
contributions to blastocystis hominis studies. aspects of degenerescence. 1979575709
blastocystis hominis in the liver of cricetus auratus. 1977603382
ultrastructure and light microscope appearance of blastocystis hominis in a patient with enteric disease.the patient reported had a fulminant, refractory diarrhea of unknown etiology producing about 81 of diarrheal fluid daily which required continuously large volumes of intravenous fluid therapy. no protozoon other than blastocystis hominis was present. bacterial counts were very low in the fecal material because of continuous antibiotic therapy. blastocystis hominis was present in large numbers, averaging for a 5-day period, 8.3 x 10(6)/ml of diarrheal fluid. treatment with metronidazole for 12 d ...1976997721
massive development of amebas in the large intestine. fedor aleksandrovich lesh (lösch).fedor aleksandrovich lesh (lösch) 1840-1903. although lösch was a distinguished russian physician, little has been written about him in english. a graduate of the medico-chirurgical academy in st. petersburg (1863), he defended a doctoral thesis on pulmonary embolism and infarction in 1866, and became an assistant professor of medicine in 1871. from 1872 to 1885 he was a lecturer on diagnosis at the women's medical college and a consultant to the nikolayev military hospital. in 1885 he became pr ...19751098489
blastocystis hominis: pathogenic potential in human patients and in gnotobiotes. 19761269579
endosymbiosis in blastocystis hominis. 19761269586
gastroenteritis outbreak at an industrial camp--british columbia. 19921291017
intestinal protozoan infections in malaysia.intestinal protozoa are found in all communities in malaysia and among all ethnic groups. prevalence of intestinal protozoa is not affected by ethnicity but by living conditions. communities with both basic amenities of safe water supply and proper toilets have lower prevalence than those with one or none of the amenity. cryptosporidium is an important intestinal protozoon in malaysia and should be included in future field and laboratory studies and also in laboratory diagnosis for pathogens. mu ...19921298065
persistent diarrhoea and blastocystis hominis. 19921321538
[blastocystosis and other intestinal protozoan infections in human riverside communities of the valdivia river basin, chile].between march and october 1987, the prevalence of infection by blastocystis hominis and other intestinal protozoan, their relationship with the age and sex of the hosts, and the percentage of infected persons in family groups were determined in riverside communities of valdivia river basin, chile. one or more intestinal protozoan species were determined in 72.5% of the examined persons. the prevalence was greater for b. hominis (61.8%). the prevalences of b. hominis, endolimax nana and entamoeba ...19921342125
effect of co-trimoxazole on stool recovery of blastocystis hominis. 19921346686
absence of an association between enteric parasites in the manifestations and pathogenesis of hiv enteropathy in gay men. the gi/hiv study group.49 gay men confirmed to be infected with the human immunodeficiency virus (hiv) and 9 hiv seronegative gay men participated in a pilot study comparing clinical status and enteric parasite load with gastrointestinal structure, function and symptomatology. cases included 16/49 (33%) men who were cdc stage ii, 7/49 (14%) who were cdc stage iii, and 26/49 (53%) who were cdc stage iv. the mean cd4-lymphocyte count was 476 +/- 199 (sd)/microliter. the prevalence of enteric parasitic flora was similar ...19921361241
comparative aetiology of childhood diarrhoea in kakamega and kiambu districts, kenya.two hundred diarrhoea specimens collected during january to february 1988, from rural children aged 0 to 60 months in kakamega district were examined for bacteria, parasites and rotavirus. the results were compared with a sample of 184 diarrhoea specimens matched for month of collection, taken from data collected in the same manner from children in kiambu district. the mean ages of children in the 2 samples did not differ significantly. there were significant differences in the prevalence of spe ...19921396210
epidemiology and clinical significance of blastocystis hominis in different population groups in salamanca (spain).a prospective study was carried out to investigate the epidemiology and clinical significance of blastocystis hominis in the following groups of the population of the city of salamanca (spain): in children attending 11 day care centres and 7 primary schools, two fecal samples were obtained from each child, and in 1231 patients attending the clinical hospital. a b. hominis incidence of 5.3-10.3% was found in the day care centres and an incidence rate of 13.4-19.4% was found in the primary schools ...19921397225
