
feeding and attraction of non-target flies to spinosad-based fruit fly bait.a spinosad-based fruit fly bait, gf-120, has recently become a primary tool for area-wide suppression or eradication of pest tephritid fruit flies. the present study assessed the attraction and feeding of five non-target fly species to gf-120 in hawaii. these non-target flies include three beneficial tephritid species [eutreta xanthochaeta (aldrich), tetreuaresta obscuriventris (loew), ensina sonchi (l.)] introduced for weed biological control, an endemic hawaiian tephritid [trupanea dubautiae ( ...200616835891
first checklist of the fruit flies of morocco, including new records (diptera, tephritidae).the first checklist of the tephritidae of morocco, containing 59 species, is presented here. out of 38 species collected during the present project, three (campiglossa martii (becker, 1908), tephritis divisa (rondani, 1871), and terellia sp. near longicauda) present new records for north africa, and ten (carpomya incompleta (becker, 1903), chaetorellia conjuncta (becker, 1913), chetostoma curvinerve rondani, 1856, dacus frontalis (becker, 1922), d. longistylus (wiedemann, 1830), dioxyna sororcul ...201729118602
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