatic tumor: markers for cell polarity, membrane fluidity, and possible role in exocytosis. | the distribution and nature of sialoglycoconjugates on the surface of cells of a pancreatic carcinoma and their behavior when interacting with the sialic acid-specific lectin, limulin (lpa; from limulus polyphemus hemolymph) were compared to those of normal pancreatic acinar cells. fluorescence microscopy of frozen sections, using rhodaminated lpa (rh-lpa), revealed protease-resistant binding sites evenly distributed over the cell surface of neoplastic cells, contrasting with the asymmetric dist ... | 1986 | 3745906 |
anatomical evidence for enkephalin immunoreactive climbing fibres in the cerebellar cortex of the opossum. | enkephalin immunoreactivity is present in the cerebellum of the adult opossum within axonal arbors that resemble mature climbing fibres. in the developing cerebellum, enkephalinergic axons form pericellular nests around the perikarya of purkinje cells in a manner which resembles developing climbing fibres seen in golgi impregnations. serial electron micrographs of adult climbing fibres reveal elongate enkephalin immunoreactive profiles that contain synaptic vesicles and make contact with the tho ... | 1986 | 3534147 |
some aspects of the structural organization of the spinal cord of gymnotus carapo (teleostei, gymnotiformes). i. the electromotor neurons. | the spinal electromotor neurons (emns) of gymnotus carapo from a distinct column dorsal to the central canal. when massively retrograde-labeled with horseradish peroxidase, these neurons show a well-developed dendritic arborization. dendrites run along the longitudinal axis of the cord and also project toward the dorsal gray and dorsolateral funiculi. input to the emns is mediated by scarce synaptic contacts which show the fine structural characteristics of the so-called "morphologically mixed" ... | 2006 | 3453366 |
development of projections from somatic motor-sensory areas of neocortex to the diencephalon and brainstem in the north american opossum. | the development of projections from somatic motor-sensory areas of neocortex to the diencephalon and brainstem was studied by using the orthograde transport of wheat germ agglutinin conjugated to horseradish peroxidase (wga-hrp) in a series of pouch-young opossums. the opossum was chosen for study because it is born in a very immature state, 12 days after conception, and has a protracted postnatal development. cortical axons form a cerebral peduncle by at least postnatal day (pd) 10, a medullary ... | 1986 | 2431011 |
regional specialization in synaptic input and output in an identified local nonspiking interneuron of the crayfish revealed by light and electron microscopy. | lateral inhibition of several mechanosensory interneurons in the crayfish terminal ganglion is mediated by a pair of identified local nonspiking interneurons called local directionally selective (lds) interneurons. the ultrastructure and synaptic distribution of these interneurons were investigated by using intracellular labeling with horseradish peroxidase for electron microscopy. the lds interneuron has bilateral, asymmetric arborizations. they are connected by a thick transverse neurite on wh ... | 1986 | 3771834 |
telencephalic afferent nuclei in the carp diencephalon, with special reference to fiber connections of the nucleus preglomerulosus pars lateralis. | fiber connections of the nucleus preglomerulosus pars lateralis (pgl), which primarily provides afferent inputs to the telencephalon, were examined in carp by means of horseradish peroxidase tracing methods. the major afferent sources of pgl are the bilateral nucleus tuberis anterior and a few projections are found deriving from the ipsilateral nucleus ventromedialis thalami, nucleus centralis posterior, dorsal periventricular hypothalamus, and torus semicircularis. axons arising in the pgl can ... | 1986 | 2429725 |
development of reticulospinal neurons of the zebrafish. ii. early axonal outgrowth and cell body position. | the sequence of axonal outgrowth and the early cell body positions of identifiable types of reticulospinal (rs) neurons of the zebrafish (brachydanio rerio) were determined in order to learn if differences in neuronal characteristics among specific cell types correlate with differences in the times at which the cells develop. the time of axonal outgrowth and the location of the cells in the developing embryo were determined by filling rs neurons retrogradely with horseradish peroxidase from thei ... | 1986 | 3782497 |
development of reticulospinal neurons of the zebrafish. i. time of origin. | the times of origin (birthdays) of identifiable types of reticulospinal (rs) neurons of the zebrafish (brachydanio rerio) were determined in order to learn if differences in neuronal characteristics among cell types correlate with differences in their times of origin. the rs neurons are located in the midbrain and hindbrain and cell types can be identified by differences in their cell body sizes and positions, axonal projections, and dendritic arborizations (metcalfe et al., j. comp. neurol. 251 ... | 1986 | 3782496 |
segmental homologies among reticulospinal neurons in the hindbrain of the zebrafish larva. | we have examined the morphology of identified reticulospinal neurons in larval zebrafish by retrogradely labeling them with horseradish peroxidase. we described the morphology of 27 different types of reticulospinal neurons found in the hindbrain 5 days after fertilization. nineteen of these types are present as single identified neurons on each side of the brain; the others are present as pairs or small groups of cells. the hindbrain reticulospinal neurons are present in seven bilateral cluster ... | 1986 | 3782495 |
transient resonance raman spectroscopy shows unrelaxed heme following co photodissociation from cytochrome-c peroxidase. | the 7 ns 436 nm pulses of an h2-shifted yag laser have been used to photolyze the co adduct of cytochrome-c peroxidase and produce the resonance raman spectrum of the photoproduct. a 3 cm-1 downshift, relative to the spectrum of reduced enzyme, was observed for the porphyrin c-n breathing mode, v4. the downshift diminishes with decreasing co /protein ratio, implying, in conjunction with a recent study of co binding, that the unrelaxed heme is associated with adduct having a tilted, h-bonded feco ... | 1986 | 3017436 |
