
oostatic peptides.oostatic peptides are organic molecules, which influence an insect reproduction due to a regulation of the eggs development. it was proved that decapeptide-h-tyr-asp-pro-ala-pro-pro-pro-pro-pro-pro-oh (ydpapppppp)-isolated from mosquito aedes aegypti, inhibits trypsin activity in the midgut of the mosquito. therefore, it was named trypsin-modulating oostatic factor (aea-tmof). feeding the recombinant cells with cloned and expressed tmof on the coat protein of tobacco mosaic virus (tmv) to mosqui ...201323296281
efficacy of tolypocladium cylindrosporum against aedes aegypti eggs, larvae and adults.the aim of this study was to test the activity of seven tolypocladium cylindrosporum isolates against different developmental stages of aedes aegypti.201526332164
pathogenesis of the hyphomycete tolypocladium cylindrosporum in the mosquito aedes aegypti. 19883373005
studies on bioassay of the entomopathogenic hyphomycete fungus tolypocladium cylindrosporum in mosquitoes.larvae of aedes aegypti, ae. vexans and culiseta inornata were used to study the pathogenicity of the hyphomycete fungus tolypocladium cylindrosporum. experiments consisted of continuous exposure of second-instar larvae to 5 concentrations of conidia at 10, 15, 20 and 25 degrees c. the 3 test species were susceptible at all temperatures tested. there was generally a direct relationship between dosage and pathogenicity in the host population, however linear relationships between probit mortality ...19872904966
virulency of novel nanolarvicide from trichoderma atroviride against aedes aegypti (linn.): a clsm analysis.aedes aegypti is the vector for transmitting dengue, chikungunya, and yellow fever. these diseases' transmission has increased predominantly in urban and semi-urban areas as a major public health concern. in present investigation, trichoderma atroviride culture filtrates were used for the synthesis of silver nanoparticle. moreover, t. atroviride is a free-living and rapidly growing fungi common in soil and root ecosystem. this fungi is an exceptionally good model for biocontrol and more signific ...201525907629
effect of mycosynthesized silver nanoparticles from filtrate of trichoderma harzianum against larvae and pupa of dengue vector aedes aegypti l.mosquitoes transmit dreadful diseases, causing millions of deaths every year. therefore, screening for larvicidal and pupicidal activity of microbial extracts attributes could lead to development of new and improved mosquito control methods that are economical and safe for nontarget organisms and are ecofriendly. synthetic chemical insecticides occupy predominant position in control strategies. these hazardous chemicals exert unwarranted toxicity and lethal effects on nontarget organisms, develo ...201424352539
cost of co-infection controlled by infectious dose combinations and food what extent the combined effect of several parasite species co-infecting the same host (i.e. polyparasitism) affects the host's fitness is a crucial question of ecological parasitology. we investigated whether the ecological setting can influence the co-infection's outcome with the mosquito aedes aegypti and two parasites: the microsporidium vavraia culicis and the gregarine ascogregarina culicis. the cost of being infected by the two parasites depended on the interaction between the two infe ...201020033214
infectious dose affects the outcome of the within-host competition between parasites.the ecological and epidemiological processes underlying the success of parasites competing within individual hosts are not yet clear. we investigated one idea: that increasing one parasite's infectious dose might decrease the success of its competitor. we reared uninfected larvae of the mosquito aedes aegypti and exposed them to two concentrations of the microsporidium vavraia culicis and of the protozoan ascogregarina culicis. the rate at which vavraia produced its infectious spores depended on ...200919320595
resource depletion in aedes aegypti mosquitoes infected by the microsporidia vavraia culicis.summaryparasitic infection is often associated with changes in host life-history traits, such as host development. many of these life-history changes are ultimately thought to be the result of a depletion or reallocation of the host's resources driven either by the host (to minimize the effects of infection) or by the parasite (to maximize its growth rate). in this paper we investigate the energetic budget of aedes aegypti mosquito larvae infected by vavraia culicis, a microsporidian parasite th ...200717634157
proteome of aedes aegypti larvae in response to infection by the intracellular parasite vavraia culicis.we report on the modification of the aedes aegypti larval proteome following infection by the microsporidian parasite vavraia culicis. mosquito larvae were sampled at 5 and 15 days of age to compare the effects of infection when the parasite was in two different developmental stages. modifications of the host proteome due to the stress of infection were distinguished from those of a more general nature by treatments involving hypoxia. we found that the major reaction to stress was the suppressio ...200516102770
modelling wolbachia infection in a sex-structured mosquito population carrying west nile virus.wolbachia is possibly the most studied reproductive parasite of arthropod species. it appears to be a promising candidate for biocontrol of some mosquito borne diseases. we begin by developing a sex-structured model for a wolbachia infected mosquito population. our model incorporates the key effects of wolbachia infection including cytoplasmic incompatibility and male killing. we also allow the possibility of reduced reproductive output, incomplete maternal transmission, and different mortality ...201728097419
epa-registered repellents for mosquitoes transmitting emerging viral many parts of the united states, mosquitoes were previously nuisance pests. however, they now represent a potential threat in the spread of viral diseases. the aedes aegypti, aedes albopictus, and culex species mosquitoes are endemic to the united states and together may transmit a variety of viral diseases of growing concern, including west nile virus, chikungunya, dengue fever, and zika virus. the centers for disease control and prevention and the environmental protection agency (epa) recom ...201627779781
genetic drift during systemic arbovirus infection of mosquito vectors leads to decreased relative fitness during host switching.the emergence of mosquito-borne rna viruses, such as west nile virus (wnv), is facilitated by genetically complex virus populations within hosts. here, we determine whether wnv enzootic (culex tarsalis, cx. quinquefasciatus, and cx. pipiens) and bridge vectors (aedes aegypti) have differential impacts on viral mutational diversity and fitness. during systemic mosquito infection, wnv faced stochastic reductions in genetic diversity that rapidly was recovered during intra-tissue population expansi ...201627049584
