
h1n1 influenza in hong kong. 197875351
epstein-barr-specific iga in nasopharyngeal cancer. 197878104
further studies of the antigenic properties of h3n2 strains of influenza a isolated from swine in south east asia.h3n2 strains of influenza a isolated from swine in hong kong were compared with human strains of h3n2 influenza a variants in reciprocal hi tests using ferret sera. one isolate from swine was indistinguishable from a/hong kong/68, one set of viruses isolated in 1976 and 1977 was most related to a/hong kong/68 but was not identical to it, two isolates from 1976 were 'bridging strains' that cross-reacted equally with the contemporary variants a/victoria/3/75 and a/texas/1/77, similarly to a small ...197991663
results of virological and serological studies of three influenza a hong-kong epidemics in analysis of morbidity of the population in the course of 3 influenza a/hong-kong epidemics showed a pronounced decrease in influenza affection of adult population in the last epidemic in 1971--1972. comparative studies of the diagnostic value of cfr and hit demonstrated identical sensitivity of cfr as a method of influenza diagnostics in both the epidemic and interepidemic periods. hit was suitable for the detection of influenza only in the epidemic period. in the interepidemic period, the pe ...1976135027
nasopharyngeal carcinoma. ix. antibodies to ebna and correlation with response to other ebv antigens in chinese patients.ninety-five sera from chinese npc patients in different stages of the disease, 38 sera from chinese patients with other cancers, and 50 normal chinese sera, were titrated for ebna, vca, ea and complement-fixing (cf/s) ebv-specific antibodies. the geometric mean (gmt) ebna antibody titre of patients with npc at stage i was found to be four times higher than that of normal individuals and increased in parallel with clinical deterioration. antibody titres against ebna did not correlate with either ...1975171226
sero-epidemiology of the epstein-barr virus: preliminary analysis of an international study - a review.samples of chinese, indian, african and caucasian populations, randomly selected in hong kong, singapore, the west nile district of uganda, and nancy, france, were titrated for antibodies to ebv, viral capsid (vca) and complement-fixing soluble (cf/s) antigens. the age-specific prevalence of infection (as reflected by the proportion of vca-positive individuals) varied greatly up to the age of 10 years in the four populations studied, the west nile district of uganda being outstanding in having a ...1975191375
cold lymphocytotoxic antibodies in nasopharyngeal carcinoma.sera from patients with nasopharyngeal carcinoma (npc), a disease associated with epstein-barr virus (ebv), were found to be cytotoxic at 15% degrees c in the presence of complement for a panel of human lymphocytes, with a higher frequency than those of matched controls. the cold lymphocytotoxic antibodies (lta) responsible for this activity have the same properties as those described in sera from individuals with acute viral infections. the frequency and geometric mean titres (gmt) of lta varie ...1977192260
neutralizing ebv-specific iga in throat washings of nasopharyngeal carcinoma (npc) patients.throat washings from 26 nasopharyngeal carcinoma (npc) patients from hong kong and tunisia were studied for the presence of transforming ebv. only six (23%) were found positive which led to the hypothesis of a neutralizing factor in such salivas. the search for ebv-specific antibodies showed that npc saliva contained neutralizing vca and ea iga (54 and 27% respectively) and vca and ea igg (73 and 54% respectively). both transforming and non-transforming throat washings contained virus particles ...1977193801
acute haemorrhagic conjunctivitis in hong kong 1971-1975.acute haemorrhagic conjunctivitis occurred in epidemic in hong kong in 1971 and 1975 respectively. two picornaviruses, the enterovirus type 70 and an antigenic variant of coxsackie virus type a24, were isolated during the 1971 outbreak, while only the latter virus was detected in the 1975 outbreak. in 1972 and 1974, sporadic cases of conjunctivitis associated with enterovirus type 70 were observed. serological survey in late 1975 showed a high proportion of the population might still be suscepti ...1977196351
comparative studies on immunity to ebv-associated antigens in npc patients in north america, tunisia, france and hong kong.this study compared the relative antibody titers to ebv-related antigens in patients with nasopharyngeal carcinoma (npc) and controls from a high-incidence (hong kong), an intermediate incidence (tunisia), and two low-incidence (france, north america) areas to determine which of several ebv antibodies best differentiated npc patients from controls. antibodies measured include anti-virus capsid antigen (vca), anti-early antigen (ea), anti-soluble antigen by complement-fixation (cf) and antibody-d ...1977198381
descriptive and analytical epidemiology of nasopharyngeal cancer.information concerning the descriptive and analytical epidemiology of npc that has been reported mainly since the first international symposium on the subject in singapore in 1964 are reviewed. npc is rare in most countries in the world, with an age-adjusted incidence rate of less than 1 per 100,000, and the incidence rate is twice as high in males as in females. chinese of southern origin have a uniquely high risk, the incidence rates per 100,000 being 10--20 in males and 5--10 in females. the ...1978215514
differences in ebv antibody titres of patients with nasopharyngeal carcinoma originating from high, intermediate and low incidence order to assess the differences in serological reactivities of npc patients from high, intermediate and low incidence areas, 288 npc sera from hong kong, singapore, tunis, east africa, paris and los angeles, together with sera from patients with ear, nose and throat tumours other than npc and with those from normal individuals from the same areas, were tested 'blind' with the same batches of antigen. important differences (up to 3-fold) in the gmts of antibodies directed against vca, ea and e ...1978215529
