
cytochemical characterization of mycobacterial outer surfaces.a cytochemical study of mycobacterial outer surfaces was carried out on both pathogenic (m. leprae, m. avium) and non pathogenic (m. aurum) strains. different cytochemical markers were used: ruthenium red, concanavalin a, wheat germ agglutinin, colloidal iron and cationized ferritin. the cytochemical staining pattern varied according to the species studied. the relationship between outer surface properties of mycobacteria and their capacity of adhesion to or ingestion by bone marrow macrophages ...19846398583
freeze-etching and freeze-fracture structural features of cell envelopes in mycobacteria and leprosy derived corynebacteria.the structural properties of the cell wall and cell membrane of several mycobacteria and of leprosy derived corynebacteria are investigated by freeze-etching and freeze-fracture. in all cases the freeze-fracture split the cell wall in two asymmetric halves. the cell wall fracture faces of the mycobacteria are characterized by a filamentous network which vary with respect to the amount and complexity among microorganism of the same species and even more of different species. in ldc the structure ...19846398584
phagocytosis of mycobacterium leprae and m. avium by armadillo lung fibroblasts and kidney epithelial vitro cell cultures of lung fibroblasts and kidney epithelial cells were established from a freshly killed armadillo and were inoculated with mycobacterium leprae. lung fibroblasts were also inoculated with m. avium. phagocytosis was allowed for 6 h at an input of about 50 bacilli/cell, and the ultrastructure was then studied at 24 and 48 hours, and 4, 7 and 10 days. following observations were made: 1. armadillo cells could be maintained for nearly 3 months. 2. both lung fibroblasts and kidn ...19846398586
mycobacterium x identified as mycobacterium avium intracellulare (probably mixed with m. leprae in early subcultures) 19846399072
the use of purified protein derivative mycobacterial skin test antigens in children and adolescents: purified protein derivative skin test results correlated with mycobacterial isolates.during 13 years 1288 patients were tested with commercial tuberculin (ppd-t) and nontuberculous mycobacterial (ntm) purified protein derivative (ppd) antigens. five hundred eighty-three (45%) had findings to suggest tuberculous infection or were asymptomatic tuberculin (ppd and/or old tuberculin) test reactors; the remaining 705 (55%) were ppd nonreactors. on the initial battery of ppd tests 553 patients had positive reactions; 513 (94%) could be classified as a human tuberculous reactor or a no ...19836408620
resistance of various strains of mycobacteria to killing by activated macrophages in vivo.a variety of experimental infections with pathogenic mycobacteria are associated with the development of persistent disease, in which little or no changes in the numbers of the infectious organism can be detected. this report describes a simple experimental model designed to test the hypothesis that this persistence may reflect in part the ability of these organisms to resist the enhanced bacteriostatic and bactericidal properties acquired by host macrophages as a result of these mycobacterial i ...19836411817
numerical classification of 280 strains of slowly growing mycobacteria. proposal of mycobacterium tuberculosis series, mycobacterium avium series, and mycobacterium nonchromogenicum series.numerical classification of 280 strains of slowly growing mycobacteria was carried out by testing each strain for 76 characters. the following fourteen clusters were observed: 1. m. tuberculosis, m. bovis, m. africanum, and m. microti; 2. m. haemophilum; 3. m. ulcerans; 4. m. xenopi; 5. m. kansasii; 6. m. szulgai; 7. m. gordonae; 8. m gastri; 9. m. avium, m. intracellulare, m. scrofulaceum, and m. asiaticum; 10. m. marinum; 11. m. simiae; 12. m. nonchromogenicum, "m. novum," m. terrae, and m. tr ...19836412041
a pesky pathogen that played hide-and-seek. 19836413367
mycobacterial cervical lymphadenopathy. relation of etiologic agents to age.age-related differences in etiology were examined in 214 instances of mycobacterial cervical lymphadenopathy. in adults, mycobacterium tuberculosis was isolated from 147 lymph nodes and "atypical" mycobacteria was isolated from seven nodes. in contrast, m tuberculosis was isolated from only five nodes from children while other mycobacteria were isolated from 55 nodes. mycobacterium tuberculosis clearly preponderates as the cause of mycobacterial cervical adenitis in adults while other mycobacter ...19846422062
mycobacterial pulmonary infections after allogeneic bone marrow transplantation.allogeneic bone marrow transplant recipients are prone to pulmonary infections caused by a wide spectrum of organisms. nonetheless, the recognition of lung disease caused by mycobacterium tuberculosis in two patients and mycobacterium avium-intracellulare in a third patient at the university of texas m. d. anderson hospital represents the first report of these agents occurring in allogeneic marrow recipients. diagnosis can be difficult due to atypical presentations, initial negative culture resu ...19846430082
tuberculostatic effect in vitro of certain new antibiotics (amikin, dalacin c, clindamycin, netromycin, tobramycin, lincomycin) on mycobacteria, particularly on m. avium. 19846430657
