
the activity of cholinesterase in human hookworms following expelling of ancylostoma duodenale and necator americanus. 1979105844
[coprologic survey in bilharzia infected children of the adzope region (ivory coast)].during a stool examination survey on 174 bilharzia attained children living in a rural area of ivory coast, 93% were found to have intestinal parasites mainly entamoeba coli, necator americanus and ascaris lumbricoides. the prevalence of the cysts of entamoeba histolytica (4,7%) is lower than the one found in france (7%). concerning the other intestinal parasites, their respective occurrence have been compared with those noted in other regions of ivory coast and of africa.1975170007
[distributions of ascaris lumbricoides, necator americanus and trichuris trichiura in 6 villages of ivory coast (author's transl)].results of stool controls (kato's technic) in 425 children from 7 to 14 years old in 6 villages of the south districts of ivory coast. necator and trichuris have a high prevalence (75 p. 100) versus 40 p. 100 for ascaris-trichuris is specially frequent in urban and suburban areas.1979225636
mechanism of skin penetration by ancylostoma tubaeforme penetration by infective ancylostoma tubaeforme larvae has been investigated cinematographically and using in vitro techniques. the dermal tissue appears to cause little hinderance to larval migration but complete penetration through the skin from the dermal direction did not occur, although total penetration from the epidermal surface was frequently accomplished. no evidence could be found for enzymic secretions emanating from the worms under conditions that gave positive results from neca ...1975235107
socio-agricultural factors and parasitic infections in the caspian littoral region of iran.surveys for intestinal parasites in villages in the babol area of the caspian littoral region of iran have been conducted for five years. during this period, mass chemotherapy and individual treatment have been administered. while the overall prevalence of parasitic disease was reduced after these campaigns, reinfection took place repeatedly, and at a rapid rate. this paper re-examines the prevalence of seven helminth species (ascaris lumbricoides), hookworms (ancylostoma duodenale and necator a ...1979317393
anthelmintics.this article describes the drugs used in helminthic infections and their therapeutic indications, mode of action, toxicity and other details of each of the recommended drugs, and discusses the nature and treatment of infection by helminths important in human medicine. infestation due to the roundworms enterobius vermicularis, ascaris lumbricoides and the hookworms, ancylostoma duodenale and necator americanus can all be treated effectively with pyrantel pamoate. for enterobius vermicularis, howe ...1977319991
[parasitic duodenitis].a study on 100 patients bearing high-localization intestinal parasitism associated to clinical manifestations compatible with an ulcerous syndrome is performed. the frequency of the parasites found is outlined, and giardia lamblia comes first in the order of appearance. the different tests used to reach the diagnosis of this entity are assessed and emphasis in laid on the value of biliary drainage, both in the detection of parasites and the biliary sepsis that frequently accompanies them. in tes ...1978368922
non-specific potentiation of ige by parasitic infections in man.infection with the helminthic parasites ascaris lumbricoides and/or necator americanus (hookworm) induces the production in man of high levels of serum ige. the specificity of this ige antibody when measured by rast to a wide range of allergens was restricted in general to the helminthic antigens. absorption of the sera with immunosorbents produced by coupling extracts of a. lumbricoides to cnbr activated sepharose 4b established that ascaris antigen specific ige antibodies contributed a minor f ...1979370030
[a parasitologic survey conducted in touraine (france) in a group of south east asia refugees (author's transl)].forty refugees (23 from 5 lao families and 17 from 3 cambodian families) previously and routinely treated against intestinal parasites, underwent stools and serum controls: 77 p. 100 had still intestinal parasites but 61 p. 100 had a normal blood cells count without hypereosinophilia. the parasites so detected were: clonorchis sinensis, heterophyes heterophyes, trichuris trichiura, necator americanus, strongyloides stercoralis, giardia intestinals and entamoeba coli.1979530050
necator americanus and ancylostoma duodenale: life history parameters and epidemiological implications of two sympatric hookworms of humans. 1978627275
[evaluation of the effectiveness of thiabendazole, pyrantel and mebendazole in the treatment of necatoriasis in children].a study was made of 48 patients from the different departments of the hospital del niño, dif, in which hookworm eggs were demonstrated by qualitative coproparasitoscopic study (cps). during the study, quantitative cps was practiced on them by stoll's dilution and the harada-mori technique, for the identification of the hookworm larvae. they were divided into three groups: a, b and c (16 patients in each group); the study was single-blind. the effectiveness of the evaluated drugs was based on the ...1978629844
studies on the intestinal parasites in african patients in owamboland, south west africa.the paper gives the results of a survey of intestinal parasites among 501 in-patients drawn from four mission hospitals in owambo and kavango in northern south west africa. most of the patients (90%) were examined twice by the formol-ether concentration method, while the remaining 10% had one stool specimen examined. 10 species of helminths and 3 species of potentially-pathogenic protozoa were recorded--necator americanus, strongyloides stercoralis, strongyloides fuelleborni, hymenolepis nana, t ...1978635971
antibody responses in self-infections with necator americanus.antibody responses were measured in a volunteer infected four times with necator americanus over a 27-month period. the main source of antigen was culture fluid in which living adult n. americanus had been maintained for several days. antibodies to worm acetylcholinesterase and ige antibodies were detected only with this material, but antibodies were identified by the enzyme-linked immunosorbent (elisa) assay, with either adult worm secretions or extracts of third-stage infective larvae. the tot ...1978635980
[factors involved in the spread of enteroparasites. iv. distribution of necator americanus and ncylostoma duodenale is suburban and rural populations in the municipality of londrina, paraná, brazil]. 1978653219
human ancylostoma infections in estimate of the proportion of infections with ancylostoma duodenale and necator americanus by the examination of larvae collected from the stools of 220 persons infected with hookworm was made. fifty-nine per cent of the infections were due to n. americanus only: a. duodenale always occurred in association with n. americanus. in 12% of the infections it is suggested that there were approximately three female a. duodenale to 95 female n. americanus. the highest numbers of a. duodenale in mixed ...1978697443
