
bacterial parasite of a plant nematode: morphology and ultrastructure.the life cycle of a bacterial endoparasite of the plant-parasitic nematode meloidogyne incognita was examined by scanning and transmission electron microscopy. the infective stage begins with the attachment of an endospore to the surface of the nematode. a germ tube then penetrates the cuticle, and mycelil colonies form in the pseudocoelom. sporulation is initiated when terminal cells of the mycelium enlarge to form sporangia. a septum within each sporangium divides the forespore from the basal ...1977838678
occurrence in monia rectirostris (cladocera: daphnidae) of a parasite morphologically similar to pasteuria ramosa (metchnikoff, 1888).pasteuria ramosa, a bacterial parasite of the cladocerans daphnia pulex and d. magna, was described by metchnikoff in 1888. because the organism could not be cultured, it was subsequently lost. however, the original illustrations and descriptions of the life cycle of p. ramosa are similar to a bacterial spore parasite of nematodes (bspn) that was recently described in meloidogyne. as a result of these similarities, a search for p. ramosa was initiated. an organism resembling p. ramosa was found ...1977922608
characterisation of potential adhesins of the bacterium pasteuria penetrans, and of putative receptors on the cuticle of meloidogyne incognita, a nematode host.pasteuria penetrans spores were fragmented by glass bead vortexing, producing exosporial membranes and spore fragments, which consisted of fibre bundles. both exosporia and spore fragments are capable of host-specific attachment to the cuticle of meloidogyne incognita, a root-knot nematode host. putative m. incognita receptors appear to be soluble in beta-mercaptoethanol (bme) but not sds, and are also sensitive to tryptic digestion and deglycosylation by endoglycosidase f. polyclonal antibodies ...19911808209
pasteuria nishizawae sp. nov., a mycelial and endospore-forming bacterium parasitic on cyst nematodes of genera heterodera and globodera.this study describes pasteuria nishizawae sp. nov., a fourth species of the genus pasteuria. this mycelial and endospore-forming bacterium parasitizes the adult females of cyst-forming nematodes in the genera heterodera and globodera. the distinct ultrastructural features and unique host range found for this bacterium separate it from two closely related species, pasteuria penetrans, which parasitizes several species of root-knot nematodes of the genus meloidogyne, and pasteuria thornei, which a ...19911947427
pasteuria thornei sp. nov. and pasteuria penetrans sensu stricto emend., mycelial and endospore-forming bacteria parasitic, respectively, on plant-parasitic nematodes of the genera pratylenchus and meloidogyne.descriptions are presented of two members of the pasteuria penetrans group of mycelial and endospore-forming bacteria, parasitic on plant-parasitic nematodes. in one case, the epithet p. penetrans sensu stricto emend. has now been limited to members of this group with cup-shaped sporangia and ellipsoidal endospores, parasitic primarily on the root-knot nematode meloidogyne incognita. the second organism, with rhomboidal sporangia and nearly spherical endospores, which is parasitic primarily on t ...19883382544
bacterial flora in bottled uncarbonated mineral drinking water.a quantitative study of bacterial populations in mineral water was carried out. samples were stored at 6 and 20 degrees c, and the colony counts were determined on tryptone agar plates incubated at 22 and 37 degrees c. samples were collected from the spring source in sterile glass flasks and from the bottling factory in conventional plastic and glass containers. in both cases, the initial population (10(1)-10(2) cfu/ml water) increased to 10(5)-10(6) cfu/ml after 3 days storage as determined fro ...19873446349
budding bacteria of the pasteuria-blastobacter group. 19734122691
molecular genetic evidence for early evolutionary origin of budding peptidoglycan-less eubacteria.recent studies on the cell wall composition of budding, non-prosthecate bacteria have shown that representatives of the genera planctomyces and pasteuria (sensu staley, 1973) lack the peptidoglycan moiety, which is the characteristic feature of eubacterial cell walls, but possess an as yet unidentified protein sheet instead; in this respect planctomyces and pasteuria strains resemble certain archaebacteria more than eubacteria. to determine their phylogenetic positions, the 16s ribosomal rnas of ...19846700702
diversity and partial characterization of putative virulence determinants in pasteuria penetrans, the hyperparasitic bacterium of root-knot nematodes (meloidogyne spp.).antigens recognized by monoclonal antibodies (mabs) raised to the surface of the obligate nematode hyperparasite pasteuria penetrans were characterized. using the attachment of spores of the bacterium to host nematodes to determine the biological variability present on the spore surface greatly underestimated the amount of surface heterogeneity present compared with estimates from immunological techniques. this heterogeneity differed not only between different individual spores from the same pop ...19979281826
modulation of spore adhesion of the hyperparasitic bacterium pasteuria penetrans to nematode cuticle.monoclonal antibodies (mab) raised to the cuticule surface of second-stage juveniles (j2) of the nematode heterodera cajani were partially characterized by immunofluorescence and western blot analysis. five antigens with relative molecular weights (m(r)) 55, 80, 110, 180 and 210 kda were identified with six mab. pasteuria spores, originating from the same population of h. cajani to which the antibodies were raised, were tested for their ability to attach to j2, which had been pretreated with eac ...19979449856
attachment tests of pasteuria penetrans to the cuticle of plant and animal parasitic nematodes, free living nematodes and srf mutants of caenorhabditis elegans.populations of pasteuria penetrans isolated from root-knot nematodes (meloidogyne spp.) and cyst nematodes (heterodera spp.) were tested for their ability to adhere to a limited selection of sheathed and ex-sheathed animal parasitic nematodes, free living nematodes, including caenorhabditis elegans wild type and several srf mutants, and plant parasitic nematodes. the attachment of spores of pasteuria was restricted and no spores were observed adhering to any of the animal parasitic nematodes eit ...199910431371
phylogenetic position of the north american isolate of pasteuria that parasitizes the soybean cyst nematode, heterodera glycines, as inferred from 16s rdna sequence analysis.a 1341 bp sequence of the 16s rdna of an undescribed species of pasteuria that parasitizes the soybean cyst nematode, heterodera glycines, was determined and then compared with a homologous sequence of pasteuria ramosa, a parasite of cladoceran water fleas of the family daphnidae. the two pasteuria sequences, which diverged from each other by a dissimilarity index of 7%, also were compared with the 16s rdna sequences of 30 other bacterial species to determine the phylogenetic position of the gen ...200010758866
cuticle heterogeneity as exhibited by pasteuria spore attachment is not linked to the phylogeny of parthenogenetic root-knot nematodes (meloidogyne spp.).the cuticle is a major barrier prohibiting the infection of nematodes against micro-organisms. the attachment of bacterial spores of the nematode hyperparasite pasteuria penetrans (pp1) to field populations of root-knot nematodes (rkn, meloidogyne spp.) from burkino faso, ecuador, greece, malawi, senegal and trinidad and tobago were assayed in standard attachment tests. the attachment of spore population pp1 to different field populations of root-knot nematode showed that the rates of attachment ...200111197759
