
dengue in the middle east and north africa: a systematic review.dengue virus (denv) infection is widespread and its disease burden has increased in past decades. however, little is known about the epidemiology of dengue in the middle east and north africa (mena).201627926925
downregulation of aedes aegypti chromodomain helicase dna binding protein 7/kismet by wolbachia and its effect on dengue virus replication.dengue virus (denv) is a mosquito-transmitted virus imposing a significant burden on human health around the world. since current control strategies are not sufficient, there is an urgent need to find alternative methods to control denv transmission. it has been demonstrated that introduction of wolbachia pipientis in aedes aegypti mosquitoes can impede denv transmission with the mechanism(s) not fully understood. recently, a number of studies have found the involvement of chromodomain dna bindi ...201627827425
the mysterious zika virus: adding to the tropical flavivirus mayhem.until now, known as the demure cousin of dengue virus (denv) inhabiting africa, zika virus (zikv) has reinvented itself to cause explosive epidemics captivating the western hemisphere. the outbreak causing potential for zikv was realized when it made its way from africa to yap island micronesia in 2007, and in french polynesia in 2013. from there, it moved on to brazil in 2015. now zikv has infected people in more than 33 countries in central and south america and the caribbean. moreover the epi ...027763483
dengueme: a tool for the modeling and simulation of dengue spatiotemporal dynamics.the prevention and control of dengue are great public health challenges for many countries, particularly since 2015, as other arboviruses have been observed to interact significantly with dengue virus. different approaches and methodologies have been proposed and discussed by the research community. an important tool widely used is modeling and simulation, which help us to understand epidemic dynamics and create scenarios to support planning and decision making processes. with this aim, we propo ...201627649226
aedes aegypti d7 saliva protein inhibits dengue virus infection.aedes aegypti is the primary vector of several medically relevant arboviruses including dengue virus (denv) types 1-4. ae. aegypti transmits denv by inoculating virus-infected saliva into host skin during probing and feeding. ae. aegypti saliva contains over one hundred unique proteins and these proteins have diverse functions, including facilitating blood feeding. previously, we showed that ae. aegypti salivary gland extracts (sges) enhanced dissemination of denv to draining lymph nodes. in con ...201627632170
an explosive epidemic of denv-3 in cairns, australia.from november 2008-may 2009 cairns queensland australia was struck by an explosive epidemic of denv-3 that exceeded the capacity of highly skilled dengue control team to control it. we describe the environmental, virological and entomological factors associated with this outbreak to better understand the circumstances leading to its occurrence. patient interviews, serological results and viral sequencing strongly suggest that the imported index case was infected in kalimantan, indonesia. a delay ...201323874522
transcriptomic profiling of diverse aedes aegypti strains reveals increased basal-level immune activation in dengue virus-refractory populations and identifies novel virus-vector molecular interactions.genetic variation among aedes aegypti populations can greatly influence their vector competence for human pathogens such as the dengue virus (denv). while intra-species transcriptome differences remain relatively unstudied when compared to coding sequence polymorphisms, they also affect numerous aspects of mosquito biology. comparative molecular profiling of mosquito strain transcriptomes can therefore provide valuable insight into the regulation of vector competence. we established a panel of a ...201323861987
wolbachia uses a host microrna to regulate transcripts of a methyltransferase, contributing to dengue virus inhibition in aedes aegypti.the endosymbiont wolbachia is common among insects and known for the reproductive manipulations it exerts on hosts as well as inhibition of virus replication in their hosts. recently, we showed that wolbachia uses host micrornas to manipulate host gene expression for its efficient maintenance in the dengue mosquito vector, aedes aegypti. cytosine methylation is mediated by a group of proteins called dna (cytosine-5) methyltransferases, which are structurally and functionally conserved from proka ...201323733960
an improved odor bait for monitoring populations of aedes aegypti-vectors of dengue and chikungunya viruses in kenya.effective surveillance and estimation of the biting fraction of aedes aegypti is critical for accurate determination of the extent of virus transmission during outbreaks and inter-epidemic periods of dengue and chikungunya fever. here, we describe the development and use of synthetic human odor baits for improved sampling of adult ae. aegypti, in two dengue and chikungunya fevers endemic areas in kenya; kilifi and busia counties.201525924877
larvicidal activity and possible mode of action of four flavonoids and two fatty acids identified in millettia pinnata seed toward three mosquito species.aedes aegypti and aedes albopictus and culex pipiens pallens mosquitoes transmit dengue fever and west nile virus diseases, respectively. this study was conducted to determine the toxicity and mechanism of action of four flavonoids and two fatty acids from millettia pinnata (fabaceae) seed as well as six pure fatty acids and four fatty acid esters toward third instar larvae from insecticide-susceptible c. pipiens pallens and a. aegypti as well as wild a. albopictus. efficacy of 12 experimental l ...201525928224
mosquito bite delivery of dengue virus enhances immunogenicity and pathogenesis in humanized mice.dengue viruses (denv) are transmitted to humans by the bite of aedes aegypti or aedes albopictus mosquitoes, with millions of infections annually in over 100 countries. the diseases they produce, which occur exclusively in humans, are dengue fever (df) and dengue hemorrhagic fever (dhf). we previously developed a humanized mouse model of df in which mice transplanted with human hematopoietic stem cells produced signs of denv disease after injection with low-passage, wild-type isolates. using the ...201222573866
sialic acid expression in the mosquito aedes aegypti and its possible role in dengue virus-vector interactions.dengue fever (df) is the most prevalent arthropod-borne viral disease which affects humans. df is caused by the four dengue virus (denv) serotypes, which are transmitted to the host by the mosquito aedes aegypti that has key roles in denv infection, replication, and viral transmission (vector competence). mosquito saliva also plays an important role during denv transmission. in this study, we detected the presence of sialic acid (sia) in aedes aegypti tissues, which may have an important role du ...201525874215
targeting gene expression to the female larval fat body of transgenic aedes aegypti the fat body is a critical tissue for mosquito development, metamorphosis, immune and reproductive system function, the characterization of regulatory modules targeting gene expression to the female mosquito fat body at distinct life stages is much needed for multiple, varied strategies for controlling vector-borne diseases such as dengue and malaria. the hexameric storage protein, hexamerin-1.2, of the mosquito aedes atropalpus is female-specific and uniquely expressed in the fat body of fou ...201223241066
