
high prevalence of theileria sp. in wild chinese water deer (hydropotes inermis argyropus) in south korea.wild chinese water deer exist in large numbers in northeast asia, including south korea. the deer population is so widespread that they are common even in urban areas, resulting in increased contact with humans and domestic animals. the purpose of this study was to examine the prevalence of theileria sp. infection in wild chinese water deer in south korea. using biomolecular techniques, blood samples taken from 18 wild chinese water deer were examined. thirteen of the 18 samples (72%) tested pos ...200919577370
molecular detection of theileria sp. in wild chinese water deer (hydropotes inermis argyropus).two cases of theileria sp. infection in wild chinese water deer (hydropotes inermis argyropus) were diagnosed by microscopic examination of thin blood smears and by molecular typing. two wild chinese water deer were referred to the veterinary medical center of chungbuk national university in south korea, presumably the result of traffic accidents. thin blood smears, which were stained with giemsa, revealed intraerythrocytic parasites; however, the deer had no remarkable findings on physical exam ...200919901400
new record of lipoptena cervi and updated checklist of the louse flies (diptera: hippoboscidae) of the republic of korea.abstract this is the first confirmed record of the genus lipoptena nitzsch and its species, lipoptena cervi (linnaeus), from the republic of korea. a total of five females and 10 males was collected from eight of 29 korean water deer, hydropotes inermis argyropus swinhoe, from gangwon and gyeongsangbuk provinces and ulsan metropolitan area from may through october 2008. an updated checklist of korean hippoboscids contains nine species in six genera (hippobosca linnaeus, icosta speiser, lipoptena ...201021175076
new genetic variants of anaplasma phagocytophilum and anaplasma bovis from korean water deer (hydropotes inermis argyropus).wild deer are one of the important natural reservoir hosts of anaplasma species, which cause granulocytic anaplasmosis in equines, canines, and humans. the objective of the present study was to determine whether and what species of anaplasma naturally infect korean water deer (kwd) in the republic of korea. a total of 66 spleens from kwd carcasses were collected by the conservation genome resource bank for korean wildlife in korea between march 2008 and may 2009. polymerase chain reaction (pcr) ...201121417930
Fast and cost-effective mining of microsatellite markers using NGS technology: an example of a Korean water deer Hydropotes inermis argyropus.Microsatellites, a special class of repetitive DNA sequence, have become one of the most popular genetic markers for population/conservation genetic studies. However, its application to endangered species has been impeded by high development costs, a lack of available sequences, and technical difficulties. The water deer Hydropotes inermis is the sole existing endangered species of the subfamily Capreolinae. Although population genetics studies are urgently required for conservation management, ...201122069476
novel detection of coxiella spp., theileria luwenshuni, and t. ovis endosymbionts in deer keds (lipoptena fortisetosa).we describe for the first time the detection of coxiella-like bacteria (clb), theileria luwenshuni, and t. ovis endosymbionts in blood-sucking deer keds. eight deer keds attached to a korean water deer were identified as lipoptena fortisetosa (diptera: hippoboscidae) by morphological and genetic analyses. among the endosymbionts assessed, clb, theileria luwenshuni, and t. ovis were identified in l. fortisetosa by pcr and nucleotide sequencing. based on phylogeny, clb 16s rrna sequences were clas ...201627244561
prevalence of anaplasma and bartonella spp. in ticks collected from korean water deer (hydropotes inermis argyropus).deer serve as reservoirs of tick-borne pathogens that impact on medical and veterinary health worldwide. in the republic of korea, the population of korean water deer (kwd, hydropotes inermis argyropus) has greatly increased from 1982 to 2011, in part, as a result of reforestation programs established following the korean war when much of the land was barren of trees. eighty seven haemaphysalis flava, 228 haemaphysalis longicornis, 8 ixodes nipponensis, and 40 ixodes persulcatus (21 larvae, 114 ...201626951985
detection of tick-borne pathogens in the korean water deer (hydropotes inermis argyropus) from jeonbuk province, korea.the objective of this study was to investigate the prevalence of tick-borne pathogens in the korean water deer (hydropotes inermis argyropus). pathogens were identified using pcr which included anaplasma, ehrlichia, rickettsia, and theileria. rickettsia was not detected, whereas anaplasma, ehrlichia, and theileria infections were detected in 4, 2, and 8 animals, respectively. the most prevalent pathogen was theileria. of the 8 theileria-positive animals, 2 were mixed-infected with 3 pathogens (a ...201526537046