the cause of parasitic infection in natural populations of daphnia (crustacea: cladocera): the role of host genetics.disease patterns in nature may be determined by genetic variation for resistance or by factors, genetic or environmental, which influence the host-parasite encounter rate. elucidating the cause of natural infection patterns has been a major pursuit of parasitologists, but it also matters for evolutionary biologists because host resistance genes must influence the expression of disease if parasite-mediated selection is to occur. we used a model system in order to disentangle the strict genetic co ...200011416906
genetic variation in a host-parasite association: potential for coevolution and frequency-dependent selection.models of host-parasite coevolution assume the presence of genetic variation for host resistance and parasite infectivity, as well as genotype-specific interactions. we used the freshwater crustacean daphnia magna and its bacterial microparasite pasteuria ramosa to study genetic variation for host susceptibility and parasite infectivity within each of two populations. we sought to answer the following questions: do host clones differ in their susceptibility to parasite isolates? do parasite isol ...200111475049
temporal patterns of genetic variation for resistance and infectivity in a daphnia-microparasite system.theoretical studies have indicated that the population genetics of host-parasite interactions may be highly dynamic. with parasites perpetually adapting to common host genotypes and hosts evolving resistance to common parasite genotypes. the present study examined temporal variation in resistance of hosts and infectivity of parasites within three populations of daphnia magna infected with the sterilizing bacterium pasteuria ramosa. parasite isolates and host clones were collected in each of two ...200111475050
the interaction between the gelatin-binding domain of fibronectin and the attachment of pasteuria penetrans endospores to nematode cuticle.pasteuria penetrans is a gram-positive endospore-producing bacterium that is a parasite of root-knot nematodes. attachment of endospores to the cuticle of the nematode is the first stage in the infection process. western blot analysis with monoclonal and polyclonal antibodies that recognize the 30 kda heparin-binding domain (hbd) and the 45 kda gelatin-binding domain (gbd) fragments of human fibronectin (fn) revealed a series of polypeptides of approximately 40, 45 and 55 kda present in crude cu ...200111578090
apomictic, polyphagous root-knot nematodes: exceptionally successful and damaging biotrophic root pathogens.most apomictic root-knot nematodes (rkn; meloidogyne spp.) have host ranges that encompass the majority of flowering plants, and m. incognita is possibly the world's most damaging crop pathogen. the ancestors, age, and origins of the polyphagous rkn are obscure, but there is increasing evidence that m. incognita, m. javanica, and m. arenaria are closely related, heterogeneous species with a recent, hybrid (reticulate) origin. if so, they must owe much of their current worldwide distributions to ...200111701859
description of tylenchorhynchus shimizui n. sp. from paraguay and notes on t. leviterminalis siddiqi, mukherjee & dasgupta from japan (nematoda: tylenchida: telotylenchidae).a new species of tylenchorhynchus cobb, 1913 from paraguay, t. shimizui n. sp., and t. leviterminalis siddiqi, mukherjee & dasgupta, 1982 from japan are described and illustrated. t. shimizui n. sp. is a monosexual species characterised by females with a medium-sized body, l=0.70-0.82 mm, stylet 18.4-20.8 microm long, a rounded lip region slightly set off from the body contours bearing six annules, oesophageal glands slightly overlapping the intestine laterally and a subcylindrical tail with a b ...200211912343
maternal transfer of strain-specific immunity in an invertebrate.the most celebrated component of the vertebrate immune system is the acquired response in which memory cells established during primary infection enhance the proliferation of antibodies during secondary infection. additionally, the strength of vertebrate acquired immune responses varies dramatically depending on the infecting pathogen species or on the pathogen genotype within species. because invertebrates lack the t-cell receptors and major histocompatibility complex (mhc) molecules that media ...200312646131
detection and characterization of pasteuria 16s rrna gene sequences from nematodes and soils.various bacterial species in the genus pasteuria have great potential as biocontrol agents against plant-parasitic nematodes, although study of this important genus is hampered by the current inability to cultivate pasteuria species outside their host. to aid in the study of this genus, an extensive 16s rrna gene sequence phylogeny was constructed and this information was used to develop cultivation-independent methods for detection of pasteuria in soils and nematodes. thirty new clones of paste ...200312656160
'candidatus pasteuria usgae' sp. nov., an obligate endoparasite of the phytoparasitic nematode belonolaimus longicaudatus.taxonomically relevant characteristics of a fastidiously gram-positive, obligately endoparasitic prokaryote (strain s-1) that uses the phytoparasitic sting nematode belonolaimus longicaudatus as its host are reviewed. 16s rdna sequence similarity (> or = 93%) confirms its congeneric ranking with other pasteuria species and strains from nematodes and cladocerans and corroborates morphological, morphometric and host range evidence suggesting a novel taxon. the 16s rdna sequence of strain s-1 has g ...200312656173
parasite-mediated selection in experimental daphnia magna has been suggested that parasites are a strong selecting force for their hosts and therefore may alter the outcome of competition among host genotypes. we tested the extent to which parasite-mediated selection by different parasite species influenced competition among clones of the cyclic parthenogen daphnia magna. we monitored clone frequency changes in laboratory microcosm populations consisting of 21 d. magna clones. parasite treatments (two microsporidians, glugoides intestinalis and ordo ...200312683522
morphology and ultrastructure of a pasteuria form parasitic in tylenchorhynchus cylindricus (nematoda). 200312725816
united states department of agriculture-agricultural research service research programs on microbes for management of plant-parasitic nematodes.restrictions on the use of conventional nematicides have increased the need for new methods of managing plant-parasitic nematodes. consequently, nematode-antagonistic microbes, and active compounds produced by such organisms, are being explored as potential additions to management practices. programs in this area at the usda agricultural research service investigate applied biocontrol agents, naturally occurring beneficial soil microbes and natural compounds. specific research topics include use ...200312846316
