
anthelmintic efficacy of crude neem (azadirachta indica) leaf powder against bovine strongylosis.the present study was conducted to evaluate the anthelmintic efficacy of crude neem (azadirachta indica) leaf powder against strongyle infections in cattle. based on copro-examination, 30 cattle positive for strongyle infection with at least 250 [eggs per gram (epg) of faeces] were selected and grouped as a, b and c (10 animals/group). group a and b were treated respectively with fendendazole and neem leaf powder @ 5 and 500 mg/kg body weight, whereas group c served as infected untreated control ...201526688654
nimbolide-induced oxidative stress abrogates stat3 signaling cascade and inhibits tumor growth in transgenic adenocarcinoma of mouse prostate model.prostate cancer (pca) is one of the most commonly diagnosed cancers worldwide. currently available therapies for metastatic pca are only marginally effective, hence novel treatment modalities are urgently required. considerable evidence(s) suggest that deregulated activation of oncogenic transcription factor, signal transducer and activator of transcription 3 (stat3) plays a pivotal role in the development and progression of pca. thus, agents that can abrogate stat3 activation could form the bas ...201626649526
azadirachtin(a) distinctively modulates subdomain 2 of actin - novel mechanism to induce depolymerization revealed by molecular dynamics study.azadirachtin(a) (aza), a potential insecticide from neem, binds to actin and induces depolymerization in drosophila. aza binds to the pocket same as that of latrunculin a (lat), but lat inhibits actin polymerization by stiffening the actin structure and affects the adp-atp exchange. the mechanism by which aza induces actin depolymerization is not clearly understood. therefore, different computational experiments were conducted to delineate the precise mechanism of aza-induced actin depolymerizat ...201626646738
ultra structural study of the rat cheek epithelium treated with neem extract.the purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of neem extract (azadirachta indica a. juss) on the ultrastructure of the rat oral epithelium, because neem extract has been added in the tooth paste as an anti-plaque-forming substance in asian countries. the non-toxic dose of 2000 mg/kg body weight of neem extract (nbe) was applied daily to the surface of buccal epithelium for four weeks and controls did not receive neem extract. after four weeks cheek epithelial tissues were excised and ...201526639494
desacetyl nimbinene inhibits breast cancer growth and metastasis through reactive oxygen species mediated mechanisms.accumulation of reactive oxygen species (ros) has been implicated in induction of apoptosis and regulation of key signaling molecules in cancer cells. phytochemicals are potent source of anticancer drugs as wells as potential inducers of ros. neem (azadirachta indica) is a medicinal plant used for the treatment of various diseases. the main objective of this study is to investigate the anticancer effect of desacetyl nimbinene (dan; an active ingredient of neem) against breast cancer. normal and ...201626637227
mechanism of neem limonoids-induced cell death in cancer: role of oxidative phosphorylation.we have previously reported that neem limonoids (neem) induce multiple cancer cell death pathways. here we dissect the underlying mechanisms of neem-induced apoptotic cell death in cancer. we observed that neem-induced caspase activation does not require bax/bak channel-mediated mitochondrial outer membrane permeabilization, permeability transition pore, and mitochondrial fragmentation. neem enhanced mitochondrial dna and mitochondrial biomass. while oxidative phosphorylation (oxphos) complex-i ...201626627937
selective induction of apoptosis by azadarichta indica leaf extract by targeting oxidative vulnerabilities in human cancer cells.natural products have been a great source of medications used in conventional medicines for the treatment of various diseases; more importantly, they have played a significant role in the development of anti-cancer drugs for a number of decades. the benefits to employing whole extracts of natural health products, rather than a single ingredient, for cancer treatment remains unexplored. our research group has previously demonstrated the potential anti-cancer benefits of several natural health pro ...201526626256
molecular approach to identify antidiabetic potential of azadirachta indica.azadirachta indica (neem) is a medicinal plant, used in ayurveda for treating various diseases, one of which is diabetes mellitus. it is known to possess antiinflammatory, antipyretic, antimicrobial, antidiabetic and diverse pharmacological properties. however, the molecular mechanism underlying the effect of a. indica on insulin signal transduction and glucose homeostasis is obscure.201726604551
blue emitting zno nanostructures grown through cellulose bio-templates.this paper presents a green and cost-effective recipe for the synthesis of blue-emitting zno nanoparticles (nps) using cellulose bio-templates. azadirachta indica (neem) leaf extract prepared in different solvents were used as biological templates to produce nanostructures of wurtzite zno with a particle size ~12-36 nm. a cellulose-driven capping mechanism is used to describe the morphology of zno nps. the scanning electron microscopy (sem), transmission electron microscopy (tem), x-ray diffract ...201626597927
effect of feeding neem (azadirachta indica) and acacia (acacia senegal) tree foliage on nutritional and carcass parameters in short-eared somali goats.the study was conducted to determine the effects of dried foliage of acacia senegal and neem (azadirachta indica) tree supplementations on feed intake, nutrient digestibility, growth, and carcass parameters in short-eared somali goats. twenty male intact short-eared somali goat yearlings with an average live weight of 16.2 ± 1.08 (mean ± sd) were assigned to four treatment groups, which comprised a basal diet of hay alone (t1) and supplementation with the tree foliages. supplements consisted nee ...201626563272
evaluation of leishmanicidal activity and cytotoxicity of ricinus communis and azadirachta indica extracts from western kenya: in vitro and in vivo assays.despite advances to targeted leishmanicidal chemotherapy, defies around severe toxicity, recent emergence of resistant variants and absence of rational vaccine still persist. this necessitates search and/or progressive validation of accessible medicinal remedies including plant based. the study examined both in vivo and in vitro response of l. major infection to combined therapy of ricinus communis and azadirachta indica extracts in balb/c mice as the mouse model. a comparative study design was ...201526541197
cytotoxic effects of neem oil in the midgut of the predator ceraeochrysa claveri.studies of morphological and ultrastructural alterations in target organs have been useful for evaluating the sublethal effects of biopesticides regarded as safe for non-target organisms in ecotoxicological analyses. one of the most widely used biopesticides is neem oil, and its safety and compatibility with natural enemies have been further clarified through bioassays performed to analyze the effects of indirect exposure by the intake of poisoned prey. thus, this study examined the cellular res ...201626520254
