
[clinical comparison of chlamydia pneumoniae pneumonia, ornithosis, and mycoplasma pneumoniae pneumonia].to elucidate the differences between the clinical aspects of chlamydia pneumoniae (c. pn) pneumonia and those of two other atypical pneumonias, chlamydia psittaci (c. ps) pneumonia and mycoplasma pneumoniae (m. pn) pneumonia, we analyzed the symptoms and laboratory data on the cases of these three types of pneumonia: 46 cases of c. pn pneumonia, 39 cases of c. ps pneumonia, and 131 cases of m. pn pneumonia. c. pn pneumonia was significantly more frequent among the elderly (mean 70 +/- 16 years, ...200111431909
genetic immunization for chlamydia psittaci.plasmid dna expressing the major outer membrane protein (momp) of an avian chlamydia psittaci serovar a strain, has been tested for its ability to raise an immune response and induce protection against challenge with the same serovar. a combined parenteral (intramuscular injection) and mucosal route (dna drops administered to the nares) of dna inoculation was compared to gene gun-based immunization. the gene gun delivery of pcdna1/momp as well as the intramuscular-intranasal dna delivery primed ...200111436420
endogenous interleukin-12 is not required for resolution of chlamydophila abortus (chlamydia psittaci serotype 1) infection in mice.a th1 immune response involving gamma interferon (ifn-gamma) production is required to eliminate chlamydophila abortus infections. in this study, the role of interleukin-12 (il-12) in protecting against c. abortus infection was investigated using il-12(-/-) and wild-type (wt) c57bl/6 mice to determine the role of this th1-promoting cytokine. il-12(-/-) mice were able to eliminate the c. abortus infection in a primary infection. however, there was a delay in the clearance of bacteria when il-12(- ...200111447154
association between chlamydia psittaci seropositivity and abortion in italian dairy cows.although the seroprevalence of chlamydia psittaci is widespread in italian dairy herds, its role in inducing genital disorders has not been elucidated. we therefore set up a case-control study to compare seroprevalence to c. psittaci in an aborted-cow population and in a randomly selected control group in the province of parma (the po valley of northern italy). the true seroprevalence (45%) in aborted cows was significantly higher than that in the control group (24%) (adjusted odds ratio=2.53).200111448501
comparative analysis of chlamydia bacteriophages reveals variation localized to a putative receptor binding domain.three recently discovered ssdna chlamydia-infecting microviruses, phicpg1, phiar39, and chp2, were compared with the previously characterized phage from avian c. psittaci, chp1. although the four bacteriophages share an identical arrangement of their five main genes, chpl has diverged significantly in its nucleotide and protein sequences from the other three, which form a closely related group. the vp1 major viral capsid proteins of phicpg1 and phiar39 (from guinea pig-infecting c. psittaci and ...200011471835
causes of caprine abortion: diagnostic assessment of 211 cases (1991-1998).in an 8-year period, 1991-1998, 217 accessions of caprine abortions were submitted to the california veterinary diagnostic laboratory system. of these 217 submissions, 211 were suitable for examination in this study (6 had insufficient data). infectious agents as the cause of abortions were found in 37% of the cases: bacterial agents were identified in 30.5%, viral agents in 2%, fungal agents in 0.5%, and protozoal agents in 4% of the cases submitted. the most common causes of abortions were chl ...200111482610
controlled study of the efficacy of clavulanic acid-potentiated amoxycillin in the treatment of chlamydia psittaci in cats.twenty-four specific pathogen-free cats were inoculated with 3 x 10(3) infectious units of a field isolate of chlamydia psittaci on to the corneal surface. seven days later they were assigned randomly to three groups of eight and treated orally for 19 days with either clavulanic acid-potentiated amoxycillin, doxycycline or a placebo. both treated groups responded rapidly, with a marked reduction in isolation rates and clinical scores which were significantly lower than in the placebo group withi ...200111497397
[diseases from chlamydia psittaci and chlamydia pneumoniae]. 200111515199
chlamydial infections in small ruminants.chlamydophila abortus (formerly chlamydia psittaci) is one of the most important causes of reproductive failure in sheep and goats, especially in intensively managed flocks. the disease is usually manifested as abortion in the last 2 to 3 weeks of gestation, regardless of when the animal was infected. ewes that abort are resistant to future reproductive failure due to c. abortus, but they become inapparent carriers and persistently shed the organism from their reproductive tracts during estrus. ...200111515403
a monoclonal antibody recognizing the 3-deoxy-d-manno-oct-2-ulosonic acid (kdo) trisaccharide alphakdo(2-->4)alphakdo(2-->4)alphakdo of chlamydophila psittaci 6bc lipopolysaccharide.a monoclonal antibody (mab) s45-18 was generated against a synthetic neoglycoconjugate containing the trisaccharide alphakdo(2-->4)alphakdo(2-->4)alphakdo (kdo, 3-deoxy-d-manno-oct-2-ulopyranosonic acid) which represents a structure of the lipopolysaccharide (lps) from chlamydophila psittaci 6bc. the antibody was characterized by binding and inhibition assays in elisa using: (i) the immunizing antigen and chemically synthesized derivatives thereof; (ii) chlamydial elementary bodies (eb); and (ii ...200011521056
labsystems enzyme immunoassay for chlamydia pneumoniae also detects chlamydia psittaci infections. 200111558474
isolation of chlamydia psittaci from domestic cats with oculonasal discharge in japan.eight strains of chlamydia psittaci were isolated in japan from the nasal and conjunctival swabs of six household cats using the l929 cell line of mouse fibroblast origin. the isolates were identified as c. psittaci on the basis of the formation of characteristic inclusion bodies in the cell culture detected by giemsa stain and immunofluorescence. comparison of nucleotide sequences of the ompa gene amplified from the three isolates with the published sequence of feline fepn strain of c. psittaci ...200111558555
