
[real-time pcr in rapid diagnosis of aeromonas hydrophila necrotizing soft tissue infections].we report a case of rapidly progressive necrotizing soft tissue infection and sepsis followed by a patient's death. we suspected vibrio vulnificus infection because the patient's underlying disease was cirrhosis and the course extremely rapid. no microbe had been detected at death. we extracted dna from a blood culture bottle. sybr green i real-time pcr was conducted but could not detect v. vulnificus vvh in the dna sample. aeromonas hydrophila was cultured and identified in blood and necrotized ...200920034324
pilf polymorphism-based pcr to distinguish vibrio vulnificus strains potentially dangerous to public health.vibrio vulnificus is a heterogeneous species that comprises strains virulent and avirulent for humans and fish, and it is grouped into three biotypes. in this report, we describe a pcr-based methodology that allows both the species identification and discrimination of those isolates that could be considered dangerous to public health. discrimination is based on the amplification of a variable region located within the gene pilf, which seems to be associated with potential human pathogenicity, re ...201020038687
chemical synthesis and biological screening of 2-aminoimidazole-based bacterial and fungal antibiofilm agents.a collection of 2-aminoimidazole/triazole amides has been synthesized and screened for antibiofilm activity. this class of small molecules was found to modulate the biofilm activity of pseudomonas aeruginosa, a multidrug-resistant strain of acinetobacter baumannii (mdrab), a methicillin-resistant staphylococcus aureus strain (mrsa), escherichia coli, rhodospirillum salexigens, staphylococcus epidermidis, vibrio vulnificus, and vancomycin-resistant enterococcus faecium as well as the yeast candid ...201020049758
role of rpos in the susceptibility of low salinity-adapted vibrio vulnificus to environmental stresses.vibrio vulnificus is an opportunistic pathogen commonly found in oyster and marine environments, which frequently encounters low salinity stress in its natural and food processing environment. in this study, the responses of a v. vulnificus wild-type strain c78140o and its rpos isogenic mutant ah1 to sublethal low salinity were examined to investigate the role of rpos in this response. both strains, adapted in low salinity (0.4% nacl), were protected against the lethal low salinity (0.1% nacl), ...201020051307
expression, crystallization and preliminary x-ray diffraction analysis of a modification subunit of a putative type i restriction enzyme from vibrio vulnificus yj016.modification (hsdm) and specificity (hsds) subunits are constituents of an active methyltransferase (mtase) of multifunctional type i restriction enzymes. to provide a molecular background on hsdm, a putative hsdm gene from vibrio vulnificus yj016 (hsdm_vv) was cloned and the expressed protein was purified and crystallized from 22%(w/v) polyethylene glycol 8000, 0.02 m imidazole ph 7.5 and 5 mm beta-mercaptoethanol. diffraction data were collected to 1.86 a resolution using synchrotron radiation ...200920054126
role of tlr4 in the host response to vibrio vulnificus, an emerging pathogen.the incidence of infection with vibrio vulnificus is increasing due to changing ecologic and demographic factors. most fatal cases are caused by septic shock that results from dysregulation of proinflammatory cytokines such as tumor necrosis factor-alpha (tnfalpha), presumably due to interaction of v. vulnificus components with toll-like receptors (tlrs). the goal of this study was to investigate the role of tlr4 in the host response to v. vulnificus. results obtained using v. vulnificus type st ...201020059544
identification of a c-di-gmp-regulated polysaccharide locus governing stress resistance and biofilm and rugose colony formation in vibrio an etiological agent of bacterial sepsis and wound infections, vibrio vulnificus is unique among the vibrionaceae. its continued environmental persistence and transmission are bolstered by its ability to colonize shellfish, form biofilms on various marine biotic surfaces, and generate a morphologically and physiologically distinct rugose (r) variant that yields profuse biofilms. here, we identify a c-di-gmp-regulated locus (brp, for biofilm and rugose polysaccharide) and two transcription fac ...201020065022
cefazolin plus minocycline against a clinical isolate of vibrio vulnificus: in vitro and animal studies.cefotaxime plus minocycline has been shown to have synergistic activity against vibrio vulnificus; however, the clinical role of cefazolin in combination with minocycline in immunocompromised hosts has not been established. therefore, antimicrobial susceptibility of the v. vulnificus clinical isolate vv05191 was studied by the agar dilution method. antibacterial activity of cefazolin, minocycline, and a combination of the two drugs was investigated by time-kill studies in vitro and further exami ...201020093756
the growth of vibrio vulnificus and the habitat of infected patients in japan, vibrio vulnificus (v. vulnificus) infection is very rare, and most infections have occurred in kumamoto prefecture (1), and especially around the ariake and yatsushiro seas. to investigate the relationship between the occurrence of v. vulnificus infection and environmental factors, including the salinity of seawater and the amount of rain in the ariake and yatsushiro seas, we measured the most probable number (mpn) of v. vulnificus in seawater and sea mud. in the ariake sea, we also ob ...200720103883
detection of vibrio vulnificus in seafood, seawater and wastewater samples from a mediterranean coastal area.vibrio vulnificus is an opportunistic human pathogen that may cause gastroenteritis, severe necrotizing soft-tissue infections and primary septicaemia, with a high lethality rate. illness is associated to ingestion of seafood or to the exposure of contaminated water. the aim of this work was to determine the occurrence of v. vulnificus in water and seafood samples from a coastal area near the mediterranean (valencia, spain). a taqman probe-based real-time pcr assay was optimised and applied to 2 ...201020106642
direct interaction between quorum-sensing regulator smcr and rna polymerase is mediated by integration host factor to activate vvpe encoding elastase in vibrio has been suggested that quorum sensing is an important signal transduction system regulating the expression of numerous virulence genes in bacterial pathogens. we previously revealed that smcr, a luxr homologue of vibrio vulnificus, activates promoter s, an rpos-dependent promoter of vvpe encoding a potential virulence factor elastase and binds in vitro to a binding site centered at -196.5. in this study, chromatin immunoprecipitation assays and promoter deletion analyses demonstrated that sm ...201020110369
