
the humeroscapular bone of the great horned owl (bubo virginianus) and other raptors.a small, separate, bony density dorsal to the shoulder joint is radiographically visible in several species of large hawks and owls. gross dissection and histological examination show the bone to lie on the deep surface of the major deltoid muscle in intimate association with the dorsal coracohumeral ligament of the shoulder joint. the tendon of the supracoracoideus muscle passes immediately cranial to the humeroscapular bone. two ligaments distinct from the shoulder joint capsule attach the hum ...19921585989
prevalence of encysted toxoplasma gondii in raptors from alabama.little is known about the prevalence of encysted toxoplasma gondii in wild birds. we examined the hearts and breast muscles from 101 raptors for encysted t. gondii. all of the raptors had been submitted for necropsy to the state veterinary diagnostic laboratory, auburn, alabama. tissues were digested in acid-pepsin solution and inoculated into groups of 3-5 laboratory mice. toxoplasma gondii was isolated from 27 of 101 (26.7%) raptors: 8 of 12 (66.7%) red-shouldered hawks (buteo lineatus), 13 of ...19938277379
a retrospective study of morbidity and mortality of raptors in florida: 1988-1994.a retrospective study was conducted on 390 raptors admitted to the university of florida veterinary medical teaching hospital (vmth) during 1988-1994. representatives of 20 species were admitted; the five most common species were the barred owl (strix varia, 72), eastern sreech owl (otus asio, 63), red-shouldered hawk (buteo lineatus, 49), bald eagle (haleaeetus leucocephalus, 43), and red-tailed hawk (buteo jamaicensis, 38). a primary clinical diagnosis was determined in 340 (87%) of the 390 ra ...19989732030
prevalence of encysted apicomplexans in muscles of acid-pepsin digestion technique was used to examine portions of breast muscle and heart from raptors for encysted protozoans. apicomplexan zoites were present in 52 (45.6%) of the 114 samples examined: 11 of 12 (91.7%) red-shouldered hawks (buteo lineatus), 20 of 34 (58.8%) red-tailed hawks (buteo jamaicensis), two of seven (28.6%) cooper's hawks (accipiter cooperi), three of four (75%) sharp-shinned hawks (accipiter striatus), one (100%) mississippi kites (ictinia misisippiensis), one of two ...19999950339
protein electrophoresis as a diagnostic and prognostic tool in raptor medicine.plasma proteins of 139 healthy adult birds of prey from 10 species were separated by electrophoresis to characterize and document normal reference ranges and species-specific electrophoretic patternsand to evaluate the value of this technique for health screening, disease diagnosis, and prognostic indication. species studied included bald eagle (haliaeetus leucocephalus), red-tailed hawk (buteo jamaicensis), barn owl (tyto alba), great horned owl (bubo virginianus), turkey vulture (cathartes aur ...200011428396
clinical and pathologic features of west nile virus infection in native north american owls (family strigidae).since the initial report of west nile virus in the northeastern united states in 1999, the virus has spread rapidly westward and southward across the country. in the summer of 2002, several midwestern states reported increased cases of neurologic disease and mortality associated with west nile virus infection in various native north american owl species. this report summarizes the clinical and pathologic findings for 13 captive and free-ranging owls. affected species were all in the family strig ...200314562887
antibody prevalence and isolation of viable toxoplasma gondii from raptors in the southeastern usa.raptors are good indicators of the prevalence of toxoplasma gondii in the environment because they prey on small mammals and birds. these prey species are a major source of infection in domestic cats ( felis catus ), which shed the environmentally resistant oocysts. we assessed t. gondii infection in 281 opportunistically available raptors at a rehabilitation facility between 2012 and 2014. antibodies to t. gondii were assayed by a modified agglutination test (cutoff 1:25) and found in serum of ...201627243150
Transient dynamics of invasive competition: barred owls, spotted owls, habitat, and the demons of competition present.The recent range expansion of Barred Owls (Strix varia) into the Pacific Northwest, where the species now co-occurs with the endemic Northern Spotted Owl (Strix occidentalis caurina), resulted in a unique opportunity to investigate potential competition between two congeneric, previously allopatric species. The primary criticism of early competition research was the use of current species' distribution patterns to infer past processes; however, the recent expansion of the Barred Owl and the abil ...201122073635
