
somatodendritic morphology of on- and off-cells in the rostral ventromedial medulla.the rostral ventromedial medulla (rvm) contains two classes of physiologically defined neurons, on-cells and off-cells, that are implicated in nociceptive modulation. in a continuing effort to detail the neural circuitry that underlies the activity of these two distinct neuronal types, the somatodendritic morphology of on- and off-cells was studied in the cat, rat, and ferret. in lightly anesthetized animals, on-cells increased and off-cells decreased their discharge rate during a withdrawal ref ...19901706357
the cells of origin of the spinohypothalamic tract in cats.various cutaneous and visceral stimuli alter the discharge rates of neurons in the hypothalamus. changes in the activity of hypothalamic neurons are thought to play important roles in eliciting neuroendocrine, autonomic, and affective responses to somatosensory and visceral stimuli. information from peripheral structures has been considered generally to reach the hypothalamus via multisynaptic ascending pathways. recently, a direct projection from the spinal cord to the hypothalamus was demonstr ...19911706361
connections between the central nucleus of the amygdala and the midbrain periaqueductal gray: topography and reciprocity.previous reports indicate that the midbrain periaqueductal gray and the central nucleus of the amygdala are interconnected but the organization of these projections has not been characterized. we have analyzed this reciprocal circuitry using anterograde and retrograde tracing methods and image analysis. our findings reveal that innervation of periaqueductal gray from the central nucleus of the amygdala is extensive and discretely organized along the rostrocaudal axis of periaqueductal gray. in a ...19911706363
axonless horizontal cells of the rabbit retina: synaptic connections and origin of the rod axonless horizontal cell (ahc) of the rabbit retina was penetrated with a microelectrode and stained with horseradish peroxidase after recording its light responses. the cell was then serially sectioned and its connections examined with the electron microscope. physiologically, the cell exhibited cone-dominated responses and a minor rod influence known as rod aftereffect. electron microscopy showed that this ahc was only connected to cones. therefore, the rod aftereffect could only invade the ...19901706416
p0 glycoprotein mrna distribution in myelin-forming schwann cells of the developing rat trigeminal ganglion.a biotinylated p0 cdna was hybridized in situ to aldehyde-fixed vibratome sections of trigeminal ganglia from day 2, day 7, day 15, day 30 and adult rats. nickel-enhanced horseradish peroxidase (hrp) was used in an antibody sandwich method to detect hybridization. after postfixation in osmium tetroxide, the sections were dehydrated in ethanol and embedded in epon. at each age, some vibratome sections were used to count the hrp-positive and hrp-negative myelin-forming schwann cells. the percentag ...19901706417
chemically distinct rat olivocochlear neurons.we have produced a neurochemical map of the cell bodies of origin of the cochlear efferent terminals in rat by combining glutamic acid decarboxylase (gad), choline acetyltransferase (chat), or calcitonin gene-related peptide (cgrp) immunocytochemistry with retrograde transport of horseradish peroxidase. the locations of cochlear efferent cell bodies are in general agreement with the medial and lateral systems described by white and warr (j. comp. neurol. 219:203-214, 1983) with some minor modifi ...19911706537
trigeminal primary afferent projections to "non-trigeminal" areas of the rat central nervous system.the central projections of rat trigeminal primary afferent neurons to various "non-trigeminal" areas of the central nervous system were examined by labeling the fibers with wheat germ agglutinin-horseradish peroxidase (wga-hrp) transported anterogradely from the trigeminal ganglion. this technique produced a clear and comprehensive picture of trigeminal primary afferent connectivity that was in many ways superior to that which may be obtained by using degeneration, autoradiography, cobalt labeli ...19911706735
subthalamic nucleus of the monkey: connections and immunocytochemical features of afferents.retrograde and anterograde transport of wheat germ agglutinin-horseradish peroxidase (wga-hrp) was studied in 7 squirrel monkeys with discrete injections of the subthalamic nucleus (stn). injections labeled: (1) the lateral two-thirds of the nucleus (63% and 47%), (2) ventrolateral parts caudally (20%), (3) dorsomedial parts caudally (18%), (4) rostromedial parts (21%), (5) the medial third (38%) and (6) the lateral pole of the nucleus (9%). afferents to the lateral two-thirds of the stn origina ...19901707079
immunoreactive calcium-binding protein (calbindin-d28k) in interneurons and trigeminothalamic neurons of the rat nucleus caudalis localized with peroxidase and immunogold methods.calbindin-d28k is a highly abundant protein found in neurons in selected brain regions, including cells in sensory systems of the brainstem. because of its capacity to bind cytosolic ca++, calbindin-d28k is thought to contribute to the regulation of compartmental ca++ concentrations in neurons. in this study of the rat spinal trigeminal nucleus, calbindin-d28k was localized with immunoperoxidase and immunogold methods. results showed that immunoreactive calbindin-d28k neurons were widely distrib ...19911707189
synaptic organization of projections from basal forebrain structures to the mediodorsal thalamic nucleus of the rat.the synaptic organization of the mediodorsal thalamic nucleus (md) in the rat was studied with the electron microscope, and correlated with the termination of afferent fibers labeled with wheat germ agglutinin conjugated to horseradish peroxidase (wga-hrp). presynaptic axon terminals were classified into four categories in md on the basis of the size, synaptic vesicle morphology, and synaptic membrane specializations: 1) small axon terminals with round synaptic vesicles (sr), which made asymmetr ...19911707422
biotinylated antibodies bound to streptavidin beads: a versatile solid matrix for immunoassays.streptavidin was covalently bound to commercially available polyacrylamide beads (3-10 microns diameter) by peptide bond formation between the carboxyl groups on the solid matrix and the amino groups of the soluble protein. biotinylated antibody or lectin was linked to the polyacrylamide beads via the streptavidin molecules. immunoassays for human iga1, iga2, ige, and vitronectin were developed utilizing the antibody or lectin as a capture ligand. the protein being assayed was quantitated colori ...19901707598
anatomical interconnections of the pedunculopontine tegmental nucleus and the nucleus prepositus hypoglossi in the cat.the pedunculopontine tegmental nucleus (ppt) is a mesopontine structure containing predominantly cholinergic neurons, and physiological data indicate its neurons transfer eye-movement gated ponto-geniculo-occipital (pgo) waves to thalamus during the rapid eye movement phase of sleep. the present study, using anterograde and retrograde tracing of wheat germ agglutinin-conjugated horseradish peroxidase, found that the medullary nucleus prepositus hypoglossi (ph), whose neurons are known to have ey ...19901707725
topographical projections from the thalamus, subthalamic nucleus and pedunculopontine tegmental nucleus to the striatum in the japanese monkey, macaca fuscata.topographical projections from the thalamus, subthalamic nucleus (stn) and pedunculopontine tegmental nucleus (ppn) to the striatum were examined in the japanese monkey (macaca fuscata) by using the retrograde axonal transport technique of wga-hrp (wheat germ agglutinin-conjugated horseradish peroxidase). after wga-hrp injection in the head of the caudate nucleus (cn) or putamen (put), labeled neuronal cell bodies in the thalamus were distributed mainly in the nucleus ventralis anterior (va)-nuc ...19901707734