lineage analysis of transplanted individual cells in embryos of drosophila melanogaster : ii. commitment and proliferative capabilities of neural and epidermal cell progenitors. | some aspects of neural and epidermal cell lineages during embryogenesis of drosophila melanogaster were studied by transplanting horseradish-peroxidase-(hrp-) labelled ectodermal cells from young gastrula donors into host embryos of similar ages. heterotopic transplantations permitted us to assess the degree of commitment already attained by the transplanted cells. the resulting cell clones showed normal characteristics of cytodifferentiation and cell number. the results indicate that epidermal ... | 1986 | 28305406 |
peroxidases depolymerize lignin in organic media but not in water. | horseradish peroxidase and milk lactoperoxidase, while unable to degrade either synthetic or natural lignins in aqueous solutions, vigorously depolymerize polyconiferyl alcohol, milled wood lignin, and kraft pine lignin in dioxane, dimethylformamide, or methyl formate containing 5% aqueous buffer (10 mm acetate, ph 5). horseradish peroxidase, solubilized in organic media by chemical modification, can also degrade lignin in native lignocellulose (wheat straw). | 1986 | 16593748 |
bence jones protein detection: a rapid immunoblotting technique for routine use on unconcentrated urine. | a new immunoblotting method is described for the detection of bence jones proteinuria by the routine laboratory. unconcentrated urine specimens are subjected to electrophoresis on agarose gels. separated proteins are transferred to a nitrocellulose membrane and the immunoglobulins located and identified by horseradish-peroxidase double-antibody staining. the new method has been compared with that used routinely, and an improved rate of detection of both bence jones protein and intact urinary mon ... | 1986 | 3767295 |
postnatal development of protein absorption in conventional and germ-free mice. | in the jejunal epithelium of adult animals, horseradish peroxidase (hrp) is transported via two functional pathways: a major route involving lysosomal degradation and a minor route allowing transport of the intact protein. the postnatal development of hrp absorption and the influence of conventional microflora were studied in vitro, using jejunal epithelium of conventional and germ-free suckling mice mounted in ussing chambers. in conventional mice, tritiated peroxidase ([3h]hrp) transport from ... | 1986 | 3752248 |
peroxidase catalyzed aggregation of plasmid pbr322 dna by benzidine metabolites in vitro. | the interaction of plasmid dna and metabolites of benzidine produced by the action of horseradish peroxidase and hydrogen peroxide was investigated by a combination of agarose gel electrophoresis and autofluorography. benzidine becomes irreversibly bound to the dna to form a macromolecular structure that can no longer penetrate a 0.8% agarose gel. other carcinogens such as o-dianisidine, o-tolidine and amino-fluorene also reacted in this way but n4-tetramethylbenzidine and the non-carcinogenic 3 ... | 1986 | 3742727 |
the sources of the nigrotectal pathway. | the nigrotectal pathway plays a role in the generation of saccade related responses by cells in the deep layers of the superior colliculus. by using a retrograde horseradish peroxidase technique that homogeneously fills neurons, the present experiments demonstrate that the source of the nigrotectal projection to the intermediate gray layer of the grey squirrel (sciurus carolinensis) is a heterogeneous population of neurons whose somas and dendrites are concentrated in the rostral pole of pars re ... | 1986 | 3537839 |
sensitized (t6 x rfm)f1 donor b cells contribute to hypergammaglobulinemia and to poor primary responses in rfm mice with allogenic host versus graft disease. | experimental host versus graft (hvg) disease is the fatal immunodeficiency syndrome which is induced in susceptible strains of inbred mice by the perinatal inoculation of related f1 hybrid spleen cells. the allogenic hvg reaction results in severe t-cell depletion, but hyperplasia of b cells, of which some are f1 donor in origin. to investigate the role of f1 donor b cells in the development of hyperglobulinemia in hvg mice which respond poorly to primary antigenic challenge, antibodies to horse ... | 1986 | 3489542 |
benzidine: mechanisms of oxidative activation and mutagenesis. | benzidine oxidative activation may proceed by peroxidase-catalyzed one-electron oxidation via free radical intermediates, or by n-acetylation followed by monooxygenase-catalyzed n-hydroxylation. the peroxidase route has been examined by using horseradish peroxidase or prostaglandin h synthase in vitro. in the presence of nucleophiles such as phenols, thiols, or nucleic acids, isolable adducts are formed. the structures of these adducts have been elucidated by spectroscopic methods. the ames test ... | 1986 | 3091404 |
an electron spin resonance study of free radicals from catechol estrogens. | electron spin resonance spectroscopy has been used to demonstrate production of semiquinone free radicals from the oxidation of the catechol estrogens 2- and 4-hydroxyestradiol and 2,6- and 4,6-dihydroxyestradiol. radicals were generated by horseradish peroxidase/h2o2 or tyrosinase/o2, or by autoxidation, and were detected as their complexes with spin-stabilizing metal ions (zn2+ and/or mg2+). radical production occurs via one- or two-electron oxidation of catechol estrogens, depending on the ty ... | 1986 | 3017766 |
intracellular pools of transferrin receptors result from constitutive internalization of unoccupied receptors. | in hela cells the majority of transferrin (tf) receptors are found within the endocytic apparatus, with only 20% of receptors exposed at the cell surface. receptor distribution is unaltered by the presence or absence of tf. the mechanism responsible for the cellular distribution of receptors was explored by selectively inactivating receptors within the endocytic apparatus. this was accomplished by employing tf-horseradish peroxidase conjugates. peroxidase-catalyzed oxidation of diaminobenzidine ... | 1986 | 2875458 |
