
possible presence of common tyvelose-containing glycans in trichinella l1 larvae and embryonated eggs of several nematodes.a monoclonal antibody (mab us4) recognising an epitope containing tyvelose within the t. spiralis l-1 muscle larvae (tsl-1) antigens was tested in western-blot against various antigenic preparations from different stages of the following nematodes: t. spiralis (l1, adult), t. muris (egg, l1, l3, adult), ascaris suum (egg, adult), toxocara canis (egg, adult), anisakis simplex (l3) and haemochus contortus (egg). positive reaction was present in antigen preparations from l1 larvae of t. spiralis an ...200111484333
detection of circulating and fecal trichinella spiralis antigens during experimental infection using monoclonal antibodies against the new born larvae.different assays to detect antigens of trichinella spiralis during current infection have been standardized, although sensitivity values have been the main limitation to use them as routine diagnostic test. we report the production and use of monoclonal antibodies (mabs) against the new born larvae which recognize both somatic and metabolic antigens from adult and muscular larvae (ml). we used two igg3 mabs (4b1, 4b2) and two igg2a (2d3, 2d4) to detect antigens during experimental infection. all ...200111484334
assessment of efficacy and safety of various adjuvant formulations with a total soluble extract of trichinella spiralis.trichinellosis, a re-emerging zoonosis in several countries and pig, is the main species responsible for its transmission to human. vaccination of swine could be an alternative to prevent the risk of human contamination. in order to develop an efficient and safe inactivate vaccine, the choice of the adjuvant is an important issue. the aim of this study was to develop and select potent and safe adjuvants by screening them in an experimental model with a crude soluble antigen from l1 muscular larv ...200111484335
comparison of igm, igg1 and igg2 responses to trichinella spiralis and trichinella britovi in swine.pigs infected with t. spiralis and t. britovi were followed by double (igg) and triple antibody elisa (igg1, igg2 and igm) during a 12-week-period. specific igg and igg1 responses were similar and showed a significant relation with the infecting doses and intensity of infection. response to t. britovi was slightly lower than in groups infected with the same dose of t. spiralis. igg2 response was weak and almost undetectable in the lowest infected pigs, but relationship with the intensity of infe ...200111484336
detection of coproantigen in early trichinellosis.trichinellosis has become undoubtedly worldwide in distribution. its diagnosis relies largely on the serodiagnostic procedures which are of great value but unfortunately miss the enteric phase. this could be a serious diagnostic problem in the absence of corresponding epidemiological data and typical symptoms and signs of the disease. in this study the possibility of coproantigen detection, as an early diagnostic aid in trichinellosis, was investigated in mice experimentally infected with trichi ...200111484337
diagnosis of human trichinellosis: pitfalls in the use of a unique immunoserological technique.serum samples belonging to three outbreaks in argentina (47 patients) taken at different times post-ingestion were analysed employing iif and elisa simultaneously. results show that: a) the number of patients diagnosed by a unique technique, especially by elisa (31 patients), was lower than the one obtained by the simultaneous use of both assays (38 patients); b) four patients out of the seven diagnosed by a unique technique were negative by the other assay over the period of time evaluated. the ...200111484340
class specific antibody responses to newborn larva antigens during trichinella spiralis human infection.a follow-up study of the class antibody responses to newborn larva (nbl) antigens in individuals involved in an outbreak of human trichinellosis was carried out by elisa assays. the data showed that similar kinetics of antibody responses of different magnitude developed in trichinellosis patients; it was low by week 3, a peak raised by week 5 and decreased from week 7 up to the end of the study. the iga-elisa assay was the most sensitive and specific while the igm was the least sensitive and spe ...200111484342
the stage-specificity of the iga response to newborn larva and tsl-1 antigens of trichinella spiralis in humans infected with the parasite.characterization of human iga responses to newborn larva (nbl) and tsl-1 antigens was carried out by elisa assays. relevant and differential iga antibody responses to these antigens were detected in humans infected with t. spiralis. the inhibition elisa results showed that the iga response to nbl antigens was inhibited significantly by both nbl and tsl-1 antigens and to a lesser extent when phosphorylcholine (pc) was used as inhibitor. in contrast, the iga response to tsl-1 antigens was inhibite ...200111484343
a follow-up study of the human class and subclass antibody response developed against the adult stage of trichinella spiralis.we report the analysis by elisa of class and subclass antibody response against a total soluble extract from t. spiralis adult stage (tse-a) during a year after the infection in 17 symptomatic trichinellosis patients (si) and five asymptomatic individual (ai) involved in an outbreak of trichinellosis occurred in the state of mexico. serum samples from 20 healthy individuals (hi) and 24 patients with other parasitosis were included as control. all si showed a polyisotypic antibody response agains ...200111484345
antigen recognition by igg4 antibodies in human trichinellosis.the antibody isotype response to trichinella spiralis excretory/secretory (es) products of muscle larva was examined using sera from patients with confirmed trichinellosis. using western blots we identify components of the es antigen that are recognized by igm and igg antibodies. a 45 kda component was strongly recognized by different antibody classes and subclasses. we observed a 45 kda-specific igg4 response that was detected exclusively using sera of patients with trichinellosis and not of pa ...200111484346
aspects of clinical features, diagnosis, notification and tracing back referring to trichinella outbreaks in north rhine-westphalia, germany, 1998.52 cases of human trichinellosis were notified from 11 towns in north rhine-westphalia from november 1998 to march 1999. after non-typical symptoms in the enteral phase, fever, muscular ache, headache, oedema, disorder of vision and rash occurred in the parenteral phase. trichinellosis was serologically confirmed by elisa, ifat or western blot. raw sausage and minced meat produced from raw pork could be determined as probable source of infection with 44 and eight notified cases, respectively. wh ...200111484350
improving bioavailability and anthelmintic activity of albendazole by preparing albendazole-cyclodextrin complexes.the bioavailability and anthelmintic activity of albendazole-cyclodextrin complexes (abz-cdc) compared to albendazole suspensions in carboxymethylcellulose (abz-cmc) was assessed in a mouse model for trichinella infections. swiss cd-1 mice experimentally infected with t. spiralis were treated with both formulations against enteral (adult worms) and parenteral (migrating and encysted larvae). oral bioavailability was assessed in age matched mice treated with 50 mg/kg of both formulations. the ant ...200111484352