the bioefficacy of crude extracts of azadirachta indica (meliaceae) on the survival and development of myiasis-causing larvae of chrysomya bezziana (diptera: calliphoridae).myiasis is a type of parasitosis originating from the invasion of tissues of live humans and other vertebrates by dipteran larvae. the old world screwworm fly—chrysomya bezziana—is known worldwide in the tropical regions for causing myiasis among man and domestic animals, thereby leading to health hazards and severe economic losses to the dairy farmers. management techniques for controlling populations of the fly are needed to minimize these losses. plant-derived materials have been increasingly ...201626494546
efficacy and dose response of soil-applied neem formulations in substrates with different amounts of organic matter, in the control of whiteflies, aleyrodes proletella and trialeurodes vaporariorum (hemiptera: aleyrodidae).neem products have been used frequently as an alternative to synthetic pesticides, because of their insecticidal, insect antifeedant, and growth-regulating effects. moreover, new formulations are continually being developed and therefore, they have to be evaluated for their efficacy and persistence. in this regard, two soil-applied products-a liquid-based drenching solution neemazal-t and neemazal granules-were evaluated against two whitefly species, aleyrodes proletella l. and trialeurodes vapo ...201526470244
threshold concentration of limonoids (azamax) for preventing infestation by mediterranean fruit fly (diptera: tephritidae).this study identified the threshold concentration of limonoids for the complete inhibition of oviposition of ceratitis capitata (wiedemann) in grapes 'itália.' choice and no-choice experiments with the insect were performed. the three no-choice bioassays were conducted following a completely randomized design with 18 treatments (three densities of insects [one, two, or three females]×five concentrations of limonoids and control) and 20 replicates. in a free choice bioassay, two fruits per cage ( ...201526470174
feeding deterrence of cabbage looper (lepidoptera: noctuidae) by 1-allyloxy-4-propoxybenzene, alone and blended with neem extract.the cabbage looper, trichoplusia ni (hübner) (lepidoptera: noctuidae), is one of the most damaging insect pests of cabbage (brassica oleracea variety capitata) and broccoli (b. oleracea variety italica) in north america. leaf-feeding larvae attack crucifer and vegetable crops in greenhouses and fields. here, we have studied a synthetic feeding deterrent, 1-allyloxy-4-propoxybenzene, and a botanical deterrent, neem (an extract from seeds of azadirachta indica a. de jussieu (meliaceae)), in leaf d ...201426470077
gedunin and azadiradione: human pancreatic alpha-amylase inhibiting limonoids from neem (azadirachta indica) as anti-diabetic agents.human pancreatic α-amylase (hpa) inhibitors offer an effective strategy to lower postprandial hyperglycemia via control of starch breakdown. limonoids from azadirachta indica known for their therapeutic potential were screened for pancreatic α-amylase inhibition, a known anti-diabetic target. studies were carried out to reveal their mode of action so as to justify their hypoglycemic potential. of the nine limonoids isolated/semi-synthesized from a.indica and screened for α-amylase inhibition, az ...201526469405
effect of initial temperature treatment on phytochemicals and antioxidant activity of azadirachta indica a. juss.the present study was undertaken to evaluate the effect of initial temperature treatment on phytochemical and antioxidant potential of commercially important plant azadirachta indica a. juss. the leaves were differentially treated after harvest at temperatures 4, -20, and 110 °c and at room temperature, separately. it was found that a quick drying process at 110 °c followed by air-drying helped in maximum retention of bioactive compounds and antioxidant activity, which was significantly higher t ...201626467740
in vitro screening of natural feed additives from crustaceans, diatoms, seaweeds and plant extracts to manipulate rumen fermentation.eight natural products from animal, unicellular algae, brown seaweed and plant origins were chosen according to their theoretical antimicrobial activity: diatomaceous earths (de), insoluble chitosan (ichi), soluble chitosan (chi), seaweed meal (swm), ascophyllum nodosum (asc), laminaria digitata (lam), neem oil (noil) and an ivy fruit extract rich in saponins (ivy). dose-response incubations were conducted to determine their effect on rumen fermentation pattern and gas production, while their an ...201626441121
neem (azadirachta indica) as an alternative therapy for tobacco cessation. 201526410984
improvement of sperm density in neem-oil induced infertile male albino rats by ipomoea digitata linn.investigation has been carried out to validate folkloric claim of the potential of ipomoea digitata (id) based on reproductive health status in experimentally induced male albino rats.201726401398
utilization of agro-wastes to inhibit aflatoxins synthesis by aspergillus parasiticus: a biotreatment of three cereals for safe long-term storage.the growth of aspergillus parasiticus and aflatoxins production were inhibited during storage of three important cereals (wheat, maize and rice) using leaves of neem (azadirachta indica) and kikar (acacia nilotica). cereals were inoculated with mould spores and stabilized by neem and kikar leaves-powder. test samples with moisture levels of 21% were stored at 30°c for a period of 9months. aflatoxins were quantified at different time intervals in stored cereals. neem leaves fully inhibited all ty ...201526356116
fourier transform infrared spectroscopic studies on modulation of n-nitrosodiethylamine-induced hepatocarcinogenesis by azadirachta indica.fourier transform infrared spectroscopy was employed in the present study to obtain information about the molecular composition of hepatic tumor versus hepatic tissue. a hepatic cancer model was developed by administering n-nitrosodiethylamine (ndea) to male balb/c mice. the results revealed that ndea-induced hepatic cancer tumor tissue had altered molecular composition compared with normal liver tissue. compared with the normal tissue, the saturation level of membrane phospholipids was observed ...201526349605
gedunin abrogates aldose reductase, pi3k/akt/mtor, and nf-κb signaling pathways to inhibit angiogenesis in a hamster model of oral carcinogenesis.aberrant activation of oncogenic signaling pathways plays a central role in tumor development and progression. the aim of this present study was to investigate the chemopreventive effects of the neem limonoid gedunin in the hamster model of oral cancer based on its ability to modulate aldose reductase (ar), phosphatidyl inositol-3-kinase (pi3k)/akt, and nuclear factor kappa b (nf-κb) pathways to block angiogenesis. administration of gedunin suppressed the development of hbp carcinomas by inhibit ...201626342697
triterpenoid profiling and functional characterization of the initial genes involved in isoprenoid biosynthesis in neem (azadirachta indica).neem tree (azadirachta indica) is one of the richest sources of skeletally diverse triterpenoids and they are well-known for their broad-spectrum pharmacological and insecticidal properties. however, the abundance of neem triterpenoids varies among the tissues. here, we delineate quantitative profiling of fifteen major triterpenoids across various tissues including developmental stages of kernel and pericarp, flower, leaf, stem and bark using uplc-esi(+)-hrms based profiling. transcriptome analy ...201526335498
