
detection of yersinia enterocolitica in food: an overview.yersinia enterocolitica is a gastrointestinal pathogen which causes yersiniosis, an illness characterized by diarrhea, ileitis, and mesenteric lymphadenitis. y. enterocolitica is transmitted via the feco-oral route by the consumption of contaminated food or water. several phenotypic and genotypic methods have been developed to reliably detect y. enterocolitica in food. however, the source of infection of many recently reported foodborne outbreaks remains obscure. the detection of this pathogen i ...201525410144
serological characterization of the enterobacterial common antigen substitution of the lipopolysaccharide of yersinia enterocolitica o : 3.enterobacterial common antigen (eca) is a polysaccharide present in all members of enterobacteriaceae anchored either via phosphatidylglycerol (pg) or lps to the outer leaflet of the outer membrane (ecapg and ecalps, respectively). only the latter form is eca-immunogenic. we previously demonstrated that yersinia enterocolitica o : 3 and its rough (o-specific polysaccharide-negative) mutants were eca-immunogenic, suggesting that they contained ecalps; however, it was not known which part of the l ...201525406452
a novel type 3 secretion system effector, yspi of yersinia enterocolitica, induces cell paralysis by reducing total focal adhesion kinase.some of the world's most important diseases are caused by bacterial pathogens that deliver toxic effector proteins directly into eukaryotic cells using type iii secretion systems. the myriad of pathological outcomes caused by these pathogens is determined, in part, by the manipulation of host cell physiology due to the specific activities of individual effectors among the unique suite each pathogen employs. yspi was found to be an effector, delivered by yersinia enterocolitica biovar 1b, that in ...201525387594
isolation of pathogenic yersinia enterocolitica 1b/o:8 from apodemus mice in japan.yersinia enterocolitica was isolated from 15.7% (88/560) of wild rodents captured in 15 prefectures in japan. prevalences by rodent species were 18.0% (70/388) in japanese field mice (apodemus speciosus), 20% (14/71) in small japanese field mice (apodemus argenteus), and 11% (4/38) in gray red-backed vole (myodes rufocanus bedfordiae), suggesting that these rodent species are important reservoirs of y. enterocolitica. although most of the isolates were identified as biotype 1a, the pathogenic bi ...201525380368
[development of molecular pcr-rflp test for identification of the epidemic strain of y. enterocolitica bioserotype 1b/o8 circulating in poland since 2004].highly pathogenic y. enterocolitica bioserotype 1b/o8 is considered to be an important etiological agent of yersiniosis in poland. infections caused by y. enterocolitica 1b/o8 became an important public health problem in poland, especially because of their high potential of virulence and the unknown source of the bacteria. y. enterocolitica 1b/o8 isolates recovered in poland are genetically highly related and constitute single epidemic sensu stricto strain. the aim of the present study was to de ...201425369655
coregulation of host-adapted metabolism and virulence by pathogenic yersiniae.deciphering the principles how pathogenic bacteria adapt their metabolism to a specific host microenvironment is critical for understanding bacterial pathogenesis. the enteric pathogenic yersinia species yersinia pseudotuberculosis and yersinia enterocolitica and the causative agent of plague, yersinia pestis, are able to survive in a large variety of environmental reservoirs (e.g., soil, plants, insects) as well as warm-blooded animals (e.g., rodents, pigs, humans) with a particular preference ...201425368845
complete genome sequence of bacteriophage vb_yenp_ap5 which infects yersinia enterocolitica of serotype o:3.bacteriophage vb_yenp_ap5 is a lytic bacteriophage capable of infecting yersinia enterocolitica strains of serotype o:3, an epidemiologically significant serotype within this bacterial species that causes yersiniosis in humans. this work describes the complete genome sequence of this phage.201425347934
whole-genome yersinia sp. assemblies from 10 diverse strains.yersinia spp. are animal pathogens, some of which cause human disease. we sequenced 10 yersinia isolates (from six species: yersinia enterocolitica, y. fredericksenii, y. kristensenii, y. pestis, y. pseudotuberculosis, and y. ruckeri) to high-quality draft or complete status. the genomes range in size from 3.77 to 4.94 mbp.201425342679
real-time taqman pcr for yersinia enterocolitica detection based on the ail and foxa genes. 201425339394
use of whole-genus genome sequence data to develop a multilocus sequence typing tool that accurately identifies yersinia isolates to the species and subspecies levels.the genus yersinia is a large and diverse bacterial genus consisting of human-pathogenic species, a fish-pathogenic species, and a large number of environmental species. recently, the phylogenetic and population structure of the entire genus was elucidated through the genome sequence data of 241 strains encompassing every known species in the genus. here we report the mining of this enormous data set to create a multilocus sequence typing-based scheme that can identify yersinia strains to the sp ...201525339391
prevalence of salmonella spp. and yersinia enterocolitica in/on tonsils and mandibular lymph nodes of slaughtered pigs.a total of 156 tonsils and 156 mandibular lymph nodes from fattening pigs originating from 13 farms were sampled in croatian slaughterhouses and examined for salmonella spp. (n=78 per organ) and yersinia enterocolitica (n=78 per organ) by cultural methods. salmonella was isolated from two tonsils only, both originated from animals from the same farm (5.12%), while y. enterocolitica were recovered from 26 tonsils (33.33%) which could be traced back to 10 farms. salmonella was absent in mandibular ...201525293839
development of real-time pcr assays for specific detection of hmsh, hmsf, hmsr, and irp2 located within the 102-kb pgm locus of yersinia pestis.virulent isolates of three pathogenic yersinia species (yersinia pestis, yersinia pseudotuberculosis, and yersinia enterocolitica) harbor a 102-kb chromosomal region which encodes elements critical for virulence. a 35-kb high pathogenicity island is contained in this region, is a known virulence determinant, contains irp1 and irp2 iron-regulating genes. an additional segment, the 68-kb high pathogenicity island, contains genetic elements responsible for conferring the y. pestis pigmentation phen ...201425261118
the use of the hrm method for identifying possible mutations in the ymoa gene region and evaluating their influence on the enterotoxic properties of y. enterocolitica strains.the yst gene that encodes the production of yst enterotoxins is one of the most important and reliable virulence markers. its ability to produce yst has been demonstrated in pathogenic strains isolated from clinical cases of yersiniosis with diarrhea. however, not all yst positive strains produce enterotoxins. according to some authors, yst production can be restored in a silent strain by ymoa mutation. in this study, the hrm method was applied to identify ymoa single nucleotide polymorphism wit ...201425234736
