
stroke rehabilitation i. factors predicting outcome and length of stay--an overview. 1990267835
[leukemic meningeal involvement in adults and its treatment].the authors report two cases of acute leukaemia in adults with development of sings central nervous system involvement at the time of full haematological remission. in the first case the diagnosis was: acute undifferentiated-cell leukaemia, in the second one: acute lymphoblastic leukaemia. in both cases in the first stage of the disease complete remission of neurological manifestations was obtained; in the second case it was also obtained after the following relapse. in the first case death occu ...1990267811
[method of continuous and intermittent operation of inhalation units]. 1990267799
genetic approaches to steroid hormone action. 1990183244
cultural factors in clinical pain assessment.experimental evidence suggests that the threshold at which a given stimulus is perceived as painful is relatively constant both for an individual and between individuals. however, higher thresholds at which pain described as severe or at which particular behavioural response occurs are much more variable and appear to depend on cultural factors. since one concern of a healing profession is to alleviate or minimize pain it would be helpful if some means of assessment of the intensity of pain expe ...1991270466
from structural 'disaster' to award-winning office. 1991270449
my moment of truth in dentistry: a courage of great price. 1991270433
rapidly progressing internal resorption. 1991270407
cyproheptadine in bipolar affective illness with cushingoid features. 1991270340
research, a logical problem-solving method. 1991245269
[use of chromosomal findings in the treatment of acute myelogenous leukemia (author's transl)]. 1991269977
the importance of retrograde phlebography in the diagnosis of orbital lesions.the authors describe a technique for retrograde phlebography of the orbit. a selection of the typical findings in 51 cases of orbital phlebography is presented. the diagnostic importance of the examination in cases of similar clinical symptoms has been stressed. this method is best suited to the investigation of cases of venous malformation, especially of the intra-orbital, peri-orbital and retro-orbital area. side-effects and complications have been described. a comparative assessment against o ...1991269887
food wastage in a burns unit. 1991258374
a decade of medical practice: profile of a class.the careers which the graduates of one class from the faculty of medicine in the university of sydney ("class of '62") had chosen for themselves by the tenth anniversary of their graduation have been compiled and compared with data from other parts of australia.19911004343
ada president-elect frank bowyer: if we are not agents of change, we will become victims of change. 1991269758
[glomus tumors. study of 7 cases]. 1991207160
blood platelet monoamine oxidase activity in schizophrenic children and their families. a preliminary this study monoamine oxidase (mao) activity was measured in blood platelets of 21 individuals (age 2 6/12-19 years) who were diagnosed at preschool age as schizophrenics; mao activity was not significantly different from that found in normals. an insignificant correlation was found between mao activity in patients and age; a similar correlation for normals was also insignificant. in a sample of 15 families, no significant correlation between mao activity of patients and their parents was obta ...19921012457
malignant giant cell tumour of the uterus.two rare cases of malignant giant cell tumours of the uterus in pure heterologous form are presented. light microscopy showed numerous osteoclast-like cells in a background of spindle cells. immunohistochemistry demonstrated vimentin, actin, alpha-1-antitrypsin and lca in the latter, and vimentin, alpha-1-antitrypsin and lca in the giant cells while tartrate resistant acid phosphatase reactivity was demonstrated in both mononuclear cells and giant cells. electron microscopy did not reveal smooth ...19921883635
teaching the nursing process: the nursing process--a conflict for nurse teachers? 1992257462
effect of different carbon sources on the biosynthesis of polyunsaturated fatty acids of alpha-linolenic acid family in culture of minimal deviation hepatoma 7288 c cells.the effect of three different carbon sources on the biosynthesis of polyunsaturated fatty acids of the alpha-linolenic acid series was investigated in hepatoma tissue culture (htc) cells. alpha linolenic acid was converted to higher homologs by a desaturating route that synthetized mainly 18:4 (delta6, 9, 12, 15), 20:4 (delta8, 11, 14, 17) and 20:5 (delta5, 8, 11, 14, 17) and an elongating route that produced 20:3 (delta11, 14, 17) and 20:4 (delta5, 11, 14, 17) acids. "fasting" decreased both bi ...1992183100
