
effects of local delayed hypersensitivity on the small intestine.there are many t and b cells in the small intestinal mucosa and local t cell immunity could have a role both in protective immunity and as a cause of disease (i.e. hypersensitivity). this latter aspect has been investigated by using several animal models to assess the effects of local delayed hypersensitivity on the structure and function of the small intestine. heterotopically transplanted grafts of fetal small intestine in mice (isografts and allografts) have been examined by conventional hist ...197725166
diagnosis of giardia lamblia infection as a cause of diarrhoea.retrospective analysis of the records of 31 patients diagnosed as having giardia lamblia infection in our hospital over a five-year period suggests that the condition is not considered often or early enough. adult patients particularly "suffer" more, having to endure more investigations (mean of 16) than do symptomatic children (mean of 6) before a diagnosis is made. the length of time to reach the diagnosis from first referral further supports this view, being almost seven weeks in adults and t ...197662176
prepatency of giardiasis.recently acquired giardiasis was suspected in 199 patients because of typical symptoms following a trip to a known endemic area. in 130 cases giardiasis was confirmed by stool examination, although most of the samples obtained less than 3 wk after probable infection were negative for giardia lamblia. prepatency was documented in 35 patients who, after one or more negative stool examinations, started to excrete giardia. the median prepatent period was 14 days, and in most cases the prepatent peri ...197768190
[antigens from giardia lamblia trophozoites and cysts. detection and immunoallergic evaluation].a suitable technique for the preparation of antigen extracts from giardia lamblia trophozoites and cysts is described. the immunoallergic characteristics of the antibodies obtained with these extracts were studied using in vivo and in vitro tests in experimental animals and 50 healthy individuals. it was proved that the human is able to produce antibodies to giardia lamblia trophozoites and cysts and also that these antibodies are directed to several antigenic determinants.197780018
[new derivative of nitromidazole-tinidazole, for the treatment of giardiasis].the author treated 100 patients infected by giardia lamblia with a new antiprotozoal agent: tinidazole. the patients were divided in two groups: group i, composed of 50 patients were divided with a dosage of 300 mgm per day for seven consecutive days. the author obtained a cure rate of 96% (48 cases), and minimal side-effects were observed in 10% of the cases: nausea and headache, group ii also composed of 50 patients which were treated with a single dose of 2,0 gm. the parasitological cure obta ...197797162
an overview of intestinal immunity and malabsorption.intestinal immune responses are adapted to function at external mucosal surfaces. specialized forms of antibody, secretory immunoglobulin a (iga) and immunoglobulin m (igm), provid humoral immunity but little is known of local cell mediated immune reactions. antigens in the intestinal lumen gain preferential access via peyer's patches in which sensitised lymphocytes proliferate before entering the lymphatic system. these lymphoblasts return to the intestinal mucosa via the bloodstream to provide ...1979117706
parasitology survey and seroepidemiology of amoebiasis in south kalimantan (borneo), indonesia.a parasitology surevy was conducted among inhabitants of 7 villages in 3 regencies in south kalimantan province, indonesia. a total of 2,169 stool specimens, 2,756 blood smears and 1,027 serum specimens were obtained, representing samples from approximately 10%, 12% and 5% of the population, respectively. one to 8 different intestinal parasitic infections were detected in 97% of the people. those parasites most frequently found were trichuris trichiura (83%), ascaris lumbricoides (79%), and hook ...1975167454
a survey of intestinal parasitism in a community on the pan american highway route in eastern panama.a survey of intestinal parasitism was conducted at yaviza, a town in eastern panama's province of darien. single stool specimens from 202 persons, representing 11 percent of the town's total population, were examined. in all, 181 (90 per cent) of the specimens examined were found positive for one or more potentially pathogenic parasites. the most common parasite found was trichuris trichiura, which was observed in 80 per cent of the samples. others were ascaris lumbricoides, in 62 per cent of th ...1975167889
[the intestinal parasite fauna in patients, returned from the tropics, from the dresden district].it is reported on the affection with intestinal parasites in 438 persons who returned from the tropics. in these test persons were also established only those species of parasites which were proved in the dresden inhabitants. however, there were remarkable quantitative differences between the affection of the persons returning from the tropics and the dresden inhabitants. thus by laboratory examinations in dresden in the persons returning from the tropics were established infections with entamoe ...1975173101
orphan airlift. enteric pathogens isolated from vietnamese children immigrating to the united states.isolation studies for bacterial and parasitic agents were carried out on stool specimens from vietnamese infants at the time of their mass airlift to the united states. one or more bacterial pathogens were found in 49% of the 367 stool specimens cultured. the isolates included enteropathogenic escherichia coli (161), shigella (16), salmonella (15), but no salmonella typhi or vibrio cholerae. parasites identified in 88 stool specimens included giardia lamblia (10), ascaris lumbricoides (7), and e ...1976176481