detection and prevalence of pathogenic yersinia enterocolitica in refrigerated and frozen dairy products by duplex pcr and dot hybridization targeting the virf and ail genes.pathogenic yersinia enterocolitica is involved in yersiniosis through expression of chromosome-borne or plasmid-borne virulence factors. yersinia enterocolitica is a cold-tolerant pathogen frequently isolated from refrigerated or frozen foods. however, little attention has been focused on the prevalence of pathogenic y. enterocolitica in refrigerated or frozen dairy samples in china. in this study, we developed a new duplex pcr targeting the plasmid-borne virf gene and chromosome-borne ail gene ...201425218752
a novel high-resolution melting analysis-based method for yersinia enterocolitica genotyping.pathogenic yersinia enterocolitica strains are associated with biotypes 1b, 2-5, while environmental strains with biotype 1a. in this work a method for y. enterocolitica genotyping based on hrma to determine snps was developed and the genetic diversity of 50 strains was determined. the strains were clustered into three groups consistent with the pathogenic profile of each biotype. the results provided a better understanding of the y. enterocolitica genetic variability.201425181694
unique virulence properties of yersinia enterocolitica o:3--an emerging zoonotic pathogen using pigs as preferred reservoir host.enteropathogenic yersinia enterocolitica bioserotype 4/o:3 are the most frequent cause of human yersiniosis worldwide with symptoms ranging from mild diarrhea to severe complications of mesenteric lymphadenitis, liver abscesses and postinfectious extraintestinal sequelae. the main reservoir host of 4/o:3 strains are pigs, which represent a substantial disease-causing potential for humans, as they are usually asymptomatic carriers. y. enterocolitica o:3 initiates infections by tight attachment to ...201425172222
yersiniosis in poland in 2012.the aim of this study is to assess the epidemiology of yersiniosis in poland in 2012 compared to previous years.201425135506
yersinia enterocolitica infection simulating lymphoproliferative disease, after liver transplant.we describe a 14-year-old girl, who was 13 y after liver transplantation for biliary atresia with an unremarkable postoperative course. she presented with fever of up to 40°c, extreme fatigue, malaise, anorexia, and occasional vomiting. on physical examination the only finding was splenomegaly. lab results showed hyperglobulinemia and an elevated sedimentation rate. liver function tests were normal except for mild elevation of γgtp. abdominal u/s and ct demonstrated an enlarged spleen with retro ...201425126442
the first imported human case of yersinia pseudotuberculosis serotype o1 septicemia presents with acute appendicitis-like syndrome in taiwan.human nonplague yersiniosis occurs more commonly in temperate regions than in tropical or subtropical regions. in taiwan, which is located in a subtropical region of southeast asia, only environmental isolates and human infection of yersinia enterocolitica were reported, but a human case of y. pseudotuberculosis infection had not been identified. we report the first person with y. pseudotuberculosis serotype o1 septicemia who presented with acute appendicitis-like syndrome and who was probably c ...201425103079
two novel ail-positive biotype 1a strains of yersinia enterocolitica isolated in china with unequal adhesion and invasion properties.yersinia enterocolitica is an enteric pathogen having six biotypes: 1a, 1b, 2, 3, 4, and 5. different bioserotypes have been associated with varying pathogenicity, and the strains of biotype 1a lack the virulence-associated pyv-bearing genes and were once considered to be avirulent. however, there is growing epidemiological, clinical, and experimental evidence to suggest some biotype 1a isolates are virulent and can cause gastrointestinal disease. here, we describe two biotype 1a strains discove ...201425038297
simple, specific, sensitive and rapid loop-mediated method for detecting yersinia enterocolitica.yersinia enterocolitica (ye) is a main pathogenic bacterium causing diarrhea and yersiniosis occurs in both developed and developing countries with high incidence. ye in contaminated food is able to survive for a long duration even under cold storage, thereby enhancing the risk of food infection. in this study, a new loop-mediated isothermal amplification (lamp) method showing the characteristics of simplicity, rapidity, high specificity and sensitivity was established by targeting outl of patho ...201424974652
integrin-mediated first signal for inflammasome activation in intestinal epithelial intestinal epithelial cells (iecs) recognize pathogens and activate inflammasomes at intestinal surfaces is poorly understood. we hypothesized that iecs use integrin receptors to recognize pathogens and initiate inflammation within the intestinal tract. we find that iecs infected with yersinia enterocolitica, an enteric pathogen, use β1 integrins as pathogen recognition receptors detecting the bacterial adhesin invasin (inv). the inv-integrin interaction provides the first signal for nlrp3 i ...201424965773
high prevalence of pathogenic yersinia enterocolitica in pig cheeks.samples from pork cuts for minced meat and cheeks from processing plants and a slaughterhouse, and modified atmosphere (ma) packaged pork from retail were studied to estimate the prevalence of pathogenic, i.e. virulence plasmid bearing, yersinia enterocolitica and yersinia pseudotuberculosis in pork, as well as to quantify pathogenic y. enterocolitica in pork cuts. pathogenic (virf-positive) y. enterocolitica was isolated from 17 pig cheeks (23%) but not from any of the ma-packaged 54 retail por ...201424929882
molecular analysis of β-lactamase genes to understand their differential expression in strains of yersinia enterocolitica biotype 1a.beta-lactams are used as major therapeutic agents against a number of infectious agents. due to widespread use of β-lactams, β-lactamases have evolved at a rapid pace leading to treatment failures. yersinia enterocolitica causes many gastrointestinal problems. it is an extremely heterogeneous species comprising more than fifty serotypes and six biotypes which differ in their ecological niches, geographical distribution and pathogenic potential. though biotype 1a strains have been associated with ...201424920253
colonization of cecum is important for development of persistent infection by yersinia pseudotuberculosis.yersiniosis is a human disease caused by the bacterium yersinia pseudotuberculosis or yersinia enterocolitica. the infection is usually resolved but can lead to postinfectious sequelae, including reactive arthritis and erythema nodosum. the commonly used yersinia mouse infection model mimics acute infection in humans to some extent but leads to systemic infection and eventual death. here, we analyzed sublethal infection doses of y. pseudotuberculosis in mice in real time using bioluminescent ima ...201424891107