public health response to aedes aegypti and ae. albopictus mosquitoes invading california, usa.aedes aegypti and ae. albopictus mosquitoes, primary vectors of dengue and chikungunya viruses, were recently detected in california, usa. the threat of potential local transmission of these viruses increases as more infected travelers arrive from affected areas. public health response has included enhanced human and mosquito surveillance, education, and intensive mosquito control.026401891
meteorologically driven simulations of dengue epidemics in san juan, pr.meteorological factors influence dengue virus ecology by modulating vector mosquito population dynamics, viral replication, and transmission. dynamic modeling techniques can be used to examine how interactions among meteorological variables, vectors and the dengue virus influence transmission. we developed a dengue fever simulation model by coupling a dynamic simulation model for aedes aegypti, the primary mosquito vector for dengue, with a basic epidemiological susceptible-exposed-infectious-re ...201526275146
wolbachia versus dengue: evolutionary forecasts.a novel form of biological control is being applied to the dengue virus. the agent is the maternally transmitted bacterium wolbachia, naturally absent from the main dengue vector, the mosquito aedes aegypti. three wolbachia-based control strategies have been proposed. one is suppression of mosquito populations by large-scale releases of males incompatible with native females; this intervention requires ongoing releases. the other interventions transform wild mosquito populations with wolbachia t ...201324481199
promising aedes aegypti repellent chemotypes identified through integrated qsar, virtual screening, synthesis, and bioassay.molecular field topology analysis, scaffold hopping, and molecular docking were used as complementary computational tools for the design of repellents for aedes aegypti, the insect vector for yellow fever, chikungunya, and dengue fever. a large number of analogues were evaluated by virtual screening with glide molecular docking software. this produced several dozen hits that were either synthesized or procured from commercial sources. analysis of these compounds by a repellent bioassay resulted ...201324039693
the developmental transcriptome of the mosquito aedes aegypti, an invasive species and major arbovirus vector.mosquitoes are vectors of a number of important human and animal diseases. the development of novel vector control strategies requires a thorough understanding of mosquito biology. to facilitate this, we used rna-seq to identify novel genes and provide the first high-resolution view of the transcriptome throughout development and in response to blood feeding in a mosquito vector of human disease, aedes aegypti, the primary vector for dengue and yellow fever. we characterized mrna expression at 3 ...201323833213
mosquito protein kinase g phosphorylates flavivirus ns5 and alters flight behavior in aedes aegypti and anopheles gambiae.many arboviral proteins are phosphorylated in infected mammalian cells, but it is unknown if the same phosphorylation events occur when insects are similarly infected. one of the mammalian kinases responsible for phosphorylation, protein kinase g (pkg), has been implicated in the behavior of multiple nonvector insects, but is unstudied in mosquitoes. pkg from aedes aegypti was cloned, and phosphorylation of specific viral sites was monitored by mass spectrometry from biochemical and cell culture ...201323930976
stage-specific transcription during development of aedes aegypti.aedes aegypti is the most important global vector of dengue virus infection in humans. availability of the draft genome sequence of this mosquito provides unique opportunities to study different aspects of its biology, including identification of genes and pathways relevant to the developmental processes associated with transition across individual life stages. however, detailed knowledge of gene expression patterns pertaining to developmental stages of a. aegypti is largely lacking.201323875547
dengue in florida (usa).florida (usa), particularly the southern portion of the state, is in a precarious situation concerning arboviral diseases. the geographic location, climate, lifestyle, and the volume of travel and commerce are all conducive to arbovirus transmission. during the last decades, imported dengue cases have been regularly recorded in florida, and the recent re-emergence of dengue as a major public health concern in the americas has been accompanied by a steady increase in the number of imported cases. ...201426462955
experimental inoculation of artibeus jamaicensis bats with dengue virus serotypes 1 or 4 showed no evidence of sustained replication.dengue is the most important mosquito-borne viral disease to humans. bats are potential reservoirs for flaviviruses, including dengue virus (denv). in this work, artibeus jamaicensis bats were inoculated with two serotypes of denv using different routes. for experimental inoculations (ei) 1 and 2, bats were inoculated subcutaneously or intraperitoneally with denv-4; for ei-3 bats were inoculated intraperitoneally with denv-1. mock inoculated bats were kept as controls. in ei-4, bats were bitten ...201425311698
dengue and chikungunya: long-distance spread and outbreaks in naïve areas.mosquito-borne virus infections, such as dengue and chikungunya, are continuously expanding their geographical range. the dengue virus, which is known to be a common cause of febrile illness in tropical areas of the old world, is now widespread in the americas. in most affected areas, all the four dengue virus serotypes have circulated. recently, small clusters of dengue have been identified also in southern europe during the hot season. the chikungunya virus, initially restricted to central afr ...201425491436
temporal abundance of aedes aegypti in manaus, brazil, measured by two trap types for adult mosquitoes.a longitudinal study was conducted in manaus, brazil, to monitor changes of adult aedes aegypti (l.) abundance. the objectives were to compare mosquito collections of two trap types, to characterise temporal changes of the mosquito population, to investigate the influence of meteorological variables on mosquito collections and to analyse the association between mosquito collections and dengue incidence. mosquito monitoring was performed fortnightly using mosquitraps (mqt) and bg-sentinel (bgs) t ...201425494470
eliciting renal failure in mosquitoes with a small-molecule inhibitor of inward-rectifying potassium channels.mosquito-borne diseases such as malaria and dengue fever take a large toll on global health. the primary chemical agents used for controlling mosquitoes are insecticides that target the nervous system. however, the emergence of resistance in mosquito populations is reducing the efficacy of available insecticides. the development of new insecticides is therefore urgent. here we show that vu573, a small-molecule inhibitor of mammalian inward-rectifying potassium (kir) channels, inhibits a kir chan ...201323734226
