
respiratory syncytial virus-specific rna synthesis in primary monkey kidney cell cultures.primary rhesus monkey kidney (mk) cell cultures were inoculated with respiratory syncytial virus and treated or untreated with actinomycin d before pulse labeling with uridine-5-3h. the virus-specific rna synthesis was noted at its peak in the nucleoplasm and possibly less so in the cytoplasm of infected cells. at 48 and 72 hours post-inoculation (p.i.), small fractions of available cells were synthesising virus-specific rna with labeling index of 15% and 18% respectively. by 48 hours p.i. syncy ...19769807
the growth of respiratory syncytial virus in organ cultures of bovine foetal trachea.respiratory syncytial (rs) virus grown in organ cultures of bovine foetal trachea at 37 degrees c and ph 7.2 reached maximum titres of up to 1 x 10(5) pfu/ml between 11 and 21 days after inoculation. virus yield was increased three fold by incubation at 33 degrees c, but depressed by the addition of rs virus antiserum, with or without bovine complement, or by the addition of alveolar macrophages. variation in ph or the concentration of foetal calf serum and magnesium chloride did not affect the ...197611765
letter: temporary paralysis after infection by respiratory syncytial virus. 197547500
myxoviruses.myxoviruses can be divided into 2 groups, orthomyxoviruses and paramyxoviruses. the former comprise the influenza group which is subdivided into types a,b and c. influenza b and c are purely human pathogens but influenza a, which includes a large number of antigenic subtypes, occurs in nature in pigs, horses, birds and man. all influenza a viruses irrespective of origin are chemically, biologically and genetically related. the epidemics which they cause are curious and puzzling and are an import ...197547825
secretory component and sudden-infant-death specimens of blood, respiratory-tract washings, bronchopulmonary tissue, spleen, and thymus were examined for respiratory viruses, immunoglobulins, and secretory component (s.c.) in eight infants with sudden-infant-death syndrome (s.i.d.s) and in eight other (control) infants with an identifiable cause of death. serum-immunoglobulin levels were similar in infants with s.i.d.s. and in control infants. in some s.i.d.s. cases serum-igm was slightly raised. respiratory syncytial virus wa ...197551192
[methods of obtaining standard diagnostic sera to respiratory syncytial virus]. 197557269
immunity after infections with myxoviruses.influenza, parainfluenza and respiratory syncytial viruses cause respiratory infections in man with consequent transient and sometimes imperfect against reinfection. humoral immunity and probably cell-mediated immunity contribute to resistance. whereas circulating antibodies are more important for influenza viruses, secretory antibody are relatively speaking more important for parainfluenza and respiratory syncytial virsues. measles and mumps induced longlasting immunity which can be correlated ...197659707
a study of possible biohazards in the fluorescent antibody test using adenovirus, coxsackievirus, herpesvirus, and respiratory syncytial virus as antigens.infectious adenovirus type 5 and coxsackievirus type b5, both nonlipid-containing viruses, were isolated from cells fixed in acetone at 22 degrees c for 15 min, from acetone used for fixation, from the solution used for washing slides during the fluorescent antibody procedure, and after complete processing of antigen preparations with serial twofold dilutions of human antisera and fluorescein-labeled goat anti-human immunoglobulin g. lipid-containing herpes simplex virus type 1 and respiratory s ...197661971
respiratory syncytial virus ts mutants and nuclear immunofluorescence.a replicated sector-plating procedure was used to isolate 35 induced temperature-sensitive (ts) mutants and one spontaneous ts mutant from a wild-type stock of respiratory syncytial (rs) virus cloned from recent clinical material. seven of these mutants were ts for plaque formation at 37 degrees c as well as at the restrictive temperature of 39 degrees c. the wild-type strain did not differ markedly from standard laboratory strains of rs virus. it was dependent on exogenous arginine (84 mug/ml) ...197662058
[changes in cell mitosis under the influence of antigenically different strains of respiratory syncytial virus].a peculiar effect on mitosis of rh cells of the reference long strain and strain no. 14 of respiratory syncytial virus isolated during a rise of the incidence of acute respiratory diseases in kharkov was observed. the long strain affected mostly the qualitative and strain no. 14 the quantitative aspects of cell mitosis. the character of pathological mitoses under the influence of the long strain indicated more considerable impairment of the mitotic apparatus of the cells than that caused by the ...197664029
[elaboration of a method of producing a highly-active respiratory-syncytial virus diagnosticum for the indirect hemagglutination test]. 197667717
detection of antibody to bovine syncytial virus and respiratory syncytial virus in bovine fetal serum.batches of commercial fetal bovine serum, described by the suppliers as antibody-free, all contained antibody to bovine syncytial virus (bsv) when tested by indirect immunofluorescence. antibody to bovine respiratory syncytial virus (rsv) was not detected in these sera. twenty-four percent of individual fetal bovine sera contained antibody to bsv, and 14% contained antibody to rsv when tested by indirect immunofluorescence. bsv antibody titers in fetal sera from dams with high bsv antibody level ...1978100508
evaluation of five temperature-sensitive mutants of respiratory syncytial virus in primates: ii. genetic analysis of virus recovered during infection.five temperature-sensitive (ts) mutants of respiratory syncytial (rs) virus (ts-1, ts-1 ng-1, ts-1 ng-16, ts-2, and ts-7), previously evaluated forinfectivity and virulence in chimpanzees and owl monkeys, were also assayed for in vivo genetic stability. none of the five mutants tested was completely stable genetically. thus, virus which had lost some or all of the ts property was recovered from each infected chimpanzee. significantly, each ts-1 ng-1 isolate retained some degree of temperature se ...1978104003
