comparison of radioimmunoassay with the complement fixation test and the indirect haemolysis test in the field diagnosis of bovine brucellosis. | sera were collected from female cattle in 118 commercial herds being subjected to a programme to eradicate brucellosis by test and slaughter, in an area in which vaccination of heifer calves with brucella abortus strain 19 was compulsory. of 4583 sera positive by the rose bengal plate test, the brucellosis radioimmunoassay was positive for 1524, the complement fixation test for 1363 and the indirect haemolysis test for 1141. these figures, and supporting evidence from the eradication programme, ... | 1983 | 6401777 |
persistent plaque formation in experimental murine brucellosis. | primary plaque forming cells (pfc) are present in spleens of mice 150 days or more following an infection with brucella abortus. the development of primary plaques in mice long after antigenic challenge is an uncommon phenomenon, unlike the plaque formation (pf) induced by a non-living antigen. the mechanism of this persistent pf has been now investigated in light of a prolonged persistence of the corresponding antigen in tissues. living e. coli, inoculated in massive dose into mice, survived in ... | 1983 | 6402336 |
detection of brucella antibodies of different immunoglobulin classes in cow milk by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. | enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays were conducted on milk of cows from which brucella abortus was isolated and that of noninfected controls. horseradish peroxidase-labeled rabbit antibovine immunoglobulins igg, igg1, and iga were used as conjugates. a heat-killed whole-cell suspension of b abortus strain 19 was used as the antigen. differences in antibody profiles were observed in milk of cows from which b abortus was isolated and in milk of noninfected cows. antibody profiles were similar in mi ... | 1983 | 6402961 |
an evaluation of the anamnestic test for brucellosis in cattle of the northern pastoral area. | an investigation of the anamnestic test for brucellosis using brucella abortus 45/20 vaccine was carried out in 3 groups of weaner cattle on 2 farms in western queensland. each group originally consisted of about 500 cattle. they were bled before and at 6 or 10 weeks after vaccination and again in the following year. the serums were tested by the complement fixation (cft), rose bengal (rbt) and indirect haemolysis tests (ihlt). most of the cattle reacting to one or more of the tests were killed ... | 1983 | 6403007 |
serological response of calfhood strain 19 vaccinated cows to oral dosing with brucella abortus strain 19. | | 1983 | 6403009 |
comparison of an agar-gel immunodiffusion test with other serological methods for differentiating brucella infected from vaccinated cattle. | an agar-gel immunodiffusion test was compared with other serological tests for detection of antibodies in the sera of 48 cattle vaccinated with brucella abortus strain 19. two hundred forty-two sera were tested over a 12 month period, and addition of positive reactions for each test resulted in totals of 170 for the card test, 74 for the standard tube-agglutination test, 71 for the 2-mercaptoethanol test, 64 for the dithiothreitol test and 22 for the agar-gel immunodiffusion test. | 1983 | 6403209 |
affinity purification of bovine antibodies to brucella abortus lipopolysaccharide. | alkali-treated lipopolysaccharide from brucella abortus s1119.3 coupled to agarose beads by cyanogen bromide activation resulted in an immunoadsorbent with which a large amount of b. abortus-specific antibodies could be purified. the method described gave alkali-treated lipopolysaccharide binding efficiencies of up to 98%. there was little loss of alkali-treated lipopolysaccharide from the column after several ph shifts, allowing the immunoadsorbent to be regenerated and used repeatedly. | 1983 | 6403576 |
haemolysis in gel test for detecting bovine antibodies to brucella abortus lipopolysaccharide. | optimal reagent parameters for a haemolysis in gel test for detection of bovine anti-brucella abortus antibody were established. using an alkali-treated crude lipopolysaccharide antigen attached to j-negative bovine erythrocytes, 0.125 mg of antigen, 0.1 ml of erythrocytes and 0.4 ml of guinea pig complement were required to perform 15 tests with appropriate serum controls. the haemolysis in gel test and an igm radioimmunoassay (ria) procedure were compared for their ability to detect the onset ... | 1983 | 6403975 |
influence of the culture conditions of brucella abortus on its antitumor properties. | a heat-inactivated rough mutant of b. abortus increased resistance to a transplantable lymphoma when cultured on solid agar (ag) but not when cultured on a fluid medium (fl). the ag organisms were smaller, more toxic and induced more interferon 2 h after injection than fl. they also contained a phospholipid (cardiolipin) absent from fl preparations. | 1983 | 6404552 |
binding of brucella abortus whole cell and lipopolysaccharide antigens to plastics. | various buffers (0.2 m acetate, ph 4.2; 0.01 m phosphate with 0.15 m sodium chloride, ph 7.2; 0.15 m borate, ph 8.2 and 0.025 m carbonate, ph 9.6) were used as coating buffers with brucella abortus alkali treated lipopolysaccharide on two types of plastic matrices. maximum binding occurred using the phosphate buffer. however, as was the case with the other buffers 50 per cent or more of the antigen was removed by five washing procedures. b abortus s19 or s2308, suspended in ammonium acetate-carb ... | 1983 | 6407079 |
immunochemical studies on brucella abortus lipopolysaccharides. | the antigenic-toxic complex of b. abortus isolated in the phenol phase of phenol/water system, is a lipopolysaccharide (lps)-protein macromolecule. the specific side chain was isolated from this complex by means of pronase treatment and mild hcl cleavage, followed by fractionation on sephadex. the side chain thus isolated lost its capacity to coat erythrocytes but not that of neutralizing antibodies, as shown in the hemagglutination inhibition test. esterification of the side chain with lauryl s ... | 1983 | 6407237 |
immune serum-mediated effects on brucellosis evolution in mice. | immune serum injected into mice before a footpad challenge of virulent strain brucella abortus 544 can prevent dissemination of infection to the spleen. sera from mice infected with brucella for at least 2 months or from mice vaccinated with a protein-bound cell wall peptidoglycan brucella fraction completely stopped dissemination. brucella lipopolysaccharide and polysaccharide cross-reacting yersinia immune sera reduced dissemination. both peptidoglycan and lipopolysaccharide immune sera inject ... | 1983 | 6408007 |