traditional plants used for the treatment of diabetes mellitus in sursagar constituency, jodhpur, rajasthan - an ethnomedicinal jodhpur, large number of people suffering with non-insulin dependent diabetes mellitus (type 2 diabetes). they are using medicinal plants along with modern medicine for the management of diabetes. the aim of this work is to document the anti-diabetic plants and determine the most relevant anti-diabetic plant species using the disease consensus index.201526325432
steroidal glycoalkaloids: chemical defence of edible african nightshades against the tomato red spider mite, tetranychus evansi (acari: tetranychidae).tetranychus evansi is an invasive pest of solanaceous crops in africa, and in the field it differentially attacks edible african nightshades. the chemical basis for the differential attack on these plant species is largely unknown. using bioassays and chemical analysis, we investigated the differential bioactivity of leaf extracts of three edible african nightshade species, solanum sarrachoides, s. scabrum and s. villosum, on adult t. evansi females.201626299255
comprehensive analyses of genomes, transcriptomes and metabolites of neem tree.neem (azadirachta indica a. juss) is one of the most versatile tropical evergreen tree species known in india since the vedic period (1500 bc-600 bc). neem tree is a rich source of limonoids, having a wide spectrum of activity against insect pests and microbial pathogens. complex tetranortriterpenoids such as azadirachtin, salanin and nimbin are the major active principles isolated from neem seed. absolutely nothing is known about the biochemical pathways of these metabolites in neem tree. to id ...201526290780
small molecule trkb agonist deoxygedunin protects nigrostriatal dopaminergic neurons from 6-ohda and mptp induced neurotoxicity in rodents.dopaminergic neurons loss in the substantia nigra (sn) and dopamine (da) content loss in the striatum correlate well with disease severity in parkinson's disease (pd). brain-derived neurotrophic factor (bdnf) is a member of neurotrophin family and is necessary for the survival and development of da neurons in the sn. deficits in bdnf/trkb receptors signaling contribute to the dysfunction of pd. deoxygedunin, a derivative of gedunin produced from indian neem tree, binds trkb receptor and activate ...201526282118
five new guaiane sesquiterpenes from the endophytic fungus xylaria sp. ym 311647 of azadirachta indica.five new guaiane sesquiterpenes, 1-5, were isolated from the culture broth of the endophytic fungus xylaria sp. ym 311647, isolated from azadirachta indica a. juss. the structures of these compounds were elucidated on the basis of spectroscopic analyses, and their inhibitory activities against five pathogenic fungi were evaluated. all guaiane sesquiterpenes showed moderate or weak antifungal activities in a broth microdilution assay.201526265580
production of limonoids with insect antifeedant activity in a two-stage bioreactor process with cell suspension culture of azadirachta indica.neem tree (azadirachta indica) cell suspension culture is an alternative for the production of limonoids for insect control that overcomes limitations related to the supply of neem seeds. to establish conditions for cell growth and azadiracthin-related limonoid production, the effect of different sucrose concentrations, nitrate and phosphate in murashige and skoog (ms) medium, and the addition of one precursor and three elicitors was evaluated in shake flasks. the process was scaled up to a 3-l ...201526234433
development of shampoo, soap and ointment formulated by green synthesised silver nanoparticles functionalised with antimicrobial plants oils in veterinary dermatology: treatment and prevention strategies.many scientists have focused their research on the role of nanotechnology for the control of human pathogens, but there are also many topical pathogens present in animals, which infect animals and transfer to humans. topical therapy is extremely important for the management of dermatological condition in animals. therefore, the present study aims to evaluate the efficacy of biogenic silver nanoparticles (agnps) in combination with herbal oils against animal skin infections which may be responsib ...201526224344
effect of neem oil and haridra on non-healing ayurveda, vrana (wound) has stated as tissue destruction and discoloration of viable tissue due to various etiology. in sushruta samhita, sushruta described vrana as a main subject. most commonly vrana can be classified into shuddha and dushta vrana (chronic wound/nonhealing ulcers). among the various drugs mentioned for dushta vrana, two of them, neem (azadirechta indica a. juss) oil and haridra (curcuma longa linn.) powder are selected for their wide spectrum action on wound.201726195902
metals bioaccumulation mechanism in neem bark.the aim of this work was to define the bioaccumulation mechanism of metals onto the non-living biomaterial prepared from an extensively available plant bark biomass of neem (azadirachta indica). based on maximum ultimate fixation capacities (mmol/g) of the product, metals ions could be arranged as hg(2+) < cd(2+) < pb(2+) ≅ cu(2+). surface properties of the biomaterial were characterized by x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy and x-ray diffraction techniques for their sorption mechanism. whewellite ...201526193837
sulfonoquinovosyl diacylglyceride selectively targets acute lymphoblastic leukemia cells and exerts potent anti-leukemic effects in vivo.dna topoisomerase ii inhibitors e.g. doxorubicin and etoposide are currently used in the chemotherapy for acute lymphoblastic leukemia (all). these inhibitors have serious side effects during the chemotherapy e.g. cardiotoxicity and secondary malignancies. in this study we show that sulfonoquinovosyl diacylglyceride (sqdg) isolated from azadirachta indica exerts potent anti-all activity both in vitro and in vivo in nude mice and it synergizes with doxorubicin and etoposide. sqdg selectively targ ...201526189912
ethnomedicinal survey of plants used in the treatment of malaria in southern nigeria.malaria is one of the most severe public health problems worldwide. it is a leading cause of death and disease in many developing countries, where young children and pregnant women are the groups most affected. spread of multidrug-resistant strains of plasmodium and the adverse side effects of the existing anti-malarial drugs have necessitated the search for novel, well tolerated and more efficient antimalarial drugs. this ethnomedicinal study surveyed the different types of medicinal plants use ...201526187278
identification and antifeedant activities of limonoids from azadirachta indica.four new limonoids, azadiraindins a-d (1-4, resp.), together with seven known analogs, were isolated from the meoh extract of azadirachta indica. the structures of 1-4 were elucidated by nmr and ms spectroscopic analyses, and the relative configuration of 1 was determined by single-crystal x-ray crystallography. the compounds isolated in comparatively large amount were evaluated for their antifeedant activities against plutella xylostella; the antifeedant rate of 10 was 90.6% and the corrected m ...201526172324