laboratory investigation of diarrhea in travelers to mexico: evaluation of methods for detecting enterotoxigenic echerichia coli.a laboratory investigation was conducted on cultures collected from travelers before, during, and after a trip to mexico to characterize the etiology of traveler's diarrhea. four laboratory methods for detecting enterotoxigenicity of escherichia coli were evaluated: the infant mouse assay, the chinese hamster ovary (cho) cell assay, the y1 adrenal cell assay, and the rabbit ileal loop. although a number of common enteric pathogens were identified as a cause of traveler's diarrhea, including six ...1976180047
nodular lymphoid hyperplasia of the colon associated with dysgammaglobulinemia.a case of dysgammaglobulinemia associated with nodular lymphoid hyperplasia of the colon is reported. the patient had typical immunoglobulin deficiency, diarrhea, recurrent respiratory infections, giardia lamblia in the stool, and lymphoid hyperplasia of the small intestine. his barium enema showed diffuse submucosal nodules. rectosigmoid biopsy confirmed nodular lymphoid hyperplasia. the similar findings on barium enema in this entity and in lymphosarcoma are stressed.1976183544
[imidazoles in the treatment of infections due to parasitic protozoa "lumenals". (t. vaginalis, giardia intestinalis, e. histolytica--general principles)]. 1976196967
biomedical survey in irian jaya (west irian), indonesia.a biomedical survey was conducted in several areas of irian jaya, indonesia in july 1972 in association with an investigation of reports of a cholera outbreak. stool specimens, blood smears and sera were collected and examined for evidence of parasitic as well as other infectious diseases. a total of 114 stools were examined and the most commonly found intestinal parasites were trichuris trichiura (94%), ascaris lumbricoides (74%), hookworm (58%), entamoeba coli (15%), endolimax nana (8%), entam ...1977208184
contribution to the problem of the so-called nonpathogenic amoebae in the intestine of man.among 10,418 patients of a prague hospital, a plain infection with intestinal parasitic protozoans was identified in 1,319 persons (12.7%). of these, 3.5% were infested with giardia intestinalis, 0.3% with entamoeba histolytica forma minuta, 5.7% with endolimax nana. we evaluated the frequency of findings of protozoans in various clinical diagnoses. a statistically significant increase in frequency was recorded for e. nana in diagnoses of eosinophilia, giardiasis, amoebiasis and helminthiasis. ...1978217807
epidemic of amoebiasis and giardiasis in a biased population.of 126 homosexual men in a selected population in new york city, 31.7% were infected with entamoeba histolytica, 18.3% with giardia lamblia, and 39.7% with one or both on a single stool examination. of 5885 clinic and hospital patients examined in the same laboratory by the same methods, 1.3% were infected with e. histolytica, 2.1% with g. lamblia, and 3.3% with one or both. evidence indicates that an epidemic of intestinal protozoan infection exists in the homosexual male population in new york ...1979228790
intestinal and blood parasites in the north lore district, central sulawesi, indonesia.over 1,000 stool specimens from residents of the napu and besoa valleys, central sulawesi, indonesia were examined. schistosoma japonicum was detected in 31% of napu valley residents while in only 2% of the besoa valley residents. hookworm infections were the most frequently encountered helminth parasitisms in both valleys. other helminth parasites encountered were: ascaris lumbricoides, trichuris trichiura, enterobius vermicularis, strongyloides stercoralis, physaloptera sp., diphyllobothrium s ...1977335530
gastrointestinal complications of immunodeficiency syndromes.patients with b cell deficiency have a high incidence of prolonged giardia lamblia infection of the gastrointestinal tract that causes symptoms of malabsorption with villus flattening. the changes are reversible with therapy directed against giardia. there is a high incidence of pernicious anaemia in patients with agammaglobulinaemia. those with abnormal b lymphocytes tend to develop lymphoid nodular hyperplasia. gastrointestinal disease is rare in boys with x-linked agammaglobulinaemia when com ...1977346324
heat-labile enterotoxigenic escherichia coli and intestinal protozoa in asymptomatic travellers.thirty-two asymptomatic travellers who had recently journeyed in the near, middle, and far east and had experienced a high incidence of diarrhoeal disease were screened for heat-labile enterotoxigenic escherichia coli (ent+ e. coli) and other bacterial and parasitic pathogens. six percent were colonized with ent+ e. coli and while other bacterial pathogens were not found, the intestinal protozoa giardia lamblia (13%), entamoeba histolytica (6%), entamoeba coli (6%), endolimax nana (6%), and enta ...1977351820
[obtaining of serum (antibodies) of antitrophozoites of giardia lamblia and non-specific factors. a practical method].according to some authors, the nonspecific elements belong to candida albicans morphologic variables, and according to others, they represent an evolutive stage or are the result of giardia lamblia. an immunitary methodology is developed in experimental animals combining intramuscular, intravascular and intraperitoneal pathways with soluble substances and extracts which can be absorbed in aluminium hydroxide of giardia lamblia and nonspecific elements trophocytes. sera (antibodies) to these orga ...1977354649
enterotoxin-producing bacteria stools from swedish united nations soldiers in cyprus.a study was designed to establish the role of heat-labile enterotoxin producing escherichia coli and other intestinal pathogens in diarrhoeal disease in swedish soldiers of the united nations' force in cyprus. before leaving sweden for cyprus, no enteropathogens were isolated from the soldiers. the study was performed from october 1975 through january 1976 and in august 1976. enterotoxigenic strains of e. coli, citrobacter freundii, enterobacter cloacae and klebsiella pneumoniae were the intesti ...1978355145