[efferent neurons of the auditory center in the midbrain of the frog rana ridibunda]. | individual cells which produce projections from the torus semicircularis in the frog have been visualized after injection of horseradish peroxidase (hrp) to various thalamic and isthmal areas. labeled toral cells were observed if hrp had been injected to the posterodorsal areas of the thalamus or to the isthmal areas where lateral lemniscus fibers and cells of the premature lateral lemniscal nucleus are situated. medium and large size cells in the rostrolateral torus semicircularis were mainly l ... | 2015 | 2431564 |
activation of macrophages by peroxidases. | peritoneal macrophages from c57bl/6 mice were activated in vitro with various peroxidases and their cytotoxic activity toward 3t12 cells was determined. destruction of 3t12 cells by macrophages stimulated with horseradish peroxidase, lactoperoxidase, and microperoxidase was observed at peroxidase concentrations as low as 9, 1.6, and 200 nm, respectively. a 50% cytotoxic effect was obtained at peroxidase concentrations of 0.9, 1.6, and 1.5 microm, respectively. the macrophage-stimulating activity ... | 1986 | 2426715 |
microelectrode maps, myeloarchitecture, and cortical connections of three somatotopically organized representations of the body surface in the parietal cortex of squirrels. | microelectrode mapping methods and anatomical procedures were combined in the same animals to reveal the cortical connections of three architectonically distinct representations of the body surface in the somatosensory cortex of grey squirrels. in individual experiments, microelectrode multiunit recordings were used to determine the somatotopic organization of regions of the cortex and to identify sites for injections of the anatomical tracer, wheat germ agglutinin conjugated to horseradish pero ... | 1986 | 3760247 |
horseradish peroxidase-catalyzed conversion of iodine to iodide in presence of edta and h2o2. | edta (4 mm) blocks the oxidation of iodide to i-3 (increase of extinction at 353 nm) by h2o2 catalyzed by horseradish peroxidase, which is reversed by the addition of an equimolar concentration of zn2+. addition of suboptimal concentration of edta (2 mm) not only decreases the rate of forward reaction of i-3 formation but also causes loss of extinction of the same when i-3 is generated. the loss of extinction of i-3 is proportional to the enzyme concentration and is blocked by azide, the inhibit ... | 1986 | 3090036 |
fluorescent markers to study membrane retrieval in antidiuretic hormone-treated toad urinary bladder. | antidiuretic hormone (adh) stimulation of toad urinary bladder causes fusion of intracellular vesicles called aggrephores with the apical plasma membrane of granular cells. aggrephores contain intramembrane particle aggregates whose appearance in the apical membrane is believed to produce a large increase in its water permeability. adh removal (adh washout) is thought to cause the retrieval of aggrephores into granular cell cytoplasm. we studied granular cell uptake of dextran and horseradish pe ... | 1986 | 2426962 |
thalamic fiber connections in a teleost (sebastiscus marmoratus): visual somatosensory, octavolateral, and cerebellar relay region to the telencephalon. | fiber connections of the nucleus ventromedialis thalami (vm) of schnitzlein (j. comp. neurol. 118:225-267, '62) in a teleost (sebastiscus marmoratus) were examined by means of the horseradish peroxidase (hrp) tracing method. this nucleus receives fibers from the ipsilateral telencephalon (area dorsalis pars centralis), contralateral retina, contralateral vm, ipsilateral optic tectum, ipsilateral torus semicircularis, contralateral corpus cerebelli, contralateral sensory nucleus of the trigeminal ... | 1986 | 3745513 |
electron microscopic study of synaptic contacts between photoreceptors and hrp-filled horizontal cells in the turtle retina. | the synaptic contacts between photoreceptors and horizontal cells in the retina of the turtle (geoclemys) were studied. horizontal cells were classified into three types according to their intracellularly recorded spectral responses: luminosity, biphasic chromaticity, and triphasic chromaticity horizontal cells (lhc, bhc, and thc). these cells were then iontophoretically filled with horseradish peroxidase (hrp). the various types of photoreceptors located within the dendritic field of the hrp-fi ... | 1986 | 3745508 |
morphological evidence for a direct projection of trigeminal nerve fibers to the primary gustatory center in the sea catfish plotosus anguillaris. | the central projections of the ramus mandibularis were examined in the japanese sea catfish, plotosus anguillaris by using the technique of transganglionic tracing with horseradish peroxidase (hrp). this ramus receives fibers from both the trigeminal and facial nerves and supplies primarily the two mandibular barbels. two pathways for a direct trigeminal projection to the facial lobe (fl) were found: one from the main descending root of the vth nerve (mrdv) to the medial portion of the fl, appro ... | 1986 | 3742227 |
the organelles of the trans domain of the cell. ultrastructural localization of sialoglycoconjugates using limax flavus agglutinin. | the subcellular distribution of sialic acid was determined at the ultrastructural level using limax flavus agglutinin (lfa). this lectin, which is specific for n-acetylneuraminic acid and n-glycolylneuraminic acid, was covalently conjugated to horseradish peroxidase (hrp). the conjugates (lfa-hrp) were applied to aldehyde-fixed, saponin-permeabilized 3t3 cells in pre-embedding labeling electron microscopy. peroxidase label was detected in a patchy distribution at the cell surface, and in plasma- ... | 1986 | 3734417 |
alternative carbon monoxide binding modes for horseradish peroxidase studied by resonance raman spectroscopy. | resonance raman (rr) spectroscopy and infrared spectroscopy have been used to characterize the three vibrational modes, co and fec stretching and feco bending, for carbon monoxide bound to reduced horseradish peroxidase, with the aid of 13co and c18o isotope shifts. at high ph, one species, i, is observed, with nu fec = 490 cm-1 and nu co = 1932 cm-1. the absence of a band attributable to delta feco suggests a linear feco unit normal to the heme plane. the data were consistent with i having a st ... | 1986 | 3756147 |
