prey use by dingoes in a contested landscape: ecosystem service provider or biodiversity threat? | in australia, dingoes (canis lupus dingo) have been implicated in the decline and extinction of a number of vertebrate species. the lowland wet tropics of queensland, australia is a biologically rich area with many species of rainforest-restricted vertebrates that could be threatened by dingoes; however, the ecological impacts of dingoes in this region are poorly understood. we determined the potential threat posed by dingoes to native vertebrates in the lowland wet tropics using dingo scat/stom ... | 2017 | 29152188 |
the novel isoxazoline ectoparasiticide lotilaner (credelio™): a non-competitive antagonist specific to invertebrates γ-aminobutyric acid-gated chloride channels (gabacls). | the isoxazolines are a novel class of parasiticides that are potent inhibitors of γ-aminobutyric acid (gaba)-gated chloride channels (gabacls) and, to a lesser extent, of inhibitory glutamate-gated chloride channels (glucls). lotilaner (credelio™), a novel representative of this chemical class, is currently evaluated for its excellent ectoparasiticide properties. | 2017 | 29089046 |
shapes of differential pulse voltammograms and level of metallothionein at different animal species. | metallothioneins play a key role in maintaining homeostasis of essential metalsand in protecting of cells against metal toxicity as well as oxidative damaging. exceptinghumans, blood levels of metallothionein have not yet been reported from any animalspecies. blood plasma samples of 9 animal species were analysed by the adsorptive transferstripping technique to obtain species specific voltammograms. quite distinct records wereobtained from the takin (budorcas taxicolor), while other interesting ... | 2007 | 28903235 |
occurrence of tongue worm,linguatula cf. serrata(pentastomida: linguatulidae) in wild canids and livestock in south-eastern australia. | pentastomids are obligate zoonotic arthropod parasites utilising canids and vulpids as their definitive hosts and several herbivorous species as their intermediate hosts. reported only 10 times in australia over the last 150 years as incidental findings, adult pentastomids referred to aslinguatula serratahave been encountered in nasal cavities of domestic and wild dogs, and foxes. nymphs have been reported in cattle and rabbits. in the present study, a number of potential definitive hosts, inclu ... | 2017 | 28971014 |
differences in the gut microbiota of dogs (canis lupus familiaris) fed a natural diet or a commercial feed revealed by the illumina miseq platform. | recent advances in next-generation sequencing technologies have enabled comprehensive analysis of the gut microbiota, which is closely linked to the health of the host. consequently, several studies have explored the factors affecting gut microbiota composition. in recent years, increasing number of dog owners are feeding their pets a natural diet i.e., one consisting of bones, raw meat (such as chicken and beef), and vegetables, instead of commercial feed. however, the effect of these diets on ... | 2017 | 29201150 |
uterine and placental distribution of selected extracellular matrix (ecm) components in the dog. | for many years, modifications of the uterine extracellular matrix (ecm) during gestation have not been considered as critical for successful canine (canis lupus familiaris) pregnancy. however previous reports indicated an effect of free-floating blastocysts on the composition of the uterine ecm. here, the expression of selected genes involved in structural functions, cell-to-cell communication and inhibition of matrix metalloproteinases were targeted utilizing qpcr and immunohistochemistry. we f ... | 2018 | 29439094 |
octopus-toolkit: a workflow to automate mining of public epigenomic and transcriptomic next-generation sequencing data. | octopus-toolkit is a stand-alone application for retrieving and processing large sets of next-generation sequencing (ngs) data with a single step. octopus-toolkit is an automated set-up-and-analysis pipeline utilizing the aspera, sra toolkit, fastqc, trimmomatic, hisat2, star, samtools, and homer applications. all the applications are installed on the user's computer when the program starts. upon the installation, it can automatically retrieve original files of various epigenomic and transcripto ... | 2018 | 29420797 |
a case for methodological overhaul and increased study of executive function in the domestic dog (canis lupus familiaris). | executive function (ef) allows for self-regulation of behavior including maintaining focus in the face of distraction, inhibiting behavior that is suboptimal or inappropriate in a given context, and updating the contents of working memory. while ef has been studied extensively in humans, it has only recently become a topic of research in the domestic dog. in this paper, i argue for increased study of dog ef by explaining how it might influence the owner-dog bond, human safety, and dog welfare, a ... | 2018 | 29380086 |
spatially varying density dependence drives a shifting mosaic of survival in a recovering apex predator (canis lupus). | understanding landscape patterns in mortality risk is crucial for promoting recovery of threatened and endangered species. humans affect mortality risk in large carnivores such as wolves (canis lupus), but spatiotemporally varying density dependence can significantly influence the landscape of survival. this potentially occurs when density varies spatially and risk is unevenly distributed. we quantified spatiotemporal sources of variation in survival rates of gray wolves (c. lupus) during a 21-y ... | 2017 | 29187986 |
xx disorder of sex development is associated with an insertion on chromosome 9 and downregulation of rspo1 in dogs (canis lupus familiaris). | remarkable progress has been achieved in understanding the mechanisms controlling sex determination, yet the cause for many disorders of sex development (dsd) remains unknown. of particular interest is a rare xx dsd subtype in which individuals are negative for sry, the testis determining factor on the y chromosome, yet develop testes or ovotestes, and both of these phenotypes occur in the same family. this is a naturally occurring disorder in humans (homo sapiens) and dogs (c. familiaris). phen ... | 2017 | 29053721 |
free-ranging dogs prefer petting over food in repeated interactions with unfamiliar humans. | dogs (canis lupus familiaris) are the first species to have been domesticated and, unlike other domesticated species, they have developed a special bond with their owners. the ability to respond to human gestures and language, and the hypersocial behaviours of dogs are considered key factors that have led them to become man's best friend. free-ranging dogs provide an excellent model system for understanding the dog-human relationship in various social contexts. in india, free-ranging dogs occur ... | 2017 | 29038310 |
interspecies transmission of emotional information via chemosignals: from humans to dogs (canis lupus familiaris). | we report a study examining interspecies emotion transfer via body odors (chemosignals). do human body odors (chemosignals) produced under emotional conditions of happiness and fear provide information that is detectable by pet dogs (labrador and golden retrievers)? the odor samples were collected from the axilla of male donors not involved in the main experiment. the experimental setup involved the co-presence of the dog's owner, a stranger and the odor dispenser in a space where the dogs could ... | 2018 | 28988316 |
