
workplace urine screening for drug abuse. 19979220335
socioeconomic status within social class and mortality: a prospective study in middle-aged british has been suggested that mortality differences between groups in society may be greater than are indicated by social class based on occupation. we have examined the relationship between social class and mortality using home and car ownership as additional indices of socioeconomic status within social class.19979222778
multiplex reverse transcription-pcr for surveillance of influenza a and b viruses in england and wales in 1995 and 1996.multiple-target (multiplex) reverse transcription-pcr (rt-pcr) for detection, typing, and subtyping of the hemagglutinin gene of influenza type a (h3n2 and h1n1) and type b viruses was developed and applied prospectively to virological surveillance of influenza in england in the 1995-1996 winter season. during this season both influenza a h3n2 and h1n1 viruses were circulating, although at different times. six hundred nineteen combined nose and throat swabs taken by general practitioners in sent ...19979230385
the human growth hormone creutzfeld jakob disease litigation. 19979241994
molecular analysis of an outbreak of influenza in the united kingdom.the first outbreak of influenza virus in europe in 1995/1996 occurred in a school in the south of england. rt-pcr-restriction analysis was performed on the ha1 portion of influenza haemagglutinin gene amplified directly from clinical samples. these were taken at the onset of the outbreak and indicated co-circulation of two distinct genetic variants of influenza virus which were antigenically identical. investigations of this nature demonstrate the genetic diversity of circulating variants of inf ...19979258541
increase in multiple antibiotic resistance in nontyphoidal salmonellas from humans in england and wales: a comparison of data for 1994 and 1996.the incidence of multiple drug resistance (to four or more antimicrobials) in salmonellas from humans in england and wales in 1996 has been compared with corresponding data for 1994. for salmonella enteritidis multiple resistance has remained rare, although a high proportion of isolates of phage type 6a have shown resistance to ampicillin. for s. typhimurium multiple resistance has continued to increase, with 81% of isolates now multiresistant. of particular importance in s. typhimurium has been ...19979270996
recalling routes around london: activation of the right hippocampus in taxi drivers.functional imaging to date has examined the neural basis of knowledge of spatial layouts of large-scale environments typically in the context of episodic memory with specific spatiotemporal references. much human behavior, however, takes place in very familiar environments in which knowledge of spatial layouts has entered the domain of general facts often referred to as semantic memory. in this study, positron emission tomography (pet) was used to examine the neural substrates of topographical m ...19979278544
african may have been wondering why there have been no further installments of african diary. the short answer is that diana was very ill from the side-effects of anti-malaria drugs. she has been back in this country being treated and having a spell of rest and recuperation. you will remember that diana and colin, her husband, had left mozambique and were very busy building up a new mission station, funded by a business man from liverpool, in uganda. before being taken ill, diana had written some no ...19979283330
william cheselden (1688-1752): humane anatomist and master surgeon.william cheselden (1688-1752) as a young man had a considerable reputation as an anatomist. he was one of the first to give a regular series of lecture/demonstrations and he incorporated this material into a basic text the anatomy of the humane body, which was extremely popular and was in print for 100 years. he was even better known as a surgeon, being on the staff of three teaching hospitals and recognized as the most skillful lithotomist of his time. his achievements are on record and he must ...19979287918
the molecular epidemiology of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 in six cities in britain and ireland.we have sequenced the p17 coding regions of the gag gene from 211 patients infected either through injecting drug use (idu) or by sexual intercourse between men from six cities in scotland, n. england, n. ireland, and the republic of ireland. all sequences were of subtype b. phylogenetic analysis revealed substantial heterogeneity in the sequences from homosexual men. in contrast, sequence from over 80% of idus formed a relatively tight cluster, distinct both from those of published isolates and ...19979300048
the mediterranean diet: a view from history.although the virtues of the mediterranean diet have been advocated since the renaissance, adoption of the diet outside the mediterranean region has proved difficult but not impossible. efforts at promoting dietary change have been explored in the writings of europeans and americans since 1614 when giacomo castelvetro, an exile from modena, italy, published a book in england on italian fruit, herbs, and vegetables. the historical causes of resistance by groups and individuals-culture, class, sex, ...19979322586
maternal exposure to influenza and paranoid schizophrenia.previous research has suggested that schizophrenics exposed to influenza in the second trimester have more delusions of jealousy, delusions of reference and suspiciousness. we therefore hypothesised that the risk-increasing effect of in utero exposure to influenza would be particularly demonstrable in paranoid schizophrenia. we studied patients with an icd diagnosis of schizophrenia in england and wales who were born each month between 1923 and 1965 (n = 17,247. chi-square test for trend showed ...19979323342
