
high-level expression of recombinant 3ab1 non-structural protein from fmdv in insect larvae.for its potential usefulness in diagnosis, the non-structural protein 3ab1 from foot-and-mouth disease virus was expressed as a soluble protein by using autographa californica nuclear polyhedrosis virus as a vector. the 3ab1 coding sequence was introduced into acnpv genome via pbacpak3ab1 transfer vector to originate ac3ab1 recombinant baculovirus of phenotype occ-. rachiplusia nu larvae were injected with supernatants of sf9 cells infected with ac3ab1 and 5 days post-infection total protein ext ...200415664073
the deletion of the pif gene improves the biosafety of the baculovirus-based technologies.our goal was to improve the biosafety of baculovirus-based technologies by deleting the pif (per os infectivity factor) gene from baculovirus expression vectors. such a deletion would block transmission in nature without disturbing protein production. a pif deletion mutant of autographa californica multiplecapsid nucleopolyhedrovirus (acmnpv) was constructed and its infectivity to two host species was tested by oral or intrahemocoelic inoculation. virus replication after oral inoculation was mon ...200415664077
functional analysis of the inhibitor of apoptosis (iap) gene carried by the entomopoxvirus of amsacta moorei.the entomopoxvirus from amsacta moorei (amepv) contains none of the commonly recognized vertebrate poxvirus apoptotic suppressor genes. however, amepv carries a single inhibitor of apoptosis (iap) gene (amviap) not present in vertebrate poxviruses. the amviap gene was active when coexpressed with the drosophila proapoptotic gene hid in ld652 cells and can rescue cells from apoptosis as shown by increased number of surviving cells and reduced levels of caspase-3-like activity. we also showed that ...200515681434
silk gland specific secretory expression of egfp gene in silkworm bombyx mori with racmnpv evaluate the possibility of establishing an in vivo baculovirus expression system in a silk gland specific secretory way, the recombinant autographa californica nucleopolyhedrovirus (acserpegfpdeltaegt) carrying the reporter gene egfp downstream of silkworm ser1 promoter and signal peptide coding sequence was generated. the purified recombinant baculovirus acserpegfpdeltaegt was injected into the haemocoel of newly ecdysed 5thhendekl) instar silkworm larvae at the amount of 10(6) pfu per larv ...200515703851
improvement in nuclear entry and transgene expression of baculoviruses by disintegration of microtubules in human hepatocytes.autographa californica multicapsid nucleopolyhedrovirus (acmnpv), a potent virus for mammalian cell gene delivery, possesses an ability to transduce mammalian cells without viral replication. we examined the role of the cellular cytoskeleton in the cytoplasmic trafficking of viral particles toward the nucleus in human hepatic cells. microscopic studies showed that capsids were found in the nucleus after either viral inoculation or cytoplasmic microinjection of nucleocapsids. the presence of micr ...200515708991
involvement of the toll-like receptor 9 signaling pathway in the induction of innate immunity by baculovirus.we have previously shown that mice inoculated intranasally with a wild-type baculovirus (autographa californica nuclear polyhedrosis virus [acnpv]) are protected from a lethal challenge by influenza virus. however, the precise mechanism of induction of this protective immune response by the acnpv treatment remained unclear. here we show that acnpv activates immune cells via the toll-like receptor 9 (tlr9)/myd88-dependent signaling pathway. the production of inflammatory cytokines was severely re ...200515709004
construction of a transposon-mediated baculovirus vector hanpvid and a new cell line for expressing this study we developed the transposon-mediated shuttle vector 'hanpvid', which composed of hanpv (heliothis armigera nuclear polyhedrosis virus) genomic dna and a transposon cassette from bacmid of bac-to-bac system. hanpvid replicates in e. coli in the same way as bacmid and retains infective function in cotton bollworm cells (hz-am1). using hanpvid we constructed a recombinant virus, which could infect hz-am1 cells and generate recombinant hanpv (rha-bar) containing the barnase gene, a rib ...200515715945
ligand-directed gene targeting to mammalian cells by pseudotype baculoviruses.the baculovirus autographa californica multiple nucleopolyhedrovirus (acmnpv) can infect a variety of mammalian cells, as well as insect cells, facilitating its use as a viral vector for gene delivery into mammalian cells. glycoprotein gp64, a major component of the budded acmnpv envelope, is involved in viral entry into cells by receptor-mediated endocytosis and subsequent membrane fusion. we examined the potential production of pseudotype baculovirus particles transiently carrying ligands of i ...200515731258
the function of envelope protein p74 from autographa californica multiple nucleopolyhedrovirus in primary infection to host.this research investigated the function of envelope protein p74 of autographa californica multiple nuclear polyhedrosis virus (acmnpv) in primary infection to host. a p74-inactivation recombinant baculovirus, rac-gfp(delta) p74, was constructed by inserting gfp driven by acmnpv polyhedrin promoter into the p74 locus of acmnpv genome. bioassays showed that the p74-null occlusion bodies (obs) failed to infect its natural host larvae, spodoptera exigua, per os, while the p74-null budded virus (bvs) ...200515744572
cloning and characterization of the g protein betagamma subunits from trichoplusia ni (high five cells).baculoviral-mediated expression in insect cells has become a method of choice where high-level protein expression is desired and where expression in escherichia coliform (e. coli.) is unsuitable. genes of interest are inserted into the baculoviral genome of autographa californica nuclear polyhedrosis virus (acnpv) under the extremely strong, but very late polyhedron gene (polh). the preferred host lines are derived from spodoptera frugiperda (sf9 or sf21) or tricoplusia ni (high five, invitrogen ...200515763469
baculovirus gp64-pseudotyped hiv-based lentivirus vectors are stabilized against complement inactivation by codisplay of decay accelerating factor (daf) or of a gp64-daf fusion protein.the eventual development of efficient gene transfer vectors for in vivo gene delivery will require the development of a number of important new technologies such as stabilization of vectors against protective mechanisms that destroy or otherwise inactivate foreign infectious agents like gene transfer vectors. it is known that the baculovirus envelope protein gp64 of autographa californica nucleopolyhedrovirus can efficiently pseudotype lentivirus vectors and that modified forms of the baculoviru ...200515771967
the autographa californica multiple nucleopolyhedrovirus ie0-ie1 gene complex is essential for wild-type virus replication, but either ie0 or ie1 can support virus growth.the immediate-early ie0-ie1 gene complex expresses the only baculovirus spliced gene that produces an alternate protein product. autographa californica multiple nucleopolyhedrovirus (acmnpv) ie1 is a potent transcriptional transactivator that is essential for viral replication in transient assays. ie1 contains 582 amino acids that are arranged into different domains, including an acidic activation domain at the n terminus, a dna binding domain, and an oligomerization domain at the c terminus. ie ...200515795248
