
avian influenza viruses from migratory and resident ducks of coastal louisiana.cloacal and tracheal swabs were collected from 1389 hunter-killed ducks in cameron parish, louisiana, during the 1986 and 1987 waterfowl seasons. twenty-eight avian influenza viruses (aivs) were isolated from 605 blue-winged teal (anas discors), 75 mottled ducks (a. fulvigula), 375 gadwalls (a. stepera) and 334 green-winged teal (a. crecca). prevalence estimates of aiv in ducks sampled during september, november, and december through january were 3.1%, 2.0%, and 0.4%, respectively. differences i ...19902369380
experimental duck plague in blue-winged teal and canada geese.ten adult blue-winged teal (anas discors) and six canada goose (branta canadensis) goslings were inoculated with liver tissue from a natural case of duck plague in a wild mallard (anas platyrhynchos). four additional teal were placed in contact with the inoculated ducks. inoculated teal died 63.5-68 hr after inoculation; two of the contact teal died 161-162 hr after exposure. three of the goslings died 119-133 hr after inoculation, the others were killed when moribund 90-133 hr postinfection. th ...19873625892
influenza viruses and paramyxoviruses in ducks in the atlantic flyway, 1977-1983, including an h5n2 isolate related to the virulent chicken virus.from 1977 to 1983, waterfowl migrating along the atlantic flyway were annually monitored for orthomyxoviruses and paramyxoviruses in an area in central new york state. a total of 168 influenza isolates were obtained from 1,430 waterfowl. twenty-four combinations of hemagglutinin and neuraminidase subtypes were detected, with as many as 12 found in a single year. one combination, an h5n2 isolate in 1982, was closely related to the virulent chicken virus that appeared in pennsylvania in 1983. the ...19853833237
energy metabolized by bantam chickens and blue-winged teal. 19744462116
mortality of three species of ducks--anas discors, a. crecca, and a. clypeata--exposed to ionizing radiation. 19685300036
stress protein induction in skeletal muscle: comparison of laboratory models to naturally occurring hypertrophy.the purpose of the study was to compare stress protein [heat shock protein (hsp) 72] response in laboratory models of hypertrophy to naturally occurring work-induced hypertrophy. two laboratory models of hypertrophy inducement, namely, compensatory hypertrophy and stretch hypertrophy, were compared with hypertrophy resulting from migratory flight in the blue-winged teal. we hypothesized that hsp 72 would be expressed more strongly in hypertrophied muscle than in control muscle. furthermore, we h ...19948175569
detection of avian pneumovirus in wild canada (branta canadensis) and blue-winged teal (anas discors) geese.choanal cleft swab samples from 770 wild canada geese (branta canadensis) and 358 blue-winged teal (anas discors), captured for relocation or banding, were examined for the presence of avian pneumovirus (apv) rna by reverse transcription (rt)-polymerase chain reaction (pcr) and for virus isolation. the swab samples were pooled into groups of 5 or 10. sixty eight of 102 (66.7%) pooled goose samples were rt-pcr positive for apv rna. thirteen of 52 (25.0%) pooled blue-winged teal samples were rt-pc ...200212495069
avian influenza viruses and paramyxoviruses in wintering and resident ducks in texas.cloacal swabs were collected from teal (anas crecca, anas cyanoptera, anas discors), mottled duck (anas fulvigula) and northern pintail (anas acuta) in brazoria county, texas, usa, during february 2001, mottled ducks during august 2001, and blue-winged teal (a. discors) during february 2002. prevalence of avian influenza virus (aiv) infections during each sampling period were 11, 0, and 15%, respectively. the hemagglutinin (h) subtypes h2 and h7 were detected in both years, while the h8 subtype ...200516244076
avian influenza surveillance in hunter-harvested waterfowl from the gulf coast of texas (november 2005-january 2006).the objectives of our study were to determine prevalence of avian influenza viruses (aiv) on wintering grounds on the texas gulf coast, usa, and to compare real-time reverse-transcriptase polymerase chain reaction (rrt-pcr) and virus isolation for detection of aiv in cloacal swabs from wild waterfowl. cloacal swabs were collected from hunter-harvested waterfowl from november 2005 to january 2006 at four wildlife management areas. seven aiv were isolated from four species of ducks: green-winged t ...200818436675
