
direct striatothalamic projections in the neonatal rat.employing anterograde axonal transport of wheat germ agglutinin conjugated to horseradish peroxidase and retrograde axonal transport of fluorescent tracers, we provided evidence for the existence of direct striatothalamic projections in the neonatal rat. the major terminal sites included the ventromedial, centrolateral and parafascicular thalamic nuclei. cells of origin of these projections were aggregated in a mosaic fashion. the fact that such pathways do not exist in the adult suggests that t ...19901694744
use of the biotin-avidin system for labelling, isolation and characterization of neural cell-surface proteins.we describe a method for the selective labelling, isolation and electrophoretic analysis of cell-surface molecules and extracellular matrix components. intact tissues are reacted with activated esters of biotin and the labelled surface molecules identified on western blots with horseradish-peroxidase-coupled or 35s-labelled streptavidin. alternatively, the biotinylated proteins can be purified from tissue homogenates by affinity chromatography on an avidin-agarose column. evidence is presented t ...19901694760
[studies on the involvement of bradykinin in the formation of ischemic brain edema].bradykinin (bk) is known to be involved in the inflammatory process causing various tissue reactions such as peripheral vasodilation and increased vascular permeability. the aims of this study was to investigate the involvement of the kallikrein-kinin system (k-k system) in the generation and progression of cerebral edema following an ischemic incident. first, after infusion of bk into the internal carotid artery, the cerebral water content was measured and electron microscopic observations were ...19901694863
corpuscular bodies in the palate of the rat. 2. innervation and central projection.the source of innervation of the corpuscular bodies in the palate and the central projections of the afferent fibres of the entire palate was studied in rats by transganglionic transport of horseradish peroxidase conjugated to wheat germ agglutinin (wga-hrp) and with substance p (sp) immunohistochemistry. wga-hrp injected into the incisal papilla was taken up by the nerve fibres that terminated in the corpuscles. retrogradely labelled neurons were observed in the trigeminal ganglion as well as a ...19901695055
descending projections from the dorsolateral pontine tegmentum to the paramedian reticular nucleus of the caudal medulla in the cat.we examined whether the dorsolateral pontine cholinergic cells project to the paramedian reticular nucleus (prn) of the caudal medulla. in 3 cats, wheat germ agglutinin-conjugated horseradish peroxidase (wga-hrp) was injected into the prn and we noted cells in the dorsolateral pons that contained the hrp reaction product, cells that were immunolabeled for choline acetyltransferase (chat), and cells that contained the hrp reaction product and were chat positive. we found cholinergic projections f ...19901695862
pre- and post-ganglionic nerve fibres of the pterygopalatine ganglion and their allocation to the eyeball of rats.the origin, course and distribution of pre- and postganglionic neurons of the pterygopalatine ganglion (ppg) in the rat were studied using acetylcholinesterase staining, wheat germ agglutinin coupled to horseradish peroxidase (wga-hrp) histochemistry and autoradiography. these methods were used in a selected and planned fashion to reveal details concerning the innervation of the lacrimal gland and portions of the eye. the ppg in rats consists of a rostral triangular portion and additional perika ...19901695865
[the morphological characteristics of the callosal neurons of the first auditory area of the cortex (ai) in the cat].cortical stratification of callosal neurons in the primary auditory cortex (ai) of cat was studied by means of horseradish peroxidase (hrp). two main groups of callosal neurons were revealed. the first group comprising 60% of all ai callosal neurons consisted predominantly of layer iii large pyramidal neurons. average area of these pyramidal neuron perikaryon profiles was 261.8 +/- 8.8 microns2. the number of hrp-labelled callosal neurons in layer iii was 22% of all cells in this layer. the seco ...19901695995
the trigeminal sensory innervation to the middle ear, eustachian tube, and pharynx: a study by the horseradish peroxidase tracer method.the trigeminal sensory innervations to the middle ear, the eustachian tube, and the pharynx were examined using the horseradish peroxidase (hrp) method in cats. after hrp application to the middle ear and the eustachian tube, hrp-labeled cells were found mainly in the posterolateral portion and the anteromedial portion of the trigeminal ganglion, respectively. in the case of injection into the epipharynx and the mesopharynx, hrp-labeled cells were found in the anteromedial portion and the poster ...19901696339
development and retraction of a crossed retinal projection to the inferior colliculus in neonatal pigmented rats.a transient aberrant projection from the retina to the contralateral inferior colliculus was demonstrated in pigmented rats in both whole-brains and sections following intra-ocular injection of horseradish peroxidase. the projection was prominent on the day of birth but reached its maximum density and extent after injection on day 1, when it covered at least a third of the inferior colliculus. it was absent or nearly absent by day 5. its consistency, size, orderliness and systematic retraction s ...19901696360
demonstration of extensive brainstem projections to medial and lateral thalamus and hypothalamus in the rat.we use the method of retrograde transport of colloidal gold with silver intensification to map locations of brainstem neurons projecting to various nuclei of the medial and lateral thalamus (menetrey, histochemistry 83, 391-395, 1985; seeley and field, brain res. 449, 177-191, 1988). in rats injections of less than 1.0 microliters of a gold-wheatgerm agglutinin-horseradish peroxidase complex were restricted to the centrum medianum, centralis lateralis, medialis dorsalis, zona incerta, ventrobasa ...19901696363
localization of lateral hypothalamic neurons projecting to the medial part of the parabrachial area of the rat.we recently showed that electrical self-stimulation registered in the medial part of the parabrachial area, as well as the preference-aversion threshold to saccharin solutions were both significantly altered following ibotenic acid lesion of the lateral hypothalamic neurons. in order to identify the location of the neurons in the lateral hypothalamus directly projecting to the parabrachial area, we injected in the medial part of this area the retrograde tracer wheat germ agglutinin-inactive hors ...19901696364
serotonergic projections from the nodose ganglia to the nucleus tractus solitarius: an immunohistochemical and double labeling study in the rat.possible projections of serotonin (5-ht)-immunoreactive neurons in the nodose ganglia (ng) to the nucleus tractus solitarius (nts) were investigated in the rat using a double labeling method combining retrograde transport and 5-ht immunohistochemistry. after injection of a complex of colloidal gold-apo-horseradish peroxidase into the medio-caudal and commissural parts of the nts, most of the 5-ht-immunoreactive neurons were found to be labelled by the gold complex. the present study provides dir ...19901696365
morphologic and biochemical study of vascular permeability of the middle ear mucosa in experimental otitis media.the vascular permeability of the middle ear mucosa of chinchillas was examined by light and electron microscopy using horseradish peroxidase (hrp). two kinds of experimental otitis media were used: serous otitis media (som) produced by eustachian tube obstruction and purulent otitis media (pom) produced by inoculation with streptococcus pneumoniae type 7f. normal mucosa showed no leakage of hrp. in som, vessels were dilated and tortuous, but they did not show hrp leakage. in pom, vessel leakage ...19901696441
