
cardiovascular, respiratory, and metabolic responses to upper body exercise.many studies have suggested that arm exercise, particularly in the supine position or with arms elevated, is more stressful than leg exercise. arm exercise at a given workload is typified by cardiac output and oxygen consumption values slightly higher and heart rate, blood pressure, ventilatory and blood lactic acid responses that are significantly higher than those observed during leg exercise. part of the increased physiological stress during arm exercise may be due to sluggish kinetics of oxi ...20092691823
the "spread of effect' of a school based dental health education project.a study was undertaken to evaluate the impact of a school based dental health education programme ("natural nashers') upon the families of adolescents receiving the programme. interviews with 73 randomly selected parents were conducted. one group (n = 35) had a child who had recently received the programme, the other (n = 38) had not. during the interview they were asked if they or other family members (apart from the programme recipient) had changed their dental behaviour or received any new de ...20123862501
[multivesicular hepatic hydatidosis in childhood. its relation with specific pharmacologic treatment].four cases of multivesicular hepatic hydatidosis are reported. two of them were affected by exogenous growth. all patients had undergone a long-term treatment with mebendazole at the usual doses. we are contrasting our experience in the use of such drug and the previous reports by other authors. in our opinion, as mebendazole acts on the cyst in a double way (both inhibiting glucose uptake by the larva and modifying the structure of the cyst membranes) ir induces the cyst multivesiculation which ...20124083626
[influence of the premature rupture of the membranes on the further course of the delivery]. 20094465226
the "spread of effect' of a school based dental health education project.a study was undertaken to evaluate the impact of a school based dental health education programme ("natural nashers') upon the families of adolescents receiving the programme. interviews with 73 randomly selected parents were conducted. one group (n = 35) had a child who had recently received the programme, the other (n = 38) had not. during the interview they were asked if they or other family members (apart from the programme recipient) had changed their dental behaviour or received any new de ...20123862501
serum beta 2 microglobulin in ankylosing spondylitis. 20092681760
a predominant idiotype in the gut associated lymphoid tissue. 20123318285
[sex education. teaching the history of life]. 20133650576
[changes in s-adenosylmethionine metabolism in liver cirrhosis]. 20123287509
ethnic perspectives of cancer nursing: hispanics and japanese-americans. 20133646689
[presentation of a case of idiopathic sick sinus syndrome in childhood]. 20133808341
[varicose and aneurysm-like dilatation of deep-situated veins of the lower extremities]. 20144789220
[increasing the reliability of a chromatographic-spectrophotometric method of determining morphine in poppy bolls and in manufactured semiproducts]. 20154774718
dose-finding clinical assay of triletide in gastric and duodenal ulceration.three groups of 15 patients with endoscopically confirmed active gastric or duodenal ulcer were treated over a period of 8 weeks with daily doses of 1, 1.5 or 2 g triletide, an anti-ulcer agent which acts by enhancing the mucosal defence capacity. intensity of epigastric pain and of heartburn and weekly consumption of standard antacid tablets, as well as possible accessory symptoms, were recorded every other week, endoscopy was repeated at the end of treatment and routine haematology and haemato ...20144059296
[study of the behavior of 1 c- 1 a, iga, igm and igg globulins in healthy premature infants and their mother]. 20144108761
[the morphologic relationship between internal elements of vater-pacini bodies and nodes of ranvier]. 20154464610
[a two-channel polarization microfluorimeter]. 20154463466
guidelines on after care for denture patients. council on dental health. 2003193879
thermodynamics of protein-peptide interactions in the ribonuclease-s system studied by molecular dynamics and free energy calculations.hydrophobic interactions between the s-peptide and s-protein in the ribonuclease-s complex are probed using molecular dynamics simulations and free energy calculations. three successive mutations at the buried position met13 are simulated: met----leu, leu----ile, and ile----val, for which x-ray structures and experimental thermodynamic data are available. the calculations give theoretical estimates of the changes in binding free energies associated with these mutations. the calculated free energ ...20051390651
[histochemical detection of glycogen and rna in inflammatory hyperplasia of the palatal mucosa]. 20154516964
types i and ii sensitized photooxidation of aminoacid by phthalocyanines: a flash photochemical study. 20123406125
blunt trauma to abdomen and chest. (review of a 7-year experience and report of 3 interesting cases in childhood). 20164846087
