
non-fibrillar oligomeric species of the amyloid abri peptide, implicated in familial british dementia, are more potent at inducing apoptotic cell death than protofibrils or mature fibrils.familial british dementia (fbd) is an autosomal dominant neurodegenerative disorder, with biochemical and pathological similarities to alzheimer's disease. fbd is associated with a point mutation in the stop codon of the bri gene. the mutation extends the length of the wild-type protein by 11 amino acids, and following proteolytic cleavage, results in the production of a cyclic peptide (abri) 11 amino acids longer than the wild-type (wt) peptide produced from the normal gene bri. abri was found ...200111419943
current epidemiological issues in human campylobacteriosis. 200111422564
association between insertion mutation in nod2 gene and crohn's disease in german and british populations.background genetic predisposition to inflammatory bowel disease (ibd) has been shown by epidemiological and linkage studies. genetic linkage of ibd to chromosome 16 has been previously observed and replicated in independent populations. the recently identified nod2 gene is a good positional and functional candidate gene since it is located in the region of linkage on chromosome 16q12, and activates nuclear factor (nf) kappab in response to bacterial lipopolysaccharides. methods we sequenced the ...200111425413
screening for hiv, hepatitis b and c infection in a population seeking assisted reproduction in an inner london hospital.the human fertilisation and embryology authority requires all sperm donors to be screened for human immunodeficiency virus (hiv), hepatitis b and c and their semen quarantined for six months. no guidelines exist for screening prior to in vitro fertilisation or intracytoplasmic sperm injection. we prospectively analysed the prevalence of these viruses in our patients. screening detected one case of hiv (0.13%), four of hepatitis c (0.5%) and 14 new cases of hepatitis b (1.7%). the prevalence of h ...200111426904
idiopathic down's syndrome cluster in ireland. 200111427974
human consequences of foot and mouth disease are more than described. 200111430377
maternal folate polymorphisms and the etiology of human nondisjunction.attempts to identify genetic contributors to human meiotic nondisjunction have met with little, if any, success. thus, recent reports linking down syndrome to maternal polymorphisms at either of two folate metabolism enzymes, methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase (mthfr) and methionine synthase reductase (mtrr), have generated considerable interest. in the present report, we asked whether variation at mthfr (677c-->t) or mtrr (66a-->g) might be associated with human trisomies other than trisomy 21 ...200111443546
edward albert schäfer (sharpey-schafer) and his contributions to neuroscience: commemorating of the 150th anniversary of his birth.the year 2000 marks the 150th anniversary of the birth of edward albert schäfer (sir edward albert sharpey-schafer). affiliated first with university college, london, and then with edinburgh university, schäfer made monumental contributions to the fields of histology, physiology, endocrinology, and practical medicine. this paper traces his professional life and emphasizes his seminal contributions to the neurosciences, which include his findings in support of neuron doctrine, his research on cor ...200111446263
"don't worry my good man--you won't understand our medical talk": consent to treatment today. 200111466239
teachers' understanding of facilitation styles with student nurses.the notion of reflective, problem-based and experiential learning has become a significant phenomenon within nurse education. this paper will explore the general philosophies that seem to influence the interactional competences employed by 20 nurse teachers teaching pre-registration student nurses human skills. a qualitative approach was adopted using the in-depth interview for data collection. the intention was to emphasise the four types of teacher that emerged from the data, ranging from type ...200111470106
assessing the influence of need to inject and drug withdrawal on drug injectors' perceptions of hiv risk behavior.this article aims to assess the influence of the need to inject and drug withdrawal on drug injectors' perceptions of human immunodeficiency virus (hiv) risk behavior inside and outside prison. complementary qualitative research methods were used with 24 drug injectors in england. it was found that when sterile injecting equipment was unavailable the need to inject and drug withdrawal were important factors on the reported readiness to share injecting equipment. this finding was broadly consiste ...200111476265
food and nutrient intake in a cohort of 8-month-old infants in the south-west of england in investigate food and nutrient intakes in 8-month-old infants.200111477469
'battered pets': sexual abuse.a study of non-accidental injury in small animals in the uk, based on responses from a random sample of small animal practitioners, identified 6 per cent of the 448 reported cases as being sexual in nature. twenty-one cases occurred in dogs, five in cats and two in unspecified species. reasons for suspecting sexual abuse were: the type of injury; behaviour of the owner; statements from witnesses; and admission by the perpetrator. types of injury included vaginal and anorectal penetrative (penile ...200111480898