recombination in the ompa gene but not the omcb gene of chlamydia contributes to serovar-specific differences in tissue tropism, immune surveillance, and persistence of the organism.sequences of the major outer membrane protein (momp) gene (ompa) and the outer membrane complex b protein gene (omcb) from chlamydia trachomatis, chlamydia pneumoniae, and chlamydia psittaci were analyzed for evidence of intragenic recombination and for linkage equilibrium. the sawyer runs test, compatibility matrices, and index of association analyses provided substantial evidence that there has been a history of intragenic recombination at ompa including one instance of interspecies recombinat ...200111567000
amplified fragment length polymorphism differentiation between the vaccine strain chlamydia psittaci 1b and wild field strains. 200111583131
seroprevalence of toxoplasma gondii and chlamydia psittaci in domestic pigeons (columbia livia domestica) at sebele, gaborone, botswana.high antibody titres to toxoplasma gondii and chlamydophila psittaci were demonstrated in serum collected from domestic pigeons at average titres of 1:128 and 1:64 respectively. the public health implications of these findings are discussed.200111585096
conjunctivitis due to chlamydophila felis (chlamydia psittaci feline pneumonitis agent) acquired from a cat: case report with molecular characterization of isolates from the patient and cat.conjunctivitis due to chlamydiaceae other than chlamydia trachomatis is rarely reported because of infrequent occurrence or inadequate investigation. a case of chronic non-trachomatis chlamydial conjunctivitis is described. after full clinical information was supplied to the laboratory, a non-trachomatis chlamydia was recovered from the patient's eye. this organism, and a subsequent isolate from one of the patient's cats, were shown to be indistinguishable examples of the recently described spec ...200111597148
in vitro and in vivo activities of sitafloxacin against chlamydia spp.the in vitro and in vivo antichlamydial activity of sitafloxacin was investigated. the mics and minimal chlamydiacidal concentrations of sitafloxacin for various species of chlamydia ranged from 0.031 to 0.125 microg/ml. sitafloxacin had an excellent therapeutic effect on experimental chlamydia psittaci pneumonia and was more potent than tosufloxacin, ofloxacin, and ciproflxacin, although slightly less potent than sparfloxacin.200111600398
structural analyses of the lipopolysaccharides from chlamydophila psittaci strain 6bc and chlamydophila pneumoniae strain kajaani 6.lipopolysaccharides (lpss) of chlamydophila psittaci 6bc and chlamydophila pneumoniae kajaani 6 contain 3-deoxy-d-manno-oct-2-ulosonic acid (kdo), glcn, organic bound phosphate, and fatty acids in the molar ratios of approximately 3:2:2.2:4.8 and approximately 2.9:2:2.1:4.9, respectively. the lpss were immunoreactive with a monoclonal antibody against a family-specific epitope of chlamydial lps. this finding, together with methylation analyses of both lpss and maldi-tof ms experiments on de-o-, ...200111705470
chlamydia pneumoniae--aetiologic agent of what? 200111715748
[notification according to the law for protection against infections].since january 1st 2001, the law for protection against infections decrees the duty of notification along two tracks, on the one hand by notification of infectious diseases and on the other hand by reporting the pathogens. however, the names of pathogens change due to scientific progress. furthermore, these names include in some cases not only harmful agents of infectious diseases but also inoffensive organisms, i. e. giardia lamblia. there are also problems in the notification of other pathogens ...200111735068
role of bcl-2 family members in caspase-independent apoptosis during chlamydia infection.infection with an obligate intracellular bacterium, the chlamydia trachomatis lymphogranuloma venereum (lgv/l2) strain or the guinea pig inclusion conjunctivitis serovar of chlamydia psittaci, leads to apoptosis of host cells. the apoptosis is not affected by a broad-spectrum caspase inhibitor, and caspase-3 is not activated in infected cells, suggesting that apoptosis mediated by these two strains of chlamydia is independent of known caspases. overexpression of the proapoptotic bcl-2 family mem ...200211748163
cross-reaction between the genus-specific lipopolysaccharide antigen of chlamydia spp. and the lipopolysaccharides of porphyromonas gingivalis, escherichia coli o119 and salmonella newington: implications for hybridoma clones, secreting monoclonal antibodies (mabs) against the genus-specific chlamydial lipopolysaccharide (lps) antigen were obtained after immunization of balb/c mice with formalin killed chlamydia psittaci. the antigen-binding properties of the mabs were characterized in different immunologic reactions with purified chlamydial elementary bodies and lps antigens from s- and r-forms of gram-negative bacteria. four mabs reacted with the heterologous lps antigens of salmonella r-muta ...200111750161
what to do with the offending bird. 200111759446
biology and clinical significance of chlamydiae. 200111764738
mannose-receptor positive and negative mouse macrophages differ in their susceptibility to infection by chlamydia has been shown that n-linked high mannose type oligosaccharides competitively inhibits attachment to and infectivity of chlamydiae in hela cells. to further study whether mannose moieties are involved in the infectivity of chlamydiae, the susceptibility of mannose-receptor negative j774a and positive j774e mouse macrophages to chlamydia trachomatis, chlamydia psittaci and chlamydia pneumoniae was evaluated. c. trachomatis infected mannose-receptor positive cells better than mannose-receptor n ...200211782120
[two cases of chlamydia psittaci infection occurring in employees of the same pet shop].we report here 2 cases of psittacosis in a pet shop. in the first case, a 44-year-old male was admitted with fever, and a chest radiograph showed an infiltration shadow in the right lower lung. one day later, a colleague of the first patient, a 42-year-old man, developed fever and was admitted. in this patient, chest radiography revealed an infiltration shadow in the left lower lung. both patients had mild liver dysfunction. the serum titer of a complement fixation (cf) test against chlamydia ps ...200111828730