phylogenetic analysis of newcastle disease viruses isolated from waterfowl in the upper midwest region of the united states.this study was conducted to characterize newcastle disease virus (ndv) isolates obtained from waterfowl from the upper midwest region of the united states. a total of 43 ndvs were isolated by inoculation of cloacal samples in embryonated chicken eggs. these isolates were obtained from 24 mallards, seven american green-winged teals, six northern pintails, four blue-winged teals, and two wood ducks. partial sequences of fusion gene were analyzed to determine the pathotypes and genotypes involved.200919891788
a single dose of an avian h3n8 influenza virus vaccine is highly immunogenic and efficacious against a recently emerged seal influenza virus in mice and ferrets.h3n8 influenza viruses are a commonly found subtype in wild birds, usually causing mild or no disease in infected birds. however, they have crossed the species barrier and have been associated with outbreaks in dogs, pigs, donkeys, and seals and therefore pose a threat to humans. a live attenuated, cold-adapted (ca) h3n8 vaccine virus was generated by reverse genetics using the wild-type (wt) hemagglutinin (ha) and neuraminidase (na) genes from the a/blue-winged teal/texas/sg-00079/2007 (h3n8) ( ...201525903333
prevalence and diversity of low pathogenicity avian influenza viruses in wild birds in guatemala, 2010-2013.waterfowl species are known to harbor the greatest diversity of low pathogenicity influenza a virus (lpaiv) subtypes and are recognized as their main natural reservoir. in guatemala there is evidence of circulation of lpaiv in wild ducks; however, the bird species contributing to viral diversity during the winter migration in central america are unknown. in this study, samples obtained from 1250 hunter-killed birds from 22 different species were collected on the pacific coast of guatemala during ...201627309080
organic and total mercury in muscle tissue of five aquatic birds with different feeding habits from the se gulf of california, mexico.we measured organic and total hg in muscle tissue of five species of aquatic birds from the south-eastern gulf of california region, mexico. concentrations of total and organic hg measured in pelecanus occidentalis were the highest (2.85 and 2.68 microgg(-1)); lowest values of organic hg (0.20 microgg(-1)) and total hg (0.47 microgg(-1)) were detected in anas discors and anas clypeata, respectively. differences of hg levels were related to feeding habits, being concentrations in birds of piscivo ...200919419748
arsenic, cadmium, copper, lead, and selenium in migrating blue-winged teal (anas discors l.).the blue-winged teal (anas discors l.), an abundant waterfowl species in north america, winters primarily in mexico, central america, and south america. its transcontinental migratory behavior provides the opportunity to examine contaminant acquisition across a diverse biogeographic landscape that has varied environmental regulations and wildlife laws. we determined concentrations of arsenic (as), cadmium (cd), copper (cu), lead (pb), and selenium (se) in liver samples of blue-winged teal migrat ...200717571203
a new species of microphallus (trematoda: microphallidae) from venezuela.during 1997-1999, a total of 94 crabs, uca rapax were collected from la sabana, la ceiba and el paujil, sucre state, venezuela. of these 36 were infected with metacercariae. two parasites were located in the abdominal muscles and one under the tissue of carapace and gonad. these metacercariae grew to adults in the following genera: levinseniella, microphallus and maritrema, in the period of 2-5 days after feeding experimentally to the rat rattus norvegicus, mice mus musculus and duck cairinia mo ...200417354386
avian influenza a viruses in birds --an ecological, ornithological and virological view.avian influenza a viruses (aiv) are the causative agents of the presently most important poultry disease. ten countries in asia and several other countries in eastern europe suffer high losses from the lethal effects of these viruses of the h5n1 subtype. aiv of other subtypes cause in additional countries severe losses. the threat to health and well-being of the avifauna, domestic poultry and possibly mammals including humans are worldwide of major concern. the european union reacted with a comp ...200516425630
virulence of six strains of duck plague virus in eight waterfowl species.susceptibility of new world waterfowl to the lake andes strain of duck plague virus (dpv) was assessed by intramuscular inoculation of adult muscovies (cairina moschata), mallards (anas platyrhynchos), canada geese (branta canadensis), wood ducks (aix sponsa), redheads (aythya americana), gadwalls (anas strepera), blue-winged teal (anas discors), and pintails (anas acuta). the relative virulence of dpv strains isolated from five united states and one canadian location was established in muscovie ...19968827671