the laser step in early glaucoma therapy. 19921882927
use of mini-camcorder. 19921554482
specifying affective behavioral indicators in nursing. 1992257396
[respiratory care of newborn infants at the regional hospital in orebro]. 1992265420
[radiographic signs of colitis with consideration of angiographic findings (author's transl)].description of radiographic lesions in the various stages of ulcerative colitis as well as the deviating alterations of granulomatous colitis are represented. radiographic signs are discussed with regard to their diagnostical importance. the value of angiography for the differential diagnosis of colitis is pointed out.19921005707
demystifying diagnostic procedures. part iv: hospital admission--ekgs. 1992257012
tracheostomy or not? 19921242428
hyperthermia in cancer treatment: some tumours don't like it hot. 1992257605
lymphocyte ultrastructure in two cases of neuronal ceroid-lipofuscinosis.circulating blood lymphocytes from two patients with neuronal ceroid-lipofuscinosis (ncl) were investigated by transmission electronmicroscopy. ultrastructural examination showed two forms of intracytoplasmic single membrane-limited inclusions. contents of the first inclusion form were arranged in five distinct patterns: (1) granules, (2) membranous formations, (3) paracrystalline forms, (4) alternating electron-dense/electron-lucent arrangements, and (5) admixtures of these components. these mo ...1992205814
salvage transvenous rapid atrial pacing to terminate atrial flutter after cardiac operations.atrial flutter occurring after cardiac operations normally responds well to atrial overdrive pacing through epicardial atrial pacing wires and medication. when this fails, transvenous atrial overpacing offers an attractive alternative. we performed the procedure 29 times in 25 patients. sinus rhythm returned acutely after 25 procedures in 21 patients and persisted with medication in 20 patients at follow-up. the procedure was well tolerated by all.19921554275
[tumors of the submandibular gland]. 1992206163
[pediatric education]. 19922289272
dental peer review: a conceptual model. 1992265032
simplified metal bone-marker method for evaluation of surgical orthodontics: report of first use. 1993281135
[malignant nesidioma with 2 types of secretory granules in tumor cells].a case has been described of a male aged 38 with a malignant nesidioma. the clinical examination disclosed marked hepatomegaly, variable hypertension associated with cool sweating, agitation and transient hyperglycaemia. the primary tumour as well as the metastases in the liver weighing over 13 kg were histologically of trabecular structure and stained positively with the methods of bodian and grimelius. the impregnation for d-cells according to rohoznická and vortel was positive in isolated cel ...1993182389
more news from the faculty. 1993265711
amines, anticonvulsants, and epilepsy.concentrations of 5-hydroxyindoleacetic acid (5-h.i.a.t.) in cerebrospinal fluid (c.s.f.) were significantly raised in twenty-seven anticonvulsant-treated epileptic patients compared with fifteen untreated epileptics and twenty-two neurological controls. this rise was not seen until therapeutic blood-levels of phenobarbitone and diphenylhydantoin had been achieved, and was most striking in clinically intoxicated patients. similar trends were seen in c.s.f. homovanillic acid (h.v.a). there was a ...199346954
[time of broken appointment in norra alvsborg is equal to time of dental care of another age group]. 1993280970
[diseases of the antrum]. 1993280888
[relative frequency and therapy of cleft lip, cleft jaw and cleft palate at the vienna clinic in 1966-1975]. 1993280882
[review of tumors at the dept. of surgery of the university of vienna in the years 1960--1974]. 1993280877
transposed and submerged teeth. 1993280854
future of visual sciences in rhode island. vi. another possible approach. 1993265606
sensory interaction: vision is modulated by irrelevant noise was turned on at various points during a visual reaction-time task. latencies were reliably smaller than on quiet trials, provided the noise was turned on when a subject was looking at a relevant visual stimulus. this effect occurred regardless of whether the distribution of interstimulus intervals was constant or varied during a session, as well as independently of a subject's base rate of response and level of practice in the task. but it disappeared if reaction times in co ...19931005022
[unexpected findings in surgery of the lumbar spine in mono- and multi-radicular syndromes]. 1993262866
