
development of a new series of agricultural/food reference materials for analytical quality control of elemental determinations.ten new agricultural/food reference materials--bovine muscle powder (national institute of standards and technology [nist], code nist rm 8414), whole egg powder (nist rm 8415), microcrystalline cellulose (nist rm 8416), wheat gluten (nist rm 8418), corn starch (nist rm 8432), corn bran (nist rm 8433), whole milk powder (nist rm 8435), durum wheat flour (nist rm 8436), hard red spring wheat flour (nist rm 8437) and soft winter wheat flour (nist rm 8438)--were prepared by application of milling, i ...19947819768
application of the random amplified polymorphic dna technique for the detection of polymorphism among wild and cultivated tetraploid wheats.development of a high-density genetic linkage map of cultivated wheats using conventional molecular markers has lagged behind the other major food crops such as rice and tomato because of the large genome size and limited levels of genetic polymorphisms. recently, random amplified polymorphic dnas (rapds) have been suggested to provide an alternative to visualize more polymorphism. for the construction of a genetic linkage map in tetraploid wheats, one can use a strategy of intersubspecific cros ...19938349131
colonization of wheat roots by an exopolysaccharide-producing pantoea agglomerans strain and its effect on rhizosphere soil aggregationthe effect of bacterial secretion of an exopolysaccharide (eps) on rhizosphere soil physical properties was investigated by inoculating strain nas206, which was isolated from the rhizosphere of wheat (triticum durum l.) growing in a moroccan vertisol and was identified as pantoea aglomerans. phenotypic identification of this strain with the biotype-100 system was confirmed by amplified ribosomal dna restriction analysis. after inoculation of wheat seedlings with strain nas206, colonization incre ...19989758793
effects of protectants on the activity of wheat mitochondria.a mitochondrial fraction was isolated from durum wheat seedlings via differential centrifugation using three different tissue grinding buffers. one buffer contained bovine serum albumin (bsa), a protein proven effective in protecting mitochondria from damage during isolation. the other two buffers contained either polyethyleneglycol of m.w. 20,000d (peg-20), a phenolic binding compound or peg-20 plus xad-2, a non-ionic adsorbent material. organelles isolated with the bsa exhibited an average adp ...19817220493
phenotypic and molecular identification and clustering of lactic acid bacteria and yeasts from wheat (species triticum durum and triticum aestivum) sourdoughs of southern italy.the microflora of 25 wheat sourdoughs from the apulia region, southern italy, was characterized. the sourdoughs were mainly produced from triticum durum wheat. the number of lactic acid bacteria and yeasts ranged from ca. log 7.5 to log 9.3 colony forming units (cfu)/g and from log 5.5 to log 8.4 cfu/g, respectively. about 38% of the 317 isolates of lactic acid bacteria were identified by conventional physiological and biochemical tests. phenotypic identification was confirmed by 16s rdna and 16 ...200111252516
effects of gliadin-derived peptides from bread and durum wheats on small intestine cultures from rat fetus and coeliac children.peptic-tryptic-cotazym (ptc) digests were obtained, simulating in vivo protein digestion, from albumin, globulin, gliadin and glutenin preparations from hexaploid (bread) wheat as well as from diploid (monococcum) and tetraploid (durum) wheat gliadins. the digest from bread wheat gliadins reversibly inhibited in vitro development and morphogenesis of small intestine from 17-day-old rat fetuses, whereas all the other digests (obtained both from nongliadin fractions and from gliadins from other wh ...19827155669
production of alternaria mycotoxins by alternaria alternata isolated from weather-damaged wheat.the production of alternaria mycotoxins by alternaria alternata isolated from chinese weathered wheat kernels were first investigated on polished rice and durum wheat grains. these mycotoxins included alternariol (aoh) and its monomethyl ether (ame), altenuene (alt), altertoxin i (atx-i), and tenuazonic acid (ta). of 25 isolates tested, all were aoh and ame producers, 21 (84%) coproduced alt and atx-i, and 8 (32%) produced ta in rice culture. ta was the most abundant toxin produced at a level ra ...200111307900
in vitro assay for predicting protein efficiency ratio as measured by rat bioassay: collaborative laboratories collaborated in testing the calculated protein efficiency ratio (c-per and dc-per). the collaborative study required each laboratory to analyze 6 foods and a control protein (anrc casein) for in vitro apparent protein digestibility, amino acid composition, and per via rat bioassay. the 6 foods or food ingredients tested were nonfat dry milk, cooked chicken muscle, protein-fortified dry breakfast cereal, textured soy protein, oat-based dry breakfast cereal, and durum wheat flou ...19827118785
relationship between fusarium graminearum and alternaria alternata contamination and deoxynivalenol occurrence on argentinian durum wheat.a mycological survey was carried out on durum wheat (triticum durum) samples from the main production area of argentina. the isolation frequency and relative density of species of dematiaceous fungi, and genus fusarium were calculated. alternaria alternata and fusarium graminearum were the predominant fungal species. an analysis of deoxynivalenol (don) natural contamination was also performed on a limited number of samples (60). don contamination levels in positive samples ranged from 26 to 6400 ...199810481289
hypersensitivity to inhaled flour allergens. comparison between cereals.radioallergosorbent testing (rast) of sera from subjects sensitized to wheat and rye flour indicated that there is significant reaction with seed extracts of 12 cereals (wheat, durum wheat, triticale, cereal rye, barley, rye grass, oats, canary grass, rice, maize, sorghum and johnson grass). results were evaluated in terms of taxonomic relationships and of the electrophoretically determined protein composition of the cereal extracts. rast uptakes were uniformly low in sera from four rhinitic bak ...19806154431
genetic dissection of a major fusarium head blight qtl in tetraploid wheat.the devastating effect of fusarium head blight (fhb) caused by fusarium graminearum has led to significant financial losses across the upper midwest of the usa. these losses have spurred the need for research in biological, chemical, and genetic control methods for this disease. to date, most of the research on fhb resistance has concentrated on hexaploid wheat (triticum aestivum l.) lines originating from china. other sources of resistance to fhb would be desirable. one other source of resistan ...200211999839
interaction of genes for pathogenicity in puccinia graminis f. sp. tritici and for resistance in a selection of triticum durum 'acme'. 19695377751
morphological changes in strains of aspergillus flavus link ex fries and aspergillus parasiticus speare related with aflatoxin production.two strains of aspergillus flavus link ex fr. and two strains of a. parasiticus speare were cultured on crushed moist wheat (triticum durum var. pané no. 257) for aflatoxin production studies in correlation with morphological changes. the toxicogenic strains were adapted to the substratum by means of successive transfers at regular intervals (72 h.) the amount aflatoxins synthesized by the toxicogenic strains decreased gradually after succesive subculturing. the decrease was accompanied by marke ...19806780911