spodoptera frugiperda resistance to oral infection by autographa californica multiple nucleopolyhedrovirus linked to aberrant occlusion-derived virus binding in the midgut.spodoptera frugiperda larvae are highly resistant to oral infection by autographa californica multiple nucleopolyhedrovirus (acmnpv) (ld(50), approximately 9200 occlusions), but extremely susceptible to budded virus within the haemocoel (ld(50), <1 p.f.u.). the inability of acmnpv occlusion-derived virus (odv) to establish primary infections readily within midgut cells accounts for a major proportion of oral resistance. to determine whether inappropriate binding of acmnpv odv to s. frugiperda mi ...200515831946
stimulation of cell motility by a viral fibroblast growth factor homolog: proposal for a role in viral pathogenesis.the autographa californica m nucleopolyhedrovirus (acmnpv) encodes a gene (open reading frame 32) with homology to vertebrate and invertebrate fibroblast growth factors (fgfs), key regulators of developmental processes affecting the growth, differentiation, and migration of many cell types. we studied the temporal regulation of the acmnpv fgf, vfgf, by northern (rna) blot hybridization; vfgf was transcribed as a 0.6-kb mrna at early times but as part of a 1.4-kb bicistronic mrna at late times. t ...200515892971
[ubiquitin-proteasome pathway and virus infection].ubiquitin is highly conserved 76 amino acid protein found in all eukaryotic organisms and ubiquitin-proteasome pathway (upp) plays a very important role in regulated non-lysosomal atp dependent protein degradation. this pathway participates in or regulates numerous cellular processes, such as selective protein degradation, cell cycle progression, apoptosis, signal transduction, transcriptional regulation, receptor control by endocytosis, immune response and the processing of antigens. neverthele ...200415969100
baculoviral polyhedrin-bacillus thuringiensis toxin fusion protein: a protein-based bio-insecticide expressed in escherichia coli.previously, we found that baculoviral polyhedrin (polh) used as a fusion partner for recombinant expression in escherichia coli showed almost the same characteristics (rapid solubilization under alkaline conditions and specific degradation by specific alkaline proteases in insect midgut) as the native baculoviral polh, and formed easily isolatable inclusion bodies. here, polh derived from the autographa californica nuclear polyhedrosis virus (acnpv) was fused with a bacillus thuringiensis (bt) t ...200515981278
the immediate-early protein ie0 of the autographa californica nucleopolyhedrovirus is not essential for viral replication.the role of the autographa californica multiple nucleopolyhedrovirus (acmnpv) immediate-early protein ie0 in the baculoviral infection is not clear. in this study, we constructed the recombinant virus vacdeltaie0 null for ie0 expression by targeted mutagenesis replacing exon0 with the cat gene. we found that vacdeltaie0 replicated efficiently in spodoptera littoralis sl2 cells, which are poorly permissive for acmnpv. in contrast, in spodoptera frugiperda sf9 cells, which are fully permissive for ...200516014970
enhancement of cauliflower mosaic virus 35s promoter in insect cells infected with baculovirus.we happened to discover that the cauliflower mosaic virus (camv) 35s promoter inserted into a recombinant autographa californica multicapsid nucleopolyhedrovirus (racmnpv) was strongly activated during the replication of the recombinant virus in spodoptera frugiperda (sf9) cells. the expression of the luciferase gene from the 35s promoter in racmnpv was remarkably increased late in infection and was resistant to alpha-amanitin treatment. primer extension indicated that transcriptional initiation ...200516022899
identification of the apoptosis inhibitor gene p49 of spodoptera litura multicapsid nucleopolyhedrovirus.baculoviruses possess two types of genes that suppressed apoptosis, p35 and inhibitor of apoptosis (iap). computer-assisted analysis indicated that spodoptera litura multicapsid nucleopolyhedrovirus (spltmnpv) orf55 (designated as the p49 gene) display 79 and 31% amino acid identity with spodoptera littoralis (spli)mnpv p49 and autographa californica (ac)mnpv p35, respectively, splt mnpv putative p49 contains a peptide cleavage site tvtdg recognized by death caspases. in marker rescue assay, spl ...200516025239
genetically engineered horseradish peroxidase for facilitated purification from baculovirus cultures by cation-exchange engineered horseradish peroxidase isozyme c (hrp c) gene was constructed by the addition of a 6xarg fusion tail to 6xhis-hrp c by the pcr strategy. the 6xhis-6xarg-hrp c cdna was expressed in the sf9 insect cell line from spodoptera frugiperda infected with autographa californica nuclear polyhedrosis virus. the recombinant peroxidase isoelectric point was 9.5 as judged by isoelectric focusing and was purified directly from the culture medium at day-6 post-infection by cation-exchange chromato ...200516038999
myocyte enhancer factor 2 (mef2) is a key modulator of the expression of the prothoracicotropic hormone gene in the silkworm, bombyx mori.prothoracicotropic hormone (ptth) plays a central role in controlling molting, metamorphosis, and diapause termination in insects by stimulating the prothoracic glands to synthesize and release the molting hormone, ecdysone. using autographa californica nucleopolyhedrovirus (acnpv)-mediated transient gene transfer into the central nervous sytem (cns) of the silkworm, bombyx mori, we identified two cis-regulatory elements that participate in the decision and the enhancement of ptth gene expressio ...200516045756
in vivo apoptosis induction and reduction of infectivity by an autographa californica multiple nucleopolyhedrovirus p35(-) recombinant in hemocytes from the velvet bean caterpillar anticarsia gemmatalis (hübner) (lepidoptera: noctuidae).baculoviruses have long been shown to regulate apoptosis in cultured insect cells. recently, this phenomenon was also reported to occur in vivo, reinforcing the importance of apoptosis in insect immunity against viruses. the vp35del virus, an autographa californica multiple nucleopolyhedrovirus (acmnpv) recombinant, was previously shown to induce apoptosis in anticarsia gemmatalis cultured cells. in order to verify the acmnpv interaction with hemocytes, apoptosis induction in vivo and its effect ...200516081248
productive infection of autographa californica nucleopolyhedrovirus in silkworm bombyx mori strain haoyue due to the absence of a host antiviral factor.we have reported that several silkworm strains are permissive to intrahemocoelical infection of autographa californica nucleopolyhedrovirus (acnpv), contrary to the general belief that acnpv cannot infect silkworm. in the present study, we address whether the intrahemocoelical infection of acnpv to the silkworm was an exceptional phenomenon, and the possible genetic basis underlying it. wilder range test of 31 strains of silkworm bombyx mori for intrahemocoelical acnpv infection led to the ident ...200516087208
functional analysis of fp25k of helicoverpa armigera single nucleocapsid nucleopolyhedrovirus.the fp25k gene of helicoverpa armigera single nucleocapsid nucleopolyhedrovirus (hearnpv) was studied. hearnpv fp25k gene transcription was found starting from about 18 h post-infection, and protein could be detected from the same time with antiserum against fp25k. to study the function of hearnpv fp25k, a recombinant hearnpv (habacwd11) with an enhanced green fluorescent protein (gfp) gene replacing the fp25k was constructed using habachz8, a bacmid of hearnpv that lacks the polyhedrin gene. gr ...200516099901
