
dengue vector surveillance methods in muntinlupa city, philippines. 201123908892
cloning of the heat shock protein 90 and 70 genes from the beet armyworm, spodoptera exigua, and expression characteristics in relation to thermal stress and development.two full-length cdnas of heat shock protein (hsp) genes (se-hsp90 and se-hsp70) were cloned from the beet armyworm, spodoptera exigua, and their expression was investigated in relation to cold shock, heat shock, and development. the open reading frames of se-hsp90 and se-hsp70 are 2,154 and 2,004 bp in length, encoding polypeptides of 717 and 667 amino acids with a molecular mass of 82.6 and 72.5 kda, respectively. both genes showed high similarity to their counterparts in other species. transcr ...201121842334
the drosophila ftz-f1 nuclear receptor mediates juvenile hormone activation of e75a gene expression through an intracellular pathway.juvenile hormone (jh) regulates a wide variety of biological activities in holometabolous insects, ranging from vitellogenesis and caste determination in adults to the timing of metamorphosis in larvae. the mechanism of jh signaling in such a diverse array of processes remains either unknown or contentious. we previously found that the nuclear receptor gene e75a is activated in s2 cells as a primary response to jh. here, by expressing an intracellular form of jh esterase, we demonstrate that jh ...201121832074
coexpression of spectrally distinct rhodopsins in aedes aegypti r7 photoreceptors.the retina of the mosquito aedes aegypti can be divided into four regions based on the non-overlapping expression of a uv sensitive aaop8 rhodopsin and a long wavelength sensitive aaop2 type rhodopsin in the r7 photoreceptors. we show here that another rhodopsin, aaop9, is expressed in all r7 photoreceptors and a subset of r8 photoreceptors. in the dorsal region, aaop9 is expressed in both the cell body and rhabdomere of r7 and r8 cells. in other retinal regions aaop9 is expressed only in r7 cel ...201121858005
functional characterization of an allatotropin receptor expressed in the corpora allata of mosquitoes.allatotropin is an insect neuropeptide with pleiotropic actions on a variety of different tissues. in the present work we describe the identification, cloning and functional and molecular characterization of an aedes aegypti allatotropin receptor (aeatr) and provide a detailed quantitative study of the expression of the aeatr gene in the adult mosquito. analysis of the tissue distribution of aeatr mrna in adult female revealed high transcript levels in the nervous system (brain, abdominal, thora ...201121839791
role of an apical k,cl cotransporter in urine formation by renal tubules of the yellow fever mosquito (aedes aegypti).the k,cl cotransporters (kccs) of the slc12 superfamily play critical roles in the regulation of cell volume, concentrations of intracellular cl(-), and epithelial transport in vertebrate tissues. to date, the role(s) of kccs in the renal functions of mosquitoes and other insects is less clear. in the present study, we sought molecular and functional evidence for the presence of a kcc in renal (malpighian) tubules of the mosquito aedes aegypti. using rt-pcr on aedes malpighian tubules, we identi ...201121813871
prediction of dengue incidence using search query surveillance.the use of internet search data has been demonstrated to be effective at predicting influenza incidence. this approach may be more successful for dengue which has large variation in annual incidence and a more distinctive clinical presentation and mode of transmission.201121829744
molecular evolution of cyclin proteins in animals and fungi.the passage through the cell cycle is controlled by complexes of cyclins, the regulatory units, with cyclin-dependent kinases, the catalytic units. it is also known that cyclins form several families, which differ considerably in primary structure from one eukaryotic organism to another. despite these lines of evidence, the relationship between the evolution of cyclins and their function is an open issue. here we present the results of our study on the molecular evolution of a-, b-, d-, e-type c ...201121798004
oviposition and embryotoxicity of indigofera suffruticosa on early development of aedes aegypti (diptera: culicidae).aqueous extract of indigofera suffruticosa leaves obtained by infusion was used to evaluate the oviposition, its effect on development of eggs and larvae, and morphological changes in larvae of aedes aegypti. the bioassays were carried out with aqueous extract in different concentrations on eggs, larvae, and female mosquitoes, and the morphological changes were observed in midgut of larvae. the extract showed repellent activity on a. aegypti mosquitoes, reducing significantly the egg laying by f ...201121822443
evaluation of location-specific predictions by a detailed simulation model of aedes aegypti populations.skeeter buster is a stochastic, spatially explicit simulation model of aedes aegypti populations, designed to predict the outcome of vector population control methods. in this study, we apply the model to two specific locations, the cities of iquitos, peru, and buenos aires, argentina. these two sites differ in the amount of field data that is available for location-specific customization. by comparing output from skeeter buster to field observations in these two cases we evaluate population dyn ...201121799936
flightless aedes mosquitoes in dengue control. 201127365801
honey bee pten--description, developmental knockdown, and tissue-specific expression of splice-variants correlated with alternative social phenotypes.phosphatase and tensin (pten) homolog is a negative regulator that takes part in iis (insulin/insulin-like signaling) and egfr (epidermal growth factor receptor) activation in drosophila melanogaster. iis and egfr signaling events are also involved in the developmental process of queen and worker differentiation in honey bees (apis mellifera). here, we characterized the bee pten gene homologue for the first time and begin to explore its potential function during bee development and adult life.201121779392
gonadotropin-releasing hormone and adipokinetic hormone signaling systems share a common evolutionary origin.gonadotropin-releasing hormone (gnrh) is a critical and central hormone that regulates vertebrate reproduction. the high conservation of gnrh signaling within the chordates (deuterostomians) raises the important question as to whether its appearance might date back prior to the divergence of protostomian and deuterostomian lineages, about 700 million years ago. this leads to several important questions regarding the evolution of the gnrh family. has gnrh been retained in most protostomian lineag ...201122649364
regulation of caenorhabditis elegans vitellogenesis by daf-2/iis through separable transcriptional and posttranscriptional mechanisms.evolutionary theories of aging propose that longevity evolves as a competition between reproduction and somatic maintenance for a finite pool of resources. reproduction is thought to shorten lifespan by depleting resources from processes promoting somatic maintenance. maternal yolk production, vitellogenesis, represents a significant maternal cost for reproduction and is suppressed under genetic and environmental conditions that extend lifespan. however, little is known about the pathways regula ...201121749693