understanding predation risk and individual variation in risk avoidance for threatened boreal caribou. | predation risk is a driver of species' distributions. animals can increase risk avoidance in response to fluctuations in predation risk, but questions remain regarding individual variability and the capacity to respond to changes in spatial risk across human-altered landscapes. in northeast british columbia, canada, boreal caribou populations declined as roads and seismic lines have increased, which are theorized to increase gray wolf predation. our goal was to model risk and to evaluate individ ... | 2017 | 29238553 |
compensatory selection for roads over natural linear features by wolves in northern ontario: implications for caribou conservation. | woodland caribou (rangifer tarandus caribou) in ontario are a threatened species that have experienced a substantial retraction of their historic range. part of their decline has been attributed to increasing densities of anthropogenic linear features such as trails, roads, railways, and hydro lines. these features have been shown to increase the search efficiency and kill rate of wolves. however, it is unclear whether selection for anthropogenic linear features is additive or compensatory to se ... | 2017 | 29117234 |
nowhere to hide: effects of linear features on predator-prey dynamics in a large mammal system. | rapid landscape alteration associated with human activity is currently challenging the evolved dynamical stability of many predator-prey systems by forcing species to behaviourally respond to novel environmental stimuli. in many forested systems, linear features (lfs) such as roads, pipelines and resource exploration lines (i.e. seismic lines) are a ubiquitous form of landscape alteration that have been implicated in altering predator-prey dynamics. one hypothesized effect is that lfs facilitate ... | 2018 | 28940254 |
potential role of wolf (canis lupus) as passive carrier of european brown hare syndrome virus (ebhsv). | european brown hare syndrome virus (ebhsv) was detected in a faecal swab collected from a wolf carcass in northern italy. the full-length genome of the ebhsv wolf/17/2016/ita strain was determined. in the vp60 capsid gene, the wolf strain displayed the highest genetic identity (99.2-99.1% nucleotide and 99.6-99.7% amino acid) with two ebhsv strains recently found in the intestinal content of a red fox and in the spleen and liver of a hare in northern italy. this finding poses interrogatives on t ... | 2017 | 29195228 |
cutaneous toxicity in a laboratory beagle (canis lupus familiaris) after chronic administration of doxorubicin hydrochloride. | an adult female beagle (canis lupus familiaris) used in a model of doxorubicin-induced cardiomyopathy presented with epithelial desquamation on the shoulders and ventrum after receiving the 8th weekly intravenous dose of the free form of doxorubicin (20 mg/m2; total accumulation, 160 mg/m2). the lesions were empirically treated with topical disinfectants and topical and systemic antibiotics. despite treatment, the lesions progressed and ulcerated. bacterial culture revealed staphylococcus aureus ... | 2018 | 29460722 |
spatially-explicit model for assessing wild dog control strategies in western australia. | large predators can significantly impact livestock industries. in australia, wild dogs (canis lupus familiaris,canis lupus dingo,and hybrids) cause economic losses of more than aud$40m annually. landscape-scale exclusion fencing coupled with lethal techniques is a widely practiced control method. in western australia, the state barrier fence encompasses approximately 260,000km2of predominantly agricultural land, but its effectiveness in preventing wild dogs from entering the agricultural region ... | 2018 | 29456284 |
a splice site variant in the suv39h2 gene in greyhounds with nasal parakeratosis. | hereditary nasal parakeratosis (hnpk), described in the labrador retriever breed, is a monogenic autosomal recessive disorder that causes crusts and fissures on the nasal planum of otherwise healthy dogs. our group previously showed that this genodermatosis may be caused by a missense variant located in the suv39h2 gene encoding a histone 3 lysine 9 methyltransferase, a chromatin modifying enzyme with a potential role in keratinocyte differentiation. in the present study, we investigated a litte ... | 2018 | 29423952 |
exploring the gaps in practical ethical guidance for animal welfare considerations of field interventions and innovations targeting dogs and cats. | domestic dogs (canis lupus familiaris) and cats (felis silvestris catus) are common species targeted by nongovernmental or intergovernmental organizations, veterinarians and government agencies worldwide, for field interventions (e.g., population management, rabies vaccination programs) or innovations (e.g., development of technologies or pharmaceuticals to improve animal welfare). we have a moral responsibility to ensure that the conduct of this work is humane for dogs or cats, and to consider ... | 2018 | 29382052 |
the occurrence of some nonblood protozoan parasites in wild and domestic mammals in south africa. | relatively little is known about protozoan parasites in african animals. here we investigated the occurrence of protozoan parasites in mammals from south africa. oocysts of protozoan parasites were detected in 13 of 56 (23%) fecal samples using conventional microscopic examination methods. cryptosporidium spp. and isospora spp. were detected in eight (14 %) and five (9 %) samples, respectively. mixed parasitic infection of cryptosporidium spp. and isospora spp. was recorded in banded mongoose ( ... | 2018 | 29369722 |
confirmation of echinococcus canadensis g8 and g10 in idaho gray wolves ( canis lupus) and cervids. | we confirm the presence of echinococcus canadensis genotypes g8 and g10 in gray wolves ( canis lupus) and cervids in idaho. our results demonstrated that cystic echinococcosis remains a potential public health issue, indicating the need for regular deworming of domestic dogs, who often act as potential bridge hosts. | 2018 | 29369720 |
luteal and hypophyseal expression of the canine relaxin (rln) system during pregnancy: implications for luteotropic function. | by acting through its receptors (rxfp1, rxfp2), relaxin (rln) exerts species-specific effects during pregnancy; possible luteotropic effects through stimulation of prolactin (prl) release have been suggested. in the domestic dog (canis lupus familiaris) serum prl increases in pregnant bitches shortly after rln appears in the circulation, and a possible functional relationship between the rln and the prl systems in regulating progesterone secretion has been implied. therefore, here (study 1) the ... | 2018 | 29364921 |
a novel mlph variant in dogs with coat colour dilution. | coat colour dilution may be the result of altered melanosome transport in melanocytes. loss-of-function variants in the melanophilin gene (mlph) cause a recessively inherited form of coat colour dilution in many mammalian and avian species including the dog. mlph corresponds to the d locus in many domestic animals, and recessive alleles at this locus are frequently denoted with d. in this study, we investigated dilute coloured chow chows whose coat colour could not be explained by their genotype ... | 2018 | 29349785 |
metabolic differences between dogs of different body sizes. | the domesticated dog,canis lupus familiaris, has been selectively bred to produce extreme diversity in phenotype and genotype. dogs have an immense diversity in weight and height. specific differences in metabolism have not been characterized in small dogs as compared to larger dogs. | 2017 | 29225968 |
