
control of mosquito breeding in wells by using gambusia affinis and aplocheilus blochii in pondicherry town. 1978582034
observations on the use of gambusia affinis holbrooki to control a. stephensi breeding in wells. results of two years' study in greater hyderabad city--india. 19751222962
fishes of district sundargarh, orissa, with special reference to their potential in mosquito extensive fish fauna survey was carried out in sundargarh, a malaria-endemic district in orissa, during 1988 to 1990 to identify and evaluate the indigenous larvivorous fishes for mosquito control. in all, 57 species belonging to 19 families under 6 orders were found in the local water bodies. on laboratory evaluation against anopheline and culicine larvae, six potential larvivorous fishes, viz. aplocheilus panchax, oryzias melastigma, oreochromis mossambicus, gambusia affinis, danio (b.) rer ...19921363317
gambusia affinis: dispersal due to floods and its failure to colonize new water bodies in shahjahanpur district (u.p.).in villages of district shahjahanpur, 122 decentralized gambusia multiplication ponds were established to cover the need of the entire district. profuse breeding of gambusia was observed in these ponds. the fishes are being successfully used in mosquito control all over the district. in july 1990 there was a widespread flood due to which 70 gambusia multiplication ponds were affected and the fish was washed away in large numbers, leaving only a scanty population in the flood-affected ponds. we u ...19921459304
ciguatoxins are potent ichthyotoxins.the ciguatoxins are lipid soluble polyether compounds which have structural and biochemical features in common with the brevetoxins. pure ciguatoxin-1, ciguatoxin-2 or brevetoxin-2 added to water containing gambusia affinis induced similar signs, including pronounced opercular movement and uncoordinated swimming preceding death. the estimated ld50s (48 hr) to g. affinis for ciguatoxin-1, ciguatoxin-2 and brevetoxin-2 were 0.5, 2.1 and 10 nmoles/litre, respectively, indicating that the ciguatoxin ...19921557790
biological control of culicidae with the copepod mesocyclops aspericornis and larvivorous fish (poeciliidae) in a village of french polynesia.the copepod mesocyclops aspericornis daday and the larvivorous fishes gambusia affinis (b. & g.) and poecilia reticulata r. & b., were released into mosquito breeding sites in tuherahera village, tikehau atoll, french polynesia, to control larvae of aedes aegypti (l.), ae.polynesiensis marks, culex annulirostris skuse and cx quinquefasciatus say. treatments were completed within a week, in january 1990. fish quickly eliminated mosquito larvae from the open breeding sites (ponds, wells). the impa ...19921600235
salinity tolerance of gambusia affinis--a larvivorous fish. 19911791069
acute toxicity of certain organochlorine, organophosphorus, synthetic pyrethroid and microbial insecticides to the mosquito fish gambusia affinis (baird and girard).acute toxicity of certain organochlorine, organophosphorus, synthetic pyrethroid and microbial insecticides to the mosquito fish gambusia affinis were determined to collect baseline data for selecting the resistant strains of the fish. the synthetic pyrethroid, lambdacyhalothrin was most toxic to the fish (lc50 = 0.0022 ppm), followed by deltamethrin, cypermethrin and fenvalerate. organochlorine insecticides, ddt and gamma-hch, were less toxic than the pyrethroids, and these were followed by org ...19911822454
evaluation of mosquito fish gambusia affinis in the control of mosquito breeding in rice fields.the mosquito control potential of gambusia affinis, a mosquito fish, was evaluated in rice fields in the shahjahanpur district of uttar pradesh. this fish, at a stocking rate of 5 fishes/sq m, significantly reduced the larval and pupal densities in experimental fields as compared to control fields during the entire observation period of 42 days. control of mosquito breeding in rice fields through this fish seems to be promising.19911822455
culture of gambusia affinis with food fishes.culture of gambusia affinis along with carps in fish culture practice in village ponds in shahjahanpur distt., u.p., has revealed very little difference in fish productivity (1539 kg/ha in ponds with gambusia, 1572 kg/ha in ponds without gambusia). the growth and survival of gambusia were found to be good in most of the composite fish culture ponds. culture of gambusia along with edible fish in village ponds is, therefore, recommended to get the dual benefit of fish production and control of mos ...19911824354
[implications of biological pest and parasite control for environment].biological control of parasites, vectors and pests must consider safety to non-target organisms and to the environment. the who safety procedure was discussed in respect to such agents as bacillus thuringiensis, romanomermis culicivorax, gambusia affinis and others. monitoring of the environment in which biological control treatments are performed is necessary to secure safety requirements as well as the efficiency of biological control programmes.19911844787
the life cycle of echinochasmus bagulai (trematoda: echinostomatidae).the life history of echinochasmus bagulai, an echinostomatid trematode in birds, is reported and stages in the life cycle are described. natural infections with cercariae, which are of the gymnocephalous type, were found in the thiarid snail thiara tuberculata. metacercarial cysts were found in the gills of aplocheilus panchax, oryzias melastigma, gambusia affinis and channa punctata. adults were obtained in the small intestine of ardeola grayi. in laboratory experiements development of cercaria ...19911869362
[a review of larvivorous fish].recently, because of concern about the effects of insecticide on the environment, increased attention is being given to the use of biological agents for controlling the vectors of human disease. biological control may encompass the use of predators, pathogens, parasites, pheromones, insect growth regulators, and other factors. of these agents only fish and bacteria have so far been used operationally in mosquito control. since 1988 fish have been employed for controlling aedes larvae in water co ...19901976137
a laboratory study of the toxicity of the butanol extract of endod (phytolacca dodecandra) on two species of freshwater fish and two species of aquatic snails.the purpose of this study was to evaluate the toxicity of the butanol extract of endod (phytolacca dodecandra) on 4 species of aquatic animals. groups of 10 mosquito fish (gambusia affinis) and 8 bluegill (lepomis macrochirus) were exposed to the butanol extract of endod in 300 ml of water at concentrations of 0.0, 0.3, 0.4, 0.5, 0.6, 0.7, 0.8, 0.9, 1.0, 1.2 or 2.0 ppm. groups of 10 tropical snails (biomphalaria glabrata) and 10 pond snails (physa spp) were also exposed to the crude extract in 5 ...19902353429