in vitro time-kill activities of ciprofloxacin alone and in combination with the iron chelator deferasirox against vibrio vulnificus.iron plays a major role in the growth and virulence of ferrophilic organisms like vibrio vulnificus. people who reside in the coastal areas with raw fish eating habits have a high risk of vibrio infection and aggressive therapy can only reduce their mortality. we investigated the in vitro efficacy of ciprofloxacin, a bactericidal drug used in v. vulnificus patients, and the orally active iron chelator deferasirox against v. vulnificus infection. we performed in vitro time-kill studies on two atc ...201020127132
predicting the distribution of vibrio spp. in the chesapeake bay: a vibrio cholerae case study.vibrio cholerae, the causative agent of cholera, is a naturally occurring inhabitant of the chesapeake bay and serves as a predictor for other clinically important vibrios, including vibrio parahaemolyticus and vibrio vulnificus. a system was constructed to predict the likelihood of the presence of v. cholerae in surface waters of the chesapeake bay, with the goal to provide forecasts of the occurrence of this and related pathogenic vibrio spp. prediction was achieved by driving an available mul ...201020145974
predictors of mortality in skin and soft-tissue infections caused by vibrio vulnificus.vibrio vulnificus infection can progress rapidly in skin or soft tissue, and it is potentially life-threatening. the purpose of the present study was to explore the predictors of mortality in patients with v. vulnificus infections of skin or soft tissue.201020151130
using an improved tol2 transposon system to produce transgenic zebrafish with epinecidin-1 which enhanced resistance to bacterial order to advance the application of antimicrobial peptides in aquaculture, transgenic zebrafish expressing the antimicrobial peptide, epinecidin-1, were developed and are reported on here. first, we cloned the zebrafish mylz2 promoter for this purpose. to characterize the activity of the mylz2 promoter, various fragments of it were analyzed using a firefly luciferase transient expression assay, in which maximum promoter activity was found with a 2.5-kb fragment. in addition, the 2.5-kb fragme ...201020153437
a comparative epizootiologic study of the two fish-pathogenic serovars of vibrio vulnificus biotype 2.vibrio vulnificus biotype 2 is subdivided into two main serovars, serovar e, able to infect fish and humans, and serovar a, only virulent for fish. serovar e emerged in 1976 as the causative agent of a haemorrhagic septicaemia (warm-water vibriosis) affecting eels cultured in brackish water. serovar a emerged in 2000 in freshwater-cultured eels vaccinated against serovar e, causing warm-water vibriosis with fish showing a haemorrhagic intestine as the main differential sign. the aim of the prese ...201020158583
crystal structure of the transcriptional activator hlyu from vibrio vulnificus cmcp6.hlyu is a transcription factor of the arsr/smtb family and activates the expression of the pathogenic vibrio vulnificus rtx toxin. in contrast to the other metal-responding arsr/smtb proteins, hlyu does not sense metal ions. to provide its structural information, we elucidated the crystal structure of hlyu from v. vulnificus cmcp6 (hlyu_vv). the monomeric hlyu_vv architecture of five alpha-helices and two beta-strands, some of which constitute a typical dna-binding winged helix-turn-helix (whth) ...201020178784
crystal structure of smcr, a quorum-sensing master regulator of vibrio vulnificus, provides insight into its regulation of transcription.quorum sensing has been implicated as an important global regulatory system controlling the expression of numerous virulence factors in bacterial pathogens. smcr, a homologue of vibrio harveyi luxr, has been proposed as a quorum-sensing master regulator of vibrio vulnificus, an opportunistic human pathogen. previous studies demonstrated that smcr is essential for the survival and pathogenesis of v. vulnificus, indicating that inhibiting smcr is an attractive approach to combat infections by the ...201020178981
bacterial and viral pathogens in live oysters: 2007 united states market survey.two samples of market oysters, primarily from retail establishments, were collected twice each month in each of nine states during 2007. samples were shipped refrigerated overnight to five u.s. food and drug administration laboratories on a rotating basis and analyzed by most probable number (mpn) for total and pathogenic vibrio parahaemolyticus and v. vulnificus numbers and for the presence of toxigenic v. cholerae, salmonella spp., norovirus (nov), and hepatitis a virus (hav). levels of indica ...201020190085
involvement of capsular polysaccharide via a tlr2/nf-kappab pathway in vibrio vulnificus-induced il-8 secretion of human intestinal epithelial a previous study, we reported that a wbpp gene mutation in vibrio vulnificus was significantly impaired in its ability to synthesize surface capsular polysaccharide (cps). in this study, we evaluated the functions of the v. vulnificus capsular polysaccharide on interleukin (il)-8 production, as well as its underlying mechanisms in human intestinal epithelial cells. the cps-defective wbpp mutant induced significantly lower levels of il-8 production, il-8 gene promoter activation and nf-kappab ...201020198307
identification of a conserved membrane localization domain within numerous large bacterial protein toxins.vibrio cholerae is the causative agent of the diarrheal disease cholera. many virulence factors contribute to intestinal colonization and disease including the multifunctional autoprocessing rtx toxin (martx(vc)). the rho-inactivation domain (rid) of martx(vc) is responsible for inactivating the rho-family of small gtpases, which leads to depolymerization of the actin cytoskeleton. based on a deletion analysis of rid to determine the minimal functional domain, we have identified a subdomain at t ...201020212166
evidence that vibrio vulnificus ahpc2 is essential for survival under high salinity by modulating intracellular level of ros.expression of ahpc2 encoding an alkyl hydroperoxide reductase of vibrio vulnificus, a foodborne pathogen, was incrementally induced depending on nacl concentrations in the culture. growth of the ahpc2 mutant was significantly impaired with longer lag phase and lower growth rate when cultured under high salinity. ros was accumulated in v. vulnificus cells when stressed by exposure to high salinity, and the ahpc2 mutant accumulated higher level of ros as compared with the parental wild type. conse ...201020221741
clinical features of vibrio vulnificus infections in the coastal areas of the ariake sea, japan.vibrio vulnificus infection can result in necrotizing fasciitis and sepsis and is associated with high mortality. most patients infected with this microbe have liver dysfunction as an underlying disease. however, because of the sporadic nature of outbreaks and unidentified cases, extensive evaluation of clinical features and identification of factors affecting prognosis have not been performed. we retrospectively analyzed 37 cases in japan from 1984 to 2008 to review clinical features and to ide ...201020229050