an anatomic description of intrinsic brachial muscles in the crab-eating fox (cerdocyon thous, linnaeus 1776) and report of a variant arterial distribution. | the crab-eating fox (cerdocyon thous) is a wild canid distributed throughout south america. it is one of the wild canids reported being hit by vehicles and injured in snares, thus inducing trauma or injury to the musculoskeletal system, possibly occurring in the brachial region. the main objective of this research was to provide an anatomic description of the crab-eating fox's intrinsic brachial muscles including shape, origin, insertion, innervation and arterial blood supply, compared with that ... | 2017 | 29214655 |
nasally-administered oxytocin has limited effects on owner-directed attachment behavior in pet dogs(canis lupus familiaris). | the present study explored the effects of intranasal oxytocin, a naturally occurring hormone, on the behavior of pet dogs during an attachment test. each dog participated in two testing sessions. on one visit saline was administered nasally, and on another, oxytocin was administered nasally. for half of the dogs (n= 20), solutions were administered with a mucosal atomization device (mad) and for half of the dogs (n= 20), solutions were administered using a nasal spray bottle. condition order was ... | 2017 | 29033879 |
modelling personality, plasticity and predictability in shelter dogs. | behavioural assessments of shelter dogs (canis lupus familiaris) typically comprise standardized test batteries conducted at one time point, but test batteries have shown inconsistent predictive validity. longitudinal behavioural assessments offer an alternative. we modelled longitudinal observational data on shelter dog behaviour using the framework of behavioural reaction norms, partitioning variance into personality (i.e. inter-individual differences in behaviour), plasticity (i.e. inter-indi ... | 2017 | 28989764 |
comprehensive annotation and evolutionary insights into the canine (canis lupus familiaris) antigen receptor loci. | dogs are an excellent model for human disease. for example, the treatment of canine lymphoma has been predictive of the human response to that treatment. however, an incomplete picture of canine (canis lupus familiaris) immunoglobulin (ig) and t cell receptor (tr)-or antigen receptor (ar)-gene loci has restricted their utility. this work advances the annotation of the canine ar loci and looks into breed-specific features of the loci. bioinformatic analysis of unbiased rna sequence data was used ... | 2017 | 28924718 |
pyrazine analogues from wolf urine induced unlearned fear in rats. | urine excreted from the common grey wolf (canis lupus) contains a kairomone, inducing fear-related behaviors in various mammals. numerous fear-inducing substances activate neurons at the main and/or accessory olfactory bulb (aob), medial and central amygdala, and hypothalamus. our previous study showed that the mixture of pyrazine analogues (p-mix) contained in wolf urine induced avoidance and fear-related behaviors in laboratory mice and hokkaido deer (cervus nippon yesoensis), a species native ... | 2017 | 28920093 |
the investigation for potential modifier genes in patients with neurofibromatosis type 1 based on next-generation sequencing. | neurofibromatosis type 1 (nf1) is a common mendelian multi-system disorder that is characterized by café-au-lait spots (cls), axillary freckling, optic glioma and plexiform neurofibroma. various mutations of thenf1gene are widely accepted to be the main cause of this disease, while whether there are still certain other modifier genes that could influence the phenotypes of nf1 is our concern. | 2018 | 29503567 |
first molecular identification of kobuviruses in wolves (canis lupus) in italy. | canine kobuviruses (cakovs) were first identified in diarrhoeic and asymptomatic dogs in 2011 in the usa. subsequent studies have demonstrated a worldwide distribution of these viruses, but it is not clear if cakovs play a role as enteric pathogens of dogs. more recently, cakov rna has been detected in wild carnivores, including red fox, golden jackal, side-striped jackal and spotted hyena. in this study, we addressed the hypothesis that wolves are susceptible to cakov infections. a total of 185 ... | 2018 | 29101539 |
quantifying the biomagnification capability of arctic wolf and domestic dog by equilibrium sampling. | the mechanism underlying contaminant biomagnification is a decrease in the volume (v) and the fugacity capacity (z) of food during digestion in the gastrointestinal tract. traditionally, biomagnification is quantified by measuring contaminant concentrations in animal tissues. here, we present a proof-of-concept study to noninvasively derive the thermodynamic limit to an organism's biomagnification capability (biomagnification limit -bmflim) by determining the ratio of the v·z-products of undiges ... | 2020 | 32363860 |
post-conflict opponent affiliation reduces victim re-aggression in a family group of captive arctic wolves (canis lupus arctos). | post-conflict affiliative interactions have been widely investigated in primates but not extensively in other species. using the post conflict-matched control (pc-mc) comparison method, this study investigated the patterns of post-conflict opponent affiliation (poa) of a captive family group of 19 arctic wolves (canis lupus arctos), investigating the correlation with various factors. we found that poas occurred mainly in the non-feeding context and more often when the victim was dominant and the ... | 2017 | 29108020 |
interspecific gene flow shaped the evolution of the genus canis. | the evolutionary history of the wolf-like canids of the genus canis has been heavily debated, especially regarding the number of distinct species and their relationships at the population and species level [1-6]. we assembled a dataset of 48 resequenced genomes spanning all members of the genus canis except the black-backed and side-striped jackals, encompassing the global diversity of seven extant canid lineages. this includes eight new genomes, including the first resequenced ethiopian wolf (c ... | 2018 | 30344120 |
using spatial, economic, and ecological opinion data to inform gray wolf conservation. | public opinion can be an influential factor in wildlife management decisions. evaluating public opinions can help legitimize, or delegitimize, management and facilitate long-term conservation goals. this is especially true for the controversial issues surrounding the management of predators. we surveyed montana, usa, residents during summer of 2013 to measure public opinion regarding economic and ecological impacts of the gray wolf (canis lupus), and current management of this species. although ... | 2016 | 29706677 |
examining human-carnivore interactions using a socio-ecological framework: sympatric wild canids in india as a case study. | many carnivores inhabit human-dominated landscapes outside protected reserves. spatially explicit assessments of carnivore distributions and livestock depredation patterns in human-use landscapes are crucial for minimizing negative interactions and fostering coexistence between people and predators. india harbours 23% of the world's carnivore species that share space with 1.3 billion people in approximately 2.3% of the global land area. we examined carnivore distributions and human-carnivore int ... | 2019 | 31218031 |
heterogeneity of trypanosoma cruzi infection rates in vectors and animal reservoirs in colombia: a systematic review and meta-analysis. | the heterogeneity of trypanosoma cruzi infection rates among triatomines insects and animal reservoirs has been studied in independent studies, but little information has been systematised to allow pooled and comparative estimates. unravelling the main patterns of this heterogeneity could contribute to a further understanding of t. cruzi transmission in colombia. | 2019 | 31221188 |
