strain specific variation of outer membrane proteins of wild yersinia pestis strains subjected to different growth temperatures. | three yersinia pestis strains isolated from humans and one laboratory strain (ev76) were grown in rich media at 28 degrees c and 37 degrees c and their outer membrane protein composition compared by sodium dodecyl sulphate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (sds-page). several proteins with molecular weights ranging from 34 kda to 71 kda were observed to change in relative abundance in samples grown at different temperatures. at least seven y. pestis outer membrane proteins showed a temperature- ... | 1990 | 2215220 |
[transduction of chromosome and plasmid markers of bacteriophage p1 in pseudotuberculosis pathogen]. | a clone of bacteriophage p1 clr100 cml has been isolated capable of the general transduction in the cells of pseudotuberculosis causative agent. the genetic transfer of the 6 md pesticinogenicity plasmid by the bacteriophage has been used as a model to demonstrate the possibility of transduction. the bacteriophage used has been shown to be efficient in interspecies transduction between yersinia. | 1990 | 2215519 |
[the epizootiological significance of flea accumulation in aggregations of the female long-tailed suslik in the tuva plague focus]. | the formation of aggregations of related females is a peculiarity of the intrapopulational organization of long-tailed suslik that results in the accumulation of citellophilus tesquorum, the main vector and keeper of the plague microbe in the tuva plague nidus. the plague agent is adapted to the existence on the territory occupied by aggregations of females that manifests itself in the delay of the beginning and prolixity of block-formation periods in fleas. the transfer of the agent from one pl ... | 1990 | 2216531 |
precipitation of struvite in urine medium by urease-positive and urease-negative yersinia strains. | yersinia strains either urease-positive or urease-negative were examined for precipitation of struvite in human urine at 25 and 37 degrees c. all urease-positive strains and 8 out of 10 urease-negative strains showed the ability to produce these crystals. incubation time required for precipitation was longer for urease-negative strains and quantity of struvite formed was higher in urease-positive ones. regarding incubation temperature, no significant influence has been observed. | 1990 | 2219568 |
[the occurrence of yersinia enterocolitica in sewage]. | using a modified cold enrichment procedure yersinia spp. were detected in 90.6% out of 32 raw waste water samples obtained within one year from two municipal sewage treatment plants. moreover yersinia were isolated from 50% of 6 effluent samples. altogether 118 yersinia strains were isolated and typed biochemically and serologically. 69 out of these isolates belonged to yersinia enterocolitica, 60 strains to biotype 1, and 9 to biotype 4, serotype 0:3, 8 strains yersinia enterocolitica serotype ... | 1990 | 2220165 |
hemolysin as a marker for serratia. | all serratia marcescens strains (total of 33) of different sources were hemolytic including clinical strains previously classified as being nonhemolytic. dna fragments of the two hemolysin genes hybridized with the chromosomal dna of s. marcescens, s. liquefaciens, s. kiliensis, s. grimesii, s. proteamaculans, s. plymutica, s. rubridaea which were also hemolytic. the restriction pattern of the hemolysin locus differed in each strain. s. ficaria and s. marinorubra expressed a different hemolysin ... | 1990 | 2222120 |
yersiniosis in farmed deer. | samples from 77 chital (axis axis), 42 fallow (dama dama), 26 red (cervus elaphus), 7 rusa (cervus timorensis) and 1 sambar deer (cervus unicolor) were examined. yersinia pseudotuberculosis infection was diagnosed as the cause of death in 6 (23%) of the red and 23 (30%) of the chital deer. yersiniosis was the most common infectious cause of death diagnosed. affected deer were usually found moribund or dead, often with faecal staining of the perineum. gross pathology in chital included a fibrinou ... | 1990 | 2222364 |
[plasmid dna transformation of yersinia pseudotuberculosis by electroporation]. | rendering cells permeable to dna molecules, electroporation involves the application of high intensity electric fields of short duration to reversibly change the biomembranes, which has been used successfully in some species of both gram negative and positive bacteria. we first reported the electro-transformation technics of yersinia pseudotuberculosis. the plasmid pjgx20 was constructed by cloning the 9.5 kb plasmid encoding pesticin into pst i site of pbr328. transformation efficiency of 103 t ... | 1990 | 2225008 |
yersinia enterocolitica abscess of the transverse colon. report of a case. | yersinia enterocolitica abscess of the bowel is a rare entity. only five cases have previously been reported--none in the surgical literature. a unique presentation for yersinia infection, abscess of the transverse colon, is described, and the literature of y. enterocolitica intestinal perforation and abscess is reviewed. | 1990 | 2226090 |
evaluation of different techniques for detection of virulence in yersinia enterocolitica. | | 1990 | 2229402 |
sequence, localization and function of the invasin protein of yersinia enterocolitica. | the inv locus of yersinia enterocolitica is sufficient to convert a non-invasive escherichia coli k12 strain into a microorganism that is able to penetrate cultured mammalian cells. the nucleotide sequence of inv reveals an open reading frame corresponding to an 835-amino-acid protein that is homologous to the invasin protein from yersinia pseudotuberculosis. a polyclonal antiserum elicited by a synthetic peptide corresponding to the c-terminal 88 amino acids of this open reading frame detected ... | 1990 | 2233250 |