effect of combined herbal feed additives on methane, total gas production and rumen fermentation.the present study was to evaluate effect of herbal feed additives on methane and total gas production during the rumen fermentation for environment and animal health concern. different parts of the five medicinal plants were selected such as leaf and small stems of ocimum sanctum (tulsi), roots of curcuma longa (haldi), fruits of emblica officinalis (amla), leaves of azadirachta indica (neem) and leaves and small stem of clerodendrum phlomidis (arni) for our study. addition of different herbal a ...201526124571
biogenic synthesis of fluorescent carbon dots at ambient temperature using azadirachta indica (neem) gum.synthesis of fluorescent carbon dots (cds) from various carbonaceous materials apparently has acquired lots of interest amongst researchers as the corollary of the properties of cds; which are subsequently getting unveiled. in this study we report the use of azadirachta indica (neem) gum as a novel natural pre-cursor for synthesis of cds at room temperature. water soluble cds of around 5-8 nm were obtained after treatment of the gum with ethanol and naoh. these cds exhibited green fluorescence i ...201526123675
an ethnobotanical survey of antidiabetic plants used by hausa-fulani tribes in sokoto, northwest nigeria.sokoto is known for its diverse traditional medicinal wealth and international market of traditional medicines in africa. however, information of the folk knowledge, especially for the treatment of diabetes, is not documented.201526117532
cytotoxic activity of macrosolen parasiticus (l.) danser on the growth of breast cancer cell line (mcf-7).macrosolen parasiticus (l.) danser belonging to loranthaceaea (mistletoe family) is a parasitic plant that grows on different host plants such as mango, jack fruit, peepal, neem tree, etc., this study was aimed to investigate the anti-cancer activity of methanolic and aqueous extract of stem of m. parasiticus.201526109761
effects of azardirachta indica on vascular endothelial growth factor and cytokines in diabetic deep wound.a chronic, unhealed diabetic wound is one of the severe complications of diabetes mellitus. azadirachta indica has been reported to have antidiabetic and antiapoptotic properties. the present work incorporates the healing potential of 50 % ethanol a. indica leaves extract against deep surgical wounds in streptozotocin-induced mild diabetic rats. a. indica leaves extract (500 mg/kg) was administered orally, once daily for ten days. serum glucose, cholesterol, and triglycerides as well as body wei ...201526069952
protein-protein and dna-protein interactions mediate induction of defense genes by fruit extract of azadirachta indica a. juss. in solanum lycopersicum l.the present work demonstrates that induction of defense-related genes in tomato by neem extract was mediated by protein-protein and dna-protein interactions. the induction of elicitor-mediated defense responses in plants is known, but the molecular mechanisms underlying its induction are not well studied. in the present study, third node leaf from the base of aseptically raised tomato plants was treated with aqueous fruit extracts of azadirachta indica a. juss. (neem). samples were collected fro ...201526063614
isolation and evaluation of anticancer efficacy of stigmasterol in a mouse model of dmba-induced skin carcinoma.stigmasterol (99.9% pure) was isolated from azadirachta indica and its chemopreventive effect on 7,12-dimethylbenz[a]anthracene (dmba)-induced skin cancer was investigated in swiss albino mice. skin tumors were induced by topical application of dmba and promoted by croton oil. to assess the chemopreventive potential of stigmasterol, it was orally administered at a concentration of 200 mg/kg and 400 mg/kg three times weekly for 16 weeks. reduction in tumor size and cumulative number of papillomas ...201526060396
determination of lead isotopes in a new greenland deep ice core at the sub-picogram per gram level by thermal ionization mass spectrometry using an improved decontamination improved decontamination method and ultraclean analytical procedures have been developed to minimize pb contamination of processed glacial ice cores and to achieve reliable determination of pb isotopes in north greenland eemian ice drilling (neem) deep ice core sections with concentrations at the sub-picogram per gram level. a pl-7 (fuso chemical) silica-gel activator has replaced the previously used colloidal silica activator produced by merck and has been shown to provide sufficiently enhan ...201526048818
toxicity of some plant extracts against vector of lymphatic filariasis, culex pipiens.many insecticides are generally used as larvicides to control culex pipiens, vector of lymphatic filariasis. this study was undertaken to evaluate the larvicidal activity of some potential larvicidal plants extracts against c. pipiens larvae. the toxic effects of both ethanolic and petroleum ether plant extracts were evaluated under laboratory conditions against 3rd instar larvae of c. pipiens. forty ethanolic and petroleum ether extracts of 10 plants namely echinochloa stagninum, phragmites aus ...201526012233
azadirachta indica: a herbal panacea in dentistry - an update.azadirachta indica commonly known as neem, is an evergreen tree. since time immemorial it has been used by indian people for treatment of various diseases due to its medicinal properties. it possesses anti-bacterial, anti-cariogenic, anti-helminthic, anti-diabetic, anti-oxidant, astringent, anti-viral, cytotoxic, and anti-inflammatory activity. nimbidin, azadirachtin and nimbinin are active compounds present in neem which are responsible for antibacterial activity. neem bark is used as an active ...201726009692
content of trace elements and chromium speciation in neem powder and tea concentrations of selected trace elements in neem powder and in neem tea were determined by inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (icp-ms). the data revealed that despite high total concentrations of the potentially toxic elements al and ni in neem powder, their amounts dissolved in neem tea were low. total concentrations of the other toxic elements pb, as and cd were also very low and do not represent a health hazard. in contrast, total concentrations of the essential elements fe, ...201526004899
head louse control by suffocation due to blocking their oxygen uptake.the present study shows that head lice (pediculus humanus capitis) are killed by suffocation when submersed into the anti-louse shampoo licener®, which contains a mild shampoo component and an extract of neem seeds after their oil components had been pressed off. it is shown that the inner tracheal system becomes completely filled by the very fluid product. within 3-10 min, oxygen uptake is prohibited and death of all thus treated lice stages occurred.201525990060
process optimization and kinetics of biodiesel production from neem oil using copper doped zinc oxide heterogeneous nanocatalyst.heterogeneous nanocatalyst has become the choice of researchers for better transesterification of vegetable oils to biodiesel. in the present study, transesterification reaction was optimized and kinetics was studied for biodiesel production from neem oil using czo nanocatalyst. the highly porous and non-uniform surface of the czo nanocatalyst was confirmed by afm analysis, which leads to the aggregation of czo nanoparticles in the form of multi layered nanostructures. the 97.18% biodiesel yield ...201525958133