widespread cis-regulatory convergence between the extinct tasmanian tiger and gray wolf. | the extinct marsupial tasmanian tiger, or thylacine, and the eutherian gray wolf are among the most widely recognized examples of convergent evolution in mammals. despite being distantly related, these large predators independently evolved extremely similar craniofacial morphologies, and evidence suggests that they filled similar ecological niches. previous analyses revealed little evidence of adaptive convergence between their protein-coding genes. thus, the genetic basis of their convergence i ... | 2019 | 31533979 |
native reptiles alter their foraging in the presence of the olfactory cues of invasive mammalian predators. | invasive mammalian predators are linked to terrestrial vertebrate extinctions worldwide. prey naïveté may explain the large impact invasive predators have on native prey; prey may fail to detect and react appropriately to the cues of novel predators, which results in high levels of depredation. in australia, the feral cat (felis catus) and the red fox (vulpes vulpes) are implicated in more than 30 animal extinctions and the naïveté of native prey is often used to explain this high extinction rat ... | 2018 | 30473801 |
imgt® biocuration and comparative study of the t cell receptor beta locus of veterinary species based on homo sapiens trb. | imgt®, the international immunogenetics information system® is the global reference in immunogenetics and immunoinformatics. by its creation in 1989 by marie-paule lefranc (université de montpellier and cnrs), imgt® marked the advent of immunoinformatics, which emerged at the interface between immunogenetics and bioinformatics. imgt® is specialized in the immunoglobulins (ig) or antibodies, t cell receptors (tr), major histocompatibility (mh), and proteins of the igsf and mhsf superfamilies. t c ... | 2020 | 32431713 |
assessment of bias in morphological identification of carnivore scats confirmed with molecular scatology in north-eastern himalayan region of pakistan. | scats are often used to study ecological parameters of carnivore species. however, field identification of carnivore scats, based on their morphological characteristics, becomes difficult if many carnivore species are distributed in the same area. we assessed error rates in morphological identification of five sympatric carnivores' scats in north-eastern himalayan region of pakistan during 2013-2017. a sample of 149 scats were subjected to molecular identification using fecal dna. we used a conf ... | 2018 | 30038872 |
understanding human-animal relations in the context of primate conservation: a multispecies ethnographic approach in north morocco. | strategies for conserving species threatened with extinction are often driven by ecological data. however, in anthropogenic landscapes, understanding and incorporating local people's perceptions may enhance species conservation. we examine the relationships shepherds, living on the periphery of the mixed oak forest of bouhachem in northern morocco, have with animals in the context of a conservation project for barbary macaques (macaca sylvanus). we analyse ethnographic data to provide insights i ... | 2018 | 29631265 |
the first records of spirometra erinaceieuropaei (cestoda: diphyllobothriidae), a causative agent of human sparganosis, in latvian wildlife. | diphyllobothriid tapeworms of the genus spirometra are causative agents of sparganosis, food-borne zoonotic parasitic disease. they have been recorded in broad spectrum of hosts, including humans, in all continents except antarctica. spirometra tapeworms have been intensively studied in several asian countries; however, they have been rather neglected in europe. the aim of this study was to provide a pilot screening of spirometra spp. in latvia, where data on sparganosis are not available. tapew ... | 2020 | 33174072 |
reintroduced wolves and hunting limit the abundance of a subordinate apex predator in a multi-use landscape. | top-down effects of apex predators are modulated by human impacts on community composition and species abundances. consequently, research supporting top-down effects of apex predators occurs almost entirely within protected areas rather than the multi-use landscapes dominating modern ecosystems. here, we developed an integrated population model to disentangle the concurrent contributions of a reintroduced apex predator, the grey wolf, human hunting and prey abundances on vital rates and abundanc ... | 2020 | 33171087 |
the intensity of physiological and behavioral responses of horses to predator vocalizations. | predatory attacks on horses can become a problem in some parts of the world, particularly when considering the recovering gray wolf populations. the issue studied was whether horses transformed by humans and placed in stable-pasture environments had retained their natural abilities to respond to predation risk. the objective of the study was to determine the changes in cardiac activity, cortisol concentrations, and behavior of horses in response to the vocalizations of two predators: the gray wo ... | 2020 | 33167961 |
nsdhl frameshift deletion in a mixed breed dog with progressive epidermal nevi. | loss-of-function variants in the nsdhl gene have been associated with epidermal nevi in humans with congenital hemidysplasia, ichthyosiform nevi, and limb defects (child) syndrome and in companion animals. the nsdhl gene codes for the nad(p)-dependent steroid dehydrogenase-like protein, which is involved in cholesterol biosynthesis. in this study, a female chihuahua cross with a clinical and histological phenotype consistent with progressive epidermal nevi is presented. all exons of the nsdhl ca ... | 2020 | 33143176 |
what the dingo says about dog domestication. | worldwide, dogs (canis familiaris) are certainly the most common domesticate (900 million according to the world atlas) and are sometimes used as a proxy for human presence. dogs were the first and therefore arguably most important species ever to be domesticated. it is widely accepted that the domestic dog is a descendent of pleistocene gray wolves (canis lupus), possibly of a population now extinct. how can an extant canid, the dingo (canis dingo or canis familiaris), whose status as a species ... | 2020 | 33103861 |
the dog-human connection. | this special issue of the anatomical record is the end result of a rare convergence of researchers scattered around the globe who came together to explore the mystery of the dog-human connection. many of the discussions at the 12th international congress of vertebrate morphology in prague (july 23, 2019) are echoed within this issue. the enigmatic origins of dog domestication (as well as feralized descendants such as the dingo) are discussed, including phases of domestication that we might infer ... | 2020 | 33098272 |
humans dominate the social interaction networks of urban free-ranging dogs in india. | research on human-animal interaction has skyrocketed in the last decade. rapid urbanization has led scientists to investigate its impact on several species living in the vicinity of humans. domesticated dogs (canis lupus familiaris) are one such species that interact with humans and are also called man's best friend. however, when it comes to the free-ranging population of dogs, interactions become quite complicated. unfortunately, studies regarding free-ranging dog-human interactions are limite ... | 2020 | 32982880 |