ventral temporal cortex in the rat: connections of secondary auditory areas te2 and te3.the present study in the rat deals with the hodological organization of two cytoarchitectonically distinct areas lying caudoventrally (te2) or ventrally (te3) to the primary auditory area (te1). the afferent and efferent systems of connections were identified by using the properties of retrograde and anterograde transport of wheat germ agglutinin conjugated with horseradish peroxidase (wga-hrp). large tracer deposits in the ventral temporal cortex involving te2, te3, and the dorsal bank of the p ...19901707895
representation of the cecum in the lateral dorsal motor nucleus of the vagus nerve and commissural subnucleus of the nucleus tractus solitarii in rat.motor fibers of the accessory celiac and celiac vagal branches are derived from the lateral columns of the dorsal motor nucleus of the vagus nerve. these branches also contain sensory fibers that terminate within the nucleus of the tractus solitarii. this study traces the innervation of the intestines by using the tracer cholera toxin-horseradish peroxidase. in 53 rats, the tracer was injected into either the stomach, duodenum, jejunum, terminal ileum, cecum, or ascending colon. with all cecal i ...19911707898
use of the perforated balloon catheter to infuse marker substances into diseased coronary artery walls after experimental postmortem angioplasty.a perforated balloon catheter was used in human coronary arteries after postmortem angioplasty had been performed. the catheter used has a standard angioplasty balloon with a pattern of laser-produced holes, 25 microns in size, which generate streams of fluid under pressure. studies of the routes by which marker substances enter diseased arterial tissue when infused by the perforated balloon after experimental angioplasty are described. a colored marker dye entered the new crevices and dissectio ...19911707901
digoxigenylated wheat germ agglutinin visualized with alkaline phosphatase-labeled anti-digoxigenin antibodies--a new, sensitive technique with the potential for single and double tracing of neuronal connections.for double tracing experiments, wheat germ agglutinin (wga) molecules labeled with two different haptens are desirable. in the present report the suitability of digoxigenylated wga (dig-wga) for retrograde tracing was investigated. for this purpose the new tracer was pressure injected into rat brains and the transported dig-wga visualized via its digoxigenyl group with an alkaline phosphatase linked anti dig antibody in permanently stained sections of high quality. with fixatives containing 2.5% ...19911708475
somatotopic distribution of corneal afferent neurons in the guinea pig trigeminal ganglion.the size and somatotopic distribution of corneal afferent neurons in the guinea pig trigeminal ganglion were determined using a retrograde axonal tracing technique. wheat germ agglutinin-horseradish peroxidase (wga-hrp) was applied to the central cornea of the guinea pig and the animals were perfusion-fixed 48 h later. in addition, a preliminary study examined corneal afferent neurons in two animals latently infected with the herpes simplex virus by corneal inoculation. the majority of wga-hrp-l ...19911708480
immunohistochemical localization of aspartate in corticofugal the present study we used immunohistochemistry, with an antibody directed against aspartate (asp), in conjunction with wheat germ agglutinin-horseradish peroxidase (wga-hrp) histochemistry to examine the asp-containing neurons in the motor and somatosensory cortices of the rat that project to the caudate/putamen or the pons. injections of wga-hrp in the caudate/putamen labelled cells in layer v of both cortical areas. in the motor cortex, retrogradely labelled neurons were distributed through ...19911708481
postnatal development of striatal connections in the rat: a transport study with wheat germ agglutinin-horseradish peroxidase.this paper deals with the postnatal development of afferent and efferent connections of the rat striatum as revealed by the transport of horseradish peroxidase conjugated with wheat germ agglutinin (wga-hrp). tracer was injected weekly from birth to the end of the first postnatal month in the head of the caudate nucleus. to control for transport from cortical areas contaminated by the micropipette, injections in newborn rats were made by either vertical or lateral penetrations. in addition some ...19901708707
sensory neurons and motoneurons of the jaw-closing reflex pathway in rats: a combined morphological and physiological study using the intracellular horseradish peroxidase technique.motoneurons and muscle spindle afferents of the rat masseter muscle were physiologically and morphologically characterized. their soma-dendritic morphology and axonal course were investigated using the intracellular horseradish peroxidase method. following electrical stimulation of the masseter nerve, individual motoneurons were identified by antidromic all-or-none action potentials and individual sensory neurons by orthodromic action potentials. using threshold separation an excitatory input fr ...19911708725
distribution of motoneurons supplying cat sartorius and tensor fasciae latae, demonstrated by retrograde multiple-labelling methods.sartorius (sart) and tensor fasciae latae (tfl) in the cat hindlimb are functionally heterogeneous muscles with regions that differ in their skeletal actions and electromyographic recruitment during normal activity. the topographical organization of motoneurons supplying different regions of sart or tfl has been investigated by exposing cut nerve branches supplying different peripheral territories to a combination of retrograde tracers, including fast blue (fb), fluorogold (fg), and horseradish ...19911708787
the reticular thalamic nucleus (rtn) of the rat: cytoarchitectural, golgi, immunocytochemical, and horseradish peroxidase study.experiments have been performed on adult albino rats in order to study the cellular organization of the thalamic reticular nucleus. for this purpose four approaches have been used: nissl stain, golgi impregnation, retrograde transport of horseradish peroxidase after injection in different thalamic nuclei, and immunocytochemistry with antibodies against gaba and glutamic acid decarboxylase. in sections through the horizontal plane, three morphologically different neurons have been observed. cells ...19911708789
anterograde axonal transport of horseradish peroxidase in the rat postganglionic sympathetic minutes after initiating the experiment, horseradish peroxidase (hrp)-labeled pinocytotic vesicles were observed on the plasma membranes of the postganglionic sympathetic neurons in the left superior cervical ganglia (scg). hrp reaction product was also demonstrated in the vesicles of the smooth endoplasmic reticulum (ser) and multivesicular bodies in the neuronal perikarya. the hrp-positive vesicles of ser and multivesicular bodies were also detected in the adrenergic sympathetic nerve en ...19901708814
origin of spinal projections to the anterior and posterior lobes of the rat cerebellum.the present study was carried out to analyze the topography of spinal projections to the anterior and posterior lobes of the cerebellum and to investigate whether projections to the two lobes come from different spinocerebellar neurons or from branching axons of the same cells. we used orthograde transport of horseradish peroxidase conjugated with wheat germ agglutinin (wga-hrp) to identify the cerebellar areas where spinocerebellar axons terminate and retrograde double-labeling techniques to es ...19911709180