autoantibodies (cold lymphocytotoxins, antiactin antibodies and antinuclear factors) in nasopharyngeal carcinoma patients.lta, sma and ana were found at higher frequencies in sera from npc patients than in those from matched controls. the frequency and gmts of lta-positive sera varied with the origin of the patient (chinese greater than north african greater than caucasian, thus paralleling the risk for npc in each ethnic group) and the stage of the disease (stage iv greater than stage i). a positive correlation was found between lta and anti-ebv titres with regard to anti-vca and anti-ebna antibodies. sma were spe ...1978215532
influenza a neuraminidase antibodies in children and young adults studied by serum absorption.a study is described of influenza a anti-neuraminidase antibodies in the sera of young people of three different groups. each serum was individually absorbed with viruses containing the n2 neuraminidases of 1957, 1968 and 1972. rabbit antisera prepared against the viruses were similarly absorbed. results obtained with the animal sera suggested that these neuraminidases were antigenically distinct, but the human sera had a broader range of anti-neuraminidase activity and gave indication of asymme ...1977265343
salmonella in pig carcasses for human consumption in hong kong: a study on the mode of contamination.a very high proportion (75%) of the pigs slaughtered in hong kong were found to be infected with salmonellas. seven serotypes including salmonella choleraesuis were isolated but the majority (91%) were s. anatum and s. derby. these serotypes, especially s. anatum and s. derby, had been isolated frequently from clinical cases, symptomless carries and in this study from abattoir workers, suggesting that the pig was a significant source for human salmonella infection. the majority of pigs slaughter ...1977265345
identification of nonavid influenza a viruses containing human subtypes of hemagglutinin and neuraminidase isolated from poultry in hong kong. 1978287100
diversity of influenza a virus subtypes isolated from domestic poultry in hong kong.the second phase of a 2-year influenza virus surveillance programme of domestic avian species in hong kong (up to october 1977) yielded influenza a virus, newcastle disease virus, and hong kong paramyxovirus, as well as unidentified haemagglutinating agents. these viruses were isolated from the trachea or cloaca of apparently healthy domestic ducks, geese, and chickens originating from china and hong kong. twenty-five combinations of haemagglutinin and neuraminidase surface antigens were identif ...1979314357
arbovirus antibodies in the human population of hong kong. 1979531915
histocompatibility leukocyte antigen patterns and nasopharyngeal carcinoma.incidence patterns indicated the prominent role of genetic factors in this type of cancer. a histocompatibility leukocyte antigen (hla) profile of a2 and b-locus antigen, singapore 2 (sin 2), was identified. an association between these genes and increased risk for nasopharyngeal carcinoma (npc), was confirmed. the risk was restricted to the "co-occurrence" of a2, b-sin 2, suggesting that the genotype predisposing to the development of npc was the a, b-sin 2 haplotype. similar associations were ...1977613232
identification of a swine influenza virus (hsw1n1) isolated from a duck in hong influenza a virus isolated from a duck during a recent surveillance study on commercial poultry from the people's republic of china and the new territories, hong kong, was shown to possess hswl antigens related to that of the swine (hsw1n1) influenza virus. the isolation of an hsw1n1 influenza virus from ducks indicates that avian species, as well as pigs, may serve as a reservoir of this potential pathogen for humans. the virus was avirulent for ducks, turkeys, chickens, and pigs.1978712123
epidemiology of the epstein-barr virus infection and associated tumors in man. 1975183674
an influenza simulation model for immunization studies.a stochastic simulation epidemic model based on discrete time intervals and appropriate for any infectious agent spread by person-to-person contacts is presented. the population is highly structured, allowing for five age groups and for subgrouping mixing in families, neighborhoods, schools, and preschool playgroups as well as total community mixing. with proper choice of relative susceptibility by age, length of latency and infectivity periods, pathogenicity and withdrawal patterns, and the rel ...1976814808
some observations on the needs of ergonomics in industries in hong kong.the author's interest in ergonomics lies in the common ground it shares with occupational health, since ergonomics aims to make work easier, safer, and more productive and to promote efficiency, comfort, and health. in hong kong, owing to lack of natural resources and guaranteed markets, industrialization has not taken a smooth course. only light industries exist, and one industry flourishes after another. occupational health and safety tends to be neglected not only by the employers but by the ...19761030445
absence of detectable hepatitis b antigen (hbag) in the commercial oyster, crassostrea gigas thunberg, in hong kong.the locally grown commercial oyster in hong kong, crassostrea gigas thunberg, is faecally polluted particularly in the summer months at a time when oyster consumption and the incidence of viral hepatitis similarly increase. whole oysters and isolates of tissues including the digestive diverticula and mantle fluids, in unconcentrated or concentrated forms were examined by counterimmunoelectrophoresis for the presence of the hepatitis-b antigen (hbag); no antigen was detected in samples examined o ...19751221500
