
a hyperparasite of entamoeba suis from the indian domestic pig sus scrofa. 19685750643
intestinal protozoa in wild boars (sus scrofa) in western iran.a total of 12 gastrointestinal tracts of wild boars (sus scrofa) from western iran (luristan) were examined for protozoan infection between september 2000 and november 2001. of 12 boars examined, 67% harbored one or more species of the following protozoa: balantidium coli (25%), tritrichomonas suis (25%), blastocystis sp. (25%), entamoeba polecki (17%), entamoeba suis (8%), iodamoeba butschlii (17%), and chilomastix mesnili (8%). four of these protozoan species also are reported in humans, and p ...200415650104
development of molecular diagnostic protocols for detecting three types of entamoeba from diarrheal and asymptomatic pigs and environmental moist soils.entamoeba suis and entamoeba polecki subtypes (st) 1 and 3 have recently been implicated in disease outbreaks in pigs. however, the distributions of these parasites in japan and the potential sources of infection on farms still remain unclear. here, we examined a farm of fattening/growing pigs with abnormal feces in kagoshima prefecture, japan, and found the presence of parasites in the farm environment. examination of intestinal tissues from pigs presenting with ulcerative colitis revealed a la ...201728508163
ultrastructural characteristics and molecular identification of entamoeba suis isolated from pigs with hemorrhagic colitis: implications for pathogenicity.protozoan parasites of the genus entamoeba infect many classes of vertebrates and are primarily classified based on morphological criteria. to date, only a few species have been proven to cause disease. here, we examined the pathology of infected pigs with hemorrhage and detected entamoeba parasites. isolates were characterized genetically and ultrastructurally to identify the species. histopathologically, bleeding and thrombus formation were seen only in the large intestine mucosa, where a larg ...201424894081
new insights into the phylogeny of entamoeba species provided by analysis of four new small-subunit rrna genes.sequences of small-subunit rrna genes have been obtained for four new isolates of entamoeba. phylogenetic analyses give new insights into the evolution of these organisms. a novel entamoeba from pigs in vietnam that produces uninucleate cysts proved to be unrelated to other uninucleated cyst-producing species. revival of the name entamoeba suis for this organism is proposed. instead of being related to entamoeba polecki, it shares a recent common ancestor with the non-encysting entamoeba gingiva ...200616957127
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