variation in delayed hypersensitivity in onchocerciasis.soluble antigen preparations were made from onchocerca volvulus adults recovered from subcutaneous nodules, and from necator americanus third-stage larvae. intradermal skin tests were carried out on a total of 100 individuals clinically classified as having either the generalized form of onchocerciasis (86 cases, or the localized sowda form (14 cases). 91 of the people studied produced immediate reactions to the onchocercal antigen, but only those with sowda showed delayed reactions, though one ...1978705843
population biology of hookworms in children in rural west bengal. i. general parasitological observations.hookworm infection was studied over a 22-month period in 31-49% of a population of 1,803 1- to 10-year-old children in a rural area near calcutta where both necator americanus and ancylostoma duodenale were prevalent. half of the children were infected before age 5 and 90% were infected by age 9, when the mean egg count reached 2,000 eggs/g of feces. infection was significantly heavier and more prevalent among males than among females, and greater among muslims than among hindus. these differenc ...1978727320
population biology of hookworms in children in rural west bengal. ii. acquisition and loss of hookworms.from changes in hookworm egg counts in feces of children in gangetic west bengal we estimate that, on the average, each child lost about 11.1 female hookworms during the 1969 post-monsoon dry period and gained about 10.3 females during the subsequent premonsoon and monsoon seasons, resulting in a net loss of worms over the 22-month study period. however, the mean fecal egg count for each 1-year age group of children from 3-11 years suggests an average net gain of 2.7 female worms/year. from seas ...1978727321
clinical field trial of bitoscanate in necator americanus infection, south thailand. 1975769075
effectiveness of single doses of fenbendazole hoe 88i against ascaris, hookworm and trichuris in man.fenbendazole (hoe 881) 5-(phenylthio)-2-benzimidazolecarbaminicacidmethylester in doses of 1-0 g and 1-5 g per person were effective against ascaris and gave substantial egg count reductions against hookworm (mainly necator americanus). the 1-5 g dose gave good results against trichuris. in a trial with a suspension of hoe 881 with a high specific surface of 25 m2/g there was no advantage over tablets with a specific surface of approximately 8 m2/g. two doses of 500 mg given with an interval of ...1976779682
measurement of anti-enzyme antibodies using an active-site directed radiolabel.a new technique is described for measuring antibodies to an enzyme which is not available in pure form. the secretions of the rat parasitic nematode, nippostrongylus brasiliensis, were treated with tritiated diisopropylfluorophosphate. only one component, an acetylcholinesterase, was radiolabelled. antibodies to this enzyme in rat antisera were estimated by the farr technique using the labelled enzyme as antigen. the acetylcholinesterase secreted by necator americanus, the human hookworm, was si ...1976792351
preliminary identification and characterization of antigen extracts from onchocerca volvulus.sequential extraction of onchocerca volvulus from skin nodules with buffers of different ionic strength resulted in a mixture of antigens which reacted in double immunodiffusion with sera from proven cases of onchocerciasis, the number of precipitation lines varied from 1 to 5. triton x-100 detached mainly cationic antigen proteins. it reduced the molecular size of many antigenic proteins, but did not effect their antigenicity. labelling of the extracted proteins with high specific activity 125i ...1976824771
transmammary passage of strongyloides sp. larvae in the human host.the prevalence of infection with strongyloides fuelleborni and hookworms (ancylostoma duodenale and necator americanus), and the possible transmammary passage of these parasites, was studied in the people of a village in bulapé, zaire, africa. stool examinations revealed that 34% of 76 infants under 200 days of age were infected with s. fuelleborni and 8% were infected with hookworms. infection rates in the general population were 44% for s. fuelleborni and 90% for hookworms. the examination of ...1977848643
the pattern of parasitic infection in human gut at the specialist hospital, benin city, a survey of 6213 persons conducted between january 1973 to december 1974, at the specialist hospital, benin city, the most common helminths were necator americanus (16.8%), ascaris lumbricoides (19l5%) and trichuris trichiur (5-9%). dicrocoelium hospes (0-06%) was also recorded and this may become an important liver parasite of man in nigeria. its snail vectors are believed to be species of limicolaria and achatina which are widely dispersed in nigeria. entamoeba coli and e. histolytica showe ...1977849017
biology of soil-transmitted helminths: the massive infection.soil-transmitted helminth infections when light-to-moderate usually are well tolerated, but heavy-to massive infections invariably cause disease. a massive infection with ascaris lumbricoides may cause intestinal obstruction, liver abscess, or some other condition requiring surgical treatment; more regularly, however, ascaris disease is a form of malnutrition. trichuris trichiura causes diarrhea and dysentery and, at times, rectal prolapse. the hookworms, necator americanus and ancylostoma duode ...19751052507
a study of human intestinal helminthiases on kar kar island, madang province.this paper reports the results of an epidemiological survey of intestinal helminths in a village on kar kar island, madang province. samples of blood and faeces were collected from 320 people from all age-groups living in 51 houses in kaul village. three helminth species were recorded: ascaris lumbricoides infections were highest and heaviest in childhood, and fell to low levels in adult life, the overall infection rate being 57%. more than 70% of the adult population were infected with necator ...19761072172
evaluation of the skin test for hookworm as an epidemiological tool.the usefulness of a skin test with larval necator americanus antigen for assessment of hookworm prevalence was evaluated in an endemic area of costa rica. in comparison with standard coprologic techniques employed to survey the population, the skin test detected 83% of infections, showing a fairly satisfactory sensitivity. the overall specificity of the test was 50%, i.e., random. no correlation was found between skin reactivity and hookworm burden. the sensitivity of the test increased moderate ...19751119666
[liver function tests in persons with necator americanus infections]. 19751136500
