[influence of some pancreatic juice enzymes on the in vitro culture of giardia duodenalis]. | | 1968 | 4241552 |
[influence of periodic renewal conditions of media on cultural parameters of giardia duodenalis]. | | 1971 | 4258274 |
outbreak of giardia lamblia infections in a tourist-group; treatment with tinidazole. | | 1973 | 4275040 |
functional and histological changes of small bowel in patients with giardia lamblia infestation. | | 1974 | 4435880 |
inter- and intrafamilial distribution of giardia lamblia infection. | | 1974 | 4450101 |
clinical, microbiological, and immunological studies in patients with immunoglobulin deficiencies and gastrointestinal disorders. | seven patients with gastrointestinal disorders and deficiencies of serum and secretory immunoglobulins were evaluated clinically, microbiologically, and immunologically. five patients had generalized deficiencies of immunoglobulins; two were selectively deficient. diarrhoea and malabsorption in six of the seven patients were at least partially explained. four of the five patients with generalized hypogammaglobulinaemia had intestinal infestation with giardia lamblia; in three of the five, excess ... | 1972 | 4557306 |
[reciprocal influence of giardia lamblia infection and epidemic hepatitis]. | | 1972 | 4646614 |
giardia intestinalis. a prospective investigation of the prevalence in denmark. | | 1973 | 4697076 |
a case of giardia lamblia proctitis presenting in a v.d. clinic. | | 1973 | 4719164 |
abnormal (marker) chromosomes in a quinacrine-treated patient with isospora belli and giardia lamblia. | | 1973 | 4744405 |
giardia lamblia infection in a group of students after a visit to leningrad in march 1970. | | 1973 | 4780365 |
a comparative study of four methods for detecting giardia lamblia in children with diarrheal disease and malabsorption. | | 1974 | 4809494 |
giardia lamblia as parasite in humans. | | 1969 | 4894311 |
[the diagnosis of giardia lamblia infections (joint report). outline of articles on the subject of lambliasis]. | | 1970 | 4924424 |
enteritis secondary to giardia lamblia in students traveling on tour in russia. | | 1972 | 5007431 |
intestinal bacterial flora and bile salt studies in hypogammaglobulinaemia. | five patients with adult acquired hypogammaglobulinaemia, four of whom were achlorhydric, were studied. jejunal bacterial counts were much higher than those in a control group of acid secretors, but were similar to those in a control group of patients with pernicious anaemia; giardia lamblia were isolated from the jejunal content of all patients with hypogammaglobulinaemia. the concentration of conjugated bile acids in the fasting state was lower in hypogammaglobulinaemia than in pernicious anae ... | 1972 | 5024722 |
[the treatment of giardia lamblia infestation with klion in adults]. | | 1972 | 5026933 |
outbreak of giardiasis: effect of a new antiflagellate drug, tinidazole. | we describe here an intensive outbreak of mostly symptomatic (90%) giardia lamblia infestation in a swedish student group visiting the u.s.s.r. a new antiflagellate drug, ethyl (2-(2-methyl-5-nitro-1-imidazolyl)ethyl) sulphone, tinidazole, pfizer, was given in a dosage of 150 mg twice daily for seven days to 10 healthy volunteers and to 24 students infested with g. lamblia. the drug was found to be effective in curing giardiasis and in eradicating g. lamblia from the intestinal tract. all the st ... | 1972 | 5031661 |
[determination of endogenous vitamin b 12 in the serum of small children fed identical diet, healthy and infested with lamblia intestinalis]. | | 1972 | 5086786 |
occurrence of giardia lamblia in adult patients with abdominal symptoms and in symptomless young adults. | | 1971 | 5156631 |
[malabsorption syndrome in children infected by giardia intestinalis]. | | 1968 | 5192200 |
results obtained in the treatment of lamblia intestinalis invasion with flagyl (specia). | | 1965 | 5215011 |
diffuse small intestinal abnormality due to giardia lamblia with roentgen and clinical reversibility after therapy: case report. | | 1967 | 5232039 |
effect of 6-mercaptopurine on giardia intestinalis. | | 1966 | 5252549 |