single dose treatment with tiberal of giardia lamblia infection in children.a new metronidazole derivative, tiberal (ro-07-0207, roche laboratories), was evaluated in 22 children with giardia lamblia infection. seven patients received an oral dose of 1 g twice daily for one day; the remaining 15 patients received a single dose of 50 mg/kg. parasitological cure was noted in all 22 patients. significant side effects were observed only in those children who received the drug at the higher dosage regime. the present study also confirms the findings of other authors that a m ...1978362519
presence of candida albicans in normal and in giardia lamblia infected human jejunum. 1978363080
human parasitoses of the malili area, south sulawesi (celebes) province, indonesia.a biomedical survey was conducted in 9 villages in the malili area of south sulawesi, indonesia. blood specimens were examined for malaria and microfilariae; stool specimens were examined for intestinal parasites. malaria parasitemias were rare; plasmodium falciparum was detected in 10 and p. vivax in 11 of 985 blood smears. malayan filariasis was endemic to all villages surveyed. the overall prevalence of detectable microfilaremias was 15%, varying from 34% in kawata to 1% in nuha. microfilaria ...1978364674
[parasitic duodenitis].a study on 100 patients bearing high-localization intestinal parasitism associated to clinical manifestations compatible with an ulcerous syndrome is performed. the frequency of the parasites found is outlined, and giardia lamblia comes first in the order of appearance. the different tests used to reach the diagnosis of this entity are assessed and emphasis in laid on the value of biliary drainage, both in the detection of parasites and the biliary sepsis that frequently accompanies them. in tes ...1978368922
etiology of gastroenteritis among americans living in the philippines.between december 1975 and june 1976, american military personnel with diarrhea who were seen at an outpatient clinic at clark air force base hospital were investigated to determine the etiology of their disease. enterotoxigenic escherichia coli were detected in 16% (18/115), rotavirus in 4% (4/111), salmonellae in 3% (3/115), shigellae in 2% (2/115) and giardia lamblia in 2% (3/152) of patients with diarrhea. thus from only 27% of the subjects studied were identifiable potential pathogenic agent ...1979375723
parasitic disease control in a residential facility for the mentally retarded.asymptomatic infection with either entameba histolytica or giardia lamblia was found in 61 per cent of the residents of a dormitory in an institution for the mentally retarded; two other dormitories had rates of 20 per cent and 22 per cent. drug therapy was successfully undertaken in all three dormitories, and environmental improvements were introduced in the heavily infected dormitory. a one-year follow-up showed a reduction in parasitic disease in two dormitories but, in the most heavily infec ...1979389070
prevalence of intestinal parasitic infections among inhabitants of tan-nan village, nantou county, taiwan.the pork infected with cysticerci was sent to our laboratory in june 1971. microscopic examination revealed the infection of cysticercus cellulosae. subsequently, the source of the pork was traced, and the survey of intestinal parasitism was carried out among inhabitants at tan-nan village, hsin-i district, nantou county, taiwan, in august 1973. results obtained only indicated the presence rather than endemic of taeniasis solium in this village. the parasites and infection rates found in the pre ...1979397878
malabsorption of water miscible vitamin a in children with giardiasis and ascariasis.vitamin a absorption was studied using a water-miscible oral preparation of vitamin a in 19 children ages 1 1/2 to 9 years old with giardiasis and/or ascariasis, both before and after their eradication with appropriate therapy, and in three children without parasites. marked impairment of vitamin a absorption was noted when administered in a water miscible form in children with 1) combined infection with giardia lamblia and ascaris lumbricoides, 2) giardiasis alone, and 3) in a proportion of chi ...1979420128
urticaria and giardia lamblia infection.a case of giardia lamblia infestation with concomitent urticaria is presented. no mechanisms of association are suggested. with treatment of the giardia, the urticaria cleared. the urticaria could also be suprressed with atarax.1979420425
[eosinophilic pleural effusion during the course of a giardiasis. report of a case (author's transl)].a case of eosinophilic pleural effusion with coincidental intestinal infestation by giardia lamblia is reported. after reviewing the possible causes of this type of pleuritis no clinical or laboratory data were obtained which could explain this condition, excepting the giardiasis, in the course of which there is no bibliographic reference in this sense. after the parasitosis had been treated with metronidazole the parasitologic negativization coincided with the disappearance of the pleural effus ...1979431163
[lamblia intestinalis as disease causing agent]. 1979467270
measurement of 4-hydroxyphenylacetic aciduria as a screening test for small-bowel disease.we evaluted measurement of urinary 4-hydroxyphenyl acetic acid as a potential screening method for small-bowel disease and bacterial overgrowth syndromes in 360 unselected acutely ill infants and children. control data were obtained on 120 healthy children, ages 1.5 to 15 years, from a general medical practice, 48 healthy infants, ages one to five years, from local day nurseries, and 150 healthy babies, ages less than one to eight days. comparative data were from 300 acutely ill hospitalized bab ...1979476929