epidemiology of blastocystis hominis infection in papua new guinea: age-prevalence and associations with other parasites.a community-based study of blastocystis and other intestinal parasites in the asaro valley, papua new guinea showed an extraordinary high prevalence and variety of protozoan infections. apart from infants, nearly everybody had at least one infection, and the mean number of infections per person was around 2.7. the graph of age-specific prevalence for blastocystis is similar in shape to those for entamoeba coli and endolimax nana, indicating probable similarity in transmission patterns and host r ...19921417203
[a survey of intestinal parasites of the foreign laborers (indonesians and filipinos) in ishikawa prefecture].a survey of intestinal parasites was conducted on 198 foreign workers aged 19-27 from inodonesia and philippines. they work for a private company in ishikawa prefecture as technical trainee. on the base of stool examination, 94 (71%) out of 133 indonesians and 48 (74%) of 65 filipinos had intestinal helminths and/or protozoan infections. the prevalence of ascaris lumbricoides, trichuris trichura and hookworm was 4.5, 64.1, 10.6%, respectively. in addition, the positive rate of the cyst of entamo ...19921431385
[blastocystis infection and aids]. 19921435582
cryptosporidiosis among patients with acquired immunodeficiency syndrome in zulia state, venezuela.we studied the prevalence of cryptosporidium in 29 patients with acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (aids) from zulia state, venezuela. they ranged in age from five months to 46 years. two were children and 27 were adults, of which six were women. of the 21 men, 66.6% reported homosexual behavior. three stool samples from each patient were examined, and modified ziehl-neelsen carbolfuchsin staining of formalinether stool concentrates was used to identify cryptosporidium oocysts. to detect the pr ...19921449198
[blastocystis hominis]. 19921450262
[blastocystis hominis: in search of a disease, a misunderstood organism].blastocystis hominis is a micro-organism which remains somewhat mysterious. having defined its present position in the classification of protozoa, the authors describe its ultrastructure and morphology. its epidemiology and pathogenicity are discussed in the light of experimental studies and human clinical data, especially in aids patients. metronidazole seems to be the most active drug against this organism, but extreme caution must be exerted when the possible pathogenic property of b. hominis ...19921480568
comparative analysis of lipid composition in axenic strains of blastocystis hominis.1. six axenic strains of blastocystis hominis varied in content of lipids from 12 to 43 pg total lipid/cell. with all strains, phospholipid content was about 39% of total lipids. 2. neutral lipid fractions of b. hominis were resolved into nine constituents, of which seven were identified tentatively. sterol esters, principally esters of cholesterol, were the major neutral lipid constituent, accounting for 49-63% of the neutral lipids, and at least 30% of the total lipids. 3. polar lipids were re ...19921499298
varying incidence of blastocystis hominis in cultures from faeces of patients with diarrhoea and from healthy persons.a study was performed on the frequency of blastocystis hominis in the faeces from 100 patients suffering from diarrhoea and from 100 healthy persons. surprisingly, an increased detection rate was observed in samples from healthy persons after anaerobic cultivation. this increased frequency is obviously not dependent on the kind of serum used as a culture supplement and raises the question whether the protozoa morphologically described as b. hominis represent a homogenous species. when rabbit and ...19921520961
identification of blastocystis hominis by colonic brush cytology. a case report.blastocystis hominis is a unicellular organism the pathogenic potential of which in humans remains unclear. it may be identified during a workup for gastrointestinal symptoms, usually in stool examined for ova and parasites. we describe a case in which b hominis was identified by cytologic examination in a patient with crohn's disease who underwent colonoscopy and brushing of a transverse colon stricture. the morphologic features of this organism are described and contrasted with those of the un ...19921523938
blastocystis hominis: a controversial enteric protozoon. 19921556417
