
gastrospirillum hominis associated chronic active gastritis: the first report from italy.recently a spiral bacterium different from helicobacter pylori (hp) was observed in the human stomach and the name of gastrospirillum hominis (gh) was proposed for this organism. gh presence is reported to be not associated to hp but related to chronic active gastritis. we describe the case of a 31 year old male suffering from upper abdominal symptoms, who underwent oesophagogastroduodenoscopy, which revealed a picture of duodenal hyperemia. gastric body showed a normal mucosa and absence of hp, ...19911747510
[gastrospirillum hominis--a new bacterium in chronic gastritis]. 19911749881
presence of spiral bacteria ("gastrospirillum hominis") in the gastric mucosa. 19911874254
helicobacter pylori-negative duodenal ulcer.most patients with chronic duodenal ulcer (du) craters have gastritis associated with helicobacter pylori (hp), now thought to be the major cause of du. a smaller proportion of du patients have no detectable hp. in this study, we examined the frequency and causes of hp-negative duodenal ulcers. in 302 consecutive patients with endoscopic diagnosis of duodenal ulcer, 284 (94%) were found to have associated hp gastritis, whereas 18 (6%) were hp-negative on histology, culture, and urease test. the ...19911882793
spiral shaped microorganisms in the human duodenal mucosa.a new spiral shaped microorganism, gastrospirillum hominis, distinct from helicobacter pylori, has recently been described in the gastric mucosa. we report a patient with duodenal erosions who was found to have these organisms in his duodenal mucosa. this bacterium is not necessarily specific to the stomach, and its association with peptic damage needs to be studied further.19911946133
"gastrospirillum hominis": another four cases. 19901967371
mixed gastric infection by gastrospirillum hominis and helicobacter pylori. 19901975013
gastric injury and invasion of parietal cells by spiral bacteria in rhesus monkeys. are gastritis and hyperchlorhydria infectious diseases?the possibility of using the rhesus monkey as a model for studying gastric function in the presence of infection with spiral bacteria was studied. endoscopic evaluation of the gastric mucosa was performed under general anesthesia in 29 colony-bred rhesus monkeys, and gastric pinch biopsy specimens were obtained from each animal. on a separate day, gastric emptying and acid output were determined using a 99mtc dilution technique. biopsy samples were fixed for light microscopy (h&e, gram, and wart ...19912001827
[gastritis associated with gastrospirillum hominis--a zoonosis?].we found spiral bacteria (non-helicobacter pylori, sb) in gastric biopsies of 5 patients corresponding to an incidence of 0.3%. the bacteria were found on the surface of the gastric mucosa and in part tightly packed within the crypts. contrary to helicobacter pylori, most of them had no direct contact to the surface and crypt epithelium. they are distinctly coiled, 3.6-5.5 microns in length and on average 0.5 microns thick. ultrastructural studies revealed sheathed flagella at each pole. in one ...19912011719
[human chronic gastritis associated with non-helicobacter pylori spiral organisms (gastrospirillum hominis). four cases and review of the literature].four cases of human active chronic gastritis associated with gastrospirillum hominis, a recently described spiral shaped organism are presented. these 4 cases originated from a series of 1976 consecutive gastric biopsies, i.e. a prevalence of 0.25 percent in our material, are compared with helicobacter pylori prevalence of 45 percent. histopathological findings were chronic active gastritis with mild or no atrophy. electron microscopy showed spiral bacteria with terminal flagellae, identical to ...19902276559
new spiral bacterium in the gastric mucosa: gastrospirillum hominis. 19902332525
gastrospirillum hominis. 19892569058
gastrospirillum hominis infection of the stomach. 19892570914
new spiral bacterium in gastric mucosa.a new spiral bacterium, distinct from campylobacter pylori, was found in the gastric mucosa of six patients with gastrointestinal symptoms. all patients had chronic active type b gastritis and four had oesophagitis. culture and microscopy for c pylori infection was negative. these unculturable spiral organisms were probably an incidental finding in patients presenting for upper gastrointestinal endoscopy, but it is not possible to say from this small series whether these organisms cause chronic ...19892738164
helicobacter heilmannii-like spiral bacteria in gastric mucosal biopsies. prevalence and clinical significance.gastric helicobacter pylori (hp) is highly associated with histological gastritis and peptic ulcer disease, yet helicobacter heilmannii (hh, also known as gastrospirillum hominis) may be a less frequent gastric pathogen about which less is known.19957503664
gastrospirillum hominis in asymptomatic healthy individuals. 19957628269
helicobacter heilmannii and gastric cancer. 19957637513
[helicobacter heilmannii: new spiral shaped bacterium that may be responsible for ulcerated gastritis]. 19957672534
"helicobacter heilmannii" infection in a patient with gastric cancer. 19957729256
