
production of the bioinsecticide bacillus thuringiensis subsp. israelensis with deltamethrin increases toxicity towards mosquito larvae.bacillus thuringiensis subsp. israelensis is a bioinsecticide used for larval mosquito control and it represents a safe alternative to chemical insecticides. despite its environmental safety, it is less efficient and persistent than chemical insecticides. to bypass these limitations, we propose to combine the advantages of chemical and biological insecticides by producing bti in a medium supplemented with a chemical insecticide (ddt, deltamethrin, permethrin, propoxur or temephos). among the inv ...201323594143
[susceptibility of aedes aegypti (l.) strains from havana to a bacillus thuringiensis var. israelensis].the integration of chemical and biological methods is one of the strategies for the vector control, due to the existing environmental problems and the concerns of the community as a result of the synthetic organic insecticide actions. the bacterium called bacillus thuringiensis var. israelensis in liquid formulation has been widely used in the vector control programs in several countries and has shown high efficacy at lab in cuba.201323424808
[influence of biotic factors on the efficacy of bacillus thuringiensis var. israelensis against aedes aegypti (diptera: culicidae)].bacillus thuringiensis h-14 has shown high efficacy on aedes aegypti larvae. but a number of factors could affect its effectiveness. knowing these factors is of vital importance for improving the application parameters in real conditions in order to guarantee the treatment's efficiency and to reduce environmental impact.201323424800
cyt1aa from bacillus thuringiensis subsp. israelensis enhances mosquitocidal activity of b. thuringiensis subsp. kurstaki hd-1 against aedes aegypti but not culex quinquefasciatus.the cyt1aa protein of bacillus thuringiensis subsp. israelensis is known to synergize mosquitocidal proteins of b. thuringiensis and bacillus sphaericus strains. cyt1aa is highly lipophilic, and after binding in vivo to the midgut microvillar membrane serves as a "receptor" for mosquitocidal cry proteins, which subsequently form cation channels that kill mosquito larvae. here we report that cyt1aa can serve a similar function for lepidopteran-specific cry proteins of b. thuringiensis in certain ...201323314373
increase in larval gut proteolytic activities and bti resistance in the dengue fever mosquito.the bioinsecticide bacillus thuringiensis var. israelensis (bti) is increasingly used worldwide for mosquito control. although no established resistance to bti has been described in the field so far, a resistant aedes aegypti strain (litox strain) was selected in the laboratory using field-collected leaf litter containing bti toxins. this selected strain exhibits a moderate resistance level to bti, but a high resistance level to individual cry toxins. as bti contains four different toxins, gener ...201323192850
effect of wolbachia on insecticide susceptibility in lines of aedes aegypti.two stable infections of wolbachia pipientis, wmelpop and wmel, now established in aedes aegypti, are being used in a biocontrol program to suppress the transmission of dengue. any effects of wolbachia infection on insecticide resistance of mosquitoes may undermine the success of this program. bioassays of ae. aegypti were conducted to test for differences in response to insecticides between wolbachia infected (wmelpop, wmel) and uninfected lines. insecticides screened were bifenthrin, the pyret ...201323149015
spray application of bacillus thuringiensis israelensis (bti strain am65-52) against aedes aegypti (l.) and ae. albopictus skuse populations and impact on dengue transmission in a dengue endemic residential site in malaysia.a one year study was conducted to evaluate the impact of spray application of bacillus thuringiensis israelensis (bti), strain am65-52 on vector populations and dengue transmission in a dengue endemic state in malaysia. residential sites with similar populations of aedes aegypti (l.) and aedes albopictus skuse were studied. one site was treated with spray application of bti into all outdoor target vector habitats, which consisted of natural and artificial containers. the other site was not treat ...201223082582
investigation of the cry4b-prohibitin interaction in aedes aegypti cells.bacillus thuringiensis (bt) produces insecticidal toxins active against insects. cry4b, one of the major insecticidal toxins produced by bt subsp. israelensis, is highly toxic to mosquitoes in the genus aedes: the major vectors of dengue, yellow fever, and chikungunya. previous work has shown that cry4b binds to several mid-gut membrane proteins in aedes aegypti larvae including prohibitin, a protein recently identified as a receptor that also mediates entry of dengue virus into aedes cells. thi ...201222767320
isolation of bacillus thuringiensis strains that contain dipteran-specific cry genes from ilha bela (são paulo, brazil) soil samples.the entomophatogenic bacterium bacillus thuringiensis produces crystal proteins, named cry proteins which are encoded by the cry genes. this bacterium is used on biological control of important economical pests, as well as in the control of disease´s vectors, such as aedes aegypti, a mosquito that transmits the dengue viruses. isolates of this bacterium can be characterized by the content of cry genes and this prediction helps target different insect orders. in this research, we isolated 76 colo ...201222735130
efficacy of sunlight-activatable porphyrin formulates on larvae of anopheles gambiae m and s molecular forms and an. arabiensis: a potential novel biolarvicide for integrated malaria vector control.biolarvicides, such as microbial formulations based on bacillus thuringiensis and b. sphaericus, have been found to be highly effective against mosquito larvae and are currently employed as eco-friendly alternatives to synthetic chemical insecticides for vector control. recently, a porphyrin of natural origin has been suggested as a sunlight-activatable larvicide against the dengue vector aedes aegypti. in order to validate the approach for the control of the malaria vector, we tested the photo- ...201222668835
effectiveness of gambusia holbrooki fish in domestic water containers and controlling aedes aegypti larvae (linnaeus, 1762) in southwest saudi arabia (jeddah).the objective of this study was to estimate the survival of gambusia holbrooki (cyprinodontiformes: poeciliidae) fishin domestic containers in jeddah, as well as its effectiveness in the control of immature a.aegypti. the use of g. holbrooki compared to bacillus thuringiensis israelensis (b.t.i.)was donein domestic containers. in a first home visit, g. holbrooki or b.t.i were applied to water containers. two follow-up visits were conducted after 3-4 & 5-6 months to assess the presence of viable ...201222662590