serological status for chlamydophila psittaci, newcastle disease virus, avian polyoma virus, and pacheco disease virus in scarlet macaws (ara macao) kept in captivity in costa rica.from 1998 to 1999, a total of 128 blood samples were collected from scarlet macaws (ara macao), kept in captivity in 11 different aviaries located in six provinces of costa rica. the sera were examined for antibodies directed against chlamydophila psittaci, newcastle disease virus (ndv), avian polyoma virus (apv), and pacheco disease virus (pdv). testing by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (elisa), showed 16 (12.39%) of the samples (n = 129) exhibited antibodies directed against c. psittaci. em ...200111846016
application of polymerase chain reaction for detection of legionella pneumophila in serum samples.objective: to apply the polymerase chain reaction (pcr) to serum samples for the rapid diagnosis of legionnaire's disease using the l5sl9 and l5sr93 primers designed to generate a 104-base-pair (bp) fragment from the 5s rna gene of legionella spp. the amplified product was detected by electrophoresis and by hybridization with the l5s-1-specific probe. methods: single specimens of serum obtained from 24 patients with confirmed legionellosis, at different stages of their disease, were tested by pc ...199811864308
prevalence of chlamydia trachomatis, chlamydia psittaci and chlamydia pneumoniae antibodies in blood donors and attendees of std clinics.objective: to estimate the prevalence of chlamydia trachomatis, c. psittaci and c. pneumoniae antibodies in sera from altogether 931 blood donors, patients with symptoms of urethritis, assumed salpingitis and sexually acquired reactive arthritis (sara), and women with fertility problems. methods: igg antibodies to c. trachomatis, c. psittaci and c. pneumoniae were determined by microimmunofluorescence (mif) tests. all patients were also tested for genital c. trachomatis infection using direct im ...199611866775
newly characterized species-specific immunogenic chlamydophila pneumoniae peptide reactive with murine monoclonal and human serum antibodies.a monoclonal antibody (mab) directed against an unknown chlamydophila pneumoniae epitope has been characterized, and the respective peptide mimotope has been identified. a murine mab specific for c. pneumoniae was used to select peptides from phage display libraries. the peptides identified from the phage display library clones reacted specifically with the respective target murine mab and with human sera previously identified as having antibody titers to c. pneumoniae. the selected peptide mimo ...200211874892
serotyping of swiss avian chlamydophila psittaci isolates. 200211913588
the clinical efficacy of topical and systemic therapy for the treatment of feline ocular chlamydiosis.twenty-four specific-pathogen-free-derived cats aged four to 11 months were challenged by ocular application of a field isolate of chlamydia psittaci to evaluate the effect of topical and systemic therapy on the course of disease. the cats were monitored for 35 days post-challenge, with severity of clinical signs being measured using a scoring system, and ocular shedding of the organism monitored by culture of conjunctival swabs. all cats developed active c psittaci infection, and after 7 days t ...199911919013
elisa test to detect chlamydophila pneumoniae igg.a new elisa test (chlamydophila pneumoniae igg, vircell, spain) to detect chlamydophila pneumoniae igg was evaluated. the micro-immunofluorescence (mif) test was used as reference method. chlamydia trachomatis and chlamydophila psittaci elementary bodies were also assayed. two hundred and sixteen sera were included in the study: 66 from patients with peripheral arterial occlusive disease (panel 1), 68 from adults with pneumonia (panel 2), 44 from healthy adults (panel 3) and 38 from patients wit ...200211925757
development and application of quantitative polymerase chain reaction assay based on the abi 7700 system (taqman) for detection and quantification of mycobacterium avium subsp. paratuberculosis.numerous reports have described diagnostic methods based on the polymerase chain reaction (pcr) used to detect mycobacterium avium subsp. paratuberculosis, the causative agent of johne's disease. the result of conventional pcr tests has been only qualitative, either positive or negative; it does not present any quantitative information about the number of the agents in the specimen. a quantitative pcr method (is900 taqman) was developed to measure the number of m. a. paratuberculosis organisms p ...200211939333
isolation and characterisation of local strains of chlamydophila abortus (chlamydia psittaci serotype 1) from tunisia.chlamydiosis is one of the major diseases that can lead to abortion in ewes. since 1997, in 5 regions of tunisia, chlamydia-related abortions have been reported in 15 sheep and goat flocks. one hundred and sixty-six sera and 50 vaginal swab samples were collected from adult ewes. chlamydial antigens were detected in 29 (58%) of the vaginal swabs using enzyme linked immunosorbent assay (elisa) while 9 (18%) were positive by cell culture. five strains were recovered from 4 different sheep flocks. ...200211944809
gamma interferon fails to induce expression of indoleamine 2,3-dioxygenase and does not control the growth of chlamydophila abortus in bewo trophoblast cells.the bewo trophoblast cell line does not constitutively express the tryptophan degrading enzyme indolamine 2,3-dioxygenase (ido), nor can ido expression be induced by gamma interferon. this correlates with the inability of bewo cells to control the growth of chlamydophila abortus, in contrast to effects observed in hela cells treated with gamma interferon.200211953413
abortion in woman caused by caprine chlamydophila abortus (chlamydia psittaci serovar 1).on a farm housing cattle and goats an abortion storm occurred affecting 50% of the goats during the lambing season 2000/2001. in one of three investigated caprine abortions chlamydophila abortus could be identified as aetiology. during this time a pregnant woman (pregnancy week 19/20) had contact with aborting goats. she developed a severe generalized infection and aborted. the placenta contained chlamydophila abortus shown by immunohistochemistry and pcr. the aim of the present case report is t ...200211971199