fluctuations at a low mean temperature accelerate dengue virus transmission by aedes aegypti.environmental factors such as temperature can alter mosquito vector competence for arboviruses. results from recent studies indicate that daily fluctuations around an intermediate mean temperature (26°c) reduce vector competence of aedes aeygpti for dengue viruses (denv). theoretical predictions suggest that the mean temperature in combination with the magnitude of the diurnal temperature range (dtr) mediate the direction of these effects.201323638208
replacement of conserved or variable sequences of the mosquito-borne dengue virus 3' utr with homologous sequences from modoc virus does not change infectivity for mosquitoes.the genus flavivirus includes both vector-borne and no known vector (nkv) species, but the molecular determinants of transmission mode are not known. conserved sequence differences between the two groups occur in 5' and 3' utrs. to investigate the impact of these differences on transmission, chimeric genomes were generated, in which utrs, utrs+capsid, or the upper 3' utr stem-loop of mosquito-borne dengue virus (denv) were replaced with homologous regions from nkv modoc virus (modv); the conserv ...201223255623
analysis of early dengue virus infection in mice as modulated by aedes aegypti probing.dengue virus (denv), the etiologic agent of dengue fever, is transmitted during probing of human skin by infected-mosquito bite. the expectorated viral inoculum also contains an assortment of mosquito salivary proteins that have been shown to modulate host hemostasis and innate immune responses. to examine the potential role of mosquito probing in denv establishment within the vertebrate host, we inoculated mice intradermally with denv serotype 2 strain 1232 at sites where aedes aegypti had or h ...201324198426
investigations of koutango virus infectivity and dissemination dynamics in aedes aegypti mosquitoes.aedes aegypti has already been implicated in the emergence of dengue and chikungunya viruses in the southern us. vector competence is the ability of a mosquito species to support transmission of an arbovirus, which is bounded by its ability to support replication and dissemination of the virus through the mosquito body to the salivary glands to be expectorated in the saliva at the time of feeding on a vertebrate host. here, we investigate the vector competence of a. aegypti for the arbovirus kou ...201425574140
fever versus fever: the role of host and vector susceptibility and interspecific competition in shaping the current and future distributions of the sylvatic cycles of dengue virus and yellow fever virus.two different species of flaviviruses, dengue virus (denv) and yellow fever virus (yfv), that originated in sylvatic cycles maintained in non-human primates and forest-dwelling mosquitoes have emerged repeatedly into sustained human-to-human transmission by aedes aegypti mosquitoes. sylvatic cycles of both viruses remain active, and where the two viruses overlap in west africa they utilize similar suites of monkeys and aedes mosquitoes. these extensive similarities render the differences in the ...201323523817
aedes aegypti salivary protein "aegyptin" co-inoculation modulates dengue virus infection in the vertebrate host.dengue virus (denv) is transmitted in the saliva of the mosquito vector aedes aegypti during blood meal acquisition. this saliva is composed of numerous proteins with the capacity to disrupt hemostasis or modulate the vertebrate immune response. one such protein, termed "aegyptin," is an allergen and inhibitor of clot formation, and has been found in decreased abundance in the saliva of denv-infected mosquitoes. to examine the influence of aegyptin on denv infection of the vertebrate, we inocula ...201425173089
inhibition and larvicidal activity of phenylpropanoids from piper sarmentosum on acetylcholinesterase against mosquito vectors and their binding mode of interaction.aedes aegypti, aedes albopictus and culex quinquefasciatus are vectors of dengue fever and west nile virus diseases. this study was conducted to determine the toxicity, mechanism of action and the binding interaction of three active phenylpropanoids from piper sarmentosum (piperaceae) toward late 3rd or early 4th larvae of above vectors. a bioassay guided-fractionation on the hexane extract from the roots of piper sarmentosum led to the isolation and identification of three active phenylpropanoi ...201627152416
bicluster pattern of codon context usages between flavivirus and vector mosquito aedes aegypti: relevance to infection and transcriptional response of mosquito genes.the mosquito aedes aegypti is the primary vector of dengue virus (denv) infection in most of the subtropical and tropical countries. besides denv, yellow fever virus (yfv) is also transmitted by a. aegypti. susceptibility of a. aegypti to west nile virus (wnv) has also been confirmed. although studies have indicated correlation of codon bias between flaviviridae and their animal/insect hosts, it is not clear if codon sequences have any relation to susceptibility of a. aegypti to denv, yfv and wn ...201424838953
dengue fever occurrence and vector detection by larval survey, ovitrap and mosquitrap: a space-time clusters analysis.the use of vector surveillance tools for preventing dengue disease requires fine assessment of risk, in order to improve vector control activities. nevertheless, the thresholds between vector detection and dengue fever occurrence are currently not well established. in belo horizonte (minas gerais, brazil), dengue has been endemic for several years. from january 2007 to june 2008, the dengue vector aedes (stegomyia) aegypti was monitored by ovitrap, the sticky-trap mosquitrap™ and larval surveys ...201222848729
dengue vectors and their spatial distribution.the distribution of dengue vectors, ae. aegypti and ae. albopictus, is affected by climatic factors. in addition, since their life cycles are well adapted to the human environment, environmental changes resulting from human activity such as urbanization exert a great impact on vector distribution. the different responses of ae. aegypti and ae albopictus to various environments result in a difference in spatial distribution along north-south and urban-rural gradients, and between the indoors and ...201122500133
infection rates by dengue virus in mosquitoes and the influence of temperature may be related to different endemicity patterns in three colombian cities.colombia is an endemic country for dengue fever where the four serotypes of virus dengue (denv1-4) circulate simultaneously, and all types are responsible for dengue cases in the country. the control strategies are guided by entomological surveillance. however, heterogeneity in aedic indices is not well correlated with the incidence of the disease in cities such as riohacha, bello and villavicencio. as an alternative, molecular detection of dengue virus in mosquitoes has been proposed as a usefu ...201627455289
comparative expression profiles of midgut genes in dengue virus refractory and susceptible aedes aegypti across critical period for virus infection.aedes aegypti is the primary mosquito vector for dengue virus (denv) worldwide. infectivity of dengue virus varies among natural populations of this mosquito. how a. aegypti responds to denv infection relative to which genes and associated pathways contribute to its differential susceptibility as a vector is not well defined.201223077596