residues of organochlorines in mallards and blue-winged teal collected in colombia and wisconsin, 1984-1989.we compared the seasonal concentrations of 12 organochlorine (oc) compounds in samples of breast muscle, associated skin, and subcutaneous fat of blue-winged teal (anas discors) collected in ciénaga grande de santa marta, colombia (1987-1988), and of mallards (anas platyrhynchos) and blue-winged teal collected in wisconsin (1984-1989). although these species have similar feeding habits and overlapping breeding distributions, their winter ranges differ markedly. most blue-winged teal winter in th ...19968781073
tetrameres (petrowimeres) striata in ducks.tetrameres (petrowimeres) striata is an uncommon and incompletely described nematode from north american and eurasian waterfowl. specimens collected from mallards (anas platyrhynchos) from the playa lakes region (plr) in western texas (usa), the mottled duck (a. platyrhynchos fulvigula) in florida (usa), the mallard in the amur river basin of eastern russia and the blue-winged teal (anas discors) from western texas (usa) provide the basis for redescription of t. (p.) striata. this species is dif ...19947933277
heart rate, a measure of metabolism in blue-winged teal. 19695351974
prevalence and intensity of typhlocoelum cucumerinum (digenea) in wild anatids of quebec, canada.the upper respiratory tracts of 534 wild anatids representing 20 species, shot during the 1976, 1977 and 1978 hunting seasons, were examined for typhlocoelum cucumerinum (rudolphi, 1809). typhlocoelum cucumerinum cymbium (diesing, 1850) were recovered from anas platyrhynchos, anas rubripes, anas acuta, anas discors and anas crecca. the maximum prevalence (16.7%) and intensity of infection (1.6) occurred in mallards (a. platyrhynchos). aythya valisineria and aythya marila harboured typhlocoelum c ...19807373728
helminth fauna of waterfowl in central waterfowl wintering in and migrating through central oklahoma were collected and examined for intestinal helminths. seventy-one ducks, including mallards (anas platyrhynchos), american widgeons (anas americana), blue-winged teal (anas discors), and green-winged teal (anas crecca) were examined; 64 (90.1%) harbored one or more species of metazoa. six cestodes, 6 trematodes, 6 nematodes, and 1 acanthocephalan were identified, an experimental, non-flying population of ducks was establi ...19807373725
trichobilharzia physellae (digenea: schistosomatidae) from endemic waterfowl on the high plains of trichobilharzia physellae were recovered from the liver and mesenteric veins of green-winged teal, anas creca, blue-winged teal, a. discors, and pintail, a. acuta, breeding on the high plains of texas. wild ducks naturally-infected with these schistosomes were emaciated with mild to severe atrophy of the breast musculature. the liver was considerably enlarged, pale and somewhat friable. numerous viable and dead t. physellae were recovered from the cut surface. on histologic examination, vi ...19827097873
blood parasitemia in a south texas wintering waterfowl population.eleven species of wintering waterfowl were trapped on the welder wildlife foundation, san patricio county, texas, between october, 1976 and may, 1977. blood films were made from 580 ducks. leucocytozoon simondi, haemoproteus nettionis, plasmodium circumflexum, and a microfilaria were found in three species. these blood parasites occurred in 70 lesser scaups (aythya affinis), 12 blue-winged teals (anas discors), and 3 ring-necked ducks (aythya collaris). there was no difference in the rates of i ...19806768901
ecological studies on cyathocotyle bushiensis (digenea) and sphaeridiotrema globulus (digenea), possible pathogens of dabbling ducks in southern québec.over the past 20 yr, recurrent late-summer mortality of dabbling ducks in southern québec has been attributed to the digenean parasite cyathocotyle bushiensis. this study attempted to determine whether this parasite was still implicated in the epizootics, and examined aspects of the ecology of the parasite in the definitive host. comparison of prevalence and mean intensity of infection of all species of digenea between salvaged carcasses and hunter-shot ducks revealed that c. bushiensis and a se ...19883411699