genotyping of yersinia enterocolitica biotype 1a strains from clinical and nonclinical origins by pulsed-field gel electrophoresis.yersinia enterocolitica biotype 1a (b1a) strains are considered mainly nonpathogenic. however, some studies considered strains of this biotype to be the causal agents of infections in humans and animals. in south america, there are no studies that have compared clinical and nonclinical strains of b1a typed by pulsed-field gel electrophoresis (pfge) and none that have compared the capability of different enzymes on typing these strains. this study typed 51 y. enterocolitica b1a strains isolated i ...201424869470
canis lupus familiaris involved in the transmission of pathogenic yersinia spp. in investigate canines carrying pathogens associated with human illness, we studied their roles in transmitting and maintaining pathogenic yersinia spp. we examined different ecological landscapes in china for the distribution of pathogenic yersinia spp. in canis lupus familiaris, the domestic dog. the highest number of pathogenic yersinia enterocolitica was shown from the tonsils (6.30%), followed by rectal swabs (3.63%) and feces (1.23%). strains isolated from plague free areas for c. lupus fa ...201424861841
molecular modeling and docking of novel laccase from multiple serotype of yersinia enterocolitica suggests differential and multiple substrate binding.multi-copper oxidases (mcos) are widely distributed in bacteria, where they are responsible for metal homeostasis, acquisition and oxidation. using specific primers, yack coding for mco was amplified from different serotypes of yersinia enterocolitica biovar 1a. homology modeling of the protein followed by docking with five well-known substrates for different mco's (viz., 2,2'-azino-bis(3-ethylbenzthiazoline-6-sulphonic acid [abts], syringaldazine, l-tyrosine, ammonium ferrous sulfate and guaiac ...201424832734
relation between serology of meat juice and bacteriology of tonsils and feces for the detection of enteropathogenic yersinia spp. in pigs at slaughter.the association between positive serology and culture detection of yersinia spp. in individual pigs was determined. pieces of diaphragm from 370 pig carcasses were collected for serological analysis, and tonsils and feces of the same carcass were collected for bacteriological analysis. detection of anti-yersinia antibodies in meat juice samples was done using an indirect enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (elisa) based on yops (yersinia outer proteins). tonsils and feces were tested for the prese ...201424823493
the perfect storm: hemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosis complicating disseminated yersiniosis.hemophagocytic lymphohistio-cytosis (hlh) is a rare but serious medical condition with variable clinical outcome. hlh presents real diagnostic and therapeutic challenges to the treating physician despite the major advances in molecular laboratory testing and the immune-chemotherapeutic interventions. here we present a unique case ofhlh in the setting of hemoglobin h disease provoked by disseminated yersinia enterocolitica infection. the hemoglobinopathy led to an iron overload state, which provi ...201424772830
radiation resistance and loss of crystal violet binding activity in yersinia enterocolitica suspended in raw ground pork exposed to gamma radiation and modified atmosphere.virulence of many foodborne pathogens is directly linked to genes carried on self-replicating extra-chromosomal elements, which can transfer genetic material, both vertically and horizontally, between bacteria of the same and different species. pathogenic yersinia enterocolitica harbors a 70-kb virulence plasmid (pyv) that encodes genes for low calcium response, crystal violet (cv) binding, congo red uptake, autoagglutination (aa), hydrophobicity (hp), type iii secretion channels, host immune su ...201424761745
granulomatous enterocolitis secondary to yersinia in an 11-year-old boy from puerto rico, confirmed by pcr: a case report.we report the case of an 11-year-old boy without any history of systemic illness and who developed fever and chills and experienced a 10 lbs. weight loss 3 weeks prior to admission. two days before admission, he experienced abdominal pain that became localized to the right lower quadrant within 24 hours. a non-enhanced abdominal computed tomography scan revealed a 5 mm, amorphous, hyperdense, right lower quadrant calcification associated with a 9 mm fluid-filled structure. an exploratory laparot ...201424665606
selection of higher order regression models in the analysis of multi-factorial transcription data.many studies examine gene expression data that has been obtained under the influence of multiple factors, such as genetic background, environmental conditions, or exposure to diseases. the interplay of multiple factors may lead to effect modification and confounding. higher order linear regression models can account for these effects. we present a new methodology for linear model selection and apply it to microarray data of bone marrow-derived macrophages. this experiment investigates the influe ...201424658540
gene polymorphism analysis of yersinia enterocolitica outer membrane protein a and putative outer membrane protein a family protein.yersinia enterocolitica outer membrane protein a (ompa) is one of the major outer membrane proteins with high immunogenicity. we performed the polymorphism analysis for the outer membrane protein a and putative outer membrane protein a (p-ompa) family protein gene of 318 y. enterocolitica strains.201424628971
detection, enumeration and characterization of yersinia enterocolitica 4/o:3 in pig tonsils at slaughter in northern italy.tonsils from 150 pigs slaughtered at 270 days or older were tested for yersinia enterocolitica with different cultural methods. samples were collected in three different abattoirs of northern italy between april and november 2012 and were analysed by direct plating on cefsulodin-irgasan-novobiocin (cin) agar and by enrichment procedures following the iso 10273:2003 reference method. twenty-three (15.3%) samples were positive: 22 tonsils (14.7%) were positive for human pathogenic y. enterocolitic ...201424598512
a crohn's disease variant in atg16l1 enhances its degradation by caspase 3.crohn's disease is a debilitating inflammatory bowel disease (ibd) that can involve the entire digestive tract. a single-nucleotide polymorphism (snp) encoding a missense variant in the autophagy gene atg16l1 (rs2241880, thr300ala) is strongly associated with the incidence of crohn's disease. numerous studies have demonstrated the effect of atg16l1 deletion or deficiency; however, the molecular consequences of the thr300ala (t300a) variant remains unknown. here we show that amino acids 296-299 c ...201424553140
ymoa negatively controls the expression of insecticidal genes in yersinia enterocolitica.yersinia enterocolitica is toxic towards invertebrates due to the presence of the toxin complex (tc) genes that are activated by the thermolabile regulator tcar2. in the search for further regulatory factors involved in insecticidal gene expression, the modulator of yersinial virulence, ymoa, was identified to silence all tc genes of the y. enterocolitica strain w22703 (biovar 2, serovar o:9). using promoter fusions with the luciferase reporter, we found that the deletion of ymoa results in elev ...201424548183