phylogenetic analysis and confirmation of the endospore-forming nature of pasteuria penetrans based on the spo0a gene.pasteuria penetrans is an obligate parasite of plant parasitic nematodes and has yet to be grown in vitro. we have cloned the pivotal sporulation gene, spo0a, which is the first whole gene yet to come from this organism. partial spo0a sequences were also obtained from the related bacteria, pasteuria ramosa and alicyclobacillus acidocaldarius. phylogenetic analyses using the spo0a sequence data from this and previous studies confirmed the closeness of the genera pasteuria and members of the super ...200312951249
interactions between bacteria and plant-parasitic nematodes: now and then.based on genome-to-genome analyses of gene sequences obtained from plant-parasitic, root-knot nematodes (meloidogyne spp.), it seems likely that certain genes have been derived from bacteria by horizontal gene transfer. strikingly, a common theme underpinning the function of these genes is their apparent direct relationship to the nematodes' parasitic lifestyle. phylogenetic analyses implicate rhizobacteria as the predominant group of 'gene donor' bacteria. root-knot nematodes and rhizobia occup ...200313678641
the infection rate of daphnia magna by pasteuria ramosa conforms with the mass-action simple epidemiological models that describe the interaction between hosts with their parasites, the infection process is commonly assumed to be governed by the law of mass action, i.e. it is assumed that the infection rate depends linearly on the densities of the host and the parasite. the mass-action assumption, however, can be problematic if certain aspects of the host-parasite interaction are very pronounced, such as spatial compartmentalization, host immunity which may protect from infect ...200314596538
physiology of immunity in the water flea daphnia magna: environmental and genetic aspects of phenoloxidase an attempt to understand the ecological correlates of immunocompetence in daphnia magna (crustacea, cladocera), we tested for variation in immune function in relation to feeding conditions, host conditions, and host genotype. we investigated both phenotypic (environmental dependent and condition dependent) as well as genotypic aspects of the prophenoloxidase activating system (pro-poas), which has been described as a key factor in invertebrate immunity. daphnia magna is an ideal study system ...200314988798
variation in phenoloxidase activity and its relation to parasite resistance within and between populations of daphnia magna.estimates of phenoloxidase (po) activity have been suggested as a useful indicator of immunocompetence in arthropods, with the idea that high po activity would indicate high immunocompetence against parasites and pathogens. here, we test for variation in po activity among clones of the planktonic crustacean daphnia magna and its covariation with susceptibility to infections from four different microparasite species (one bacterium and three microsporidia). strong clonal variation in po activity w ...200415306368
the evolution of virulence when parasites cause host castration and has been suggested that the harm parasites cause to their hosts is an unavoidable consequence of parasite reproduction with costs not only for the host but also for the parasite. castrating parasites are thought to minimize their costs by reducing host fecundity, which may minimize the chances of killing both host and parasite prematurely. we conducted a series of experiments to understand the evolution of virulence of a castrating bacterium in the planktonic crustacean daphnia magna. by mani ...200415540139
the effect of different initial densities of nematode (meloidogyne javanica) on the build-up of pasteuria penetrans population.pasteuria penetrans will build-up faster where there is a high initial nematode density and can suppress root-knot nematode populations in the roots of tomato plants. the effect of different initial densities of nematode (meloidogyne javanica) (150, 750, 1500, 3000) and p. penetrans infected females (f1, f3) densities (f0=control and ac=absolute control without nematode or p. penetrans inoculum) on the build-up of pasteuria population was investigated over four crop cycles. two major points of i ...200515633246
development of pasteuria penetrans in meloidogyne javanica females as affected by constantly high vs fluctuating temperature in an in-vivo system.growth room and glasshouse experiment was conducted to investigate the effect of constant and fluctuating temperatures on the development of pasteuria penetrans a hyperparasite of root-knot nematodes. tomato plants (lycopersicon esculentum mill) were inoculated with meloidogyne javanica second-stage juveniles attached with endospores of p. penetrans and were grown in growth room at 26-29 degrees c and in glasshouse at 20-32 degrees c. the tomato plants were sampled from the growth room after 600 ...200515682497
occurrence, hosts, morphology, and molecular characterisation of pasteuria bacteria parasitic in nematodes of the family plectidae.parasitic bacteria of the genus pasteuria are reported for three anaplectus and four identified and several unidentified plectus species found in eight countries in various habitats. the pasteurias from plectids agree in essential morphological characters of sporangia and endospores as well as in developmental cycle with those of the pasteuria species and strains described from tylenchid nematodes, but appear to be mainly distinguished from these by absence of a distinct perisporium in the spore ...200515707865
host-parasite and genotype-by-environment interactions: temperature modifies potential for selection by a sterilizing pathogen.parasite-mediated selection is potentially of great importance in modulating genetic diversity. genetic variation for resistance, the fuel for natural selection, appears to be common in host-parasite interactions, but responses to selection are rarely observed. in the present study, we tested whether environmental variation could mediate infection and determine evolutionary outcomes. temperature was shown to dramatically alter the potential for parasite-mediated selection in two independent labo ...200515792228
ecological implications of parasites in natural daphnia natural host populations, parasitism is considered to be omnipresent and to play an important role in shaping host life history and population dynamics. here, we study parasitism in natural populations of the zooplankton host daphnia magna investigating their individual and population level effects during a 2-year field study. our results revealed a rich and highly prevalent community of parasites, with eight endoparasite species (four microsporidia, one amoeba, two bacteria and one nematode) ...200515891825
emended description of pasteuria nishizawae.the description of the gram-positive, obligately parasitic, mycelial and endospore-forming bacterium, pasteuria nishizawae, is emended to include additional observations on the life cycle, host specificity and endospore morphology. the nucleotide sequence of the 16s rrna gene is also provided.200516014501
phylogenetic analysis of pasteuria penetrans by use of multiple genetic loci.pasteuria penetrans is a gram-positive, endospore-forming eubacterium that apparently is a member of the bacillus-clostridium clade. it is an obligate parasite of root knot nematodes (meloidogyne spp.) and preferentially grows on the developing ovaries, inhibiting reproduction. root knot nematodes are devastating root pests of economically important crop plants and are difficult to control. consequently, p. penetrans has long been recognized as a potential biocontrol agent for root knot nematode ...200516077116