the difference between "selective folinic acid protection" and "folinic acid rescue" in l5178y cells culture. 1993302791
an investigation of tactile hyperacuity. 1993262782
assessment of fura-2 for measurements of cytosolic free calcium.fura-2 has become the most popular fluorescent probe with which to monitor dynamic changes in cytosolic free calcium in intact living cells. in this paper, we describe many of the currently recognized limitations to the use of fura-2 in living cells and certain approaches which can circumvent some of these problems. many of these problems are cell type specific, and include: (a) incomplete hydrolysis of fura-2 acetoxymethyl ester bonds by cytosolic esterases, and the potential presence of either ...19942191782
contractile behaviour of cardiac ventricular muscle in strontium solution. 1994303303
dopamine in the management of shock.shock is a syndrome with serious prognostic implications--the harbinger of death. hypoperfusion of essential organs is common, though total blood flow may be significantly greater than normal. specific therapy is directed to the specific inciting event--infection, abscess, tamponade, &c. symptomatic therapy keeps the patient alive until we discover the specific problem or until he recovers spontaneously. the intravascular volume must be carefully monitored and corrected, using the pulmonary wedg ...1994264200
effects of acetylcholine and cyclic nucleotides on the bullfrog atrial muscle.effects of ach on the slow inward current and tension components of bullfrog atrial muscle were examined with voltage-clamp technique. ach decreased the phasic component of contractile tension and the slow inward current with a reduction of gca. contracture tensions were augmented by ach and decreased by adrenaline. intracellularly injected cgmp through microelectrode decreased the overshoot and the plateau level of action potential without affecting the resting membrane potential, indicating a ...1994201995
bone mineralization and calciotropic hormones in children with hyperthyroidism. effects of methimazole therapy.we studied bone mineralization and calcium homeostasis in two children with hyperthyroidism before and during 3 yr of methimazole therapy in order to evaluate the effects of thyrotoxicosis and its therapy on mineral metabolism. case 1, female, 4.1 year old with hyperthyroidism from 6 months. biochemical data: increased thyroid function, phosphate and osteocalcin, decreased 1,25(oh)2d levels. x-ray: severe osteoporosis; bone mineral content (bmc) -23.0%, bmc/bw -25.1%. case 2, female, 7.4 year ol ...19942229931
[comparative micromorphology of the esophagus of various vertebrates. i. from fishes to birds]. 1994303195
congenital lobar emphysema--a report of 5 cases.five infants with congenital lobar emphysema whose main symptoms included dyspnea, cyanosis and recurrent respiratory infections, are presented herein. the most reliable diagnostic tool was plain chest x-ray films with antero-posterior and lateral views, while radio-isotopic investigation of the lung perfusion state took second place in the diagnosis of this disease. the affected lobes were the left upper lobe in four patients and the right middle lobe in one. lobectomy was performed with good r ...19942607700
[general hemodynamic features in the cerebral circulatory disorders of patients with atherosclerosis and atherosclerosis combined with arterial hypertension accompanied by heart rhythm disorders].parameters of the general and cerebral hemodynamics were examined in 45 patients with cerebral circulation disturbances developed in the presence of atherosclerosis (30 patients) and atherosclerosis plus arterial hypertension with cardiac arrhythmias (15 patients) and without the latter (72 patients). the examinations were carried out with the use of the evans blue dilution method (t-1824) and rheoencephalography. shifts in the general and the cerebral hemodynamics were revealed in the patients ...1994494932
[observations and thoughts on work and education process in dental technology]. 1994284695
[a study on short-course chemotherapy for pulmonary tuberculosis (report 2)--6--9 month short-course chemotherapy (author's transl)]. 1994502154
plasminogen activator and proactivator (urokinase precursor) in lung cultures. 1994186502
the urinary excretion of pregnanetriol and pregnenetriol in patients with breast cancer. a postulation on the meaning of bulbrook's discriminant. 1994186269