horseradish peroxidase labeling of the central pathways in the medulla of the ampullary nerves in the chicken, gallus gallus.the purpose of the present study was to place horseradish peroxidase on the distal processes of the three ampullary nerves in 6-8-week-old chickens so that we could identify the ganglion cells associated with each nerve and trace the specific central pathways taken by each nerve in the brainstem. we are especially interested in the pathways of the colossal vestibular fibers, which may play a role in a fast reflex pathway as suggested by their large caliber and electrotonic mode of transmission i ...19901696590
liposomes as carriers of cisplatin into the central nervous system--experiments with 9l gliomas in rats.the anticancer agent cis-diamminedichloroplatinum (cisplatin) has several disadvantages, including extreme nephrotoxicity, rapid binding to plasma proteins, and poor penetration of the central nervous system. in this study liposomes, which can cross the blood-brain barrier, were investigated for their potential in delivering therapeutic agents to brain tumors. liposomes prepared from egg phosphatidylcholine and cholesterol in a 3:1 molar ratio were divided into 1-ml aliquots and either labeled w ...19901696693
in vitro fluid and particle transport in the murine endolymphatic sac.the murine endolymphatic sac (els) can survive for several weeks in tissue culture. the epithelial cells mature in vitro and demonstrate functional activity under these artificial conditions. the goal of the present study was to investigate fluid and particle transport between the els cells, the els lumen, and the surrounding tissue culture medium. a series of tracers, including anti-mouse igg-labelled colloidal gold, horseradish peroxidase (hrp), and ruthenium red (rr) were used to elucidate di ...19901696771
assessment of protein kinase c isozymes by enzyme immunoassay and overexpression of type ii in thyroid adenocarcinoma.a two site enzyme immunoassay which quantitatively identifies types i, ii, and iii of protein kinase c isozymes has been designed. the soluble protein kinase c isozymes were selectively immobilized by type-specific monoclonal antibodies, mc-1a, -2a, and -3a (h. hidaka et al., j biol. chem., 263: 4523-4526, 1988) which bind to the regulatory domain (nh2-terminal side) of protein kinase c. the amount of each isozyme was then determined using a horseradish peroxidase-conjugated polyclonal antibody ...19901696850
projections from the medial agranular cortex to brain stem visuomotor centers in rats.projections from medial agranular cortex to brain stem in rat were determined by use of the anterograde tracers phaseolus vulgaris leucoagglutinin, or wheat germ agglutinin conjugated horseradish peroxidase. axonal trajectories were also followed by means of the wiitanen modification of the fink-heimer degeneration technique. agm was identified on the basis of its cytoarchitectonics. agm projected to the anterior pretectal nucleus, the rostral interstitial nucleus of the medial longitudinal fasc ...19901696906
structure-function relationships in rat brain stem subnucleus interpolaris. viii. cortical inputs.1. spinal trigeminal (spv) subnucleus interpolaris (spvi) receives inputs from trigeminal (v) first- and second-order neurons, monoamine-containing brain stem nuclei, and somatosensory cortex. prior studies suggest that spvi receptive-field (rf) properties cannot be predicted solely on the basis of primary afferent inputs. to assess the cortico-v projection and its role in spvi rfs, anatomic and electrophysiological experiments were conducted. 2. phaseolus vulgaris leucoagglutinin (pha-l) or whe ...19901696961
anterograde transsynaptic transport of wga-hrp from spinal afferents to postganglionic sympathetic cells of the stellate ganglion of the guinea pig.after injection of wheat germ agglutinin conjugated horseradish peroxidase (wga-hrp) or choleragenoid conjugated hrp (b-hrp) into lower cervical and upper thoracic dorsal root ganglia (drg), hrp reaction product was observed in peripheral fibers of spinal afferents and in postganglionic cell bodies of the stellate ganglion (sg) in the guinea pig. after wga-hrp injection into c8-t3 or t5 drg, hrp-labelled cells were observed to cluster at the rami within the sg, with peak labelling observed 36 h ...19901697207
highly sensitive enzyme immunoassays for antibodies to human tumor necrosis factor (tnf-alpha) and lymphotoxin (tnf-beta).two 'inverse sandwich' enzyme immunoassays (elisas) were developed for the detection and quantification of antibodies to human tumor necrosis factor (tnf-alpha) and lymphotoxin (tnf-beta), respectively. in these one-step assays, antibodies present in the sample linked antigen which had been covalently coupled to horseradish peroxidase to antigen bound to a solid phase (microtiter plates). the limits of detection of the assays were lower than those of neutralization bioassays; antibodies to tnf-a ...19901697319
uptake and retrograde transport of [3h]gaba from the cochlear nucleus to the superior olive in the guinea pig.the purpose of the present study is to determine which descending projections to the cochlear nucleus may use gamma-aminobutyric acid (gaba) as a neurotransmitter. [3h]gaba (120 microm) was injected into the cochlear nucleus of albino and pigmented guinea pigs. after survival times between 0.25 and 16 h, the brain stems were prepared for light microscopic autoradiography. after 2 h survival there was a pulse of label, which progressed through the fibres from the cochlear nucleus to the ipsilater ...19901697753
evidence for a rostrocaudal organization in dorsal root ganglia during development as demonstrated by intra-uterine wga-hrp injections into the hindlimb of rat fetuses.the development of the sensory innervation of the rat hindlimb was studied with special attention to the dorsal root ganglia and the lumbar plexus. injections of wheat germ agglutinin-horseradish peroxidase were made into the hindlimb of 30 rat fetuses of gestational ages ranging from embryonic day 15-18. additionally wheat germ agglutinin-horseradish peroxidase was applied to the sciatic nerves of 8 neonatal rats and 3 adults. the saphenous nerves of 2 neonatal rats were labeled. injections of ...19901697796
topographic intermingling of striatonigral and striatopallidal neurons in the rhesus monkey.the topography and interrelationship of striatofugal neurons have been examined using a double retrograde tracing paradigm to label striatopallidal and striatonigral neurons in the same neostriatum. the rostral globus pallidus and the rostral substantia nigra in the same hemisphere were injected simultaneously with fluorescent tracers in three monkeys. in addition, the caudal globus pallidus and the caudal substantia nigra were injected separately in a fourth and fifth monkey with a fluorescent ...19901697864
explanation for the labeling of cervical motoneurons in young rats following the introduction of horseradish peroxidase into the calf.this study was carried out to determine whether cervical motoneurons, labeled following the introduction of horseradish peroxidase into the rat hind leg, belong to the cutaneous trunci motoneuron pool. the cutaneous trunci is a superficial muscle that extends from the axilla, over the flank, and into the thigh. its nerve supply is derived from the brachial plexus. in experimental animals, horseradish peroxidase was either injected directly into the right gastrocnemius muscles, or applied to gelf ...19901697865