epidemiology of influenza in the elderly: evidence of virus recycling.during the hong kong influenza epidemic of 1968-1969 the attack rate among persons born prior to 1890 was about one-third the rate among persons born after 1899. during an asian influenza epidemic in the same community two years earlier there was no apparent age effect. most persons born before 1890 had detectable pre-epidemic antibody against a/hong kong/68 whereas most persons born after 1899 had no detectable pre-epidemic antibody. the lower attack rate in the older age group is consistent wi ...19761251831
clostridia isolated from faeces.clostridia were isolated from human faecal samples from england, scotland, wales, usa, hong kong, uganda and japan. strains were identified on the basis of various biochemical reactions and on the type of fatty acid produced from glucose. analysis of these acids was by gas-liquid chromatography. clostridium paraputrificum was common in stool samples from england, scotland, wales, and usa, but rare in samples from hong kong, uganda and japan.19761263249
establishment and characterization of two new cell lines derived from squamous cell carcinoma of the tongue in chinese patients.two new cell lines derived from squamous cell carcinoma of the tongue, t1/cuhk and t2/cuhk, have been established in culture. analysis of the morphology, ultrastructure, chromosome number, spheroid formation and immunohistochemical properties of the two cell lines demonstrated that they are both well characterized. t1/cuhk cells grew relatively faster than t2/cuhk cells. both cell lines were tumorigenic after inoculation into made mice and showed positive reactivity with hpv 16 dna probe. the re ...19921280031
p53 mutation in human nasopharyngeal carcinomas.nasopharyngeal carcinoma (npc) is the third most common cancer in the southern provinces of china, but a rare cancer in other parts of the world. epidemiological studies suggested a multifactorial etiology of npc involving infection of epstein barr virus (ebv), genetic predisposition, environmental factors, such as consumption of salted fish, and other unknown factors. p53 mutation is a common event in many forms of human cancers but its possible involvement in the pathogenesis of npc has not be ...19921295443
high frequencies in african and non-african populations of independent mutations in the mannose binding protein gene.we have previously identified, in three british families having an index child with frequent infections, a point mutation (ggc-->gac) in codon 54 of exon 1 of the gene for the human lectin mannose binding protein (mbp). this was associated with low serum levels of this complement activating protein and would be anticipated to impair opsonization of mannose rich microorganisms. we now report a second point mutation (gga-->gaa) in gambians from west africa, involving codon 57 of exon 1. by substit ...19921304173
epidemiology and aetiology of acute bronchiolitis in hong kong infants.the epidemiological, clinical and virological features of 1220 children with acute bronchiolitis admitted to the prince of wales hospital, hong kong, from 1985 to 1988 are reported. they accounted for 6.6% of total paediatric admissions and provided a case incidence of bronchiolitis requiring admission to hospital of approximately 21 per 1000 children 0-24 months of age. the clinical course and outcome was in general benign. the average hospital stay was 5 days and there were no deaths. ten per ...19921312477
mucin histochemistry of human cholangiocarcinoma.histochemical studies of mucins were carried out on 17 autopsy specimens of cholangiocarcinomas associated with clonorchiasis. all tumours produced epithelial mucins which were mixtures of neutral and acid mucopolysaccharides without any histochemically demonstrable components of sialic and uronic acids. the mucins were qualitatively similar to that secreted by normal and clonorchis-infested bile ducts. however carboxymucins were reduced and sulphomucins were absent or present only in trace amou ...1976131185
direct detection of epstein-barr virus in peripheral blood and comparison of epstein-barr virus genotypes present in direct specimens and lymphoblastoid cell lines established from nasopharyngeal carcinoma patients and healthy carriers in hong means of a pcr assay, ebv was demonstrated directly in peripheral blood of previously infected individuals. the virus was detected in approximately 80% of specimens from ebv-seropositive individuals, but not in cord-blood lymphocytes by this method. when virus present in peripheral blood was compared to that observed directly in npc biopsies or throat washings, it was distinct from that seen in biopsies in 4/15 cases (27%) and from that seen in throat washes in 1/22 cases (5%). the throat-was ...19921325949
pickled vegetables in the aetiology of oesophageal cancer in hong kong chinese.oesophageal cancer is common in chinese populations, but individual-based epidemiological studies have provided little explanation. a case control study with 400 cases and 1598 controls (800 hospital and 798 general practice) was conducted among hong kong chinese. in multivariate analyses, statistically significant effects on risk were detected for several potentially preventable exposures with high attributable risks (ars). these included preference for consuming drinks or soups at high tempera ...19921349991
human leucocyte antigens in southern chinese with kawasaki disease. 19921468468