t cell dependence and factor reconstitution of in vitro antibody responses to tnp-b. abortus and tnp-ficoll: restoration of depleted responses with chromatographed fractions of a t cell-derived factor. | in vitro anti-trinitrophenyl (tnp) antibody responses to tnp conjugates of killed brucella abortus organisms (tnp-ba), an antigen previously designated as a type 1 thymus-independent (ti-1) antigen, are markedly diminished after vigorous depletion of t cells, as are the responses to the type 2 ti (ti-2) antigen, tnp-ficoll. we, therefore, propose that these antigens be redesignated as type 1 and type 2, respectively, to reflect their t cell dependence but to differentiate them from classical t c ... | 1983 | 6408185 |
immune depression in bovine trypanosomiasis: effects of acute and chronic trypanosoma congolense and chronic trypanosoma vivax infections on antibody response to brucella abortus vaccine. | cattle were vaccinated with brucella abortus (s19) vaccine during acute (25 days) and chronic (25 weeks) trypanosoma congolense and chronic trypanosoma vivax (25 weeks) infections in order to determine the effect of such infections on the antibody response to the vaccine. it was found that the specific antibody responses of igg1 and igg2 sub-classes were profoundly depressed (80%) in both the acute and chronic infections with t. congolense. whereas igm antibody response was also profoundly depre ... | 1983 | 6408588 |
application of indomethacin as a potentiator of lymphocyte blastogenesis in brucella abortus exposed cattle. | lymphocytes from brucella abortus field strain infected, strain 19 vaccinated, non-exposed and field strain infected, but immunologically unresponsive cattle were incubated with b. abortus antigen and indomethacin. there were significant increases (p less than 0.005) in the blastogenic responses, as measured by [3h] thymidine uptake, in cultures with indomethacin as compared to cultures without indomethacin. lymphocyte blastogenic responses to b. abortus antigen were potentiated by indomethacin ... | 1983 | 6408787 |
brucella abortus antigen-induced lymphocyte reactivity in guinea pigs. | a whole blood lymphocyte transformation (wblt) assay was used to detect anti-brucella lymphocyte reactivity in guinea pigs. brucella antigens stimulated an antigen-specific lymphoproliferative response in wblt assays from brucella abortus infected guinea pigs. the response was best detected from 6 to 16 weeks after challenge inoculation with viable b. abortus 2308. lymphocytes were not stimulated by unrelated bacterial antigens and control animals did not respond to the brucella antigens. the re ... | 1983 | 6408788 |
effect of oxytetracycline administration on antibody response to brucella abortus vaccination in calves. | in 5- to 7-month-old dairy calves, concurrent oxytetracycline administration and subcutaneous vaccination with 10(9) brucella abortus strain 19 organisms reduced the percentage of animals with detectable humoral antibodies to brucella abortus, when compared with untreated vaccinated calves of the same age range. the reduction of antibody reaction in the card test was less than that associated with the injection of 10(9) heat-killed brucella abortus strain 19 organisms. | 1983 | 6409863 |
response of the badger (meles meles) to infection with brucella abortus. | three badgers exposed to conjunctival instillation of brucella abortus strain 544 developed a mild subclinical infection accompanied by the production of agglutinating and complement fixing antibodies. six months after inoculation, the infection could not be detected in one badger and was confined to lymphoid tissue in the other two. no cell mediated immune response to b abortus antigens could be detected by in vitro lymphocyte transformation tests or intradermal tests for delayed hypersensitivi ... | 1983 | 6410474 |
the serological response of adult cattle to vaccination with reduced dose brucella abortus s19, a trial under zambian conditions. | a total of 250 adult cows and 13 (young) heifers, all seronegative for brucellosis, were vaccinated with a reduced dose (3 x 10(9) strain 19 (s-19) vaccine. twelve months after vaccination all cattle were negative to the serological tests. the results obtained are similar to those found by other authors and support the use of reduced dose s19 under the local conditions found in zambia. | 1983 | 6410579 |
immunoregulation in the rat: requirements for in vitro b cell responses to classical ti-1 and ti-2 antigens. | the presence of suppressor cells and their mediators has made it difficult to induce b cell mitogenic or immune responses in rat spleen cell cultures. in the present study, we have defined culture conditions required for induction of in vitro thymic independent (ti) immune responses in the rat. rat spleen cell cultures support low responses to various trinitrophenyl (tnp) haptenated antigens including tnp-brucella abortus (tnp-ba), tnp-lipopolysaccharide [lps; either phenol (ph)- or butanol (bu) ... | 1983 | 6411810 |
antitumor activity of cell walls from brucella abortus. | the ip inoculation of inactivated brucella abortus, strain b19 r, protected mice against a subsequent graft of an ascites lymphoma. the bacterial components responsible for this effect were investigated. centrifugation supernatants of sonicated bacteria supposed to contain mainly cytoplasmic products did not offer protection against the lymphoma. cell walls (cw's) prepared by enzyme digestion of pellets of lysed bacteria and checked for purity by electron microscopy prolonged survival of mice an ... | 1983 | 6411957 |
derivation of monoclonal antibodies against brucella abortus antigens. | in vivo immunization, fusion, antibody detection, and cryopreservation procedures for monoclonal antibody production against antigens of brucella abortus are described. splenocytes from balb/c mice immunized with irradiated b. abortus s2308 were fused with sp2/o-ag14 myeloma cells and 61 hybridomas secreting anti-brucella antibodies were cloned. hybridoma antibody synthesis was detected effectively and most efficiently by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays. antibodies from clones of hybridoma a2 ... | 1983 | 6412427 |
differentiation of cytotoxic adherent cells from peroxidase positive cells after intraperitoneal injection of brucella abortus organisms. | the relations between the cytotoxic adherent cells (cac) and the peroxidase positive adherent cells (ppac) which appeared after i.p. injection of brucella abortus were investigated. a kinetic study showed that ppac preceeded cac. twenty-four hours after bacterial injection, almost all adherent cells stained for peroxidase and no cytotoxic activity could be recorded. cells sampled at this moment acquired cytotoxic properties by cultivation in lps containing medium. the treatment of the bacterial ... | 1983 | 6413436 |
resistance and susceptibility of mice to bacterial infection. iv. functional specificity in natural resistance to facultative intracellular bacteria. | the effect of opsonic antibody on resistance of susceptibility of three strains of mice, c57bl/10, balb/c, and cba to the intracellular bacteria listeria monocytogenes, salmonella typhimurium, and brucella abortus was tested. bacteria were opsonized by serum treatment before their injection into mice, or the mice were preimmunized by injection with alcohol killed bacteria which induces antibody without macrophage activation. antibody did not increase the rate of clearance of listeria from the bl ... | 1983 | 6413682 |