avian paramyxoviruses from migrating and resident ducks in coastal louisiana.cloacal and tracheal swabs were collected from 1,409 hunter-killed ducks in cameron parish, louisiana, during the 1986 and 1987 waterfowl seasons. thirty avian paramyxoviruses (pmv's) were isolated from 605 blue-winged teal (anas discors), 75 mottled ducks (a. fulvigula), 375 gadwalls (a. strepera), 334 green-winged teal (a. crecca), and 20 mallards (a. platyrhynchos). prevalence of pmv decreased (p = 0.042) from september (4%) through november (2%) to december and january (1%). juveniles had a ...19912023311
hematozoa of the anatidae of the atlantic flyway. ii. tthe maritime provinces of canada.the prevalence of hematozoa (diagnosed from blood films) in a sample of 4200 anatids representing 14 species collected in new brunswick, nova scotia and prince edward island during the period 1969-1973 is given. thirty percent of the birds harboured hematozoa; the commonest blood parasite was haemoproteus (parahaemoproteus) nettionis (in 18% of the sample), followed by leucocytozoom simondi (in 14% of the sample). four species of plasmodium occurred in 5% of the sample-plasmodium circumflexum wa ...1975806712
demographic and spatiotemporal patterns of avian influenza infection at the continental scale, and in relation to annual life cycle of a migratory host.since the spread of highly pathogenic avian influenza (hpai) h5n1 in the eastern hemisphere, numerous surveillance programs and studies have been undertaken to detect the occurrence, distribution, or spread of avian influenza viruses (aiv) in wild bird populations worldwide. to identify demographic determinants and spatiotemporal patterns of aiv infection in long distance migratory waterfowl in north america, we fitted generalized linear models with binominal distribution to analyze results from ...201526110538
evidence for the exchange of blood parasites between north america and the neotropics in blue-winged teal (anas discors).blue-winged teal (anas discors) are abundant, small-bodied dabbling ducks that breed throughout the prairies of the northcentral usa and central canada and that winter in the southern usa and northern neotropics. given the migratory tendencies of this species, it is plausible that blue-winged teal may disperse avian pathogens, such as parasites causing avian malaria, between spatially distant areas. to test the hypothesis that blue-winged teal play a role in the exchange of blood parasites betwe ...201627283961
avian influenza virus prevalence in migratory waterfowl in the united states, 2007-2009.we analyzed 155,535 samples collected for surveillance of avian influenza viruses (aivs), in the united states from 2007 to 2009, from migratory waterfowl (ducks, geese, and swans). the goal was to elucidate patterns of prevalence by flyway and functional groups to determine targets for future surveillance. apparent prevalence of aiv was highest in the pacific flyway in 2007-2008 (14.2% and 14.1%, respectively), in the mississippi flyway in 2009 (16.8%), and lowest each year in the atlantic flyw ...201425618997
ecological determinants of avian influenza virus, west nile virus, and avian paramyxovirus infection and antibody status in blue-winged teal (anas discors) in the canadian prairies.the canadian prairies are one of the most important breeding and staging areas for migratory waterfowl in north america. hundreds of thousands of waterfowl of numerous species from multiple flyways converge in and disperse from this region annually; therefore this region may be a key area for potential intra- and interspecific spread of infectious pathogens among migratory waterfowl in the americas. using blue-winged teal (anas discors, bwte), which have the most extensive migratory range among ...201626540179
blood parasites of blue-winged teal ( anas discors ) from two migratory corridors, in the southern usa.we collected 180 blue-winged teal ( anas discors ) in september and october 2002 from florida, us (n=100, representing the eastern migratory corridor) and the louisiana-texas, us, border (n=80, representing the western migratory corridor) and examined for blood parasites using thin heart-blood smears. leucocytozoon simondi, haemoproteus nettionis, and microfilariae were found in 16, 23, and 27 birds, respectively. prevalence of l. simondi and h. nettionis did not vary by migratory corridor, but ...201627285417
genome sequence of a novel h14n7 subtype influenza a virus isolated from a blue-winged teal (anas discors) harvested in texas, usa.we report here the complete genome sequence of a novel h14n7 subtype influenza a virus (iav) isolated from a blue-winged teal (anas discors) harvested in texas, usa. the genomic characteristics of this iav strain with a previously undetected subtype combination suggest recent viral evolution within the new world wild-bird iav reservoir.201627284136