differentiation of the geographical origin of durum wheat semolina samples on the basis of isotopic composition.the identification of the geographical origin of foods is attracting great interest from consumers and producers since it may be used as a criterion for guaranteeing quality and authenticity. stable isotope techniques can provide useful information on the origin of food products. the natural abundance isotopic ratios of carbon, oxygen and nitrogen were determined and a comparison made between the isotopic content of samples originating from italy and those of samples originating from other count ...200212478573
agglutinating activity of gliadin-derived peptides from bread wheat: implications for coeliac disease pathogenesis.the pt-digest of bread wheat gliadin was very active in agglutinating undifferentiated human k562(s) cells. this activity was quantitatively, but not qualitatively, similar to that of con a or wga. moreover, con a-induced cell agglutination was inhibited by mannan and mannose, wga-induced agglutination by nag only, and cell agglutination induced by bread wheat gliadin peptides was inhibited by each of these three saccharides. not only was mannan the most active saccharide in preventing cell aggl ...19846547342
effects of gliadin-derived peptides from bread and durum wheats on in vitro cultures of human cell lines. implications for coeliac disease pathogenesis.a peptic-tryptic-cotazym digest, obtained from bread (hexaploid) wheat gliadins under experimental conditions mimicking in vivo protein digestion, was found to reduce in vitro viability of human embryo (mrc-5) and tumor cell (hep-2) lines. time of onset and extent of cytotoxic effects were largely dependent on initial peptide concentrations in the culture medium. the presence of 2% fetal calf serum was capable of delaying, but not of preventing, the onset of cytotoxic effects only in mrc-5 cultu ...19836857727
the effects of chromosomes 3a and 3b on resistance to fusarium head blight in tetraploid wheat.fusarium head blight (fhb) caused by fusarium graminearum is one of the most destructive diseases of wheat in areas where the weather is warm and humid after heading. previous studies indicate that the level of resistance to fhb varies not only among wheat cultivars but also among some of their wild relatives. no accession, however, has yet been identified to be completely immune to fhb among the gramineae. it is known that durum wheat (triticum turgidum l. conv. durum) is consistently more susc ...200112152348
mycotoxins and toxigenic fungi on cereal grains in western canada.toxins occasionally present on cereal grains in the field in western canada include ergot alkaloids produced by claviceps purpurea and trichothecenes produced by fusarium species, particularly fusarium sporotrichiodes and fusarium graminearum. ht-2 toxin, t-2 toxin, diacetoxyscirpenol, and deoxynivalenol are the main trichothecenes encountered. during storage of cereals, the predominant toxins and toxigenic fungi are ochratoxin a and citrinin produced by penicillium aurantiogriseum, p. chrysogen ...19902200591
detergents as selective inhibitors and inactivators of order to study the detergent-enzyme interaction and to clarify whether such an interaction produces specific or non-specific effects, we investigated the action of natural and synthetic detergents on enzymatic systems of different levels of complexity (crystalline enzymes, crude homogenates, organ preparations, organisms in toto i.e. rats and germinating seeds). the enzyme-detergent interaction was examined both as a time-independent phenomenon (inhibition) and as a time-dependent phenomenon ...19852937071
[purification of a protein from the seeds of hard-grained wheat (triticum durum) and preparation of its immunospecific serum]. 1978737068
effects of durum wheat dietary selenium on glutathione peroxidase activity and se content in long-term-fed rats.a 120-day assay was made of se concentration and glutathione peroxidase se-dependent (gshpx) activity in plasma, erythrocytes and liver of female sprague-dawley rats fed either a torula diet (low se content) or a durum wheat diet providing 28-405 micrograms of se/kg diet. for all groups there was a strong increase for the first 20 days in plasma and liver se; for the remaining period the increase was lower; erythrocyte se increased, as before, in the first 60 days for groups fed 28-200 microgram ...19892742329
isolation of a cdna encoding a granule-bound 152-kilodalton starch-branching enzyme in wheat.screening of a wheat (triticum aestivum) cdna library for starch-branching enzyme i (sbei) genes combined with 5'-rapid amplification of cdna ends resulted in isolation of a 4,563-bp composite cdna, sbe1c. based on sequence alignment to characterized sbei cdna clones isolated from plants, the sbeic predicted from the cdna sequence was produced with a transit peptide directing the polypeptide into plastids. furthermore, the predicted mature form of sbeic was much larger (152 kd) than previously c ...200010982440
endoxylanases in durum wheat semolina processing: solubilization of arabinoxylans, action of endogenous inhibitors, and effects on rheological properties.endoxylanases seriously affect the rheological properties of durum wheat (triticum durum desf.) semolina spaghetti doughs prepared with, and as evaluated, by the farinograph. under the experimental conditions, control doughs (34.9% moisture content) made from two semolinas (sema and semb) yielded a maximal consistency of 525 and 517 farinograph units (fu), with, respectively, 19.4 and 16.4% of the total level of arabinoxylans (tot-ax) being water-extractable (we-ax). when 75.4 somogyi units/50 g ...200010888491
induction of apoptosis in caco-2 cells by wheat gliadin peptides.recent experimental evidence suggests that enterocyte apoptosis is greater than hitherto assumed and may be responsible for villous atrophy in coeliac disease. we have previously demonstrated that a small peptide (m.w. 1157.5 da), identified as the sequence h(2)n-gln-gln-pro-gln-asp-ala-val-gln-pro-phe-cooh from durum wheat gliadin, is able to prevent k 562 (s) cell agglutination induced by the peptic-tryptic digests (pt) of prolamin fractions from the cereals which are not tolerated in coeliac ...200010771132
purification and characterization of a lipoxygenase enzyme from durum wheat semolina.purification of a lipoxygenase enzyme from the cultivar tresor of durum wheat semolina (triticum turgidum var. durum desf) was reinvestigated furnishing a new procedure. the 895-fold purified homogeneous enzyme showed a monomeric structure with a molecular mass of 95 +/- 5 kda. among the substrates tested, linoleic acid showed the highest k(cat)/k(m) value; a beta-carotene bleaching activity was also detected. the enzyme optimal activity was at ph 6. 8 on linoleic acid as substrate and at ph 5.2 ...199910552472
mycotoxin production in amber durum wheat stored at 15 and 19% moisture content.ochratoxin a and citrinin developed in 11 kg parcels of amber durum wheat at 15% and 19% initial moisture content (mc) exposed to simulated bulk storage in a manitoba granary for 60 weeks between july 1984 and september 1985. other biotic and abiotic variables were monitored throughout the storage period. ochratoxin a reached maximum levels of 11.8 and 0.11 ppm at 19 and 15% initial mc, respectively, during weeks 44-48; citrinin reached levels of 80.0 and 0.65 ppm at these respective moistures d ...19902253806