oxygenation and epr spectral properties of aplysia myoglobins containing cobaltous porphyrins.cobalt myoglobins (aplysia) have been reconstituted from apo-myoglobin (aplysia) and proto-, meso-, and deutero-cobalt porphyrins. each of them showed the 30--60 times lower oxygen affinity than those of the corresponding cobalt myoglobins (sperm whale). kinetic investigation of their oxygenation by the temperature-junp relaxation technique showed that the low oxygen affinity of cobalt myoglobin (aplysia) is due to a large dissociation rate constant. the electron paramagnetic resonance (epr) spe ...1994205264
guanosine 3',5'-monophosphate-dependent protein kinase. 199443215
congenital ptosis in monozygotic twins.a case of concordance for unilateral congenital ptosis in monozygotic twins is presented. the literature on genetics and congenital ptosis is reviewed. a heritability index is calculated for congenital ptosis, based on all current twin data including the present report. a value for the heritability index of 0.75 is found, suggesting a strong hereditary influence for congenital ptosis. we conclude that twin data strongly support a transmissable genetic defect as contributing to the development of ...19942271483
[recent advances in bisbenzylisoquinoline alkaloids]. 19942191354
the adequacy of physicians' and pharmacists' sources for drug information. 19941029675
[description of 173 cases of cutaneous leishmaniasis].the authors present 173 cases of cutaneous leishmaniasis observed in the biskra area. sidi okba is the biggest focus of this disease which mainly affects children from 1 to 5 years. lesions are dry and often multiple (2 or 3). the authors have observed that 73% of girls are affected on the face and point out the aesthetic damage caused by the oriental sore.1994262965
[phadiatop in the diagnosis of skin allergy to pneumoallergens].usually, phadiotop is presented as an in vitro multitest to pneumoallergens that are indicated in respiratory allergy. now, in skin allergy atopic dermatitis and reaginic urticaria-quincke's oedema, the responsibility of pneumoallergens, particularly mites, is clear. 47 subjects were studied. clinical history, skin test nd specific ige gave confirmation of allergy to pneumoallergens. this was proved by the subsequent clinical development, with, in most cases, spectacular improvement after desens ...19951388657
proceedings: a variant of type ii a hyperlipoproteinemia in a large jewish family. 1995173693
investigations on the kinetic mechanism of octopine dehydrogenase. 2. location of the rate-limiting step for enzyme turnover.the kinetic mechanism of octopine dehydrogenase has been investigated by stopped-flow and isotope replacement techniques. when the enzyme is saturated by substrate and coenzyme, both for nadh oxidation and nad+ reduction, the stationary phase is preceded by a rapid burst. under these saturation conditions, furthermore, the stationary phase shows a secondary isotope effect when 4s-[4(2)h]nadh is substituted for nadh and when (on the other reaction end) d-[2h] octopine is substituted for d-octopin ...1995173532
[photoformation of hydrogen in chlorophyll, nad-h and chloroplast solutions]. 1995173512
reversible peripheral neuropathy following jejuno-ileal bypass surgery for morbid obesity. 1995228035
[current aspects of immunoprophylaxis and chemoprophylaxis of tuberculosis]. 1996174174
circulating lipoproteins in nonhuman primates. 1996174071
trial of 1-(2-chloroethyl)-3-cyclohexyl-1-nitrosourea (ccnu; nsc-79037) in advanced bronchogenic carcinoma 1,2,3.a total of 103 patients with lung cancer was treated with ccnu 130 mg/m2 orally every 6 weeks; 65 patients survived at least 6 weeks. partial responses occurred in 7 patients. leukopenia, thrombocytopenia, and nausea were frequent toxic effects. ccnu has slight efficacy in advanced lung cancer. no increase in survival was attributed to therapy.1996174040
embryo surface morphology during post-gastrula development of the frog, bombina orientalis, as revealed by scanning electron further study the morphology of the developing amphibian embryo, and to provide a basis for the characterization of abnormal embryogenesis, surface features of the bombina orientalis embryo during post-gastrula development were examined with the scanning electron microscope. ciliated cells similar to those reported for rama pipiens and ambystoma mexicanum were observed in the epidermis. epidermal secretory cells displaying large numbers of exocytotis apertures become prominent at the early ta ...1996500492
increased bone mineral content in young adults with familial hypophosphatemic vitamin d refractory adults with familial hypophosphatemia have been investigated by histologic and radiographic examination of bone, and estimates of bone mineral status by in vivo neutron activation analysis (ivnaa). histological examination showed severe osteomalacia and osteosclerosis in all cases. radiography showed skeletal deformities and other sequelae of severe rickets of childhood in five of the seven cases, with, in addition, thickened well-mineralized bones; the other two showed normal radiographs. ...1996173975