diarrhoea among infants in a crowded area of djakarta, indonesia. a longitudinal study from birth to two years. | diarrhoeal diseases are common in djakarta, indonesia, especially among infants and young children. a study has been made of possible bacterial and parasitic causes of outbreaks in a group of 156 infants in a crowded area of the city. before the study was complete, 60 infants had left the area and 30 had died; diarrhoea was probably the direct or indirect cause of 13 of the deaths.diarrhoea was associated with pathogenic escherichia coli in about 20% of the cases studied; other causes of diarrho ... | 1966 | 5296127 |
the effect of giardia lamblia infestation on the gastro-intestinal tract. | | 1969 | 5351241 |
giardia lamblia infestation: a report of five adult cases. | | 1969 | 5358595 |
[giardia intestinalis infestation in a children's closed community]. | | 1969 | 5387346 |
[on the presence of giardia lamblia in population groups of a salerno community]. | | 1969 | 5401529 |
the treatment of giardia lamblia infection with mepacrine, metronidazole and furazolidone. | | 1970 | 5416200 |
[infestation with balantidium coli and lamblia intestinalis as a cause of the malabsorption syndrome with tetany. case report]. | | 1970 | 5433852 |
electron microscopy of giardia lamblia in human jejunal biopsies. | | 1970 | 5448880 |
[cultural parameters of giardia duodenalis]. | | 1970 | 5502993 |
[species specificity of lamblia intestinalis and lamblia muris]. | | 1970 | 5516298 |
action of metronidazole (flagyl) on giardia intestinalis. a cytochemical study. | | 1970 | 5518464 |
[gastric juice secretion in the course of lamblia intestinalis infestation in children]. | | 1971 | 5563609 |
[giardiasis. a review and report of a case of imported diarrhea and infection with giardia intestinalis]. | | 1971 | 5568551 |
[observations on the presence of atypical cysts and of trophozoites of lamblia intestinalis in feces]. | | 1967 | 5591583 |
[considerations on a case of associated parasitic diseases (hymenolepis diminuta, dicrocoelium dendriticum and lamblia intestinalis)]. | | 1967 | 5593249 |
[on the distribution of lamblia intestinalis in a population group in the province of caserta]. | | 1967 | 5603824 |
[method for the screening of drugs active against giardia intestinalis]. | | 1967 | 5622720 |
malabsorption associated with giardia lamblia infestation. | | 1968 | 5648704 |
[treatment of lamblia intestinalis in children with metronidazole in children]. | | 1969 | 5767648 |
[infestation by lamblia intestinalis in children with epidemic hepatitis]. | | 1966 | 5912983 |
[advantageous trials of various chemotherapeutic agents in patients with giardia intestinalis infections and observations on the pathogenicity of the flagellate]. | | 1966 | 5991192 |
[experimental invasion of white rats by lamblia intestinalis]. | | 1966 | 6003161 |
[course of infectious hepatitis in children infected with giardia intestinalis]. | | 1967 | 6041037 |
[aspects of the incidence of infestations with lamblia intestinalis]. | | 1967 | 6043330 |
[infection with strongyloides stercoralis and lamblia intestinalis in a 10-year-old girl]. | | 1967 | 6056524 |
comparison of the sensitivity of microscopy and culture in the laboratory diagnosis of intestinal protozoal infection. | concentration of protozoal cysts from faeces by the formol-ether method and faecal culture on robinson's medium were studied to determine their diagnostic value among patients attending a sexually transmitted diseases clinic in edinburgh. of 450 men studied entamoeba histolytica and giardia lamblia were identified in the faeces of 10.7 and 5.1% respectively. thirty (81.1%) of 37 men with e histolytica and 11 (47.8%) of 23 men with g lamblia infections would not have been identified if formol-eth ... | 1984 | 6086726 |
[a copro-parasitological study on the wrestlers of the national team]. | this copro-parasitological research was made on the 18 wrestlers of the national team in the talas training camp in kayseri, the majority of them came to our laboratory with gastro-intestinal complaint such as nausea colicky pains anorexia and dyspepsia and other complaints such as exhaustion and fatigue and 16 of them were found infested with one or more than one parasites. as a result of our coprologic examination finding parasites and their infection rate were: entamoeba histolytica (50%), en ... | 1984 | 6087094 |