chlamydial infection in canine atherosclerotic lesions.we attempted to detect chlamydial antigens in canine atherosclerotic lesions from seven dogs by immunohistochemical technique using anti-chlamydia psittaci (c. psittaci) polyclonal and anti-c. pneumoniae monoclonal antibodies. immunopositive signals to both antibodies were recognized in the atherosclerotic lesions of the aortas, coronary and splenic arteries of all dogs. positive signals were found in the foamy cytoplasm of infiltrated macrophages and extracellular matrices in the lesions. in so ...200211996944
[chlamydial diseases of domestic animals--zoonotic potential of the agents and diagnostic issues].the role of chlamydiae as agents of a number of important animal and human diseases is still the subject of intensive research. recently, a proposal for taxonomic reclassification of this group of obligate intracellular bacteria was published, which was based on a large amount of new data on genetic relatedness. according to this proposal, the family chlamydiaceae now comprises two genera (chlamydia and chlamydophila) with 9 largely host-related species. the previously accepted classification sc ...200211998363
epidemiological investigations of abortions due to neospora caninum on swiss dairy farms.abortions apparently due to neospora caninum in two swiss dairy herds were investigated by means of a pcr and elisa, and other potential causes were eliminated. in addition, a case-control study of 24 case herds and 24 control herds indicated that n caninum-associated abortions were more likely to occur in herds with antibodies to coxiella burnetii (with an odds ratio [or] of 3.38 with a 95 per cent confidence interval [ci] of 1.82 to 6.22), whereas the likelihood was less in herds with antibodi ...200212019533
species specific chlamydiae antibodies in voluntary blood donors of delhi.different species of genus chlamydia have been associated with ocular, genitourinary and respiratory infections, and coronary artery disease. since the majority of these infections remain asymptomatic or subclinical, antibodies may be present in apparently healthy individuals, and the determination of species specific chlamydia antibodies in a healthy population may reflect exposure. we therefore screened the sera of healthy blood donors for species specific chlamydia antibodies by microimmunofl ...200112025256
investigation of pre-natal chlamydophila abortus (chlamydia psittaci) exposure of female lambs and the outcome of their first pregnancy. 200212090777
performance of three microimmunofluorescence assays for detection of chlamydia pneumoniae immunoglobulin m, g, and a antibodies.the microimmunofluorescence (mif) test is considered the "gold standard" for laboratory diagnosis of acute and chronic chlamydia pneumoniae infection. the performance of a mif test based on c. pneumoniae antigen from washington research foundation (wrf) was compared with those of assays from labsystems (lab) and mrl diagnostics (mrl) by investigation of sera from three groups of patients: group i, 83 sera from 28 patients with atypical pneumonia; group ii, 37 sera from 16 patients with acute c. ...200212093682
the role of chlamydia trachomatis in prostatitis.ascending chlamydial infections have been thought to be an infective cause of prostatitis for the last three decades. unfortunately, the definitive association between isolation of an infective agent and its prostatic origin is limited by various factors, although modern techniques of molecular biology for identification of the microorganisms are available. two major problems are: (1) diagnostic material passing the urethra may reflect only urethral contamination, (2) prostatic biopsy specimens ...200212135834
detection and differentiation of chlamydiae by fluorescence in situ hybridization.chlamydiae are important pathogens of humans and animals but diagnosis of chlamydial infections is still hampered by inadequate detection methods. fluorescence in situ hybridization (fish) using rrna-targeted oligonucleotide probes is widely used for the investigation of uncultured bacteria in complex microbial communities and has recently also been shown to be a valuable tool for the rapid detection of various bacterial pathogens in clinical specimens. here we report on the development and eval ...200212147510
feline chlamydiosis in italy: pcr amplification and analysis of the ompa and groel-homolog genes.the ompa and groel-homolog genes of chlamydia psittaci were amplified from feline conjunctival swabs. the pcr products from positive samples for ompa and groel genes were digested with the restriction enzyme alu i and hind iii, respectively. in addition, the pcr products from both genes were sequenced. the results confirm the high homogeneity of the ompa gene of feline c. psittaci. the rflp analysis of groel-homolog gene could be useful to typing the strains of feline c. psittaci.200212173777
protein signatures distinctive of chlamydial species: horizontal transfers of cell wall biosynthesis genes glmu from archaea to chlamydiae and mura between chlamydiae and streptomyces.chlamydiae are major human and animal pathogens. based on alignments of different protein sequences, a number of conserved indels (insertion/deletions) were identified that appear to be unique and distinctive characteristics of the chlamydial species. the identified signatures include one 16 aa and two single aa inserts in the enzyme udp-n-acetylglucosamine 1-carboxyvinyltransferase (mura), a 1 aa insert in protein synthesis elongation factor p (ef-p), a 1 aa insert in the mg(2+) transport prote ...200212177347
comparative in vitro activity of garenoxacin against chlamydia spp.the in vitro susceptibilities of 33 isolates of chlamydia trachomatis, chlamydia pneumoniae and chlamydia psittaci to a new quinolone drug, garenoxacin (bms-284756), in comparison with levofloxacin, ciprofloxacin, doxycycline, erythromycin and roxithromycin, were determined. garenoxacin was the most active of the quinolone drugs tested, with identical mic and mbc, which ranged from 0.007 to 0.03 mg/l. the mic and mbc of the other two quinolones tested, levofloxacin and ciprofloxacin, were also i ...200212205067
[severe multiorgan psittacosis in a 10-year-old boy].psittacosis is rare among children and severe cases appear exceptional. we describe a child with psittacosis and multiorgan involvement. case report: t., a ten-year-old boy, was admitted for a prolonged fever associated with meningism. laboratory tests showed an important inflammatory response, mild renal failure and coagulation disorders. on admission, the chest x-ray and the cerebrospinal fluid were normal. he rapidly developed shock, acute abdomen, oxygenodependency, pneumonia and bilateral p ...200212205791