the role of appraisal in human emotions: a cross-cultural study.several theories of emotion propose that emotional responses are largely determined by the way events are appraised. to determine whether the proposed dimensions of appraisal are consistent across cultures, 973 ss from the united states, japan, hong kong, and the people's republic of china were asked to describe emotional experiences. few differences between the 3 cultures were observed on the more primitive dimensions (pleasantness, attentional activity, certainty, coping ability, and goal/need ...19921556662
disseminated penicillium marneffei infection in hiv-infected subject.penicillium marneffei is a rare human pathogen predominantly affecting residents of south-east asia. we report four fatal cases from hong kong in human immunodeficiency virus-infected patients. the diagnosis was established by histological examination and confirmed by isolation of the fungus. the infection was disseminated with involvement of lymph nodes, liver, spleen, lung, intestine and bone marrow. the involved organs showed an exclusively anergic tissue reaction characterized by a diffuse i ...19921577408
the physical state of human papillomavirus type 16 dna in cervical carcinomas of hong kong chinese.the presence of human papillomavirus (hpv) in 15 cervical carcinoma specimens obtained from hong kong chinese patients was analyzed by southern blot hybridization studies. in nine (60%) of them, hpv 16 genomes were detected, while two others (13.3%) were found to harbor hpv dna of unknown type closely related to hpv 16. all of them were classified as squamous cell carcinomas according to who guidelines. in addition, the presence of hpv 18 was shown in another two (13.3%) squamous cell carcinoma ...19911653409
prevalence of low and high risk human papillomavirus types in cervical cells from hong kong pregnant chinese using filter in situ hybridization.filter in situ hybridization, using separate probes for human papillomavirus deoxyribonucleic acid types 6, 11, 16 and 18, was used to determine the prevailing hpv types amongst a group of pregnant chinese women. this group had been previously identified using a mixture of probes for hpv types 6, 11, 16, 18, 31, 33, 35 (virapap). specimens from six of the eleven cases contained one hpv type (55%) while five were positive for two types (45%). the "low-risk" types (hbv6, 11) were identified as fre ...19911654045
human papillomavirus 6, 11, and 16 in laryngeal papillomas.twenty-seven cases of benign laryngeal papillomas, both single and multiple variants, were analysed for human papillomavirus (hpv) by dna slot-blot hybridization chiefly to determine the pattern of infection in hong kong chinese. dna was extracted from paraffin blocks of formalin-fixed tissue and probed separately for hpv 6, 11, 16, and 18. sixteen cases (59 per cent) showed the presence of at least one of these four hpv genomes. thirteen cases (48 per cent) were positive for hpv 11 only. three ...19911662265
a survey of work undertaken in 1 year by a medical officer working in a maternal and child health clinic in hong kong: implications for training.a survey of child health work undertaken in 1 year by a medical officer in a typical maternal and child health (mch) clinic in hong kong is reported. the wide spectrum of physical and developmental problems encountered by the mch doctor demands sound knowledge of basic paediatrics and normal human development. the need for a comprehensive training programme in child health is highlighted.19901694652
terrestrial gamma radiation dose in hong kong.the first reactor of the daya bay nuclear power plant, 30 km from hong kong, is expected to begin operation in 1992. as a result, residents in hong kong are concerned with potential exposure to man-made and natural radiation. therefore, the radioisotope unit of the university of hong kong performed studies to estimate hong kong's natural background radiation and the potential exposure to local residents, the results of which are presented here.19921727415
a randomised controlled trial of recombinant interferon-gamma in chinese patients with chronic hepatitis b virus infection.nineteen chinese patients with chronic hepatitis b virus (hbv) infection, seropositive for hbv e antigen (hbeag) and hbv dna on at least three occasions in 6 months, were randomised to receive either recombinant human interferon-gamma (rifn gamma) 0.1 mg/m2 intramuscularly thrice weekly for 16 weeks (n = 11) or no anti-viral therapy (controls, n = 8). five patients in the treatment group and four patients in the control group had persistently elevated serum alanine aminotransferases (alt) of ove ...19911919540
penicillium marneffei: another pathogen to consider in patients infected with human immunodeficiency virus. 19911925299
comparison of the mortality and morbidity rate between proper and unconventional renal transplantation using organs from executed prisoners. 19911926466
an epidemiologic estimate of the critical period during which human maxillary central incisors are most susceptible to fluorosis.the temporal relation between a declining fluorosis gradient and an abrupt downward shift in community drinking water fluoride concentration was evaluated through multiple correlation analysis to determine the critical time frame during which developing maxillary central incisors are most susceptible to fluoride challenge. fluorosis data were scrutinized through a time-related series of epidemiologic "windows" or time frames of varying lengths. the placement of these time frames was in turn rela ...19911941778
hong kong. looking for livers, kidneys. 19911956388
light microscopic morphology of viral hepatitis.the histopathology of acute and chronic infections associated with viral hepatitis is reviewed and illustrated. particular attention is directed to changes that help to differentiate chronic persistent from chronic active viral hepatitis. features that help to identify the intravenous drug abuser who has hepatitis, whether acute or chronic, include the presence of particulate birefringent material (usually talc) in reticuloendothelial cells, as well as tissue eosinophilia. ground-glass hepatocyt ...1976802746
