
ptr2 peptide transporters in fusarium graminearum influence secondary metabolite production and sexual development.putative proton coupled di-peptide transporters, ptr2s, are found in filamentous fungi in different numbers and their function during fungal development and plant infection is unresolved. in fusarium graminearum, the cause of head blight in cereals, we identified four putative ptr2 transporters (fgptr2a-d). the genes did not cluster together in phylogenetic analyses and only fgptr2a and fgptr2c were able to complement a ptr2 deficient yeast mutant in uptake of di-peptides. all fgptr2s are contin ...201728390508
the insect-derived antimicrobial peptide metchnikowin targets fusarium graminearum β(1,3)glucanosyltransferase gel1, which is required for the maintenance of cell wall integrity.antimicrobial peptides (amps) are essential components of the insect innate immune system. their diversity provides protection against a broad spectrum of microbes and they have several distinct modes of action. insect-derived amps are currently being developed for both medical and agricultural applications, and their expression in transgenic crops confers resistance against numerous plant pathogens. the antifungal peptide metchnikowin (mtk), which was originally discovered in the fruit fly dros ...201727811341
solvent and water mediated structural variations in deoxynivalenol and their potential implications on the disruption of ribosomal function.fusarium head blight (fhb) is a disease of cereal crops caused by trichothecene producing fusarium species. trichothecenes, macrocylicic fungal metabolites composed of three fused rings (a-c) with one epoxide functionality, are a class of mycotoxins known to inhibit protein synthesis in eukaryotic ribosomes. these toxins accumulate in the kernels of infected plants rendering them unsuitable for human and animal consumption. among the four classes of trichothecenes (a-d) a and b are associated wi ...201627582730
the transcription cofactor swi6 of the fusarium graminearum is involved in fusarium graminearum virus 1 infection-induced phenotypic alterations.the transcription cofactor swi6 plays important roles in regulating vegetative growth and meiosis in saccharomyces cerevisiae. functions of swi6 ortholog were also characterized in fusarium graminearum which is one of the devastating plant pathogenic fungi. here, we report possible role of fgswi6 in the interaction between f. graminearum and fusarium graminearum virus 1 (fgv1) strain dk21. fgv1 perturbs biological characteristics of host fungi such as vegetative growth, sporulation, pigmentation ...201627493603
septins are involved in nuclear division, morphogenesis and pathogenicity in fusarium graminearum.septins are gtp-binding proteins that regulate cell polarity, cytokinesis and cell morphogenesis. fusarium head blight (fhb), caused by fusarium graminearum, is one of the most devastating diseases worldwide. in this study, we have functionally characterized the core septins, cdc3, cdc10, cdc11 and cdc12 in f. graminearum. the loss of fgcdc3, fgcdc11, fgcdc12, but not fgcdc10, mutants showed significant reduction in growth, conidiation and virulence. microscopic analyses revealed that all of the ...201627387218
protein engineering of saccharomyces cerevisiae transporter pdr5p identifies key residues that impact fusarium mycotoxin export and resistance to inhibition.cereal infection by the broad host range fungal pathogen fusarium graminearum is a significant global agricultural and food safety issue due to the deposition of mycotoxins within infected grains. methods to study the intracellular effects of mycotoxins often use the baker's yeast model system (saccharomyces cerevisiae); however, this organism has an efficient drug export network known as the pleiotropic drug resistance (pdr) network, which consists of a family of multidrug exporters. this study ...201627263049
fgprp4 kinase is important for spliceosome b-complex activation and splicing efficiency in fusarium graminearum.prp4 encodes the only kinase among the spliceosome components. although it is an essential gene in the fission yeast and other eukaryotic organisms, the fgprp4 mutant was viable in the wheat scab fungus fusarium graminearum. deletion of fgprp4 did not block intron splicing but affected intron splicing efficiency in over 60% of the f. graminearum genes. the fgprp4 mutant had severe growth defects and produced spontaneous suppressors that were recovered in growth rate. suppressor mutations were id ...201627058959
retrograde trafficking from the endosome to the trans-golgi network mediated by the retromer is required for fungal development and pathogenicity in fusarium eukaryotes, the retromer is an endosome-localized complex involved in protein retrograde transport. however, the role of such intracellular trafficking events in pathogenic fungal development and pathogenicity remains unclear. the role of the retromer complex in fusarium graminearum was investigated using cell biological and genetic methods. we observed the retromer core component fgvps35 (vacuolar protein sorting 35) in the cytoplasm as fast-moving puncta. fgvps35-gfp co-localized with both ...201626875543
identification and characterization of carboxylesterases from brachypodium distachyon deacetylating trichothecene mycotoxins.increasing frequencies of 3-acetyl-deoxynivalenol (3-adon)-producing strains of fusarium graminearum (3-adon chemotype) have been reported in north america and asia. 3-adon is nearly nontoxic at the level of the ribosomal target and has to be deacetylated to cause inhibition of protein biosynthesis. plant cells can efficiently remove the acetyl groups of 3-adon, but the underlying genes are yet unknown. we therefore performed a study of the family of candidate carboxylesterases (cxe) genes of th ...201526712789
fgmon1, a guanine nucleotide exchange factor of fgrab7, is important for vacuole fusion, autophagy and plant infection in fusarium graminearum.the ccz1-mon1 protein complex, the guanine nucleotide exchange factor (gef) of the late endosomal rab7 homolog ypt7, is required for the late step of multiple vacuole delivery pathways, such as cytoplasm-to-vacuole targeting (cvt) pathway and autophagy processes. here, we identified and characterized the yeast mon1 homolog in fusarium graminearum, named fgmon1. fgmon1 encodes a trafficking protein and is well conserved in filamentous fungi. targeted gene deletion showed that the ∆fgmon1 mutant w ...201526657788
histone h3k4 methylation regulates hyphal growth, secondary metabolism and multiple stress responses in fusarium graminearum.histone h3 lysine 4 methylation (h3k4me) is generally associated with actively transcribed genes in a variety of eukaryotes. the function of h3k4me in phytopathogenic fungi remains unclear. here, we report that fgset1 is predominantly responsible for mono-, di- and trimethylation of h3k4 in fusarium graminearum. the fgset1 deletion mutant (δfgset1) was crippled in hyphal growth and virulence. h3k4me is required for the active transcription of genes involved in deoxynivalenol and aurofusarin bios ...201526234386
two cdc2 kinase genes with distinct functions in vegetative and infectious hyphae in fusarium graminearum.eukaryotic cell cycle involves a number of protein kinases important for the onset and progression through mitosis, most of which are well characterized in the budding and fission yeasts and conserved in other fungi. however, unlike the model yeast and filamentous fungi that have a single cdc2 essential for cell cycle progression, the wheat scab fungus fusarium graminearum contains two cdc2 orthologs. the cdc2a and cdc2b mutants had no obvious defects in growth rate and conidiation but deletion ...201526083253