antifertility activity of medicinal plants.the aim of this review was to provide a comprehensive summary of medicinal plants used as antifertility agents in females throughout the world by various tribes and ethnic groups. we undertook an extensive bibliographic review by analyzing classical text books and peer reviewed papers, and further consulting well accepted worldwide scientific databases. we performed central, embase, and pubmed searches using terms such as "antifertility", "anti-implantation", "antiovulation", and "antispermatoge ...201525921562
chemical prospection of important ayurvedic plant tinospora cordifolia by uplc-dad-esi-qtof-ms/ms and nmr.a rapid, sensitive, and accurate ultra-performance liquid chromatography coupled with mass spectrometric method (uplc-ms) was developed and validated for simultaneous determination of four bioactive compounds, syringin (3), cordifolioside a (4), magnoflorine (6) and tinocordiside (10) in the stem of tinospora cordifolia. the analysis was performed using an acquity c18 column and gradient elution of 0.05% formic acid in water and acetonitrile at a detection wavelength of 267 nm in 5 min. a high c ...201525920217
comparative anti-inflammatory effects of anti-arthritic herbal medicines and ibuprofen.non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (nsaids), such as ibuprofen, are widely used over-the-counter drugs to treat arthritis, but they are often associated with side effects. herbal medicines have been used to treat various diseases such as arthritis, but the scientific profiles are not well understood. in this study, we examined, in comparison with ibuprofen, the inhibitory effects on various inflammatory markers of the most commonly used herbal medicines to treat arthritis, boswellia (boswelli ...201425918809
induction of cell cycle arrest, dna damage, and apoptosis by nimbolide in human renal cell carcinoma cells.nimbolide is a tetranortriterpenoid isolated from the leaves and flowers of azadirachta indica which has been shown to exhibit anticancer, antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and anti-invasive properties in a variety of cancer cells. however, the anti-tumor effect on human renal cell carcinoma (rcc) cells is unknown. in this study, we found that nimbolide treatment had a cytotoxic effect on 786-o and a-498 rcc cells in a dose-dependent manner. according to flow cytometric analysis, nimbolide treatme ...201525916210
cytoprotective and anti-secretory effects of azadiradione isolated from the seeds of azadirachta indica (neem) on gastric ulcers in rat models.azadirachta indica is well known medicinal plant mentioned in ancient herbal texts. it has been extensively used in ayurvedic, unani and homoeopathic medicine and has become a luminary of modern medicine. as part of our drug discovery program we isolated azadiradione from the ethanolic extract of seeds of a. indica and evaluated for in-vivo antiulcer activity in cold restraint induced gastric ulcer model, aspirin induced gastric ulcer model, alcohol induced gastric ulcers model and pyloric ligat ...201525851068
in vitro and in vivo activity of essential oils against major postharvest pathogens of kinnow (citrus nobilis × c. deliciosa) mandarin.the present study envisages the influence of essential oils namely lemon grass, eucalyptus, clove and neem on kinnow mandarin with the objective to combat major post harvest diseases and to prolong its availability for longer time in the season. for this, in vitro and in vivo studies were conducted. poisoned food technique was used for in vitro studies, and for in vivo studies, kinnow fruit were pre-inoculated with pathogens (penicillium digitatum and p. italicum), treated with different essenti ...201525829604
aqueous extract of some indigenous medicinal plants inhibits glycation at multiple stages and protects erythrocytes from oxidative damage-an in vitro study.azadirachta indica, emblica officinalis, syzygium cumini and terminalia bellirica are common in indian system of traditional medicine for the prevention of diabetes and its complications. the aim of the present study was to comprehensively and comparatively investigate the antiglycation potential of these plant extracts at multiple stages and their possible protective effect against glycated albumin mediated toxicity to erythrocytes. antiglycation activities of these plant extracts was measured ...201525829572
a comprehensive study on apoptosis induction by azadirachtin in spodoptera frugiperda cultured cell line sf9.the induction of apoptosis by azadirachtin, a well-known botanical tetranortriterpenoid isolated from the neem tree (azadirachta indica a. juss) and other members of the meliaceae, was investigated in spodoptera frugiperda cultured cell line (sf9). morphological changes in sf9 cells treated by various concentrations of azadirachtin were observed at different times under light microscopy. morphological and biochemical analysis indicated that sf9 cells treated by 1.5 μg/ml azadirachtin showed typi ...201525828604
review on molecular and chemopreventive potential of nimbolide in cancer.cancer is the most dreaded disease in human and also major health problem worldwide. despite its high occurrence, the exact molecular mechanisms of the development and progression are not fully understood. the existing cancer therapy based on allopathic medicine is expensive, exhibits side effects; and may also alter the normal functioning of genes. thus, a non-toxic and effective mode of treatment is needed to control cancer development and progression. some medicinal plants offer a safe, effec ...201425705153
chemopreventive effects of azadirachta indica on cancer marker indices and ultrastructural changes during 1,2-dimethylhydrazine-induced colon carcinogenesis in rats.the present study elucidated the prospective of azadirachta indica supplementation, if any, in affording chemoprevention by modulating the altered cancer markers and ultrastructural changes in dmh-induced colorectal carcinogenesis in rats. the rats were segregated into four groups viz., normal control, dmh treated, a. indica treated, and dmh+ai treated. initiation and induction of colon carcinogenesis were achieved through weekly subcutaneous injections of dmh (30 mg/kg body weight) for both 10 ...201525697750
hypoglycemic effect of combination of azadirachta indica a. juss. and gynura procumbens (lour.) merr. ethanolic extracts standardized by rutin and quercetin in alloxan-induced hyperglycemic rats.exploration of plant combinations could be an alternative approach for diabetes treatment. the aim of this study is to evaluate the hypoglycemic effect of combination of a. indica and g. procumbens ethanolic extracts in alloxan-induced diabetic rats.201425671197
old ingredients for a new recipe? neem cake, a low-cost botanical by-product in the fight against mosquito-borne diseases.mosquitoes (diptera: culicidae) represent an important threat to millions of people worldwide, since they act as vectors for important pathogens, such as malaria, yellow fever, dengue and west nile. control programmes mainly rely on chemical treatments against larvae, indoor residual spraying and insecticide-treated bed nets. in recent years, huge efforts have been carried out to propose new eco-friendly alternatives, with a special focus on the evaluation of plant-borne mosquitocidal compounds. ...201525563612
performance and carcass characteristics of guinea fowl fed on dietary neem (azadirachta indica) leaf powder as a growth promoter.the present work aimed at studying growth pattern and carcass traits in pearl grey guinea fowl fed on dietary neem (azadirachta indica) leaf powder (nlp) over a period of 12 weeks. day old guinea fowl keets (n=120) were randomly assigned to four treatment groups, each with 3 replicates. the first treatment was designated as control (t0) in which no supplement was added to the feed, while in treatments t1, t2 and t3, nlp was provided as 1, 2 and 3 g per kg of feed, respectively. the results revea ...201527175156