comparing the tractability of young hand-raised wolves (canis lupus) and dogs (canis familiaris). | dogs live in 45% of households, integrated into various human groups in various societies. this is certainly not true for wolves. we suggest that dogs' increased tractability (meant as individual dogs being easier to control, handle and direct by humans, in contrast to trainability defined as performance increase due to training) makes a crucial contribution to this fundamental difference. in this study, we assessed the development of tractability in hand-raised wolves and similarly raised dogs. ... | 2020 | 32895422 |
wolf howling and emergency sirens: a hypothesis of natural and technical convergence of aposematic signals. | acoustic signals serving intraspecific communication by predators are perceived by potential prey as warning signals. we analysed the acoustic characteristics of howling of wolves and found a striking similarity to the warning sounds of technical sirens. we hypothesize that the effectivity of sirens as warning signals has been enhanced by natural sensory predisposition of humans to get alerted by howling of wolves, with which they have a long history of coexistence. psychoacoustic similarity of ... | 2020 | 32876792 |
complex ecological interactions across a focus of cutaneous leishmaniasis in eastern colombia: novel description of leishmania species, hosts and phlebotomine fauna. | this study aimed to analyse the patterns of diversity, blood sources and leishmania species of phlebotomines in a focus of cutaneous leishmaniasis in arboledas, eastern colombia. in total, 1729 phlebotomines were captured in two localities (62.3% siravita and 37.7% cinera) and five environments of norte de santander. we identified 18 species of phlebotomines: pintomyia ovallesi (29.8%), psychodopygus davisi (20.3%), pi. spinicrassa (18.5%) and lutzomyia gomezi (15.8%) showed the highest abundanc ... | 2020 | 32874625 |
do dogs eavesdrop on human interactions in a helping situation? | eavesdropping is the acquisition of information by observing third-party interactions. considering dogs' (canis lupus familiaris) dependence on humans, it would be beneficial for them to eavesdrop on human interactions to choose an appropriate partner to associate with. previous studies have found that dogs preferred a human who acted generously or cooperatively towards another human over one who acted selfishly or non-cooperatively, however they often did not control for potential location bias ... | 2020 | 32845903 |
metabolome of canine and human saliva: a non-targeted metabolomics study. | saliva metabolites are suggested to reflect the health status of an individual in humans. the same could be true with the dog (canis lupus familiaris), an important animal model of human disease, but its saliva metabolome is unknown. as a non-invasive sample, canine saliva could offer a new alternative material for research to reveal molecular mechanisms of different (patho)physiological stages, and for veterinary medicine to monitor dogs' health trajectories. | 2020 | 32840693 |
transcriptome profiling and differential gene expression in canine microdissected anagen and telogen hair follicles and interfollicular epidermis. | the transcriptome profile and differential gene expression in telogen and late anagen microdissected hair follicles and the interfollicular epidermis of healthy dogs was investigated by using rnaseq. the genes with the highest expression levels in each group were identified and genes known from studies in other species to be associated with structure and function of hair follicles and epidermis were evaluated. transcriptome profiling revealed that late anagen follicles expressed mainly keratins ... | 2020 | 32759649 |
training differences predict dogs' (canis lupus familiaris) preferences for prosocial others. | humans evaluate other agents' behavior on a variety of different dimensions, including morally, from a very early age. for example, human infants as young as 6-months old prefer prosocial over antisocial others and demonstrate negative evaluations of antisocial others in a variety of paradigms (hamlin et al. in nature 450(7169):557, 2007; dev sci 13(6):923-929, 2010; proc natl acad sci 108(50):19931-19936, 2011). while these tendencies are well documented in the human species, less is known abou ... | 2020 | 32757105 |
epidemiological and clinical characteristics of trypanosoma cruzi infection in dogs (canis lupus familiaris) from a chagas disease-endemic urban area in colombia. | in the last few years, an unusual increase in the number of acute chagas disease outbreaks, presumably due to oral transmission, has been reported in urban areas in santander, colombia. given the importance of dogs (canis lupus familiaris) as reservoir hosts and sentinels of t. cruzi infection across different regions of america, we carried out a serological and molecular survey on t. cruzi infection in 215 dogs from the metropolitan area of bucaramanga, santander. serological detection was carr ... | 2020 | 32712412 |
secondary palate development in the dog (canis lupus familiaris). | to investigate the gestational timing of morphologic events in normal canine secondary palate development as a baseline for studies in dog models of isolated cleft palate (cp). | 2020 | 32705901 |
first molecular subtyping and phylogeny of blastocystis sp. isolated from domestic and synanthropic animals (dogs, cats and brown rats) in southern iran. | blastocystis sp. is a common intestinal protist that infects humans and many animals globally. thus far, 22 subtypes (sts) have been identified in mammalian and avian hosts. since various sts are common to humans and animals, it was suggested that some human infections might arise from zoonotic transmission. therefore, the aim of this study was to assess the presence of blastocystis sp. in domestic (dogs and cats) and synanthropic animals (rats) of fars province, iran, and to genetically charact ... | 2020 | 32698882 |
leishmania infantum in us-born dog. | leishmaniasis is a vectorborne disease that can infect humans, dogs, and other mammals. we identified one of its causative agents, leishmania infantum, in a dog born in california, usa, demonstrating potential for autochthonous infections in this country. our finding bolsters the need for improved leishmaniasis screening practices in the united states. | 2020 | 32687032 |
sociability of indian free-ranging dogs (canis lupus familiaris) varies with human movement in urban areas. | cohabiting with humans in the same ecological space requires significant variation in the behavioral repertoire of animals. behavioral variation can potentially improve the chances of survival of an individual. the influence of humans can be measured by quantifying specific behavioral parameters of the interacting individuals. sociability or the tendency to be friendly toward others is one of many personality traits in animals that can provide us with insights regarding their relationship with h ... | 2020 | 32584054 |
comparative analysis of tear composition in humans, domestic mammals, reptiles, and birds. | tears are an important component of the ocular surface protection mechanism and are in close contact with the corneal epithelium and the environment. their composition is well-known in humans; however, there are few investigations on the composition and function of tears in reptiles, birds and others mammals, which would elucidate the mechanisms governing the maintenance of ocular homeostasis. in this work, electrophoretic profiles and an evaluation of total protein, albumin, urea, glucose, and ... | 2020 | 32528986 |
