
[pulicosis caused by ctenocephalides canis]. 19827152907
efficacy of selamectin against adult flea infestations (ctenocephalides felis felis and ctenocephalides canis) on dogs and cats.selamectin was evaluated in eight controlled studies (4 in dogs, 4 in cats) to determine the efficacy of a single topical unit dose providing the recommended minimum dosage of 6mgkg(-1) against ctenocephalides felis felis and ctenocephalides canis fleas on dogs and against c. felis on cats. in addition, the effect of bathing on the efficacy of selamectin against c. felis was evaluated. identical studies were performed in beagles and domestic shorthaired cats. for each study, animals were allocat ...200010940521
[notes on fleas (siphonaptera) of the fox cerdocyon thous (canidae) from an endemic area of visceral leishmaniasis in jacobina, bahia, brazil].from july to september of 1998, 152 fleas were collected from 18 specimens of the fox cerdocyon thous captured in the visceral leishmaniasis endemic area of jacobina, state of bahia, brazil. the fleas were identified as: 136 rhopalopsyllus lutzi lutzi, 11 pulex irritans, 2 ctenocephalides canis, 1 ctenocephalides felis felis and 2 xenopsylla cheopis.200010881126
[differential diagnosis of medically relevant flea species and their significance in dermatology].different flea species may infest humans temporarily. such arthropods should be considered as a possible cause of erythematous and pruritic papules and nodules of unclear origin. bites from animal fleas can be seen in people with close contact to domestic or wild animals. this dermatosis may often be misdiagnosed. several flea species including pulex irritans, ctenocephalides canis, ctenocephalides felis, ceratophyllus gallinae, ceratophyllus columbae and archaeopsylla erinacei may infest human ...19979441163
dynamics of plague in a gunnison's prairie dog colony complex from new mexico.a plague (yersinia pestis) epizootic spread through gunnison's prairie dogs (cynomys gunnisoni), and possibly other rodent species, in the moreno valley in north-central new mexico between winter 1984-1985 and autumn 1987. we observed the progress of the epizootic and subsequent population recovery at four prairie dog towns within the valley during this period. at two towns (midlake and val verde) the prairie dogs were marked prior to the epizootic. at two additional towns (vega and south entran ...19979391954
[acute organophosphate poisoning after spraying against dog fleas].a case of moderate organophosphate intoxication in a 49 year-old male who sprayed against dog-fleas in his home is presented. the patient had symptoms of cholinergic excess, presenting as gastrointestinal hyperactivity, salivation, sweating, muscle fasciculations and confusion after in-door spraying with windows and doors kept closed. he recovered after 4 mg of atropine. s-cholinesterase was 3900 u/l (normal range 3800-10,000 u/l) measured with an activity assay, and increased to 6700 u/l the fo ...19979214072
[parasitic fleas in dogs from two warsaw shelters, urban and suburban].dog's ectoparasites were collected from 3 different parts of the body (back of the ears, environs of the loins, and beginning of the tail) during seven months (1993/1994). material originated from two dog's shelters: paluch in warsaw and celestynów near warsaw. all 50 inspected dogs had the fleas ctenocephalides canis (curtis, 1826). 63% of fleas occupy back of the body, 31% the tail and 6% the ears. number of the females was higher than males. the highest number of fleas was stated in november ...19968967082
rodents and their arthropod ectoparasites in south sinai governorate, egypt.from the scientific point of research, little attention has been paid to south sinai governorate. in this paper, it was aimed to study the rodent population and their arthropod ectoparasites in three selected areas; st. catherine, wadi sahab and wadi feran. the highest rodent trap index was in st. catherine, followed by wadi sahab and then wadi feran. mus musculus was predominant mainly indoors in the three areas while acomys c. dimidiatus was predominant mainly outdoors. dipodillus dasyurus was ...19938308354
flea species from dogs and cats in northern greece: environmental and clinical implications.fleas were identified after being collected from 129 dogs and 38 cats of random breed, sex and age. all these animals, infested with fleas and admitted to the clinic of medicine of the veterinary faculty in thessaloniki for routine procedures, were from different habitats and originated from various parts of northern greece. ctenocephalides canis was the most common species found on the dogs (71.3%). conversely, its prevalence in the 14 cats was substantially lower (5.3%). ctenocephalides felis ...19957676591