seventh w.d.m. paton memorial lecture. the man who never was--walter ernest dixon frs. 200111487502
george ralph mines: victim of self-experimentation? 200111501611
prognostic significance of a novel hypoxia-regulated marker, carbonic anhydrase ix, in invasive breast assess the frequency of expression and the prognostic significance of a hypoxia-regulated marker, carbonic anhydrase ix (ca ix), in a cohort of patients with invasive breast cancer.200111504747
seeking sex on the internet and sexual risk behaviour among gay men using london examine the association between seeking sex on the internet and sexual risk behaviour among gay men in london.200111504962
permanent vegetative state and the law. 200111511740
john graunt, john arbuthnott, and the human sex ratio.john graunt was the first person to compile data that showed an excess of male births over female births. he also noticed spatial and temporal variation in the sex ratio, but the variation in his data is not significant. john arbuthnott was the first person to demonstrate that the excess of male births is statistically significant. he erroneously concluded that there is less variation in the sex ratio than would occur by chance, and asserted without a basis that the sex ratio would be uniform ov ...200111512687
alfred lewis galabin and the first human documentation of atrioventricular block.using an apexcardiogram, galabin was the first person to document atrioventricular (av) block in humans. he performed his studies while working as a house officer at guy's hospital, london, united kingdom. his patient was 34 years old, experienced attacks of near syncope, and had a pulse rate that varied between 25 and 30 beats/min. a laddergram of the patient's apexcardiogram suggests advanced av block with 3 to 1 and 2 to 1 av conduction with wenckebach periodicity. we review the history of av ...200111524066
to err is human: learning from mistakes. 200111525570
the motor unit and electromyography--the legacy of derek denny-brown.with the development of the concept of the motor unit and new recording instruments, single motor unit action potentials (muaps) were recorded in 1929 in man by adrian and bronk and in the experimental animal by denny-brown. studies of muaps in patients with neuromuscular disease followed, and in 1938, denny-brown and pennybacker laid the foundation for clinical electromyography (emg). action potentials of single contracting or spontaneously firing motor units, termed fasciculations, were record ...200111535228
novel mutations of sox10 suggest a dominant negative role in waardenburg-shah syndrome. 200111546831
polymorphisms in matrix metalloproteinase-1, -3, -9, and -12 genes in relation to subarachnoid hemorrhage.intracranial aneurysm, which underlies the vast majority of subarachnoid hemorrhage incidences, has a multifactorial etiology, and the importance of genetic factors is increasingly recognized. development and rupture of intracranial aneurysms involve degradation and remodeling of the vascular wall matrix in which the matrix metalloproteinases (mmps) play an important role. the possible impact of mmp gene polymorphisms on susceptibility to intracranial aneurysms is still controversial, with confl ...200111546917
gaining and maintaining consent: ethical concerns raised in a study of dying patients.this article provides a frank discussion of the practical and ethical issues that emerged during the process of setting up and conducting a participant observation study within an inpatient hospice. a general overview of the participant observation approach is used to prefigure a discussion of its strengths and weaknesses when employed as a research and evaluation tool among palliative care populations. although participant observation provided a flexible and viable means of collecting data in t ...200111554196
results of follow-up of human contacts of bovine tuberculosis in cattle during 1993-7 in north staffordshire.the purpose of the study was to describe the results of follow up of human contacts of bovine tuberculosis. the bovine tuberculosis cases occurred on farms in north staffordshire between 1993 and 1997. a total of 162 people were identified as having close contact with cattle diagnosed as having bovine tuberculosis, or who had drunk unpasteurized milk from a herd with bovine tuberculosis. a retrospective review of chest clinic notes was performed. one hundred and thirty-eight people attended for ...200111561979
delay in gmc hearing breached doctor's human rights. 200111576971
alpha-b crystallin gene (cryab) mutation causes dominant congenital posterior polar cataract in humans.congenital cataracts are an important cause of bilateral visual impairment in infants. in a four-generation family of english descent, we mapped dominant congenital posterior polar cataract to chromosome 11q22-q22.3. the maximum lod score, 3.92 at recombination fraction 0, was obtained for marker d11s898, near the gene that encodes crystallin alpha-b protein (cryab). by sequencing the coding regions of cryab, we found in exon 3 a deletion mutation, 450dela, that is associated with cataract in th ...200111577372