enteric pathogenic protozoa in homosexual men from san francisco. | the prevalence of enteric protozoa was studied in a survey conducted among 150 male homosexual patients in san francisco. all patients were from a private practice in internal medicine. each was asked to complete a questionnaire and to submit multiple stool specimens for examination. of this group, 47% were positive for one or more potentially pathogenic intestinal protozoa; entamoeba histolytica was found in 36%, entamoeba hartmanni in 35%, giardia lamblia in 5%, and dientamoeba fragilis in 1.3 ... | 1984 | 6087479 |
a controlled study of endemic sporadic diarrhoea among adult residents of southern brazil. | the aetiology of sporadic summer diarrhoea and enterotoxin (lt) antibody titres was studied among 43 adult patients in southern brazil who had an acute, untreated diarrhoeal illness and 43 age- and sex-matched controls from the same area. a potential pathogen was identified in 33 of 34 patients and in 17 of 43 controls (p less than 0.01). 10 shigella, one invasive escherichia coli, one salmonella and one entamoeba histolytica were identified in 17 patients with inflammatory diarrhoea (faecal pol ... | 1984 | 6087512 |
[lymphatic diseases specific to the tropics (burkitt's lymphoma, tropical splenomegaly and mediterranean lymphoma)]. | certain lymphoproliferative disorders (burkitt's lymphoma, tropical splenomegaly, and mediterranean lymphoma) are more frequently observed in the tropical or subtropical areas than in other parts of the world. the polymicrobial exposure of human beings in those areas to viral, bacterial and protozoal infections led to the assumption of a specific connection between these conditions and the lymphoproliferative disease. some evidence has accumulated that the epstein-barr virus might be an oncogeni ... | 1984 | 6089444 |
[four kinds of parasites in an 8-year-old boy. therapeutic effects of praziquantel against fasciola hepatica]. | an 8-year-old turkish boy had recurrent abdominal colics associated with marked eosinophilia. four different kinds of parasites were isolated from stool and duodenal juice: fasciola hepatica, entamoeba histolytica, ascaris lumbricoides and lamblia intestinalis. conventional drugs were successful in treating the latter three parasites. but because of problems connected with the treatment of f. hepatica, praziquantel was administered, 15 mg/kg five times daily for 5 days, with curative results. th ... | 1984 | 6090090 |
three-year prospective study of intestinal pathogens in madrid, spain. | during the period july 1980 through june 1983, in a general hospital in madrid, the following organisms were detected from 6,970 patients with gastroenteritis: 710 salmonella spp. 506 campylobacter jejuni, 379 shigella spp., 12 yersinia enterocolitica, 1,466 rotavirus, 134 giardia lamblia, and 4 entamoeba histolytica. chloramphenicol showed good activity against most tested strains of salmonella spp., shigella spp., and c. jejuni. the incidence of salmonella spp. and shigella spp. was very marke ... | 1984 | 6092418 |
effect of giardia lamblia infection on the intestinal cyclic amp level in mice. | | 1984 | 6094654 |
thiol groups on the surface of anaerobic parasitic protozoa. | evidence is presented that giardia lamblia and entamoeba histolytica, phylogenetically unrelated aerotolerant anaerobes, have crucial thiol groups on or easily accessible to their external surface. both parasites were killed by three structurally unrelated thiol-blocking reagents which penetrate intact cells poorly or not at all. the parasites were protected from p-chloromercuribenzenesulfonic acid (10-100 microm) by cysteine or by reduced glutathione. killing was arrested with identical kinetic ... | 1984 | 6096710 |
[the size of entamoeba histolytica, entamoeba coli and giardia lamblia cysts]. | | 1984 | 6097375 |
campylobacter and giardia lamblia causing exacerbation of inflammatory bowel disease. | | 1980 | 6108415 |
energy metabolism of the anaerobic protozoon giardia lamblia. | cells of the aerotolerant anaerobe giardia lamblia respire in the presence of oxygen. endogenous respiration is stimulated by glucose but not by other carbohydrates and krebs cycle intermediates. endogenous and glucose-stimulated respiration are insensitive to cyanide, malonate, and 2,4-dinitrophenol, but are inhibited by atabrin and iodoacetamide. g. lamblia produces ethanol, acetate and co2 both aerobically and anaerobically either from endogenous reserves or exogenous glucose. molecular hydro ... | 1980 | 6108507 |
