
nested cladistic analysis, phylogeography and speciation in the timarcha goettingensis complex (coleoptera, chrysomelidae).the timarcha goettingensis complex is a monophyletic assemblage of closely related leaf beetles (chrysomelidae), distributed from the north half of the iberian peninsula to central europe. oligophagy, mountainous habitat and apterism are factors which are assumed to promote speciation in these beetles. we have used cytochrome oxidase subunit ii mitochondrial dna genealogies obtained from 31 sampling localities and a nested geographical distance analysis to assess the population structure and dem ...200010792699
incongruent nuclear and mitochondrial phylogeographic patterns in the timarcha goettingensis species complex (coleoptera, chrysomelidae).phylogeographic analyses have mostly been based on single-gene genealogies but it is unclear how conclusions from such studies depend on the choice of gene markers. we conducted a nested geographical clade analysis [a.r. templeton, e. routman and c.a. phillips (1995) genetics 140: 767-782] based on nuclear rdna internal transcribed spacer region 2 (its2) sequences in the timarcha goettingensis species complex (coleoptera, chrysomelidae), and compared the inferences with an updated version of pre ...200314635898
testing introgressive hybridization hypotheses using statistical network analysis of nuclear and cytoplasmic haplotypes in the leaf beetle timarcha goettingensis species complex.previous studies of leaf beetles (chrysomelidae) in the timarcha goettingensis species complex using mitochondrial (cox2) and nuclear (its-2 rrna) markers revealed two main clades confined to the iberian peninsula and the rest of europe but showing incongruent distributions indicative of gene exchange between both groups. because of the anastomosing nature of hybridization, which disrupts the cladistic structure of character variation, phylogenetic trees might be inappropriate to represent and s ...200616557341
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