the efficacy of flubendazole against trichinella spiralis in swine.a trial was undertaken to assess the efficacy of flubendazole against experimentally induced trichinellosis in pigs when given mixed with food at different dose rates. at the start of the experiment, 48 pigs were infected with approximately 35,000 larvae of trichinella spiralis, afterwards the animals were distributed in six groups. the first three groups were used to test the activity of the drug against adult stages. other three groups served to define the efficacy against muscle larvae. the d ...200111484353
efficacy of flubendazole and albendazole against trichinella spiralis in mice.efficacy of flubendazole and albendazole against trichinella spiralis in mice were studied. icr mice were experimentally infected with trichinella spiralis and treated with either flubendazole (fbz) or albendazole (abz) at four different stages of the parasite life-cycle. oral administration of either fbz or abz at 20 mg/kg and 50 mg/kg on 2 h, 8 h and 24 h (pre-adult stage) after infection eliminated 94.7-100% of adults as determined at necropsy on day 7 post infection (p.i.) and 96.9-100% of l ...200111484354
trichinella spp. in ostrich meat: a public health risk?in the present work the biological behaviour of t. spiralis and t. pseudospiralis in ostriches is reported. oral infections were performed in eight ostriches with two infective doses (10,000 and 80,000 larvae) for each species of trichinella. on day 0, 30 and 60 p.i. blood samples were collected to assay the serum changes concerning specific muscle enzyme activities and total proteins. the immunological study, to determine specific igg in sera, was conducted employing a monoclonal blocking elisa ...200111484356
susceptibility of nutria (myocastor coypus) to trichinella infection: biological aspects.experimental infections with three different species of trichinella in nutria in order to evaluate the susceptibility and the role of these rodents in the spreading of parasitosis in nature were carried out. the nutria is present in many italian wet areas and its distribution is expanding. the nutria meat is utilized as food in different countries and is retained responsible for trichinellosis in man. two groups of ten animals were infected per os with 500 and 5,000 (n. 10) infective larvae of t ...200111484357
infectivity of trichinella spiralis larvae in pork buried in the ground.time of survival and infectivity of trichinella spiralis larvae in pig muscle tissue, buried at various depths in the ground were assessed. in the pork pieces the number of infective larvae was 250 ml/g. meat originated from pig halves was divided in 39 equal pieces, 0.7 kg each, disposed in three groups of 13, and buried in depths of 30, 50, and 100 centimeters respectively. the pork was dug up at 13 intervals, approximately every week, until 91st day of the experiment. after each time interval ...200111484360
infectivity, persistence and serological response of nine trichinella genotypes in rats.domestic and sylvatic trichinella genotypes were evaluated for infectivity, muscle larvae persistence, and host antibody responses in rats. groups of rats were inoculated with t. spiralis, t. nativa, t. britovi, three genotypes of t. pseudospiralis (from ussr, usa, and australia), t. murrelli, trichinella t6, and t. nelsoni, respectively. the muscle larvae intensity (larvae per gram), total larval burden (lpg x rat weight), and the antibody levels were determined at necropsy 5, 10, 20, and 40 we ...200111484361
reduction of muscle larvae burden in rats experimentally infected with trichinella wistar rats infected with 500 to 2,500 trichinella spiralis larvae the muscle larvae intensity (larvae per gram-l.p.g.) was measured from 20 to 180 day post infection (d.p.i). the l.p.g. increased to day 40-50 p.i. and decreased thereafter. the highest reduction took place between 60 and 120 d.p.i. with intermediate inoculum of t. spiralis larvae. the mechanism of the reduction of t. spiralis larvae in muscles is suggested to depend on pericapsular-intercapsular host cells infiltrations attra ...200111484362
effect of viable or dead lactobacillus casei organisms administered orally to mice on resistance against trichinella spiralis infection.the capacity of viable, dead lactobacillus casei and supernatant from l. casei culture, administered by oral route, to induce resistance in mice against trichinella spiralis infection was evaluated. the percentage of adult worm reduction in the intestine five days after t. spiralis infection as compared with the worm burden in the control group fluctuated between between 53.1 and 58% in mice treated with viable l. casei, while reductions in animals treated with dead lactobacilli or supernatant f ...200111484363
early detection of trichinella spiralis infection by the polymerase chain reaction in blood samples of experimentally infected mice.up to now, there is no useful method to diagnose trichinellosis at the early stages of infection. the aim of the present investigation was to know if the polymerase chain reaction (pcr), could detect dna of migratory larvae in mice experimentally infected with t. spiralis. thirty-three balb/c female mice 4.6 weeks old, were infected with 300 larvae of t. spiralis/mouse. blood samples of these animals were positive for t. spiralis at 3rd and 17th post-infection days. the control group was negativ ...200111484364
trichinellosis in farmed wild boar: meat inspection findings and seroprevalence.a reflection of highly prevalent endemic wildlife trichinellosis is seen in wild boar farming in finland. during the last five years, 0.7% (15/2265) of wild boars undergoing official meat inspection have been determined to be trichinella-positive. these findings originate from six different farms. in finland, t. spiralis and t. pseudospiralis have been discovered in meat inspection of wild boars. elisa showed 11 out of 99 serum samples (11%) as having specific antibodies for t. spiralis crude an ...200111484369
localization of trichinella spiralis in muscles of commercial and parasitologic interest in pork.trichinellosis is widespread around the world with different representatives of the genus trichinella found in almost every continent. in argentina the main source of transmission for the disease to humans is pig meat infected with trichinella spiralis. the object of this work was to determine the distribution of trichinella larvae in fresh meat cuts which are sold for human consumption and in the muscles traditionally used for the disease diagnosis at meat-packing plants. cranial muscles to the ...200111484370
swine trichinellosis in slaughterhouses of the metropolitan area of order to determine the prevalence of trichinella spiralis infections in abattoirs of the metropolitan area of toluca where pigs from commercial farms as well as backyard pigs are slaughtered, 539 swine diaphragm tissue samples were collected and examined by trichinoscopy and artificial digestion. serum samples from the same animals were analyzed by elisa using somatic and excretory/secretory antigens, and by western blot analysis. t. spiralis muscle larvae were not found by trichinoscopy or a ...200111484371