identification of domains in autographa californica multiple nucleopolyhedrovirus late expression factor 3 required for nuclear transport of p143.autographa californica multiple nucleopolyhedrovirus (acmnpv) late expression factor 3 (lef-3) is an essential protein for dna replication in transient assays. p143, a large dna-binding protein with dna-unwinding activity, is also essential for viral dna replication in vivo. both lef-3 and p143 are found in the nucleus of acmnpv-infected cells, but only lef-3 localizes to the nucleus when expressed in transfected cells on its own from a plasmid expression vector. p143 requires lef-3 as a transpo ...200516103143
spodoptera littoralis caspase-1, a lepidopteran effector caspase inducible by apoptotic signaling.the baculovirus autographa californica multiple nucleopolyhedrovirus (acmnpv) can successfully infect spodoptera frugiperda sf9 cells, but in contrast, in spodoptera littoralis sl2 cells it induces apoptosis aborting the infection. to understand better the mechanism of induction and execution of apoptosis in sl2 cells, we identified and characterized the first spodoptera littoralis caspase, sl-caspase-1. sl-caspase-1 is an effector caspase that cleaves devd but not ietd and lehd substrates, and ...200516133869
expression of slam (cdw150) on sf9 cell surface using recombinant baculovirus mediates measles virus infection in the nonpermissive cells.signaling lymphocytic activation molecule (slam; also known as cdw150) has been reported as the receptor of measles virus (mv) interacting with mv hemagglutinin (mvh). in this study, we developed a baculovirus-derived vector, the bacmid-egfp, containing a reporter gene encoding the enhanced green fluorescent protein (egfp) under the control of the promoter of very late polyhedrin gene from autographa californica multiple nucleopolyhedrovirus (acmnpv), and employed the recombinant baculovirus to ...200516198138
functional analysis of evolutionary conserved clustering of bzip binding sites in the baculovirus homologous regions (hrs) suggests a cooperativity between host and viral transcription factors.the genome of the autographa californica multinucleocapsid polyhedrosis virus (acmnpv) contains nine interspersed homologous regions (hrs) that function as potent enhancer sequences when linked in cis to either viral or heterologous rna polymerase ii-dependent promoters. their activity is strongly increased by the binding of the major immediate early viral transregulator ie1 on 28-mer palindromic sites present in hrs. we show that hrs of acmnpv additionally carry, in the interpalindromic sequenc ...200616198391
insecticidal effects of buthus occitanus tunetanus botit6 toxin expressed in escherichia coli and baculovirus/insect cells.botit6 is a neurotoxin polypeptide derived from the venom of the scorpion buthus occitanus tunetanus (bot). its mature form is composed of 62 amino acids. botit6 has been reported to be the most potent toxin from bot venom that has a strict selectivity for insects. such toxin may have potential as a potent animal-harmless tool against insects. using rt-pcr, we isolated and sequenced a cdna encoding 62 amino acid residues corresponding to the known amino acid sequence of botit6. we have expressed ...200516216259
visualization of a recombinant gene protein in the baculovirus expression vector system using confocal scanning laser microscopy.expression of the recombinant protein beta-galactosidase in the spodoptera frugiperda sf-9 insect cell line infected by the autographa californica nuclear polyhedrosis virus expressing beta-galactosidase (acnpv-betagal) was visualized using confocal scanning laser microscopy with fluorescent staining of both the recombinant protein and the cell nucleus. the average size of the insect cells and the intracellular dna concentration both increased markedly, respectively reading 3.8- and 2.3-fold the ...199916232550
significant increase in recombinant protein production of a virus-infected sf-9 insect cell culture of low moi under low dissolved oxygen conditions.spodoptera frugiperda sf-9 insect cells were infected with recombinant autographa californica nuclear polyhedrosis virus at a low multiplicity of infection (moi) (0.1), and the effect of dissolved oxygen (do) on the production of a polyhedrin promoter-driven recombinant protein (beta-galactosidase), intrinsic proteases (carboxyl and cysteine proteases), and the virus was determined. the do concentrations used in the present study were 45%, 25%, 5%, and 1.3% of air saturation. at 5% do the cell g ...200216233329
expression and mutational analysis of autographa californica nucleopolyhedrovirus hcf-1: functional requirements for cysteine residues.the host cell-specific factor 1 gene (hcf-1) of the baculovirus autographa californica multiple nucleopolyhedrovirus is required for efficient virus growth in tn368 cells but is dispensable for virus replication in sf21 cells. however, the mechanism of action of hcf-1 is unknown. to begin to understand its function in virus replication we have investigated the expression and localization pattern of hcf-1 in infected cells. analysis of virus-infected tn368 cells showed that hcf-1 is expressed at ...200516254326
development of a new high-throughput screening model for human high density lipoprotein receptor (cla-1) develop a new high-throughput screening model for human high-density lipoprotein (hdl) receptor (cd36 and limpii analogous-1, cla-1) agonists using cla-1-expressing insect cells.200516274109
the use of a recombinant baculovirus expressing a chitinase from the hard tick haemaphysalis longicornis and its potential application as a bioacaricide for tick control.baculoviruses are specific insect pathogens used as selective biological insecticides on lepidopteran insects. we have tested a recombinant baculovirus expressing a chitinase gene for its efficacy as a tick bioacaricide. the recombinant autographa californica multiple nuclear polyhedrosis virus expressing a chitinase enzyme (acmnpv-cht1) from the hard tick, haemaphysalis longicornis, was constructed and found to have a novel bioacaricidal effect against ticks. the recombinant baculovirus was use ...200616292677
specific binding of autographa californica m nucleopolyhedrovirus occlusion-derived virus to midgut cells of heliothis virescens larvae is mediated by products of pif genes ac119 and ac022 but not by ac115.per os infectivity factors pif1 (ac119) and pif2 (ac022), like p74, are essential for oral infection of lepidopteran larval hosts of autographa californica m nucleopolyhedrovirus (acmnpv). here we show that ac115 also is a pif (pif3) and that, unlike pif1 and pif2, it does not mediate specific binding of acmnpv occlusion-derived virus (odv) to midgut target cells. we used an improved in vivo fluorescence dequenching assay to compare binding, fusion, and competition among control acmnpv odv and t ...200516306597
baculovirus entry into human hepatoma cells.autographa californica multiple nucleopolyhedrovirus (acmnpv), a prototype member of the baculoviridae family, has gained increasing interest as a potential vector candidate for mammalian gene delivery applications. acmnpv is known to enter both dividing and nondividing mammalian cell lines in vitro, but the mode and kinetics of entry as well as the intracellular transport of the virus in mammalian cells is poorly understood. the general objective of this study was to characterize the entry step ...200516306616
disassembly of structurally modified viral nanoparticles: characterization by fluorescence correlation spectroscopy.analysis of the breakdown products of engineered viral particles can give useful information on the particle structure. we used various methods to breakdown both a recombinant enveloped virus and virus-like particles (vlps) from two non-enveloped viruses and analysed the resulting subunits by fluorescence correlation spectroscopy (fcs). analysis of the enveloped baculovirus, autographa californica multicapsid nucleopolyhedrovirus (acmnpv), displaying the green fluorescent protein (gfp) fused to ...200516314283