larvicidal activity of magnolia denudata seed hydrodistillate constituents and related compounds and liquid formulations towards two susceptible and two wild mosquito species.anopheles sinensis, aedes aegypti and aedes albopictus and culex pipiens pallens mosquitoes transmit malaria, dengue fever and west nile virus diseases respectively. this study was conducted to determine the toxicity of 17 constituents from magnolia denudata seed hydrodistillate (md-shd) and four experimental md-shd liquid formulations (10-50 mg l(-1) liquid) to third-instar larvae from insecticide-susceptible cx. p. pallens and ae. aegypti as well as wild ae. albopictus and an. sinensis.201626085316
[detection of flavivirus in mosquitoes (diptera: culicidae) from easter island-chile].flaviviruses are arthropod-borne viruses, mainly by mosquitoes of the genera aedes and culex (culicidae) that are detected in tropical and subtropical areas. main flaviviruses of public health importance are: dengue, west nile virus, yellow fever, among others. in continental chile, flaviviruses has not been detected. however, there are indigenous cases of dengue detected in easter island since 2002, as the presence of its vector aedes aegypti. the aim of this study was: to determine diversity o ...201525860055
ovicidal and adulticidal potential of leaf and seed extract of albizia lebbeck (l.) benth. (family: fabaceae) against culex quinquefasciatus, aedes aegypti, and anopheles stephensi (diptera: culicidae).several diseases are associated to the mosquito-human interaction. mosquitoes are the carriers of severe and well-known illnesses such as malaria, arboviral encephalitis, dengue fever, chikungunya fever, west nile virus, and yellow fever. these diseases produce significant morbidity and mortality in humans and livestock around the world. in the present study, hexane, benzene, chloroform, ethyl acetate, and methanol extracts of leaf and seed of albizia lebbeck were assayed for their toxicity agai ...201525681143
laboratory evaluation of indian medicinal plants as repellents against malaria, dengue, and filariasis vector mosquitoes.mosquito-borne diseases have an economic impact, including loss in commercial and labor outputs, particularly in countries with tropical and subtropical climates; however, no part of the world is free from vector-borne diseases. mosquitoes are the carriers of severe and well-known illnesses such as malaria, arboviral encephalitis, dengue fever, chikungunya fever, west nile virus, and yellow fever. these diseases produce significant morbidity and mortality in humans and livestock around the world ...201525399815
ovicidal, larvicidal and adulticidal properties of asparagus racemosus (willd.) (family: asparagaceae) root extracts against filariasis (culex quinquefasciatus), dengue (aedes aegypti) and malaria (anopheles stephensi) vector mosquitoes (diptera: culicidae).several diseases are associated to the mosquito-human interaction. mosquitoes are the carriers of severe and well-known illnesses such as malaria, arboviral encephalitis, dengue fever, chikungunya fever, west nile virus and yellow fever. these diseases produce significant morbidity and mortality in humans and livestock around the world. the present investigation was undertaken to study the ovicidal, larvicidal and adulticidal activities of crude hexane, ethyl acetate, benzene, chloroform and met ...201424488078
green synthesis of silver nanoparticles using sida acuta (malvaceae) leaf extract against culex quinquefasciatus, anopheles stephensi, and aedes aegypti (diptera: culicidae).mosquitoes act as a vector for most of the life-threatening diseases like malaria, yellow fever, dengue fever, chikungunya fever, filariasis, encephalitis, west nile virus infection, etc. under the integrated mosquito management, emphasis was given on the application of alternative strategies in mosquito control. the continuous application of synthetic insecticides causes development of resistance in vector species, biological magnification of toxic substances through the food chain, and adverse ...201324005479
fine scale spatial urban land cover factors associated with adult mosquito abundance and risk in tucson, is currently unclear what role microhabitat land cover plays in determining the seasonal spatial distribution of aedes aegypti and culex quinquefasciatus, disease vectors of dengue and west nile virus, respectively, in tucson, az. we compared mosquito abundance to sixteen land cover variables derived from 2010 naip multispectral data and 2008 lidar height data. mosquitoes were trapped with 30-9 traps from may to october of 2010 and 2011. variables were extracted for five buffer zones (10-50 m ...201223181866
larvicidal, pupicidal, repellent and adulticidal activity of citrus sinensis orange peel extract against anopheles stephensi, aedes aegypti and culex quinquefasciatus (diptera: culicidae).mosquitoes are the carriers of severe and well-known illnesses such as malaria, arboviral encephalitis, dengue fever, chikunguniya fever, west nile virus and yellow fever. these diseases produce significant morbidity and mortality in humans and livestock around the world. the present study explored the effects of orange peel ethanol extract of citrus sinensis on larvicidal, pupicidal, repellent and adulticidal activity against anopheles stephensi, aedes aegypti and culex quinquefasciatus. the or ...201222797605
host-feeding patterns of culex pipiens and other potential mosquito vectors (diptera: culicidae) of west nile virus (flaviviridae) collected in portugal.the host blood-feeding patterns of mosquito vectors affects the likelihood of human exposure to zoonotic pathogens, including west nile virus (family flaviviridae, genus flavivirus, wnv). in portugal, data are unavailable regarding the blood-feeding habits of common mosquito species, including culex pipiens l., considered the primary vector of wnv to humans. the sources of bloodmeals in 203 blood-fed mosquitoes of nine species collected from june 2007 to november 2010 in 34 portuguese counties w ...201222679881
vector competence of five common mosquito species in the people's republic of china for western equine encephalitis virus.two strains of the western equine encephalitis virus (weev) were first detected and isolated in china in 2001. the maintenance and transmission cycles of weev in china are currently not well understood, and the mosquito vectors involved in these cycles are unknown. to understand the ability of the local mosquitoes in china to transmit weev, the vector competence of five mosquito species, namely, culex pipiens pallens coquillett, cx. p. quinquefasciatus say, aedes (stegomyia) albopictus skuse, ae ...201222276651
zika control through the bacterium wolbachia pipientis. 201627831765