protein and dna evidence for two demes of blastocystis hominis from humans.analysis of 10 stocks of blastocystis hominis isolated from human stools revealed two discrete groups of organisms. proteins of the two groups were immunologically distinct and hybridization with random probes generated from the dna of one stock showed that the dna content of the two groups was different. further studies are required to determine whether these should be classified as discrete species or whether these groups are epidemiologically significant.19921563920
blastocystis hominis in hospital employees.several reports have appeared that either support or deny the importance of the protozoan blastocystis hominis as an intestinal pathogen in humans. in this report, we describe the clinical characteristics of b. hominis and its response to therapy in hospital employees found to have the parasite on routine screening of stools. during the study, 49 patients with b. hominis were identified, and 413 stools were examined from these patients. twenty-nine patients were asymptomatic (59%), and 20 had sy ...19921590309
endoscopy of blastocystosis (zierdt-garavelli disease). 19921600197
[importance of the diagnosis of blastocystis hominis in the parasitological examination of feces].feces of 798 male and female patients who attended the parasitology laboratory of the "facultad de ciencias bioquímicas y farmacéuticas de la universidad nacional de rosario (república argentina)" were examined. out of the total number of samples, 281 were collected after a purgative, and 517 by serial collection. the samples were examined applying the routine parasitological analysis. those which presented blastocysts hominis were processed for their quantification and classification in differe ...19911670481
blastocystis hominis: commensal or pathogen? 19911671894
clinical significance of blastocystis hominis. 19911671956
longitudinal study of young children in kenya: intestinal parasitic infection with special reference to giardia lamblia, its prevalence, incidence and duration, and its association with diarrhoea and with other parasites.84 young children from a rural community, nderu, in kenya, were each followed for up to 10 months, from january to november 1987. their ages ranged from 10 to 28 months over the period of study. stools were obtained once a week, as were reports from the mothers about presence of abdominal complaints, including diarrhoea. a total of 2258 stools and 1873 reports were collected. 9 parasites were commonly encountered of which giardia lamblia was the most frequent at 44.7%. the overall estimated numb ...19911686143
a cyst-like stage of blastocystis hominis.a cyst-like form of blastocystis hominis is described in stools and in culture. this form is more common in stored stools than fresh material. a cyst wall is secreted under the surface coat of the cell, and the surface coat and cell debris subsequently separate from the cyst. whether this stage can withstand adverse environmental conditions and is infective to a new host remain to be determined.19911743860
blastocystis hominis complicating ulcerative colitis. 19911744851
ultrastructure of blastocystis hominis in human stool samples.a study of the ultrastructure of blastocystis hominis in human stools found morphological differences between the organisms seen and those present in laboratory cultures. b. hominis found in stool samples showed little morphological variation with storage time before fixation, but were consistently smaller (approximately 5 microns in diameter), with a thicker surface coat than the cultured organisms. the large central vacuole, characteristic of the cultured organisms, and accepted as standard mo ...19911774117
pathogenicity of blastocystis hominis. 19911774343
results of testing for intestinal parasites by state diagnostic laboratories, united states, 1987.we analyzed results of 216,275 stool specimens examined by the state diagnostic laboratories in 1987; parasites were found in 20.1%. percentages were highest for protozoans: giardia lamblia (7.2%), entamoeba coli and endolimax nana (4.2% each), blastocystis hominis (2.6%), entamoeba histolytica (0.9%), and cryptosporidium species (0.2%). identifications of giardia lamblia increased broadly from the 4.0% average found in 1979, with 40 states reporting increases and seven decreases. most states th ...19911779956
ultrastructural evidence for a possible differentiation way in the life-cycle of blastocystis hominis.the present paper is reporting the characteristic ultrastructural aspects of an amoeboid b. hominis population obtained from a child having giardiasis and dysentery in history. the particular features of smooth endothelial reticulum are postulated as being the expression of functional changes of this organelle in the differentiation process, the protozoon passing from the amoeba to the vacuolar form.19911821165