structural analysis of divalent metals binding to the bacillus subtilis response regulator spo0f: the possibility for in vitro metalloregulation in the initiation of sporulation.the presence of a divalent metal ion in a negatively charged aspartic acid pocket is essential for phosphorylation of response regulator proteins. here, we present metal binding studies of the bacillus subtilis response regulator spo0f using nmr and microesi-ms. nmr studies show that the divalent metals ca(2+), mg(2+) and mn(2+) primarily bind, as expected, in the asp pocket phosphorylation site. however, identical studies with cu(2+) show distinct binding effects in three specific locations: (i ...200516333746
parasite-host specificity: experimental studies on the basis of parasite adaptation.specificity in parasitic interactions can be defined by host genotypes that are resistant to only a subset of parasite genotypes and parasite genotypes that are infective on a subset of host genotypes. it is not always clear if specificity is determined by the genotypes of the interactors, or if phenotypic plasticity (sometimes called acclimation) plays a larger role. coevolutionary outcomes critically depend on the pervasiveness of genetic interactions. we studied specificity using the bacteria ...200616568629
biological control potential of the obligate parasite pasteuria penetransagainst the root-knot nematode, meloidogyne incognita infestation in brinjal.the efficacy of the obligate bacterial parasite, pasteuria penetrans against the rootknot nematode, meloidogyne incognita infestation was assessed in brinjal. the seedling pans with sterilized soil were inoculated with nematodes and root powder of p. penetrans were applied at different dosages viz., 0 x 10(6), 0.5 x 10(6) spores and 1 x 10(6) spores/pan. seeds of brinjal cv co2 were sown in the pans and seedlings were allowed to grow. the seedlings were transplanted to microplots containing ster ...200516628937
integrated management of root-knot nematode, meloidogyne incognita infestation in tomato and integrated approach with the obligate bacterial parasite, pasteuria penetrans and nematicides was assessed for the management of the root-knot nematode, meloidogyne incognita infestation in tomato and grapevine. seedlings of tomato cv. co3 were transplanted into pots filled with sterilized soil and inoculated with nematodes (5000 juveniles/pot). the root powder of p. penetrans at 10 mg/pot was applied alone and in combination with carbofuran at 6 mg/pot. application of p. penetrans along with ...200516628938
parasite-mediated selection and the role of sex and diapause in gain insight into parasite-mediated natural selection, we studied a natural population of the crustacean daphnia magna during a severe epidemic of the bacterial parasite pasteuria ramosa. we also investigated the relationship between susceptibility and the production of resting eggs, which are only produced during the sexual phase of reproduction. live host samples were taken before and after this epidemic and resistance to p. ramosa was examined in the laboratory. host clones collected after ...200616780519
exploitation of immunofluorescence for the quantification and characterization of small numbers of pasteuria endospores.the pasteuria group of endospore-forming bacteria has been studied as a biocontrol agent of plant-parasitic nematodes. techniques have been developed for its detection and quantification in soil samples, and these mainly focus on observations of endospore attachment to nematodes. characterization of pasteuria populations has recently been performed with dna-based techniques, which usually require the extraction of large numbers of spores. we describe a simple immunological method for the quantif ...200617118000
morphological and molecular characteristics of a new species of pasteuria parasitic on meloidogyne ardenensis.a species of the hyper-parasitic bacterium pasteuria was isolated from the root-knot nematode meloidogyne ardenensis infecting the roots of ash (fraxinus excelsior). it is morphologically different from some other pasteuria pathogens of nematodes in that the spores lack a basal ring on the ventral side of the spore and have a unique clumping nature. transmission electron microscopy (tem) showed that the clumps of spores are not random aggregates but result from the disintegration of the suicide ...200717399736
variable-number tandem repeats as molecular markers for biotypes of pasteuria ramosa in daphnia spp.variable-number tandem repeats (vntrs) have been identified in populations of pasteuria ramosa, a castrating endobacterium of daphnia species. the allelic polymorphisms at 14 loci in laboratory and geographically diverse soil samples showed that vntrs may serve as biomarkers for the genetic characterization of p. ramosa isolates.200717400766
parasite-driven genetic change in a natural population of daphnia.a substantial body of theory indicates that parasites may mould the population genetic structure of their hosts, but few empirical studies have directly linked parasitism to genetic dynamics. we used molecular markers (allozymes) to investigate genotype frequency changes in a natural population of the crustacean daphnia magna in relation to an epidemic of the bacterial pathogen pasteuria ramosa. the population experienced a severe epidemic during the study period in which parasite prevalence rea ...200717439612
multiple-strand displacement and identification of single nucleotide polymorphisms as markers of genotypic variation of pasteuria penetrans biotypes infecting root-knot nematodes.pasteuria species are endospore-forming obligate bacterial parasites of soil-inhabiting nematodes and water-inhabiting cladocerans, e.g. water fleas, and are closely related to bacillus spp. by 16s rrna gene sequence. as naturally occurring bacteria, biotypes of pasteuria penetrans are attractive candidates for the biocontrol of various meloidogyne spp. (root-knot nematodes). failure to culture these bacteria outside their hosts has prevented isolation of genomic dna in quantities sufficient for ...200717578522
evidence for a cost of immunity when the crustacean daphnia magna is exposed to the bacterial pathogen pasteuria ramosa.the deployment of the immune system has the obvious potential to ameliorate infection outcomes, but immune responses can also harm hosts by either damaging host tissues or monopolizing resources, leading to enhanced mortality. to gain insight into such a 'cost of immunity' when the crustacean daphnia magna is challenged with the bacterium pasteuria ramosa, we measured survivorship among hosts that resisted infection following exposure to various strains and doses of the parasite. in the first of ...200717922716
genetic and immunological comparison of the cladoceran parasite pasteuria ramosa with the nematode parasite pasteuria penetrans.pasteuria penetrans, an obligate endospore-forming parasite of meloidogyne spp. (root knot nematodes), has been identified as a promising agent for biocontrol of these destructive agricultural crop pests. pasteuria ramosa, an obligate parasite of water fleas (daphnia spp.), has been shown to modulate cladoceran populations in natural ecosystems. selected sporulation genes and an epitope associated with the spore envelope of these related species were compared. the sige and spoiiaa/spoiiab genes ...200817933927