using wolbachia-based release for suppression of aedes mosquitoes: insights from genetic data and population simulations.a novel strategy for suppressing disease transmission by aedes aegypti, the main vector of dengue, uses releases of mosquitoes infected with the bacterium wolbachia pipientis. wolbachia are currently released to interfere with viral transmission, but there is also potential to use strains in mosquito suppression and elimination programs via the deleterious effects of the bacterium on the host. mosquito suppression depends on target areas being relatively isolated to prevent reinvasion and on loc ...201425154109
operational use of household bleach to "crash and release" aedes aegypti prior to wolbachia-infected mosquito release.dengue (family flaviviridae, genus flavivirus, denv) remains the leading arboviral cause of mortality in the tropics. wolbachia pipientis has been shown to interrupt denv transmission and is presently being trialled as a biological control. however, deployment issues have arisen on methods to temporarily suppress wild mosquito populations before wolbachia-infected mosquito releases. by suppressing wild populations, fewer ae. aegypti releases are required to achieve a sustainable wolbachia densit ...201323540123
rplp1 and rplp2 are essential flavivirus host factors that promote early viral protein accumulation.the flavivirus genus contains several arthropod-borne viruses that pose global health threats, including dengue viruses (denv), yellow fever virus (yfv), and zika virus (zikv). in order to understand how these viruses replicate in human cells, we previously conducted genome-scale rna interference screens to identify candidate host factors. in these screens, we identified ribosomal proteins rplp1 and rplp2 (rplp1/2) to be among the most crucial putative host factors required for denv and yfv infe ...201727974556
diversity of yellow fever mosquito vectors in the atlantic forest of rio de janeiro, brazil.environmental modifications caused by human activities have led to changes in mosquito vector populations, and sylvatic species have adapted to breeding in urban areas.201727384833
zika virus in brazil and the danger of infestation by aedes (stegomyia) mosquitoes.zika virus, already widely distributed in africa and asia, was recently reported in two northeastern brazilian: state of bahia and state of rio grande do norte, and one southeastern: state of são paulo. this finding adds a potentially noxious virus to a list of several other viruses that are widely transmitted by aedes (stegomyia) aegypti and aedes (stegomyia) albopictus in brazil. the pathology and epidemiology, including the distribution and vectors associated with zika virus, are reviewed. th ...201626689277
effects of proteinase inhibitor from adenanthera pavonina seeds on short- and long term larval development of aedes aegypti.currently, one of the major global public health concerns is related to the transmission of dengue/yellow fever virus by the vector aedes aegypti. the most abundant digestive enzymes in ae. aegypti midgut larvae are trypsin and chymotrypsin. since protease inhibitors have the capacity to bind to and inhibit the action of insect digestive proteinases, we investigated the short- and long-term effects of adenanthera pavonina seed proteinase inhibitor (apti) on ae. aegypti larvae, as well as a possi ...201525796215
[management of the yellow fever epidemic in 2010 in séguéla (côte d'ivoire): value of multidisciplinary investigation].in august 2010, five positive cases of yellow fever were reported in the region of séguéla, in the northwest of côte d'ivoire, affected by an armed conflict since 2002. in order to evaluate the extent of yellow fever virus circulation and the risk for local people, a multidisciplinary investigation was carried out by the côte-d'ivoire ministry of health and public hygiene.201525629680
[yellow fever: reemerging in the state of sao paulo, brazil, 2009].to describe the investigation of a sylvatic yellow fever outbreak in the state of sao paulo and the main control measures undertaken.201324626492
yellow fever virus susceptibility of two mosquito vectors from kenya, east africa.yellow fever is an unpredictable disease of increasing epidemic threat in east africa. aedes (stegomyia) aegypti has never been implicated as a vector in this region and recent outbreaks have involved a newly emerging virus genotype (east african). to better understand the increasing epidemic risk of yellow fever in east africa, this study is the first to investigate the vector competence for an emerging east african virus genotype in kenyan a. aegypti sensu latu (s.l) and a. (stegomyia) simpson ...201222521217
[zika virus infection in pregnancy].the zika virus is a flavivirus spread by mosquitoes. its primary vectors are the aedes aegypti and the aedes albopictus. before 2007 it sporadically caused benign morbidity. since 2015, it started spreading "explosively" in america, especially in brazil. in august 2016 they reported cases from new york and poland, too. most of the infections don't produce any symptoms, but can cause grave complications. the most important lesion is microcephalia that forms in fetuses. microcephalia's most seriou ...201728393598
new records of aedes aegypti in southern oklahoma, 2016.aedes aegypti is an important subtropical vector species and is predicted to have a limited year-round distribution in the southern united states. collection of the species has not been officially verified in oklahoma since 1940. adult mosquitoes were collected in 42 sites across 7 different cities in oklahoma using 3 different mosquito traps between may and september 2016. between july and september 2016, 88 ae. aegypti adults were collected at 18 different sites in 4 different cities across so ...201728388329
emergence of zika virus epidemic and the national response in jamaica.jamaica, along with the americas, experienced major epidemics of arboviral diseases transmitted by the aedes aegypti mosquito in recent years. these include dengue fever in 2012, chikungunya fever in 2014 and zika virus infection (zikv) in 2016. we present the emergence of the zikv epidemic in jamaica and outline the national response.201628375542
inhibition of zika virus by wolbachia in aedes aegypti.through association with cases of microcephaly in 2015, zika virus (zikv) has transitioned from a relatively unknown mosquito-transmitted pathogen to a global health emergency, emphasizing the need to improve existing mosquito control programs to prevent future disease outbreaks. the response to zika must involve a paradigm shift from traditional to novel methods of mosquito control, and according to the world health organization should incorporate the release of mosquitoes infected with the bac ...201628357366
does zika virus cause microcephaly - applying the bradford hill viewpoints.zika virus has been documented since 1952, but been associated with mild, self-limiting disease. zika virus is classified as an arbovirus from a family of flaviviridae and primarily spread by aedes aegypti mosquitos. however, in a large outbreak in brazil in 2015, zika virus has been associated with microcephaly.201728357156