ultrastructural observations on giardiasis in a mouse model. ii. endosymbiosis and organelle distribution in giardia muris and giardia lamblia.ultrastructural observations of giardia muris in a mouse model revealed endosymbiotic microbes not previously reported in giardia. endosymbionts 240--360 nm wide, 600--1,400 nm long, and with an internal structure similar to that of bacilli were not seen entering giardia but were found and appeared to divide within giardia. no evidence was found of digestion of the endosymbionts by the giardia host in either the trophozoite or the cyst form. endosymbionts were concentrated centrally around the n ...1979479640
[acute syndrome of intestinal absorption disorders associated with lamblia-giardia intestinalis invasion]. 1979503677
[detection of giardia lamblia trophozoites in fragments of the duodenal mucosa]. 1979503690
[intestinal parasites in infants (aged up to 1 year) in the rzeszow region with particular reference to lamblia intestinalis]. 1979506257
value of examination for fecal leukocytes in the early diagnosis of shigellosis.fecal specimens from 101 patients with diarrhea were cultured and also examined with methylene blue for leukocytes. thirty-six patients had leukocytes in their stools and 29 had culture-proven shigellosis. the sensitivity of fecal leukocytes in shigellosis was 95% (19/20) when cup specimens were obtained, and 44% (4/9) when swab or diaper specimens were examined. only 45% of the patients with shigellosis who provided cup specimens had grossly bloody dysentery. twelve other patients had fecal leu ...1979507279
intestinal parasites in los angeles, california.because of an apparent increase in the number of parasitic infections in los angeles, california, a six-month retrospective analysis of data obtained from patient stool examinations for parasitic infections in out-patient populations from two county health facilities in los angeles county was compared with a survey published in 1936 and 1960. a significant increase in the incidence of pathogenic intestinal protozoal parasites was found to occur in the areas surveyed. giardia lamblia and nonpatho ...1979517562
experimental giardia lamblia infection in swiss mice--a preliminary report. 1979521089
giardia lamblia associated with bronchial asthma and serum antibodies, and chronic diarrhoea in a child with giardiasis. 1979531917
cryopreservation of giardia intestinalis. 1979531918
[treatment of infections by entamoeba histolytica and giardia lamblia with different dosages of 100 mg tinidazole enteric coated tablets (author's transl)]. 1979540079
immunoglobulins in serum and duodenal juice and peripheral blood lymphocyte subpopulations in patients with giardiasis.forty eight patients with symptomatic giardiasis and 22 apparently healthy matched controls without giardia lamblia were studied with respect to the following variables--immunoglobulins (igs) g, a and m in serum, iga in duodenal juice and t and b in lymphocyte sub-populations. there were no differences observed between the two groups with regard to any of these variables except for serum igg which was found to be higher in patients. it was concluded that endemic giardiasis has no immunodeficient ...1979542984
[parasitological results of a medico-anthropological research-work at the azande in northeast-zaire (author's transl)].among 165 examined azande 118 (71.5%) were found with intestinal helminthic infections: hookworm (69.1%), schistosoma mansoni (13.9%), trichuris trichiura (4.2%), ascaris lumbricoides (1.2%), strongyloides stercoralis (0.6%). the intradermal schistosoma test with a commercial antigen preparation was positive in 63.3% of 147 examinees. protozoa-excretions were found in 62.2% of 151 examines: e. histolytica (27.2%), e. hartmanni (13.2%), e. coli (24.5%), jodamoeba buetschlii (7.3%), endolimax nana ...1979543152
the prevalence of human intestinal protozoa in ibadan, nigeria.this study shows that the two intestinal protozoa, giardia lamblia, balantidium coli in addition to entamoeba histolytica are prevalent in the ibadan population and are responsible for many of the non-bacterial diarrhoea seen in patients. a high seasonal prevalence of the intestinal protozoa in the dry months of the year was associated with the use of contaminated water. both the high infection rates recorded in adults and children under five years old, and the high frequency of association invo ...1977563477
[a comparative socio-epidemiological study of families with giardia lamblia, entamoeba coli and trichuris trichiura]. 1979571638
electron microscopy in the diagnosis of giardiasis.biopsy specimens of intestinal mucosa from two patients with malabsorption syndrome were examined with routine light and electron microscopy. both showed intact intestinal mucosa, but by electron microscopy, the presence of giardia lamblia in the intervillar spaces was identified. electron microscopy is useful for the identification of this parasite, since the stool examinations in up to 50% may be negative. the parasites appear in light microscopy as cellular debris and can be easily overlooked ...1977576576
age and sex distribution of infections with entamoeba histolytica and giardia intestinalis in the lagos population.stool samples were collected from 2,099 persons and examined for parasites: 9.5 percent were infected with entamoeba histolytica, 7.9 percent were infected with giardia intestinalis and 15.5 percent were infected with iodamoeba butschlii. the infections with e. histolytica and i. butschlii occurred more frequently in females than in males and adults were also more frequently infected than children. infection with g. intestinalis, on the other hand, was more prevalent in males than in females and ...1977591169
[giardia lamblia and other intestinal parasites in children in day-institutions. incidence and significance]. 1977601898
intestinal and blood parasites in the banggai kabupaten, central sulawesi, indonesia.a survey for blood and intestinal parasites was carried out in the banggai kabupaten central sulawesi, indonesia. a total of 336, stool specimens were obtained from 182 males and 154 females ranging in age from 2 to 90 years. hookworm, trichuris trichiura and ascaris lumbricoides were the most common helminths encountered. schistosoma japonicum was noticeably absent in the population sampled. the following intestingl protozoa were detected: entamoeba coli, e.histolytica, iodamoeba bütschlii, gia ...1977607427