ph dependence of carbon monoxide binding to ferrous horseradish peroxidase. | the kinetic parameters of the reaction of horseradish peroxidase with co have been determined at ph values between 10 and 3. at ph 7.0 the co binding equilibrium constant l was measured using submicromolar concentrations of horseradish peroxidase; the value obtained corresponds to the ratio of the association and dissociation kinetic constants as expected for a simple binding mechanism to a monomeric hemeprotein. the co association rate constant is ph-independent below ph 7, whereas in going fro ... | 1986 | 3733695 |
nuclear magnetic resonance studies on the spatial relationship of aromatic donor molecules to the heme iron of horseradish peroxidase. | the geometry of hydrogen donor molecules bound to horseradish peroxidase was investigated using nuclear magnetic resonance techniques. between resorcinol and 2-methoxy-4-methylphenol which showed different optical difference spectra, little difference was observed in the orientation of the molecules bound to horseradish peroxidase: the minimal distances between the enzyme iron and the protons of the phenol rings are in the range of 8.4-11.0 a. this situation was not greatly different for the thi ... | 1986 | 3733690 |
selective acrylamide-induced degeneration of color opponent ganglion cells in macaques. | p beta (color opponent) retinal ganglion cells in macaques were found to degenerate as a result of oral administration of acrylamide. histological examination, wheat germ agglutinin-horseradish peroxidase transport and cytochrome oxidase histochemistry indicate that other retinal ganglion cells and other neurons in the visual pathways were spared. | 1986 | 3015358 |
spectrophotometric study on the oxidation of rutin by horseradish peroxidase and characteristics of the oxidized products. | rutin (3',4',5,7-tetrahydroxyflavone-3-rutinoside) was oxidized by a horseradish peroxidase-h2o2 system to an ascorbate-reducible product which had an absorption maximum at about 290 nm and a shoulder at about 440 nm at ph 4. at ph 7.8, ascorbate-reducible compounds and sodium hydrosulfite-reducible and -nonreducible compounds were formed by the oxidation. the ascorbate-reducible compounds consisted of at least two components, the absorption bands of which were at 460-480 nm and about 620 nm. th ... | 1986 | 3730422 |
gap-junctional contacts of luminosity-type horizontal cells in the carp retina: a novel pathway of signal conduction from the cell body to the axon terminal. | l-type horizontal cells (271) of the carp retina were studied with the aid of intracellular injections of lucifer yellow and horseradish peroxidase (hrp). coupling among these cells was revealed by passage of the dye out of the injected cell. thick processes that crossed axons filled with lucifer yellow also contained the stain. these thick processes appear to be the axon terminals of other horizontal cells. serial reconstruction of an axon terminal by electron microscopy revealed two groups of ... | 1986 | 3734163 |
presence of endogenous calcium ion in horseradish peroxidase. elucidation of metal-binding site by substitutions of divalent and lanthanide ions for calcium and use of metal-induced nmr (1h and 113cd) resonances. | some divalent (cd2+, sr2+, ba2+) and lanthanide (ln3+) ions can be substituted for endogenous ca2+ of horseradish peroxidase (hrp, ca2+-bound hemoenzyme) and maintain the protein structure in the heme vicinity as well as the enzymatic activity of hrp, as does ca2+. however, due to lower affinity than ca2+, the bound ln3+ was readily replaced by ca2+ to yield native hrp, in sharp contrast to other typical ca2+-binding proteins, of which the affinity to ln3+ is higher than to ca2+. addition of par ... | 1986 | 3722203 |
presence of endogenous calcium ion and its functional and structural regulation in horseradish peroxidase. | the endogenous calcium ion (ca2+) in horseradish peroxidase (hrp) was removed to cause substantial changes in the proton nmr spectra of the enzyme in various oxidation/spin states. the spectral changes were interpreted as arising from the substantial alterations in the heme environments, most likely the heme proximal and distal sides. the comparative kinetic and redox studies revealed that these conformational changes affect the reduction process of compound ii, resulting in the decrease of the ... | 1986 | 3013887 |
two thalamo-telencephalic pathways in a urodele, triturus alpestris. | ascending thalamo-telencephalic projection systems have been investigated in an urodele, triturus alpestris, using the horseradish peroxidase technique. two separate dorsal thalamic projections onto the telencephalon have been identified; one arises from the posterior dorsal thalamus and terminates in the ipsilateral striatum, the other originates from anterior dorsal thalamic cells and reaches the medial pallium and a part of the dorsal pallium bilaterally. both systems, which are spatially wel ... | 1986 | 3014400 |
comparison of the heme structures of horseradish peroxidase compounds x and ii by resonance raman spectroscopy. | horseradish peroxidase will catalyze the chlorination of certain substrates by sodium chlorite through an intermediate known as compound x. a chlorite-derived chlorine atom is known to be retained by compound x and has been proposed to be located at the heme active site. although several heme structures have been proposed for compound x, including an fe(iv)-ocl group, preliminary data previously reported by our laboratory suggested that compound x contained a heme fe(iv) = o group, based on the ... | 1986 | 3722164 |
effects on the growth of damaged ganglion cell axons after peripheral nerve transplantation in adult hamsters. | after transplantation of autologous sciatic nerve segments into the retina of adult hamsters for 1-2 months, retrograde labelling with horseradish peroxidase demonstrated a population of ganglion cells situated peripheral to the graft. if an additional lesion was placed between the insertion of the graft and the optic disc at the same time as transplantation, in addition to labelled cells situated peripheral to the graft, retrograde labelling with horseradish peroxidase demonstrated a population ... | 1986 | 2425900 |