human xanthine oxidase antibody levels: variation between males and females in chinese and europeans.levels of antibody specific for xanthine oxidase (xodab) of the immunoglobulin classes igg, igm and iga have been determined in the sera of blood donors of chinese and european ethnic origin by immunoassay. no significant differences were found between the two ethnic groups. significant differences were found in the distribution, of xodab igm levels between chinese males and females and european males and females (chi 2 = 8.262, p = 0.025; chi 2 = 9.423, p = less than 0.001). since the age range ...19912062188
a prospective study of primary epstein-barr virus infections among university students in hong 1988 at the chinese university of hong kong 1,039 entering freshmen were screened for antibody against the epstein-barr virus and 71 (6.8%) were negative. one year later, 16 (25.8%) of 62 negatives converted to positive with asymptomatic infections. there was seroconversion in 14 subjects who did not give histories of deep kissing. there was an association between antibody status of epstein-barr and cytomegaloviruses, but not between epstein-barr virus and human herpes virus type 6.19902158753
distinct populations of rotaviruses circulating among neonates and older infants.we obtained three stool specimens from each of 371 neonates. two specimens were obtained between days 1 and 3 after birth, while they were in the hospital, and one specimen was obtained between days 6 and 14 after birth, after they had been discharged from the hospital. seventy neonates excreted human rotavirus (hrv) while they were in the hospital, and the incidence rate for the cohort was 0.094 episodes per infant day. the incidence rate of community-acquired neonatal infections was markedly r ...19902161863
rearrangement of immunoglobulin, t-cell receptor, and bcl-2 genes in malignant lymphomas in hong kong.the pattern of malignant lymphomas in the hong kong chinese population is characterized by a low incidence of hodgkin's disease and follicular lymphomas. the authors studied the immunoglobulin (ig), t-cell receptor (tcr), and bcl-2 gene rearrangement in 62 cases of malignant lymphoma in this population by southern blot hybridization. two cases of hodgkin's disease showed no rearrangement of the ig and tcr genes. all 42 cases of b-cell lymphoma had ig heavy chain (jh) rearrangement with or withou ...19902208029
streptococcus zooepidemicus (lancefield group c) septicaemia in hong kong.the clinical findings relating to 11 patients in hong kong (hk) and to 43 patients described elsewhere, all with streptococcus zooepidemicus septicaemia, are reviewed. there was a particular association with cardiovascular disease (27%) with seven cases of endocarditis, three of abdominal aortic aneurysm and two of deep venous thrombosis. associations not previously reported included two cases of pharyngitis and two patients with persistent post-operative fever. the overall mortality was 22%. bo ...19902273271
chlorinated pesticides in foodstuffs in hong kong.the movement of pesticides into and out of hong kong shows a high net gain of ddt and benzene hexachloride (bhc). 310 food samples were analyzed for total bhc and 1,854 food samples were analyzed for total ddt, total dde, and total tde. high levels of total bhc and total ddt were found in foodstuffs in hong kong. estimated daily ingestion of total bhc and total ddt were 10 and 9 times higher than that found in the united states of america. these results correlate with the known high body accumul ...19902322022
factors that determine medical student interest in psychiatry.our study of pre-medical and medical students attending the universities of british columbia, hong kong and otago, together with house surgeons, general practitioners, surgeons and psychiatrists in new zealand, demonstrated many agreements regarding both positive and negative factors affecting their interest in psychiatry. positive factors included: interest in human behaviour, personal aptitude, and quality of patient care. negative factors included: the stress of practising psychiatry, faculty ...19902334390
lung cancer risk and mutagenicity of study the possible association between drinking tea and lung cancer, epidemiological and experimental materials were collected from the chinese population in hong kong. in a retrospective study of 200 female lung cancer patients and 200 matched controls, all subjects were interviewed concerning their eating habits, smoking histories, and lifetime exposures to environmental pollutants. analysis of the data demonstrated an adjusted and statistically significant increased lung cancer risk of 2.7 ...19902351126
recombination as a mechanism in the evolution of influenza viruses: a two-year study of ducks in hong analysis was made of 149 influenza a viruses isolated from ducks in hong kong during the period of november 1975 through october 1977. the viruses were isolated five times more frequently from ducks raised in the people's republic of china than from those raised in hong kong. the isolation rate fo viruses was higher from the cloaca than it was from the trachea, but this pattern varied over the two years of investifation. the large number of different combinations (30) of hemagglutinin and neu ...1979542763
acute viral hepatitis: aetiology and evolution.over a period of three and a half years, 348 consecutive children with acute hepatitis were studied. there were 205 boys and 143 girls aged from 3 months to 12 years old. the most common type was hepatitis a, of which there were 281 cases, 81% of the total; there were 41 in the under 4 years old age group (63% of that group), 99 in the 5-8 year old age group (87% of that group) and 141 in the 8-12 year old age group (83% of that group). hepatitis b occurred in 29 (8% of the total), and non-a, no ...19892494951