parasites of man in remote areas of central and south sulawesi, indonesia.a biomedical survey was conducted in 10 villages in remote, high mountain valleys of central and south sulawesi, indonesia to learn whether oriental schistosomiasis was endemic and to determine the prevalences of other intestinal parasites, malaria and filariasis in those areas. although persons with oriental schistosomiasis were found in three villages of south sulawesi, follow-up inquiries revealed that these had recently migrated from a known schistosomiasis area in central sulawesi. other in ...1977607428
biomedical survey in north samar province, philippine islands.a biomedical survey was carried out in north samar province, philipines to update information on the prevalence of parasitic and other infectious diseases. a total of 1,394 stool specimens, 1,859 blood smears and 1,274 sera were collected from persons living in 8 barrios. stools were examined for intestinal parasites, bloods smears for malaria and filariasis and sera tested for antibodies to schistosoma japonicum, entamoeba histolytica, toxoplasma gondii, influenza a and b, and japanese encephal ...1977614707
treatment of giardiasis with tinidazole.fifty-five patients, 51 males and 4 females heavily infected with giardia lamblia were treated with a single 2 g dose of tinidazole (four tablets); 53 were cured. of 20 other infected patients kept under the same conditions and given four placebo tablets, 18 continued to pass cysts or trophozoites in the stools during the whole 3- to 4-wk follow-up period in hospital. there were no side effects attributed to the drug.1978626273
serum ige levels in giardiasis.raised levels of serum immunoglobulin e are found in many parasitic diseases. in order to determine the influence of giardia lamblia on ige levels of clinically symptomatic patients, a controlled study was performed. there was no difference between the serum ige values from brazilian patients with giardiasis and those from normal brazilian controls, although in both groups there were many individuals with values higher than the normal range reported from the northern hemisphere.1978627045
studies on the intestinal parasites in african patients in owamboland, south west africa.the paper gives the results of a survey of intestinal parasites among 501 in-patients drawn from four mission hospitals in owambo and kavango in northern south west africa. most of the patients (90%) were examined twice by the formol-ether concentration method, while the remaining 10% had one stool specimen examined. 10 species of helminths and 3 species of potentially-pathogenic protozoa were recorded--necator americanus, strongyloides stercoralis, strongyloides fuelleborni, hymenolepis nana, t ...1978635971
[clinical significance of giardia lamblia infestation in children with gastrointestinal symptoms]. 1978636014
[the value of the "impression smear" in detecting giardia lamblia infection (author's transl)].giardia lamblia has a cosmopolitan distribution. the organism exists in two stages--the trophozoite and the cystic stage. infected children may have acute or chronic diarrhea, crampy abdominal pain, anorexia, malasorption and poor weight gain and may be misdiagnosed as celiac disease. infection may be selflimited or chronic even over years. diagnosis is usually made by finding the characteristic cyst in stool specimens or by duodenal aspiration. histological sections and impression smears (ament ...1978643294
treatment of intestinal amoebiasis and giardiasis; efficacy of metronidazole and tinidazole compared.aboriginal children who were aged from six to nine years and living in cherbourg community were treated for giardia lamblia and entamoeba histolytica infection with either the manufacturer's recommended dose of metronidazole (flagyl) or with tinidazole (fasigyn), at two-dose levels. tinidazole successfully cleared both protozoans from stools, a single dose being as effective as the longer regimens which were studied. the obvious advantage of single-dose administration is that it should permit mo ...1978672734
person-to-person transmission of giardia lamblia in day-care an outbreak of giardiasis at two day-care nurseries in metropolitan toranto giardia lamblia appeared to be transmitted person to person. no common source of infection could be found. the proportions of children infected in the two nurseries were 39% and 17%; infection was spread to 7% and 23% of their household contacts. of the infected children and household contacts 26% and 30% respectively of those for whom detailed information could be obtained were symptomatic. canadian children were mor ...1978679128
comparative evaluation of two dosages of tinidazole in the treatment of giardiasis.forty-five patients with parasitologically confirmed symtomatic giardiasis were treated with tinidazole. a course of 150 mg twice daily for 7 days cured 14 of 19 patients (74%), and a single dose of 2,000 mg cured 24 of 26 (92%). after the single dose, mild side effects were common including maltase, lassitude, and dizziness. three probable cases of the so-called "postgiardiac syndrome" were seen. either dosage of tinidazole initially cleared all stool samples of giardia lamblia, and most clinic ...1978686240
"ghost" forms of giardia lamblia cysts initially misdiagnosed as isospora.because of their distinctive morphology the cysts of giardia lamblia usually are not mistaken for cysts or eggs of other intestinal parasites. at a hospital laboratory in kentucky a case of giardiasis was encountered in which the initial fecal examination revealed only degenerated cysts of giardia which were mistaken for the oocysts of isospora at the one-sporoblast stage.1978686251