[isolation of transmissible cointegrates of yersinia pestis plasmids pyv and pyt with the plasmid rp4::mu cts 62, incp1]. | the transmissible cointegrates of the yersinia pestis plasmids pyv and pyt with the broad host range plasmid rp4::mu cts62 of the incompatibility group incp have been constructed by the in vivo recombination. the cointegrative plasmid pkr14 (pyv76 omega rp4::mu cts62) conferred on the transconjugants the properties of ca2(+)-dependence at 37 degrees c, v-antigen synthesis, rp4 plasmid markers (apr, kmr, tcr), immunity to the lysis by the bacteriophage mu cts62 and incompatibility with the homolo ... | 1990 | 2233780 |
[expression of yersinia pestis antigens encoded by the ca2+-dependence plasmid]. | antigens coded by the ca2(+)-dependance plasmid were found in the cultural medium, cytoplasm and outer membranes of the three monoplasmid (pcadv) strains of yersinia pestis with the different basic properties. the presence of 20 mm of mg2+ at least in the medium is necessary for optimal expression of these proteins. the existence of strain differences in the bacterial cells reaction to temperature, cultivation medium has been demonstrated. no difference in the pcad-dependent proteins was found i ... | 1990 | 2233781 |
[relation between the yersinia phage and bacteriophages isolated from the environment]. | the bacteriophage designated rd2 has been isolated from the sewage in rostov-on-don city and studied. the morphology of bacteriophage particles and the biological properties of the bacteriophage make it related to the plague bacteriophage isolated by d'errel. the molecular masses of the compared bacteriophages are almost identical being 26.4 +/- 0.4 md for rd2 and 24.7 +/- 0.2 md for d'errel bacteriophage. the dnas of the bacteriophages share 80% of homology and possess 15 nonhomologous regions ... | 1990 | 2233785 |
quinolone antibiotics in the treatment of salmonella infections. | the 4-fluoroquinolones are a new class of antimicrobial agents that possess broad in vitro antibacterial activity, including efficacy against enteric pathogens such as salmonella, shigella, campylobacter, yersinia, and vibrio species. these drugs are clinically effective against both drug-sensitive and multiresistant strains of salmonella typhi and salmonella paratyphi that cause enteric fever. in salmonella enterocolitis, the quinolones--unlike older antimicrobial agents that may have little im ... | 1990 | 2237130 |
recombinant capsular antigen (fraction 1) from yersinia pestis induces a protective antibody response in balb/c mice. | yersinia pestis produces a glycoprotein capsule, the biosynthesis of which appears to be temperature dependent. the fraction i (f1) component of this capsule is specific to y. pestis and the detection of f1 antibodies is the basis for several serological tests. we report the cloning of the f1 gene and its expression in escherichia coli using the phagemid vector lambda zapii and a f1-specific monoclonal antibody. the recombinant f1 antigen had a molecular weight of 17 kda, which proved to be iden ... | 1990 | 2240367 |
yersinia infection in acute anterior uveitis. | | 1990 | 2244823 |
the influence of properties encoded by the yersinia virulence plasmid on adhesion of yersinia enterocolitica to ileal brush border membrane vesicles. | the influence of plasmid-associated cell surface structures on the ability of yersinia enterocolitica to bind to ileal brush border membrane vesicles (bbvs) was investigated. rabbit or human bbvs were immobilized on polystyrene microtiter plates and adhesion of radiolabeled cells of y. enterocolitica was determined. strains of pathogenic serotypes carrying the yersinia virulence plasmid (pyv+), as well as their isogenic plasmid cured derivatives (pyv-), adhered to immobilized bbvs, but adhesion ... | 1990 | 2245012 |
the influence of ph, temperature and organic acids on the initiation of growth of yersinia enterocolitica. | the influence of incubation temperature, and of acetic, lactic and citric acids on the minimum ph for the initiation of growth of six strains of yersinia enterocolitica was determined. the strains included two of serotype o : 9, two of serotype o : 3, and one each of serotypes o : 8 and o : 5, 27. in a culture medium acidified with hcl to ph values between 4.0 and 6.0 at intervals of approximately 0.1 unit the minimum ph at which growth was detected after incubation at 20 degrees, 10 degrees, 7 ... | 1990 | 2246144 |
[the molecular basis of the virulence of yersinia]. | pathogenic bacteria of the genus yersinia (y. enterocolitica, y. pseudotuberculosis and y. pestis) are pathogens of the invasive type. although they provoke diseases as different as plague and enterocolitis, the molecular bases of their virulence appear to be surprisingly similar: a 70 kb plasmid confers a degree of resistance to the primary immune response and the presence or absence of chromosome encoded functions modulates virulence. the knowledge of the virulence functions that now emerges s ... | 1990 | 2249086 |
[genus-specific dna probe for detection of yersinia]. | in order to create a rdna probe for plague agent (yersinia pestis) double-stranded dna fragments complementary to 5'-region of 16s rrna were synthetized with the help of reverse transcriptase. the fragments were cloned into plasmid vector puc19 in escherichia coli. to select plasmids with specific for y. pestis sequences, recombinant clones and plasmids purified from them were cross-hybridized to [gamma-32 p]-labelled 16s rrna of e. coli and y. pestis. as was shown after sequencing of recombinan ... | 1990 | 2250669 |
[acute renal failure in a generalized form of pseudotuberculosis in children]. | | 1990 | 2251062 |
in-vitro activity of cefotaxime against clinical isolates of yersinia enterocolitica biotype 4, serotype 03. | | 1990 | 2254230 |
detection of pyv+ yersinia enterocolitica isolates by p1 slide agglutination. | rabbit polyclonal antisera were raised against the pyv-encoded outer membrane protein p1 of five yersinia enterocolitica strains belonging to serogroups o:3, o:5,27, o:8, and o:9. analysis of these strains with the sera showed that p1 presented at least six different antigenic factors. two of the serum specimens were chosen to test the p1 agglutinability of 797 strains isolated from various sources. this technique appeared to be more reliable than autoagglutination and ca2+ dependency to monitor ... | 1990 | 2254416 |