hunterian peptic ulcers and helicobacter pylori.gastric spiral organisms were first described in man in 1939 and identified as helicobacter pylori causing peptic ulcers in the early 1980s. surgical specimens of gastric resections from 1939 showed h. pylori to be present. full-thickness sections of gastric mucosa from gastric specimens from the eighteenth-century hunterian collection at the royal college of surgeons of england were examined by histology for the presence of h. pylori. four gastric ulcers and a section from an oesophageal varix ...19979326130
contamination incidents among doctors and midwives: reasons for non-reporting and knowledge of risks.a 6-month retrospective self-administered questionnaire study of 482 doctors and 380 midwives in two nhs trusts was undertaken. the response rate was 384 (80%) and 293 (77%) respectively. the study revealed that only nine per cent of doctors and 46% of midwives had reported the contamination incidents they had received. the doctors' main reason for non-reporting was 'too time consuming' and midwives' was 'did not consider anything could be done', although their awareness of the active management ...19979327639
hospitals in england: impact of the 1990 national health service reforms.this article aims to describe recent changes in english hospitals, with particular reference to the impact of the national health service (nhs) and community care act of 1990.19979339776
qualifications in companion animal behaviour. 19979342093
vitamin d status does not influence the breast-milk calcium concentration of lactating mothers accustomed to a low calcium intake.plasma 25-hydroxy-vitamin d and breast-milk calcium concentration were measured at 3 months of lactation in 60 gambian mothers accustomed to a low calcium diet, of whom 30 were consuming a calcium supplement and 30 were receiving a placebo, and in 48 british mothers. the plasma 25-hydroxy-vitamin d concentration of the gambian women was not affected by either calcium supplementation (supplemented, 64.4 +/- 2.5 nmol l(-1); placebo, 64.9 +/- 3.5 nmol l(-1); mean +/- se) or season. the british aver ...19979343285
molecular epidemiology of varicella-zoster virus in east london, england, between 1971 and 1995.the molecular epidemiology of varicella-zoster virus in london, england, between 1971 and 1995 was examined by using two informative polymorphic markers, variable repeat region r5 and a bgli restriction site in gene 54. viruses from 105 cases of chickenpox and 144 of zoster were typed. two alleles of r5, a and b, were found at prevalences of 89 and 6%, respectively. no difference in allele frequency between the zoster and chickenpox cases was found, and no change in the frequencies of these alle ...19979350738
exposure to occupational carcinogens and social class differences in cancer has been estimated that occupational exposures are responsible for about 4% of all human cancers in industrialized countries. these cancers are concentrated among manual workers and in the lower social classes, thus contributing to the social class gradient in cancer incidence and mortality. on the basis of the 1971 cancer mortality data from england and wales, it was estimated that occupational cancer is responsible for about a third of the total cancer difference between high (i, ii and iii ...19979353674
a 1-year study of escherichia coli o157 in cattle, sheep, pigs and poultry.samples of rectal faeces were collected immediately after slaughter from 400 cattle each month for a 1-year period and from 1000 each of sheep, pigs and poultry over the same period. samples were examined for escherichia coli o157 by enrichment culture in buffered peptone water with vancomycin, cefixime and cefsulodin followed by immunomagnetic separation and culture of magnetic particles onto cefixime tellurite sorbitol macconkey agar. e. coli o157 was isolated from 752 (15.7%) of 4800 cattle, ...19979363024
nursing with a human face. 19979370653
polymorphism in apolipoprotein(a) kringle iv 37(met/thr): frequency in a london population and its association with coronary artery disease.a raised concentration of lipoprotein(a) [lp(a)] in human plasma has been considered as a risk factor for coronary artery disease (cad). apolipoprotein(a) and plasminogen genes are exceptionally similar to a variable number of plasminogen-like kringle iv repeats in the apo(a) gene. polymorphisms have been previously identified in the apolipoprotein(a) kringle iv 37.19979377824
piety and the agnostic gay poet: thom gunn's biblical homoerotics.thom gunn has relied on biblical stories throughout his writing career to carry gay-themed poems. although he characterizes himself agnostic, it is difficult to reconcile this self-definition with the tenderness evident in his biblical poems, a tenderness that many would identify with a kind of piety. two of these poems reflect gunn's reaction to paintings by caravaggio, "the sacrifice of isaac" and "the conversion of st. paul." for the former, gunn seems to have intuited caravaggio's fascinatio ...19979378939
the (homo)sexual temptation in milton's paradise regained.while the sexual temptation of paradise regained is tactful, it is also characteristically miltonic in its daring. despite its decorous presentation, the temptation is exceedingly bold in that it is not merely a heterosexual temptation but a homosexual one as well. acknowledgement of the homosexual lure in the brief epic is essential to understanding the dynamics of the celebrated banquet scene and to appreciating the comprehensiveness of milton's trial of the son's humanity. such a recognition ...19979378942
hiv serophobia in the mortuary: an algorithm system for handling high-risk forensic cases.a serophobia of the human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (hiv-1) is very noticeable in mortuaries handling high-risk cases. the morbid anxiety about occupationally acquired hiv infection in the forensic practice has made mortuary workers unduly overcautious. despite the availability of codes of practice and informed principles of health and safety, there is considerable anxiety that an hiv carrier with no identifiable risk factors may be overlooked or a seronegative body may be inadvertently assu ...19979383938