a challenge of veterinary public health in the european union: human trichinellosis due to horse meat consumption.human trichinellosis in the european union due to insufficiently cooked horse meat consumption has been reported in france and in italy during the past 25 years. it occurred in several outbreaks totalling more than 3,000 patients during this period, with a low mortality and a high morbidity. causative trichinella species or phenotypes were determined by the international reference laboratory for trichinellosis in rome, italy. they were: trichinella spiralis, t. britovi and t. murelli. as the cul ...200111484372
horse trichinellosis, an unresolved spite of routine controls to detect trichinella larvae in horse-meat, human infections due to horse-meat consumption continue to occur in france and italy. the epidemiology of horse trichinellosis since its discovery in 1975 is outlined, addressing the possible modes of natural transmission to horses, the need to develop more sensitive methods for detecting trichinella larvae in horses, and the economic impact of horse trichinellosis. investigations of human outbreaks due to horse-meat consum ...200111484375
estimating the genetic divergence and identification of three trichinella species by isoenzyme analysis.isoenzyme-based approach was applied to compare trichinella spiralis, t. britovi and t. pseudospiralis species. among 13 enzyme systems examined, esterase (est), malic enzyme (me) and phosphoglucomutase (pgm) have been found as fully diagnostic, with no common allele in species studied. adenosine deaminase (ada), adenylate kinase (ak), hexokinase (hk), peptidase leucyl-alanine (pep-c) and fructose-bis-phosphatase (fbp) have been capable of distinguishing the two species from resulting profiles. ...200111484377
biological and genetic characteristics of two trichinella isolates in china; comparison with european species.the most recent taxonomic revision in trichinella genus included 10 taxa. trichinella spiralis (ts) is a thoroughly studied species but most of the isolates came from the europe or american continents. few information is available from china about the trichinella isolates and their diversity. in this report two chinese isolates were characterized and compared with european strains. the in vitro release of newborn larvae (nbl) was determined for the two species. nbl is observed in supernatant of ...200111484378
evaluation of two pcr-based techniques for molecular epidemiology in finland, a high-endemic area with four sympatric trichinella species.trichinella larvae collected from wildlife, domestic and synanthropic animals in finland were identified to species by two molecular techniques: random amplified polymorphic dna (rapd) polymerase chain reaction (pcr) and the recently described multiplex pcr. the rapd-pcr was very sensitive to the sub-optimal preservation muscle larvae and resulting in weak and smeared bands on the gels for such material. however, the same samples yielded easily recognizable bands in the multiplex pcr; this latte ...200111484379
invasion of epithelial cells by trichinella spiralis: in vitro has been known for many years that trichinella spiralis initiates infection by penetrating the columnar epithelium of the small intestine, however, the mechanisms used by the parasite in the establishment of its intramulticellular niche in the intestine are unknown. the recent demonstration that invasion also occurs in vitro when infective larvae of t. spiralis are inoculated onto cultures of epithelial cells provides a model that allows the direct observation of the process by which the para ...200111484381
expression of myod and myogenin in muscles of mice experimentally infected with trichinella spiralis or trichinella pseudospiralis.we developed a detection system for myogenic regulatory factors such as myod and myogenin. adapting the method we performed a longitudinal analysis of such regulatory factors after infection with t. spiralis and t. pseudospiralis. myod and myogenin were expressed from the early phase of cystogenesis in t. spiralis infection. the expression returned to the normal level after 18 days from the infection when the cyst was complete. in t. pseudospiralis infection, they were also expressed from the ea ...200111484382
ultrastructural characteristics of nurse cell-larva complex of four species of trichinella in several hosts.the nurse cell-larva complex of nematodes of the genus trichinella plays an important role in the survival of the larva in decaying muscles, frequently favouring the transmission of the parasite in extreme environmental conditions. the ultrastructure of the nurse cell-larva complex in muscles from different hosts infected with t. nativa (a walrus and a polar bear), t. spiralis (horses and humans), t. pseudospiralis (a laboratory mouse) and t. papuae (a laboratory mouse) were examined. analysis w ...200111484383
detection of tyrosine phosphorylated proteins in trichinella spiralis l1 larvae.western-blotting analysis showed the presence of tyrosine phosphorylated proteins in crude extracts of t. spiralis larvae and these phosphorylated proteins were located by immunofluorescence on the striations of the larval cuticle. the patterns of phosphorylated proteins were modified when larvae were incubated with bile.200111484384
the epidemiology of human trichinellosis in china during 1964-1999.the large foci of trichinellosis are mainly located in the southeastern, the central and northeastern china. by the end of 1999, human cases with trichinellosis have been recorded in 17 out of 34 provinces/autonomous regions/municipals (p/a/m) of china. the seroepidemiological surveys of t. spiralis infection in humans were carried out in nine out of 34 p/a/m. the overall seroprevalence was 5.3%. the prevalence detected by muscle biopsy in henan province was 2.5%. from 1964 to 1999, 548 outbreak ...200111484385
epidemiological survey of trichinella infection in some areas of henan province.during 1996-1998 epidemiological survey of domestic trichinella spiralis infection and serological survey on human beings were carried out in yanling, xuchang counties and luohe city. by the artificial digestion method, the positive rates of pork in market and mutton were 1.6% and 0.6% respectively. meat samples of pigs from pig-farms, cats and dogs were all negative for trichinella larvae. trichinellosis infection levels in rats captured in peasant households and places around abattoirs were 0. ...200111484388
outbreaks of human trichinellosis caused by consumption of dog meat in meat has become an important source of trichinella infection for humans in china. the first documented outbreak of human trichinellosis resulting from the consumption of dog meat occurred in china in 1974. until 1999, the outbreaks with this source of infection occurred mostly in northeast of china (81 cases in five outbreaks in jilin and two in liaoning), beijing (six cases) and henan provinces (two cases). the epidemiological surveys were performed in nine provinces or autonomous regions o ...200111484389
