
[error in the interpretation of echography in a case of retinoblastoma]. 20123542260
modulation of type-i skin hypersensitivity reactions by bronchodilators. 20123255688
dna microfluorometry of synovial effusion cells in rheumatic diseases.a microfluorometric study of relative dna content in lymphocytes and granulocytes from the synovial fluid of 26 patients with rheumatoid arthritis or seronegative reactive arthritis was carried out. results obtained from individuals without treatment or treated with nonsteroid anti-inflammatory drugs were compared with measurements of 7 healthy persons. dna content in granulocytes was more sensitive to effects of disease or therapy than in lymphocytes. introduction of therapy resulted in decreas ...20133816095
two forms of haemophilia. 20144175422
[experience in a public health nurse's home visiting]. 20154487407
[prolonged parenteral feeding in surgery of the aorta with acute renal insufficiency]. 1998121370
changing trends in surgery for acute cholecystitis. 20011891945
increased plasma endothelin levels in patients with raynaud's phenomenon. 20072008192
[luxatio humeri erecta. a rare form of inferior shoulder dislocation].in patients with erect dislocation of the shoulder, the arm is typically locked in an upright position. this rare variant of subglenoid luxation always causes damage to the ligamentous structures of the joint and sometimes additional complications arise from neurovascular lesions. two recent cases are reported here. the mechanism of injury, therapeutic measures and prognosis are discussed.20102916131
prenatal diagnosis of subdural hygroma. 20123418780
the hp, gc, gm, km and beta 2-glycoprotein i genetic variants in hairy cell leukemia: no apparent significant differences could be observed when hp, gc, gm, km and beta 2-glycoprotein i phenotypes of 50 patients with hairy cell leukemia were compared with healthy unrelated adults.20133923375
control of anticoagulant treatment. 20144187840
prenatal diagnosis of congenital adrenal hyperplasia. 199991004
a double-blind comparison of 1% hydrocortisone plus 10% urea ('alphaderm') and 0.1% betamethasone 17-valerate in the treatment of non-infective inflammatory dermatoses.a double-blind controlled trial was carried out over a period of 3 weeks to assess the effectiveness of 1% hydrocortisone, in a specialized carbamide drug delivery system, compared with 0.1% betamethasone 17-valerate cream in the treatment of 21 patients with bilateral, symmetrical, non-infective inflammatory dermatoses. the trial preparations were applied topically twice daily, each to one side only during the trial. although overall patient preference tended to favour betamethasone 17-valerate ...2004343995
consultation section. retrobulbar hemorrhage. 20072258817
consultation section. retrobulbar hemorrhage. 20072258817
[drug-induced cardiovascular complications].many drugs, including those prescribed in cardiology, can induce adverse cardiovascular side effects. most of the anti-arrhythmia drugs have a negative inotropic action and proarrhythmic effects. estroprogestative contraceptive drugs favor thromboembolitic events and increase the incidence of hypertension. due to the risk of coronary insufficiency, substitutive hormonotherapy in hypothyroidism must be introduced gradually. tricyclic anti-depressive drugs and neuroleptics can induce orthostatic h ...20082610453
a new method of representing dna sequences which combines ease of visual analysis with machine readability.a new method of representing dna sequences has been devised which is termed stave projection. compared with other formats for showing the base sequences of dna, this method greatly enhances the ease of visual analysis of the sequences of bases and it is also in a machine readable form. using this method it is possible to identify and annotate all of the functional features found in dna sequences.20103003680
[possibility of the early diagnosis of the suture incompetence of a large intestine anastomosis].radionuclide examinations consisting in intraoperative injection of a nonabsorbed radiopharmaceutical preparation into the lumen of adducting portion of the gut were proposed for the detection of incompetence of anastomosis sutures in the early postoperative period. the investigation was performed in 45 patients. complications on the anastomosis were detected in 7 patients: in 5 patients--anastomositis, in 2 patients--incompetence of the anastomosis sutures, the radiopharmaceutical preparation b ...20102836984
[evaluation of the use of parenteral nutrition in chronic and severe radiation enterocolitis].the effects of parenteral nutrition in the treatment of patients with severe chronic radiation enterocolitis is not known. we retrospectively studied 19 adult patients who received parenteral nutrition during 8.6 +/- 2.4 months (mean +/- sem), including 6 cases in our home-parenteral nutrition-program. parenteral nutrition was started 49 +/- 12 months after radiation therapy; follow-up after parenteral nutrition was 22 +/- 7 months. indication for parenteral nutrition was malnutrition (weight = ...20113106127
[clinico-radiological diagnosis of mitral-tricuspid defects of the heart]. 20134237192
[clinico-radiological diagnosis of mitral-tricuspid defects of the heart]. 20134237192