giardiasis in saudi arabia. | a laboratory survey for giardia lamblia (g. intestinalis) was conducted in five regions of the kingdom of saudi arabia for the months of january through december 1980. stool samples of 53,306 individuals from the northern, southern, eastern, western and central regions of the kingdom were examined by wet films and zinc sulphate concentration methods. five thousand two hundred seventy one (9.9%) stools were positive for g. lamblia. the prevalence of infection was higher in males (64%) than in fem ... | 1983 | 6136176 |
routine culture of giardia lamblia trophozoites from human duodenal aspirates. | | 1984 | 6146038 |
culture of giardia lamblia. | | 1984 | 6147590 |
detection of antibodies against candida albicans in giardia lamblia infected individuals. short communication. | | 1984 | 6150626 |
concurrent whipple's disease and giardia lamblia infection. | | 1980 | 6167341 |
[antigenic relations between lamblia intestinalis and various enterobacteriaceae]. | | 1982 | 6183526 |
patterns of intestinal infection in australian aboriginal children. | a year-long, prospective study of aboriginal children with diarrhoea showed a high rate of isolation of bacterial pathogens, viruses and parasites in faecal specimens. seventeen per cent of patients had enterotoxigenic bacteria in their stools; none of the 132 aboriginal children without diarrhoea studied at the same time had enterotoxigenic bacteria isolated. salmonellae and shigellae were also much more common in the diarrhoea group. bacterial pathogens including enterotoxigenic e. coli and ae ... | 1983 | 6191647 |
selective extraction with sarkosyl and repolymerization in vitro of cytoskeleton proteins from giardia. | sarkosyl has been used to dissociate structures in cytoskeletons isolated from giardia lamblia. results from sodium dodecyl sulphate/polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and from electron microscopy of insoluble residues show that the solubilization of components is partly selective. at low concentrations of detergent (less than 0.3%), microribbons and microtubules of the disc cytoskeleton disappear, but doublet microtubules from axonemes resist extraction. consequently, the microribbon protein gi ... | 1983 | 6194169 |
occurrence of specific secretory immunoglobulin a in bile after inoculation of giardia lamblia trophozoites into rat duodenum. | we studied the appearance of specific secretory immunoglobulin a (iga) antibody in bile after inoculation of live giardia lamblia trophozoites into rat intestine. serial bile specimens collected before and after inoculation of trophozoites were assayed for iga antibodies by indirect immunofluorescence. secretory iga antibodies to giardia lamblia were first detected in bile at 3 days after inoculation, remained elevated through 12 days, and then returned to control levels. positive immunofluoresc ... | 1984 | 6207070 |
[group sickness by giardia lamblia in a hamburg child day care center]. | | 1982 | 6214746 |
respiratory metabolism of giardia lamblia. | | 1980 | 6248623 |
an immunofluorescence test to detect serum antibodies to giardia lamblia. | we used an indirect immunofluorescence test with giardia lamblia trophozoites as antigen to detect anti-g. lamblia antibodies in serum. seventy-one patients and control subjects were studied in a blinded protocol. titers in 29 of 30 patients with symptomatic giardiasis (1:16 to 1:1024) did not overlap titers in 19 healthy control subjects (1:2 to 1:4); titers in 15 patients with hookworm, entamoeba histolytica, or intestinal bacterial overgrowth were 1:16 or less absorption of giardiasis patient ... | 1980 | 6255845 |
entamoeba histolytica and giardia lamblia: growth responses to reducing agents. | | 1981 | 6262103 |
entamoeba histolytica and giardia lamblia: effects of cysteine and oxygen tension on trophozoite attachment to glass and survival in culture media. | | 1981 | 6263667 |
seasonal fluctuations in the occurrence of enterotoxigenic bacteria and rotavirus in paediatric diarrhoea in addis ababa. | this study (march 1977-february 1978) was performed at the ethio-swedish pediatric clinic, addis ababa, to determine whether there were any seasonal fluctuations in the occurrence of diarrhoea associated with enterotoxigenic enterobacteria (eteb), rotavirus and two parasites (giardia lamblia and entamoeba histolytica).a total of 1161 children (962 patients and 199 controls) were investigated. eteb were isolated in 12.2% of the patients and 4.5% of the controls, rotavirus in 27.8% and 8%, and par ... | 1981 | 6266682 |
