
isolation and molecular characterization of thiosulfate-oxidizing bacteria from an italian rice field rice paddy soils an active cycling of sulfur compounds takes place. to elucidate the diversity of thiosulfate-oxidizing bacteria these organisms were enriched from bulk soil and rice roots by the most probable number method in liquid medium. from the mpn enrichment cultures 21 bacterial strains were isolated on solid mineral medium, and could be further shown to produce sulfate from thiosulfate. these strains were characterized by 16s rdna analyses. the isolates were affiliated to seven diffe ...200314529188
usefulness of rpob gene sequencing for identification of afipia and bosea species, including a strategy for choosing discriminative partial sequences.bacteria belonging to the genera afipia and bosea are amoeba-resisting bacteria that have been recently reported to colonize hospital water supplies and are suspected of being responsible for intensive care unit-acquired pneumonia. identification of these bacteria is now based on determination of the 16s ribosomal dna sequence. however, the 16s rrna gene is not polymorphic enough to ensure discrimination of species defined by dna-dna relatedness. the complete rpob sequences of 20 strains were fi ...200314602635
microorganisms resistant to free-living amoebae feed on bacteria, fungi, and algae. however, some microorganisms have evolved to become resistant to these protists. these amoeba-resistant microorganisms include established pathogens, such as cryptococcus neoformans, legionella spp., chlamydophila pneumoniae, mycobacterium avium, listeria monocytogenes, pseudomonas aeruginosa, and francisella tularensis, and emerging pathogens, such as bosea spp., simkania negevensis, parachlamydia acanthamoebae, and legionella-like amoebal ...200415084508
diversity of n-acyl homoserine lactone-producing and -degrading bacteria in soil and tobacco gram-negative bacteria, quorum-sensing (qs) communication is mostly mediated by n-acyl homoserine lactones (n-ahsl). the diversity of bacterial populations that produce or inactivate the n-ahsl signal in soil and tobacco rhizosphere was investigated by restriction fragment length polymorphism (rflp) analysis of amplified 16s dna and dna sequencing. such analysis indicated the occurrence of n-ahsl-producing strains among the alpha-, beta- and gamma-proteobacteria, including genera known to pro ...200516232294
ameba-associated microorganisms and diagnosis of nosocomial elucidate the role of ameba-associated microorganisms (aams) as etiologic agents of pneumonia, we screened for legionella spp., parachlamydia acanthamoeba, afipia sp., bosea spp., bradyrhizobium spp., mesorhizobium amorphae, rasbo bacterium, azorhizobium caulinodans, acanthamoeba polyphaga mimivirus, and conventional microorganisms in 210 pneumonia patients in intensive-care units by using culture, polymerase chain reaction, and serologic testing. these resulted in 59 diagnoses in 40 patients ...200616494750
new afipia and bosea strains isolated from various water sources by amoebal has been suspected that some species belonging to the alphaproteobacteria might cause pneumonia in humans. it is thus of special interest to isolate new members of this phylum, and to further characterize their pathogenicity. the amoebal co-culture method allowed the isolation of various new bacterial species during the last few years, including fastidious alphaproteobacterial species that were isolated from complex environments. in this work, we isolated new bacterial strains from a drinking ...200717706908
engineering root exudation of lotus toward the production of two novel carbon compounds leads to the selection of distinct microbial populations in the rhizosphere.the culture of opine-producing transgenic lotus plants induces the increase in the rhizosphere of bacterial communities that are able to utilize these molecules as sole carbon source. we used transgenic lotus plants producing two opines, namely mannopine and nopaline, to characterize the microbial communities directly influenced by the modification of root exudation. we showed that opine-utilizers represent a large community in the rhizosphere of opine-producing transgenic lotus. this community ...200415259274
amoebae-resisting bacteria isolated from human nasal swabs by amoebal coculture.amoebae feed on bacteria, and few bacteria can resist their microbicidal ability. amoebal coculture could therefore be used to selectively grow these amoebae-resisting bacteria (arb), which may be human pathogens. to isolate new arb, we performed amoebal coculture from 444 nasal samples. we recovered 7 (1.6%) arb from 444 nasal swabs, including 4 new species provisionally named candidatus roseomonas massiliae, c. rhizobium massiliae, c. chryseobacterium massiliae, and c. amoebinatus massiliae. t ...200415109415