interhospital transportation. monitoring sterility of instrument packs.the minneapolis-st paul area is currently experiencing an increase in health care mergers among hospitals. as new facilities are acquired, whether through merger or the building of satellite hospitals, economic considerations often instigate the consolidation of certain departments and services. thus, hospitals are confronted with a new set of management problems. one such problem might be determining if the probability of contamination increases when a sterile pack is transported from the centr ...20133647754
oral and maxillo-facial surgery coming to age in puerto rico. 20154526656
sprained ankles. iv. histologic changes in recent and "chronic" ligament ruptures. 20164959236
neuroimaging of cerebral infarction associated with coronary revascularization. 20071950903
[shock (peripheral circulatory insufficiency). i]. 2002119989
an enhanced-response system for performing chemiluminescent and bioluminescent tests. 20061366493
the dose rate effects on the in vitro radiolysis products of magnesium-guanosine-5'-monophosphate complexes in aqueous solutions.this study examined the effects on the radiolysis of magnesium-guanosine-5'-monophosphate complexes in deaerated aqueous solutions, investigated by fourier transform infrared (ft-ir) spectroscopy. it was found that when the system was irradiated with a dose rate of 500 rad/min (low dose rate), the oh radicals, h atoms and hydrated electrons (eaq-) produced from radiolysis of water reacted mainly by addition to the double bonds c4 = c5 and n7 = c8 of guanine. when the dose rate was 23,800 rad/min ...20072168727
[development of public health service with special reference to health monitoring of the drinking water supply in east germany since 1945, with examples from the gera district].government-controlled hygienic inspection was a part of public health in the german democratic republic that developed into a uniformly all-embracing, active, controlling and executive public instrument also in the field of hygienic control and monitoring of drinking water supply. the article describes the pros and cons of centralistic principles, especially with regard to controlling government-run enterprises and institutions by government-conducted control organisations. the problems involved ...20071828552
neuronal overload in the developing anuran lateral motor column in response to limb removal and thyroid hormone.the lateral motor column (lmc) in the anuran spinal cord normally undergoes a dramatic reduction in motor neuron number during development. at least two factors influence this process: the limb target which is required for the progression of cell loss, and thyroid hormone, a requisite for metamorphosis. this study has examined the relative and combined effects of limb amputation and exogenous thyroxine, initiated at the onset of normal rapid cell loss in rana pipiens tadpoles, in regulating neur ...20092787336
cytochrome p-450 membrane signals. 20092680408
separation and identification of trifluralin metabolites by open-tubular liquid chromatography/negative chemical ionization mass spectrometry.the utility of combined open-tubular liquid chromatography/negative ion chemical ionization (nci) mass spectrometry for the separation and analysis of trifluralin, a commonly used pre-emergence herbicide, and seven of its metabolites has been demonstrated. the nci mass spectra for these compounds are reported. some of the nci mass spectra were obtained from as little as 50 pg of analyte.20113203148
[surgical and conservative treatment of puerperal uterine inversion]. 20133960535
[surgical and conservative treatment of puerperal uterine inversion]. 20133960535
development of cellular dependence on infective organisms: micrurgical studies in amoebas.nuclei and cytoplasm were transferred between a normal strain anda variant strain of amoeba discoides heavily infected with bacteria. after 5 years of infection, the infective bacteria that were initially harmful to the host cells became harmless, and the nucleus of the host cell became dependent on the infective organisms for its normal functions.20165035468
transport of light in tissue in photodynamic therapy. 20102964653
[current status of hyperthermia for deep-seated tumors].the current status of hyperthermia for deep-seated tumor is reviewed. heating methods include external heating, intraluminal heating and interstitial heating, all of which have inherent advantages and disadvantages. hyperthermia alone has significant effects on deep-seated tumors. the combination of hyperthermia and radiotherapy has been widely applied, resulting in 10-15% complete regression and 10-40% partial regression in the treatment of locally advanced tumors. the response rate of thermora ...20092649000
[a comparison of diffusion and photometric method in determining the level of lysozyme in clinical practice (author's transl)]. 2002134836
[gastric secretion in gastroduodenal ulcer]. 2005545511
nutrition and head start. 20061458961
[written information on prescribed drugs provided by pharmacies]. 20092815030
[written information on prescribed drugs provided by pharmacies]. 20092815030
truth, trust, and paternalism.the emphasis on the necessity for fully informed consent in two new books, doctors' dilemmas by m. phillips and j. dawson and whose body is it? by c. faulder, is found to be "lacking in balance" by brewin. the doctor's discretion in dealing with each patient is considered to be the key to determining priorities between paternalism and communication. rigid rules, brewin argues, may not be in the patient's best interest and thus should not be forced on doctors and nurses by "philosophers or expert ...20102863503