a multi-year study of mosquito feeding patterns on avian hosts in a southeastern focus of eastern equine encephalitis virus.abstract. eastern equine encephalitis virus (eeev) is a mosquito-borne pathogen that cycles in birds but also causes severe disease in humans and horses. we examined patterns of avian host use by vectors of eeev in alabama from 2001 to 2009 using blood-meal analysis of field-collected mosquitoes and avian abundance surveys. the northern cardinal (cardinalis cardinalis) was the only preferred host (fed on significantly more than expected based on abundance) of culiseta melanura, the enzootic vect ...201121540380
feasibility of transesophageal echocardiography in birds without cardiac establish a technique of transesophageal echocardiography (tee) in birds without cardiac disease and describe the imaging planes obtained.201020187818
radiographic evaluation of perching-joint angles in cockatiels (nymphicus hollandicus), hispaniolan amazon parrots (amazona ventralis), and barred owls (strix varia).information on perching-joint angles in birds is limited. joint immobilization in a physiologic perching angle has the potential to result more often in complete restoration of limb function. we evaluated perching-joint angles in 10 healthy cockatiels (nymphicus hollandicus), 10 hispaniolan amazons (amazona ventralis), and 9 barred owls (strix varia) and determined intra- and interobserver variability for goniometric measurements in 2 different radiographic projections. intra- and interobserver ...200919673455
pathology and epidemiology of natural west nile viral infection of raptors in georgia.carcasses from 346 raptors found between august 2001 and december 2004 were tested for west nile virus (wnv) using virus isolation and immunohistochemistry; 40 were positive for wnv by one or both methods. of these 40 birds, 35 had histologic lesions compatible with wnv infection, one had lesions possibly attributable to wnv, and four had no histologic evidence of wnv. the most common histologic lesions associated with wnv infection were myocardial inflammation, necrosis, and fibrosis; skeletal ...200717495305
clinical findings, lesions, and viral antigen distribution in great gray owls (strix nebulosa) and barred owls (strix varia) with spontaneous west nile virus infection.west nile virus (wnv) infection manifests itself clinically a nd pathologically differently in various species of birds. the clinicopathologic findings and wnv antigen tissue distribution of six great gray owls (strix nebulosa) and two barred owls (strix varia) with wnv infection are described in this report. great gray owls usually live in northern canada, whereas the phylogenetically related barred owls are native to the midwestern and eastern united states and southern canada. naturally acqui ...200717461282
productive thyroid follicular carcinoma in a wild barred owl (strix varia).an adult male barred owl (strix varia) was found unable to fly on a pasture during the day. on presentation, several lacerations were noted on the left wing. the animal was anesthetized for radiographic examination, which revealed mild swelling and irregularity of the soft tissues of the left wing. over the plane of the syrinx and great vessels, ill-defined soft tissue opacity was present. the anesthetic recovery was unsuccessful, and the patient died. on gross necropsy, a 1 cm in diameter, roun ...201223051831
genetic structure, introgression, and a narrow hybrid zone between northern and california spotted owls (strix occidentalis).the northern spotted owl (strix occidentalis caurina) is a threatened subspecies and the california spotted owl (strix occidentalis occidentalis) is a subspecies of special concern in the western united states. concern for their continued viability has arisen because of habitat loss caused by timber harvesting. the taxonomic status of the northern subspecies has been the subject of continuing controversy. we investigated the phylogeographical and population genetic structure of northern and cali ...200515773939
plasmodium forresteri n. sp., from raptors in florida and southern georgia: its distinction from plasmodium elongatum morphologically within and among host species and by vector susceptibility.plasmodium forresteri n. sp. naturally infects eastern screech-owls (otus asio), great horned owls (bubo virginianus), barred owls (strix varia), bald eagles (haliaeetus leucocephalus), red-shouldered hawks (buteo lineatus), broad-winged hawks (buteo platypterus), and red-tailed hawks (buteo jamaicensis) in florida and southern georgia. schizonts occur in mature or nearly mature erythrocytes, produce 2-6 merozoites arranged most commonly in fan or cruciform configuration, with mean dimensions am ...19979379302