a novel cost-effective medium for the production of bacillus thuringiensis subsp. israelensis for mosquito control.bacillus thuringiensis subsp. israelensis (bti) has been used for mosquito-control programmes the world-wide. indeed, the large-scale production of bti for mosquito control is very expensive due to the high cost of its culture. in the present study, we attempted to widen the scope in developing cost-effective culture medium for bti production, based on the raw materials available on the biosphere, including coconut cake powder, ccp (cocos nucifera), neem cake powder, ncp (azadirachta indica) and ...201222543607
mosquitocidal properties of calotropis gigantea (family: asclepiadaceae) leaf extract and bacterial insecticide, bacillus thuringiensis, against the mosquito vectors.calotropis gigantea leaf extract and bacillus thuringiensis were tested first to fourth-instar larvae and pupae of anopheles stephensi, aedes aegypti, and culex quinquefasciatus. the medicinal plants were collected from the area around bharathiar university, coimbatore, india. calotropis gigantea leaf was washed with tap water and shade-dried at room temperature. an electrical blender powdered the dried plant materials (leaves). the powder 500 g of the leaf was extracted with 1.5 l of organic so ...201222382205
identifying insecticide resistance genes in mosquito by combining aflp genome scans and 454 pyrosequencing.aflp-based genome scans are widely used to study the genetics of adaptation and to identify genomic regions potentially under selection. however, this approach usually fails to detect the actual genes or mutations targeted by selection owing to the difficulties of obtaining dna sequences from aflp fragments. here, we combine classical aflp outlier detection with 454 sequencing of aflp fragments to obtain sequences from outlier loci. we applied this approach to the study of resistance to bacillus ...201222348648
treatment of an aedes aegypti colony with the cry11aa toxin for 54 generations results in the development of study the potential for the emergence of resistance in aedes aegypti populations, a wild colony was subjected to selective pressure with cry11aa, one of four endotoxins that compose the bacillus thuringiensis serovar israelensis toxin. this bacterium is the base component of the most important biopesticide used in the control of mosquitoes worldwide. after 54 generations of selection, significant resistance levels were observed. at the beginning of the selection experiment, the half lethal co ...201222310538
optimization of medium composition for the production of mosquitocidal toxins from bacillus thuringiensis subsp. israelensis.optimization of chicken feather (cf) based culture medium for the production of bacillus thuringiensis subsp. israelensis (bti) biomass in combination with the agro industrial by-product (coconut cake, cc) and manganese chloride (mncl2) has been evaluated. the biomass yield of bti spore/crystal toxin was highest (12.06 g/l) from the test medium (cf+cc+mncl2) compared to the reference medium (luria bertani, lb). toxicity assay with bti produced from the test medium against mosquito vectors (culex ...201222279944
[conduct of the oviposition of aedes aegypti (l.) in the presence of macrocyclops albidus (j.) and bacillus thuringiensis var. israelensis under lab conditions].the behaviour of the oviposition of pregnant females of aedes aegypti in the presence of biological agents: macrocyclops albidus (copepoda: cyclopoidea) or bacillus thuringiensis var. israelensis (bti) was evaluated under lab conditions. recipients containing 225 ml of dechlorinated water were placed for oviposition with three variants: water with copepods, water with bti, and water. the average of eggs layed in the recipients with copepods and bti were 1 227.9 and 1 200.8, respectively, a figur ...201323427425
studies on bacillus thuringiensis strains isolated from swedish soils: insect toxicity and production of b. cereus-diarrhoeal-type moderate concentration, 23 of 40 strains of bacillus thuringiensis isolated from sweden were toxic to trichoplusia ni and five were toxic to aedes aegypti. five of the strains were toxic to diabrotica undecimpunctata at high concentration, two were toxic to heliothis virescens at low concentration and five produced thuringiensin (formerly called β-exotoxin). no strain was toxic towards the beet armyworm spodoptera exigua at low concentration. twenty-three of the strains produced a b. cereus-d ...199424421086
studies on bacillus thuringiensis h-14 strains isolated in egypt-v. composition and toxicity of the mosquitocidal parasporal inclusions.parasporal inclusions of bacillus thuringlensis h-14 strains m1 and s128 were characterized by solubilization, electron microscopy, polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, amino acid analysis and insecticidal activity. inclusions of both strains are composed largely of protein with 8 to 9% carbohydrate. amino acid analysis of the purlfied inclusions revealed that the two strains produce inclusions that are closely related to each other but significantly different from lepidopteran-toxic b. thuringie ...199124424938
arboviral diseases and malaria in australia, 2011-12: annual report of the national arbovirus and malaria advisory committee.the national notifiable diseases surveillance system received notifications for 7,875 cases of disease transmitted by mosquitoes during the 2011-12 season (1 july 2011 to 30 june 2012). the alphaviruses barmah forest virus and ross river virus accounted for 6,036 (77%) of these. there were 18 notifications of dengue virus infection acquired in australia and 1,390 cases that were acquired overseas, while for 38 cases, the place of acquisition was unknown. imported cases of dengue in australia wer ...201425222207
myco-synthesis of silver nanoparticles using beauveria bassiana against dengue vector, aedes aegypti (diptera: culicidae).the efficacy of silver synthesized biolarvicide with the help of entomopathogenic fungus, beauveria bassiana, was assessed against the different larval instars of dengue vector, aedes aegypti. the silver nanoparticles were observed and characterized by a scanning electron microscope (sem) and energy-dispersive x-ray (edx). a surface plasmon resonance band was observed at 420 nm in uv-vis spectrophotometer. the characterization was confirmed by shape (spherical), size 36.88-60.93 nm, and edx spec ...201424861012
[development and basic properties of the viral preparation viroden].laboratory studies demonstrated the effectiveness of viroden preparation in different doses against preimago stages of aedes aegypti mosquitoes. after treatment of larvae of instar 1 at preimago stages about 77% of the insects died. the preparation is stable on storage and resistant to unfavourable environmental factors: sun radiation, heating, ph variations, without significant loss of activity. the study of the host range of densonucleosis virus, the active principle of the viroden preparation ...20163445591
electron microscope study of mosquito densonucleosis virus maturation.maturation of mosquito densonucleosis virus (mdv) was studied in its natural host, aedes aegypti l. larvae. first ultrastructural changes were observed in the cytoplasm of virus-infected cells. they consisted in the formation of paracrystalline structures containing particles 18--20 nm in diameter as well as microtubules 20 nm in diameter. virogenic stromas and paracrystalline virion arrays were found in the nuclei of virus-infected cells.197939443