the wmel strain of wolbachia reduces transmission of zika virus by aedes aegypti.zika virus (zikv) is causing an explosive outbreak of febrile disease in the americas. there are no effective antiviral therapies or licensed vaccines for this virus, and mosquito control strategies have not been adequate to contain the virus. a promising candidate for arbovirus control and prevention relies on the introduction of the intracellular bacterium wolbachia into aedes aegypti mosquitoes. this primarily has been proposed as a tool to control dengue virus (denv) transmission; however, e ...201627364935
the wmel strain of wolbachia reduces transmission of chikungunya virus in aedes approaches to preventing chikungunya virus (chikv) are needed because current methods are limited to controlling mosquito populations, and they have not prevented the invasion of this virus into new locales, nor have they been sufficient to control the virus upon arrival. a promising candidate for arbovirus control and prevention relies on the introduction of the intracellular bacterium wolbachia into aedes aegypti mosquitoes. this primarily has been proposed as a tool to control dengue viru ...201627124663
unique pfk regulatory property from some mosquito vectors of disease, and from drosophila melanogaster.arthropod-borne diseases are some of the most rapidly spreading diseases. reducing the vector population is currently the only effective way to reduce case numbers. central metabolic pathways are potential targets to control vector populations, but have not been well explored to this aim. the information available on energy metabolism, as a way to control lifespan and dispersion through flight of dipteran vectors, is inadequate.201626911930
spatio-temporal distribution of aedes aegypti (diptera: culicidae) mitochondrial lineages in cities with distinct dengue incidence rates suggests complex population dynamics of the dengue vector in colombia.aedes aegypti is the primary vector of the four serotypes of dengue virus (denv1-4), chikungunya and yellow fever virus to humans. previous population genetic studies have revealed a particular genetic structure among the vector populations in the americas that suggests differences in the ability to transmit denv. in colombia, despite its high epidemiologic importance, the genetic population structure and the phylogeographic depiction of ae. aegypti, as well as its relationship with the epidemio ...201525893246
vector competence in west african aedes aegypti is flavivirus species and genotype dependent.vector competence of aedes aegypti mosquitoes is a quantitative genetic trait that varies among geographic locations and among different flavivirus species and genotypes within species. the subspecies ae. aegypti formosus, found mostly in sub-saharan africa, is considered to be refractory to both dengue (denv) and yellow fever viruses (yfv) compared to the more globally distributed ae. aegypti aegypti. within senegal, vector competence varies with collection site and denv-2 viral isolate, but kn ...201425275366
larval ecology of mosquitoes in sylvatic arbovirus foci in southeastern senegal.although adult mosquito vectors of sylvatic arbovirus [yellow fever (yfv), dengue-2 (denv-2) and chikungunya (chikv)] have been studied for the past 40 years in southeastern senegal, data are still lacking on the ecology of larval mosquitoes in this area. in this study, we investigated the larval habitats of mosquitoes and characterized their seasonal and spatial dynamics in arbovirus foci.201223216815
aedes aegypti and aedes albopictus habitat preferences in south texas, usa.the south texas region has a historical record of occasional dengue outbreaks. the recent introduction of chikungunya virus to the caribbean suggests that this disease may be a concern as well. six different cities and three field habitat types (residential, tire shops, and cemeteries) were examined for evidence of habitat and longitudinal preference of two vector species, aedes aegypti and aedes albopictus. a. aegypti was more prevalent in tire shop sites, while a. albopictus was more prevalent ...201425520559
bionomic response of aedes aegypti to two future climate change scenarios in far north queensland, australia: implications for dengue outbreaks.dengue viruses are transmitted by anthropophilic mosquitoes and infect approximately 50 million humans annually. to investigate impacts of future climate change on dengue virus transmission, we investigated bionomics of the mosquito vector, aedes aegypti.201425240382
vector competence of aedes aegypti populations from kilifi and nairobi for dengue 2 virus and the influence of temperature.susceptibility of ae. aegypti mosquito to dengue virus (denv) varies geographically and can be influenced by climatic factors such as temperature, which affect the incidence, seasonality and distribution of vector-borne diseases. the first outbreak of dengue fever (df) in kenya occured in 1982 in the coastal towns of malindi and kilifi. unlike nairobi where no active dengue transmission has been reported, df is currently re-emerging at the coast causing major outbreaks. this study investigated t ...201425223760
epidemiology of dengue in a high-income country: a case study in queensland, australia.australia is one of the few high-income countries where dengue transmission regularly occurs. dengue is a major health threat in north queensland (nq), where the vector aedes aegypti is present. whether nq should be considered as a dengue endemic or epidemic region is an ongoing debate. to help address this issue, we analysed the characteristics of locally-acquired (la) and imported dengue cases in nq through time and space. we describe the epidemiology of dengue in nq from 1995 to 2011, to iden ...201425138897
laboratory surveillance of dengue in rio grande do sul, brazil, from 2007 to 2013.according to official records, dengue was introduced in brazil in the 80's; since then several epidemics have occurred. meanwhile, in rio grande do sul (rs, southern brazil) the first autochthonous case occurred only in 2007.201425116186
spatio-temporal distribution of dengue and lymphatic filariasis vectors along an altitudinal transect in central nepal.rapidly increasing temperatures in the mountain region of nepal and recent reports of dengue fever and lymphatic filariasis cases from mountainous areas of central nepal prompted us to study the spatio-temporal distribution of the vectors of these two diseases along an altitudinal transect in central nepal.201425078276
global temperature constraints on aedes aegypti and ae. albopictus persistence and competence for dengue virus transmission.dengue is a disease that has undergone significant expansion over the past hundred years. understanding what factors limit the distribution of transmission can be used to predict current and future limits to further dengue expansion. while not the only factor, temperature plays an important role in defining these limits. previous attempts to analyse the effect of temperature on the geographic distribution of dengue have not considered its dynamic intra-annual and diurnal change and its cumulativ ...201425052008