balneomonas flocculans gen. nov., sp. nov., a new cellulose-producing member of the alpha-2 subclass of proteobacteria.a new bacterial strain capable of producing cellulose was isolated from a hot spring. the isolate was gram-negative, aerobic, and rod-shaped. the optimum temperature for growth was 40-45 degrees c. methanol, glucose and other common carbohydrates were not utilized as sole growth substrates. thiosulfate was not oxidized. the g+c content of the dna was determined to be 64.0 mol%. comparative 16s rdna analysis indicated that bosea thiooxidans and some strains of the genus methylobacterium were the ...200415046301
comparison of the in vitro efficacy of telithromycin (hmr 3647) and levofloxacin with 22 antibiotic compounds against bosea and afipia species. 200414998981
a generalized transducing thiophage (tpc-1) of a facultative sulfur chemolithotrophic bacterium, bosea thiooxidans ct5, of alpha-proteobacteria, isolated from indian soil.we have isolated and characterized a double-stranded dna bacteriophage (tpc-1) of bosea thiooxidans, a facultative sulfur chemolithotrophic bacterium. the name 'thiophage' is introduced for phage(s) infecting sulfur chemolithotrophic bacteria. electron micrographs showed the phage particle with an icosahedral head and a very short wedge-like tail. tpc-1 is classified as the c1 morphotype of the podoviridae family. restriction map and terminal ends detection by end fill labeling of the tpc-1 geno ...200314568152
bosea minatitlanensis sp. nov., a strictly aerobic bacterium isolated from an anaerobic digester.a strictly aerobic, mesophilic bacterium, strain amx 51(t), was isolated from anaerobic digester sludge. cells were gram-negative, motile, non-sporulating, straight to curved rods with one polar flagellum. the isolate had phenotypic traits of the genus bosea, including cellular fatty acid and substrate utilization profiles. physiological characteristics and antibiotic susceptibility were determined. phylogenetic analysis revealed that strain amx 51(t) was a member of the alpha-proteobacteria, mo ...200313130002
amoeba-resisting bacteria and ventilator-associated evaluate the role of amoeba-associated bacteria as agents of ventilator-associated pneumonia (vap), we tested the water from an intensive care unit (icu) every week for 6 months for such bacteria isolates; serum samples and bronchoalveolar lavage samples (bal) were also obtained from 30 icu patients. bal samples were examined for amoeba-associated bacteria dna by suicide-polymerase chain reaction, and serum samples were tested against icu amoeba-associated bacteria. a total of 310 amoeba-asso ...200312890321
microvirga subterranea gen. nov., sp. nov., a moderate thermophile from a deep subsurface australian thermal aquifer.a strictly aerobic bacterium, strain fail4t, was isolated from free-flowing geothermal waters of a bore (bore register no. 3768) tapping the great artesian basin of australia. the non-sporulating, gram-negative cells of strain fail4t produced light-pink colonies, were rod-shaped (1 x 1.5-4 microm) and were motile by a single polar flagellum. strain fail4t grew optimally at 41 degrees c at a ph of 7.0 and had an absolute requirement for yeast extract. the strain grew on casein hydrolysate, trypto ...200312710604
community structure of microbial biofilms associated with membrane-based water purification processes as revealed using a polyphasic approach.the microbial communities of membrane biofilms occurring in two full-scale water purification processes employing microfiltration (mf) and reverse osmosis (ro) membranes were characterized using a polyphasic approach that employed bacterial cultivation, 16s rdna clone library and fluorescence in situ hybridization techniques. all methods showed that the alpha-proteobacteria was the largest microbial fraction in the samples, followed by the gamma-proteobacteria. this suggested that members of the ...200412682791
bosea eneae sp. nov., bosea massiliensis sp. nov. and bosea vestrisii sp. nov., isolated from hospital water supplies, and emendation of the genus bosea (das et al. 1996).on the basis of phenotypic and dna relatedness data, three novel species of the genus bosea are proposed, bosea massiliensis (63287t =cip 106336t =ccug 43117t), bosea vestrisii (34635t =cip 106340t =ccug 43114t) and bosea eneae (34614t =cip 106338t =ccug 43111t). the original description of the genus bosea included thiosulphate oxidation as a phenotypic feature, when the sole and type species of the genus, bosea thiooxidans, was proposed. the three novel species described herein were not able to ...200312656146