effects of corn oil and wheat brans on bile acid metabolism in rats.high concentrations of colonic bile acids may promote tumor formation. some studies have found that high levels of dietary fat increase fecal bile acid excretion, whereas others report no effect. wheat bran appears to reduce fecal bile acid concentration. this study was conducted to determine the effect of different dietary fat levels and types of wheat bran on bile acid metabolism. rats were fed diets containing either no fiber, 2% cholestyramine (cho) or brans of hard red spring, soft white wi ...19902172490
phenotypic characterization of lactic acid bacteria from sourdoughs for altamura bread produced in apulia (southern italy).in order to study the composition of the lactic acid bacteria (lab) community of sourdoughs used for the manufacture of altamura bread, a traditional durum wheat bread produced in apulia (southern italy), 111 strains of lab were isolated and characterized. the phenotypic characterization of the isolates, carried out using a set of 29 tests, allowed the identification of 15 clusters at the 80% similarity level by hierarchical cluster analysis. of the isolates, 88% were identified as facultatively ...200515617801
structural specificities and significance for coeliac disease of wheat gliadin peptides able to agglutinate or to prevent agglutination of k562(s) cells.two peptides corresponding to bread wheat a-gliadin fragments 31-43 and 44-55, well known for their ability to damage the coeliac disease intestinal mucosa both in vitro and in vivo, have been confirmed to be very active in inducing in vitro agglutination of k 562 (s) cells. removal of six amino acid residues from the carboxy-terminal end of the 31-43 peptide, or of five amino acid residues from the amino terminal end of the 44-55 peptide, resulted in a lower, but still very significant, cell ag ...19989699797
characterization of wheat thioredoxin h cdna and production of an active triticum aestivum protein in escherichia coli.two cdna clones, ptam13.38 and ptd14.13.2, encoding a triticum aestivum and a triticum durum thioredoxin h, respectively, were isolated from mid-maturation seed cdna libraries. the t aestivum thioredoxin h has a molecular mass of 13.5 kda and that from t durum has a molecular mass of 13.8 kda. these two wheat thioredoxin h are 98.5% similar and contain the canonical wcgpc active site and the important structural and functional amino acids that are conserved in thioredoxin sequences. the recombin ...19989523703
partial characterization of glutathione s-transferases from wheat (triticum spp.) and purification of a safener-induced glutathione s-transferase from triticum tauschii.hexaploid wheat (triticum aestivum l.) has very low constitutive glutathione s-transferase (gst) activity when assayed with the chloroacetamide herbicide dimethenamid as a substrate, which may account for its low tolerance to dimethenamid in the field. treatment of seeds with the herbicide safener fluxofenim increased the total gst activity extracted from t. aestivum shoots 9-fold when assayed with dimethenamid as a substrate, but had no effect on glutathione levels. total gst activity in crude ...19979276955
[rapd markers for wheat chromosomes in langdon disomic substitution lines].optimal conditions were developed for a random amplified polymorphio dna (rapd) assay of hexaploid bread wheat and tetraploid durum wheat. amplitaq stoffcl fragment was found to be better than taq dna polymerase in generating rapds. studies on chromosome specific rapd markers of the a- and b- and d-genome were performed using the complete set of langdon disomic substitution lines and the parental lines (langdon and chinese spring) as templete. seven out of twelve arbitrary primers (all operon 10 ...19968695176
purification and activity of a wheat 9-kda lipid transfer protein expressed in escherichia coli as a fusion with the maltose binding protein.the cdna encoding a wheat (triticum durum) lipid transfer protein of 9 kda was inserted into an escherichia coli expression vector, pih902, and expressed in the bacteria as a fusion with the maltose binding protein. the fusion protein was then purified to homogeneity and subjected to factor xa cleavage. although complete cleavage of the fusion protein was obtained, the expected lipid transfer protein was not recovered; it appears to be degraded during protease digestion. however, a fluorescent l ...19958535151
molecular characterization of gene sequences coding for protein disulfide isomerase (pdi) in durum wheat (triticum turgidum ssp. durum).the organisation of the durum wheat genomic sequence (3.5 kb) coding for protein disulfide isomerase (pdi), deduced by comparison between genomic fragments and cdna sequences (1.5 kb) isolated from immature caryopses, is described. the gene structure consists of ten exons and nine introns. the presence of consensus sequences involved in splicing, such as intron-exon junctions and branchpoint, has been observed and discussed. although the deduced wheat pdi amino acid sequence exhibited an overall ...200111255017
resistance to claviceps purpurea in spring and durum wheat. 197016057494
wheat non-specific lipid transfer protein genes display a complex pattern of expression in developing seeds.nine cdna clones encoding non-specific lipid transfer proteins (nsltps) were isolated from triticum aestivum and triticum durum cdna libraries and characterized. one cdna is predicted to encode a type 2 nsltp (7 kda) while others encode type 1 nsltps (9 kda). all encoded proteins contain an n-terminal signal sequence and possess the characteristic features of nsltps. the genomic structures of the wheat nsltp genes show that type 2 taltp7.1a, taltp7.2a and type 1 taltp9.2b genes lack introns whil ...200516061294
specific reduction of wheat storage proteins by thioredoxin h.gliadins and glutenins, the major storage proteins of wheat endosperm (triticum durum, desf. cv monroe), were reduced in vitro by the nadp/thioredoxin system (nadph, nadp-thioredoxin reductase and thioredoxin; in plants, the h type) from either the same source or the bacterium escherichia coli. a more limited reduction of certain members of these protein groups was achieved with the reduced form of glutathione or glutaredoxin, a protein known to replace thioredoxin in certain bacterial and mamm ...199211538180
laboratory evaluation of chemical-biological control of the rice weevil (sitophilus oryzae l.) in stored grains.the virulence of ten different fungal isolates of: beauveria bassiana, metarhizium anisopliae, verticillium lecanii and paecilomyces farinosus to the rice weevil sitophilus oryzae was tested. a fungal mix of the most efficient isolates, b. bassiana arsef 5500+m. anisopliae arsef 2974, which caused the highest mortality, was assayed in combination with fenitrothion at a concentration lower (3 ppm) than the normal 6 ppm. fungal inoculation of insects was done by spraying conidial suspensions of ea ...200011124371
the effect of plant height on tan spot on durum wheat in southern saskatchewan.tan spot [caused by pyrenophora tritici-repentis (died.) drechs.] is the most important leaf disease of durum wheat (triticum turgidum l. var. durum). most of the durum cultivars in western canada are of conventional height but development of shorter cultivars is desirable. changes in microenvironment resulting from a height reduction might cause greater leaf spot development. the effect of plant height on tan spot of durum wheat was determined in five pairs of genotypes near-isogenic for plant ...200211756267