[change in cell-mediated immunity to mycobacterium leprae and mycobacterium marinum in hansen's disease patients].the cell mediated immunity (cmi) to protein purified derivates of mycobacterium leprae, mycobacterium tuberculosis, mycobacterium avium and mycobacterium marinum was studied. leukocyte migration inhibition (lmi) and delayed hypersensitivity skin reactions to these antigens were examined in 44 hanseniasis patients (20 quiescent virchowians, 13 reactional virchowians and 11 tuberculoid patients) and 15 healthy subjects. an impairment in lmi and delayed hypersensitivity tests to m. leprae and m. ma ...19836432692
dopa-oxidase activity on icrc bacilli.presence of o-phenoloxidase is regarded as m. leprae specific character. this enzyme activity was found to be present in icrc bacilli, strain c-44. though this strain is cultivable 'in vitro', the expression of dopa-oxidase activity strongly suggests that it carries m. leprae genome. the icrc bacilli, therefore, may thus from a group of m. leprae culture isolates, distinct from other known cultivable mycobacteria which do not possess this enzyme activity.19846434641
alanine dehydrogenase in mycobacteria--a preliminary report.various mycobacterial species namely m. phlei, m. vaccae, m. scrofulaceum, m. avium and m. tuberculosis have been investigated for the presence of enzyme alanine dehydrogenase which could be important for utilization of alanine by tca cycle. it was found that alanine dehydrogenase was present in all species of mycobacteria tested irrespective of the fact whether they are rapid or slow growers. electrophoretic mobilities of alanine dehydrogenase from different species of mycobacteria were not fou ...19846434642
[atypical mycobacterial skin granuloma in a cat in switzerland]. 19846438963
[comparative characteristics of protein complexes of mycobacteria isolated from patients]. 19846440140
determination and re-examination of genome sizes and base ratios on deoxyribonucleic acid from mycobacteria.genome sizes of 22 species of mycobacteria have been calculated. thirteen of these genome sizes are based on results from re-examinations. base ratios of some of the strains have been determined.19846440409
anti-leprosy vaccines--field trials and future prospects.development of a vaccine for prevention of leprosy is today one of the major challenges for bio-medical sciences. two vaccines containing (i) m. leprae + bcg and (ii) icrc, a cultivable mycobacterium, have reached advanced stage with reference to human trials. this article describes comparative features of two vaccines and mechanism of their action. future possibilities with reference to anti-leprosy vaccine are also discussed.19846442720
exchange of material between the extracellular medium and macrophage phagosomes containing different species of bacteria including mycobacteria.pathogenic mycobacteria survive and multiply once they have infected macrophages. the aim of the present work was to determine whether the persistence of pathogenic bacteria such as m. avium inside the host cell phagosomes had any effect on the exchanges that normally occur between the extracellular medium and the macrophage vacuolar compartment. our results indicate that fusions between phagosomes and lysosomes or/and incoming pinosomes appear to be slowed down by the presence of mycobacteria a ...19846442821
[m. avium infectivity in the personnel of poultry plants in gorki province]. 19806445551
increased suppressor cell activity in a patient with mycobacterium avium-intracellulare pulmonary disease and hypogammaglobulinemia.immunologic studies were done in a patient with common variable hypogammaglobulinemia, bronchiectasis and m. avium intracellulare pulmonary infection. adherent cells from the patient were found to suppress the proliferative response of normal control cells to ppd antigen. the suppression seemed to be mediated by prostaglandin as it was reversed by indomethacin. increased suppressor cell activity may play an important role in the pathogenesis of mycobacterium avium-intracellulare infection by per ...19816452077
the specificity of suppressor t cells induced by chronic mycobacterium avium infection in mice.normal mice infected intravenously with 10(6) or 10(8) viable m. avium develop persistent infections of the lungs, liver and spleen. the liver and spleen counts remained relatively constant whereas those for the lung slowly increased until eventually some of the animals began to die as a result of the infection. none of the heavily infected mice developed delayed hypersensitivity (dth) to the m. avium cytoplasmic protein antigen (cpa). spleen cells harvested at increasing time periods after the ...19816454515
mycobacterium avium. 19846468542
various colony-formers of mycobacterium avium-intracellulare.four disease-associated strains of mycobacterium avium-intracellular isolated in our laboratory from human sputum gave rise to transparent, opaque, intermediate, and rough colony forms on cornmeal glycerol medium. each colony-former was purified, and both the virulence to conventional ddy strain of mice and in vitro susceptibilities to various antimicrobial drugs were compared among different colony-formers. the opaque colony-formers were more susceptible to cephalothin, rifampicin, gentamicin, ...19846468543
a prospective study of lung disease caused by mycobacterium avium/mycobacterium intracellulare.this is a prospective study of 36 patients with lung infections caused by m. avium/m. intracellulare. the division of the patients into 2 prognostic groups ("good"/"others"), and the guidelines for their treatment are based on a previous report (3). the criteria for the division were co-existing lung disease and dyspnoea on admittance. the patients in group "good" were treated with isoniazid, rifampicin and ethambutol, in group "others" these were supplemented with one or more drugs. as in the p ...19846468544