characterization of early compartments in fluid phase pinocytosis: a cell fractionation study. | flotation through a 5.6% percoll gradient of pinosomes from chinese hamster ovary (cho) cells labelled during a 10 min internalization period with horseradish peroxidase (hrp), a solute, revealed two pinosomal populations, the expected low-buoyancy population and an unexpected buoyant population. the buoyant pinosomes that sedimented similarly to plasma membrane were not an artifact of hrp trapping during homogenization or of cell surface-adherent hrp. no trapping or cell surface adherence of hr ... | 1986 | 3805135 |
[neurons of the central nervous system innervating the lips and oral area of the pond snail]. | by means of retrograde transport methods, cocl2 and horseradish peroxidase, localization and morphological peculiarities of the cns neurons, that innervate lips and oral area, have been studied in the pond snail (gastropoda). the neurons, sending their processes into the anterior and middle labial nerves, are found nearly in all ganglia of the parapharyngeal nervous ring on the distal and ventral surface. in the cerebral ganglia they situate as several symmetrical groups. among the neurons revea ... | 1986 | 3753223 |
ruthenium(ii) tris(bipyridyl) ion as a luminescent probe for oxygen uptake. | the present work describes an alternative technique for following the rate of oxygen uptake by chemical and enzymatic systems. this method is based on spectrofluorometric monitoring of the well-known quenching effect of molecular oxygen on the emission of the photoexcited [ru(bpy)3]2+ ion, added to the reaction mixtures. the rate of oxygen consumption determined using the present method agrees with that obtained by conventional polarographic techniques in all of the following systems: ascorbate/ ... | 1986 | 3740413 |
the accessory optic system in a prosimian primate (microcebus murinus): evidence for a direct retinal projection to the medial terminal nucleus. | the accessory optic system (aos) was studied in the prosimian primate, microcebus murinus, by using intraocular injections of the anterograde tracers 3h-proline and horseradish peroxidase (hrp). retinal fibers were found to terminate bilaterally in all three mesencephalic aos nuclei as defined by hayhow ('66, j. comp. neurol. 126:653-672). in contrast to previous reports in primates, we find that both the ventral and dorsal divisions of the medial terminal nucleus (mtn) receive projections from ... | 1986 | 3734153 |
dorsal funicular projections to the dorsal column nucleus in a reptile, caiman crocodilus. | projections to the dorsal column nucleus were investigated in the reptile caiman crocodilus following application of horseradish peroxidase (hrp) crystals to the cervical spinal cord after dorsal myelotomy. brains were processed for hrp histochemistry by use of tetramethylbenzidine as the chromogen. injection of the dorsal funiculus alone labelled axons that terminated solely in the ipsilateral dorsal column nucleus. application of hrp that extended beyond the dorsal funiculus labelled axons tha ... | 1986 | 3734152 |
neurites and growth cones in the chick embryo. enhanced tissue preservation and visualization of hrp-labeled subpopulations in serial 25-microns plastic sections cut on a rotary microtome. | study of axonal guidance in developing vertebrates has been hindered by an inability to readily visualize individual growth cones, determine the neuronal population from which they originate, trace their trajectories, and discern their interactions with their embryonic environment. we report a method that combines plastic embedding and serial sectioning with horseradish peroxidase labeling of subpopulations of neurons in the chick embryo. this method labels individual neurites from the soma to t ... | 1986 | 3519758 |
re-examination and further characterization of a monoclonal antibody to hepatitis b e antigen (anti-hbe). | a purification procedure for serum hepatitis b e antigen (hbeag) was developed to immunize mice for monoclonal anti-hbe production. two monoclonal anti-hbe secreting hybridomas were identified. immunoglobulin g (igg2a) was isolated from each hybridoma and labeled with either 125i or horseradish peroxidase. each label was used as a probe in solid phase immunoassays for hbeag and anti-hbe detection. both monoclonal antibodies recognized the beta epitope on hbeag, but one consistently performed bet ... | 1986 | 2427536 |
telodendrites of cone photoreceptors: structure and probable function. | intracellular dye injection and compartmental modeling were used to analyze the structure and function of telodendrites of cones in the retina of the walleye. after identifying the spectral type of an impaled cone on the basis of its response to red and green light, horseradish peroxidase and/or lucifer yellow were injected for 1 to 25 minutes. in 38 of 58 recovered cells, dye spread into the telodendrites; so in many cases, the detailed pattern of the telodendritic arbor could be reconstructed ... | 1986 | 2426311 |
enzyme immunoassay of serum cortisol using a new transferable needle lid technique. | a simple enzyme immunoassay of serum cortisol using for the first time a transferable needle lid as solid phase has been developed. the needles coated with second antibody and dipped into the wells of a microtitre plate bind the specific antibody of a competitive enzyme immunoassay mixture. bound enzyme activity is estimated in the wells of another microtitre plate. this technique provides further advantages on the frequently used microtitre plate version. washes between the immunological and th ... | 1986 | 3524907 |