interaction of specifically purified isotypes of bovine antibody to brucella abortus in the haemolysis in gel test and enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. | the detection limits for purified bovine igm, igg1 and igg2 antibody to brucella abortus in the haemolysis in gel test and in an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (elisa) were established. the limits for igm, igg1 and igg2, respectively, were: 5500, 60 and 4850 ng of antibody in the lytic test and 2750, 3.5 and 16 ng in the elisa test. bovine igg2 produced lysis only in the presence of fresh, whole bovine serum. | 1983 | 6414064 |
protection by oral administration of brucella abortus strain 19 against an oral challenge exposure with a pathogenic strain of brucella. | twenty heifers were vaccinated orally with brucella abortus strain 19. these heifers and 21 control heifers were challenge exposed in midgestation with strain 2308 by the oral route. ten of 19 pregnant control heifers aborted and 14 were culture positive. two additional heifers were seropositive at slaughter. strain 2308 was recovered from 4 vaccinates at slaughter; none of the vaccinates aborted. titers after oral vaccination persisted for less than 82 days. | 1983 | 6414347 |
establishment of an inbred line of mice that express a synergistic immune defect precluding in vitro responses to type 1 and type 2 antigens, b cell mitogens, and a number of t cell-derived helper factors. | introduction of the cba/n x-linked gene into c3h mice has resulted in the establishment of a new strain of mice that has profound immunologic defects. b cells from these mice show significantly impaired in vitro immune responses to the t cell-independent type 1 antigen trinitrophenyl-brucella abortus (tnp-ba) as well as markedly reduced proliferative responses to a number of b cell mitogens when compared with the responses of the parental control mice. the in vivo response of such mice to tnp-ba ... | 1983 | 6415204 |
the anamnestic response to brucella abortus-infected and vaccinated cattle. | fifty-four cattle were sensitised to brucella antigens either by vaccination with brucella abortus strain 19 (s19) or b. abortus 45/20 (s45/20) and 24 of these were challenged 12 weeks after mating with virulent b. abortus strain 544 (s544). a further 12 cattle which were not vaccinated were exposed to s544. after 40 weeks, all these cattle (66), together with 5 cattle which were not sensitised by vaccination or challenge were subsequently inoculated with one dose of s45/20 and the anamnestic re ... | 1983 | 6415897 |
a serologic survey of brucellosis in white-tailed deer (odocoileus virginianus) in missouri. | during the hunting seasons of 1979 and 1980, sera were collected from 713 white-tailed deer in missouri and tested for antibodies to brucella abortus using the standard tube agglutination, standard plate agglutination, brucella buffered antigen card agglutination and rivanol agglutination tests. only one sample was considered to be positive for brucella antibodies. this study demonstrated that white-tailed deer in missouri were not an important reservoir host of brucellosis. | 1983 | 6417351 |
[case of chronic seronegative brucellosis with growth of brucella abortus isolated from the organs of the deceased patient]. | | 1983 | 6417630 |
assessment of an intradermal test for the detection of bovine brucellosis. | forty-eight cattle were sensitised to brucella antigens either by vaccination with brucella abortus strain 19 (s19) or b. abortus 45/20 (s45/20) ad 24 of these and 12 unvaccinated cattle were subsequently challenged with virulent b. abortus strain 544 (s544). all these cattle (n = 60), together with 12 control cattle which were neither vaccinated nor challenged, were subsequently subjected to an intradermal test using a s45/20 protein antigen. reactions were interpreted subjectively by observati ... | 1983 | 6417883 |
an indirect enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay for the detection of antibodies to brucella abortus in procine sera. | | 1983 | 6418328 |
failure of brucella abortus lipopolysaccharide (lps) to activate the alternative pathway of complement. | bovine erythrocytes (e) coated with either crude or purified preparations of brucella abortus lps were not lysed by human complement (c) in the presence of the chelating agent ethyleneglycol-bis-n, n'-tetraacetic acid (egta). on the other hand, bovine red cells coated with salmonella typhimurium lps were lysed by human c in egta. b. abortus lps preparations did not cause fluid phase human c consumption in the presence of calcium and magnesium ions. however, as expected, s. typhimurium lps consum ... | 1983 | 6419447 |
evidence of three major polypeptide species and two major polysaccharide species in the brucella outer membrane. | polypeptide and polysaccharide outer membrane components of brucella abortus 99 (s) were investigated by analysis of cell-wall fractions by sodium dodecyl-sulfate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and staining with coomassie blue and periodic acid silver stain. crude cell-walls were deprived by triton x-100 treatment of most cytoplasmic material as seen by electron microscopy and cytochrome determination (cell-walls). they were submitted to hot sds to obtain intentionally after centrifugation, ... | 1983 | 6419668 |
kinetics of placental colonization of mice inoculated intravenously with brucella abortus at day 15 of pregnancy. | when 15-day pregnant mice were challenged i.v. with 1 to 2 x 10(4) virulent brucella abortus strain 544, the bacteria were recovered from all the placental discs and spleens of the dams, as few as 5 min post-challenge. kinetics in both organs differed greatly. in spleens, the fraction of the inoculum recovered increased from 3-20%, from 5 min-6 h post-challenge. brucella multiplication was low from 24-72 h. in each placenta, there was first an immediate dissemination of less than 0.1% of the ino ... | 1983 | 6419765 |
vaccine and serum-mediated protection against brucella infection of mouse placenta. | pregnant mice inoculated i.p. or i.v. with virulent brucella abortus strain 544 displayed strong infection, evidenced by brucella enumeration in placentas and dams' spleens. vaccination 1 month before pregnancy decreased frequency of placental colonization and number of brucella per infected placenta and per spleen. protein-bound cell wall peptidoglycan (pg) fractions extracted from brucella protected mice as well as h38 killed and b19 attenuated living vaccines. the lipopolysaccharide (lps) fra ... | 1983 | 6419766 |
phase i study of immunotherapy by live brucella abortus (strain 19 ba) in cancer patients. | twenty-eight patients showing negative responses against brucella antigens were included in a preliminary trial of immunotherapy by a live brucella abortus vaccine. seventeen patients had squamous cell lung carcinoma, eight had acute myeloid leukemia, and three were classified as "others." brucella abortus strain 19 ba was administered sc in a single injection at doses ranging from 5 x 10(7) viable organisms to 10(10), ie, 40 times the usual vaccine dose. no important toxicity was noted. edemato ... | 1984 | 6421482 |