capillary electrophoresis of peptides and proteins in acidic, isoelectric buffers: recent developments.the use of isoelectric buffers in capillary zone electrophoresis is here reviewed. such buffers allow delivery of very high voltage gradients (up to 1000 v/cm in relatively large bore capillaries, e.g. 75-100 microm i.d.), permitting separations of the order of a few minutes and thus conserving (in fact favouring) very high resolution due to minimal, diffusion-driven, peak spreading. isoelectric asp (pi 2.77 at 50 mm concentration and 25 degrees c) provides a medium of high resolving power for g ...199910481947
a fertile amphiploid between durum wheat (triticum turgidum) and the x agroticum amphiploid (agropyron cristatum x t. tauschii).agropyron (gaertn) is a genus of triticeae which includes the crested wheatgrass complex, i.e. a. cristatum (l.) as representative species containing the p genome. this species is an important source for increase the genetic variability of both durum and bread wheat. among the possible interesting features to be introgressed into wheat are resistance to wheat streak mosaic virus, rust diseases, and tolerance to drought, cold and moderate salinity. by crossing tetraploid wheat (triticum turgidum ...200112152332
production in escherichia coli and site-directed mutagenesis of a 9-kda nonspecific lipid transfer protein from wheat.the sequence encoding a wheat (triticum durum) nonspecific lipid transfer protein of 9 kda (nsltp1) was inserted into an escherichia coli expression vector, pet3b. the recombinant protein that was expressed accumulated in insoluble cytoplasmic inclusion bodies and was purified and refolded from them. in comparison with the corresponding protein isolated from wheat kernel, the refolded recombinant protein exhibits a methionine extension at its n-terminus but has the same structure and activity as ...199910103017
heterologous expression and purification of native and mutated low molecular mass glutenin subunits from durum wheat.wheat technological properties are correlated with the size of glutenin polymers, consisting of high and low molecular mass glutenin subunits, linked together by disulphide bonds. in order to unravel glutenin polymer structure, we considered three lmw-gs genes, which differ in the number of cysteine residues and in the repetitive domain length. the three lmw-gs genes have been expressed in escherichia coli, and purified with a yield of 40-100 mg/l of culture volume, depending on protein type. si ...200312651017
the effect of natural enemies on the spread of barley yellow dwarf virus (bydv) by rhopalosiphum padi (hemiptera: aphididae).the effects of two natural aphid enemies, adult coccinella septempunctata linneaus, a predator, and aphidius rhopalosiphi de stefani perez, a parasitoid, on spread of barley yellow dwarf virus (bydv) transmitted by the bird cherry-oat aphid, rhopalosiphum padi (linnaeus) were studied under laboratory conditions. predators or parasitoids were introduced to trays of durum wheat seedlings and the patterns of virus infection were observed after two, seven and 14 days of exposure. more plants were in ...200111587627
the historical perspective of dryland agriculture: lessons learned from 10,000 years of wheat cultivation.wheat is one of the founder crops of western agriculture. this study reconstructs agronomic conditions, potential yields, and kernel weight in the beginnings of cultivation of domesticated free-threshing wheat, c. 8000 bc. the carbon and nitrogen stable isotope compositions and the dimensions of fossil grains of naked wheat (triticum aestivum/durum) were analysed. samples were collected in tell halula and akarçay tepe, two neolithic archaeological sites from the middle euphrates (the claimed cor ...200717050642
the structure of wild and domesticated emmer wheat populations, gene flow between them, and the site of emmer domestication.the domestication of emmer wheat (triticum turgidum spp. dicoccoides, genomes bbaa) was one of the key events during the emergence of agriculture in southwestern asia, and was a prerequisite for the evolution of durum and common wheat. single- and multilocus genotypes based on restriction fragment length polymorphism at 131 loci were analyzed to describe the structure of populations of wild and domesticated emmer and to generate a picture of emmer domestication and its subsequent diffusion acros ...200717318496
wheat gliadin induces apoptosis of intestinal cells via an autocrine mechanism involving fas-fas ligand pathway.wheat gliadin and other cereal prolamins have been said to be involved in the pathogenic damage of the small intestine in celiac disease via the apoptosis of epithelial cells. in the present work we investigated the mechanisms underlying the pro-apoptotic activity exerted by gliadin-derived peptides in caco-2 intestinal cells, a cell line which retains many morphological and enzymatic features typical of normal human enterocytes. we found that digested peptides from wheat gliadins (i) induce apo ...200312681494
precise mapping of a locus affecting grain protein content in durum wheat.grain protein content (gpc) is an important factor in pasta and breadmaking quality, and in human nutrition. it is also an important trait for wheat growers because premium prices are frequently paid for wheat with high gpc. a promising source for alleles to increase gpc was detected on chromosome 6b of triticum turgidum var. dicoccoides accession fa-15-3 (dic). two previous quantitative trait locus (qtl) studies found that the positive effect of dic-6b was associated to a single locus located b ...200312923624
phenotypic assessment and mapped markers for h31, a new wheat gene conferring resistance to hessian fly (diptera: cecidomyiidae).a new source of resistance to the highly virulent and widespread biotype l of the hessian fly, mayetiola destructor (say), was identified in an accession of tetraploid durum wheat, triticum turgidum desf., and was introgressed into hexaploid common wheat, triticum aestivum l. genetic analysis and deletion mapping revealed that the common wheat line contained a single locus for resistance, h31, residing at the terminus of chromosome 5bs. h31 is the first hessian fly-resistance gene to be placed o ...200312928782
fusarium graminearum and deoxynivalenol contamination in the durum wheat area of argentina.fusarium graminearum head blight of wheat is a destructive disease of the world's wheat-growing areas. this work was performed to analyze the distribution and contamination of deoxynivalenol (don) and its relationship with f. graminearum kernel invasion in argentina durum wheat area during two consecutive harvests. a total of 147 samples (cultivars and lines) of durum wheat from 5 locations of the major cropping area (southern buenos aires province) were analyzed. percentage of f. graminearum ke ...200312608577
cadmium absorption and retention by rats fed durum wheat (triticum turgidum l. var. durum) grain.a whole-body radioassay procedure was used to assess the retention and apparent absorption by rats of cd in kernels of durum wheat (triticum turgidum l. var. durum) harvested from plants grown hydroponically in 109cd-labelled nutrient solution. wholegrain wheat, containing 5 micromol cd (570 microg)/kg dry weight labelled intrinsically with 109cd, was incorporated into test meals fed to rats that had been maintained on diets containing marginally adequate, adequate or surplus levels of zn (0.12 ...200312654168