a comparative study of the relative efficacy of pyrantel pamoate, bephenium hydroxynaphthoate and tetrachlorethylene in the treatment of necator americanus infection in ceylon.the clearance of hookworm (necator americanus) ova by a single dose of tetrachlorethylene (t.c.e.) was compared with that produced by single and multiple dose regimes of bephenium hydroxynaphthoate and pyrantel pamoate. single doses of bephenium and pyrantel were inferior to t.c.e. three daily doses of bephenium or pyrantel produced effects comparable with a single dose of t.c.e. because of the low cost and lack of side effects, t.c.e. remains the drug of choice in the treatment of n. americanus ...19751155990
the topographic distribution of necator americanus and ancylostoma duodenale in the human intestine.during an investigation in dar es salaam, tanzania, 28 human intestinal tracts were systematically inspected on the presence of hookworms. in total, 643 hookworms (508 necator americanus and 135 ancylostoma duodenale) were isolated from 19 intestinal tracts. the localization of these hookworms was determined. n. americanus worms were concentrated in the duodenum and jejunum, whereas a. duodenale worms rather prefer the jejunum and proximal ileum. some preference of hookworms for the antimesenter ...19751179482
a comparison of post-mortem analysis of helminths with faecal egg counts.intestinal helminth infections are very common amongst residents of the colombo area. most common by post-mortem examination of 104 cases of sudden death were trichuris trichiura (97.1%), necator americanus (88.5%), enterobius vermicularis (77.9%) and ascaris lumbricoides (40.4%). trematode and cestode infections were not encountered except a single case of h. diminuta infection. a comparison of the results obtained by the direct smear method for examining stools missed cases harbouring gravid f ...19751216302
antigen-induced lymphocyte blastogenesis in a hookworm (necator americanus) infection in man.a lymphocyte blastogenic technique was employed to examine cell-mediated immunity in a necator americanus infection. infective third-stage larvae of n. americanus were jsed for antigen preparation, and lymphocyte cultures were prepared from peripheral blood taken on days 3, 17, and 51 after infection with 250 third-stage larvae of n. americanus. at 3 days post-infection lymphocyte transformation was not induced; at 17 and 51 days after infection significant transformation was obtained.19761258146
[eosinophilia in a patient from cape verde]. 19921292605
prevalence of hookworm species in pondicherry, india.a study was carried out to find out the hookworm species prevalent in pondicherry, india, based on the identification of filariform larvae recovered from coproculture of hookworm positive stools. a total of 184 hookworm positive stools were cultured using the harada-mori coproculture method. the results of the study for the first time showed both hookworm species, ancylostoma duodenale (60 cases) and necator americanus (49 cases) to be present in pondicherry. the former species was relatively mo ...19921295152
[clinical observation on efficacy of ivermectin in the treatment of intestinal nematode infections].a total of 166 cases were divided into 3 groups: group a comprised 55, group b 54 and group c 57 cases. group a received ivermectin 0.1 mg/kg orally at a single dose, the cure rates were 100%, 3.8% and 50% for ascaris, hookworm and trichuris, infections respectively: group b received ivermectin 0.2 mg/kg orally at a single dose, the corresponding cure rates were 95.5%, 11.8% and 76.5% respectively; group c received pyrantel pamoate 10 mg/kg orally at a single dose, the corresponding cure rates w ...19921303336
studies in intestinal parasitic disease agents in stools of people in a rural area of nigeria.a summary of 300 villagers who reported at the parasitology laboratory of the school of medical laboratory technology (s.m.l.t) vom, plateau state, nigeria was carried out for the presence of parasites' cysts, eggs, or larva. of the 300 faecal samples examined using the light microscope after formal-ether centrifugation, 127 (42.3%) harboured one or more parasites. the parasites identified and their prevalent rates were: entamoeba coli (19.0%) necator americanus (17.0%); entamoeba histolytica (4 ...19921390369
the partial characterization of proteases present in the excretory/secretory products and exsheathing fluid of the infective (l3) larva of necator americanus.following the observation that live third-stage larvae (l3) could digest gelatin in vitro, gelatinolytic protease activity has been demonstrated at ph 8.5, in both exsheathing fluid (ef) and excretory/secretory (es) products of infective l3 of necator americanus. ef resolved as a single band of proteolytic activity, with a mol. wt of 116 kda, while l3 es products exhibited multiple bands of proteolysis, at 219, 200, 195, 166, 137, 92, 72 and 62 kda; weak bands were detectable at 92 and 72 kda. t ...19921399239
skin penetration by ensheathed third-stage infective larvae of necator americanus, and the host's immune response to larval vitro experiments were conducted to assess skin penetration by ensheathed third-stage infective larvae (l3) of necator americanus. the fact that only a small proportion of larval sheaths was recoverable from the outer skin surface suggested that some larvae penetrate mouse skin without undergoing exsheathment. penetration by ensheathed larvae was confirmed visually using a novel fluorescein isothiocyanate (fitc)-labelling technique in which viable ensheathed larvae were fluoresceinated, appli ...19921399240
secretion of metalloproteases by living infective larvae of necator americanus.fresh living third-stage larvae of necator americanus released a significant amount of label within 2 hr of their incubation on 125i-labeled gelatin-coated polystyrene plastic plates. this protease activity was primarily susceptible to o-phenanthroline, which identifies the activity as predominantly metalloprotease.19921403440
cultivation of the third-stage larvae of necator americanus in vitro.when filariform larvae of necator americanus, enclosed within the second sheath, were cultured in various semi-defined media, the best larval development was achieved in waymouth's mb 752/1 with 20% foetal calf serum (fcs). in this medium, most of the filariform larvae cast off the second sheath and developed into third-stage larvae with provisional buccal capsules and some larvae developed further; 26% were fourth stage after 49 days of culture. of several supplements tested, only fcs supported ...19921417207
intestinal parasitic infections in likupang, north sulawesi, indonesia.a parasitological survey was conducted on the inhabitants of 6 villages of likupang, minahasa peninsula, north sulawesi, indonesia, in august 1991. a total of 419 fecal samples were examined by using direct smear, flotation, formalin ether concentration, harada-mori culture and agar-plate culture techniques. five nematode and 7 protozoan parasites were detected, while trematode and cestode infection was not observed. soil-transmitted nematode infections were predominant. among the younger inhabi ...19921439973