distinguishing the taphonomic signature of wolves from humans and other predators on small prey assemblages. | the study of human subsistence strategies in prehistoric hunter-gatherer communities is essential to understanding the evolution of human behaviour. an important topic of interest is the expansion of dietary breadth, resulting in the procurement of a larger number of small game species. however, to make accurate interpretations of human subsistence, the correct identification of the agents responsible for archaeofaunal assemblages is crucial, and actualistic studies that establish the taphonomic ... | 2020 | 32415219 |
molecular investigation of vector-borne pathogens in red foxes (vulpes vulpes) from southern france. | because of their free-ranging nature, the probability of wild animals being exposed to vector-borne pathogens is likely higher than that of humans and pets. recently, the red fox (vulpes vulpes) has been suspected as being a reservoir or host of several pathogens of veterinary and public health importance. we conducted a molecular survey on 93 red foxes hunted in 2008-18, in the departments of bouches-du-rhône and var, in southeastern france, for pathogens including leishmania infantum, piroplas ... | 2020 | 32402231 |
atp2a2 sine insertion in an irish terrier with darier disease and associated infundibular cyst formation. | a 4-month-old female irish terrier presented with a well demarcated ulcerative and crusting lesion in the right ear canal. histological analysis revealed epidermal hyperplasia with severe acantholysis affecting all suprabasal layers of the epidermis, which prompted a presumptive diagnosis of canine darier disease. the lesion was successfully treated by repeated laser ablation of the affected epidermis. over the course of three years, the dog additionally developed three dermal nodules of up to 4 ... | 2020 | 32354065 |
a dsg1 frameshift variant in a rottweiler dog with footpad hyperkeratosis. | a single male rottweiler dog with severe footpad hyperkeratosis starting at an age of eight weeks was investigated. the hyperkeratosis was initially restricted to the footpads. the footpad lesions caused severe discomfort to the dog and had to be trimmed under anesthesia every 8-10 weeks. histologically, the epidermis showed papillated villous projections of dense keratin in the stratum corneum. starting at eight months of age, the patient additionally developed signs consistent with atopic derm ... | 2020 | 32344723 |
wolf media coverage in the region of castilla y león (spain): variations over time and in two contrasting socio-ecological settings. | people's attitudes towards large carnivores, and thus public support for their conservation, can be influenced by how these species are framed in the media. therefore, assessing media coverage of large carnivores is of particular interest for their coexistence with humans. i used content analysis to assess how the grey wolf was portrayed in a newspaper in northern spain, how wolf media coverage varied over time (2006-2017), and in two different socio-ecological settings. most documents addressed ... | 2020 | 32340236 |
pet dogs (canis lupus familiaris) release their trapped and distressed owners: individual variation and evidence of emotional contagion. | domestic dogs have assisted humans for millennia. however, the extent to which these helpful behaviors are prosocially motivated remains unclear. to assess the propensity of pet dogs to actively rescue distressed humans without explicit training, this study tested whether sixty pet dogs would release their seemingly trapped owners from a large box. to examine the causal mechanisms that shaped this behavior, the readiness of each dog to open the box was tested in three conditions: 1) the owner sa ... | 2020 | 32298391 |
aversion of the invasive asian longhorned tick to the white-footed mouse, the dominant reservoir of tick-borne pathogens in the u.s.a. | the asian longhorned tick (haemaphysalis longicornis) was reported for the first time in the u.s.a. in 2017 and has now spread across 12 states. the potential of this invasive tick vector to transmit pathogens will be determined through its association to hosts, such as the white-footed mouse (peromyscus leucopus), which is the primary reservoir for the causative agent of lyme disease (borrelia burgdorferi) and other zoonotic pathogens. larval h. longicornis were placed on p. leucopus; 65% of th ... | 2020 | 32249973 |
humanity's best friend: a dog-centric approach to addressing global challenges. | no other animal has a closer mutualistic relationship with humans than the dog (canis familiaris). domesticated from the eurasian grey wolf (canis lupus), dogs have evolved alongside humans over millennia in a relationship that has transformed dogs and the environments in which humans and dogs have co-inhabited. the story of the dog is the story of recent humanity, in all its biological and cultural complexity. by exploring human-dog-environment interactions throughout time and space, it is poss ... | 2020 | 32192138 |
glucocorticoid metabolism in critically ill dogs (canis lupus familiaris). | critical illness due to sepsis is a major global health concern associated with a high burden of mortality and cost. glucocorticoid dysregulation in human sepsis is associated with poorer outcomes. this study examines glucocorticoid metabolism in septic canine patients to delineate elements of cellular dysregulation in common with critically ill humans and explore potential differences. this was a prospective case-control study conducted in the veterinary specialist critical care departments of ... | 2020 | 32169755 |
the changing sociocultural context of wildlife conservation. | we introduced a multilevel model of value shift to describe the changing social context of wildlife conservation. our model depicts how cultural-level processes driven by modernization (e.g., increased wealth, education, and urbanization) affect changes in individual-level cognition that prompt a shift from domination to mutualism wildlife values. domination values promote beliefs that wildlife should be used primarily to benefit humans, whereas mutualism values adopt a view that wildlife are pa ... | 2020 | 32128885 |
consistency and efficacy of two methods of intranasal oxytocin application in dogs. | over the last few years, oxytocin (ot) administration to investigate the role of the oxytocinergic system in the social behavior of dogs has become of more and more interest. to date, the most common ot administration method for dogs is the intranasal spray commonly used for humans. due to the different nasal conformation of dogs and the unpleasantness of the procedure, most dogs need to be restrained to allow administration. this has 2 main drawbacks-it may hinder reliable administration, which ... | 2020 | 32114215 |
molecular detection and identification of bartonella in the cat flea ctenocephalides felis felis collected from companion animals in a border area in northeastern argentina. | molecular methods were used to detect and identify bartonella species in the cat fleas ctenocephalides felis felis from puerto iguazú, a border area in northeastern argentina. the fleas were collected from 12 household animals, 9 dogs (canis lupus familiaris) and 3 cats (felis silvestris catus) during july 2016. out of 15c. f. felis analyzed for pcr, only one flea collected from a cat was positive (6.66%) in screened for bartonella spp. based on the glta gene. bartonella clarridgeiae was identif ... | 2020 | 32057388 |