diagnosis and treatment of five parasites. enterobius vermicularis, giardia lamblia, trichuris trichiura, ascaris lumbricoides, entamoeba histolytica. | general descriptions and monographs of the five parasites most likely to be seen in u. s. patients are presented. the appended monographs are designed to be a starting reference for answering drug information questions regarding these parasites. the drugs covered in the monographs are listed in the order of suggested use. | 1981 | 6268388 |
inhibition of clonal growth of giardia lamblia and entamoeba histolytica by metronidazole, quinacrine, and other antimicrobial agents. | | 1981 | 6271724 |
membrane dynamics of entamoeba histolytica and giardia lamblia studied with reflection contrast microscopy and the carbon immunoassay. | | 1982 | 6295335 |
value of stool examination in patients with diarrhoea. | findings of stool examinations in 1593 patients with diarrhoea due to a single enteric pathogen--enterotoxigenic escherichia coli rotavirus, shigella, campylobacter jejuni, vibrio cholerae 0:1, entamoeba histolytica, or giardia lamblia--were reviewed to determine how well they predicted the agent associated with the diarrhoea. specimens were examined visually for blood and mucus, tested for ph, and examined under a microscope for the presence of red and white blood cells, parasites, and stool fa ... | 1983 | 6307460 |
the polymicrobial origin of intestinal infections in homosexual men. | to determine the microbial cause and the clinical and pathologic correlates of anorectal and intestinal symptoms in homosexually active men, we performed comprehensive microbiologic studies, anoscopy, sigmoid-oscopy, and rectal biopsy in men examined in a clinic for sexually transmitted diseases. enteric pathogens were found in 95 of 119 consecutive homosexual men with anorectal or intestinal symptoms and in 29 of 75 randomly selected homosexual men without such symptoms (p less than 0.001). the ... | 1983 | 6308444 |
human milk kills parasitic intestinal protozoa. | giardia lamblia, a common pathogenic intestinal parasite of humans, was rapidly killed by exposure to normal human milk in vitro. the killing did not depend on secretory immunoglobulin a. entamoeba histolytica, the dysentery amoeba, was also killed by normal human milk. giardia-cidal activity cochromatographed with an unusual lipase that is present in the milk of humans but not of lower mammals. human milk may play a protective role in infants exposed to this parasite. | 1983 | 6310751 |
parasites and travellers' diarrhoea. | giardia lamblia is discussed as the most important parasitic cause of travellers' diarrhoea. the parasitology of this flagellate protozoan is discussed with respect to route of infection, threshold infecting dose, and incubation period. the geographic distribution of giardiasis is widespread, being common in tropical and sub-tropical regions and endemic at a low level in european and north american countries. the predisposing factors are detailed together with clinical manifestations, pathogenes ... | 1983 | 6314489 |
amoebiasis and giardiasis in bangladesh: parasitological and serological studies. | to determine the prevalence of infections with entamoeba histolytica and giardia lamblia in bangladesh, we screened stool specimens from patients with diarrhoea attending urban (n = 2,246) and a rural (n = 2,791) hospital and a group of healthy urban residents (n = 440). sera from 200 healthy villagers were also examined for antibody to e. histolytica using the immunofluorescent antibody test. the prevalence of e. histolytica cysts or trophozoites in all groups assessed by examination of a singl ... | 1983 | 6314613 |
a community waterborne gastroenteritis outbreak: evidence for rotavirus as the agent. | a community waterborne nonbacterial gastroenteritis outbreak occurred in eagle-vail, colorado in march 1981. illness (defined as vomiting and/or diarrhea) was statistically associated with water consumption (chi 2 for linear trend = 7.07, p less than .005). five of seven persons associated with the outbreak were infected with rotavirus as shown by virus detection or serological methods. bacterial pathogens, giardia lamblia, and norwalk virus were excluded as responsible agents. rotavirus should ... | 1984 | 6320684 |