the microsporidian parasite vavraia culicis as a potential late life-acting control agent of malaria.microsporidian parasites are being considered as alternatives to conventional insecticides for malaria control. they should reduce malaria transmission by shortening the lifespan of female mosquitoes and thus killing them before they transmit malaria. as the parasite replicates throughout the mosquito's life, it should have little detrimental effects on young mosquitoes, thus putting less selection pressure on the hosts to evolve resistance. here, we examined these expectations for the microspor ...201125568022
behavioral observations and sound recordings of free-flight mating swarms of ae. aegypti (diptera: culicidae) in thailand.sound plays an important role in the mating behavior of mosquitoes, including aedes aegypti (l). males orient to the fundamental wing beat frequency of females, and both sexes actively modulate their flight tone before mating to converge at harmonic frequencies. the majority of studies on mosquito mating acoustics have been conducted in the laboratory using tethered individuals. in this study, we present the first free-flight recording of naturally forming ae. aegypti swarms in thailand. we desc ...021845959
newer approaches to malaria control.malaria is the third leading cause of death due to infectious diseases affecting around 243 million people, causing 863,000 deaths each year, and is a major public health problem. most of the malarial deaths occur in children below 5 years and is a major contributor of under-five mortality. as a result of environmental and climatic changes, there is a change in vector population and distribution, leading to resurgence of malaria at numerous foci. resistance to antimalarials is a major challenge ...023508211
distributions of competing container mosquitoes depend on detritus types, nutrient ratios, and food availability.coexistence of competitors may result if resources are sufficiently abundant to render competition unimportant, or if species differ in resource requirements. detritus type has been shown to affect interspecific competitive outcomes between aedes albopictus (skuse) and aedes aegypti (l.) larvae under controlled conditions. we assessed the relationships among spatial distributions of detritus types, nutrients, and aquatic larvae of these species in nature. we collected mosquitoes, water, and detr ...022707761
the world of pulmonary vascular disease. 022140619
direct targets of the d. melanogaster dsxf protein and the evolution of sexual development.uncovering the direct regulatory targets of doublesex (dsx) and fruitless (fru) is crucial for an understanding of how they regulate sexual development, morphogenesis, differentiation and adult functions (including behavior) in drosophila melanogaster. using a modified damid approach, we identified 650 dsx-binding regions in the genome from which we then extracted an optimal palindromic 13 bp dsx-binding sequence. this sequence is functional in vivo, and the base identity at each position is imp ...021652649
male-female differences in the number of reported incident dengue fever cases in six asian countries.demographic factors, such as age and sex, are associated with the likelihood of exposure to aedes aegypti, the vector for dengue. however, dengue data disaggregated by both sex and age are not routinely reported or analysed by national surveillance systems. this study analysed the reported number of incident dengue cases by age and sex for six countries in asia.201123908884
the effectiveness of trypsin modulating oostatic factor (tmof) and combination of tmof with bacillus thuringiensis against aedes aegypti larvae in the laboratory.trypsin modulating oostatic factor (tmof) terminates trypsin biosynthesis in adult and larval mosquito gut. it will inhibit the growth and development of mosquito larvae feeding on it resulting in death by starvation. the objective of this study is to determine the effective dose of pichia-tmof and the combination of pichia-tmof with bacillus thuringiensis (bt) as larvicide on ae. aegypti larvae.201122808406
functional characterization of the octenol receptor neuron on the maxillary palps of the yellow fever mosquito, aedes aegypti.1-octen-3-ol (octenol) is a common attractant released by vertebrates which in combination with carbon dioxide (co(2)) attracts hematophagous arthropods including mosquitoes. a receptor neuron contained within basiconic sensilla on the maxillary palps of adult mosquitoes responds selectively to 1-octen-3-ol. recently, an odorant receptor (aaegor8) known to occur on the maxillary palps was expressed in a heterologous system and demonstrated to be selectively sensitive to (r)-(-)-1-octen-3-ol, one ...201121738794
dengue epidemic in malaysia: not a predominantly urban disease anymore.dengue infection has been an important and serious public health concern in malaysia ever since its first reported case here in 1902. nevertheless, to our knowledge, no nationwide investigation has been carried out to determine the actual magnitude of dengue endemicity in the malaysian population. in this study, we describe a cross sectional seroepidemiology study of dengue igg seroprevalence in the malaysian adult population.201121714858
efficacy of aquatain, a monomolecular film, for the control of malaria vectors in rice paddies.rice paddies harbour a large variety of organisms including larvae of malaria mosquitoes. these paddies are challenging for mosquito control because their large size, slurry and vegetation make it difficult to effectively apply a control agent. aquatain, a monomolecular surface film, can be considered a suitable mosquito control agent for such breeding habitats due to its physical properties. the properties allow aquatain to self-spread over a water surface and affect multiple stages of the mosq ...201121738774
spinning gland transcriptomics from two main clades of spiders (order: araneae)--insights on their molecular, anatomical and behavioral evolution.characterized by distinctive evolutionary adaptations, spiders provide a comprehensive system for evolutionary and developmental studies of anatomical organs, including silk and venom production. here we performed cdna sequencing using massively parallel sequencers (454 gs-flx titanium) to generate ∼80,000 reads from the spinning gland of actinopus spp. (infraorder: mygalomorphae) and gasteracantha cancriformis (infraorder: araneomorphae, orbiculariae clade). actinopus spp. retains primitive cha ...201121738742
epidemiologic update of dengue in the western pacific region, 2010.dengue is an emerging vectorborne infectious disease that is a major public health concern in the asia pacific region. official dengue surveillance data for 2010 provided by ministries of health were summarized as part of routine activities of the world health organization regional office for the western pacific. based on reported data, dengue has continued to show an increasing trend in the western pacific region. in 2010, countries and areas reported a total of 353 907 dengue cases, of which 1 ...201123908882