the influenza a virus protein ns1 displays structural polymorphism.ns1 of influenza a virus is a potent antagonist of host antiviral interferon responses. this multifunctional protein with two distinctive domains, an rna-binding domain (rbd) and an effector domain (ed) separated by a linker region (lr), is implicated in replication, pathogenesis, and host range. although the structures of individual domains of ns1 from different strains of influenza viruses have been reported, the only structure of full-length ns1 available to date is from an h5n1 strain (a/vie ...201424478439
the epizootiology of anatid herpesvirus 1 infection in free-flying waterfowl: a comparison of latent and active infections among native waterfowl, captive-reared released ducks, and peridomestic or feral ducks.the epizootiology of anatid herpesvirus 1 (ahv-1) infection in waterfowl is poorly understood but apparently involves persistence of the virus in latently infected birds. epornitics have often occurred in captive waterfowl or semiwild ducks in parklike settings, and many wildlife professionals conclude that such ducks may be the source of infection for wild waterfowl. we assessed the prevalence of latent infection and viral shedding from four groups of waterfowl: naturally occurring populations ...201323778596
influenza a viruses from wild birds in guatemala belong to the north american lineage.the role wild bird species play in the transmission and ecology of avian influenza virus (aiv) is well established; however, there are significant gaps in our understanding of the worldwide distribution of these viruses, specifically about the prevalence and/or significance of aiv in central and south america. as part of an assessment of the ecology of aiv in guatemala, we conducted active surveillance in wild birds on the pacific and atlantic coasts. cloacal and tracheal swab samples taken from ...201222427902
helminth community dynamics in populations of blue-winged teal (anas discors) using two distinct migratory corridors.the influence of spatially distinct host subpopulations on helminth community structure and pattern was examined in a migratory avian host species. forty helminth species represented by 24,082 individuals were collected from 184 blue-winged teal (anas discors; bwt) from 2 primary migratory corridors in florida (eastern migratory corridor; emc) and louisiana and texas (western migratory corridor; wmc). mean species richness was greater in bwt from the wmc (x̅±se = 10.2 ± 0.3 species) than the emc ...201121584230
optimizing surveillance for south american origin influenza a viruses along the united states gulf coast through genomic characterization of isolates from blue-winged teal (anas discors).relative to research focused on inter-continental viral exchange between eurasia and north america, less attention has been directed towards understanding the redistribution of influenza a viruses (iavs) by wild birds between north america and south america. in this study, we genomically characterized 45 viruses isolated from blue-winged teal (anas discors) along the texas and louisiana gulf coast during march of 2012 and 2013, coincident with northward migration of this species from neotropical ...201625056712
geographical gradients in the population dynamics of north american prairie ducks.1. geographic gradients in population dynamics may occur because of spatial variation in resources that affect the deterministic components of the dynamics (i.e. carrying capacity, the specific growth rate at small densities or the strength of density regulation) or because of spatial variation in the effects of environmental stochasticity. to evaluate these, we used a hierarchical bayesian approach to estimate parameters characterizing deterministic components and stochastic influences on popul ...200818631261
evidence for seasonal patterns in the relative abundance of avian influenza virus subtypes in blue-winged teal (anas discors).seasonal dynamics of influenza a viruses (iavs) are driven by host density and population immunity. through an analysis of subtypic data for iavs isolated from blue-winged teal (anas discors), we present evidence for seasonal patterns in the relative abundance of viral subtypes in spring and summer/autumn.201424949926