distinct variation in vector competence among nine field populations of aedes aegypti from a brazilian dengue-endemic risk brazil, dengue epidemics erupt sporadically throughout the country and it is unclear if outbreaks may initiate a sustainable transmission cycle. there are few studies evaluating the ability of brazilian aedes aegypti populations to transmit dengue virus (denv). the aim of this study was to compare denv susceptibility of field-captured ae. aegypti populations from nine distinct geographic areas of the city of belo horizonte in 2009 and 2011. infection rate (ir), vector competence (vc) and diss ...201425015526
human-mediated marine dispersal influences the population structure of aedes aegypti in the philippine archipelago.dengue virus (denv) is an extraordinary health burden on global scale, but still lacks effective vaccine. the philippines is endemic for dengue fever, but massive employment of insecticides favored the development of resistance mutations in its major vector, aedes aegypti. alternative vector control strategies consist in releasing artificially modified mosquitos in the wild, but knowledge on their dispersal ability is necessary for a successful implementation. despite being documented that ae. a ...201526039311
mass trapping with mosquitraps does not reduce aedes aegypti abundance.the objective of this study was to evaluate the effectiveness of aedes aegypti mass trapping using the sticky trap mosquitrap (mqt) by performing a cluster randomised controlled trial in manaus, state of amazonas, brazil. after an initial questionnaire and baseline monitoring of adult ae. aegypti abundance with bg-sentinel (bgs) traps in six clusters, three clusters were randomly assigned to the intervention arm where each participating household received three mqts for mass trapping during 17 m ...201525946154
mutual exclusion of asaia and wolbachia in the reproductive organs of mosquito vectors.wolbachia is a group of intracellular maternally inherited bacteria infecting a high number of arthropod species. their presence in different mosquito species has been largely described, but aedes aegypti, the main vector of dengue virus, has never been found naturally infected by wolbachia. similarly, malaria vectors and other anophelines are normally negative to wolbachia, with the exception of an african population where these bacteria have recently been detected. asaia is an acetic acid bact ...201525981386
morbidity rate prediction of dengue hemorrhagic fever (dhf) using the support vector machine and the aedes aegypti infection rate in similar climates and geographical the past few decades, several researchers have proposed highly accurate prediction models that have typically relied on climate parameters. however, climate factors can be unreliable and can lower the effectiveness of prediction when they are applied in locations where climate factors do not differ significantly. the purpose of this study was to improve a dengue surveillance system in areas with similar climate by exploiting the infection rate in the aedes aegypti mosquito and using the suppo ...201525961289
emergence of dengue in tribal villages of mandla district, madhya pradesh, india.dengue (den) is a rapidly spreading arboviral disease transmitted by aedes mosquitoes. although it is endemic in india, dengue virus (denv) infection has not been reported from tribal areas of madhya pradesh. investigations were conducted to establish the aetiology of sudden upsurge of cases with febrile illness in june 2013 from tribal villages of mandla district of madhya pradesh, india.026139775
antiviral activity of chloroquine against dengue virus type 2 replication in aotus monkeys.dengue virus (denv) of the flaviviridae family is a single positive-stranded rna virus that is transmitted by aedes aegypti and aedes albopictus mosquitoes. the objective of this study was to investigate the use of chloroquine (clq) as an antiviral drug against dengue virus in monkeys. to analyze the action of the drug in vivo, nonhuman primates groups (aotus azarai infulatus) were inoculated with a subcutaneous injection of a virulent strain of denv-2, treated and untreated clq. blood hematolog ...201525664975
chitosan/interfering rna nanoparticle mediated gene silencing in disease vector mosquito larvae.vector mosquitoes inflict more human suffering than any other organism-and kill more than one million people each year. the mosquito genome projects facilitated research in new facets of mosquito biology, including functional genetic studies in the primary african malaria vector anopheles gambiae and the dengue and yellow fever vector aedes aegypti. rna interference- (rnai-) mediated gene silencing has been used to target genes of interest in both of these disease vector mosquito species. here, ...201525867635
vector competence of the aedes aegypti population from santiago island, cape verde, to different serotypes of dengue virus.dengue is an arboviral disease caused by dengue virus (denv), whose main vectors are the mosquitoes aedes aegypti and aedes albopictus. a. aegypti is the only denv vector in cape verde, an african country that suffered its first outbreak of dengue in 2009. however, little is known about the variation in the level of vector competence of this mosquito population to the different denv serotypes. this study aimed to evaluate the vector competence of a. aegypti from the island of santiago, cape verd ...201525888847
density of aedes aegypti and aedes albopictus and its association with number of residents and meteorological variables in the home environment of dengue endemic area, são paulo, brazil.measure the populations of ae. aegypti and ae. albopictus adults according to sex and location inside or outside the residence, estimate ae. aegypti female density per house and per resident, and test the association with abiotic factors.201525890384
comparison of vector competence of aedes mediovittatus and aedes aegypti for dengue virus: implications for dengue control in the caribbean.aedes mediovittatus mosquitoes are found throughout the greater antilles in the caribbean and often share the same larval habitats with ae. aegypti, the primary vector for dengue virus (denv). implementation of vector control measures to control dengue that specifically target ae. aegypti may not control denv transmission in puerto rico (pr). even if ae. aegypti is eliminated or denv refractory mosquitoes are released, denv transmission may not cease when other competent mosquito species like ae ...201525658951
sexual harassment and feeding inhibition between two invasive dengue vectors.two invasive mosquitoes, aedes aegypti and aedes albopictus, have been interacting during the course of a rapid range expansion by a. albopictus. we investigated the potential for interspecific feeding interference by male mosquitoes interacting with females within and between these species. a. aegypti feeding on both sugar and blood was suppressed when females of this species were exposed to a. albopictus males, but no change was observed when exposed to conspecifics. a. albopictus feeding was ...201525628511
aedes aegypti: an emerging model for vector mosquito development.blood-feeding mosquitoes, including the dengue and yellow fever vector aedes aegypti, transmit many of the world's deadliest diseases. such diseases have resurged in developing countries and pose clear threats for epidemic outbreaks in developed countries. recent mosquito genome projects have stimulated interest in the potential for arthropod-borne disease control by genetic manipulation of vector insects. targets of particular interest include genes that regulate development. however, although ...201020889691