laboratory indicators for early detection and surgical treatment of vibrio necrotizing fasciitis.vibrio necrotizing fasciitis is a rare and life-threatening soft tissue infection, with fulminant clinical courses and high mortality rates. however, the lack of specific disease characteristics and diagnostic tools during the initial examination may delay diagnosis.201020232179
functional characterization of the ilpa protein of vibrio vulnificus as an adhesin and its role in bacterial pathogenesis.vibrio vulnificus is a gram-negative bacterium that causes a fatal septicemia. one of its virulence factors is a membrane-bound lipoprotein, ilpa, which can induce cytokine production in human immune cells. in the present study, the role of ilpa as an adhesion molecule was investigated. an ilpa-deleted v. vulnificus mutant showed significantly decreased adherence to int-407 human intestinal epithelial cells, which in turn resulted in reduced cytotoxicity. the deltailpa mutant recovered the adher ...201020308294
assorted ribotypes of vibrio vulnificus human and environmental isolates.we subtyped 117 vibrio vulnificus isolates from 85 v. vulnificus sepsis patients and 32 environmental samples by performing automated ribotyping for the purpose of molecular epidemiological study. although there was one indistinguishable ribotype among the four human isolates and one environmental isolate, taken as a whole, the ribotypes were highly diverse regardless of sample sources. we report here for the first time the assorted ribotypes of v. vulnificus human and environmental isolates in ...201020332574
presence of typical and atypical virulence genes in vibrio isolates belonging to the harveyi clade.the study was aimed at investigating the presence of typical and atypical virulence genes in isolates belonging to the harveyi clade (vibrio harveyi and vibrio campbellii).201020345385
pathogenic vibrio activate nlrp3 inflammasome via cytotoxins and tlr/nucleotide-binding oligomerization domain-mediated nf-kappa b signaling.vibrio vulnificus and vibrio cholerae are gram-negative pathogens that cause serious infectious disease in humans. the beta form of pro-il-1 is thought to be involved in inflammatory responses and disease development during infection with these pathogens, but the mechanism of beta form of pro-il-1 production remains poorly defined. in this study, we demonstrate that infection of mouse macrophages with two pathogenic vibrio triggers the activation of caspase-1 via the nlrp3 inflammasome. activati ...201020348425
assimilation of metal ions bound to porphyrins or porphyrin-peptides by vibrio vulnificus, a human pathogen inhabiting estuarine and marine environments.vibrio vulnificus, a ubiquitous microorganism in aquatic environments, causes serious septicemia to the immunocompromised host. in addition to protoheme, this species can utilize fe-tcpp [ferric tetrakis (4-carboxyphenyl) porphine] as an iron source. in the present study, heme c bound covalently to the protein in cytochrome c, as well as the fe-tcpp complex formed with a nanopeptide with a high affinity, was found to be useful iron sources for v. vulnificus. this bacterium was also revealed to u ...201020361516
coincidental double erythema caused by vibrio vulnificus. 201020398697
adaptation of vibrio vulnificus and an rpos mutant to bile salts.vibrio vulnificus is an opportunistic pathogen commonly found in oyster and marine environments, which frequently encounters different stresses in its natural habitat, food processing environment and during infection. in this paper, the adaptation of v. vulnificus to bile and the role of rpos in this process were examined using a wild-type strain and an rpos isogenic mutant. adaptation to bile was readily induced in the exponential phase cells in phosphate-buffered saline with 2% bile salts, and ...201020406715
prognostic factors for primary septicemia and wound infection caused by vibrio vulnificus.the purpose of this study was to explore the predictive factors for mortality in primary septicemia or wound infections caused by vibrio vulnificus.201020466220
tilapia hepcidin (th)2-3 as a transgene in transgenic fish enhances resistance to vibrio vulnificus infection and causes variations in immune-related genes after infection by different bacterial species.hepcidin is an antimicrobial peptide (amp) secreted by the liver during inflammation that plays a central role in mammalian iron homeostasis. but the function of hepcidin in fish is still not completely understood. we recently described three different hepcidins (named tilapia hepcidin (th)1-5, th2-2, and th2-3) from tilapia oreochromis mossambicus, the cdna sequences were determined, the predicted peptides were synthesized, and the th2-3 peptide showed antimicrobial activity against several bac ...201020470893
foodborne pathogens in retail oysters in south investigate the occurrence of important foodborne pathogens in shellstock pacific oysters in the food markets in south china.201020486433
serum antibodies to vibrio vulnificus biotype 3 lipopolysaccharide and susceptibility to disease caused by the homologous v. vulnificus 1996 an outbreak of severe soft tissue infections caused by vibrio vulnificus unexpectedly erupted in fish consumers in israel with relatively little morbidity in fish farmers. to test the hypothesis that recurrent exposure of fishermen to the virulent strain may have provided protection against severe or symptomatic disease, we investigated the association between the immune response to v. vulnificus biotype 3 lipopolysaccharide (bt3 lps) and disease susceptibility in fish farmers and fish c ...201120492749
genetic characterization of vibrio vulnificus strains from tilapia aquaculture in bangladesh.outbreaks of vibrio vulnificus wound infections in israel were previously attributed to tilapia aquaculture. in this study, v. vulnificus was frequently isolated from coastal but not freshwater aquaculture in bangladesh. phylogenetic analyses showed that strains from bangladesh differed remarkably from isolates commonly recovered elsewhere from fish or oysters and were more closely related to strains of clinical origin.201020495047
genistein inhibits vibrio vulnificus adhesion and cytotoxicity to hela cells.vibrio vulnificus (v. vulnificus) is a useful model for bacterial septicemia as the bacterial infection generates a wide pathogenic spectrum in addition to a high mortality rate. this study was aimed at investigating the effects of genistein on the growth, cytotoxicity, adhesion, and the mouse mortality caused by v. vulnificus. the results of our study indicated that genistein (50 or 100 mg/l) effectively minimized the morphologic damages and inhibited acute death of hela cells by v. vulnificus. ...201020512479