severe hepatitis resulting from toxoplasmosis in a barred owl (strix varia) from québec, canada.a female adult barred owl (strix varia) had been hurt by a car. its general status declined gradually within 2 wk with anorexia and inactivity. necropsy examination revealed marked multifocal pale areas in liver, emaciation, and mild airsacculitis and pericarditis. histopathologic examination revealed severe acute multifocal hepatic necrosis with numerous protozoal tachyzoites within necrotic foci and in the cytoplasm of hepatocytes and macrophages. these tachyzoites stained with an indirect imm ...19979356724
inclusion body disease of falcons (herpesvirus infection) in an american kestrel.postmortem examination of a captive-bred american kestrel (falco sparverius) showed numerous white necrotic foci 1-2 mm in diameter throughout the liver and spleen. the results of light and spleen. the results of light and electron microscopic studies and experimental transmission to a captive american kestrel and a barred owl (strix varia) suggests a herpesvirus similar to those dsecribed for owls and other falcons in the u.s. this is the first report of a naturally occurring case of inclusion ...1977194064
radiographic anatomy of the barred owl (strix varia). 1979256381
on the use of cellular telephony for audio interaction with animals.playback is an important method of surveying animals, assessing habitats and studying animal communication. however, conventional playback methods require on-site observers and therefore become labour-intensive when covering large areas. such limitations could be circumvented by the use of cellular telephony, a ubiquitous technology with increasing biological applications. in addressing concerns about the low audio quality of cellular telephones, this paper presents experimental data to show tha ...200717715052
determination of gastrointestinal transit times in barred owls ( strix varia ) by contrast fluoroscopy.contrast imaging studies are routinely performed in avian patients when an underlying abnormality of the gastrointestinal (gi) tract is suspected. fluoroscopy offers several advantages over traditional radiography and can be performed in conscious animals with minimal stress and restraint. although birds of prey are commonly encountered as patients, little is known about gi transit times and contrast imaging studies in these species, especially owls. owls are commonly encountered in zoological, ...201728644080
a comparative study of the mechanics of the pectoralis muscle of the red-tailed hawk and the barred owl.a comparison of the isometric forces and levers of the pectoralis muscle in red-tailed hawks (buteo jamaicensis) and barred owls (strix varia) was done to identify differences that may correlate with their different flight styles. the pectoralis consists of two heads, the anterior m. sternobrachialis (sb) and the posterior m. thoracobrachialis (tb). these are joined at an intramuscular tendon and are supplied by separate primary nerve branches. as in other birds, the two heads have distinct fibe ...201222025367
the effect of manual restraint on physiological parameters in barred owls ( strix varia ).manual restraint is commonly necessary when working with avian species in medical, laboratory, and field settings. despite their prevalence, little is known about the stress response in raptorial bird species. to further understand the effect of restraint on the stress response in birds of prey, 12 barred owls ( strix varia ) were manually restrained for 15 minutes. physiological parameters (cloacal temperature, respiratory rate, heart rate) were followed over time and recorded at defined points ...201728358611
fine structure of the pecten oculi of the barred owl (strix varia).the pecten oculi of the barred owl (strix varia) has been examined by light and transmission electron microscopy. the pecten in this species is of the pleated type and is small in comparison to the size of the ocular globe. the pecten consists of 8-10 accordion-like folds that are linked apically by a pigmented tissue bridge. each fold contains numerous capillaries, larger supply and drainage vessels, and abundant pleomorphic melanocytes. most of these capillaries are extremely specialized vesse ...19968720451
anticoagulant rodenticides in three owl species from western canada, 1988-2003.anticoagulant rodenticides are widely used to control rodent infestations. previous studies have shown that nontarget organisms, such as birds, are at risk for both primary and secondary poisoning. this paper presents rodenticide residue information on the livers from 164 strigiformes which included barn owls (tyto alba), barred owls (strix varia), and great horned owls (bubo virginianus), collected from 1988 to 2003 in the province of british columbia and the yukon territory, canada. livers wer ...201019826750
retinal structure of birds of prey revealed by ultra-high resolution spectral-domain optical coherence reveal three-dimensional (3-d) information about the retinal structures of birds of prey in vivo.201020554605