evaluation of five temperature-sensitive mutants of respiratory syncytial virus in primates: i. viral shedding, immunologic response, and associated illness. 1978104004
[etiologic importance of the respiratory syncytial virus in bronchiolitis]. 1978117525
pneumoviruses: the cell surface of lytically and persistently infected cells.human embryonic lung (mrc-5), feline embryo (fea), mink lung (mv1lu) and monkey kidney (bsc-1) cells infected by respiratory syncytial virus showed characteristic morphological changes when viewed by scanning electron microscopy. the surfaces of respiratory syncytial virus-infected cells developed a profusion of slender filaments after 48 h incubation at 31 degrees c. similar changes in surface morphology were observed in bsc-1 cells infected by murine pneumonia virus. filament production theref ...1979118236
respiratory syncytial virus infection in owl monkeys: viral shedding, immunological response, and associated illness caused by wild-type virus and two temperature-sensitive mutants.intranasal inoculation of owl monkeys with wild-type respiratory syncytial virus induced upper respiratory tract disease in each of seven animals. the response of owl monkeys to two highly defective, temperature-sensitive, multiple-lesion mutants was then compared to the pattern seen with wild-type respiratory syncytial virus. these mutants, ts-1 ng-1 and ts-1 ng-16, were derived from the ts-1 mutant that had been remutagenized with nitrosoguanidine (ng). previously the ts-1 ng-1 and ts-1 ng-16 ...1979118925
croup and pneumonia in human infants associated with a new strain of respiratory syncytial virus. 1979119004
the longitudinal approach to the pathogenesis of respiratory disease.longitudinal observations were made of a well-defined population of children at a day care center in an investigation of the pathogenesis of infections due to respiratory syncytial virus (rsv) and mycoplasma pneumoniae. a single rsv infection induced a modest but significant degree of resistance to further rsv infection in these children. age and immunity seemed to interact to decrease the intensity of the clinical expression of illness associated with rsv infection. infants and young children h ...1979121783
respiratory syncytial virus. i. concentration and purification of the infectious virus.respiratory syncytial (rs) virus can be purified without losing its infectivity provided that each step of purification is carried out using nt buffer containing over 20% sucrose. firstly, the virus grown on hes cells is efficiently removed from the culture fluid by precipitating with polyethylene glycol (peg) 6,000, and the precipitate is suspended in a small amount of 20% sucrose-nt buffer, which results in about a 24-fold concentration of the original material. then this suspension is centrif ...1978153087
clinically useful method for the isolation of respiratory syncytial virus.a simple method for the isolation of respiratory syncytial virus (rsv) is reported; it is relatively rapid and results in a high frequency of recovery of virus. a nasal secretion specimen with high titers of virus is inoculated at the bedside onto susceptible cell lines to avoid loss of viral infectivity due to liability of the virus. during an outbreak of rsv, viral specimens were obtained by this method from all young children admitted to the hospital with lower respiratory tract disease. rsv ...1975162921
the tecumseh study of respiratory illness. viii. acute infection in chronic respiratory disease and comparison groups.individuals with chronic lung disease and their families were selected from the tecumsch community along with similarly selected families as comparison groups and studied for 1-year periods. occurence of acute respiratory illness was ascertained weekly by telephone and calculated as an annual rate. persons with chronic bronchitis not only experienced more acute lower respiratory illness than healthy comparison subjects, but total illness rates were somewhat higher as well. infection rates were d ...1975163065
virus development in enucleate cells: echovirus, poliovirus, pseudorabies virus, reovirus, respiratory syncytial virus and semliki forest virus.a group of rna viruses, echovirus, poliovirus, reovirus, respiratory syncytial virus and semliki forest virus have been examined for ability to grow in enucleate african green monkey kidney (bsci) cells. semliki forest virus produced an almost normal yield of virus but poliovirus, echovirus, reovirus and respiratory syncytial virus, although showing clear evidence of virus replication when compared with a nuclear dna virus (pseudorabies virus) gave much lower yields than those from nucleate cell ...1975163289
an outbreak of severe pneumonia due to respiratory syncytial virus in isolated arctic populations.a rapidly developing outbreak of pneumonia in young infants was documented in two isolated artic populations in may 1972. these were studied virologically, serologically and clinically. in addition to the two stricken communities, one apparently unaffected with serious clinical illness and a fourth, in which are located the major hospital and airport in the eastern arctic, were also studied. one hundred and twenty-four patients were studied serologically and 81 respiratory and other specimens we ...1975163574
potential of attenuated respiratory syncytial virus vaccine for infants and children.respiratory syncytial virus (rsv) disease is a major cause of death and hospitalization in infancy and a frequent cause of morbidity throughout childhood. serum antibody does not protect as is evident from the study of natural disease and use of killed vaccines. local antibody responses occur in natural illness. possibly serum antibody in the absence of local antibody plays a part in illness. we have studied local and serum antibody response to potential attenuated vaccines: a 26 degrees c adapt ...1975165119
serologic profile of children in a mexican highland community: prevalence of complement-fixing antibodies to mycoplasma pneumoniae, respiratory syncytial virus and parainfluenza viruses.the study investigated the prevalence of antibodies to five leading agents of childhood respiratory disease in the county of huixquilucan, mexico. tests of sera from a random sample of children between 3 months and 18 years of age confirmed serologically the presence of mycoplasma pneumoniae, respiratory syncytial (rs) virus and parainfluenza 1, 2 and 3 viruses in this relatively isolated highland community. highest overall antibody frequency of 64.2% was seen for parainfluenza 3, and antibody t ...1975165720