immunochemical characterization of rough brucella lipopolysaccharides. | lipopolysaccharides (lps) were extracted from rough strains of brucella abortus and brucella melitensis and from strains of the naturally occurring rough species brucella ovis and brucella canis. brucella rough lipopolysaccharides (r-lps) were readily distinguished from brucella smooth lipopolysaccharides (s-lps) and enterobacterial r-lps, by their chemical, physical, and serological characteristics. b. ovis r-lps was differentiated from b. abortus, b. melitensis, and b. canis r-lps by its react ... | 1984 | 6421737 |
application of an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay for detection of brucella antigens in vaginal discharge of cows. | an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (elisa) was developed for detecting brucella abortus. carbodiimide cyanamide was used as an antigen-coupling agent and nh4cl was used to neutralize residual active charges present on the cuvette surface. suitable elisa reactions were observed in vaginal swabs placed in phosphate-buffered saline solution. the elisa described may be useful under controlled laboratory conditions for detecting b abortus-infected cows shedding bacteria in vaginal secretions. | 1984 | 6422806 |
[morphogenesis of chronic granulomatous inflammation in relation to the variability of the biological properties of the causative agent]. | the relationship between morphogenesis of granuloma and biological properties of an infectious agent was studied on the model of experimental brucellosis induced by the r strain of brucella abortus bovis. the inflammatory reaction in the animals infested with the r-strain of brucella was found to be considerably reduced: the granulomas were smaller and had an appearance of focal accumulations of mononuclear phagocytes without a tendency for transformation into epithelioid and multinuclear giant ... | 1984 | 6424637 |
human thymus-independent antibody response in vitro: iii. precursor frequencies and fine specificity of human b cells stimulated by tnp-ba in the presence and absence of con a. | previously, we reported that human b lymphocytes can be stimulated by trinitrophenylated brucella abortus (tnp-ba) in vitro to generate t-independent (ti) hapten specific plaque-forming cells (pfc). furthermore we showed that addition of con a on day 3 of culture enhanced the anti-tnp response. in this report the characteristics of the anti-tnp pfc responses elicited by tnp-ba in the presence or absence of con a were further defined by estimating precursor frequencies and clone sizes, and by ass ... | 1984 | 6424950 |
experimental infection of gray foxes (urocyon cinereoargenteus) with brucella abortus. | ten gray foxes, eight principals that were fed approximately 4.4 x 10(10) colony forming units of brucella abortus strain 2308 and two controls, were examined for serologic responses and tissue distribution of the organisms. blood sera from each fox were tested on the day of exposure and at seven weekly intervals for antibodies to b. abortus, using the brucellosis card, standard tube agglutination, 2-mercaptoethanol and rivanol tests. control foxes were serologically negative for all tests throu ... | 1984 | 6425511 |
effect of selection for delayed amelanosis on immune response in chickens. 1. antibody production. | studies were conducted to compare the antibody production of the delayed amelanotic (dam) line of chickens with that of the line from which it originated, the brown line (br), and a distantly related environmental control, the light brown leghorn (lbl). total agglutinating antibody titers following immunization with sheep red blood cells (srbc) or brucella abortus (ba), were determined at 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 16, and 20 weeks. the srbc titers of dam line birds were significantly higher than those of ... | 1984 | 6425816 |
reaction of human colostral and early milk antibodies with oral streptococci. | colostrum or early breast milk or both from each of 16 healthy women contained agglutinating antibodies for all normal streptococcal inhabitants of the human oral cavity (s. mutans, s. sanguis, s. mitis, and s. salivarius), including those which colonize the neonatal oral cavity in significant numbers. agglutination correlated with the amount of immunoglobulin a (iga) binding to bacterial surfaces as measured by mixed reverse passive antiglobulin hemagglutination. surprisingly, colostral iga agg ... | 1984 | 6427113 |
brucella abortus endocarditis following ingestion of cow's blood. | | 1984 | 6427635 |
the use of the microagglutination technique to determine the antibody status of healthy new zealanders to brucella abortus. | sera from healthy blood donors from different parts of new zealand, collected between 1977 and 1980, were analysed by the microagglutination technique for antibodies against brucella abortus. populations from both urban and rural areas were studied. the technique was shown to be capable of handling the 3351 sera studied and thus to be a useful screening test to assess the immune status of large populations. the results demonstrated some of the effects on the human population of the successful bo ... | 1984 | 6429239 |
serologic studies on brucellosis, leptospirosis and tularemia in moose (alces alces) in quebec. | blood samples were obtained from 208 moose in la vérendrye and matane reserves and in laurentides park, quebec, canada. sera were tested for antibodies to brucella abortus, leptospira interrogans serovar ballum, canicola, grippotyphosa, hardjo, icterohaemorrhagiae and pomona, and francisella tularensis. fifteen sera contained evidence of prior exposure to f. tularensis. only one animal was a seroreactor to l. interrogans serovar grippotyphosa and none of them had antibodies to b. abortus. | 1984 | 6429355 |
evidence for amelioration of steroid-mediated immunosuppression by ascorbic acid. | four experiments were conducted to determine if supplemental ascorbic acid (aa) would ameliorate the immunosuppression induced by exogenous cortisol (col). supplemental aa was provided in the diets at levels of 0 and 1000 ppm. administration of col significantly lowered plasma aa at both 0 and 10 days postimmunization, and aa supplementation elevated plasma aa at both times. cortisol-treated chicks exhibited significantly reduced agglutinins to sheep red blood cells but not to brucella abortus. ... | 1984 | 6429659 |
hemolysis in gel test for detection of bovine antibodies to brucella abortus: comparison of antigens and test modifications. | killed brucella abortus strain 1119-3 cells were treated with hot phenol/water or dimethyl sulfoxide to extract soluble crude lipopolysaccharide antigen. antigen preparations were characterized with respect to protein and lipopolysaccharide content and were compared for efficacy in the hemolysis-in-gel test (higt) for detecting anti-brucella antibodies. all antigens were equally effective in sensitizing bovine rbc in the higt and in detecting the presence of anti-brucella antibodies. a slide mod ... | 1984 | 6430135 |