metabolism of lipid peroxidation products by the gastro-intestinal nematodes necator americanus, ancylostoma ceylanicum and heligmosomoides polygyrus.somatic extracts of the three parasitic nematodes necator americanus, ancylostoma ceylanicum and heligmosomoides polygyrus were able to detoxify a model hydroperoxide and a putative natural peroxide by glutathione-dependent peroxidase activity while cytotoxic carbonyls could be metabolized by nadph-linked reduction activities. unlike cestodes and digeneans, the nematodes in this study could not enzymatically conjugate carbonyls with glutathione. the results indicate that the three nematodes can ...19921459777
isotypic variation in antibody responses in a community in papua new guinea to larval and adult antigens during infection, and following reinfection, with the hookworm necator americanus.the natural infection of a community with the hookworm necator americanus induces a vigorous humoral response to both larval and adult parasite antigens. this response occurs in all five human antibody isotypes, and data are presented to show that, at the population level, isotypes respond differently, following chemotherapy and during reinfection, to changes in antigen stimulation. the differential response probably reflects the fact that the parasite, during the course of its life cycle, prese ...19921470481
[differential diagnostic value of occult blood in stool in hookworm infection in the third world. study from papua new guinea].in 633 persons of the madang province in papua-new guinea hookworm-infection, blood hemoglobin and the presence of blood in stools were studied. 60% of the subjects were infected with hookworm (necator americanus). there was a significant linear correlation between the intensity of hookworm infection and blood haemoglobin level. the colo-rectal test gave positive results in 17% of the cases without worm-infection. in infected persons, the colo-rectal test gave an increasing rate of positive resu ...19921471386
cross-reactivity between necator americanus and schistosoma mansoni in mice.poly-parasitism is common in endemic communities and reactivity of sera from hookworm-infected patients against schistosomular antigens has been reported. protective cross-immunity between n. americanus and s. mansoni was investigated in nih and balb/c mice. protective resistance to homologous challenge with both parasites was confirmed in this model, however, functional immunity to heterologous challenge was not demonstrated. sera from animals which had received homologous challenge with n. ame ...19921487373
resumption of feeding in vitro by hookworm third-stage larvae: a comparative study.third-stage infective larvae of the canine hookworm ancylostoma caninum resume feeding in vitro in response to several stimuli. experiments were conducted to characterize the in vitro feeding behavior of several hookworm species. reduced glutathione and, to a lesser extent, canine and human serum stimulated third-stage larvae of ancylostoma duodenale to resume feeding. glutathione-induced feeding reached a maximum by 16 hr and was concentration-dependent between 0- and 15-mm glutathione. oxidize ...19921491295
influence of intestinal parasitism on lactose absorption in well-nourished african children.hydrogen breath tests were performed in gabon (central africa) after a loading dose of lactose in 67 well-nourished african children (50 with intestinal parasites and 17 unparasitized) and in 18 unparasitized young adults. all had normal nutritional status, and none had diarrhea or digestive symptoms. parasites that were found included ascaris lumbricoides in 76% of the parasitized children, trichuris trichiura in 58%, giardia in 24%, entamoeba histolytica in 20%, schistosoma intercalatum in 16% ...19921539747
the epidemiology and population biology of necator americanus infection in a rural community in zimbabwe.baseline data from an epidemiological study of hookworm infection in a rural community in zimbabwe are presented. the infection status of an age-stratified sample of the community was assessed using anthelmintic expulsion techniques. necator americanus was the only helminth parasite found to be present. the age-prevalence and intensity profiles rose asymptotically to an adult prevalence of about 80% and adult mean burden of 7.7 worms per host. the overall mean burden was 4.8 worms per host. the ...19921566314
distinction of human hookworm larvae based on lectin-binding characteristics.a comparative study of lectin binding to ensheathed (enl3) and exsheathed (exl3) l3 larvae of necator americanus, ancylostoma duodenale and ancylostoma ceylanicum revealed a number of differences between these hookworm species. these differences could provide a novel approach to distinguish infective l3 larvae in field conditions. for example, binding of ulex europaeus agglutinin (uea) and ricinus communis agglutinin (rca120) to n. americanus enl3 distinguished them from those of a. duodenale an ...19921570175
a novel method for the isolation of nematode larvae using pluronic f-68-treated cellulose strips.a new method is described for the isolation of cultured nematode larvae. this allows effective separation of larvae from fecal contamination, exsheathed larvae from cast sheaths, and viable larvae from nonviable larvae. the method involves the use of cellulose strips and has been assessed using larvae from 2 hookworm species, necator americanus and ancylostoma ceylanicum. pretreatment of the cellulose strips with 1.0% (w/v) of the nonionic surfactant, pluronic f-68, significantly increased larva ...19921597809
the human environment, occupation, and possible water-borne transmission of the human hookworm, necator americanus, in endemic coastal communities of the niger delta, nigeria.a 15-month longitudinal study was carried out in four riverine communities of the niger delta to ascertain the impact of the environment and occupation on the transmission and infection pattern of the human hookworm necator americanus. a total of 925 (50.10%) individuals were found to be infected. male and female infection rates were 54.26% and 47.96% respectively. the difference was statistically significant (p less than 0.05). the prevalence of infection, the egg counts, and the seasonal incid ...19921603919
the identification of a species-specific antigen from necator americanus.a 17 kd protein of necator americanus was isolated by sds-page and used to raise monospecific antisera in rabbits. elisa and western blotting against a range of parasite extracts demonstrated the species specificity of this protein. it is expressed at all stages of the life-cycle, appears to be accumulated through the larval stages to adulthood, and can be localized in the oesophageal glands and cuticle of the adult parasite. the possible nature and diagnostic potential of this protein is discus ...19901696710