parasite variation and the evolution of virulence in a daphnia-microparasite system.understanding genetic relationships amongst the life-history traits of parasites is crucial for testing hypotheses on the evolution of virulence. this study therefore examined variation between parasite isolates (the bacterium pasteuria ramosa) from the crustacean daphnia magna. from a single wild-caught infected host we obtained 2 p. ramosa isolates that differed substantially in the mortality they caused. surprisingly, the isolate causing higher early mortality was, on average, less successful ...200818005474
inter- and intra-specific cuticle variation between amphimictic and parthenogenetic species of root-knot nematode (meloidogyne spp.) as revealed by a bacterial parasite (pasteuria penetrans).specific host-parasite interactions exist between species and strains of plant parasitic root-knot nematodes and the gram-positive bacterial hyperparasite pasteuria penetrans. this bacterium produces endospores that adhere to the cuticle of migrating juveniles, germinate and colonise the developing female within roots. endospore attachment of p. penetrans populations to second-stage juveniles of the root-knot nematode species meloidogyne incognita and meloidogyne hapla showed there were interact ...200818171577
a quantitative test of the relationship between parasite dose and infection probability across different host-parasite combinations.epidemiological models generally assume that the number of susceptible individuals that become infected within a unit of time depends on the density of the hosts and the concentration of parasites (i.e. mass-action principle). however, empirical studies have found significant deviations from this assumption due to biotic and abiotic factors, such as seasonality, the spatial structure of the host population and host heterogeneity with respect to immunity and susceptibility. in this paper, we exam ...200818198145
variable-number-of-tandem-repeats analysis of genetic diversity in pasteuria ramosa.variable-number-of-tandem-repeats (vntr) markers are increasingly being used in population genetic studies of bacteria. they were recently developed for pasteuria ramosa, an endobacterium that infects daphnia species. in the present study, we genotyped p. ramosa in 18 infected hosts from the united kingdom, belgium, and two lakes in the united states using seven vntr markers. two daphnia species were collected: d. magna and d. dentifera. six loci showed length polymorphism, with as many as five ...200818214600
the effects of multiple infections on the expression and evolution of virulence in a daphnia-endoparasite system.multiple infections of a host by different strains of the same microparasite are common in nature. although numerous models have been developed in an attempt to predict the evolutionary effects of intrahost competition, tests of the assumptions of these models are rare and the outcome is diverse. in the present study we examined the outcome of mixed-isolate infections in individual hosts, using a single clone of the waterflea daphnia magna and three isolates of its semelparous endoparasite paste ...200818384658
responses of a bacterial pathogen to phosphorus limitation of its aquatic invertebrate nutrition is thought to affect the establishment, persistence, and severity of pathogenic infections. nutrient-deficient foods possibly benefit pathogens by constraining host immune function or benefit hosts by limiting parasite growth and reproduction. however, the effects of poor elemental food quality on a host's susceptibility to infection and disease have received little study. here we show that the bacterial microparasite pasteuria ramosa is affected by the elemental nutrition of its ...200818409420
experimental evolution of field populations of daphnia magna in response to parasite treatment.although there is little doubt that hosts evolve to reduce parasite damage, little is known about the evolutionary time scale on which host populations may adapt under natural conditions. here we study the effects of selection by the microsporidian parasite octosporea bayeri on populations of daphnia magna. in a field study, we infected replicated populations of d. magna with the parasite, leaving control populations uninfected. after two summer seasons of experimental evolution (about 15 genera ...200818462312
host-parasite coevolution: insights from the daphnia-parasite model system.daphnia and its parasites have become recognized as a model system for studying the epidemiological, evolutionary and genetic interactions between hosts and parasites. the key advantages of the daphnia-parasite system are the propagation of the host as iso-female lines, that is clonal, but at the same time the possibility to cross lines. furthermore, daphnia have diverse parasites, including bacteria, fungi, microsporidia and helminths, which can be kept in culture with the hosts. for two parasi ...200818556238
temperature-dependent costs of parasitism and maintenance of polymorphism under genotype-by-environment interactions.the maintenance of genetic variation for infection-related traits is often attributed to coevolution between hosts and parasites, but it can also be maintained by environmental variation if the relative fitness of different genotypes changes with environmental variation. to gain insight into how infection-related traits are sensitive to environmental variation, we exposed a single host genotype of the freshwater crustacean daphnia magna to four parasite isolates (which we assume to represent dif ...200818557795
bacterial infection changes the elemental composition of daphnia magna.1. an animal's elemental composition can be an important indicator of its physiological state and role in ecosystem nutrient cycling. we examined the interactive effects of bacterial (pasteuria ramosa) infection and phosphorus (p)-poor food on the body stoichiometry of daphnia magna. daphnia were exposed to or held free of a bacterial parasite and fed algal food of different c:p ratios (100-500) over a 28-day period. 2. to assess the effects of exposure and infection on daphnia stoichiometry, we ...200818631369
ultrastructure, morphology, and sporogenesis of pasteuria penetrans.abstract pasteuria penetrans is a bacterial parasite of root-knot nematodes that shows great potential as a biocontrol agent. scanning and transmission electron microscopy were used to study the ultrastructure, morphology, and sporogenesis of four isolates of p. penetrans. the effects of different meloidogyne spp. and tobacco cultivars on sporangium size and morphology of endospores attached to the cuticle of second-stage juveniles (j2) of root-knot nematodes also were investigated. the p. penet ...199718945170
prophenoloxidase in daphnia magna: cdna sequencing and expression in relation to resistance to pathogens.invertebrates utilise the innate immune system when defending against pathogenic attack. however, except for some effectors as prophenoloxidase (propo), the innate immune response is less well understood outside model insect species, and its role in natural host-pathogen systems is generally not well documented. we have therefore initiated studies on the immune response of the crustacean daphnia when exposed to the specialist endobacterial pathogen, pasteuria ramosa. this study was focused on th ...200919103220
a method for isolation of pasteuria penetrans endospores for bioassay and genomic studies.a rapid method for collection of pasteuria penetrans endospores was developed. roots containing p. penetrans-infected root-knot nematode females were softened by pectinase digestion, mechanically processed, and filtered to collect large numbers of viable endospores. this method obviates laborious handpicking of pasteuria-infected females and yields endospores competent to attach to and infect nematodes. endospores are suitable for morphology studies and dna preparations.200619259442