differentiation of brucella ovis from brucella abortus by gas-liquid chromatographic analysis of cellular fatty acids. | the cellular fatty acid composition of brucella ovis and brucella abortus strains was determined by gas-liquid chromatography. both species were characterized by the presence of fatty acids 16:0, 17:0, 17:0 cyclopropane, 18:0, 18:1, and 19:0 cyclopropane; b. ovis also contained some 15:0. there were differences in the relative proportions of the fatty acids present, and it was possible to differentiate b. ovis from b. abortus on the basis of the absence of 15:0, lower concentrations of 17:0 and ... | 1984 | 6432837 |
lung lesions in bovine fetuses aborted by brucella abortus. | considering the poor facilities available for microbiological diagnosis in some countries where brucella abortus is a frequent cause of bovine abortion, a study was conducted to determine if isolation of b. abortus from an aborted bovine fetus could be predicted from a detailed histological study of the formalized lung. thirty-nine samples of b. abortus positive and 20 negative fetal samples were examined for the presence of 14 different pulmonary lesions. differences in the frequency of observe ... | 1984 | 6434166 |
comparison of sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis profiles and antigenic relatedness among outer membrane proteins of 49 brucella abortus strains. | outer membrane proteins were solubilized from 49 strains of brucella abortus by sequential extraction of physically disrupted cells with n-lauroylsarcosinate and a dipolar ionic detergent (verstreate et al., infect. immun. 35:979-989, 1982). the strains tested included standard agglutination test strain 1119, virulent strain 2308, and eight reference strains representing each of the biotypes; the remainder were isolates from cattle in north america with natural infections and included biotypes 1 ... | 1984 | 6434426 |
induction of immune and adjuvant immunoglobulin g responses in mice by brucella lipopolysaccharide. | the immunogenic and adjuvant properties of brucella abortus and escherichia coli lipopolysaccharides (lpss) were studied in endotoxin-responsive, athymic, and euthymic balb/c mice and in responsive c3h/heau mice and congenic nonresponsive c3h/hej mice. consistent with previous reports, e. coli lps did not stimulate significant primary or secondary antibody responses in c3h/hej mice and induced the production of immunoglobulin m (igm) and low levels of igg in c3h/heau mice. in contrast, b. abortu ... | 1984 | 6434430 |
a micromethod for agglutination and antiglobulin tests for antibody to brucella abortus. | a micromethod has been developed for the standard agglutination and antihuman globulin tests for serum antibodies to brucella abortus. the test uses a haematoxylin-stained antigen. the test is simple and quick to perform and, in a comparison at two centres involving 367 sera, the micromethod was found to be more sensitive than the classical test. it is highly suitable both for routine serological screening and for large-scale surveys of occupationally exposed industrial groups. | 1984 | 6434543 |
[serological study of the presence of antibodies against coxiella burnetti and brucella abortus in veterinarians in the netherlands]. | two hundred and twenty-two large animal practitioners in the netherlands were studied serologically for the presence of antibodies to coxiella burnetii (q-fever) and brucella abortus. eighty-four percent showed antibodies to coxiella burnetii, which were equally distributed over all age-groups. for blood donors the proportion in men was 31 per cent and 14 per cent in women, also equally distributed over all age-groups. in the case of brucella abortus, the number of veterinarians showing antibodi ... | 1984 | 6435281 |
solid-phase radioimmunoassay for the detection of immunoglobulins against bovine brucella abortus. | a sensitive radioimmunoassay for the detection of brucella abortus antibody is described. the assay, performed in flexible 96-well microplates coated with brucella abortus antigens, utilizes 125i-labeled staphylococcal protein a to detect antibody to brucella abortus. the parameters of the assay have been analyzed using well recognized statistical methods. least squares analysis of antigen concentration, antiserum dilution, antigen by antiserum and replicates within antigen by antiserum, estimat ... | 1984 | 6435304 |
[brucella abortus biotypes found in cattle in morocco: a preliminary study]. | | 1984 | 6436089 |
[antitumor activity of products extracted from brucella abortus]. | | 1984 | 6436091 |
properties of an immunogenic fraction from brucella abortus 45/20. | hot saline extracts of brucella abortus strain 45/20 contain up to 4 protein components. some of these components are shared with other brucella strains but one appears specific to b. abortus 45/20 or possibly other non-smooth brucella strains. the extracts are antigenic in guinea-pigs and evoke protective immunity against virulent b. abortus. the rough antigen specific activity appears to be associated with a protein component rather than lipopolysaccharide. | 1984 | 6436092 |
a study of immunological cross-reaction between yersinia enterocolitica 0:9 and brucella abortus. | in this paper, the immunological cross-reaction between yersinia enterocolitica 0:9 (y-9) and brucella abortus has been studied with the following results: it has been demonstrated that serological cross-reaction exists between the organisms and the agglutination titer of y-9 antigen and anti-brucella human sera is lower than that between brucella antigen and yersinia anti-sera. y-9 antigen can only be agglutinated by brucella monospecific serum "a", but not by serum "m" or "r". 24-48 hours afte ... | 1984 | 6436093 |
biochemical and biological properties of soluble protein preparations from brucella abortus. | soluble salt-extractable protein antigens (csp) from brucella abortus may be of potential value as a vaccine and as a diagnostic reagent for the prevention and diagnosis of bovine brucellosis. these protein antigens, excluding protoplasmic proteins, are those present in the matrix of the outer membrane and in the periplasmic space of gram-negative bacteria. our research deals mainly with the proteins of the periplasmic space and the nonporin proteins of the outer membrane. we have isolated a gro ... | 1984 | 6436094 |
interaction of escherichia coli matrix protein with brucella abortus peptidoglycan and chitin. | although 10-20 mm mgcl2 in sds at 37 degrees c extracted significant amounts of brucella abortus 45/20 peptidoglycan associated proteins (pgap) from 50 degrees c sds-extracted cell envelopes, extraction of pgap of escherichia coli k-12 required at least 50 mm mgcl2. to study the basis for this difference, pgap were bound to peptidoglycans and chitin in the presence and absence of lipopolysaccharide and the conditions for their reextraction examined. e. coli pgap bound to both e. coli and b. abor ... | 1984 | 6436096 |