cultural values and happiness: an east-west dialogue.happiness as a state of mind may be universal, but its meaning is complex and ambiguous. the authors directly examined the relationships between cultural values and experiences of happiness in 2 samples, by using a measurement of values derived from chinese culture and a measurement of subjective well-being balanced for sources of happiness salient in both the east and the west. the participants were university students-439 from an eastern culture (taiwan) and 344 from a western culture (the uni ...200111577847
ethical approval for research involving geographically dispersed subjects: unsuitability of the uk mrec/lrec system and relevance to uncommon genetic assess the process involved in obtaining ethical approval for a single-centre study involving geographically dispersed subjects with an uncommon genetic disorder.200111579194
application of comeap dose-response coefficients within a regulatory health impact assessment methodology. committee on the medical effects of air is recognized that exposure to airborne pollutants can have a negative effect on human health. the environment agency in england and wales has a statutory responsibility under the environment act 1990 to regulate emissions to air from large industrial processes with regard to the requirements of the national air quality strategy (naqs). a technique was developed to apply pollutant dose-response relationships published by the committee on the medical effects of air pollutants (comeap) in a reg ...200111585194
adherence to highly active antiretroviral therapy in the real world: experience of twelve english hiv order to describe how human immunodeficiency virus (hiv) clinics in and around london are trying to optimize their patients' adherence to highly active antiretroviral therapy (haart), we performed a survey of practice and policy in the clinics using a postal questionnaire. clinics were also asked to review up to 10 randomly selected case notes of patients receiving haart and complete a questionnaire on each about how adherence was encouraged and assessed. twelve clinics took part in the proje ...200111587635
curiosity, forbidden knowledge, and the reformation of natural philosophy in early modern england.from the patristic period to the beginning of the seventeenth century curiosity was regarded as an intellectual vice. curious individuals were considered to be proud and "puffed up," and the objects of their investigations were deemed illicit, dispute engendering, unknowable, or useless. seventeenth-century projects for the advancement of learning had to distance themselves from curiosity and its dubious fruits or, alternatively, enhance the moral status of the curious sensibility. francis bacon ...200111590893
police service in victorian and edwardian london: a somwhat atypical case of a hazardous occupation.british society in the nineteenth century showed a growing concern with public-health issues and with occupational hazards. police service, which is at the centre of this paper, was not viewed by many as a hazardous occupation. using the london metropolitan police as a case study, the paper suggests that working conditions in the victorian and edwardian police had detrimental effects on the health of officers. it is true that medical statistics of the time showed that police officers in london h ...199511609064
religion and the conception of youth in seventeenth-century england. 197511614557
hampshire man [wilfred buckley] and the quest for clean milk. 198111617030
ideology and mental health care - two historical perspectives.two dominant caring ideologies have prevailed in mental health care over the past two centuries and are observable in modern nursing theory and practice. the first is grounded in philosophy and focuses on such issues as: "what is it to be human?"; "how should the good life be lived?" and "what conditions enable human beings to realise their potential?" the best example of this humanistic approach can be seen in the care that was provided at the york retreat in the late eighteenth and early ninet ...199811623662
'they might as well brand us': working-class resistance to compulsory vaccination in victorian england.from its origins in resistance to the 1853 compulsory vaccination act, the victorian anti-vaccination movement successfully challenged the public health policies of an increasingly interventionist state. anti-vaccinationists were not only middle-class reformers, but were also drawn from a politically active working class. these campaigners saw compulsory vaccination as an extreme example of class legislation, for its policy and administration implicitly targeted working-class infants and inflict ...200011624425