experimental infection of calves with respiratory syncytial virus.three bovine isolates and one human isolate of rs virus were given intranasally to gnotobiotic, colostrum-deprived and conventional calves. all isolates produced a biphasic pyrexia associated with a serous nasal discharge. virus was recovered from nasal secretions 4-10 days after inoculation from nasal, tracheal and bronchial mucosae and lung of animals killed 7-13 days after inoculation. infection did not produce any macroscopic lesions, but histologically there was a focal degenerative rhiniti ...1975167410
new human adenovirus isolated from a renal transplant recipient: description and characterization of candiate adenovirus type antigenically distinct adenovirus is described which was isolated in march 1972 from the urine of a 17-year-old caucasian male who was experiencing fever after receiving a kidney transplant from a cadaver in february. the adenovirus could not be isolated in april from a pharyngeal swab which yielded cytomegalovirus. complement-fixation, hemagglutination-inhibition, and/or serum-neutralization tests on sequential serum specimens from the patient confirmed that the adenovirus infection occurred ...1975170313
physicochemical and serological characteristics of respiratory virus fluorescein-isothiocyanate conjugates for fluorescent-antibody diagnosis.fluorescein-isothiocyanate (fitc) conjugates were prepared by improved methods from standard reference antisera to influenza a and b, mumps, parainfluenza 1, 2, 3, and 4, herpesvirus, respiratory syncytial virus, and adenovirus hexon. the antisera, prepared in a variety of animals, were fractionated three times with selected optimal concentrations of ammonium sulfate and yielded gamma globulins of adequate purity for conjugation with fitc. conjugates containing optimal fluorescein-to-protein rat ...1975170315
[respiratory tract infections of viral origin in infants. examination of 103 serum pairs in autumn and following spring].in autumn 1973 und about four months later in spring 1974 blood samples were taken from the same 103 children aged from a few months to five years and coming from different parts of bavaria. we examined the samples for complement-fixing antibodies against the influenza virus types a, b and c, the parainfluenza virus types 1, 2 and 3, the adenoviruses and the respiratory-syncytial virus, and for neutralising antibodies against the echo virus type 25. at the commencement of the investigation the m ...1975172769
[serological studies of the role of the respiratory syncytial virus in acute respiratory diseases in children].the presence of the syncytial respiratory virus was determined by cf in 281 children admitted with acute respiratory diseases between 15 sept. 1971 and 30 dec. 1973, using the long antigen prepared in the "st. nicolau" institute of virology, bucharest. in 38 children (13.5%) a serologic diagnosis of infection with the syncytial virus was established; in the other cases of respiratory infection of different etiology, antibodies to the syncytial virus were found in low but constant titers in both ...1975173009
respiratory syncytial virus infections within examine intrafamily spread of respiratory syncytial virus infections and their associated illnesses, 36 families with 188 members were studied during an outbreak of such infections. nurses visited every three to four days to obtain specimens for viral isolation and interview household members. the virus infected 44.4 per cent of families, and 21.9 per cent of all members. all age groups had appreciable attack rates (with a range of 16.8 per cent in adults to 29.4 per cent in infants). in infe ...1976173995
diagnosis of bovine respiratory syncytial virus infection by complement fixation test.the complement fixation test by the microtiter method was applied to the serological diagnosis of bovine respiratory syncytial (rs) virus infection. when used as complement fixing antigens, untreated infected cell culture fluid, fluorocarbon-treated, and ether-treated materials showed no differences in antigenicity among them. the complement fixing antigenicity of bovine rs virus appeared in bovine kidney and vero cell cultures for the first time 4 days after inoculation. both the infectivity an ...1975174010
rhinovirus and influenza type a infections as precipitants of asthma.specimens from 49 persons, 3 to 60 years of age, who were prone to attacks of apparently infectious asthma were cultured for viruses and bacteria during episodes of symptomatic respiratory infection from september 1972 to june 1973. seventy-one of 128 episodes (55 per cent) of symptomatic respiratory infection occurred with asthma. shedding of respiratory pathogens was associated with 43 of the 128 episodes, and 19 of the 43 etiologically defined episodes occurred with wheezing. seven of 15 rhin ...1976174464
survey of adenovirus and respiratory syncytial virus antibodies in pondicherry area--south india. 1975175011
[recognition of influenza and other acute respiratory virus infections and their combinations by means of immunofluorescence].the results of postmortem examinations performed in 237 fatal cases of influenza and other acute respiratory diseases are presented. in smears of organs and tissue culture cells infected with these materials and heart blood the immunofluorescent procedure detected influenza virus antigens in 67% of the cases, antigens of other respiratory viruses in 53% including 18-19% of mixed infections. parallel immunofluorescent studies in living patients and isolation of influenza virus and adenoviruses in ...1975176823
isolation of viruses and mycoplasmas from middle ear effusions: a review.reports of studies of middle ear effusions (mee) obtained by needle aspiration are reviewed in this paper; viruses were isolated from 29 of 663 patients (4.4%) and respiratory syncytial virus was isolated most frequently (22 patients); only one mycoplasma, m. pneumoniae, was recovered from the mee of 771 patients. viruses were also sought from the throat or nasopharynx of 249 patients with mee; 59 patients (23.7%) had a respiratory virus present. m. pneumoniae was isolated from the throat or nas ...1976178266