[study of the aedes aegypti l. densonucleosis virus effect on preimaginal stages of different species of blood-sucking mosquitoes]. 200628461
[effect of the densonucleosis virus on the aedes aegypti l. mosquito during the process of ontogeny]. 1978728502
[effect of densonucleosis virus on the imago of aedes aegypti l. mosquitoes]. 2009604764
[preservation of the densonucleosis virus of the mosquito aedes aegypti l. in glycerin]. 1977875901
[vital study of the fatty body of larvae of aedes aegypti l. infected with densonucleosis virus]. 201567557
[pathogenicity of aedes aegypti l. mosquito densonucleosis virus to larvae of other species of blood-sucking mosquitoes].laboratory studies established that a. aegypti mosquito virus of densonucleosis was infectious for larvae of a. caspius dorsalis, a. vexans, a. cinereus and c. pipiens pipiens caught in natural water bodies. death rates of aedes and culex larvae experimentally were 46.3% on the average, while in control groups 19.7%. the external appearance of virus-infected larvae and pathological changes in nuclei of the cells of the fat body were identical to those previously described in a. aegypti larvae af ...20161220247
origin of the zika virus revealed: a historical journey across the world.zika virus (zikv) is an arbovirus within the flaviviridae family, the recent spread of which has promoted public concern.201627650823
vector competence of aedes aegypti mosquitoes for filarial nematodes is affected by age and nutrient limitation.mosquitoes are one of the most important vectors of human disease. the ability of mosquitoes to transmit disease is dependent on the age structure of the population, as mosquitoes must survive long enough for the parasites to complete their development and infect another human. age could have additional effects due to mortality rates and vector competence changing as mosquitoes senesce, but these are comparatively poorly understood. we have investigated these factors using the mosquito aedes aeg ...201525446985
exsheathment and midgut invasion of nocturnally subperiodic brugia malayi microfilariae in a refractory vector, aedes aegypti (thailand strain).exsheathment and midgut invasion of nocturnally subperiodic brugia malayi microfilariae were analyzed using light and scanning electron microscopy in a refractory vector, aedes aegypti (thailand strain). results showed that exsheathed microfilariae represented only approximately 1% of the total microfilaria midguts dissected at 5-min post-infected blood meal (pibm). the percentage of exsheathed microfilariae found in midguts progressively increased to about 20, 60, 80, 90, and 100% at 1-, 2-5-, ...201425138070
vector competence of selected mosquito species in kenya for ngari and bunyamwera viruses.bunyamwera and ngari viruses have been isolated from a range of mosquito species in kenya but their actual role in the maintenance and transmission of these viruses in nature remains unclear. identification of the mosquito species efficient in transmitting these viruses is critical for estimating the risk of human exposure and understanding the transmission and maintenance mechanism. we determined the vector competence of, aedes aegypti (l.), culex quinquefasciatus say, and anopheles gambiae gil ...201426309314
bioactivities of a new pyrrolidine alkaloid from the root barks of orixa japonica.a new pyrrolidine alkaloid named (z)-3-(4-hydroxybenzylidene)-4-(4-hydroxyphenyl)-1-methylpyrrolidin-2-one was isolated from the ethanol extract of the root barks of orixa japonica. the structure of the new alkaloid was elucidated on the basis of nmr and ms analysis. the compound exhibited larvicidal activity against the fourth instar larvae of aedes aegypti (lc50 = 232.09 μg/ml), anopheles sinensis (lc50 = 49.91 μg/ml), and culex pipiens pallens (lc50 = 161.10 μg/ml). the new alkaloid also poss ...201627918451
cloning and expressing trypsin modulating oostatic factor in chlorella desiccata to control mosquito larvae.the insect peptide hormone trypsin modulating oostatic factor (tmof), a decapeptide that is synthesized by the mosquito ovary and controls the translation of the gut's trypsin mrna was cloned and expressed in the marine alga chlorella desiccata. to express aedes aegypti tmof gene (tmfa) in c. desiccata cells, two plasmids (pyes2/tmof and pydb4-tmfa) were engineered with pkylx71 dna (5 kb) carrying the cauliflower mosaic virus (camv) promoter 35s(2) and the kanamycin resistant gene (neo), as well ...201626440910
susceptibility of four species of mosquitoes to chandipura virus and its detection by immunofluorescence.susceptibility of culex tritaeniorhynchus, cx. bitaeniorhynchus, cx. quinquefasciatus, and aedes aegypti to chandipura (chp) virus was compared after parental inoculation of the mosquitoes. virus detection was done by indirect immunofluorescence (if). chp antigen in head squashes of all the four species was seen at 24 hr post infection (p.i.). the mosquitoes supported the virus growth and transmission by bite to 2 days old suckling swiss albino mice. ae. aegypti which was found the most suscepti ...19911683113
entomological investigations during early stages of a chikungunya outbreak in the united states virgin islands, 2014.during the 2014 chikungunya (chik) outbreak in the caribbean, we performed entomological surveys on 3 united states virgin islands (usvi): st. croix, st. thomas, and st. john. we aimed to evaluate the potential for chikungunya virus (chikv) transmission in the usvi. the surveys took place between june 19, 2014, and june 29, 2014, during the dry season in usvi. a total of 1,929 adult mosquitoes belonging to 4 species- culex quinquefasciatus (68.4%), aedes aegypti (29.7%), ae. mediovittatus (1.3%) ...201728388320
potential of aedes aegypti and aedes albopictus populations in the central african republic to transmit enzootic chikungunya virus strains.major chikungunya outbreaks have affected several central african countries during the past decade. the chikungunya virus (chikv) was isolated from humans and sylvan mosquitoes in the central african republic (car) during the 1970 and 1980s but has not been found recently, despite the presence of aedes albopictus since 2010. the risk of a massive chikungunya epidemic is therefore potentially high, as the human populations are immunologically naïve and because of the presence of the mosquito vect ...201728347325
computer-aided structure based drug design approaches for the discovery of new anti-chikv agents.chikungunya is a viral infection caused by chikungunya virus (chikv), an arbovirus transmitted through mosquito (aedes aegypti and aedes albopictus) bite. the virus from sylvatic cycle in africa mutated to new vector adaptation and became one of the major emerging and re-emerging viral infections in the past decade, affecting more than 40 countries. efforts are being made by many researches to develop means to prevent and control the infection through vaccines and vector control strategy. on the ...201728294048