subtypes of campylobacter jejuni from sporadic cases of diarrhoeal disease at different locations in england are highly diverse.serotyping (heat stable antigens) was performed on 398 strains of campylobacter jejuni from faeces of human enteritis cases in england. strains isolated over 12 months at three locations were heterogeneous with 33 hs serotypes represented. hs1 and hs4 complex were the predominant types (34% of all strains). the monthly strain frequency distributions were similar at the three locations. the late spring peak appeared to be associated with a rise in miscellaneous serotypes rather than with the emer ...19979384275
a method for the detection and confirmation of antibodies to hepatitis c virus in dried blood spots.this study describes the development and evaluation of a cost effective test rationale for the detection of anti-hcv in dried blood spots. samples were screened using an 'in house' igg elisa that incorporated the recombinant proteins c22-3, c200 and ns5. confirmation of specific antibody to hcv was by a modification of the immunoblot riba 3.0. an extensive panel of well evaluated anti-hcv positive and negative samples from the uk and south africa were used to assess the sensitivity and specifici ...19979389410
the association of squamous cell carcinomas of the nasopharynx with epstein-barr virus shows geographical variation reminiscent of burkitt's lymphoma.nasopharyngeal carcinoma (npc) is rare in most parts of the world but occurs with high incidence in certain regions, such as south-east asia. two major histological types of npc are recognized, non-keratinizing carcinoma and squamous cell carcinoma. non-keratinizing npcs, which include undifferentiated npc, are invariably associated with epstein-barr virus (ebv) infection, regardless of the geographical or ethnic origin of the patients. by contrast, conflicting results have been published concer ...19979390028
a case of human rabies contracted in nigeria. 19979401157
uptake of influenza vaccine in high risk patients. 19979401189
some observations on the trace element concentrations in human dental enamel.the concentration of trace elements has been measured for dental enamel from 86 healthy human teeth using particle-induced x-ray emission (pixe). the majority of the teeth (n = 70) were collected from dentists in the county of oxfordshire in the united kingdom, although a smaller group (n = 16) were collected from cornwall. the elements k, ca, mn, fe, co, ni, cu, zn, sr, pb, and hg have been detected and statistically analyzed by grouping according to sex, age, and geographical location. the con ...19979404671
a high prevalence of hla-h 845a mutations in hemochromatosis patients and the normal population in eastern england.we have examined normal individuals and all the patients currently being treated for hemochromatosis at the norfolk and norwich hospital for mutations in the hla-h gene. we found a gene frequency in 200 normal subjects for teh 845a (c282y) allele of 0.085, corresponding to a carrier frequency of 17% which is among the highest reported anywhere in the world. the frequency for the less penetrant 187g (h63d) allele was 0.16 among 58 of the normal subjects, which corresponds to a carrier frequency o ...19979410472
identification of a large deletion, spanning exons 4 to 11 of the human factor xiiia gene, in a factor xiii-deficient family.inherited deficiency of factor xiiia subunit (fxiiia) is an autosomal recessive disorder that is characterized by a life-long bleeding tendency and complications in wound healing. molecular genetic studies have shown the deficiency can be due to small sequence changes within the fxiiia gene, such as point mutations or microdeletions. on molecular analysis of the fxiiia gene in an fxiii-deficient patient, of united kingdom origin, we identified a putative homozygous missense mutation, arg408gln. ...19989414279
population genetics of the fraxe and fraxf gcc repeats, and a novel cgg repeat, in xq28.most of the rare folate sensitive fragile sites cloned to date arise from expansion of a cgg:ccg trinucleotide repeat array. analysis of the cag repeat at the huntington disease (hd) locus showed a positively skewed repeat distribution leading to the proposal that microsatellites are subject to a mutational bias toward expansion. such a mutational bias predicts an increase in mean repeat size at all microsatellite loci. we present an analysis of repeats at two fragile site loci, fraxe and fraxf, ...19979415475
epidemiological study of guillain-barré syndrome in south east determine the incidence, treatment, and outcome of guillain-barré syndrome in south east england.19989436731
lack of association of a taq 1 polymorphism of the human myelin oligodendrocyte glycoprotein gene with multiple sclerosis in a population of patients from the southampton area. 19989436746
effectiveness of influenza vaccine in reducing hospital admissions in people with diabetes.the effectiveness of influenza vaccination in reducing hospitalization of people with diabetes for influenza, pneumonia, or diabetic events during influenza epidemics was assessed in a case control study in leicestershire, england. cases were 80 patients on the leicestershire diabetes register who were admitted and discharged from hospital with international classification of disease codes for pneumonia, bronchitis, influenza, diabetic ketoacidosis, coma and diabetes, without mention of complica ...19979440437
isolation of environmental mycobacteria from clinical specimens in south-east england: 1973-1993.a reference centre for tuberculosis bacteriology serving south-east england.19979441063
fluoride profiles in dental calculus from japanese, chinese and british residents.whether the fluoride concentrations and profiles differ in human dental calculus obtained from different countries was investigated. a total of 203 dental calculus deposits on 203 permanent teeth from residents (mean age, 52.1 years) of nagoya (japan), shanghai (china), leeds (great britain) and the wuhan mountainous area (china, fluoridated area) were analysed. an abrasive microsampling procedure was used to examine fluoride distribution. there were five types of fluoride profiles in dental cal ...19979447256