characterisation of a desmosterol reductase involved in phytosterol dealkylation in the silkworm, bombyx mori.most species of invertebrate animals cannot synthesise sterols de novo and many that feed on plants dealkylate phytosterols (mostly c(29) and c(28)) yielding cholesterol (c(27)). the final step of this dealkylation pathway involves desmosterol reductase (dhcr24)-catalysed reduction of desmosterol to cholesterol. we now report the molecular characterisation in the silkworm, bombyx mori, of such a desmosterol reductase involved in production of cholesterol from phytosterol, rather than in de novo ...201121738635
prevalence and insecticide susceptibility of dengue vectors in the district of batticaloa in eastern sri lanka.unprecedented incidences of dengue have been reported in sri lanka in recent years. the district of batticaloa, which was devastated by the 2004 asian tsunami, is one of the districts affected by dengue. one option to curtail this disease is to implement appropriate vector control measures. a nine-month study was carried out within the batticaloa municipal council limit from april to december 2008. larval collections were conducted fortnightly using conventional ovitraps for nine months covering ...201122028610
alboserpin, a factor xa inhibitor from the mosquito vector of yellow fever, binds heparin and membrane phospholipids and exhibits antithrombotic activity.the molecular mechanism of factor xa (fxa) inhibition by alboserpin, the major salivary gland anticoagulant from the mosquito and yellow fever vector aedes albopictus, has been characterized. cdna of alboserpin predicts a 45-kda protein that belongs to the serpin family of protease inhibitors. recombinant alboserpin displays stoichiometric, competitive, reversible and tight binding to fxa (picomolar range). binding is highly specific and is not detectable for fx, catalytic site-blocked fxa, thro ...201121673107
interlocked feedforward loops control cell-type-specific rhodopsin expression in the drosophila complex networks of activators and repressors lead to exquisitely specific cell-type determination during development is poorly understood. in the drosophila eye, expression patterns of rhodopsins define at least eight functionally distinct though related subtypes of photoreceptors. here, we describe a role for the transcription factor gene defective proventriculus (dve) as a critical node in the network regulating rhodopsin expression. dve is a shared component of two opposing, interlocked ...021663797
time series analysis of dengue incidence in guadeloupe, french west indies: forecasting models using climate variables as predictors.during the last decades, dengue viruses have spread throughout the americas region, with an increase in the number of severe forms of dengue. the surveillance system in guadeloupe (french west indies) is currently operational for the detection of early outbreaks of dengue. the goal of the study was to improve this surveillance system by assessing a modelling tool to predict the occurrence of dengue epidemics few months ahead and thus to help an efficient dengue control.201121658238
the influence of geographic and climate factors on the timing of dengue epidemics in perú, 1994-2008.dengue fever is a mosquito-borne disease that affects between 50 and 100 million people each year. increasing our understanding of the heterogeneous transmission patterns of dengue at different spatial scales could have considerable public health value by guiding intervention strategies.201121651779
bel/pao retrotransposons in metazoan genomes.long terminal repeat (ltr) retrotransposons are a widespread kind of transposable element present in eukaryotic genomes. they are a major factor in genome evolution due to their ability to create large scale mutations and genome rearrangements. compared to other transposable elements, little attention has been paid to elements belonging to the metazoan bel/pao subclass of ltr retrotransposons. no comprehensive characterization of these elements is available so far. the aim of this study was to d ...201121639932
antifungal activity of cymbopogon winterianus jowitt ex bor against candida albicans.candida albicans is an opportunistic yeast and a member of the normal human flora that commonly causes infections in patients with any type of deficiency of the immune system. the essential oils have been tested for antimycotic activity and pose much potential as antifungal agents. this work investigated the activity of the essential oil of cymbopogon winterianus against c. albicans by mic, mfc and time-kill methods. the essential oil (eo) was obtained by hydrodistillation using a clevenger-type ...201124031651
tagetes erecta linn. and its mosquitocidal potency against culex investigate mosquitocidal effects of ethanolic extract of flowers of tagetes erecta (t. erecta) and its chloroform and petroleum ether soluble fractions against the larvae of culex quinquefasciatus (cx. quinquefasciatus).023569756
ecdysteroid-dependent expression of the tweedle and peroxidase genes during adult cuticle formation in the honey bee, apis mellifera.cuticle renewal is a complex biological process that depends on the cross talk between hormone levels and gene expression. this study characterized the expression of two genes encoding cuticle proteins sharing the four conserved amino acid blocks of the tweedle family, ameltwdl1 and ameltwdl2, and a gene encoding a cuticle peroxidase containing the animal haem peroxidase domain, ampxd, in the honey bee. gene sequencing and annotation validated the formerly predicted tweedle genes, and revealed a ...201121655217
the early clinical features of dengue in adults: challenges for early clinical diagnosis.the emergence of dengue throughout the tropical world is affecting an increasing proportion of adult cases. the clinical features of dengue in different age groups have not been well examined, especially in the context of early clinical diagnosis.201121655307
insulin-like peptides and the target of rapamycin pathway coordinately regulate blood digestion and egg maturation in the mosquito aedes aegypti.mosquitoes are insects that vector many serious pathogens to humans and other vertebrates. most mosquitoes must feed on the blood of a vertebrate host to produce eggs. in turn, multiple cycles of blood feeding promote frequent contacts with hosts and make mosquitoes ideal disease vectors. both hormonal and nutritional factors are involved in regulating egg development in the mosquito, aedes aegypti. however, the processes that regulate digestion of the blood meal remain unclear.201121647424
genetic structure of the tiger mosquito, aedes albopictus, in cameroon (central africa).aedes albopictus (skuse, 1884) (diptera: culicidae), a mosquito native to asia, has recently invaded all five continents. in central africa it was first reported in the early 2000s, and has since been implicated in the emergence of arboviruses such as dengue and chikungunya in this region. recent genetic studies of invasive species have shown that multiple introductions are a key factor for successful expansion in new areas. as a result, phenotypic characters such as vector competence and insect ...201121629655