chikungunya infection: a global public health menace.chikungunya virus (chikv) has been involved in epidemics in african and asian subcontinents and, of late, has transcended to affect the americas. aedes aegypti and aedes albopictus are the major vectors for chikv infection, which results in dissemination of virus to various vital organs. entry of virus into these tissues causes infiltration of innate immune cells, monocytes, macrophages, neutrophils, natural killer cells, and adaptive immune cells. macrophages bearing the replicating virus, in t ...201728233156
aedes-borne virus-mosquito interactions: mass spectrometry strategies and findings.aedes-borne viruses are responsible for high-impact neglected tropical diseases and unpredictable outbreaks such as the ongoing zika epidemics. aedes mosquitoes spread different arboviruses such as dengue virus (denv), chikungunya virus (chikv), and zika virus, among others, and are responsible for the continuous emergence and reemergence of these pathogens. these viruses have complex transmission cycles that include two hosts, namely the aedes mosquito as a vector and susceptible vertebrate hos ...201728192064
environmental and social change drive the explosive emergence of zika virus in the americas.since zika virus (zikv) was detected in brazil in 2015, it has spread explosively across the americas and has been linked to increased incidence of microcephaly and guillain-barré syndrome (gbs). in one year, it has infected over 500,000 people (suspected and confirmed cases) in 40 countries and territories in the americas. along with recent epidemics of dengue (denv) and chikungunya virus (chikv), which are also transmitted by aedes aegypti and ae. albopictus mosquitoes, the emergence of zikv s ...201728182667
severe chikungunya infection in northern mozambique: a case report.although chikungunya virus has rapidly expanded to several countries in sub-saharan africa, little attention has been paid to its control and management. until recently, chikungunya has been regarded as a benign and self-limiting disease. in this report we describe the first case of severe chikungunya disease in an adult patient in pemba, mozambique.201728179029
transcriptome analysis of aedes aegypti in response to mono-infections and co-infections of dengue virus-2 and chikungunya virus.chikungunya virus (chikv) and dengue virus (denv) spread via the bite of infected aedes mosquitoes. both these viruses exist as co-infections in the host as well as the vector and are known to exploit their cellular machinery for their replication. while there are studies reporting the changes in aedes transcriptome when infected with denv and chikv individually, the effect both these viruses have on the mosquitoes when present as co-infections is not clearly understood. in the present study, we ...201728161634
chikungunya virus: an update on the biology and pathogenesis of this emerging of chikungunya virus, a mosquito-transmitted pathogen, is of serious public health concern. in the past 15 years, after decades of infrequent, sporadic outbreaks, the virus has caused major epidemic outbreaks in africa, asia, the indian ocean, and more recently the caribbean and the americas. chikungunya virus is mainly transmitted by aedes aegypti mosquitoes in tropical and subtropical regions, but the potential exists for further spread because of genetic adaptation of the virus t ...201728159534
engineered aedes aegypti jak/stat pathway-mediated immunity to dengue virus.we have developed genetically modified ae. aegypti mosquitoes that activate the conserved antiviral jak/stat pathway in the fat body tissue, by overexpressing either the receptor dome or the janus kinase hop by the blood feeding-induced vitellogenin (vg) promoter. transgene expression inhibits infection with several dengue virus (denv) serotypes in the midgut as well as systemically and in the salivary glands. the impact of the transgenes dome and hop on mosquito longevity was minimal, but it re ...201728081143
identification and initial characterization of matrix metalloproteinases in the yellow fever mosquito, aedes aegypti.aedes aegypti is a major vector for arboviruses such as dengue, chikungunya and zika viruses. during acquisition of a viremic bloodmeal, an arbovirus infects mosquito midgut cells before disseminating to secondary tissues, including the salivary glands. once virus is released into the salivary ducts it can be transmitted to another vertebrate host. the midgut is surrounded by a basal lamina (bl) in the extracellular matrix, consisting of a proteinaceous mesh composed of collagen iv and laminin. ...201728054419
impact of autocidal gravid ovitraps on chikungunya virus incidence in aedes aegypti (diptera: culicidae) in areas with and without traps.puerto rico detected the first confirmed case of chikungunya virus (chikv) in may 2014 and the virus rapidly spread throughout the island. the invasion of chikv allowed us to observe aedes aegypti (l.) densities, infection rates, and impact of vector control in urban areas using cdc autocidal gravid ovitraps (ago traps) for mosquito control over several years. because local mosquitoes can only get the virus from infectious residents, detecting the presence of virus in mosquitoes functions as a p ...201628031347
chikungunya in the americas: recommendations and conclusions.discovered in 1953, chikungunya virus (chikv) circulated in africa and southeast asia, with periodic outbreaks, for many years. highly efficient transmission following a genetic mutation of the virus in 2005 caused its global spread. associated with significant morbidity, chikv creates a large public health burden, and despite various efforts, there are currently no licensed vaccines nor specific treatments. to garner a better understanding of the virus, identify gaps in knowledge, and guide the ...201627920183
bridging the gap between experimental data and model parameterization for chikungunya virus transmission predictions.chikungunya virus (chikv) has experienced 2 major expansion events in the last decade. the most recently emerged sublineage (ecsa-v) was shown to have increased efficiency in a historically secondary vector, aedes albopictus, leading to speculation that this was a major factor in expansion. subsequently, a number of experimental studies focused on the vector competence of chikv, as well as transmission modeling efforts. mathematical models have used these data to inform their own investigations, ...201627920175
perspectives and challenges in entomological risk assessment and vector control of chikungunya.chikungunya virus (chikv) is primarily spread by the aedes aegypti and aedes albopictus mosquito vectors. because there is no licensed vaccine for chikv, identifying ways to reduce or eliminate mosquito populations is the most effective strategy to immediately halt transmission to man. strategies to assess the entomological risk and to control the vector are absolutely crucial to demolishing the rise of chikv. this review provides perspectives in entomological risk assessment and vector control, ...201627920174