host-virus interaction of zika virus in modulating disease pathogenesis.the zika virus (zikv) is a newly emerging pathogen that has resulted in a worldwide epidemic. it primarily spreads either through infected aedes aegypti or aedes albopictus mosquitos leading to severe neurological disorders such as microcephaly and guillain-barré syndrome in susceptible individuals. the mode of zikv entry into specific cell types such as: epidermal keratinocytes, fibroblasts, immature dendritic cells (idcs), and stem-cell-derived human neural progenitors has been determined thro ...201728349242
preparing the united states for zika virus: pre-emptive vector control and personal protection.discovered in 1947 in a monkey in the zika forest of uganda, zika virus was dismissed as a cause of a mild illness that was confined to africa and southeast asia and transmitted by aedes mosquitoes. in 2007, zika virus appeared outside of its endemic borders in an outbreak on the south pacific island of yap. in 2013, zika virus was associated with a major neurological complication, guillain-barré syndrome, in a larger outbreak in the french polynesian islands. from the south pacific, zika invade ...201628340908
spatial quantification of the world population potentially exposed to zika virus.zika virus is an emerging flaviviridae virus, which has spread rapidly in the last few years. it has raised concern because it has been associated with fetus microcephaly when pregnant women are infected. the main vector is the mosquito aedes aegypti , distributed in tropical areas.201728338754
boswellia ovalifoliolata (burseraceae) essential oil as an eco-friendly larvicide? toxicity against six mosquito vectors of public health importance, non-target mosquito fishes, backswimmers, and water bugs.the use of synthetic pesticides to control vector populations is detrimental to human health and the environment and may lead to the development of resistant strains. plants can be alternative sources of safer compounds effective on mosquito vectors. in this study, the mosquito larvicidal activity of boswellia ovalifoliolata leaf essential oil (eo) was evaluated against anopheles stephensi, anopheles subpictus, aedes aegypti, aedes albopictus, culex quinquefasciatus, and culex tritaeniorhynchus. ...201728332087
ascension island: a survey to assess the presence of zika virus vectors.following concerns regarding the spread of zika virus, joint services health unit (cyprus) were tasked to carry out a mosquito survey on the ascension island, south atlantic. this was to determine if vectors of the virus such as aedes aegypti and aedes albopictus were introduced and established on the island.201728331047
spatial-temporal analysis of dengue deaths: identifying social vulnerabilities.currently, dengue fever, chikungunya fever, and zika virus represent serious public health issues in brazil, despite efforts to control the vector, the aedes aegypti mosquito.201728327810
correction: laboratory strains of aedes aegypti are competent to brazilian zika virus.[this corrects the article doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0171951.].201728288192
variation in aedes aegypti mosquito competence for zika virus test whether zika virus has adapted for more efficient transmission by aedes aegypti mosquitoes, leading to recent urban outbreaks, we fed mosquitoes from brazil, the dominican republic, and the united states artificial blood meals containing 1 of 3 zika virus strains (senegal, cambodia, mexico) and monitored infection, dissemination, and virus in saliva. contrary to our hypothesis, cambodia and mexica strains were less infectious than the senegal strain. only mosquitoes from the dominican re ...201728287375
<i>aedes aegypti</i> control through modernized, integrated vector the context of the ongoing, unprecedented zika virus outbreak in the americas, the world health organization has expressed its support for developing and up-scaling three novel approaches to controlling the aedes aegypti mosquito: the sterile insect technique (sit), the release of insects carrying dominant lethal genes (ridl) and the release of wolbachia-infected mosquitoes. whereas the former two approaches are temporary insect population suppression strategies, wolbachia infection is a self ...201728286698
vertical transmission of zika virus by aedes aegypti and ae. albopictus determine the potential role of vertical transmission in zika virus expansion, we evaluated larval pools of perorally infected aedes. aegypti and ae. albopictus adult female mosquitoes; ≈1/84 larvae tested were zika virus-positive; and rates varied among mosquito populations. thus, vertical transmission may play a role in zika virus spread and maintenance.201728277199
zika in rio de janeiro: assessment of basic reproduction number and comparison with dengue outbreaks.zika virus infection was declared a public health emergency of international concern in february 2016 in response to the outbreak in brazil and its suspected link with congenital anomalies. in this study, we use notification data and disease natural history parameters to estimate the basic reproduction number (r 0) of zika in rio de janeiro, brazil. we also obtain estimates of r 0 of dengue from time series of dengue cases in the outbreaks registered in 2002 and 2012 in the city, when denv-3 and ...201728240195
combining contact tracing with targeted indoor residual spraying significantly reduces dengue transmission.the widespread transmission of dengue viruses (denv), coupled with the alarming increase of birth defects and neurological disorders associated with zika virus, has put the world in dire need of more efficacious tools for aedes aegypti-borne disease mitigation. we quantitatively investigated the epidemiological value of location-based contact tracing (identifying potential out-of-home exposure locations by phone interviews) to infer transmission foci where high-quality insecticide applications c ...201728232955
leaking containers: success and failure in controlling the mosquito aedes aegypti in 1958, the pan american health organization declared that brazil had successfully eradicated the mosquito aedes aegypti, responsible for the transmission of yellow fever, dengue fever, chikungunya, and zika virus. yet in 2016 the brazilian minister of health described the situation of dengue fever as "catastrophic." discussing the recent epidemic of zika virus, which amplified the crisis produced by the persistence of dengue fever, brazil's president declared in january 2016 that "we are in th ...201728207332
does zika virus infection affect mosquito response to repellents?the world health organization (who) recommends that people travelling to or living in areas with zika virus (zikv) outbreaks or epidemics adopt prophylactic measures to reduce or eliminate mosquito bites, including the use of insect repellents. it is, however, unknown whether repellents are effective against zikv-infected mosquitoes, in part because of the ethical concerns related to exposing a human subject's arm to infected mosquitoes in the standard arm-in-cage assay. we used a previously dev ...201728205633