dynamic diversity of the tryptophan pathway in chlamydiae: reductive evolution and a novel operon for tryptophan recapture.complete genomic sequences of closely related organisms, such as the chlamydiae, afford the opportunity to assess significant strain differences against a background of many shared characteristics. the chlamydiae are ubiquitous intracellular parasites that are important pathogens of humans and other organisms. tryptophan limitation caused by production of interferon-gamma by the host and subsequent induction of indoleamine dioxygenase is a key aspect of the host-parasite interaction. it appears ...200212225590
chlamydial antigens colocalize within inca-laden fibers extending from the inclusion membrane into the host cytosol.chlamydial inca localizes to the inclusion membrane and to vesicular fibers extending away from the inclusion. chlamydial outer membrane components, in the absence of developmental forms, are found within these fibers. this colocalization may explain how chlamydial developmental form antigens are localized outside of the inclusion within infected cells.200212228318
ovine chlamydial abortion: characterization of the inflammatory immune response in placental tissues.ovine chlamydial abortion is a serious cause of fetal mortality in several sheep-rearing countries. the causal agent, chlamydophila abortus (chlamydia psittaci), does not generally induce clinical signs in the ewe other than abortion; this is associated with macroscopically visible damage in the placenta, which may be inflamed and thickened. to investigate the nature of the placental inflammation, seven pregnant sheep were inoculated subcutaneously at 70 days' gestation with c. abortus (strain s ...200212354524
[a case of fulminant psittacosis with rhabdomyolysis].we encountered a case of psittacosis accompanied with rhabdomyolysis in a 66-year-old woman admitted to our hospital because of myalgia, fever, diarrhea, and disorientation. a chest ct scan showed air-space consolidation and ground-glass attenuation in the left lung. laboratory findings showed elevation of cpk, myoglobin, and aldolase, consistent with rhabdomyolysis. she recovered after administration of intravenous erythromycin and steroid pulse therapy. psittacosis was diagnosed from the histo ...200212382428
evidence of chlamydophila psittaci infection in captive amazon parrots in brazil.the prevalence of chlamydophila psittaci (formerly chlamydia psittaci) infection was assessed in 95 apparently healthy, captive amazon parrots from three breeder collections in southeastern and west-central brazil. cloacal swabs from 95 birds were tested for chlamydial antigen, which was detected by direct immunofluorescence (dif), and serum samples from 44 of these birds were tested for antibodies to c. psittaci using an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. the prevalences of active infection as ...200212398299
[acute chlamydial lesions of the nervous system: etiology, diagnosis, clinical aspects].the examination of 180 patients with acute neuroinfection (105 males, 75 females at the age from 18 to 45 years) has detected c. trachomatis in 23.8%, c. pneumoniae in 66.6%, c. psittaci in 9.5% patients. acute and chlamydial lesions of the central nervous system were characterized by all forms of neuroinfection: serous and purulent meningitides, meningoencephalitides. development of acute neuroinfection is accompanied by sluggish chlamydial infection of the viscera.200212416222
chlamydial infection of cats and human health.chlamydia psittaci var. felis is considered as a primary and important agent in the etiology of infectious diseases of the upper respiratory tract and eyes in cats, having zoonotic potential. we investigated 13 cats aged between 2 months and 7 years, in which conjunctivitis, rhinitis, laryngotracheitis, bronchopneumonia and lymph adenopathy was clinically diagnosed. to detect the antigen of c. psittaci the clearview chlamydia direct test was used for the first time. the presence of c psittaci in ...200212422525
b-cell-deficient mice show an exacerbated inflammatory response in a model of chlamydophila abortus infection.the resolution of chlamydophila abortus (chlamydia psittaci serotype 1) infection is dependent on gamma interferon and cd8(+) t cells, and classically, b cells have been considered to play a minimal role in host defense. the role of b cells in the immune response was studied by using a model of infection in mice with genetically modified immunoglobulin m transmembrane domains ( micro mt). in the absence of b cells, infection with c. abortus leads to an acute severe fatal disease that involves a ...200212438369
new parachlamydial 16s rdna phylotypes detected in human clinical samples.chlamydiales are important intracellular bacterial pathogens, causing a wide variety of diseases in vertebrates, including humans. besides the well-known species in the family chlamydiaceae, new chlamydial organisms have recently been discovered, forming three new families: parachlamydiaceae, simkaniaceae and waddliaceae. parachlamydia acanthamoebae and simkania negevensis are currently investigated as emerging human respiratory pathogens. additional chlamydial lineages have been discovered by 1 ...200212455703
chlamydial conjunctivitis (in adults), uveitis, and reactive arthritis, including sara. sexually acquired reactive arthritis.this chapter deals with chlamydia -induced ocular and rheumatic diseases of the adult. all of these may follow a primary urogenital infection with chlamydia trachomatis in genetically predisposed patients. besides the infection with chlamydia trachomatis, infections with chlamydia pneumoniae and chlamydia psittaci are also discussed as possible causative agents. chlamydial conjunctivitis is frequently a secondary infection, and the organism is transferred from the urogenital tract to the eye by ...200212473284
psittacosis/avian chlamydiosis.considerable progress continues to be made in understanding chlamydial organisms, their host species, diagnosis, and treatment. (1-3) thus, national guidelines are updated annually to provide a standardized approach to handling infections in humans and birds. (2-3) prior to development of these guidelines, considerable variation in approach by state agencies has been documented. (39) a more recent national assessment of state regulations and procedures has not been conducted. decreasing imports ...200212494967