sylvatic trichinellosis in texas.there are no published reports of domestic or sylvatic trichinellosis in texas. the aim of the present survey was to determine the presence of trichinella species in selected representative species of potential wildlife reservoirs in southern texas. in 1998-99, tongues of 211 wild mammals were collected in southern texas: 154 coyotes (canis latrans), three bobcats (lynx rufus), 32 racoons (procyon lotor), 13 opossum (didelphis marsupialis), four ocelots (leopardus pardalis) and five wild boars ( ...200111484391
trichinellosis in greece: a review.trichinellosis which constitutes a public health problem in many countries seems to be of no importance on both pig industry and public health in greece, where in spite of a law requiring mandatory use of trichinoscopy during meat inspection, muscle larvae have not been found in slaughtered pigs since 1957 in thessaloniki and 1967 in athens. since its first recovery in 1946 and up to 1952, human trichinellosis has been found or suspected in 22 persons in the area of athens and thessaloniki. more ...200111484392
epidemiological studies on animal and human trichinellosis in estonia.from 1992 to 1999, muscle samples from 814 sylvatic animals and 1,173 domestic and synanthropic animals were collected in 15 districts of estonia; the prevalence of trichinellosis ranged from 1.0% to 79.4% for sylvatic animals and from 0.6% to 24.5% for domestic or synanthropic animals and for animals from fur-bearing farms. the most important reservoirs of trichinella in nature were the raccoon dog, the red fox, the lynx and the wolf. three species of trichinella (t. spiralis, t. nativa, and t. ...200111484393
epidemiology of swine trichinellosis in the republic of order to study the epidemiology of trichinellosis with special emphasis on swine a detailed study was performed. the goals of the study were to define the prevalence of trichinellosis in swine and rats and to determine the etiological agents of the disease with special emphasis on sylvatic species, trichinella britovi. considering the obtained data it can be concluded that the risk of trichinella infection for swine in endemic areas in croatia is rather high today. on the contrary, a sharp de ...200111484396
[helminth findings in indigenous raccoon dogs nyctereutes procyonoides (gray, 1843)].internal organs of 74 racoon dogs originating from the eastern districts of the federal land brandenburg were subjected to a complete helminthological dissection. in addition, samples of diaphragma muscles from 46 further animals were examined for trichinella larvae. altogether 3 trematode- (alaria alata, isthmiophora melis, metorchis bilis), 3 cestode- (mesocestoides sp., echinococcus multilocularis, taenia polyacantha) and 7 nematode species (capillaria aerophila, c. plica, trichinella spirali ...200111505800
coordinated muc2 and muc3 mucin gene expression in trichinella spiralis infection in wild-type and cytokine-deficient mice.mucin hypersecretion is an important component of the immune response to gastrointestinal nematode infection. two discrete types of mucin proteins exist in the mouse intestine, secretory muc2 and membrane-bound muc3. we examined muc2 and muc3 expression in wild-type mice and mice lacking gamma interferon receptor (ifngammar-/-), tumor necrosis factor receptor 1 (tnfr1-/-) and interleukin 4 (il4-/-) infected with trichinella spiralis. infected wild-type mice demonstrated significant goblet cell h ...200111508679
new patterns of trichinella infection.human and animal trichinellosis should be considered as both an emerging and reemerging disease. the reemergence of the domestic cycle has been due to an increased prevalence of trichinella spiralis, which has been primarily related to a breakdown of government veterinary services and state farms (e.g., in countries of the former ussr, bulgaria, romania), economic problems and war (e.g., in countries of the former yugoslavia), resulting in a sharp increase in the occurrence of this infection in ...200111516583
leucocyte recruitment during enteric nematode infection.resolution of infection with the intestinal nematode trichinella spiralis depends on the host mounting a t helper 2 (th2) response. it is known that both mast cells and t cells play a crucial role. we have previously shown that efficient migration of mast cells to the gut during infection depends on their expression of the integrin beta 7. beta 7 forms a heterodimer complex with either alpha e or alpha 4 integrin chains, alpha e beta 7 binding to e-cadherin expressed by epithelial cells and alph ...200111529942
[trichinelliasis in poland 1999].the total 176 cases of trichinellosis in the north of poland in kujawsko-pomorskie district were registered. the source of infection was probably the meat of boar, not teased for trichinella spiralis. the presence of trichnella endemic areas in the north-east part of the country still determines the necessity of careful meat survey against trichinella spiralis.200111556074
inflammatory response during the muscle phase of trichinella spiralis and t. pseudospiralis attempt was undertaken to determine whether a concurrent infection of trichinella spiralis and t. pseudospiralis can reduce cellular infiltrations against the former species during the muscle phase of worm development. balb/c, nude and cba/n mice were orally infected with either species or a mixture of both. new-born larvae (nbl) of either or both species were also injected subcutaneously into the right/left leg of balb/c mice. in t. spiralis oral infection, myositis was strongest in balb/c, ...200111570555
myalgia, fever, abnormal muscle enzymes and blue urine in a farmworker from thailand. 200111574993
identification of some heat-induced genes of trichinella spiralis.three heat-induced genes of the infective-stage larvae of trichinella spiralis were successfully identified by the suppression subtractive hybridization (ssh) technique. as indicated by reverse northern blotting, 19 of 25 clones were scored as differentially transcribed in the heat-shocked infective-stage larvae. the sequencing data showed the presence of 12 different genes. three were homologous to histone h3, histone h2b and translationally controlled tumour protein (tctp). a 0.6 kb cdna of hi ...200111578093
enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay for detection of trichinella spiralis antibodies and the surveillance of selected pig breeding farms in the republic of korea.trichinellosis is a parasitic zoonosis of public health importance. it is caused by trichinella spiralis which has a wide host range including humans. in the present communication, the elisa technique was employed on a total of 803 blood samples from 7 selected pig breeding farms in 1996 for diagnosis and surveillance of trichinellosis. out of the entire 803 samples, nine were found to be suspected while one was positive by elisa. but western blot analyses employed for further confirmation have ...200111590917
mucosal t cells regulate paneth and intermediate cell numbers in the small intestine of t. spiralis-infected mice.secretions of paneth, intermediate and goblet cells have been implicated in innate intestinal host defense. we have investigated the role of t cells in effecting alterations in small intestinal epithelial cell populations induced by infection with the nematode trichinella spiralis. small intestinal tissue sections from euthymic and athymic (nude) mice, and mice with combined deficiency in t-cell receptor beta and delta genes [tcr(beta/delta)-/-] infected orally with t. spiralis larvae, were exam ...200111678907