gravitraps for management of dengue clusters in singapore.although singapore has an intensive dengue control program, dengue remains endemic with regular outbreaks. we report development and use of a novel adult oviposition trap, the gravitrap, in managing dengue cluster areas. the gravitrap is a simple, hay infusion-filled cylindrical trap with a sticky inner surface to serve as an oviposition site for gravid female aedes mosquitoes. wire gauze fitted above the water level minimizes the risk of it being an unwanted breeding habitat. the gravitrap was ...201323478581
vectorial capacity of aedes aegypti for dengue virus type 2 is reduced with co-infection of metarhizium anisopliae.aedes aegypti, is the major dengue vector and a worldwide public health threat combated basically by chemical insecticides. in this study, the vectorial competence of ae. aegypti co-infected with a mildly virulent metarhizium anisopliae and fed with blood infected with the denv-2 virus, was examined.201323505581
modeling dengue vector dynamics under imperfect detection: three years of site-occupancy by aedes aegypti and aedes albopictus in urban amazonia.aedes aegypti and ae. albopictus are the vectors of dengue, the most important arboviral disease of humans. to date, aedes ecology studies have assumed that the vectors are truly absent from sites where they are not detected; since no perfect detection method exists, this assumption is questionable. imperfect detection may bias estimates of key vector surveillance/control parameters, including site-occupancy (infestation) rates and control intervention effects. we used a modeling approach that e ...201323472194
contact irritant responses of aedes aegypti using sublethal concentration and focal application of pyrethroid chemicals.previous studies have demonstrated contact irritant and spatial repellent behaviors in aedes aegypti following exposure to sublethal concentrations of chemicals. these sublethal actions are currently being evaluated in the development of a push-pull strategy for ae. aegypti control. this study reports on mosquito escape responses after exposure to candidate chemicals for a contact irritant focused push-pull strategy using varying concentrations and focal application.201323469302
detection of denv-4 genotype i from mosquitoes collected in the city of manaus, brazil.dengue epidemics have been reported in brazil since 1981. in manaus, a large city in the amazon region, dengue is endemic with all four-virus serotypes (denv-1, -2, -3, and -4) simultaneously causing human disease. in 2008, during a surveillance of dengue virus in mosquitoes in the district of tancredo neves in manaus, 260 mosquitoes of aedes genus were captured, identified and grouped into pools of 10 mosquitoes.201323421733
spatial patterns of high aedes aegypti oviposition activity in northwestern argentina, dengue has affected mainly the northern provinces, including salta. the objective of this study was to analyze the spatial patterns of high aedes aegypti oviposition activity in san ramón de la nueva orán, northwestern argentina. the location of clusters as hot spot areas should help control programs to identify priority areas and allocate their resources more effectively.201323349813
glytube: a conical tube and parafilm m-based method as a simplified device to artificially blood-feed the dengue vector mosquito, aedes aegypti.aedes aegypti, the main vector of dengue virus, requires a blood meal to produce eggs. although live animals are still the main blood source for laboratory colonies, many artificial feeders are available. these feeders are also the best method for experimental oral infection of ae. aegypti with dengue viruses. however, most of them are expensive or laborious to construct. based on principle of rutledge-type feeder, a conventional conical tube, glycerol and parafilm-m were used to develop a simpl ...201323342010
field trial on a novel control method for the dengue vector, aedes aegypti by the systematic use of olyset® net and pyriproxyfen in southern vietnam.jars, tanks, and drums provide favorable rearing/breeding sites for aedes aegypti in vietnam. however, the use of insecticides to control mosquitoes at such breeding sites has not been approved in vietnam since they are also often sources of drinking water, making larval vector control difficult. mosquito nets pre-treated with long-lasting insecticide treated nets (llitns) form an effective measure for malaria control. we examined changes in the abundance of immature aedes aegypti to evaluate th ...201323312018
frequency and clinical features of dengue infection in a schoolchildren cohort from medellin, determine the incidence of dengue infection, we established active surveillance of febrile episodes in a cohort of schoolchildren from three schools in medellin, colombia. we followed a cohort of 2,379 schoolchildren in 2010 and followed 1,840 of these children the following year. during the follow-up time, 264 schoolchildren displayed 297 febrile episodes; of these, 23 episodes (7.7%) were caused by acute dengue infection. all four dengue serotypes were found, and all of the cases were mild. ...201223304167
dendritic cell apoptosis and the pathogenesis of dengue.dengue viruses and other members of the flaviviridae family are emerging human pathogens. dengue is transmitted to humans by aedes aegypti female mosquitoes. following infection through the bite, cells of the hematopoietic lineage, like dendritic cells, are the first targets of dengue virus infection. dendritic cells (dcs) are key antigen presenting cells, sensing pathogens, processing and presenting the antigens to t lymphocytes, and triggering an adaptive immune response. infection of dcs by d ...201223202502
evaluation of a sticky trap (aedestrap), made from disposable plastic bottles, as a monitoring tool for aedes aegypti populations.dengue virus, which is transmitted by aedes aegypti mosquitoes is the most important emerging viral disease, infecting more than 50 million people annually. currently used sticky traps are useful tools for monitoring and control of a. aegypti, despite differences in efficiency, labor requirements and cost. in the present work, a field assay was carried out to evaluate the performance of a sticky trap (aedestrap), produced using disposable material, in capturing gravid aedes spp. females. additio ...201222958376
wolbachia induces density-dependent inhibition to dengue virus in mosquito cells.wolbachia is a maternal transmitted endosymbiotic bacterium that is estimated to infect up to 65% of insect species. the ability of wolbachia to both induce viral interference and spread into mosquito vector population makes it possible to develop wolbachia as a biological control agent for dengue control. while wolbachia induces resistance to dengue virus in the transinfected aedes aegypti mosquitoes, a similar effect was not observed in aedes albopictus, which naturally carries wolbachia infec ...201222848774