a community outbreak of vero cytotoxin producing escherichia coli o157 infection linked to a small farm dairy.a community outbreak of infection with vero cytotoxin producing escherichia coli o157 (vtec 0157) occurred in a small area of north west england in 1996. an outbreak control team was established to investigate the outbreak and implement control measures. nine people developed symptomatic infections with vtec o157, and a further three were found to be excreting the bacteria. all were infected with the same genotype of vtec o157. three children under 5 years of age and one adult were admitted to h ...19979447786
influenza surveillance in england and wales: october 1996 to june 1997.this report summarises information collected for the surveillance of influenza in england and wales during the winter of 1996/97. consultations for 'influenza and influenza-like illness' with sentinel general practitioners in england and wales began to increase towards the end of november and peaked at the start of january. in england, consultations for 'aggregated respiratory disease' (ard) began to increase a little earlier, perhaps as a result of increased respiratory syncytial virus activity ...19979447787
influenza activity in england and wales. 19979447789
mortality during the 1996/7 winter.there was a sharp peak in mortality during the 1996/7 winter, resulting in an estimated 49 thousand excess deaths. this article describes the timing of the winter peak, the population affected and the main causes of death. the relationship between excess winter mortality, temperature and influenza is also explored. the peak in the number of deaths in december 1996 and january 1997 coincided with a peak in the number of deaths attributed to influenza and with low temperatures. however, the excess ...19979449156
radon: a human carcinogen.radon is a naturally occurring, radioactive gas that is found in group 0 of the periodic table. normally, it is found in extremely low levels in air but can, in certain geological formations, be a significant component of soil gas. doses from radon are the largest component of the average radiation exposure for the uk general population. certain areas, e.g. cornwall, of the uk have been found to have elevated levels of radon in dwellings and these have been classified as affected areas. here aut ...19979449198
genotoxic activity in human faecal water and the role of bile acids: a study using the alkaline comet assay.human faecal waters from 35 healthy non-smoking volunteers (23 from england and 12 from sweden) consuming their habitual diet were screened for genotoxicity by the single-cell gel electrophoresis (comet) assay using a human colon adenocarcinoma cell line (caco-2) as the target. hydrogen peroxide induced dna damage was categorized as low, intermediate or high for tail moments greater than 5, 17 and 32, respectively: 11 samples were highly genotoxic, four were intermediate, one was low and 19 show ...19979450481
elizabethan madness: on london's stage.during the reign of elizabeth i (1558-1603) a renaissance of both literary and political history occurred. the stage was transformed from primitive echoes of the morality plays to a vibrant and diverse exploration of human endeavor and man's place in the universe. the titanic literary figure of shakespeare today veils a group of friends and challengers whose pens strove for the same goal. the depiction of madness was ubiquitous during plays of this time and reflection on the views of this group ...19979461770
[el magnifico]. 19989467285
echovirus investigate an outbreak of echovirus-related keratoconjunctivitis.19989467445
influenza activity in england, wales, and scotland. 19989476419
gordon holmes, the cortical retina, and the wounds of war. the seventh charles b. snyder the turn of the 20th century, localization of function in the cerebral cortex of the brain had advanced considerably, but a relatively vague idea only existed that human vision was represented in the vicinity of the calcarine cortex. world war i produced a large number of isolated missile wounds of the brain. their study yielded a complete topographical mapping of the visual field in the primary cortical vision center, and is a basis of our modern interpretation of visual fields. this map has ...19979476602
a qualitative and quantitative survey of forensic odontologists in england and wales, 1994.forty forensic odontologists in england and wales, as listed for the british association for forensic odontology in spring 1994, were surveyed by post. the 27 responses received, representing 67.5 per cent of those surveyed, were collated. the aims of the survey were to establish the distribution of experience between those forensic odontologists; to confirm the geographic areas covered by them; to establish the most likely source of introduction to forensic work; to ascertain the proportion of ...19989481076
detection of five novel mutations of the cystic fibrosis transmembrane regulator (cftr) gene in pakistani patients with cystic fibrosis: y569d, q98x, 296+12(t>c), 1161delc and 621+2(t>c).we analysed dna samples from 26 pakistani patients with cystic fibrosis (cf) living in the united kingdom (14 from patients residing in the north west of england, who were referred directly to the north west regional molecular genetics laboratory, and 12 from other regional molecular genetics laboratories). of 56 mutations seen in native u.k. cf patients, only deltaf508, r709x, and 2184insa were detected in the pakistani patients. combined sscp/heteroduplex analysis, dgge, and direct dna cycle s ...19989482579
genetic variation in the east midlands.according to history, the population of the british isles derives its genepool from a succession of invaders and immigrants. the settlement pattern of these invaders gave rise to a patchwork of genepools, shown in previous genetic surveys. specimens from 1117 blood donors of regionally subdivided east midlands (derbyshire, nottinghamshire and leicestershire) were analysed for 18 conventional genetic systems (blood groups, serum proteins and red cell enzymes), according to place of residence. sig ...19989483207