evaluation of a live, attenuated respiratory syncytial virus vaccine in infants.respiratory syncytial virus ts-1 is a live attenuated experimental vaccine which was administered intranasally to 25 infants 11 to 19 months of age. clinical evaluation was carried out following a controlled, double-blind protocol which eliminated observer bias, assessed intercurrent illness, and was designed to detect virus transmission. at the low dose of virus of virus used (100 tcid50) 8 of the 25 recipients were successfully infected with rs virus ts-1 as determined by virus shedding or ant ...1976178852
respiratory syncytial virus infections in infants: quantitation and duration of shedding.infants hospitalized with respiratory syncytial virus infection were studied to delineate the quantitative shedding patterns and duration of shedding of rsv. nasal wash specimens collected daily from 19 infants contained a mean maximal titer of 4.34 log10 50% tissue culture infective doses per milliliter. on admission, the mean titer was 4.14 log10 tcid50, with no consistent decline until after day 6. the mean duration of shedding for 23 patients until they were virus negative was 6.7 days with ...1976180274
effect of passive antibody on parainfluenza virus type 3 pneumonia in hamsters.both parainfluenza virus type 3 and respiratory syncytial virus may produce life-threatening pneumonia or bronchiolitis in infants less than 6 months old. almost all infants in this age group possess passively acquired maternal antibodies to both viruses. it has been suggested that maternal antibodies may actually participate in the pathogenesis of these diseases in early infancy. this investigation examined the effect of moderate levels of passive antibody on the development of pneumonia in ham ...1976181324
respiratory syncytial virus and heart disease. a report of two cases.two patients had cardiac disease and serological evidence for respiratory syncytial virus (rsv) infection. the first patient had myocarditis and complete atrioventricular heart block with repeated syncopal episodes two weeks following infection. the second patient had alcoholic cardiomyopathy and worsening congestive heart failure associated with rsv infection. the significance of rsv infection in these two patients may bear a significant relationship to sudden infant death syndrome, chronic car ...1976181602
isolation and properties of reovirus from cattle in an outbreak of acute respiratory disease.a cytopathogenic virus was isolated in the primary culture of bovine kidney cells from a nasal swab of affected calves in an outbreak of acute respiratory disease in japan in 1971. it agglutinated human type o erythrocytes and produced cytoplasmic inclusion bodies. viral replication was inhibited by 5-iodo-2'-deoxyuridine, indicating that the viral nucleic acid was rna. the virus was resistant to ether, chloroform, sodium deoxycholate, and acid, and passed readily through sartorius' membrane fil ...1976181678
viral infection in wheezy bronchitis and asthma in children.virus isolation was attempted on 267 out of 360 patients with wheezy bronchitis or asthma admitted to hospital during a 3-year period. viruses were isolated on 39 occasions, the most common being respiratory syncytial virus and rhinovirus. the peak months for virus isolation were february and august. virus isolation was significantly more common in readmissions than in first admissions (p less than 0-01). viruses were isolated in both sexes throughout childhood and though the admission rate fell ...1976187127
virus antibody levels in iga deficiency.iga-deficient blood donors and their age- and sex-matched controls were compared for the occurrence of complement-fixing antibodies in serum against several viruses. the level in the iga-deficient persons was slightly higher against several respiratory pathogens (adenoviruses, type b influenza virus, parainfluenza virus, and respiratory syncytial virus) that give rise to localized infections, and against coxsackie b group of viruses. no corresponding difference was observed in mumps, varicella, ...1976189383
viral, mycoplasma and bacterial infections in nurses with symptoms of respiratory diseases.a consecutive series of 282 nurses of the university hospital, groningen, with complaints of the nose and/or throat associated with coughing and/or hoarseness were examined between april 1965 and february 1968. the intent was to obtain information on the incidence of viral, mycoplasma and bacterial infections, and on the relationship of these infections in nurses with chronic nonspecific lung disease (cnsld). the following results were obtained: 1. virus infections caused by influenza virus (a, ...1976189386
correlation of exposure to various respiratory pathogens with farmer's lung disease.complement-fixing antibodies (cfa) to a panel of microorganisms commonly associated with respiratory disease were measured in a number of agricultural populations. the panel included mycoplasma pneumoniae, influenza viruses a and b, parainfluenza virus types 1, 2, and 3, adenovirus, and respiratory syncytial virus. the agricultural populations were grouped according to a clinical history of farmer's lung disease (fld) and the presence of antibodies to the thermophilic actinomycetes (ta). farmers ...1977197136
hospital-acquired viral respiratory illness on a pediatric ward.all 171 patients admitted to four study rooms containing cribs were under surveillance during the winter and spring for development of nosocomial respiratory and infection. one sixth of the 90 children at risk acquired respiratory illness while in the hospital. viruses were isolated from two thirds of the patients with nosocomial infections: rhinovirus, respiratory syncytial virus, parainfluenza, and influenza a and b. serial viral cultures of the children under surveillance suggested that nine ...1977197478
enzyme immunoassays for viral diseases.microplate enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays (elisa) for viral diseases were investigated with special reference to rubella. standardization of the carrier plates, antigens, conjugates, and substrate was found to be essential. the elisa results were compared with results of hemagglutination-inhibition tests for rubella, and elisa was used in an epidemiologic study. antibodies to cytomegalovirus, measles, adenovirus, coxsackieviruses, and herpesviruses were also assayed by elisa. elisa has veter ...1977198490