the embodiment of value: c.s. sherrington and the cultivation of science.the paper examines the ruputation of c.s. sherrington as both eminent physiologist and eminent representative of scientific culture. it describes sherrington's 'figurehead' status. in his career, research and personal manner, he embodied a life of science, not only in opposition to humanistic values but in fact appearing to be the highest achievement of those values. an analysis of sherrington's research, of his lectures on man on his nature and of his poetry supports this account. the paper use ...200011624665
[spread of chinese variolation art to the western world and its influence].smallpox inoculation or variolation is a great invention of medicine in ancient china. in this paper, we introduced the process of spread of smallpox inoculation technique from china to western world (mainly to england), and reviewed the royal experiment of smallpox inoculation on human being and its influence on the prevention of smallpox in western countries. the spread and practice of smallpox inoculation in western world was an important event in the history of intercommunication between eas ...200011624682
[jonathan goddard (1617-1675), chemistry, medicine and the royal society].dr. jonathan goddard can be considered one of the most active natural philosophers of the royal sociaty for the improvement of natural knowledge in london from its start in 1660 until goddard's death in 1675. already before the foundation of the society goddard was a prominent member of experimental groups. he was everywhere where the new philosophy had been developed and promoted and he was willing to do any curious experiment. therefore we can consider goddard as an example of the large group ...199711625037
[the crazy king].the english king georg iii (1738-1820) was a dutiful sovereign, a loving family man, a good rider and sportsman, temperate in drink and food, refusing the orgies of his contemporaries. he patronized science and was a dedicated collector of book and pictures. in spite of his healthy living he four times after the age of 50 suffered from periods of illness, causing political crises. his symptoms were confusion, pains and discoloured urine. each time he completely recovered after 3-4 months. these ...199711625469
severely disabled newborns: to live or let die? 198711644153
northwick park ect trial. 198111644205
the arms race.a conference entitled "the arms race: etiology, prognosis, treatment" was held in london on 23 jan l982 under the joint sponsorship of the medical association for prevention of war and the medical campaign against nuclear weapons. brief summaries of the presentations of several participants are provided.198211644222
threat of nuclear war.a brief report is provided on recent actions by groups of physicians concerned with the danger of nuclear war. activities described include motions presented at a july meeting of the british medical association, a july conference in london organized by the medical campaign against nuclear weapons, the world assembly for peace and life meeting held in prague in june, and an address to london pediatricians in june by a representative of physicians for social responsibility.198311644261
the practice of ethics committees.a brief news note welcomes the publication in september 1984 of a useful report, guidelines on the practice of ethics committees in medical research, by the royal college of physicians of london. one important recommendation in the guidelines is that committees should be notified of adverse or unforeseen circumstances arising out of a study and should be sent abstracts or reprints of publications. if it emerges that clinical investigations have been conducted without reference to ethical revie ...198411644290
court allows second man the right to die. 199411644511
the ethics of animal experimentation in seventeenth-century england. 198911645864
r v. tait.stephen tait and a friend had gone to colin mcintyre's house to frighten him. mcintyre's two daughters were home, and the elder, wendy, was pregnant. mcintyre was not home, so tait and his friend stole some property and then threatened wendy and her sister not to tell the police, or they would all be hurt, including wendy's "baby." the men were arrested, charged, and convicted of threatening to kill wendy, her sister, and wendy's baby. tait appealed the conviction for threatening to kill the ...198911648149
re f (in utero)a local british health authority, fearing for the welfare of the fetus of a mentally disturbed woman whose first child had been made a ward of the court and put up for adoption, sought to make the unborn child a ward of the court. the case came before the court of appeal, civil division, after the health authority appealed the dismissal of its application. the court found that it could not exercise wardship, because it had no jurisdiction over unborn children. until the child was born, thereb ...198811648578
r v. human fertilisation and embryology authority, ex parte blood.england's court of appeal, civil division, upheld the lower court decision that, without the necessary written consent of the deceased husband, the 1990 human fertilisation and embryology act prohibits the storage of his cryopreserved sperm and its use in artificial insemination by the widow. when doctors retrieved sperm from stephen blood, he was already comatose from meningitis and would die soon thereafter. his widow sought release of the sperm to her for posthumous conception. without the ac ...199711648631