species of flea found on cats and dogs in south west england: further evidence of their polyxenous state and implications for flea control.fleas were collected from 60 dogs and 32 cats living in south west england. ctenocephalides felis felis and ctenocephalides canis were found on both dogs and cats, with a marked preponderance of c felis felis on both species. more female fleas than males were found. there was no apparent tendency for c canis to be found more often in rural areas than in suburban areas. the survey confirmed the polyxenous nature of both species of flea. the significance of this state is discussed in relation to f ...19957610540
ctenocephalides canis infestation of sheep and investigation into infestation of sheep and goats with ctenocephalides canis showed that while only a light degree of infestation was observed in the affected goats, light to heavy degrees of infestation occurred in sheep. in both species a light degree of infestation had no marked effect on the packed cell volume (pcv). both medium and heavy degrees of infestation resulted in a significant lowering of the pcv of the affected sheep.19807414697
anthropophilic deflection of ctenocephalides canis (dog flea). 19817343533
helminth parasites and arthropods of feral cats.the prevalence (%) of helminth parasites in 327 mainly adult feral cats from 3 habitat groupings in victoria and new south wales was determined. the cestodes taenia taeniaeformis (33%) and spirometra erinacei (33%) were common; dipylidium caninum was rate (2%). the nematodes toxocara cati (28%), cyathospirura dasyuridis and cylicospirura felineus combined (27%) and aelurostrongylus abstrusus (14%) were common but their prevalence differed markedly between habitats. ollulanus tricuspis (5%), gnat ...19817340783
natural occurrence of spotted fever group rickettsiae in the dog flea ctenocephalides canis in karnataka. 19807191408
the epizootiology of infestation of sheep with ctenocephalides canis in a livestock farm in nigeria. 19827186810
ctenocephalides canis infestation of goats. 19836868129
[fleas (siphonaptera) in the human environment. analytic findings between 1961-1983 in the district of leipzig (east germany). ii. spacial and temporal distribution].during the last 20 years there has been very little infestation with fleas in the district of leipzig. out of the 8 species only pulex irritans and ctenocephalides felis are of hygienic concern. greater numbers of them were found in densely populated urban districts. origins of infestation were mainly dogs and cats kept in unhygienic conditions, and retreats of feral cats. there have been changes in the dominance of fleas associated with man. p. irritans probably had been the dominant species fo ...19854003847
prevalence of ectoparasites of small ruminants in nsukka, nigeria.over a period of one year (january 1983 to december 1983), an investigation was mounted to determine common ectoparasitic infestation of small ruminants in selected farms in nsukka, nigeria. the species identified in goats included ctenocephalides canis, boophilius decolouratus and amblyomma variegatum lides while those recovered from parasitized sheep were ctenocephalides canis and damalinia ovis. out of a total of 148 sheep and goats examined for ectoparasites, 68 (45.95%) were infested. a fur ...19853836218
ectoparasitic infestation of dogs in bendel state, investigation into ectoparasitic infestation of different breeds of dogs presented to four veterinary clinics in benin, sapele and auchi in bendel state of nigeria during the period january 1983 to december 1983 is presented. of a total of 820 dogs examined for ectoparasites 246 (30.00%) were infected by ticks, 226 (27.56%) by lice, 212 (25.85%) by fleas and 109 (13.29%) by mites. the species of ectoparasites identified and their prevalence rates were rhipicephalus sanguineus (19.5%), otobius ...19853836217
prevalence of fleas on dogs in anambra state of examination of 338 dogs for fleas in anambra state revealed that 28.7% of the dogs were infested. while 2.1% of the dogs harboured the poultry flea echidnophaga gallinacea, 26.3% harboured the dog flea ctenocephalides canis. it was considered that ctenocephalides canis could be of great public health significance in this area in view of the high population of the flea. elimination of the flea was therefore recommended. the populations of fleas on dogs in other areas and the distribution of ct ...19853833826
cyromazine inhibits larval development of the dog flea, ctenocephalides canis (siphonaptera: pulicidae). 19863722594