ethnopharmacological assessment of medicinal plants used against livestock infections by the people living around indus river.the present study was aimed to document detailed ethnopharmacological knowledge of medicinal plants against livestock infections of an unexplored remote region of pakistan. semistructured questionnaires were used for data collection. total 43 plants belonging to 26 families were found to be used in ethnoveterinary practices. seeds (29%) were found to be the most frequent plant part used followed by leaves (22%). ethnoveterinary recipes were mostly prepared in the form of decoction and powdering. ...201425544941
hypericum perforatum and neem oil for the management of acute skin toxicity in head and neck cancer patients undergoing radiation or chemo-radiation: a single-arm prospective observational study.radiation dermatitis is common in patients treated with combined radiotherapy and chemotherapy for head and neck malignancies. its timely and adequate management is of uttermost importance for both oncological outcomes and global quality of life. we prospectively evaluated the role of hypericum perforatum and neem oil (holoil®; rimos srl, mirandola, italy) in the treatment of acute skin toxicity for patients undergoing radiotherapy or chemo-radiotherapy for head and neck cancer.201425544371
in vitro thrombolytic potential of root extracts of four medicinal plants available in bangladesh.thrombus formation inside the blood vessels obstructs blood flow through the circulatory system leading hypertension, stroke to the heart, anoxia, and so on. thrombolytic drugs are widely used for the management of cerebral venous sinus thrombosis patients, but they have certain limitations. medicinal plants and their components possessing antithrombotic activity have been reported before. however, plants that could be used for thrombolysis has not been reported so far.201425538351
production of cellulolytic enzymes by pleurotus species on lignocellulosic wastes using novel the present investigation three species of pleurotus i.e. p. sajor&mdash;caju (p1), p. florida (p2) and p. flabellatus (p3) along with two lignocellulosic substrates namely paddy straw and wheat straw were selected for evaluation of production of extracellular cellulolytic enzymes. during the cultivation of three species of pleurotus under in vivo condition, the two lignocellulosic substrates were treated with plants extracts (aqueous extracts of ashoka leaves (a) and neem oil (b)), hot water ...201425535714
production of ligninolytic enzymes by white rot fungi on lignocellulosic wastes using novel pretreatments.production of extracellular ligninolytic enzymes (laccase and polyphenol oxidase) secreted by three species of white rot fungi (pleurotus florida, p. flabellatus and p. sajor&mdash;caju) under in vivo condition was studied on two lignocellulosic substrates i.e., paddy straw and wheat straw. these lignocellulosic substrates were treated with neem (azadirachta indica) oil and ashoka (saraca indica) leaves extract. between the two lignocellulosic substrates, paddy straw pretreated with neem oil sup ...201425535711
in vitro antifilarial activity of azadirachta indica aqueous extract through reactive oxygen species evaluate an aqueous preparation from the azadirachta indica leaves (aea) against setaria cervi (s. cervi), a model filarial parasite.201425441981
development of bioprocess for the production of laccase by pleurotus ostreatus mtcc 1802 using evolutionary optimization technique.for cost effective production of laccase enzyme (benzenediol: oxygen oxidoreductase) from p. ostreatus mtcc 1802 through solid sate fermentation, physico-chemical parameters such as temperature (20-35 degrees c), incubation period (9-17 days) and substrate (neem bark and wheat bran, in various ratios, w/w) were optimized first by one parameter at time approach and then obtained optimum conditions were considered as zero level in evolutionary optimization factorial design technique. at statistica ...201425434106
neem leaf glycoprotein prophylaxis transduces immune dependent stop signal for tumor angiogenic switch within tumor microenvironment.we have reported that prophylactic as well as therapeutic administration of neem leaf glycoprotein (nlgp) induces significant restriction of solid tumor growth in mice. here, we investigate whether the effect of such pretreatment (25µg/mice; weekly, 4 times) benefits regulation of tumor angiogenesis, an obligate factor for tumor progression. we show that nlgp pretreatment results in vascular normalization in melanoma and carcinoma bearing mice along with downregulation of cd31, vegf and vegfr2. ...201425391149
nimbolide targets bcl2 and induces apoptosis in preclinical models of waldenströms macroglobulinemia.neem leaf extract (nle) has medicinal properties, which have been attributed to its limonoid content. we identified the nle tetranorterpenoid, nimbolide, as being the key limonoid responsible for the cytotoxicity of nle in various preclinical models of human b-lymphocyte cancer. of the models tested, waldenströms macroglobulinemia (wm) cells were most sensitive to nimbolide, undergoing significant mitochondrial mediated apoptosis. notably, nimbolide toxicity was also observed in drug-resistant ( ...201425382610
limonoid and steroidal saponin from azadirachta indica.a new limonoid, 17-(5-methoxy-2-oxofuran-3-yl)-28-deoxonimbolide (1), and a new c21 steroidal saponin, 2α,4α-dihydroxy-pregn-5-en-16-one-3α-o-d-glucopyranoside (2), together with 11 known compounds were isolated from the methanol extract of the leaves of azadirachta indica. the structures were elucidated by means of spectroscopic analysis and putative biosynthetic origins. all the compounds were evaluated for their antibacterial activities against six bacterial strains.201425381190
rhynchophorus ferrugineus midgut cell line to evaluate insecticidal potency of different plant essential oils.cell cultures can be a potent and strong tool to evaluate the insecticidal efficiency of natural products. plant essential oils have long been used as the fragrance or curative products around the world which means that they are safer to be used in close proximity of humans and mammals. in this study, a midgut cell line, developed from rhynchophorus ferrugineus (rpw-1), was used for screening essential oils from nine different plants. assays revealed that higher cell mortality was observed at 50 ...201525381034
effect of two herbal mouthwashes on gingival health of school children.this study aimed at determining the effect of indigenously prepared neem and mango chewing stick mouthwashes on plaque and gingival indices. a sample of 105 children aged 12-15 years was randomized into three groups, namely neem, mango, and chlorhexidine mouthwash groups. all the children were examined at baseline and gingival and plaque indices were recorded. baseline scores for plaque and gingivitis were fair and moderate, respectively, in all the three groups and there existed no statisticall ...201425379471