entry of the lymphogranuloma venereum strain of chlamydia trachomatis into host cells involves cholesterol-rich membrane domains.chlamydiae are bacterial pathogens which develop strictly inside the epithelial cells of their hosts. the mechanism used by chlamydiae to enter cells is not well characterized; however, it is thought to consist of a receptor-mediated process. in addition, the formation of clathrin-coated pits appears to be dispensable for chlamydiae to be internalized by host cells. clathrin-independent endocytosis has recently been shown to occur through cholesterol-rich lipid microdomains, which are characteri ...200312496174
wild pigeons and pheasants--a source of chlamydophila psittaci for humans and animals.the authors present results of serological examination in 275 pheasants (phaisanus colchicus) and 273 pigeons (columba livia f. domestica) for the presence of chlamydophila (ch) psittaci igg antibodies. using micromethod of complement fixation (cf) test with genus-specific antigen ch. psittaci (bioveta, ivanovice na hané, czech republic), the seropositivity in pheasants oscillated between 31.5-40.4 %. no clinical signs of chlamydiosis were detected in pheasants under study. the seropositivity in ...200212498596
atypical pathogens in adult patients admitted with community-acquired pneumonia in korea.this study examined the prevalence of atypical pathogens causing community-acquired pneumonia (cap) in korea. we collected sera and clinical data for a period of 1 year for the adult patients consecutively admitted to chunchon sacred heart hospital with cap. the diagnosis was made using serologic methods to detect antibodies for mycoplasma pneumoniae, chlamydia pneumoniae, legionella spp., chlamydia psittaci, and coxiella burnetii. among 81 recruited patients, c. pneumoniae (n = 10, 12.3%) was t ...200212501255
infectious disease survey of rio grande wild turkeys in the edwards plateau of texas.state wildlife agencies have translocated thousands of wild turkeys (meleagris gallopavo) since the 1930s to reestablish this species. because of threats to the domestic poultry industry and wild birds, screening for selected infectious agents has become routine since the early 1980s. one of the principal sources for rio grande wild turkeys (m. gallopavo intermedia) for translocation purposes was the edwards plateau of texas (usa). unfortunately, turkey abundance has declined in the southern edw ...200212528453
infectious disease survey of lesser prairie chickens in north texas.lesser prairie chicken (tympanuchus pallidicinctus) abundance, like that of most grassland birds, has declined rangewide for decades. although habitat loss and degradation are likely ultimate causes for this decline, infectious agents, particularly microparasites, could be proximate contributors. no surveys of pathogenic bacteria or viruses have been published for this species. we surveyed 24 free-living lesser prairie chickens from hemphill county, texas (usa), for evidence of exposure to salmo ...200212528454
endotoxic activity and chemical structure of lipopolysaccharides from chlamydia trachomatis serotypes e and l2 and chlamydophila psittaci 6bc.the lipopolysaccharide (lps) of chlamydia trachomatis serotype e was isolated from tissue culture-grown elementary bodies and analyzed structurally by mass spectrometry and 1h, 13c and 31p nuclear magnetic resonance. the lps is composed of the same pentasaccharide bisphosphate alphakdo-(2-8)-alphakdo-(2-4)-alphakdo-(2-6)-betaglcn-4p-(1-6)-alphaglcn-1p (kdo is 3-deoxy-alpha-d-manno-oct-2-ulosonic acid) as reported for c. trachomatis serotype l2[rund, s., lindner, b., brade, h. and holst, o. (1999 ...200312542694
methodologies and cell lines used for antimicrobial susceptibility testing of chlamydia vitro susceptibility testing was performed on strains of chlamydia trachomatis, chlamydia pneumoniae, and chlamydia psittaci under various conditions, including the cell line utilized, the time between infection and the addition of an antimicrobial, the concentration of inoculum, and the effect of multiple passage on the minimal chlamydicidal concentrations for the antibiotics doxycycline, azithromycin, erythromycin, ofloxacin, and tetracycline. with macrolides, the mic varied depending upon ...200312543671
high-sensitivity quantitative pcr platform.real-time pcr methods have become widely used within the past few years. however, real-time pcr is rarely used to study chronic diseases with low pathogen loads, presumably because of insufficient sensitivity. in this report, we developed an integrated nucleic acid isolation and real-time pcr platform that vastly improved the sensitivity of the quantitative detection of the intracellular bacterium, chlamydia spp., by fluorescence resonance energy transfer real-time pcr. determinants of the overa ...200312545547
seroprevalence of antibodies to chlamydia pneumoniae in women with preeclampsia.preeclampsia shares many risk factors and pathophysiologic features with coronary heart disease. we studied whether, like atherosclerosis, preeclampsia is related to seroprevalence of immunoglobulin (ig) g antibodies to chlamydia pneumoniae.200312576242
rapid and standardized detection of chlamydia pneumoniae using lightcycler real-time fluorescence order to meet the need of many microbiological laboratories for a standardized system for detecting chlamydia pneumoniae in respiratory specimens, a hybridization probe-based lightcycler (roche diagnostics, germany) pcr assay was developed. the assay's analytical sensitivity and specificity were evaluated according to the recommendations of the centers for disease control and prevention (usa) and laboratory centre for disease control (canada). seventy-four bacterial species other than chlamyd ...200312582746
blood culture negative endocarditis: analysis of 63 cases presenting over 25 analyse cases of blood culture negative endocarditis (bcne) seen at st thomas' hospital, london, between 1975 and 2000.200312591823