epstein-barr virus dna in nasopharyngeal carcinomas from chinese patients in hong investigate the presence of epstein-barr virus (ebv) in cases of nasopharyngeal carcinoma (npc) in chinese patients living in hong kong.19921317885
molecular epidemiology and restriction site mapping of adenovirus type 3 genome hundred thirty-eight strains of adenovirus type 3 isolated from patients in the united states, west germany, and other regions between 1961 and 1984 were analyzed with six restriction endonucleases; 18 genome types were found. bglii was the most discriminative enzyme. mapping of altered restriction sites was also performed for all six enzymes. the genome types d1 (like the prototype) and d3 prevailed among 45 and 47 strains, respectively. all genome types could be divided into two groups rel ...19892546977
multiple sclerosis amongst chinese in hong kong.a territory-wide investigation of southern chinese patients with multiple sclerosis (ms) was conducted in hong kong. there were 47 patients, 35 of whom were clinically definite (cdms), 6 laboratory-supported definite (lsdms) and 6 clinically probable (cpms). the prevalence rate was 0.88 per 10(5) population, which is of the same order as in other oriental populations but much lower than in caucasoid populations. comparisons with major oriental and caucasian series showed essentially the same cli ...19892597990
immunophenotypic analysis of sinonasal non-hodgkin's lymphomas.a panel of paraffin effective antibodies recognizing b cells and t cells (ln-2, mb1, l26, mt1, uchl1, kappa, lambda) was used to characterize the immunophenotypes of 26 sinonasal non-hodgkin's lymphomas. seventeen tumors were stage i, five were stage ii, one was stage iii, and three were stage iv. nine lymphomas were classified morphologically as large cell, six were large cell immunoblastic, six were small cleaved cell, two were mixed small and large cell, two were small noncleaved cell, and on ...19892661407
irritant contact dermatitis due to the herbal oil, black man oil. 19892721189
analysis of some individual risk factors for decompression sickness in hong kong.individual risk factors for decompression sickness (dcs) were studied in 932 men who had worked for 12 shifts or more at maximum working pressure (mwp) of 1 bar or above in a compressed air tunneling project in hong kong. two dependent variables were used: presence or absence of bends and number of bends experienced by a man. three hundred and fifty-six men (38.2%) had one or more bends. univariate analysis showed that many variables were associated with presence or absence of bends. logistic re ...19892773160
organochlorine chemicals in human breast milk in hong kong.the results of a small-scale survey of organochlorine contaminants in human breast milk are presented and compared to previous data from 1976 for hong kong, and to reported data from elsewhere. concentrations of p,p ddt, dieldrin and hexachlorobenzene (hcb) in recent breast milk samples were slightly but significantly lower than those in samples taken a decade previously in hong kong. however, levels of gamma-hch (hexachlorocyclohexane) were higher in the more recent samples. the concentrations ...19892774666
occurrence of rotaviruses in guangzhou and hong kong.electropherotypes of human rotavirus (hrv) isolated from hong kong and guangzhou were compared to study the transmission of hrv between the cities. forty-one electropherotypes were identified from 418 hospitalized patients with hrv infection at the queen mary hospital, and 22 were detected from 66 outpatients in community clinics at a separate area in hong kong. nineteen electropherotypes were detected in 370 hospitalized cases of hrv infection from seven hospitals in guangzhou. results showed t ...19882826616
reproductive performance of patients with gestational trophoblastic disease in hong kong.the reproductive performance of 110 patients who had had gestational trophoblastic disease was reviewed. there were 160 pregnancies and their outcomes were similar to that of the general population. the subfertility rate was also comparable to the general population. the high rate of failure of contraception resulting in a high rate of conception during the first year of follow-up warrants special attention. reasons for the high failure rate and ways of prevention are discussed. reasons for the ...19882845704
epstein-barr virus infections among university students in a tropical country. 19882846671
genetic polymorphism of natural epstein-barr virus isolates from infectious mononucleosis patients and healthy carriers.we analyzed epstein-barr virus (ebv) genomes from lymphoblastoid cell lines isolated from patients with infectious mononucleosis and from healthy subjects from california, hawaii, and hong kong between 1970 and 1987. using genetic polymorphism as epidemiological markers, we found that several genotypes of ebv cocirculate in a community and that although most ebv strains isolated from california and southern china may be differentiated genotypically, there was no specific association between geno ...19882901499
insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus: hla-dr and -dq genotyping in three ethnic groups.human genomic dna samples from caucasoids, chinese, and koreans of known serological dr antigen specificity were studied for iddm-associated variation in hla-dr and -dq rflps (restriction fragment length polymorphisms). genotyping allowed for accurate assignment of hla-dr types and in caucasoids drw6 as well as dr2 was unequivocally decreased in iddm. further, the universality of certain dr2-associated dq beta subtypes in protection against iddm was established. hla-dr3 was found to be increased ...19872901933
seroepidemiological studies on nasopharyngeal carcinoma in china. 19852994402