a factorial study of existential state reactions. 20164766707
effects of ionizing radiation on dried spores of osmunda regalis iii. 35 ghz e.s.r. study.the use of 35 ghz microwave frequency has greatly simplified the separation of overlapping signals in dried irradiated fern spores. while in general confirming the conclusions previously drawn from x-band spectra, the use of q-band has clarified several assignments of radical groups and allowed the recognition of additional radical groups or sub-groups.2003166042
[transketolase activity as a parameter for the vitamin b1 provision in some dermatoses (herpes zoster, psoriasis, drug eruptions, excema, and urticaria) (author's transl)]. 2003153861
[beta-2 microglobulin in pathology. general review and personal results]. 199985424
[treatment of hypertension today]. 20123288579
dentist's libel action continues. 20165040723
[the concept and practice of day care for schizophrenic patients]. 20154497978
genetic control of chromosome breakage and rejoining in drosophila melanogaster: spontaneous chromosome aberrations in x-linked mutants defective in dna metabolism.eight x-linked recombination-defective meiotic mutants (representing five loci) and 12 x-linked mutagen-sensitive mutants (representing seven loci) of drosophila melanogaster have been examined cytologically in neuroblast metaphases for their effects on the frequencies and types of spontaneous chromosome aberrations. twelve mutants, representing five loci, significantly increase the frequency of chromosomal aberrations. the mutants at these five loci, however, differ markedly both in the types o ...1998108678
synthesis of 4-(n-hydroxy-n-methylamino)quinoline 1-oxide and its carcinogenic activity on mice.4-(n-hydroxy-n-methylamino)quinoline 1-oxide (n-me-4-haqo), the structure of which consists of a quinoline 1-oxide moiety involved in carcinongenic 4-nitroquinoline 1-oxide and an n-hydroxy-n-methylamino group involved in n-hydroxy-n-monomethylaminoazobenzene, was sythesized and proved to be potently carcinogenic in mice by its subcutaneous injection.1998108171
[suicide and attempted suicide. trends, statistics, prevention, help]. 20154595018
[activities organized in bucharest on the occasion of the international year of the child]. 2002120055
[selective abdominal arteriography in the study of pancreatic diseases. prospective study in 95 patients]. 200097131
[gastroenterological disorders in diabetes mellitus. iii. other disorders]. 2005545514
[digestive hemorrhage caused by aorto-duodenal fistula. report of 5 cases].the aortoduodeonal fistula is a rare condition and has high mortality. we report five retrospective cases of digestive hemorrhage due to an aortoduodenal fistula (4 secondary and 1 primary) between 1986 and 1990. three of them died. attention is called to the importance of clinical suspicion and the main diagnostic methods in early diagnosis such as oral endoscopy. we also enhance the importance of emergency surgery for survival.20061599763
spinal instability and the log-rolling maneuver.immobilization of the spine is of prime concern during transportation of trauma patients to prevent neurologic compromise. in an attempt to study certain techniques of prehospital thoracolumbar spine immobilization, we radiographically evaluated the motion of the thoracolumbar spine in a volunteer with a stable spine, a cadaver with an unstable thoracolumbar spine, and a patient with a t12-l1 fracture dislocation. both the backboard and the scoop stretcher offered adequate stabilization for thor ...20133573109
if i were a dean... 200087567
bullosis diabeticorum in a juvenile diabetic with ketoacidosis. 200097182
sequence homology within families of drosophila melanogaster middle repetitive dna. 200198260
acute toxicity studies of some new organic trivalent antimonials. 2003262475
[ewing's sarcoma in a 13-month-old infant]. 2003153292
[ordering of laboratory control for the purpose of increasing work efficiency in preventing food poisonings]. 2003153873
c-heterochromatin variation and transposition in tumor progression. 20043066156
site of injection for vaccination. 20061392898
recent advances in the immunodiagnosis of cancer. 200087017
[the determination of plasma and urinary estetrol (e4) for assessing fetal and neonatal prognosis (author's transl)].as estetrol (e4) is believed to be the steroid most likely to wholly dependent on fetal origin, we developed a radiommunoassay for unconjugated and conjugated e4 (e4-u and e4-g) and investigated plasma and urinary levels serially throughout the second half of pregnancy to establish their validity by means of monitoring or screening tests to assess fetal well-being. e4 exhibits a remarkable increase during the latter half of pregnancy. at term, the mean e4-u level in maternal peripheral plasma wa ...2003149680
[preleukemic state with symptoms of aplastic anemia]. 20154674957