trichinellosis acquired in the united outbreak of trichinellosis that occurred in the united kingdom is described. members of four households consumed pork salami from northern serbia, the federal republic of yugoslavia. eight cases of trichinellosis occurred. clinical and laboratory features of the cases were typical with myalgia (7 cases), fever (6), headache (5), periorbital oedema (4), non-specific st/t wave changes on electrocardiogram (3), trichinella antibodies (6), eosinophilia (7) and raised serum creatine kinase (3). al ...200111693515
trichinella infection in wildlife of the southwestern united states.several potential mammalian reservoirs of sylvatic species of trichinella were examined from texas, new mexico, and arizona. during 1998-99, tongues were collected from a black bear (ursus americanus) in arizona; from 9 black bears, a coyote (canis latrans), and a mountain lion (felis concolor) in new mexico; and from 154 coyotes, 32 raccoons (procyon lotor), 13 opossums (didelphis marsupialis), 4 ocelots (leopardus pardalis), 3 bobcats (lynx rufus), and 5 feral hogs (sus scrofa) in southern tex ...200111695403
importance of immunoglobulin e (ige) in the protective mechanism against gastrointestinal nematode infection: looking at the intestinal mucosae.this review discusses experimental evidences that indicate the ige participation on the effector mechanisms that leads to gastrointestinal nematode elimination. data discussed here showed that, for most experimental models, the immune response involved in nematode elimination is regulated by th-2 type cytokines (especially il-4). however, the mechanism(s) that result in worm elimination is not clear and might be distinct in different nematode species. parasite specific ige production, especially ...200111696854
a pivotal role for glycans at the interface between trichinella spiralis and its host.the nematode trichinella spiralis demonstrates a simple but novel parasitic life-cycle, completing all of its development in intracellular habitats. this feature of the life-cycle has challenged investigators aiming to elucidate mechanisms of parasitism. investigations of immunity showed a dominant influence of n-glycans in the responses to larval t. spiralis. it has become evident that novel glycans are positioned to play important roles in parasitism, as well as immunity, in infection with thi ...200111707300
intestinal inflammation and activation of sensory nerve pathways: a functional and morphological study in the nematode infected the rat, gastric distension elicits an intensity dependent pseudoaffective bradycardia mediated via capsaicin sensitive afferent and cholinergic efferent vagal pathways. inflammation alters visceral perception although the mediators responsible have not been identified. in the nematode infected rat, there is a substantial increase in neuronal substance p (sp) content of the gut.200111709517
cutting edge: il-4 receptor expression by non-bone marrow-derived cells is required to expel gastrointestinal nematode parasites.expulsion of two gastrointestinal nematode parasites, nippostrongylus brasiliensis and trichinella spiralis, is similar in that both require il-4ralpha expression, but different in that t cells and mast cells are required for il-4-induced expulsion of t. spiralis but not n. brasiliensis. to examine the role of il-4ralpha signaling in immunity to these parasites, we studied worm expulsion in chimeric mice that selectively expressed il-4ralpha on bone marrow-derived or non-bone marrow-derived cell ...200111714764
synthesis and anthelmintic activity of thioamide analogues of cyclic octadepsipeptides such as pf1022a.the tetra- and mono-thionated cyclic octadepsipeptides represent novel cyclic octadepsipeptide derivatives with broad-spectrum activity against parasitic nematodes in mice and sheep. some of these show better activity than the potent natural anthelmintic cyclic octadepsipeptide pf1022a against hymenolepis nana, heterakis spumosa and trichinella spiralis larvae in mice. in particular, they show improved efficacy against haemonchus contortus and trichostrongylus colubriformis in sheep compared wit ...200111721515
the measurement of parasite antigen-specific ige levels using anti-ige monoclonal antibodies and biotinylated antigens.we studied and evaluated an elisa system, using a sandwich method with a monoclonal antibody against the fc domain of ige molecules and biotinylated antigens, to detect parasite antigen-specific ige quantitatively. the specific ige elisa titre increases linearly in a dose-dependent manner when the concentration of total ige in samples is less than 2,000 ng/ml. sera from ige-deficient sja/9 mice infected with trichinella spiralis failed to give any measurable ige, suggesting that other classes of ...200111728016
[notification according to the law for protection against infections].since january 1st 2001, the law for protection against infections decrees the duty of notification along two tracks, on the one hand by notification of infectious diseases and on the other hand by reporting the pathogens. however, the names of pathogens change due to scientific progress. furthermore, these names include in some cases not only harmful agents of infectious diseases but also inoffensive organisms, i. e. giardia lamblia. there are also problems in the notification of other pathogens ...200111735068
increased cd8(+)-t-cell expression and a type 2 cytokine pattern during the muscular phase of trichinella infection in humans.cell-mediated immunity during the muscular phase of trichinella infection in humans was studied. cell proliferation, the phenotypic changes in the t-cell population, and expression and production of cytokines were examined by using peripheral blood mononuclear cells (pbmc) collected at different times postinfection from 10 individuals who had acquired trichinella spiralis and five individuals who had acquired trichinella britovi in two distinct outbreaks. t. spiralis and t. britovi crude worm ex ...200211748188
the effect of changes in the gastric ph value on experimental trichinosis.the effect of increasing or decreasing the gastric ph of mice on the course of experimental infection with trichinella spiralis was studied, by administration of 1% nahco3 in pbs (ph 9.0) or 1% hcl in pbs (ph 5.0) to mice half an hour prior to infection respectively. the results revealed that raising the gastric ph led to a significant increase in the adult worm count with all increase in their fecundity both in vivo and in vitro. on on the other hand, the more acidic gastric ph induced prior to ...200111775094
[a clinical research for eosinophilic meningoencephalitis caused by angiostrongyliasis].to improve the awareness of angiostrongyliasis.199911798667
role of il-4, il-13, and stat6 in inflammation-induced hypercontractility of murine smooth muscle cells.t helper 2 (th2) cytokines interleukin (il)-4 and il-13, which activate signal transducer and activator of transcription 6 (stat6) are expressed in the muscularis externa during nematode infection and are candidate mediators of the associated hypercontractility. to determine the locus of action of these cytokines, we examined the il-4- and il-13-induced hypercontractility of the isolated muscle cells from stat6 +/+ and stat6 -/- mice. we compared the results with cells isolated from trichinella ...200211804843