induction of bacteriophage from members of the mycobacterium avium, mycobacterium intracellulare, mycobacterium scrofulaceum serocomplex.bacteriophages have been induced from strains in the mycobacterium avium, mycobacterium intracellulare, mycobacterium scrofulaceum serocomplex by exposure of cultures to uv light or treatment with mitomycin c. one-sixth of the strains examined, representing all but one of the 31 authenticated serotypes, were found to possess phages lytic for a mycobacterium smegmatis indicator strain. four single-plaque isolated phages, tm4, tm9, tm10 and tm20, were purified and shown to have a similar morpholog ...19846470677
[pulmonary mycobacteriosis due to a non-chromogenic, slow-growing, unclassified mycobacterium].a case is reported of a bilateral atypical mycobacterial infection, occurring in a 44 year old male with antecedent silicosis. successful surgical resection was performed after 17 months of failed chemotherapy. the atypical mycobacterium which is unclassified is intermediate between mycobacterium avium-intracellulare. mycobacterium terrae complex and mycobacterium gastri. it has some similarities with the newly described species, mycobacterium malmöense.19846473887
mycobacterium avium acute our knowledge, atypical mycobacterium has not previously been implicated in de novo acute mastoiditis. we encountered a case in which mycobacterium avium was the causative agent in acute mastoiditis, in the absence of any bacterial infection.19846477264
isolation of mycobacterium avium complex from an opossum didelphis marsupialis in brazil. 19846485070
epidemiology of infection by nontuberculous mycobacteria. v. numbers in eastern united states soils and correlation with soil characteristics.organisms of the mycobacterium avium, m. intracellulare, and m. scrofulaceum (mais) group were recovered in significant numbers from 63 soil samples collected from the floodplains of 4 major rivers in the eastern united states: hudson (ny), james (va), savannah (ga, sc), and tombigbee (al, ms). the mean numbers of m. avium-intracellulare, m. scrofulaceum, and mais-intermediate biovars recovered increased significantly from the hudson to the james to the tombigbee and savannah soil samples, agree ...19846486562
new biphasic culture system for isolation of mycobacteria from blood of patients with acquired immune deficiency syndrome.a new biphasic medium consisting of a 7h11 agar slant and brain heart infusion broth liquid phase has been used for the past 10 months at the university of california at los angeles for isolation of mycobacterium avium complex from blood. in 12 patients whose blood cultures were grown on this medium, the median time for isolation of m. avium complex was 7 days (range 6 to 15 days) compared with 21 to 27 days on a fungal medium and 28 to 38 days on routine blood culture medium. the system has pro ...19846490837
[osteoarthritis and tenosynovitis of the finger due to mycobacterium intracellulare. a case report and review of the literature].the authors present one case of osteo-arthritis and tenosynovitis of the right forefinger due to mycobacterium intracellulare, in a 61-year old woman. the treatment consists of a synovectomy of the finger's proximal interphalangeal joint and of the sheath of the flexor tendons and a drug regimen associating erythromycin and cotrimoxazole for 2 1/2 months. this therapy proves successful, as the patient is clinically cured. a literature review records 19 similar osteo-articular and peri-articular ...19846504574
mycobacterium avium-intracellulare infection. 19846505781
recovery and survival of nontuberculous mycobacteria under various growth and decontamination conditions.the survival of microorganisms of the mycobacterium avium, m. intracellulare, and m. scrofulaceum (mais) complex was evaluated after various soil and water decontamination regimens. survival was reduced by growing cells in natural waters compared with laboratory media and by inclusion of malachite green in media as an antifungal agent. decontamination with benzalkonium chloride, while reducing survival significantly less than 1% naoh, failed to eliminate many fungi. recovery from soil was furthe ...19846509392
differentiation of mycobacterial species by investigation of petroleum ether-soluble sulfolipids using thin-layer chromatography after incubation with [35s]sulfate.the method of detecting petroleum ether-soluble sulfolipids by thin-layer chromatography after incubation with [35s]sulfate is useful for differentiation between mycobacterial species. rapidly growing mycobacteria, including two subspecies of mycobacterium chelonei, were differentiated by this method. most species of slowly growing mycobacteria were characterized by the pattern of distribution of radioactive sulfolipids in the thin-layer chromatograms. mycobacterium nonchromogenicum was clearly ...19846513815
mycolic acid patterns of some species of mycobacterium.representative strains of some species of mycobacterium were degraded by both acid and alkaline methanolysis. two-dimensional thin-layer chromatography was used to determine the patterns of mycolic acids and other long-chain components in these methanolysates. patterns composed of alpha-, methoxy- and ketomycolates were found in mycobacterium asiaticum, mycobacterium bovis, mycobacterium gastri, mycobacterium gordonae, mycobacterium kansasii, mycobacterium marinum and mycobacterium tuberculosis; ...19846517656