postprandial glucose, insulin, and incretin responses to grain products in healthy subjects.various botanical and structural characteristics of starchy food modify the postprandial glucose and insulin responses in humans.200211815315
a taxonomic survey of lactic acid bacteria isolated from wheat (triticum durum) kernels and non-conventional order to explore the correspondence between raw material- and mature sourdough-lactic acid bacterial (lab) communities, 59 italian wheat (triticum durum) grain samples, one bran and six non-conventional flour samples were analyzed through a culture-dependent approach. the highest cell count by an agar medium specific for lab was 2.16 log cfu/g. from about 2300 presumptive lab (gram-positive and catalase-negative) colonies collected, a total of 356 isolates were subjected to identification by ...200717683888
extension of the messapia x dicoccoides linkage map of triticum turgidum (l.) thell.a set of recombinant inbred lines (ril) derived from a cross between the cultivar messapia of durum wheat (triticum turgidum var. durum) and the accession mg4343 of t. turgidum var. dicoccoides was analysed to increase the number of assigned markers and the resolution of the previously constructed genetic linkage map. an updated map of the durum wheat genome consisting of 458 loci was constructed. these loci include 261 restriction fragment length polymorphisms (rflps), 91 microsatellites (simpl ...200415332129
triticum durum metallothionein. isolation of the gene and structural characterization of the protein using solution scattering and molecular modeling.a novel gene sequence, with two exons and one intron, encoding a metallothionein (mt) has been identified in durum wheat triticum durum cv. balcali85 genomic dna. multiple alignment analyses on the cdna and the translated protein sequences showed that t. durum mt (dmt) can be classified as a type 1 mt. dmt has three cys-x-cys motifs in each of the n- and c-terminal domains and a 42-residue-long hinge region devoid of cysteines. dmt was overexpressed in escherichia coli as a fusion protein (gstdm ...200515632113
occurrence and distribution of microdochium nivale and fusarium species isolated from barley, durum and soft wheat grains in france from 2000 to 2002.fusarium head blight of small grain cereal is a disease of growing concern in europe. along with microdochium nivale, several species of fusarium may be associated with the disease, including species that are potentially toxigenic. this paper describes the results of a large scale survey of the variety and frequency of different fusarium species and m. nivale in france. a total of 749 soft wheat, durum wheat and barley samples were collected and analyzed from 2000 to 2002. the most frequent spec ...200415645174
soft wheat instead of hard wheat in pelleted diets results in high starch digestibility in broiler chickens.(1) the aim of the experiment was to re-examine variations in digestibilities of food components in 3-week-old broiler chickens fed on pelleted diets based on wheats differing in lipase activity and hardness. fourteen wheat (triticum aestivum) samples, each from a different cultivar, were included at 550 g/kg in 14 different diets given to male ross broiler chicks from 7 d of age. the other main ingredients consisted of soyabean meal (353 g/kg) and rapeseed oil (55 g/kg). a 15th diet containing ...200515835254
production of a monoclonal antibody specific for high molecular weight glutenin subunits (hmw-gs) in wheat and its antigenic determinant.wheat high molecular weight glutenin subunits (hmw-gs) 1bx14 and 1by15 isolated by preparative sds-page are used as antigen to immunize balb/c mice. subcutaneous inoculation of the antigen is performed. the intra-peritoneal injection is completed 3 days before fusion with myeloma cell (sp2/0) via peg-1500. the fusion cells are selected by indirect enzyme-linked immuno-sorbent assay (elisa). positive hybrid cells are further verified three times by limit dilution of the culture cells. a hybridoma ...200515844361
isolation and identification of an eps-producing rhizobium strain from arid soil (algeria): characterization of its eps and the effect of inoculation on wheat rhizosphere soil structure.the production of exopolysaccharides (epss) by bacterial populations in the rhizosphere has been demonstrated to contribute to water and nutrient uptake by plant roots through the modification of the physical properties of rhizosphere soil. we report here the characterization of a new eps produced by a bacterial strain (kygt207) isolated from an arid soil in southern algeria (gassi touil), and the effect of inoculation of this strain on soil physical properties in the rhizosphere of triticum dur ...200515862451
pasta made from durum wheat semolina fermented with selected lactobacilli as a tool for a potential decrease of the gluten intolerance.a pool of selected lactic acid bacteria was used to ferment durum wheat semolina under liquid conditions. after fermentation, the dough was freeze-dried, mixed with buckwheat flour at a ratio of 3:7, and used to produce the "fusilli" type italian pasta. pasta without prefermentation was used as the control. ingredients and pastas were characterized for compositional analysis. as shown by two-dimensional electrophoresis, 92 of the 130 durum wheat gliadin spots were hydrolyzed almost totally durin ...200515913301
a proteomic approach to study protein variation in gm durum wheat in relation to technological properties of semolina.genetic manipulation of durum wheats by tobacco rab-1 genes influence the trafficking of gluten proteins through the secretory system by up- or down-regulating the transport step from the er to the golgi apparatus which may in turn modify functional performance of the grain. gluten proteins were extracted from two genetically manipulated lines - svevo b730 1-1 and ofanto b688 1-2 - and their control lines and were analyzed by two dimensional gel electrophoresis. when the two-dimensional maps wer ...200516136835
comparative analysis in cereals of a key proline catabolism gene.proline accumulation and catabolism play significant roles in adaptation to a variety of plant stresses including osmotic stress, drought, temperature, freezing, uv irradiation, heavy metals and pathogen infection. in this study, the gene delta1 -pyrroline-5-carboxylate dehydrogenase (p5cdh), which catalyzes the second step in the conversion of proline to glutamate, is characterized in a number of cereal species. p5cdh genes from hexaploid wheat, triticum turgidum (durum wheat), aegilops tauschi ...200516179990
use of a complexation of tebuconazole with beta-cyclodextrin for controlling foot and crown rot of durum wheat incited by fusarium culmorum.the methodology for the inclusion of tebuconazole (tbc) in beta-cyclodextrin (betacd), spectroscopic characterization of the inclusion complex, and its activity for the control of a major soilborne disease of wheat caused by fusarium culmorum are reported. controlled release measured by chemical shift of the diagnostic protons h(3) and h(5) of betacd confirmed stability of the complex at the solid state and in aqueous solution. greenhouse and field experiments were conducted on durum wheat (trit ...200616417308