distribution of hypothalamic neurons projecting to the thoracic and sacral spinal segments in the cat.the distribution of hypothalamic neurons participating in hypothalamo-spinal projections (hypothalamo-spinal hsp neurons) to the thoracic and sacral segments was studied using the technique of retrograde axonal transport. horseradish peroxidase (hrp) and nuclear yellow (ny) were injected into various thoracic and/or sacral spinal cord segments. the retrogradely labeled cells were distributed in a continuous crescent-shaped field in the posterior, dorsolateral and lateral regions of the hypothala ...19901709187
subcortical afferents to the interstitial nucleus of cajal: an anatomical retrograde tracing study in the rabbit.organization of brainstem projections to the interstitial nucleus of cajal (inc) in the rabbit has been studied using the method of retrograde transport of horseradish peroxidase or wheat germ agglutinin-horseradish peroxidase conjugate. injections of tracers into inc resulted in bilateral labelling in the medial terminal nucleus of the accessory optic tract, medial region of the zona incerta, vestibular nuclei (superior, medial, inferior), rostral portion of the prepositus nucleus and several n ...19901709189
gaba-like and glycine-like immunoreactivities of the cochlear root nucleus in rat.the cochlear root nucleus is part of the cochlear nuclear complex in small rodents. its cells, the large root neurons, have a superficial resemblance to the globular neurons of the ventral cochlear nucleus. it has been a matter of debate, therefore, whether the root neurons and globular neurons represent the same or different types of cell. in the present study the two cell types with adjacent neuropil structures were compared by light microscopic, postembedding immunocytochemistry. pairs of 0.5 ...19911709203
ultrastructure and blood-iris barrier in experimental rubeosis iridis in rabbit.iris neovascularization was produced in rabbits by hypotony following repeated aspiration of the vitreous. the hypotony was produced after 0.3 ml of vitreous fluid was aspirated using a 25-gauge needle through the pars plana of 10 rabbits. for the histochemical study, horseradish peroxidase(hrp) was injected through the ear lobe vein. after fixation of the iris tissue, the tissue was treated with diaminobenzidine and examined with both light microscopy and transmission electron microscopy. the n ...19901709217
the origin of the vestibulo-cochlear projection in the guinea pig.previous tracer studies have revealed the sacculus to be connected to the vestibular and cochlear nuclei in the guinea pig. due to its own innervation pattern, an anterior and posterior part of the sacculus can be distinguished. the present study investigated whether the two parts differ concerning their fiber contribution to the vestibulo-cochlear projection. after tracing the nerve of the posterior sacculus with horseradish peroxidase (hrp), the vestibulo-cochlear fibers were clearly recognize ...19911709260
absence of recurrent axon collaterals in motoneurones to the extrinsic digit extensor muscles of the cat forelimb.forelimb alpha-motoneurones were intracellularly recorded in anaesthetized cats and iontophoretically filled with horseradish peroxidase (hrp). all motoneurones to the elbow flexors, elbow extensor and to the extensor carpi radialis muscles displayed in parallel homonymous recurrent inhibitory postsynaptic potentials (ripsps) and axon collaterals. homonymous ripsps and axon collaterals were missing in the nuclei to the long digit extensor muscles. two populations of motoneurones, with and withou ...19911709261
[experimental head injury of rabbits using pendulum impactor. an electron microscopic study].brain damage in the early stage of experimental head injury was studied under electron microscope, especially with respect to the permeability of the blood brain barrier and damage to nerve fibers. lightly anesthetized rabbits were treated by intravenous injection of horseradish peroxidase (150-250 mg/kg) and were subjected to occipital impacts with a pendulum impactor. the animals were then perfused with a 2.5% glutaraldehyde mixture. small blocks of the brain were sampled, incubated, postfixed ...19901709456
simple enzyme immunoassay for the simultaneous measurement of whole choriogonadotropin molecules and free beta-subunits in sera of women with abnormal pregnancies or tumors of the reproductive system.a multiple enzyme immunoassay (multi-eia) was developed to quantify whole-molecule human choriogonadotropin (w-hcg) and free hcg beta-subunits (hcg-beta) simultaneously. a clone of a specific monoclonal antibody was coupled to solid phase; two other clones of different monoclonal antibodies were conjugated to horseradish peroxidase (hrp; ec and alkaline phosphatase (ap; ec, respectively. these two enzyme conjugates were mixed together to measure w-hcg or hcg-beta, depending on ...19911709596
a study, by electron microscopy, of the specific uptake of alpha-fetoprotein by mouse embryonic fibroblasts in relation to in vitro aging, and by human mammary epithelial tumour cells in comparison with normal donors' cells.a covalent conjugate of alpha-foetoprotein (afp) and horseradish peroxidase (hrp) has been used to follow the internalization pathway of this serum protein in early and late passages of primary cultures of mouse embryonic fibroblasts as well as in a spontaneously immortalized cell line. afp, as transferrin (tf) used in parallel as a control, are endocytosed through coated pits and vesicles and move then to endosomes in every case; in cells of the late passages, at least a part of the internalize ...19911709818
distribution, laminar location, and morphology of tectal neurons projecting to the isthmo-optic nucleus and the nucleus isthmi, pars parvocellularis in the pigeon (columba livia) and chick (gallus domesticus): a retrograde labelling study.retrograde transport of phaseolus vulgaris leucoagglutinin (pha-l), fluorogold, fast blue, rhodamine labelled microspheres, and horseradish peroxidase (hrp) was employed to study the distribution, laminar location within the optic tectum, and morphology of tectal cells projecting upon the isthmo-optic nucleus (ion) and the nucleus isthmi, pars parvocellularis (ipc), in the pigeon and chick. following injections into the ion, all retrograde markers labelled tecto-ion neurons and their dendrites i ...19911709956
dendritic morphology of pyramidal neurones of the visual cortex of the rat: i. branching patterns.the aim of this study was to provide quantitative descriptions of the branching patterns of basal and apical dendrites of pyramidal neurones from the visual cortex of the rat. thirty-nine neurones from cortical layers 2/3 and 5, that had been injected with horseradish peroxidase, reconstructed, and measured with the light microscope as part of an earlier study (larkman and mason, '90; j. neurosci. 10:1407-1414), were used. the cells had previously been divided into three classes, layer 2/3 cells ...19911711057
dendritic morphology of pyramidal neurones of the visual cortex of the rat: ii. parameter correlations.this study concerns the correlations between the various morphometric parameters obtained for the dendrites of neocortical pyramidal cells. the primary aims were to uncover underlying design principles in dendritic morphology, to see if these differed between different types of dendrite, and to see if estimates of parameters such as total dendritic shaft membrane area could be obtained from a limited number of measurements, avoiding the need to measure every dendritic segment. the data were from ...19911711058