high quality rna isolation from aedes aegypti midguts using laser microdissection microscopy.laser microdissection microscopy (lmm) has potential as a research tool because it allows precise excision of target tissues or cells from a complex biological specimen, and facilitates tissue-specific sample preparation. however, this method has not been used in mosquito vectors to date. to this end, we have developed an lmm method to isolate midgut rna using aedes aegypti.201121595925
proteomic analysis of larval midgut from the silkworm (bombyx mori).the midgut is the major organ for food digestion, nutrient absorption and also a barrier for foreign substance. the 5th-instar larval stage of silkworm is very important for larval growth, development, and silk production. in the present study, we used 2-de and matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization time-of-flight mass spectrometry (maldi-tof-ms) to analyze the midgut proteins from the 5th-instar larvae as well as the midgut proteins under starvation condition. a total of 96 proteins were i ...201121687556
insecticide resistance to organophosphates in culex pipiens complex from lebanon.analysis of culex pipiens mosquitoes collected from a single site in lebanon in 2005, revealed an alarming frequency of ace-1 alleles conferring resistance to organophosphate insecticides. following this, in 2006 the majority of municipalities switched to pyrethroids after a long history of organophosphate usage in the country; however, since then no studies have assessed the impact of changing insecticide class on the frequency of resistant ace-1 alleles in c. pipiens.201222759898
[identification of microrna-like viral small rnas from aaedv].several virus families have been shown to encode micrornas (mirnas), which have roles in the infection and replication of viruses in host cells. these virus-encoded mirnas are identified in double-stranded dna virus (dsdna virus) and in several rna virus families, but not in single-stranded dna virus (ssdna virus). we used a bioinformatics approach based on vmir, mirnafold and maturepred software to predict virus-encoded mirna-like small rnas from the genome of a ssdna virus: aedes aegypti denso ...201526738292
application of post-pcr methods for analysis of mosquito densovirus.two clades of aedes densovirus, aedes aegypti densovirus and aedes albopictus densovirus, were classified according to the origin of isolation. these two densoviruses were isolated from indigenous mosquitoes and mosquito cell lines, respectively. this group of invertebrate viruses belongs to the subfamily densovirinae of the parvoviridae family and infects only insects. several types of densoviruses have been isolated from mosquitoes especially aedes aegypti and aedes albopictus, which are impor ...201425507597
application of post-pcr methods for analysis of mosquito densovirus.two clades of aedes densovirus, aedes aegypti densovirus and aedes albopictus densovirus, were classified according to the origin of isolation. these two densoviruses were isolated from indigenous mosquitoes and mosquito cell lines, respectively. this group of invertebrate viruses belongs to the subfamily densovirinae of the parvoviridae family and infects only insects. several types of densoviruses have been isolated from mosquitoes especially aedes aegypti and aedes albopictus, which are impor ...201425427347
comparison of mosquito densoviruses: two clades of viruses isolated from indigenous mosquitoes.we analyzed the phylogenetic tree of densoviruses isolated from indigenous mosquitoes and mosquito cell lines. our findings suggest two distinct clades of densovirus. the viruses in the first clade were isolated from an indigenous mosquito which had the aedes aegypti densovirus (aaednv) as a representative virus. the other clade of viruses was isolated from mosquito indigenous cell line which had the aedes albopictus densovirus (aaldnv) as the representative virus. the origin of the two clades o ...201324050091
new genetic variation of aedes albopictus densovirus isolated from mosquito c6/36 cell line.densovirus (dnv) is a small single-stranded dna, non-enveloped virus belonging to the subfamily densovirinae of the parvoviridae family. this group of invertebrate viruses infects exclusively insects. two of the major densoviruses, aedes aegypti (aaednv) and ae. albopictus (aaldnv), infect mosquitoes that carry viruses responsible for two important public health diseases, namely, dengue hemorrhagic fever and yellow fever. the present study describes cloning, sequencing and phylogenetic analysis ...201223431818
an efficient and easy method of infection of mosquito larvae from virus-contaminated cell cultures.a new method for efficient infection of aedes aegypti larvae by the aedes albopictus densovirus, aapv is described. it consists of placing first or third instar larvae in culture flasks containing a chronically infected mosquito cell line. after 24 or 48 h of exposure to the contaminated culture, the larvae acquired the virus by feeding on infected cells. using this technique, up to 95% of first instar ae. aegypti larvae were found infected by the aapv.19947822456
identification and characterization of ige-binding tropomyosins in aedes aegypti.the mosquito aedes aegypti is a potential source of important clinically relevant allergens. however, the allergenicity and cross-reactivity of most of these has not been fully described.201627355916
differential identification of ascogregarina species (apicomplexa: lecudinidae) in aedes aegypti and aedes albopictus (diptera: culicidae) by polymerase chain reaction.we report 2 polymerase chain reaction (pcr)-based methods for distinguishing morphologically similar gregarine species based on amplification of variable regions of the internal transcribed spacer region of ribosomal dna. the gregarines we investigated were ascogregarina barretti (vavra), a. culicis (ross), and a. taiwanensis (lien and levine), parasites of the mosquitoes ochlerotatus triseriatus (say), aedes aegypti (linnaeus), and ae. albopictus (skuse), respectively. these 3 important vector ...200516539016
[ecology of aedes aegypti and aedes albopictus in the americas and disease transmission].the recent range expansion of the mosquito aedes albopictus has been associated in some areas by declines in abundance or local elimination of aedes aegypti, but the two species still coexist in large regions of the americas. we offer a summary of the possible mechanisms responsible for the abundance and displacement pattern observed and of their significance in terms of disease transmission. among these mechanisms we may mention the competition for limiting resources, the differences in the abi ...201526535539
new findings on the developmental process of ascogregarina taiwanensis and ascogregarina culicis in aedes albopictus and aedes aegypti.infection in different stages of larvae of aedes aegypti and ae. albopictus with ascogregarina taiwanensis and a. culicis, respectively, revealed that the oocysts of ascogregarina spp. are able to infect any instar and can complete their life cycle within 9.5 +/- 1 days. when early instars ingested oocysts, parasite development was synchronized to larval-pupal ecdysis and oocyst dissemination occurred at the time of adult emergence, oviposition, or both. the parasites also developed normally whe ...200616646318