quantitative, semiautomated, enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay for viral antibodies.a quantitative, semiautomated, enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay for viral antibodies was developed. the quantitation was based on the comparison of the antibody activity of a serum to a standard curve obtained from a reference serum. this comparison was made automatically by a programmable calculator connected with the spectrophotometer. the assay was simplified further by use of specially designed disposable microcuvettes and micropipettes. the reproducibility of the test was good (1 sd = 5%), ...1977198492
[immunofluorescent method of studying autopsy material in acute pneumonia].the immunofluorescent procedure in examinations of the autopsy material from 304 fatal cases hospitalized for acute pneumonia permitted to diagnose influenza a2 in 29.0%, influenza b in 18.1%, parainfluenza in 3.5%, adenovirus infection in 9.2% and respiratory syncytial virus infection in 3.5% of the cases. in the period of a high incidence of acute respiratory infection, influenza a2 was detected by this method in 40.9% and influenza b in 50% of the cases. simultaneous examinations of the mater ...1977198964
susceptibility of bovine macrophage and tracheal-ring cultures to bovine viruses.cultures of macrophages initiated from peripheral blood monocytes and organ cultures of tracheal rings were tested for their susceptibility to bovine viruses. with several notable exceptions, viruses cytopathogenic for bovine embryonic lung cultures were cytopathogenic for macrophages. although cowpox virus replicated in macrophages, pseudocowpox did not, and although pseudorabies virus replicated within macrophages, infectious bovine rhinotracheitis and dn-599 herpesviruses did not. bluetongue ...1977201195
investigation of causative agents of bovine respiratory tract disease in a beef cow-calf herd with an early weaning program.serum samples were collected from early weaned fall calves shortly after the onset of respiratory tract disease. antibody titers to infectious bovine rhinotracheitis (ibr) virus, parainfluenza type 3 (pi-3) virus, bovine viral diarrhea (bvd) virus, bovine adenovirus type 3 (bav-3), and bovine respiratory syncytial virus (brsv) were determined on paired (acute and convalescent) serums. seroconversion rate (a fourfold or greater rise in antibody titer) for ibr virus was 4.3%, pi-3 virus--16.3%, bv ...1977201196
the viral etiology of acute respiratory infections in children in uganda.the role of viruses in respiratory diseases of young children in uganda was studied. a viral etiology was established in 36% of the infections investigated. the most important pathogens were found to be respiratory syncytial virus and parainfluenza viruses, which were responsible for 26% of infections investigated. they caused both upper and lower respiratory tract diseases. there was little or no seasonal variation in the etiology of these infections. adenoviruses were found to be less importan ...1977201391
radiologic appearance of viral disease of the lower respiratory tract in infants and children.the radiologic findings in 123 hospitalized children with viral disease of the respiratory tract due to adenovirus, respiratory syncytial virus, parainfluenza, influenza, measles, or herpes virus were retrospectively reviewed. bronchial wall thickening, peribronchial shadowing and/or associated perihilar streaking were present in 107 cases. patchy pulmonary shadowing thought to reflect disease at a sublobular or lobular level was present in 72 cases, while areas of coalescent more homogeneous pu ...1978202157
[antiviral antibodies in acute laryngotracheobronchitis].antibodies to influenza a2, influenza b, parainfluenza 2 and 3, adenovirus and respiratory syncytial viruses were determined in thirty nine children with acute laryngotracheobronchitis; nine cases were not included in the analysis because of the presence of anticomplementary sera; 40% of cases were positive, 20% to influenza a2, 10% to influenza b (one case of double infection with influenza b and parainfluenza 2 viruses), 6.7% to respiratory syncytial virus and 3.3% to parainfluenza 2. results ...1978202293
[virus inactivation by hydrogen peroxide].the effect of h2o2 on adenovirus types 3 and 6, adenoassociated virus type 4, rhinoviruses 1a, 1b, and type 7, myxoviruses, influenza a and b, respiratory syncytial virus, strain long, and coronavirus strain 229e was studied in vitro, using different h2o2 concentration and timec of exposure. h2o2 in a 3 percent concentration inactivated all the viruses under study within 1--30 min. coronavirus and influenza viruses were found to be most sensitive. reoviruses, adenoviruses and adenoassociated vir ...1977203115
epstein-barr virus-associated and other antiviral antibodies during intense bcg administration to patients with burkitt's lymphoma in remission.patients with burkitt's lymphoma in chemotherapy-induced remission received through dermal scarifications one or two doses per week of approximately 3 x 10(8) living bcg organisms (pasteur institute vaccine). this treatment was always followed by usually rapid increases by 1--4 log2 steps in the antibody titers to epstein-barr virus (ebv)-associated cell membrane antigens. titer increases of less than 2.5 log2 steps within the first month after the start of bcg treatment correlated with a signif ...1978203706
interferon production in children with respiratory syncytial, influenza, and parainfluenza virus better understand the recovery process of infants with lower respiratory tract disease due to respiratory syncytial virus, the production of interferon by 129 children (ages 10 days to 24 months) with rsv infection was compared to that of 20 children with influenza (ages 1 to 36 months), and 37 children with parainfluenza virus infection (ages 4 to 66 months). interferon assays of 285 nasal washes from children with rsv revealed that interferon production occurred in only 5 (4%) of the childr ...1978206677
from the national institutes of health: report of a workshop on respiratory syncytial virus and parainfluenza viruses. 1978207793