anticoagulant rodenticide exposure and toxicosis in four species of birds of prey presented to a wildlife clinic in massachusetts, 2006-2010.mortalities among birds of prey from anticoagulant rodenticide (ar) toxicosis have been documented in several countries. reports on extent of exposure within regions of the united states are limited. this study investigated ar exposure and toxicosis in four species of birds of prey (red-tailed hawks [buteo jamaicensis], barred owls [strix varia], eastern screech owls [megascops asio] and great horned owls [bubo virginianus]) presented to a wildlife clinic in massachusetts. the aims of this study ...201122946375
a technique for evisceration as an alternative to enucleation in birds of prey: 19 cases.ocular trauma is common in birds of prey presented to wildlife clinics and rehabilitation centers. enucleation is the procedure most commonly described for treatment of end-stage ocular disease or chronically painful eyes in birds; however, there are several disadvantages and risks to this procedure. while evisceration has been suggested as an alternative, it has not been described for multiple cases or with long-term follow-up data in birds of prey. this report details an evisceration technique ...201323971220
respiratory nematodiases in raptors in quebec.this is a retrospective study on wild raptors submitted to the université de montréal (quebec, canada) from 1989 to 1996. cyathostoma spp. (nematoda: syngamidae) adults and/or eggs were found in air sacs, lungs, bronchi, and trachea of 12 raptors (falconiformes and strigiformes) from quebec, canada, belonging to eight different species, five of which are first host records for this parasite: barred owl (strix varia), snowy owl (nyctea scandiaca), northern harrier (circus cyaneus), northern gosha ...199910231766
hematologic parameters in raptor species in a rehabilitation setting before be considered for release, raptors undergoing rehabilitation must have recovered from their initial injury in addition to being clinically healthy. for that purpose, a good understanding of reference hematologic values is important in determining release criteria for raptors in a rehabilitation setting. in this study, retrospective data were tabulated from clinically normal birds within 10 days of release from a rehabilitation facility. hematologic values were compiled from 71 red-tailed hawk ...201122216719
integrating count and detection-nondetection data to model population dynamics.there is increasing need for methods that integrate multiple data types into a single analytical framework as the spatial and temporal scale of ecological research expands. current work on this topic primarily focuses on combining capture-recapture data from marked individuals with other data types into integrated population models. yet, studies of species distributions and trends often rely on data from unmarked individuals across broad scales where local abundance and environmental variables m ...201728369775
dynamic n-occupancy models: estimating demographic rates and local abundance from detection-nondetection data.occupancy modeling is a widely used analytical technique for assessing species distributions and range dynamics. however, occupancy analyses frequently ignore variation in abundance of occupied sites, even though site abundances affect many of the parameters being estimated (e.g., extinction, colonization, detection probability). we introduce a new model ("dynamic n-occupancy") capable of providing accurate estimates of local abundance, population gains (reproduction/immigration), and apparent s ...201627912019
histological and ultrastructural studies on the conjunctiva of the barred owl (strix varia).this report is the first characterization of the histology and ultrastructure of the barred owl conjunctiva. the inferior eyelid was dominated by a large disk-shaped plate covered by a non-keratinized stratified squamous or cuboidal epithelium of variable thickness. the apical surface of the plate epithelium varied from flat to long microvilli or even short cytoplasmic extensions similar to those seen in the third eyelid. all specimens had a few goblet cells filled with mucous secretory granules ...201526562834
comparative evaluation of aqueous humor evaluate aqueous humor viscosity in the raptor, dog, cat, and horse, with a primary focus on the barred owl (strix varia).201524467592
neighborhood and habitat effects on vital rates: expansion of the barred owl in the oregon coast this paper, we modify dynamic occupancy models developed for detection-nondetection data to allow for the dependence of local vital rates on neighborhood occupancy, where neighborhood is defined very flexibly. such dependence of occupancy dynamics on the status of a relevant neighborhood is pervasive, yet frequently ignored. our framework permits joint inference about the importance of neighborhood effects and habitat covariates in determining colonization and extinction rates. our specific m ...201222928423