expression of divergent lsu rrna genes in the vibrio vulnificus cmcp6 genome during both infection and non-pathogenic stages.the vibrio vulnificus cmcp6 genome harbors nine copies of divergent large subunit (lsu) rrna genes that may express and constitute four kinds of lsu rrna molecules in a single cell. primer extension analyses showed that these heterogeneous lsu rrna transcripts are all expressed and assembled into ribosomes during both infection and nonpathogenic stages. phylogenetic analyses of the internal transcribed spacer between ssu and lsu genes indicated that rrna operons of v. vulnificus cmcp6 can be clu ...201120526601
a fatal case of vibrio vulnificus cellulitis with septicaemia.vibrio vulnificus is a gram-negative marine bacterium that may cause local wound infection, distinctive soft tissue infection, gastroenteritis and septicaemia with a high mortality rate. a healthy man presented with severe abdominal pain, diarrhoea and fever followed by development of multiple blisters, cellulitis and necrotizing fasciitis of the lower limbs, who progressed rapidly to fulminant sepsis caused by this organism. vibrio vulnificus septicaemia should be suspected in the presence of s ...200920527281
vibrio illness in florida, 1998-2007.this study characterized the current epidemiology of vibrio infections in florida and examined cases reported from 1998 to 2007. logistic regression was used to determine risk of death. there were 834 vibrio infections in 825 individuals (average annual incidence rate 4·8/1,000,000). common vibrio species reported were vibrio vulnificus (33%), v. parahaemolyticus (29%), and v. alginolyticus (16%). most exposures were attributed to wounds (42%), and the most common clinical syndromes were wound i ...201120546636
resveratrol modulates rtx toxin-induced cytotoxicity through interference in adhesion and toxin contact is a prerequisite for the acute cytotoxicity of vibrio vulnificus, which is mediated primarily by rtxa1, a repeat in toxin (rtx) toxin. we found that resveratrol (at 10 or 30 microm), a natural polyphenol, protected hela cells from v. vulnificus cytotoxicity. to further characterize the underlying mechanism, the effect of resveratrol was investigated at the level of the host-microbe interactions. we studied the effects of resveratrol on adhesion, motility, cytotoxicity, and ...201020553907
quantitative detection of vibrio vulnificus in raw oysters by real-time loop-mediated isothermal amplification.vibrio vulnificus is a significant cause of seafood-related morbidity and mortality in the united states. rapid and sensitive detection assays are needed to facilitate better control of potential v. vulnificus infections from seafood consumption. recently, loop-mediated isothermal amplification (lamp) has been applied to detect v. vulnificus. in this study, the lamp assay was coupled with either fluorescence- or turbidity-based real-time platforms for the quantitative detection of v. vulnificus ...201020584557
multiplex pcr assays for simultaneous detection and characterization of vibrio vulnificus strains.vibrio vulnificus is a major cause of seafood-related deaths in the united states. several biomarkers, e.g. the virulence-correlated gene (vcg), 16s rrna, and the capsular polysaccharide operon (cps) have been used to differentiate virulent- from nonvirulent-type v. vulnificus strains. in this study, we combined the use of these biomarkers with a species-specific v. vulnificus cytolysin/haemolysin gene (vvha) to develop two pairs of multiplex pcr assays that simultaneously detect and characteriz ...201020586937
a description and illustration of a necrotizing fasciitis by john bell in 1801, hypothetically caused by vibrio vulnificus.we present an overlooked and noteworthy historical case and illustration of a necrotizing fasciitis, observed and written by john bell (1763-1820), first published in 1801. considering the setting and the clinical presentation, we hypothesize that the pathogen responsible was the species vibrio vulnificus. the typical clinical course of a rapidly progressive illness preceded by saltwater exposure shortly followed by the development of a hemorrhagic skin lesion, with a fatal outcome, should stron ...201020594887
immunomagnetic separation of vibrio vulnificus with antiflagellar monoclonal antibody.raw oysters are primary vectors for vibrio vulnificus infections, and a rapid detection method for v. vulnificus in raw oysters before distribution would be an indispensable tool for the seafood industry. one approach to improving the recovery and detection of v. vulnificus without sacrificing assay time is through the use of immunomagnetic separation (ims). the aim of this study was to develop and optimize an ims protocol using anti-h (antiflagellar) antibody for determining the level of v. vul ...201020615341
regulation of the vibrio vulnificus vvpe expression by cyclic amp-receptor protein and quorum-sensing regulator vibrio vulnificus, camp-receptor protein (crp) and the quorum-sensing regulator smcr are simultaneously and cooperatively required for the metalloprotease vvpe gene expression, rather than sequentially in a regulatory cascade. however, this study shows a new temporal and functional sequence between the two factors in regulating vvpe expression. a crp mutation inhibited vvpe expression with growth impairment from early stage. in contrast, a smcr mutation inhibited vvpe expression only at the l ...201020638468
clinical outcomes and prognostic factors for patients with vibrio vulnificus infections requiring intensive care: a 10-yr retrospective study.vibrio vulnificus infection is uncommon but potentially life-threatening. the aim of this study was to evaluate clinical outcomes and prognostic factors for patients with v. vulnificus infections admitted to an intensive care unit.201020657269
an unusual case of sepsis with both vibrio vulnificus and enterococcus 87-year-old man with metastatic prostate cancer on prior dexamethasone and chemotherapy presented to the emergency department with fever, hypotension and diarrhea. blood cultures at the time of admission revealed both vibrio vulnificus and enterococcus casseliflavus. raw oysters harvested from a louisiana marsh were consumed 12 and 13 days pre-admission. v. vulnificus sepsis typically manifests within one to three days of exposure, though prior reports have indicated infections as late as sev ...201020666168
a highly sensitive and specific multiplex pcr assay for simultaneous detection of vibrio cholerae, vibrio parahaemolyticus and vibrio develop an effective multiplex pcr for simultaneous and rapid detection of vibrio cholerae, vibrio vulnificus and vibrio parahaemolyticus, the three most important vibrio species that can cause devastating health hazards among human.201020666989