[preliminary study on the biological control of dengue vectors by fish in liouchyou prefecture, pingtung county, taiwan].an investigation made in may 1989 with questionnaires to 2,480 families in liouchyou prefecture, pingtung county, showed that there were about 6,533 water containers in the whole village, of which 49.83% were used to store water for drinking, and the remaining 50.17% were used for washing clothes and watering plants. 32.42% of the residents volunteered to rear fish in the family water containers to control the mosquito population. during the period from april to october 1989, there was a total a ...19902402027
experimental test of the influence of aquatic macrophyte cover on the survival of anopheles larvae.emergent or submergent macrophytes can enhance the survival of anopheles larvae by providing favorable microhabitat and refuge from predation. the relationships among the amount of aquatic macrophyte cover, the density of gambusia affinis, and survivorship of anopheles freeborni larvae were tested experimentally. larval survivorship was positively related to amount of plant cover and negatively related to gambusia density. larval survivorship was lowest in treatments with low plant cover and hig ...19892614408
an evaluation of the mosquitofish, gambusia affinis, and the inland silverside, menidia beryllina, as mosquito control agents in california wild rice fields.the mosquitofish, gambusia affinis, and the inland silverside, menidia beryllina, were evaluated in experimental, one-tenth hectare wild rice plots in lake county, california, for their impact on densities of culex tarsalis, anopheles freeborni and anopheles franciscanus. gambusia affinis were tested at 0.6 and 1.7 kg/ha and the silversides at ca. 0.9 kg/ha. the silversides did not survive well in the rice field system and none of the silverside guts examined contained mosquito larvae. the mosqu ...19872904970
an evaluation of gambusia affinis and bacillus thuringiensis var. israelensis as mosquito control agents in california wild rice fields.the mosquito control potential of the mosquitofish and bacillus thuringiensis var. israelensis (bti) were evaluated in experimental wild rice fields in lake county, california. fields were assigned one of six treatment: control, 1.1 kg/ha g. affinis, 3.4 kg/ha g. affinis, bti only (6 kg/ha vectobac granules), 1.1 kg/ha g. affinis plus bti and 3.4 kg/ha g. affinis plus bti. gambusia affinis, at both release rates, significantly reduced the mosquito population at densities exceeding 100 fish/minno ...19882906358
the suprapopulation dynamics of bothriocephalus acheilognathi in a north carolina reservoir: abundance, dispersion, and prevalence.a 2 1/2-year study (september 1980-march 1983) of abundance, dispersion, and prevalence of the pseudophyllidean cestode, bothriocephalus acheilognathi, in 3 species of fish (gambusia affinis, notropis lutrensis, and pimephales promelas) was conducted in 3 ecologically distinct areas of a north carolina cooling pond. mean infrapopulation density and prevalence differed by site, season, and species and size of hosts. degree of aggregation and abundance and prevalence of gravid worms differed by sp ...19873656009
mosquitofish gambusia affinis holbrooki as a malaria vector control agent in gezira irrigation canals of the sudan. 19853880271
the impact of the exotic fish gambusia affinis (baird and girard) on some natural predators of immature mosquitoes.the effects of gambusia affinis on some suspected predators of mosquitoes were studied for a period of 12 months. a list of such predators was given. the most abundant invertebrate predators were odonata, followed by hemiptera and ephemeroptera and the least common were coleoptera. the population density of mosquito predators, with exception of notonectidae and the fish oreochromis niloticus, was markedly reduced in the presence of g. affinis. application of aerial pesticides reduced the populat ...19854032526
fast ephemeral dna damage upon bap injection.injection of high concentrations of benzo[a]pyrene (10-125 micrograms bap/g body weight) into young frogs (xenopus laevis), fish (gambusia affinis) or tissue culture cells (l 5178 y) in a state of logarithmic growth causes alterations in dna. in frogs these alterations reach a maximum at 60-90 min after application, then they decrease and become undetectable after 3 h. within 8-12 days after the single bap dose, a new wave of dna alterations can again be detected. parallel measurements of mixed ...19836320364
bioaccumulation of 95mtc in fish and snails.concentration factors for technetium recommended in radiological assessment models for freshwater biota are default values based on the behavior of iodine in the environment. in this study a small experimental freshwater pond was spiked with 95mtc to obtain data for calculating concentration factors for fish and snails. a model using the pond data was developed to calculate steady-state body burdens for freshwater biota. the concentration factors based on the calculated body burden for carp (cap ...19826896045
feasibility of mosquito larval control in casuarina pits using gambusia affinis. 19826897726
detection of proliferating cell nuclear antigen in tissues of three small fish immunohistochemical assay for proliferating cell nuclear antigen (pcna) identifies cells in all active phases of the cell cycle. in this study, pcna methodology, which was developed primarily for mammalian tissues, was adapted to three small fish species, medaka (oryzias latipes), guppy (poecilia reticulata), and western mosquitofish (gambusia affinis) that are used in carcinogenesis bioassays and environmental sentinel studies. our study showed that pcna can be identified in routinely proces ...19947703303
control of mosquito breeding through gambusia affinis in rice fields.studies on mosquito breeding and its control through gambusia affinis in nursery and paddy fields after transplantation of seedlings were carried out during june to october 1991 in about 10 ha rice field area. six anopheline species, viz. an. culicifacies, an. annularis, an. subpictus, an. nigerrimus, an. barbirostris and an. aconitus, and four culicine species, viz. cx. tritaeniorhynchus, cx. bitaeniorhynchus, cx. quinquefasciatus, and aedes sp. could be identified. these were found breeding in ...19938405595
adrenocortical and adrenomedullary homologs in eight species of adult and developing teleosts: morphology, histology, and immunohistochemistry.morphology, histology, and immunohistochemistry of the adrenocortical and adrenomedullary homologs (adrenal glands) of the following developing and adult teleosts were examined: salmoniformes-oncorhynchus mykiss (rainbow trout), salmo trutta fario (brown trout), coregonus lavaretus (white fish); cyprinodontiformes-gambusia affinis (mosquito fish). perciformes-dicentrarchus labrax (sea bass), sparus aurata (sea bream), diplodus sargus (white bream), oblada melanura (saddled bream). the anatomical ...19979405124
a new cacospongionolide inhibitor of human secretory phospholipase a2 from the tyrrhenian sponge fasciospongia cavernosa and absolute configuration of cacospongionolides.a new inhibitor of human secretory phospholipase a2 (pla2), cacospongionolide e (4a), has been isolated from the tyrrhenian sponge fasciospongia cavernosa. the structure was proposed on the basis of spectroscopic data and by chemical transformations. the absolute configuration of cacospongionolides 2a-4a was established using the modified mosher's method. cacospongionolide e was the most potent inhibitor toward human synovial pla2, showing higher potency than the reference compound manoalide and ...19989677277