retinohypothalamic tract in the female albino rat: a study using horseradish peroxidase conjugated to cholera toxin.there are several anatomically and functionally distinct retinofugal pathways, one of which is the retinohypothalamic tract (rht). in this study, horseradish peroxidase conjugated to cholera toxin (ct-hrp), a sensitive neural tracer, was employed to describe the rht in the female albino rat. following uniocular injection of ct-hrp, both medial and lateral components of the rht were evident. the medial component swept caudally into and through the suprachiasmatic nucleus (scn) and dorsally to the ...19911711060
segregation and heterogeneity of thalamic cell populations projecting to superficial layers of posterior parietal cortex: a retrograde tracer study in cat and monkey.the thalamic neurons projecting to the superficial layers of areas 5 and 7 in the cat, and area 5 in the monkey, were investigated by using superficial deposits of either horseradish peroxidase or fast blue in one hemisphere. in the contralateral hemisphere injections of the same tracer involving the full cortical depth were made in homotopical locations, and the distribution and soma size of retrogradely labeled thalamocortical neurons in each side of the thalamus were compared. it was found th ...19901711168
convergence of cortical and cerebellar projections on single basilar pontine neurons: a light and electron microscopic study in the rat.a protocol that involved a combination of two orthogradely transported tracer substances, wheat agglutinin-horseradish peroxidase and phaseolus vulgaris leucoagglutinin injected at separate locations in the same animal was utilized to investigate the possible congruence of axonal projection fields formed by the cerebral cortical and cerebellar afferents to the basilar pontine nuclei. when large placements of tracer material were made in the cerebellar nuclei to label the cerebellopontine project ...19901711169
[retinal projections into the diencephalon in the fowl (gallus gallus domesticus)].the localization of the primary visual centers in the hen diencephalon was determined by anterograde transport horseradish peroxidase (hrp) techniques. twelve fowls (gallus gallus domesticus) were used for hrp study and four were used for cytoarchitectural study (nissl and klüver-barrera stained preparation). one-hundred microliter of 30% hrp solution in physiological saline was injected into the vitreous body of one eye of each hen under anesthesia of sodium pentobarbital (30 mg/kg body wt). af ...19901711265
a gabaergic projection from the pretectum to the dorsal lateral geniculate nucleus in the study the projection from the pretectum to the lateral geniculate nucleus, we placed wheat-germ agglutinin conjugated to horseradish peroxidase into the lateral geniculate nuclei of six cats, allowed this marker to be retrogradely transported by afferent axons to their parent somata in the pretectum, and revealed the label in these cells with stabilized tetramethylbenzidine histochemistry. in three cases we made large pressure injections that completely infiltrated the lateral geniculate nucl ...19911711649
topographical organization of the tecto-olivo-cerebellar projection in the cat.the superior colliculus sends a climbing fiber output to cerebellar vermal lobules vi-vii through the inferior olive. the present study in cats morphologically clarified the existence of a topographical organization in the tecto-olivo-cerebellar projection. a horseradish peroxidase study on the tecto-olivary projection showed that the rostral and caudal superior colliculus projected mostly contralaterally to the caudal and rostral areas of the caudomedial part of the medial accessory olive, resp ...19911711650
visuotopic organization of the lateral suprasylvian area and of an adjacent area of the ectosylvian gyrus of cat cortex: a physiological and connectional study.we have explored the visuotopic organization of the territory surrounding the middle suprasylvian sulcus (mss) of cat cerebral cortex by electrophysiological mapping, and by tracing the topography of its cortical and subcortical connections using wheatgerm-agglutinin horseradish peroxidase (wga-hrp). observations from the two approaches were concordant, and confirmed the presence of two separate visual areas in the mss that approximate, but do not exactly correspond, to the location and internal ...19911711891
pallidocortical projections to the tempolar polar gyrus in the cat.marked projections from the globus pallidus (gp) to the temporal polar gyrus (tpg) of the cat were found by means of the pha-l (phaseolus vulgaris leucoagglutinin) and wga-hrp (horseradish peroxidase conjugated to wheat germ agglutinin) methods. pallidocortical fibers to the tpg originate mainly from the middle levels of the gp, and terminate all layers of the tpg cortex, especially in layers i, ii and iii. the gp neurons projecting to the tpg are large-multipolar or small-bipolar neurons. almos ...19911712089
topographical and topological organization of the thalamocortical projection to the striate and prestriate cortex in the marmoset (callithrix jacchus).in eleven hemispheres of nine marmoset monkeys (callithrix jacchus), we have investigated the thalamo-cortical organization of the projections from the pulvinar to the striate and prestriate cortex. in each experiment, single or multiple injections of various retrograde fluorescent tracers were injected into adjacent regions or areas. in two experiments, horseradish peroxidase (hrp) was injected into the lateral geniculate nucleus (lgn) and the lateral pulvinar, respectively. the results show th ...19911712314
position of axons in the cat's optic tract in relation to their retinal origin and chiasmatic pathway.the positions of the crossed and uncrossed optic axons of distinct diameter classes has been examined in the optic tract of the adult cat. in addition, the retinal origin of axons occupying different positions within the tract has been studied. since the position of a fibre within the optic tract reflects its time of arrival during development, we have used axonal position as an indicator of age and have related this to the chiasmatic pathway choice of the axons. cats were either monocularly enu ...19911712793
[the structural characteristics of the phrenic nucleus in the cat and their functional significance].the structural elements of phrenic nucleus have been compared under the horseradish peroxidase introduction into the phrenic muscle and using a silver staining method. all the neurons of nucleus have been proposed to be motoneurons. the characteristic features of phrenic nucleus organisation are created by the groups of motoneurons and their dendritic bundles. each nucleus contains about 800 motoneurons. their sizes have been determined in three planes. some functional characteristics of phrenic ...19911713077
choleragenoid horseradish peroxidase used for studying projections of some hindlimb cutaneous nerves and plantar foot afferents to the dorsal horn and clarke's column in the rat.the aim of the present study has been to investigate the spinal projections of cutaneous hindlimb afferents particularly to the deep dorsal horn and to clarke's column (cc), by using the b-subunit of cholera toxin conjugated to horseradish peroxidase. injections into three different cutaneous hindlimb nerves in adult rats resulted in dense labeling in the dorsal horn laminae iii-iv/v, moderate labeling in lamina i and modest labeling in dorsomedial parts of cc. footpad injections gave similar re ...19911713167