genomic characterization of h14 subtype influenza a viruses in new world waterfowl and experimental infectivity in mallards (anas platyrhynchos).recent repeated isolation of h14 hemagglutinin subtype influenza a viruses (iavs) in the new world waterfowl provides evidence to suggest that host and/or geographic ranges for viruses of this subtype may be expanding. in this study, we used genomic analyses to gain inference on the origin and evolution of h14 viruses in new world waterfowl and conducted an experimental challenge study in mallards (anas platyrhynchos) to evaluate pathogenicity, viral replication, and transmissibility of a repres ...201424788792
lead concentrations in sediments and blue-winged teals (anas discors) from el palmar state reserve, yucatan, mexico.reserve regulations at el palmar state reserve, yucatan, mexico, prohibit the use of lead (pb) shot, but hunters continue to use it, and no enforcement is implemented. pb was quantified in sediments and in blue-winged teal anas discors. no shot pellets were found in the sediment samples, nor were differences in sediment pb concentrations observed within the reserve between popular hunting sites and those no longer used for hunting. however, there were differences between the hunting sites and se ...201323775175
assessing helminth community structure and patterns in gizzard helminths of blue-winged teal (anas discors).helminth community structure (prevalence and abundance) and patterns (associations and distributions) of gizzard worms were examined in blue-winged teal (anas discors) migrating through south texas to their wintering grounds (n = 50) and as they migrated back to their breeding grounds (n = 50). three species of nematodes (amidostomum acutum, epomidiostomum uncinatum, and streptocara crassicauda) and 1 species of cestode (gastrotaenia cygni) were recovered, representing 1,164 helminth individuals ...201323574150
a modelling strategy for recovery data from birds ringed as this paper we propose a strategy for analysing recovery data from birds ringed as nestlings. the approach advocated starts with a global model, involving calendar year dependence of both reporting and first-year survival rates, and age-dependence of survival rates for older birds. likelihood ratio tests are then used to choose between a range of submodels. the strategy is illustrated through application to three data sets, on mallards, herring gulls, and blue-winged teal. the effect of age-de ...19921581486
detected trematodes inside blue-winged teals (spatula discors) give insights on north-south flow of parasites through cuba during migration.the blue-winged teal (spatula discors) is known for engaging in long-distance north-south migrations and back in the americas with cuba being an important wintering ground. teals serve as hosts for a wide range of parasite species that can be "discharged" at each end of the migration route. here, we explore for the first time the diversity of trematodes that the blue-winged teal may be introducing to -or exporting from- cuba. we found 15 digenean parasites in 65 sampled teals of which 13 represe ...201831014859
limited detection of antibodies to clade a/goose/guangdong/1/1996 lineage highly pathogenic h5 avian influenza virus in north american waterfowl.during 2014, highly pathogenic (hp) influenza a viruses (iavs) of the a/goose/guangdong/1/1996 lineage (gsgd-hp-h5), originating from asia, were detected in domestic poultry and wild birds in canada and the us. these clade gsgd-hp-h5 viruses included reassortants possessing north american lineage gene segments; were detected in wild birds in the pacific, central, and mississippi flyways; and caused the largest hp iav outbreak in poultry in us history. to determine if an antibody response ...202031556839
histopathology of lesions caused by pseudocorynosoma constrictum (acanthocephala: polymorphidae) in the ileum of blue-winged teal.pseudocorynosoma constrictum (van cleave, 1918) is a polymorphid acanthocephalan that attaches to the digestive tract of waterfowl to complete its life cycle, causing severe histological damage to its definitive avian hosts. in the present study, we present a histopathological analysis of the lesions that p. constrictum induced in the layers of the ileum of the blue-winged teal anas discors. the results revealed that worms insert the attachment structures into the inner gut muscular layer, which ...202032571437
de novo transcriptome assembly and data for the blue-winged teal (spatula discors).the blue-winged teal (spatula discors) is a recreationally and ecologically important dabbling duck species in north america. transcriptomic data of this species can be used in public and animal health studies given its role as a natural reservoir host for avian influenza, which can be a zoonotic disease of high concern. ileum and bursa of fabricius tissues were sampled from six captive raised blue-winged teals, four of the six who were experimentally infected with low-pathogenic avian influenza ...202032258268