intrinsic features of aedes aegypti genes affect transcriptional responsiveness of mosquito genes to dengue virus infection.dengue virus infection causes significant morbidity and mortality in humans world-wide. the aedes aegypti mosquito is the major vector that spreads dengue virus to humans. interaction between dengue viruses and a. aegypti is a multi-factorial phenomena that is determined by both virus and mosquito genotypes. although, studies have suggested significant association of mosquito vectorial capacity with population variation of dengue virus, specifications of the vector factors that may influence vec ...201222579482
dispersal of male aedes aegypti in a coastal village in southern mexico.most aedes aegypti dispersal studies have focused on females because of their central role in dengue virus transmission. only a few mark-release-recapture (mrr) studies provided insights into male ae. aegypti dispersal. to fill this knowledge gap, we conducted five male ae. aegypti mrr experiments in a coastal village in southern mexico. small and large male cohorts were marked with fluorescent dusts, released outside buildings, and recaptures were carried out by using backpack aspirators. recap ...022492152
the relative importance of innate immune priming in wolbachia-mediated dengue interference.the non-virulent wolbachia strain wmel and the life-shortening strain wmelpop-cla, both originally from drosophila melanogaster, have been stably introduced into the mosquito vector of dengue fever, aedes aegypti. each of these wolbachia strains interferes with viral pathogenicity and/or dissemination in both their natural drosophila host and in their new mosquito host, and it has been suggested that this virus interference may be due to host immune priming by wolbachia. in order to identify asp ...201222383881
aedes albopictus and the reemergence of dengue.dengue is a vector-borne disease that is estimated to affect millions of individuals each year in tropical and subtropical areas, and it is reemerging in areas that have been disease-free for relatively long periods of time. in this issue of the journal, peng et al. report on a dengue outbreak in a city in southern china that had been disease-free for more than two decades. the infection, which was due to serotype 1, was introduced by a traveler from south-east asia and transmitted by aedes albo ...201222272602
production of infectious dengue virus in aedes aegypti is dependent on the ubiquitin proteasome pathway.dengue virus (denv) relies on host factors to complete its life cycle in its mosquito host for subsequent transmission to humans. denv first establishes infection in the midgut of aedes aegypti and spreads to various mosquito organs for lifelong infection. curiously, studies have shown that infectious denv titers peak and decrease thereafter in the midgut despite relatively stable viral genome levels. however, the mechanisms that regulate this decoupling of infectious virion production from vira ...201526566123
dengue virus infection alters post-transcriptional modification of micrornas in the mosquito vector aedes aegypti.recent discoveries regarding the importance of isomirs have increased our understanding of the regulatory complexities of the mirnaome. observed changes in the mirna profiles in mosquitoes infected with flaviviruses have implicated small rnas in the interactions between viruses and their vectors. here we analysed the isomir profiles of both uninfected and infected aedes aegypti mosquitoes with the major human pathogen dengue virus (denv). we found that several specific isomirs were significantly ...201526514826
copulation activity, sperm production and conidia transfer in aedes aegypti males contaminated by metarhizium anisopliae: a biological control prospect.dengue is the most prevalent arboviral disease transmitted by aedes aegypti worldwide, whose chemical control is difficult, expensive, and of inconsistent efficacy. releases of metarhizium anisopliae--exposed ae. aegypti males to disseminate conidia among female mosquitoes by mating represents a promising biological control approach against this important vector. a better understanding of fungus virulence and impact on reproductive parameters of ae. aegypti, is need before testing auto-dissemina ...201526473490
use of centrifugal filter devices to concentrate dengue virus in mosquito per os infection experiments.dengue virus (denv) is an arbovirus transmitted to humans by the bite of infected aedes mosquitoes. experimental per os infection of mosquitoes with denv is usually a preliminary step in virus/vector studies but it requires being able to prepare artificial blood-meals with high virus titers. we report here the convenient use of centrifugal filter devices to quickly concentrate denv particles in cell-culture supernatants. the median viral titer in concentrated-supernatants was 8.50 log10 tcid50/m ...201526372347
identification of essential containers for aedes larval breeding to control dengue in dhaka, bangladesh.dengue fever (df), one of the most important emerging arboviral diseases, is transmitted through the bite of container breeding mosquitoes aedes aegypti and aedes albopictus. a household entomological survey was conducted in dhaka from august through october 2000 to inspect water-holding containers in indoor, outdoor, and rooftop locations for aedes larvae. the objective of this study was to determine mosquito productivity of each container type and to identify some risk factors of households in ...201526865829
the global compendium of aedes aegypti and ae. albopictus occurrence.aedes aegypti and ae. albopictus are the main vectors transmitting dengue and chikungunya viruses. despite being pathogens of global public health importance, knowledge of their vectors' global distribution remains patchy and sparse. a global geographic database of known occurrences of ae. aegypti and ae. albopictus between 1960 and 2014 was compiled. herein we present the database, which comprises occurrence data linked to point or polygon locations, derived from peer-reviewed literature and un ...201526175912
targeted release and fractionation reveal glucuronylated and sulphated n- and o-glycans in larvae of dipteran insects.mosquitoes are important vectors of parasitic and viral diseases with anopheles gambiae transmitting malaria and aedes aegypti spreading yellow and dengue fevers. using two different approaches (solid-phase extraction and reversed-phase or hydrophilic interaction hplc fractionation followed by maldi-tof ms or permethylation followed by nsi-ms), we examined the n-glycans of both a. gambiae and a. aegypti larvae and demonstrate the presence of a range of paucimannosidic glycans as well as bi- and ...201526047717
proteomic identification of dengue virus binding proteins in aedes aegypti mosquitoes and aedes albopictus cells.the main vector of dengue in america is the mosquito aedes aegypti, which is infected by dengue virus (denv) through receptors of midgut epithelial cells. the envelope protein (e) of dengue virus binds to receptors present on the host cells through its domain iii that has been primarily recognized to bind cell receptors. in order to identify potential receptors, proteins from mosquito midgut tissue and c6/36 cells were purified by affinity using columns with the recombinant e protein domain iii ...201324324976