physical factors that affect in vitro autographa californica nuclear polyhedrosis virus infection.of the physical parameters tested for in vitro baculovirus infection, multiplicity of infection was most important in governing percent cell infection. most plaques formed within the first 5 min of incubation. efficiency of infection, however, was low, and the virus titer did not diminish during prolonged incubation. efficiency of infection improved markedly when cells or virus were preincubated with selected polyanions and polycations. precise regulation of the ph, osmotic pressure, and ionic c ...198116345768
generalized immunoassay for autographa californica nuclear polyhedrosis virus infectivity in vitro.a quantitative in vitro immunoassay for the infectivity of autographa californica nuclear polyhedrosis virus was developed and performed in six different lepidopteran cell lines. the assay was not dependent upon cytopathic effect or polyhedron production, but rather upon viral antigen production and its recognition in a peroxidase-antiperoxidase staining procedure. the importance of using such an assay for accurately assessing infectivity in cell lines which produce polyhedra inefficiently was d ...198216346059
in vitro survey of autographa californica nuclear polyhedrosis virus interaction with nontarget vertebrate host cells.thirty-five nontarget host cell lines, 23 of human and 12 of nonhuman vertebrate origin, were exposed to autographa californica nuclear polyhedrosis virus preparations derived from four different sources: polyhedra, hemolymph, cell culture medium, and cultured cells. the virus and cells were incubated together at two different temperatures, 28 or 37 degrees c, for four different lengths of time, 16, 40, 64, or 168 h, and the cells were assayed for the presence of virus by a peroxidase-antiperoxi ...198316346229
effects of temperature and ph on survival of free nuclear polyhedrosis virus of autographa californica.the effects of temperature and low ph on replication and survival of nonoccluded autographa californica nuclear polyhedrosis virus were investigated. no virus replication or formation of polynuclear inclusion bodies occurred at 37 degrees c. the virus was immediately inactivated upon exposure to ph 2.0 and was inactivated within 1 h at ph 4.0. the virus titer slowly declined, a 3-orders of magnitude reduction in virus titer, at ph 5.0 during a 4-h exposure. virus survival at ph 6.0 was equal to ...198716347494
co-occlusion and persistence of a baculovirus mutant lacking the polyhedrin gene.a co-occlusion process was evaluated as a commercially and ecologically acceptable strategy for the development of genetically improved baculovirus insecticides. coinfection of spodoptera frugiperda (iplb-sf-21) tissue culture cells with autographa californica nuclear polyhedrosis virus (acmnpv) and an acmnpv mutant (ac-e10) lacking the polyhedrin gene resulted in occlusion of both virus types within polyhedra. the amount of occluded ac-e10 virions in progeny polyhedra populations during serial ...199016348313
functional expression of lepidopteran-selective neurotoxin in baculovirus: potential for effective pest management.recombinant baculovirus expressing insect-selective neurotoxins derived from venomous animals are considered as an attractive alternative to chemical insecticides for efficient insect control agents. recently we identified and characterized a novel lepidopteran-selective toxin, buthus tamulus insect-selective toxin (butait), having 37 amino acids and eight half cysteine residues from the venom of the south indian red scorpion, mesobuthus tamulus. the synthetic toxin gene containing the butait se ...200616406338
acmnpv in permissive, semipermissive, and nonpermissive cell lines from arthropoda.insect cell lines from arthropoda represented by lepidoptera, coleoptera, diptera, and homoptera were evaluated for their ability to support replication of acmnpv. in addition, some of the cell lines that were refractive to acmnpv were tested with acmnpv hsp70 red, a recombinant carrying the red fluorescent protein (rfp) gene, for their ability to express this protein after inoculation. of the 10 lepidopteran cell lines tested, only three cell lines from helicoverpa zea (bcirl-hz-am1), lymantria ...200516409117
functional characterization of bombyx mori nucleopolyhedrovirus late gene transcription and genome replication factors in the non-permissive insect cell line sf-21.we compared the abilities of late gene transcription and dna replication machineries of the baculoviruses autographa californica nucleopolyhedrovirus (acmnpv) and bombyx mori npv (bmnpv) in sf-21 cells, an insect-derived cell line permissive for acmnpv infection. it has been well established that 19 acmnpv late expression factors (lefs) stimulate substantial levels of late gene promoter activity in sf-21 cells. thus, we constructed a set of clones containing the bmnpv homologs of the acmnpv lefs ...200616442141
in vivo analysis of fibroin heavy chain signal peptide of silkworm bombyx mori using recombinant baculovirus as order to investigate the functional signal peptide of silkworm fibroin heavy chain (fibh) and the effect of n- and c-terminal parts of fibh on the secretion of fibh in vivo, n- and c-terminal segments of fibh gene were fused with enhanced green fluorescent protein (egfp) gene. the fused gene was then introduced into silkworm larvae and expressed in silk gland using recombinant acmnpv (autographa californica multiple nuclear polyhedrosis virus) as vector. the fluorescence of egfp was observed ...200616466694
antibody-based surface plasmon resonance detection of intact viral pathogen.surface plasmon resonance (spr) technique was used to directly detect an intact form of insect pathogen: the baculovirus, autographa californica multiple nuclear polyhedrosis virus (acmnpv). an spr sensor chip with three bio-functional layers was used to detect the intact acmnpv: amine-reactive crosslinker with a disulfide bond that chemisorbs to gold film, protein a, and a mouse igg monoclonal antibody raised against a surface protein of the target viral pathogen. a two-channel (reference & tes ...200616470580
expression of autographa californica multiple nucleopolyhedrovirus genes in mammalian cells and upregulation of the host beta-actin gene.the gene expression of autographa californica multiple nucleopolyhedrovirus (acmnpv) was examined in two types of mammalian cells, human hela14 and hamster bhk cells. dna microarray analysis followed by reverse transcription-pcr identified at least 12 viral genes transcribed in both hela14 cells and bhk cells inoculated with acmnpv. 5' rapid amplification of cdna ends was carried out to examine the transcriptional fidelity of these genes in hela14 cells. the transcription of ie-1, ie-0 and gp64 ...200616474145
analysis of a baculovirus lacking a functional viral fibroblast growth factor homolog.baculoviruses encode fibroblast growth factor (vfgf) homologs whose function during virus infection is unknown. we constructed a recombinant bacmid of autographa californica m nucleopolyhedrovirus (acmnpv) lacking a functional vfgf and characterized it in two insect cell lines. the kinetics of budded virus production were similar in the parental and vfgf-deficient viruses in both cell lines at both high and low multiplicities of infection. in addition, no obvious differences were observed betwee ...200616476460