a recombinant bivalent fusion protein rve confers active and passive protection against yersinia enterocolitica infection in the present study, a bivalent chimeric protein rve comprising immunologically active domains of yersinia pestis lcrv and yope was assessed for its prophylactic abilities against yersinia enterocolitica o:8 infection in murine model. mice immunized with rve elicited significantly higher antibody titers with substantial contribution from the rv component (3:1 ratio). robust and significant resistance to y. enterocolitica infection with 100% survival (p<0.001) was seen in rve vaccinated mice whe ...201424486353
mesenteric lymph node abscess due to yersinia enterocolitica: case report and review of the literature.we describe the case of a 74-year-old female with a mesenteric lymph node abscess caused by a yersinia enterocolitica infection. she had been administered an immunosuppressive drug and was admitted to the hospital due to a high fever, right lower abdominal pain and advanced leukocytosis. we initially diagnosed her with lymphadenitis based on the symptoms and the imaging studies. however, conservative treatment with antibiotics did not yield any improvement, and abscess formation was suspected. s ...201426183507
murine neonates infected with yersinia enterocolitica develop rapid and robust proinflammatory responses in intestinal lymphoid tissues.neonatal animals are generally very susceptible to infection with bacterial pathogens. however, we recently reported that neonatal mice are highly resistant to orogastric infection with yersinia enterocolitica. here, we show that proinflammatory responses greatly exceeding those in adults arise very rapidly in the mesenteric lymph nodes (mln) of neonates. high-level induction of proinflammatory gene expression occurred in the neonatal mln as early as 18 h postinfection. marked innate phagocyte r ...201424478090
within-batch prevalence and quantification of human pathogenic yersinia enterocolitica and y. pseudotuberculosis in tonsils of pigs at slaughter.yersiniosis is a common bacterial zoonosis in europe and healthy pigs are known to be the primary reservoir of human pathogenic yersinia enterocolitica and y. pseudotuberculosis. however, little information is available about the prevalence of these pathogens within pig batches at time of slaughter. the tonsils of 7047 fattening pigs, belonging to 100 farms, were aseptically collected immediately after evisceration in two belgian slaughterhouses. the batch size varied between 70 and 930 pigs. on ...201424472227
the rna chaperone hfq impacts growth, metabolism and production of virulence factors in yersinia adapt to changes in environmental conditions, bacteria regulate their gene expression at the transcriptional but also at the post-transcriptional level, e.g. by small rnas (srnas) which modulate mrna stability and translation. the conserved rna chaperone hfq mediates the interaction of many srnas with their target mrnas, thereby playing a global role in fine-tuning protein production. in this study, we investigated the significance of hfq for the enteropathogen yersina enterocolitica serotype ...201424454955
prevalence of pathogenic yersinia enterocolitica in slaughter-aged pigs during a one-year survey, 2010-2011, france.the prevalence of pathogenic yersinia enterocolitica in french slaughter-aged pigs was estimated by sampling 3120 pigs from 96 batches in 16 slaughterhouses from january 2010 to february 2011. respectively, 36 batches (20 pigs/batch) and 60 batches (40 pigs/batch) were considered during the cold period and the warm period. tonsils were swabbed before the chilling step. pathogenic y. enterocolitica was detected after enrichment in itc and streaking on cin and yecm media. typical isolates were con ...201424451473
introduction of infected animals to herds is an important route for the spread of yersinia enterocolitica infection between pig farms.altogether, 369 pathogenic yersinia enterocolitica isolates from 1,118 fecal samples collected from 22 pig farms of different production types were characterized by biotyping, serotyping, and genotyping using multiple-locus variable-number tandem repeats analysis. we investigated the distribution of the different genotypes at the farm level and their association with different farm conditions. pigs were found to carry and transmit y. enterocolitica between farms, because the same genotypes were ...201424406008
detection of biofilm production of yersinia enterocolitica strains isolated from infected children and comparative antimicrobial susceptibility of biofilm versus planktonic forms.the ability of yersinia species to produce biofilms has not been hitherto systematically studied, although there is evidence, that y. enterocolitica is able to form biofilms on inanimate surfaces. the present study aimed to detect the production of biofilms by 60 clinical strains of y. enterocolitica and to compare the antimicrobial susceptibility of planktonic versus biofilm-forming bacteria.201424403168
cell death triggered by yersinia enterocolitica identifies processing of the proinflammatory signal adapter myd88 as a general event in the execution of apoptosis.many pathogenic microorganisms have evolved tactics to modulate host cell death or survival pathways for establishing infection. the enteropathogenic bacterium yersinia enterocolitica deactivates tlr-induced signaling pathways, which triggers apoptosis in macrophages. in this article, we show that yersinia-induced apoptosis of human macrophages involves caspase-dependent cleavage of the tlr adapter protein myd88. myd88 was also cleaved when apoptosis was mediated by overexpression of the toll-il ...201424363429
identification of secreted bacterial proteins by noncanonical amino acid tagging.pathogenic microbes have evolved complex secretion systems to deliver virulence factors into host cells. identification of these factors is critical for understanding the infection process. we report a powerful and versatile approach to the selective labeling and identification of secreted pathogen proteins. selective labeling of microbial proteins is accomplished via translational incorporation of azidonorleucine (anl), a methionine surrogate that requires a mutant form of the methionyl-trna sy ...201424347637
essential role of invasin for colonization and persistence of yersinia enterocolitica in its natural reservoir host, the this study, an oral minipig infection model was established to investigate the pathogenicity of yersinia enterocolitica bioserotype 4/o:3. o:3 strains are highly prevalent in pigs, which are usually symptomless carriers, and they represent the most common cause of human yersiniosis. to assess the pathogenic potential of the o:3 serotype, we compared the colonization properties of y. enterocolitica o:3 with o:8, a highly mouse-virulent y. enterocolitica serotype, in minipigs and mice. we found ...201424343656
unique activity spectrum of colicin fy: all 110 characterized yersinia enterocolitica isolates were colicin fy susceptible.colicin fy is a plasmid encoded toxin that recognizes a yersinia-specific outer membrane protein (yiur) as a receptor molecule. we have previously shown that the activity spectrum of colicin fy comprises strains of the genus yersinia. in this study, we analyzed the activity of colicin fy against 110 yersinia enterocolitica isolates differing in geographical origin and source. all isolates were characterized through analysis of 16s rrna genes, serotyping, biotyping, restriction profiling of genom ...201324339971