gastrospirillum hominis ("helicobacter heilmanii"): a cause of gastritis, sometimes transient, better diagnosed by touch cytology?besides helicobacter pylori, another spirillar microorganism, provisionally called gastrospirillum hominis, has been described in the human stomach in association with gastritis. the aim of this study was to assess the role of cytology in the diagnosis, to assess the gastritis associated with this infection, and to approach its natural history.19957872280
helicobacter heilmannii (formerly gastrospirillum hominis) gastritis: an infection transmitted by animals?the source of infection with helicobacter heilmannii (formerly gastrospirillum hominis), a relatively rare causative agent of gastritis in humans, is not clear. it has long been known that this organism occurs in the stomach of domestic animals and pets.19947886392
canine-human transmission of gastrospirillum hominis.we report electron microscopic evidence of transmission from a pet dog to a 12-year-girl of gastrospirillum hominis which caused gastric disease in both that was eradicable with treatment.19947911923
canine-to-human transmission of gastrospirillum hominis. 19947912779
canine-human transmission of gastrospirillum hominis. 19947934483
gastrospirillum hominis in acute gastric erosion.gastrospirillum hominis is a spirochete that has been described in association with chronic gastritis and duodenal ulcers. we report the case of a patient having acute gastric erosion in whom biopsy showed abundant organisms. the erosion resolved while the patient was receiving sucralfate and omeprazole therapy. we discuss the histopathology and mode of transmission of g hominis, along with the role of antibiotic therapy.19947973903
touch cytology. a quick, simple, sensitive screening test in the diagnosis of infections of the gastrointestinal assess the role of touch cytology (imprint from endoscopic biopsy specimens) in the diagnosis of mucosal infections of the gastrointestinal tract, we reviewed all records and specimens of patients seen during a 30-month period. touch cytology was performed by rolling biopsy specimens on glass slides. after air fixation, a rapid staining method similar to may-grünwald-giemsa was used. the following infections and pathogens were diagnosed (in decreasing order of frequency): helicobacter pylori ...19947979897
gastrospirillum hominis-associated gastritis: the first reported case in japan.tightly coiled spiral micro-organisms (gastrospirillum hominis), distinct from helicobacter pylori, were found in the gastric mucosa of a 66-year-old man with a 4-month history of intermittent epigastric pain. the organisms were distributed in the antral mucosa, which showed erosive gastritis; histologically, the affected mucosa presented moderate to severe chronic gastritis with focal neutrophil infiltration. after a 2-week administration of cimetidine, his symptoms resolved and the active infl ...19948012509
gastrospirillum hominis prevalence. 19948050309
development of a technique for detecting antimicrobial susceptibility of unculturable gastric spiral bacterium gastrospirillum hominis. 19948056707
acute gastritis associated with spiral organisms from cats.numerous studies implicated helicobacter pylori as one causative agent producing gastritis and dyspepsia. recent reports focus on another bacterium, gastrospirillum hominis, as a possible pathogen producing gastritis. we report a 30-year-old researcher who became acutely ill with epigastric pain indicative of esophagitis or peptic ulcer disease. gastritis and a gastric ulcer were observed endoscopically. histological examination of the gastric mucosa revealed an acute gastritis and large spiral- ...19948149839
[spiral shaped bacteria in the human gastric biopsy].biopsy specimens from the gastric mucosa of 149 patients who underwent gastroduodenal endoscopy for upper gastrointestinal complaints were studied by light microscopy and culture. spiral shaped bacteria were detected in four of the specimens by smears with gram stain. the positive rate was 2.68%, but these bacteria and hp did not grow in culture. the characteristic helical morphology of the bacteria appears to be similar to that of the bacteria found in the stomach of cats and dogs. and what of ...19938150439
molecular analysis of urease genes from a newly identified uncultured species of helicobacter."gastrospirillum hominis" is an uncultured gastric spiral bacterium that has recently been shown by 16s rdna sequence analysis to be a newly recognized species of helicobacter that infects humans, and it has been provisionally designated "helicobacter heilmannii." we used pcr to directly amplify the urease structural genes of "h. heilmannii" from infected gastric tissue. dna sequence analysis identified two open reading frames, urea and ureb, which code for polypeptides with predicted molecular ...19948168924
gastrospirillum hominis in asymptomatic, healthy individuals.gastrospirillum hominis is a spiral-shaped bacterium found in the stomach. it has been implicated as a possible cause of chronic gastritis. we report two cases of g. hominis colonization observed in a series of 175 healthy, asymptomatic volunteers investigated for helicobacter pylori. none of the volunteers had symptoms or a history of gastrointestinal disease. both carriers of g. hominis had histological signs of chronic, active antral gastritis. multiple tests for h. pylori were negative. the ...19938223085