parasitic infections in young jamaicans in different ecological zones of the are presented for the first country wide prospective study on gastrointestinal tract parasitic infections done in jamaica. samples from 2,947 young jamaicans drawn from all ecological zones and from all parochial divisions of the island were analyzed. pica was practised by 8.6%. generally, prevalence of organisms was as follows: trichuris trichiura (12.3%), ascaris lumbricoides (9.5%), hookworm (2.2%), strongyloides stercoralis (0.3%), giardia lamblia (6.3%) and entamoeba coli (7.7%). sever ...19911750103
antigenic cross-reactivity between necator americanus and ascaris lumbricoides in a community in papua new guinea infected predominantly with hookworm.sero-epidemiological data are presented in which antigenic cross-reactivity between necator americanus and ascaris lumbricoides has been investigated in a community in papua new guinea infected predominantly with n. americanus. it is our contention that the antigenic cross-reactivity which undoubtedly exists between these species accounted for (i) a peak in antibody levels against n. americanus in 10-13 years old children (driven by infection with a. lumbricoides), and (ii) the maintenance of ap ...19911755061
comparative efficacy of single dose anthelmintics in relation to intensity of geohelminth infections.the efficacy of a single dose of albendazole 400 mg, levamisole 2.5 mg/kg, mebendazole 500 mg, mebendazole 200 mg and pyrantel pamoate 10 mg/kg was evaluated in relation to the intensity of infection of ascaris lumbricoides, necator americanus and trichuris trichiura. the study group comprised 667 3 to 12 year old children from poorer segments of the community. all 5 treatments produced high egg reduction rates ranging from 95.9% to 99.7% and substantial cure rates for ascaris infection; the dif ...19911807845
[comparison of several coproparasitological techniques for the diagnosis of soil-transmitted intestinal helminthiasis].five hundred and eleven samples of feces were examined by several coproparasitological techniques: kato-katz, willis, ritchie and direct wet mount. it was found that kato-katz was the most reliable technique for the diagnosis of trichuris trichiura, necator americanus, and ascaris lumbricoides, demonstrating the largest number of cases. willis, ritchie and direct wet mount were effective in that order. taking into account that kato-katz is a quantitative method, it should be recommended in the d ...19911844969
hookworm (necator americanus) infection and storage iron depletion.the relationship between iron status and the intensity of infection with hookworm was investigated in a rural population on karkar island, mandang province, papua new guinea. there was a significant negative correlation between plasma ferritin level and hookworm burden, which was strongest in males. in contrast, there was no correlation between plasma ferritin and hookworm egg count, and no consistent correlation between haemoglobin level or haematocrit and either measure of hookworm intensity. ...19911887481
detection of wuchereria bancrofti specific antigens in the serum of endemic residents.a sandwich enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (s-elisa) is developed for detecting circulatory antigens in individuals infected with wuchereria bancrofti in an endemic area using antibody (ig) against excretory-secretory-metabolic antigens of the microfilariae raised in rabbit (anti-mf-esm) and labelled with alkaline phosphatase (esm-ig-conjugate). an optical density reading of a sample greater than 0.075 (after subtracting the background) was taken as positive in the s-elisa. when homologous (wb ...19911896764
reinfection and infection rates of soil-transmitted-helminths in kemiri sewu, yogyakarta, indonesia.a study on the reinfection and infection rates of soil-transmitted helminths was conducted in kemiri sewu, godean district, sleman regency, yogyakarta special province, indonesia, from august 1988 to june 1990. a total 61 individuals rendered ascaris lumbricoides egg-negative by drug treatment were used in the reinfection study and 412 individuals found negative for ascaris eggs in the pretreatment stool examination were used for the infection rate study. in both groups, children had higher and ...19911948282
the epidemiological significance of the immune response to the cuticular collagen of necator americanus: a preliminary study in a hookworm-endemic area in papua new guinea. 19901978540
mass treatment of intestinal parasites among ethiopian immigrants.intestinal parasites are common among the ethiopian immigrants to israel and mass treatment is necessary to prevent local transmission. for this purpose, stool samples obtained from the immigrants in absorption centers were examined. of 5,412 samples obtained, 4,399 (81.3%) were positive: 2,644 (54.2%) for necator americanus, 2,273 (46.6%) for schistosoma mansoni, 990 (20.3%) for ascaris lumbricoides, 1,040 (21.3%) for hymenolepsis nana, 940 (19.2%) for trichuris trichiura, 219 (4.5%) for strong ...19912050509
identification of human hookworm in failed-treatment cases using chinese hamsters (cricetulus griseus) and scanning electron attempt was made to identify the human hookworm involved in failed-treatment cases using abnormal hosts and scanning electron microscopy. thirty-seven, 2 to 6 month old chinese hamsters (cricetulus griseus) from a closed, outbred, conventional colony, were each given between 20 and 120 filariform larvae per os. the larvae were cultured from faeces from mebendazole (vermox) 500 mg single-dose, failed-treatment cases living in the lowveld farming area of the transvaal province, south africa. ab ...19912050988
necator americanus secretory acetylcholinesterase and its purification from excretory-secretory products by affinity chromatography.acetylcholinesterase (ache) secretion by adult n. americanus was enhanced in vitro by incorporating insoluble collagen rafts into culture dishes. enzyme produced in this way had preferential substrate specificity for acetylthiocholine iodide (atc), and its activity was inhibited by eserine (1.1 x 10(-8) m). ancylostoma ceylanicum, another hookworm species, failed to produce comparable amounts of ache in culture. ache was efficiently purified from culture medium by affinity chromatography on edro ...19912052405
[intestinal parasites and lactose malabsorption].breath-test was performed for diagnosis of lactose malabsorption in 50 gabonese children of normal nutritional status, aged 5 to 15 years, with parasites in stools, but without diarrhoea or digestive symptoms. control group was unparasitized and consisted of 17 children and 18 young adults living in the same area. parasites discovered by stool examination were ascaris lumbricoides in 76% of parasitized children, trichuris trichiura in 58%, giardia in 24%, entamoeba histolytica in 20%, schistosom ...19902078108