coordination structures and reactivities of compound ii in iron and manganese horseradish peroxidases. a resonance raman study. | resonance raman investigations on compound ii of native, diacetyldeuteroheme-, and manganese-substituted horseradish peroxidase (isozyme c) revealed that the metal-oxygen linkage in the compound differed from one another in its bond strength and/or structure. fe(iv) = o stretching frequency for compound ii of native enzyme was ph sensitive, giving the raman line at 772 and 789 cm-1 at ph 7 and 10, respectively. the results confirmed the presence of a hydrogen bond between the oxo-ligand and a ne ... | 1986 | 3722156 |
ultrastructural analysis of synaptic relationships of intracellularly stained pyramidal cell axons in piriform cortex. | axons of pyramidal cells in piriform cortex stained by intracellular injection of horseradish peroxidase (hrp) have been analyzed by light and electron microscopy. myelinated primary axons give rise to extensive, very fine caliber (0.2 micron) unmyelinated collaterals with stereotyped radiating branching patterns. serial section electron microscopic analysis of the stained portions of the collateral systems (initial 1-2 mm) revealed that they give rise to synaptic contacts on dendritic spines an ... | 1986 | 2424948 |
autonomic and sensory innervation of anuran ultimobranchial glands: a horseradish peroxidase study. | the extrinsic innervation of the endocrine ultimobranchial glands in the frog were identified by retrograde labeling with horseradish peroxidase. labeled neurons were seen ipsilateral to the side injected in the caudal region of the vagal motor nucleus, the jugular sensory ganglion and first and second cervical sympathetic ganglia. these studies demonstrate a dual autonomic and vagal sensory innervation of the gland that are compatible with previous ultrastructural studies, but indicate a more c ... | 1986 | 3487755 |
percentage of relay and intrinsic neurons in two sensory thalamic nuclei projecting to the non-cortical telencephalon in reptiles caiman crocodilus. | large injections of horseradish peroxidase were placed in the non-cortical telencephalon in a reptile, caiman crocodilus. the number of retrogradely labeled and unlabeled neurons in two sensory thalamic nuclei, nucleus rotundus (vision) and nucleus reuniens pars centralis (audition) were counted. the percentage of unlabeled cells in each nucleus was less than 1%. these data suggest that each of these thalamic nuclei contain few, if any, intrinsic or local circuit neurons. | 1986 | 3013374 |
the discontinuous visual projections on the xenopus optic tectum following regeneration after unilateral nerve section. | the establishment of retinotectal projections following transection of one optic nerve in developing xenopus has been investigated. between 3 weeks and 11 months after the operation, the nerve fibre tracer horseradish peroxidase (hrp) was applied to either the operated or the unoperated nerve, and the brains were prepared for examination as whole mounts. in most cases fibres from the operated nerve innervated both tecta, with the result that one tectum was doubly innervated and one tectum singly ... | 1986 | 3760751 |
selective binding of soybean agglutinin to the olfactory system of xenopus. | the binding patterns of four different lectins conjugated to horseradish peroxidase were investigated in the nervous system of juvenile xenopus borealis. only the lectin soybean agglutinin revealed a very selective binding pattern, which was restricted to the olfactory system. the olfactory and vomeronasal epithelia, the olfactory and accessory olfactory nerves and the olfactory and accessory olfactory bulbs were all labelled. the ventral portions of the olfactory nerve and bulb were however mor ... | 1986 | 3755514 |
the development and migration of large multipolar neurons into the cochlear nucleus of the north american opossum. | we have studied the maturation of the inferior colliculus and cochlear nuclei of the north american opossum with particular emphasis on the large multipolar neurons of the cochlear nucleus. these neurons include the principal and giant cells of the dorsal cochlear nucleus (dcn) and the large neurons of the ventral cochlear nucleus (vcn), all of which can be labelled by horseradish peroxidase (hrp) injections into the contralateral inferior colliculus (ic). the size of these neurons, their charac ... | 1986 | 3722450 |
ultrastructural visualisation of carbohydrate groups in the surface coating of hamster alveolar macrophages and pneumonocytes. | the surface coating of the alveolar macrophages and pneumonocytes of hamster lung was studied using an electron microscopy technique. slices of lung tissue were fixed in aldehyde, labelled with a battery of lectin-horseradish peroxidase conjugates, incubated in a diaminobenzidine-hydrogen peroxide medium and then postfixed in an osmium tetroxide solution. the results of the study suggest that the surface coating of the pneumonocytes and macrophages contains the following carbohydrate groups: n-a ... | 1986 | 2447050 |
organization of the motor neuron components of the pallial nerve in octopus. | following horseradish peroxidase (hrp) and cobalt (co2+) application to the pallial nerve of two species of octopus, neurons that control various aspects of mantle behaviors were located in several lobes of the three main regions of the central brain. in the subesophageal region, cells were labeled in the anterior chromatophore, posterior chromatophore, palliovisceral, pedal and vasomotor lobes; in the superior buccal lobe of the supraesophageal region; and in the magnocellular lobe of the perie ... | 1986 | 3719329 |
chromatophore motoneurons in the brain of the squid, lolliguncula brevis: an hrp study. | the location of the motoneuron somata controlling activity of the chromatophore muscles was studied in the squid lolliguncula brevis. retrograde transport of horseradish peroxidase from injection sites in the skin or in the mantle muscle established that the chromatophore motoneurons are situated in the subesophageal mass of the brain while at least some of the mantle muscle motoneurons are in the stellate ganglia. motoneurons to chromatophores in the mantle have their somata in the posterior su ... | 1986 | 2424557 |