interactions between callosal, thalamic and associational projections to the visual cortex of the developing rat.the patterns of callosal interconnections between the visual cortices of rats display considerable plasticity in response to various neonatal manipulations. in the present study, many neurones in the principal visual thalamic relay nuclei, the dorsal lateral geniculate nucleus (dlg) and to a lesser extent those in the lateral posterior nucleus (lp) were destroyed by injections of the neurotoxin - kainic acid - on the first day of postnatal life. four weeks later, as demonstrated with the anterog ...19911713169
morphological characterization of rat entorhinal neurons in vivo: soma-dendritic structure and axonal domains.we used in vivo intracellular labeling with horseradish peroxidase in order to study the soma-dendritic morphology and axonal projections of rat entorhinal neurons. the cells responded to hippocampal stimulation with inhibitory postsynaptic potentials, and thus likely received direct or indirect hippocampal input. all cells (n = 24) showed extensive dendritic domains that extended in some cases for more than 1 mm. the dendrites of layer ii neurons were largely restricted to layers i and ii or la ...19911713171
prenatal specification of callosal connections in rhesus monkey.anatomical tracing and quantitative techniques were used to examine the tempo and pattern of maturation for callosal projection neurons in the monkey prefrontal cortex (pfc) during fetal and postnatal development. nineteen monkeys were injected with retrograde tracers (fluorescent dyes, horseradish peroxidase conjugated to wheat germ agglutinin [wga-hrp] or hrp crystals) at various ages between embryonic day 82 (e82) and adulthood. the size of injection sites was varied in fetal, newborn, and ad ...19911713225
topographic distribution of connections from the primary motor cortex to the corpus striatum in aotus trivirgatus.connections between the primary motor cortex (mi) and the corpus striatum were studied in the owl monkey. representations of specific body movements were elicited in mi by microstimulation techniques, and the efferent projections from these stimulation sites were labeled with wheat germ agglutinin-horseradish peroxidase conjugate (wga-hrp). dense projections were found in the putamen ipsilateral to the injection site and sparser projections occupied comparable areas in the contralateral putamen. ...19911713229
axonal projections between fetal spinal cord transplants and the adult rat spinal cord: a neuroanatomical tracing study of local interactions.three neuroanatomical tracers have been employed to map the axonal projections formed between transplants of fetal spinal cord tissue and the surrounding host spinal cord in adult rats. solid pieces of embryonic day 14 (e14) rat spinal cord were placed into hemisection aspiration cavities in the lumbar spinal cord. injections of either (1) a mixture of horseradish peroxidase and wheat germ agglutinin- conjugated horseradish peroxidase, (2) fluoro-gold, or (3) phaseolus vulgaris leucoagglutinin ( ...19911713233
entorhinal cortex of the monkey: v. projections to the dentate gyrus, hippocampus, and subicular complex.the topographic and laminar organization of entorhinal projections to the dentate gyrus, hippocampus, and subicular complex was investigated in the macaca fascicularis monkey. injections of 3h-amino acids were placed at various positions within the entorhinal cortex and the distribution of anterogradely labeled fibers and terminals within the other fields of the hippocampal formation was determined. injections of the retrograde tracers fast blue, diamidino yellow, and wheat germ agglutinin-horse ...19911713237
the efferent innervation of the suboccipital muscles in the guinea pig: a study with retrograde transport of horseradish peroxidase.the location and quantitative parameters of the motoneurons of three suboccipital muscles are studied by means of retrograde transport of horseradish peroxidase (hrp). injections of hrp into the m. obliquus capitis superior and into the m. rectus capitis posterior maior result in labeling of somata within the first cervical spinal segment. injections into the m. obliquus capitis inferior result in labeling within the second cervical spinal segment. all somata are situated within or close to the ...19911713319
collateralization of periaqueductal gray neurons to forebrain or diencephalon and to the medullary nucleus raphe magnus in the rat.antinociceptive effects elicited from the midbrain may involve both ascending and descending projections from the periaqueductal gray and dorsal raphe nucleus. to investigate the relationship between these different efferent pathways in the rat, we performed a double-labeling study using two retrograde tracers, colloidal gold-coupled wheatgerm agglutinin-apo horseradish peroxidase and a fluorescent dye. one tracer was microinjected in the medullary nucleus raphe magnus; the second was injected i ...19911713655
axon collaterals indicate broad intraspinal role for sacral preganglionic neurons.the classic view of preganglionic neurons in spinal autonomic nuclei is that they convey information exclusively from the central nervous system to autonomic neurons in peripheral ganglia. the present morphological study in the cat sacral spinal cord demonstrates that these neurons may also make abundant synaptic connections within the spinal cord. neurons labeled intracellularly with neurobiotin or horseradish peroxidase exhibited an expansive distribution of axon collaterals in spinal cord lam ...19911713694
evaluation of three techniques to demonstrate retrograde transport of horseradish peroxidase.three methods of tracing neural connections by the use of horseradish peroxidase (hrp) were evaluated: (1) endoneurium injection, (2) injection followed by crushing at site of injection, and (3) nerve transection followed by capping of the proximal stump with a silicone cylinder containing hrp. the capping technique resulted in increased uptake and more uniform distribution of hrp in the nerves under study.19911713783
olfactory projections to the hypothalamus.electrophysiological recording, together with anterograde and retrograde axonal tracers, was used to provide a comprehensive description of the origin and distribution of the olfactory input to the lateral hypothalamus. this input was much more substantial to the caudal part of the hypothalamus than to the rostral part and originates from several different areas of the olfactory cortex. positive responses to electrical stimulation of the olfactory bulb were found consistently in the postero-late ...19911713925
projections from the periaqueductal gray to the rostromedial pericoerulear region and nucleus locus coeruleus: anatomic and physiologic studies.previous studies showed that the nucleus locus coeruleus (lc) receives two major afferent inputs from 1) nucleus paragigantocellularis and 2) nucleus prepositus hypoglossi, both in the rostral medulla. recent reports suggested that the midbrain periaqueductal gray (pag) projects to the rostromedial pericoerulear area and lc. since the pag is a major site for control of central antinociception, and since descending noradrenergic fibers have been implicated in pain modulation, we have investigated ...19911713927
cortical connections of the caudal subdivision of the dorsolateral area (v4) in monkeys.evidence suggests that all primates have rostral and caudal subdivisions in the region of visual cortex identified as the dorsolateral area (dl) or v4. however, the connections of dl/v4 have not been examined in terms of these subdivisions. to determine the cortical connections of the caudal subdivision of dl (dlc) in squirrel monkeys, injections of the neuroanatomical tracers wheat germ agglutinin conjugated to horseradish peroxidase, diamidino yellow, and fluoro-gold were made in cortex rostra ...19911713928