flea species from dogs and cats in north-central florida.fleas were identified after removal from 100 dogs and 60 cats following routine presentation at a veterinary hospital in gainesville, fl. ctenocephalides felis comprised 92.4% and 99.8% of the fleas taken from dogs and cats respectively. pulex irritans accounted for 7.5% of the fleas found on dogs and for 0.2% of those found on cats. echidnophagia gallinacia was found on one dog. of the 100 dogs, 80 were infested with c. felis alone, one with p. irritans alone, and 18 carried a mixed infestation ...19873564340
possible vector dissemination by swift foxes following a plague epizootic in black-tailed prairie dogs in northwestern determine whether swift foxes (vulpes velox) could facilitate transmission of yersinia pestis to uninfected black-tailed prairie dog (cynomys ludovicianus) colonies by acquiring infected fleas, ectoparasite and serologic samples were collected from swift foxes living adjacent to prairie dog towns during a 2004 plague epizootic in northwestern texas, usa. a previous study (1999-2001) indicated that these swift foxes were infested almost exclusively with the flea pulex irritans. black-tailed pr ...200616870868
rickettsiae of the spotted fever group in dog fleas (ctenocephalides spp.) in western sicily. 19892604471
[ctenocephalides canis and ctenocephalides felis infestations of dogs and cats. biology of the agent, epizootiology, pathogenesis, clinical signs, diagnosis and control].a review is presented of the biology, epizootiology, pathogenesis, clinical features, diagnosis and treatment of canine and feline ctenocephalides canis and c. felis infestation. also data are given on the prevalence of fleas in dogs and cats during a year at the 1st animal medical hospital, munich veterinary faculty. 5.5% of the dogs and 18.9% of the cats were infested with fleas.19912068719
the biology of ctenocephalides canis in ireland.a colony of ctenocephalides canis was established using dogs as hosts. two diets were used as media. fleas reared on cats did not develop beyond the first larval stages. the effects of different temperatures on egg hatching and larval development were examined. larval survival was poor at 22 degrees c and 25 degrees c at 50% relative humidity, but good at 75% relative humidity at these temperatures. the development from egg to adult took 21 days.19921485415
field evaluations of dichlorvos as a vapor toxicant for control of prairie dog fleas. 19751181442
a comparison of jump performances of the dog flea, ctenocephalides canis (curtis, 1826) and the cat flea, ctenocephalides felis felis (bouché, 1835).jump performances of ctenocephalides canis and ctenocephalides felis felis have been measured and compared on unfed young imagos. the mean length of the c. felis felis jump was 19.9+/-9.1cm; minimum jump was 2cm, and the maximum was one 48cm. the c. canis jump was significantly longer (30.4+/-9.1cm; from 3 to 50cm). for height jump evaluation, grey plastic cylindric tubes measuring 9cm in diameter were used. their height was increasing from 1 to 30cm by 1cm. groups of 10 fleas of the same specie ...200010962162
first blood meal of ctenocephalides canis (siphonaptera: pulicidae) on dogs: time to initiation of feeding and duration.two experiments were conducted on dogs to evaluate interval to initiation and duration of the first blood meal of ctenocephalides canis (curtis). percentage of fed male and female fleas was calculated for fleas held on dogs for 5, 15, 30, 60 min, 6, and 24 hr. duration of first blood meal was also measured for individual fleas confined on dogs. when fleas were free in the hair coat, 21.2% had begun blood feeding within 5 min. after 1 hr, 72.5% of fleas had fed. after 6 hr, 95.2% of males and 100 ...200111227894
[bartonella henselae infection in domestic cat and dog fleas].we studied on the infection of domestic cat and dog fleas with bartonella henselae by polymerase chain reaction (pcr). a total of 62 fleas (36 ctenocephalidis felis from cats, 24 c. felis from dogs and 2 ctenocephalidis canis from dogs), stored in 70% ethanol, were analyzed by pcr for b. henselae specific dna. of the 62 fleas, c. felis from cats and dogs were positive for b. henselae specific dna in 12 of the 36 (33.3%) and in 5 of the 24 (20.8%), respectively, and c. canis from dogs was positiv ...200111260879
seasonal occurrence of ctenocephalides felis felis and ctenocephalides canis (siphonaptera: pulicidae) infesting dogs and cats in an urban area in cuernavaca, mexico.the seasonal occurrence of ctenocephalides felis felis (bouché and ctenocephalides canis (curtis) infestation on dogs and cats in cuernavaca city in mexico, was determined by examining 1,803 dogs and 517 cats at two veterinary clinics during 1995-1997. the overall flea infestation was 30.3 and 30.1% for dogs and cats, respectively. there were no significant differences (p > 0.05) in percentage of infestation among years for both hosts. the infestation was somewhat higher in spring, summer, and a ...200111268680