synaptic organization of septal projections in the rat medial habenula: a wheat germ agglutinin-horseradish peroxidase and immunohistochemical study.the synaptic organization of septal inputs to the rat habenular complex of the dorsal diencephalon was examined employing the anterograde tracer wheat germ agglutinin conjugated to horseradish peroxidase (wga-hrp). the cellular distribution of substance p (sp) and choline acetyltransferase (chat) immunoreactivity was also studied at the light and electron microscopic level. following placements of tracer within the entire septum, labeled axons were observed in the stria medullaris and in the med ...19901697989
extracellular labeling of unmyelinated dorsal root terminals after wga-hrp injections in spinal ganglia.wheat germ agglutinin conjugated to horseradish peroxidase (wga-hrp) is a widely used neuroanatomical tracer. when compared with other tracers, wga-hrp may preferentially label unmyelinated fibers. in agreement with this hypothesis, injections of wga-hrp in cervical and lumbar dorsal root ganglia resulted in more prominent light microscopical labeling in superficial than deep laminae of the dorsal horn. however, ultrastructural examination of these laminae reveals a paucity of terminal labeling ...19901698107
the ipsilateral cortico-cortical connections of area 7b, pf, in the parietal and temporal lobes of the monkey.the cortico-cortical connections of area 7b (or pf) in the parietal and temporal lobes of the monkey have been studied with the method of axoplasmic transport of horseradish peroxidase (hrp). area 7b is reciprocally and precisely connected with area 5, the second somatic sensory area (sii), the retroinsular area, the granular insular area (ig), area 23 of the cingulate cortex and with the cortex in the walls of the superior temporal sulcus. area 7b is not interconnected with area 7a (pg) nor wit ...19901698108
ascending afferents to the lateral cervical nucleus are enriched in glutamate-like immunoreactivity: a combined anterograde transport-immunogold study in the investigate whether glutamate (glu) may be a transmitter in terminals of ascending afferents to the lateral cervical nucleus (lcn), these terminals were identified by anterograde transport of wheatgerm agglutinin-horseradish peroxidase from the spinal cord, and their content of glu-like immunoreactivity (glu-li) was assessed at the ultrastructural level by the immunogold technique. the gold particle density over the peroxidase-positive terminals of the spinocervical tract (sct) was significan ...19901698503
conduction velocity distribution of afferent fibers innervating the rat urinary bladder.the conduction velocities of individual afferent fibers innervating the rat urinary bladder were determined by the antidromic stimulation of dorsal roots while recording from bladder postganglionic nerves. conduction velocities ranged from 0.5 to 21.0 m/s; 70% of the velocities were less than 2.5 m/s. the distribution within the dorsal roots was ipsilateral with 84% in l6 and 16% in s1. neuroanatomical tracing with horseradish peroxidase applied to individual bladder postganglionic nerves result ...19901698508
morphology of central terminations of low-threshold trigeminal primary afferents from facial skin in the cat--intra-axonal staining with hrp.intra-axonal recording and horseradish peroxidase (hrp) injection techniques were employed to examine the response properties of low-threshold mechanoreceptive afferents and the morphological characteristics of their axon arbors in the main sensory nucleus (vp) and oral nucleus (vo). thirteen afferents were characterized and recovered. one gave fast or rapidly adapting (fa) and 3 slowly adapting (sa) responses to mystacial vibrissa deflection, 5 were sensitive to deflection of non-vibrissae hair ...19901698516
maturation of projections from occipital cortex to the ventrolateral geniculate and superior colliculus in postnatal hamsters.the development of corticofugal axons from the posterior cortex of young (ages p3-p11, p15 and p22) and adult syrian hamsters was investigated by anterograde axonal transport of wheat germ agglutinin conjugated to horseradish peroxidase (wga-hrp). on p3 and p4, 30 h after tracer was deposited in the cortex, the hrp reaction product was observed in the dorsal nucleus of the lateral geniculate body and in the lateral posterior nucleus of the thalamus, but no labeled axons were observed in the vent ...19901698573
nonradioactive in situ nick translation combined with counterstaining: characterization of c-band and silver positive regions in mouse testicular cells.the dnase i sensitivity of three different chromatin regions in mouse testicular cells was analysed by in situ nick translation with biotin-dutp combined with various counterstaining techniques. the regions were: (i) the constitutive centromeric heterochromatin, (ii) an interstitial c-band positive insertion on chromosome 1, is(hsr1;c5)1lub, and (iii) the chromatin containing rdna (designated nucleolar chromatin herein). incorporated biotin was detected either by the horseradish peroxidase react ...19901698589
epitope mapping of horseradish peroxidase with use of monoclonal antibodies.nine mouse monoclonal antibodies (mabs) to horseradish peroxidase (hrp) were used to develop an epitope map of the enzyme. the results of a competitive binding assay indicated three distinct patterns of reactivity. two groups of mabs (i and iii) recognized epitopes located in separate antigenic regions on the molecule; another (ii) bound to sites that overlapped with epitopes in either region i or iii. further definition of these regions was obtained by analyzing the mabs for their binding to is ...19901698707
development of the lateral geniculate nucleus: interactions between retinal afferent, cytoarchitectonic, and glial cell process lamination in ferrets and tree shrews.we have studied the relationship of retinal afferents, glial cell processes, and neuronal cytoarchitectonics in the lateral geniculate nucleus (lgn) of two species: tree shrews (tupaia belangeri) and ferrets (mustela putoris). both species are relatively immature at birth, allowing the development of these features to be studied in the perinatal period. retinal afferents, visualized by intraocular injection of a wheat germ agglutinin/horseradish peroxidase conjugate (wga-hrp), are apparently the ...19901698826
corticocortical connections predict patches of stimulus-evoked metabolic activity in monkey somatosensory cortex.stimulus-evoked metabolic activity in the anterior parietal cortex (areas 3a, 3b, 1, and 2) occurs in the form of column-like patches. similar patches characterize the connections to, within, and from these fields. the relation of the patches elicited metabolically to those formed by retrograde or anterograde transport, however, is not clear. if a type of projection connecting areas 3a, 3b, 1, and 2 transmits sensory information among these cortical fields, the resultant projection pattern may d ...19901698827
fine structure of the lateral mammillary projection to the dorsal tegmental nucleus of gudden in the rat.the synaptic organization of projections from the lateral mammillary neurons within the dorsal tegmental nucleus of gudden is studied in the rat with the aid of anterograde transport of horseradish peroxidase conjugated with wheat germ agglutinin (wga-hrp) and visualized with tetramethylbenzidine. the dorsal tegmental nucleus consists of the pars ventralis (tdv) and the pars dorsalis (tdd). the normal neuropil of the dorsal tegmental nucleus contains three classes of axodendritic terminals, that ...19901698833