r v. canons park mental health review tribunal, ex parte a.england's high court of justice, queen's bench division, quashed the decision of a mental health tribunal to detain for treatment an involuntary patient. her refusal of appropriate treatment essentially made her untreatable, thus voiding any legal ground for commitment. the patient, a woman identified as a, had been involuntarily committed to a mental hospital for reactive depression in an impulsive personality. about seven months later, she sought release. prior to the tribunal decision, her co ...199311648636
consent in clinical trials: will verbal assent suffice?at the suggestion of its research ethics committee, one of britain's leading teaching hospitals is proposing to let cancer patients give oral consent to participation in clinical trials. the patients would be given a "sensitive" verbal explanation of the trial and a written copy of the oral explanation. the regional health authority is balking at the proposal, however, recommending instead that patients give written consent following a verbal description of the proposed trial.198311649445
the human fertilisation and embryology act 1990 -- a british case history for legislation on bioethical issues.dr. virginia bolton, sir john osborn, and denise servante present an account of the process whereby legislation was enacted in britain. each is a member of progress (the campaign for research into human reproduction), which was established in 1985 to present the case regulating research using human embryos to the british parliament and public.199211651386
animal experiments: conference report.researchers who use animal subjects and representatives from the royal society for the prevention of cruelty to animals and moderate antivivisection groups held a press seminar in london in june 1986. their intention was to correct what is seen by scientists as the misinforming of the public by the press, which tends to highlight confrontations between researchers and animal rights advocates. dawson summarizes the major issues discussed, which included a proposal that local review committees b ...198611652463
towards a standard application form for lrecs. 199411653107
uk drug trials: row over student trial.the british medicines commission has undertaken an urgent review of arrangements for testing new drugs on healthy volunteers in the wake of charges that one company, charterhouse clinical research unit ltd., was using london students in toxicity tests of an antitumor drug without having informed the volunteers' physicians of the risks involved and without plans for long-term monitoring of the participants' health. under current british law, drug studies with healthy volunteers are regarded as a ...198411653526
bristol study continues to cause debate. 199511654278
the regulation of assisted conception in england. 199411654549
comparative judicial embryology: judges' approaches to unborn human life. 199011656080
diffusion of in-vitro fertilization in the netherlands and england: an exploratory study. 199111656320
every child a perfect child? 199511656466
abortion: a constitutional problem in european perspective. 199411656792
government sets up enquiry into adequacy of research controls in north staffordshire. 199911657253
who decides? legislating for the incapacitated adult. 199811657580
'i, me, mine': bodies, parts, and property. 199811657809
uk paediatrician suspended over research allegations. 199911657825
confidentiality and young people. 198811659097
consent form for paediatric research. 199311659716
should deaths of neonates in trial have been more openly reported? 199311659718
response to the human fertilisation and embryology authority's consultation document on research and fertility treatment using human ova and ovarian tissue obtained from live women, cadavers or fetuses. 199511660189
the history of abortion: technology, morality, and law. 197911662765
abortion in the common law world. 197411663456
experimentation on humans and gifts of tissue: articles 20-23 of the civil code. 197311664267
consent to medical procedures on minors. 197311664298
causality assessment of adverse effects: when is re-challenge ethically acceptable?one of the most difficult tasks in the evaluation of a medicine is whether it causes a particular rare and unusual (idiosyncratic) adverse effect. such causality assessments are sometimes done by drug de-challenge and re-challenge. when the adverse effect is potentially serious, there is clearly an important decision to be made as to whether the re-challenge is justifiable and hence ethical. the recent controversy about the potential cardiotoxicity of fexofenadine, the fatalities associated with ...200111665867
sentinel practice-based survey of the management and health of horses in northern britain.details of the management, feeding, level of activity and routine health care of horses in scotland and the five northernmost counties in england were recorded through a stratified random sample of horse owners who had responded to a previous survey. sixty-eight per cent of the horses were kept where their owners resided, and 32 per cent were kept away from the owner's home. more than 99 per cent were turned out to grazing for at least part of the year and 81 per cent were stabled for at least p ...200111678214