a cdna clone-launched platform for high-yield production of inactivated zika vaccine.a purified inactivated vaccine (piv) using the zika virus (zikv) puerto rico strain prvabc59 showed efficacy in monkeys, and is currently in a phase i clinical trial. high-yield manufacture of this piv is essential for its development and vaccine access. here we report an infectious cdna clone-launched platform to maximize its yield. a single ns1 protein substitution (k265e) was identified to increase zikv replication on vero cells (a cell line approved for vaccine production) for both cambodian ...201728196656
laboratory strains of aedes aegypti are competent to brazilian zika virus.the zika virus outbreaks are unprecedented human threat in relation to congenital malformations and neurological/autoimmune complications. since this virus has high potential to spread in regions presenting the vectors, improvement in mosquito control is a top priority. thus, aedes aegypti laboratory strains will be fundamental to support studies in different research fields implicated on zika-mosquito interactions which are the basis for the development of innovative control methods. in this se ...201728187183
predicting the potential role of non-human hosts in zika virus maintenance.arboviruses are often maintained in complex cycles involving vertebrates such as mammals or birds and blood-feeding mosquitoes. however, the role of wildlife hosts in their emergence or re-emergence in human populations has received little attention. the recent emergence of zika virus in america, and previous occurrences of chikungunya and dengue, forces us to confront a potential new disease-emergence phenomenon. using a spatial data mining framework to identify potential biotic interactions, b ...201728180996
larvicidal activity of blumea eriantha essential oil and its components against six mosquito species, including zika virus vectors: the promising potential of (4e,6z)-allo-ocimene, carvotanacetone and dodecyl acetate.the effective and environmentally sustainable control of mosquitoes is a challenge of essential importance. this is due to the fact that some invasive mosquitoes, with special reference to the aedes genus, are particularly difficult to control, due to their high ecological plasticity. moreover, the indiscriminate overuse of synthetic insecticides resulted in undesirable effects on human health and non-target organisms, as well as resistance development in targeted vectors. here, the leaf essenti ...201728168560
[zika virus infection in pregnancy, fetal and neonatal impact].zika virus (zv) is an arbovirus transmitted by aedes aegypti and a. albopictus. the neurotropic profile of this virus is known since 1952. the main finding related to zv in america is microcephaly. two hypotheses are tested on its involvement in the central nervous system: its neurotropic feature and the direct effect of zv on the placenta. malformations and clinical findings on fetal development comprise congenital zika syndrome. rt-pcr and serology (igm) are useful for definitive diagnosis. ho ...201628146192
an integrated approach for the assessment of the aedes aegypti and aedes albopictus global spatial distribution, and determination of the zones susceptible to the development of zika virus.the zika virus, one of the new epidemic diseases, is reported to have affected millions of people in the past year. the suitable climate conditions of the areas where zika virus has been reported, especially in areas with a high population density, are the main cause of the current outbreak and spread of the disease. indeed, the suitable climatic conditions of certain territories constitute perfect breading nest for the propagation and outbreak of worldwide diseases. the main objective of this r ...201728111132
experimental transmission of zika virus by mosquitoes from central europe.mosquitoes collected in germany in 2016, including culex pipiens pipiens biotype pipiens, culex torrentium and aedes albopictus, as well as culex pipiens pipiens biotype molestus (in colony since 2011) were experimentally infected with zika virus (zikv) at 18 °c or 27 °c. none of the culex taxa showed vector competence for zikv. in contrast, aedes albopictus were susceptible for zikv but only at 27 °c, with transmission rates similar to an aedes aegypti laboratory colony tested in parallel.201728106528
zika virus vector competency of mosquitoes, gulf coast, united states.zika virus has recently spread throughout the americas. although aedes aegypti mosquitoes are considered the primary vector, culex quinquefasciatus and mosquitoes of other species may also be vectors. we tested cx. quinquefasciatus and ae. taeniorhynchus mosquitoes from the us gulf coast; both were refractory to infection and incapable of transmission.201728005002
zika virus in asia.zika virus (zikv) is an emerging mosquito-borne virus that was first isolated from a sentinel rhesus monkey in the zika forest in uganda in 1947. in asia, the virus was isolated in malaysia from aedes aegypti mosquitoes in 1966, and the first human infections were reported in 1977 in central java, indonesia. in this review, all reported cases of zikv infection in asia as of september 1, 2016 are summarized and some of the hypotheses that could currently explain the apparently low incidence of zi ...201727939768
flavivirus transmission focusing on zika.flaviviruses are among the most diverse viruses with over 85 species recognized. taxonomically, this genus is one of the 4 recognized genera within the family flaviviridae. most flaviviruses of human public health significance, for example, dengue, yellow fever and zika viruses, are arthropod-borne (arboviruses) and have two evolutionarily and ecologically distinct transmission cycles: a sylvatic transmission cycle, where the virus circulates between zoonotic vertebrate reservoir and amplificati ...201727936448
optomotor reactions reveal polarization sensitvity in the zika virus transmitting yellow fever mosquito aedes (stegomyia) aegypti (diptera; nematocera).in polarization-sensitive insect species an orthogonal arrangement of photoreceptive microvilli is a characteristic feature. however, mosquito eyes had not revealed this feature, and polarization sensitivity (ps) was considered to be non-existent in them. recently, however, gravid aedes (stegomyia) aegypti females were found to possess ps, sequels of which could be demonstrated only in the absence of chemicals emitted by conspecifics. therefore, ps in ae. aegypti, unlike that of other aquatic in ...201627927093