[levamisole, mebendazole, thiabendazole. their effectiveness as helminthicides in african patients recently arrived in cuba. from 1987 to 1988].ninety one passengers coming from africa, carriers of geohelminthes, were selected and treated with helminthicides of large use in our country (levamisole, mebendazole, thiabendazole). an excellent effective response was obtained for ascaris lumbricoides (96.5%), and a good effective response was obtained for the rest of the parasites: trichuri trichiura (88.5%), strongyloides stercoralis (87.5%), and necator americanus (78.9), according to data of therapeutical response efficiency of the who.19902089506
immunodiagnosis of taeniasis by coproantigen detection.immunodiagnostic tests for taenia-specific faecal antigen based on polyclonal rabbit antisera against taenia saginata or taenia solium proglottid extracts in capture-type elisa assays have been developed. taenia-specific antigen was detected in detergent-solubilized faecal extracts from t. solium- and t. saginata-infected hosts. coproantigen from t. solium-infected hamsters did not cross-react with faeces from rodents infected with hymenolepis diminuta, h. citelli, h. microstoma, necator america ...19902092303
parasitological and serological studies on amoebiasis and other intestinal parasitic infections in the rural sector around recife, northeast brazil.parasitological examinations were carried out during july to december, 1989, on 485 inhabitants of four villages in são lourenço da mata, 25 km northwest of recife, pernambuco, brazil. approximately 99.6% of the inhabitants were infected with at least one species of intestinal parasites. a high prevalence of schistosoma mansoni (82.1%), hookworm (80.2%) trichuris trichiura (69.9%), ascaris lumbricoides (61.9%) and entamoeba coli (36.7%) infections were demonstrated. test tube cultivation reveale ...19902135489
[clinical observations on the treatment of hookworm, ascaris and trichuris infection with oxibendazole].340 cases of hookworm infection, 196 cases of ascariasis and 178 cases of trichuriasis were treated with an anthelmintic, oxibendazole, 15mg/kg.d x 3d; 102, 70 and 66 cases of respective infections were treated with pyrantel 10mg/kg.d x 3d and 108, 74 and 63 cases took placebo for comparison and as control under double-blind observations. re-examinations of the stool were performed after the treatment. among the cases treated with oxibendazole, the egg negative conversion rates of hookworm, asca ...19902208619
[effect of albendazole and pyrantel in treating intestinal helminthiasis and controlling the recurrence of hookworm infections].a total of 720 human intestinal helminthic infections were divided into 4 groups and treated with albendazole 400mg/d x 3d, 400mg/d x 5d, pyrantel 1,500mg/d x 3d, or 1,500mg/d x 5d. half a month after treatment, the negative rates of hookworm egg were 98.6, 98.6, 86.2 and 93.5%, those of ascaris egg were 96.5, 98.2, 92.9 and 96.3%, and those of whipworm egg were 86.4, 89.0, 68.9 and 67.0% respectively. reduction rate of hookworm egg reached more than 98% in all the 4 groups. six months after tre ...19902208633
radiolabeling of necator americanus third stage larvae with 75se-methionine.third stage larvae of necator americanus were radiolabeled with 75se-methionine by two methods. larvae labeled in aqueous cultures contained 188 and 25 cpm per sheathed and ex-sheathed larva, respectively. larvae labeled in coproculture incorporated 25 and 18 cpm per sheathed and ex-sheathed larva, respectively. all of the label was decayed in 5 days from larvae labeled in aqueous cultures, whereas appreciable amounts of radioactivity were still detectable at day 7 of chase period in coprocultur ...19902251248
rate of expulsion of necator americanus and the false hookworm ternidens deminutus railliet and henry 1909 (nematoda) from humans following albendazole treatment. 19902278080
epidemiology and immunology of necator americanus infection in a community in papua new guinea: humoral responses to excretory-secretory and cuticular collagen antigens.baseline data from an immuno-epidemiological study of hookworm infection in a rural village in madang province, papua new guinea are reported. necator americanus was found to be the commonest helminth infection, with a prevalence of near 100% and intensity of 40 worms per host in adults. enterobius vermicularis, ascaris lumbricoides and trichuris trichiura were also present, at prevalences of 53, 10 and 3% respectively; ancylostoma duodenale was absent. the frequency distribution of n. americanu ...19902345664
efficacy of agar-plate culture in detection of strongyloides stercoralis infection.agar-plate culture of feces using a modified petri dish proved to be highly efficient in the detection of strongyloides stercoralis infection. furrows left by s. stercoralis on the agar plate were distinguished readily in size from those left by necator americanus.19902352073
necator americanus in the mouse: histopathological changes associated with the passage of larvae through the lungs of mice exposed to primary and secondary infection.the mouse/necator americanus model was studied to assess the histopathological changes that occur in the lungs following primary and secondary exposure to infective larvae. groups of balb/c mice were infected percutaneously and killed on various days post infection. parasite numbers were counted, the bronchoalveolar leukocyte response was quantified and histological sections of lung material were examined for evidence of host protective inflammatory reactions. an increase in the inflammatory inf ...19902352915
necator americanus in the dsn hamster: density-dependent expulsion of adult worms during primary infection.neonatal hamsters were exposed to varying doses of necator americanus larvae and changes in the stability of the resulting worm burdens were monitored over a period of 25 weeks. no change in worm burdens was evident for the first 5 weeks of infection, irrespective of the infection intensity, but the more heavily infected groups subsequently lost worms in a density-dependent manner. male and female hamsters lost comparable proportions of their established parasite burdens indicating that there wa ...19902362772
parasite detection efficiencies of five stool concentration systems.fresh fecal material that was free of ova and parasites was pooled with 10% formalin in a 1:4 ratio to prepare a standard specimen. portions of 100 ml of this specimen were individually seeded with cryptosporidium oocysts, entamoeba coli, entamoeba histolytica, and giardia lamblia cysts; ova of necator americanus; and strongyloides larvae. appropriate volumes of each parasite suspension were used to evaluate the fecal concentrator kit (remel, lenexa, kans.), fecal parasite concentrator (evergree ...19902380347