genetic control and chromosomal location of triticum timopheevii-derived resistance to septoria nodorum blotch in durum wheat.the genetic control of resistance, expressed as restricted lesion development in seedling plants, to septoria nodorum blotch of wheat was studied under controlled environmental conditions, using the parental, f1, f2, f3, bc1f1, and bc1f2 generations of crosses of triticum timopheevii-derived resistant durum lines s3-6, s9-10, and s12-1 with the susceptible durum cv. sceptre. the seedling resistance of these three resistant sources, derived from t. timopheevii (pi 290518), was monogenically contr ...199518470172
detection of fusarium culmorum in wheat by a surface plasmon resonance-based dna sensor.a surface plasmon resonance (spr) sensor based on dna hybridization has been developed for the detection of fusarium culmorum, a fungal pathogen of cereals. a 0.57 kbp dna fragment of f. culmorum was amplified by specific primers and a 25-mer oligonucleotide probe was selected within the sequence of the pcr amplicon. after biotinilation, the probe was immobilized on a streptavidin sensor chip and tested for biospecific interaction with pcr products of f. culmorum. the effect of denaturating agen ...200616563535
effects of cyanobacteria producing microcystins on seed germination and seedling growth of several agricultural plants.the effects of cyanobacteria aqueous extracts containing microcystin-lr (mc-lr) on the seed germination and growth of pisum sativum, lens esculenta, zea mays and triticum durum were investigated. experiments were carried out on a range of doses of the extract (equivalent to 0, 1.6, 2.9, 5.8, 8.7 and 11.6 mu g mc-lr/ml). the results confirm that these plants were sensitive to cell-free extracts of a toxic microcystis and that germination inhibition was dose dependent. one-way analysis of variance ...200818576226
a major qtl for durable leaf rust resistance widely exploited in durum wheat breeding programs maps on the distal region of chromosome arm 7bl.a recombinant inbred line (ril) population and a set of advanced lines from multiple crosses were used to investigate the leaf rust (puccinia triticina eriks.) resistance carried by the durum wheat cultivar creso and its derivatives (colosseo and plinio). one hundred seventy-six rils from the cross colosseo x lloyd were tested under artificial rust inoculation in the field. the response at the seedling stage was also investigated. a major qtl (qlr.ubo-7b.2) for leaf rust resistance controlling b ...200818712342
microsatellite mapping of the genes for brittle rachis on homoeologous group 3 chromosomes in tetraploid and hexaploid wheats.the brittle rachis character, which causes spontaneous shattering of spikelets, has an adaptive value in wild grass species. the loci br1 and br2 in durum wheat (triticum durum desf.) and br3 in hexaploid wheat (t. aestivum l.) determine disarticulation of rachides above the junction of the rachilla with the rachis such that a fragment of rachis is attached below each spikelet. using microsatellite markers, the loci br1, br2 and br3 were mapped on the homoeologous group 3 chromosomes. the br2 lo ...200616682748
comparison of different stomatal conductance algorithms for ozone flux modelling.a multiplicative and a semi-mechanistic, bwb-type [ball, j.t., woodrow, i.e., berry, j.a., 1987. a model predicting stomatal conductance and its contribution to the control of photosynthesis under different environmental conditions. in: biggens, j. (ed.), progress in photosynthesis research, vol. iv. martinus nijhoff, dordrecht, pp. 221-224.] algorithm for calculating stomatal conductance (g(s)) at the leaf level have been parameterised for two crop and two tree species to test their use in regi ...200716766104
sources of variation in the interaction between three cereal aphids (hemiptera: aphididae) and wheat (poaceae).the relative contributions of host plant, herbivore species and clone to variation in the interaction between cereal aphids and wheat were investigated using five clones each of three species, rhopalosiphum padi (linnaeus), sitobion avenae (fabricius) and schizaphis graminum (rondani), on seedlings of two cultivars of triticum aestivum l. and one cultivar of triticum durum desf. more individuals and biomass of r. padi than of the other two species were produced on seedlings. the three wheat cult ...200616768811
genetic characterization and molecular mapping of hessian fly resistance genes derived from aegilops tauschii in synthetic wheat.two synthetic hexaploid wheat lines (xaegilotriticum spp., 2n = 6x = 42, genomes aabbdd), sw8 and sw34, developed from the crosses of the durum wheat cultivar langdon (triticum turgidum l. var. durum, 2n = 4x = 28, genomes aabb) with two aegilops tauschii cosson accessions (2n = 2x = 14, genome dd), were determined to carry hessian fly [mayetiola destructor (say)] resistance genes derived from the ae. tauschii parents. sw8 was resistant to the hessian fly biotype great plains (gp) and strain vh1 ...200616775694
seedling and adult plant resistance to sitobion avenae (hemiptera: aphididae) in triticum monococcum (poaceae), an ancestor of wheat.cereal aphids are important pests of wheat, triticum aestivum l. and triticum durum desf. crop resistance is a desirable method for managing cereal aphids in central north america, where the dominant crop, spring-sown wheat, has a low value per unit area. a diploid ancestor of wheat, triticum monococcum l., is reported to be partially resistant to sitobion avenae (fabricius), the most damaging cereal aphid in the region. to identify potential sources of resistance, 42 accessions of t. monococcum ...200414972048
microbial loads, mycotoxins, and quality of durum wheat from the 2001 harvest of the northern plains region of the united states.the 2001 durum wheat crop grown in the northern plains was surveyed for microbial loads, mycotoxins, and quality. correlations among these factors were identified. effects of cleaning, milling, and pasta processing on microbial loads and deoxynivalenol (don) concentrations were determined. aerobic plate counts (apcs), mold and yeast counts (mycs), internal mold infection (imi), and internal fusarium infection (ifi) were lowest in grain samples from montana and highest in grain from northeastern ...200415083730
reuse of microbially treated olive mill wastewater as fertiliser for wheat (triticum durum desf.).free cells of aspergillus niger were grown on olive mill wastewater (omw) supplemented with rock phosphate (rp) in an air-lift bioreactor in batch and repeated-batch processes. the fungus grew well and reduced the chemical oxygen demand of the waste by 35% and 64% in the batch and repeated-batch (fourth batch) processes, respectively. total sugar content was consistently reduced (ca. 60%) in both processes while reduction of total phenols was minimal. rp was solubilised and maximum soluble p was ...200414592741
vegetable and animal food sorts found in the gastric content of sardinian wild boar (sus scrofa meridionalis).authors report results emerging from gastric content analysis from n. 96 wild boars hunted in sardinia isle, during the hunting tide (2001-2005), from november to january. mean ph of the gastric content was 3.77 +/- 0.69. mean total capacity (tc) of each stomach was 1702 +/- 680 g. mean stuff ratio (cw/tc) between the content weight (cw) and stomachs tc was 0.45. food categories found in animal stomachs were: 19 categories of vegetal species (allium spp., arbutus unedo, arisarum vulgare, avena f ...200717516948
effects of chloride and co-contaminated zinc on cadmium accumulation within thlaspi caerulescens and durum wheat. 200717599229