experimental respiratory syncytial virus pneumonia in cebus monkeys.into 14 juvenile cebus monkeys that lacked serum antibodies for rs virus 10(8) plaque-forming units (pfu) of wild-type respiratory syncytial (rs) virus were inoculated transtracheally. roentgenographic evidence of pneumonia developed in 13 of 14 infected animals. gross pathologic changes occurred in each of the 13 monkeys that were sacrificed. patchy areas of red consolidation were seen in the lower lobes 24 hours after inoculation, and there was progression to gray consolidation seven days late ...1978210254
observations on outbreaks of respiratory disease in calves associated with parainfluenza type 3 virus and respiratory syncytial virus four outbreaks of indoor calf pneumonia, dyspnoea was a prominent clinical finding. at necropsy it was associated with pneumonia involving the cranial lobes of the lung and severe pulmonary emphysema. histological examination of lung tissue revealed bronchiolitis and alveolitis with alveolar epithelial cell hyperplasia and multinucleate syncytium formation. intraalveolar haemorrhage, intra-alveolar oedema and hyaline membrane formation were also noted. in all cases parainfluenza type 3 (pi3) ...1979219584
clinical significance of pulmonary function tests. alterations in pulmonary function following respiratory viral infection.respiratory viral illness is a major cause of morbidity in both adults and children. this report focuses on both the acute and chronic effects on respiratory function of these ubiquitous infections. infant airways are particularly vulnerable due to the relatively low conductance in immature peripheral airways. bronchiolitis, caused predominantly by respiratory syncytial virus, is the most important of these viral illnesses and is emerging as a major risk factor for the subsequent development of ...1979225132
clones of cells from a human embryo lung: their growth and susceptibility to respiratory viruses.colonies of cells were obtained from human fetal lung tissue and exposed to recently isolated respiratory viruses. there was a considerable variation in the number of rounded cells found in different colonies exposed to rhinovirus types 2 and 9 (rv2 and 9), human coronavirus 229e (hcv), adenovirus type 3 (ad3) and respiratory syncytial virus (rsv). smaller colonies had more rounded cells than larger colonies. clones were established from 9 out of 11 colonies. they varied in their rate of growth ...1979229795
[serological survey for virus and mycoplasma infections (author's transl)].the authors describe the two years follow up of complement fixing antibodies vs 4 viral antigens (herpes simplex, herpes zoster, cytomegalovirus, respiratory syncytial virus, mycoplasma pneumoniae). they evaluate the seasonal trend and the eventual clinical correlations on 3267 sera and 254 spinal fluids from hospitalized patients.1979233415
respiratory syncytial virus in naples outbreak. 1979255512
respiratory syncytial virus theory on naples' deaths. 1979257184
neonatal respiratory-syncytial-virus infection. 1979313006
[bronchopneumonia of yearlings (pinkengriep). bovine respiratory syncytial virus as a cause of atypical interstitial pneumonia in young cattle (author's transl)]. 1979315112
use of the indirect fluorescent antibody test in the detection of bovine respiratory syncytial virus antibodies in bovine serum.the indirect fluorescent antibody test was adapted for identifying bovine respiratory syncytial virus and its specific antibody, using goat turbinate (gtu) cells. the virus caused maximal cytopathic effects in gtu cells 4 to 8 days postinfection, but fluorescence was not readily detected during this period. fluorescence was maximal in infected gtu cells at 24 to 36 hours postinfection, but could be detected 48 hours postinfection. bovine serums (331) which had been submitted to the oklahoma anim ...1977335928
bovine respiratory syncytial virus infection of bovine embryonic lung cultures: a kinetic study by the fluorescent antibody technique.development of fluorescence in bovine embryonic lung cells infected with bovine respiratory syncytial virus (brsv) was studied by the fluorescent antibody (fa) test. similar patterns of fluorescence were seen with the direct fa test, in which the immunoglobulin g fraction of antiserum to brsv was conjugated with fluorescein isothiocyanate and used; and the indirect test, in which antiserum to the long strain of respiratory syncytial virus and fluorescein isothiocyanate-conjugated anti-rabbit imm ...1977337862
comparison of immunofluorescence and immunoperoxidase methods for viral diagnosis at a distance: a who collaborative study.nasopharyngeal secretions collected in newcastle were examined in both newcastle and stockholm for the presence of influenza virus type a and respiratory syncytial (rs) virus by immunofluorescence and immunoperoxidase techniques. a total of 139 specimens were examined in this way and the agreement between the two centres for immunofluorescence was 94% for influenza virus a, 95% for respiratory syncytial virus, and 95% for negative specimens. this technique can therefore be used for examining spe ...1978352565
enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay for measurement of serological response to respiratory syncytial virus enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay was applied to the detection of serum antibodies against respiratory syncytial virus. the end points of the various sera tested in the assay were approximately 100 times higher than in the complement-fixation test and 2 to 4 times higher than in the plaque reduction test. in addition, the immunosorbent assay appeared to be more efficient than the plaque reduction and complement-fixation techniques for detecting a serological response in young infants (1 to 6 ...1978352952
pathogenesis of respiratory syncytial virus infection in ferret and fetal human tracheas in organ culture.the pathogenesis of human respiratory syncytial virus infection was studied in ferret and fetal human tracheas in organ culture. although the patterns of virus growth were similar in these species, the sites and morphologic consequences of virus replication differed markedly. in human trachea, synthesis of respiratory syncytial virus occurred in a population of ciliated epithelial cells, whereas other cells in the epithelial layer were spared. virus replication was associated with cell injury ch ...1978354444