snare protein fgvam7 controls growth, asexual and sexual development, and plant infection in fusarium graminearum.soluble n-ethylmaleimide-sensitive factor attachment protein receptor (snare) proteins play critical and conserved roles in membrane fusion and vesicle transport of eukaryotic cells. previous studies have shown that various homologues of snare proteins are also important in the infection of host plants by pathogenic fungi. here, we report the characterization of a snare homologue, fgvam7, from fusarium graminearum that causes head blight in wheat and barley worldwide. phylogenetic analysis and d ...201625880818
targeting fusarium graminearum control via polyamine enzyme inhibitors and polyamine analogs.fusarium graminearum not only reduces yield and seed quality but also constitutes a risk to public or animal health owing to its ability to contaminate grains with mycotoxins. resistance problems are emerging and control strategies based on new targets are needed. polyamines have a key role in growth, development and differentiation. in this work, the possibility of using polyamine metabolism as a target to control f. graminearum has been assessed. it was found that putrescine induces mycotoxin ...201525846919
multiple roles of a putative vacuolar protein sorting associated protein 74, fgvps74, in the cereal pathogen fusarium graminearum.fusarium graminearum, a member of the f. graminearum species complex, is a filamentous ascomycetous group that causes serious diseases in cereal crops. a screen of insertional mutants of f. graminearum, generated using a restriction enzyme-mediated integration method, identified a mutant designated r7048 showing pleiotropic phenotypes in several mycological traits. the vector insertion site in the r7048 genome was identified as the kpni site within an orf annotated as fgsg_06346 (designated fgvp ...201525845538
the transmembrane protein fgsho1 regulates fungal development and pathogenicity via the mapk module ste50-ste11-ste7 in fusarium graminearum.the mitogen-activated protein kinase (mapk) signaling pathways have been characterized in fusarium graminearum. currently, the upstream sensors of these pathways are unknown. biological functions of a transmembrane protein fgsho1 were investigated using a target gene deletion strategy. the relationship between fgsho1 and the mapk cassette fgste50-ste11-ste7 was analyzed in depth. the transmembrane protein fgsho1 is required for conidiation, full virulence, and deoxynivalenol (don) biosynthesis i ...201525388878
the sch9 kinase regulates conidium size, stress responses, and pathogenesis in fusarium graminearum.fusarium head blight caused by fusarium graminearum is an important disease of wheat and barley worldwide. in a previous study on functional characterization of the f. graminearum kinome, one protein kinase gene important for virulence is orthologous to sch9 that is functionally related to the camp-pka and tor pathways in the budding yeast. in this study, we further characterized the functions of fgsch9 in f. graminearum and its ortholog in magnaporthe oryzae. the δfgsch9 mutant was slightly red ...201425144230
quantitative volatile compound profiles in fungal cultures of three different fusarium graminearum chemotypes.biosynthesis in fungal cultures of 27 fusarium graminearum isolates of three different chemotypes (3acdon, 15acdon and niv) grown on yeast extract sucrose agar medium was examined in this study. volatile organic compound (voc) analysis performed by headspace solid phase microextraction gc-ms allowed for determination of various concentrations of six alcohols, 14 aldehydes and ketones, 10 benzene derivatives, one furane, five hydrocarbons and three terpenes. in general, the determined voc profile ...201425132145
involvement of threonine deaminase fgilv1 in isoleucine biosynthesis and full virulence in fusarium this study we characterized fgilv1, a homologue of the saccharomyces cerevisiae threonine dehydratase (td) from the important fusarium head blight fungus fusarium graminearum. td catalyzes the first step in the biosynthesis pathway of isoleucine (ile) for conversion of threonine (thr) to 2-ketobutyrate (2-kb). the fgilv1 deletion mutant δfgilv1-3 was unable to grow on minimal medium or fructose gelatin agar which lacked ile. exogenous supplementation of ile or 2-kb but not thr rescued the myc ...201525129826
elp3 is involved in sexual and asexual development, virulence, and the oxidative stress response in fusarium graminearum.fusarium graminearum is an important fungal plant pathogen that causes serious losses in cereal crop yields and mycotoxicoses in humans and livestock. in this study, we characterized an insertion mutant, z39r9282, with pleiotropic defects in sexual development and virulence. we determined that the insertion occurred in a gene encoding an ortholog of yeast elongator complex protein 3 (elp3). deletion of elp3 led to significant defects in sexual and asexual development in f. graminearum. in the el ...201425083910
elimination of damaged mitochondria through mitophagy reduces mitochondrial oxidative stress and increases tolerance to trichothecenes.trichothecene mycotoxins are natural contaminants of small grain cereals and are encountered in the environment, posing a worldwide threat to human and animal health. their mechanism of toxicity is poorly understood, and little is known about cellular protection mechanisms against trichothecenes. we previously identified inhibition of mitochondrial protein synthesis as a novel mechanism for trichothecene-induced cell death. to identify cellular functions involved in trichothecene resistance, we ...201425071194
protein kinase fgsch9 serves as a mediator of the target of rapamycin and high osmolarity glycerol pathways and regulates multiple stress responses and secondary metabolism in fusarium graminearum.saccharomyces cerevisiae protein kinase sch9 is one of the downstream effectors of the target of rapamycin (tor) complex 1 and plays multiple roles in stress resistance, longevity and nutrient sensing. however, the functions of sch9 orthologs in filamentous fungi, particularly in pathogenic species, have not been characterized to date. here, we investigated biological and genetic functions of fgsch9 in fusarium graminearum. the fgsch9 deletion mutant (δfgsch9) was defective in aerial hyphal grow ...201524903410
a transcription factor fgste12 is required for pathogenicity in fusarium graminearum.a conserved mitogen-activated protein kinase (mapk) cascade homologous to the yeast fus3/kss1 mating/filamentation pathway is involved in the regulation of vegetative development and pathogenicity in fusarium graminearum. however, little is known about the downstream transcription factors of this pathway. in saccharomyces cerevisiae, the homeodomain protein ste12 is a key transcription factor activated by fus3/kss1. in this study, we characterized a ste12 orthologue fgste12 in f. graminearum. th ...201524832137
functional characterization of fgerg3 and fgerg5 associated with ergosterol biosynthesis, vegetative differentiation and virulence of fusarium graminearum.the ergosterol biosynthesis pathway is well characterized in saccharomyces cerevisiae, while little is known about the pathway in filamentous fungi. in this study, we isolated and genetically documented biological functions of fgerg3 and fgerg5, which are located upstream of fgerg4, the enzyme catalyzing the final step of ergosterol synthesis in fusarium graminearum. our results demonstrated that f. graminearum contains two paralogous fgerg3 and two fgerg5 genes. fgerg3, but not fgerg5, is invol ...201424785759
the tor signaling pathway regulates vegetative development and virulence in fusarium graminearum.the target of rapamycin (tor) signaling pathway plays critical roles in controlling cell growth in a variety of eukaryotes. however, the contribution of this pathway in regulating virulence of plant pathogenic fungi is unknown. we identified and characterized nine genes encoding components of the tor pathway in fusarium graminearum. biological, genetic and biochemical functions of each component were investigated. the fgfkbp12-rapamycin complex binds to the fgtor kinase. the type 2a phosphatases ...201424684168