susceptibility of aedes aegypti and aedes albopictus larvae to ascogregarina culicis and ascogregarina taiwanensis (apicomplexa: lecudinidae) from florida.the susceptibility of aedes aegypti to ascogregarina culicis and aedes albopictus to ascogregarina taiwanensis was examined with mosquito and parasite strains from tampa, fl. when each host was bioassayed with its natural gregarine, the infection intensity indicated that ae. aegypti was 59% more susceptible to a. culicis (87 gamonts/larva) than ae. albopictus to a. taiwanensis (47 gamonts/larva). infections in single and mixed host populations exposed to 100 oocysts/larva of one and both parasit ...200313678712
morphological traits for distinguishing extracellular gamonts of ascogregarina culicis and ascogregarina taiwanensis in aedes aegypti and aedes albopictus. 200111356058
parasitism of aedes aegypti and ae. albopictus (diptera: culicidae) by ascogregarina spp. (apicomplexa: lecudinidae) in florida.aedes aegypti (l.) and ae. albopictus (skuse) from 40 sites in 17 counties of florida were surveyed for gregarine parasites during the spring and autumn of 1993 and in july 1994. larvae collected from containers (mainly tires) were dissected to determine the number of gregarine trophozoites present. ascogregarina spp. were found at 70% of the sites and occurred as frequently in ae. aegypti populations as in ae. albopictus. within sites, parasite distributions were highly variable and aggregated ...19958551508
seasonality, prevalence and pathogenicity of the gregarine ascogregarina taiwanensis (apicomplexa: lecudinidae) in mosquitoes from florida.aedes albopictus larvae collected in gainesville, fl, were infected with the gregarine ascogregarina taiwanensis. natural prevalence varied from 68 to 100%. eight mosquito species were tested in the laboratory for susceptibility to a. taiwanensis isolated from field-collected ae. albopictus. aedes aegypti, aedes albopictus, and aedes taeniorhynchus became 100% infected in the larval stage, whereas aedes triseriatus was less susceptible; culex quinquefasciatus, culex nigripalpus, culex territans, ...19947807086
insecticidal potency of aspergillus terreus against larvae and pupae of three mosquito species anopheles stephensi, culex quinquefasciatus, and aedes aegypti.microbial control agents offer alternatives to chemical pest control, as they can be more selective than chemical insecticides. the present study evaluates the mosquito larvicidal and pupicidal potential of fungus mycelia using ethyl acetate and methanol solvent extracts produced by aspergillus terreus against anopheles stephensi, culex quinquefasciatus, and aedes aegypti. the a. terreus mycelia were extracted after 15 days from sabouraud dextrose broth medium. the ethyl acetate extracts showed ...201526139412
genome mining offers a new starting point for parasitology research.parasites including helminthes, protozoa, and medical arthropod vectors are a major cause of global infectious diseases, affecting one-sixth of the world's population, which are responsible for enormous levels of morbidity and mortality important and remain impediments to economic development especially in tropical countries. prevalent drug resistance, lack of highly effective and practical vaccines, as well as specific and sensitive diagnostic markers are proving to be challenging problems in p ...201525563615
[epidemiologic situation on dangerous infectious diseases on the territory of republic of abkhazia].data from literature and results of epizootological examination of the territory of republic of abkhazia in 2011 and 2012 that confirm the presence in the republic of natural foci of hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome, west nile fever, crimean hemorrhagic fever, tick-borne encephalitis, q fever, tahyna, inkoo, bhanja, sindbis fever, anaplasmosis, tick-borne borreliosis, tularemia and leptospirosis are presented. rabies and anthrax are actual for abkhazia. spread of aedes aegypti mosquitos in ...201424605653
green synthesis of silver nanoparticles using delphinium denudatum root extract exhibits antibacterial and mosquito larvicidal synthesis of silver nanoparticles (agnps) using aqueous root extract of delphinium denudatum (dd) by reduction of ag(+) ions from silver nitrate solution has been investigated. the synthesized ddagnps were characterized by using uv-vis spectroscopy, x-ray diffraction (xrd), field emission scanning electron microscope (fesem) and fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (ftir). the prepared ddagnps showed maximum absorbance at 416nm and particles were polydispersed in nature, spherical in sh ...201424632157
identification and characterization of a novel marine bacillus cereus for mosquito control.entomopathogenic bacteria to control mosquitoes are a promising environmentally friendly alternative to synthetic pesticides. in the present study, a novel mosquitocidal bacterium was isolated from marine soil collected from east coastal areas at pondicherry (india). 16s rrna gene sequence alignment depicted that this isolate belonged to bacillus cereus vcrc-b520 (ncbi: kc-119192). biochemical studies on bacterial growth, biomass, and toxin production have revealed that this strain could possibl ...201424192866
extracellular synthesis of silver nanoparticles using bacillus megaterium against malarial and dengue vector (diptera: culicidae).biosynthesis of silver nanoparticles has provoked nowadays and alternative to physical and chemical approaches. in the present study, silver nanoparticles (agnps) were synthesized extracellular method using bacillus megaterium. the agnps formations were confirmed initially through color change, and the aliquots were characterized through uv-visible spectrophotometer, followed by scanning electron microscopy (sem), energy-dispersive x-ray (edx) spectroscopy, and fourier transform infrared (ftir) ...201526231835
dibenzo-α-pyrones: a new class of larvicidal metabolites against aedes aegypti from the endophytic fungus hyalodendriella sp. our search for new agrochemicals from endophytic fungi, the crude extract of the endophytic hyalodendriella sp. ponipodef12 associated with the hybrid 'neva' of populus deltoides marsh × p. nigra l. was found to possess larvicidal activity against aedes aegypti.201627862895
s argassum muticum-synthesized silver nanoparticles: an effective control tool against mosquito vectors and bacterial pathogens.mosquito-borne diseases represent a deadly threat for millions of people worldwide. furthermore, pathogens and parasites polluting water also constitute a severe plague for populations of developing countries. in this research, silver nanoparticles (agnp) were synthesized using the aqueous extract of the seaweed sargassum muticum. the production of agnp was confirmed by surface plasmon resonance band illustrated in uv-vis spectrophotometry. agnp were characterized by ftir, sem, edx, and xrd anal ...201526281786