measurement of igg antibodies to chlamydia trachomatis by commercial enzyme immunoassays and immunofluorescence in sera from pregnant women and patients with infertility, pelvic inflammatory disease, ectopic pregnancy, and laboratory diagnosed chlamydia psittaci/chlamydia pneumoniae infection.screening for chlamydia trachomatis specific antibodies is valuable in diagnosing asymptomatic pelvic inflammatory disease (pid) and tubal damage following repeated episodes of pid. the assays in current use are unsuitable for screening large numbers of samples so there is a need to develop more suitable assays.200312610104
molecular identification and antibody testing of chlamydophila pneumoniae in a subgroup of patients with hiv-associated dementia complex. preliminary results.chlamydophila pneumoniae dna was investigated by polymerase chain reaction (pcr), in cerebrospinal fluid (csf) specimens from patients suffering from hiv-1-associated dementia complex (hadc). four (17.3%) cases of c. pneumoniae infection were identified among 23 hadc individuals with dna amplification of major outer membrane protein (momp) gene and 16s rrna gene sequences. sequence analysis revealed significant homologies with c. pneumoniae compared to chlamydia trachomatis and chlamydia psittac ...200312620657
[abortion in humans caused by chlamydophila abortus (chlamydia psittaci serovar 1)].on a farm housing cattle and goats an abortion storm occurred affecting 50% of the goats during the lambing season 2000/2001. in one of three investigated caprine abortions chlamydophila abortus could be identified as etiology. during this time a pregnant woman (pregnancy week 19/20) had contact with aborting goats. she developed a severe generalized infection and aborted. the placenta contained chlamydophila abortus shown by immunohistochemistry and pcr. aim of the present case report is to ale ...200212677684
[abortion in cattle caused by chlamydia psittaci].a case of bovine abortion was for the first time in switzerland diagnosed by immunohistochemistry pcr (16s rrna, ompa) and gene sequence analysis to be caused by chlamydia psittaci. a possible occurence of further cases has to be investigated. based on the existence of several methods with very different sensitivity and specificity to diagnose chlamydia it is suggested that at least two verified diagnostic tools should be used to diagnose an involvement of chlamydia in bovine abortion.200212677685
[ovine enzootic abortion: seroprevalence in switzerland using a competitive enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (celisa)].the present study gives an overview over the seroprevalence of ovine enzootic abortion in switzerland. 639 sheep flocks out of eight cantons in switzerland were examined by a competitive enzyme linked immunosorbent assay (celisa) for antibodies against chlamydophila abortus (chlamydia psittaci serotype 1), the agent causing ovine enzootic abortion. the eight cantons included aargau, bern, zürich, appenzell-ausserrhoden, appenzell-innerrhoden and fribourg, the vallais and the graubünden. they wer ...200212677686
[abortion in small ruminants in switzerland: investigations during two lambing seasons (1996-1998) with special regard to chlamydial abortions].abortion cases of 144 goats und 86 sheep were investigated etiologically during 2 lambing seasons (1996/1997, 1997/1998). macroscopic inspection of fetus and placenta was completed by histopathology and bacteriological isolation of agents. in addition, immunohistologically the following antigens were labeled in formalin-fixed and paraffin-embedded tissue sections: toxoplasma gondii, neospora caninum, chlamydophila abortus (formerly chlamydia psittaci serovar 1) and border disease virus. from far ...200212677687
quantitative detection of chlamydia psittaci and c. pecorum by high-sensitivity real-time pcr reveals high prevalence of vaginal infection in cattle.bovine vaginal cytobrush specimens were analyzed for the presence of chlamydia spp. by a high-sensitivity, high-specificity quantitative pcr. the 53% prevalence of low-level chlamydia psittaci and c. pecorum genital infection detected in virgin heifers suggests predominantely extragenital transmission of chlamydia in cattle and conforms to the high seroprevalence of anti-chlamydia antibodies.200312682170
genome sequence of chlamydophila caviae (chlamydia psittaci gpic): examining the role of niche-specific genes in the evolution of the chlamydiaceae.the genome of chlamydophila caviae (formerly chlamydia psittaci, gpic isolate) (1 173 390 nt with a plasmid of 7966 nt) was determined, representing the fourth species with a complete genome sequence from the chlamydiaceae family of obligate intracellular bacterial pathogens. of 1009 annotated genes, 798 were conserved in all three other completed chlamydiaceae genomes. the c.caviae genome contains 68 genes that lack orthologs in any other completed chlamydial genomes, including tryptophan and t ...200312682364
newcastle disease virus and chlamydia psittaci in free-living raptors from eastern germany.organ samples from free-living raptors from the federal states of berlin and brandenburg in eastern germany were tested for newcastle disease virus (ndv; n = 331) and chlamydia psittaci (n = 39) by polymerase chain reaction (pcr). in 18 individuals ndv nucleic acids were detected. these samples originated from barn owls (tyto alba; n = 15, 28%), tawny owl (strix aluco; n = 1, 5%), common buzzard (buteo buteo, n = 1, 1%), and european kestrel (falco tinnunculus; n = 1, 4%). in 29 (74%) of 39 samp ...200312685068
presence of chlamydophila psittaci dna in the central nervous system of a patient with status epilepticus.this study reports an extraordinarily severe and prolonged course of neuroornithosis with generalized status epilepticus as an initial symptom. direct invasion of the central nervous system by chlamydophila psittaci was confirmed by the demonstration of specific dna in the patient's cerebrospinal fluid. the patient recovered slowly under administration of doxycycline.200312685890
[evaluation of community-acquired pneumonia guidelines of japanese respiratory society: differentiation of atypical pneumonia and bacterial pneumonia].to evaluate the usefulness of differentiation of atypical pneumonia and bacterial pneumonia in the community-acquired pneumonia guidelines of the japanese respiratory society, we investigated 124 cases of three atypical pneumonias (mycoplasma pneumonia, 62 cases; chlamydia pneumoniae pneumonia, 46 cases; chlamydia psittaci pneumonia, 13 cases) and 403 cases of bacterial pneumonia at our hospital over seven years. overall, the sensitivity and specificity of the criteria in the guideline were 70.4 ...200212692942