mice and moles inhabiting mountainous areas of shimane peninsula as sources of infection with yersinia pseudotuberculosis. | a total of 1,835 yersinia spp. were isolated from 925 (60.5%) of 1,530 wild mice and from 139 (79.9%) of 174 moles living in mountainous areas of eastern shimane prefecture, japan. the yersinia spp. included 1,106 yersinia enterocolitica, 26 y. enterocolitica-like, 176 yersinia mollaretii, 149 yersinia frederiksenii, 70 yersinia intermedia, 231 yersinia kristensenii, 5 yersinia aldovae, and 72 yersinia pseudotuberculosis. human pathogenic y. enterocolitica was not isolated. y. pseudotuberculosis ... | 1990 | 2254420 |
yersinia enterocolitica tenosynovitis. the first case. | we describe a case of tenosynovitis of tibialis posterior due to yersinia enterocolitica occurring after injury by a plant thorn in a 55-year-old man. the illness was chronic with 2 recurrences in spite of antibiotic treatment. full recovery was obtained only after surgical intervention. our patient's chronic course was fostered by the persistence of thorn fragments in the infected area and the exceptionally pathogenic character of the isolated colony of yersinia. | 1990 | 2254906 |
yersinia enterocolitica bacteraemia after blood transfusion. | | 1990 | 2255295 |
[the differential diagnosis of acute intestinal infections]. | the authors evaluate contemporary possibilities of clinico-epidemiological and laboratory diagnosis of intestinal yersiniosis in the clinical practice. data are reported on infestation of the environment with yersiniosis pathogen in this territory and the clinical picture of gastrointestinal form of yersiniosis and its symptomatology that is of help in the diagnosis. perfection of laboratory diagnosis is of great importance in this respect. | 1990 | 2256268 |
[the effect of different yersinia pestis antigens on the cellular link in immunity]. | immunization with live plague vaccine has been shown to give no protection to thymectomized mice from subcutaneous challenge with y. pestis virulent strain. under the action of the vaccine or individual y. pestis antigens (fraction i) the functional and morphological activation of thymocytes and macrophages is observed, more pronounced in c57bl/6 mice and less pronounced in cba mice. y. pestis antigenic preparations (fractions i and ii, pesticin) act as t-cell mitogens and are thus capable of in ... | 1990 | 2256408 |
[the role of bacteriophages in the self-regulating system of a plague enzootic]. | | 1990 | 2256411 |
[yersinia enterocolitica: investigation in 1,300 children under 5 years of age with acute diarrhea]. | the presence of yersinis enterocolitica was investigated in feces of 1,300 children younger than 5 years, hospitalized because of presenting acute diarrheic disease in cuba during 1985-1988 period at different provincial pediatric hospital, as well as in havana city. selective agar base for yersinia was used supplemented with cephsuloidin, irgasan and novoviocin (cin) and buffered saline solution as enrichment medium. this last one at 4 degrees c during 21 days with weekly resowings to the selec ... | 1990 | 2259775 |
effect of h-2 genes on expression of hla-b27 and yersinia-induced arthritis. | hla-b*2705 transgenic mice were continuously backcrossed to mice of the b10 background with various haplotypes. a high level of expression of the hla-b27 protein was detected on peripheral blood lymphocytes (pbls) from mice homozygous for h-2b, h-2f, h-2s, h-2p, h-2r, and h-2k haplotypes by facs analysis with the me-1 antibody. a lower level of expression of b27 was observed on pbls from h-2v mice. little or no expression of b27 was detected on pbls from h-2 or h-2d mice. we hypothesize that the ... | 1990 | 2259892 |
b27-transgenic mice and disease. | | 1990 | 2259894 |
yersinia enterocolitica in the synovial membrane of patients with yersinia-induced arthritis. | using a monospecific rabbit antibody against yersinia enterocolitica outer membrane protein 1, we examined synovial biopsy specimens from 7 patients with yersinia-induced arthritis. yersinia were demonstrated in the synovial membrane by indirect immunofluorescence in 4 patients with yersinia-induced arthritis, but not in 6 control patients with salmonella-induced arthritis or with rheumatoid arthritis. these findings suggest the persistence of yersinia in the joints of patients with yersinia-ind ... | 1990 | 2261001 |
[radiographic diagnosis of infectious colitis and antibiotics-associated colitis]. | | 1990 | 2262988 |
proliferative response of synovial fluid and peripheral blood mononuclear cells to arthritogenic and non-arthritogenic microbial antigens and to the 65-kda mycobacterial heat-shock protein. | cellular immune responses to microbial antigens have been implicated in the pathogenesis of some forms of arthritis including reactive arthritis, reiter's syndrome, ankylosing spondylitis and rheumatoid arthritis. we investigated the proliferative t cell responses of paired peripheral blood (pb) and synovial fluid (sf) mononuclear cells (mc) to so-called arthritogenic bacteria (yersinia enterocolitica and salmonella typhimurium), to control antigens, such as candida albicans, mumps virus and pur ... | 1990 | 2263227 |
antibodies to the peptide from the plasmid-coded yersinia outer membrane protein (yop1) in patients with ankylosing spondylitis. | seventy-five norwegian patients with ankylosing spondylitis (as) were studied for class-specific antibody response against synthetic peptide, p81, representing the sequence of plasmid-coded outer membrane protein of yersinia (yop1) containing four amino acid homology (tdre) with hla-b27 sequence. ten (16.7%), five (8.3%) and seven (11.2%) of 60 male as patients showed elevated anti-yop1 p81 antibody of iga, igg, and igm class, respectively, whereas for each isotype only one (4%) of 25 healthy ma ... | 1990 | 2265487 |