invasiveness of aedes aegypti and aedes albopictus and vectorial capacity for chikungunya this review, we highlight biological characteristics of aedes aegypti and aedes albopictus, 2 invasive mosquito species and primary vectors of chikungunya virus (chikv), that set the tone of these species' invasiveness, vector competence, and vectorial capacity (vc). the invasiveness of both species, as well as their public health threats as vectors, is enhanced by preference for human blood. vector competence, characterized by the efficiency of an ingested arbovirus to replicate and become i ...201627920173
chikungunya: its history in africa and asia and its spread to new regions in 2013-2014.chikungunya virus (chikv) is transmitted by aedes aegypti and aedes albopictus mosquitoes and causes febrile illness with severe arthralgia in humans. there are 3 circulating chikv genotypes, asia, east/central/south africa, and west africa. chikv was first reported in 1953 in tanzania, and up until the early 2000s, a few outbreaks and sporadic cases of chikv were mainly reported in africa and asia. however, from 2004 to 2005, a large epidemic spanned from kenya over to the southwestern indian o ...201627920169
indoor development of aedes aegypti in germany, spring 2016, a german traveller returning from martinique cultivated imported plant offsets in her home, and accidentally bred aedes aegypti. thirteen adult mosquito specimens submitted for identification and the traveller were tested for zika, dengue and chikungunya virus infections, with negative results. the detection of ae. aegypti by the 'mueckenatlas' project demonstrates the value of this passive surveillance scheme for potential public health threats posed by invasive mosquitoes in ge ...201627918261
[recommendations for the surveillance of aedes aegypti].diseases caused by arboviruses transmitted by aedes aegypti, such as dengue, chikungunya and zika, continue to rise in annual incidence and geographic expansion. a key limitation for achieving control of a. aegypti has been the lack of effective tools for monitoring its population, and thus determine what control measures actually work. surveillance of a. aegypti has been based mainly on immature indexes, but they bear little relation to the number of mosquito females, which are the ones capable ...201627869394
testing of visual and chemical attractants in correlation with the development and field evaluation of an autodissemination station for the suppression of aedes aegypti and aedes albopictus in florida.three exotic mosquito-borne pathogens-dengue, chikungunya, and zika viruses-transmitted by aedes albopictus and ae. aegypti have undergone dramatic global expansion in recent years. the control of vector populations and minimizing bites from these vectors are the primary methods of reducing risk of transmission of these viruses to humans. however, ae. albopictus and ae. aegypti are notoriously challenging to control through conventional chemical means, due primarily to difficulties in applying p ...201627802398
knockdown resistance mutations in aedes aegypti (diptera: culicidae) from puerto rico.permethrin resistance is widespread in aedes aegypti (l.), the main dengue, zika, and chikungunya virus vector in latin america and the caribbean. a common mechanism of resistance to pyrethroids-knockdown resistance (kdr)-is conferred through mutations in the insect's voltage-dependent sodium channel. in this mosquito, around 10 replacement substitutions in the voltage-gated sodium channel gene (vgsc) have been reported in pyrethroid-resistant strains. two of these mutations, named ile1,016 and ...201627493252
chikugunya and zika virus dissemination in the americas: different arboviruses reflecting the same spreading routes and poor vector-control policies.this review gathers the most recent investigations about chikungunya and zika viruses in america and would help in creating new research approaches.201627472289
two novel epistatic mutations (e1:k211e and e2:v264a) in structural proteins of chikungunya virus enhance fitness in aedes aegypti.expansion of chikv outbreaks with appearance of novel mutations are reported from many parts of the world. two novel mutations viz. e1:k211e and e2:v264a in background of e1:226a are recently identified from aedes aegypti dominated areas of india. in this study, the role of these mutations in modulation of infectivity, dissemination and transmission by two different aedes species was studied. mutations were sequentially constructed in chikv genome and female ae. aegypti and aedes albopictus mosq ...201627423270
distribution of aedes mosquitoes in the kilimanjaro region of northern tanzania.little is known about the presence and distribution of aedes mosquitoes in northern tanzania despite the occurence of viruses transmitted by these mosquitoes such as chikungunya virus (chikv) and dengue virus (denv) in the region. adult and larval mosquitoes were collected from rural and urban settings across a wide range of altitudes in the kilimanjaro region using the mosquito magnet co2 trap for collection of adults and old tires for breeding of larvae. polymerase chain reaction assays were p ...201627376502
evidence for natural vertical transmission of chikungunya viruses in field populations of aedes aegypti in delhi and haryana states in india-a preliminary report.aedes aegypti and aedes albopictus are principal vectors for the transmission of chikungunya virus (chikv). india is a hub for both dengue and chikungunya infections and there are several reports of co-infection of dengue and chikungunya virus in the clinical scenario. the present pilot entomological survey was conducted to evaluate vertical transmission of chikv in aedes field populations. aedes immature (larvae and pupae) collection was done in 2012, over a period of six months from selected s ...201627282096
chikungunya virus infection of aedes vivo infection of mosquitoes is an important method to study and characterize arthropod-borne viruses. chikungunya virus (chikv) is a mosquito-borne alphavirus that is transmitted primarily by aedes mosquitoes. in this chapter, we describe a protocol for infection of chikv in two species of aedes mosquitoes, aedes aegypti and aedes albopictus, together with the isolation of chikv in different parts of the infected mosquito such as midgut, legs, wings, salivary gland, head, and saliva. this al ...201627233266
utilization and assessment of throat swab and urine specimens for diagnosis of chikungunya virus infection.chikungunya is a mosquito-borne infection with clinical presentation of fever, arthralgia, and rash. the etiological agent chikungunya virus (chikv) is generally transmitted from primates to humans through the bites of infected aedes aegypti and aedes albopictus mosquitoes. outbreaks of chikungunya occur commonly with varied morbidity, mortality, and sequele according to the epidemiological, ecological, seasonal, and geographical impact. investigations are required to be conducted as a part of t ...201627233262