the acute carpal tunnel syndrome: nine case reports.nine cases of acute carpal tunnel syndrome are reported. etiologies include: bleeding secondary to chronic lymphatic leukemia; colles' fracture of the wrist (2 cases); epiphyseal fracture (salter ii) of the distal radius; bleeding secondary to giant cell tumor of the tendon sheath; unstable distal radio-ulnar joint; displaced intra-articular fracture of the distal radius; rheumatoid synovitis and vasculitis; trans-scaphoid, perilunar fracture dislocation of the wrist. early recognition of median ...1996173872
effect of ethanol on the water permeability and short-circuit current of the urinary bladder of the toad and the response to vasopressin, adenosine-3',5'-monophosphate and theophylline.the effects of ethanol on the water permeability and short-circuit current of the isolated urinary bladder of the toad, bufo marinus, were investigated. ethanol alone did not alter the flow of water along an osmotic gradient. the increase in osmotic water flow caused by vasopressin, theophylline or cyclic adenosine-3',5'-monophosphate was inhibited by 4 to 40 mg per ml of ethanol in the mucosal or serosal bathing medium. the inhibition was more marked when ethanol was added to the serosal bathin ...1996173829
[respiratory biomechanics and the state of capillary blood flow in patients with fibrous-cavernous pulmonary tuberculosis before and after partial lung resections].the article discusses the results of studying the ventilation function of the lungs, biomechanics of respiration, and condition of the capillary blood flow in 36 patients with fibrous-cavernous tuberculosis before and after partial resection. in 69.4% of cases obstructive signs were attended by restrictive signs of deficient ventilation. the disorders of capillary blood flow corresponded to or were more extensive than the zone of affection demonstrated by roentgenography, which made it possible ...19962271249
familial hyperalphalipoproteinemia.a 26-member kindred had the newly recognized heritable hyperlipoproteinemia, familial hyperalphalipoproteinemia. in affected family members, hyperalphalipoproteinemia was not secondary to any diseases, drugs, or industrial exposures known to elevate alpha-lipoprotein (high-density) cholesterol (c-hdl) levels. hyperalphalipoproteinemia was transmitted vertically through three generations. there were five matings of hyperalphalipoproteinemic to normal individuals, with 25 offspring. the ratio of o ...1997168823
combination of conservative surgery and irradiation for cancer of the patients with relatively advanced local or axillary disease, or both, a simple mastectomy followed by irradiation gives the best local and regional control rates. from the existing data, one can state unreservedly that women with early breast cancer take no chance on their life by having a treatment method which preserves the breast. in conjunction with the wedge excision, even if the axilla is clinically negative, a dissection of the low and central axilla brings enough information to decide ...1997175691
racemose aneurysm of retina. 1997500182
the search for y chromosome polymorphism is extended to negroids.dna samples of negroid and caucasoid origin were used to screen for y-specific rflps. a total of 7 y chromosome probes and 13 restriction enzyme digests were used to examine a conservative estimate of 20000bp. no new y-specific polymorphisms were revealed. the paucity of polymorphism on the y appears to be unrelated to possible bottleneck effects during raciation.19971363868
increased cyclic nucleotide phosphodiesterase activity in leukaemic lymphocytes. 1997175284
seven lessons from seven renin secreting tumors. 19973054240
relapsing meningoencephalitis ? cerebral sarcoidosis. 1997172919
association of ankylosing spondylitis with iga-multiple myeloma: report of a case and pathogenetic considerations.multiple myeloma has rarely been reported in patients with ankylosing spondylitis. we observed a patient with a 20-year history of ankylosing spondylitis, who subsequently developed iga myeloma. this association may not be simply coincidental. it has been proposed that the protracted stimulation of immunocytes by inflammatory lesions on the mucosal surfaces of the gastrointestinal, respiratory, and biliary tracts, where lymphocytes are already committed to iga production, may be implicated in th ...19982809565