dual mutations in the autographa californica nucleopolyhedrovirus fp-25 and p35 genes result in plasma-membrane blebbing in trichoplusia ni cells.spodoptera frugiperda cells infected with autographa californica nucleopolyhedrovirus (acmnpv) lacking a functional anti-apoptotic p35 protein undergo apoptosis. however, such mutants replicate normally in trichoplusia ni (tn-368) cells. an acmnpv plaque isolate (acdefrt) was identified during propagation of a virus deficient in p35 in tn-368 cells. this virus exhibited enhanced budded-particle formation in tn-368 cells, but was partially defective for polyhedra production in the same cells. vir ...200616476974
baculovirus etl promoter acts as a shuttle promoter between insect cells and mammalian identify a shuttle promoter that can mediate gene expression in both insect cells and mammalian cells to facilitate the development of a baculovirus vector-based mammalian cell gene delivery vehicle.200616490168
identification of spodoptera litura multicapsid nucleopolyhedrovirus orf97, a novel protein associated with envelope of occlusion-derived reading frame (orf) 97 of spodoptera litura multicapsid nucleopolyhedrovirus (splt97) is a member of 11k gene family (interpro database accession number: ipr009313) in insect viruses, potentially encoding 112 amino acids with a predicted molecular weight of 13.2 kda. sequence analysis indicated that splt97 has 8-50% amino acid identity with the homologues of other known baculoviruses including autographa californica multicapsid nucleopolyhedrovirus (acmnpv) orf108. splt97 transcription in s ...200616525738
in vivo production, stabilization, and infectivity of baculovirus preoccluded virions.wild-type and polyhedrin-negative isolates of autographa californica nuclear polyhedrosis virus were replicated in fifth-instar trichoplusia ni larvae. insect tissues infected with wild-type virus contained two types of virions that are highly infectious when ingested, those occluded in polyhedra and preoccluded virions. tissue infected with the polyhedrin-negative virus contained only preoccluded virions. the relative potencies of the two types of infected tissue were determined by dose-mortali ...199616535202
characterization of baculovirus autographa californica multiple nuclear polyhedrosis virus infection in mammalian cells.the baculovirus autographa californica multiple nuclear polyhedrosis virus (acmnpv) is used as a vector in many gene therapy studies. wild-type acmnpv infects many mammalian cell types in vitro, but does not replicate. we investigated the dynamics of acmnpv genomic dna in infected mammalian cells and used flow cytometric analysis to demonstrate that recombinant baculovirus containing a cytomegalovirus immediate early promoter/enhancer with green fluorescent protein (gfp) expressed high levels of ...200616545777
a novel method for in vitro radiolabeling and testing enveloped viruses by phosphatidylethanolamine n-methyltransferase and host cell-specific binding.the present study developed a novel virus labeling and testing method, referred to as an envelope-labeled virus assay (elva), in which virus envelope is labeled in vitro by the action of phosphatidylethanolamine n-methyltransferase (pemt) and tested through a host cell-specific binding. a recombinant strain (vgfpuv) of autographa californica multiple nuclear polyhedrosis virus (acmnpv) and spodoptera frugiperda (sf-9) insect cells were used as a model of viruses and host cells, respectively. the ...200616552776
efficient and stable gene expression in rabbit intervertebral disc cells transduced with a recombinant baculovirus vector.a recombinant baculovirus vector expressing gfp (ac-cmv-gfp) was tested in rabbit intervertebral disc cells cultured in monolayer in vitro. direct infection of intervertebral disc cells was then assessed in vivo.200616582845
expression of bioactive recombinant bovine interferon-gamma using baculovirus.the precise role of bovine interferon-gamma (boifn-gamma) in disease and therapy is still poorly defined. clearly it is involved in defence against parasites, bacteria, viruses and possibly tumor cells. this paper reports the expression of boifn-gamma in a baculovirus system to generate a fully functional recombinant protein. bovine interferon-gamma cdna was cloned from mitogen stimulated peripheral blood mononuclear cell (pbmc) rna utilizing the reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction ( ...200616608121
enhancing insecticidal efficacy of baculovirus by early expressing an insect neurotoxin, lqhit2, in infected trichoplusia ni larvae.lqhit(2), an insect specific neurotoxin from the venom of leiurus quinquestriatus hebraeus, has been demonstrated to improve insecticidal efficacy of autographa californica nuclear polyhedrosis virus (acmnpv). a polyhedrin-positive recombinant acmnpvvacp(hsp70)egfp/p(pag90)it(2) was engineered for larvae to express the enhanced green fluorescence protein (egfp) and lqhit(2) under the control of p(hsp70) and p(pag90) promoters, respectively. this would allow a visual observation of the viral infe ...200616636828
improving baculovirus transduction of mammalian cells by surface display of a rgd-containing peptide, comprising 23 amino acids from the foot-and-mouth disease virus (fmdv) vp1 protein was engineered into the envelope of autographa californica nuclear polyhedrosis virus surface (acnpv) using two different display strategies. the rgd-motif is a well-described tripeptide, that by binding to cell surface integrins facilitates virus entry into cells. this epitope was displayed, either by directly modifying the native major envelope protein gp64 of acnpv, or by incorporatin ...200616716431
mapping the conformational epitope of a neutralizing antibody (acv1) directed against the acmnpv gp64 protein.the envelope glycoprotein gp64 of autographa californica nucleopolyhedrovirus (acmnpv) is necessary and sufficient for the acid-induced membrane fusion activity that is required for fusion of the budded virus (bv) envelope and the endosome membrane during virus entry. infectivity of the budded virus (bv) is neutralized by acv1, a monoclonal antibody (mab) directed against gp64. prior studies indicated that acv1 recognizes a conformational epitope and does not inhibit virus attachment to the cell ...200616777166
physical map of the dna genome of autographa californica nuclear polyhedrosis virus.a physical map of the 88 x 10(6) dalton, circular dna genome of autographa californica nuclear polyhedrosis virus was constructed. the complete order of bamhi and xmai restriction enzyme sites was determined. the ecori and hindiii fragments were partially ordered, and their general locations, relative to the bamhi and xmai maps, were determined. alterations in the restriction endonuclease fragment patterns of natural genotypic variants of a. californica nuclear polyhedrosis virus, including tric ...197916789175
restriction maps of five autographa californica mnpv variants, trichoplusia ni mnpv, and galleria mellonella mnpv dnas with endonucleases smai, kpni, bamhi, saci, xhoi, and ecori.the restriction sites of autographa californica nuclear polyhedrosis virus (acmnpv) e2 dna were mapped for the endonucleases smai, kpni, bamhi, saci, xhoi, and ecori. the restriction maps of four other acmnpv variants, trichoplusia ni (tnmnpv), and galleria mellonella (gmmnpv) genomes were determined and compared to the endonuclease cleavage maps of acmnpv e2 dna. the viral structural polypeptides of acmnpv variants s3, e2, s1, m3, and r9 were the same when analyzed by polyacrylamide gel electro ...197916789179
genetic analysis of a baculovirus, autographa californica nuclear polyhedrosis virus i. isolation of temperature-sensitive mutants and assortment into complementation groups.temperature-sensitive (ts) mutants were isolated from the baculovirus autographa californica (alfalfa looper) mnpv, grown in spodoptera frugiperda (fall armyworm) cells in the presence of n-methyl-n'-nitro-n-nitrosoguanidine. of 567 plaque isolates screened, 27 were temperature sensitive (ts), representing a mutation frequency of 4.8%. ten ts mutants were studied in detail: six failed to yield nonoccluded virus at 33 degrees c (nov mutants), whereas the other four produced nonoccluded virus but ...197916789180