initial combination therapy with yag laser photoresection and irradiation for inoperable non-small cell carcinoma of the lung. a preliminary report.patients presenting with inoperable non-small cell carcinoma of the lung and major symptomatic bronchial obstruction were treated initially with debulking of the airways by yag laser, followed by conventional external-beam radiotherapy. the former method was used to minimize postobstructive pneumonitis or respiratory failure (or both) that often complicates major brochial obstruction and also to lessen the burden of tumor to be treated by radiotherapy. the preliminary results of 19 patients trea ...20133709243
pharmacokinetics of mitoxantrone in humans following single-agent infusion or intra-arterial injection therapy or combined-agent infusion therapy.this study describes the pharmacokinetics of mitoxantrone determined by a sensitive and specific hplc-method. the time-concentration curves of i.v.-treated patients (15 mg/m2 over 30 min) correspond to a three-compartment model with a t1/2 alpha of 12 min, a t1/2 beta of 93 min, and a slow elimination phase of 36 h. the central compartment volume was 26.22 and the distribution volume, 1381.9. the mean urinary excretion was 4.9% of the total dose. the pharmacokinetic parameters were also defined ...20133757156
[knee symptoms in children]. 20143974742
brain cholesterol. xv. incorporation of specifically labeled glucose. 20154635562
conversion of calciferols to isotachysterols by trifluoroacetic acid. 20154540598
synthesis and migration of maize rough dwarf virus in the host cell: an autoradiographic study. 20154427107
studies on muscle rigidity: droperidol, diazepam, and promethazine. 20165062116
[review notes on toxoplasmosis]. 20164987998
[brill-symmers giant follicular lymphoma localized in pelvic lymph nodes]. 20164882834
supraclavicular catheterization of the superior vena cava. 20164836144
theory of competitive binding of iron by different transferrins. 20164824920
[total invagination of the appendix, simulating a cecal neoplasm]. 20164714895
amino acid sequences and disulfide bridges of serine proteinase inhibitors from bitter gourd (momordica charantia linn.) seeds.three serine proteinase inhibitors, mcti-i, mcti-ii, and mcei-i, were isolated from bitter gourd (momordica charantia linn.) seeds. mcti-i and mcti-ii were inhibitors for trypsin and mcei-i was an elastase inhibitor. their amino acid sequences and the positions of disulfide bridges of mcti-ii were determined to be as follows. (sequence; see text)20092738047
lambrinudi triple arthrodesis: a review with particular reference to the technique of operation.the purpose of this article is to describe the technique of performing the lambrinudi triple arthrodesis. the only change from the way the technique was first described by lambrinudi in 1972 is the use of staples to hold the correction, once the appropriate sections of bone have been removed. thirty-three feet in 28 patients have been reviewed. the etiology of their problems, their previous surgeries, and the outcome were reviewed, with an average follow-up of 3.6 years after the operation. all ...20133793905
theory and practice. 20133848692
fibronectin phosphorylation by ecto-protein kinase.the presence of membrane-associated, extracellular protein kinase (ecto-protein kinase) and its substrate proteins was examined with serum-free cultures of swiss 3t3 fibroblast. when cells were incubated with [gamma-32]atp for 10 min at 37 degrees c, four proteins with apparent molecular weights between 150 and 220 kda were prominently phosphorylated. these proteins were also radiolabeled by lactoperoxidase catalyzed iodination and were sensitive to mild tryptic digestion, suggesting that they l ...20113191954
lay consultation by women with a lump in the breast. 19781277622
short-term starvation in infancy re subsequent learning disabilities--a proven relationship? 19871255342
a comparative study of three different approaches to the comfortable means of a screw jack device, applied to thirteen edentulous subjects, the comfortable zone was approached in three different ways, by the central, the internal and the external approaches. correspondingly, the zonal borders behaved differently. applying the central approach it was found that the initial height of the screw jack had a lingering effect upon subsequent adjustments of the screw. moreover, lower border data collected by the external approach distinguished themselves from other zo ...1987266049
wpw syndrome: a case study. 1988259431
fighting illegal dentistry--a public health perspective. 1988266484
[arthrosis and osteochondrosis]. 1989259883
jaundice and hepatitis b surface antigen and antibody in greek haemophiliacs.the incidence of hepatitis b surface antigen (hbsag) and antibody (hbsab) in 101 greek multitransfused haemophiliacs with or without a previous history of jaundice was studied. using the haemagglutination inhibition assay, hbsag was detected in 9.9%, hbsab in 61.3% and hbsag plus ab in 11.8% of the cases. the incidence of jaundice was 14.8%. liver function was tested by means of normotest, sgot, sgpt and serum protein electrophoresis. abnormal values of liver function tests were found in 47% of ...1989267292
[information for the orientation and planning of an intensive course for auxiliary nursing. iii]. 199053867
[assessment of tooth development on the basis of radiographs]. 1991270153
third party nonpayment. 1991269871