gastritis associated with gastrospirillum hominis in children. comparison with helicobacter pylori and review of the literature.interest in possible microbiological causes of gastritis has significantly increased since the discovery of helicobacter pylori. recently a spiral bacterium named gastrospirillum hominis was described in association with chronic gastritis in adult patients. here, we present the finding of gastrospirillum hominis in the gastric biopsies of two children who underwent upper endoscopy for gastrointestinal symptoms. the frequency of gastrospirillum hominis (0.3%) in our pediatric population was simil ...19938248105
long term infection of the gastric mucosa with helicobacter species does induce atrophic gastritis in an animal model of helicobacter pylori infection.gastric atrophy is a precursor lesion in the development of gastric cancer. it has been proposed that atrophy is part of a natural progression of inflammatory changes that result from long term infection with the bacterium helicobacter pylori. the aim of this study was to test this hypothesis using an animal model of human helicobacter infection. conventional mice were infected with either a cat isolate of helicobacter felis or a human isolate of "gastrospirillum hominis". all infected mice show ...19938280955
an uncultured gastric spiral organism is a newly identified helicobacter in humans."gastrospirillum hominis" is an uncultivated spiral bacterium in human gastric mucosa that is larger and more tightly coiled than helicobacter pylori. in an attempt to determine if this organism is a new species of helicobacter, its 16s rrna gene was cloned and sequenced. gastric mucosa from 2 patients infected with "gastrospirillum hominis" was fed to specific pathogen-free mice. electron microscopy of gastric tissue confirmed that the mice became colonized with "gastrospirillum hominis." the 1 ...19938335974
gastrospirillum hominis in a child with chronic gastritis. 19938414788
gastric bacteria other than helicobacter pylori.since the culture of helicobacter pylori from the human stomach in 1983 there has been renewed interest in other bacteria that had been observed in animal stomachs as early as late in the nineteenth century. many of these bacteria have now been isolated and have been shown to belong to the same genus, helicobacter, which currently contains nine species. study of the gastric helicobacters is important because it provides relevant information about how bacteria can survive in the gastric environme ...19938449568
[igg antibodies to gastrospirillum hominis and helicobacter pylori].in conjunction with an investigation extending over several years, focused on the understanding of the importance of helicobacter pylori in inflammatory gastric disease, the authors examined a group of 1242 patients. in fifteen they detected by microscopic examination the presence of helical bacteria described in the literature as gastrospirillum hominis. the cultivation test was not positive. in three patients in addition to these bacteria also the presence of helicobacter pylori was detected. ...19938485767
animal models and vaccine development.following the demonstration of helicobacter pylori as a major gastroduodenal pathogen there was a need to develop animal models in order to investigate mechanisms of pathogenesis and to be able to test new treatment strategies. helicobacter pylori will only colonize a limited number of hosts including non-human primates, germ-free or barrier raised piglets, germ-free dogs and recently laboratory raised cats. although these models have proved useful there is a need for more convenient small anima ...19958563056
gastrospirillum hominis and human chronic gastritis.gastrospirillum hominis, a new spiral bacterium, was found in the gastric mucosa of two patients with antral chronic gastritis. these 2 cases originated from a series of 2781 consecutive gastric biopsies observed over a period of five years, with a prevalence of 0.072%. dogs and cats may be responsible for transmission to humans but in our experience no contact with pets was documented. detection of these organisms might provide new insight into the pathogenesis of human gastritis.19958590399
gastrospirillum hominis-associated chronic active gastritis.a 16-year-old caucasian male presented with nausea, vomiting, and abdominal pain. endoscopy revealed erythematous antral mucosa with four discrete gastric ulcers. biopsies showed multiple spiral organisms, 4-6 microns in length, lying in the mucous layer on the surface. the organisms were strongly giemsa positive and weakly clotest positive. they did not stain with warthin-starry silver or gram-weigert stains. electron microscopy revealed fragments of gastrospirillum hominis, with its characteri ...19958597829
isolation of "helicobacter heilmannii" from human tissue. 19968641302
isolation of a "helicobacter heilmanii"-like organism from the human stomach. 19968641315