adverse metabolic and cardiovascular risk following treatment of acute lymphoblastic leukaemia in childhood; two case reports and a literature review.we report two patients who survived childhood acute lymphoblastic leukaemia (all) following treatment with chemotherapy, total body irradiation (tbi) and bone marrow transplantation (bmt). the first case presented with an acute cerebral infarction at 23 years of age and was found to have non-ketotic diabetes and gross mixed hyperlipidaemia; the second presented with non-ketotic diabetes, hypertension, proteinuria and dyslipidaemia at age 16 years. the association of glucose intolerance with othe ...200111678978
annual report of council: appendix v, report of panel on human artificial insemination. british medical association. panel on human artificial insemination. 197311680484
absence of a genetic association between il-1rn and il-1b gene polymorphisms in ulcerative colitis and crohn disease in multiple populations from northeast england.inflammatory bowel disease (ibd) is a chronic inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract of unknown aetiology, phenotypically categorized into ulcerative colitis (uc) and crohn disease (cd). genetic factors are of considerable importance in both. the genetic relationship between ibd and the interleukin-1 receptor antagonist and interleukin-1beta genes (il-1rn, and il-1b, respectively) has been extensively studied. however, the quality and outcome of the genetic association studies, in particular ...200111686217
research information in nurses' clinical decision-making: what is useful?to examine those sources of information which nurses find useful for reducing the uncertainty associated with their clinical decisions.200111686752
'informed consent' to medical procedures. 197511693128
bovine spongiform encephalopathy and variant creutzfeldt-jakob disease: a risk analysis.there is doubt that variant creutzfeldt-jakob disease (vcjd) resulted from bovine spongiform encephalopathy (bse) transmission from cattle to human. what is uncertain is the total number of vcjd cases (currently about 80). in this review i covered recent data on the vcjd and bse epidemic, the mode of bse spreading to humans and, finally, the data on the prnp analogue--the doppel gene (prnd).200011693716
macrophage inflammatory protein-1alpha and c-c chemokine receptor-1 in allergen-induced skin late-phase reactions: relationship to macrophages, neutrophils, basophils, eosinophils and t lymphocytes.macrophage inflammatory protein (mip)-1alpha binds to c-c chemokine receptor (ccr)-1 with high affinity. ccr-1 is expressed on neutrophils, eosinophils, monocytes, t lymphocytes and basophils; cells characteristic of atopic allergic inflammation. in vitro, mip-1alpha is chemotactic for monocytes, t cells and basophils and is also a potent histamine-releasing factor for basophils and mast cells. although increased levels of mip-1alpha were shown in atopic allergic disorders, the kinetics of expre ...200111696048
sporadic--but not variant--creutzfeldt-jakob disease is associated with polymorphisms upstream of prnp exon 1.human prion diseases have inherited, sporadic, and acquired etiologies. the appearance of the novel acquired prion disease, variant creutzfeldt-jakob disease (vcjd), and the demonstration that it is caused by the same prion strain as that causing bovine spongiform encephalopathy, has led to fears of a major human epidemic. the etiology of classical (sporadic) cjd, which has a worldwide incidence, remains obscure. a common human prion-protein-gene (prnp) polymorphism (encoding either methionine o ...200111704923
fine particle (pm2.5) personal exposure levels in transport microenvironments, london, order to investigate a specific area of short-term, non-occupational, human exposure to fine particulate air pollution, measurements of personal exposure to pm2.5 in transport microenvironments were taken in two separate field studies in central london, uk. a high flow gravimetric personal sampling system was used; operating at 16 l min(-1); the sampler thus allowed for sufficient sample mass collection for accurate gravimetric analysis of short-term travel exposure levels over typical single ...200111712603
post-exposure prophylaxis for human immunodeficiency virus: knowledge and experience of junior assess the level of knowledge and experience of post-exposure prophylaxis (pep) against human immunodeficiency virus (hiv) among junior doctors.200111714945
side effects of influenza vaccination in healthy older people: a randomised single-blind placebo-controlled investigate the frequency of side effects following influenza vaccination in healthy participants aged 65-74 years.200111721144
henry bence jones--physician, chemist, scientist and biographer: a man for all seasons. 200111722404