cortical connections of dorsal cortex rostral to v ii in squirrel monkeys.a region of dorsal cortex along the rostral border of v ii has been described as comprising a visual area or areas separate from more lateral cortex in both new and old world primates. to evaluate these possibilities in squirrel monkeys, we studied patterns of cortical connections by injecting fast blue, fluoro-gold, horseradish peroxidase, and wheat germ agglutinin conjugated to horseradish peroxidase into the dorsal region and related results to distinctions in myeloarchitecture. our major con ...19911713929
analysis of an experimental cortical network: ii). connections of visual areas 17 and 18 after neonatal injections of ibotenic acid.lesions of cortical areas 17 and 18 were produced in newborn kittens by local injections of the excitotoxin ibotenic acid. in the adult this results in a microcortex which consists of superficial layers i, ii and iii, in the absence of granular and infragranular layers. horseradish peroxidase, alone or wheat germ agglutinin conjugated, was injected in the microcortex or in the contralateral, intact areas 17 and 18. the microcortex maintains several connections characteristic of normal areas 17 a ...19911714302
synaptic connections of a low-threshold mechanoreceptive primary neuron within the trigeminal subnucleus oralis.the central axon of a primary afferent neuron that responded to indentation of the glabrous skin of the lower lip in a slowly adapting fashion was intra-axonally injected with horseradish peroxidase. the labeled terminal within the subnucleus oralis was examined electron microscopically. the labeled ending had a pale axoplasm and contained clear spherical synaptic vesicles. the labeled ending formed a synaptic triad with a dendrite and an unlabeled axonal ending with pleomorphic vesicles (a mixt ...19911714334
gamma-aminobutyric acid (gaba) immunocytochemistry of laser coagulations in the rabbit retina.rabbit retinas were treated with laser coagulations of low intensity, using five different wavelengths. after coagulation (1, 4 and 28 days), the retinas were stained for gaba, using a direct biotin-avidin-horseradish peroxidase immunocytochemical method. these time intervals were chosen with regard to the existing knowledge of retinal repair. the staining for gaba was increased in the inner plexiform layer at the centre of the lesions at days 1 and 4 after coagulation. at the margins of the les ...19911714399
trigeminal projections to the nucleus submedius of the thalamus in the rat.methods involving the anterograde and retrograde transport of wheat-germ agglutinin conjugated horseradish peroxidase and the retrograde transport of fluoro-gold were used in rats to examine the distribution within the spinal trigeminal nucleus of trigeminal neurons projecting to the nucleus submedius (sm) of the thalamus, as well as the distribution of axon terminals within the sm. following injections into the trigeminal nucleus, axon terminals were seen in the dorsal part of the anterior sm; ...19911714465
central projections of trigeminal primary afferents innervating the nasal mucosa: a horseradish peroxidase study in the rat.the respiratory region of the nasal mucosa is innervated by the ethmoidal nerve. chemical nociceptive stimulation of this area leads to upper airway reflexes that prevent access of noxious substances to the respiratory tract and the lungs. in the present study we examined the localization of the cell bodies of the respective primary afferent fibres within the trigeminal ganglion, as well as their central projections. in 25 rats a horseradish peroxidase-wheat germ agglutinin gel was applied to th ...19911714553
the peripheral distribution of trigeminal nerve fibres in the rat temporomandibular joint studied by an anterograde axonal transport method with wheat germ agglutinin-horseradish peroxidase.wheat germ agglutinin-horseradish peroxidase was injected into the trigeminal ganglion to trace the peripheral distribution of the nerve fibres in the temporomandibular joint. it was transported anterogradely along trigeminal nerve fibres. horseradish-peroxidase-labelled nerve fibres were found in the anterior and posterior bands of the articular disc, and terminated as nerve endings near the intermediate zone of the disc. however, the intermediate zone itself did not contain any nerve endings. ...19911714714
evaluation of procedures for the fixation and processing of human tissue for immunohistochemical analysis of human monoclonal antibodies.preliminary investigations suggested the importance of an evaluation of different tissue preparation methods frequently used for immunohistochemical analysis of human or murine monoclonal antibodies on human tissue. colon adenocarcinomas and adjacent morphologically normal colon epithelia were analyzed with an indirect immunoperoxidase technique. duplicate tissue specimens were (1) snap frozen and fixed in acetone, (2) formalin fixed and paraffin embedded, with or (3) without ensuing treatment w ...19911714786
prior optic nerve transection reduces capsaicin-induced degeneration in rat subcortical visual structures.capsaicin is a neurotoxin capable of causing degeneration in specific sites throughout the neuraxis, including the suprachiasmatic nucleus (sch), the ventrolateral geniculate nucleus (vlg), the intergeniculate leaflet (igl), and the olivary and medial pretectal nuclei (opt and mpt). in this experiment, we tested the hypothesis that capsaicin-induced terminal degeneration in the sch, vlg, igl, opt, and mpt results from destruction of retinal ganglion cells and their axonal projections to these si ...19911714924
quantitative analysis of regional variability in the distribution of transverse tubules in rabbit myocardium.the goal of the present investigation was to compare quantitatively the distribution of t-tubules between regions of the myocardium. the volume fraction and surface density of t-tubules in rabbit right atrial free wall, left atrial free wall, right ventricular free wall, left ventricular free wall, right ventricular papillary muscle, and left ventricular papillary muscle were measured using established, electron-microscopic, morphometric techniques. t-tubules were delineated using wheat-germ agg ...19911715241
[the localization of neurons innervating the upper portion of the duodenum in the dorsal motor nucleus of the vagus nerve].in anesthetized cats, using method of the retrograde transport of the horseradish peroxidase and electrophysiological techniques, the dorsal motor nucleus neurons innervating upper portion of the duodenum were found. maximal number of such neurons were found within 1.0 to 2.5 mm rostral to the obex. the effects of the neurons stimulation on the electrical activity of the duodenum smooth muscles were studied. possible role of the dorsal motor nucleus neurons in realisation of gastro-duodenum moto ...19911715294
a biotin-containing compound n-(2-aminoethyl)biotinamide for intracellular labeling and neuronal tracing studies: comparison with biocytin.the hydrochloride salt of a new, small molecular weight (m.w. = 286) biotin-containing compound referred to as biotinamide (n-(2-aminoethyl)biotinamide) was compared with biocytin (m.w. = 372) for its use in intracellular labeling of neurons and in neuronal tracing experiments using avidin conjugates for histochemical detection. the dc resistance and current passing ability of electrodes filled with 1-2 m potassium chloride, potassium acetate or potassium methylsulfate and containing 1-4% of the ...19911715497
[the spatial organization of the vestibulospinal neurons in the guinea pig].quantitative investigation of the spatial organization of vestibulospinal neurons has been performed on a guinea pig using the horseradish peroxidase retrograde transport method. after unilateral injection in the upper cervical and low thoracic spinal cord the labelled neurons were found unilaterally in the lateral vestibular nucleus and bilaterally in descending and medial vestibular nuclei. distribution of vestibulospinal neurons within the brainstem has been analyzed. it was revealed that pro ...19911715526