toxicity and pathogenicity testing of the insect pest control fungus metarhizium anisopliaerenewed interest in the use of metarhizium anisopliae and its toxins for insect control prompted the following safety assessment. a neutral extract (methylene chloride, ph 7.2), derived from m. anisopliae cultures, was evaluated for toxicity and mutagenicity using aquatic animal bioassays and the ames test. the average lc50 of the neutral extract obtained in static, acute 96-h tests conducted with </=24-h-old mysidopsis bahia was 2.41 mg l-1. by partially purifying destruxins from the neutral ex ...19989680524
use of gambusia affinis in different habitats as a mosquito control agent. 199710085646
toxicity of a neem (azadirachta indica) insecticide to certain aquatic organisms.neem based insecticides are likely to show a large increase in use in the near future. in the present work, the toxicity of a neem insecticide, neem-azal-t/s, was tested against the mosquito larvae, as well as against certain non target organisms occurring in a polluted pond and a shallow stream, located in a cultivated area in giza, egypt. samples of water containing the experimental animals were collected from this area, and toxicity tests were conducted in the laboratory by exposing them to a ...200010786033
structure and function of the axillary organ of the gulf toadfish, opsanus beta (goode and bean).the structure of the axillary organ of a batrachoidid species, the gulf toadfish (opsanus beta goode and bean 1879), has been examined and several simple experiments designed to elucidate its function performed. electron microscopy (em) studies revealed cells and structures suggesting secretory and iono regulatory roles (e.g., abundant intracytoplasmic secretory particles, rough endoplasmic reticulum, sparse golgi bodies, indented epithelial cells with microvilli, numerous endocytotic vesicles, ...199811253782
masculinization of female mosquitofish in kraft mill effluent-contaminated fenholloway river water is associated with androgen receptor agonist activity.female mosquitofish (gambusia affinis holbrooki) downstream from kraft paper mills in florida display masculinization of the anal fin, an androgen-dependent trait. the current investigation was designed to determine if water contaminated with pulp-mill effluent (pme) from the fenholloway river in florida displayed androgenic activity in vitro and to relate this activity to the reproductive status of female mosquitofish taken from this river. we tested water samples for androgenic activity from a ...200111452138
histopathological changes in the gills of mosquitofish, gambusia affinis exposed to endosulfan. 200211815801
chemicals of predatory mosquitofish (gambusia affinis) influence selection of oviposition site by culex mosquitoes.ovipositing insects may avoid aquatic sites where there is high predation risk to their offspring, but the proximate mechanisms that mediate avoidance behavior are poorly resolved. we conducted an experiment to determine whether mosquitoes would reduce oviposition rates in pools containing chemicals of the mosquitofish (gambusia affinis), a voracious predator that is widely employed to control mosquitoes. experimental treatments consisted of outdoor pools that contained known concentrations of f ...200212035927
morphology and life cycle of apatemon hypseleotris species novum from australia including metacercariae viability and excystment.experimental infection of pigeon squabs and rats with encysted metacercariae from the western carp gudgeon (hypseleotris klunzingeri) showed them to be infected with a new strigeid trematode, apatemon hypseleotris. growth and development of a. hypseleotris in pigeons were significantly higher than in rats. eggs appeared in pigeon faeces within 7-14 days; miracidia hatched within 15-21 days and in the snail lymnaea tomentosa released within 21 days. cercariae experimentally encysted in the leeche ...200212161969
potential of origanum compactum as a cercaricide in 1 mg/litre, an ethyl-acetate extract of the molluscicidal plant origanum compactum benth. (lamiaceae) immobilized all of the furcocercariae of schistosoma haematobium exposed to it, within 15 min. this apparently cercaricidal activity was attributed to the presence of terpenoids and flavonoids in the extract. encouragingly, several non-target aquatic organisms (larvae of culex pipiens and artemia salina and adult gambusia affinis) and drosophila melanogaster appeared largely unaffected by exp ...200212396321
effects of diflubenzuron on growth and glutathione in mosquito fish (gambusia affinis).although some biological control agents and related biorational approaches are available for mosquito control, insecticides remain the principal control method. in addition, the secondary affects of conventional insecticides in environment has led to the discovery of more target-specific chemical such as insect growth regulators. dimilin (25% wp), the common name of diflubenzuron, prevent molting by interfering with chitin synthesis in several insect orders. this study evaluate toxicity of this ...200112425112
control of the aedes vectors of the dengue viruses and wuchereria bancrofti: the french polynesian most of the 130 islands of french polynesia, the stenotopic mosquitoes aedes aegypti (the main local vector for the viruses causing dengue) and aedes polynesiensis (the main local vector of wuchereria bancrofti) share many breeding sites in water containers such as discarded cans, coconut shells, buckets and water-storage pots and drums. in addition to selective application of insecticides, non-polluting methods of controlling these mosquitoes have been evaluated during the last decade in two ...200212625924
incidence of coliform bacteria in the intestinal tract of gambusia affinis holbrooki (girard) and in their habitat water. 196313955523
laboratory evaluation of dimilin on growth and glutathione activity in mosquitofish, a non-target species.recently, dimilin was found to be effective on culex pipiens (diptera: culicidae). although considerable research has evaluated the efficacy of diflubenzuron, a benzoylphenylurea derivative, against target pest populations, impacts of this compound on nontarget organisms are comparatively unknown. therefore, this study evaluate toxicity of dimilin (25% w.p), a trade formulation of diflubenzuron, on a larvivorous non-target species, gambusia affinis (pisces, poeciliidae). the compound, applied fo ...200315149123
laboratory and field evaluation of teknar hp-d, a biolarvicidal formulation of bacillus thuringiensis ssp. israelensis, against mosquito vectors.larvicidal efficacy of teknar hp-d, an improved biolarvicidal formulation of bacillus thuringiensis ssp. israelensis (bti), against anopheles stephensi, culex quinquefasciatus and aedes aegypti was determined in the laboratory, and in field the efficacy of the formulation was tested against cx. quinquefasciatus breeding in cesspits, unused wells and drains. the toxicity of the formulation to gambusia affinis (larvivorous fish), notonecta sp. and diplonychus indicus (water bugs) was also evaluate ...200415350862