towards green oviposition deterrents? effectiveness of syzygium lanceolatum (myrtaceae) essential oil against six mosquito vectors and impact on four aquatic biological control agents.essential oils (eos) from plants may be alternative sources of molecules toxic against mosquito vectors of public health relevance. most of researches in this field focused on eos as larvicides or ovicides, while limited efforts focused on the exploitation of eos as oviposition deterrents. in the present study, the larvicidal and oviposition deterrent activity of syzygium lanceolatum leaf eo was evaluated against six mosquito species, anopheles stephensi, an. subpictus, aedes aegypti, ae. albopi ...201627921244
toxicity of ar-curcumene and epi-β-bisabolol from hedychium larsenii (zingiberaceae) essential oil on malaria, chikungunya and st. louis encephalitis mosquito vectors.mosquitoes act as vectors of key pathogens and parasites. plant essential oils have been recognized as important sources of biopesticides, which do not induce resistance and have limited toxic effects on human health and non-target organisms. in this research, we evaluated the larvicidal and oviposition deterrence activity of hedychium larsenii essential oil (eo) and its major compounds ar-curcumene and epi-β-bisabolol. both molecules showed high toxicity against early third instars of anopheles ...201727918946
zika virus-what the otolaryngologist should know: a review.initially discovered in 1947, zika virus infection received little notoriety as a tropical disease until 2015 when an outbreak of microcephaly cases was reported in brazil. zika is a single-stranded rna arbovirus of the flaviviridae family. the primary source of infection in humans stems from aedes aegypti mosquito bites but can also occur through sexual, blood, and perinatal transmission. with expectations that 3 to 4 million people across the americas will be infected over the next year, the w ...201727892990
frequency of the val1016ile mutation on the kdr gene in aedes aegypti (diptera: culicidae) in south brazil.recently, the number of aedes aegypti foci has increased in west of santa catarina, south brazil, which has increased concern regarding mosquito-borne disease outbreaks such as dengue fever, zika virus, and chikungunya. therefore, it is important to monitor genetic resistance to insecticides through "knockdown resistance". homozygosity (ile/ile) at position 1016 in the coding region of a voltage-dependent sodium channel gene (nav) may induce resistance to pyrethroid insecticides. we evaluated th ...201627886338
low circulation of zika virus, cambodia, 2007-2016.we describe a retrospective study on circulation of zika virus in cambodia during 2007-2016 among patients with dengue-like symptoms and aedes aegypti mosquitoes. our findings suggest that zika virus in cambodia belongs to the asia genotype, is endemic, has low prevalence, and has had low-level impact on public health.201727875110
sarniensine, a mesembrine-type alkaloid isolated from nerine sarniensis, an indigenous south african amaryllidaceae, with larvicidal and adulticidal activities against aedes aegypti.a new mesembrine-type alkaloid, named sarniensine, was isolated together with tazettine, lycorine, the main alkaloid, and 3-epimacronine from nerine sarniensis, with the last two produced for the first time by this plant. this amaryllidaceae, which is indigenous of south africa, was investigated for its alkaloid content, because the organic extract of its bulbs showed strong larvicidal activity with an lc50 value of 0.008μgμl(-1) against first instar aedes aegypti larvae and with an ld50 value 4 ...201727864138
understanding zika virus.this article describes what pediatric healthcare professionals should know about zika virus (zikv).201727862959
one year after the zika virus outbreak in brazil: from hypotheses to evidence.zika virusis an arbovirus of the flaviviridae family with two major strains, an asian and an african strain. the main vectors involved in the transmission of zika virus are the aedes aegypti and aedes albopictus mosquitoes. despite its identification, discovered in 1947 in the zika forest in uganda, only isolated and sporadic occurrences of human infection were reported within a largely asymptomatic proportion of individuals. the first reported outbreak occurred in 2007 in the yap island, which ...201627812646
sex, mosquitoes and epidemics: an evaluation of zika disease dynamics.since the first major outbreak reported on the island yap in 2007, the zika virus spread has alerted the scientific community worldwide. zika is an arbovirus transmitted by aedes mosquitoes; particularly in central and south america, the main vector is the same mosquito that transmits dengue and chikungunya, aedes aegypti. seeking to understand the dynamics of spread of the zika, in this paper, three mathematical models are presented, in which vector transmission of the virus, sexual contact tra ...201627743310
alkaloids with activity against the zika virus vector aedes aegypti (l.)-crinsarnine and sarniensinol, two new crinine and mesembrine type alkaloids isolated from the south african plant nerine sarniensis.two new amaryllidaceae alkaloids, belonging to the mesembrine- and crinine-types, named crinsarnine (1) and sarniensinol (2), were isolated from the dried bulbs of nerine sarniensis together with bowdensine (3), sarniensine (4), hippadine (5) and 1-o-acetyl-lycorine (6). crinsarnine (1) and sarniensinol (2) were characterized using spectroscopic and chiroptical methods as (1s,2s,4ar,10bs)-2,7-dimethoxy-1,2,3,4,4a,6-hexahydro-5,11b-ethano[1,3]dioxolo-[4,5-j]phenanthridin-1-yl acetate and (6-(3ar, ...201627801807
development and characterization of recombinant virus generated from a new world zika virus infectious clone.zika virus (zikv; family flaviviridae, genus flavivirus) is a rapidly expanding global pathogen that has been associated with severe clinical manifestations, including devastating neurological disease in infants. there are currently no molecular clones of a new world zikv available that lack significant attenuation, hindering progress toward understanding determinants of transmission and pathogenesis. here we report the development and characterization of a novel zikv reverse genetics system bas ...201727795432
evidence of the presence of the zika virus in mexico since early assess the possible circulation of zika virus (zikv) prior to the first documented case in mexico, we reanalyzed the stored samples from the states of veracruz and yucatán, which were originally collected to test for dengue (denv) and chikungunya (chikv) but were negative for these viruses despite the symptomatology. the samples were originally collected between the 30 and 46 epidemiological weeks (ew) when the zikv was not yet declared as a public health emergency of international concern (p ...201627557815
an updated review of zika virus.the current outbreak of zika virus (zikv) in south america is one of the most serious public health emergencies since the ebola outbreak of west africa [2014]. zikv belongs to the flaviviridae family and has two lineages (asian and african). the virus was first discovered in uganda [1947] and the first human infection was identified in nigeria [1952]. the current epidemic is the third of its type after that of yap island, micronesia [2007] and french polynesia [2013]. phylogenetic studies reveal ...201627721110