serum antibodies to giardia intestinalis detected by immunofluorescence using trophozoites as antigen. | anti-giardia antibodies were studied in 88 sera of patients with symptomatic and asymptomatic giardiasis by using the indirect immunofluorescent test and giardia intestinalis trophozoites from an axenic culture as antigen. the sera of 40 healthy subjects were used as a control group and of 28 patients with other intestinal parasites (14 with sarcocystis sp. and 14 with symptomatic entamoeba histolytica infection) have been investigated for determination of test specificity. 82% of sera from pati ... | 1984 | 6324429 |
protozoal enteric infections in homosexual men. | the prevalence of enteric protozoal infections was examined in a group of 200 homosexual men. entamoeba histolytica (e. histolyt .) was found in 22.8%, apathogen amoeba in 54.5% and giardia lamblia (g. lamblia) in 9.1% of the participants. antibodies against e. histolyt . were significantly higher in subjects carrying e. histolyt . than in the group with apathogen amoeba and in uninfected participants. clinical symptoms were not associated with protozoal infection. the analysis of a number of va ... | 1984 | 6328099 |
inhibition of growth of giardia lamblia by difluoromethylornithine, a specific inhibitor of polyamine biosynthesis. | difluoromethylornithine (dfmo) is a specific and irreversible inhibitor of ornithine decarboxylase, an enzyme which catalyzes the first step in the biosynthetic pathway of the polyamines. we tested the effect of dfmo on the growth of giardia lamblia, entamoeba histolytica, and trichomonas vaginalis. growth of g. lamblia was inhibited by dfmo at concentrations of greater than or equal to 1.25 mm. culture doubling time increased with increasing dfmo concentration. growth inhibition was reversed if ... | 1984 | 6330350 |
intestinal parasitic infection and other sexually transmitted diseases in asymptomatic homosexual men. | 76/133 (57%) asymptomatic homosexual men harboured intestinal parasites. of these, 40 had entamoeba histolytica or giardia lamblia, or both. in a control group of heterosexual men, no pathogenic protozoa were found. stool specimen cultures for salmonella, shigella, and campylobacter were negative. 7% of the homosexual men were infected with neisseria gonorrhoeae in the pharynx or rectum, or both, and 5% with chlamydia trachomatis in the urethra or rectum. serological evidence of syphilis was det ... | 1984 | 6330881 |
detection of giardia lamblia by immunofluorescence. | high-titer immune sera to cysts of giardia lamblia, produced in guinea pigs, were labeled with fluorescein isothiocyanate. the resulting conjugates were used to detect g. lamblia in stool specimens by fluorescence microscopy. the sera also reacted with cysts of chilomastix mesnili, but the two organisms could be differentiated by their size. | 1983 | 6338831 |
treatment of acute nonspecific gastroenteritis of infants and young children with erythromycin. | a double-blind placebo-controlled trial of erythromycin ethylsuccinate was conducted in 65 infants and young children hospitalized with acute nonspecific gastroenteritis. etiologic agents included rotaviruses (29%), campylobacter jejuni (17%), "classical" enteropathogenic escherichia coli (12%), enterotoxigenic e. coli (11%), salmonella (9%), shigella (2%), and giardia lamblia (2%). no pathogens were obtained from 25 (38%) children. treatment with erythromycin had no effect on the course of the ... | 1983 | 6349401 |
giardiasis in childhood: poor clinical and histological correlations. | ten pediatric patients investigated for chronic diarrhea, chronic weight loss, or failure to thrive were found on intestinal biopsy and/or in a duodenal aspirate to have giardia lamblia. serum immunoglobulin levels were normal or elevated in all patients. three children had increased excretion of fecal fat and three other children had low d-xylose absorption. jejunal biopsy specimens showed two severe, three moderate, and two mild morphological abnormalities, and three were normal. except for la ... | 1983 | 6358123 |
specific and common antigens of trichomonas vaginalis detected by monoclonal antibodies. | monoclonal antibodies to trichomonas vaginalis were prepared by immunizing mice with a cloned isolate of t. vaginalis. eight antibodies reacted with the same four isolates or strains but did not react with the other t. vaginalis strains or isolates tested. all eight antibodies reacted uniformly with both the body and flagella of t. vaginalis in the immunofluorescence assay but were unreactive by immunoblotting. the antigen(s) recognized by these antibodies was determined to be present on the sur ... | 1984 | 6360900 |
enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay for the detection of giardia lamblia in fecal specimens. | an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (elisa) was developed for the detection of giardia lamblia in human feces. the assay could detect between 37 and 375 trophozoites from cultures and between 12.5 and 125 cysts purified from human stool. stool specimens were positive by elisa in 36 (92%) of 39 patients with giardiasis; negative specimens came from patients with low numbers of parasites in their stool. in 10 patients stools became negative by elisa after successful treatment. stool specimens wer ... | 1984 | 6363569 |
tubulin and high-molecular-weight polypeptides as giardia lamblia antigens. | we determined the antigenic specificities of nine murine monoclonal antibodies to giardia lamblia. four distinct antibody reaction patterns were detected by immunofluorescence with g. lamblia trophozoites. four monoclonal antibodies which reacted with the body but not the flagella of the whole trophozoites recognized two polypeptides of 170,000 and 155,000 molecular weights by immunoblotting. two antibodies reacting with both the flagella and body also reacted with 170,000- and 155,000-molecular ... | 1984 | 6384043 |
identification and characterization of a major surface antigen of giardia lamblia. | the surface antigens of giardia lamblia trophozoites were characterized by crossed immunoelectrophoresis, radioiodination, and immunoprecipitation. crossed immunoelectrophoretic analysis of trophozoites with hyperimmune rabbit anti-trophozoite antiserum revealed a prominent precipitin peak that disappeared upon adsorption of the antiserum with live or formaldehyde-fixed trophozoites. this peak was intensely labeled when the antigen was derived from surface-radioiodinated trophozoites. an antiser ... | 1984 | 6389343 |
the prevalence of gastro-intestinal parasites and bacteria in the game scouts at the kainji lake national park of nigeria. | the faeces of twenty scouts working at borgu games were examined for the presence of parasites and bacteria. cysts of entamoeba histolytica, giardia lamblia and trichomonas hominis were found. helminth ova encountered included those of ancylostoma duodenale, ascaris lumbricoides, stronglyloides stercoralis and trichuris trichiura. escherichia coli and shigella flexneri were isolated from one faecal sample each. in all, parasites were found in the faeces of only 9 scouts. the epidemiological sign ... | 1984 | 6389403 |
intestinal parasites in metropolitan toronto day-care centres. | in 1981, 900 children (aged 3 months to 10 years) and 146 staff attending 22 day-care centres in metropolitan toronto chosen at random provided a stool specimen in a survey for intestinal parasites. of the children, 4% to 36% were infected in 20 of 22 centres. overall, 19% of the children and 14% of the staff had intestinal parasites: 8.6% and 4.0% respectively had dientamoeba fragilis, and 7.8% and 2.0% respectively had giardia lamblia. the highest prevalence of dientamebiasis was in the 7- to ... | 1984 | 6478361 |
immunodiagnosis of giardiasis by elisa and studies on cross-reactivity between the anti-giardia lamblia antibodies and some heterologous parasitic antigens and fractions. | specific antibodies against giardia lamblia in 92 sera from asymptomatic carriers were investigated by elisa. using cyst antigen, antibodies were detected in 91 of the sera, by means of alkaline phosphatase-labelled antispecies immunoglobulin. the e/405nm values of the positive sera ranged between 0.350 and 1.700, whereas in the 78 control sera they were 0.270 +/- 0.220. cross-reactivity between the anti-g. lamblia antibodies and 18 heterologous parasitic antigens and fractions was also studied. ... | 1984 | 6486935 |
inactivation of giardia lamblia cysts with ozone. | giardia lamblia cysts were inactivated in water with ozone at ph 7.0 and 5 and 25 degrees c. the concentration-time products for 99% inactivation were 0.53 and 0.17 mg-min/liter at 5 and 25 degrees c, respectively. these products were significantly lower than those reported for chlorine. | 1984 | 6497374 |