lateral magnocellular thalamic nucleus in rabbits: architecture and projections to cingulate cortex.the lateral magnocellular nucleus (lm) contains the largest neurons in the rabbit thalamus, yet its cortical connections have not been described. this study evaluates the architecture, cingulate cortical connections, and spontaneous rate of neuronal discharges in lm. at its maximal mediolateral extent in coronal sections, lm underlies the laterodorsal and lateroposterior nuclei. it has a short medial and long lateral limb, both of which have high levels of cytochrome oxidase activity. on the bas ...19901698839
o-antigen biotin conjugates. preparation and use in direct competitive enzyme immunoassays.bacterial o-antigens coupled to biotin were shown to function well as labelled antigens in direct enzyme immunoassay. o-polysaccharides released from lipopolysaccharides by mild acid hydrolysis were oxidized by sodium periodate at sites located within the lipopolysaccharide inner core region and the generated aldehyde groups were subjected to reductive amination with 1,3-diaminopropane to yield per-aminated o-polysaccharide derivatives. biotin was coupled to the introduced amino groups by way of ...19901698876
synaptic organization of tectal-facial pathways in cat. ii. synaptic potentials following midbrain tegmentum stimulation.1. the organization of the synaptic pathways underlying midbrain tegmentum influence over the facial musculature was studied with the use of an acute electrophysiological approach in the cat. under pentobarbital sodium anesthesia, synaptic potentials were recorded intracellularly in antidromically identified facial motoneurons following electrical stimulation of the paralemniscal zone. the cells of origin and the pathways responsible for the potentials evoked from the paralemniscal zone were def ...19901698936
intracellular recordings from supporting cells in the guinea pig cochlea: dc potentials.1. supporting cells and hair cells from the low-frequency region of the guinea pig cochlea were studied in vivo using intracellular recording and horseradish-peroxidase (hrp) marking techniques. 2. the response of third- and fourth-turn support cells to tone bursts is composed of a number of components: an ac component at the frequency of the stimulating tone, harmonic components, a dc component present at the onset of the stimulating tone (the early dc), a slowly developing depolarization, and ...19901698939
single fiber studies of ascending input to the cuneate nucleus of cats: ii. postsynaptic afferents.the morphology of single postsynaptic afferent fibers terminating in the feline cuneate nucleus was investigated by using transport of phasolus vulgaris leucoagglutinin from the cervical spinal cord and intraaxonal injections of horseradish peroxidase into identified postsynaptic fibers in the cuneate fasciculus. injections of phaseolus in c5 and c6 of both rhizotomized and non-rhizotomized cats gave similar results and confirmed previous observations with other techniques. in one animal with th ...19901699979
quantification of acute phase proteins in rat serum and in the supernatants of a cultured rat hepatoma cell line and cultured primary hepatocytes by an enzyme-linked immunosorbent enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (elisa) has been developed to measure acute phase reactants (aprs) in rat serum. rat aprs of alpha 2-macroglobulin, alpha 1-acid glycoprotein (agp), haptoglobin (hp), haemopexin (hpx), cysteine protease inhibitor (cpi), albumin (alb) and transferrin (tf) were purified from the plasma of turpentine treated rats. fab' fragments from each igg fraction were labelled with horseradish peroxidase (pod) by the maleimide method and the assay was performed using a sand ...19901700017
direct projections from the globus pallidus to the inferior colliculus in the rat.a retrograde and anterograde wheat germ agglutinin-horseradish peroxidase (wga-hrp) study in the rat indicated that some neurons in the globus pallidus (gp) sent their axons ipsilaterally to the inferior colliculus (ic). these neuronal cell bodies were located in the ventrolateral portions of the caudal part of the gp, and their axons were distributed mainly in the peripheral region of the external cortex of the ic.19901700339
direct projections of non-pyramidal neurons of ammon's horn to the amygdala and the entorhinal cortex.when wga-hrp (wheat germ agglutinin-horseradish peroxidase conjugate) was injected into the amygdala (lateral and basolateral amygdaloid nuclei) or entorhinal cortex of the cat, a number of nonpyramidal neurons in ammon's horn were retrogradely labeled. the results indicate that some non-pyramidal neurons in ammon's horn send projection fibers to the amygdala and entorhinal cortex.19901700341
ultrastructural evidence of synaptic contacts between substance p-, enkephalin-, and serotonin-immunoreactive terminals and retrogradely labeled sympathetic preganglionic neurons in the rat: a study using a double-peroxidase procedure.a double-peroxidase procedure was used to study the ultrastructural relationships between terminals and fibers containing three putative neurotransmitters and retrogradely identified sympathetic preganglionic neurons (spns) located in the intermediolateral cell column (iml) of the rat. spns with axons in the cervical sympathetic trunk were retrogradely labeled with horseradish peroxidase. in addition, terminals and fibers containing substance p, enkephalin, and serotonin were detected using immu ...19901700484
[immunoenzyme method of determination of human alpha2-macroglobulin].highly sensitive, specific immunoenzymatic assay for human alpha 2-macroglobulin was developed using solid phase "sandwich" procedure. the immunoenzymatic assay developed involved the following steps: 1. preparation of highly purified alpha 2-macroglobulin, 2. production of monospecific antiserum against the protein, 3. preparation of the immunoenzymatic assay system components--isolation of antibodies against alpha 2-macroglobulin, conjugation of these antibodies with horseradish peroxidase, st ...19901700548
central distribution of the stapedius motoneurons in the rat--a study of topographical anatomy and hrp transport experiments.a detailed anatomical description of the stapedius muscle area in the rat was given and on this basis the central distribution of the neurons innervating the stapedius muscle was investigated by the horseradish peroxidase transport method. the stapedius muscle showed a circum-pennate structure with a para-centrally located tendon and was composed of about 500 muscle fibers. it contained no special sensory structures and was innervated by a single branch of the facial nerve consisting of myelinat ...19901700571
changes in glycoconjugates revealed by lectin staining in the developing airways of syrian golden hamsters.lectin binding was studied in the developing airways of syrian golden hamsters on gestational days 11-16 (day 16 is the day of birth). the trachea and lungs were fixed in 4% formaldehyde-1% glutaraldehyde, 6% mercuric chloride-1% sodium acetate-0.1% glutaraldehyde, and 95% ethanol; embedded in paraffin; and stained with eight lectin-horseradish peroxidase conjugates: triticum vulgare (wga), dolichos biflorus (dba), helix pomatia (hpa), maclura pomifera (mpa), griffonia simplicifolia i-b4 (gsa i- ...19901700650
hypothalamic galanin-immunoreactive neurons projecting to the posterior lobe of the rat pituitary: a combined retrograde tracing and immunohistochemical identify the galanin-immunoreactive neurons projecting to the posterior lobe of the pituitary in the rat hypothalamus, a retrograde tracer (complex of wheat germ agglutinin-enzymatically inactive horseradish peroxidase-colloidal gold) was injected into the posterior lobe of the pituitary. sections of the hypothalamus were treated with a combination of silver enhancement of retrogradely transported tracer and immunohistochemistry of galanin. of the total number of hypothalamic cells doubly lab ...19901700801