outer membrane vesicles of vibrio vulnificus deliver cytolysin-hemolysin vvha into epithelial cells to induce cytotoxicity.the gram-negative bacterium vibrio vulnificus produces cytotoxins that induce the acute death of host cells. however, the secretory mechanisms of such cytotoxins have not been extensively studied. previously, we reported that substantial amounts of v. vulnificus cytolysin-hemolysin (vvha) are produced in vivo during the bacterial infection in mice and that this cytotoxin, in conjunction with rtxa1, mediates cytotoxicity. in this study, we investigated whether v. vulnificus cells release outer me ...201020682286
detection and differentiation of vibrio spp. in seafood and fish samples with cultural and molecular methods.vibrio spp. as natural inhabitants of sea- and brackwater of both tropical and temperate regions of the world are commonly found in different kinds of seafood. even among the three main human pathogenic species vibrio parahaemolyticus, vibrio cholerae and vibrio vulnificus most of the isolates from seafood do not carry the different virulence factors responsible for foodborne infections. therefore, the risk assessment of vibrio spp. in seafood is currently based mainly on the knowledge of the ge ...201020688407
[a case of vibrio vulnificus infection presenting with invagination].a 73-year-old man with advanced lung cancer ate raw fish the day before being admitted to our hospital with severe abdominal pain, fever and vomiting. soon afterward he fell into shock and disseminated intravenous coagulation. a ct scan revealed invagination and emergency surgery was performed. on the first day after surgery, vibrio vulnificus was cultured from his ascites and blood. the infection was controlled by antibiotic treatment and he was discharged 23 days after the surgery. vibrio vuln ...201020715528
dietary medicinal plant extracts improve growth, immune activity and survival of tilapia oreochromis mossambicus.the effects of supplementing diets with acetone extract (1% w/w) from four medicinal plants (bermuda grass cynodon dactylon, h(1), beal aegle marmelos, h(2), winter cherry withania somnifera, h(3) and ginger zingiber officinale, h(4)) on growth, the non-specific immune response and ability to resist pathogen infection in tilapia oreochromis mossambicus were assessed. in addition, the antimicrobial properties of the extract were assessed against vibrio alginolyticus, vibrioparahaemolyticus, vibri ...200920735646
occurrence of vibrio vulnificus in mussel farms from the varano lagoon environment.monitoring the occurrence of the human pathogen vibrio vulnificus in a mussel farm located in the lagoon of varano (italy).201020807335
current status and future prospects in a pathogenic study of vibrio vulnificus. 201020808058
role of gaca in virulence of vibrio vulnificus.the gacs/gaca two-component signal transduction system regulates virulence, biofilm formation and symbiosis in vibrio species. the present study investigated this regulatory pathway in vibrio vulnificus, a human pathogen that causes life-threatening disease associated with the consumption of raw oysters and wound infections. small non-coding rnas (csrb1, csrb2, csrb3 and csrc) commonly regulated by the gacs/gaca pathway were decreased (p<0.0003) in a v. vulnificus cmcp6 δgaca : : aph mutant comp ...201020817642
relationships between environmental factors and pathogenic vibrios in the northern gulf of mexico.although autochthonous vibrio densities are known to be influenced by water temperature and salinity, little is understood about other environmental factors associated with their abundance and distribution. densities of culturable vibrio vulnificus containing vvh (v. vulnificus hemolysin gene) and v. parahaemolyticus containing tlh (thermolabile hemolysin gene, ubiquitous in v. parahaemolyticus), tdh (thermostable direct hemolysin gene, v. parahaemolyticus pathogenicity factor), and trh (tdh-rel ...201020817802
booster biocides and microfouling.antifouling (af) paints are used to prevent the attachment of living organisms to the submerged surfaces of ships, boats and aquatic structures, usually by the release of biocides. apart from copper, organic booster biocides are the main active components in af paints, but their use can have a negative impact on the marine environment. the direct effects of biocides on marine bacteria are poorly known. this work investigates the impact of two biocides, viz. diuron and tolylfluanid, on the growth ...201020824571
ibuprofen augments pro-inflammatory cytokine release in a mouse model of vibrio vulnificus infection.we evaluated the effects of ibuprofen on cytokine production and mortality in a mouse model of septic shock induced by vibrio vulnificus, strain chi mei vv05191. ibuprofen (50 mg/kg) or saline (control) was given to female balb/cbyj mice for three consecutive days before exposure to the pathogen. for cytokine production, serum and peritoneal fluid were assayed for il-1β, il-6, tnf-α, and mip-2 by elisa at 3, 6, and 9 hr after intraperitoneal infection of the organism. at 6 hr after infection, se ...201020840153
solid sequencing of four vibrio vulnificus genomes enables comparative genomic analysis and identification of candidate clade-specific virulence genes.vibrio vulnificus is the leading cause of reported death from consumption of seafood in the united states. despite several decades of research on molecular pathogenesis, much remains to be learned about the mechanisms of virulence of this opportunistic bacterial pathogen. the two complete and annotated genomic dna sequences of v. vulnificus belong to strains of clade 2, which is the predominant clade among clinical strains. clade 2 strains generally possess higher virulence potential in animal m ...201020863407
co-culture supernatants from vibrio vulnificus-infected int-407 cells induce il-8 production in intestinal epithelial cells: crucial role of v. vulnificus a previous study, we reported that a gene mutation of repeat in toxin e (rtxe), a transporter of cytotoxic factors, resulted in a significant impairment of epithelial cell cytotoxicity in vibrio vulnificus, and that the expression of the rtxe gene was induced by the exposure to the host cells. in this study, we evaluated and compared the effects of co-culture supernatants from v. vulnificus-infected int-407 cells and either the v. vulnificus wild-type or rtxe mutant on the production of inter ...201020878086
a novel and simple pcr walking method for rapid acquisition of long dna sequence flanking a known site in microbial genome.acquisition of flanking sequence adjacent to a known dna site is an important task in microbial genome-related research. in this study, we developed a new method containing two rounds of pcr followed by cloning and sequencing. firstly, specific primer (sp) is added into the reaction system for primary locus-specific linear amplification, and then a complex long primer (clp) is added into the cooled reaction system for only one cycle. amplification products from the first round of pcr are directl ...201120878504