fgilv5 is required for branched-chain amino acid biosynthesis and full virulence in fusarium this study, we characterized fgilv5, a homologue of the saccharomyces cerevisiae keto-acid reductoisomerase (kari) from the important wheat head scab fungus fusarium graminearum. kari is a key enzyme in the branched-chain amino acid (bcaa, including leucine, isoleucine and valine) biosynthetic pathway that exists in a variety of organisms from bacteria to fungi and higher plants, but not in mammals. the fgilv5 deletion mutant δfgilv5-4 failed to grow when the culture medium was nutritionally ...201424493249
the bzip transcription factor fgap1 mediates oxidative stress response and trichothecene biosynthesis but not virulence in fusarium graminearum.redox sensing is of primary importance for fungi to cope with oxidant compounds found in their environment. plant pathogens are particularly subject to the oxidative burst during the primary steps of infection. in the budding yeast saccharomyces cerevisiae, it is the transcription factor yap1 that mediates the response to oxidative stress via activation of genes coding for detoxification enzymes. in the cereal pathogen fusarium graminearum, fgap1 a homologue of yap1 was identified and its role w ...201324349499
fgfim, a key protein regulating resistance to the fungicide js399-19, asexual and sexual development, stress responses and virulence in fusarium graminearum.fimbrin is an actin-bundling protein found in intestinal microvilli, hair cell stereocilia and fibroblast filopodia. its homologue sac6p has been shown to play a critical role in endocytosis and diverse cellular processes in saccharomyces cerevisiae. fgfim from the wheat scab pathogenic fungus fusarium graminearum strain y2021a, which is highly resistant to the fungicide js399-19, was identified by screening a mutant library generated by hph-hsv-tk cassette-mediated integration. the functions of ...201424299032
trehalose 6-phosphate phosphatase is required for development, virulence and mycotoxin biosynthesis apart from trehalose biosynthesis in fusarium graminearum.trehalose 6-phosphate synthase (tps1) and trehalose 6-phosphate phosphatase (tps2) are required for trehalose biosynthesis in yeast and filamentous fungi, including fusarium graminearum. three null mutants δtps1, δtps2 and δtps1-δtps2, each carrying either a single deletion of tps1 or tps2 or a double deletion of tps1-tps2, were generated from a toxigenic f. graminearum strain and were not able to synthesize trehalose. in contrast to its reported function in yeasts and filamentous fungi, tps1 ap ...201424291007
transcription factors spt3 and spt8 are associated with conidiation, mycelium growth, and pathogenicity in fusarium graminearum.fusarium graminearum (teleomorph: gibberella zeae), the dominant pathogen of fusarium head blight (fhb) on wheat, can cause substantial economic losses. the spt-ada-gcn5-acetyltransferase (saga) transcription coactivator plays multiple roles in regulating transcription because of the presence of functionally independent modules of subunits within the complex. the transcription factors spt3 and spt8 are components of the saga complex and they are important in yeasts and filamentous fungi includin ...201424289742
the mapkk fgmkk1 of fusarium graminearum regulates vegetative differentiation, multiple stress response, and virulence via the cell wall integrity and high-osmolarity glycerol signaling pathways.mitogen-activated protein (map) kinases play crucial roles in regulating fungal development, growth and pathogenicity, and in responses to the environment. in this study, we characterized a map kinase kinase fgmkk1 in fusarium graminearum, the causal agent of wheat head blight. phenotypic analyses of the fgmkk1 mutant (δfgmkk1) showed that fgmkk1 is involved in the regulation of hyphal growth, pigmentation, conidiation, deoxynivalenol biosynthesis and virulence of f. graminearum. δfgmkk1 also sh ...201424237706
the transcription cofactor fgswi6 plays a role in growth and development, carbendazim sensitivity, cellulose utilization, lithium tolerance, deoxynivalenol production and virulence in the filamentous fungus fusarium graminearum.fusarium head blight (fhb) is a worldwide devastating disease of wheat, barley and other small grain cereals and caused primarily by fusarium graminearum. carbendazim (mbc) is one of the fungicides widely used to control fhb in china. in the present study, we have identified the f. graminearum locus fgsg_04220 as the sequence homolog for saccharomyces cerevisiae scswi6, named fgswi6 hereafter. deletion of fgswi6 causes mycelium of f. graminearum become sensitive to mbc in liquid medium. in addit ...201523994322
transcriptomic characterization of two major fusarium resistance quantitative trait loci (qtls), fhb1 and qfhs.ifa-5a, identifies novel candidate genes.fusarium head blight, caused by fusarium graminearum, is a devastating disease of wheat. we developed near-isogenic lines (nils) differing in the two strongest known f. graminearum resistance quantitative trait loci (qtls), qfhs.ndsu-3bs (also known as resistance gene fhb1) and qfhs.ifa-5a, which are located on the short arm of chromosome 3b and on chromosome 5a, respectively. these nils showing different levels of resistance were used to identify transcripts that are changed significantly in a ...201323738863
the fusarium graminearum virulence factor fgl targets an fkbp12 immunophilin of wheat.wheat scab, caused by the fungal pathogen fusarium graminearum is a devastating disease worldwide. despite an extensive and coordinated effort to investigate this pathosystem, little progress has been made to understand the molecular basis of host-pathogen interactions, for example how the pathogen causes disease in plant. recently, a secreted lipase (fgl1) has been identified from the fungus and shown to be an important virulence factor; however, the intrinsic function of fgl1 in plant is unkno ...201323648486
functional characterization of two clusters of brachypodium distachyon udp-glycosyltransferases encoding putative deoxynivalenol detoxification genes.plant small-molecule udp-glycosyltransferases (ugt) glycosylate a vast number of endogenous substances but also act in detoxification of metabolites produced by plant-pathogenic microorganisms. the ability to inactivate the fusarium graminearum mycotoxin deoxynivalenol (don) into don-3-o-glucoside is crucial for resistance of cereals. we analyzed the ugt gene family of the monocot model species brachypodium distachyon and functionally characterized two gene clusters containing putative orthologs ...201323550529
type ii myosin gene in fusarium graminearum is required for septation, development, mycotoxin biosynthesis and pathogenicity.type ii myosin is required for cytokinesis/septation in yeast and filamentous fungi, including fusarium graminearum, a prevalent cause of fusarium head blight in china. a type ii myosin gene from the chinese f. graminearum strain 5035, isolated from infected wheat spikes, was identified by screening a mutant library generated by restriction enzyme-mediated integration. disruption of the myo2 gene reduced mycelial growth by 50% and conidiation by 76-fold, and abolished sexual reproduction on whea ...201323507542
characterization of the sterol 14α-demethylases of fusarium graminearum identifies a novel genus-specific cyp51 function.cyp51 encodes the cytochrome p450 sterol 14α-demethylase, an enzyme essential for sterol biosynthesis and the target of azole fungicides. in fusarium species, including pathogens of humans and plants, three cyp51 paralogues have been identified with one unique to the genus. currently, the functions of these three genes and the rationale for their conservation within the genus fusarium are unknown. three fusarium graminearum cyp51s (fgcyp51s) were heterologously expressed in saccharomyces cerevis ...201323442154