isolation, complementation, and initial characterization of temperature-sensitive mutants of the baculovirus autographa californica nuclear polyhedrosis virus.sixteen temperature-sensitive mutants of autographa californica nuclear polyhedrosis virus were isolated. several interesting phenotypes were observed. a large proportion of the mutants were unable to form polyhedral occlusion bodies (polyhedra) at the nonpermissive temperature (32.5 degrees c). at 32.5 degrees c, one mutant formed plaques in which the cells lacked polyhedra. another mutant type was defective in the production of progeny extracellular nonoccluded virus and produced a "plaque" co ...197916789181
restriction map of rachiplusia ou and rachiplusia ou-autographa californica baculovirus recombinants.the restriction sites of rachiplusia ou nuclear polyhedrosis virus (romnpv) dna were mapped for the endonucleases smai, kpni, bamhi, saci, xhoi, and ecori. of the 60 dna restriction sites of romnpv, 35 mapped in similar positions as compared to the restriction sites of autographa californica nuclear polyhedrosis virus (acmnpv) dna. two plaque-purified viruses, obtained from randomly picked plaques of a wild-type isolate of romnpv, were recombinants of romnpv and acmnpv. the recombinants were sho ...198016789188
physical maps of autographa californica and rachiplusia ou nuclear polyhedrosis virus cells were infected simultaneously with the closely related autographa california (acmnpv) and rachiplusia ou (romnpv) nuclear polyhedrosis viruses. progeny viral isolates were plaque purified, and their dnas were analyzed with restriction endonucleases. of 100 randomly cloned plaques, 7 were acmnpv and romnpv recombinants, 5 were romnpv, and 88 were acmnpv. the recombinants contained dna sequences derived from both parental genomes. by comparing the restriction cleavage patterns of paren ...198016789198
alpha-amanitin-resistant viral rna synthesis in nuclei isolated from nuclear polyhedrosis virus-infected heliothis zea larvae and spodoptera frugiperda cells.[(3)h]rna was synthesized in nuclei isolated at various times postinfection from the fat bodies of heliothis zea larvae infected with h. zea nuclear polyhedrosis virus and from cultured spodoptera frugiperda cells infected with autographa californica nuclear polyhedrosis virus. to detect virus-specific rna synthesis, the [(3)h]rna was hybridized to denatured viral dna immobilized on nitrocellulose filters. nuclear polyhedrosis virus-specific rna synthesis in the infected nuclei isolated from h. ...198116789208
construction of a genetic map of the baculovirus autographa californica nuclear polyhedrosis virus by marker rescue of temperature-sensitive mutants.mutations of seven temperature-sensitive mutants of the baculovirus autographa californica nuclear polyhedrosis virus (npv) were mapped with respect to the physical restriction map of the a. californica npv dna by marker rescue. dnas from two distantly related npvs of the multiply embedded type and two npvs of the singly embedded type were unable to rescue two a. californica npv mutants.198116789213
hybridization selection and in vitro translation of autographa californica nuclear polyhedrosis virus mrna.we isolated polyadenylated rna from the cytoplasm of cells infected with autographa californica nuclear polyhedrosis virus late after infection (21 h postinfection). at that time intracellular protein synthesis was directed almost exclusively toward infected cell-specific proteins. the polyadenylic acid-containing rna sequences in the cytoplasm at 21 h postinfection were radiolabeled in vitro and hybridized to a. californica nuclear polyhedrosis virus dna restriction fragments. the polyadenylic ...198116789215
orientation of the genome of autographa californica nuclear polyhedrosis virus: a proposal.the nuclear polyhedrosis virus of the alfalfa looper autographa californica contains a double-stranded, circular dna genome. fourteen scientists agreed to accept an orientation of this circular genome with respect to a physical map of the restriction endonuclease cleavage sites.198216789218
molecular cloning and physical mapping of restriction endonuclease fragments of autographa californica nuclear polyhedrosis virus dna.a restriction fragment library containing autographa californica nuclear polyhedrosis virus (acnpv) dna was constructed by using the pbr322 plasmid as a vector. the library, which is representative of more than 95% of the viral genome, consists of 2 of the 7 bamhi fragments, 12 of the 24 hindiii fragments, and 23 of the 24 ecori fragments. the cloned fragments were characterized and used to generate physical maps of the genome by hybridizing nick-translated recombinant plasmid to southern blots ...198216789219
capping of viral rna in cultured spodoptera frugiperda cells infected with autographa californica nuclear polyhedrosis virus.viral rna from fall armyworm (spodoptera frugiperda) cells infected with autographa californica nuclear polyhedrosis virus contains cap structures. most of the cap labeled in vivo with [(3)h]methionine or (32)p(i) cochromatographed on deae-cellulose with the -5 charge marker; a minor component appeared at -4 net charge. the former is probably a cap 1 structure (m(7)gpppx(m) (p)yp), and the latter is probably a cap 0 (m(7)gpppxp). on the basis of relative labeling of the two caps with [(3)h]adeno ...198216789227
mapping the mutation site of an autographa californica nuclear polyhedrosis virus polyhedron morphology mutant.a polyhedron morphology mutant of autographa californica nuclear polyhedrosis virus, designated m5, was compared with wild-type virus by genotypic analysis with ecori, bamhi, hindiii, ssti, and smai restriction endonucleases. m5 dna revealed several alterations relative to the wild-type pattern: (i) ecori fragment i was 400 base pairs larger; (ii) bamhi fragment f was missing; (iii) hindiii fragment f was 400 base pairs larger; (iv) an extra restriction fragment was obtained with both hindiii an ...198216789229
in vitro translation of autographa californica nuclear polyhedrosis virus early and late mrnas.a preliminary translational map of the autographa californica genome was constructed. eighteen viral dna restriction fragments were either purified from agarose gels or obtained from pbr322 recombinant dna plasmids to locate specific gene products. the dnas were immobilized on nitrocellulose filters and used to select viral mrnas isolated from rna obtained from the cytoplasm of infected spodoptera frugiperda cells at 21 h postinfection. the fragment-specific mrnas were translated in vitro in the ...198216789231
physical analysis of autographa californica nuclear polyhedrosis virus transcripts for polyhedrin and 10,000-molecular-weight autographa californica nuclear polyhedrosis virus-infected cells, polyhedrin, the major structural polypeptide of the viral occlusions, and a low-molecular-weight viral protein with a molecular weight of approximately 10,000 (10k) accumulated to high levels late in infection. two polyadenylated rnas 1,200 and 630 bases in size were the most abundant viral transcripts present in the cytoplasm at 48 h postinfection. evidence is presented that these rnas were the transcripts for polyhedrin and 1 ...198316789235