efficient and rapid agrobacterium-mediated genetic transformation of durum wheat (triticum turgidum l. var. durum) using additional virulence genes.genetic transformation of wheat, using biolistics or agrobacterium, underpins a range of specific research methods for identifying genes and studying their function in planta. transgenic approaches to study and modify traits in durum wheat have lagged behind those for bread wheat. here we report the use of agrobacterium strain agl1, with additional vir genes housed in a helper plasmid, to transform and regenerate the durum wheat variety ofanto. the use of the basic psoup helper plasmid with no a ...200817638109
cadmium bioavailability and bioaccessibility as determined by in vitro digestion, dialysis and intestinal epithelial monolayers, and compared to in vivo data.the objective of the study was to compare in vivo estimates of cd bioavailability in two diet materials (lettuce and durum wheat grain) with bioaccessibility estimates from three in vitro methods. for both dietary materials, the cd was either incorporated during growth or applied topically as a soluble salt just prior to experimentation. simulated gastric/intestinal digestion using a physiologically based extraction technique (pbet) solubilized less than 56% (lettuce) or 13% (grain) of the cd th ...200717654148
downstream promoter sequence of an indian isolate of rice tungro bacilliform virus alters tissue-specific expression in host rice and acts differentially in heterologous indian isolate of rice tungro bacilliform virus from west bengal (rtbv-wb) showed significant nucleotide differences in its putative promoter region when compared with a previously characterized isolate from philippines. the transcription start site of rtbv-wb was mapped followed by assessing the activity and tissue-specificity of the full-length (fl) promoter (-231 to +645) and several of its upstream and downstream deletions by studying the expression of beta-glucuronidase (gus) reporter ge ...200717721744
global adaptation patterns of australian and cimmyt spring bread wheat.the international adaptation trial (iat) is a special purpose nursery designed to investigate the genotype-by-environment interactions and worldwide adaptation for grain yield of australian and cimmyt spring bread wheat (triticum aestivum l.) and durum wheat (t. turgidum l. var. durum). the iat contains lines representing australian and cimmyt wheat breeding programs and was distributed to 91 countries between 2000 and 2004. yield data of 41 reference lines from 106 trials were analysed. a multi ...200717768603
effect of between and on row distance of first development, tillering, yield and yield components in wheat cultivars (triticum sp.).this study was carried out at the university of ankara, faculty of agriculture, haymana research and application farm, haymana county, ankara, turkey during 1987/1990 with the aim of to determine the effect of between and on row distances (b(rd) and o(rd), respectively) on the first development, tillering, yield and yield components in wheat cultivars (triticum sp.). five wheat cultivars (bezostaja-i, gerek 79, haymana 79; triticum aestivum l., cakmak 79 and kunduru 1149; triticum durum desf.) w ...200719093497
environmentally induced changes in amino acid composition in the grain of durum wheat grown under different water and temperature regimes in a mediterranean environment.amino acid composition is an important feature in determining the nutritional value of wheat grain for human and animal diets. environmental conditions are known to influence protein quantity as well as grain production and, in turn, amino acid composition. in this study, grain yield, protein content, and amino acid composition were determined in 10 durum wheat genotypes under three water and temperature regimes in a mediterranean environment. the highest value for grain-protein content (15.7%) ...200717848082
development of a new method for the complete extraction of carotenoids from cereals with special reference to durum wheat (triticum durum desf.).due to the growing interest in the role of carotenoids in human health, their qualitative and quantitative analysis in foods is becoming more and more important. high-performance liquid chromatography has become the method of choice for the determination of these phytochemicals. a crucial step prior to the chromatographic separation is the quantitative extraction from the food matrix which was proven to be impeded in durum wheat. to optimize the extraction procedure, several factors with influen ...200717874841
selection and breeding of plant cultivars to minimize cadmium accumulation.natural variation occurs in the uptake and distribution of essential and nonessential trace elements among crop species and among cultivars within species. such variation can be responsible for trace element deficiencies and toxicities, which in turn can affect the quality of food. plant breeding can be an important tool to both increase the concentration of desirable trace elements and reduce that of potentially harmful trace elements such as cadmium (cd). selection programs for a low-cd conten ...200818036635
molecular mapping of the novel powdery mildew resistance gene pm36 introgressed from triticum turgidum var. dicoccoides in durum wheat.powdery mildew, caused by blumeria graminis f.sp. tritici, is one of the most important wheat diseases in many regions of the world. triticum turgidum var. dicoccoides (2n=4x=aabb), the progenitor of cultivated wheats, shows particular promises as a donor of useful genetic variation for several traits, including disease resistances. the wild emmer accession mg29896, resistant to powdery mildew, was backcrossed to the susceptible durum wheat cultivar latino, and a set of backcross inbred lines (b ...200818392800
genetic studies of leaf and stem rust resistance in six accessions of triticum turgidum var. dicoccoides.six accessions of triticum turgidum var. dicoccoides l. (4x, aabb) of diverse origin were tested with 10 races of leaf rust (puccinia recondita f.sp. tritici rob. ex desm.) and 10 races of stem rust (p. graminis f.sp. tritici eriks. &henn.). their infection type patterns were all different from those of lines carrying the lr or sr genes on the a or b genome chromosomes with the same races. the unique reaction patterns are probably controlled by genes for leaf rust or stem rust resistance that ha ...199418470084
transfer of leaf rust and stem rust resistance genes from triticum triaristatum to durum and bread wheats and their molecular cytogenetic localization.six accessions of triticum triaristatum (willd) godr. &gren. (syn. aegilops triaristata) (6x, uummunun), having good resistance to both leaf rust (puccinia recondita f.sp. tritici rob. ex desm) races and stem rust (p. graminis f.sp. tritici eriks. &henn.) races, were successfully crossed with both susceptible durum wheats (t. turgidum var. durum l., 2n = 28, aabb) and bread wheats (t. aestivum, 2n = 42, aabbdd). in some crosses, embryo rescue was necessary. the t. triaristatum resistance was exp ...199418470085
c-banding and fluorescence in situ hybridization studies of the wheat-alien hybrid 'agrotana'.'agrotana', a wheat-alien hybrid (2n = 56), is a potential source of resistance to common root rot, stem rust, wheat streak mosaic virus, and the wheat curl mite. however, the origin of 'agrotana', reported to be durum wheat x agropyron trichophorum (pubescent wheatgrass), is uncertain. the objective of this investigation was to determine the chromosome constitution of 'agrotana' using c-banding and fluorescence in situ hybridization techniques. the f1 hybrid of 'agrotana' x 'chinese spring' whe ...199418470093