the immunologic response to infection with respiratory syncytial virus in infants.fifty infants younger than six months, hospitalized for infection with respiratory syncytial virus (rsv), were studied by examination of serial samples of nasal secretion. secretory neutralizing activity was measured by plaque reduction and secretory antibody by indirect fluorescence using conjugated antiserum to human iga, igg, or igm. secretory neutralizing activity during infection rose or fell fourfold with approximately equal frequency (20% and 26%, respectively). in contrast, levels of iga ...1978355574
respiratory syncytial virus infection: admissions to hospital in industrial, urban, and rural areas. report to the medical research council subcommittee on respiratory syncytial virus vaccines.a collaborative study of 10 centres during the winters of 1973-4 and 1974-5 showed that respiratory syncytial virus (rsv) was the major cause of admission to hospital for respiratory disease in children under 5 years of age in industrial, urban, and rural communities. in all areas the distribution of clinical symptoms and their severity was similar, but the rate of admission in relation to population was over twice as high in industrial as in other areas. the maximum yearly admission rate occurr ...1978359099
respiratory syncytial virus infection. rapid diagnosis in children by use of indirect immunofluorescence.specimens of 387 nasopharyngeal suction smears obtained from 354 children hospitalized with acute respiratory infections during an eight-month period were examined for the presence of respiratory syncytial (rs) virus by the indirect immunofluorescence antibody technique (ifat) and by conventional tissue culture infectivity techniques. respiratory syncytial virus was identified in nasopharyngeal suction smear specimens from 123 of these specimens (32%) with the use of both techniques. of the spec ...1978362894
the pathogenesis of respiratory syncytial virus infection in cotton rats.the cotton rat is susceptible to respiratory synctial virus infection in both the upper and lower portions of the respiratory tract. virus replicates to high titer in the nose and lungs and to relatively low titer in the trachea. immunofluorescence studies demonstrated viral antigen in the nasal epithelium and the bronchial and bronchiolar epithelium but not in the trachea or the alveolar cells of the lungs. histopathologic changes included a desquamative, exudative rhinitis of moderate severity ...1978362946
detection of respiratory syncytial virus in nasal secretions from infants by enzyme-linked immunosorbent enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (elisa) was developed for detection of respiratory syncytial virus (rsv) in nasal secretions from infants with respiratory disease. rsv was detected in 23 of 29 secretions positive for rsv by tissue culture and in one of 36 samples negative for rsv by tissue culture. the elisa was a simple rapid, and surprisingly sensitive test for identification of rsv infection in infants.1979374650
nosocomial respiratory syncytial virus infections in an intensive care nursery: rapid diagnosis by direct immunofluorescence.a nosocomial outbreak of respiratory syncytial virus infections involved 8 of 17 infants in an intensive care nursery and one additional infant in the adjoining newborn nursery. immunofluorescent staining of nasopharyngeal specimens was positive in six of seven virologically confirmed cases (86%). one additional case with negative viral cultures was also identified by this technique. viral isolation in tissue cultures required an average of 4.9 days, whereas results of immunofluorescent studies ...1979382079
respiratory syncytial virus infections. comments. 1977403500
respiratory syncytial virus infection in adults: clinical, virologic, and serial pulmonary function studies.we prospectively studied 10 previously healthy adults who developed an acute respiratory illness while working in an infants' ward during a community outbreak of respiratory syncytial virus infection. in addition to clinical and viral evaluation, total respiratory resistance before and after carbachol aerosol inhalation was measured. all 10 subjects had respiratory syncytial virus infection documented by viral isolation, and all developed pronounced cough, nasal congestion, and fever. eight subj ...1978415653
experimental respiratory syncytial virus infection of four species of primates.four species of nonhuman primates were inoculated intranasally with 10(3.1) to 10(3.7) plaque forming units (pfu) of respiratory syncytial (rs) virus. adults squirrel monkeys and newborn rhesus monkeys became infected and shed small quantities (peak titer 10(2.0) pfu/ml of nasopharyngeal swab specimen) of virus, but illness did not develop. infant cebus monkeys aged 2 months became infected, shed 10(2.3) to 10(3.8) pfu/ml of nasopharyngeal swab specimen, but did not become ill. chimpanzees aged ...1977416176
further investigations of live respiratory syncytial virus vaccine administered parenterally. 1979419156
reye's syndrome associated with respiratory syncytial virus upper respiratory tract infection in a 22-month-old boy was followed by rapid loss of consciousness, hypoglycaemia, uraemia, and death. necropsy examination showed fatty change of liver and kidneys, severe cerebral oedema, bronchiolitis, and endocardial fibroelastosis affecting the left ventricle. immunofluorescence staining showed infection with respiratory syncytial virus (rsv). the clinical and pathological findings were those of reye's syndrome, not previously reported accompanying rsv in ...1979420528
cell-free and cell-bound antibody in nasal secretions from infants with respiratory syncytial virus infection.twenty-two infants under 9 months of age hospitalized with bronchiolitis or pneumonia due to respiratory syncytial virus (rsv) were serially sampled to determine the pattern of secretory antibody response. using double labeling techniques, we found several types of immunoglobulin in secretions: cell-free antibody to rsv of the immunoglobulin a (iga), immunoglobulin g (igg), and immunoglobulin m (igm) classes; and immunoglobulins of all three classes bound to rsv-infected cells shed from the nasa ...1979422241