severe trichinellosis cured with pulse doses of glucocorticoids.trichinellosis is a worldwide zoonotic disease caused by a nematode trichinella spiralis. we studied a case of trichinella spiralis infection with severe eye involvement, febrile condition, generalised malaise and muscular weakness in a young female patient. comprehensive ophthalmologic, infectologic, neurological and immunologic examinations including electro diagnostic tests and ct scan of the head were performed, but the diagnosis was confirmed only by histological examination of biopsy speci ...200111817004
effect of exogenous nitric oxide in experimental trichinellosis.nitric oxide (no) is a free radical that has been given much attention over the past few years. it has been nicknamed a "killer" and "mediator" due to its toxic and signaling properties. apart from its regular physiological function, no indirectly participates in infectious diseases. our investigations showed that no administered as a drug may involve higher histopathological changes in infected animals and can involve higher infection. this report seems to be the first presentation of the parti ...200211822743
[neurotrichinosis].trichinellosis is an anthropozoonosis caused by trichinella spiralis. central nervous system complications can occur during the course of this disease. this paper presents a case of neurotrichinellosis, assayed by using indirect immunofluorescence test. case review: a patient aged 30, was admitted to the clinic on the fifth day after onset of the disease, which was gradual, starting with flu-like symptoms. two days before admittance, the diseased became somnolent, disconcerted and disoriented. o ...200111876013
tyvelose and protective responses to the intestinal stages of trichinella spiralis.the unusual sugar tyvelose is the immunodominant portion of the major larval glycoprotein antigens of trichinella spiralis, which play an important role in generating immunity against the intestinal stages of infection. the possibility that the tyvelose component itself may have a host- or parasite-protective role in the intestine was tested by following the outcome of challenge infections in mice primed and boosted with tyvelose-bsa, or in mice primed with tyvelose-bsa before boosting with larv ...200211880231
molting, ecdysis, and reproduction of trichinella spiralis are supported in vitro by intestinal epithelial cells.trichinella spiralis is an obligate parasite of animals that has an unusual intracellular life cycle. investigation of parasitism at the cellular and molecular levels has been challenging because of a shortage of tools for in vitro cultivation of t. spiralis. we have found that t. spiralis larvae molt, ecdyse, develop to adulthood, and reproduce when they are inoculated onto cultured intestinal epithelial cells. initially, larvae invade and migrate through cells in a monolayer (t. manwarren, l. ...200211895947
aetiology of endomyocardial fibrosis (emf).on epidemiological basis emf behaves like a vector transmitted disease. the cardiac pathologies of emf and hes are identical. in some cases of hes, hypereosinophilia may return to normal, leaving residual heart disease that is exactly like emf. most temporary residents from europe and north america who developed emf while resident in the endemic areas of africa had hypereosinophilia that was induced by helminths. in our case studies from the emf endemic areas of nigeria, most children with acute ...200111922151
inhibition of mcp-1 and mip-2 transcription and translation by mimosine in muscle tissue infected with the parasite trichinella spiralis.mimosine is a non-toxic plant aminoacid which is an effective inhibitor of dna replication by acting at the s-phase. in this study we infected mice with t. spiralis, a nematode parasite, and studied the inflammatory response through the determination of mip-2, a c-x-c chemokine and mcp-1, a c-c chemokine in the inflamed area around the parasitic cyst. the animals were infected and their diaphragms were tested for inflammatory response. mcp-1 and mip-2 was tested after 1, 10, 20, 30, and 40 days ...200211936838
pathology of interstitial cells of cajal in relation to inflammation revealed by ultrastructure but not immunohistochemistry.the role of interstitial cells of cajal associated with auerbach's plexus (icc-ap) in the pathophysiology of inflammation-induced abnormalities in gut motor activity is poorly understood. therefore we applied a well-described model of inflammation (infection by trichinella spiralis) to the mouse small intestine where the structure and function of icc-ap are best known. electron microscopic evaluation revealed that 1 to 3 days after infection, selective and patchy damage to the icc processes occu ...200211943737
predilection muscles and physical condition of raccoon dogs (nyctereutes procyonoides) experimentally infected with trichinella spiralis and trichinella nativa.the predilection muscles of trichinella spiralis and t. nativa were studied in 2 experimental groups of 6 raccoon dogs (nyctereutes procyonoides), the third group serving as a control for clinical signs. the infection dose for both parasites was 1 larva/g body weight. after 12 weeks, the animals were euthanized and 13 sampling sites were analysed by the digestion method. larvae were found in all sampled skeleton muscles of the infected animals, but not in the specimens from the heart or intestin ...200111957372
cloning, expression and immunization of the new antigen gene sj-ts4 of schistosoma order to explore the molecular mechanism of high immune protection against schistosomes infection in animals infected with trichinella spiralis, and to provide several cross-protective antigen genes for developing anti-schistosomiasis vaccine, a schistosoma japonicum adult worm cdna library was immunoscreened using sera taken from mice infected with trichinella spiralis. nine positive clones were obtained after 3 rounds of immunoscreening. among them, sj-ts4 represents a novel gene of s. japo ...200212006987
trichinella nativa and t. spiralis induce distinguishable histopathologic and humoral responses in the raccoon dog (nyctereutes procyonoides).three experimental groups of six male raccoon dogs (nyctereutes procyonoides) each were formed by placing one of three littermates from six litters into each group. one group was inoculated with pig-origin trichinella spiralis, the second was inoculated with raccoon dog-origin t. nativa, and the third served as a control group. the infective dose was 1,000 larvae/kg of body weight. every third week, biopsies from m. triceps brachii were taken, and serum samples were collected for up to 12 weeks ...200212009064
stress response to cold in trichinella species.trichinella-type larvae (l(1)) are found in the muscles of infected wild animals and domestic pigs and are the cause of trichinosis in man and other animals throughout the world. these parasites are exposed to low temperatures during their life cycle. on this premise, three trichinella species of different types of habitat (the arctic t. nativa, the cosmopolitan t. spiralis, and the tropical t. nelsoni) were selected to examine the effect of a shift in temperature, from 37 to 4 degrees c, on lon ...200112009726