survey of enteropathogenic agents in children with and without diarrhoea in ghana. | a survey was carried out over 1 year in a rural area of ghana on the isolation, detection and/or identification of enteric pathogens from children under 5 years of age with and without diarrhoea. the isolation and detection rate of shigella flexneri, shigella dysenteriae, giardia lamblia and rotavirus were higher in children with diarrhoea than in controls. yersinia enterocolitica, vibrio cholerae and vibrio parahaemolyticus were not isolated during the period of this survey. the incidence of ot ... | 1990 | 2270006 |
early antibiotic treatment of reactive arthritis associated with enteric infections: clinical and serological study. | to find out whether a 10-14 days' course of antibiotics early in the course of reactive arthritis associated with enteric infections could reduce the severity and duration of the disease and whether the antibody response in patients with reactive arthritis associated with yersinia infection differed between those treated and those not treated with the antibiotics. | 1990 | 2271852 |
yersinia enterocolitica: intestinal features. | | 1990 | 2272121 |
[serologic diagnosis and follow-up in patients with uveitis. antibodies to virulence antigens of yersinia enterocolitica]. | sera from 72 patients with uveitis and sera from 93 healthy blood donors were analyzed by an immunoblot technique for antibodies to plasmid-encoded virulence associated antigens of yersinia enterocolitica. in the group of patients with acute anterior uveitis (n = 16), antibodies of the classes iga, igg, igm were significantly increased in comparison to the healthy blood donors. the presence of iga antibodies is a sign of acute or persistent yersinia infection. for the other forms of uveitis thes ... | 1990 | 2272579 |
[trimethoprim resistance--a differential trait of strains of yersinia pestis from a variety of voles]. | strains of all y. pestis varieties except for those isolated from voles are highly sensitive to trimethoprim when grown on cultivation media, even when thymidine is added to the medium. the ability to grow on thymidine-containing rich media after trimethoprim addition is a property differentiating y. pestis variety isolated from voles from the other varieties. these data were confirmed by testing 360 y. pestis strains obtained from collections of several antiplague institutes and stations of the ... | 1990 | 2273998 |
[clinical characteristics of pseudotuberculosis]. | | 1990 | 2274827 |
[study of protective properties of antigen-containing liposomes of different lipid composition in plague]. | immunization of animals with a liposomal capsular and major somatic antigen of a plague causative agent enhanced their protective effects against plague infection. lipopolysaccharide incorporation into the lipid membrane resulted in an increased protective effect of antigen-containing liposomes, which may be related to the single delivery and interaction with immune-competent cells. incorporation of phospholipids with high phase transfer temperature and positively charged stearylamine by the mem ... | 1990 | 2275277 |
[yersinia enterocolitica infection in a patient with thalassemia major]. | | 1990 | 2275497 |
yersinia enterocolitica aroa mutants as carriers of the b subunit of the escherichia coli heat-labile enterotoxin to the murine immune system. | plasmid p5f which directs the expression of the escherichia coli heat-labile enterotoxin b subunit (lt-b) from the ptac promoter was introduced into the attenuated yersinia enterocolitica o:8 aroa mutant strain yam.1. yam.1 (p5f) expressed high levels of cell-associated and secreted lt-b in a stable fashion when grown on normal laboratory medium. the strain was used as a live oral vaccine in balb/c mice and vaccinated mice developed high levels of gut-associated and systemic antibodies to both l ... | 1990 | 2277586 |
endoscopic findings in yersinia enterocolitica enterocolitis. | the endoscopic findings in the colon and terminal ileum in eight cases of yersinia enterocolitica enterocolitis infection were studied. the diagnosis was based on the isolation of y. enterocolitica in the feces and/or elevated serum antibody titers to the organism. total colonoscopy was performed between 7 and 38 days (mean, 24 days) after the onset of symptoms. in all patients, the terminal ileum was affected, followed by frequent involvement of the ileocecal valve and the cecum, and less frequ ... | 1990 | 2279647 |
inflammatory bowel disease examination with 99mtc-hmpao labelled leucocytes scintigraphy. | | 1990 | 2281096 |
characterisation of yersinia enterocolitica strains associated with ovine abortion. | | 1990 | 2281589 |
[a serological study of yersinia enterocolitica]. | in this study, the incidence of yersinia enterocolitica was investigated at neighbourhood of bursa and 13.26 percentage seropositivity was determined. | 1990 | 2283972 |
rapid methods for differentiating gram-positive from gram-negative aerobic and facultative anaerobic bacteria. | different tests based on lysis by koh and on reaction with fluorogenic and chromogenic substrates, l-alanine-4-nitroanilide (lana); l-alanine-4-methoxy- beta-naphthylamide (mna); 4-alanine-2-amidoacridone (aaa); l-alanine-7-amido- 4-methylcoumarin (aamc); 8-anilino-1-naphthalene-sulphonic acid (ans) were compared for their suitability to distinguish gram-positive from gram-negative bacteria. a concentration of 100 micrograms/ml was chosen for incorporating lana, aaa, aamc and ans into the growth ... | 1990 | 2286581 |
[two cases of yersinia pseudotuberculosis infection in children]. | yersinia pseudotuberculosis (y. pseudotuberculosis) infection is an intestinal infectious disease comparable in importance as those with campylobacter or salmonella. clinical symptoms of y. pseudotuberculosis infection vary. in this report, we will describe the clinical symptoms and immunological conditions of the patients with y. pseudotuberculosis infection, including 2 or our own cases. case 1 was a 4 years old male infant admitted to the hospital with major complaints of fever, diarrhea, and ... | 1990 | 2286788 |