occurrence of blastocystis sp. in pigs.the occurrence of blastocystis sp. was monitored in pigs of various age from 5 pig farms in southern bohemia. prevalence was determined especially via cultivation in modified nutrient broth les. in sucking pigs up to 2 days old blastocystis sp. was not found; from 3 days blastocystis sp. persists throughout the pig life. in droppings and in cultures there both vacuolar and granular forms were observed. ameboid forms were not found. in culture ultrastructure was observed by transmission electron ...19911822462
[controversial aspects of blastocystis hominis: taxonomy and emerging concepts of pathogenicity]. 19911822720
[blastocystis hominis: frequency of infection in ambulatory patients from the northern section of santiago, chile].in july 1989-july 1990 period, a coproparasitological study of 6,162 ambulatory patients from the northern section of santiago, was undertaken. out of the total number of the studied individual, 88.6% were children, (51.4% females and 48.6% males). the global frequency of infection by b. hominis was 30.4%. in relation to age. blastocystis hominis was found in: 13.1% of the group of children (1 month-2 years); 34.1% of the pre-school children, 45.4% in the school-children and 43.0% in the adults. ...19911843860
[blastocystis hominis in canavese: a retrospective study of samples received for fecal parasitological examination at the ivrea- castellamonte hospital over 42 months].in the last ten years the interest in the controversial blastocystis hominis microorganism of the intestine has greatly increased. the authors conducted a retrospective study of feces for parasitology investigations at the ivrea-castellamonte hospital. these investigations lasted 42 months (1/1/1988-31/6/1991) and the authors focused their attention on samples with 5 or more blastocystis hominis at the microscopically examination with a 40x phase objective. during the study 2,138 samples of fece ...19911844921
the in-vitro activity of drugs against blastocystis hominis.the development of an assay to measure the sensitivity of drugs against blastocystis hominis using the incorporation of 3h-hypoxanthine is described. the activity of 42 compounds have been measured. four of the 5-nitroimidazoles tested (satranidazole, s75 0400 a, flunidazole and ronidazole) were found to be more active than metronidazole, the drug commonly used to treat infections caused by b. hominis in humans. other potentially useful compounds include emetine, furazolidone and quinacrine. ket ...19911856129
blastocystis hominis may be a potential cause of intestinal disease.blastocystis hominis is a common inhabitant of the human bowel. it is now increasingly recognized as a potential cause of diarrhea. this article presents 12 cases of prolonged or recurrent diarrhea associated with b. hominis found in a large number. no other intestinal parasites were recognized. all patients responded to metronidazole. this report confirms that b. hominis may be a cause of intestinal disease.19911882204
pathogenicity of blastocystis hominis. 19911889876
sds-page and immunological analysis of different axenic blastocystis hominis strains.consistent major differences were detected by sds-page, western blotting and ouchterlony immunodiffusion in four axenic and microscopically indistinguishable strains of the anaerobic human parasite blastocystis hominis from different sources. it is concluded that at least two variants with different polypeptide patterns and antigens exist and the biological significance of these findings is discussed.19911906543
reactive arthritis from blastocystis hominis. 19911994931
blastocystis hominis--past and future.the history of b. hominis is unique. few infectious agents have provoked the many misconceptions that plague this enigmatic parasitic ameba. conflicting descriptions of its nature and pathogenesis have continued throughout the 20th century. as seen by the greatly expanded number of reports in recent years, b. hominis is now a major subject of study, particularly for evidence of disease causation. physicians are treating patients with intestinal disease caused by b. hominis. many mild cases resol ...19912004348
clinical report of blastocystis hominis infection in children.during a 9-month hospital-based survey, the intestinal parasite blastocystis hominis was detected in high numbers (five or more organisms per oil immersion field) in faecal specimens from 39 (2%) of 1960 children under 13 years old. abdominal pain or discomfort with or without diarrhoea was present in 32 children categorized as acute (14), subacute (7) or chronic (11) cases with respective mean ages of 6.4, 7.3 and 8.7 years. they included three with other enteropathogens (giardia lamblia, crypt ...19912023289