involvement of fgerg4 in ergosterol biosynthesis, vegetative differentiation and virulence in fusarium graminearum.the ergosterol biosynthesis pathway is well understood in saccharomyces cerevisiae, but currently little is known about the pathway in plant-pathogenic fungi. in this study, we characterized the fusarium graminearum fgerg4 gene encoding sterol c-24 reductase, which catalyses the conversion of ergosta-5,7,22,24-tetraenol to ergosterol in the final step of ergosterol biosynthesis. the fgerg4 deletion mutant δfgerg4-2 failed to synthesize ergosterol. the mutant exhibited a significant decrease in m ...201322947191
transgenic arabidopsis thaliana expressing a barley udp-glucosyltransferase exhibit resistance to the mycotoxin deoxynivalenol.fusarium head blight (fhb), caused by fusarium graminearum, is a devastating disease of small grain cereal crops. fhb causes yield reductions and contamination of grain with trichothecene mycotoxins such as deoxynivalenol (don). don inhibits protein synthesis in eukaryotic cells and acts as a virulence factor during fungal pathogenesis, therefore resistance to don is considered an important component of resistance against fhb. one mechanism of resistance to don is conversion of don to don-3-o-gl ...201222922639
sublethal concentrations of azoles induce tri transcript levels and trichothecene production in fusarium graminearum.the effect of sublethal concentrations (below the recommended field doses) of propiconazole and tebuconazole on the amount of tri transcripts and accumulation of trichothecenes by three fusarium graminearum isolates of 3adon, 15adon, and niv chemotypes was examined on yeast extract sucrose agar (yes) medium. rt-qpcr analyses showed higher tri4, tri5, and tri11 transcript levels in cultures of all three f. graminearum isolates supplemented with sublethal concentrations of azoles as compared to th ...201222788662
the amt1 arginine methyltransferase gene is important for plant infection and normal hyphal growth in fusarium graminearum.arginine methylation of non-histone proteins by protein arginine methyltransferase (prmt) has been shown to be important for various biological processes from yeast to human. although prmt genes are well conserved in fungi, none of them have been functionally characterized in plant pathogenic ascomycetes. in this study, we identified and characterized all of the four predicted prmt genes in fusarium graminearum, the causal agent of fusarium head blight of wheat and barley. whereas deletion of th ...201222693618
the stress-activated protein kinase fgos-2 is a key regulator in the life cycle of the cereal pathogen fusarium graminearum.fusarium graminearum is one of the most destructive pathogens of cereals and a threat to food and feed production worldwide. it is an ascomycetous plant pathogen and the causal agent of fusarium head blight disease in small grain cereals and of cob rot disease in maize. infection with f. graminearum leads to yield losses and mycotoxin contamination. zearalenone (zea) and deoxynivalenol (don) are hazardous mycotoxins; the latter is necessary for virulence toward wheat. deletion mutants of the f. ...201222591226
a split luciferase complementation assay for studying in vivo protein-protein interactions in filamentous ascomycetes.protein-protein interactions play important roles in controlling many cellular events. to date, several techniques have been developed for detection of protein-protein interactions in living cells, among which split luciferase complementation has been applied in animal and plant cells. here, we examined whether the split luciferase assay could be used in filamentous ascomycetes, such as gibberella zeae and cochliobolus heterostrophus. the coding sequences of two strongly interacting proteins (th ...201222531843
the histone chaperone asf1 is essential for sexual development in the filamentous fungus sordaria macrospora.ascomycetes develop four major types of fruiting bodies that share a common ancestor, and a set of common core genes most likely controls this process. one way to identify such genes is to search for conserved expression patterns. we analysed microarray data of fusarium graminearum and sordaria macrospora, identifying 78 genes with similar expression patterns during fruiting body development. one of these genes was asf1 (anti-silencing function 1), encoding a predicted histone chaperone. asf1 ex ...201222463819
molecular mechanisms of deoxynivalenol resistance in the yeastsaccharomyces cerevisiae.the production of trichothecene toxins is a suspected virulence mechanism of several plant pathogenic fungi. this hypothesis has been confirmed forgibberella zeae (fusarium graminearum) by gene disruption experiments, suggesting in turn, that resistance against the fungal toxin is a relevant component offusarium resistance of the host plant. our goal is therefore to identify molecular mechanisms of trichothecene resistance. using yeast as a model system we have found the following resistance mec ...200123605752
the fungus trichoderma regulates submerged conidiation using the steroid previous work, we evolved a population of trichoderma citrinoviride in liquid cultures to speed up its asexual development cycle. the evolved population, called t-6, formed conidia 3 times sooner and in >1000-fold greater numbers. here, we identify the steroid pregnenolone as a molecular signal for this different behavior. media in which the ancestral t. citrinoviride population was grown (called ancestral spent media) contained a submerged conidiation inhibitor. growing the evolved populatio ...201627413801
antagonistic potentiality of trichoderma harzianum towards seed-borne fungal pathogens of winter wheat cv. protiva in vitro and in vivo.the antagonistic effect of trichoderma harzianum on a range of seed-borne fungal pathogens of wheat (viz. fusarium graminearum, bipolaris sorokiniana, aspergillus spp., and penicillium spp.) was assessed. the potential of t. harzianum as a biocontrol agent was tested in vitro and under field conditions. coculture of the pathogens and trichoderma under laboratory conditions clearly showed dominance of t. harzianum. under natural conditions, biocontrol effects were also obtained against the test f ...201222561850
qpcr quantification of sphaerodes mycoparasitica biotrophic mycoparasite interaction with fusarium graminearum: in vitro and in planta assays.sphaerodes mycoparasitica, a biotrophic mycoparasite of fusarium species, improved wheat seed germination and seedling growth in vitro compared to trichoderma harzianum, a necrotrophic mycoparasite. however, under phytotron conditions, both s. mycoparasitica and t. harzianum had positive impact on wheat seedlings growth in the presence of f. graminearum. once exposed to the mycoparasites, the dna quantity of f. graminearum in wheat root decreased. observed shifts in dna quantity using qpcr, a se ...201222476566
differences between the succinate dehydrogenase sequences of isopyrazam sensitive zymoseptoria tritici and insensitive fusarium graminearum strains.forty-one zymoseptoria tritici strains isolated in luxembourg between 2009 and 2010 were highly sensitive towards the new succinate dehydrogenase inhibitor (sdhi) isopyrazam, with concentrations inhibiting fungal growth by 50% (ec50) ranging from 0.0281 to 4.53μm, whereas 41 fusarium graminearum strains isolated in europe and northern america between 1969 and 2009 were insensitive with the average rate of inhibition converging towards 28% with increasing isopyrazam concentration. seven isolates ...201324238287