verbal communication and behaviour during meals in five institutionalized patients with alzheimer-type dementia.five institutionalized patients with alzheimer-type dementia were observed (video-recorded) during meals. the aim was to assess their meal behaviour and social interaction. the results showed that when the patients ate without the participation of staff, the two least demented patients became 'caregivers' in the group and helped the three most demented patients to eat. when two mental nurses joined the group, the patients dropped their roles as helpers. the conversation in the group could be cha ...20113225360
serum c-peptide concentrations and their value in evaluating the usefulness of insulin therapy in elderly diabetics.serum c-peptide concentrations were determined in 121 elderly subjects: 25 nondiabetic controls aged 69-86 years, and 96 type 2 (noninsulin-dependent diabetes mellitus) diabetics aged 64-96 years. forty-seven of the diabetics were treated with tablets, 35 with insulin, and 14 with diet alone. fasting serum c-peptide concentrations (nmol/l; mean +/- sd) were 0.51 +/- 0.20 for controls; 0.60 +/- 0.16 for diabetics on diet alone; 0.72 +/- 0.33 for diabetics on tablets and 0.46 +/- 0.23 for diabetic ...20123556328
treatment of impaired cerebral function in psychogeriatric patients with memantine--results of a phase ii double-blind study.memantine was investigated in a phase ii double-blind trial on 30 elderly patients by comparison with a placebo with the aid of several psychometric tests. it was found that vigilance, short-term memory, and concentration improve significantly under memantine. it was also found that memantine exerted a beneficial effect on psychiatric and neurological symptoms despite the presence of an organic psychosyndrome of many years' duration and multiple morbidity. the tolerance of the preparation was go ...20123406051
[are there liver protective drugs really?]. 20051307060
radiographic anatomy of the calcaneus. part iii: superior surface. 20123430354
relationship between self-control and alcohol consumption patterns and problems of college students.the relationship between self-control strategies, alcohol-related problems and the quantity and frequency of alcohol use was examined. analyses of data from 410 university students who completed the student alcohol questionnaire and the self-control questionnaire indicated that both internal and external self-control strategies were significantly correlated with alcohol-related problems and alcohol consumption variables. self-control strategies were also found to be applied differentially across ...20123347074
coronary revascularization in patients receiving propranolol. 20154546372
[tablets. 8. study of excipients for direct compression pure, and in presence of phenobarbital, on reciprocating machine]. 20164771727
effects of glutamine, methionine sulfone and dexamethasone on rates of synthesis of glutamine synthetase in cultured hepatoma cells.glutamine synthetase (ec activity of hepatoma tissue culture cells is elevated by corticosteroids and depressed by glutamine (kulka, r.g., tomkins, g.m. and crook, r.b. (1972) j. cell biol., 54, 175--179). the transfer of cells from high (1--5 mm) to low (0.2--0.4 mm) concentrations of glutamine causes a marked increase in glutamine synthetase activity. the addition of a glutamine antagonist, methionine sulfone (1 mm) to cells suspended in high (1 mm) concentrations of glutamine also ca ...200131191
[cutaneous allergy to epichlorhydrine (author's transl)].allergies due to epichlorhydrin are seen more and more frequently. this product, which has several uses, is one of the essential components in epoxy resins. the follow-up of six cases has enabled us to determine the optimal concentration to be used in epichlorhydrin epicutaneous tests. since this product is frequently encountered, it ought to be integrated among the other samples in current skin tests.2003152091
[vascular surgery in the aged]. 2005538948
magnetic resonance imaging in infants exposed to cocaine prenatally: a preliminary report. 20071914354
[ulcerative colitis or regional colitis]. 1998108580
fetal movement recording: a guide to fetal well-being. 1991258354
cytochrome p-450 in biological hydroxylations in the liver. 1994303035
release of euchromatic segments by mg/ca-dependent autodigestion of chromatin. 1997174570
[blood transfusion - practice at komagome municipal hospital. 1. specificity and adverse effects of blood transfusion (1)]. 1998105182
[comparison of 24 hours ambulatory electrocardiography and endocavitary recording in the diagnosis of heart rate disorders].ninety symptomatic patients aged between 16 and 90 years were investigated by ambulatory continuous 24 hour electrocardiography. 75 of these patients underwent endocavitary exploration of atrioventricular conduction and sinus node function within 48 hour of ambulatory electrocardiography. symptoms occurred during the recording in 30% patients, enabling the mechanism of the malaise to be determined. every time that abnormalities in the zone surrounding the tawara node were demonstrated by endocav ...1998106788
effect of sublingual nitroglycerin on left ventricular function at rest and during spontaneous angina pectoris: assessment with a radionuclide approach. 1999116534