location of homologous dna sequences interspersed at five regions in the baculovirus acmnpv examination of autographa californica nuclear polyhedrosis virus dna revealed the presence of five interspersed regions, rich in ecori restriction sites, which shared homologous sequences. these homologous regions (hr), designated hr(1) to hr(5), occur at or near the following ecori fragment junctions: hr(1)ecori-b-ecori-i (0.0 map units); hr(2), ecori-a-ecori-j (19.8 map units); hr(3), ecori-c-ecori-g (52.9 map units); hr(4), ecori-q-ecori-l (69.8 map units); and hr(5), ecori-s-ecori-x (88.0 ...198316789237
occluded and budded autographa californica nuclear polyhedrosis virus: immunological relatedness of structural proteins.the immunological relatedness of the structural proteins of the budded and occluded phenotypes of autographa californica nuclear polyhedrosis virus was examined by reciprocal immunoblotting and by in situ peroxidase-antiperoxidase staining of virus-induced cell surface and intracellular antigens with antisera to both phenotypes. the molecular weights (mws) of major structural proteins of both phenotypes that reciprocally cross-reacted were 92,500, 78,000, 62,500, 54,000, and 42,000. a highly imm ...198316789239
protein kinase activity associated with the extracellular and occluded forms of the baculovirus autographa californica nuclear polyhedrosis virus.protein kinase activity is associated with both the extracellular and the occluded forms of autographa californica nuclear polyhedrosis virus, a baculovirus. serine and threonine are the predominant amino acids phosphorylated by the kinase activity associated with both viral forms; no phosphotyrosine was detected. the addition of calcium, camp, or cgmp has no apparent effect on the amount of phosphorylation or the substrates phosphorylated.198316789240
molecular engineering of the autographa californica nuclear polyhedrosis virus genome: deletion mutations within the polyhedrin gene.we describe a method to introduce site-specific mutations into the genome of autographa californica nuclear polyhedrosis virus. specifically, the a. californica nuclear polyhedrosis virus gene for polyhedrin, the major protein that forms viral occlusions in infected cells, was mutagenized by introducing deletions into the cloned dna fragment containing the gene. the mutagenized polyhedrin gene was transferred to the intact viral dna by mixing fragment and viral dnas, cotransfecting spodoptera fr ...198316789242
viral transcription during autographa californica nuclear polyhedrosis virus infection: a novel rna polymerase induced in infected spodoptera frugiperda cells.autographa californica nuclear polyhedrosis virus-specific rna synthesis in isolated nuclei of spodoptera frugiperda cells in culture was monitored at different times postinfection. up to 8 h postinfection viral rna synthesis remained sensitive to 5 mug of alpha-amanitin per ml. during the course of infection this sensitivity decreased, and at 24 h postinfection rna synthesis was completely resistant to alpha-amanitin. deae-sephadex profiles of rna polymerase isolated at 24 h postinfection showe ...198316789246
mapping of early and late transcripts encoded by the autographa californica nuclear polyhedrosis virus genome: is viral rna spliced?early and late transcripts were mapped on the autographa californica nuclear polyhedrosis virus genome by northern blotting and hybridization with the cloned viral ecori fragments. at least 11 early and about 90 late rnas were compared with over 32 polypeptides synthesized by in vitro translation of hybrid-selected rna. the latter method, of course, had its limitations also and did not guarantee that all viral rnas could be detected in this way. a comparison of cytoplasmic and total cellular rna ...198416789249
time course analysis and mapping of autographa californica nuclear polyhedrosis virus study the expression of the autographa californica nuclear polyhedrosis virus (acnpv) genome, intracellular virus-specific proteins and mrnas were pulsed-labeled, extracted, and analyzed at 6-h intervals during the replicative cycle. most rnas were detected between 12 and 24 h postinfection (p.i.), but many continued to be synthesized until late in infection. polyhedrin and p8 mrnas were the two most abundant late viral rna transcripts, and they were synthesized at high rates until late in th ...198416789250
semipermissive replication of a nuclear polyhedrosis virus of autographa californica in a gypsy moth cell line.several gypsy moth cell lines have been previously described as nonpermissive for the multiple-embedded nuclear polyhedrosis virus of autographa californica (acmnpv). in this report, we demonstrate the semipermissive infection of a gypsy moth cell line, iplb-ld-652y, with acmnpv. iplb-ld-652y cells infected with acmnpv produced classic cytopathic effects but failed to yield infectious progeny virus. results of experiments employing dna-dna dot hybridization suggested that acmnpv dna synthesis wa ...198616789253
interspersed homologous dna of autographa californica nuclear polyhedrosis virus enhances delayed-early gene expression.the five regions of homologous dna which are interspersed in the genome of the baculovirus autographa californica nuclear polyhedrosis virus increased the expression of a delayed-early gene of this virus. although this activity was first observed as a 10-fold trans effect, the homologous region 5 (hr5) enhanced the expression of linked genes 1,000-fold. the hr5 enhancer also exhibited the other characteristics associated with viral enhancer elements, including orientation independence and the ab ...198616789258
complete sequence and enhancer function of the homologous dna regions of autographa californica nuclear polyhedrosis virus.the nucleotide sequence of the five regions of homologous dna in the genome of autographa californica nuclear polyhedrosis virus dna was determined. the homology of repeated sequences within a region was 65 to 87%, and the consensus sequences for each region were 88% homologous to each other. sequences proximal to the ecori sites were most conserved, while the distal sequences were least conserved. the ecori sites formed the core of a 28-base-pair imperfect inverted repeat. all homologous region ...198616789259
nucleotide sequence and temporal expression of a baculovirus regulatory gene.the nucleotide sequence of a trans-activating regulatory gene (ie-1) of the baculovirus autographa californica nuclear polyhedrosis virus has been determined. this gene encodes a protein of 581 amino acids with a predicted molecular weight of 66,856. a dna fragment containing the entire coding sequence of ie-1 was inserted downstream of an rna promoter. subsequent cell-free transcription and translation directed the synthesis of a single peptide with an apparent molecular weight of 70,000. quant ...198716789264
response of immunocompetent and immunosuppressed spodoptera littoralis larvae to baculovirus infection.the mediterranean lepidopteran pest spodoptera littoralis is highly resistant to infection with the autographa californica multiple nucleopolyhedrovirus (acmnpv) via the oral route, but highly sensitive to infection with budded virus (bv) via the intrahaemocoelic route. to study the fate of acmnpv infection in s. littoralis, vhsgfp, an acmnpv recombinant that expresses the reporter green fluorescent protein gene under the control of the drosophila heat-shock promoter, and high-resolution fluores ...200616847117
lepidopteran cell lines after long-term culture in alternative media: comparison of growth rates and baculovirus replication.three insect cell lines, iplb-ldfb and iplb-ldeita from gypsy moth fat body and embryos and ufl-ag-286 from velvetbean caterpillar embryos, have been concurrently maintained for 1 to 12 yr on two media formulations, modified tc-100 containing 9% fetal bovine serum and ex-cell 400, a commercial serum-free medium (sfm). cells grown in each medium were tested for susceptibility to and productivity of various multiply embedded nucleopolyhedroviruses. the three lines chosen for these experiments fall ...200616848634