zika virus disease cases - 50 states and the district of columbia, january 1-july 31, 2016.zika virus is a mosquito-borne flavivirus primarily transmitted to humans by aedes aegypti mosquitoes (1). zika virus infections have also been documented through intrauterine transmission resulting in congenital infection; intrapartum transmission from a viremic mother to her newborn; sexual transmission; blood transfusion; and laboratory exposure (1-5). most zika virus infections are asymptomatic (1,6). clinical illness, when it occurs, is generally mild and characterized by acute onset of fev ...201627631604
epidemiology, virology, and pathogenesis of the zika virus: from neglected tropical disease to a focal point of international attention.over the past year, the zika virus, an arthropod-borne flavivirus, has transitioned from a relatively unknown tropical disease to the cause of a public health emergency. the zika virus is transmitted by the aedes species of mosquito as well as by sexual intercourse. although the symptoms of acute zika virus infection are usually mild and self-limited, it causes fetal microcephaly in pregnant women, and is associated with an increased risk of guillain-barré syndrome. the risk of microcephaly from ...201627618294
single-step biological fabrication of colloidal silver nanoparticles using hugonia mystax: larvicidal potential against zika virus, dengue, and malaria vector mosquitoes.mosquito control is facing key challenges, including outbreaks of new arbovirus threats. we proposed an eco-friendly synthesis of silver nanoparticles (agnps) employing a low-cost extract of hugonia mystax. agnps were specified by uv, xrd, ftir and edx spectroscopy, sem and tem. agnps were more toxic to anopheles stephensi, aedes aegypti, and culex quinquefasciatus larvae (lc50: 14.45, 15.86, and 17.46 μg/ml) if compared to aquatic biocontrol organisms gambusia affinis, diplonychus indicus, and ...201627611658
acute toxicity and repellent activity of the origanum scabrum boiss. & heldr. (lamiaceae) essential oil against four mosquito vectors of public health importance and its biosafety on non-target aquatic organisms.the recent outbreaks of dengue, chikungunya, and zika virus highlighted the pivotal importance of mosquito vector control in tropical and subtropical areas worldwide. however, mosquito control is facing hot challenges, mainly due to the rapid development of pesticide resistance in culicidae and the limited success of biocontrol programs on aedes mosquitoes. in this framework, screening botanicals for their mosquitocidal potential may offer effective and eco-friendly tools in the fight against mo ...201627604128
culex species mosquitoes and zika virus.recent reports of zika virus (zikv) isolates from culex species mosquitoes have resulted in concern regarding a lack of knowledge on the number of competent vector species for zikv transmission in the new world. although observations in the field have demonstrated that zikv isolation can be made from culex species mosquitoes, the detection of zikv in these mosquitoes is not proof of their involvement in a zikv transmission cycle. detection may be due to recent feeding on a viremic vertebrate, an ...201627556838
what's in the literature?the guillain-barré syndrome (gbs) is one of the few neuropathies well known to the general public, in part because of its association with swine flu vaccinations in 1976. gbs has again reached the general public with its possible association with zika virus. the virus, borne by infected aedes aegypti mosquitos, is being linked to birth defects when pregnant women are bitten and infected. there are early reports also linking gbs to zika infection, which could expose a wider range of infected peop ...201627552392
contraceptive use among nonpregnant and postpartum women at risk for unintended pregnancy, and female high school students, in the context of zika preparedness - united states, 2011-2013 and 2015.zika virus infection during pregnancy can cause congenital microcephaly and brain abnormalities (1,2). since 2015, zika virus has been spreading through much of the world health organization's region of the americas, including u.s. territories. zika virus is spread through the bite of aedes aegypti or aedes albopictus mosquitoes, by sex with an infected partner, or from a pregnant woman to her fetus during pregnancy.* cdc estimates that 41 states are in the potential range of aedes aegypti or ae ...201627490117
one-pot fabrication of silver nanocrystals using nicandra physalodes: a novel route for mosquito vector control with moderate toxicity on non-target water bugs.mosquitoes (diptera: culicidae) as vectors for important diseases and parasites causing millions of deaths every year. the use of synthetic pesticides against culicidae leads to resistance and environmental concerns. therefore, eco-friendly control tools are a priority. in this research, nicandra physalodes-mediated synthesis of silver nanoparticles (ag nps) was conducted, in order to control larval populations of three important mosquito vectors, anopheles stephensi, aedes aegypti and culex qui ...201627473981
a detailed comparative analysis of codon usage bias in zika virus.zika virus (zikv) is a member of the family flaviviridae and its genome consists of a single-stranded positive sense rna molecule with 10,794 nucleotides. clinical manifestations of disease caused by zikv infection range from asymptomatic cases to an influenza-like syndrome. there is an increasing concern about the possible relation among microcephaly and zikv infection. to get insight into the relation of codon usage among viruses and their hosts is extremely important to understand virus survi ...201627449601
outbreak of zika virus infection, chiapas state, mexico, 2015, and first confirmed transmission by aedes aegypti mosquitoes in the americas.after decades of obscurity, zika virus (zikv) has spread through the americas since 2015 accompanied by congenital microcephaly and guillain-barré syndrome. although these epidemics presumably involve transmission by aedes aegypti, no direct evidence of vector involvement has been reported, prompting speculation that other mosquitoes such as culex quinquefasciatus could be involved.201627436433
egg and fourth instar larvae gut of aedes aegypti as a source of stem cells.according to the world health organization, 2015 registered more than 1.206.172 cases of dengue in the americas. recently, the aedes aegypti has been not only related to dengue, but also with cases of zika virus and chikungunya. due to its epidemiological importance, this study characterized the morphology of the embryonated eggs of a. aegypti and provided a protocol to culture stem cells from eggs and digestive tract of fourth instar larvae in order to examine cell biology and expression of mar ...201627401144