cell-mediated immune response to respiratory syncytial virus infection: relationship to the development of reactive airway disease.the possibility that cell-mediated immunity might play a role in the pathogenesis of infection with respiratory syncytial virus was evaluated in a study of 39 infants. infection with rsv was confirmed by identification of virus in nasopharyngeal secretions using immunofluorescence, and by tissue culture infectivity. cmi, as determined by a whole blood lymphocyte transformation technique, was evaluated in samples taken 0 to 10 and 20 to 60 days after the onset of illness. patients diagnosed as ha ...1979423016
the polypeptides of human respiratory syncytial virus: products of cell-free protein synthesis and post-translational modifications. 1979425320
respiratory syncytial virus and sudden infant death. 1979440395
respitory syncytial virus and sudden infant death. 1979440396
respiratory syncytial virus and sudden infant death. 1979440397
respiratory syncytial virus polypeptides: their location in the virion. 1979442538
measles and rubella virus antibodies in patients with multiple sclerosis. a longitudinal study of serum and csf specimens by radioimmunoassay.a longitudinal study on rubella, measles, and respiratory syncytial virus antibodies in serial serum and csf specimens from 20 multiple sclerosis (ms) patients was performed, using solid-phase radioimmunoassay. albumin and immunoglobulin g (igg) levels were also measured to check the integrity of the blood-brain barrier and the intrathecal igg production. all the patients had local igg production in their cna. a local antibody production against one or more of the viruses studied was evident in ...1979444095
immunoprophylaxis of respiratory syncytial virus infection in the infant ferret.infant ferrets can be protected from respiratory syncytical virus challenge at 3 days of age by gestational infection of their mothers. ferrets acquire their immunity to respiratory syncytial virus postpartum via immunizing products of lactation. the level of protection against viral replication correlates with the maternal serum neutralizing titer or a concomitant factor. passive administration of adult ferret serum with a neutralizing titer of 1:1024 or greater, either i.p. or orally does not ...1979448139
ontogeny of the ferret humoral immune response.infant ferrets are born with nearly undetectable immunoglobulin levels, but by 9 days of age the infant ferret serum contains 77, 29, and 13% of adult mean serum levels of igg, iga, and igm. transmucosal uptake of igg by the infant ferret occurred for the first 30 days of life. the specific anti-respiratory syncytial virus neutralizing titer of whole milk was 5.5 times higher than maternal serum despite a lower concentration of immunoglobulins in the milk.1979448158
long-term epidemiology of infections with mycoplasma pneumoniae.pneumonia due to mycoplasma pneumoniae was monitored in a large prepaid medical-care group in seattle, washington, between 1963 and 1975. the disease was diagnosed by isolation of m. pneumoniae and/or significant rises in titer of complement-fixing (antilipid) antibody in paired sera. infection was endemic without significant seasonal fluctuations. two epidemics occurred: the first peaked in january 1967, the second late in the summer of 1974. total rates of pneumonia infection in children incre ...1979448195
the etiologic and epidemiologic spectrum of bronchiolitis in pediatric develop a broad understanding of the causes and patterns of occurrence of wheezing associated respiratory infections, we analyzed data from an 11-year study of acute lower respiratory illness in a pediatric practice. although half of the wari occurred in children less than 2 years of age, wheezing continued to be observed in 19% of children greater than 9 years of age who had lower respiratory illness. males experienced lri 1.25 times more often than did females; the relative risk of males fo ...1979448557
characterization and identification of a bovine respiratory syncytial virus isolated from young calves.two identical viruses designated 371 and 375 were recovered from nasal secretions of 2 of 7 calves in a beef cow-calf herd in which calves (45 to 105 days of age) had signs of acute respiratory tract disease. the cytopathic, morphologic and physico-chemical characteristics of the isolates were those of bovine respiratory syncytial virus. although a humoral antibody response to bovine respiratory syncytial virus was not observed, it was concluded that this virus probably had a part in the respira ...1979453673
clinical and physiological manifestations of bronchiolitis and pneumonia. outcome of respiratory syncytial virus.the physiological abnormalities and clinical correlates of 32 infants consecutively hospitalized with lower respiratory tract disease from respiratory syncytial virus (rsv) were studied in an attempt to characterized the infant most at risk for the acute and long-term complications of rsv infection. arterial oxygen saturation (sao2) determinations were obtained daily by means of an ear oximeter. on admission all infants were hypoxemic with a mean sao2 of 87% (range, 74% to 95%). the mean of the ...1979463835
demonstration of anti-rubella antibody-secreting cells in rheumatoid arthritis the present study we describe a plaque-forming cell assay using erythrocytes coated with viral antigen, which detected anti-viral antibody-secreting cells against various viral antigens. these anti-viral antibody-secreting cell were studied in normal individuals with known viral infections and in rheumatoid arthritis patients. rubella anti-viral antibody-secreting cells were present after induction in the peripheral blood of eight out of ten patients. no plaques were seen before induction. sy ...1979472665
presumed respiratory syncytial virus pneumonia in an adolescent compromised host.a 15-year-old boy with nephrotic syndrome, renal insufficiency, and cutaneous anergy had severe pneumonia with pleural effusion. there was serologic evidence of respiratory syncytial virus infection, and extensive microbiologic, histologic, and serologic studies failed to identify any other etiologic agent. respiratory syncytial virus as a possible cause of severe pneumonia in immunocompromised hosts has not been previously reported.1979472848
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