intra- and extracellular susceptibility of mycobacterium avium-intracellulare complex to aminoglycoside antibiotics.we developed a rapid, quantitative culture method to estimate the replication of mycobacterium avium-intracellulare complex (maic) in human peripheral blood mononuclear cells. mononuclear cells were plated in a 96-well tray, infected with clinically isolated strains of maic in the presence of autologous plasma, and further cultivated for 1 to 2 weeks in a tissue culture medium. no maic cells proliferated extracellularly, since human plasma inhibited extracellular growth of the mycobacteria. the ...19846524901
[mycobacteria from dusts of japanese houses]. 19846530879
[non-tuberculous mycobacteria in barcelona. i. comparative sensitization between tuberculin rt-23 and sensitins from mycobacterium avium and scrofulaceum]. 19846531479
[biological and allergenic properties of various strains of mycobacterium avium and atypical mycobacterium isolated from swine].thirty two strains of myc. avium showing typical or atypical cultural and biochemical properties, and 8 strains of atypical bacilli, belonging to ii, iii and iv runyon's groups, were inoculated into guinea-pigs, rabbits and chickens. all the myc. avium strains were not pathogenic for guinea-pigs but were very virulent to rabbits and chickens. the atypical bacilli were not pathogenic for all the animals to be used, but some of them induced tuberculin allergy. myc. avium, myc. fortuitum, strain of ...19846537487
pas reaction stains phagocytosed atypical mycobacteria in paraffin 4% formaldehyde-fixed, paraffin-embedded tissues, pas negativity for mycobacteria in the literature has been axiomatic. however, recent observations of disseminated human mycobacteriosis have shown that intracellular (phagocytosed) organisms stained strongly positive with the routine pas technique. this staining was abolished by a sequential hydrolytic procedure, which suggests that the carbohydrate residues of the mycobacterial peptidoglycolipids are responsible for the reaction. this staini ...19846546860
mycobacterium avium-intracellulare infection and possibly venereal transmission. 19846548345
[studies on the biologic and allergenic properties of various avian and atypical mycobacteria isolated from swine].thirty two strains of myc. avium showing typical or atypical cultural and biochemical properties, and 8 strains of atypical bacilli, belonging to ii, iii and iv runyon's groups, were inoculated into guinea-pigs, rabbits and chickens. all the myc. avium strains were not pathogenic for guinea-pigs but were very virulent to rabbits and chickens. the atypical bacilli were not pathogenic for all the animals to be used, but some of them induced tuberculin allergy. myc. avium, myc. fortuitum, strain of ...19846571464
emerging importance of infections due to the mycobacterium avium-intracellulare complex. 19846589505
an overview of mycobacterium avium-intracellulare. 19846589506
disseminated infection with mycobacterium avium-intracellulare. 19846589514
overwhelming mycobacteriosis in an immunodeficient homosexual. 19836601757
pulmonary manifestations of the acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (aids).fifteen patients with aids were hospitalized on the pulmonary service during the period from 1981 to 1983. we were impressed with the frequency and severity of lung involvement in these patients and evaluated them with respect to their pulmonary manifestations of aids. the 13 men and two women had a mean age of 32 years. ten were active intravenous drug abusers with a mean drug use of 8.1 years. all presented with profound weight loss, ten with nonproductive cough, and eight with significant dys ...19846607153
unexplained immunodeficiency in children. a surveillance report.from oct 1, 1982, to oct 1, 1983, the centers for disease control (cdc) received reports of 35 children whose illness met the cdc definition of acquired immune deficiency syndrome (aids). all of the children had serious opportunistic infections without a known underlying illness to explain susceptibility to the infections. the 35 children were residents of ten different states; cases clustered in five major metropolitan areas. three of the children had a parent with aids, and one child who had b ...19846610774
delayed-type skin hypersensitivity and in vitro lymphocyte immunostimulation responses of swine following inoculation with mycobacterium avium cell walls and a mycobacterial immunopotentiating glycolipid.miniature swine (n = 5 per group) were inoculated intradermally with mineral oil-in-water emulsions containing either 150 micrograms of mycobacterial immunopotentiating glycolipid p3 (ep3), 150 micrograms of lyophilized mycobacterium avium (serotype 8) cell walls (e-macw), or 150 micrograms p3 and 150 micrograms m. avium cell walls (ep3-macw). swine vaccinated with e-macw and ep3-macw developed antigen-sensitive lymphocytes detectable with delayed-type hypersensitivity (dth) skin tests and lymph ...19836612983
acidic methanolysis v. alkaline saponification in gas chromatographic characterization of mycobacteria: differentiation between mycobacterium avium-intracellulare and mycobacterium gastri.mycobacterium avium-intracellulare and m.gastri were analyzed with capillary gas chromatography after each strain had been subjected to acidic methanolysis or to alkaline saponification followed by methylation. prominent peaks of myristic, palmitoleic, palmitic, oleic, stearic and tuberculostearic acids were found in the chromatograms of both species, whereas 2-octadecanol and 2-eicosanol were detected only in m. avium-intracellulare. in initial runs, both of the derivatization principles yielde ...19836624462