sulfur oxidation in rice field soil: activity, enumeration, isolation and characterization of thiosulfate-oxidizing rice paddy fields the bulk soil is anoxic, but oxygenated zones occur in the surrounding of the rice roots to where oxygen is transported via the aerenchyma system of the rice plants. in the anaerobic soil compartments sulfate is consumed by sulfate-reducing bacteria. in the rhizosphere the reduced sulfur compounds can be reoxidized by sulfur-oxidizing bacteria. measurements of the potential activity of thiosulfate-oxidizing bacteria in soil slurries derived from planted rice soil microcosms ...19989924825
oxidation of thiosulfate by a new bacterium, bosea thiooxidans (strain bi-42) gen. nov., sp. nov.: analysis of phylogeny based on chemotaxonomy and 16s ribosomal dna sequencing.a gram-negative bacterium which was capable of oxidizing reduced inorganic sulfur compounds was isolated from agricultural soil and designated bi-42. this new isolate grew on a wide range of organic substrates but was not able to grow autotrophically and lacked ribulose 1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase, a key enzyme of carbon dioxide fixation. these results suggested that strain bi-42 was a chemolithoheterotroph. ammonia and nitrate were not used as sole nitrogen sources for growth, and strain bi-42 ...19968863427
transposon mutagenesis affecting thiosulfate oxidation in bosea thiooxidans, a new chemolithoheterotrophic bacterium.transposon insertion mutagenesis was used to isolate mutants of bosea thiooxidans which are impaired in thiosulfate oxidation. suicide plasmid psup5011 was used to introduce the transposon tn5 into b. thiooxidans via escherichia coli s17.1-mediated conjugation. neomycin-resistant transconjugants occurred at a frequency of 2.2 x 10(-4) per donor. transconjugants defective in thiosulfate oxidation were categorized into three classes on the basis of growth response, enzyme activities, and cytochrom ...19968655564
previously uncultured beta-proteobacteria dominate in biologically active granular activated carbon (bac) filters.bacteria colonizing bac filters used in drinking water purification from lake water were characterized by morphology, physiological tests, whole cell protein profiles and plfa (phospholipid fatty acid) composition, and identified by partial 16s rrna gene sequencing. epifluorescence revealed prothecate bacteria to dominate in bac. the majority of the isolates belonged to order burkholderiales of beta-proteobacteria, a few to comamonadaceae but the majority to an undescribed family and the related ...200919783028
salinarimonas rosea gen. nov., sp. nov., a new member of the alpha-2 subgroup of the proteobacteria.a gram-negative, rod-shaped, facultatively anaerobic, halotolerant bacterial strain, designated yim yd3(t), was isolated from a salt mine in yunnan, south-west china. the taxonomy of strain yim yd3(t) was investigated by a polyphasic approach. strain yim yd3(t) was motile, formed pink colonies and was positive for catalase and oxidase activities. q-10 was the predominant respiratory ubiquinone. the major polar lipids were diphosphatidylglycerol, phosphatidylglycerol, phosphatidylmethylethanolami ...201019648350
purification and gene cloning of alpha-methylserine aldolase from ralstonia sp. strain aj110405 and application of the enzyme in the synthesis of screening microorganisms that are capable of assimilating alpha-methyl-dl-serine, we detected alpha-methylserine aldolase in ralstonia sp. strain aj110405, variovorax paradoxus aj110406, and bosea sp. strain aj110407. a homogeneous form of this enzyme was purified from ralstonia sp. strain aj110405, and the gene encoding the enzyme was cloned and expressed in escherichia coli. the enzyme appeared to be a homodimer consisting of identical subunits, and its molecular mass was found to be 47 kda ...200818952881
protein oxidation: key to bacterial desiccation resistance?for extremely ionizing radiation-resistant bacteria, survival has been attributed to protection of proteins from oxidative damage during irradiation, with the result that repair systems survive and function with far greater efficiency during recovery than in sensitive bacteria. here we examined the relationship between survival of dry-climate soil bacteria and the level of cellular protein oxidation induced by desiccation. bacteria were isolated from surface soils of the shrub-steppe of the us d ...200818273068
diversity of rhizobial bacteria isolated from nodules of the gypsophyte ononis tridentata l. growing in spanish soils.the aim of this work is to describe the diversity and phylogeny of rhizobial bacteria associated to nodules of ononis tridentata l. in different geographical regions of spain. twenty-two bacterial isolates were characterized using several molecular techniques (16s amplified ribosomal deoxyribonucleic acid restriction analysis, fingerprinting, and sequencing) and phylogenies were inferred from their 16s and nodc gene sequences. phylogenetically, the isolates grouped with the genera rhizobium, mes ...200818060448