the pyv plasmid of yersinia encodes a lipoprotein, ylpa, related to trat. | a series of lipoproteins was detected in the membrane fraction of yersinia enterocolitica w227, a typical strain from serotype o:9. at least two of them, ylpa and ylpb, are encoded by the pyv plasmid. the sequence of ylpa reveals the presence of a typical lipoprotein signal peptide. the mature ylpa protein would be 223 residues long with a calculated molecular weight of 23798 for the proteic moiety of the molecule. ylpa shares 88% identical residues with the trat protein encoded by plasmid ped20 ... | 1990 | 2287280 |
production of specific monoclonal antibodies to salmonella typhi flagellin and possible application to immunodiagnosis of typhoid fever. | four murine monoclonal antibodies (mabs) to salmonella typhi flagellin were produced. these mabs did not react with eight other enterobacterial strains tested: salmonella enteritidis, salmonella typhimurium, salmonella paratyphi a, escherichia coli, shigella flexneri, shigella sonnei, yersinia enterocolitica, and campylobacter jejuni. all four mabs cross-reacted with salmonella muenchen flagellin indicating specificity for d antigenic flagellar epitope. one mab (c4) was selected to develop a dou ... | 1990 | 2295860 |
evolution of aromatic amino acid biosynthesis and application to the fine-tuned phylogenetic positioning of enteric bacteria. | a comprehensive phylogenetic tree for virtually the entire assemblage of enteric bacteria is presented. character states of aromatic amino acid biosynthesis are used as criteria, and the results are compared with partial trees based upon sequencing of 16s rrna, 5s rrna, and tryptophan leader peptide. three major clusters are apparent. enterocluster 1 possesses a gene fusion (trpg-trpd) encoding anthranilate synthase: anthranilate 5-phosphoribosylpyrophosphate phosphoribosyltransferase of tryptop ... | 1990 | 2298692 |
tropical arthritis in papua new guinea: a reactive arthritis. | an idiopathic, asymmetrical oligoarthritis affecting young adults is prevalent in the tropical regions of africa, asia and melanesia. a serological study was undertaken in 23 consecutive patients with polyarthritis. each patient was assigned two paired control subjects. a standardized history, physical examination and investigations were performed. acute and convalescent sera were examined for evidence of recent infection. the presence of hla-b27 was determined. twelve (52%) of the 23 patients h ... | 1990 | 2300025 |
bubonic plague in a child presenting with fever and altered mental status. | an 8-year-old navajo boy presented to the emergency department with fever and altered mental status. because the child lived in a plague-endemic area of the southwestern united states, antibiotics effective against yersinia pestis were administered rapidly. buboes were appreciated on physical examination, and the diagnosis of bubonic plague was confirmed by positive blood cultures. characteristics and treatment of yersinia pestis infection are discussed. the need for a high index of suspicion fo ... | 1990 | 2301801 |
serologic evidence of yersinia infection in patients with anterior uveitis. | anterior uveitis is a common inflammatory eye disease associated with the hla-b27 phenotype. bacteriologic cofactors have been implicated in the pathogenesis of several diseases associated with hla-b27. using a sensitive enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay, we examined the incidence of previous yersinia infection in a group of 28 consecutive patients with anterior uveitis. twelve patients had a significantly increased antibody response to yersinia, 8 of whom were hla-b27 positive. eight patients h ... | 1990 | 2302105 |
adhesion of yersinia enterocolitica to human epithelial cell lines and to rabbit and human small intestinal tissue. | in assays to determine adherence of yersinia enterocolitica, virulence plasmid-containing (pyv+) strains and strains of their plasmid-cured (pyv-) derivatives adhered equally efficiently to hela cells and fetal intestinal epithelial int 407 cells. non-pathogenic strains of y. enterocolitica did not adhere. in contrast, pyv+ strains adhered more efficiently to rabbit and human intestine than did pyv(-)-strains, as evaluated by an in vitro assay, measuring adhesion of radiolabeled bacteria to disk ... | 1990 | 2302342 |
increased oxygen radical production determined by whole blood chemiluminescence in patients with previous yersinia arthritis. | luminol-dependent whole blood chemiluminescence (cl) was studied in patients with previous yersinia arthritis (ya). patients showed significantly higher cl responses compared to healthy controls regardless of hla-b27 antigen when either n-formyl-methionyl-leucyl-phenylalanine or opsonized zymosan particles were used a stimulus. this hyperreactivity may well play a role in the development of inflammatory injury in ya. | 1990 | 2302347 |
in vitro activity of norfloxacin and other antibacterial agents against gastro-intestinal pathogens isolated in sweden. | the in vitro activity of norfloxacin was compared to that of ampicillin, doxycycline, chloramphenicol, trimethoprim in combination with sulfamethoxazole (1/20), and erythromycin, against 272 clinical isolates of gastro-intestinal pathogens. norfloxacin was the most active compound of those tested with mics in the range 0.004-2 mg/l. concentrations inhibiting 90% of the strains (mic 90) were 0.008 mg/l for vibrio cholerae, 0.016 mg/l for aeromonas hydrophila, 0.032 mg/l for vibrio cholerae non 01 ... | 1990 | 2302351 |