the ethics of vaccine usage in society: lessons from the past.since the dawn of history, human beings have witnessed the appearance of epidemic or epizootic diseases. the suddenness and the prevalence of these plagues were generally considered to be connected with occult influences of the stars or planets upon human affairs, climatic changes or religious reasons. slowly, the principle of the origins of contagious diseases has become better understood and the role of transmissible influences such as parasites, bacteria and viruses has been accepted. a landm ...200111725304
human population dynamics.time-series analysis of parish register series can be used to study human population dynamics at three different levels: (i) the metapopulation of preindustrial rural england. a short wavelength, exogenous oscillation in the burials series of 404 parishes can be detected which, it is suggested, was driven by a cycle of malnutrition associated with wheat prices. (ii) individual populations, where long-term endogenous oscillations in baptisms and burials of wavelength 30-32 years or 43-44 years ca ...200111726037
a national register for surveillance of inherited disorders: beta thalassaemia in the united demonstrate the value of a national register for surveillance of services for an inherited disorder.200111731807
use of hygiene advice and active immunisation to control an outbreak of hepatitis a.a community outbreak of at least 16 cases of hepatitis a is described. salivary antibody testing of 126 children within a school in that community showed only one case of undiagnosed previous infection. three other children had received hepatitis a vaccine previously, and this was reflected in their antibody titres. for the schools serving the community control measures included advice on good hygiene (supervised handwashing and additional cleaning in the schools). all close contacts of cases (h ...200111732353
campylobacter reporting at its peak year of 1998: don't count your chickens yet.infections due to campylobacter spp. are the most commonly reported bacterial cause of human gastrointestinal illness, and reports of campylobacteriosis in the uk and other temperate countries have been increasing. an all-time peak of 58,059 cases of campylobacter infectious intestinal disease (iid) were reported to the communicable disease surveillance centre in 1998. an analysis of the age, gender and seasonal and geographical distribution of cases reported in 1998 is presented here, together ...200111732359
guidelines for the control of hepatitis a virus infection.the phls advisory committee on vaccination and immunisation, following a review of the evidence on control measures for preventing hepatitis a virus (hav) infection and widespread consultation, has prepared the following guidelines. they include a description of the current epidemiology of hav infection in england and wales, where most individuals are now susceptible to hav. hav infection is uncommon, with around 1000 infections notified per year in england and wales. clusters occur in families ...200111732363
the effect of antiretroviral therapy on the prevalence of oral manifestations in hiv-infected patients: a uk study.the purpose of this study was to compare the prevalence of oral manifestations in human immunodeficiency virus (hiv)-infected patients on monotherapy, dual therapy, or triple therapy with the prevalence of those not on antiretroviral therapy (art).200111740479
characterization of paub, a novel broad-spectrum plasminogen activator from streptococcus uberis.a bovine plasminogen activator of atypical molecular mass ( approximately 45 kda) from streptococcus uberis strain sk880 had been identified previously (l. b. johnsen, k. poulsen, m. kilian, and t. e. petersen. infect. immun. 67:1072-1078, 1999). the strain was isolated from a clinical case of bovine mastitis. the isolate was found not to secrete paua, a bovine plasminogen activator expressed by the majority of s. uberis strains. analysis of the locus normally occupied by paua revealed an absenc ...200211741851
independent genome-wide scans identify a chromosome 18 quantitative-trait locus influencing dyslexia.developmental dyslexia is defined as a specific and significant impairment in reading ability that cannot be explained by deficits in intelligence, learning opportunity, motivation or sensory acuity. it is one of the most frequently diagnosed disorders in childhood, representing a major educational and social problem. it is well established that dyslexia is a significantly heritable trait with a neurobiological basis. the etiological mechanisms remain elusive, however, despite being the focus of ...200211743577
beta-secretase cleavage of the amyloid precursor protein mediates neuronal apoptosis caused by familial alzheimer's disease mutations.the amyloid precursor protein (app) is cleaved by two enzymes, beta-secretase and gamma-secretase, to generate the pathological amyloid beta (abeta) peptide. expression of familial alzheimer's disease (fad) mutants of app in primary neurons causes both intracellular accumulation of the c-terminal beta-secretase cleavage product of app and increased secretion of abeta, and eventually results in apoptotic death of the cells. to determine whether either of these two processing products of app is in ...200111744168
Displaying items 1801 - 1900 of 3581