recent progress in the diagnosis of brucellosis. | progress since 1975 in the development of methods for the diagnosis of brucellosis is summarized. standard serological diagnosis improved with increased use of acidified antigen agglutination and complement fixation tests. immunoassays, tests based on the lysis of lipopolysaccharide coated erythrocytes and tests using new antigens have increased the sensitivity and specificity of serological results. the field of cellular immunology has seen the development and field evaluation of a skin test us ... | 1984 | 6436099 |
[elisa immunoenzymatic test for studying and titrating brucella abortus antibodies. choice of the antigen and reaction standardization]. | | 1984 | 6436106 |
an enzyme immunoassay for bovine brucellosis using a monoclonal antibody specific for field strains of brucella abortus. | the success of various attempts to discriminate serologically between vaccinated cattle and those infected with field strains of brucella abortus has been limited. a reliable assay that has this discriminating ability would greatly benefit the australian brucellosis eradication scheme. studies of similar diagnostic problems have shown that species and strain-specific monoclonal antibodies with diagnostic potential can be produced. therefore, the production of monoclonal antibodies specific for b ... | 1984 | 6436107 |
[indirect isolation of brucella abortus by inoculating mice via the placenta]. | | 1984 | 6436108 |
an hemolysis-in-gel test for bovine brucellosis. | an hemolysis-in-gel test (higt) for bovine antibody against brucella abortus was developed and evaluated. sera to be tested were placed in wells in an agarose gel containing guinea pig complement and j-negative bovine erythrocytes coated with lipopolysaccharide prepared from b. abortus biotype 1. after incubation, zones of hemolysis were produced by positive sera. the activity of some positive sera was heat labile, but was restored to heated sera by addition of a crude preparation of the first c ... | 1984 | 6436110 |
properties of brucella-phages lytic for non-smooth brucella strains. | a series of host-range mutants has been selected for brucella-phage r. two of these mutants designated r/o and r/c have been used for typing purposes. phage r/o is lytic for non-smooth strains of brucella abortus and for b. ovis. it is genetically unstable however and produces mutants lytic for smooth b. obortus and b. suis. phage r/c is lytic for non-smooth b. abortus and for b. ovis and b. canis. it is much more stable than phages r or r/o and shows little or no lytic activity on smooth brucel ... | 1984 | 6436113 |
[human brucellosis vaccine obtained from the phenol-insoluble fraction of brucella abortus strain b 19. production, control, standardization]. | | 1984 | 6436115 |
brucellosis in a farming community in saudi arabia. | this communication describes a study of the prevalence of brucellosis in a farming community of saudi arabia. standard agglutination tests of sera from 21 patients were tested for brucella abortus and brucella melitensis. the results show that 8 (38%) were positive with titres of 160 or over 20 480 and with titre of complement fixation tests ranging from 8 to 64. agglutination titres of 20 to 40 were present in only 3 cases. those patients with positive agglutination titre of 160 or higher admit ... | 1984 | 6436116 |
[characteristics of 273 strains of brucella abortus of african origin]. | 273 brucella strains from africa have been examined for identification and typing in our laboratory, since 1976. of these, 213 were isolated from senegal, 30 from togo, 12 from morocco, 10 from rwanda, 7 from guinea bissau and 1 from niger. 272 strains were from cattle. most of them (260) were from native animals that showed hygromas. 12 strains from morocco were isolated from aborted calves of the "pie noire" dairy breed. one strain was from a human case of brucellosis in rwanda. all the strain ... | 1984 | 6436118 |
an evaluation of the stability of brucella abortus strain 19 reduced dosage lyophilized vaccines produced by different methods. | replicate lots of multiple dose lyophilized brucella abortus strain 19 vaccine were prepared having four different cell concentrations and four different fill volumes. in addition, two different size vials utilizing cells prepared by three different methods were studied. this vaccine was maintained at four different storage temperatures and the viability determined periodically. there was no appreciable loss in viability that could be attributed to the method of cell preparation; however, marked ... | 1984 | 6436119 |
specific enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay for detection of bovine antibody to brucella abortus. | six soluble antigens prepared from brucella abortus were compared with a salt-extractable protein (csp) antigen in an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay for the detection of antibody to b. abortus in cattle sera. of seven preparations tested, antigens from b. abortus soluble antigen (prepared from an autoclaved cell suspension) and csp were stable on frozen storage. enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay with csp antigen under optimal conditions was from 100- to 700-fold more sensitive than the standa ... | 1984 | 6436294 |
newborn and wiskott-aldrich patient b cells can be activated by tnp-brucella abortus: evidence that tnp-brucella abortus behaves as a t-independent type 1 antigen in humans. | tnp-brucella abortus (tnp-ba) has been classified as a t-independent type 1 (ti-1) antigen in the mouse on the basis that it activates neonatal and cba/n (x-linked immunodeficient) murine b cells in contrast to t-independent type 2 (ti-2) antigens. therefore, it was of interest to determine whether human newborn and x-linked wiskott-aldrich syndrome b cells could be triggered by tnp-ba. previous studies had shown that human b cells from both these latter sources were relatively insensitive to st ... | 1984 | 6436369 |
experimental infection of captive axis deer with brucella abortus. | four captive-raised axis deer, axis axis (erxleben), which were negative serologically to brucella were inoculated with 1 x 10(8) virulent brucella abortus biotype 1 organisms (texas #221 isolate) administered bilaterally into the conjunctival sac. sera collected from each deer prior to inoculation and 30 days post-inoculation (pi) were examined for brucella antibodies by the buffered brucella antigen (card), the rivanol precipitation, the standard tube agglutination, and the cold complement fix ... | 1984 | 6436518 |