prevalence of antibodies to the hawaii strain of human calicivirus as measured by a recombinant protein based immunoassay.the evaluation of an enzyme immunoassay using recombinant hawaii virus-like particles (rhv-lps) with a panel of sera which had been screened previously for antibodies to norwalk virus (nv) and mexico virus (mxv) is described. the assay was also applied to study the epidemiology of hawaii virus. adult volunteers challenged with the prototype (genogroup ii, human calicivirus) hv developed significant igg responses (16-32 fold rises) following challenge whereas adults challenged or naturally infect ...19989496372
the prevalence of enterocytozoon bieneusi in acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (aids) patients from the north west of england: 1992-1995.microsporidia are increasingly being recognised as important enteric pathogens in patients with advanced human immunodeficiency virus (hiv) disease, i.e. acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (aids). the aims of this study were to investigate the frequency of detection of microsporidia associated with diarrhoea in patients with advanced hiv disease in the north west of england, and to determine the species involved and their prevalence. during the period from april 1992 to the end of december 1995, ...19979499596
childhood energy intake and adult mortality from cancer: the boyd orr cohort examine the relation between energy intake in childhood and adult mortality from cancer.19989501710
immediate and long term outcome of human parvovirus b19 infection in estimate more precisely the risk of fetal loss and congenital abnormalities after maternal parvovirus b19 infection, and to assess the long term outcome for surviving infants.19989501782
the incidence of aids-defining illnesses in 4883 patients with human immunodeficiency virus infection. royal free/chelsea and westminster hospitals collaborative group.acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (aids)-defining illnesses are known to occur at different levels of immunosuppression, and the incidence of diagnoses may also vary according to the cd4 lymphocyte count strata. information about the incidence of disease at different levels of immunosuppression would help clinicians monitoring patients and would allow prophylaxis to be targeted at the most appropriate population.19989508227
distribution of borrelia burgdorferi s.l. spirochaete dna in british ticks (argasidae and ixodidae) since the 19th century, assessed by pcr.the distribution of borrelia burgdorferi sensu lato, the lyme borreliosis agent, was surveyed in british ticks in the collection of the natural history museum, london. alcohol-preserved specimens of eight species of ticks known to attack humans were studied: ixodes ricinus, i. hexagonus, i. uriae, i. trianguliceps, dermacentor reticulatus, haemaphysalis punctata, rhipicephalus sanguineus and argas vespertilionis. the sample comprised all life stages and originated from a wide range of host speci ...19989513944
complete genomic sequence of the human pk-l/r-gene includes four intragenic polymorphisms defining different haplotype backgrounds of normal and mutant pk-genes.the human pyruvate kinase l/r-gene has been completely sequenced in unrelated normal individuals and in pyruvate kinase-deficient patients by a pcr-based direct genomic sequencing approach and analyzed for polymorphisms. the total length of the gene is 8409 nucleotides. four polymorphic sites have been detected: c/a1705 and c/t1992 in exon 12, a t-stretch in intron 1 occurring in the two polymorphic forms (t)10 and (t)19 and an (att)n microsatellite in intron j which has been found in the variat ...19979522120
human violence: a treatable epidemic.domestic violence is common, afflicting at least one in 15 of the population. the victims are usually women and children and the perpetrators often the traditional male head of the family. it commonly leads to a form of post-traumatic stress disorder manifested as psychiatric illness in women and violent crime in men. it is proposed that a major underlying factor is a failure of attachment in infancy. this form of violence can be prevented by better health care before and after birth, particular ...19989532959
increasing incidence of antibiotic resistance in shigellas from humans in england and wales: recommendations for therapy.since 1983 the incidence of resistance to ampicillin in shigella dysenteriae, sh. flexneri, and sh. boydii infections in england and wales has increased from 42% to 65% and the incidence of resistance to trimethoprim, from 6% to 64%. furthermore, of 1524 strains received in 1995-1996, 46% were resistant to both of these antimicrobials. for sh. sonnei almost 50% of isolates were resistant to ampicillin or trimethoprim and 15% were resistant to both of these antimicrobials. these results demonstra ...19989533726
influenza activity in england and wales remains low. 19989549169
postmodernity and a hypertensive patient: rescuing value from nihilism.much of postmodern philosophy questions the assumptions of modernity, that period in the history of the western world since the enlightment. these assumptions are that truth is discoverable through human reason; that certain knowledge is possible; and furthermore, that such knowledge will provide a basis for the ineluctable progress of mankind. the enlightenment project is underwritten by the conviction that knowledge gained through the scientific method is secure. in so far as biomedicine inher ...19989549679
euthanasia in england: courts, committees and consistency.part i of this paper considers three competing ethical approaches to the valuation of human life: "vitalism', 'inviolability', and 'worth'. part ii argues that, largely as a result of the case of airedale nhs trust v bland, english law relating to 'euthanasia' (the intentional shortening of a patient's life, by act or omission, as part of his/her medical care) is in a morally and intellectually inconsistent state, incorporating inviolability by prohibiting doctors from intentionally killing pati ...19979573717