predator-driven phenotypic diversification in gambusia affinis.predation is heterogeneously distributed across space and time, and is presumed to represent a major source of evolutionary diversification. in fishes, fast-starts--sudden, high-energy swimming bursts--are often important in avoiding capture during a predator strike. thus, in the presence of predators, we might expect evolution of morphological features that facilitate increased fast-start speed. we tested this hypothesis using populations of western mosquitofish (gambusia affinis) that differed ...200415562692
operational use of neem oil as an alternative anopheline larvicide. part b: environmental impact and toxicological potential.this study was conducted to investigate the preliminary environmental and mammalian toxicology of neem oil, temephos and chlorpyriphos-methyl/fenitrothion. culex pipiens, daphnia magna and gambusia affinis were used to study environmental impact. a high level of toxicity was observed, with slight differences between organisms. the emulsifiers individually also displayed toxicity towards the tested organisms. up to 90 days daily oral crude neem oil treatment (5 g/kg body weight) of laboratory mic ...200315748062
male genital size reflects a tradeoff between attracting mates and avoiding predators in two live-bearing fish species.male genitalia may experience more rapid, divergent evolution than any other animal character, but why? research during the past several decades has culminated in the view that genital diversification primarily results from postmating sexual selection (e.g., sperm competition or cryptic female choice). however, the potential roles of premating sexual selection (e.g., mate choice) and natural selection have received little attention. we examined the possible importance of these mechanisms by inve ...200515894618
effects of an androgenic growth promoter 17beta-trenbolone on masculinization of mosquitofish (gambusia affinis affinis).endocrine disrupting chemicals can affect normal hormone dependent processes through numerous mechanisms, including ligand mimicky. 17beta-trenbolone (tb), a pharmaceutical, androgenic, anabolic steroid, is a potent agonist of androgen receptors, and has been extensively used as a growth promoter for beef cattle in the us. the effects of tb on adult and newborn mosquitofish (gambusia affinis affinis) were examined. two forms of mosquitofish androgen receptor (ar), aralpha and arbeta, were cloned ...200516061073
comparative acute and combinative toxicity of aflatoxin b1 and t-2 toxin in animals and immortalized human cell lines.aflatoxin b1 (afb1) and t-2 toxin (t-2) are important food-borne mycotoxins that have been implicated in human health and as potential biochemical weapons threats. in this study the acute and combinative toxicity of afb1 and t-2 were tested in f-344 rats, mosquitofish (gambusia affinis), immortalized human hepatoma cells (hepg2) and human bronchial epithelial cells (beas-2b). preliminary experiments were conducted in order to assess the acute toxicity and to obtain ld50, lc50 and ic50 values for ...200616229058
comparative acute and combinative toxicity of aflatoxin b1 and fumonisin b1 in animals and human cells.aflatoxin b(1) (afb(1)) and fumonisin b(1) (fb(1)) are important food-borne mycotoxins. the co-contamination of food stuffs with these two mycotoxins is well known and has been possibly implicated in the development of human hepatocellular carcinoma in high risk regions around the world. in this study the acute and combinative toxicity of afb(1) and fb(1) were tested in f-344 rats, mosquitofish (gambusia affinis), immortalized human hepatoma cells (hepg2) and human bronchial epithelial cells (be ...200616427177
contrasting uptake routes and tissue distributions of inorganic and methylmercury in mosquitofish (gambusia affinis) and redear sunfish (lepomis microlophus).high hg concentrations in freshwater fish are a concern for human health, yet we lack a clear understanding of the mechanisms that produce high hg concentrations in fish. controlled studies in natural surface waters that quantify the uptake and retention of hg in fish tissues following exposures from the aqueous phase and from invertebrate prey diets are rare. using 203hg, we contrasted the accumulation of inorganic hg (hgi) and methylmercury (mehg) from the dissolved phase and from invertebrate ...200616916033
the life cycle of haplorchis pumilio (trematoda: heterophyidae) from the indian region.the life cycle of the heterophyid fluke, haplorchis pumilio is elucidated for the first time from the indian region. various stages in the life cycle were established based on observations made on natural infections found in snails and fish in a freshwater stream at visakhapatnam, india and experimental infections carried out in the laboratory. the thiarid snail, thiara tuberculata served as the first intermediate host and a wide range of freshwater fish as second intermediate hosts. natural inf ...200617125540
in vivo assessment of the capacity of androstenedione to masculinize female mosquitofish (gambusia affinis) exposed through dietary and static renewal this study, we investigated the capacity of androstenedione to masculinize female mosquitofish. previous studies have identified androstenedione in the water and sediment of the fenholloway river, a florida, usa, coastal river that receives paper mill effluent and contains masculinized eastern mosquitofish (gambusia holbrooki). females of the closely related western mosquitofish, gambusia affinis, were exposed to androstenedione through both dietary and static renewal treatments. morphologica ...200717521138
a comparative study on characterization of textile wastewaters (untreated and treated) toxicity by chemical and biological tests.toxicity of textile wastewaters (untreated and treated) and their ingredient chemicals was quantified in terms of their chemical characteristics, fish (gambusia affinis) mortality and end point growth responses of duckweed (lemna aequinoctialis) in short-term bioassays. other parameters of fish bioassay were erythrocyte morphology and its counts. despite of a definite correlation between data of biological tests (lc/ec(50) values) with that of chemical tests, biological tests were found to be re ...200717583772
acute and chronic toxicity of fluoxetine (selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor) in western mosquitofish.fluoxetine is a biologically active pharmaceutical chemical that has been detected at parts-per-trillion levels in surface waters in north america and europe. this has generated concern because negative effects in aquatic organisms are possible. known as a selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor, fluoxetine (e.g., prozac; elli lilly) is neurologically active and widely prescribed for clinical depression in humans. in the present investigation, acute and chronic toxicities of fluoxetine were evalu ...200817763886