projections from the lateral geniculate nucleus to the hypothalamus of the mongolian gerbil (meriones unguiculatus): an anterograde and retrograde tracing study.the lateral geniculate nucleus of the thalamus sends efferents to the hypothalamic suprachiasmatic nucleus, which is involved in generation and entrainment of several circadian rhythms. it seems reasonable to believe that the lateral geniculate conveys visual information about the length of the photoperiod to the circadian oscillator. in order to study in more detail the topographical relationship between the lateral geniculate and the suprachiasmatic nucleus, anterograde tracing with phaseolus ...19901700802
pharmacokinetics of recombinant human granulocyte colony-stimulating factor studied in the rat by a sandwich enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay.a sandwich enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay for the measurement of recombinant human granulocyte colony-stimulating factor (rhg-csf) in rat serum was developed using anti-rhg-csf fab'-horseradish peroxidase conjugate. this assay method measured rhg-csf in rat serum with greater sensitivity than a bioassay. also, a good agreement between enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay and bioassay was observed with rat serum samples after administration of rhg-csf. the pharmacokinetics of rhg-csf were investi ...19901700818
somatotopic organization in the sensory innervation of the rat hindlimb during development, using half dorsal root ganglia as subsegmental units.the aim of the present study was to determine the somatotopy of the sensory innervation of the rat hindlimb at the level of the dorsal root ganglia (drgs) during the fetal and postnatal period. injections of wheat germ agglutinin-horseradish peroxidase (wga-hrp) were made into the hindlimb of fetal and postnatal rats. these injections result in completely and partially labeled drgs. partial labeling always concerns the rostral or caudal half of a drg. using half drgs as subsegmental units, a des ...19901700920
targeted killing of yeast expressing a hiv-1 peptide by antibody-conjugated glucose oxidase and horseradish peroxidase.the epitope recognized by monoclonal antibody directed against the hiv-1 recombinant gp160 protein was precisely delineated by using a number of peptides comprising amino acid positions 302-330 of the protein. two different enzymes, glucose oxidase and horseradish peroxidase, were then coupled to distinct antibody molecules and the efficacy of the immunoenzymes in killing yeast cells which express the recognized peptide was evaluated by flow cytometry analysis. the antibody-glucose oxidase conju ...19901701163
in the rat medial nucleus accumbens, hippocampal and catecholaminergic terminals converge on spiny neurons and are in apposition to each other.the nucleus accumbens septi (acb) represents an interface between limbic and motor systems and a site for modulation of these integrative functions by ascending catecholaminergic, principally dopaminergic, axons. this modulatory regulation is most likely attributed to pre- or postsynaptic associations between limbic telencephalic and brainstem afferents. in the present investigation, we examined the ultrastructure and synaptic associations of hippocampal afferents, as well as their relation to c ...19901701338
experiments on the use of damp to study retina and cultured neurons.immunocytochemical localization of damp, a reagent used to detect low ph intracellular compartments, was studied in cultured neurons from rat hippocampus and in frog retinas. we find that damp is more sharply localized and that the immunocytochemical reaction is stronger when horseradish peroxidase or other proteins are included in the medium used to administer damp to the cells. a likely explanation is that the proteins enter acidified endocytic compartments and there provide sites to which dam ...19901701464
competitive elisa for the measurement of tau protein in alzheimer's disease.tau protein is a major component of paired helical filaments (phfs) which constitute the characteristic neurofibrillary tangle lesions observed in alzheimer's disease. two tau mabs have been produced which show distinct patterns of immunoreactivity with intact human tau and with tau incorporated in phfs. the mab 423 recognises phfs but not human tau on immunoblots whereas mab 7/51 reacts with human tau but its epitope is buried within the phf and is only exposed after formic acid treatment. a co ...19901701471
appearance of retrogradely labeled neurons in the rat superior cervical ganglion after injection of wheat-germ agglutinin-horseradish peroxidase conjugate into the contralateral ganglion.injection of wheat-germ agglutinin-horseradish peroxidase conjugate (wga-hrp) into the superior cervical ganglion (scg) of the rat results in accumulation of wga-hrp in sympathetic postganglionic neurons in the contralateral scg. the sympathetic pathways involved and the mechanism underlying the labeling were investigated. the labeling in neurons in the contralateral scg was apparent 6 h after injection and increased in intensity with longer survival times. the number of labeled neurons reached ...19901701690
neurochemical anatomy of fetal hippocampus transplanted into large lesion cavities made in the adult rat brain.the purpose of the present study was to determine whether neurochemicals normally found within neuron somata, fibers, and terminals of the hippocampal formation would also be present in transplanted hippocampal tissue that had developed in lesion cavities made in adult rat brains by aspiration of the hippocampus and overlying dorsolateral neocortex. embryonic day 15 or 16 rat brian tissue containing hippocampus with some medial pallial anlage was transplanted into the site of hippocampal aspirat ...19911701734
development of the oculomotor and trochlear nuclei in the xenopus toad.the development of the oculomotor and trochlear nuclei (niii and niv) was studied with the horseradish peroxidase (hrp) and the cobalt labelling techniques in xenopus laevis tadpoles. the earliest labelling of the oculomotor neuroblasts was observed at stage 32. the ipsi- and contralateral nuclei were found in two distinct groups on either side of the brainstem and the oculomotor commissure formed by crossing axons was present at this early stage. the fusion of the two nuclei began at the late l ...19901701864
location of the motoneurons innervating the transverse mandibular muscle in the guinea pig.motoneurons supplying the transverse mandibular muscle (tmm) in the guinea pig have been traced by injecting wheat germ agglutinin-horseradish peroxidase (wga-hrp) in the tmm, and after applying hrp to the mylohyoid nerve. the tmm is bilaterally innervated by 22-36 motoneurons in each trigeminal motor nucleus, forming a column located ventrolaterally along the entire length of the superficial masseter motoneuron group. the axons are incorporated to the mylohyoid nerve. the location, the axon pat ...19901701867
calcitonin gene-related peptide-immunoreactive nerves in the rat kidney.cryostat- and vibratome-cut rat kidney secretions were singly or doubly labeled to visualize immunoreactive calcitonin-gene-related peptide (cgrpi) and substance p (spi). rats were perfused with 2-4% paraformaldehyde + 0.15% picric acid then rinsed with buffer. horseradish peroxidase (hrp) was used to visualize cgrp in vibratome sections, and combined hrp and fluorophore were used to visualize the two peptides simultaneously in cryostat sections. there is a complex, multilayered plexus of cgrp n ...19911701958