national outbreak of salmonella senftenberg associated with infant food.eight cases of salmonella senftenberg infection in infants were identified in the first half of 1995 in england, five were indistinguishable s. senftenberg strains. a case-control study showed an association between illness and consumption of one brand of baby cereal (p = 0.03). the cereal manufacturer reported isolating s. senftenberg in june 1994 from an undistributed cereal batch. outbreak strains and the cereal strain were all plasmid-free in contrast to other human isolates of s. senftenber ...19989593480
review of counselling in a transfusion service: the london (uk) experience.donor (and recipient) counselling within the transfusion service in the uk has grown in volume and complexity over the last 10 years. the addition of new tests for donated blood and the growth of bone marrow transplantation have increased the demands on counselling staff. new initiatives, such as the hcv look-back programme, have required an extension of the skills and knowledge of staff involved in counselling.19989595639
an outbreak of influenza in four nursing homes in sheffield. 19989599917
fluoride profiles in the cementum and root dentine of human permanent anterior teeth extracted from adult residents in a naturally fluoridated and a non-fluoridated determine the effect of water fluoride concentration on the fluoride profile across the entire thickness of the cementum and root dentine of human permanent anterior teeth in adults.19979610297
detectable levels of serum aflatoxin b1-albumin adducts in the united kingdom population: implications for aflatoxin-b1 exposure in the united kingdom.this study aimed to estimate aflatoxin b1 (afb1) exposure in the united kingdom population by measuring levels of serum afb1-albumin (alb), using immunoassay and high-performance liquid chromatography (hplc) with fluorescence detection. a self-questionnaire on dietary habits from 104 volunteers (47 men and 57 women) in york was completed, and blood samples were collected. serum alb was extracted, and afb1-lysine (lys), the digest product of afb1-alb, was isolated and measured. a sensitive elisa ...19989610795
the middle pleistocene human tibia from boxgrove.the boxgrove tibia was discovered in 1993, associated with middle pleistocene fauna, and lower palaeolithic archaeology. the sediments at boxgrove were deposited during a temperate interglacial episode and ensuing cold stage. they thus represent a wide range of modes and environments of deposition. archaeological remains have been excavated from all the major stratigraphic units, giving a continuity of occupation for this part of southern england over a 10(4) year timescale, through markedly cha ...19989614636
the impact of influenza and influenza-like illness on productivity and healthcare resource utilization in a working population.four hundred and eleven subjects who either reported to occupational health at onset of influenza or influenza-like illness (i/ili) symptoms or on return to work completed questionnaires on entry to the study and after 28 days. on average they were incapacitated or confined to bed for 2.4 days, missing 2.8 days from work per episode of illness. on return to work, they reported reduced effectiveness and inability to resume normal activity until a mean 3.5 days after the onset of symptoms. each pa ...19989614766
the changing moral landscape of human reproduction: two moments in the history of in vitro fertilization.ethical attitudes toward in vitro fertilization (ivf) have varied historically. this paper discusses the changes in views about the morality of human ivf by exploring the response to a pair of critical moments in the history of this reproductive technology: the announcement of the first successful ivf experiment by john rock and miriam menkin in 1944 and the first successful ivf live birth of louise brown in 1978. by exploring public and private reactions to these two events in the context of wi ...19989615566
informed consent and psychiatric research.the general problem with research is that its purpose does not necessarily benefit an individual patient now. in psychiatry the specific problem is that psychiatric patients may have a reduced mental competence, because of their illness. thus the specific clinical problems of the research subjects may impede the ethical requirements of the research. to try to solve this conundrum, we may need to move away from a vision of psychiatric ethics which is rights and individual based, and find another, ...19979616960
lionel sharples penrose (1898-1972): aspects of the man and his works, with particular reference to his undertakings in the fields of intellectual disability and mental disorder.the penrose club, named after professor l. s. penrose, is a society of academic psychiatrists in the uk with a particular focus on research in the sphere of intellectual disability. the inaugural lecture of the club was delivered at the institute of psychiatry, london, on 29 november 1996. it is distinctly fitting that this lecture should appear in print in the journal of intellectual disability research in the centenary year of professor penrose's birth, both because of his major pioneering con ...19989617693
allograft bone transplantation: a sheffield experience.there has been an increase in demand for allograft bone in recent years. this type of bone provides an excellent material to fill in bony defects, but could be associated with an incidence of infection. any newly established tissue bank has to meet the very stringent criteria to process and store bone and maintain a donor and recipient database to avoid transmission of infection. the sheffield tissue bank has been functioning since 1989 and until 1993 has provided bone allografts to 220 patients ...19989623384
lung cancer mortality in nickel/chromium platers, investigate mortality from lung cancer in nickel/chromium platers.19989624277