intrinsic ball retrieving in wolf puppies suggests standing ancestral variation for human-directed play behavior. | domestication dramatically alters phenotypes across animal species. standing variation among ancestral populations often drives phenotypic change during domestication, but some changes are caused by novel mutations. in dogs (canis familiaris) specifically, it has been suggested that the ability to interpret social-communicative behavior expressed by humans originated post-domestication and this behavior is thus not expected to occur in wolves (canis lupus). here we report the observation of thre ... | 2020 | 31956066 |
canine metabolomics advances. | canis lupus familiaris is a domestic dog and many owners consider their pets as a family member. medical bills with dogs are overcame only by the health care received by humans. medical care is constantly progressing, and so is veterinary care. metabolomics is the ''omic" technique aimed to the study of metabolome, low-molecular weight molecules, through biofluids or tissue samples. and it also allows to evaluate disease diagnosis and prognosis, therapeutic evaluation and toxicological studies. | 2020 | 31955274 |
a unified str profiling system across multiple species with whole genome sequencing data. | short tandem repeats (strs) serve as genetic markers in forensic scenes due to their high polymorphism in eukaryotic genomes. a variety of strs profiling systems have been developed for species including human, dog, cat, cattle, etc. maintaining these systems simultaneously can be costly. these mammals share many high similar regions along their genomes. with the availability of the massive amount of the whole genomics data of these species, it is possible to develop a unified str profiling syst ... | 2019 | 31861983 |
first report of eyeworm infection by thelazia callipaeda in gray wolf (canis lupus) from serbia. | thelazia callipaeda, originally known as an "oriental eyeworm," is a small nematode parasitizing the conjunctival sacs of domestic and wild animals and humans. previous studies conducted in serbia have reported the eyeworm infections in dogs, cats, and foxes, as well as in a human patient. as the data regarding thelaziosis from wildlife is still scarce, the aim of this study was to investigate the presence of t. callipaeda in gray wolf (canis lupus) from serbia. all collected nematodes were morp ... | 2019 | 31722066 |
genome-wide association analysis for lethal brachycephalic-like facial dysmorphia in labrador retrievers. | a gwas was performed for inborn x-linked facial dysmorphia with severe growth retardation in labrador retrievers. this lethal condition was mapped on the x chromosome at 17-21 mb and supported by eight snps in complete ld. dams of affected male puppies were heterozygous for the significantly associated snps and male affected puppies carried the associated alleles hemizygously. in the near vicinity to the associated region, rps6ka3 was identified as a candidate gene causing facial dysmorphia in h ... | 2020 | 31691328 |
coyotes (canis latrans) in arizona, usa, exhibit immune and genetic evidence of rickettsial infections. | rocky mountain spotted fever (rmsf), caused by the bacterium rickettsia rickettsii, was recognized as endemic in arizona, us after a 2002 outbreak and has since been a public health concern. the brown dog tick (rhipicephalus sanguineus sensu lato) is the principal vector of this pathogen in arizona. domesticated dogs (canis lupus familiaris) are the tick's main host, so free-roaming dogs in peridomestic areas have been named the primary risk factor for human cases of rmsf. however, the sudden em ... | 2020 | 31658430 |
a missense variant in the nsdhl gene in a chihuahua with a congenital cornification disorder resembling inflammatory linear verrucous epidermal nevi. | congenital hemidysplasia with ichthyosiform nevus and limb defects syndrome in humans is a genodermatosis characterized by inflammatory linear verrucous epidermal nevi (ilven), often showing a striking lateralization pattern. it is caused by variants in the nsdhl gene encoding a 3β-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase involved in the cholesterol biosynthesis pathway. in the present study, we investigated a female chihuahua, which showed clinical and histological signs of ilven. we performed a candidate ... | 2019 | 31571289 |
pathology and discrete typing unit associations of trypanosoma cruzi infection in coyotes (canis latrans) and raccoons (procyon lotor) of texas, usa. | trypanosoma cruzi is a vector-borne, protozoal parasite of mammals. infected humans, dogs (canis lupus familiaris), and nonhuman primates may remain asymptomatic or may develop chagas disease, most commonly characterized by lymphoplasmacytic myocarditis with myocardial degeneration and fibrosis, ultimately resulting in heart failure. although wildlife species have important roles as sylvatic reservoirs, investigations into the pathology of t. cruzi in wildlife are limited to a few studies docume ... | 2020 | 31567037 |
subsidies from anthropogenic resources alter diet, activity, and ranging behavior of an apex predator (canis lupus). | acquisition of resources can be costly and individuals are predicted to optimize foraging strategies to maximize net energy gain. wolves (canis lupus) would be expected to scavenge on subsidies from anthropogenic resources when these resources provide an energetic benefit over the capture of wild prey. we examined the effects of subsidies from anthropogenic resources in the form of livestock carcass dumps (lcds) on wolf space use, activity, tortuosity, and diet in portions of north america's nor ... | 2019 | 31530832 |
diet and wild ungulate preferences of wolves in northwestern anatolia during winter. | the gray wolf (canis lupus) is making a comeback in many habitats in central europe, where it has been once extirpated. although densities are still low to moderate, this comeback already raises management concerns. in anatolia, the gray wolf is one of the most common predator species occupying almost all kind of habitats. although its numbers were reduced in some parts of the country, it has never been extirpated and lived in sympatry with humans. in this study we investigated, for the first ti ... | 2019 | 31497386 |
the effects of human attentional state on canine gazing behaviour: a comparison of free-ranging, shelter, and pet dogs. | the ability of animals to communicate using gaze is a rich area of research. how domestic dogs (canis lupus familiaris) use and respond to the gaze of humans is an area of particular interest. this study examined how three groups of domestic dogs from different populations (free-ranging dogs, pet dogs, and shelter dogs) responded to a human during three attentional state conditions: when the human was making eye contact (attentive), when the human was turned away (inattentive), and when the huma ... | 2019 | 31494800 |
a landscape of overlapping risks for wolf-human conflict in wisconsin, usa. | managing risk requires an adequate understanding of risk-factors that influence the likelihood of a particular event occurring in time and space. risk maps can be valuable tools for natural resource managers, allowing them to better understand spatial characteristics of risk. risk maps can also support risk-avoidance efforts by identifying which areas are relatively riskier than others. however, risks, such as human-carnivore conflict, can be diverse, multi-faceted, and overlapping in space. yet ... | 2019 | 31466178 |