control of lower esophageal sphincter pressure by two sites in dorsal motor nucleus of the vagus.our purpose was to determine the central vagal sites for regulating changes in lower esophageal sphincter (les) pressure in the cat. injection of the retrograde tracer, horseradish peroxidase, into the les resulted in labeling of cells in the dorsal motor nucleus of the vagus (dmv), with the largest number of cells appearing in two areas, one area rostral to obex (1.5-4.0 mm) and one area caudal to obex (-0.5 to -1.5 mm). in alpha-chloralose-anesthetized cats, l-glutamic acid was microinjected i ...19901701973
cell death and interocular interactions among retinofugal axons: lack of binocularly matched specificity.naturally occurring ganglion cell death has been attributed to competitive interactions among axons at their targets during development of the retinofugal pathways. the present study is concerned with the hypothesis that interocular interactions leading to ganglion cell death are restricted to binocularly conjugate terminals in the optic nuclei. we tested this hypothesis in newborn rats by making localized retinal lesions, which denervate a restricted portion of the contralateral optic targets. ...19901702041
topography and synaptology of mamillary body projections to the mesencephalon and pons in the rat.the anterograde and retrograde transport of horseradish peroxidase conjugated to wheat germ agglutinin (wga-hrp) was used to study the anatomical organization of descending projections from the mamillary body (mb) to the mesencephalon and pons at light and electron microscopic levels. injections of wga-hrp into the medial mamillary nucleus resulted in dense anterograde and retrograde labeling in the ventral tegmental nucleus, while injections in the lateral mamillary nucleus resulted in dense an ...19901702105
the anterior ectosylvian sulcal auditory field in the cat: ii. a horseradish peroxidase study of its thalamic and cortical connections.the thalamic and cortical projections to acoustically responsive regions of the anterior ectosylvian sulcus were determined by identifying retrogradely labelled cells after physiologically guided iontophoretic injections of horseradish peroxidase. the medial division of the medial geniculate nucleus, the intermediate division of the posterior nuclear group, the principal division of the ventromedial nucleus, and the lateroposterior complex were consistently labelled after these injections, altho ...19901702108
dendritic morphologies of retinal ganglion cells projecting to the lateral geniculate nucleus in the rabbit.small injections of fluorescent rhodamine-latex microspheres and fast blue were made into the dorsal lateral geniculate nucleus (dlgn) of fifteen rabbits. after 8-15 day survival times, the somas of projecting ganglion cells were found to be labelled in the contralateral retinas by retrograde transport. the dendritic morphologies of the labelled ganglion cells were revealed by intracellular injection of lucifer yellow or horseradish peroxidase while superfusing the retinas. at least ten distinct ...19901702124
[vestibular efferent neurons of the guinea pig forming projections into the saccule].the distribution of vestibular efferent neurons projecting to the saccule and efferent neurons transmitting axons to the acoustic nerve (cochlear efferent neurons) has been studied in guinea pig by comparison using the method of retrograde axonal transport of horseradish peroxidase. the saccular efferent neurons are revealed bilaterally in the subendymal granular fundus of the fourth ventricle of the brain and more laterally of the facial nerve genu, ipsilaterally in the small-celled reticular n ...19901702187
the perihypoglossal projection to the superior colliculus in the rhesus monkey.the projection of the perihypoglossal (ph) complex to the superior colliculus (sc) in the rhesus monkey was investigated using the retrograde transport of wheat germ agglutinin conjugated to horseradish peroxidase (wga-hrp). following physiological identification by electrical stimulation and multiunit recording, small injections of the tracer were placed within the sc of three monkeys. the largest numbers of retrogradely labeled neurons within the ph complex were found in the contralateral nucl ...19901702314
receptor-mediated endocytosis and recycling of alpha-fetoprotein in human b-lymphoma and t-leukemia cells.the kinetics of iodinated human alpha-fetoprotein (afp) binding and uptake by 2 human neoplastic lymphoid cell lines (cem and raji) have been studied. three saturation plateaus were obtained by incubating cem and raji cells at 4 degrees c with 125i-afp at different concentrations. scatchard analysis suggested the presence of 3 types of receptor site with different affinities and capacities on cells of both lines. afp binding was inhibited by unlabelled human and bovine afp, and to a lesser exten ...19911702404
intraocular projections from the pterygopalatine ganglion in the cat.the intraocular projection of the cat pterygopalatine (sphenopalatine) ganglion was examined by using retrograde axoplasmic transport techniques in order to investigate the possibility of the involvement of the facial nerve in ocular parasympathetic innervation. following an injection of horseradish peroxidase (hrp) or wheat germ agglutinin-hrp into the eye, retrogradely labeled cells were observed in the ipsilateral pterygopalatine ganglion, principally in the caudal part. by dissection of silv ...19901702452
chemically distinct compartments of the thalamic vpm nucleus in monkeys relay principal and spinal trigeminal pathways to different layers of the somatosensory cortex.the ventral posteromedial nucleus (vpm) of the monkey thalamus was investigated with combined immunocytochemical, histochemical, and connection-tracing techniques. injections of anterogradely transported tracers were placed selectively in the caudal nucleus of the spinal trigeminal nuclear complex, and retrogradely transported horseradish peroxidase (hrp) or fluorescent dyes were placed on the surface or into the depths of defined parts of the trigeminal representation in the first somatic senso ...19911702464
somatotopic organization of single primary afferent axon projections to cat spinal cord dorsal horn.horseradish peroxidase injection of identified low threshold cutaneous mechanoreceptor (ltcm) primary afferent axons was used to assess the somatotopic organization of hindlimb projections to laminae iii and iv of cat dorsal horn. multiple injections in the same animals were used to assess bilateral symmetry and precision. thirty-one axons were injected, with more than 1 axon injected in each of 8 animals (25 axons). somatotopic relations between their receptive field (rf) centers and the center ...19911702466
the projection of spinocerebellar neurons from the sacrococcygeal region of the spinal cord in the cat. an experimental study using anterograde transport of wga-hrp and degeneration.the projection from the sacro-coccygeal region of the spinal cord to the cerebellum was studied by two different techniques in the cat. in five cats wheat germ agglutinin-horseradish peroxidase conjugate (wga-hrp) was injected caudal to a preceding unilateral cordotomy at the sacral level, aimed at interrupting the spinocerebellar tracts on one side completely, and the distribution of wga-hrp labeled mossy fibers and mossy fiber terminals was studied in the cerebellum. in three additional cats, ...19901702608
visual corticopontine and tectopontine projections in the macaque.we studied projections from extrastriate visual areas and the superior colliculus to the pontine nuclei of monkeys using degeneration staining and transport of wheatgerm agglutinin horseradish peroxidase, and 3h amino acids. the superior colliculus and the extrastriate cortical visual areas both project to the ipsilateral dorsolateral region of the pontine nuclei. the projections from extrastriate visual cortex occupy a much larger territory within the pontine nuclei than those from the superior ...19901702611