quantitative histology in giardiasis.the weibel graticule was used to assess quantitatively histological changes in proximal jejunal mucosal biopsies from patients with giardia lamblia infections. most had malabsorption. a group of patients who had mild abdominal symptoms but no intestinal infection and normal absorption were the controls. there were significant differences in mean surface area (sa) measurements between patients with giardiasis and severe malabsorption and controls (p less than 0.001) and infected patients with nor ...1978690234
prevalence of giardia lamblia in children attending an out-patient department of siriraj hospital.giardia lamblia has been considered a facultative pathogenic organism. the prevalence of this organism was found in 18.58% and 18.18% of children with and without associated symptoms. the prevalence is higher than those previous studies from southeast asia. most children are commonly infected after 1 year of age. giardiasis should be suspected in any child with unexplained chronic diarrhoea, abdominal pain and failure to gain weight. the diagnosis is important because the disease is curable afte ...1978705416
[cosmopolitan giardia lamblia]. 1978705765
prevalence of giardiasis: a study at upper-gastrointestinal endoscopy.the prevalence of giardiasis was assessed in 1000 consecutive adult patients undergoing upper-gastrointestinal endoscopy for the usually accepted indications. patients with upper-gastrointestinal bleeding were excluded. the diagnosis was established by examination of duodenal aspirate and duodenal mucosal impression smears. in 21 patients (2.1%) trophozoites were detected both in the duodenal juice and stained mucosal impression smears. all were treated with metronidazole or tinidazole. in 14 of ...1978717353
prevalence of parasitic infections in malaysian oil palm estate workers.a survey of workers and families resident in an oil palm estate in malaysia revealed high incidence of parasitic infections. the commonest parasites are t. trichiura (56%), a. lumbricoides (52%), hookworm (28%), entamoeba coli (11.3%) and giardia lamblia (11.3%). mixed infections by two or more parasites was seen in 46% of the subjects. anaemia was present in 70% of children with hookworm infection. eosinophilia was observed in 69% of subjects. one each of hymenolepis nana and hymenolepis diminu ...1978725660
giardiasis in american travelers to madeira island, portugal.a high incidence of diarrhea was reported in a group of approximately 1,400 americans who traveled to the portuguese island of madeira in october 1976. a mail questionnaire survey revealed that 39% of the responding 859 travelers experienced diarrhea; in 42% of these diarrhea lasted for longer than 1 week. the most frequent accompanying symptoms were abdominal cramps (75%), abdominal distention (72%), nausea (70%), and weight loss (40%). of all travelers surveyed, 33% developed an illness resemb ...1978727317
electron microscopic examination of the mucosa of the small intestine in infection due to giardia lamblia.a rare form of giardia lamblia infection presenting the clinical picture of nutritive allergy is described. diagnosis was made by electron microscopic examination of biopsy material from the small intestine. the ultrastructural characteristics of giardia lamblia as well as the relation of the parasite to the epithelial cells are discussed. it is concluded that the clinical signs are related to the mechanical destruction of the microvilli of the epithelial cells and the superficial mucoid layer ( ...1978733642
[clinical and epidemiological aspects of human trichostrongyloidosis].in the course of parazitological investigations in a rural environment, including 2349 subjects, infestation with different helminths was found in 927 persons (39%), i.e. in 49.9% with ascaris lumbricoides, in 24.1% trichuris trichiura, in 4.2% strongyloides stercoralis, in 3.6% giardia intestinalis, in 2.1% enterobius vermicularis and in 1.6% trichostrongylus. there were several cases of associated parasites : ascaris-trichuris in 11.1%, ascaris-trichostrongylus in 0.2%, trichostrongylus-trichu ...1978749147
[incidence of lambliasis in the child population of an urban district].a study was carried out on the infestation with giardia lamblia in 9316 children within the district served medically by the titan university polyclinic, in 1976. the mean annual infestation was 13.1% with slight monthly differences, except september and october when the proportion of children with g. lamblia exceeded 16%. the infestation was of 4.1% in the 0--1 year age-group, reaching a peak of 16.8% in the 3--5 years age-group, then gradually falling to 6.3% after the age of 14 years. in sept ...1978749148
travelers' diarrhea in mexico. a prospective study of physicians and family members attending a congress.we conducted a prospective study of travelers' diarrhea on 73 physicians and 48 family members attending a medical congress in mexico city, in october, 1974. fecal and blood specimens were collected before, during and after their visit and examined for enteric bacterial pathogens, viruses and parasites. in 59 (49 per cent) participants travelers' diarrhea developed. median duration of illness was five days. onset occurred a median of six days after arrival. an etiologic agent was found in 63 per ...1976772435
parasitic infections in humans in west kalimantan (borneo), indonesia.a survey was carried out among inhabitants of eight villages in west kalimantan province (borneo), whereby blood smears were examined for malaria, stools examined for intestinal parasites and sera tested by the indirect hemagglutination test for antibodies to entamoeba histolytica and toxoplasma gondii. the prevalence of malaria among 3017 people examined was 5.6% (plasmodium vivax 2.8%, plasmodium falciparum 2.8%). brugia malayi microfilariae were found in 3.6% and wuchereria bancrofti in 0.3%. ...1976788263