chlamydia species as a cause of community-acquired pneumonia in canada.chlamydia pneumoniae has been implicated as a cause of community-acquired pneumonia (cap) in several studies. however, there has been no comprehensive study of the role of chlamydia species (c. pneumoniae, c. psittaci (avian and feline strains) and c. pecorum) as a cause of cap. the aim of the present study was to determine the role of c. pneumoniae, c. psittaci and c. pecorum as causes of cap. a prospective cohort observational study of cap was conducted at 15 teaching centres in eight canadian ...200312765420
communicable diseases report, nsw: march 2003. 200312806423
missing links in the divergence of chlamydophila abortus from chlamydophila psittaci.pathological and serological evidence and dna-dna reassociation data indicate that chlamydophila psittaci and chlamydophila abortus are separate species. c. psittaci causes avian systemic disease and c. abortus causes abortion. both previously belonged to chlamydia psittaci are associated with zoonotic and enzootic outbreaks. genetic studies suggest that they are closely related and because of the recent availability of diverse c. psittaci strains and comparative data for several genes, it was p ...200312807198
changes in the peripheral leukocyte phenotype of calves in clinical cases of bronchopneumonia complicated with chlamydial co-infectious agent.this paper reports the alterations in peripheral blood leukocyte phenotype in respiratory diseased calves affected with chlamydial and non-chlamydial co-infectious agent. the etiological contribution of chlamydial infectious agent in examined clinical cases of enzootic bronchopneumoniae syndrome was confirmed in affected calves serologically both by complement fixation test (cf) and enzyme immunoassay (eia). changes in leukocyte subpopulations in the blood of the calves were detected both with r ...200312817783
isolation of toxoplasma gondii from goats with history of reproductive disorders and the prevalence of toxoplasma and chlamydial antibodies.the prevalence of antibodies to toxoplasma gondii and chlamydia psittaci was assessed in goats with a history of abortion, stillbirth and neonatal mortality. antibodies were detected in 540 (30%) and 57 (3.2%) goats out of 1799 tested by indirect haemagglutination and complement fixation tests, respectively. toxoplasma gondii was isolated for the first time in botswana from 22 out of 81 sets (27.2%) of foetal tissues, maternal and foetal cotyledons and uterine tissues of goats which had previous ...200312825682
chlamydia psittaci pneumonia presenting as acute generalised peritonism.a 63 year old man presented with the signs of acute generalised peritonism in the presence of a clear chest radiograph. at laparotomy no abnormal findings were noted. further inquiries revealed a history of recent acquisition of budgerigars, over the following days the chest radiograph developed patchy opacification. subsequently igg immunofluorescence confirmed the diagnosis of chlamydia psittaci. the presentation of psittacosis with gastrointestinal features is well recognised. this is believe ...200312835369
[seroepidemiological studies of zoonotic infections in hunters in southeastern austria--prevalences, risk factors, and preventive methods].the aim of this study was to investigate the seroprevalences to zoonotic pathogens in hunters, to propose preventive measures and to obtain more information about the occurrence of zoonotic pathogens in local wild animal populations. from 146 male and 3 female hunters originating from the south-eastern austrian federal states of styria and burgenland blood samples were taken and anamnestic data were obtained using a questionnaire. the serological investigations included the following viral, bact ...200312894685
[ornithosis--an overlooked cause of atypical pneumonia].a case illustrating the potential severity of infection with chlamydia psittaci (ornithosis) is reported. the importance of considering chlamydia psittaci as an option in patients with severe respiratory failure is emphasized with a view to early pcr diagnosis of ornithosis.200312938296
a woman with a lobar infiltrate due to psittacosis detected by polymerase chain reaction.this report presents a case of community-acquired pneumonia due to chlamydia psittaci presenting with a lobar infiltrate and diagnosed by a newly developed ompa gene-based polymerase chain reaction (pcr). this gene encodes a specific c. psittaci major outer membrane protein. this kind of pcr could reduce antibiotic consumption and expedite outbreak management.200312953962
evaluation of the polymerase chain reaction in comparison with other diagnostic methods for the detection of chlamydia psittaci.various diagnostic methods exist for the detection of chlamydia psittaci. in the current study, the test performance of polymerase chain reaction (pcr) was compared with other testing methods used in the diagnosis of c. psittaci. tissue and fecal specimens (n = 119) of avian and mammalian origin were tested by pcr and one or more of the following methods: cell culture, enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay, and direct fluorescein-conjugated monoclonal antibody staining. several gold standards, based ...199912968730
review of techniques for the diagnosis of chlamydia psittaci infection in psittacine birds. 199912968739
[applications of electron microscopy in dermatology]. 195213021710
[ornithosis]. 195213021771
[the effect of proteolytic ferments on rickettsiae and viruses of the psittacosis-lymphogranuloma inguinale group]. 195213039368
the therapy of experimental psittacosis and lymphogranuloma venereum (inguinale) ii. the activity of quinoxaline-1:4-dioxide and substituted and related compounds, with a note on the morphological changes induced in lymphogranuloma virus by these compounds and by antibiotics. 195313093950
the psittacosis-lymphogranuloma group of viruses. 195313094029
studies on psittacosis-lymphogranuloma group. iv. demonstration of specific cf antibodies following absorption of serum. 195313118184
observations regarding the presence of psittacosis and related viruses in the northwestern states. 195413124596
Displaying items 1401 - 1500 of 2314