an evaluation of retrograde tracing methods for the identification of chemically distinct cochlear efferent neurons.we have compared retrograde labelling of rat olivocochlear neurons after unilateral cochlear injections of wheatgerm agglutinin conjugated horseradish peroxidase (wga-hrp) and free hrp. after cochlear injection of wga-hrp, labelling of nerve cell bodies in the brainstem can be explained not only as conventional retrograde labelling resulting from uptake by efferent nerve terminals synapsing on or near hair cells, but also as spurious labelling originating from tracer leakage, through the perioti ...19901702612
[an immunoenzyme method for the quantitative determination of b-lymphocytes in human blood].the author shows the advantages of estimating human blood b-lymphocytes for the diagnosis of immunodeficiency, autoimmune, and lymphoproliferative conditions with the use of tests based on the detection of surface immunoglobulin receptors. these structures are detectable by means of horseradish peroxidase-conjugated antiglobulin antibodies. conjugates from the kits of various test systems for enzyme immunoassay were employed in this study. the developed method has proved to be highly sensitive a ...19901702864
descending axonal projections from the medial parabrachial and kölliker-fuse nuclear complex to the nucleus raphe magnus in 9 nembutal-anesthetized and vagotomized cats, a total of 42 units, including 2 respiratory units, recorded from the medial parabrachial (npbm) and kölliker-fuse (kf) nuclear complex were found to be antidromically activated by electrical stimulation of the nucleus raphe magnus (nrm). the latencies ranged from 0.4 to 2.5 ms (mean 1.1 ms). in 5 cats, following injection of wga-hrp (wheat germ agglutinin-conjugated horseradish peroxidase) into the nrm, a number of retrogradely labelled neurons w ...19901703288
blood-brain barrier permeability is not altered by allograft or xenograft fetal neural cell suspension grafts.alterations in blood-brain barrier (bbb) function after brain grafting seem dependent on the donor phenotype and possibly on the grafting technique. intracerebral blood grafts of nonneural tissue permanently disrupt the host bbb, while fetal neural block grafts probably do not. cell suspensions, an alternative technique in brain grafting, disrupt the extracellular matrix of the graft. fetal cell suspension allografts appear to form a functional bbb. we confirm and extend this finding to include ...19911703497
intracellular recording from neurones of the guinea-pig gall-bladder.1. intracellular recordings were made from neurones of the guinea-pig gall-bladder in vitro. intracellular injection of horseradish peroxidase revealed a simple structure, consisting of a soma and a single process, but no discernible dendritic arborization. 2. the resting membrane potential was -50.5 +/- 0.4 mv and the input resistance was 80 m omega. 3. gall-bladder neurones spiked only once at the onset of depolarizing current pulses. action potentials were blocked by tetrodotoxin, but a ca2(+ ...19901703571
a spinal transcommissural connection for symmetrical sympathetic reflex response. intra-axonal tracing study in the rat.wheatgerm agglutinin conjugated horseradish peroxidase was injected into the ganglion cervicale superior of the sympathetic trunk of seven adult rats. labelled neurons were found in the ipsilateral anterior commissural nucleus of the spinal cord at the c1 level. transcommissural crossing of labelled fibres and symmetrical labelling of neurons in the contralateral nucleus were also found. labelled fibres could then be followed contralaterally into the superior cervical ganglion where labelled neu ...19901704149
gaba-immunoreactive boutons make synapses with inspiratory neurons of the dorsal respiratory group.intracellular labelling with horseradish peroxidase (hrp) combined with gamma-aminobutyric (gaba) immunocytochemistry was used to assess the gabaergic input to inspiratory bulbospinal neurons of the dorsal respiratory group in the cat. the relationship between gaba-immunoreactive (gaba-ir) boutons and intracellularly labelled neurons was examined at the light microscopic and ultrastructural levels. at the light microscopic level, gaba-ir boutons were frequently found in close apposition to dendr ...19901704284
the gaba and substance p input to dopaminergic neurones in the substantia nigra of the order to examine the synaptic input to dopaminergic neurones in the substantia nigra from gabaergic terminals and terminals that contain substance p, double and triple immunocytochemical studies were carried out at the light and electron microscopic levels in the rat. in a first series of experiments sections of the substantia nigra were incubated to reveal axon terminals containing either substance p or glutamate decarboxylase and then incubated to reveal dopaminergic neurones using tyrosine ...19901704287
developing testicular microvasculature in the golden hamster, mesocricetus auratus: a model for angiogenesis under physiological conditions.the ultrastructure of the developing testicular microvasculature in the testes of immature (3, 5, 8, 10, 12, 16, 20, 25, 30 and 35 days old) golden hamsters was examined and compared to the testicular microvasculature of adult (3 months old) hamsters. in addition, in 16- to 35-day-old hamsters vascular permeability was studied after localization of injected horseradish peroxidase (hrp). angiogenic processes were present in the testes of all examined immature hamsters and were most conspicuous be ...19901705073
development and validation of a competitive enzyme immunoassay for chum salmon prolactin: a comparison to enzyme immunoassay (eia), based on a competitive assay system, for the measurement of prolactin (prl) in the pituitary of salmonid fishes and of hormone released in medium from incubated pituitary was developed using a rabbit antiserum to chum salmon prl (prl, a combination of prl i and prl ii). chum salmon prl was coupled to horseradish peroxidase (hrp). the incubation procedure for the antigen-antibody reaction was analogous to that in the radioimmunoassay (ria) for prl. the antibody-bound ...19901705233
columnar organisation of the inferior olive projection to the posterior lobe of the rat cerebellum.the organisation of the olivocerebellar projection to lobules vi, viii, and ix of the posterior lobe of the rat cerebellum was investigated in detail by using the retrograde tracer wheat germ agglutinin-horseradish peroxidase. small, well-defined rostro-caudally orientated columns of olive cells were found to project to different parasagittal areas in the posterior lobe. a column of olive cells about 2,000 microns in rostro-caudal length in subnucleus "c" and nucleus beta of the caudal medial ac ...19901705266
central distribution of afferent pathways from the uterus of the cat.afferent pathways from the uterus of the cat were labeled by injections of horseradish peroxidase (hrp), wheat germ agglutinin-hrp, or fluorescent dyes into the uterine cervix and uterine horns. afferent input to the uterus arises from small to medium size neurons (average size 31 x 28 microns) in dorsal root ganglia at many levels of the spinal cord (t12-s3). the segmental origin correlates with the location of the afferent terminal field in the uterus. eighty-seven percent of the dorsal root g ...19901705267
afferent and efferent connections of the oculomotor region of the fastigial nucleus in the macaque monkey.afferent and efferent connections of the fastigial oculomotor region (for) were studied in macaque monkeys by using axonal transport of wheat germ agglutinin conjugated horseradish peroxidase (wga-hrp). when injected hrp is confined to the for, retrogradely labeled cells appear in lobules vic and vii of the ipsilateral vermis and in group b of the contralateral medial accessory olive (mao). in reference to the maps of topographical organization, the extent of the effective site in the fastigial ...19901705268