[bacteriostatic effects of sulfadimethoxine and kitasamycin on mycobacterium avium-m. intracellulare complex]. 19836632486
[cultural, biochemical and serological characteristics of mycobacteria, avium and atypical, isolated from pigs slaughtered in the biaƂystok abattoirs].two hundred and thirty-eight strains of acid-fast bacilli isolated from lymph nodes of pigs were examined. among these strains 198 were classified as myc. avium and 40 - as atypical bacilli belonging to group ii, iii and iv of runyon's classification. only 118 strains of myc. avium showed cultural and biochemical properties typical for these species. some of the remaining strains were positive in the arylsulphatase test, in the reduction nitrate test or in the hydrolysis of tween 80 test, but we ...19836634462
axillary lymphadenitis due to mycobacterium avium-intracellulare.a 5-year-old girl presented with a swelling in the right axilla from which mycobacterium avium-intracellulare was cultured. the gland was excised and she made an uneventful recovery.19836634560
occurrence of mycobacteria in normal bovine lymph nodes. 19836639532
[case of cervical lymphadenitis in an adult caused by atypical mycobacterium]. 19836656074
disseminated histoplasmosis, invasive pulmonary aspergillosis, and other opportunistic infections in a homosexual patient with acquired immune deficiency syndrome.a homosexual man with the acquired immune deficiency syndrome had an unusually wide array of opportunistic infections. despite antibiotic treatment over a period of two and a half years, the patient died. perianal herpetic ulcers, oral candidiasis, cytomegalovirus infection, and disseminated infections with both histoplasma capsulatum and mycobacterium avium-intracellulare were diagnosed during illness. an autopsy revealed invasive pulmonary aspergillosis and a cerebellar lesion caused by cytome ...19836665665
an improved reagent for mycobacterial nitrate reductase tests.a new crystalline reagent for nitrate reductase tests was compared with standard liquid reagents on 437 strains of mycobacteria. the results for isolates of mycobacterium avium complex, mycobacterium kansasii, mycobacterium gordonae, mycobacterium scrofulaceum, mycobacterium fortuitum, and mycobacterium chelonei agreed 100% with the expected results. of the 177 mycobacterium tuberculosis isolates, 4 were negative by the conventional method. two of these four isolates were positive with the new r ...19836685134
immune response to atypical mycobacteria: immunocompetence of heavily infected mice measured in vivo fails to substantiate immunosuppression data obtained in vitro.the results of in vitro experiments designed to measure the immunocompetence of mice heavily infected with the atypical mycobacterial pathogens mycobacterium avium and mycobacterium simiae were compared with the results of experiments which used in vivo approaches. blastogenic responsiveness in vitro both to mitogen and to alloantigen was severely depressed in the heavily infected mice; this responsiveness could be restored by removal of an inhibitory thy-1.2-, nylon wool-adherent cell populatio ...19846690407
specific surface antigens of smt variants of mycobacterium avium.smt variants of mycobacterium avium atcc 15769 formed novel antigens which were absent in smd variants.19846690415
free fatty acid and triglyceride content of mycobacterium avium cultured under different growth conditions.previous investigations demonstrated that mycobacterium avium has a requirement for fatty acid, which can be fulfilled by palmitic (c16:0) or oleic (c18:1) acids, and that it incorporates the fatty acid into triglycerides that are later utilized. mycobacterium avium was grown in continuous culture or batch-cultured in medium that contained palmitic acid as the fatty acid source, but lacked albumin. cells were extracted and free fatty acids and triglycerides were obtained by preparative thin-laye ...19846703491
experimental chemotherapy in chronic mycobacterium avium-intracellulare infection of mice.the effects of various chemotherapeutic regimens were investigated in ddy mice infected intravenously with a mouse-virulent strain, 31f093t, of mycobacterium avium-intracellulare. evaluation of therapeutic effects was based on serial counts of viable bacilli in the lung, the spleen, and the kidney, as well as on weight and extent of gross diseases of the organs, and on histopathologic examination. kanamycin alone was effective against the infection. the combination of ethambutol and rifampin wit ...19846703503
avian tuberculosis in pigs: miliary lesions in bacon outbreak of tuberculosis caused by mycobacterium avium type 2 is described which resulted in the total condemnation of 26 carcasses and partial condemnation of tissues and organs of a further 200 animals. circumstantial evidence is presented that hens running in the farmyard were the source of the infection. examinations of the carcasses and organs of the diseased pigs suggested that the accepted pathogenesis of the disease is incorrect and a new hypothesis is presented. the problems for the ...19846707466
disseminated infection due to mycobacterium avium-intracellulare complex. 19846713986
[a study on experimental mycobacteriosis provoked by atypical mycobacteria. 7. pathogenicity of mycobacterium avium-intracellulare complex of mice. selection of a mouse virulent strain]. 19846716751