[investigation on distribution of yersinia enterocolitica in henan province between 2005 and 2011].to investigate the distribution of yersinia enterocolitica in henan province from 2005 to 2011.201324304953
role of cold climate and freeze-thaw on the survival, transport, and virulence of yersinia enterocolitica.surface and near-surface soils in cold climate regions experience low temperature and freeze-thaw (ft) conditions in the winter. microorganisms that are of concern to groundwater quality may have the potential to survive low temperature and ft in the soil and aqueous environments. although there is a body of literature on the survival of pathogenic bacteria at different environmental conditions, little is known about their transport behavior in aquatic environments at low temperatures and after ...201324283700
strategies used by yersinia enterocolitica to evade killing by the host: thinking beyond yops.yersinia enterocolitica is an important gastrointestinal pathogen. its pathogenicity has been attributed primarily to the plasmid encoded yersinia outer proteins or yops that are known to subvert the immune system. this review, however, highlights the role of yop-independent mechanisms that help y. enterocolitica evade immune system and contribute significantly to its survival in the host.201424246617
a molecular scheme for yersinia enterocolitica patho-serotyping derived from genome-wide analysis.yersinia enterocolitica is a food-borne, gastro-intestinal pathogen with world-wide distribution. only 11 serotypes have been isolated from patients, with o:3, o:9, o:8 and o:5,27 being the serotypes most commonly associated with human yersiniosis. serotype is an important characteristic of y. enterocolitica strains, allowing differentiation for epidemiology, diagnosis and phylogeny studies. conventional serotyping, performed by slide agglutination, is a tedious and laborious procedure whose int ...201424246413
the limitations of pulsed-field gel electrophoresis for analysis of yersinia enterocolitica isolates.this study describes the analysis of 432 isolates of yersinia enterocolitica by pulsed-field gel electrophoresis (pfge). pfge had a high level of discrimination with biotype 1a isolates (simpson's diversity index 0.997), but with the clinically important biotypes 2, 3 and 4, the discriminatory ability of pfge was so low as to severely limit its usefulness (di <0.6). for biotypes 2, 3 and 4, 79% or more of isolates of each biotype were of just three different pfge profiles. because of this, four ...201424237638
an outbreak of yersinia enterocolitica in a captive colony of african green monkeys (chlorocebus aethiops sabaeus) in the caribbean.yersinia enterocolitica is a zoonotic gram-negative pathogen that causes mesenteric lymphadenitis, terminal ileitis, acute gastroenteritis, and septicemia in domestic animals and primates. in 2012, 46 captive african green monkeys (chlorocebus aethiops sabaeus) died during an outbreak of acutely fatal enteric disease over a period of 1 mo on the island of st kitts. the affected monkeys presented with a history of mucohemorrhagic diarrhea, marked dehydration, and depression. fifteen bacterial iso ...201324210021
structure of the dodecameric yersinia enterocolitica secretin yscc and its trypsin-resistant core.the type iii secretion system machinery, also known as the injectisome, delivers bacterial effector proteins into eukaryotic cells during infection. the outer membrane yscc secretin is a major part of yersinia enterocolitica's injectisome and is among the first components to assemble, solely assisted by its pilotin, yscw. we have determined the three-dimensional structures of the native complex and its protease-resistant core to 12 å resolution by cryo-electron microscopy (cryo-em) and show that ...201324207124
the yersinia enterocolitica ysa type iii secretion system is expressed during infections both in vitro and in vivo.yersinia enterocolitica biovar 1b maintains two type iii secretion systems (t3ss) that are involved in pathogenesis, the plasmid encoded ysc t3ss and the chromosomally encoded ysa t3ss. in vitro, the ysa t3ss has been shown to be expressed only at 26°c in a high-nutrient medium containing an exceptionally high concentration of salt - an artificial condition that provides no clear insight on the nature of signal that y. enterocolitica responds to in a host. however, previous research has indicate ...201324166928
bioinformatics analysis of a non-specific nuclease from yersinia enterocolitica subsp. this paper, the physical and chemical characteristics, biological structure and function of a non-specific nuclease from yersinia enterocolitica subsp. palearctica (y. nsn) found in our group were studied using multiple bioinformatics approaches. the results showed that y. nsn had 283 amino acids, a weight of 30,692.5 ku and a certain hydrophilic property. y. nsn had a signal peptide, no transmembrane domains and disulphide bonds. cleavage site in y. nsn was between pos. 23 and 24. the predic ...201324144888
homology analysis of pathogenic yersinia species yersinia enterocolitica, yersinia pseudotuberculosis, and yersinia pestis based on multilocus sequence typing.we developed a multilocus sequence typing (mlst) scheme and used it to study the population structure and evolutionary relationships of three pathogenic yersinia species. mlst of these three yersinia species showed a complex of two clusters, one composed of yersinia pseudotuberculosis and yersinia pestis and the other composed of yersinia enterocolitica. within the first cluster, the predominant y. pestis sequence type 90 (st90) was linked to y. pseudotuberculosis st43 by one locus difference, a ...201424131695
yersinia enterocolitica infections associated with improperly pasteurized milk products: southwest pennsylvania, march-august, july 2011, a cluster of yersinia enterocolitica infections was detected in southwestern pennsylvania, usa. we investigated the outbreak's source and scope in order to prevent further transmission. twenty-two persons were diagnosed with yersiniosis; 16 of whom reported consuming pasteurized dairy products from dairy a. pasteurized milk and food samples were collected from this dairy. y. enterocolitica was isolated from two products. isolates from both food samples and available clinical isolat ...201424128938
differentiation of yersinia enterocolitica biotype 1a from pathogenic yersinia enterocolitica biotypes by detection of β-glucosidase activity: comparison of two chromogenic culture media and vitek2.aesculin hydrolysis (esc) is one of the key reactions in differentiating pathogenic yersinia enterocolitica biotypes 1b, 2, 3, 4 and 5 from the less-pathogenic biotype 1a. because the esc reaction is caused by β-glucosidase (βglu) activity of the bacteria, we studied whether two commonly used methods (bbl chromagar orientation and vitek2 gram-negative identification card) could be used in assessing βglu activity of 74 yersinia strains. both methods were sensitive (100 % and 97 %) and specific (1 ...201424072767