use of electron microscopy in examination of faeces and rectal and jejunal biopsy specimens.the stools and rectal biopsy specimens of 44 patients with aids and diarrhoea were examined by culture, light microscopy, and electron microscopy. in 13 patients examination of rectal biopsy material and faecal samples showed no pathogen, but in two of these, microsporidiosis was found by electron microscopical examination of jejunal biopsy specimens. this organism was also identified electron microscopically in one of the further five jejunal biopsy samples taken from patients with a known caus ...19912030151
pathogenicity of blastocystis hominis. 19912037690
[blastocystis hominis in an hiv-positive homosexual patient]. 19912041894
blastocystosis: a new disease in the acquired immunodeficiency syndrome?the protozoon blastocystis hominis may cause episodes of diarrhoea with abdominal pain, tenesmus, fever and eosinophilia. we have observed 5 cases of blastocystosis in male subjects with symptomatic hiv infection. all patients had a complete response to metronidazole. this report confirms that blastocystis hominis may be responsible for hiv-related diarrhoea.19902092790
[enterocolitis caused by blastocystis hominis and hiv infection]. 19902095911
blastocystis hominis. 19902101593
blastocystis hominis: an unusual cause of diarrhoea. 19902102207
blastocystis hominis infection: signs and symptoms in patients at wilford hall medical center.blastocystis hominis (b. hominis) is a protozoan that may inhabit the human gastrointestinal tract. in our study we reviewed the signs and symptoms of patients at wilford hall with stool specimens positive for b. hominis. these patients fell into four groups, hiv-positive adults, foreign nationals, children, and adults not known to be hiv positive. b. hominis caused an acute self-limited diarrheal illness, or chronic gastroenteritis with nausea, abdominal pain, and mild diarrhea. metronidazole e ...19902120622
blastocystis hominis infection in patients with diabetes mellitus. clinical case history. 19902123358
[blastocystis hominis infection frequency: a year of study].since july 1987 to june 1988, out of a total of 2,009 stool examinations performed at a private laboratory, in barquisimeto, venezuela, we could identify blastocystis hominis in 206 of them, using the methods of wet preparation with s.s.f., iugol and quensel. clinical information was obtained in 73 patients. the group more affected was the one older than 12 years of age. we suggest the investigation and to report b. hominis in the feces test, because in presence of clinic manifestations and abse ...19902152310
blastocystis hominis treatable cause of diabetic diarrhea. 19902209335
[blastocystis hominis infection in aids and correlated pathologies].blastocystis hominis may sometimes be found in feces in sufficient quantities to cause symptoms of diseases such as diarrhea abdominal pain, nausea, tenesmus, fever, itching and slight acidocytosis. three cases of blastocysosis observed in patients with las are reported.19902216046
[etiology of diarrheal diseases in immunocompetent and hiv-positive patients].in 1986 and 1987 the stool samples of 206 patients of the medical outpatient clinic basel were examined prospectively for bacteria, protozoa and worms. clinical data of the patients were recorded by questionnaire. the patient group comprised 63 immunocompetent patients as well as 23 hiv-infected patients, all with symptoms of acute enteritis. the control group consisted of 120 healthy persons. pathogenic organisms were found in the stools of 17.5% of the immunocompetent patients with enteritis. ...19902218447
frequency of recovery of blastocystis hominis in clinical practice.we examined the frequency of isolation of blastocystis hominis from stools of patients seen in an indigent-care teaching hospital. over a 2-year period, 2,744 stool specimens were examined prospectively. b. hominis was found in 262 stools (9.5% of all stool specimens and 53.5% of the positive specimens). clinical data were obtained from 80 patients with stools positive for b. hominis. b. hominis was the only parasite isolated in 39 of 47 (83%) of the adults, compared with 17 of 33 (52%) of the c ...19902229995
potential clinical significance of blastocystis hominis in egypt. 19902278075
magainin analogs effective against pathogenic protozoa.the in vitro activities of magainin analogs against blastocystis hominis, entamoeba histolytica, and trypanosoma cruzi were assessed by protozoan morphological integrity and motility. the antiprotozoan activities in descending order were magainin b greater than g greater than h, the same order as the alpha-helix contents of the analogs. magainin b and g were effective against b. hominis, t. cruzi, and e. histolytica.19902285300