[chemotherapy of lung disease due to mycobacterium avium-mycobacterium intracellulare complex by a combination of sulfadimethoxine, minocycline and kitasamycin]. 19846716752
modulation of immunologic responses in nontuberculous mycobacterial infections with indomethacin.we have previously reported that impaired in vitro cellular immunity is a common finding in patients with nontuberculous mycobacterioses and that the subnormal responses may be improved by indomethacin. subsequently, we have studied the in vivo effects of indomethacin on cell-mediated immune functions of four patients with mycobacterium avium-intracellulare infections. prior to treatment none of the patients had delayed cutaneous reactions to purified protein derivative (ppd) of the tubercle bac ...19846725531
mycobacterium avium-intracellulare-associated colitis in a patient with the acquired immunodeficiency syndrome.a 40-year-old bisexual man with the acquired immunodeficiency syndrome developed abdominal pain and bloody diarrhea. at sigmoidoscopy, the mucosa of the rectum and sigmoid colon was edematous, erythematous, and friable, with multiple linear and oval erosions. histologic examination of rectal biopsies demonstrated innumerable acid-fast bacilli free and within macrophages of the lamina propria. mycobacterium avium-intracellulare was cultured from the rectal biopsy specimens. pulmonary tissue and b ...19846725913
[cervical lymphoma from the pediatric viewpoint].on the background of the immunological maturation of the child, the enlargement of the lymphatic organs are discussed according to their occurrence . space occupying lesions of the anterior and posterior neck triangles are differentiated facing the favoured occurrence of malignous diseases in the posterior neck triangle. malignous diseases are found in 15 percent of patient with lymph node swelling. the following tumors of the neck are found in children: thyreoglossus cysts 26,2%, branchiogenic ...19846727495
renal disease in patients with aids: a clinicopathologic determine the nature and frequency of renal disorders in aids we reviewed the records of thirty-two patients hospitalized over a twenty-two month period. group i, including all patients with aids who demonstrated proteinuria and/or renal insufficiency, numbered thirteen patients, in ten of whom renal tissue was available. renal abnormalities included proteinuria in twelve patients, which exceeded two grams per day in seven. the glomerular histologic lesions included focal glomerulosclerosis, ...19846733986
mycobacterium xenopi infection in a patient with acquired immunodeficiency syndrome.a case of mycobacterium xenopi infection in a patient with acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (aids) is described and the clinical experience of others in the united states with this organism is reviewed. disseminated infection by this organism appears to occur only in the immunocompromised host. because m xenopi has been found in hot water systems by others and is an organism more susceptible to the traditional antituberculosis antibiotics, recognition and distinction of this organism from the ...19846734278
mycobacterium avium: a pathogen of patients with acquired immunodeficiency syndrome.mycobacterium avium complex has been isolated with increasing frequency from humans during the last few decades. thirteen patients admitted to the ucla medical center with the diagnosis of acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (aids), in addition to having kaposi's sarcoma, pneumocystis pneumonia, and other opportunistic infections, also had m. avium complex isolated from a variety of tissues and fluids submitted for culture. of these patients, 10 had histologic and bacteriologic evidence of dissem ...19846744800
evaluation of comparative cervical tuberculin skin testing in cervids naturally exposed to mycobacteria.a comparative cervical tuberculin skin test was evaluated in cervids with naturally acquired mycobacterial infections. the test exhibited a high degree of sensitivity (84%) and specificity (80%) in detecting infected animals but a low level of accuracy (57%) in differentiating mycobacterium bovis infections from infections caused by m avium and other runyon groups iii and iv mycobacteria. this phenomenon was attributed to a low recovery rate of more than 1 species of mycobacteria from individual ...19826757220
[natural variability of mycobacteria and related organisms]. 19806768404
oxidative phosphorylation coupled with nitrate respiration. iv. replacement of soluble fraction from escherichia coli, pseudomonas aeruginosa and mycobacterium avium.the optimal ph range was from 7.0 to 7.5 in oxidative phosphorylation coupled to nitrate reduction. a cell-free extract of escherichia coli showed weak myokinase activity. oxidative phosphorylation coupled to nitrate reduction occurred with fractions of cell-free extracts of mycobacterium avium. soluble and particulate fractions separated from the cell-free extract of the organism were necessary for oxidative phosphorylation coupled to nitrate reduction. each soluble fraction could be replaced b ...19806777636
isolation of mycobacteria from undecontaminated specimens with selective 7h10 containing antimicrobial agents have been formulated for use as an adjunct to the standard media in an effort to reduce contamination and improve isolation of mycobacteria from clinical specimens. selective 7h10 (s7h10) was developed for use in the isolation of mycobacteria from undecontaminated material. during a 33-month period, 10,782 clinical specimens were cultured in parallel on s7h10 without decontamination and on 7h11 after treatment with 2% sodium hydroxide-n-acetyl-l-cysteine. re ...19816780606