subcellular targeting of an evolutionarily conserved plant defensin mtdef4.2 determines the outcome of plant-pathogen interaction in transgenic arabidopsis.the medicago truncatula gene encoding an evolutionarily conserved antifungal defensin mtdef4.2 was cloned and characterized. in silico expression analysis indicated that mtdef4.2 is expressed in many tissues during the normal growth and development of m. truncatula. mtdef4.2 exhibits potent broad-spectrum antifungal activity against various fusarium spp. transgenic arabidopsis thaliana lines in which mtdef4.2 was targeted to three different subcellular compartments were generated. these lines we ...201222776629
a conidiation-related gene is highly expressed at the resting urediospore stage in puccinia striiformis f. sp. tritici.the production and germination of asexual spores in a diverse group of fungi play a crucial role in their infection cycles. these processes are regulated by a set of genes, namely, conidiation-related genes, involved in the production, morphological characteristics, and differentiation of conidia. in this study, we identified and characterized the pscon1 gene, which is the first conidiation-related gene identified in puccinia striiformis f. sp. tritici (pst). sequence analysis revealed that psco ...201322961642
synthesis of 1,2,3-triazole hydrazide derivatives exhibiting anti-phytopathogenic activity.a series of new 1,2,3-triazole derivatives have been prepared and screened for their antifungal activity against phytopathogenic fungi using the mycelium growth inhibition method in vitro. the results indicated that the 1,2,3-triazole hydrazide scaffold displayed significant antifungal activity. compound 6ad exhibited the most potent anti-phytopathogenic activity, with ec50 values of 0.18, 0.35, 0.37 and 2.25 μg ml(-1) against rhizoctonia solani, sclerotinia sclerotiorum, fusarium graminearum, a ...201727750151
large-scale molecular genetic analysis in plant-pathogenic fungi: a decade of genome-wide functional analysis.plant-pathogenic fungi cause diseases to all major crop plants world-wide and threaten global food security. underpinning fungal diseases are virulence genes facilitating plant host colonization that often marks pathogenesis and crop failures, as well as an increase in staple food prices. fungal molecular genetics is therefore the cornerstone to the sustainable prevention of disease outbreaks. pathogenicity studies using mutant collections provide immense function-based information regarding vir ...201627733021
crystal structure and functional analysis of isocitrate lyases from magnaporthe oryzae and fusarium graminearum.the glyoxylate cycle bypasses a co2-generating step in the tricarboxylic acid (tca) cycle and efficiently assimilates c2 compounds into intermediates that can be used in later steps of the tca cycle. it plays an essential role in pathogen survival during host infection such that the enzymes involved in this cycle have been suggested as potential drug targets against human pathogens. isocitrate lyase (icl) catalyzes the first-step reaction of the glyoxylate cycle, using isocitrate from the tca cy ...201627016285
fgkin1 kinase localizes to the septal pore and plays a role in hyphal growth, ascospore germination, pathogenesis, and localization of tub1 beta-tubulins in fusarium graminearum.the kin1/par-1/mark kinases regulate various cellular processes in eukaryotic organisms. kin1 orthologs are well conserved in fungal pathogens but none of them have been functionally characterized. here, we show that kin1 is important for pathogenesis and growth in two phytopathogenic fungi and that fgkin1 regulates ascospore germination and the localization of tub1 β-tubulins in fusarium graminearum. the fgkin1 mutant and putative fgkin1(s172a) kinase dead (nonactivatable) transformants were ch ...201425078365
synthesis and antifungal activity of 1,2,3-triazole phenylhydrazone derivatives.a series of 1,2,3-triazole phenylhydrazone derivatives were designed and synthesized as antifungal agents. their structures were determined based on (1)h-nmr spectroscopy, ms, elemental analysis and x-ray single-crystal diffraction. the antifungal activities were evaluated against four phytopathogenic fungi including rhizoctonia solani, sclerotinia sclerotiorum, fusarium graminearum and phytophthora capsici, by the mycelium growth inhibition method in vitro. compound 5p exhibited significant ant ...201525374053
benzofurazan derivatives as antifungal agents against phytopathogenic fungi.a series of benzofurazan derivatives were prepared and evaluated for their biological activities against four important phytopathogenic fungi, namely, rhizoctonia solani, sclerotinia sclerotiorum, fusarium graminearum and phytophthora capsici, using the mycelium growth inhibition method. the structures of these compounds were characterized by (1)h nmr, (13)c nmr, and hrms. n-(3-chloro-4-fluorophenyl)-7-nitrobenzo[c][1,2,5]oxadiazol-4-amine (a3) displayed the maximum antifungal activity against r ...201424813881
synthesis and biological evaluation of benzofuroxan derivatives as fungicides against phytopathogenic fungi.forty-four benzofuroxan derivatives were designed and prepared as antifungal agents. their structures were characterized by (1)h nmr, (13)c nmr, and hrms. their antifungal activities were tested in vitro with four important phytopathogenic fungi, namely, rhizoctonia solani , sclerotinia sclerotiorum , fusarium graminearum and phytophthora capsici , using the mycelium growth inhibition method. compound a5 displayed the maximum antifungal activity against f. graminearum (ic50 = 1.1 μg/ml, which is ...201323937418
determining the order of resistance genes against stagonospora nodorum blotch, fusarium head blight and stem rust on wheat chromosome arm 3bs.stagonospora nodorum blotch (snb), fusarium head blight (fhb) and stem rust (sr), caused by the fungi parastagonospora (synonym stagonospora) nodorum, fusarium graminearum and puccinia graminis, respectively, significantly reduce yield and quality of wheat. three resistance factors,, fhb1 and sr2, conferring resistance, respectively, to snb, fhb and sr, each from a unique donor line, were mapped previously to the short arm of wheat chromosome 3b. based on published reports, our hypo ...201626833226
restoring (e)-β-caryophyllene production in a non-producing maize line compromises its resistance against the fungus colletotrichum graminicola.the sesquiterpene (e)-β-caryophyllene is emitted from maize (zea mays) leaves and roots in response to herbivore attack. this compound serves as a signal for the attraction of herbivore enemies and is present in most european maize varieties. however, most north american maize lines have lost the ability to produce (e)-β-caryophyllene. previously, we showed that restoring the ability to synthesize (e)-β-caryophyllene in a non-producing maize line improved its resistance against the root herbivor ...201525893788
synthesis and characterization of chitosan nanoparticles and chitosan effect on fusarium head blight and oxidative activity in wheat.the main aim of present study was to prepare chitosan (cs) and chitosan nanoparticles (cs/nps) to evaluate their antifungal and oxidative activity. cs/nps were prepared based on the ionic gelation of cs with tripolyphosphate (tpp) anions by using centrifugation and ph change. the obtained nanoparticles (nps) were characterized by size and zeta potential analysis. the antifungal activity of the cs and cs/nps were evaluated on the fusarium graminearum, which causes fusarium head blight (fhb) on wh ...201728414109
transcriptomics of cereal-fusarium graminearum interactions: what we have learned so far.the ascomycete fungal pathogen fusarium graminearum causes the globally important fusarium head blight (fhb) disease on cereal hosts such as wheat, barley and maize. in addition to reducing grain yield, infection by this pathogen causes major quality losses. in particular, the contamination of food and feed with the f. graminearum trichothecene toxin deoxynivalenol (don) can have many adverse short- and long-term effects on human and animal health. during the last decade, the interaction between ...201728411402