reduced incidence of chikungunya virus infection in communities with ongoing aedes aegypti mosquito trap intervention studies - salinas and guayama, puerto rico, november 2015-february 2016.aedes species mosquitoes transmit chikungunya virus, as well as dengue and zika viruses, and bite most often during the day.* infectious mosquito bites frequently occur in and around homes (1,2). caribbean countries first reported local transmission of chikungunya virus in december 2013, and soon after, chikungunya virus spread throughout the americas (3). puerto rico reported its first laboratory-positive chikungunya case in may 2014 (4), and subsequently identified approximately 29,000 suspect ...201627171600
low seroprevalence indicates vulnerability of eastern and central sudan to infection with chikungunya virus.outbreaks of infections with chikungunya virus (chikv) have previously been reported from sudan but the prevalence in the general population is unknown. we investigated the seroprevalence of chikv infection in 379 serum samples from patients with fever in the outpatient clinics of three hospitals in eastern and central sudan. the seroprevalence was 1.8%, indicating that chikv infections are rare in these parts of sudan. as the vector aedes aegypti is endemic in this area, the population is at ri ...201626974266
the zika outbreak of the 21st century.the zika virus outbreak has captivated the attention of the global audience and information has spread rapidly and wildly through the internet and other media channels. this virus was first identified in 1947, when it was isolated from a sentinel rhesus monkey placed by british scientists working at the yellow fever research laboratory located in the zika forest area of uganda, hence its name, and is transmitted primarily by the mosquito vector, aedes aegypti. the fact that the rhesus macaque is ...201626925496
mefenamic acid in combination with ribavirin shows significant effects in reducing chikungunya virus infection in vitro and in vivo.chikungunya virus (chikv) infection is a persistent problem worldwide due to efficient adaptation of the viral vectors, aedes aegypti and aedes albopictus mosquitoes. therefore, the absence of effective anti-chikv drugs to combat chikungunya outbreaks often leads to a significant impact on public health care. in this study, we investigated the antiviral activity of drugs that are used to alleviate infection symptoms, namely, the non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (nsaids), on the premise that ...201626794398
evidence of vertical transmission and co-circulation of chikungunya and dengue viruses in field populations of aedes aegypti (l.) from guerrero, mexico.we report results of the entomo-virological surveillance system in aedes aegypti local populations performed by the ministry of health of guerrero.201626711697
a mosquito survey of the twin-island caribbean nation of saint kitts and nevis, mosquito surveys of saint kitts and nevis (skn) were performed in the dry season (march 16-23, 2010) in saint kitts, and the rainy season (october 18-25, 2010) in skn. biogents (bg) sentinel traps were set with co₂and bg lure in urban, rural, mangrove, and dry forest habitats. mosquitoes were identified to species, and reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction was performed on potential vector species for dengue virus (denv), chikungunya virus (chikv), and west nile virus (wnv). the ...201526675458
chikungunya.chikungunya is an acute viral disease characterised by fever and painful arthralgia. the arthritic symptoms associated with chikungunya can be debilitating and may persist for months or even years in some patients. severe neurological complications such as encephalitis have also been reported during recent large outbreaks. the disease is caused by chikungunya virus (chikv), a mosquito-borne alphavirus from the togaviridae family, which has recently emerged to become one of the most important exo ...201526601450
historical inability to control aedes aegypti as a main contributor of fast dispersal of chikungunya outbreaks in latin america.the arrival of chikungunya fever (chikf) in latin american countries has been expected to trigger epidemics and challenge health systems. historically considered as dengue-endemic countries, abundant aedes aegypti populations make this region highly vulnerable to chikungunya virus (chikv) circulation. this review describes the current dengue and chikf epidemiological situations, as well as the role of uncontrolled ae. aegypti and aedes albopictus vectors in spreading the emerging chikv. comments ...201526518229
arbovirus surveillance and first report of chikungunya virus in wild populations of aedes aegypti from guerrero, mexico.we carried out dengue (denv) and chikungunya virus (chikv) surveillance in wild populations of aedes aegypti from guerrero, mexico, from 2012 to 2014 following a standard national protocol of the mexican dengue control program. a total of 284 pools (15-30 specimens/pool) of female mosquitoes were tested with real-time reverse transcriptase-polymerase chain reaction to detect denv and chikv. we report for the 1st time the detection of chikv from field-collected mosquitoes at acapulco and juchitán ...201526375910
assessing carbon dioxide and synthetic lure-baited traps for dengue and chikungunya vector surveillance (3).the aedes mosquito vectors of dengue virus (denv) and chikungunya virus (chikv) are attracted to specific host cues that are not generated by traditional light traps. for this reason multiple companies have designed traps to specifically target those species. recently the standard trap for denv and chikv vectors, the bg-sentinel (bgs) trap, has been remodeled to be more durable and better suited for use in harsh field conditions, common during military operations, and relabeled the bg-sentinel 2 ...201526375905
[lessons learned in the control of aedes aegypti to address dengue and the emergency of chikungunya in iquitos, peru].dengue has affected iquitos since 1990 causing outbreaks of major impact on public health and for this reason great efforts have been made for its temporal control. currently, with the expansion of the chikungunya virus in the americas and the threat of the emergence of the virus in iquitos, we reflect on lessons learned by way of the activities undertaken in the area of vector control; epidemiological surveillance, diagnosis and clinical management during periods of outbreaks of dengue, in a wa ...201526102121
susceptibility of aedes albopictus and aedes aegypti to three imported chikungunya virus strains, including the e1/226v variant in e1/226v variant chikungunya virus (chikv) efficiently transmitted by aedes albopictus to humans poses a significant threat to public health for those areas with the presence of aedes albopictus, including taiwan.201525715998
[technical guidelines for the prevention and treatment of chikungunya fever].chikungunya fever is an emerging disease caused by an alphavirus belonging to the togaviridae family, transmitted by the bite of aedes genus species: aedesaegypti and aedesalbopictus. in 2013, paho/who received confirmation of the first cases of indigenous transmission of chikungunya in the americas. this disease may be acute, subacute and chronic, affecting all age groups. following an incubation period from three to seven days, the patient usually begins with a high fever (greater than 39 °c), ...201725680650