virulence characteristics of sucrose-fermenting vibrio vulnificus strains.we identified 6 sucrose-fermenting vibrio vulnificus strains and examined their virulence characteristics. they were all encapsulated, motile, capable of producing toxins and utilizing transferrin-bound iron, cytotoxic to cultured cells, and virulent enough to kill mice. they could be definitely identified only by genetic identification methods such as pcr, and not by conventional culture-based identification methods such as api 20e (biomérieux, france). these results indicate that it is essenti ...201020890083
evidence for the horizontal transfer of an unusual capsular polysaccharide biosynthesis locus in marine bacteria.the most intensely studied of the vibrio vulnificus virulence factors is the capsular polysaccharide (cps). all virulent strains produce copious amounts of cps. acapsular strains are avirulent. the structure of the cps from the clinical isolate atcc 27562 is unusual. it is serine modified and contains, surprisingly, n-acetylmuramic acid. we identified the complete 25-kb cps biosynthesis locus from atcc 27562. it contained 21 open reading frames and was allelic to o-antigen biosynthesis loci. two ...201020921143
macrophage migration inhibitory factor regulates interleukin-6 production by facilitating nuclear factor-kappa b activation during vibrio vulnificus infection.patients infected with vibrio vulnificus (v. vulnificus) show severe inflammatory responses characterised by the upregulation of proinflammatory cytokines. macrophage migration inhibitory factor (mif), an upstream proinflammatory regulator, increases the inflammation caused by sepsis. whether mif regulates responses to v. vulnificus infection and the actual mechanism by which v. vulnificus initiates these mif-modulated proinflammatory cytokines remain unclear.201020939898
[correlations between climate change-related infectious diseases and meteorological factors in korea].infectious diseases are known to be affected by climate change. we investigated if the infectious diseases were related to meteorological factors in korea.201020959714
a mammalian insulysin homolog is regulated by enzyme iia(glc) of the glucose transport system in vibrio vulnificus.vibrio vulnificus is an opportunistic human pathogen that causes severe infections in susceptible individuals. while the components of the escherichia coli phosphoenolpyruvate: sugar phosphotransferase system (pts) have been shown to regulate numerous targets, little such information is available for the v. vulnificus pts. here we show that enzyme iia(glc) of the pts regulates the peptidase activity of a mammalian insulysin homolog in v. vulnificus. while interaction of iia(glc) with the insulys ...201020971110
interactive effects of cadmium and hypoxia on metabolic responses and bacterial loads of eastern oysters crassostrea virginica gmelin.pollution by toxic metals including cadmium (cd) and hypoxia are important stressors in estuaries and coastal waters which may interactively affect sessile benthic organisms, such as oysters. we studied metabolic responses to prolonged hypoxic acclimation (2 weeks at 5% o2) in control and cd-exposed (30 d at 50 μg l(-1) cd) oysters crassostrea virginica, and analyzed the effects of these stressors on abundance of vibrio spp. in oysters. hypoxia-acclimated oysters retained normal standard metabol ...201020971492
sepsis and fulminant multi-organ failure associated with vibrio vulnificus infection. 201021038545
genetic analysis of the capsule polysaccharide (k antigen) and exopolysaccharide genes in pandemic vibrio parahaemolyticus o3:k6.pandemic vibrio parahaemolyticus has undergone rapid changes in both k- and o-antigens, making detection of outbreaks more difficult. in order to understand these rapid changes, the genetic regions encoding these antigens must be examined. in vibrio cholerae and vibrio vulnificus, both o-antigen and capsular polysaccharides are encoded in a single region on the large chromosome; a similar arrangement in pandemic v. parahaemolyticus would help explain the rapid serotype changes. however, previous ...201021044320
studies on a vibrio vulnificus functional ortholog of escherichia coli rnase e imply a conserved function of rnase e-like enzymes in bacteria.rnase e (rne) plays a key role in the processing and degradation of rna in escherichia coli. in the genome of vibrio vulnificus, one open reading frame potentially encodes a protein homologous to e. coli rnase e, designated rnase ev, which n-terminal (1-500 amino acids) has 86.4% amino acid identity to the n-terminal catalytic part of rnase e (n-rne). here, we report that both the full-length and the n-terminal part of rnase ev (n-rnev) functionally complement e. coli rnase e and their expressio ...201021046401
calcium promotes exopolysaccharide phase variation and biofilm formation of the resulting phase variants in the human pathogen vibrio vulnificus.vibrio vulnificus is a gram-negative bacterium found in estuaries and coastal waters and is associated with human disease caused by ingestion of raw shellfish. pathogenesis is directly related to the presence of capsular polysaccharide (cps). encapsulated virulent strains exhibit an opaque colony phenotype, while unencapsulated attenuated strains appear translucent. a third colony type, rugose, is caused by expression of rugose extracellular polysaccharide (reps) and forms robust biofilms. vibri ...201021059165
vibrio vulnificus dna load and mortality.we determined the association between dna load and mortality in patients with vibrio vulnificus infection. real-time pcr performed on sera of 27 culture-positive patients showed a significantly higher median dna load in nonsurvivors than in survivors. hence, real-time pcr can be used as an early prognostic factor in v. vulnificus septicemia.201021068289
conventional and molecular methods to detect bacterial pathogens in detect aeromonas spp., salmonella spp., vibrio cholerae, vibrio parahaemolyticus and vibrio vulnificus in mussels and water samples from a farming area, conventional and molecular methods were applied to enrichment cultures.201021070267
domain organization and evolution of multifunctional autoprocessing repeats-in-toxin (martx) toxin in vibrio vulnificus.the objective of this study was to analyze multifunctional autoprocessing repeats-in-toxin (martx) toxin domain organization within the aquatic species vibrio vulnificus as well as to study the evolution of the rtxa1 gene. the species is subdivided into three biotypes that differ in host range and geographical distribution. we have found three different types (i, ii, and iii) of v. vulnificus martx (martx(vv)) toxins with common domains (an autocatalytic cysteine protease domain [cpd], an α/β-hy ...201021075892