propranolol in threatened myocardial infarction. 199985139
interphase studies with a simplified method of silver staining of nucleoli.a simple silver staining method is presented providing a rapid and reliable technique for the selective staining of nuclear structures synthesizing ribosomal rna (18s and 28s rna).199984766
does driving cause cancer and diabetes? 199988661
wedge-shaped dose distributions by computer-controlled collimator motion.we have recently installed a linear accelerator, modified to allow computer control of several machine parameters during irradiation of the patient. as an initial feasibility study of computer-controlled radiation therapy, its application to produce wedge-shaped dose distributions by moving the collimator jaws has been evaluated. the required collimator motions have been calculated with an iterative technique. when these routines were used during irradiations of phantoms containing radiographic ...2000101760
oestrogen receptors and prognosis in early breast a study of the role of oestrogen-receptor analysis in early breast cancer the oestrogen-receptor content of the tumour was estimated in 286 patients undergoing mastectomy. these patients were followed for up to 39 months, and the recurrence of disease was noted in relation to the presence or absence of oestrogen receptor.recurrence-rates were significantly higher in patients whose tumours did not contain receptors than in those whose tumours did. this same relationship was seen when women wit ...200086771
[calicial diverticulum].the authors present a series of five cases of calicial diverticuli with important radiological diameters, an entity which is not frequently described in literature. they analyse the symptoms which, because they do not posses characteristics of their own, correspond instead to the clinical picture of their complications. the radiological study is the basis of the diagnosis, when the diverticular cavity is refilled late, when the contrast of the same is drained slowly and when there is a communica ...2001100064
immunoperoxidase technics in diagnostic pathology. report of a workshop sponsored by the national cancer institute. 200188175
a brief historical summary of health and the nature of humans. 200198491
infants of very low birthweight. a 15-year analysis.357 babies weighing 501--1500 g were born alive at hammersmith hospital in 1961--75. 58.5% died in the neonatal period and 1.4% at 4--25 months of age. 1.4% of the total are untraced, 5.3% have major handicap, 5.6% have minor handicap, and 27.8% are apparently normal. there was no significant improvement in neonatal mortality in three 5-year periods, 1961--65, 1966--70, and 1971--75, except that more small-for-gestational-age babies survived in the last period than in the first. more of these ba ...200187789
acute non-a, non-b hepatitis: specific ultrastructural alterations in endoplasmic reticulum of infected hepatocytes. 200187721
policy planning for the mid-level health worker: economic potentials and barriers to change. 2002130353
[the children's dentist and dental health education]. 2002128253
osteomyelosclerosis. a histopathological study of osteomedullary lesions on 32 cases.the pathological features of the osteomyleoproliferative syndrome development were studied by trephine biopsy on 32 cases out of which 28, lesionally characterized by myeloproliferation, reticulin hyperplasia, intravascular hematopoiesis, myelofibrosis, myeloslerosis, and osteosclerosis, were interpreted as primary osteomyelosclerosis. dynamic relationships between the myelogenous tissue and the osteogenous one are emphasized in the development of disease.2002127935
a guide to the muscle papers. 2002127881
[angiotomography of supratentorial brain tumors]. 2003207124
effects of potassium azide on soil microbial populations and soil enzymatic activities.preplant applications of potassium azide (kn3) to pine nursery beds were evaluated for effect on the soil microflora and on soil enzyme activity where either plastic-sealing or water-sealing techniques were used. two weeks after incorporation of azide (0-224 kg/hs), soil samplings revealed reduced populations of bacteria and fungi and a corresponding decline in invertase and amylase activities. these effects were proportionate to the amount of azide used and were more pronounced in plastic-seale ...2003164268
assessment for invalidity pensions. 2003145267
treatment of hyperprolactinemic luteal insufficiency with bromocriptine.twelve patients with infertility and insufficent luteal function were studied during a control cycle, and during a cycle when 2.5 mg of bromocriptine was given twice daily. serum levels of prolactin, progesterone, estradiol-17-beta, fsh and lh were determined during both cycles. endometrial biopsies were taken from most patients during the late luteal phase. two patients had persistent hyperprolactinemia, approximately 35-45 ng/ml, and both had repeated insufficient luteal function, which comple ...2004525272
orbital pseudo-tumours: difficulties in diagnosis. a study of 12 cases. 20051242203
[abo blood groups in gastric cancer]. 20051169525