fine structure of the retinal photoreceptors of the barred owl (strix varia).the photoreceptors of the barred owl (strix varia) consist of rods, single cones and unequal double cones present in a ratio of about 35:1:3. in the light-adapted condition the rods are of uniform diameter along their entire length and are therefore not felt to undergo photomechanical changes. the rod outer segment consists of a stack of scalloped bimembranous discs enclosed in a limiting membrane. the rod inner segment displays an ellipsoid of mitochondria, much rough endoplasmic reticulum (rer ...19968720450
fine structure of the retinal pigment epithelium of the barred owl (strix varia).the retinal pigment epithelium (rpe) as well as the choriocapillaris and bruch's membrane (complexus basalis) have been studied by light and electron microscopy in the barred owl (strix varia). the rpe consists of a single layer of cuboidal cells joined laterally by a series of tight junctions that forms part of the blood-ocular barrier. basally (sclerally) the retinal epithelial cells display numerous deep infoldings while apically (vitreally) microvillar processes interdigitate with the photor ...19968720449
tylodelphys immer dubois 1961 (trematoda: diplostomidae) from the barred owl, strix varia in louisiana. 19807420256
using detection dogs to conduct simultaneous surveys of northern spotted (strix occidentalis caurina) and barred owls (strix varia).state and federal actions to conserve northern spotted owl (strix occidentalis caurina) habitat are largely initiated by establishing habitat occupancy. northern spotted owl occupancy is typically assessed by eliciting their response to simulated conspecific vocalizations. however, proximity of barred owls (strix varia)-a significant threat to northern spotted owls-can suppress northern spotted owl responsiveness to vocalization surveys and hence their probability of detection. we developed a su ...201222916175
the roles of competition and habitat in the dynamics of populations and species distributions.the role of competition in structuring biotic communities at fine spatial scales is well known from detailed process-based studies. our understanding of competition's importance at broader scales is less resolved and mainly based on static species distribution maps. here, we bridge this gap by examining the joint occupancy dynamics of an invading species (barred owl, strix varia) and a resident species (northern spotted owl, strix occidentalis caurina) in a 1000-km study area over a 22-year peri ...201424669721
barred owls and landscape attributes influence territory occupancy of northern spotted owls.we used multi-season occupancy analyses to model 2 fates of northern spotted owl territories in relation to habitat amount, habitat fragmentation, and the presence of barred owls in washington state, usa, 1989-2005. local colonization is the probability a territory unoccupied by a spotted owl in year i would be occupied in year i + 1, and local extinction is the probability a territory that was occupied by a spotted owl in year i would be unoccupied in year i + 1. we found a negative relationshi ...201425558093
multistate models reveal long-term trends of northern spotted owls in the absence of a novel competitor.quantifying spatial and temporal variability in population trends is a critical aspect of successful management of imperiled species. we evaluated territory occupancy dynamics of northern spotted owls (strix occidentalis caurina), california, usa, 1990-2014. the study area possessed two unique aspects. first, timber management has occurred for over 100 years, resulting in dramatically different forest successional and structural conditions compared to other areas. second, the barred owl (strix v ...201627065016
effects of isoflurane anesthesia on the hematologic values of rehabilitated wild owls.isoflurane anesthesia is commonly used for owls when they are being rehabilitated to minimize stress during treatments and procedures, as well as to ensure caretaker safety. however, the effects of isoflurane anesthesia on the hematologic response of owls are not known. to investigate the effects of isoflurane anesthesia on the hematology of owls, 3 phases of investigation were performed on the subject animals: 1) single, short manual- versus single, short isoflurane-restraint episodes (n = 12; ...201931833305
trichomonosis due to trichomonas gallinae infection in barn owls (tyto alba) and barred owls (strix varia) from the eastern united states.trichomonosis is an important cause of mortality in multiple avian species; however, there have been relatively few reports of this disease in owls. two barn owls (tyto alba) and four barred owls (strix varia) submitted for diagnostic examination had lesions consistent with trichomonosis including caseous necrosis and inflammation in the oropharynx. microscopically, these lesions were often associated with trichomonads and molecular testing, if obtainable, confirmed the presence of trichomonas g ...201931027606