retrospective analysis of the epidemiologic literature, 1990-2015, on wildlife-associated diseases from the republic of assess the status of research on wildlife diseases in the republic of korea (rok) and to identify trends, knowledge gaps, and directions for future research, we reviewed epidemiologic publications on wildlife-associated diseases in the rok. we identified a relatively small but rapidly increasing body of literature. the majority of publications were focused on public or livestock health and relatively few addressed wildlife health. most studies that focused on human and livestock health were c ...201727705103
molecular detection of bartonella grahamii and b. schoenbuchensis-related species in korean water deer (hydropotes inermis argyropus).we determined the prevalence of bartonella spp. and investigated which species of bartonella naturally infects korean water deer (kwd, hydropotes inermis argyropus) in the republic of korea (rok). a total of 70 spleens from kwd carcasses were collected by the conservation genome resource bank for korean wildlife (cgrb) in the rok between 2008 and 2009. nested pcrs were performed using the rpob gene and internal transcribed spacer (its) region primers to amplify the dna fragment of bartonella. us ...201323473217
the prevalence of coxiella burnetii infection in wild korean water deer, korea.the aim of this study was to evaluate the prevalence of coxiella burnetti infection in wild korean water deer (hydropotes inermis argyropus) in korea, by using serology and real-time pcr analyses. one hundred ninety-six sera were collected from 4 provinces and tested for anti-c. burnetii antibody detection, by means of chekit q fever elisa kit; and c. burnetii is1111 insertion sequence detection, by means of real-time pcr. antibodies were detected in 18 of the 196 (9.18%) serum samples, whereas ...201424717533
prevalence of antibody to and dna of lawsonia intracellularis in samples from wild animals in korea.we evaluated the prevalence of lawsonia intracellularis infection in three wild animal species in korea; the korean water deer ( hydropotes inermis ), siberian roe deer ( capreolus pygargus ), and raccoon dogs ( nyctereutes procyonoides ). we collected 136 sera and 109 fecal samples from individuals in 10 wildlife rescue and conservation centers. serum samples were tested for anti- l. intracellularis antibodies using a blocking enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (belisa), and fecal samples were s ...201627487235
isolation of mycobacterium bovis from free-ranging wildlife in south korea.we demonstrate mycobacterium bovis infection in wild boar ( sus scrofa ) in south korea. during 2012-15, we attempted to isolate m. bovis from 847 wild animals, mainly korean water deer ( hydropotes inermis argyropus), raccoon dogs ( nyctereutes procyonoides ), and wild boar, from 11 regions in south korea. we isolated m. bovis from three of 118 wild boar (2.5%) captured in gyeonggi province, where bovine tuberculosis (btb) outbreaks have also occurred in livestock. spoligotypes and mycobacteria ...201727809648
borrelia species detected in ticks feeding on wild korean water deer (hydropotes inermis) using molecular and genotypic analyses.lyme borreliosis is a vector-borne disease transmitted through the bite of ticks infected by borrelia burgdorferi sensu lato group, including b. burgdorferi sensu stricto, b. afzelii, and b. garinii. the goal of the present study was to detect borrelia species in ticks infesting wild korean water deer (kwd; hydropotes inermis swinhoe), using molecular and genotypic analyses. in total, 48 ticks were collected from kwd, all of which were morphologically identified as haemaphysalis longicornis neum ...201728549151
detection of severe fever with thrombocytopenia syndrome virus from wild animals and ixodidae ticks in the republic of korea.severe fever with thrombocytopenia syndrome (sfts) is caused by sfts virus (sftsv), a novel bunyavirus reported to be endemic to central-northeastern china, southern japan, and the republic of korea (rok). to investigate sftsv infections, we collected serum samples and ticks from wild animals. using serum samples and ticks, sftsv-specific genes were amplified by one-step rt-pcr and nested pcr and sequenced. indirect immunofluorescence assay (ifa) was performed to analyze virus-specific antibody ...201627043361
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