adenovirus-associated gastro-enteritis in the north-west of england: 1991-1994.faeces, positive for adenoviruses by electron microscopy on initial examination at manchester public health laboratory (phl) or preston phl during the period 1991-1994, were examined by an enzyme immunoassay which differentiated ad40, ad41 and non-adf strains. isolation and serotyping by neutralisation of non-adf strains were attempted in plc/prf/5 cells. of 452 specimens examined, 99 (22%) contained ad40, 209 (46%) ad41 and 144 (32%) non-adf serotypes. from 1991 to 1993 the ratio of ad40 to ad4 ...19979624738
localization of a gene (cord7) for a dominant cone-rod dystrophy to chromosome 6q. 19989634506
hugh alistair reid obe md: investigation and treatment of snake bite.alistair reid was an outstanding clinician, epidemiologist and scientist. at the penang general hospital, malaya, his careful observation of sea snake poisoning revealed that sea snake venoms were myotoxic in man leading to generalized rhabdomyolysis, and were not neurotoxic as observed in animals. in 1961, reid founded and became the first honorary director of the penang institute of snake and venom research. effective treatment of sea snake poisoning required specific antivenom which was produ ...19989637363
'you don't want to lose your ovaries because you think 'i might become a man". women's perceptions of prophylactic surgery as a cancer risk management option.this preliminary study provides insight into the meaning of prophylactic surgery as a risk management strategy for women who have a familial risk of breast or ovarian cancer. data were collected during observations of genetic consultations and in semi-structured interviews with 41 women following their attendance at genetic counselling. the option of prophylactic surgery was raised in 29 consultations and discussed in 35 of the post-clinic interviews. fifteen women said they would consider havin ...19989638787
progress in the development of helicobacter pylori strain typing methods.helicobacter pylori is very different from other gram negative bacteria that inhabit the human gastroduodenal tract. its success in adapting to colonise and persist in the stomach is reflected in key features such as unique chemical structure and architecture of lipopolysaccharide, sheathed flagella, genomic diversity, and potent urease activity. strain diversity within the species is well established and so the challenge is to exploit variations in these features for developing relevant epidemi ...19989644129
an outbreak of multi-drug-resistant tuberculosis in a london teaching hospital.we describe the epidemiology and control of a hospital outbreak of multi-drug-resistant tuberculosis (mdr-tb). a human immunodeficiency virus (hiv)-negative patient with drug-sensitive tuberculosis developed mdr-tb during a period of unsupervised therapy. she was admitted to an isolation room in a ward with hiv-positive patients, but the room, unbeknown to hospital staff, was at positive-pressure relative to the main ward. seven hiv-positive contacts developed mdr-tb. the diagnosis in the second ...19989651855
transfer across the human gut of environmental plutonium, americium, cobalt, caesium and technetium: studies with cockles (cerastoderma edule) from the irish sea.our previous studies have indicated lower values of the gut transfer factor ('f1 values') for plutonium and americium in winkles (littorina littorea) than adopted by icrp. the present study was undertaken primarily to investigate whether this observation extends to other species. samples of cockles (carastoderma edule) from ravenglass, cumbria were eaten by volunteers who provided 24 h samples of urine and faeces. urine samples indicated f1 values for cockles which were higher than for winkles; ...19989656190
discharges of krypton from sellafield, 1951-1997, and the resultant doses to members of the public.the radionulide 85kr, which has a half-life of 10.72 years, is produced, almost exclusively, by reprocessing operations during which the fission product is released from irradiated nuclear fuel by chemical dissolution. reprocessing plants at sellafield, in cumbria, have released the noble gas to atmosphere since operations commenced in 1952. historically, krypton discharges were classified for security reasons, although these have been monitored and published by bnfl for each year since 1977. th ...19989656191
[the man behind paget's syndrome. he gave name to diseases of the skeleton, breast and vulva]. 19989656637
the maastricht strain and england strain of rat cytomegalovirus represent different betaherpesvirus species rather than strains.the major immediate early (mie) locus of the maastricht strain of rat cytomegalovirus (rcmv) was found to comprise five exons of which the first is noncoding. the first three exons are spliced to either exon 4, generating ie1, or exon 5, generating ie2. an additional splicing event unique to rcmv (maastricht) was identified in exon 5, resulting in a 466-bp deletion. ie1 transcripts were detected exclusively during the ie phase of infection in vitro, whereas ie2 transcripts were detected during b ...19989657952
effect of paternal alcohol consumption before conception on infant birth weight. alspac study team. avon longitudinal study of pregnancy and childhood.previous studies of paternal drinking and fetal growth in both animals and human have produced conflicting results. we evaluated the association between paternal drinking before conception and infant birth weight in a cohort of 9,845 liveborn singleton infant born to couples who participated in the avon longitudinal study of pregnancy and childhood (alspac), alspac is a population-based cohort study in which women and their partners completed several self-administered questionnaires over the cou ...19989664637
overtaking road-accidents: differences in manoeuvre as a function of driver age.nine-hundred and seventy-three police road-accident files describing overtaking accidents were sampled from the headquarters of nottinghamshire constabulary, england, for the years 1989-1993. salient facts were extracted from each case, including the exact manoeuvre involved, the principle explanatory factors, the driver(s) most at fault, and the drivers' ages. two kinds of reliability measure for case interpretations. indicated high levels of consistency. two induced exposure measures were used ...19989666242