analysis and in vivo assay of b. abortus agglutinating and non-agglutinating antibodies. | studies were made of physicochemical and immunochemical characteristics of brucella abortus agglutinating and non-agglutinating antibodies in the sera of cattle repeatedly injected with living b. abortus (strain 1119). both agglutinating and non-agglutinating antibody were shown to be igg1, and by immunodiffusion against rabbit anti-cattle gamma-globulin, agglutinating antibody gave a precipitation line of identity with that given by non-agglutinating antibody. whilst agglutinating antibody incr ... | 1984 | 6437058 |
antigenic s-type lipopolysaccharide of brucella abortus 1119-3. | antigenic phenol-phase soluble lipopolysaccharide isolated from brucella abortus 1119-3 by hot phenol-water extraction was shown by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, controlled hydrolysis, periodate oxidation, methylation, and 1h and 13c nuclear magnetic resonance studies to be an s-type lipopolysaccharide which could be cleaved to yield a lipid a and an o-chain polysaccharide identified as an unbranched linear homopolymer of 1,2-linked 4,6-dideoxy-4-formamido-alpha-d-ma ... | 1984 | 6437981 |
serological confirmation of brucella abortus and yersinia enterocolitica o:9 o-antigens by monoclonal antibodies. | murine monoclonal antibodies that bind the o-antigens of yersinia enterocolitica serotype o:9 and brucella abortus 1119-3 were generated after immunization of balb/c mice with killed, whole cells. highly purified lipopolysaccharide preparations from each organism were used to screen for antigen-specific antibodies. immunization with b. abortus cells induced 56 antigen-specific hybrids, and 10 of the highest antibody-producing clones were selected for further study. seven of these clones secreted ... | 1984 | 6437982 |
a monoclonal antibody specific for the a antigen of brucella spp. | two murine monoclonal antibodies of the igg3 class have been isolated after immunization with brucella abortus. an indirect immunofluorescence test was used to screen hybridoma supernatants and subsequently to determine the cross-reactivity of the monoclonal antibodies with other bacteria. one monoclonal antibody reacted with all the smooth brucella biotypes tried and with yersinia enterocolitica serogroup 0:9, though not with rough br. ovis or with strains of escherichia, proteus, salmonella, p ... | 1984 | 6438272 |
characterization of salt-extractable protein antigens from brucella abortus by crossed immunoelectrophoresis and isoelectricfocusing. | salt-extractable protein antigens (csp) from brucella abortus strains 19 and 2308 (vaccine and virulent strains, respectively) were analysed by crossed immunoelectrophoresis (cie) using rabbit antisera to protein antigens and by isoelectricfocusing (ief) in polyacrylamide gels. the reference immunoelectrophoretic profiles developed for proteins from strain 19 and 2308 of b. abortus contained 20 and 25 immunoprecipitates, respectively. serum from cows experimentally infected or hyperimmunized wit ... | 1984 | 6438873 |
modification of humoral immune response in chickens following treatment with carrageenan. | carrageenan treatment of chickens resulted in splenomegaly and enlargement of bursa but had no effect on the thymus. the dose and route of administration had a profound effect on humoral immune response to brucella abortus and sheep red blood cells. antibody response to b. abortus was either unaffected or significantly enhanced, whereas response to red blood cells was severely suppressed. furthermore, delineation of the class of antibody response affected by the treatment, using 2-mercaptoethano ... | 1984 | 6438876 |
[recovery of the in vitro reactivity of splenic cells of cba/n mice toward type 2 thymus-independent antigens]. | cba/n mice bearing a chromosome x linked immunological deficiency (xid) cannot respond to type 2 thymus independent antigens (ti-2). however, when their spleen cells are in vitro simultaneously stimulated by both a ti-2 (fluorescein conjugated polyacrylamide, flu-paa) antigen and a type 1 thymus independent (trinitrophenyl conjugated brucella abortus, tnp-ba) antigen, their capacity to respond to the ti-2 antigen is recovered. on the contrary, thymus dependent (td) sheep red blood cells (srbc) a ... | 1984 | 6439390 |
selective effect of different retinoids on the primary antibody response in normal chickens. | the effect of three retinoids--retinoic acid, etretinate and trimethylmethoxyphenyl(tmmp)-retinoic acid--was studied on mitogen-induced lymphocyte transformation and on primary antibody response against brucella abortus and bovine serum albumin (bsa). none of the drugs had an effect on lymphocyte transformation. antibodies of igg and igm class were measured with a modified enzyme immunoassay, able to estimate separately the amounts of high avidity and total specific antibodies. no effect was see ... | 1984 | 6439684 |
detection of serum antibody to brucella abortus in cattle by use of a quantitative fluorometric immunoassay. | a quantitative fluorometric immunoassay (fiax) was adapted for the detection of serum antibodies to brucella abortus in cattle. results are expressed in nanograms of immunoglobulin binding the antigen carrier. the fiax was compared with the standard tube agglutination, rivanol precipitation, and complement fixation tests, using 285 serum samples from vaccinated, challenged, or control cattle. linear regression analysis indicated a significant correlation among all four serological tests; the fia ... | 1984 | 6440904 |
brucella antibodies in sudanese camels. | sera of 740 camels of both sexes from three regions of sudan were tested for antibodies to brucella abortus. the overall incidence of antibodies was 4.9%. the highest positive number of samples (7.5%) was from the eastern region followed by darfur region (3.1%) and the central region (2.0%). brucella antibodies were as frequent in males (5.6%) as females (4.5%). | 1984 | 6441322 |
a comparative study of elisa and other methods for the detection of brucella antibodies in bovine sera. | enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (elisa), using beta-galactosidase and a fluorigenic substrate, was used for the detection of antibodies to brucella abortus in bovine sera. among 677 animals from 9 brucellosis-free herds, none reacted in the elisa. among 785 animals from 23 brucellosis-infected herds, 336 were positive in elisa, 229 in the slow agglutination test (sat), 185 in the complement fixation test (cft), and 165 in the rose-bengal test (rbt). experimental infections were conducted with ... | 1984 | 6442027 |
evaluation of the enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay in the detection of cattle infected with brucella abortus. | one group of 51 cattle was vaccinated with b. abortus s19 (s19) and a further 51 cattle were vaccinated with b. abortus s45/20 (s45/20). forty-eight cattle (24 from each group) and a control group of 12 cattle were subsequently challenged with b. abortus s544. the enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (elisa) was used to detect specific igg and igm antibodies in these groups. all cattle vaccinated with s19 had high levels of igg and igm, but the s45/20 vaccine produced detectable antibody in only a ... | 1984 | 6442028 |