association between helicobacter and gastric ulcer disease of the pars esophagea in swine.swine present spontaneously peptic ulcer in the gastric pars esophagea and are frequently colonized by a spiral bacterium that is of the same species as helicobacter heilmannii type 1. this organism is also observed in the gastric mucosa of patients with gastric symptoms and who present with gastritis at histology. the aim of this study was to investigate the association between the presence of h. heilmannii type 1 and lesions of the pars esophagea.19968698198
helicobacter heilmannii (formerly gastrospirillum): association with pig and human gastric pathology. 19968698206
the relationships between chronic gastritis and gastric acid secretion.helicobacter pylori is the main cause of chronic gastritis in humans. autoimmune mechanisms and helicobacter heilmannii infection are other causes, both of which are of minor significance in a worldwide perspective. atrophic gastritis is a quite common late consequence of h. pylori gastritis and will develop on a multifactorial basis, but not in all infected persons. the evolution of atrophic gastritis is a slow and gradually worsening process leading to subtypes, in which the antrum and corpus ...19968730265
[chronic gastritis with presence of helicobacter heilmannii]. 19968868955
spiral bacteria in the human stomach: the gastric helicobacters.during the past decade, helicobacter pylori has become recognized as one of the most common human pathogens, colonizing the gastric mucosa of almost all persons exposed to poor hygienic conditions from childhood. it also is often found, albeit with a lower frequency, in groups of high socioeconomic status. h. pylori causes chronic active gastritis and is a major factor in the pathogenesis of duodenal ulcers and, to a lesser extent, gastric ulcers. in addition, the presence of this bacterium is n ...19958903168
prevalence and varieties of helicobacter species in dogs from random sources and pet dogs: animal and public health implications.gastric bacteria of a variety of ultrastructural morphologies have been identified in or isolated from domestic carnivores, but their prevalence in different populations of animals and their clinical significance are still unknown. the purposes of this study were (i) to evaluate the prevalence and morphologic types of gastric bacterial in three different populations of dogs; (ii) to determine which of the organisms were culturable, and if the cultured organisms were morphologically similar to th ...19968940465
a comparison of helicobacter pylori and h. heilmannii gastritis. a matched control study involving 404 patients.since helicobacter heilmannii gastritis is very much rarer than h. pylori gastritis, and no systematic studies comparing these two gastritides have so far been carried out, we undertook the present study to investigate possible differences between h. heilmannii and h. pylori gastritis.19979018763
gastrospirillum hominis gastritis in a child with celiac sprue. 19979149067
synchronous mucosa-associated lymphoid tissue lymphoma and adenocarcinoma of the stomach.the development of simultaneous primary gastric lymphoma and carcinoma is a rare event for which a possible etiopathogenetic role for helicobacter pylori (hp) recently has been postulated. we report a series of eight such cases diagnosed from 1980 to 1995. in two cases, both tumors arose in a gastric stump, at 26 and 34 years, respectively, after gastric resection for a duodenal ulcer. grossly, the lymphoma and carcinoma formed a single lesion in four cases (collision tumor); they were separated ...19979158673
pathogenic role of gastric helicobacter sp in domestic a result of phylogenic studies using new molecular biology techniques and fundamental experimental studies, we now know more about helicobacteria in domestic carnivores, their morphologic characteristics, their taxonomia and more important we know more about their ecological niche. few clinical studies have been carried out, but the ones that have been undertaken are interesting in that they confirm the extensive prevalence of helicobacter infections in domestic carnivores and underline their ...19979208441
[helicobacter infections of man and of domestic carnivores: comparative data].the role of helicobacter pylori in generating of the chronic gastritis and in the maintaining of the gastroduodenal ulcerous disease, has been a major medical discovery of these past years in human gastroenterology. more recently in man, studies have showed that the gastric tumours (adenocarcinoma, lymphoma) are epidemiologically associated with the h. pylori infection. although the h. pylori infection is the one of the most frequent in the word, the epidemiologic and ecologic aspects of this in ...19979244575
healing of duodenal ulcer after eradication of helicobacter heilmannii. 19979269224
helicobacter salomonis sp. nov., a canine gastric helicobacter sp. related to helicobacter felis and helicobacter bizzozeronii.during a study of the prevalence and distribution of gastric helicobacters in domestic pets, a novel group of helicobacter-like organisms were identified. these "helicobacter group 2" strains were initially distinguished from the species helicobacter felis and helicobacter bizzozeronii by their cellular morphology and the type of motility exhibited. bacterial cells were only slightly spiral, 5 to 7 microns long, and 0.8 to 1.2 microns wide and showed an unusual slow wavelike motion. each cell ha ...19979336895