high incidence of anti-cytokine autoantibodies in dogs with immune diseases suggests important immuno-regulatory functions. | autoantibodies against cytokines have been associated with immunodeficiency, susceptibility to infectious diseases, autoimmunity and inflammation in humans, but have not yet been investigated in the veterinary field so far. the aim of the current study was to determine the presence of anti-cytokine autoantibodies in canines suffering from various conditions including recurrent infections, autoimmune diseases and cancer in comparison to healthy controls. this is the first report of the presence o ... | 2019 | 31378221 |
compound heterozygosity for tnxb genetic variants in a mixed-breed dog with ehlers-danlos syndrome. | the ehlers-danlos syndromes (edss) are a heterogeneous group of inherited connective tissue disorders characterized by skin hyperextensibility, joint hypermobility and tissue fragility. inherited disorders similar to human eds have been reported in different mammalian species. in the present study, we investigated a female mixed-breed dog with clinical signs of eds. whole-genome sequencing of the affected dog revealed two missense variants in the tnxb gene, encoding the extracellular matrix prot ... | 2019 | 31365140 |
a review of sarcoptic mange in north american wildlife. | the "itch mite" or "mange mite", sarcoptes scabiei, causes scabies in humans and sarcoptic mange in domestic and free-ranging animals. this mite has a wide host range due to its ability to adapt to new hosts and has been spread across the globe presumably through human expansion. while disease caused by s. scabiei has been very well-studied in humans and domestic animals, there are still numerous gaps in our understanding of this pathogen in free-ranging wildlife. the literature on sarcoptic man ... | 2019 | 31304085 |
a six6 nonsense variant in golden retrievers with congenital eye malformations. | causative genetic variants for more than 30 heritable eye disorders in dogs have been reported. for other clinically described eye disorders, the genetic cause is still unclear. we investigated four golden retriever litters segregating for highly variable congenital eye malformations. several affected puppies had unilateral or bilateral retina dysplasia and/or optic nerve hypoplasia. the four litters shared the same father or grandfather suggesting a heritable condition with an autosomal dominan ... | 2019 | 31207931 |
ontogeny vs. phylogeny in primate/canid comparisons: a meta-analysis of the object choice task. | the object choice task (oct) is a widely used paradigm with which researchers measure the ability of a subject to comprehend deictic (directional) cues, such as pointing gestures and eye gaze. there is a widespread belief that nonhuman primates evince only a weak capacity to use deictic cues; in contrast, domestic dogs (canis lupus familiaris) tend to demonstrate high success rates. this pattern of canid superiority has been taken to support the domestication hypothesis, which posits enhancing e ... | 2019 | 31170434 |
the impact of selection for facial reduction in dogs: geometric morphometric analysis of canine cranial shape. | through artificial selection, humans have altered the morphology of domestic dogs and created the range of morphological traits present in the diverse dog breeds seen today. this article tests how artificial breeding for extreme facial reduction affects the craniodental complex in domestic dogs (canis lupus familiaris). these brachycephalic dog breeds allow for a natural experiment on facial reduction, providing additional insight into this well-studied phenomenon associated with the evolutionar ... | 2020 | 31152493 |
tracking cryptic animals using acoustic multilateration: a system for long-range wolf detection. | the study of animal behavior in the wild requires the ability to locate and observe animals with the minimum disturbance to their natural behavior. this can be challenging for animals that avoid humans, are difficult to detect, or range widely between sightings. global positioning system (gps) collars provide one solution but limited battery life, and the disturbance to the animal caused by capture and collaring can make this impractical in many applications. wild wolves canis lupus are an examp ... | 2019 | 31067959 |
testing the influence of habitat experienced during the natal phase on habitat selection later in life in scandinavian wolves. | natal habitat preference induction (nhpi) occurs when characteristics of the natal habitat influence the future habitat selection of an animal. however, the influence of nhpi after the dispersal phase has received remarkably little attention. we tested whether exposure to humans in the natal habitat helps understand why some adult wolves canis lupus may approach human settlements more than other conspecifics, a question of both ecological and management interest. we quantified habitat selection ... | 2019 | 31024020 |
the timeline development of female canine germ cells. | during the sex differentiation, the primordial germ cells (pgcs) pass through a differentiation, becoming spermatogonial cells in males and oocytes in females. in this phase, there is difference in gene expression and differentiation potency between males and females. specific cell markers have been essential in the pgc meiosis beginning and become oocyte cells. however, there are few studies about germline in domestic animals. the domestic dog (canis lupus familiaris) is an interesting animal m ... | 2019 | 31006155 |
estimating the intensity of use by interacting predators and prey using camera traps. | understanding how organisms distribute themselves in response to interacting species, ecosystems, climate, human development and time is fundamental to ecological study and practice. a measure to quantify the relationship among organisms and their environments is intensity of use: the rate of use of a specific resource in a defined unit of time. estimating the intensity of use differs from estimating probabilities of occupancy or selection, which can remain constant even when the intensity of us ... | 2019 | 30834526 |
echinococcus granulosus in the endangered patagonian huemul (hippocamelus bisulcus). | cystic echinococcosis (ce) is a zoonotic parasitic disease associated with echinococcus granulosus. the parasite is maintained by domestic and wild canids as definitive hosts with several ungulate species as intermediate hosts in domestic and peridomestic transmission cycles. in chile, ce is endemic, and the role of livestock and dogs (canis lupus familiaris) in the cycle and the accidental infection of humans are widely documented at rural sites. however, the role of wild herbivores in wild cyc ... | 2019 | 30789781 |
autochthonous cutaneous leishmaniasis in urban domestic animals (felis catus / canis lupus familiaris) from central-western venezuela. | leishmaniasis is a zoonotic disease caused by intracellular protozoa of the leishmania genus that are spread and transmitted by sandflies. natural infection and clinical disease in domestic cats and dogs appear to be rare or perhaps largely under-reported in endemic areas. however, previous reports on infected domestic animals usually implicate the same leishmania species that affect humans in tropical and subtropical areas of the world suggesting a potential role for zoonotic transmission. in t ... | 2019 | 30633896 |
a second krt71 allele in curly coated dogs. | major characteristics of coat variation in dogs can be explained by variants in only a few genes. until now, only one missense variant in the krt71 gene, p.arg151trp, has been reported to cause curly hair in dogs. however, this variant does not explain the curly coat in all breeds as the mutant 151 trp allele, for example, is absent in curly coated retrievers. we sequenced the genome of a curly coated retriever at 22× coverage and searched for variants in the krt71 gene. only one protein-changin ... | 2019 | 30444027 |