preparation, assessment and preservation of antigen from brucella abortus strain 45/20 for use in the rough antigen complement fixation test. | two methods of extraction were used to prepare antigens from brucella abortus rough strain 45/20. the antigens were assessed for use in the complement fixation test. a suitable antigen was prepared using the saline extraction method of miller et al. (1976) and used extensively in cf tests. four methods of preservation were compared; -20 degrees c, -196 degrees c, 0.5% phenol at 4 degrees c, and lyophilisation. the antigen could be stored at -20 degrees c or -196 degrees c for up to 2 years. | 1984 | 6442031 |
a brucellosis serological survey on beef cattle slaughtered at cato ridge abattoir. | a total of 5059 sera were collected from adult female beef cattle at cato ridge abattoir and tested for brucella abortus antibody levels over the period november, 1981 to august, 1982. the sera were screened using the rose bengal plate test, and the complement fixation test was used as the definitive test. seventy-seven sera (1,5%) had titres of 30 iu complement fixing b. abortus antibody per ml serum or greater. | 1984 | 6442735 |
isolation of brucella abortus from supramammary lymph nodes of cattle from infected herds vaccinated with low dose strain 19. | | 1984 | 6442860 |
brucellosis in poultry--an experimental study. | experimental brucellosis with brucella abortus has been studied in chickens, though antibody response and histopathological changes in the tissues of the birds were conspicuous and noticed consistently, it was not possible to isolate brucella organisms from lung, liver, spleen and faecal samples of the infected chickens. these observations suggested that birds are resistant to brucella infection and organisms succumb to death in vivo. | 1984 | 6442923 |
enhancing effect of surgical bursectomy on antibody response. | effect of surgical bursectomy on antibody response was studied in chicks injected intrabursally with sheep red blood cells (srbc) and brucella abortus on day 2 of life and challenged intravenously with the same antigens on day 9. bursectomy performed 2 days after the priming resulted in a significantly decreased anti-srbc plaque-forming cell (pfc) response, whereas bursectomy performed 4 or 5 days after the priming clearly enhanced the pfc response. the enhancing effect of bursectomy on the pfc ... | 1981 | 6457502 |
inhibition of secondary in vitro antibody responses by the third component of complement. | purified human c3 was found to inhibit rat in vitro secondary antibody responses. fifty percent inhibition of antibody-forming cell development occurred with c3 concentrations of 26 micrograms/ml. this decrease was not the result of a general toxicity or a shift in the antibody response kinetics. using cell mixing experiments, we could not detect a c3-induced suppressor lymphocyte or macrophage. c3 was active when added to culture early (day 0 or 1 or during a 24-hr antigen prepulse) or late (da ... | 1982 | 6460062 |
outer membrane proteins from rough strains of four brucella species. | outer membrane proteins from 15 rough strains of brucella abortus, b. ovis, b. canis, and b. melitensis were extracted with a dipolar detergent, and outer membrane proteins from selected strains were purified by anion exchange chromatography and gel filtration (verstreate et al., infect. immun. 35:979-989, 1982). outer membrane proteins produced two types of profiles on sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. one type, demonstrated by b. abortus, b. ovis, and b. canis strains, ... | 1984 | 6480106 |
campylobacter jejuni myocarditis. | a case of campylobacter jejuni (c. jejuni) myocarditis in a young man is described. c. jejuni was isolated from the patient's stools and he developed specific antibodies to this organism. tests for other etiological agents (salmonella, shigella, brucella abortus, beta-hemolytic streptococcus group a, treponema pallidum and coxsackievirus b) proved negative. | 1984 | 6488601 |
theoretical, practical and statistical basis for a general control method of activity for anti-brucella vaccines. | lots of five weeks old female cd-1 mice were vaccinated at several doses with living (b. abortus 19), killed whole cells or purified fractions vaccines. the doses were the number of bacterial cells injected per mouse, either viable (living vaccines), total (killed) or number calculated from the yield of extraction. the mice were intraperitoneally injected with a lyophilized standard challenge, 2 x 10(5) brucella abortus 544, thirty days after vaccination. in two assays, b. melitensis h.38 was us ... | 1984 | 6489617 |
attempts to use thiabendazole to improve the immune response in dexamethasone-treated or stressed cattle. | thiabendazole was evaluated in two separate experiments for its ability to enhance the immune response in dexamethasone-treated or stressed cattle. in the first experiment the cattle received either no drug treatment (controls), dexamethasone intramuscularly (im), or dexamethasone im plus thiabendazole orally. all animals were inoculated with heat-killed brucella abortus strain 19, equine ferritin, tetanus toxoid, and live corynebacterium equi at the time dexamethasone therapy was initiated. dex ... | 1984 | 6519958 |
levels of some reproductive diseases in the dairy cattle of colombia. | of 4,144 serum samples collected from cows on 113 farms from eight areas of colombia 3.3% had positive and 8.8% inconclusive titres to brucella abortus, 21.7, 6.3, 1.6, 0.6 and 0.7% of cows had positive titres to leptospira serovars hardjo, pomona, canicola, icterohaemorrhagiae and grippotyphosa respectively. questionnaires completed on 110 farms revealed that 6, 2.5 and 4.6% of cows had had metritis, aborted or retained their placentas respectively in the previous 12 months. trichomonas foetus ... | 1984 | 6523582 |
vaccination of cattle with brucella abortus strain 19 administered by differing routes and doses. | as a result of brucellosis control problems in large florida dairy herds the use of brucella abortus strain 19 vaccination has been re-examined. cattle were vaccinated with different doses of brucella abortus strain 19 administered by different routes. on the whole, the route of administration was found to have little influence on the efficacy of the vaccine, although the efficacy of vaccine administered orally was difficult to assess. the reduced doses given subcutaneously was selected as the p ... | 1984 | 6531956 |
cellular and humoral responses of brucella abortus-infected bovine fetuses. | fifty-nine bovine fetuses naturally and experimentally infected with brucella abortus were studied. lymphoid hyperplasia in multiple lymph nodes, lymphoid depletion in the thymic cortex, adrenal cortical hyperplasia, and disseminated inflammatory foci composed mainly of large mononuclear leukocytes were present in infected fetuses. histopathologic changes in naturally infected fetuses were indistinguishable from those infected fetuses inoculated in utero. fetuses inoculated with 1.0 x 10(3) to 1 ... | 1984 | 6538768 |