a human single-chain variable fragment targeting to vibrio vulnificus rtxa toxin.vibrio vulnificus secretes a multifunctional cytotoxin rtxa (vvrtxa), which plays a major role in the bacterial pathogenesis. the lack of an efficient vvrtxa detection tool has hampered the progress of v. vulnificus pathogenesis research. this study aims to isolate vvrtxa specific single-chain variable fragments (scfv) to serve as a detection agent. the vvrtxa c-terminal gly-asp (gd) repeat-containing region, which has been implicated for calcium binding and target cell recognition, was chosen a ...201021081141
polyphyletic origin of vibrio vulnificus biotype 2 as revealed by sequence-based analysis.a sequence-based analysis of seven housekeeping and virulence-related genes shows that the species vibrio vulnificus is subdivided into three phylogenetic lineages that do not correspond with the biotypes and that biotype 2 is polyphyletic. these results support the reclassification of biotype 2 as a pathovar that would group the strains with pathogenic potential to develop vibriosis in fish.201021097581
cloning, characterization, and expression analysis of orange-spotted grouper (epinephelus coioides) ilf2 gene (ecilf2).interleukin-2 enhancer binding factor 2 (ilf2), also named as nuclear factor 45 (nf45), plays important roles in regulating interleukin-2 expression in mammals. in the present study, a novel ilf2 gene (designated ecilf2) was cloned and well characterized from orange-spotted grouper, epinephelus coioides. the full-length ecilf2 cdna is composed of 1544 bp and encodes a polypeptide of 387 amino acids with 98% identity to ilf2 of atlantic salmon. the genomic dna of ecilf2 consists of 14 exons and 1 ...201021109006
gram negative shuttle bac vector for heterologous expression of metagenomic libraries.bacterial artificial chromosome (bac) vectors enable stable cloning of large dna fragments from single genomes or microbial assemblages. a novel shuttle bac vector was constructed that permits replication of bac clones in diverse gram-negative species. the "gram-negative shuttle bac" vector (pgns-bac) uses the f replicon for stable single-copy replication in e. coli and the broad-host-range rk2 mini-replicon for high-copy replication in diverse gram-negative bacteria. as with other bac vectors c ...201021112378
the use of genetic typing methods to discriminate among strains of vibrio cholerae, v. parahaemolyticus, and v. vulnificus.this review article summarizes the findings of recent typing studies conducted on vibrio cholerae, v. parahaemolyticus, and v. vulnificus. the dna-based methods used to type the vibrio spp. include whole genome approaches, such as pulsed field gel electrophoresis (pfge), ribotyping, and repetitive extragenic palindromic (rep)-pcr, single gene targets, and multiple gene targets (multilocus approaches). the goals of these studies include establishing the relatedness of isolates from disease epidem ...201021140669
multiple antibacterial histone h2b proteins are expressed in tissues of american oyster.we have previously identified a histone h2b isomer (cvh2b-1) from tissue extracts of the bivalve mollusk, the american oyster (crassostrea virginica). in this paper, we isolate an additional three antibacterial proteins from acidified gill extract by preparative acid-urea-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and reversed-phase high performance liquid chromatography. extraction of these proteins from tissue was best accomplished by briefly boiling the tissues in a weak acetic acid solution. additio ...201021145411
molecular cloning and characterization of two novel hepcidins from orange-spotted grouper, epinephelus grouper, epinephelus coioides is one of the most important economic species of marine-cultured fish in china and southeast asia countries. however, very little information of the innate immune mechanisms against microbial pathogens is available in grouper, epinephelus sp. hepcidin, as an antimicrobial peptide (amp), is a very important component in the innate immune system and widespread in fish. in this study, two novel types of hepcidin gene (designated ec-hepcidin1 and ec-hepci ...201021145974
development of a single base extension-tag microarray for the detection of pathogenic vibrio species in this study, a single base extension-tag array on glass slides (sbe-tags) microarray was established to detect the seven leading seafood-borne pathogens, including vibrio parahaemolyticus, vibrio cholerae, vibrio vulnificus, vibrio mimicus, vibrio alginolyticus, vibrio anguillarum, and vibrio harveyi. three multiplex pcr assays were developed to specifically target the following species with individual gene markers, which are aads, tdh, and trh for v. parahaemolyticus; col, toxr, and vvh for v ...201021161212
putative virulence factors identified in vibrio vulnificus strains isolated from oysters and seawater in mexico.the presence of vibrio vulnificus was analyzed in oyster and estuarine water samples from mexico by pcr amplification of the vvha gene and some putative virulence factors were tested. samples were collected from 12 different sampling points over a one-year period; 31% samples were positive for v. vulnificus and all isolates were identified as biotype 1. all strains were cytotoxic and proteolytic, 98% showed adherence to epithelial cells, 91.4% were dnase-positive, 77.6% were mucinase-positive, 9 ...201021161801
a comprehensive review of vibrio vulnificus: an important cause of severe sepsis and skin and soft-tissue infection.vibrio vulnificus is a halophilic gram-negative bacillus found worldwide in warm coastal waters. the pathogen has the ability to cause primary sepsis in certain high-risk populations, including patients with chronic liver disease, immunodeficiency, iron storage disorders, end-stage renal disease, and diabetes mellitus. most reported cases of primary sepsis in the usa are associated with the ingestion of raw or undercooked oysters harvested from the gulf coast. the mortality rate for patients wit ...201021177133
fatal vibrio vulnificus infection associated with eating raw oysters, new caledonia. 201121192878
genotype is correlated with but does not predict virulence of vibrio vulnificus biotype 1 in subcutaneously inoculated, iron dextran-treated mice.vibrio vulnificus is the leading cause of reported deaths from infections related to consumption of seafood in the united states. affected predisposed individuals frequently die rapidly from sepsis. otherwise healthy people can experience severe wound infection, which can lead to sepsis and death. a question is why, with so many people consuming contaminated raw oysters, the incidence of severe v. vulnificus disease is low. molecular typing systems have shown associations of v. vulnificus genoty ...201121199909