invasion of small intestinal mucosa by giardia lamblia in man.the mucosal biopsies from duodenum and jejunum of 31 patients showing giardia lamblia in their feces were studied histologically. although the trophozoites were found in all the biopsy specimens in the luman, the tissue invasion by the parasites in different stages, from their entry through the epithelium to the lamina propria could be demonstrated in 12 of them, all of the latter having diarrhea and steaterrhea. varying histological changes in jejunal mucosa were also observed in 9 cases, of wh ...1977832787
use of a simple duodenal capsule to study upper intestinal microflora.the upper intestinal microflora was studied in 10 malnourished indonesian children using the paediatric enterotest capsules. trophozoites of giardia lamblia were found in 2 specimens, profuse fungal mycelia in 3, and ascaris worms and eggs in 1. in 9 patients an abnormally profuse small intestinal bacterial flora was found. provided precautions are taken to exclude artefactual contamination of the line on its withdrawal, this is a safe and simple method for studying the upper gut flora which cou ...1977836057
ultrastructure of the cyst of giardia isolation technique involving filtration and discontinuous density gradient centrifugation was utilized for obtaining giardia lamblia cysts from human feces. highly concentrated preparations of cysts were examined by electron microscopy. the cyst of g. lamblia is surrounded by a moderately dense fibrous wall 0.3 mum thick. a thin layer of cytoplasm separates the cyst wall from electron lucid intracellular spaces located around the periphery of the cyst. four nuclei are usually present. basal ...1977842783
prevalence of intestinal parasitic infestation, salmonellosis, brucellosis, tuberculosis, and hepatitis b among immigrant children in glasgow.two hundred asian and 100 each of african, chinese, and scottish children were screened for intestinal parasitic infestations, salmonellosis, brucellosis, hepatitis b antigen (hbsag), and tuberculosis. there was a fairly high incidence of giardia lamblia among asian and scottish children and of trichuris trichiura among the chinese. hookworm ova were seen only in africa children. there were no chronic carriers of salmonella or brucella, and no one was suffering from salmonellosis or brucellosis. ...1977843867
giardia lamblia infection in homosexual men.epidemic giardia lamblia infection has usually been associated with contaminated water. in this paper, five proved and one presumed case of g. lamblia infection among homosexual men are reported. the sequential onset of their clinical illnesses and their sexual interrelationships suggest that this outbreak could have been caused by the direct faecal-oral transmission of g. lamblia. other parasitic diseases with possible venereal transmission have been described, and parasitic diseases should be ...1977843898
[lamblia intestinalis infestations]. 1977848015
giardiasis in colorado: an epidemiologic study.a one-year retrospective laboratory survey in colorado revealed that 691 (3%) of 22,743 stool examinations for ova and parasites were positive for giardia lamblia, a higher percentage than that reported from surveys outside of colorado. the majority of infected residents who were surveyed had experienced an episode of chronic watery diarrhea (median duration 3.8 weeks) with bloating, flatulence, and weight loss (averaging 5.1 kg), and had responded to a course of metronidazole or quinacrine. a s ...1977848482
symptomatic giardiasis in sudanese adults and its treatment with tinidazole.the main symptoms of infection with giardia intestinalis in 33 sudanese adults were abdominal pain, flatulence and diarrhoea. other symptoms were offensive stools, loss of weight, milk intolerance, mucoid stools, nausea and vomiting. tinidazole given orally as 150 mg. twice daily dose for seven days or as a single 1,000 mg. dose, eradicated the infection in 32 out of the 33 patients. this parasitological cure was obtained in all 21 patients who received the seven day course and in 11 out of 12 p ...1977850286
giardia lamblia. a case presentation of chronic cholecystitis and duodenitis.a case of chronic cholecystitis and duodenojejunitis secondary to giardia lamblia is presented. though well documented as a cause of duodenitis, this condition is not a common finding in the united states and hence the diagnosis is not made routinely. this case illustrates an instance where giarditic duodenojejunitis may have been masquerading as a chronic cholecystitis.1977868848
duodenal intubation with secretin stimulus for diagnosis of giardiasis.the use of secretin to facilitate the demonstration of giardia lamblia in duodenal juice was studied in children under investigation for chronic diarrhoea. 30 children aged 3 months to 13 years, whose stools were negative for g. lamblia, were studied. g. lamblia was demonstrable in a sample of duodenal juice in 1 of the 30 children before an intravenous injection of secretin (1 or 2 mg/kg), but in 9 of the 30 children after secretin. it is concluded that examination of duodenal juice after secre ...1977879838
endocrine aspects of trisomy 4p.the main endocrinological parameters were investigated in two sisters affected with trisomy 4p. our findings rule out any impairment of the endocrine system in this rare syndrome, even in those cases in which stunting of growth is more pronounced. the marked weight deficit in one of the two patients had no relationship to the chromosomal anomaly; it was determined by the association of a deficit of immunoglobulin with a giardia lamblia infestation.1977899760
giardiasis in day-care centers: evidence of person-to-person august and september 1975, an outbreak of diarrhea occurred in children 1 to 3 1/2 years old attending a day-care center. an investigation revealed overlapping epidemics of shigellosis and giardiasis, with 54% of the children infected with giardia lamblia. at two other centers 29% and 38% of the children had g. lamblia infection, but none had shigella. the prevalence of g. lamblia in the day-care children was significantly higher than the 2% prevalence in age-matched children not in day-care ...1977905014