occurrence of mycobacterium tuberculosis and strains of the mycobacterium avium-m. intracellulare complex together in the sputum of patients with pulmonary tuberculosis.out of 97 strains of m. tuberculosis isolated from the sputum of the same number of patients, 11 were shown to consist of a mixed population of m. tuberculosis and a strain of the m. avium-m. intracellulare (mai) complex. the most effective method for isolating strains of the mai complex was to incubate the culture first at 42 degrees c for 3 weeks and then at 45 degrees c for 3 weeks. by this method, the growth of m. tuberculosis was suppressed, while the contaminant mycobacteria formed colonie ...19816791341
in vitro cellular immune response to homologous and heterologous antigens in rabbits sensitized by five species of mycobacterium and nocardia asteroides.rabbits were sensitized with killed mycobacterium tuberculosis, m. kansasii, m. avium, m. scrofulaceum, m. fortuitum, and nocardia asteroides, and their response to homologous and heterologous antigens was assessed in vitro by direct and indirect macrophage migration inhibition tests. the antigens were obtained by disintegration of bacterial mass and by purification of the supernatants by ultracentrifugation. in the direct test, hypersensitivity to homologous antigen was most marked with m. tube ...19816793517
multiple drug resistance in mycobacterium avium: is the wall architecture responsible for exclusion of antimicrobial agents?whole cells of mycobacterium avium, characterized by their negative response in the nine biochemical tests used for mycobacterial identification in our laboratory, turned positive for nitrate reductase, tween-80 hydrolysis, beta-glucosidase, acid phosphatase, alkaline phosphatase, penicillinase, and trehalase after their wall portion was removed to yield spheroplasts. this suggested that the negative results in most of the biochemical procedures were caused by the exclusion mechanism at the wall ...19816798925
antituberculous activity of new 2- and 5-substituted delta2-thiazolin-4-ones. 19816799970
[development of morphological changes after experimental mycobacterium avium infection in ducks and geese].ducks and geese were experimentally infected with the mycobacterium avium. it was demonstrated that intramuscular and peroral infection causes morphological tuberculous changes. the first microscopically detectable changes induced by intramuscular infection occurred within 12 days. after 70 days from infection the affected organs were densely covered with tuberculous lesions. the development of microscopic changes is continuous and the development of affections is accompanied by an increase in t ...19826803429
infection with mycobacterium avium-intracellulare and the protective effects of bacille calmette-guérin.the protective efficacies of bacille calmette-guérin (bcg) and mycobacterium avium-intracellulare (mai) were examined in guinea pigs that were infected by the respiratory route with one of three strains of mycobacterium tuberculosis: two strains obtained as recent sputum isolates from an ongoing bcg trial in south india and laboratory strain h37rv. groups of animals were given all combinations of two treatments with bcg, mai, or placebo and than challenged. the numbers of tubercle bacilli recove ...19826804577
immunogenicity of type-specific c-mycoside glycopeptidolipids of mycobacteria.specific rabbit antibodies were obtained from the inoculation of a complex composed of methylated bovine serum albumin and the superficial type-specific c-mycoside glycopeptidolipid (gpl) antigens from serovar 20 of the mycobacterium avium-m. intracellulare-m. scrofulaceum complex. although the gpls on their own are serologically active, they require the protein carrier for immunogenicity. antibodies to the complex were detected by seroagglutination, gel diffusion, and indirect immunofluorescenc ...19826806193
technique for extracting niacin from mycobacterium tuberculosis cultured on 7h-10 and 7h-11 agars.niacin extractions from m. tuberculosis growing on 7h-10 or 7h-11 agar base medium yield consistent results when performed at 37 degrees c for 2 h. the technique does not require any modification of the media formulation.19826808022
recent developments in the diagnosis and management of mycobacterial infections. 19826811187
identification of clinical isolates of mycobacteria with gas-liquid chromatography: a 10-month follow-up study.identification of routine mycobacterial isolates by gas-liquid chromatography profile analysis was performed on 335 strains received at the mayo clinic over a 10-month period. comparison of identification by gas-liquid chromatography versus conventional biochemical profiles was made. the two methods agreed on the identification of 320 isolates, with gas-liquid chromatography profiling making eight errors and biochemical profiling making four errors. in three cases, discrepancies could not be res ...19826811612
evaluation of the effect of sodium selenate on the growth of mycobacterial stock cultures.a study was undertaken to evaluate the effect of sodium selenate supplementation (5 micrograms/ml) on the growth characteristics of a variety of mycobacterial isolates. supplemented lowenstein-jensen and middlebrook 7h11 agar were compared to nonsupplemented media. eighteen mycobacterium stock isolates were tested. selenate supplementation had no predictable or consistent growth stimulatory effect as compared with nonsupplemented media.19826814235