telencephalic ascending acousticolateral system in a teleost (sebastiscus marmoratus), with special reference to the fiber connections of the nucleus preglomerulosus. | acousticolateral systems were examined by means of the horseradish peroxidase tracing method in a teleost (sebastiscus marmoratus). the torus semicircularis projected bilaterally to the optic tectum, nucleus ventromedialis thalami of schnitzlein ('62), and reticular formation; contralaterally to the torus semicircularis; and ipsilaterally to the nucleus preglomerulosus of schnitzlein ('62) and the inferior olive. no topographic organization was detected between the torus semicircularis and the n ... | 1986 | 3722444 |
cytoarchitecture and fiber connections of the superficial pretectum in a teleost, navodon modestus. | fiber connections of the so-called nucleus geniculatus lateralis (or the nucleus pretectalis superficialis pars parvocellularis) in a teleost, navodon modestus, were examined by means of the horseradish peroxidase (hrp) tracing method. the nucleus receives fibers from the contralateral retina, ipsilateral optic tectum and nucleus isthmi, and projects bilaterally to the nucleus intermedius of brickner and ipsilaterally to the optic tectum and raphe nuclei. the fiber connections suggest that the n ... | 1986 | 3719307 |
synaptic connections of relay and local circuit neurons in the monkey's dorsal lateral geniculate nucleus. | the synaptic inputs to a single neuron's dendritic tree can be analyzed using electronmicroscopic reconstructions after intracellular injections of horseradish peroxidase. in the monkey's dorsal lateral geniculate nucleus, the proximal dendrites of magnocellular and parvocellular relay cells received retinal synapses and inhibitory synapses, while the intermediate and distal dendrites received cortical synapses. a local circuit neuron had both similar synaptic inputs and similar physiology to pa ... | 1986 | 3714116 |
experimental retinal vascular occlusion. iii. an ultrastructural study of simultaneous occlusion of central retinal vein and artery. | the retinal changes following the simultaneous occlusion of retinal vessels were examined at an ultrastructural level. the preservation of endothelial cells that prevented leakage of blood and horseradish peroxidase tracer material in the surrounding retinal tissues explained the lack of hemorrhages observed clinically. mueller cell death resulted in severe structural disorganization of the retina, with disruption of the inner limiting membrane, involvement of the outer retinal layers, and fleur ... | 1986 | 3721722 |
the visual system of the channel catfish (ictalurus punctatus). i. retinal ganglion cell morphology. | horseradish peroxidase was applied to lesions in the optic nerve of catfish (ictalurus punctatus). the retinae were processed to reveal hrp-labelled ganglion cells. the histochemical techniques employed allowed fine details of the dendritic arbor to be resolved. flat-mounted retinae were examined and the following characteristics were noted in individual ganglion cells: soma area, shape, and depth; number and diameter of major dendrites; shape, area, and depth(s) within the inner plexiform layer ... | 1986 | 3711375 |
development of axon paths of motorneurons after removal of target muscles in a holometabolous insect. | the fate of leg motor neurons and the outgrowth of their axons was studied in fleshflies after removal of their target muscles before the onset of axogenesis. when a mesothoracic leg imaginal disc was extirpated in the prepupa the corresponding leg nerve was missing on the operated side of the five-legged adult fly. horseradish peroxidase and cobalt filling revealed that the target-deprived motorneurons survive and their axons grow out through other nerve roots. the choice of exit of the axons i ... | 1986 | 3697776 |
regeneration of the eight cranial nerve. i. anatomic verification in the bullfrog. | the regenerative capacity of the eight cranial nerve of the bullfrog, rana catesbeiana, was investigated. the nerve was sectioned between the ganglion and the brain stem in 16 experimental animals. horseradish peroxidase was extracellularly injected distal to the site of the nerve section five or more weeks postoperatively. labeled fibers were identified histologically and their central nervous system projections studied. the findings were as follows: 1. the eight cranial nerve of the bullfrog r ... | 1986 | 3486335 |
peroxidase activation of 1-naphthol to naphthoxy or naphthoxy-derived radicals and their reaction with glutathione. | 1-naphthol was metabolised by horseradish peroxidase (hrp) in a h2o2-dependent reaction to methanol-soluble and covalently bound products. spectrophotometric and electron spin resonance (esr) studies established that hrp catalysed the one electron oxidation of 1-naphthol to naphthoxy or a naphthoxy-derived radical. inclusion of glutathione (gsh) in the reaction caused a dose-dependent inhibition of covalent binding and an increase in the amount of unmetabolised 1-naphthol present at the end of t ... | 1986 | 3013437 |
retinofugal projections in a weakly electric gymnotid fish (apteronotus leptorhynchus). | the eyes of weakly electric gymnotid fish are poorly developed in comparison to those of most diurnal teleosts. the tectum and pretectum, despite their usual association with the visual system, are large and well differentiated in gymnotids. we have studied retinal projections in gymnotids in order to define the visual components of the mesencephalon and diencephalon and thus allow comparison with other teleosts in which retinofugal fibers have been extensively mapped. retinofugal projections re ... | 1986 | 2426631 |
the optic tectum of gymnotiform teleosts eigenmannia virescens and apteronotus leptorhynchus: a golgi study. | golgi, nissl, bielschowsky and cholinesterase techniques have been used to analyze the optic tectum of the weakly electric teleost fish eigenmannia virescens and apteronotus leptorhynchus. six layers are readily distinguished: a fairly thick stratum marginale, a narrow stratum opticum and stratum fibrosum et griseum superficiale, a well-developed stratum griseum centrale, a stratum album centrale and a compact stratum periventriculare. fifty-six neuronal types are present. in regard to comparati ... | 1986 | 2426630 |