identification of hookworm (necator americanus) antigens and their translation in vitro.during in vitro culture adult (day 35) necator americanus synthesise a wide range of protein species many of which are excreted or secreted into the culture medium. both post infection (day 117) hamster sera and sera from infected humans precipitate antigens of 15, 30, 33, 44, 46 and 69 kda although individual human sera exhibit some variability in absolute specificity. in immunoblotting experiments antigens of 33 kda are routinely recognised by human sera although two-dimensional gel analysis s ...19862426588
the recognition of antigens on the surface of adult and l4 necator americanus by human and hamster post-infection sera.the surface antigens of adult necator americanus were recognized by post-infection hamster sera and resolved at molecular weight 93,000, 67,000, 46,000, 43,000, 32,000 and 25,000. l4 larvae in contrast had one major surface antigen, resolving at 93,000. these antigens were also recognized by a range of human sera, although on a differential basis. this suggests that the human sera tion. however, the results do indicate that the hamster model might be of immunological relevance to the human disea ...19862427992
antigen expression during development of the human hookworm, necator americanus (nematoda).the accumulated and de novo synthesized antigens expressed by l3, l4 and adult necator americanus, recognized by both the natural host, man, and the experimental host, the hamster, were identified by immunoblotting and immunoprecipitation analysis. following infection of neonatal hamsters serum samples were taken on days 17, 35 and 117. only serum taken 117 days after infection showed significant reactivity in immunoblotting experiments, recognizing adult epitopes of 30,000, 33,000, 48,000 and 6 ...19872437516
[ancylostomiasis].ancylostomiasis, i.e., infestation by ancylostoma duodenale or necator americanus, involves several thousands of subjects every year throughout the world and especially in tropical and subtropical regions where it is endemic. in italy, after a severe epidemic during the construction of the st. gotthard tunnel in the 1880s, and after a period of endemic infestation limited to some areas (1955-60), the last few years have witnessed a marked drop in the incidence of this disease which is neverthele ...19892529085
entamoeba histolytica and other parasitic infections in south kanara district, karnataka.single stool specimens collected from 1,020 apparently healthy people of the south kanara district, were processed for intestinal parasites using three parasitological methods viz. (a) direct smear in physiological saline and d'antoni's iodine, (b) zinc sulfate concentration method and (c) by culture in modified boek and drbolhav medium. of these 781 (76.51 per cent) were found to be infected with parasites. the prevalence of various intestinal parasites was: ascaris lumbricoides (48.33 per cent ...19892559118
[chronic diarrhea and parasitoses in adults suspected of aids in the ivory coast].148 adult patients with chronic diarrhoea and suspected to be hiv infected have had stool examinations. 46 are without any enteric parasite. those detected in the others patients are sporozoans: i. belli (16.2%) and cryptosporidium sp. (6.7%) found alone or joint, together or with other parasites. among those, all flagellate species are identified, but t. intestinalis (6%) is predominant. entamoeba coli (8.%) is the most frequent amebic species, however, e. histolytica histolytica have been foun ...19892561272
a study of the efficacy and safety of albendazole (zentel) in the treatment of intestinal helmenthiasis in kenyan children less than 2 years of hundred children comprising of 57 males and 43 females aged between 8 and 24 months entered the study. 46 children had single and 54 children had multiple helminth infections. all children received albendazole 200 mg (10 ml) suspension as a single dose. albendazole proved very effective and safe in the treatment of single and multiple helminth infections in children under 2 years of age, achieving cure rates of 100% in both ascaris lumbricoides and necator americanus respectively, 83% in tri ...19892591328
response of adult necator americanus to some known anthelminthics in necator americanus infection in laboratory hamsters (the hamster-hookworm model) was examined as an anthelminthic screening system. three reference anthelminthics--pyrantel (pytl), mebendazole (mbz) and ivermectin (ivrn)--were used to assess the sensitivity of adult n. americanus and also to investigate the value of the hamster-hookworm model for predicting clinical results. serial drug dosages were used, and the ed50 was determined from the resulting cure rates. in addition, percentage wo ...19892604466
strongyloides cf fuelleborni in papua new guinea: epidemiology in an isolated community, and results of an intervention study.strongyloides cf fuelleborni was found to be distributed homogeneously with respect to space and time in a semi-nomadic community in papua new guinean rainforest. the parasite predominantly infects children, reaching 60% prevalence in the first year of life and peaking around 80% at five years of age. egg loads follow a similar pattern but peak earlier (at 20 months) and fall off more sharply. the few infected adults have very light infections as measured by egg count. in the first few months of ...19892619364
coproantigens in gut tapeworm infections: hymenolepis diminuta in rats.a capture enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (elisa) for the detection of hymenolepis diminuta coproantigen in detergent-solubilised faecal supernatants was developed. the assay was sensitive to 400 ng h. diminuta protein/ml faecal supernatant and to 30 ng/ml in pbs 0.3% tween. faecal antigen levels started to rise on day 7 post infection and peaked on day 20. following drug treatment of infected rats with 10 mg/kg praziquantel, there was an initial steep rise in faecal antigen levels, followed b ...19892622898
albendazole in the treatment of goehelminth infections in children.children with mixed helminthic infections between the ages of 2 and 14 years, from a slum area, were treated with two regimes of albendazole. a majority of children had moderate to heavy infections with trichuris trichiura (greater than 70%) and ascaris lumbricoides (greater than 84%). children treated with a single 400 mg dose of albendazole showed a very good response in ascariasis with 100% cure rate irrespective of the severity of infection. in trichuriasis (n = 40), a cure rate of 50% was o ...19892627728
filarial parasites exhibit unusually high levels of choline acetyltransferase activity.the presence of unusually high levels of choline acetyltransferase (chat, ec in human and animal filarial parasites has been demonstrated. the levels of chat were highest in male worms of brugia malayi and brugia pahangi, with specific activities in crude extracts of about 2.27 and 1.26 mumol min-1 (mg protein)-1, respectively. the enzyme levels in these worms were over 10-20 times higher than in male worms of litomosoides carinii. the chat levels were about 2-5 times higher in male tha ...19892664508