electron microscopic evidence for in vivo extracellular localization of yersinia pseudotuberculosis harboring the pyv plasmid. | electron microscopic evidence is presented that bacteria harboring the virulence plasmid pyv from yersinia pseudotuberculosis are localized in extracellular sites during the course of infection in mice, often unambiguously undergoing active replication. virulent pyv+ bacteria, often seen adherent to platelets, severely restricted granuloma formation, creating necrotic microabscesses poorly populated with inflammatory cells. this contrasts with granulomas produced by pyv- bacteria, which appear t ... | 1990 | 2307522 |
genetic analysis of the yope region of yersinia spp.: identification of a novel conserved locus, yera, regulating yope expression. | the yope gene of yersinia pseudotuberculosis was recently sequenced, and yope was identified as an indispensable virulence determinant when tested in a mouse model (a. forsberg and h. wolf-watz, mol. microbiol. 2:121-133, 1988). in the study described here, the dna sequences of the yope genes of yersinia pestis ev76 and yersinia enterocolitica 8081 were determined and compared with that of the y. pseudotuberculosis gene. only two codons were found to differ, both leading to amino acid replacemen ... | 1990 | 2307658 |
a synthetic oligonucleotide probe and a cloned polynucleotide probe based on the yopa gene for detection and enumeration of virulent yersinia enterocolitica. | we compared a synthetically produced 19-mer oligonucleotide probe with a polynucleotide probe consisting of a cloned fragment of the virulence gene yopa for their relative efficiencies in identification and enumeration of virulent yersinia enterocolitica. the probes were used in dna-dna colony hybridization assays to differentiate 70 yersinia strains with known plasmid profiles. all 19 strains harboring the 40- to 50-megadalton virulence plasmid were positive in the hybridization assay, whereas ... | 1990 | 2310179 |
hypokalemia and quadriparesis. | | 1990 | 2310287 |
multiple beta 1 chain integrins are receptors for invasin, a protein that promotes bacterial penetration into mammalian cells. | mammalian cell receptors that promote entry of intracellular bacteria into nonphagocytic cells have not been identified. we show here that multiple members of the integrin superfamily of cell adhesion receptors bind the y. pseudotuberculosis invasin protein prior to bacterial penetration into mammalian cells. affinity chromatography of crude detergent extracts demonstrated that integrins containing the subunit structures alpha 3 beta 1, alpha 5 beta 1, and alpha 6 beta 1 bound to immobilized inv ... | 1990 | 2311122 |
synovial fluid antigen-presenting cells unmask peripheral blood t cell responses to bacterial antigens in inflammatory arthritis. | we and others have previously shown that synovial fluid (sf) mononuclear cells (mc) from patients with both reactive arthritis and other inflammatory arthritides proliferate in vitro in response to bacteria clinically associated with the triggering of reactive arthritis. in all cases, such sfmc responses are greater than the corresponding peripheral blood (pb) mc responses, often markedly so, and the mechanism for this is unclear. we have investigated this phenomenon by comparing the relative ab ... | 1990 | 2311298 |
in vivo effect of the organophosphorus insecticide trichlorphon on the immune response of carp (cyprinus carpio). i. effect of contamination on antibody production in relation to residue level in organs. | the organophosphorus insecticide trichlorphon was tested at medium (10 and 20 ppm) and high concentrations (20,000 ppm) on antibody production against yersinia ruckeri vaccine. no statistically significant effect was observed on humoral response or on hematocrit. contamination of organs was analyzed by acetylcholinesterase activity. at 20,000 ppm only liver and brain were highly contaminated; spleen and lymphocytes were not significantly contaminated. at 20 ppm no residue was found in organs. | 1990 | 2311566 |
hematogenous osteitis due to yersinia enterocolitica. | | 1990 | 2313139 |
yersinia enterocolitica o:3 infections in infants and children, associated with the household preparation of chitterlings. | | 1990 | 2314448 |
transfusion-associated yersinia enterocolitica. | | 1990 | 2315991 |
sepsis associated with transfusion of red cells contaminated with yersinia enterocolitica. | between april 1987 and may 1989, the centers for disease control investigated seven cases of transfusion-associated yersinia enterocolitica sepsis; four were caused by organisms of serotype o:3, and one each was caused by organisms of serotype o:1,2,3; o:5,27; and o:20. all seven recipients developed septic shock after receiving units of red cells (rbcs) contaminated with y. enterocolitica; five recipients died. the cases occurred in seven states and were unrelated. there was no evidence for con ... | 1990 | 2315994 |
asymptomatic yersinia enterocolitica infections during an outbreak in a day-nursery. | | 1990 | 2318220 |
infectious complications of blood transfusion. | | 1990 | 2322709 |
virulence of yersinia ruckeri serotype i strains is associated with a heat sensitive factor (hsf) in cell extracts. | cell extracts of yersinia ruckeri (serotype i) were examined by sds-page and western blotting. an unusual band, termed heat-sensitive factor (hsf) was observed in extracts of virulent strains only. it is thought to be lipid in nature; no differences could be detected in the region of the band in protein profiles of virulent and avirulent strains. when trout were infected either by intraperitoneal injection or bath immersion, mortalities occurred only with hsf+ strains. the hsf appears to be an i ... | 1990 | 2323544 |
plasmid content in yersinia pestis strains of different origin. | plasmid content in 242 yersinia pestis strains from various natural plague foci of the u.s.s.r. and other countries was studied. of these strains, 172 (71%) were shown to carry three plasmids described previously of about 6, 45-50 and 60 mda, respectively. twenty strains (8%) from different foci harboured additional cryptic plasmids, most often of about 20 mda in size. plasmid ppst displayed considerable constancy of its molecular mass. on the contrary, size variations of pcad (45-49 mda) and, e ... | 1990 | 2328909 |