epidemiology and pathogenicity of blastocystis hominis.a prospective study was performed on a large outpatient population to evaluate the epidemiology and pathogenicity of blastocystis hominis. patients with stool specimens positive for b. hominis and negative for other bacterial and parasitic pathogens were sent a questionnaire and were requested to submit a follow-up specimen for ova-and-parasite examination. b. hominis was identified in 530 of 16,545 specimens (3.2%). there was a spectrum of clinical-pathological presentations in the 143 patients ...19902298869
infective arthritis due to blastocystis hominis.a patient with rheumatoid arthritis taking prednisone developed blastocystis hominis acute diarrhoea, which was associated with increased inflammation and effusion of the left knee. b hominis organisms were found in synovial fluid from the left knee. the patient responded dramatically to metronidazole treatment. b hominis may become disseminated in immunosuppressed patients with diarrhoea and may cause infective arthritis.19902322029
blastocystis hominis in two children of one family.two apparently healthy children from the same family were found to have moderate to heavy blastocystis hominis in their stool samples whilst being investigated for intestinal symptoms: sporadic, painless, rectal bleeding in one and persistent diarrhoea in the other. after treatment with metronidazole, they had no further signs, and stool samples became negative. eighteen months later, both were asymptomatic, and stool samples continued to be negative for the parasite.19902333700
[blastocystis hominis in feces. an assessment of 56 cases].over a twelve-month period all 3918 stool samples sent to our institute were investigated for blastocystis hominis. this protozoon was detected in 384 samples. the stools of 50 healthy controls were negative. in 56 positive cases detailed clinical information was obtained: 26 of these patients had diarrhea, while only extraintestinal symptoms had been recorded in 10 cases. blood eosinophilia was observed in 8 patients. of 16 specifically treated patients, 10 responded to therapy. although the pa ...19902349459
detection of blastocystis hominis by direct microscopy and culture. 19902351150
association of blastocystis hominis with human disease? 19902351728
blastocystis hominis. 19902353482
blastocystis hominis: epidemiology and natural study the demographic profile of blastocystis hominis carriers from hamilton, canada, the regional parasitology laboratory records for 1988 were reviewed, and a prospective study on carriers was conducted to clarify the natural history of the infection and ascertain the role of b. hominis as an intestinal pathogen. retrospective analysis revealed that 8% of stool samples harbored b. hominis. the median age of the carriers was 37 years; 55% were female. prospective analysis of 139 patients sho ...19902401797
[incidence of infection by intestinal parasites among school children in santiago, chile, 1988-1989].in december 1988-february 1989 period, a survey on enteroparasitic infections in children (mean age 8.7 years; males 54.4% and females 45.6%) from five schools located in santiago, chile, was undertaken. to each of these individuals, three samples were obtained in order to perform in them the following examinations: co-proparasitological study, modified ziehl-neelsen staining for detecting cryptosporidium sp. and cellulose adhesive test for enterobius vermicularis. parasitic elements were found ...19892484851
blastocystis hominis chronic diarrhoea in aids patients. 19892563129
family outbreak of blastocystis hominis associated gastroenteritis. 19892574330
high incidence of false positives by a latex agglutination test for the diagnosis of clostridium difficile associated colitis in compromised patients.detection of clostridium difficile cytotoxin using cell culture assays for the diagnosis of antibiotic-associated colitis has been used for over a decade. because the methodology is time consuming and cumbersome, a recently introduced commercial latex agglutination (la) kit has attracted much attention. we compared the sensitivity and specificity of this method with the cytotoxic assay (cta) using diarrheal stools from 652 patients at a referral tertiary care center. specimens from 71 (10.9%) pa ...19892591165
endocytosis in cultures of blastocystis hominis.a study of the function of the electron-dense pits in the vacuolar and granular forms of blastocystis hominis was undertaken. immuno-electron microscopy using anti-clathrin antibody and colloidal gold demonstrated clathrin to be associated with all forms of the pits and some cytoplasmic vesicles. cationized ferritin traced the pathway of endocytosis from the surface of the coated pits through internalization via electron-dense coated vesicles and uncoated vesicles and tubules in the cytoplasm. t ...19892592145