a barley udp-glucosyltransferase inactivates nivalenol and provides fusarium head blight resistance in transgenic wheat.fusarium head blight is a disease of cereal crops that causes severe yield losses and mycotoxin contamination of grain. the main causal pathogen, fusarium graminearum, produces the trichothecene toxins deoxynivalenol or nivalenol as virulence factors. nivalenol-producing isolates are most prevalent in asia but co-exist with deoxynivalenol producers in lower frequency in north america and europe. previous studies identified a barley udp-glucosyltransferase, hvugt13248, that efficiently detoxifies ...201728407119
genome-wide functional characterization of putative peroxidases in the head blight fungus fusarium graminearum.reactive oxygen species (ros) are associated with various developmental processes and host-pathogen interactions in pathogenic fungi. peroxidases are a group of ros-detoxifying enzymes that are involved in the oxidative stress response and in a variety of physiological processes. in this study, we performed a genome-wide functional characterization of putative peroxidase genes in fusarium graminearum, a head blight pathogen of cereal crops. we identified 31 putative peroxidase genes and generate ...201728387997
linoleic acid isomerase gene fglai12 affects sensitivity to salicylic acid, mycelial growth and virulence of fusarium graminearum.fusarium graminearum is the major causal agent of fusarium head blight in wheat, a serious disease worldwide. linoleic acid isomerase (lai) catalyses the transformation of linoleic acid (la) to conjugated linoleic acid (cla), which is beneficial for human health. we characterised a cis-12 lai gene of f. graminearum (fgsg_02668; fglai12), which was downregulated by salicylic acid (sa), a plant defence hormone. disruption of fglai12 in f. graminearum resulted in decreased accumulation of cis-9,tra ...201728387243
a fungal catalase reacts selectively with the 13s fatty acid hydroperoxide products of the adjacent lipoxygenase gene and exhibits 13s-hydroperoxide-dependent peroxidase activity.the genome of the fungal plant pathogen fusarium graminearum harbors six catalases, one of which has the sequence characteristics of a fatty acid peroxide-metabolizing catalase. we cloned and expressed this hemoprotein (designated as fg-cat) along with its immediate neighbor, a 13s-lipoxygenase (cf. brodhun et al., plos one, e64919, 2013) that we considered might supply a fatty acid hydroperoxide substrate. indeed, fg-cat reacts abruptly with the 13s-hydroperoxide of linoleic acid (13s-hpode) wi ...201728363790
l-threonine and its analogue added to autoclaved solid medium suppress trichothecene production by fusarium graminearum.fusarium graminearum produces trichothecene mycotoxins under certain nutritional conditions. when l-thr and its analogue l-allo-threonine were added to brown rice flour solid medium before inoculation, trichothecene production after 4 days of incubation was suppressed. a time-course analysis of gene expression demonstrated that l-thr suppressed transcription of tri6, a trichothecene master regulator gene, and a terpene cyclase tri5 gene. regulation of trichothecene biosynthesis by altering major ...201728357472
rna editing during sexual development occurs in distantly related filamentous ascomycetes.rna editing is a posttranscriptional process that modifies rna molecules leading to transcript sequences that differ from their template dna. a-to-i editing was found to be widely distributed in nuclear transcripts of metazoa, but was detected in fungi only recently in a study of the filamentous ascomycete fusarium graminearum that revealed extensive a-to-i editing of mrnas in sexual structures (fruiting bodies). here, we searched for putative rna editing events in rna-seq data from sordaria mac ...201728338982
predicting deoxynivalenol in oats under conditions representing scandinavian production regions.deoxynivalenol (don) in cereals, produced by fusarium fungi, cause poisoning in humans and animals. fusarium infections in cereals are favoured by humid conditions. host species are susceptible mainly during the anthesis stage. infections are also positively correlated with a regional history of fusarium infections, frequent cereal production and non-tillage field management practices. here, previously developed process-based models based on relative air humidity, rain and temperature conditions ...201728332416
time-course expression qtl atlas of the global transcriptional response of wheat to fusarium graminearum.fusarium head blight is a devastating disease of small grain cereals such as bread wheat (triticum aestivum). the pathogen switches from a biotrophic to a nectrotrophic lifestyle in course of disease development forcing its host to adapt its defence strategies. using a genetical genomics approach we illustrate genome-wide reconfigurations of genetic control over transcript abundances between two decisive time points after inoculation with the causative pathogen fusarium graminearum. whole transc ...201728332274
synthesis and bioactivities of phenazine-1-carboxylic acid derivatives based on the modification of pca carboxyl group.phenazine-1-carboxylic acid (pca) as a natural product widely exists in microbial metabolites of pseudomonads and streptomycetes and has been registered for the fungicide against rice sheath blight in china. to find higher fungicidal activities compounds and study the effects on fungicidal activities after changing the carboxyl group of pca, we synthesized a series of pca derivatives by modifying the carboxyl group of pca and their structures were confirmed by (1)h nmr and hrms. most compounds e ...201728320617
fitness of three chemotypes of fusarium graminearum species complex in major winter wheat-producing areas of china, fusarium head blight is caused mainly by the fusarium graminearum species complex (fgsc), which produces trichothecene toxins. the fgsc is divided into three chemotypes: 3-acetyldeoxynivalenol (3-adon), 15-acetyldeoxynivalenol (15-adon), and nivalenol (niv). in order to predict the geographical changes in the distribution of these chemotype populations in major winter wheat-producing areas in china, the biological characteristics of twenty randomly selected isolates from each of the th ...201728306726
the complete genome sequence of a double-stranded rna mycovirus from fusarium graminearum strain hn1.the complete nucleotide sequence of a double-stranded rna (dsrna) mycovirus, fusarium graminearum dsrna virus 5 (fgv5), was identified and characterized. the fgv5 genome comprises two dsrna genome segments of 2030 bp and 1740 bp. fgv5 dsrna1 contains a single open reading frame (orf1), which is predicted to encode a protein of 613 amino acids (aa) with a molecular mass of 70.4 kda and has a conserved rna-dependent rna polymerase (rdrp) motif. fgv5 dsrna2 is predicted to contain two discontinuous ...201728299481
functional characterization of cytochrome p450 monooxygenases in the cereal head blight fungus fusarium graminearum.fusarium graminearum is a prominent plant pathogenic fungus causing fusarium head blight in major cereal crops worldwide. to understand the molecular mechanisms underlying fungal development and virulence, large collections of f. graminearum mutants have been constructed. cytochrome p450 monooxygenases (p450s) are widely distributed in organisms and are involved in a diverse array of molecular/metabolic processes; however, no systematic functional analysis of p450s has been attempted in filament ...201728296081
structural reorganization of the fungal endoplasmic reticulum upon induction of mycotoxin biosynthesis.compartmentalization of metabolic pathways to particular organelles is a hallmark of eukaryotic cells. knowledge of the development of organelles and attendant pathways under different metabolic states has been advanced by live cell imaging and organelle specific analysis. nevertheless, relatively few studies have addressed the cellular localization of pathways for synthesis of fungal secondary metabolites, despite their importance as bioactive compounds with significance to medicine and agricul ...201728287158