effects of a parasitic nematode on male mate choice in a livebearing fish with a coercive mating system (western mosquitofish, gambusia affinis).i examined the effects of the parasitic larval nematode, eustrongylides ignotus, on male mate choice in the western mosquitofish, gambusia affinis. i hypothesized that parasite presence influences male mate choice either directly (via reduction in male mating behavior due to presence of parasite in females) or indirectly (via reduction in male mating behavior due to reduced condition of infected females). specifically, i tested the predictions that (1) males would mate preferentially with uninfe ...200918765273
evaluation of halofenozide against prey mosquito larvae culex pipiens and the predator fish gambusia affinis: impact on growth and enzymatic activities.culex pipiens (diptera: culicidae) is the most widely distributed mosquito species in algeria and many other countries in the world. mosquitoes are generally controlled by conventional insecticides but these may pose strong secondary effects on the environment. in this context, the insect growth regulators (igrs) have shown promise in controlling pest insects. halofenozide (23% ec) is a novel igrs belonging to the class of non-steroidal ecdysone agonists, and it was found toxic for larvae of c. ...200819226809
role of the yellow spot around the urogenital opening of female mosquitofish (gambusia affinis) as a cue for copulation.males of the viviparous teleost fish gambusia affinis copulate with females by using a specialized anal fin, or gonopodium. when female g. affinis were placed in a shallow transparent tank which was then floated on the surface of a larger aquarium housing male g. affinis , the males frequently attempted to copulate with females housed in the smaller quarantine tank. this copulatory behavior in male g. affinis was only observed to be elicited by visual stimuli; female g. affinis have a yellow spo ...200819267646
investigation of the multixenobiotic resistance mechanism in the freshwater fishes western mosquitofish, gambusia affinis, and bluegill sunfish, lepomis macrochirus.the purpose of the study was to evaluate multixenobiotic resistance mechanism expression as a biomarker for contaminant exposure in freshwater fishes. exposure to a known mammalian inhibitor (verapamil, 10 1m) and inducer (rhodamine 123, 3 1m) on the transport protein p-glycoprotein (pgp) was investigated in the liver of the western mosquitofish and bluegill sunfish. no differences in the activity or expression of pgp were measured in either species using a fluorometric accumulation assay and we ...200919684997
survival time analysis of least killifish (heterandria formosa) and mosquitofish (gambusia affinis) in acute exposures to endosulfan sulfate.single-species flow-through toxicity tests were conducted to determine the times-to-death of two indigenous fish to south florida--least killifish (heterandria formosa) and mosquitofish (gambusia affinis)--from acute exposure to endosulfan sulfate. mortalities were recorded within 8-h periods from test initiation to termination at 96 h. the 96-h lc(50)s for least killifish and mosquitofish estimated using the trimmed-spearman-karber method were 2.0 and 2.3 microg/l, respectively. an accelerated ...201019921326
agricultural wetlands as potential hotspots for mercury bioaccumulation: experimental evidence using caged fish.wetlands provide numerous ecosystem services, but also can be sources of methylmercury (mehg) production and export. rice agricultural wetlands in particular may be important sites for mehg bioaccumulation due to their worldwide ubiquity, periodic flooding schedules, and high use by wildlife. we assessed mehg bioaccumulation within agricultural and perennial wetlands common to california's central valley during summer, when the majority of wetland habitats are shallowly flooded rice fields. we i ...201020067279
stress hormone masculinizes female morphology and steroids play major roles in vertebrate sexual differentiation. unexpectedly, we now find that exposure to elevated levels of the naturally occurring stress hormone cortisol can also masculinize sexually dimorphic morphological characters and behaviour in adult female mosquitofish (gambusia affinis) in a dose-dependent manner. females masculinized by cortisol developed elongated anal fins with distal tip features similar to those of mature males. most masculinized females also attempted to c ...201120659923
acute toxicity and effects analysis of endosulfan sulfate to freshwater fish species.endosulfan sulfate is a persistent environmental metabolite of endosulfan, an organochlorine insecticide-acaricide presently registered by the united states environmental protection agency. there is, however, limited acute fish toxicity data for endosulfan sulfate. this study determines the acute toxicity (lc₅₀s and lc₁₀s) of endosulfan sulfate to three inland florida native fish species (mosquitofish [gambusia affinis]; least killifish [heterandria formosa]; and sailfin mollies [poecilia latipi ...201021127850
spatial and temporal distribution of the asian fish tapeworm bothriocephalus acheilognathi (cestoda: bothriocephalidea) in the rio grande (río bravo del norte).recent collections of the asian fish tapeworm bothriocephalus acheilognathi in the rio grande have raised concern about the potential impacts on rio grande endemic and imperiled fishes. the objectives of this study were to determine distribution and definitive hosts of the asian fish tapeworm within the rio grande drainage and to quantify occurrences and abundances. in total, 1,992 fish spanning 11 families were collected and examined for asian fish tapeworms in the rio grande and the pecos and ...201021192548
comparative efficacy of two poeciliid fish in indoor cement tanks against chikungunya vector aedes aegypti in villages in karnataka, india.abstract: background: in 2006, severe outbreaks of aedes aegypti-transmitted chikungunya occurred in villages in karnataka, south india. we evaluated the effectiveness of combined information, education and communication (iec) campaigns using two potential poeciliid larvivorous fish guppy (poecilia reticulata) and mosquitofish (gambusia affinis), in indoor cement tanks for aedes larval control. methods: trials were conducted in two villages (domatmari and srinivaspura) in tumkur district from ma ...201121798018
the feasibility of using mosquitofish (gambusia affinis) for detecting endocrine-disrupting chemicals in the freshwater environment.we evaluated the utility of gene-transcriptional responses in the liver of mosquitofish (gambusia affinis), a species introduced to many countries and therefore widely available, for detecting endocrine-disrupting activity in water. exposure to β-naphthoflavone, an aryl hydrocarbon receptor (ahr) agonist, significantly increased the transcript of the cytochrome p4501a gene (cyp1a), peaking at 24 h, in both sexes at concentrations of 10 µg/l or more. 17β-estradiol (e(2) ) at 500 ng/l increased th ...201121882230