canada's nhi: a physician's evaluation.a physician in manitoba reports that a national health care system has worked well in canada, particularly for poor people and for governments concerned about the equitable and universal delivery of health care, as well as about rising health costs. physicians, however, find the greatest problems are their own low salary and their lack of impact on government policy.1998105983
sodium valproate (epilim) in epilepsy: a trial.of thirty-five patients with various types of epilepsy treated with sodium valproate, 15 achieved complete seizure control on that drug alone, 12 other patients benefited and eight failed to improve on the drug. excellent results were more likely in those with petit mal epilepsy and in those whose epilepsy was controlled with other drugs at the expense of side effects. three patients were unable to tolerate valproate, but in general few patients experienced side effects and several patients felt ...1998105332
[clofibrate banned - what now? (author's transl)].of the drugs which reduce triglycerides and cholesterol we recommend cedur, lipanthyl and ronicol. of the drugs which predominantly lower cholesterol levels, skleronorm has proved useful for a long time in the treatment of hlp types iia and iib. quantalan or colestid should be used for the severe forms of hypercholesterolemia in children and adults. beta-sitosterin is reserved for the milder types of hypercholesterolemia. the clofibric acid preparations commercially available should not be presc ...1998108569
[raynaud's phenomenon, overdue untangling of concept]. 1998108543
c-reactive protein--a review.c-reactive protein (crp) is an acute-phase protein present in normal serum which increases significantly with tissue necrosis of inflammation. presented in this review is a history of investigations of the protein, and its physical, immunological, and functional characteristics, as well as the various methods used for its detection and quantitation. the relationship of crp to other acute-phase reactants is summarized with respect to its value in clinical diagnosis. the clinical application of cr ...1998106726
[communication with the outside world through the touch of the hand. 2. the gardenia]. 1998105194
congenital sacral anomalies.a review of seventy-one children with sacral anomalies is presented. the aetiology is discussed and a classification of sacral anomalies is suggested, with three groups of patients: agenetic, dysgenetic and dysraphic. the clinical presentation of each group is discussed and the high incidence of congenital visceral and skeletal abnormalities is indicated in the dysgenetic group. the need for constant urological assessment is emphasised, particularly in the agenetic and dysraphic children.1998500747
carcinoma of the endometrium in saskatchewan: 1966 to 1971. 1998108184
absence of oroticaciduria in adenosine deaminase deficiency and purine nucleoside phosphorylase deficiency.orotic acid excretion was normal when tested by three methods in adenosine deaminase deficiency and purine nucleoside phosphorylase deficiency. these results do not support the speculation, based on the oroticaciduria observed by others, that the immunodeficiency in these disorders results from the inhibition of pyrimidine biosynthesis. an alternative hypothesis is discussed.1998108039
l-usnic acid: tumor inhibitor isolated from lichens. 1998124660
[normal versus assymptomatic children in developing countries]. 1998107927
[cushing's syndrome caused by hyperplasia--its etiology and some problems in nodular hyperplasia]. 19991171741
association of intracranial meningioma with arteriovenous malformation.simultaneous occurrence of a cerebral arteriovenous malformation and a primary brain tumor is rare. a case of a left occipital meningioma and a right parietotemporal arteriovenous malformation is reported. clinical, radiological, and postmortem findings are described. thirty previous reports of arteriovenous malformations associated with primary brain tumors are reviewed. in 18 cases the two lesions were intermixed or in close proximity. this spatial relationship between the lesions suggests mor ...19992195683
an x-ray cephalometric analysis of premaxillary growth in operated and unoperated baboons (papio cynocephalus).rates of growth of the premaxilla in baboons, which have undergone removal of the nasal septum, and unoperated controls are compared using x-ray cephalometric analysis and direct measures. it is found that our x-ray analysis without the use of metallic implants is not sensitive enough to detect changes of growth rate which are detectable through direct measurement.1999116005
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