biphasic hypothermia in mice infected with a parasitic nematode, trichinella balb/c mice infected with trichinella spiralis, changes in body temperature (tb) were observed over 35 days after the infection. t. spiralis infection induced hypothermia two times at 7 and 28 days after infection. the initial decrease persisted for about one week with a peak (37.1 +/- 0.62 degrees c) around 10 days after the infection, while the later phase persisted for at least one week. both 10 and 35 days after the infection, there were remarkable decreases in tb. the serum glucose level ...200212012735
parameters of intestinal inflammation in mice given graded infections of the nematode trichinella spiralis.four parameters of the intestinal inflammatory response (numbers of mucosal mast cells (mmc) and paneth cells, villus:crypt ratios and mitotic figures) were measured in mice exposed to varying doses of infective larvae of trichinella spiralis. the aim of the experiments was to determine whether generation of these components of inflammation required a threshold level of infection and whether, once triggered, inflammation became pan-mucosal. near maximal mmc and paneth cell responses were elicite ...200212015822
molecular cloning and characterization of a novel protein of trichinella pseudospiralis excretory-secretory products.a novel excretory-secretory (es) protein of trichinella pseudospiralis was produced. a cdna library was constructed from mrna of muscle larvae at 30 days post infection (p.i.) and immunoscreened with the antibody against es products. a clone, designated tp22-3, contained a cdna transcript of 815 bp in length with a single open reading frame which encoded 244-amino acids (28407 da in the estimated molecular mass). a database search revealed that no sequences had a homology to this predicted prote ...200212015829
ccr3 is required for tissue eosinophilia and larval cytotoxicity after infection with trichinella spiralis.the ccr3 binds at least seven different cc chemokines and is expressed on eosinophils, mast cells (mc), and a subset of th cells (th2) that generate cytokines implicated in mucosal immune responses. using mice with a targeted disruption of ccr3 (ccr3(-/-)) and their +/+ littermates, we investigated the role of ccr3 in the amplification of tissue eosinophilia and mc hyperplasia in the mouse after infection with trichinella spiralis. in ccr3(-/-) mice, eosinophils are not recruited to the jejunal ...200212023373
oxidative and cold shock cause enhanced induction of a 50 kda stress protein in trichinella spiralis.the anti-heat shock protein (hsp)-90 monoclonal antibody ac-16 reacts on blots with hsp90 and a 50 kda protein (prot-50) from infective-stage (l1) larvae of the nematode trichinella spiralis. we examined hsp90 and prot-50 levels by densitometric analysis of immunoblots of t. spiralis larval extracts prepared before (time 0, 37 degrees c) and after oxidative [hydrogen peroxide (h2o2)] stress, or cold shock at 4 degrees c. extracts from h2o2-exposed l1 were obtained after 2 h; the others at 2, 4, ...200212049459
associations between trichinella species and host species in finland.examination of 627 wild animals--raccoon dogs (nyctereutes procyonoides), red foxes (vulpes vulpes), european lynxes (lynx lynx), brown bears (ursus arctos), wolves (canis lupus), and badgers (meles meles)--revealed trichinella spp. the prevalence varied according to geographical region of finland (north; southwest, sw; and southeast, se) and was the highest among lynxes (70%, sw). the risk of trichinellosis was higher in the se (odds ratio, or, 19.4) and sw regions (or 14.3), as compared with t ...200212053985
mcp-1 and mip-2 response in trichinella spiralis infected mice treated with 4-deoxypyridoxine (4-dpd).chemokines are involved in a number of pathophysiological conditions, such as inflammatory processes and are divided in two major subfamilies, c-x-c and c-c chemokines. the c-c chemokines are monocyte chemotactic protein 1-2-3-4-5, while c-x-c chemokines include mip-2, il-8, etc. we studied the levels of mcp-1 and mip-2 in diaphragmatic and intercostal muscle tissue and serum in trichinella spiralis infected mice treated and not treated with 4-deoxypyridoxine, a potent vit. b6 antagonist which i ...200212057852
[cross-protection against schistosoma japonicum infection in mice immunized with trichinella spiralis muscle larva antigen].to explore the cross-protection against s. japonicum cercaria challenge in mice immunized with t. spiralis larva antigen.199812078284
a putative serine protease among the excretory-secretory glycoproteins of l1 trichinella spiralis.trichinella spiralis first-stage larvae infect susceptible hosts by invading epithelial cells that line the small intestine. during this process the larva disgorges several glycoproteins that bear an unusual, highly antigenic sugar moiety, tyvelose (3,6-dideoxy arabinohexose). monoclonal antibodies specific for tyvelose protect the intestine against infection, implicating tyvelose-bearing glycoproteins as mediators of invasion and niche establishment in the intestinal epithelium. in order to inv ...200212106869
increased parasiticide activity against trichinella spiralis newborn larvae during evaluate whether pregnancy has a synergetic effect on the host's immune response against trichinella spiralis infection, immunological and parasitological parameters relating to the infection were assessed in pregnant rats and compared to those observed in virgin infected rats. the muscle parasite load was lower in pregnant infected rats but no differences were found in the intestinal worm burdens or the fecundity of female worms. the ability of sera to mediate death in newborn larvae (nbl) i ...200212107459
expression of excretory and secretory protein genes of trichinella at muscle stage differs before and after cyst adapting a semi-quantitative reverse transcriptase-pcr (rt-pcr) method, we investigated kinetics of gene expression at different developmental stages of trichinella spiralis and t. pseudospiralis. the analyzed genes included four kinds of excretory and secretory (es) proteins, a heat shock protein (hsp) and a dna binding protein and showed that t. spiralis and t. pseudospiralis expressed es proteins in a stage-specific manner. the gene encoding a 43 kda es protein was expressed by muscle larv ...200212113753
comparison of cholinesterase activities in the excretion-secretion products of trichinella pseudospiralis and trichinella spiralis muscle larvae.the presence of cholinesterases (che) is reported in t. pseudospiralis excretion-secretion products (esp) by spectrophotometric method, using acetylthiocholine (atci) and butyrilthiocholine (btci) as substrates. by inhibition assays, we found that t. pseudospiralis release both acetyl- and butiryl-cholinesterases (ache and bche, respectively). the sedimentation coefficientes of these enzymes were determined by sucrose density gradient. we studied the in vivo che secretion by immunoblot assays us ...200212116861