clinical impact of routine biopsies of the gastric antrum and body.biopsy sampling of gastric mucosa at diagnostic endoscopy provides information that cannot be obtained by other means. the most common indication for gastric biopsy is the need to know whether or not the patient is infected with helicobacter pylori, and whether the stomach is gastritic or not. microscopic examination of gastric biopsy specimens, in addition to h. pylori status, provides information about the grade, extent, and topography of gastritis-related and atrophy-related lesions in the st ...19979360882
treatment of gastritis in cheetahs (acinonyx jubatus).three cheetahs (acinonyx jubatus) had a clinical history of chronic spiral bacteria-associated gastritis and three cheetahs had no clinical history of gastritis. gastric biopsies were obtained from all six cheetahs prior to treatment for gastritis and 3 wk and 1 yr posttreatment. the cheetahs were treated with tetracycline hydrochloride 500 mg p.o. q.i.d., metronidazole 250 mg p.o. q.i.d., and bismuth subsalicylate 300 mg p.o. q.i.d. each drug was administered concurrently for 7 days. following ...19979365937
the histopathology of human gastric mucosa inhabited by helicobacter heilmannii-like (gastrospirillum hominis) organisms, including the first culturable case.the aim was to determine the prevalence of helicobacter heilmannii-like organisms in human gastric biopsies and the associated histology compared with that of helicobacter pylori-bearing gastric biopsies. furthermore, the feasibility of culturing h. heilmannii was examined. a consecutive series of 727 gastric biopsies from 650 patients were prospectively scrutinized for h. heilmannii. their distribution pattern was recorded as well as the affiliated morphology of the gastric mucosa. additional b ...19979368589
gastric spiral bacteria in wild rats from italy.forty-three wild rats (rattus norvegicus) trapped in milan (italy) were examined for gastric spiral bacteria and to evaluate associated histological lesions. spiral bacteria were histologically detected in the stomach of 10 rats (23%). the morphological features of these microorganisms, observed using both light and electron microscopy, correspond to those of helicobacter heilmannii. mild gastritis characterized by focal lymphoplasmacytic infiltration of the lamina propria was observed in six ra ...19989476242
detection and prevalence of helicobacter infection in pet cats.the presence of spiral bacteria in the feline stomach has been recognized for over a century, but the identities and degrees of prevalence of such organisms in privately owned cats are still poorly documented. the aims of this study were (i) to adapt different diagnostic tools and evaluate their practicality for diagnosing feline gastric helicobacter colonization, (ii) to determine the prevalence of gastric helicobacter-like organisms in pet cats, (iii) to identify the feline species, and (iv) t ...19989508286
presence of multiple "helicobacter heilmannii" strains in an individual suffering from ulcers and in his two cats.circumstantial evidence suggests that "helicobacter heilmannii" infection is an example of zoonosis. the presence of "h. heilmannii" strains in a human subject with acute gastric erosions, in his two cats, and in two unrelated cats was analyzed, and the genetic relatedness of the human and feline strains was assessed. a 580-bp, pcr-amplified sequence of "h. heilmannii" urease b gene (ureb) obtained from biopsies from the human subject and his two cats was restricted with alui and cloned for sequ ...19989574707
gastric ulcers and helicobacter compare 14 patients with gastric ulcer and helicobacter heilmannii with other patients with gastric ulcer: age and sex matched patients, patients colonized by helicobacter pylori and patients on nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (nsaids).19989585030
clinical quiz. gastrospirillum hominis. 19989669728
production of gastroesophageal erosions and ulcers (geu) in gnotobiotic swine monoinfected with fermentative commensal bacteria and fed high-carbohydrate diet.erosions and gastroesophageal ulcers (geu) were produced in the pars esophagea of young gnotobiotic swine fed a carbohydrate-enriched liquid diet and monoinfected with two different fermentative commensal bacteria, lactobacillus and bacillus sp. in contrast, piglets, fed a similar diet and inoculated with gastrospirillum sp. (helicobacter heilmannii), a helicobacter species that colonizes the gastric mucosa, did not develop geu. experimental geu likely develops secondary to epithelial damage med ...19989684971
high prevalence of helicobacter heilmannii infection in china. 19989690384
mouse inoculation for the detection of non-cultivable gastric tightly spiralled the present study we compared the inoculation of swine gastric mucus into the stomach of mice, the ureas test and carbolfuchsin-stained smears for the diagnosis of the infection with "gastrospirillum suis" ("helicobacter heilmannii" type 1), an uncultivated tightly spiralled gastric bacterium. fragments obtained from the antral and oxyntic mucosa of the stomach of 50 slaughtered pigs were used for urease test, for carbolfuchsin-stained smears and for obtaining scrapings of mucus for mouse ino ...19989698785