[experience using sinakten-retard in the treatment of muscular sclerosis].the experience of the authors demonstrated that the best results in sinakten-retard treatment were attained in patients with mild and moderate degrees of severity of the disease. however, even in patients with a protracted development, treatment by sinakten-retard increased the muscular strength in the paralyzed extremities, diminished the increased muscular tone and increased the volume of movements. all these facts permit the authors to recommend sinakten-retard for the treatment of disseminat ...1991207061
maxillary laterals as centrals. 1992270481
[liver adenoma and glycogen storage disease]. 1992265295
[the laurence-moon-biedl-bardet syndrome. apropos of a case]. 1993265702
serial echocardiography of the aortic valve in bacterial endocarditis: a case report. 1994302901
association between polyneuritis and multiple sclerosis.we report two cases in which multiple sclerosis and inflammatory polyneuritis occurred separately, and suggest that this association supports the idea that the two conditions may have an aetiological link.1995228012
prolactin secreting tumors. endocrine status before and after surgery in 33 women. 1998109458
[serum amino acid imbalance and hepatic encephalopathy--nutritional therapy of severe liver diseases by infusion of branched chain amino acids (author's transl)]. 199996291
renal carcinoma. 199996283
different forms of melanin-dispersing hormone in the trout pituitary. 200095981
new interventional technology for the management of multivessel coronary artery disease. 20002627965
cellular and genetic control of antibody responses in vitro. iii. immune response gene regulation of accessory cell function.the possibility was investigated that ir genes regulate the function of cells other than t or b cells in the primary igm responses to the synthetic antigens trinitrophenylated poly-l-(tyr,glu)-poly-d,l-ala--poly-l-lys [tnp-(t,g)-a--l]and trinitrophenylated poly-,-(his,glu)-poly-d, l-ala--poly-l-lys [tnp-(h,g)-a--l]. the primary responses of (b10 x b10.a)f(1) spleen cells to both antigens were abrogated by sephadex g-10 passage, and restored by the addition of spleen adherent cells. the cell type ...200198611
ultrasound examination of neonatal heads. 200187910
the molecular basis of the hepatic microsomal glucose-6-phosphatase system. 20011850300
the number of monocytes in mice as a reflection of their condition and capacity to react to an inflammatory stimulus. 2002153401
reasonable surgical treatment for tumors of the liver associated with the use of oral contraceptives. 2003219554
estradiol-17 beta and camp: in vitro studies on the cervicovaginal epithelium of neonatal organ culture of the cervicovaginal epithelium from neonatal mice, the epithelium synthesizes a material with specific antigenic properties (cva). cva was studied with immunofluorescence and the amount estimated semiquantitatively. in line with earlier studies, adenosine 3',5'-cyclic monophosphate (dibutyryl derivative (dcamp), increased the amount of cva, but adenosine 2',3'-cyclic monophosphate did not. addition of histamine to the culture medium moderately increased the amount of cva, wher ...2003187345
[cholinesterases and arylesterase in the umbilical cord, the placenta, and the amniotic membrane, in the female at term].cholinesterasic activity of umbilical cord (tissue), completely bloodless, is exclusively due to pseudocholinesterase. cholinesterase is more active in placenta than in cord; it is an acetylcholinesterase at 80 per cent. both forms coexist, about equally, in amniotic membrane. a considerable arylesterasic activity is proved in cord, placenta and membrane, the greatest activity being in placenta. comparing the greater activity in maternal plasma and cord blood's plasma to the very weak activity i ...2003145288
development during adolescence. 2004548632
cardiac monitoring in the operating room. 2004415717
early active motion following a beveled technique of flexor tendon repair: report on fifty an effort to overcome restrictive adhesions following flexor tendon repair, a technique involving beveling of the tendon ends and fine compressive suturing was used in 50 patients (110 tendons). free early active motion was allowed. there were 70% good-to-excellent results, with a 10% rupture rate.2004387859
elevation of lesioned palatal shelves in vitro.fetuses were obtained from cd-1 mice at a time estimated to be 12 h prior to vivo secondary palate closure. one of the palatal shelves of each partially dissected fetal head was lesioned in one of five ways, the other left intact to serve as control. single transverse cuts extending the width of the shelf were made at one of three positions along the longitudinal axis of the shelf: one-third, one-half or two-thirds the shelf length estimated from the rostral edge. some specimens were cut in two ...2004528868
[method and diagnostic value of fiber colonoscopy]. 1965315643
splints and implants. 1967276521
[the ph in the duodenum, physiological and pathophysiological significance]. 20154574146
letter: immunisation against whooping cough. 20051247822
Displaying items 1401 - 1500 of 1814