synthesis and antiparasitic activity of 1h-benzimidazole derivatives.compounds 1-18 have been synthesized and tested in vitro against the protozoa giardia lamblia, entamoeba histolytica and the helminth trichinella spiralis. inhibition of rat brain tubulin polymerization was also measured and compared for each compound. results indicate that most of the compounds tested were more active as antiprotozoal agents than metronidazole and albendazole. none of the compounds was as active as albendazole against t. spiralis. although only compounds 3, 9 and 15 (2-methoxyc ...200212127542
antinerve growth factor treatment prevents intestinal dysmotility in trichinella spiralis-infected rats.nerve growth factor (ngf) could be involved in the development of hyperalgesia as well as in nervous remodeling consequence of inflammation. both dysmotility and increase of visceral sensitivity have been described in functional gastrointestinal disorders such as irritable bowel syndrome. trichinella spiralis-infected rats show an exacerbated spontaneous motility and a significant increase of the excitatory response to cholecystokinin (cck), both associated with a reversible inflammatory process ...200212130729
effect of cyclosporin a on immunological response in lungs of guinea pigs infected with trichinella spiralis.the effects of cyclosporin a (csa), a potent immunosuppressive drug with antiparasitic activity, on the innate immunological response in guinea pig lungs during an early period (6th and 14th days) after t. spiralis infection were studied. csa treatment of t. spiralis-infected guinea pigs caused a significant attenuation of immunological response in lungs by decreasing lymphocyte infiltration into pulmonary alveolar space, inhibiting alveolar macrophage superoxide anion production and lowering bo ...200212136946
early response of guinea-pig lungs to trichinella spiralis order to assess immunological response, induced in guinea-pig lungs by trichinella spiralis, cellular infiltration into pulmonary alveolar space and production of o(2)(-) and no in alveolar macrophages obtained from bronchoalveolar lavage fluid (balf), as well as accumulation of nitric oxide (no) metabolites in balf and serum, were evaluated during the early period of primary t. spiralis infection (from 4th to 8th and on 14th day after oral administration of larvae) and on 6th day after secon ...200212164823
searching for antibodies against trichinella spiralis in the sera of patients with fever of unknown cause.human cases of trichinellosis are often difficult to identify because the signs and symptoms of the disease, if the infection produces any at all, are non-specific, being similar to those observed in several other infectious diseases. in an investigation of mexican patients with fever of unknown aetiology, attempts were made to develop a serodiagnostic test for the detection of antibodies specific for trichinella spiralis. the excretory and secretory products of t. spiralis larvae (from the musc ...200212171620
nucleotidase cascades are catalyzed by secreted proteins of the parasitic nematode trichinella spiralis.extracellular nucleotides are signaling molecules whose receptor-mediated effects are involved in a variety of physiological responses in mammalian tissues. an overwhelming body of data indicate that inflammatory and other immune responses can be modulated by the availability and local concentrations of nucleotides via nucleotide receptor signaling, but this is only just beginning to be investigated in the context of infectious disease. evidence is provided here that the parasitic nematode trich ...200212183537
trichinosis of psoas muscle.there are isolated case reports of trichinella spiralis infestation in animals from india. we report the first case in man from india. the nematode was discovered incidentally during drainage of psoas abscess.200212186138
contaminants in feed for food-producing animals.outbreaks of bovine spongiform encephalopathy (bse) and food borne microbial infections, dioxin contaminated animal products, the presence of veterinary drug residues, microbial resistance to antibiotics, mycotoxins, agricultural and industrial chemicals, etc. are serious concerns for the food industry in many countries. since the direct links between feed safety and safety of foods of animal origin are obvious, feed production and manufacture should be considered as an integral part of the food ...200212189948
il-18 regulates intestinal mastocytosis and th2 cytokine production independently of ifn-gamma during trichinella spiralis infection.expulsion of the gastrointestinal nematode trichinella spiralis is associated with pronounced mastocytosis mediated by a th2-type response involving il-4, il-10, and il-13. here we demonstrate that il-18 is a key negative regulator of protective immune responses against t. spiralis in vivo. il-18 knockout mice are highly resistant to t. spiralis infection, expel the worms rapidly and subsequently develop low levels of encysted muscle larvae. the increased speed of expulsion is correlated with hi ...200212193725
total anaerobiosis during in vitro culture in conventional cell culture media is required for retaining infectivity of trichinella spiralis l1 larvae.the infectivity of trichinella spiralis l1 larvae was examined in swiss cd-1 mice after their maintenance in conventional cell culture media under different atmospheric conditions. larvae isolated from the infected mouse carcasses were cultured for 24 hr in roswell park memorial institute (rpmi) medium, minimum essential medium (mem), 199 medium, and hank's balanced salt solution (hbss) medium under anaerobic, microaerobic, and 5% co2 conditions. only those larvae maintained under anaerobiosis i ...200212197134
evaluation of elisa and western blot analysis using three antigens to detect anti-trichinella igg in horses.we assessed a serological method for detecting trichinella infection in horses, specifically, an elisa using three antigens to detect anti-trichinella igg (i.e. a synthetic tyvelose glycan-bsa (stg-bsa) antigen, an excretory/secretory (es) antigen, and a crude worm extract (cwe) antigen). serum samples were collected from 2502 horses (433 live horses from romania and 2069 horses slaughtered in italy and originating from italy, poland, romania, and serbia). serum samples were also taken from hors ...200212208044
mice immunzation using crude trichinella spiralis antigen.four hundred laboratory bred male swiss strain albino mice, seven to ten weeks old, were experimentally used to determine the effective mode of immunization against t. spiralis infection. in this regard, active immunization using repeated injection of t. spiralis muscle larval antigen was used in comparison with three, commonly used immunosuppressive drugs (kenacort, endoxan and cyclosporin). also, the minimal oral dose of t. spiralis larvae that can cause the infection was estimated. the use of ...200212214917
[antitumor cross-resistance of trichinosis].our experiments were concerned with formation of antitumor cross-resistance by trichinella spiralis infection in rats. prophylactic infection was followed by an insignificant decrease in the number of 3,4-benzpyrene-induced malignant fibrous histiocytoma. it also inhibited mammary gland cancer induced by 7,12-dimethylbenzo(a)anthracene. no significant influence on the formation of fibroadenomas as a side effect was reported.200212227073
Displaying items 1801 - 1900 of 3079