gastrospirillum hominis and helicobacter pylori infection in thai individuals: comparison of histopathological changes of gastric mucosa.the presence of helicobacter pylori (h. pylori) in the stomach is closely associated with histological signs of chronic active gastritis and peptic ulcer. another spiral organism named gastrospirillum hominis (g. hominis) has led to further interest in the bacterial pathogenesis of gastritis. due to the low prevalence of g. hominis, it is difficult to evaluate its biological behavior. recently 16 cases of g. hominis-associated gastritis were found in 257 thai individuals, which made it possible ...19989701012
gastrin release and gastric acid secretion in the rat infected with either helicobacter felis or helicobacter heilmannii.helicobacter pylori infection in humans has been shown to be associated with changes in gastric physiology, including exaggerated basal and meal-stimulated gastrin levels. this has been suggested to be due to the direct effects of the bacterium through inflammation and its urease enzyme. the gastric bacteria helicobacter felis and helicobacter heilmannii colonize the antrum of rats in large numbers and induce no significant inflammatory response. thus, the direct effect of helicobacter infection ...19989737579
animal reservoirs in the transmission of helicobacter heilmannii. results of a questionnaire-based study.infection with either helicobacter heilmannii or h. pylori causes gastritis in humans. whereas the route of transmission of h. pylori appears to be human-human, it has been suggested that h. heilmannii is transmitted by animals.19989754724
[helicobacter heilmannii, another agent responsible for acute gastritis in the human]. 19989793044
[using polymerase chain reaction to detect helicobacter heilmannii in gastric biopsy materials].helicobacter heilmannii is one of the species of helicobacter other than helicobacter pylori noticed in human gastric mucosa. in our study, a polymerase chain reaction (pcr) was designed for the detection of helicobacter heilmannii in gastric biopsy specimens. two broad-range bacterial 16s rdna primers and one helicobacter genus-specific 16s rdna primer were matched for detecting helicobacter genus bacteria. a hp-specific primer pair was used simultaneously to exclude the presence of hp. the pcr ...19979812529
[low-grade gastric malt lymphoma and helicobacter heilmannii (gastrospirillum hominis].we report the fourth case of low-grade gastric malt lymphoma associated to helicobacter heilmannii. this spiral organism may be present in the gastric mucosa of animals where it is non pathogenic while, in humans, its presence is always associated with chronic gastritis. in this case, helicobacter heilmannii was observed in the absence of helicobacter pylori. regression of endoscopic and histological lesions after helicobacter heilmannii eradication suggests its role in gastric lymphoma. this ob ...19989823561
the role of gastric helicobacter and n-methyl-n'-nitro- n-nitrosoguanidine in carcinogenesis of mice.the aim of this study was to determine whether gastric epithelial proliferation due to gastric helicobacter infection in mice represents a preneoplastic lesion.19989844067
healthy cats are commonly colonized with "helicobacter heilmannii" that is associated with minimal gastritis.gastric helicobacter infection in healthy pet cats is not well characterized. we performed endoscopy with gastric biopsy on 15 healthy pet cats that were rigorously screened to exclude underlying or concurrent diseases that might affect helicobacter colonization. gastric mucosa biopsy specimens were examined by histology, culture, and pcr for the presence of helicobacter infection and by histology for the presence of gastritis. of 15 cats, all but 1 had gastric helicobacter-like organisms (ghlos ...19999854088
an epizootic of lymphoplasmacytic gastritis attributed to helicobacter pylori infection in cynomolgus monkeys (macaca fascicularis).an epizootic of subclinical lymphoplasmacytic gastritis occurred in cynomolgus monkeys maintained at our research facility. gastric pathology data and histologic sections of 63 adolescent monkeys (2.5-3.5 years old) sacrificed during the epizootic were reviewed. localized to multifocal reddening of the gastric mucosa was noted grossly in 7 of 44 (16%) monkeys harboring helicobacter pylori, but not in any of 19 monkeys in which these bacteria were not seen. gastritis, characterized by accentuatio ...19999921750
treatment of helicobacter heilmannii-associated gastritis in a 14-year-old boy. 199910067743
helicobacter pylori can be induced to assume the morphology of helicobacter heilmannii.cultures of helicobacter pylori obtained from the american type culture collection (strain 43504) were grown as isolated colonies or lawns on blood agar plates and in broth culture with constant shaking. examination of bacterial growth with gram-stained fixed preparation and differential interference contrast microscopy on wet preparations revealed that bacteria grown on blood agar plates had a morphology consistent with that normally reported for h. pylori whereas bacteria from broth cultures h ...199910074524