questionable clinical significance of blastocystis hominis the period from january 1986 to july 1988, blastocystic hominis was found in moderate and numerous quantities in 103 (1.6%) of 6,262 stool specimens examined in our laboratory. there was no significant association of the detection of b. hominis with travel history or symptoms. indeed, 20 patients (36%) with moderate to heavy infections had no gastrointestinal symptoms, and three symptomatic patients did not show clinical improvement after elimination of the parasite. reexamination of stool sa ...19892596457
blastocystis hominis--a potential intestinal pathogen.the parasite blastocystis hominis has been found in 10% to 18% of stool specimens submitted to microbiology laboratories. controversy exists as to whether this organism can cause illness in humans. we have reviewed the records of 65 symptomatic patients with b hominis in their stool. we conclude that b hominis is a potential pathogen that may or may not require drug therapy depending on the overall clinical circumstances, the severity of symptoms, and the presence of other pathogenic organisms.19892603418
[observations on 4 atypical cases of blastocystosis].the paper reports on four atypical cases of blastocystosis with prevalence of digestive and cutaneous disorders and of the allergic and general phenomena. the diagnosis could be established only after revealing blastocystis hominis in the fecal parasitologic examination. the disappearance, in all the four cases, of varied clinical, delayed signs after treatment with metronidazol and stamycine (in two or even four repeated treatment schedules at 10 days' interval) is the proof that bl. hominis mi ...19892617001
chromosomes of blastocystis hominis.three stocks of blastocystis hominis were adapted to monophasic culture in minimal essential medium (mem) and the chromosomes of these stocks separated by field inversion gel electrophoresis (fige). ten-twelve chromosomes were distinguished in the electrophoretic karyotype of these three stocks over the range 200 kilobase pairs to greater than 1 megabase pairs. the karyotype of each stock was different. three dna probes, b10, b30 and b31, derived from the netsky stock isolated in america were us ...19892635163
blastocystis hominis: phylogenetic affinities determined by rrna sequence 1912 blastocystis hominis was identified as a new species and classified as a yeast (brumpt 1912). in the early 1920s several groups confirmed its classification as a yeast, specifically a member of the genus schizosaccharomyces (discussed by zierdt et al. 1967). apart from an occasional case report, the classification of b. hominis and its role as a harmless intestinal yeast was not questioned for another 50 years. then, zierdt (1967) suggested that it should be classified in the phylum prot ...19892649390
ultrastructural variation of blastocystis hominis stocks in ultrastructural study of 10 different blastocystis hominis stocks was undertaken. three distinct morphological forms, vacuolar, granular and amoeboid, were distinguished. numerous variations in the organelles and general cell structure were observed between stocks. b. hominis displayed considerable size variation in the vacuolar forms, ranging from 4 to 63 micron. thickness and density of the surface coat varied between different stocks. beneath the surface coat the bilaminar cell membrane di ...19892707962
[blastocystis hominis, a parasitic cause of diarrhea].the frequency of detection of blastocystis hominis in the stools of patients with gastroenteritis is reported. over a twelve-month period b. hominis was identified in the stools of 69 (4.72%) out of 1460 patients. of these 69 positive samples, 45 (65%) contained b. hominis alone and in 24 (35%) it was present together with other parasites such as lamblia intestinalis, entamoeba histolytica, entamoeba coli, endolimax nana, iodamoeba buetschlii, ancylostoma duodenale, ascaris lumbricoides, trichur ...19892717900
blastocystis hominis gastroenteritis in a hemophiliac with acquired immune deficiency syndrome.blastocystis hominis is an enteric protozoan that has occasionally been associated with gastrointestinal illness in man but is not considered an opportunistic pathogen. we describe a 16-year-old hemophiliac with acquired immune deficiency-related complex in whom upper gastrointestinal symptoms in conjunction with high densities of b. hominis in duodenal secretions and stool developed. furazolidone treatment was associated with eradication of the organism and improvement in clinical symptoms. one ...19892732857