effects of bacillus subtilis metabolites on larval aedes aegypti l.the culture supernatant of a strain of bacillus subtilis isolated from soil samples killed larvae of the mosquito aedes aegypti. the metabolites produced by b. subtilis were characterized using high performance liquid chromatography (hplc). mortality rate was dose-dependent for all larval instars of a. aegypti. log probit analysis (95% confidence level) revealed an lc50 of 1.73 and an lc90 3.71μg/ml. molecular weights/masses of b. subtilis metabolites were confirmed using sds-page analysis. b. s ...201324267699
distinctive effects of nano-sized permethrin in the environment.pesticides are an essential tool in integrated pest management. nanopermethrin was prepared by solvent evaporation from an oil-in-water volatile microemulsion. the efficacy of the formulated nanopermethrin was tested against aedes aegypti and the results compared to those of regular, microparticular permethrin. the 24 h lc50 for nanopermethrin and permethrin was found to be 0.0063 and 0.0199 mg/l, respectively. the formulated nanopermethrin was tested for toxicity against non-target organisms. n ...201322972616
a large scale biorational approach using bacillus thuringiensis israeliensis (strain am65-52) for managing aedes aegypti populations to prevent dengue, chikungunya and zika transmission.aedes aegypti is a container-inhabiting mosquito and a vector of dengue, chikungunya, and zika viruses. in 2009 several cases of autochthonous dengue transmission were reported in key west, florida, usa prompting a comprehensive response to control a. aegypti. in key west, larvae of this mosquito develop in containers around human habitations which can be numerous and labor intensive to find and treat. aerial applications of larvicide covering large areas in a short time can be an efficient and ...201728199323
levels of insecticide resistance to deltamethrin, malathion, and temephos, and associated mechanisms in aedes aegypti mosquitoes from the guadeloupe and saint martin islands (french west indies).in the guadeloupe and saint martin islands, aedes aegypti mosquitoes are the only recognized vectors of dengue, chikungunya, and zika viruses. for around 40 years, malathion was used as a mosquito adulticide and temephos as a larvicide. since the european union banned the use of these two insecticide molecules in the first decade of the 21st century, deltamethrin and bacillus thuringiensis var. israelensis are the remaining adulticide and larvicide, respectively, used in guadeloupe. in order to ...201728187780
response of three cyprinid fish species to the scavenger deterrent factor produced by the mutualistic bacteria associated with entomopathogenic nematodes.the symbiotic bacteria, photorhabdus and xenorhabdus associated with entomopathogenic nematodes (epns) in the genera heterorhabditis and steinernema, respectively, produce a compound(s) called the scavenging deterrent factor (sdf). sdf deters a number of terrestrial insect scavengers and predators and one bird species from feeding on host insects killed by the nematode-bacterium complex but has not been tested against aquatic vertebrates. moreover, the heterorhabditis-photorhabdus association is ...201727908637
toxin stability improvement and toxicity increase against dipteran and lepidopteran larvae of bacillus thuringiensis crystal protein cry2aa.bacillus thuringiensis δ-endotoxins are the most widely used biopesticides for controlling economically important crop pests and disease vectors. improving their efficacy is of great benefit. here, an improvement in cry2aa δ-endotoxin toxicity was attempted via a cry gene over expression system using p20 from b. thuringiensis israelensis.201626910489
local mosquito-borne transmission of zika virus - miami-dade and broward counties, florida, june-august 2016.during the first 6 months of 2016, large outbreaks of zika virus disease caused by local mosquito-borne transmission occurred in puerto rico and other u.s. territories, but local mosquito-borne transmission was not identified in the continental united states (1,2). as of july 22, 2016, the florida department of health had identified 321 zika virus disease cases among florida residents and visitors, all occurring in either travelers from other countries or territories with ongoing zika virus tran ...201627684886
one-pot biogenic fabrication of silver nanocrystals using quisqualis indica: effectiveness on malaria and zika virus mosquito vectors, and impact on non-target aquatic organisms.currently, mosquito vector control is facing a number of key challenges, including the rapid development of resistance to synthetic pesticides and the recent spread of aggressive arbovirus outbreaks. the biosynthesis of silver nanoparticles (agnps) is currently considered an environmental friendly alternative to the employ of pyrethroids, carbamates and microbial agents (e.g. bacillus thuringiensis var. israelensis), since agnps are easy to produce, effective and stable in the aquatic environmen ...201627491031
receptors are affected by selection with each bacillus thuringiensis israelensis cry toxin but not with the full bti mixture in aedes aegypti.bacillus thuringiensis israelensis (bti) toxins are increasingly used for mosquito control, but little is known about the precise mode of action of each of these toxins, and how they interact to kill mosquito larvae. by using rna sequencing, we investigated change in gene transcription level and polymorphism variations associated with resistance to each bti cry toxin and to the full bti toxin mixture in the dengue vector aedes aegypti. the up-regulation of genes related to chitin metabolism in a ...201627418233
the use of aedes aegypti larvae attractants to enhance the effectiveness of larvicides.aedes aegypti (l.) is an important dengue, chikungunya, and yellow fever vector. immature stages of this species inhabit human-made containers placed in residential landscapes, and the application of larvicides inside containers that cannot be eliminated is still considered a priority in control programs. larvicidal efficacy is influenced by several factors, including the formulation used, the water quality, and the susceptibility of larvae, among others. if an attractant can be incorporated int ...201626922177
[effect of bacillus thuringiensis var. israelensis (bti) on detoxification enzyme activity of larvae of culex pipiens pallens and aedes aegypti].to investigate the effect of bacillus thuringiensis var. israelensis (bti) on the activities of three detoxification enzymes of culex pipiens pallens and aedes aegypti larvae.201526767261
importance of thr(328) and thr(369) for functional maintenance of two receptor-binding β-hairpins of the bacillus thuringiensis cry4ba toxin: implications for synergistic interactions with cyt2aa2.bacillus thuringiensis cry4ba mosquito-active toxin was previously shown to utilize two critical loop-residues, tyr(332) and phe(364) which are respectively located in β2-β3 and β4-β5 loops, for synergistic interactions with its alternative receptor-cyt2aa2. here, structural analysis of the cry4ba-receptor-binding domain revealed that its n-terminal subdomain encompasses β2-β3 and β4-β5 hairpins which are stabilized by inter-hairpin hydrogen bonding between thr(328) in β2 and thr(369) in β5. fun ...201626692482