the use of an extract of hypericum perforatum and azadirachta indica in a neuropathic patient with advanced diabetic foot.the successful use of an extract of hypericum flowers (hypericum perforatum) and nimh oil (azadirachta indica; hyperoil) in foot wounds with exposed bone in a patient with bilateral advanced diabetic ulcers, has been reported previously. it was hypothesised that this amelioration was linked with the improved glycaemic control and peripheral microvascular circulation. in this case report, the surprisingly successful outcome of another patient using hyperoil for infection damaged diabetic foot, wi ...201425378221
nimbolide inhibits invasion and migration, and down-regulates upar chemokine gene expression, in two breast cancer cell lines.breast cancer is the most frequently diagnosed cancer and the leading cause of cancer death in women, worldwide. urokinase type plasminogen activator (upa) is a serine protease that is involved in cancer progression, especially invasion and metastasis of breast cancer. nimbolide is a potent cytotoxic limnoid isolated from azadirachta indica. our previous studies have shown that nimbolide elicits pleiotropic effects on breast cancer cells; however, its roles in invasion and migration have not pre ...201425377085
morphological effects of neem (azadirachta indica a. juss) seed oil with known azadirachtin concentrations on the oocytes of semi-engorged rhipicephalus sanguineus ticks (acari: ixodidae).the concern about the harmful effects caused by synthetic pesticides has led to the search for safe and ecological alternatives for pest control. in this context, the neem tree (azadirachta indica) stands out due to its repellent properties and effects on various arthropods, including ticks. for this reason, this study aimed to demonstrate the potential of neem as a control method for rhipicephalus sanguineus ticks, important vectors of diseases in the veterinary point of view. for this, r. sang ...201525346198
direct, rapid and sustainable vermicomposting of the leaf litter of neem (azadirachta indica).the recently developed concept of high rate vermicomposting was successfully used to enable direct vermicomoposting of neem leaves-without any pre-composting or cow dung supplementation as previously reported processes had necessitated. all the three epigeic species of earthworms that were explored, eudrilus eugeniae, eisenia fetida and perionyx excavatus, provided efficient vermicast production with no mortality, persistent gain in body mass and good fecundity over the 16 months long period of ...201525344437
[severe poisoning by plants used for traditional medicine in mayotte].the authors describe three cases of severe accidental poisoning by plants used as part of a traditional treatment in mayotte. the established, or suspected, toxicity of thevetia peruviana (yellow oleander), cinchona pubescens (red quinine-tree), melia azaderach (persian lilac, also called china berry) and azadirachta indica (neem), is discussed. the clinical presentation is cardiac (atrioventricular block) and well known for thevetia and cinchona intoxications. neurological signs and multi-organ ...201425301110
critical electrolyte concentration of silk gland chromatin of the sugarcane borer diatraea saccharalis, induced using agrochemicals.the sugarcane borer diatraea saccharalis is widely known as the main pest of sugarcane crop, causing increased damage to the entire fields. measures to control this pest involve the use of chemicals and biological control with cotesia flavipes wasps. in this study, we evaluated the insecticides fipronil (frontline; 0.0025%), malathion (malatol bio carb; 0.4%), cipermetrina (galgotrin; 10%), and neem oil (natuneem; 100%) and the herbicide nicosulfuron (sanson 40 sc; 100%) in the posterior region ...201425299111
[peculicidal activity of plant essential oils and their based preparations].the peculicidal activity of eight plant essential oils in 75% isopropyl alcohol was in vitro investigated. of them, the substances that were most active against lice were tea tree (melaleuca), eucalyptus, neem, citronella (cymbopogon nardus), and clove (syzygium aromaticum) oils; kt50 was not more than 3 minutes on average; kt95 was 4 minutes. after evaporating the solvent, only five (tea tree, cassia, clove, anise (anisum vulgare), and japanese star anise (illicium anisatum) oils) of the eight ...201425296426
immunotherapeutic targeting of established sarcoma in swiss mice by tumor-derived antigen-pulsed nlgp matured dendritic cells is cd8+ t-cell dependent.neem leaf glycoprotein (nlgp) matures human myeloid and mouse bone marrow-derived dendritic cells (dcs). (nlgp) also therapeutically restricts the mouse established sarcoma growth by activating cd8(+) t cells along with increased proportion of tumor residing cd11c(+) dcs. here, we intended to find out whether cd8(+) t cells become cytotoxic to sarcoma cells after presentation of sarcoma antigen by nlgp-matured dcs to restrict murine sarcoma growth.201425290415
three new limonoids from azadirachta indica.three new limonoids, azadiraindins e-g (1-3, respectively), together with six known analogs, were isolated from the fresh fruit coats of azadirachta indica. the structures of these compounds were elucidated by spectroscopic methods (ir, ms, hr-esi-ms, 1d nmr, and 2d nmr).201525289883
biogenic gold nano-triangles: cargos for anticancer drug delivery.we present synthesis of biogenic gold nano triangles (gnts) using azadirachta indica leaf extract at inherent ph (5.89) and its application in efficient drug delivery of doxorubicin (dox) (anticancer drug). the main idea was to take advantage of large surface area of gnts which has 3 dimensions and use the plant peptides coated on these triangles as natural linkers for the attachment of dox. sucrose density gradient centrifugation (sdgc) and dialysis methods were used for separation of the gnt f ...201425280684
effect of aqueous extract of azadirachta indica a. juss (neem) leaf on oocyte maturation, oviposition, reproductive potentials and embryonic development of a freshwater fish ectoparasite argulus bengalensis ramakrishna, 1951 (crustacea: branchiura).in present study, a microcosm experiment is carried out to investigate the efficacy of 120 and 250-ppm crude aqueous extract of azadirachta leaf on oocyte maturation, oviposition, embryonic development and hatching of the eggs of a fish ectoparasite argulus bengalensis. relative abundance of different maturing oocyte stages in the ovary of the parasite from different age groups was enumerated, and marked variations were obtained. significant depletion in the abundance of pre-vitollogenic, vitell ...201425270235
expedient preparative isolation and tandem mass spectrometric characterization of c-seco triterpenoids from neem oil.c-seco triterpenoids are widely bioactive class of natural products with high structural complexity and diversity. the preparative isolation of these molecules with high purity is greatly desirable, although restricted due to the complexity of natural extracts. in this article we have demonstrated a medium pressure liquid chromatography (mplc) based protocol for the isolation of eight major c-seco triterpenoids of salannin skeleton from neem (azadirachta indica) oil. successive application of no ...201425267707
10be climate fingerprints during the eemian in the neem ice core, greenland.several deep greenland ice cores have been retrieved, however, capturing the eemian period has been problematic due to stratigraphic disturbances in the ice. the new greenland deep ice core from the neem site (77.45 °n, 51.06 °w, 2450 m.a.s.l) recovered a relatively complete eemian record. here we discuss the cosmogenic (10)be isotope record from this core. the results show eemian average (10)be concentrations about 0.7 times lower than in the holocene which suggests a warmer climate and approxi ...201425266953