a communitywide outbreak of giardiasis with evidence of transmission by a municipal water supply.three hundred fifty residents of rome, new york, had laboratory-confirmed cases of giardiasis between 1 november 1974 and 7 june 1975. a random household survey showed an overall attack rate for giardiasis (defined as a diarrheal illness of 5 days or more) of 10.6%. a significant association was discovered between having giardiasis and using city water and between having illness and drinking 1 or more glasses of water a day. the presence of human settlements in the rome watershed area suggested ...1977907241
giardia lamblia infestation in 154 children. 1977907577
[intracellular occurrence of giardia lamblia in a child with nonmanifest giardiasis in enterobiopsy (author's transl)]. 1977907889
[traveler's diarrhea].travellers' diarrhea afflicts up to 50 percent of tourists in certain geographic regions. it is a syndrome caused by a variety of pathogens, the most common of which is enterotoxigenic e. coli. other responsible pathogens include salmonellae, shigellae, entamoeba histolytica, yersinia enterocolitica, giardia lamblia and virus-like agents, seldom vibrios. symptoms persist for only a few days and are only serious in 1/5 of the cases.1977914154
an outbreak of giardiasis in a group of campers.thirty-four of 54 campers on a 2 week trip in mountains of utah had diarrhea during and after their trip. twenty-two (79%) of 28 symptomatic campers' stools examined contained giardia lamblia cysts, whereas 4 (29%) of 14 asymptomatic campers' stools had cysts. the temporal distribution of cases and the absence of clustering among food preparation subgroups suggested a common source exposure. although the epidemiologic data and fecal coliform counts implicated the remote mountain stream used as w ...1976937629
intestinal lesions in immune deficiency.the descriptive studies of intestinal lesions in immune deficiency and the research that has been done in order to explain their pathogenesis are reviewed. current knowledge in this field is inadequate, and some of the intriguing phenomena described defy reasonable explanation, including the special role of giardia lamblia and the rarity of gastrointestinal lesions in isolated iga deficiency. several hypotheses have been proposed regarding these phenomena.1976939539
parasitology survey in northern sumatra, indonesia.a parasitology survey was conducted in five villages in north sumatra, indonesia. a total of 3,207 blood smears, 2,066 stool specimens and 969 sera were examined. sixty (1.9%) inhabitants had malaria (plasmodium vivax 41, p. falciparum 19), and 20 had brugia malayi microfilaraemia. the most common intestinal helminths were trichuris trichiura (87%), ascaris lumbricoides (75%) and hookworm (58%). other helminths found in low numbers were enterobius vermicularis, strongyloides stercoralis, taenia ...1976950682
therapeutic evaluation of oxantel pamoate (1, 4, 5, 6-tetrahydro-1-methyl-2-[trans-3-hydroxystyryl] pyrimidine pamoate) in severe trichuris trichiura infection.the efficacy of oxantel pamoate (1, 4, 5, 6-tetrahydro-2-[trans-3-hydroxystyryl]-1-methyl pyrimidine pamoate) was evaluated in 25 children with severe trichuris infection. the presence of chronic dysentery and sigmoidoscopic demonstration of whipworms in the intestinal mucosa were the criteria for inclusion in the trial. most of these patients had severe anemia, rectal prolapse, digital clubbing, hypoproteinemia, and growth retardation. there were a high incidence of concomitant parasitism with ...1976961973
[the treatment of giardiasis and trichomoniasis with resochin and metronidazole].giardia lamblia and trichomonas intestinalis were isolated from the stools of male child of 7 with chronic diarrhea. after administration of resochin and metranidazole the diarrhea stopped immediately, the signs and symptoms ceased and the parasites disappeared from the stools.1976979695
observations on the intestinal protozoa infecting man in rhodesia.humans in rhodesia harbour a wide range of intestinal protozoa. of the species included, entamoeba histolytica, entamoeba coli and giardia lamblia have previously been recorded. other species which are either rarely reported or which have previously never been reported from this country, include trichomonas hominis, chilomastix mesnili, enteromonas hominis, retortamonas intestinalis, balantidum coli,entamoeba hartmanni,entamoeba histolytica laredo. endolimax nana, dientamoeba fragilis and isospo ...1976988643
a puzzling case of giardiasis.a serious case of infection by giardia lamblia was difficult to diagnose.1976989864
[syndrome of the "lamblia intestinalis" (author's transl)].the authors related the physiopathologic remarks executed on subjects that are suffering from lambia intestinalis. they have been chisen in a group of 226 individuals who had executed the coprologic test because of symptoms of gastroenteric apparatus. with the escort of this observation, the authors have findings, as constant report, a typical enteritis, that reveals itself in periodical diarrhoea, alternated with constipation and often accompanied, in the children, with gastralgia, in the grown ...19761020963
[study of trophozoites of lamblia intestinalis from culture by scanning electron microscopy]. 19761024148
[study of growth of lamblia intestinalis in culture for the purpose ofimprovement of cultivation method]. 19761024149
parasitological survey in gorontalo north sulawesi, indonesia.a survey for blood and intestinal parasites was carried out in the municipality of gorontalo on the minahasa peninsula of north sulawesi. a total of 156 stool specimens were obtained from 83 males and 73 females. trichuris trichiura, ascaris lumbricoides, hookworm, unidentified dicrocoeliid-like ova and entamoeba coli, in that order, were the most common intestinal parasites detected. other intestinal parasites found less frequently were entamoeba histolytica, iodamoeba bütschlii, endolimax nan ...19761030844
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