alkaline phosphatases are involved in the response of aedes aegypti larvae to intoxication with bacillus thuringiensis subsp. israelensis cry toxins.bacillus thuringiensis subsp. israelensis (bti) is a natural pathogen of dipterans widely used as a biological insecticide for mosquito control. to characterize the response of mosquitoes to intoxication with bti, the transcriptome profile of bti-exposed susceptible aedes aegypti larvae was analysed using illumina rna-seq. gene expression of 11 alkaline phosphatases (alps) was further investigated by real time quantitative polymerase chain reaction and alp activity was measured in the susceptibl ...201626663676
bacillus thuringiensis subsp. israelensis producing endochitinase chia74δsp inclusions and its improved activity against aedes aegypti.the objective of this study was to produce stable inclusions of chitinase chia74δsp in bacillus thuringiensis subsp. israelensis (bti) and to assay its insecticidal activity against aedes aegypti larvae.201526434743
an anti-mosquito mixture for domestic use, combining a fertiliser and a chemical or biological larvicide.plant saucers are an important larval habitat for aedes aegypti and ae. albopictus in peridomestic situations. because npk fertilisers in plant containers tend to enhance the oviposition of these species, we investigated the effects of bacillus thuringiensis var. israelensis, spinosad, pyriproxyfen and diflubenzuron larvicides in combination with fertiliser on the adult emergence and fecundity of the mosquitoes coming from plant saucers in controlled greenhouse experiments. npk + larvicide (npk- ...201626414239
evaluating liquid and granular bacillus thuringiensis var. israelensis broadcast applications for controlling vectors of dengue and chikungunya viruses in artificial containers and tree holes.the principal vectors of chikungunya and dengue viruses typically oviposit in water-filled artificial and natural containers, including tree holes. despite the risk these and similar tree hole-inhabiting mosquitoes present to global public health, surprisingly few studies have been conducted to determine an efficient method of applying larvicides specifically to tree holes. the stihl sr 450, a backpack sprayer commonly utilized during military and civilian vector control operations, may be suita ...201526335473
susceptibility profile of aedes aegypti from santiago island, cabo verde, to 2009, cabo verde diagnosed the first dengue cases, with 21,137 cases reported and aedes aegypti was identified as the vector. since the outbreak, chemical insecticides and source reduction were used to control the mosquito population. this study aimed to assess the susceptibility of a. aegypti populations from santiago, cabo verde to insecticides and identify the mechanisms of resistance. samples of a. aegypti eggs were obtained at two different time periods (2012 and 2014), using ovitraps in ...201526307496
the genetic architecture of a complex trait: resistance to multiple toxins produced by bacillus thuringiensis israelensis in the dengue and yellow fever vector, the mosquito aedes aegypti.the bacterial insecticide bacillus thuringiensis subsp. israelensis (bti) is an increasingly popular alternative to chemical insecticides for controlling mosquito populations. because bti toxicity relies on the action of four main toxins, resistance to bti is very likely a complex phenotype involving several genes simultaneously. dissecting the underlying genetic basis thus requires associating a quantitative measure of resistance to genetic variation at many loci in a segregating population. he ...201526238211
cry4ba and cyt1aa proteins from bacillus thuringiensis israelensis: interactions and toxicity mechanism against aedes aegypti.individual crystal proteins from bacillus thuringiensis israelensis exhibit variable levels of insecticidal activities against mosquito larvae. in all cases, they are much less active compared to the whole crystal proteins due to described complex synergistic interactions among them. in the present study we investigated the effects of cyt1a98 (a cyt1aa type protein) on cry4blb (a cry4ba type toxin) insecticidal activity toward the dengue vector aedes aegypti. the bioassay analyses demonstrated t ...201526238170
evidence of two mechanisms involved in bacillus thuringiensis israelensis decreased toxicity against mosquito larvae: genome dynamic and toxins stability.biopesticides based on bacillus thuringiensis israelensis are the most used and most successful around the world. this bacterium is characterized by a dynamic genome able to win or lose genetic materials which leads to a decrease in its effectiveness. the detection of such phenomena is of great importance to monitor the stability of b. thuringiensis strains in industrial production processes of biopesticides. new local b. thuringiensis israelensis isolates were investigated. they present variabl ...201526070692
effects of the p20 protein from bacillus thuringiensis israelensis on insecticidal crystal protein cry4ba.the accessory protein p20 from bacillus thuringiensis israelensis has been defined as an important molecular chaperone for forming crystal cyt1aa, and enhancing cry11aa and cry4aa expression. to investigate its putative role in cry4ba delta-endotoxin production and toxicity, a p20 gene was cloned and introduced into b. thuringiensis recombinant strain expressing cry4ba type gene (cry4blb). the delta-endotoxin synthesis was enhanced by 262%. the generated inclusions were assayed against third ins ...201525931398
two specific membrane-bound aminopeptidase n isoforms from aedes aegypti larvae serve as functional receptors for the bacillus thuringiensis cry4ba toxin implicating counterpart specificity.the interaction between bacillus thuringiensis cry toxins and their receptors on midgut cells of susceptible insect larvae is the critical determinant in toxin specificity. besides gpi-linked alkaline phosphatase in aedes aegypti mosquito-larval midguts, membrane-bound aminopeptidase n (aaeapn) is widely thought to serve as a cry4ba receptor. here, two full-length aaeapn isoforms, aaeapn2778 and aaeapn2783, predicted to be gpi-linked were cloned and successfully expressed in spodoptera frugiperd ...201525871797
maintenance of residual activity of bt toxin by using natural and synthetic dyes: a novel approach for sustainable mosquito vector control.mosquito control protein from bacillus thuringiensis gets inactivated with exposure to sunlight. to address this issue, the potential of synthetic and natural dye was investigated as sunlight protectants. bt sv2 in absence of dyes when exposed to sunlight showed reduced effectiveness against the fourth instars of mosquito larvae. whereas acriflavin, congo red and violacein were able to maintain 86.4%, 91.6% and 82.2% mosquito larvicidal efficacy of bt sv2 against ivth instars larvae of anopheles ...201525699646
functional assembly of 260-kda oligomers required for mosquito-larvicidal activity of the bacillus thuringiensis cry4ba toxin.oligomerization has been shown to contribute to the toxicity of bacillus thuringiensis cry toxins. mutations have been made in the cry4ba toxin and resulted in toxic to non-toxic mutants toward aedes aegypti larvae. in this study, cry4ba wild type and mutants were analyzed for oligomer formation in vitro, biochemical properties and their relationships with larvicidal activity. in vitro, the cry4ba forms two-main types of the oligomers including (1) the 260-kda and larger oligomers, which assembl ...201525687547