vertical transmission of key west dengue-1 virus by aedes aegypti and aedes albopictus (diptera: culicidae) mosquitoes from florida.following the 2009 and 2010 dengue-1 (denv-1) outbreaks in key west, fl, we used florida aedes aegypti (l.) mosquitoes and denv-1 isolated from key west in 2010 to test the hypothesis that if the 2009 and 2010 denv-1 genome sequences are similar, then vertical transmission of denv-1 from infected ae. aegypti female mosquitoes to their eggs could have served as an interepidemic reservoir between outbreaks. we also investigated the ability of florida aedes albopictus (skuse) mosquitoes to vertical ...024843934
the toll and imd pathways are not required for wolbachia-mediated dengue virus interference.wolbachia blocks dengue virus replication in drosophila melanogaster as well as in aedes aegypti. using the drosophila model and mutations in the toll and imd pathways, we showed that neither pathway is required for expression of the dengue virus-blocking phenotype in the drosophila host. this provides additional evidence that the mechanistic basis of wolbachia-mediated dengue virus blocking in insects is more complex than simple priming of the host insect innate immune system.201323986574
the distribution of synonymous codon choice in the translation initiation region of dengue virus.dengue is the most common arthropod-borne viral (arboviral) illness in humans. the genetic features concerning the codon usage of dengue virus (denv) were analyzed by the relative synonymous codon usage, the effective number of codons and the codon adaptation index. the evolutionary distance between denv and the natural hosts (homo sapiens, pan troglodytes, aedes albopictus and aedes aegypti) was estimated by a novel formula. finally, the synonymous codon usage preference for the translation ini ...201324204777
towards a casa segura: a consumer product study of the effect of insecticide-treated curtains on aedes aegypti and dengue virus infections in the home.the home, or domicile, is the principal environment for transmission of dengue virus (denv) between humans and mosquito vectors. community-wide distribution of insecticide-treated curtains (itcs), mimicking vector control program-driven interventions, has shown promise to reduce denv infections. we conducted a casa segura consumer product intervention study in mérida, mexico to determine the potential to reduce intradomicillary denv transmission through itc use in individual homes. dengue virus ...201323732254
regulation of aedes aegypti population dynamics in field systems: quantifying direct and delayed density dependence.transgenic strains of aedes aegypti have been engineered to help control transmission of dengue virus. although resources have been invested in developing the strains, we lack data on the ecology of mosquitoes that could impact the success of this approach. although studies of intra-specific competition have been conducted using ae. aegypti larvae, none of these studies examine mixed age cohorts at densities that occur in the field, with natural nutrient levels. experiments were conducted in mex ...201323669230
infection with dengue-2 virus alters proteins in naturally expectorated saliva of aedes aegypti mosquitoes.dengue virus (denv) is responsible for up to approximately 300 million infections and an increasing number of deaths related to severe manifestations each year in affected countries throughout the tropics. it is critical to understand the drivers of this emergence, including the role of vector-virus interactions. when a denv-infected aedes aegypti mosquito bites a vertebrate, the virus is deposited along with a complex mixture of salivary proteins. however, the influence of a denv infection upon ...201424886023
influence of mosquito genotype on transcriptional response to dengue virus infection.the mosquito aedes aegypti is the principal vector that transmits dengue virus (denv) to humans. the primary factors that trigger a susceptible or refractory interaction of a. aegypti with denv are not well understood. in this study, our aim is to characterize the influence of vector genotype on differential gene expression of susceptible vs. refractory a. aegypti strains to denv infection. to accomplish that, we identified differential expression of a set of complementary dnas (cdnas; n = 9,504 ...201424798794
comparing dengue and chikungunya emergence and endemic transmission in a. aegypti and a. albopictus.chikungunya and dengue are re-emerging mosquito-borne infectious diseases that are of increasing concern as human travel and expanding mosquito ranges increase the risk of spread. we seek to understand the differences in transient and endemic behavior of chikungunya and dengue; risk of emergence for different virus-vector assemblages; and the role that virus evolution plays in disease dynamics and risk. to address these questions, we adapt a mathematical mosquito-borne disease model to chikungun ...201424801860
apropos: 'preliminary evaluation on the efficiency of the kit platelia dengue ns1 ag-elisa to detect dengue virus in dried aedes aegypti: a potential tool to improve dengue surveillance'.only simple, point-of-care, assay formats of the platellia dengue ns1 ag-elisa would be suitable to identify dengue virus in aedes aegypti mosquitoes in dengue-endemic areas lacking sophisticated laboratory infrastructure and trained laboratory personnel.201424779373
development and evaluation of a novel contamination device that targets multiple life-stages of aedes aegypti.the increasing global threat of dengue demands new and easily applicable vector control methods. ovitraps provide a low-tech and inexpensive means to combat dengue vectors. here we describe the development and optimization process of a novel contamination device that targets multiple life-stages of the aedes aegypti mosquito. special focus is directed to the diverse array of control agents deployed in this trap, covering adulticidal, larvicidal and autodissemination impacts.201424766772
winter refuge for aedes aegypti and ae. albopictus mosquitoes in hanoi during winter.dengue occurs throughout the year in hanoi, vietnam, despite winter low temperatures <10°c. during july 2010 to march 2012, we surveyed monthly for aedes larvae and pupae in 120 houses in 8 hanoi districts. aedes albopictus preferred discarded containers in summer and pupal density drastically decreased in winter. aedes aegypti preferred concrete tanks and this preference increased in winter. even in winter, the lowest water temperature found in concrete tanks was >14°c, exceeding the developmen ...201424752230
air travel is associated with intracontinental spread of dengue virus serotypes 1-3 in brazil.dengue virus and its four serotypes (denv-1 to denv-4) infect 390 million people and are implicated in at least 25,000 deaths annually, with the largest disease burden in tropical and subtropical regions. we investigated the spatial dynamics of denv-1, denv-2 and denv-3 in brazil by applying a statistical framework to complete genome sequences. for all three serotypes, we estimated that the introduction of new lineages occurred within 7 to 10-year intervals. new lineages were most likely to be i ...201424743730
urban epidemic of dengue virus serotype 3 infection, senegal, urban epidemic of dengue in senegal during 2009 affected 196 persons and included 5 cases of dengue hemorrhagic fever and 1 fatal case of dengue shock syndrome. dengue virus serotype 3 was identified from all patients, and aedes aegypti mosquitoes were identified as the primary vector of the virus.024572297
Displaying items 1101 - 1200 of 2590