yellow fever remains a potential threat to public health.yellow fever (yf) remains a serious public health threat in endemic countries. the recent re-emergence in africa, initiating in angola and spreading to democratic republic of congo and uganda, with imported cases in china and kenya is of concern. there is such a shortage of yf vaccine in the world that the world health organization has proposed the use of reduced doses (1/5) during emergencies. in this short communication, we discuss these and other problems including the risk of spread of yf to ...201627400066
screening of blood donations for zika virus infection - puerto rico, april 3-june 11, 2016.transfusion-transmitted infections have been documented for several arboviruses, including west nile and dengue viruses (1). zika virus, a flavivirus transmitted primarily by aedes aegypti mosquitoes that has been identified as a cause of congenital microcephaly and other serious brain defects (2), became recognized as a potential threat to blood safety after reports from a 2013-2014 outbreak in french polynesia. blood safety concerns were based on very high infection incidence in the population ...201627337368
[zika virus and zika viral disease].since zika virus (zikv) has firstly been isolated in 1947, uganda, outbreaks of zika fever have been reported in many areas such as in africa, southeast asia and america. imported cases in china also have been reported. zika virus belongs to the family flaviviridae, genus flavivirus, and include africa subtype and asia subtype. it is a mosquito-borne virus primarily transmitted by aedes aegypti mosquitoes. sexual transmission, blood transmission and mother-to-fetus transmission were also reporte ...201627295893
dengue, chikungunya … and the missing entity - zika fever: a new emerging threat.zika virus (zikv), a relative newcomer from the flavivirus group that includes dengue, japanese encepahalitis and yellow fever, is one of the emerging pathogens that is fast transcending geographical boundaries. it is a vector-borne disease transmitted by the same aedes aegypti and aedes albopictus, which cause dengue and chikungunya. in addition to the vector-mediated transmission of zika fever, probable human-to-human transmission through exchange of body fluids, including sexual and perinatal ...201627257326
zika virus infection: current concerns and perspectives.the zika virus outbreaks highlight the growing importance need for a reliable, specific and rapid diagnostic device to detect zika virus, as it is often recognized as a mild disease without being identified. many zika virus infection cases have been misdiagnosed or underreported because of the non-specific clinical presentation. the aim of this review was to provide a critical and comprehensive overview of the published peer-reviewed evidence related to clinical presentations, various diagnostic ...201627236440
an infectious cdna clone of zika virus to study viral virulence, mosquito transmission, and antiviral inhibitors.the asian lineage of zika virus (zikv) has recently caused epidemics and severe disease. unraveling the mechanisms causing increased viral transmissibility and disease severity requires experimental systems. we report an infectious cdna clone of zikv that was generated using a clinical isolate of the asian lineage. the cdna clone-derived rna is infectious in cells, generating recombinant zikv. the recombinant virus is virulent in established zikv mouse models, leading to neurological signs relev ...201627198478
[infestation status aedes albopictus and related mosquito-borne infectious disease risk in central urban area in shanghai].to evaluate aedes albopictus infestation status in the central urban area of shanghai, and analyze the related epidemic risk of mosquito-borne infectious disease.201627188346
experimental studies of susceptibility of italian aedes albopictus to zika virus.we report a study on vector competence of an italian population of aedes albopictus for zika virus (zikv). ae. albopictus was susceptible to zikv infection (infection rate: 10%), and the virus could disseminate and was secreted in the mosquito's saliva (dissemination rate: 29%; transmission rate: 29%) after an extrinsic incubation period of 11 days. the observed vector competence was lower than that of an ae. aegypti colony tested in parallel.201627171034
zika virus - emergence, evolution, pathology, diagnosis, and control: current global scenario and future perspectives - a comprehensive review.this review converses the zika virus which has attained global concern due to its rapid pandemic potential and impact on humans. though zika virus was first isolated in 1947, till the recent large-scale outbreak which occurred in micronesia, in 2007, the virus was placed into the innocuous pathogen category. the world health organization on 1 february 2016 declared it as a 'public health emergency of international concern.' of the note, american as well as pacific island strains/isolates is rela ...201627158761
[zika virus infection or the future of infectious diseases].zika virus belongs to the flaviridae, an extended phylogenetic family containing dengue or yellow fever, viruses whose shared main vector are aedes aegypti mosquitoes. the virus originally came from central african simian reservoirs and, from there, expanded rapidly across the pacific to south america. the disease is an example of exantematic fever usually mild. mortality is very low and mainly limited to secondary guillain-barré or fetal microcephaly cases. diagnostic confirmation requires a rt ...201627156484
search and one will find: zika virus everywhere. 201627076507
one-step synthesis of polydispersed silver nanocrystals using malva sylvestris: an eco-friendly mosquito larvicide with negligible impact on non-target aquatic organisms.the synthesis of eco-friendly nanoparticles is evergreen branch of nanoscience with a growing number of biomedical implications. in this study, we investigated the synthesis of polydisperse and stable silver nanoparticles (agnp) using a cheap leaf extract of malva sylvestris (malvaceae). bio-reduced agnp were characterized by uv-visible spectrophotometry, fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (ftir), x-ray diffraction analysis (xrd), atomic force microscopy (afm), scanning electron microscopy ...201627075309
zika virus: implications for public health.the world health organization has declared the current zika virus (zikv) epidemic a public health emergency of international concern. lack of vaccines and reliable diagnostic tests, broad geographical distribution of mosquito species that can transmit the virus, and absence of population immunity in newly affected countries are causes for concern. although most infected persons are asymptomatic, zikv has been associated with a rise in cases of neurological complications and fetal central nervous ...201627048745
Displaying items 10501 - 10600 of 14974