chikungunya: here today, where tomorrow? 201525576501
[chikungunya, an emerging viral disease. proposal of an algorithm for its clinical management].chikungunya fever (chik) is an emerging viral disease. it is caused by the chikungunya virus, an alphavirus from the togaviridae family. it is transmitted to humans by the bite of infected mosquitoes, mainly aedes aegypti and aedes albopictus. they are also involved in the transmission of dengue, malaria, etc. chik is now endemic in any region of africa and southeast-asia. cases of chik have been reported in america, the caribbean, and europe (france, italy and spain). there are reservoirs of th ...201725440971
feeding host range of aedes albopictus (diptera: culicidae) demonstrates its opportunistic host-seeking behavior in rural singapore.aedes albopictus (skuse) is a competent vector of arboviruses of public health importance, including dengue virus (denv) and chikungunya virus viruses. ae. albopictus is the primary vector of chikungunya virus in singapore. however, despite being ubiquitous, it plays a secondary role in denv transmission. the vectorial capacity of ae. albopictus for denv in field settings appears to be weak because dengue primarily occurs in aedes aegypti (l.)-dominated, urban settings of the country. as host-se ...201425118424
the impact of temperature on the bionomics of aedes (stegomyia) aegypti, with special reference to the cool geographic range margins.the mosquito aedes (stegomyia) aegypti (l.), which occurs widely in the subtropics and tropics, is the primary urban vector of dengue and yellow fever viruses, and an important vector of chikungunya virus. there is substantial interest in how climate change may impact the bionomics and pathogen transmission potential of this mosquito. this forum article focuses specifically on the effects of temperature on the bionomics of ae. aegypti, with special emphasis on the cool geographic range margins w ...201424897844
chikungunya virus adaptation to a mosquito vector correlates with only few point mutations in the viral envelope most arthropod-borne viruses (arboviruses), chikungunya virus (chikv) is a rna virus maintained in nature in an alternating cycle of replication between invertebrate and vertebrate hosts. it has been assumed that host alternation restricts arbovirus genome evolution and imposes fitness trade-offs. despite their slower rates of evolution, arboviruses still have the capacity to produce variants capable to exploit new environments. to test whether the evolution of the newly emerged epidemic va ...201424681263
chikungunya and dengue autochthonous cases in europe, 2007-2012.a large number of autochthonous cases of dengue fever (2237) and chikungunya fever (231) occurred in europe (italy, france, croatia, madeira) during the period covered by our analysis (2007-2012). in all dengue outbreaks, the circulating strain, identified by means of molecular analysis, was the denv-1 strain. dengue and chikungunya are infectious diseases that often result in hospitalizations and are associated with high public health costs. the dengue epidemic on the island of madeira resulted ...201423962447
application of real-time rt-pcr in vector surveillance and assessment of replication kinetics of an emerging novel ecsa genotype of chikungunya virus in aedes aegypti.chikungunya has emerged as one of the most important arboviral infection of global significance. expansion of chikungunya virus endemic areas can be ascribed to naive population, increasing vector population and adaptability of virus to new vector. in this study, a sybr green i based quantitative rt-pcr assay was developed. the assay was found to be 10-fold more sensitive than conventional rt-pcr and no cross reactivity was observed with related alphaviruses and flaviviruses. the detection effic ...201323850695
computer-aided identification, design and synthesis of a novel series of compounds with selective antiviral activity against chikungunya virus.chikungunya virus (chikv) is an arbovirus that is transmitted to humans primarily by the mosquito species aedes aegypti. infection with this pathogen is often associated with fever, rash and arthralgia. neither a vaccine nor an antiviral drug is available for the prevention or treatment of this disease. albeit considered a tropical pathogen, adaptation of the virus to the mosquito species aedes albopictus, which is also very common in temperate zones, has resulted in recent outbreaks in europe a ...201323380636
blood meal induced microrna regulates development and immune associated genes in the dengue mosquito vector, aedes aegypti.aedes aegypti is a blood-feeding mosquito that transmits human pathogens such as dengue virus, yellow fever virus and chikungunya virus. recently, dramatic changes in the transcriptome of ae. aegypti following a blood meal have been reported; however, the molecular factors involved in regulating these changes are largely unknown. in this study, we found induction of a number of endogenous micrornas (mirnas) in blood fed (bf) mosquitoes. one of these mirnas, aae-mir-375, was only detected in bf m ...201323202267
chikungunya virus and the mosquito vector aedes aegypti in new caledonia (south pacific region).chikungunya virus (chikv) is transmitted to humans through the bite of aedes mosquitoes. during the 2005-2006 epidemic that occurred in the indian ocean islands, a viral strain harboring a substitution of an alanine to valine at position 226 (e1-a226v) of the e1 glycoprotein enhanced the transmissibility of chikv by aedes albopictus. in march 2011, autochthonous transmission of chikv was reported in new caledonia (nc), an island located in the southwest pacific ocean. this was the first report o ...201223167500
chikungunya virus infection, a threat to public health.many countries in the world have reported human infections by chikungunya virus (chikv) a mosquito-borne togavirus belonging to the genus alpha virus. after half a century of focal out breaks of acute febrile poly arthralgia, the disease had spread unexpectedly in the past decade with large outbreaks in africa around the indian ocean and in bangladesh. in asia, chikv is thought to be transmitted by the same mosquito as dengue, aedes aegypti and aedes albopictus. due to similarities in clinical p ...201222561790
molecular investigations of chikungunya virus during outbreaks in orissa, eastern india in 2010.chikungunya virus (chikv), an arthritogenic alphavirus, is transmitted to humans by mosquitoes of genus aedes, mainly aedes aegypti and aedes albopictus. the resurgence of chikv in different parts of india is a point of major public health concern. in 2010, chikungunya outbreaks with high epidemic magnitude were recorded in coastal areas of orissa, eastern india, affecting more than 15,000 people coupled with severe arthralgia and prolonged morbidites. detailed entomological, serological and mol ...201222484761