species of flea (siphonaptera) infesting pets and hedgehogs in germany.the species of flea infesting pets and hedgehogs in germany were investigated through a survey of small animal practitioners throughout the country who were asked to collect specimens at their veterinary practices. a total of 625 veterinarians/veterinary practices responded and provided 2445 intact anti identifiable flea specimens. these fleas originated from 294 dogs (795 fleas), 334 cats (1152 fleas), 76 hedgehogs (481 fleas), five domestic rabbits (10 fleas), one golden hamster (four fleas) a ...200111393815
comparison of the activity of selamectin, imidacloprid and fipronil for the treatment of dogs infested experimentally with ctenocephalides canis and ctenocephalides felis felis.twenty-four beagles were randomly allocated into four groups of six and housed in separate cages. each dog was infested with 25 ctenocephalides canis and 25 ctenocephalides felis felis and two days later (day 0) the dogs in groups 1, 2 and 3 received a spot-on application of selamectin (6 mg/kg), imidacloprid (10 mg/kg), or fipronil (6-7 mg/kg), respectively, while the dogs in group 4 were not treated. the dogs were combed 48 hours later, the fleas were removed, counted and their species were de ...200111787782
[pyrethroid exposure following indoor treatments with a dog flea powder].pyrethroid exposure following indoor treatments with a dog flea powder.200211907864
flea species from dogs in three cities of chile.the purpose of this study was to establish the pattern of flea infestation in dogs in the cities of santiago (33 degrees latitude south, 70 degrees longitude west), concepción (36 degrees latitude south, 73 degrees longitude west) and osorno (40 degrees latitude south, 73 degrees longitude west), located in different parts of chile. the only species of fleas found on dogs from the three cities were ctenocephalides felis felis (41.8%), ctenocephalides canis (39.4%) and pulex irritans (18.8%). alt ...200211934466
determination of 'irritant' threshold concentrations for intradermal testing with allergenic insect extracts in normal horses.sixteen healthy horses with no history of skin or respiratory disease were used for an intradermal testing (idt) threshold study, in order to determine the concentrations of 13 commercial allergenic insect extracts most appropriate for idt. five dilutions of each extract were used, which included the manufacturer's recommended concentrations for equine idt, plus one dilution higher and three lower than these standard concentrations. allergens tested included caddisfly (trichoptera spp.), mayfly ...200312603683
wolbachia endosymbionts in fleas (siphonaptera).intracellular endosymbionts, wolbachia spp., have been reported in many different orders of insects and in nematodes but not previously in fleas. this is the first conclusive report of wolbachia spp. within members of the siphonaptera. using nested polymerase chain reaction (pcr) targeting of the 16s ribosomal rna gene, we screened for wolbachia spp. in fleas collected from 3 counties in georgia and 1 in new york. the prevalence of wolbachia spp. detected varied among the 6 different species scr ...200312760642
identification of rickettsia spp. and bartonella spp. in ffrom the thai-myanmar border.during a survey for possible rickettsial vectors in villages of the central part of the thai-myanmar border from september 2001 to february 2002, four species of fleas were collected from common peridomestic animals. all fleas were tested by pcr to detect dna of bacteria of the genera rickettsia (glta and ompb genes) and bartonella (its and ftsz genes). sequencing of pcr-amplified products was done using glta fragments for rickettsia and ftsz fragments for bartonella: two genotypes related to ri ...200312860622
detection of novel bartonella strains and yersinia pestis in prairie dogs and their fleas (siphonaptera: ceratophyllidae and pulicidae) using multiplex polymerase chain reaction.we developed a multiplex polymerase chain reaction (pcr) assay that simultaneously detects three types of flea-associated microorganisms. targets for the assay were sequences encoding portions of the glta, a 17-kda antigen, and pla genes of bartonella spp. strong et al., rickettsia spp. da rocha-lima, and yersinia pestis yersin, respectively. a total of 260 flea samples containing bloodmeal remnants were analyzed from fleas collected from abandoned prairie dog (cynomys ludovicianus) burrows at t ...200312943112