genetic mapping and haplotype analysis of a locus for quantitative resistance to fusarium graminearum in soybean accession pi 567516c.a major novel quantitative disease resistance locus, qrfg_gm06, for fusarium graminearum was genetically mapped to chromosome 6. genomic-assisted haplotype analysis within this region identified three putative candidate genes. fusarium graminearum causes seed, root rot, and seedling damping-off in soybean which contributes to reduced stands and yield. a cultivar magellan and pi 567516c were identified with low and high levels of partial resistance to f. graminearum, respectively. quantitative di ...201728275816
exploiting sp2-hybridization in the development of potent 1,5-a-l-arabinanase inhibitors.the synthesis of potent inhibitors of gh93 arabinanases as well as a synthesis of a chromogenic substrate to measure gh93 arabinanase activity is described. an insight into the reasons behind the potency of the inhibitors was gained through x-ray crystallographic analysis using the arabinanase arb93a from fusarium graminearum. these compounds lay a foundation for future inhibitor development as well as for the use of the chromogenic substrate in biochemical studies of gh93 arabinanases.201728266777
characterization of the two-speed subgenomes of fusarium graminearum reveals the fast-speed subgenome specialized for adaption and infection.fusarium head blight, caused by fusarium graminearum, is one of the most severe diseases on wheat and barley worldwide. although the genomic data of several strains were published, the intragenomic variation of f. graminearum was not well characterized. here, we sequenced three chinese strains and conducted genome-wide comparisons. our data revealed that all the sequenced strains were distinct from each other and over 350 genes were functionally lost in each of them. variants of each strain were ...201728261228
landscape of genomic diversity and host adaptation in fusarium graminearum.fusarium graminearum is one of the main causal agents of the fusarium head blight, a worldwide disease affecting cereal cultures, whose presence can lead to contaminated grains with chemically stable and harmful mycotoxins. resistant cultivars and fungicides are frequently used to control this pathogen, and several observations suggest an adaptation of f. graminearum that raises concerns regarding the future of current plant disease management strategies. to understand the genetic basis as well ...201728231761
a gin4-like protein kinase gil1 involvement in hyphal growth, asexual development, and pathogenesis in fusarium graminearum.fusarium graminearum is the main causal agent of fusarium head blight (fhb) on wheat and barley. in a previous study, a gin4-like protein kinase gene, gil1, was found to be important for plant infection and sexual reproduction. in this study we further characterized the functions of gil1 kinase in different developmental processes. the δgil1 mutants were reduced in growth, conidiation, and virulence, and formed whitish and compact colonies. although phialide formation was rarely observed in the ...201728212314
optimization for the production of deoxynivalenoland zearalenone by fusarium graminearum usingresponse surface methodology.fusarium mycotoxins deoxynivalenol (don) and zearalenone (zen) are the mostcommon contaminants in cereals worldwide, causing a wide range of adverse health effects onanimals and humans. many environmental factors can affect the production of these, we have used response surface methodology (rsm) to optimize the fusarium graminearumstrain 29 culture conditions for maximal toxin production. three factors, medium ph, incubationtemperature and time, were optimized using a box-behnken ...201728208576
tawrky70 transcription factor in wheat qtl-2dl regulates downstream metabolite biosynthetic genes to resist fusarium graminearum infection spread within spike.a semi-comprehensive metabolomics was used to identify the candidate metabolites and genes to decipher mechanisms of resistance in wheat near-isogenic lines (nils) containing qtl-2dl against fusarium graminearum (fg). metabolites, with high fold-change in abundance, belonging to hydroxycinnamic acid amides (hcaas): such as coumaroylagmatine, coumaroylputrescine and fatty acids: phosphatidic acids (pas) were identified as resistance related induced (rri) metabolites in rachis of resistant nil (ni ...201728198421
deoxynivalenol exposure in norway, risk assessments for different human age groups.deoxynivalenol (don) is the most common mycotoxin in norwegian cereals, and don is detected in most samples of crude cereal grain and cereal food commodities such as flour, bran, and oat flakes. the norwegian scientific committee for food safety assessed the risk for adverse effects of deoxynivalenol (don) in different age groups of the domestic population. this review presents the main results from the risk assessment, supplemented with some recently published data. impairment of the immune sys ...201728165414
genome-wide exonic small interference rna-mediated gene silencing regulates sexual reproduction in the homothallic fungus fusarium graminearum.various ascomycete fungi possess sex-specific molecular mechanisms, such as repeat-induced point mutations, meiotic silencing by unpaired dna, and unusual adenosine-to-inosine rna editing, for genome defense or gene regulation. using a combined analysis of functional genetics and deep sequencing of small noncoding rna (srna), mrna, and the degradome, we found that the sex-specifically induced exonic small interference rna (ex-sirna)-mediated rna interference (rnai) mechanism has an important rol ...201728146558
the cyclase-associated protein fgcap1 has both protein kinase a-dependent and -independent functions during deoxynivalenol production and plant infection in fusarium graminearum.fusarium graminearum is a causal agent of wheat scab and a producer of the trichothecene mycotoxin deoxynivalenol (don). the expression of trichothecene biosynthesis (tri) genes and don production are mainly regulated by the cyclic adenosine monophosphate-protein kinase a (camp-pka) pathway and two pathway-specific transcription factors (tri6 and tri10). interestingly, deletion mutants of tri6 show reduced expression of several components of camp signalling, including the fgcap1 adenylate-bindin ...201728142217
lack of the compass component ccl1 reduces h3k4 trimethylation levels and affects transcription of secondary metabolite genes in two plant-pathogenic fusarium the two fungal pathogens fusarium fujikuroi and fusarium graminearum, secondary metabolites (sms) are fitness and virulence factors and there is compelling evidence that the coordination of sm gene expression is under epigenetic control. here, we characterized ccl1, a subunit of the compass complex responsible for methylating lysine 4 of histone h3 (h3k4me). we show that ccl1 is not essential for viability but a regulator of genome-wide trimethylation of h3k4 (h3k4me3). although, recent work ...201628119673
gpcrs from fusarium graminearum detection, modeling and virtual screening - the search for new routes to control head blight disease.fusarium graminearum (fg) is one of the major cereal infecting pathogens causing high economic losses worldwide and resulting in adverse effects on human and animal health. therefore, the development of new fungicides against fg is an important issue to reduce cereal infection and economic impact. in the strategy for developing new fungicides, a critical step is the identification of new targets against which innovative chemicals weapons can be designed. as several g-protein coupled receptors (g ...201628105916