a novel herbal formulation against dengue vector mosquitoes aedes aegypti and aedes albopictus.the objective of this study was to develop a herbal formulation to control dengue vector mosquitoes. ponneem, a novel herbal formulation prepared using the oils of neem (azadirachta indica), karanj (pongamia glabra) and their extracts, was tested for larvicidal, ovicidal and oviposition deterrent activities against aedes aegypti and aedes albopictus at 1, 0.5, 0.3 and 0.1 ppm concentrations. cent percent larvicidal and ovicidal activities were observed at 0.1 ppm in the two mosquito species unde ...201122042505
the food of the larvivorous fish gambusia affinis (baird and girard) and oreochromis (formerly tilapia) niloticus (linnaeus) in gezira irrigation canals.the food of both gambusia affinis and oreochromis niloticus was studied. organisms eaten by both species of fish are tabulated, together with the amounts eaten during the various months of the year. g. affinis larger than 25 mm are carnivorous and become more so with age. food selection by g. affinis depends on the availability of food items rather than choice. it showed a marked preference for mosquito larvae. o. niloticus smaller than 150 mm were markedly carnivorous, but this decreased with a ...20102863390
diet and growth in juveniles of the garter snakes thamnophis sirtalis infernalis and thamnophis radix radix.the effects of diets consisting of different food types on the growth of juvenile garter snakes was tested using a litter each of thamnophis sirtalis infernalis and t. radix radix. the snakes were fed diets consisting of earthworms, lumbricus terrestris, and mosquitofish, gambusia affinis. the results reveal differences in growth per unit of mass, calories, and protein consumed on the different diets with differences in length being more pronounced than differences in mass. the results indicate ...20133623195
two new myxosporida, henneguya gambusi sp. n. and myxosoma pharyngeus sp. n., in the mosquitofish, gambusia affinis (baird and girard). 20165003274
parathion and methyl parathion toxicity to insecticide-resistant and susceptible mosquitofish (gambusia affinis). 20154433817
in vitro pesticide inhibition of muscle esterases of the mosquitofish, gambusia affinis. 199925738
dna damage by benzo[a]pyrene in the liver of mosquito fish gambusia affinis.exposure of gambusia affinis to water containing different concentrations of benzo[a]pyrene (bap) causes an increase in benzo[a]pyrene monooxygenase (bpmo) activity which reaches a maximum on the second day. concomitantly, the dna is altered in such a way that nuclease s1-sensitive sites (sss) become measurable. the size distribution of liver dna treated with nuclease s1 in control fish shows two populations of dna by length, with means of 30 x 10(6) and 60 x 10(6) daltons, respectively. in fish ...20082994211
comparative larvivorous performances of mosquitofish, gambusia affinis, and juvenile sacramento blackfish, orthodon microlepidotus, in experimental paddies.mosquitofish, sacramento blackfish, or combinations of both species were stocked in experimental paddies. cultured culex tarsalis larvae, stocked weekly into each paddy, and wild anopheles freeborni larvae were counted by dipping. at the end of the 12 week experiment, paddies were drained and the remaining fish and visible invertebrates counted. data show the highest number of mosquito larvae in the blackfish-stocked paddies. this low larvivorous ability of blackfish may result from their rapid ...20123504893
laboratory evaluation of gambusia affinis fish as predators of the schistosome-bearing snails bulinus this laboratory-based study involving numerous experiments, it was demonstrated that the mosquito fish gambusia affinis preys effectively upon the schistosome-bearing snail bulinus truncatus, even in the presence of an alternative source of food. egg masses and juvenile snails less than or equal to 2 mm in size are preferred. individual eggs are nibbled, and the tiny snails with fragile shells are swallowed and digested. in the absence of other foods, the fish consume the flesh of snails 3 to ...20123755766
learned orientation in the predator avoidance behavior of mosquitofish, gambusia affinis. 20164707170
sex ratio variation shapes the ecological effects of a globally introduced freshwater ratio and sexual dimorphism have long been of interest in population and evolutionary ecology, but consequences for communities and ecosystems remain untested. sex ratio could influence ecological conditions whenever sexual dimorphism is associated with ecological dimorphism in species with strong ecological interactions. we tested for ecological implications of sex ratio variation in the sexually dimorphic western mosquitofish, gambusia affinis. this species causes strong pelagic trophic ca ...026490793
integrated mosquito larval source management reduces larval numbers in two highland villages in western western kenya, malaria remains one of the major health problems and its control remains an important public health measure. malaria control is by either use of drugs to treat patients infected with malaria parasites or by controlling the vectors. vector control may target the free living adult or aquatic (larval) stages of mosquito. the most commonly applied control strategies target indoor resting mosquitoes. however, because mosquitoes spend a considerable time in water, targeting the aquat ...201222607227
one-pot biogenic fabrication of silver nanocrystals using quisqualis indica: effectiveness on malaria and zika virus mosquito vectors, and impact on non-target aquatic organisms.currently, mosquito vector control is facing a number of key challenges, including the rapid development of resistance to synthetic pesticides and the recent spread of aggressive arbovirus outbreaks. the biosynthesis of silver nanoparticles (agnps) is currently considered an environmental friendly alternative to the employ of pyrethroids, carbamates and microbial agents (e.g. bacillus thuringiensis var. israelensis), since agnps are easy to produce, effective and stable in the aquatic environmen ...201627491031
the first record of centrocestus formosanus (nishigori, 1924) (digenea: heterophyidae) in egypt.the life cycle of centrocestus formosanus (digenea: heterophyidae) was to be successfully completed in the laboratory in the present study. hundreds of the thiarid snail, melanoides tuberculata, were collected from the main water course mansouriya canal, giza governorate, egypt. the snails were individually exposed to artificial light to determine possible infection with trematode larvae. fifteen snails were found infected with opthalmopleurolophocercous cercariae (infection index of 1.97). thes ...201627328972
the host effects of gambusia affinis with an antibiotic-disrupted microbiome.while serving as critical tools against bacterial infections, antimicrobial therapies can also result in serious side effects, such as antibiotic-associated entercolitis. recent studies utilizing next generation sequencing to generate community 16s gene profiles have shown that antibiotics can strongly alter community composition and deplete diversity. however, how these community changes in the microbiota are related to the host side effects is still unclear. we have used the freshwater western ...201526475244