detection of chikungunya virus in aedes aegypti during 2011 outbreak in al hodayda, october 2010, the ministry of public health and population reported an outbreak of dengue-like acute febrile illness in al hodayda governorate. by january 2011, a total of 1542 cases had been recorded from 19 of the 26 districts in the governorate with 104 purportedly associated deaths. in response this event, in january 2011 entomological investigations aimed at identifying the primary vector and the epidemic associated etiological agent were carried out. based on the reported cases and the ...201222469818
genetic diversity of chikungunya virus, india 2006-2010: evolutionary dynamics and serotype analyses.the genetic diversity of chikungunya virus (chikv) causing recurring outbreaks in india since 2006 was studied. the 2006 epidemic was caused by a virus strain of the east, central and south african (ecsa) genotype with 226a in the e1 glycoprotein. the variant strain with e1-a226v mutation caused outbreaks since 2007 in the state of kerala where aedes albopictus is the abundant mosquito vector. molecular epidemiology data since 2007 is scarce from other regions of the country. rt-pcr, sequencing ...201222246833
molecular and phytochemical investigation of angelica dahurica and angelica pubescentis essential oils and their biological activity against aedes aegypti, stephanitis pyrioides, and colletotrichum this study, angelica dahurica and angelica pubescentis root essential oils were investigated as pest management perspectives, and root samples were also analyzed genetically using the nuclear ribosomal internal transcribed spacer (its) region as a dna barcode marker. a. pubescentis root essential oil demonstrated weak antifungal activity against colletotrichum acutatum, colletotrichum fragariae, and colletotrichum gloeosporioides, whereas a. dahurica root essential oil did not show antifungal ...201425133520
chemical composition and biological effects of artemisia maritima and artemisia nilagirica essential oils from wild plants of western himalaya.artemisia species possess pharmacological properties that are used for medical purposes worldwide. in this paper, the essential oils from the aerial parts of artemisia nilagirica and artemisia maritima from the western indian himalaya region are described. the main compounds analyzed by simultaneous gc/ms and gc/fid were camphor and 1,8-cineole from a. maritima, and camphor and artemisia ketone from a. nilagirica. additionally, the oils were evaluated for their antibacterial, antifungal, mosquit ...201425127023
chemical composition, antifungal and insecticidal activities of hedychium essential oils.the antimicrobial properties of essential oils have been documented, and their use as "biocides" is gaining popularity. the aims of this study were to analyze the chemical composition and assess the biological activities of hedychium essential oils. oils from 19 hedychium species and cultivars were analyzed by gas chromatography (gc) and gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (gc-ms) techniques. the antifungal and insecticidal activities of these oils were tested against colletotrichum acutatum, c ...201323579997
composition, mosquito larvicidal, biting deterrent and antifungal activity of essential oils of different plant parts of cupressus arizonica var. glabra ('carolina sapphire').essential oils obtained by hydrodistillation of female cones (fc), male cones (mc), needle-twigs (nt) and wood-bark (wb) of 'carolina sapphire' [cupressus arizonica var glabra (sudw.) little] were analyzed simultaneously by gas chromatography (gc) and gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (gc/ms). the main constituents of the investigated essential oils were as follows: fc: alpha-pinene 68.5% and myrcene 11.9%; mc: alpha-pinene 22.5%, epi-zonarene 9.9%, zonarene 6.9%, limonene 6.8% and cadina-3,5 ...201323513743
synthesis and biological evaluation of 3,5-dimethoxystilbene our continuing effort to discover natural product-based pest management agents, derivatives of 3,5-dimethoxystilbene were synthesized yielding 27 new and six known compounds. compounds 11 and 12 showed strong aedes aegypti larvicidal activity (lc50 45.31 and 49.93 μm, respectively). furthermore, 11 and 12 exhibited high effectiveness against larvae of pesticide-susceptible and pyrethroid-resistant strains of ae. aegypti; activity against the adult mosquitoes was low. compounds 6f, 6g, and 6i ...201627450661
optimal control problems of mosquito-borne disease subject to changes in feeding behavior of aedes mosquitoes.dengue viruses (denv) are transmitted to humans by the bite of aedes mosquitoes. it is known that dengue virus infection in aedes aegypti female mosquitoes makes a change in the feeding behavior of the infected mosquitoes. in this study, using the forces of infection, we incorporated the effect of changes in the feeding behavior of mosquitoes into the standard vector-borne sir-si model. it has been proved that both a single-strain model and a two-strain model exhibit forward bifurcations. moreov ...201728385591
catalase protects aedes aegypti from oxidative stress and increases midgut infection prevalence of dengue but not zika.digestion of blood in the midgut of aedes aegypti results in the release of pro-oxidant molecules that can be toxic to the mosquito. we hypothesized that after a blood meal, the antioxidant capacity of the midgut is increased to protect cells against oxidative stress. concomitantly, pathogens present in the blood ingested by mosquitoes, such as the arboviruses dengue and zika, also have to overcome the same oxidative challenge, and the antioxidant program induced by the insect is likely to influ ...201728379952
the relationship between entomological indicators of aedes aegypti abundance and dengue virus infection.routine entomological monitoring data are used to quantify the abundance of ae. aegypti. the public health utility of these indicators is based on the assumption that greater mosquito abundance increases the risk of human denv transmission, and therefore reducing exposure to the vector decreases incidence of infection. entomological survey data from two longitudinal cohort studies in iquitos, peru, linked with 8,153 paired serological samples taken approximately six months apart were analyzed. i ...201728333938
a new paradigm for aedes spp. surveillance using gravid ovipositing sticky trap and ns1 antigen test kit.dengue remains a serious public health problem in southeast asia and has increased 37-fold in malaysia compared to decades ago. new strategies are urgently needed for early detection and control of dengue epidemics.201728327173
biologic evidence required for zika disease enhancement by dengue antibodies.the sudden appearance of overt human zika virus infections that cross the placenta to damage fetal tissues, target sexual organs, and are followed in some instances by guillain-barré syndrome raises questions regarding whether these outcomes are caused by genetic mutations or if prior infection by other flaviviruses affects disease outcome. because dengue and zika viruses co-circulate in the urban aedes aegypti mosquito-human cycle, a logical question, as suggested by in vitro data, is whether d ...201728322690
Displaying items 10201 - 10300 of 14974