molecular epidemiology of human rotavirus infection in children in hong kong.rotavirus was identified in 256 (28.5%) of 899 hospitalized children with diarrhea during a 12-month period in hong kong. fourteen electropherotypes were identified, and the appearance of each occurred in a sequential manner during the study period. one patient was shown to be mixedly infected with two prevalent electropherotypes. sequential stool specimens from another case showed the appearance of an extra rna band during the course of the diarrheal episode.19863007572
characteristics and distribution of beta thalassemia haplotypes in south china.eleven restriction site polymorphisms in the beta-globin gene cluster were determined in 48 chinese with homozygous beta-thalassemia and their parents. seven haplotypes were identified as associated with the beta thal chromosome and 25 with the beta a chromosome. the distribution of the various beta thal haplotypes in different regions of south china was mapped and discussed in relation to prenatal diagnosis and migration of the chinese people.19863011644
serological evidence of hantaan-related viruses in hong kong.sera from rats (rattus norvegicus), domestic animals and man in hong kong were studied by immunofluorescent antibody assay and plaque reduction neutralization tests for evidence of infection by hantaan-related viruses. antibody probably arising from infection by seoul or a seoul-like virus was detected in rat and human sera (and one pig serum), highlighting the potential public health importance of this group of viruses in hong kong, and in the region.19873120366
manifestations and treatment of 793 cases of decompression sickness in a compressed air tunneling project in hong the largest compressed air tunneling contract for the construction of the island line of the mass transit railway system in hong kong, 154,390 man-decompressions occurred, of which 142,140 were after exposures to 1 bar (1.97 ata, 14.7 psig) or above. the maximum working pressure (mwp) was 3.30 bar (4.26 ata, 47.9 psig). there were 792 cases of type i and 1 case of type ii decompression sickness. the manifestations of the cases were generally similar to those reported elsewhere. oxygen treatme ...19883201634
the maintenance of human rights. 19883253158
scanning electron microscopy of black stain on human permanent stain may develop on the coronal surfaces of human teeth, and this type of stain is common in the hong kong chinese population. the present study was undertaken to ascertain if the deposit conforms in composition to the black stain found elsewhere, and to describe its ultrastructure using the scanning electron microscope. gram-stained smears were made from black stain on the teeth of 11 adult hong kong chinese and studied microscopically. from another 15 persons extracted teeth exhibiting ...19872448873
the many epidemiological faces of aids with special reference to hong kong and implications for prevention and 1987, only 3 cases of acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (aids) had been reported in hong kong. all 3 involved males who had been infected through sexual contact with a european or north american. in 2 cases, the sexual contact was homosexual; the 3rd case involved a man who had frequent sexual contact in new york and miami with female prostitutes. the government of hong kong moved rapidly to establish an aids expert advisory committee to carry out a public educational campaign and formula ...19873452402
intake of cantonese-style salted fish as a cause of nasopharyngeal carcinoma.ho (1971) of hong kong first proposed consumption of cantonese-style salted fish, a traditional food among southern chinese, as a possible risk factor for nasopharyngeal carcinoma (npc) in this high-risk population. four case-control studies have examined ho's hypothesis; all results are supportive. the most convincing evidence of a causal association between intake of salted fish and npc derives from a recent case-control study of young hong kong chinese. it is estimated that over 90% of npc ca ...19873679441
organization of the zeta-alpha genes in chinese.analysis of alpha and zeta genes in 101 healthy normals and hospitalized patients with non-haematological diseases revealed a 3% incidence of alpha thalassaemia in the local chinese population of hong kong. triple alpha genes were found in only one person while triple zeta genes were more prevalent, occurring in 13 subjects. studies of 28 unselected patients with hb h disease indicated a predominance of the rightward alpha gene deletion. the extent of alpha gene deletion in homozygous alpha thal ...19863756105
further observations on the first documented outbreak of trichinosis in hong kong.the first documented report of human trichinosis in hong kong is described comprising an outbreak amongst 20 gurkha soldiers following a barbecue. the cardinal clinical features were fever, myalgia and facial oedema and the most useful laboratory tests were eosinophilia and elevated levels of creatinine phosphokinase. gastrointestinal symptoms were uncommon. seven patients who developed electrocardiographic abnormalities are the subject of an ongoing study. four patients had psychiatric manifest ...19863798532
development of the human nervous system in fetuses of chinese descent--from 80 mm (4 month) to 240 mm cr (end of 7 month gestation).important regional developments--e.g. histogenesis of areas of cortices, genesis of thalamic nuclei as well as gross morphogenesis remain to be elucidated. the present investigation is an attempt to commence a series of studies to obtain such information.19854014713