relationship of met-enkephalin-like immunoreactivity to vagal afferents and motor dendrites in the nucleus of the solitary tract: a light and electron microscopic dual labeling study.methionine (met5)-enkephalin has been implicated in autonomic functions involving vagal reflexes within the nucleus of the solitary tract (nts). we examined the light and electron microscopic relationships between neurons containing methionine (met5)-enkephalin-like immunoreactivity (meli) and vagal afferents and motor dendrites in the rat nts. a polyclonal antibody raised against met5-enkephalin and showing maximal cross-reactivity with this peptide was localized by immunoautoradiography. in th ...19911715806
topographical projections from the cerebral cortex to the nucleus of the solitary tract in the cat.the distribution of cerebral cortical neurons sending projection fibers to the nucleus of the solitary tract (nst), and the topographical distribution of axon terminals of cortico-nst fibers within the nst were examined in the cat by two sets of experiments with horseradish peroxidase (hrp) and hrp conjugated with wheat germ agglutinin (wga-hrp). first, hrp was injected into the nst. in the cerebral cortex of these cats, neuronal cell bodies were labeled retrogradely in the deep pyramidal cell l ...19911715827
the barrelettes--architectonic vibrissal representations in the brainstem trigeminal complex of the mouse. i. normal structural organization.the organization of the brainstem trigeminal complex (btc) of the mouse is described, with emphasis on the normal organization of the vibrissal representations. thionin staining for nissal substance was employed to reveal the cytoarchitecture. cytochrome oxidase histochemistry was used to reveal the chemoarchitecture. golgi impregnation methods, in combination with thionin staining, were used to examine the neuronal dendritic morphology within a defined cytoarchitectonic context. an in vitro hor ...19911715890
rat tooth pulp projections to spinal trigeminal subnucleus caudalis are glutamate-like has been shown that glutamate-like immunoreactive axon terminals are present within the spinal trigeminal nucleus, including subnucleus caudalis. the morphology of many of these terminations is consistent with their identification as primary afferents. to establish whether primary afferent projections to subnucleus caudalis are glutamate-like immunoreactive, we injected an anterograde tract tracer into rat incisor tooth pulp, histochemically visualized this tracer within subnucleus caudalis, ...19911715892
[an immunoenzyme method of detecting vibrio cholerae cytolysin].enzyme immunoassay was used in detection of v. cholerae cytolysin. conjugate of immunoglobulins to purified cytolysin with horseradish peroxidase was used, obtained by the periodate technique. the method sensitivity is 2 ng/ml of purified cytolysin. the results of hemolytic activity measurements in supernatants of 40 v. cholerae strains and enzyme immunoassay findings were in high correlation.19911715951
projection from the external pallidum to the reticular thalamic nucleus in the squirrel monkey.small injections of biocytin in the external segment of the pallidum (gpe) of the squirrel monkey (saimiri sciureus) led to anterograde labeling of fibers in the thalamic reticular nucleus (nrt). these fibers reached nrt by coursing along the ventral tip of the internal capsule or by directly piercing the internal capsule more dorsally. they arborized profusely within the entire rostrocaudal extent of the nucleus. within nrt, biocytin-labeled fibers were long, slightly varicosed, and emitted num ...19911716174
phrenic motoneuron morphology in the neonatal rat.the morphology of neonatal rat phrenic motoneurons was studied following retrograde labeling with horseradish peroxidase, which resulted in golgi-like fills of phrenic motoneuron somata and dendrites. at birth, these neurons have well-developed dendritic trees with many characteristics described for phrenic motoneurons in the adult rat. the dendrites form tightly fasciculated bundles that emerge from the phrenic nucleus primarily along four axes: ventromedial, ventrolateral, dorsolateral, and ro ...19911716267
unmyelinated axons of the auditory nerve in cats.this paper describes some central terminations of type ii spiral ganglion neurons as labeled by extracellular injections of horseradish peroxidase (hrp) into the auditory nerve of cats. after histological processing with diaminobenzidine, both thick (2-4 microns) and thin (0.5 microns) fibers of the auditory nerve were stained. whenever traced, thick fibers always originated from type i spiral ganglion neurons and thin fibers always from type ii ganglion neurons. because the labeling of type ii ...19911716268
efferent projections of the infralimbic cortex of the rat.on the basis of stimulation studies, it has been proposed that the infralimbic cortex (ilc), brodmann area 25, may serve as an autonomic motor cortex. to explore this hypothesis, we have combined anterograde tracing with phaseolus vulgaris leucoagglutinin (pha-l) and retrograde tracing with wheat germ aggutinin conjugated to horseradish peroxidase (wga-hrp) to determine the efferent projections from the ilc. axons exit the ilc in one of three efferent pathways. the dorsal pathway ascends through ...19911716270
complementation of expression of carcinoembryonic antigen and tumor associated glycoprotein-72 (tag-72) in human colon adenocarcinomas.enzyme-labeled monoclonal antibodies (mabs) were used in an immunohistochemical, dual-staining study of 10 colon adenocarcinomas. mabs b72.3 and col-4, reactive with the high molecular weight tumor-associated glycoprotein-72 (tag-72) antigen and carcinoembryonic antigen (cea), respectively, were labeled with horseradish peroxidase or alkaline phosphatase. dual staining using the two mabs on a single tissue section (formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded) showed that greater numbers of carcinoma cells ...19911716293
a neurite-promoting factor from muscle supports the survival of cultured chicken spinal motor neurons.during embryonic development, spinal motor neurons require muscle-derived trophic factors for their survival and growth. we have recently isolated a protein from muscle that is not laminin but that still stimulates neurite outgrowth from embryonic neurons in culture. in the present study, we investigated whether this protein, which we refer to as muscle-derived neurite-promoting factor (npf), could also promote the survival and growth of motor neurons in culture. spinal motor neurons were isolat ...19911716301
prosencephalic connections of striate and extrastriate areas of rat visual cortex.afferent connections of rat primary visual cortex (area 17 or v1 area) and the rostral and caudal parts of areas 18a and 18b were studied, by placing in each of the areas, small electrophoretic injections of enzyme horseradish peroxidase (hrp) or wheat germ agglutinated-hrp. the results indicate that: 1) each of the areas has a distinct pattern of distribution of afferent neurons in the ipsilateral visual thalamus - area 17 receives its principal thalamic input from the dorsal lateral geniculate ...19911716594
acute effects of human recombinant tumor necrosis factor-alpha on the cerebral vasculature of the rat in both normal brain and in an experimental glioma model.the effects of intravenous (iv) infusion of human recombinant tumor necrosis factor-alpha (rtnf-alpha, cetus) on normal brain and malignant glioma in rats were examined. twelve fischer 344 rats were given either a single injection of 10(6) u rtnf-alpha or injections of 5 x 10(5) u rtnf-alpha for three days. one day post-rtnf-alpha injection(s), rats were injected iv with horseradish peroxidase (hrp) to determine blood-brain barrier (bbb) breakdown and, one hour later, were perfused with an aldeh ...19911716671