transfer and development of pasteuria penetrans.pasteuria penetrans isolate p-20 has been attributed as the cause of soil suppressiveness to peanut root-knot nematode in florida. in this study, p. penetrans was transferred from a suppressive site to a new site and established by growing susceptible hosts to the peanut root-knot nematode during both summer and winter seasons. when two soil fumigants, 1,3-dichloropropene (1,3-d) and chloropicrin, were applied broadcast at the rate of 168 liters/ha and 263 kg/ha, respectively, the bacterium was ...200719259476
temporal formation and immunolocalization of an endospore surface epitope during pasteuria penetrans sporogenesis.the synthesis and localization of an endospore surface epitope associated with the development of pasteuria penetrans was determined using a monoclonal antibody (mab) as a probe. nematodes, uninfected or infected with p. penetrans, were harvested at 12, 16, 24, and 38 days after inoculation (dai) and then examined to determine the developmental stage of the bacterium. vegetative growth of p. penetrans was observed only in infected nematodes harvested at 12 and 16 dai, whereas cells at different ...200319262762
a simple method for the extraction, pcr-amplification, cloning, and sequencing of pasteuria 16s rdna from small numbers of endospores.for many years the taxonomy of the genus pasteuria has been marred with confusion because the bacterium could not be cultured in vitro and, therefore, descriptions were based solely on morphological, developmental, and pathological characteristics. the current study sought to devise a simple method for pcr-amplification, cloning, and sequencing of pasteuria 16s rdna from small numbers of endospores, with no need for prior dna purification. results show that dna extracts from plain glass bead-bea ...200419262793
life cycle, ultrastructure, and host specificity of the north american isolate of pasteuria that parasitizes the soybean cyst nematode, heterodera glycines.light and transmission electron microscopy were used to investigate the life cycle and ultrastructure of an undescribed isolate of pasteuria that parasitizes the soybean cyst nematode, heterodera glycines. studies also were conducted to determine the host specificity of pasteuria. the endospores that attached to the cuticle of second-stage juveniles (j2) of h. glycines in soil did not germinate until the encumbered nematodes invaded soybean roots. thereafter, the bacterium developed and complete ...200419262804
persistence and suppressiveness of pasteuria penetrans to meloidogyne arenaria race.the long-term persistence and suppressiveness of pasteuria penetrans against meloidogyne arenaria race 1 were investigated in a formerly root-knot nematode suppressive site following 9 years of continuous cultivation of three treatments and 4 years of continuous peanut. the three treatments were two m. arenaria race 1 nonhost crops, bahiagrass (paspalum notatum cv. pensacola var. tifton 9), rhizomal peanut (arachis glabrata cv. florigraze), and weed fallow. two root-knot nematode susceptible wee ...200419262836
distribution and downward movement of pasteuria penetrans in field soil.endospores of pasteuria penetrans were evaluated for their vertical distribution in field soil and their downward movement through soil in the laboratory. in the field trial, the number of endospores attached to second-stage juveniles (j2) of meloidogyne arenaria race 1 varied greatly in different soil depths. there were higher percentages of j2 with endospores attached in former weed fallow plots during the first 3 years of growing peanut than in former bahiagrass and rhizomal peanut plots (p < ...200519262855
ultrastructure and development of pasteuria sp. (s-1 strain), an obligate endoparasite of belonolaimus longicaudatus (nemata: tylenchida).pasteuria sp., strain s-1, is a gram-positive, obligate endoparasitic bacterium that uses the phytoparasitic sting nematode, belonolaimus longicaudatus, as its host in florida. the host attachment of s-1 appears to be specific to the genus belonolaimus with development occurring only in juveniles and adults of b. longicaudatus. this bacterium is characterized from other described species of pasteuria using ultrastructure of the mature endospore. penetration, development, and sporogenesis were el ...200119265886
pasteuria spp.: systematics and phylogeny of these bacterial parasites of phytopathogenic nematodes.pasteuria spp. include endospore-forming bacterial pathogens of cladoceran crustaceans and plant-parasitic nematodes. propagation of these nematode pathogens requires attachment of soilborne endospores to nematode hosts, infection, growth, sporulation, and release of endospores to repeat the cycle of infection and propagation. the ability of these bacteria to suppress the levels of plant-parasitic nematodes in the field has made them particularly promising candidates for biocontrol of nematode d ...200319265995
phenotypic and molecular analysis of a pasteuria strain parasitic to the sting nematode.pasteuria strain s-1 was found to parasitize the sting nematode belonolaimus longicaudatus. s-1 spores attached to several strains of b. longicaudatus from different geographical locations within the united states. however, they did not adhere to any of the following species: heterodera schachtii, longidorus africanus, meloidogyne hapla, m. incognita, m. javanica, pratylenchus brachyurus, p. scribneri, p. neglectus, p. penetrans, p. thornei, p. vulnus, and xiphinema spp. the 16s rrna genes from ...200119266005
effects of fluctuating temperatures and different host plants on development of pasteuria penetrans in meloidogyne javanica.greenhouse and growth room experiments were conducted to investigate the effect of host plant in relation to different nematode inoculum levels, and temperature fluctuations on the development of pasteuria penetrans. host plant affected the development of p. penetrans indirectly through its effect on nematode development. endospores collected from meloidogyne javanica females reared on different hosts did not show any differences in subsequent attachment and infectivity. the numbers of endospore ...199919270902
phylogenetic analysis of pasteuria penetrans by 16s rrna gene cloning and sequencing.pasteuria penetrans is an endospore-forming bacterial parasite of meloidogyne spp. this organism is among the most promising agents for the biological control of root-knot nematodes. in order to establish the phylogenetic position of this species relative to other endospore-forming bacteria, the 16s ribosomal genes from two isolates of p. penetrans, p-20, which preferentially infects m. arenaria race 1, and p-100, which preferentially infects m. incognita and m. javanica, were pcr-amplified from ...199919270903
extraction and purification of pasteuria spp. endospores.pasteuria penetrans is an endospore-forming bacterial parasite of root-knot nematodes that has potential as a biological control agent. biochemical investigations of p. penetrans are limited because of difficulty in obtaining large quantities of endospores free of plant debris and contaminating microorganisms. our objective was to develop a technique for extraction and purification of p. penetrans endospores from root-knot nematodes. tomato roots infected with meloidogyne arenaria that was paras ...200019270952