rust resistance in triticum cylindricum ces. (4x, ccdd) and its transfer into durum and hexaploid order to counteract the effects of the mutant genes in races of leaf rust (puccinia recondita f.sp. tritici rob. ex desm.) and stem rust (p. graminis f.sp. tritici eriks. &henn.) in wheat, exploration of new resistance genes in wheat relatives is necessary. three accessions of triticum cylindricum ces. (4x, ccdd), acy1, acy9, and acy11, were tested with 10 races each of leaf rust and stem rust. they were resistant to all races tested. viable f1 plants were produced from the crosses of the t. ...199518470147
radiation hybrid (rh) and happy mapping in plants.radiation hybrid (rh) and happy mapping are two technologies used in animal systems that have attracted the attention of the plant genetics community because they bridge the resolution gap between meiotic and bac-based physical mapping that would facilitate the analysis of plant species lacking substantial genomics resources. research has shown that the essence of these approaches can be applied and that a variety of strategies can be used to produce mapping panels. mapping panels composed of li ...200818504352
genomic diversity of germinating scutellum specific gene p23k in barley and wheat.p23k is a 23 kda protein involved in sugar translocation in the scutellum of germinating barley seeds. the present study was carried out to provide the genomic characterization for p23k gene in terms of copy number, chromosome mapping, genetic mapping and expression analysis in germinating sculletum in two major triticeae crops, barley and wheat, and their relatives. southern blotting showed that a variable copy number with different restriction fragment sizes was found among 15 hordeum accessio ...200919641998
comparison of bed planting-furrow irrigation with conventional planting-flood irrigation in durum wheat (t. durum desf) in southeastern turkey.there is no clear consensus regarding the advantages of bed planting with furrow irrigation over conventionally irrigated cropping. this 3-year study from southeastern turkey aimed to assess the limits to some input savings in bed planting-furrow irrigation in terms of yields and profitability of durum wheat. field trials were carried out using a randomized complete block design with six treatments and tree replications: t1: conventional planting-flood irrigation (cp-fi) with recommended practic ...200919806807
sequence analysis of a soil-borne wheat mosaic virus isolate from italy shows that it is the same virus as european wheat mosaic virus and soil-borne rye mosaic virus.the complete sequence of the two rnas of a furovirus isolate from durum wheat in italy was determined. sequence comparisons and phylogenetic analysis were done to compare the italian virus with soil-borne wheat mosaic virus (sbwmv) from the usa and with furovirus sequences recently published as european wheat mosaic virus (ewmv), from wheat in france, and soil-borne rye mosaic virus (sbrmv), from rye and wheat in germany. over the entire genome, the italian isolate rna1 and rna2 had respectively ...200118726440
assessment of the nutritional values of genetically modified wheat, corn, and tomato crops.the genetic modification in fruit and vegetables could lead to changes in metabolic pathways and, therefore, to the variation of the molecular pattern, with particular attention to antioxidant compounds not well-described in the literature. the aim of the present study was to compare the quality composition of transgenic wheat ( triticum durum l.), corn ( zea mays l.), and tomato ( lycopersicum esculentum mill.) to the nontransgenic control with a similar genetic background. in the first experim ...200818781763
potential prebiotic activity of oligosaccharides obtained by enzymatic conversion of durum wheat insoluble dietary fibre into soluble dietary fibre.epidemiological evidence indicates that cereal dietary fibre (df) may have several cardiovascular health benefits. the underlying mechanisms have not yet been elucidated. here, the potential nutritional effects of physico-chemical properties modifications of durum wheat dietary fibre (dwf) induced by enzyme treatment have been investigated.200918805682
production of aneuhaploid and euhaploid sporocytes by meiotic restitution in fertile hybrids between durum wheat langdon chromosome substitution lines and aegilops tauschii.fertile f(1) hybrids were obtained between durum wheat (triticum durum desf.) langdon (ldn) and its 10 disomic substitution (ldn ds) lines with aegilops tauschii accession as60 without embryo rescue. selfed seedset rates for hybrids of ldn with as60 were 36.87% and 49.45% in 2005 and 2006, respectively. similar or higher selfed seedset rates were observed in the hybrids of 1d (1a), 1d (1b), 3d (3a), 4d (4b), 7d (7a), and 2d (2b) with as60, while lower in hybrids of 3d (3b) + 3bl, 5d (5a) + 5al, ...200818937918
simple sequence repeat diversity of a worldwide collection of puccinia triticina from durum wheat.abstract isolates of puccinia triticina collected from durum wheat from argentina, chile, ethiopia, france, mexico, spain, and the united states were analyzed with 11 simple sequence repeat (ssr) markers in order to determine the genetic relationship among isolates. these isolates also were compared with p. triticina isolates from common wheat from north america, and an isolate collected from aegilops speltoides from israel, to determine genetic relationships among groups of p. triticina found o ...200718943576
molecular characterization and chromosome-specific trap-marker development for langdon durum d-genome disomic substitution lines.the aneuploid stocks of durum wheat (triticum turgidum l. subsp. durum (desf.) husnot) and common wheat (t. aestivum l.) have been developed mainly in 'langdon' (ldn) and 'chinese spring' (cs) cultivars, respectively. the ldn-cs d-genome chromosome disomic substitution (ldn-ds) lines, where a pair of cs d-genome chromosomes substitute for a corresponding homoeologous a- or b-genome chromosome pair of ldn, have been widely used to determine the chromosomal locations of genes in tetraploid wheat. ...200617426769
mapping of fhb resistance qtls in tetraploid wheat.triticum turgidum l var. durum is known to be particularly susceptible to infection by fusarium graminearum, the causal agent for fusarium head blight (fhb), which results in severe yield losses and grain contaminated with mycotoxins. this research was aimed at identifying fhb resistance in tetraploid wheat and mapping the location of fhb resistance genes. a tetraploid cross of durum wheat ('strongfield') x triticum carthlicum ('blackbird') was used to generate a doubled-haploid (dh) population. ...200617426773
genetic differentiation of puccinia triticina populations in central asia and the caucasus.abstract isolates of puccinia triticina collected from common wheat in the central asia countries of kazakhstan, uzbekistan, tajikistan, and kyrgyzstan and the caucasus countries of azerbaijan, georgia, and armenia were tested for virulence to 20 isolines of thatcher wheat with different leaf rust resistance genes and molecular genotype at 23 simple sequence repeat (ssr) loci. after clone correction within each country, 99 isolates were analyzed for measures of population diversity, variation at ...200718944179
Displaying items 1 - 100 of 1242