community structure analysis of reverse osmosis membrane biofilms and the significance of rhizobiales bacteria in biofouling.the biofilm community structure of a biofouled reverse osmosis (ro) membrane was examined using a polyphasic approach, and the dominant phylotypes retrieved were related to the order rhizobiales, a group of bacteria that is hitherto not implicated in membrane biofouling. a comparison with two other membrane biofilms using t-rflp fingerprinting also revealed the dominance of rhizobiales organisms. when pure culture ro biofilm isolates were cultivated aerobically in biolog microplates, most rhizob ...200717695921
novel alphaproteobacterial root nodule symbiont associated with lupinus texensis.phylogenetic analysis of rrna gene, reca, noda, nifd, and nifh sequences suggested that nitrogen-fixing symbionts from two populations of lupinus texensis acquired the capacity for nodule symbiosis separately from other rhizobia in the alphaproteobacteria. their closest 16s rrna relatives were the nonsymbiotic taxa chelatococcus, bosea, and balneomonas.200717616612
nitric oxide reductase-targeted real-time pcr quantification of denitrifier populations in soil.the quantification of denitrifying bacteria is a component in the further understanding of denitrification processes in the environment. real-time pcr primers were designed to target two segments of the denitrifier population (cnorb(p) [pseudomonas mandelii and closely related strains] and cnorb(b) [bosea, bradyrhizobium, and ensifer spp.]) in agricultural soils based on functional cnorb (nitric oxide reductase) gene sequences. total population numbers were measured using 16s rrna gene real-time ...200717449686
removal of cyanobacteria, cyanotoxins, heterotrophic bacteria and endotoxins at an operating surface water treatment plant.the removal of cyanobacteria, hepatotoxins produced by them (microcystins), phytoplankton, heterotrophic bacteria and endotoxins were monitored at a surface water treatment plant with coagulation, clarification, sand filtration, ozonation, slow sand filtration and chlorination as the treatment process. coagulation-sand filtration reduced microcystins by 1.2-2.4, and endotoxins by 0.72-2.01 log10 units. ozonation effectively removed the residual microcystins. the treatment process reduced phytopl ...200617037128
analysis of denitrification genes and comparison of nosz, cnorb and 16s rdna from culturable denitrifying bacteria in potato cropping systems.bacterial denitrification in agricultural soils is a major source of nitrous oxide, a potent greenhouse gas. this study examined the culturable bacterial population of denitrifiers in arable field soils in potato (solanum tuberosum l.) production and denitrification genes (nir, nor and nos) and 16s rdna in those isolates. enrichments for culturable denitrifiers yielded 31 diverse isolates that were then analysed for denitrification genes. the nitrous oxide reductase (nosz) gene was found in all ...200716793234
diverse bacteria associated with root nodules of spontaneous legumes in tunisia and first report for nifh-like gene within the genera microbacterium and starkeya.we characterized 34 endophytic bacterial isolates associated to root nodules collected from spontaneous legumes in the arid zone of tunisia by 16s rdna polymerase chain reaction (pcr)-restriction fragment length polymorphism, whole cell protein sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (sds-page), 16s rdna and 16s-23s rdna internal transcribed spacer sequencing. phylogenetically, these isolates belong to the branches containing the genera inquilinus, bosea, rhodopseudomonas, para ...200616598639
biodiversity of amoebae and amoeba-resisting bacteria in a hospital water amoebae (fla) are ubiquitous organisms that have been isolated from various domestic water systems, such as cooling towers and hospital water networks. in addition to their own pathogenicity, fla can also act as trojan horses and be naturally infected with amoeba-resisting bacteria (arb) that may be involved in human infections, such as pneumonia. we investigated the biodiversity of bacteria and their amoebal hosts in a hospital water network. using amoebal enrichment on nonnutrient ...200616597941
amoebal pathogens as emerging causal agents of pneumonia.abstract despite using modern microbiological diagnostic approaches, the aetiological agents of pneumonia remain unidentified in about 50% of cases. some bacteria that grow poorly or not at all in axenic media used in routine clinical bacteriology laboratory but which can develop inside amoebae may be the agents of these lower respiratory tract infections (rtis) of unexplained aetiology. such amoebae-resisting bacteria, which coevolved with amoebae to resist their microbicidal machinery, may hav ...200920113355