telencephalic projections from midbrain and isthmal cell groups in the pigeon. ii. the nigral complex. | the trajectories and telencephalic terminal fields of neurons within the area ventralis of tsai (avt) and nucleus tegmenti pedunculopontinus pars compacta (tpc) were determined in the pigeon by using amino acid autoradiography and horseradish peroxidase histochemistry. previous histochemical studies have considered these cell groups comparable to the a10 and a9 components of the mammalian nigral complex. the results show the efferents derived from these cell groups ascend to the telencephalon vi ... | 1986 | 2423565 |
telencephalic projections from midbrain and isthmal cell groups in the pigeon. i. locus coeruleus and subcoeruleus. | horseradish peroxidase (hrp) and amino acid autoradiography were used in pigeon to determine the trajectories and projection patterns of neurons within the locus coeruleus and subcoeruleus nuclei upon the cerebral hemispheres. the specific cell groups investigated include the locus coeruleus (loc), nucleus subcoeruleus dorsalis, and nucleus subcoeruleus ventralis. efferents from each of these nuclei ascend to the telencephalon via the medial and lateral forebrain bundles, ansa lenticularis, and ... | 1986 | 2423564 |
de gustibus non est disputandem: a spiral center for taste in the brain of the teleost fish, heterotis niloticus. | the teleost fish, heterotis niloticus, has elaborate paired, spiraled pharyngeal structures that aid in concentrating and swallowing food. these epibranchial organs are lined by an epithelium rich in taste buds. both the taste buds and the muscles of the epibranchial organs are innervated by components of the vagal nerve. horseradish peroxidase neuronal tracing experiments show that these nerve fibers are connected centrally to an enormous epibranchial portion of the vagal lobes-a special viscer ... | 1986 | 17743572 |
the formation of axonal projections of the mesencephalic trigeminal neurones in chick embryos. | horseradish peroxidase-wheat germ agglutinin conjugate (hrp) was injected into masticatory and eye muscles of 6- to 15-day-old chick embryos and posthatched chicks to establish the timetable of axonal outgrowth and distribution of central and peripheral terminations of mesencephalic trigeminal neurones (mtn). hrp-labelled mtn first appeared on the 10th day of incubation and by the 14th day most of mtn became labelled, indicating that axonic outgrowth to peripheral targets occurred between the 10 ... | 1986 | 3734685 |
pathways of regenerated retinotectal axons in goldfish. i. optic nerve, tract and tectal fascicle layer. | this study investigates the order of regenerating retinal axons in the goldfish. the spatiotemporal pattern of axon regrowth was assessed by applying horseradish peroxidase (hrp) to regenerating axons in the optic tract at various times after optic nerve section and by analysing the distribution of retrogradely labelled ganglion cells in retina. at all regeneration stages labelled ganglion cells were widely distributed over the retina. there was no hint that axons from central (older) ganglion c ... | 1986 | 3734679 |
tryptophan in horseradish peroxidase. | fluorescent derivatives of horseradish peroxidase c were prepared by replacing protoheme by protoporphyrin or mesoporphyrin. calculations according to förster on energy transfer allowed the determination of the distances of greater than 2.2 nm between tryptophan and porphyrin (heme) and greater than 2 nm between tryptophan and substrate-binding site. the modification of the single tryptophan with 2-hydroxy-5-nitrobenzyl bromide (koshland's reagent) did not affect the enzyme's activity towards hy ... | 1986 | 3727882 |
kinetics of the oxidation of reduced nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide by horseradish peroxidase compounds i and ii. | the transient state kinetics of the oxidation of reduced nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (nadh) by horseradish peroxidase compound i and ii (hrp-i and hrp-ii) was investigated as a function of ph at 25.0 degrees c in aqueous solutions of ionic strength 0.11 using both a stopped-flow apparatus and a conventional spectrophotometer. in agreement with studies using many other substrates, the ph dependence of the hrp-i-nadh reaction can be explained in terms of a single ionization of pka = 4.7 +/- ... | 1986 | 3718706 |
regional specialization of the radial glial cells of the adult frog spinal cord. | the amphibian spinal cord is characterized by the presence of radially oriented astrocytic glial cells. these cells have their somata located in the grey matter of the spinal cord and radial processes that extend from the soma through the grey and white matters to the pial surface of the cord. here we show that these radial glial cells are the predominant cell type labelled by horseradish peroxidase (hrp) when the marker is applied to the surface of the cord. the morphology of the hrp-labelled p ... | 1986 | 3522809 |
fast turnover of clear vesicle membrane in frog sympathetic ganglion. | the results of three independent experiments are presented. in the first experiment, the afferent fibers of the right side ix and x sympathetic ganglia of five frogs were stimulated at 100 hz and control unstimulated ganglia were taken from five other frogs. in the second experiment, the right ix and x ganglia from eight other frogs were stimulated at 10 hz; the left side ganglia of the same eight frogs served as controls. a third experiment was performed in the presence of extracellular horsera ... | 1986 | 3487042 |
resonance raman evidence for oxygen exchange between the feiv = o heme and bulk water during enzymic catalysis of horseradish peroxidase and its relation with the heme-linked ionization. | raman spectroscopic studies of compound ii of horseradish peroxidase show that the oxygen atom in the feiv = o group of the heme is rapidly exchanged in h2o at ph 7.0 but not in an alkaline solution (ph 11.0). this conclusion is based on studies of shift in the feiv = o stretching mode of compound ii in h2(18)o; further studies show that the feiv = o heme is hydrogen-bonded to an amino acid residue of the protein in neutral solutions but not in the alkaline solution. deprotonation of this residu ... | 1986 | 3458206 |