isolation of nontuberculous mycobacteria in the united states, 1980. 19826815283
[comparative study of mycobactin-dependent strains of mycobacteria isolated from the wood-pigeon with mycobacterium avium and m. paratuberculosis: study of biological and antigenic characteristics].in this investigation three mycobacterial strains isolated in our laboratory from wood-pigeons were compared with one strain isolated by matthews and another by jorgensen from, respectively, a wood-pigeon and a roe-deer. the strains were also compared with various strains of mycobacterium avium and m. paratuberculosis. the strains isolated from the wood-pigeons formed a relatively homogeneous group, which could be distinguished from m. avium and m. paratuberculosis. it was interesting to verify ...19826816118
the comparative tuberculin test in guinea pigs using ppd extracts prepared from mycobacteria killed with phenol.purified-protein-derivative (ppd) extracts were prepared from mycobacterium tuberculosis (ppd-s), m. bovis (ppd-bs), m. avium (ppd-a) and m. kansasii (ppd-k), after killing the cultures with phenol. the reactions were assessed in guinea pigs sensitised to a range of mycobacteria, with a view to selecting a suitable pairing of the extracts to distinguish sensitivity due to m. tuberculosis or m. bovis from that due to other mycobacteria. sensitisation induced by m. bovis was best distinguished fro ...19826820276
[pulmonary mycobacteriosis. clinical and bacteriological aspects]. 19826820978
iron-binding compounds of mycobacterium avium, m. intracellulare, m. scrofulaceum, and mycobactin-dependent m. paratuberculosis and m. avium.fifty-three strains of m. avium and related species all produced one or more exochelins, the extracellular iron-binding compounds of the mycobacteria, when grown iron deficiently. only those strains which could grow without the addition of mycobactin (i.e., mycobactin independent) produced mycobactin, the intracellular iron-binding compound of the mycobacteria. exochelins varied from 20 to 2,000 micrograms per g of cell dry weight; mycobactins were between 1 and 10 mg per g of cell dry weight. m ...19836826517
nontuberculous mycobacterial peritonitis associated with continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis.we report two patients undergoing continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis (capd) in whom peritonitis developed and nontuberculous mycobacteria were isolated from peritoneal fluid. in one, mycobacterium avium-intracellularis was the only organism isolated. despite a three-month course of antibiotics to which the organism showed in vitro sensitivity, there was no apparent response. the patient died, and an autopsy showed disseminated mycobacterial disease. in the second case, mycobacterium fortu ...19836846333
osteomyelitis caused by mycobacterium avium.osteomyelitis due to m. avium is extremely rare and frequently fatal. the successful cure of an 11-year-old patient with multiple mycobacterial lesions in the pelvis and right humerus is reported. although the mycobacteria were in vitro resistant to most antituberculous drugs a five-drug regimen was given over a total of 2 1/2 years. the accumulated streptomycin dose was 160 g but no adverse effects were noted. streptomycin therapy was judged of major importance for the favourable outcome.19836858665
mycobacterial culture in acquired immunodeficiency syndrome. 19836859698
diagnostic exercise. 19836876728
a naturally occurring outbreak of mycobacterium avium-intracellulare infections in c57bl/6n mice.mycobacterium avium-intracellulare was isolated from breeder female c57bl/6n mice with unusual gross and microscopic pulmonary lesions. the c57bl/6n females were being used as the dams in a b6c3f1 production colony, the sires were c3h/hen mice. a production colony of fischer 344 rats was housed in the same room. only the c57bl/6n mice had lesions attributable to the mycobacterium, and the organism was isolated solely from c57bl/6n mice. infected mice showed no outward signs of disease. lesions w ...19836876729
experimental murine infections with a mycobacterium avium-intracellulare complex organism isolated from mice.b6c3f1 hybrid mice did not develop lesions of mycobacterial infection when intratracheally inoculated with a mycobacterium avium-intracellulare complex organism isolated from a naturally occurring outbreak among c57bl/6n mice in a b6c3f1 hybrid production colony. young c57bl/6n females did not develop lesions when comingled with naturally infected adult c57bl/6n mice. after subcutaneous or oral inoculation of the isolate into 8-week-old and adult 36- to 40-week-old c57bl/6n mice, it was found th ...19836876730
deoxyribonucleic acid relationships between different serovars of mycobacterium avium, mycobacterium intracellulare and mycobacterium scrofulaceum.m. avium and m. intracellulare are difficult to distinguish by means of biochemical tests and by means of numerical taxonomy. dna-dna hybridization confirms that these species are different but indicates that some serovars of m. intracellulare actually belong to the species m.avium, viz.: serovars 4, 5, 6 and 8. this corresponds to results obtained with sensitin tests on guinea-pigs. the status of strains belonging to serovar 9 is uncertain. the two strains investigated in this study were closel ...19836880745
sarcoidosis and mycobacterium avium-intracellulare cutaneous abscesses. 19836883800
Displaying items 1701 - 1800 of 10260