susceptibility of fish and turtles to three ranaviruses isolated from different ectothermic vertebrate classes.ranaviruses have been associated with mortality of lower vertebrates around the world. frog virus 3 (fv3)-like ranaviruses have been isolated from different ectothermic vertebrate classes; however, few studies have demonstrated whether this pathogen can be transmitted among classes. using fv3-like ranaviruses isolated from the american bullfrog lithobates catesbeianus, eastern box turtle terrapene carolina carolina, and pallid sturgeon scaphirhynchus albus, we tested for the occurrence of interc ...201424895866
transmission of ranavirus between ectothermic vertebrate hosts.transmission is an essential process that contributes to the survival of pathogens. ranaviruses are known to infect different classes of lower vertebrates including amphibians, fishes and reptiles. differences in the likelihood of infection among ectothermic vertebrate hosts could explain the successful yearlong persistence of ranaviruses in aquatic environments. the goal of this study was to determine if transmission of a frog virus 3 (fv3)-like ranavirus was possible among three species from d ...201424667325
earthworm-mediated synthesis of silver nanoparticles: a potent tool against hepatocellular carcinoma, plasmodium falciparum parasites and malaria mosquitoes.the development of parasites and pathogens resistant to synthetic drugs highlighted the needing of novel, eco-friendly and effective control approaches. recently, metal nanoparticles have been proposed as highly effective tools towards cancer cells and plasmodium parasites. in this study, we synthesized silver nanoparticles (ew-agnp) using eudrilus eugeniae earthworms as reducing and stabilizing agents. ew-agnp showed plasmon resonance reduction in uv-vis spectrophotometry, the functional groups ...201626873539
hormonal effects of tetrabromobisphenol a using a combination of in vitro and in vivo assays.the aim of this study was to investigate the hormonal effects of tetrabromobisphenol a (tbbpa) in vitro on recombinant yeasts and in vivo on mosquitofish (gambusia affinis). the in vitro bioassays for (anti-)androgenic activities showed that tbbpa had a weak androgenic activity in vitro with recombinant yeast systems carrying human androgen receptor (har). in the in vivo bioassays, the gene expression patterns of vitellogenin (vtg), estrogen receptors (erα and erβ), and androgen receptors (arα a ...201323501287
towards green oviposition deterrents? effectiveness of syzygium lanceolatum (myrtaceae) essential oil against six mosquito vectors and impact on four aquatic biological control agents.essential oils (eos) from plants may be alternative sources of molecules toxic against mosquito vectors of public health relevance. most of researches in this field focused on eos as larvicides or ovicides, while limited efforts focused on the exploitation of eos as oviposition deterrents. in the present study, the larvicidal and oviposition deterrent activity of syzygium lanceolatum leaf eo was evaluated against six mosquito species, anopheles stephensi, an. subpictus, aedes aegypti, ae. albopi ...201627921244
facile fabrication of eco-friendly nano-mosquitocides: biophysical characterization and effectiveness on neglected tropical mosquito vectors.mosquito (diptera: culicidae) vectors are solely responsible for transmitting important diseases such as malaria, dengue, chikungunya, japanese encephalitis, lymphatic filariasis and zika virus. eco-friendly control tools of culicidae vectors are a priority. in this study, we proposed a facile fabrication process of poly-disperse and stable silver nanoparticles (ag nps) using a cheap leaf extract of ichnocarpus frutescens (apocyanaceae). bio-reduced ag nps were characterized by uv-vis spectropho ...201627866611
single-step biological fabrication of colloidal silver nanoparticles using hugonia mystax: larvicidal potential against zika virus, dengue, and malaria vector mosquitoes.mosquito control is facing key challenges, including outbreaks of new arbovirus threats. we proposed an eco-friendly synthesis of silver nanoparticles (agnps) employing a low-cost extract of hugonia mystax. agnps were specified by uv, xrd, ftir and edx spectroscopy, sem and tem. agnps were more toxic to anopheles stephensi, aedes aegypti, and culex quinquefasciatus larvae (lc50: 14.45, 15.86, and 17.46 μg/ml) if compared to aquatic biocontrol organisms gambusia affinis, diplonychus indicus, and ...201627611658
acute toxicity and repellent activity of the origanum scabrum boiss. & heldr. (lamiaceae) essential oil against four mosquito vectors of public health importance and its biosafety on non-target aquatic organisms.the recent outbreaks of dengue, chikungunya, and zika virus highlighted the pivotal importance of mosquito vector control in tropical and subtropical areas worldwide. however, mosquito control is facing hot challenges, mainly due to the rapid development of pesticide resistance in culicidae and the limited success of biocontrol programs on aedes mosquitoes. in this framework, screening botanicals for their mosquitocidal potential may offer effective and eco-friendly tools in the fight against mo ...201627604128
eco-friendly larvicides from indian plants: effectiveness of lavandulyl acetate and bicyclogermacrene on malaria, dengue and japanese encephalitis mosquito vectors.mosquitoes (diptera: culicidae) are a key threat for millions of people and animals worldwide, since they act as vectors for devastating pathogens and parasites, including malaria, dengue, japanese encephalitis, filiariasis and zika virus. mosquito young instars are usually targeted using organophosphates, insect growth regulators and microbial agents. indoor residual spraying and insecticide-treated bed nets are also employed. however, these chemicals have negative effects on human health and t ...201627504617
single-step biosynthesis and characterization of silver nanoparticles using zornia diphylla leaves: a potent eco-friendly tool against malaria and arbovirus vectors.mosquitoes (diptera: culicidae) are vectors of important pathogens and parasites, including malaria, dengue, chikungunya, japanese encephalitis, lymphatic filariasis and zika virus. the application of synthetic insecticides causes development of resistance, biological magnification of toxic substances through the food chain, and adverse effects on the environment and human health. in this scenario, eco-friendly control tools of mosquito vectors are a priority. here single-step fabrication of sil ...201627318605