rapid subtyping of yersinia enterocolitica by matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization-time of flight mass spectrometry (maldi-tof ms) for diagnostics and this study, an alternative to the current traditional bioserotyping techniques was developed for subtyping y. enterocolitica using matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization-time of flight mass spectrometry (maldi-tof ms). the most common pathogenic bioserotypes could easily be distinguished using only a few bioserotype-specific biomarkers. however, biochemical methods should still be used to distinguish biotype 1a from 1b.201324048527
yersiniosis in poland in 2011.the aim of this study is to assess the epidemiology of yersiniosis in poland in 2011 compared to previous years.201324040721
interaction of yersinia enterocolitica biovar 1a with cultured cells in vitro does not reflect the two previously identified clonal groups.yersinia enterocolitica biovar 1a strains have been delineated into two clonal groups (a and b) based on repetitive extragenic palindrome- and enterobacterial repetitive intergenic consensus-pcr genotyping. the present study investigated the interaction of y. enterocolitica biovar 1a strains with cultured cells in vitro by their ability to adhere, invade and survive within these cells. the response of macrophages to these strains was also studied by quantifying the expression of inducible nitric ...201324037761
evaluation of the iso 10273:2003 method for the isolation of human pathogenic yersinia enterocolitica from pig carcasses and minced meat.pig carcass swabs (n = 254) and minced meat samples (n = 82) were examined for pathogenic yersinia enterocolitica using different routinely used enrichment protocols. all samples were obtained in the context of the official yersinia monitoring program in belgium. in total, 28 carcasses (11.0%) were contaminated with y. enterocolitica bioserotype 4/o:3 and one (0.4%) with bioserotype 2/o:9. four minced meat samples (4.9%) tested positive for y. enterocolitica bioserotype 4/o:3. using the iso 1027 ...201324010595
[presence of yersinia enterocolitica in conditions of agro complex].detection of duration of existence of yersinia enterocolitica in substrates ofagro complex and formation of biofilms by causative agent during artificial semination of forage and meat products.201324000591
human and animal isolates of yersinia enterocolitica show significant serotype-specific colonization and host-specific immune defense properties.yersinia enterocolitica is a human pathogen that is ubiquitous in livestock, especially pigs. the bacteria are able to colonize the intestinal tract of a variety of mammalian hosts, but the severity of induced gut-associated diseases (yersiniosis) differs significantly between hosts. to gain more information about the individual virulence determinants that contribute to colonization and induction of immune responses in different hosts, we analyzed and compared the interactions of different human ...201323959720
probable transmission of yersinia enterocolitica from a pet dog with diarrhoea to a 1-year-old infant.we report a highly probable case of transmission of a yersinia enterocolitica from a pet puppy dog, adopted from a spanish asylum, to a 1-year-old girl. after several weeks of diarrhoea, a pcr detecting enteropathogenic bacteria was performed on the faeces, revealing y enterocolitica. following cultures yielded a y enterocolitica biotype 4, serotype o:3 in the faeces of the girl as well as puppy dog. despite antibiotic treatment, symptoms and shedding of the organism in the faeces endured during ...201323955982
rip2/rick-dependent cytokine production upon yersinia enterocolitica infection in macrophages with tlr4 deficiency.receptor-interacting protein 2 (rip2) is a caspase recruitment domain (card)-containing serine/threonine kinase that is activated by nod1 or nod2 recognition of their ligands and essential for the activation of nf-κb and mitogen-activated protein kinase (mapk). rip2 has been known to play an important role in innate immune responses against certain bacterial infection. however, the role and interplay of rip2 with tlr signalling on cytokine production in macrophages against yersinia enterocolitic ...201323952047
exogenous phage recombinase-independent inactivation of chromosomal genes in yersinia enterocolitica.characterization of newly identified genes is necessary to understand their functions. phenotypic characterization of isogenic mutants provides good understanding of the functions of the genes in wild type strains. in the present study, we report the use of linear dsdna as a substrate for homologous recombination in yersinia enterocolitica. a double-stranded linear recombinant dna (lrd) containing an antibiotic resistance gene flanked by homologous regions to the target gene was created. transfo ...201323928288
an unusual case of yersinia enterocolitica infection manifesting as perianal and colonic ulcers. 201323896233
genome sequences of four yersinia enterocolitica bioserotype 4/o:3 isolates from mammals.we report here the complete genome sequences of four european yersinia enterocolitica mammalian isolates of bioserotype 4/o:3. the genomes have an average size of 4.50 mb, a g+c content of 47%, and between 4,231 and 4,330 coding sequences (cdss). no relevant differences were detected by genome comparison between mammalian and human isolates.201323846271
autonomous translocation and intracellular trafficking of the cell-penetrating and immune-suppressive effector protein yopm.extracellular gram-negative pathogenic bacteria target essential cytoplasmic processes of eukaryotic cells by using effector protein delivery systems such as the type iii secretion system (t3ss). these secretion systems directly inject effector proteins into the host cell cytoplasm. among the t3ss-dependent yop proteins of pathogenic yersinia, the function of the effector protein yopm remains enigmatic. in a recent study, we demonstrated that recombinant yopm from yersinia enterocolitica enters ...201323835836
genotypic characterization of yersinia enterocolitica biotype 4/o:3 isolates from pigs and slaughterhouses using se-aflp, eric-pcr, and pfge.yersinia enterocolitica is a foodborne pathogen that causes illness in humans and animals. the biotype 4/o:3 has been commonly associated with yersiniosis and is characterized by the presence of chromosomal and extra-chromosomal virulence genes. molecular typing methods have been successfully used to characterize y. enterocolitica genetic heterogeneity and to study the epidemiology of the bacteria from different origins. in this study, 320 y. enterocolitica biotype 4/o:3 isolates originating in ...201323819054
pathogen-specific risk of celiac disease following bacterial causes of foodborne illness: a retrospective cohort study.the us cdc recently estimated over 2 million foodborne illnesses annually are caused by 4 major enteropathogens: non-typhoid salmonella spp., campylobacter spp., shigella spp., and yersinia enterocolitica. while recent data suggest functional gastrointestinal disorders are associated with these infections, studies linking foodborne illness to celiac disease (cd) are limited. we utilized a us department of defense medical encounter database to evaluate the risk of cd following select foodborne in ...201323812827