seasonality of tylenchulus semipenetrans cobb and pasteuria sp. in citrus orchards in spain.population densities of the mediterranean biotype of tylenchulus semipenetrans were monitored in soil and citrus roots at 3-month intervals for 3 consecutive years in four citrus orchards in the provinces of tarragona (amposta and xalamera) and valencia (moncada and ca rcer). nematode population densities in soil peaked once a year in april or july depending on the orchard and year. numbers of females per gram of root increased once or twice each year. the maximum density of eggs per gram of roo ...200019271018
suppression mechanisms of meloidogyne arenaria race 1 by pasteuria penetrans.the biological control of meloidogyne arenaria on peanut (arachis hypogaea) by pasteuria penetrans was evaluated using a six x six factorial experiment in field microplots over 2 years. the main factors were six inoculum levels of second-stage juveniles (j2) of m. arenaria race 1 (0, 40, 200, 1,000, 5,000, and 25,000 j2/microplot, except that the highest level was 20,000 j2/microplot in 1995) and six infestation levels of p. penetrans as percentages of j2 with endospores attached (0, 20, 40, 60, ...199719274127
temperature-dependent development of pasteuria penetrans in meloidogyne arenaria.pasteuria penetrans is a promising biological control agent of plant-parasitic nematodes. this study was conducted to determine effects of temperature on the bacterium's development in meloidogyne arenaria. developmental stages of p. penetrans were viewed with a compound microscope and verified with scanning electron microscopy within each nematode at 100 accumulated degree-day intervals by tracking accumulated degree-days at three temperatures (21, 28, and 35 degrees c). five predominant develo ...199719274154
antibodies from chicken eggs as probes for antigens from pasteuria penetrans endospores.the bacteria pasteuria spp. have been identified as among the most promising of several microbial organisms currently under investigation as biological control agents of plant-parasitic nematodes. as part of our goal to develop methods to discriminate isolates of pasteuria penetrans with different host preferences, we investigated the potential of developing antibody probes to identify endospores of different isolates of p. penetrans. polyclonal igy antibodies were raised in chickens against end ...199719274158
estimating incidence of attachment of pasteuria penetrans endospores to meloidogyne spp. with tally thresholds.pasteuria penetrans has .been identified as an important biological control agent of root-knot nematodes. in this study the use of tally thresholds was evaluated for estimating p. penetrans endospore attachment to second-stage juveniles (j2) of meloidogyne spp. a tally threshold (t) is defined as the maximum number of individuals in a sample unit that may be treated as absent based on binomial sampling. three different data sets that originated from centrifugal bioassay, incubation bioassay, and ...199719274161
temperature effects on the attachment of pasteuria penetrans endospores to meloidogyne arenaria race 1.pasteuria penetrans is a gram positive bacterium that prevents meloidogyne spp. from reproducing and diminishes their ability to penetrate roots. the attachment of the endospores to the cuticle of the nematodes is the first step in the life cycle of the bacterium and is essential for its reproduction. as a preliminary study to a field solarization test, the effects of temperature on the attachment of p. penetrans on meloidogyne arenaria race 1 were investigated. preexposing second-stage juvenile ...199719274192
effects of monoclonal antibodies, cationized ferritin, and other organic molecules on adhesion of pasteuria penetrans endospores to meloidogyne incognita.the incidence of adhesion of pasteuria penetrans endospores to meloidogyne incognita second-stage juveniles (j2) was studied after pretreatment of the latter with monoclonal antibodies (mab), cationized ferritin, and other organic molecules in replicated trials. monoclonal antibodies developed to a cuticular epitope of m. incognita second-stage juveniles gave significant reductions in attachment of p. penetrans endospores to treated nematodes. mab bound to the entire length of j2 except for the ...199719274193
population changes in heterodera glycines and its bacterial parasite pasteuria sp. in naturally infested soil.a two-year soil sampling study was conducted on four microplots naturally infested with heterodera glycines and an undescfibed species of pasteuria. the objectives of the study were to investigate the population dynamics of both organisms and to assess the potential of pasteuria sp. as a biological control agent of h. glycines. seasonal fluctuations were observed in numbers of cysts, eggs per cyst, second-stage juveniles (j2) of h. glycines, number of pasteuria endospores attached per j2, and pe ...199819274202
observations on a pasteuria isolate parasitic on hoplolaimus galeatus in peru.a pasteuria isolate associated with a population of the lance nematode hoplolaimus galeatus was discovered in peru. the infective propagules adhered to adult stages and juveniles and were found filling the bodies of males and females. the endospore and central core diameters measured 4.5 +/- 0.4 pm and 1.9 +/- 0.2 mum, respectively, which differed from those reported for other pasteuria isolates found iu north america on the same host. examinations of endospore ultrastructure with scanning elect ...199819274212
review of pasteuria penetrans: biology, ecology, and biological control potential.pasteuria penetrans is a mycelial, endospore-forming, bacterial parasite that has shown great potential as a biological control agent of root-knot nematodes. considerable progress has been made during the last 10 years in understanding its biology and importance as an agent capable of effectively suppressing root-knot nematodes in field soil. the objective of this review is to summarize the current knowledge of the biology, ecology, and biological control potential of p. penetrans and other past ...199819274225
minimal growth temperature of pasteuria penetrans.pasteuria penetrans is an obligate, mycelial, and endospore-forming bacterial parasite of meloidogyne spp. with promise for the management of root-knot nematodes. our objective was to use regression analysis of developmental time (days) to various temperatures to determine the minimal temperature for growth and development of p. penetrans in meloidogyne spp. the data set for regression originated from a previously published report. the data fit well to hyperbolic equations. for various developme ...199719274263
suppression of meloidogyne arenaria race 1 by soil application of endospores of pasteuria penetrans.the potential of pasteuria penetrans for suppressing meloidogyne arenaria race 1 on peanut (arachis hypogaea) was tested over a 2-year period in a field microplot experiment. endospores of p. penetrans were mass-produced on m. arenaria race 1 infecting tomato plants. endospores were inoculated in the first year only at rates of 0, 1,000, 3,000, 10,000, and 100,000 endospores/g of soil, respectively, into the top 20 cm of microplots that were previously infested with m. arenaria race 1. one peanu ...199619277131