evolutionary pathway for the 2017 emergence of a novel highly pathogenic avian influenza a(h7n9) virus among domestic poultry in tennessee, united march 2017, a novel highly pathogenic avian influenza a(h7n9) virus was detected at two commercial broiler breeder facilities in tennessee, united states. in this study, a wild bird low pathogenic avian influenza a virus, a/blue-winged teal/wyoming/ah0099021/2016(h7n9), was shown to be the probable precursor of the novel h7n9 virus; this low pathogenic virus has eight possible progenitor genes sharing > 99% sequence identity with the novel h7n9 virus. phylogeographic analyses showed that vira ...201830236990
indirect risk effects reduce feeding efficiency of ducks during spring.indirect risk effects of predators on prey behavior can have more of an impact on prey populations than direct consumptive effects. predation risk can elicit more vigilance behavior in prey, reducing the amount of time available for other activities, such as foraging, which could potentially reduce foraging efficiency. understanding the conditions associated with predation risk and the specific effects predation risk have on prey behavior is important because it has direct influences on the prof ...201829375770
the association between saα2,3gal occurrence frequency and avian influenza viral load in mallards (anas platyrhynchos) and blue-winged teals (spatula discors).individual heterogeneity in pathogen load can affect disease transmission dynamics; therefore, identifying intrinsic factors responsible for variation in pathogen load is necessary for determining which individuals are prone to be most infectious. because low pathogenic avian influenza viruses (lpaiv) preferentially bind to alpha-2,3 sialic acid receptors (saα2,3gal) in the intestines and bursa of fabricius in wild ducks (anas and spatula spp.), we investigated juvenile mallards (anas platyrhync ...202033167978
gastrointestinal helminths of waterfowl (anatidae: anatinae) in the lerma marshes of central mexico: some pathological aspects.gastrointestinal helminths of migratory waterfowl can cause several lesions that may affect the health and even the survival of their hosts. as part of an ongoing project that aims to inventory the helminth species that infect this group of birds, as well as the histopathologic lesion they cause, a total of 200 digestive tracts of nine species of anatid birds (spatula discors, s. cyanoptera, s. clypeata, mareca strepera, m. americana, anas crecca, a. acuta, a. platyrhynchos diazi, and oxyura jam ...202032904306
improved detection of influenza a virus from blue-winged teals by sequencing directly from swab material.the greatest diversity of influenza a virus (iav) is found in wild aquatic birds of the orders anseriformes and charadriiformes. in these birds, iav replication occurs mostly in the intestinal tract. fecal, cloacal, and/or tracheal swabs are typically collected and tested by real-time rt-pcr (rrt-pcr) and/or by virus isolation in embryonated chicken eggs in order to determine the presence of iav. virus isolation may impose bottlenecks that select variant populations that are different from those ...201931236242
influenza a prevalence and subtype diversity in migrating teal sampled along the united states gulf coast.wild birds in the order anseriformes are important reservoirs for influenza a viruses (iavs); however, iav prevalence and subtype diversity may vary by season, even at the same location. to better understand the ecology of iav during waterfowl migration through the gulf coast of the united states (louisiana and texas), surveillance of blue-winged (spatula discors) and american green-winged (anas carolinensis) teal was conducted. the surveillance was done annually during the spring (live capture; ...201931131574
wetland water-management may influence mercury bioaccumulation in songbirds and ducks at a mercury hotspot.mercury is a persistent, biomagnifying contaminant that can cause negative behavioral, immunological, and reproductive effects in wildlife and human populations. we examined the role of wetland water-management on mercury bioaccumulation in songbirds and ducks at kellys slough national wildlife refuge complex, near grand forks, north dakota usa. we assessed mercury concentrations in blood of wetland-foraging songbirds (80 common yellowthroats [geothlypis trichas] and 14 nelson's sparrows [ammosp ...202031902053
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