characterization of a culturable "gastrospirillum hominis" (helicobacter heilmannii) strain isolated from human gastric mucosa.spiral organisms were isolated from an antral gastric mucosal biopsy specimen from a dyspeptic patient with gastritis. only corkscrew-shaped organisms resembling "gastrospirillum hominis" ("helicobacter heilmannii") but no helicobacter pylori-like organisms were seen in histological sections. h. pylori was not cultured from specimens from this patient. on the basis of biochemical reactions, morphology, ultrastructure, and 16s dna sequencing, the isolated "g. hominis" was shown to be a true helic ...199910074528
helicobacter heilmannii: a spiral shaped organism other than helicobacter pylori. 199910337926
helicobacter heilmannii associated erosive gastritis.the spiral bacteria, helicobacter heilmannii (h. heilmannii), distinct from helicobacter pylori (h. pylori), was found in the gastric mucosa of a 71-year-old man without clinical symptoms. the endoscopic examination revealed erosive gastritis. rapid urease test from the antral specimen was positive, but both culture and immunohistological staining for h. pylori were negative. touch smear cytology showed tightly spiral bacteria, which were consistent with h. heilmannii. at the second endoscopy af ...199910337933
helicobacter heilmannii gastritis: association with acid peptic diseases and comparison with helicobacter pylori gastritis.we analyzed 2 antral and 1 corpus full-thickness random endoscopic gastric mucosal samples obtained from 946 patients with duodenal ulcers (6077 biopsies) and from 281 patients with nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug-associated gastric ulcers (1794 biopsies). we stained tissue sections with hematoxylin and eosin and warthin-starry silver stain and immunostained them with polyclonal antibodies against helicobacter pylori. hematoxylin- and eosin-stained sections from 6 patients with helicobacter ...199910349993
[massive duodenal lambliasis and helicobacter heilmannii gastritis in a diabetic patient]. 199910365181
[helicobacter heilmannii: anatomo-clinical study of 14 new cases].introduction: helicobacter pylori is one of the most common causes of human gastritis. recently, a new agent has been isolated, which also causes a gastritis. it has been initially named gastrospirillum hominis and renamed helicobacter heilmannii (hh). hh is extremely rare. in spite of the rarity it is important to recognize and diagnose it, as it requires a proper therapy, different from hp therapy. clinical presentation and serological results of hh are superimposable to those of hp. therefore ...199910396946
use of a urea breath test to evaluate short-term treatments for cats naturally infected with helicobacter evaluate efficacy of 3 short-term treatments in cats naturally infected with helicobacter heilmannii.199910407483
[chronic gastritis in helicobacter heilmannii infection].the presence of helicobacter pylori in the gastric mucosa used to be associated with gastritis and peptic ulcer. helicobacter heilmannii is a similar but much less frequent and less known gastric pathogen.199910422341
[helicobacter heilmannii in the pathology of the stomach and duodenum].historical aspects of the discovery of the spiral-like non-spirochetal bacteria belonging to helicobacter and called helicobacter heilmannii (hh)--previous name gastrospirillum hominis--and producing under some conditions, like helicobacter pylori, analogous gastroduodenal pathology (chronic gastritis, gastric ulcer, malt-lymphoma and stomach cancer) are presented. microbiological and structural features of this agent are considered as well as its relations with an apical surface of epitheliocyt ...199910476352
[helocobacter heilmannii (gastrospirillum hominis)-associated gastritis: first reported cases in hungary].we found a tightly coiled bacterium, helicobacter heilmannii that is distinct from helicobacter pylori in the gastric mucosal biopsy of a 55-year-old man and a 30-year-old woman, both of whom had previous history of intermittent epigastric pain. the organisms were distributed in the antral mucosa, which was endoscopically interpreted as demonstrating chronic gastritis in one case, and being normal in the other. histologically, the affected mucosa presented a mild chronic gastritis without activi ...199910489777
helicobacter species colonizing pig stomach: molecular characterization and determination of prevalence.the infection rate of 60 pigs (10 pigs from each of six farms) by helicobacter species was studied by two techniques. histological examination of the cardiac area of the stomach yielded a 58% positive result versus an 80% positive result by pcr with genus-specific primers. eighty percent of the 16s rrna gene was amplified, classified in four groups by pcr-restriction fragment length polymorphism, and sequenced. isolates from all farms except one (farm c) were identified as helicobacter heilmanni ...199910508105