reproductive and sexual risk factors and human papilloma virus infection in cervical cancer among hong kong this case-control study of cervical neoplasia in hong kong, 48 dysplasia and 68 cancer patients were matched with 116 surgical in-patient controls. the cases had an earlier age at first intercourse and more sex partners than the controls. the cases' husbands also had more sex partners and were less likely to use condoms regularly. in a multiple regression model the odds ratio were 6.0 (95% confidence interval 2.5-14.6) for the husband having more than one sex partner, 4.0 (1.5-10.7) for the w ...19892542172
studies on the origin of pandemic influenza. i. antigenic analysis of a 2 influenza viruses isolated before and after the appearance of hong kong influenza using antisera to the isolated hemagglutinin subunits. 19724112502
human papillomavirus infection in the cervix of pregnant females in hong kong.routine cytological examination and hpv-dna probing were performed on cervical cells obtained from 215 pregnant chinese females. the procedure utilized the specific binding of a mixture of complementary [32p]-labelled rna probes to membrane-bound target hpv dna types 6, 11, 16, 18, 31, 33 and 35. positive results for hpv-dna were obtained in 11/215 (5%) of the cases. the cervical smears were routinely processed and in 3/215 (1.5%) cases a cytological diagnosis of wart virus infection was made. a ...19901966325
development of antibodies to neuraminidase of a2-hong kong and a2-taiwan influenza viruses after administration of different hong kong vaccines and after natural infection in humans. 19734148207
the hong kong-68 influenza a2 variant. 19684177941
outbreak of a2-hong kong-68 influenza at an international medical conference. 19694178014
antigenic variants of influenza b virus.from 1967 to 1971 little antigenic variation was detected in the prevalent influenza b viruses but in december 1972 a new antigenic variant of influenza b was isolated in hong kong from sporadic cases of influenza. the new variant, b/hong kong/5/72, possessed a haemagglutinin antigen which showed considerable antigenic differences from that of former influenza b strains while its neuraminidase antigen was closely related to that of the earlier, 1967-71, isolates. the b/hong kong/5/72 variant bec ...19734201694
use of single radial immunodiffusion test for serological studies in volunteers inoculated with live attenuated influenza virus.pre- and post-vaccination serum samples from 278 volunteers, who were given live influenza vaccines, were tested by haemagglutination inhibition (hi) and single radial immunodiffusion tests(srdt) for antibody to influenza a/hong kong/1/68 (h3n2) virus envelope antigens. those with high antibody titres detected in both tests were less frequently infected, and 85% of the 159 infected showed rises by hi and 70% by srdt. similarly, 69 pairs were tested for antibody to hong kong (n2) neuraminidase by ...19744214175
antigenic variation in current influenza a viruses: evidence for a high frequency of antigenic 'drift' for the hong kong virus.a new antigenic variant of the hong kong (h3n2) subtype of influenzavirus type a is described. the variant, a/port chalmers/1/73 (h3n2), was first isolated in australasia in the autumn of 1973 and subsequently became the predominant influenza a variant in most areas of the world, replacing the previously prevalent strain a/england/42/72 (h3n2). the 1973 variant shows antigenic differences from former hong kong variants in both haemagglutinin and neuraminidase antigens. the application of immuno- ...19744218138
population genetics of biomphalaria straminea in hong kong. a neotropical schistosome-transmitting snail recently introduced into china.since its introduction in the early 1970s biomphalaria straminea (gastropoda: planorbidae) has spread rapidly and is locally the most abundant fresh water snail in hong kong. studies of 19 electrophoretically detected loci in four populations show that the colonists retain high levels of variability (p = 0.26, h = 0.056 - 0.097), comparable with those found in autochthonous samples of related species. genotype frequencies at the five polymorphic loci, and a comparison of maternal and progeny gen ...19854056366
nasopharyngeal carcinoma (npc). 19724333791
[editorial: influenza b]. 19744446548
laboratory and clinical features of influenza a2 1971-72 in montreal. 19744473323
hong kong influenza in the royal air force 1968-70.a prospective serological and clinical study of the epidemics due to the a2/hong kong/68 influenza virus was made during the winters 1968-9 and 1969-70 in volunteer subjects in the royal air force. in october 1968 nearly all subjects had haemagglutination inhibiting (hi) antibody to the a2/singapore/57 virus and more than half had antibody to strains more recently prevalent in britain. the proportion with hi antibody to a2/hong kong/68 increased from 31% in october 1968 (most at low titres) to 4 ...19734518353
coughs and grunts. 19724116562
the efficacy of live and inactivated vaccines of hong kong influenza virus in an industrial community. a report to the medical research council committee on influenza and other respiratory virus vaccines.intranasal vaccines of inactivated or living attentuated a2/hong kong influenza viruses were compared for clinical acceptability, serological effects and protective efficiency against natural epidemic influenza in a large industrial and clerical population.neither vaccine resulted in any significant untoward side-effects. the serum haemagglutination-inhibiting (hi) antibody response within 1 month of vaccination was similar with both vaccines; approximately 50% of those with little or no pre-vac ...19734588772
antiviral activity of rimantadine, virological, pathomorphological, and clinical studies. 19734588827
[tasks in the prevention and therapy of viral grippe]. 19744610907
studies on the origin of pandemic influenza. 3. evidence implicating duck and equine influenza viruses as possible progenitors of the hong kong strain of human influenza. 19734632653
Displaying items 1 - 100 of 1034