botanicals, selective insecticides, and predators to control diaphorina citri (hemiptera: liviidae) in citrus orchards.the asian citrus psyllid (acp) diaphorina citri kuwayama vectors pathogens that cause huanglongbing (hlb) or citrus greening devastating and economically important disease present in most citrus growing regions. young citrus shoots are required for psyllid reproduction and development. during winter citrus trees produce little or no new growth. overwintering adults reproduce in spring on newly emerging shoots also attractive to other pests and beneficial insects. botanicals and relatively select ...201425205398
characteristics of tomato plants treated with leaf extracts of neem (azadirachta indica a. juss. (l.)) and mata-raton (gliricidia sepium (jacquin)): a greenhouse experiment.extracts of neem (azadirachta indica a.) and mata-raton (gliricidia sepium) leaves were used as insect repellent during organic cultivation of tomato plants (solanum lycopersicum) and were compared with untreated plants or plants treated with lambda-cyhalothrin (chemical treatment). the best developed tomato plants were found in the gliricidia treatment, while difference between other treatments were small. the number of different species of macrofauna found on tomato plants were similar in diff ...201425204070
a monoclonal antibody against neem leaf glycoprotein recognizes carcinoembryonic antigen (cea) and restricts cea expressing tumor growth.carcinoembryonic antigen (cea) is one of the promising tumor antigens mainly associated with carcinoma of the colon, lung, breast, etc. and received wide attention for cancer immunotherapy. neem leaf glycoprotein (nlgp), an effective immunomodulator, is able to generate humoral and cellular immune responses in murine tumor models. we have generated a monoclonal antibody (mab) against nlgp by fusing nlgp-immunized mice splenocytes with nonsecretory myeloma cells. a highly anti-nlgp mab secreting ...201425198527
neem (azadirachta indica l.) leaf extract deteriorates oocyte quality by inducing ros-mediated apoptosis in mammals.neem (azadirachta indica l.) leaf has been widely used in ayurvedic system of medicine for fertility regulation for a long time. the molecular mechanism by which neem leaf regulates female fertility remains poorly understood. animal studies suggest that aqueous neem leaf extract (nle) induces reactive oxygen species (ros) - mediated granulosa cell apoptosis. granulosa cell apoptosis deprives oocytes from nutrients, survival factors and cell cycle proteins required for the achievement of meiotic ...201425197620
azadirachta indica attenuates cisplatin-induced nephrotoxicity and oxidative stress.we investigated the effects of methanolic leaves extract of azadirachta indica (mlen, 500 mg/kg bwt) on cisplatin- (cp-) induced nephrotoxicity and oxidative stress in rats. cp (5 mg/kg bwt) was injected intraperitoneally and mlen was given by gastric gavage for 5 days before or after cp injection. after 5 days of cp injection, cp-induced injury of the renal tissue was evidenced (i) as histopathological damage of the renal tissue, (ii) as increases in serum uric acid, urea, and creatinine, (iii) ...201425162019
apoptosis-inducing effect of three medicinal plants on oral cancer cells kb and orl-48.brucea javanica, azadirachta indica, and typhonium flagelliforme are medicinal plants commonly used to treat conditions associated with tumour formation. this study aimed to determine the antiproliferative activity of these plants extracts on kb and orl-48 oral cancer cell lines and to suggest their mode of cell death. the concentration producing 50% cell inhibition (ic50) was determined and the activity was examined under an inverted microscope. immunohistochemistry fluorescent staining method ...201425147833
comparative immunomodulation potential of tinospora cordifolia (willd.) miers ex hook. f., tinospora sinensis (lour.) merrill and tinospora cordifolia growing on azadirachta indica a. juss.guduchi has been widely used in the traditional medicine as an immunomodulator. description of guduchi in ayurvedic literature resemble with t. sinensis rather than with commonly available t. cordifolia and hence this may be used as substitutes for t. sinensis. t. cordifolia growing on azadirachta indica commonly called neem-guduchi has more immunomodulatory potential. thus, immunomodulatory activity of three tinospora spp. was assessed by checking humoral and cell mediated immune responses to t ...201425141544
management of mango hopper, idioscopus clypealis, using chemical insecticides and neem experiment was conducted in field laboratory, department of entomology at bangladesh agricultural university, mymensingh, during 2013 to manage the mango hopper, idioscopus clypealis l, using three chemical insecticides, imidacloprid (0.3%), endosulfan (0.5%), and cypermethrin (0.4%), and natural neem oil (3%) with three replications of each. all the treatments were significantly effective in managing mango hopper in comparison to the control. imidacloprid showed the highest efficacy in perce ...201425140344
morphological alterations in the synganglion and integument of rhipicephalus sanguineus ticks exposed to aqueous extracts of neem leaves (azadirachta indica a. juss).currently, the necessity of controlling infestation by ticks, especially by rhipicephalus sanguineus, has led researchers and public health managers around the world to search for new and more efficient control methods. this way, we can highlight neem (azadirachta indica a. juss) leaf, bark, and seed extracts, which have been very effective on tick control, and moreover causing less damage to the environment and to the host. this study showed the potential of neem as a control method for r. sang ...201425130979
murine carcinoma expressing carcinoembryonic antigen-like protein is restricted by antibody against neem leaf glycoprotein.we have generated a polyclonal antibody against a novel immunomodulator, neem leaf glycoprotein (nlgp) that can react to a specific 47 kda subunit of nlgp. generated anti-nlgp antibody (primarily igg2a) was tested for its anti-tumor activity in murine carcinoma (ec, ct-26), sarcoma (s180) and melanoma (b16mel) tumor models. surprisingly, tumor growth restriction was only observed in ct-26 carcinoma models, without any alteration in other tumor systems. comparative examination of antigenicity bet ...201425128841
investigation of total phenolic content and antioxidant activities of azadirachta indica roots.the present study was an attempt to study total phenolic content and antioxidant property of the crude ethanolic extract of the roots of azadirachta indica (a. indica).201425050306
peltate glandular trichomes of colquhounia seguinii harbor new defensive clerodane diterpenoids.glandular trichomes produce a wide variety of secondary metabolites that are considered as major defensive chemicals against herbivore attack. the morphology and secondary metabolites of the peltate glandular trichomes of a lianoid labiatae, colquhounia seguinii vaniot, were investigated. three new clerodane diterpenoids, seguiniilactones a-c (1-3), were identified through precise trichome collection with laser microdissection, metabolic analysis with ultra performance liquid chromatography-tand ...201425048077
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