the action of a mast cell protease on the cuticular collagens of necator americanus.collagen-like proteins, thought to be responsible for maintaining the structural integrity of the nematode cuticle, were isolated from adult necator americanus and shown to be susceptible to digestion by purified mast cell proteases. although these collagens would appear normally to be masked by superficially expressed (surface) antigens, it is suggested that a sufficiently avid and specific immune response could remove this potentially protective coat, rendering the structurally important under ...19892671869
effect of single-dose albendazole and single-dose mebendazole on necator hundred two children (43 males and 59 females) aged 6 to 14 years with positive stool examination by kato-katz and/or harada-mori culture techniques for n. americanus, were randomly divided into two groups. group i with 48 children were treated with a single dose albendazole, 400 mg. group ii, 54 children, received a single dose mebendazole, 600 mg. after treatment, repeated stool examination was performed on day 14, day 21 and day 28. the children were considered cured when stool examinatio ...19892692189
[single dose mebendazole for the treatment of trichuris trichiura and necator americanus in chemotherapeutic control campaigns in the communities].a study of intestinal parasitism is made in "argelia libre" community, isle of youth, by means of four coproparasitologic techniques: kato kratz, ritchie, direct, and willis. patients with geohelminths are divided into two groups of treatment: group a, treated with 500 mg mebendazole in single doses and group b, treated with the classical scheme of 100 mg every 12 hours for three days. results of treatment are expressed in terms of cure rates and percentage of egg-count reduction. when comparing ...19892701183
a simple method for the collection of necator americanus larvae.a simple method for the collection of third-stage larvae of necator americanus has been described. this technique provides repeated recovery of very clean larvae from cultures in moderate numbers.19892723389
soil-transmitted helminthiases among inhabitants of an oil-palm plantation in west malaysia.a total of 819 indian inhabitants (from 6 months to over 60 years of age) in an oil-palm plantation in west malaysia was examined for soil-transmitted helminthiases using the brine flotation and kato thick smear techniques. half (51.0%) of the inhabitants were found to be infected (33.9% had ascaris lumbricoides; 36.4% had trichuris trichiura and 15.6% had necator americanus). soil-transmitted helminthiases (both single and mixed infections) were significantly more common among children and youn ...19892760969
ancylostoma duodenale and necator americanus: effect of temperature on egg development and mortality.the development and mortality of the eggs of ancylostoma duodenale and necator americanus in distilled water were monitored over a range of temperatures between 15 and 35 degrees c. egg demography was examined within the context of a four-parameter mathematical model of development and mortality. over the range of temperatures studied, egg mortality (mu) was an increasing exponential function of temperature (t) measured in degrees celsius. a single model adequately described the mortality of bot ...19892797868
hookworm and roundworm infections in farm-worker communities in the large-scale agricultural sector in zimbabwe.surveys were carried out to assess the prevalences and intensities of hookworm and roundworm infections in 15 farm-worker communities in zimbabwe with poor living conditions. examination of 1635 faecal samples showed that hookworms (necator americanus and ancylostoma duodenale) were the commonest helminths (61.7% of infections). they were followed by ascaris lumbricoides and trichuris trichiura at less than 3%. there were striking differences in prevalences and intensities of infection of the di ...19892810452
[light and electron microscopic observations on effects of tribendimidin on cuticle of necator americanus and small intestinal mucosa of infected golden hamsters].golden hamsters infected with necator americanus were treated orally with a new anthilmintic tribendimidin (n, n'-[bis-4'-(1-dimethyl amino ethylidene amino)phenyl] 1,4-phenyene dimethylidyne amine) at a single dose of 150 mg/kg. one h after medication, some worms showed cuticular swelling, fusion of transverse striations and attachment of host leucocytes onto the worm's damaged cuticular surface. four h post treatment, the cuticle revealed a moderate swelling or even erosion. meanwhile, the ven ...19892816407
necator americanus and ancylostoma ceylanicum: development of protocols for dual infection in hamsters.two-day-old baby hamsters were infected initially with the infective larvae of hamster-adapted human hookworm, necator americanus (nal3). after a specified period they were again infected orally with infective larvae of ancylostoma ceylanicum (acl3). three weeks after the second infection they were killed and the establishment of n. americanus and a. ceylanicum was assessed. the effect of different infection levels and exposure period of n. americanus on the concurrent establishment of a. ceylan ...19852859749
site of resistance to necator americanus in hamsters.resistance to the development of human hookworm, necator americanus was examined in 3- to 6-week-old young adult hamsters. only 3% of n. americanus infective third stage larvae (nal3) reached maturity in the intestines of young adults as opposed to as many as 60% in 2-day-old baby hamsters. this seemingly effective resistance prevailing in young adults was investigated in some detail. the skin, the first site of contact for the invading nal3, was bypassed during the infection process. completely ...19852868635
simultaneous isolation of hiv-1 and hiv-2 from an aids patient.two distinct human immunodeficiency viruses, hiv-1sf480 and hiv-2uc2 were isolated simultaneously from the blood of an ivory coast patient with aids. the hiv subtypes were segregated by their differential ability to infect established human cell lines and by the cell surface expression of type-specific viral antigens. the viruses could be distinguished by both immunoblot and southern blot analyses. the results indicate that an individual can be infected by both hiv subtypes.19882904524
ivermectin for human strongyloidiasis and other intestinal helminths.since ivermectin, a mixture of 2 closely related macrocyclic lactones, has proven highly effective against animal intestinal nematodes, trials were undertaken to determine its efficacy against human intestinal nematodes. we tested 110 patients with strongyloidiasis and 90 with enterobiasis; many had other intercurrent intestinal nematode infections. stool examinations were done before and after patients were given a single dose of oral ivermectin capsules (50, 100, 150, or 200 micrograms/kg body ...19892929853
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