the autographa californica nuclear polyhedrosis virus acnpv induces functional maturation of human monocyte-derived dendritic cells.the initiation of an adaptive immune response is critically dependent on the activation of dendritic cells (dcs). therefore, vaccination strategies targeting dcs have to ensure a proper presentation of the immunogen as well as an activation of dcs to accomplish their full maturation. viral vectors can achieve gene delivery and a subsequent presentation of the expressed immunogen, however, the immunization efficiency may be hampered by an inhibition of dc activation. here we report that the insec ...200616870312
recombinant expression of garlic virus c (garv-c) capsid protein in insect cells and its potential for the production of specific antibodies.garlic cultivars in brazil are infected by a complex of viruses and for some virus species, such as the allexivirus, purification of the virions is sometimes cumbersume. to overcome this problem, recombinant expression of viral proteins in heterologous systems is an alternative method for producing antibodies. the capsid gene from garlic virus c (garv-c), an allexivirus, was inserted into the genome of autographa californica multiple nucleopolyhedrovirus (acmnpv) generating the recombinant virus ...200816890415
the compatibility of a nucleopolyhedrosis virus control with resistance management for bacillus thuringiensis: co-infection and cross-resistance studies with the diamondback moth, plutella xylostella.the use of genetically modified crops expressing bacillus thuringiensis (bt) toxins can lead to the reduction in application of broad-spectrum pesticides and an increased opportunity for supplementary biological control. bt microbial sprays are also used by organic growers or as part of integrated pest management programs that rely on the use of natural enemies. in both applications the evolution of resistance to bt toxins is a potential problem. natural enemies (pathogens or insects) acting in ...200616905146
temporal transcription program of recombinant autographa californica multiple nucleopolyhedrosis virus.baculoviruses, a family of large, rod-shaped viruses that mainly infect lepidopteran insects, have been widely used to transduce various cells for exogenous gene expression. nonetheless, how a virus controls its transcription program in cells is poorly understood. with a custom-made baculovirus dna microarray, we investigated the recombinant autographa californica multiple nucleopolyhedrosis virus (acmnpv) gene expression program in lepidopteran sf21 cells over the time course of infection. our ...200616940511
infection of spodoptera frugiperda cells with autographa californica nuclear polyhedrosis virus i. synthesis of intracellular proteins after virus infection.the replication of autographa californica nuclear polyhedrosis virus (acnpv) in spodoptera frugiperda cells in culture has been studied with different methods. the first virus-induced polypeptides (with molecular weights of 46k, 30k, 29k) in infected cells appeared at 3 hr postinfection. viral dna synthesis started at about 5 hr postinfection. by electron microscopy, intranuclear nucleocapsids were detected at 10 hr postinfection and at about the same time, the titer of intracellular infectious ...197916945842
infection of spodoptera frugiperda cells with autographa californica nuclear polyhedrosis virus ii. the viral dna and the kinetics of its replication.the kinetics of replication of autographa californica nuclear polyhedrosis virus (acnpv) dna in spodoptera frugiperda cells in culture were studied. viral dna replication started at about 5 hr postinfection, the rate of viral dna replication reached a maximum at about 18 hr postinfection and thereafter decreased. parental viral dna could be detected within the first hour postinfection in the total intracellular dna by the southern technique. there was no evidence for the occurrence of acnpv dna ...197916945843
infectious dna from autographa californica nuclear polyhedrosis virus.cells from the lepidopteran spodoptera frugiperda can be successfully transfected in culture with the dna from autographa californica nuclear polyhedrosis virus (acnpv). the calcium chloride precipitation procedure has been used in conjunction with dimethyl sulfoxide treatment of the transfected cells. the highest specific infectivity observed was 6.1 x 10(4) pfu/mug of acnpv dna. as judged from a comparison of the restriction patterns of viral dna preparations, the virus produced in transfectio ...198016945844
a recombinant truncated cry1ca protein is toxic to lepidopteran insects and forms large cuboidal crystals in insect cells.a truncated version of the cry1ca gene from bacillus thuringiensis was introduced into the genome of autographa californica multiple nucleopolyhedrovirus (acmnpv) under the control of two promoters. a recombinant virus (vsyncry1c) was isolated and used to infect insect cells in culture and insect larvae. structural and ultrastructural analysis of insects infected with vsyncry1c showed the formation of large cuboidal crystals inside the cytoplasm of insect cells in culture and in insect cadavers ...200616972133
autographa californica multiple nucleopolyhedrovirus nucleocapsid assembly is interrupted upon deletion of the 38k gene.38k (ac98) of autographa californica multiple nucleopolyhedrovirus (acmnpv) is a highly conserved baculovirus gene whose function is unknown. to determine the role of 38k in the baculovirus life cycle, a 38k knockout bacmid containing the acmnpv genome was generated through homologous recombination in escherichia coli. furthermore, a 38k repair bacmid was constructed by transposing the 38k open reading frame with its native promoter region into the polyhedrin locus of the 38k knockout bacmid. af ...200616987976
baculovirus display: a multifunctional technology for gene delivery and eukaryotic library development.for over a decade, phage display has proven to be of immense value, allowing selection of a large variety of genes with novel functions from diverse libraries. however, the folding and modification requirements of complex proteins place a severe constraint on the type of protein that can be successfully displayed using this strategy, a restriction that could be resolved by similarly engineering a eukaryotic virus for display purposes. the quite recently established eukaryotic molecular biology t ...200616997010
genome of the most widely used viral biopesticide: anticarsia gemmatalis multiple nucleopolyhedrovirus.the genome of anticarsia gemmatalis multiple nucleopolyhedrovirus isolate 2d (agmnpv-2d), which is the most extensively used virus pesticide in the world, was completely sequenced and shown to have 132 239 bp (g+c content 44.5 mol%) and to be capable of encoding 152 non-overlapping open reading frames (orfs). three orfs were unique to agmnpv-2d, one of which (ag31) had similarity to eukaryotic poly(adp-ribose) polymerases. the lack of chia and v-cath may explain some of the success and growth of ...200617030857
[a novel application of baculovirus in mammalian gene therapy].baculovirus has been widely used for the production of recombinant proteins in insect cells. the extremely high yield by baculovirus-infected insect cells or larvae makes it an attractive tool for pharmaceutical protein production. since the finding that baculovirus can efficiently transduce mammalian cells, the applications of baculovirus have been greatly expanded. although acmnpv (autographa californica multiple npv) fails to replicate in vertebrate cells, it does express alien genes with lev ...200617037077
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