comparative study of culture methods to detect yersinia enterocolitica serogroup o3 on swine tongues. | swine tongues were used as a model for evaluation of culture methods for y. enterocolitica o3. the following three methods were used: method a consisting of primary culture on dc, mcconkey, cin and ssd agar with additional long-term cold enrichment in pbs and/or selenite broth. method b--2 min, treatment of samples with 0.5 per cent koh solution followed by the same cultivation as above and method c--"cold shock" i.e. incubation of swabs without any medium at -20 degrees c overnight and then ino ... | 1990 | 2331297 |
new views into the pathogenesis of reactive arthritis. | | 1990 | 2331355 |
a highly efficient electroporation system for transformation of yersinia. | the various pathogenic yersinia species are not readily and efficiently transformed by classical methods. for this reason, the electroporation technique was applied for genetic transformation of these species. using optimal conditions, we were able to transform the six yersinia strains studied with the two most widely used groups of plasmids: psu2718 (a pacyc184 derivative) and pk19 (a puc19 derivative). only yersinia enterocolitica (y. e.) serotype 0:8 gave poor results (less than 5 x 10(2) tra ... | 1990 | 2332165 |
simple assay of calcium dependency for virulent plasmid-bearing clones of yersinia enterocolitica. | a simplified procedure to detect the calcium dependency of virulent plasmid-bearing strains of yersinia enterocolitica was developed. a low-calcium, agarose-based medium of brain heat infusion with added magnesium effectively differentiated plasmid-bearing and plasmidless isolates. further, the expression of calcium dependency in plasmid-bearing strains of y. enterocolitica as measured by the average colony diameter was proportional to the calcium concentration of the assay. | 1990 | 2332473 |
[plasmids of yersinia pseudotuberculosis]. | plasmids with the sizes of 5.7; 51; 70-77; and 120-130 kb were found in six strains among the ten strains collection of yersinia pseudotuberculosis. the restriction endonucleases analysis. southern-blot hybridization and physical maps construction were performed for the plasmids. the 70-77 kb plasmids were found to be analogous to the ca2(+)-dependence plasmid pyvo19 from yersinia pestis ev76. the difference between the plasmids of this type is in the insertions or deletions located on the simil ... | 1990 | 2333080 |
[conjugative r-plasmid resistance of the causative agents of yersinia infection]. | nature, structure, occurrence and drug resistance of 160 strains of y. pseudotuberculosis and 60 strains of y. enterocolitica isolated from various sources within 1986-1988 were studied. in the strains of y. pseudotuberculosis, the cell composition with respect to the requirements in calcium ions as well as the plasmid profiles with determination of the molecular weights of the plasmids in the antibiotic sensitive and resistant pathogens and r(+)-transconjugants were investigated. some molecular ... | 1990 | 2337369 |
[glutathione and superoxide dismutase redox system in the development of toxic-infectious shock caused by yersinia pestis toxin]. | the changes in the glutathione-dependent and superoxide dismutase (sod) enzymatic activity in the rat lungs and liver tissues have been studied after the administration of plague murine toxin (ld100). it has been found out the early toxic effect in 1h in the lungs: 35% sod and glutathione peroxidase (tributyl hydroperoxide) (gp) decrease, 87% glutathione reductase (gr) increase along with two-hold ascent of ratio gr/glutathione-s-transferase (gt), gr/gps. the fundamental ratio gr/gt.gps rises in ... | 1990 | 2337651 |
a medium for the selective isolation of edwardsiella ictaluri. | a selective medium, called edwardsiella ictaluri medium (eim), has been formulated for the isolation of edwardsiella ictaluri. the medium inhibits the growth of most gram-negative bacteria, except proteus sp., serratia marcescens and some isolates of aeromonas hydrophila and yersinia ruckeri. the bacteria that grow on the eim are easily differentiated from e. ictaluri based on colony morphology. the eim inhibits gram-positive bacteria with the exception of enterococci. the addition of fungizone ... | 1990 | 2338726 |
[granulomatous appendicitis: differential "common" appendicitis diagnosis]. | | 1990 | 2342439 |
[immunostimulating effect of culture filtrates of yersinia enterocolitica]. | application of sterile culturing supernatant of yersinia (y.) enterocolitica (tested serovars were 03 and 08) caused significantly accelerated transplant rejection in mice of various inbreeding strains. action correlated with dosage (r = -0.92). c57b16 mice were tested for their pregnancy rates in response to the same filtrate (serovar 03), with 5.5 live births per mating being recorded from 47 control matings but only 4.4 from 45 experimental matings (alpha less than 0.0025). the mean gestation ... | 1990 | 2344242 |
[blood groups of great gerbils (rhombomys opimus licht.) as an indicator of population resistance to infections]. | three genetic systems of blood groups of great gerbils were studied to reveal that different resistance patterns exist in rodents toward yersinia pestis and salmonella typhimurium. extrapolation of the results obtained on relations of co-members of parasite systems contributes to understanding of some points of immunobiological mechanisms of dynamics of expizootic procedures. a hypothesis is proposed claiming that isoantigenic blood structure of the host is responsible for formation of populatio ... | 1990 | 2344947 |
the presence of yersinia enterocolitica and other yersinia species on the carcasses of market broilers. | sixty ready-to-cook broiler carcasses obtained from several local supermarkets were tested for the presence of yersinia enterocolitica and other yersinia species. in the present study, the authors used two enrichment broths, yeast-extract/rosebengal-bile oxalate sorbose (yer-bos) and phosphate-buffered saline with a postenrichment koh treatment (pbs-koh), and two plating media, cefsulodin-irgasan-novobiocin (cin) and pectin agar. yersinia organisms were found on 34 of 60 carcasses (56.7%) and y. ... | 1990 | 2345728 |