development of the cardiovascular system: an interactive video computer program.the major aim of this project is to provide interactive video computer based courseware that can be used by the medical student and others to supplement his or her learning of this very important aspect of basic biomedical education. embryology is a science that depends on the ability of the student to visualize dynamic changes in structure which occur in four dimensions--x, y, z, and time. traditional didactic methods, including lectures employing photographic slides and laboratories employing ...20061483013
influence of alcohol intake on the course and consequences of spinal cord injury. 20061428390
a common precursor for cd4+ t cells producing il-2 or investigate whether cd4+ t cells are predetermined to produce a given pattern of lymphokines, we have used a culture system that allows the controlled induction of either il-2- or il-4-producing cd4+ t cells. single, freshly isolated murine cd4+ t cells were activated with con a, ril-2, and apc; the developing clones were split and then cultured for an additional 14 days with either ril-2 alone or with ril-2 and anti-cd3 stimulation. subclones expanded in the presence of ril-2 alone produced ...20061346619
nucleosome unit repeat size in aneuploid mice.male 8-day-old mice that have part of chromosome 7 translocated to an x chromosome [t(x;7)1 ct] and that are chromosomally unbalanced for chromosome 7, and consequently trisomic for that part of chromosome 7, were found to have a smaller nucleosome repeat unit size than normal littermate males (rake, a. v., and edwards, r. h., biochem. genet. 25:671, 1987). this smaller nucleosome size is maintained in adult trisomic males. males with a balanced chromosomal translocation [t(x;7)1ct] had a normal ...20072268257
the differentiation of excitability in embryonic chick limb motoneurons.the well-documented role of neuromuscular activity as a regulator of motoneuron and muscle development raises important questions about the differentiation of excitability in motoneurons. we have recently described changes in expression of voltage-dependent calcium currents that take place during neuromuscular development in the chick embryo (mccobb et al., 1989). we now report similar analyses, using whole-cell patch-recording methods, of the major currents underlying action potential generatio ...20072168941
ventricular fibrillation in the wolff-parkinson-white syndrome.ventricular fibrillation (vf) is a well-known but rare complication of the wolff-parkinson-white syndrome (wpw). clinical and electrophysiological data of 23 patients with spontaneous vf were compared with data from 100 consecutive patients with wpw without vf but with symptomatic supraventricular tachycardia. the 23 patients were collected in a multicentre retrospective study in seven european centres. vf occurred in only one patient who was receiving antiarrhythmic drugs, and was the first man ...20072044547
the coexistence of lymphangiosarcoma and kaposi's sarcoma in a renal transplant recipient.a case of coexisting lymphangiosarcoma and kaposi's sarcoma that occurred in a female renal transplant recipient is presented. both sarcomas were localized to the skin and were slowly progressive over several years. the coexistence of these two sarcomas may indicate that they arose from a common precursor endothelial cell and that systemic immune suppression may be important in the pathogenesis of both these malignancies.20071913470
allergic reaction of the oral mucosa in a patient with a synthetic denture. 20071868728
first assisting in cataract surgery: program results.1. this program was established to teach non-physicians to first assist in cataract surgery, since third party payors would no longer pay for physicians to first assist. 2. among the advantages to utilizing non-physician first assistants are: availability, reliability, familiarity with instruments and equipment, and quality of service. 3. the questionnaire results confirm that the advantages of having non-physician first assistants far outweigh the disadvantages.20082566208
[thoracic nodular lesions]. 20082518936
[status of intersex. psychological aspects]. 20084425564
[treatment of ununited fractures and pseudarthrosis of the distal end of the femur complicated by extension contracture of the knee joint]. 20092811131
[europe 1992: big brother is watching you]. 20092812101
[europe 1992: big brother is watching you]. 20092812101
the conditions of collective suicide and the threat of nuclear war. 20093768588
a simple device for controlling suction force in neurosurgical operations.a simple and inexpensive device for controlling suction force in neurosurgical operations is described. this device is interposed in the suction tubing on the sterile surgical field. this has the advantage of allowing the surgeon to alter the suction force quickly and easily, according to his or her preference. the total cost is minimal, and the device may be assembled with supplies currently available in most operating rooms.20092797406
a simple device for controlling suction force in neurosurgical operations.a simple and inexpensive device for controlling suction force in neurosurgical operations is described. this device is interposed in the suction tubing on the sterile surgical field. this has the advantage of allowing the surgeon to alter the suction force quickly and easily, according to his or her preference. the total cost is minimal, and the device may be assembled with supplies currently available in most operating rooms.20092797406
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