notes on the effect of carbon dioxide in the breath as the stimulant on the flea, ctenocephalides canis (curtis, 1826). 195713513226
ectoparasitic species from canis familiaris (linné) in buenos aires province, argentina.several arthropods that live as ectoparasites on domestic dogs can cause severe dermatitis or act as vectors of pathogenic agents, resulting in serious diseases not only in dogs, but also in humans. we studied ectoparasites found on canis familiaris sampled in five areas in buenos aires province, argentina. the prevalence of fleas, ticks and lice was analyzed, as well as their seasonal variations through the different sites studied. the kind of infestation found in each host was determined and t ...200415019149
analysis of self-organized criticality in ehrenfest's dog-flea model.the self-organized criticality in ehrenfest's historical dog-flea model is analyzed by simulating the underlying stochastic process. the fluctuations around the thermal equilibrium in the model are treated as avalanches. we show that the distributions for the fluctuation length differences at subsequent time steps are in the shape of a q -gaussian (the distribution which is obtained naturally in the context of nonextensive statistical mechanics) if one avoids the finite-size effects by increasin ...200919518158
fleas parasitizing domestic dogs in georgia, usa: species composition and seasonal abundance.monthly flea collections were made from domestic dogs in bulloch county, georgia, usa from september 1996 to august 2004. a total of 2518 fleas belonging to 8 species were collected. the most common flea was the cat flea, ctenocephalides felis (389 males and 1148 females), followed by the dog flea, ctenocephalides canis (250 males and 285 females), a generalist/carnivore flea, pulex simulans (106 males and 213 females), and a sticktight flea, echidnophaga gallinacea (3 males and 89 females). sma ...200515893082
a survey of cats and dogs for fleas: with particular reference to their role as intermediate hosts of dipylidium caninum.three species of fleas, viz. ctenocephalides felis, ctenocephalides canis, and pulex irritans were found in an examination of 81 cats and 48 dogs in wellington. c. felis was the most prevalent flea in cats, and c. canis predominated in dogs. it is speculated that c. felis, and its primary host the cat, may assume greater medical and veterinary significance than c. canis. in an examination of 1578 fleas for cysticercoids of the dog tapeworm, dipylidium caninum, all were found negative. these resu ...198416031050
prevalence of human pathogens in cat and dog fleas in new provide further information on the prevalence of rickettsia felis, bartonella hensela, and b. clarridgeiae in cat and dog fleas in new zealand and their distribution in the country.200516311612
a study of ectoparasites of canis lupus familiaris in mueang district, khon kaen, thailand.we studied ectoparasites found on canis lupus familiaris sampled in five areas in mueang district, khon kaen province, thailand. the prevalence of fleas and ticks as well as their density were determined in 100 dogs that did not receive treatments. a total number of 458 ectoparasites was found corresponding to two species: 25.8% ctenocephalides canis and 74.2% rhipicephalus sanguineus. r. sanguineus was the most abundant species, and ct. canis was the only flea species found. the stages of r. sa ...200516438201
qualitative and quantitative observations on the flea population dynamics of dogs and cats in several areas of germany.from an ongoing country-wide study on the spectrum, the epidemiology and the population dynamics of flea infestations in dogs and cats, important preliminary results from the three areas of karlsruhe, nuernberg and leipzig are presented. a total of 1922 dogs and 1838 cats from 12 different veterinary practices or clinics in three areas of germany were systematically examined between july 2003 and june 2004. all dogs and cats appearing for a clinical veterinary consultation on one regular working ...200616442233
first molecular detection of rickettsia felis in fleas from algeria.fleas collected in algeria in the district of oran between july and september 2003 were tested by polymerase chain reaction for the presence of rickettsia spp. dna using primers amplifying glta and ompa genes. two glta sequences identical to those of an emerging pathogen, rickettsia felis, were detected including i) r. felis california 2 in ctenocephalides canis from rodents and ii) r. felis rf2125 in archeopsylla erinacei from hedgehogs.200616606979