[the effect of inj. salviae miltiorrhizae co. on the retrograde axoplasmic transport in the optic nerve of rabbits with chronic iop elevation].with the horseradish peroxidase histochemical technique and electron microscope, the effects of 0.5% timolol, inj. salviae miltiorrhizae co. and their combination on the retrograde axoplasmic transport in the optic nerve of 230 rabbit models of chronic iop elevation were studied. the results showed that (1) the nerve damage in chronic glaucoma was due to multiple factors; (2) the use of a drug that improved microcirculation in combination with an iop depressor better protected the optic nerve fu ...19911717208
anatomical plasticity of the tectospinal tract after unilateral lesion of the superior colliculus in the neonatal rat.after unilateral ablation of the superior colliculus (sc) in neonatal or adult rats, the reorganization of the tectospinal tract (tst) was examined using the technique of anterograde transport of horseradish peroxidase to which wheat germ agglutinin had been conjugated (wga-hrp). in neonatally lesioned rats, aberrant labeled terminals of tst axons were found on the ipsilateral side of the spinal cord. postnatal development of the tst was then studied by retrograde transport of hrp to determine w ...19911717304
ultrastructure and synaptic associations of auditory thalamo-amygdala projections in the rat.projections from the acoustic thalamus to the lateral nucleus of the amygdala (al) have been implicated in the formation of emotional memories. in order to begin elucidating the cellular basis of emotional learning in this pathway, the ultrastructure and synaptic associations of acoustic thalamus efferents terminating in al were studied using wheat-germ agglutinated horseradish peroxidase (wga-hrp) and phaseolus vulgaris leucoagglutinin (pha-l) as ultrastructural anterograde axonal markers. the ...19911717305
activation of an alpha-fetoprotein (afp)/receptor autocrine loop in ht-29 human colon carcinoma cells.immunological and morphological approaches have been used to demonstrate, respectively, alpha-fetoprotein (afp) synthesis and receptor expression in the ht-29 human colon carcinoma parental cell line. ht-29 cells cultivated in the presence of glucose synthesized and secreted afp in the medium from 48 to 96 hr after seeding, as revealed by monoclonal antibodies (mabs) to human afp. light microscopic observations of cells incubated with fluoresceinated afp showed that the protein was specifically ...19911717385
lectin binding in skeletal muscle. evaluation of alkaline phosphatase conjugated avidin staining procedures.cryostat sections from rat gracilis muscles were incubated with different biotinylated lectins: con a (concanavilin a), wga (wheat germ agglutinin), sba (soybean agglutinin), gs i and gs ii (griffonia simplicifolia agglutinin), lca (lens culinaris agglutinin), pna (peanut agglutinin) and psa (pisum sativum agglutinin). the sections were subsequently treated with alkaline phosphatase conjugated avidin. the lectin binding sites were visualized after incubation in substrate media containing: (1) 5- ...19911717410
reaction of proteinases with alpha 2-macroglobulin from the american horseshoe crab, limulus.the products generated by the reaction of limulus alpha 2-macroglobulin with trypsin were analyzed by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis under reducing conditions. unreacted limulus alpha 2-macroglobulin had a subunit molecular mass of 185 kda. trypsin-reacted samples contained two prominent peptides smaller (85 and 100 kda) and three peptides larger (200, 250, and 300-350 kda) than the unreacted subunit. reaction of methylamine-treated limulus alpha 2-macroglobulin with t ...19911717464
subregions of the periaqueductal gray topographically innervate the rostral ventral medulla in the rat.previous anatomical and physiological studies have revealed a substantial projection from the periaqueductal gray (pag) to the nucleus paragigantocellularis (pgi). in addition, physiological studies have indicated that the pag is composed of functionally distinct subregions. however, projections from pag subregions to pgi have not been comprehensively examined. in the present study, we sought to examine possible topographic specificity for projections from subregions of the pag to pgi. pressure ...19911717516
gracile projection to the cat medial accessory olive: ultrastructural termination patterns and convergence with spino-olivary projection.the caudal medial accessory subdivision of the inferior olive (cmao) receives information from the hindlimb from both the gracile nucleus and the lumbosacral spinal cord. this study determined which elements in cmao serve as the postsynaptic targets of the gracile projection and whether these elements also receive input from the lumbosacral spinal cord. gracile axons were labeled in cats by anterograde transport of wheat germ agglutinin conjugated to horseradish peroxidase (wga-hrp), visualized ...19911717518
dendritic architecture of nucleus ambiguus motoneurons projecting to the upper alimentary tract in the rat.the motor innervation for palatal, pharyngeal, laryngeal, and esophageal muscles originates within the nucleus ambiguus. although the viscerotopic organization of the upper alimentary tract in the nucleus ambiguus has been extensively studied, little information concerning the dendritic arborization of nucleus ambiguus motoneurons is available. the neural tracer cholera toxin-horseradish peroxidase, which is particularly effective at revealing dendrites of retrogradely labeled neurons, was used ...19911717520
anatomical and electrophysiological evidence for a glycinergic inhibitory innervation of the rat locus coeruleus.using a highly specific antiserum to glycine and a very sensitive immunohistochemical technique with streptavidin-horseradish peroxidase, we visualized for the first time a dense plexus of glycine varicose fibers in the locus ceruleus (lc) of the rat. we further demonstrated that iontophoretically applied glycine inhibits the spontaneous lc noradrenergic cell discharge and that this inhibition is blocked by co-iontophoresis of strychnine. these anatomical and electrophysiological results indicat ...19911717896
[concanavalin-binding proteins and cytokeratins in different tissues of the early amphibian gastrula (rana temporaria, xenopus laevis)].concanavalin a (con a), a lectin which specifically interacts with ad-mannose and ad-glucose, has a neutralizing effect on the explants of the early gastrula ectoderm of several amphibian species. consequently, it was interesting to study con a-binding protein spectrum of the ectoderm and compare it to those of other early gastrula tissues. animal pole ectoderm (ape), dorsal blastopore lip (dbl) and vegetal pole endoderm (vpe) were dissected from early gastrulae of rana temporaria and xenopus la ...19911717912
retinal ganglion cells projecting to the nucleus of the optic tract in the rat.the nucleus of the optic tract (not) has been identified as the link between the retina and the premotor nuclei in the pathway mediating the optokinetic nystagmus (okn). however, it is still unclear from what parts of the retina and what kinds of retinal ganglion cells the not receives visual inputs related to okn. in the present study, horseradish peroxidase conjugated with wheatgerm agglutinin (wga-hrp) was injected into the not of hooded rats to investigate retrogradely labeled cells in the r ...19911718137
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