bacterial diseases of crabs: a review.bacterial diseases of crabs are manifested as bacteremias caused by organisms such as vibrio, aeromonas, and a rhodobacteriales-like organism or tissue and organ tropic organisms such as chitinoclastic bacteria, rickettsia intracellular organisms, chlamydia-like organism, and spiroplasma. this paper provides general information about bacterial diseases of both marine and freshwater crabs. some bacteria pathogens such as vibrio cholerae and vibrio vulnificus occur commonly in blue crab haemolymph ...201121215353
vibrio vulnificus rtxa1 gene recombination generates toxin variants with altered potency during intestinal infection.vibrio vulnificus is a food-borne bacterial pathogen associated with 1% of all food-related deaths, predominantly because of consumption of contaminated seafood. the ability of v. vulnificus to cause disease is linked to the production of a large cytotoxin called the "multifunctional-autoprocessing rtx" (martx(vv)) toxin, a factor shown here to be an important virulence factor by the intragastric route of infection in mice. in this study, we examined genetic variation of the rtxa1 gene that enco ...201121220343
integrative genome-scale metabolic analysis of vibrio vulnificus for drug targeting and discovery.although the genomes of many microbial pathogens have been studied to help identify effective drug targets and novel drugs, such efforts have not yet reached full fruition. in this study, we report a systems biological approach that efficiently utilizes genomic information for drug targeting and discovery, and apply this approach to the opportunistic pathogen vibrio vulnificus cmcp6. first, we partially re-sequenced and fully re-annotated the v. vulnificus cmcp6 genome, and accordingly reconstru ...201121245845
evaluation of global gene expression during cold shock in the human pathogen vibrio vulnificus.vibrio vulnificus can adapt to cold temperatures by changing the expression profiles of certain genes and their resulting proteins. in this study, the complete v. vulnificus transcriptome was analyzed under cold shock by looking at gene expression changes occurring during the shift from 35°c to 4°c. a dna microarray-based global transcript profiling of v. vulnificus showed that 165 genes out of 4,488 altered their expression profiles by more than twofold. from 35°c to 10°c, an overall gene repre ...201121246233
structure-activity relationship of cinnamaldehyde analogs as inhibitors of ai-2 based quorum sensing and their effect on virulence of vibrio spp.many bacteria, including vibrio spp., regulate virulence gene expression in a cell-density dependent way through a communication process termed quorum sensing (qs). hence, interfering with qs could be a valuable novel antipathogenic strategy. cinnamaldehyde has previously been shown to inhibit qs-regulated virulence by decreasing the dna-binding ability of the qs response regulator luxr. however, little is known about the structure-activity relationship of cinnamaldehyde analogs.201121249192
[zoonotic bacterium: duty to notify advisable].vibrio vulnificus is a zoonotic bacterium that can be found in raw fish (mainly eel and oysters) and seawater. human infections may extend from wound infections to fasciitis necroticans or primary sepsis with a mortality rate of more than 50%. although v. vulnificus is mainly found in the usa, its worldwide spread is also likely to involve the netherlands, as demonstrated by an increasing number of infected fish farms. since 2007, v. vulnificus infections have become a notifiable infectious dise ...201121262025
comparison of necrotizing fasciitis and sepsis caused by vibrio vulnificus and staphylococcus aureus.vibrio vulnificus can cause a rapidly progressive fatal soft-tissue infection. staphylococcus aureus is the most common cause of skin and soft-tissue infections reported worldwide, and, in particular, methicillin-resistant staphylococcus aureus has emerged as the most common isolate in emergency departments. the purposes of the present study were to compare the specific characteristics of vibrio vulnificus and staphylococcus aureus infections and to compare the clinical outcomes of vibrio vulnif ...201121266641
comparative study between transcriptionally- and translationally-acting adenine riboswitches reveals key differences in riboswitch regulatory mechanisms.many bacterial mrnas are regulated at the transcriptional or translational level by ligand-binding elements called riboswitches. although they both bind adenine, the adenine riboswitches of bacillus subtilis and vibrio vulnificus differ by controlling transcription and translation, respectively. here, we demonstrate that, beyond the obvious difference in transcriptional and translational modulation, both adenine riboswitches exhibit different ligand binding properties and appear to operate under ...201121283784
crystal structure of toll-like receptor 2-activating lipoprotein iipa from vibrio vulnificus. 201021287630
identification and functional characterization of an interferon regulatory factor 7-like (irf7-like) gene from orange-spotted grouper, epinephelus coioides.interferon regulatory factor (irf) 7 plays a crucial role in modulating cellular responses to viral infection and cytokines, including interferons (ifns). in the present study, a novel irf7 gene (designated as ecirf7) was cloned and characterized from orange-spotted grouper, epinephelus coioides. the full-length ecirf7 cdna is composed of 2089 bp and encodes a polypeptide of 433 amino acids with 81% identity to irf7 of siniperca chuatsi, and the genomic dna of ecirf7 consists of 9 exons and 8 in ...201121295068
antibacterial activity of thai medicinal plants pikutbenjakul.bacterial infections caused by resistant strains have been increased dramatically. pikutbenjakul, a thai medicinal plant formula containing piper longum, piper sarmentosum, piper interruptum, plumbago indica and zingiber officinale have been widely used in thai traditional medicine.201021298838
complete genome sequence of vibrio vulnificus mo6-24/o.vibrio vulnificus is the causative agent of life-threatening septicemia and severe wound infections. here, we announce the complete annotated genome sequence of v. vulnificus mo6-24/o, isolated from a patient with septicemia. when it is compared with previously known v. vulnificus genomes, the genome of this bacterium shows a unique genetic makeup, including phagelike elements, carbohydrate metabolism-related genes, and the superintegron.201121317338
prey bacteria shape the community structure of their predators.although predator-prey interactions among higher organisms have been studied extensively, only few examples are known for microbes other than protists and viruses. among the bacteria, the most studied obligate predators are the bdellovibrio and like organisms (balos) that prey on many other bacteria. in the macroscopical world, both predator and prey influence the population size of the other's community, and may have a role in selection. however, selective pressures among prey and predatory bac ...201121326335
Displaying items 1801 - 1900 of 3837