northern spotted owl (strix occidentalis caurina) genome: divergence with the barred owl (strix varia) and characterization of light-associated genes.we report here the assembly of a northern spotted owl (strix occidentalis caurina) genome. we generated illumina paired-end sequence data at 90× coverage using nine libraries with insert lengths ranging from ∼250 to 9,600 nt and read lengths from 100 to 375 nt. the genome assembly is comprised of 8,108 scaffolds totaling 1.26 × 109 nt in length with an n50 length of 3.98 × 106 nt. we calculated the genome-wide fixation index (fst) of s. o. caurina with the closely related barred owl (strix varia ...201728992302
evaluation of goniometry and electrogoniometry of carpus and elbow joints in the barred owl (strix varia).the motion of wing joints is a critical factor for successful flight in avian patients, but little information is available about goniometry in birds. elbow and carpus joints in flexed and extended positions from 10 orthopedically normal wings of 6 adult wild barred owls (strix varia) were evaluated with the animals under general anesthesia using a modified universal plastic goniometer and an electrogoniometer. these measurements were compared to those obtained using radiographic assessment. int ...201831112639
the past and future roles of competition and habitat in the range-wide occupancy dynamics of northern spotted owls.slow ecological processes challenge conservation. short-term variability can obscure the importance of slower processes that may ultimately determine the state of a system. furthermore, management actions with slow responses can be hard to justify. one response to slow processes is to explicitly concentrate analysis on state dynamics. here, we focus on identifying drivers of northern spotted owl (strix occidentalis caurina) territorial occupancy dynamics across 11 study areas spanning their geog ...201930835921
whole-genome analysis of introgression between the spotted owl and barred owl (strix occidentalis and strix varia, respectively; aves: strigidae) in western north the barred owl (strix varia; aves: strigiformes: strigidae) expands throughout western north america, hybridization between barred and spotted owls (strix varia and s. occidentalis, respectively), if abundant, may lead to genetic swamping of the endangered spotted owl. we analyzed low-coverage, whole-genome sequence data from fifty-one barred and spotted owls to investigate recent introgression between these two species. although we obtained genomic confirmation that these species can and do ...201830355766
complete mitochondrial genome sequences of the northern spotted owl (strix occidentalis caurina) and the barred owl (strix varia; aves: strigiformes: strigidae) confirm the presence of a duplicated control region.we report here the successful assembly of the complete mitochondrial genomes of the northern spotted owl (strix occidentalis caurina) and the barred owl (s. varia). we utilized sequence data from two sequencing methodologies, illumina paired-end sequence data with insert lengths ranging from approximately 250 nucleotides (nt) to 9,600 nt and read lengths from 100-375 nt and sanger-derived sequences. we employed multiple assemblers and alignment methods to generate the final assemblies. the circu ...201729038757
sarcocystis strixi, n. sp. from a barred owl (strix varia) definitive host and interferon gamma gene knockout mice as experimental intermediate we report a new species of sarcocystis with barred owls as the natural definitive host and interferon gamma gene knockout (ko) mice as an experimental intermediate host. a barred owl submitted to the carolina raptor center, huntersville, north carolina, was euthanized because of paralysis. fully sporulated 12.5 x 9.9 m sporocysts were found in intestinal scrapings from the owl. sporocysts from the barred owl were orally fed to 4 laboratories reared outbred swiss webster (sw) (mus musculus) ...201728783438
merging metagenomics and spatial epidemiology to understand the distribution of antimicrobial resistance genes from enterobacteriaceae in wild owls.antimicrobial resistance (amr) is a well-documented phenomenon in bacteria from many natural ecosystems, including wild animals. however, the specific determinants and spatial distribution of resistant bacteria and antimicrobial resistance genes (args) in the environment remain incompletely understood. in particular, information regarding the importance of anthropogenic sources of amr relative to that of other biological and ecological influences is lacking. we conducted a cross-sectional study ...202032769191
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