attachment of pasteuria penetrans endospores to the surface of meloidogyne javanica second-stage juveniles.pasteuria penetrans spore adhesion to meloidogyne javanica second-stage juveniles (j2) was examined following several different pretreatments of the latter. the detergents sodium dodecyl sulfate and triton x-100, the carbohydrates fucose and alpha-methyl-d-mannoside, and the lectins concanavalin a and wheat germ agglutinin reduced spore attachment. spores exposed to m. javanica surface coat (sc) extract exhibited decreased adherence to the j2 surface. second-stage juveniles that had been treated ...199619277150
the surface coat of plant-parasitic nematodes: chemical composition, origin, and biological role-a review.chemical composition, origin, and biological role of the surface coat (sc) of plant-parasitic nematodes are described and compared with those of animal-parasitic and free-living nematodes. the sc of the plant-parasitic nematodes is 5-30 nm thick and is characterized by a net negative charge. it consists, at least in part, of glycoproteins and proteins with various molecular weights, depending upon the nematode species. the lability of its components and the binding of human red blood cells to th ...199519277272
atomic force microscopy of plant-parasitic nematodes.a simple method for atomic force microscopy (afm) of nematode cuticle was developed to visualize the external topography of helicotylenchus lobus, meloidogyne javanica, m. incognita, and xiphinema diversicaudatum. endospores of two isolates of the nematode parasite, pasteuria penetrans, adhering to m. incognita and x. diversicaudatum were also visualized and measured by this technique. scanning procedures were applied to specimens killed and dehydrated in air or dehydrated and stored in glycerol ...199519277280
phenotypic adaptations in pasteuria spp. nematode parasites.the endospore and central core diameters of 69 isolates of pasteuria spp. showed a relationship with the body wall thickness of their corresponding host nematodes. a relationship was also observed when cuticle and hypodermis layer data were derived from transmission electron microscopy micrographs. principal component analysis and hierarchical cluster analysis based on endospore and central core diameters and host nematode body wall thickness delineated six distinct groups. five groups included ...199519277296
occurrence of pasteuria-like organisms on selected plant-pamsitic nematodes of pineapple in the hawaiian islands.soils from 320 sites representing diverse undisturbed habitats from five hawaiian islands were assessed for occurrence of pasteuria-like organisms. mean annual rainfall at sites ranged from 125-350 cm, elevation from 69-2,286 m, and annual mean temperature from 12-24 c. seven different natural communities were represented: wet lowland, mesic lowland, wet montane, mesk montane, dry montane, mesic subalpine, and dry alpine. pasteuria spp. in a soil sample was detected by baiting with infective sta ...199519277305
effects of soil treatments on the survival of soil biological control studies of plant-parasitic nematodes in field soil improved methods are needed for reducing or eliminating specific soil inhabiting microorganisms. microwave heating of soil decreases soilborne fungi and bacteria, but not pasteuria spp. bacterial and fungal colony forming units were reduced to nondetectable levels in microwaved heated field soft (650 watts) at 5.2% moisture when treated for 6 minutes and 4 minutes, respectively.199519277338
suppression of meloidogyne incognita and m. javanica by pasteuria penetrans in field soil.the role of pasteuria penetrans in suppressing numbers of root-knot nematodes was investigated in a 7-year monocuhure of tobacco in a field naturally infested with a mixed population of meloidogyne incognita race 1 and m. javanica. the suppressiveness of the soil was tested using four treatments: autoclaving (ac), microwaving (mw), air drying (dr), and untreated. the treated soil bioassays consisted of tobacco cv. northrup king 326 (resistant to m. incognita but susceptible to m. javanica) and c ...199619277344
quantification of endospore concentrations of pasteuria penetrans in tomato root material.six methods for quantification of the endospore concentrations of pasteuria penetrans from tomato roots are described. mortar disruption and machine disruption methods gave the highest estimations (endospores per gram of root material) of 83.7 and 79.0 million, respectively. these methods were significantly superior to incubation bioassay (47.7 million), enzymatic disruption (32.1 million), and enzymatic disruption + flotation (25.8 million) methods. a centrifugation bioassay method gave the low ...199619277345
a centrifugation method for attaching endospores of pasteuria spp. to nematodes.attachment of relatively low numbers of endospores from two isolates of pasteuria spp. to several species of nematodes was consistently achieved in 2-5 minutes with a centrifugation technique. the rate of attachment of pasteuria penetrans at 10 endospores/0.1 ml/tube to second-stage juveniles (j2) of meloidogyne javanica, m. incognita race 1, m. incognita race 3, and m. arenaria races 1 and 2 in two tests averaged 4.4, 5.2, 0.1, 0.3, and 0 endospores per j2, respectively. the rate of attachment ...199319279840
first report of pasteuria sp. attacking heterodera glycines in north america.endospores of a pasteuria sp. were observed on heterodera glycines second-stage juveniles and males recovered from soil in microplots in which nematode populations had been declining for several years. conventional scanning electron microscopy was used to observe and measure endospores on second-stage juveniles (j2) of both a race 3 and a race 4 population. endospores were elipsoidal; those attached to j2 of race 3 measured (x) 4.2 x 3.7 mum with a height of 2.0 mum, and those on race 4 were 4.3 ...199419279935
occurrence of pasteuria spp. in florida.two years of data collected from the florida nematode assay laboratory of the florida cooperative extension service and 4 years of data from the florida department of agriculture and consumer services, division of plant industry, were compiled to find out the distribution of pasteuria spp. on nematodes in florida soils. information recorded came from 335 samples and included nematode genera with pasteuria endospores attached, host plants associated with the samples, and the origins of the sample ...199419279936
response of meloidogyne spp. to pasteuria penetrans, fungi, and cultural practices in tobacco.the response of a mixed population of meloidogyne incognita and m. javanica to three cultural practices, tobacco cultivars (two cultivars, differing in resistance to m. incognita), cover treatments (three treatments), and inorganic nitrogen fertilizer (two treatments), pasteuria penetrans, and soil-borne fungi was investigated in a tobacco field in 1991. on all sampling dates, higher densities of root-knot nematodes were observed on tobacco cv. coker 371 gold than on k-326. initially, forage sor ...199419279937
effect of temperature on attachment, development, and interactions of pasteuria penetrans on meloidogyne incognita.the effect of temperature (10, 20, 25, 30, and 35 c) on attachment and development of pasteuria penetrans on meloidogyne arenaria race 1 was elevated in growth chambers. the greatest attachment rate of endospores of p. penetrans occurred on second-stage juveniles at 30 c. the bacterium developed more quickly within its host at 30 and 35 c than at 25 c or below. the development of the bacterium within the nematode female was divided into nine recognizable life stages, which ranged from early vege ...199219283029
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