polyphasic analysis of the bacterial community in the rhizosphere and roots of cyperus rotundus l. grown in a petroleum-contaminated soil.cyperus rotundus l. is a perennial herb which was found prevailing in an area in the northeast of brazil previously contaminated with petroleum. in order to enlarge the knowledge of microorganism-plant interaction in phytoremediation, the bacterial community present in the rhizosphere and roots of c. rotundus was evaluated by culture-dependent and molecular approaches. pcr-dgge analyses based on the 16s rrna gene showed that the profiles of bulk soil, rhizosphere and root samples had a high degr ...201020519908
isolation and characterization of new poly(3hb)-accumulating star-shaped cell-aggregates-forming thermophilic bacteria.this study aimed at isolating thermophilic bacteria that utilize cheap carbon substrates for the economically feasible production of poly(3-hydroxybutyrate), poly(3hb), at elevated temperatures.201020584099
isolation, genetic and functional characterization of novel soil nirk-type denitrifiers.denitrification, the reduction of nitrogen oxides (no(3)(-) and no(2)(-)) to n(2) via the intermediates no and n(2)o, is crucial for nitrogen turnover in soils. cultivation-independent approaches that applied nitrite reductase genes (nirk/nirs) as marker genes to detect denitrifiers showed a predominance of genes presumably derived from as yet uncultured organisms. however, the phylogenetic affiliation of these organisms remains unresolved since the ability to denitrify is widespread among phylo ...201020675088
bacteria from drinking water supply and their fate in gastrointestinal tracts of germ-free mice: a phylogenetic comparison study.microorganisms in drinking water sources may colonize in gastrointestinal (gi) tracts and this phenomenon may pose a potential health risk especially to immunocompromised population. the microbial community diversity of the drinking water was compared with the gi tracts of the mice using phylogenetic and statistical analyses of 16s rrna gene sequences. a group of germ-free mice were fed with drinking water from public water supply that passed through an automated watering system with documented ...201020705313
arsenite-oxidizing and arsenate-reducing bacteria associated with arsenic-rich groundwater in taiwan.drinking highly arsenic-contaminated groundwater is a likely cause of blackfoot disease in taiwan, but microorganisms that potentially control arsenic mobility in the subsurface remain unstudied. the objective of this study was to investigate the relevant arsenite-oxidizing and arsenate-reducing microbial community that exists in highly arsenic-contaminated groundwater in taiwan. we cultured and identified arsenic-transforming bacteria, analyzed arsenic resistance and transformation, and determi ...201021216490
culturable diversity of heterotrophic bacteria in forlidas pond (pensacola mountains) and lundström lake (shackleton range), antarctica.cultivation techniques were used to study the heterotrophic bacterial diversity in two microbial mat samples originating from the littoral zone of two continental antarctic lakes (forlidas pond and lundström lake) in the dufek massif (within the pensacola mountains group of the transantarctic mountains) and shackleton range, respectively. nearly 800 isolates were picked after incubation on several growth media at different temperatures. they were grouped using a whole-genome fingerprinting techn ...201121424822
bacterial population dynamics in a reverse-osmosis water purification system determined by fluorescent staining and pcr-denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis.the bacterial population dynamics in an industrial scale reverse-osmosis (ro) water purification system were analyzed by fluorescent staining methods and denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (dgge). bacterial numbers increased with storage in a tank, and bacterial diversity changed during the water purification process. a dna sequence-based analysis of the major bands on the dgge gel revealed that simonsiella sp. (betaproteobacteria) was abundant in the source water (activated sludge-treated ...200921566369
multilocus sequence analysis of bosea species and the description of bosea lupini sp. nov., bosea lathyri sp. nov., and bosea robiniae sp. nov. isolated from legumes in flanders (belgium).gram-negative, rod-shaped bacteria were isolated from lupinus polyphyllus, lathyrus latifolius and robinia pseudoacacia root nodules. based on the 16s rrna gene phylogeny, they were closely related to bosea species (100 - 97%), belonging to the alphaproteobacteria class and bradyrhizobiaceae family. the closest relative for lmg 26383t, lmg 26379t and lmg 26381t were respectively, bosea thiooxidans (99.6%), bosea eneae (98.3%) and bosea minatitlanensis (99.0%). chemotaxonomic data, including the ...201122155761
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