characterisation of novel bacillus thuringiensis isolates against aedes aegypti (diptera: culicidae) and ceratitis capitata (diptera: tephridae).bacillus thuringiensis is successfully used in pest management strategies as an eco-friendly bioinsecticide. isolation and identification of new strains with a wide variety of target pests is an ever growing field. in this paper, new b. thuringiensis isolates were investigated to search for original strains active against diptera and able to produce novel toxins that could be used as an alternative for the commercial h14 strain. biochemical and molecular characterization revealed a remarkable di ...201525433312
pre-selecting resistance against individual bti cry toxins facilitates the development of resistance to the bti toxins cocktail.the bioinsecticide bacillus thuringiensis subsp. israelensis is a larvicide used worldwide for mosquito control, which contains three cry toxins and one cyt toxin. we investigated for the first time in aedes aegypti (1) the evolution of resistance and cross-resistance of strains selected with each cry toxin, and (2) the effect of pre-selection with cry toxin on the evolution of resistance to a mix of bti toxins. cross resistance was higher between cry4ba and cry11aa than between cry4aa and eithe ...201424768915
pyrethroid resistance in aedes aegypti larvae (diptera: culicidae) from singapore.we report the first comprehensive insecticide susceptibility status ofaedes aegypti (l.) larvae from singapore. the study indicated that ae. aegypti is susceptible to temephos, although resistance (rr50 = 1.29-4.43-fold) couldbe developing. of high concern is the detection of moderate to high resistance to permethrin (rr50 = 29-47-fold) and etofenprox (rr50 = 14-34-fold). biolarvicide bacillus thuringiensis israelensis (bti) remains effective. the insecticide susceptibility profile of ae. aegypt ...201424605467
uv light and urban pollution: bad cocktail for mosquitoes?mosquito breeding sites consist of water pools, which can either be large open areas or highly covered ponds with vegetation, thus with different light exposures combined with the presence in water of xenobiotics including polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (pahs) generated by urban pollution. uv light and pahs are abiotic factors known to both affect the mosquito insecticide resistance status. nonetheless, their potential combined effects on the mosquito physiology have never been investigated. t ...201424275062
potential of sugarcane bagasse (agro-industrial waste) for the production of bacillus thuringiensis israelensis.sugarcane bagasse is a renewable resource that can be used to produce biopesticide for the control of mosquito vectors. in the present study, we demonstrated that cane processed bagasse could be used to produce bacillus thuringiensis serovar israelensis (bti) for control of mosquito vectors viz: culex quinquefasciatus, anopheles stephensi and aedes aegypti. biochemical studies indicated that the bti spore/crystal toxins produced from the test culture medium (bagasse, bg + soybean, sb) are higher ...201324189680
biosynthesis of silver nanoparticles using bacillus thuringiensis against dengue vector, aedes aegypti (diptera: culicidae).the present study reveals the larvicidal activity of silver nanoparticles (agnps) synthesized by bacillus thuringiensis (bt) against aedes aegypti responsible for the diseases of public health importance. the bt-agnps were characterized by using uv-visible spectrophotometer followed by scanning electron microscopy (sem) and energy-dispersive x-ray (edx) spectroscopy. a surface plasmon resonance spectrum of agnps was obtained at 420 nm. the particle sizes were measured through sem imaging ranging ...201424173811
construction and characterization of the interdomain chimeras using cry11aa and cry11ba from bacillus thuringiensis and identification of a possible novel toxic chimera.three structural domains of mosquitocidal cry11aa and cry11ba from bacillus thuringiensis were exchanged to produce interdomain chimeras [baa (11ba/11aa/11aa), aba (11aa/11ba/11aa), aab (11aa/11aa/11ba), abb (11aa/11ba/11ba), bab (11ba/11aa/11ba), bba (11ba/11ba/11aa]. chimeras bab, baa, bba, and aab formed inclusion bodies in the crystal-negative b. thuringiensis host and produced expected protein bands on sds-page gel. however, no inclusion body or target protein could be found for chimeras ab ...201424068502
eco-friendly microbial route to synthesize cobalt nanoparticles using bacillus thuringiensis against malaria and dengue vectors.the developments of resistance and persistence to chemical insecticides and concerns about the non-target effects have prompted the development of eco-friendly mosquito control agents. the aim of this study was to investigate the larvicidal activities of synthesized cobalt nanoparticles (co nps) using bio control agent, bacillus thuringiensis against malaria vector, anopheles subpictus and dengue vector, aedes aegypti (diptera: culicidae). the synthesized co nps were characterized by x-ray diffr ...201324013343
essential role of amino acids in αd-β4 loop of a bacillus thuringiensis cyt2aa2 toxin in binding and complex formation on lipid membrane.bacillus thuringiensis subsp. darmstadiensis produces cyt2aa2 toxin that shows in vivo specific toxicity against dipteran insect larvae but exhibits in vitro cytolytic activity to a broad-spectrum of cells including red blood cells. two mutant toxins have been generated by introducing a small hydrophobic alanine into positions thr-144 and asn-145 in αd-β4 loop. both mutants were highly expressed as crystalline inclusions that were solubilized in alkaline conditions and processed by chymotrypsin ...201323988392
contrasting patterns of tolerance between chemical and biological insecticides in mosquitoes exposed to uv-a.mosquitoes are vectors of major human diseases, such as malaria, dengue or yellow fever. because no efficient treatments or vaccines are available for most of these diseases, control measures rely mainly on reducing mosquito populations by the use of insecticides. numerous biotic and abiotic factors are known to modulate the efficacy of insecticides used in mosquito control. mosquito breeding sites vary from opened to high vegetation covered areas leading to a large ultraviolet gradient exposure ...201323911355
efficacy of various larvicides against aedes aegypti immatures in the laboratory.we conducted a laboratory study to evaluate the efficacy of control agents against small larvae, large larvae, and pupae of aedes aegypti to determine an appropriate larvicide regime to employ in emergency dengue control programs. the control agents included bacillus thuringiensis var. israelensis (bti), pyriproxyfen (an insect growth regulator), a larvicidal oil, aquatain amf (polydimethylsiloxane, a monomolecular film), and temephos at the recommend application dosages and rates. our results s ...201323883850
Displaying items 10101 - 10200 of 14974