one-step synthesis of polydispersed silver nanocrystals using malva sylvestris: an eco-friendly mosquito larvicide with negligible impact on non-target aquatic organisms.the synthesis of eco-friendly nanoparticles is evergreen branch of nanoscience with a growing number of biomedical implications. in this study, we investigated the synthesis of polydisperse and stable silver nanoparticles (agnp) using a cheap leaf extract of malva sylvestris (malvaceae). bio-reduced agnp were characterized by uv-visible spectrophotometry, fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (ftir), x-ray diffraction analysis (xrd), atomic force microscopy (afm), scanning electron microscopy ...201627075309
natural control of culex quinquefasciatus larvae in residential ditches by the copepod macrocyclops albidus.natural populations of three larvivorous copepod species live in residential roadside ditches in louisiana: macrocyclops albidus, acanthocyclops vernalis, and megacyclops latipes. macrocyclops is most common and killed an average of 27 first-instar culex quinquefasciatus larvae/copepod/day in the laboratory. although severe pollution from septic tank effluent in some parts of the ditches creates havens for cx. quinquefasciatus production by excluding predatory copepods and fish (gambusia affinis ...200010925792
wildlife toxicology: biomarkers of genotoxic exposures at a hazardous waste site.a large number of hazardous waste sites in the united states have undergone the initial stages of remediation or containment. at many of the remaining sites, the potential for exposure to ecological receptors is a primary concern. this manuscript reports on studies to investigate the impact on ecological receptors exposed to complex mixtures at a former creosote facility. currently there are isolated areas on-site that were not addressed in the initial removal action that appear to be releasing ...200919533345
artemisia absinthium-borne compounds as novel larvicides: effectiveness against six mosquito vectors and acute toxicity on non-target aquatic organisms.the eco-friendly control of mosquito vectors is a crucial challenge of public health importance. here we evaluated the larvicidal potential of artemisia absinthium essential oil (eo) and its three major chemical constituents against six mosquito vectors: anopheles stephensi, anopheles subpictus, aedes aegypti, aedes albopictus, culex quinquefasciatus, and culex tritaeniorhynchus. the eo was obtained by leaf hydro-distillation. its chemical composition was analyzed using gas chromatography-mass s ...201627630101
chemical composition, toxicity and non-target effects of pinus kesiya essential oil: an eco-friendly and novel larvicide against malaria, dengue and lymphatic filariasis mosquito vectors.mosquitoes (diptera: culicidae) are vectors of important parasites and pathogens causing death, poverty and social disability worldwide, with special reference to tropical and subtropical countries. the overuse of synthetic insecticides to control mosquito vectors lead to resistance, adverse environmental effects and high operational costs. therefore, the development of eco-friendly control tools is an important public health challenge. in this study, the mosquito larvicidal activity of pinus ke ...201626995063
larvicidal and repellent potential of zingiber nimmonii (j. graham) dalzell (zingiberaceae) essential oil: an eco-friendly tool against malaria, dengue, and lymphatic filariasis mosquito vectors?mosquitoes (diptera: culicidae) are important vectors of terms of public health relevance, especially in tropical and sub-tropical regions. the continuous and indiscriminate use of conventional pesticides for the control of mosquito vectors has resulted in the development of resistance and negative impacts on non-target organisms and the environment. therefore, there is a need for development of effective mosquito control tools. in this study, the larvicidal and repellent activity of zingiber ni ...201626792432
eco-friendly control of malaria and arbovirus vectors using the mosquitofish gambusia affinis and ultra-low dosages of mimusops elengi-synthesized silver nanoparticles: towards an integrative approach?mosquito-borne diseases represent a deadly threat for millions of people worldwide. however, the use of synthetic insecticides to control culicidae may lead to high operational costs and adverse non-target effects. plant-borne compounds have been proposed for rapid extracellular synthesis of mosquitocidal nanoparticles. their impact against biological control agents of mosquito larval populations has been poorly studied. we synthesized silver nanoparticles (agnp) using the aqueous leaf extract o ...201526300364
the effect of predatory fish exudates on the ovipostional behaviour of three mosquito species: culex quinquefasciatus, aedes aegypti and culex tarsalis.three mosquito species, culex tarsalis coquillett, culex quinquefasciatus say and aedes aegypti l. (diptera: culicidae), were examined in laboratory binary choice experiments to investigate whether fish exudates from the mosquitofish, gambusia affinis (baird & girard) (cyprinodontiformes: poecilliidae), deter oviposition and whether the responses of these mosquito species to fish exudates in oviposition sites are consistent with the risk of predation from fish experienced by each species in thei ...200819120968
laboratory evaluation of methanolic extract of atlantia monophylla (family: rutaceae) against immature stages of mosquitoes and non-target organisms.methanolic extracts of the leaves of atlantia monophylla (rutaceae) were evaluated for mosquitocidal activity against immature stages of three mosquito species, culex quinquefasciatus, anopheles stephensi, and aedes aegypti in the laboratory. larvae of cx. quinquefasciatus and pupae of an. stephensi were found more susceptible, with lc50 values of 0.14 mg/l and 0.05 mg/l, respectively. insect growth regulating activity of this extract was more pronounced against ae. aegypti, with ei50 value 0.00 ...200415057359
facile synthesis of mosquitocidal silver nanoparticles using mussaenda glabra leaf extract: characterisation and impact on non-target aquatic organisms.plant-borne compounds have been proposed for extracellular synthesis of mosquitocidal nanoparticles. however, their impact against mosquito natural enemies has been scarcely studied. here, we synthesised silver nanoparticles (ag nps) using mussaenda glabra leaf extract as reducing and stabilising agent. biofabricated ag nps were characterised by uv-vis spectrophotometry, x-ray diffraction, fourier transform infrared (ftir) spectroscopy, scanning electron microscopy (sem) and transmission electro ...201627209898
α-humulene and β-elemene from syzygium zeylanicum (myrtaceae) essential oil: highly effective and eco-friendly larvicides against anopheles subpictus, aedes albopictus, and culex tritaeniorhynchus (diptera: culicidae).mosquitoes transmit serious pathogens and parasites to humans and animals, including malaria, dengue, japanese encephalitis and filariasis. the extensive use of chemical pesticides leads to the development of resistance in mosquito vector populations and serious non-target effects on human health and the environment. myrtaceae plants can be a useful reservoir of natural products effective against culicidae young instars. in this research, we evaluated the mosquitocidal potential of the essential ...201627026503
Displaying items 1 - 100 of 347