yersinia enterocolitica inactivates nk cells.natural killer (nk) cells serve as an important source of proinflammatory cytokines early during infection. hypothesizing that yersinia enterocolitica might interact with and inactivate nk cells, we examined nk cell-y. enterocolitica interactions in vitro and in vivo. y. enterocolitica adheres to nk cells in an invasin dependent manner and inhibits nk cell cytotoxicity and ifn-γ production induced by il-12+il-18 or il-12 alone. yopp, an acetyltransferase known to inhibit mapk and nfκb signaling, ...201323810728
cytotoxic necrotizing factor-y boosts yersinia effector translocation by activating rac protein.pathogenic yersinia spp. translocate the effectors yopt, yope, and yopo/ypka into target cells to inactivate rho family gtp-binding proteins and block immune responses. some yersinia spp. also secrete the rho protein activator cytotoxic necrotizing factor-y (cnf-y), but it has been unclear how the bacteria may benefit from rho protein activation. we show here that cnf-y increases yop translocation in yersinia enterocolitica-infected cells up to 5-fold. cnf-y strongly activated rhoa and also dela ...201323803609
management practices associated with the carriage of yersinia enterocolitica in pigs at farm level.pigs are the most important reservoir of yersinia enterocolitica infections in humans. knowledge of farm management practices that contribute to the transmission of this bacterial species in pigs is essential to understand how to control this foodborne pathogen in food production. the prevalence of y. enterocolitica, and other results obtained from an age trend analysis were used to estimate the on-farm risk of transmission of specific management practices for this pathogen in 30 pig farms in fi ...201323789808
enterobacterial common antigen and o-specific polysaccharide coexist in the lipopolysaccharide of yersinia enterocolitica serotype o:3.yersinia enterocolitica serotype o : 3 produces two types of lipopolysaccharide (lps) molecules to its surface. in both types the lipid a (la) structure is substituted by inner core (ic) octasaccharide to which either outer core (oc) hexasaccharide or homopolymeric o-polysaccharide (ops) is linked. in addition, enterobacterial common antigen (eca) can be covalently linked to lps, however, via an unknown linkage. to elucidate the relationship between eca and lps in y. enterocolitica o : 3 and the ...201323782803
the insecticidal toxin genes of yersinia enterocolitica are activated by the thermolabile lttr-like regulator tcar2 at low temperatures.temperature-dependent activation of bacterial virulence factors at 37°c is well investigated. the molecular mechanism underlying the expression of toxicity determinants at environmental temperatures, however, has not been characterized. the insecticidal activity of yersinia enterocolitica strain w22703 requires the toxin complex subunit a (tcaa) encoded on the pathogenicity island tc-paiye . genes tcaa and tcab encoding this subunit are maximally produced at low temperatures (10-20°c), but repre ...201323772992
genotypic diversity and virulence markers of yersinia enterocolitica biotype 1a strains isolated from clinical and non-clinical origins.yersinia enterocolitica biotype 1a (b1a) strains are considered as non-pathogenic; however, some reports have identified some strains as the causal agents of infection. in south america, few studies molecularly characterized the strains of this biotype. this work typed 51 b1a strains isolated from clinical and non-clinical sources from brazil and chile by enterobacterial repetitive intergenic consensus-pcr (eric-pcr) to elucidate their genotypic diversity, and verify the distribution of 11 virul ...201423763723
further characterization of three yersinia enterocolitica strains with a nalidixic acid-resistant phenotype isolated from humans with diarrhea.antimicrobial-resistant bacteria pose a threat to public health. three yersinia enterocolitica strains cultured from patients presenting with diarrhea and resistant to nalidixic acid were studied. target gene mutations in gyra alone were identified as part of the genetic basis for this phenotype. efflux activity was also noted, since the presence of the efflux pump inhibitor, phenylalanine-arginine-β-naphthylamide, increased susceptibility to nalidixic acid.201323746356
yersinia intussusception: case report and review.intussusception is a recognised paediatric presentation in emergency department and primary care settings. the aetiology of intussusception is multifactorial and largely unknown but includes infection in some cases. yersinia has been the most frequently cited bacterial association in children. identifying yersinia affects the role and choice of antibiotics in a child's treatment regimen. this article reports on australia's first proven case of yersinia enterocolitica intussusception, and reviews ...201423711231
clinical aspects and self-reported symptoms of sequelae of yersinia enterocolitica infections in a population-based study, germany 2009-2010.foodborne yersinia enterocolitica infections continue to be a public health problem in many countries. consumption of raw or undercooked pork is the main risk factor for yersiniosis in germany. small children are most frequently affected by yersiniosis. in older children and young adults, symptoms of disease may resemble those of appendicitis and may lead to hospitalization and potentially unnecessary appendectomies. y. enterocolitica infections may also cause sequelae such as reactive arthritis ...201323701958
acquisition of omptin reveals cryptic virulence function of autotransporter yape in yersinia pestis.autotransporters, the largest family of secreted proteins in gram-negative bacteria, perform a variety of functions, including adherence, cytotoxicity and immune evasion. in yersinia pestis the autotransporter yape has adhesive properties and contributes to disease in the mouse model of bubonic plague. here, we demonstrate that omptin cleavage of y. pestis yape is required to mediate bacterial aggregation and adherence to eukaryotic cells. we demonstrate that omptin cleavage is specific for the ...201323701256
the porcine brucellosis--evidence of the role of yersinia enterocolitica o:9 in occurrence of false positive serological reactions.forty four pigs with typical characteristics for false positive serolpgical reactions (fpsr) were examined for the presence of yersinia enterocolitica o:9. the positive reactions were observed in rose bengal test (rbt, n = 23 sera), serum agglutination test (sat, n = 16), complement fixation test (cft, n = 9), indirect elisa (i-elisa, n= 11) in first, and in rbt (n = 14), sat (n = 8), cft (n = 7) and i-elisa (n = 18) in second examination, respectively. in bacteriological examination y enterocol ...201323691587
synthetic chalcones and sulfonamides as new classes of yersinia enterocolitica yoph tyrosine phosphatase inhibitors.yoph plays a relevant role in three pathogenic species of yersinia. due to its importance in the prevention of the inflammatory response of the host, this enzyme has become a valid target for the identification and development of new inhibitors. in this work, an in-house library of 283 synthetic compounds was assayed against recombinant yoph from yersinia enterocolitica. from these, four chalcone derivatives and one sulfonamide were identified for the first time as competitive inhibitors of yoph ...201323639652