a bacillus sp. strain with antagonistic activity against fusarium graminearum kills microcystis aeruginosa selectively.cyanobacterial harmful algal blooms (cyanohabs) cause severe environmental problems, economic losses and threaten human health seriously. in the present study, a bacillus sp. strain, designated as af-1, with strong antagonistic activity against plant pathogenic fungus fusarium graminearum was isolated from purple soil. bacillus sp. af-1 selectively killed microcystis aeruginosa at low cell density (1.6×10(3)cfu/ml), and showed the strongest bactericidal activity against m. aeruginosa nies-843 (a ...201728104332
annotation of fusarium graminearum (ph-1) version 5.0.fusarium graminearum floral infections are a major risk to the global supply of safe cereal grains. we report updates to the ph-1 reference genome and significant improvements to the annotation. changes include introduction of legacy annotation identifiers, new gene models, secretome and effectorp predictions, and inclusion of extensive untranslated region (utr) annotations.201728082505
occurrence of mycotoxins in wheat grains exposed to fungicides on fusarium head blight control in southern brazil.mycotoxins occurrence in wheat grains impose risks to human and animal health. the southern brazil has favorable weather conditions for fusarium graminearum infections and consequently for mycotoxins accumulation on grains. the goal of this study was to evaluate the behavior of new wheat commercial genotypes to fusarium head blight (fhb), to control performance of new fungicide formulations and their relationship with mycotoxins concentration in grains. the manly mycotoxin occurrence on wheat gr ...201728080216
characterization of fusarium graminearum isolates recovered from wheat samples from argentina by fourier transform infrared spectroscopy: phenotypic diversity and detection of specific markers of aggressiveness.fusarium graminearum is the primary causal agent of fusarium head blight of wheat in argentina. this disease affects crop yields and grain quality also reducing the wheat end-use, and causing mycotoxin contamination. the aim of this work was to analyze the phenotypic characteristics associated with phenotypic diversity and aggressiveness of 34 f. graminearum sensu stricto isolates recovered from argentinean fields in the 2008 growing season using the fourier transform infrared (ftir) dried film ...201728064121
the microtubule end-binding protein fgeb1 regulates polar growth and fungicide sensitivity via different interactors in fusarium yeasts, the end-binding protein 1 (eb1) homologs regulate microtubule dynamics, cell polarization, and chromosome stability. however, functions of eb1 orthologs in plant pathogenic fungi have not been characterized yet. here, we observed that the fgeb1 deletion mutant (δfgeb1) of fusarium graminearum exhibits twisted hyphae, increased hyphal branching and curved conidia, indicating that fgeb1 is involved in the regulation of cellular polarity. microscopic examination further showed that the m ...201628028881
high-resolution mapping of the recombination landscape of the phytopathogen fusarium graminearum suggests two-speed genome evolution.recombination is a major evolutionary force, increasing genetic diversity and permitting efficient coevolution of fungal pathogen(s) with their host(s). the ascomycete fusarium graminearum is a devastating pathogen of cereal crops, and can contaminate food and feed with harmful mycotoxins. previous studies have suggested a high adaptive potential of this pathogen, illustrated by an increase in pathogenicity and resistance to fungicides. in this study, we provide the first detailed picture of the ...201627998012
functional analysis of the fusarielin biosynthetic gene cluster.fusarielins are polyketides with a decalin core produced by various species of aspergillus and fusarium. although the responsible gene cluster has been identified, the biosynthetic pathway remains to be elucidated. in the present study, members of the gene cluster were deleted individually in a fusarium graminearum strain overexpressing the local transcription factor. the results suggest that a trans-acting enoyl reductase (fsl5) assists the polyketide synthase fsl1 in biosynthesis of a polyketi ...201627983606
whole genome sequencing and comparative genomics of closely related fusarium head blight fungi: fusarium graminearum, f. meridionale and f. asiaticum.the fusarium graminearum species complex is composed of many distinct fungal species that cause several diseases in economically important crops, including fusarium head blight of wheat. despite being closely related, these species and individuals within species have distinct phenotypic differences in toxin production and pathogenicity, with some isolates reported as non-pathogenic on certain hosts. in this report, we compare genomes and gene content of six new isolates from the species complex, ...201627938326
multiplex detection of fusarium species.multiplex pcr is a powerful method to detect, identify, and quantify the mycotoxigenic fungus by targeting the amplification of genes associated with mycotoxin production and detection, identification, and quantification of fusarium species. as compared with uniplex pcr, it has several advantages such as low cost, shortened time, and simultaneous amplification of more than two genes (in only one reaction tube). here, we describe multiplex pcr-based detection and identification of trichothecene-, ...201727924545
contrasting roles of deoxynivalenol and nivalenol in host-mediated interactions between fusarium graminearum and sitobion avenae.fusarium graminearum is the predominant causal species of fusarium head blight in europe and north america. different chemotypes of the species exist, each producing a plethora of mycotoxins. isolates of differing chemotypes produce nivalenol (niv) and deoxynivalenol (don), which differ in toxicity to mammals and plants. however, the effect of each mycotoxin on volatile emissions of plant hosts is not known. host volatiles are interpreted by insect herbivores such as sitobion avenae, the english ...201627916862
duplications in the 3' termini of three segments of fusarium graminearum virus china 9.the hypovirulence-inducing fusarium graminearum virus china 9 (fgv-ch9) was described recently and is closely related to the fusarium graminearum mycovirus-2 (fgv2). both viruses share common properties of viruses belonging to the family chrysoviridae. re-sequencing of fgv-ch9 revealed duplications of the 3' non-coding regions of segments 2 and 3. both duplications are arranged in a head-to-tail array, are attached to the complete terminus, and do not affect the encoded gene. an internal duplica ...201727888409
detoxification of deoxynivalenol via glycosylation represents novel insights on antagonistic activities of trichoderma when confronted with fusarium graminearum.deoxynivalenol (don) is a mycotoxin mainly produced by the fusarium graminearum complex, which are important phytopathogens that can infect crops and lead to a serious disease called fusarium head blight (fhb). as the most common b type trichothecene mycotoxin, don has toxic effects on animals and humans, which poses a risk to food security. thus, efforts have been devoted to control don contamination in different ways. management of don production by trichoderma strains as a biological control- ...201627854265
temporal dynamics, population characterization and mycotoxins accumulation of fusarium graminearum in eastern china.trichothecene genotype composition, mycotoxin production, genetic diversity, and population structure were analyzed, using 185 fusarium strains collected from wheat (triticum aestivum l.) throughout the jiangsu province during 1976, 1983, 1998, 2006, and 2014. the results showed that 3-acetyldeoxynivalenol (3adon) was consistently the predominant type in this region over 40 years, and the nivalenol (niv) type has emerged since 1998. long-term rotation of wheat and rice (oryza sativa l.), rather ...201627853184
Displaying items 1101 - 1200 of 1624