causes of mortality and non-fatal conditions among grey seals (halichoerus grypus) found dead on the coasts of england, wales and the isle of man.a survey of the diseases detectable in 141 grey seals stranded on the coasts of england and wales away from breeding colonies was carried out between mid-1989 and early 1997. the most common fatal conditions in pups less than three weeks of age were trauma (24 per cent of deaths) and dystocia (12 per cent); in pups more than three weeks of age thy were starvation (22 per cent) and pneumonia (22 per cent); in juveniles they were drowning in fishing gear (30 per cent) and starvation (19 per cent), ...19989682418
the epidemiology of cryptosporidiosis: application of experimental sub-typing and antibody detection systems to the investigation of water-borne outbreaks.a technique based on the analysis of banding patterns obtained by sds-page western-blotting of an oocyst wall antigen obtained from faeces has been evaluated to subtype cryptosporidium parvum tyzzer, 1912. this technique appears to have sufficient stability to recognise multiple types of this parasite. a similar western-blotting technique has also been used to assess antibody responses to cryptosporidial antigens in human sera. two systems were developed: one against three antigens of apparent m ...19989684318
the role of the general practitioner in the community care of people with hiv infection and aids: a comparative study of high- and low-prevalence areas in england.policy for the care of people suffering from hiv and aids has changed over the past decade. schemes for shared primary and secondary care have been met with varying success, and patients may be reluctant to become involved. no systematic evaluation comparing the views of primary care providers and users in areas of varying hiv prevalence has been published.19989692281
inherited retinal telangiectasia with glial proliferation.we describe five patients from a family of pakistani origin with inherited retinal telangiectasia and glial proliferation. characteristics of this condition include: variable visual loss; peripapillary retinal telangiectasia with vascular incompetence on fluorescein angiography; glial proliferation; cystoid macular edema or altered macular pigment; retinal hemorrhage; and abnormal electroretinopathy. we discuss the similarities with and distinguishing features from other documented conditions an ...19989713794
an outbreak of salmonella enteritidis phage type 19 infection associated with outbreak of infection with salmonella enteritidis was detected because some of the cases lived near each other. swift investigation identified cockles as the vehicle of infection. the cockles had been gathered and cooked by a member of the public. phage typing of the s. enteritidis revealed phage type 19, which is rarely seen in the united kingdom. the outbreak illustrates the need for care in handling and preparation of shellfish for human consumption. catering establishments should be wary ...19989718836
a five year survey of inoculation injuries in exeter.a new policy was introduced in exeter as part of the process of improving the management of inoculation injuries. completion of detailed questionnaires by injured health care workers has enabled us to monitor their occurrence. this has helped in the management of individual incidents, provided valuable data for staff education, prevented injuries, and identified deficiencies in compliance with procedures.19989718846
gps, schoolgirls and sex. a cross cultural background comparison of general practitioner attitudes towards contraceptive service provision for young adolescent females in previous studies have examined the influences of cultural background on the provision of contraceptive services to females under 16 years of age. a research project was undertaken to investigate any differences between general practitioners trained in the united kingdom and those trained in the indian sub-continent in relation to contraceptive service provision to females under 16 years of age. a self-completion postal questionnaire survey was distributed to 230 unrestricted principal general ...19989719710
cattle tb crisis? human implications. 19989734978
the use of specialist palliative care services by patients with human immunodeficiency virus-related illness in the yorkshire deanery of the northern and yorkshire examine the use of palliative care services by patients affected by human immunodeficiency virus (hiv) in hospices which do not specialize in the care of hiv patients, a tape-recorded, semistructured interview was carried out in 12 hospices in the uk. the interview explored concerns about such provision, as well as actual issues encountered. the study revealed that all 12 hospices accepted referrals for people affected by hiv and had clear working practices on infection control. between 1990 ...19989743834
the value of screening for down's syndrome in a socioeconomically deprived area with a high ethnic assess the utility of biochemical antenatal screening for down's syndrome in a socioeconomically deprived area with a high proportion of asian women from the indian subcontinent.19989746377
the natural history of fetomaternal alloimmunization to the platelet-specific antigen hpa-1a (pla1, zwa) as determined by antenatal screening.immunization against the human platelet antigen (hpa)-1 alloantigen is the most common cause of severe fetal and neonatal thrombocytopenia. fetal therapy has substantial risks and its indications need better definition. of 24,417 consecutive pregnant women, 618 (2.5%) were hpa-1a negative of whom 385 entered an observational study. all were hla-drb3*0101 genotyped and screened for anti-hpa-1a. their partners and neonates were hpa-1 genotyped and the latter were assessed by cord blood platelet co ...19989746765
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