yersinia reactive arthritis and human immunodeficiency virus infection. | | 1990 | 2346531 |
excretion of yersinia spp. associated with consumption of pasteurized milk. | yersinia enterocolitica biotype 1, serotype o.10k was isolated from 19 patients in the paediatric wards of a district general hospital over a period of 3 months. fifteen cases were patients on the medical ward. shortly afterwards, y. enterocolitica biotype 1, serotype o.6, 30 was isolated from a further 17 patients on this ward in 1 month. the same serotypes of y. enterocolitica were isolated from the pasteurized milk supplied to the ward. epidemiological evidence indicated that contaminated pas ... | 1990 | 2347379 |
the source of yersinia spp. in pasteurized milk: an investigation at a dairy. | pasteurized bottled milk supplied by a single dairy was frequently found to be contaminated with yersinia spp. investigations were carried out at the dairy in an effort to pinpoint the source of these organisms. viable counts obtained from milk bottle rinses indicated that bottle washing was often unsatisfactory, and on one occasion y. frederiksenii was isolated from the pooled rinse water of six bottles. samples of milk were taken on arrival at the dairy and at various stages following pasteuri ... | 1990 | 2347380 |
ecological studies on intestinal microbial flora of kenyan children with diarrhoea. | the intestinal microflora was analysed together with short-chain fatty acids (scfa) and bile acids in faeces from nine children with acute diarrhoeal disease in lari, kenya. enteric pathogens such as enteroinvasive e. coli, enteropathogenic e. coli, yersinia enterocolitica, rotavirus, giardia lamblia and entamoeba histolytica were isolated either singly or in combination from diarrhoeal faecal specimens. the most striking finding in these patients was a marked reduction of anaerobes. analysis of ... | 1990 | 2348500 |
[ocular findings in infection-linked immune phenomena and secondary diseases (the so-called reiter's syndrome)]. | between 1981 and 1987 the authors saw 12 patients with reiter's syndrome. lesions included 6 cases of bilateral conjunctivitis in patients with chlamydial infection, 3 of unilateral serofibrinous iridocyclitis in patients with yersinia enterocolitica, 1 case of bilateral iridocyclitis in a patient with positive chlamydial complement-binding reaction, 1 case of bilateral follicular conjunctivitis following acute gonococcal urethritis, and one case of unilateral serofibrinous iridocyclitis, in a p ... | 1990 | 2348635 |
19th annual ucla symposium: molecular biology of yersiniae: a model for gram negative pathogenesis. abstracts. | | 1990 | 2348720 |
effects of room-temperature exposure on bacterial growth in stored red cells. | experiments were performed to determine the effect of room-temperature (rt) exposure on the growth rates of selected bacteria by deliberate contamination of as-1 packed red cell (rbc) units contained in pl146 plastic bags. isolates of staphylococcus aureus, s. epidermidis, streptococcus faecalis, pseudomonas aeruginosa, citrobacter freundii, enterobacter agglomerans, and yersinia enterocolitica were inoculated into 3- to 5-day-old packed rbc units. the units were refrigerated at 4 to 6 degrees c ... | 1990 | 2349628 |
epidemiologic investigations of yersinia enterocolitica and related species: sources, frequency, and serogroup distribution. | during an 11-year period (1978 to 1989), over 300 strains of yersinia spp. (excluding y. pestis and y. pseudotuberculosis) were recovered from a variety of gastrointestinal and extraintestinal sites in patients in california. over the 11-year period, y. enterocolitica serogroup o:3 predominated, although a shift in the relative frequency of this serogroup was observed during this interval, increasing dramatically during the years 1984 to 1989. of the remaining y. enterocolitica isolates, over 40 ... | 1990 | 2351734 |
epidemiology of bacterial pathogens associated with infectious diarrhea in djibouti. | during a survey examining the causes of diarrhea in the east african country of djibouti, 140 bacterial pathogens were recovered from 209 diarrheal and 100 control stools. the following pathogens were isolated at comparable frequencies from both diarrheal and control stools: enteroadherent escherichia coli (eaec) (10.6 versus 13%), enterotoxigenic e. coli (etec) (11 versus 10%), enteropathogenic e. coli (epec) (7.7 versus 12%), salmonella spp. (2.9 versus 3%), and campylobacter jejuni-c. coli (3 ... | 1990 | 2351738 |
epidemiologic surveillance of enteric diseases in alaska--value of case investigation. | patients infected by salmonella, shigella, giardia, campylobacter, yersinia, and hepatitis a virus were interviewed during a 15-month period to evaluate the benefit of intensive follow-up, to assess the proportion of cases who had contact with children less than four years of age, and to determine risk factors. of 746 reported infections, we interviewed 345 patients (46%) and identified 199 other ill people. follow-up of sporadic, passively reported cases required considerable resources, but no ... | 1990 | 2353745 |
comparison of enrichment and plating media for isolation of yersinia. | yersinia enterocolitica (serotypes 0:3 or 0:8), yersinia frederiksenii, yersinia kristensenii, or yersinia intermedia along with 10(8) cells of each of three extraneous organisms (escherichia coli, enterobacter aerogenes, pseudomonas fragi), all commonly found on market poultry, were inoculated into five enrichment media followed by streaking onto 11 plating media to determine the most-efficacious combinations for future surveys or assessment studies. for yersinia enterocolitica (0:8), infrequen ... | 1990 | 2356183 |
hickman catheter sepsis caused by yersinia enterocolitica. | | 1990 | 2356507 |