multiple-locus variable-number tandem-repeat analysis in genotyping yersinia enterocolitica strains from human and porcine origins.sporadic and epidemiologically linked yersinia enterocolitica strains (n = 379) isolated from fecal samples from human patients, tonsil or fecal samples from pigs collected at slaughterhouses, and pork samples collected at meat stores were genotyped using multiple-locus variable-number tandem-repeat analysis (mlva) with six loci, i.e., v2a, v4, v5, v6, v7, and v9. in total, 312 different mlva types were found. similar types were detected (i) in fecal samples collected from human patients over 2 ...201323637293
a phenotype at last: essential role for the yersinia enterocolitica ysa type iii secretion system in a drosophila melanogaster s2 cell model.the highly pathogenic yersinia enterocolitica strains have a chromosomally encoded type iii secretion system (t3ss) that is expressed and functional in vitro only when the bacteria are cultured at 26 °c. mutations that render this system nonfunctional are slightly attenuated in the mouse model of infection only following an oral inoculation and only at early time points postinfection. the discrepancy between the temperature required for the ysa gene expression and the physiological temperature r ...201323630961
yersinia enterocolitica provides the link between thyroid-stimulating antibodies and their germline counterparts in graves' disease.graves' disease results from thyroid-stimulating abs (tsabs) activating the thyrotropin receptor (tshr). how tsabs arise from early precursor b cells has not been established. genetic and environmental factors may contribute to pathogenesis, including the bacterium yersinia enterocolitica. we developed two pathogenic monoclonal tsabs from a single experimental mouse undergoing graves' disease, which shared the same h and l chain germline gene rearrangements and then diversified by numerous somat ...201323630351
prevalence of yersinia enterocolitica in antimicrobial-free and conventional antimicrobial use swine production.swine are the primary reservoir for foodborne illness associated with yersinia enterocolitica. the use of antimicrobials in animal agriculture has been hypothesized as having a potential role in the increase in prevalence of zoonotic pathogens. the objective of this study was to compare the frequency of y. enterocolitica fecal shedding in swine reared on farms with conventional antimicrobial use policies to farms that were antimicrobial free (abf). swine farms were selected from three regions in ...201323614802
influence of isolation methods on the occurrence of plasmid-carrying yersinia enterocolitica serotype o:3 in slaughter pig tonsils, faeces and carcass surface swabs.yersinia enterocolitica is an important foodborne pathogen that is primarily transmitted to humans through the consumption of contaminated pork. different matrices of pigs at slaughter were tested for the presence of human pathogenic types of y. enterocolitica using direct plating, selective enrichment, and cold enrichment. y. enterocolitica serotype o:3 was isolated from the tonsils and faeces of 55.3% and 25.6% of pigs, respectively. the pathogen was also recovered from 15.0% of swab samples t ...201323587711
comparison of the cytokine immune response to pathogenic yersinia enterocolitica bioserotype 1b/o:8 and 2/o:9 in susceptible balb/c and resistant c57bl/6 mice.we investigated the lethality of pathogenic yersinia enterocolitica bioserotypes 1b/o:8 and 2/o:9 in susceptible balb/c and resistant c57bl/6 mice; the cytokine alterations and histopathological changes were observed comparing the two strains in balb/c mice. the data showed the 50% lethal dose (ld50) for the pathogenic y. enterocolitica bioserotype 1b/o:8 was 10³ cfu in both balb/c and c57bl/6 mice; while the ld50 for the 2/o:9 was 10⁸ cfu in balb/c mice and 10⁹ cfu in c57bl/6 mice, a large diff ...201323582306
prevalence of yersinia enterocolitica in raw cow's milk collected from stables of mexico city.yersinia enterocolitica has been isolated from a batch of pork-derived products, from healthy and diseased animals, and from different types of milk and dairy products, among others. we studied the prevalence and diversity of y. enterocolitica isolated from raw cow's milk collected from stables in mexico city. of the 1,300 samples analyzed, y. enterocolitica was isolated in 454, with an average of 25% positive samples for each stable. of the total isolated bacteria of the yersinia genus, 44.25% ...201323575136
pathogen-specific risk of chronic gastrointestinal disorders following bacterial causes of foodborne illness.the us cdc estimates over 2 million foodborne illnesses are annually caused by 4 major enteropathogens: non-typhoid salmonella spp., campylobacter spp., shigella spp. and yersinia enterocoltica. while data suggest a number of costly and morbid chronic sequelae associated with these infections, pathogen-specific risk estimates are lacking. we utilized a us department of defense medical encounter database to evaluate the risk of several gastrointestinal disorders following select foodborne infecti ...201323510245
characterization of yersinia enterocolitica biotype 1a strains isolated from swine slaughterhouses and markets.yersinia enterocolitica is an important foodborne pathogen that causes illness in humans and animals. y. enterocolitica is also the most heterogeneous species of the genus and is divided into distinct serotypes and over six biotypes. y. enterocolitica biotype 1a strains are classically considered as nonpathogenic; however, some biotype 1a isolates have been considered as causative of gastrointestinal disease, yielding symptoms indistinguishable from those produced by pathogenic biotypes. even af ...201323476146
draft genome sequence of a clinical strain of yersinia enterocolitica (ip10393) of bioserotype 4/o:3 from france.we sequenced the genome of a clinical isolate of yersinia enterocolitica (ip10393) from france. this strain belongs to bioserotype 4/o:3, which is the most common pathogenic subgroup worldwide. the draft genome has a size of 4,463,212 bp and a g+c content of 47.0%, and it is predicted to contain 4,181 coding sequences.201323469338
normal inflammasome activation and low production of il-23 by monocyte-derived macrophages from subjects with a history of reactive arthritis.the pathogenesis of reactive arthritis (rea) is incompletely understood but may involve aberration(s) in the host's innate immune response towards infecting microbes. we therefore studied the production of interleukin (il)-1β, a marker of inflammasome activation, and of il-6, il-12, il-23, and tumour necrosis factor (tnf)-α, promoters of t-cell differentiation, by peripheral blood mononuclear cells (pbmns) and monocyte-derived macrophages from healthy subjects with a history of rea.201323425136
[is yersinia enterocolitica an important enteropathogen in cuba?]. 201323424811
organization finds yersinia enterocolitica in most pork samples. 201323397636
Displaying items 10701 - 10800 of 10919