terminal ileitis associated with blastocystis hominis infection.we report on the previously unobserved clinical presentation of terminal ileitis secondary to blastocystis hominis in a 37-yr-old white male. when the patient was treated with metronidazole, the symptoms improved and the radiographic abnormalities resolved. we believe that this is the first well-documented instance of terminal ileitis secondary to b. hominis.19892741890
blastocystis hominis infection in humans. 19892749107
blastocystis hominis as a human pathogen. 19892772470
clinical significance of blastocystis hominis.a total of 19,252 stool specimens from 12,136 patients were examined by direct microscopy and the ethyl acetate-formalin concentration method during the last 2 years. all liquid specimens and those in which parasite identification was difficult or equivocal were also examined in trichrome-stained preparations. a total of 3,070 intestinal parasites were seen in 2,889 patients. blastocystis hominis was found in fecal material from 647 patients (17.5%). a total of 132 cases (25.6%) were observed to ...19892808664
biochemical and ultrastructural study of blastocystis hominis.this study was prompted by the paradox of strong presence of mitochondria in an anaerobic protozoan, recently reclassified from the yeasts. stemming from publication in 1911 to 1912, blastocystis hominis has been generally accepted as a harmless intestinal yeast of humans, with short standardized textbook (parasitology) descriptions, even to the present day. reports since 1967 have changed the classification of b. hominis from yeast to protozoan (sarcodina), and this has been followed by interes ...19882838509
polymicrobial aetiology of travellers' diarrhoea.of 35 us peace corps volunteers in thailand, 20 (57%) had a total of 30 episodes of diarrhoea during their first 6 weeks in the country. enteric pathogens were associated with 90% of the episodes. a single pathogen was identified in 17 (57%) episodes, 2-4 pathogens were identified in 10 (33%) episodes, and there were 15 symptomless infections. enterotoxigenic escherichia coli (etec) was identified in 37% of these episodes, and various salmonella serotypes were isolated in 33%. infections with 9 ...19852857430
blastocystis hominis and human disease. 19872887585
lack of serum immune response to blastocystis hominis. 19872889924
blastocystis hominis infection during aids. 19882904075
blastocystis hominis: an organism in search of a disease.blastocystis hominis is a protozoan organism frequently found in the human intestinal tract. eleven consecutive patients with symptoms of enteritis and having b. hominis as the sole enteropathogen were studied in an attempt to define the association of blastocystosis with clinical disease. b. hominis could not be implicated as the etiologic agent of enteritis in any of these patients. all eleven had alternative (and usually noninfectious) explanations for their intestinal symptoms. there was no ...19883055191
[blastocystis hominis--intestinal parasite or commensal?].blastocystis hominis has long been classified among blastomycetes. it was considered to be an apathogenous fungal organism which was very frequently detected in routine stool examinations. following the first studies with an electronic microscope in 1967, zierdt et al. (34) classified blastocystis hominis among the protozoa. since then, there have been increasingly frequent reports that blastocystis hominis can be an important cause of intestinal diseases especially diarrhea. for a definite taxo ...19883059694
parasitic diarrhea.this article reviews the biology, epidemiology, and clinical management of amebiasis, giardiasis, and cryptosporidiosis as well as the less common intestinal protozoa, dientamoeba fragilis, isospora belli, balantidium coli, and blastocystis hominis.19883074123
[blastocystis hominis, a largely unknown cause of diarrhea]. 19873115746
light microscopical study of blastocystis spp. in monkeys and investigation of a blastocystis species obtained from several species of monkeys and fowls was conducted to clarify the morphology of the organism, using light microscopical techniques including giemsa, heidenhain iron hematoxylin, trichrome stains, iodine mount and phase-contrast microscopy. a comparison was made with blastocystis hominis from humans. blastocystis spp. were found in 15 out of 26 monkeys and in all of 12 fowls (10 chickens and 2 ostriches) examined. the behaviour of the paras ...19873122203
morphology and frequency distribution of protozoan blastocystis hominis. 19883148761
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