[helicobacter heilmanni (gastrospirillum hominis) as a new cause of gastritis--case report].during the course of research into helicobacter pylori, further microorganisms colonizing the gastric mucosa have been detected. the large spiral-shaped bacteria deviating from helicobacter pylori was originally described by dent. the bacteria was initially named gastrospirillum hominis, but after sequencing of 16s rrna it was classified as helicobacter and named helicobacter heilmannii in honour of the pathologist prof. dr. konrad heilmann. we report two additional cases.199910518387
urease-based mucosal immunization against helicobacter heilmannii infection induces corpus atrophy in mice.mucosal immunization with helicobacter heilmannii urease b or helicobacter pylori urease, given nasally with cholera toxin, protects balb/c mice against h. heilmannii infection and significantly reduces a preexisting infection. however, immunization aggravates gastric corpus atrophy. our results underline the necessity of defining immunization regimens that do not enhance mucosal damage.199910531292
characteristics and prevalence of helicobacter heilmannii infection in children undergoing upper gastrointestinal endoscopy.helicobacter heilmannii, described in 1983 as a new cause of chronic gastritis, has been reported rarely in children. the purpose of this study was to determine the clinical characteristics and the prevalence of h. heilmannii infection, in comparison with helicobacter pylori infection in children undergoing upper digestive endoscopy.199910554119
[helicobacter heilmanii, a spiral bacterium, in gastric mucosa biopsies].interest in possible microbiological causes of gastritis has increased significantly since the discovery of helicobacter pylori (hp). recently a spiral bacterium named helicobacter heilmannii (hh) was described in association with chronic gastritis in adult and pediatric patients. comparisons between these two organisms, as well as the literature on hh, have also been reviewed. the incidence of hh gastritis is far lower than that of hp gastritis. concomitant infections by hh and hp are very rare ...199910677914
detection of "candidatus helicobacter suis" in gastric samples of pigs by pcr: comparison with other invasive diagnostic techniques.recently, a new 16s ribosomal dna-based pcr assay was developed for the specific detection of "candidatus helicobacter suis" (former "gastrospirillum suis") in porcine gastric samples. in the present study, this pcr assay was compared to three other invasive diagnostic methods (rapid urease test, immunohistochemistry, histologic analysis by giemsa staining). antral stomach samples from 200 slaughterhouse pigs from belgium and the netherlands were examined. bacterial presence was determined in 77 ...200010699008
helicobacter heilmannii-associated primary gastric low-grade malt lymphoma: complete remission after curing the infection.cure of helicobacter pylori infection may lead to complete remission of associated low-grade mucosa-associated lymphoid tissue (malt) lymphoma in stage ei. this study investigated whether helicobacter heilmannii infection-associated primary gastric malt lymphoma will regress after cure of the infection.200010784580
gastric mucosa-associated lymphoid tissue lymphoma: implications of animal models on pathogenic and therapeutic considerations--mouse models of gastric lymphoma.there are a number of helicobacter species that will readily colonise the mouse stomach for the duration of the animal's life. they are helicobacter felis, "helicobacter heilmannii" and helicobacter pylori. early studies on long-term infection of balb/c mice showed the presence of lesions resembling low-grade gastric mucosa-associated lymphoid tissue (malt) lymphoma. because of the suggestion that h. pylori was the cause of these tumors in humans, this phenomenon was studied further as it was re ...200010802862
slaughter pigs are commonly infected by closely related but distinct gastric ulcerative lesion-inducing association between (unculturable) gastrospirillum-like organisms (glo) and ulcerative lesions in the pars oesophagea in stomachs of swine has been claimed. in dogs glo detected by microscopy may represent several helicobacter species or subspecies. therefore we investigated which helicobacter spp. are present in stomachs of swine and their possible association with ulcerative lesions of the pars oesophagea. the presence of helicobacter spp. in the antrum and pars oesophagea in 122 stomachs o ...200010878060
increased gastric emptying induced by helicobacter heilmannii type 1 infection in rats.the association between helicobacter pylori infection and gastric motility abnormalities is still controversial, partly because of the lack of an appropriate animal model. h. heilmannii type 1 (hh1), a spiral bacterium that infects the stomach of both man and pigs, easily colonises and induces an inflammatory response in the gastric mucosa of rodents. for these reasons, the present study investigated the relationship between gastric motility in rats experimentally infected with hh1 and correlate ...200010882088
[biological diagnostic and therapeutic study on the infection of helicobacter heilmannii].to study the epidemiology, microbiology, pathogenicity, diagnosis and therapy of helicobacter heilmannii (hh) infection.199810923454
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