macaque accessory optic system: ii. connections with the pretectum.connections of the accessory optic system (aos) with the pretectum are described in the macaque monkey. injections of tritiated amino acids in the pretectum demonstrate a major contralateral projection to the dorsal (dtn), lateral (ltn), and medial (mtn) terminal nuclei of the aos and a sparser projection to the ipsilateral ltn. injections of retrograde tracers, fast blue (fb), or wheat germ agglutinin horseradish peroxidase (wga-hrp) plus nonconjugated horseradish peroxidase (hrp) in the ltn sh ...19901705270
monosynaptic projection from the pedunculopontine tegmental nuclear region to the reticulospinal neurons of the medulla oblongata. an electron microscope study in the cat.the magnocellular reticular nucleus (mrn) of the cat was observed electron microscopically following the combined application of kainic acid into the pedunculopontine tegmental nuclear region (ppn region) and horseradish peroxidase conjugated to wheat germ agglutinin (wga-hrp) into the spinal cord. some degenerating axon terminals arising from the ppn region were found to make synaptic contacts with retrogradely hrp-labeled reticulospinal neurons in the mrn.19901705467
substantia nigra pars reticulata projects to the reticular thalamic nucleus of the cat: a morphological and electrophysiological study.the projections of substantia nigra pars reticulata (snr) toward the reticular (re) thalamic complex of cat were studied morphologically and electrophysiologically. numerous snr cells were retrogradely labeled following injections of horseradish peroxidase conjugated to wheat-germ agglutinin (wga-hrp) in the rostral and rostrolateral part of the re thalamic nucleus. iontophoretic injections of phaseolus vulgaris leucoagglutinin (pha-l) in the snr confirmed that this retrograde labeling was not a ...19901705469
the distribution pattern of the sympathetic nerve fibers to the cerebral arterial system in rat as revealed by anterograde labeling with clarify the projection route and the expansion of the terminal plexus of the sympathetic nerve fibers innervating the cerebral arterial system in rat, we labeled the postganglionic fibers originating in the superior cervical ganglion and traced their entire course by anterograde labeling with wheat germ agglutinin-horseradish peroxidase. sympathetic innervation of the internal cerebral artery by labeled fibers actually began just at the portion where it enters the intradural space, and innerv ...19901705515
a double-label study of efferent projections to the cochlea of the chicken, gallus domesticus.intracochlear bilateral injection of the fluorescent retrograde markers fast blue and diamidino yellow was used to identify the brainstem location of the olivocochlear efferents in the domestic chicken. the overall distribution pattern of neurones was similar to that of recent studies using horseradish peroxidase as the retrograde tracer, although the number of labelled neurones was significantly greater than previously reported. the average number of labelled neurones projecting to any one coch ...19901705517
hippocampal input to a "visceral motor" corticobulbar pathway: an anatomical and electrophysiological study in the rat.the hippocampus has previously been shown to influence cardiovascular function, and this effect appears to be mediated by the connection the hippocampus has with the infralimbic area of the medial frontal cortex (mfc), a region which projects directly to the nucleus of the solitary tract (nts) in the dorsal medulla. in the present study, anatomical and electrophysiological techniques were utilized to determine the degree of convergence of hippocampal input to the mfc on neurons in the mfc which ...19901705519
difference in central projection of primary afferents innervating facial and intraoral structures in the rat.transganglionic transport of horseradish peroxidase-wheat germ agglutinin conjugate was used to study the central projection of primary afferent neurons innervating facial and intraoral structures. the examined primary neurons innervating the facial structures were those comprising the frontal and zygomaticofacial nerves and those innervating the cornea, while the primary neurons innervating the intraoral structures included those innervating the mandibular incisor and molar tooth pulps and thos ...19911705521
the structure of a neural specific carbohydrate epitope of horseradish peroxidase recognized by anti-horseradish peroxidase antiserum.antiserum raised against horseradish peroxidase (hrp) recognizes a neural specific carbohydrate antigen in drosophila and other insects. the epitopic activity of the carbohydrate moiety of hrp recognized by anti-hrp antiserum was measured by a newly developed enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay, in which hrp glycopeptides conjugated with bovine serum albumin were coated onto the wells and then reacted with goat anti-hrp antiserum. hrp sugar moieties released by almond glycopeptidase a digestion of ...19911705547
heterogeneity in spinal radial glia demonstrated by intermediate filament expression and hrp labelling.considerable evidence indicates that radial glial cells play an active role in guiding growing neurites during development of the vertebrate cns. in this paper we describe subpopulations of radial glial in the spinal cord of the axolotl. amphibians maintain radial glia throughout life, and subpopulations are described using anatomical criteria following filling of individual cells with horseradish peroxidase and immunocytochemical staining with a range of intermediate filament antibodies. radial ...19901705577
lysosomal activity at nodes of ranvier during retrograde axonal transport of horseradish peroxidase in alpha-motor neurons of the cat.lysosomal activity at nodes of ranvier of feline hindlimb alpha-motor neurons was examined by light and electron microscopical acid phosphatase (acpase) histochemistry during retrograde axonal transport of intramuscularly injected horseradish peroxidase (hrp). several nodes along the pns parts of the alpha-motor axons of the hrp-injected side showed accumulations of acpase-positive bodies in the constricted nodal axon segment and the adjacent paranodal axoplasm. such lysosomal accumulations were ...19901705579
serotonin-, substance p- or leucine-enkephalin-containing neurons in the midbrain periaqueductal gray and nucleus raphe dorsalis send projection fibers to the central amygdaloid nucleus in the a double-labeling method combining the retrograde tracing of horseradish peroxidase and the immunocytochemical technique, serotonin-, substance p- or leucine-enkephalin-like immunoreactive neurons in the midbrain periaqueductal gray (pag) and the nucleus raphe dorsalis (dr) of the rat were found to send projection fibers to the central amygdaloid nucleus bilaterally with an ipsilateral dominance. these pag neurons were chiefly distributed in the ventrolateral pag subdivision and the ventral p ...19901705670
targeted neuronal lesion induced by photosensitizing radical-induced phototoxicity mediated by laser irradiation was investigated in the rabbit facial nerve. azure-c, mesoporphyrin, or the dye conjugated to the protein carrier horseradish peroxidase were injected into the levator alae nasi muscle. two to 7 days after uptake and laser exposure, nerve sections showed varying degrees of cellular modifications including: severe membrane degradation and associated lipid peroxide granules, distended mitochondria, and mitochondrial loss. immunoblots ...19901705848
Displaying items 1601 - 1700 of 20690