prevalence of rickettsia felis-like and bartonella spp. in ctenocephalides felis and ctenocephalides canis from la rioja (northern spain).our aim was to determine the presence of rickettsia spp. and bartonella spp. in ctenocephalides felis and ctenocephalides canis from la rioja (spain). a total of 88 specimens were tested by polymerase chain reaction (pcr) using glta and ompb genes as targets for rickettsia spp., and 16s rrna and ribc genes for bartonella spp. rickettsia felis-like (28.4%), bartonella clarridgeiae (6.8%), and bartonella henselae (3.4%) were detected in ctenocephalides spp. other bartonella sp. different from b. c ...200617114721
prevalence of rickettsia felis in ctenocephalides felis and ctenocephalides canis from uruguay.our aim was to determine the presence of rickettsia spp. in 66 fleas from uruguay. rickettsial dna was amplified using glta and ompb pcr primers. rickettsia spp. were found in 41% of the fleas (25 ctenocephalides felis and 2 ctenocephlides canis). sequences resulted in the identification of rickettsia felis and four genotypes closely related to this species (rickettsia sp. twkm03, california 2, hf187, and rf2125). the presence of r. felis in fleas from uruguay in was demonstrated. this is the se ...200617114726
incidence and distribution pattern of rickettsia felis in peridomestic fleas from andalusia, southeast spain.the presence of rickettsia felis was investigated in three species of pulicid fleas (ctenocephalides felis, ctenocephalides canis and pulex irritans) collected in 38 locales in andalusia (spain) over the period 1999-2004. amplification of a fragment of ompb gene was positive in 54.17 % of lots of ct. felis. the identity of the pcr bands was confirmed as r. felis by sequence data obtained directly from the pcr amplicon. no rickettsia was found in ct. canis nor p. irritans.200617114737
survey of flea infestation in dogs and cats in the united kingdom during 2005.during 2005, 31 uk veterinary practices participated in a survey of flea infestation, during which 2653 dogs and 1508 cats were examined for evidence of flea infestation and skin disease compatible with flea allergy dermatitis (fad). the prevalence of flea infestation in the cats was 21.09 per cent, significantly (p<0.001) higher than in the dogs (6.82 per cent). the prevalence of skin lesions compatible with fad in the cats (8.02 per cent) was also significantly (p<0.001) higher than in the dog ...200717435095
can fleas from dogs infected with canine visceral leishmaniasis transfer the infection to other mammals?in order to investigate the possible role of dog fleas in the transmission of trypanosomatids, ectoparasites were removed from 59 dogs testing positive for canine zoonotic visceral leishmaniasis according to the indirect fluorescent antibody test (ifat). of the fleas collected, 4/207 (1.9%) showed the presence of promastigotes in smears stained by giemsa, whilst 43/144 (29.9%) exhibited positive polymerase chain reaction (pcr) amplification assays for leishmania dna. fleas (409) from 9 leishmani ...200717521814
a survey of fleas on dogs in southern italy.a survey aimed at studying the presence and distribution of fleas on dogs was conducted in an area of southern italy. between february 2005 and 2006, dogs were examined for fleas at four private veterinary clinics, with a twice-weekly frequency. fleas were detected on 246 (17.9%) out of the 1376 tested dogs. a total of 960 fleas were sampled and two species were identified, namely ctenocephalides felis felis (16.3% of the tested dogs) and ctenocephalides canis (1.5% of the tested dogs). the resu ...200717683867
ectoparasites of the endangered iberian lynx lynx pardinus and sympatric wild and domestic carnivores in spain.ectoparasites can cause important skin disorders in animals and can also transmit pathogens. the iberian lynx lynx pardinus has been stated to be the most endangered felid in the world and such vector-borne pathogens may threaten its survival. we surveyed 98 wild carnivores (26 iberian lynxes, 34 red foxes vulpes vulpes, 24 egyptian mongooses herpestes ichneumon, 11 common genets genetta genetta, two eurasian badgers meles meles, one polecat mustela putorius) and 75 domestic but free-ranging car ...200717897365
fleas parasitizing domestic dogs in addition to their importance to veterinary clinical practice as ectoparasites, fleas of domestic dogs are of special concern because they can be vectors of disease, including zoonoses. flea assemblages parasitizing domestic dogs usually comprise several flea species whose distribution is determined by factors acting at several scales. knowledge of these factors will aid in assessment of the distribution patterns of flea parasitism, and is an important tool in developing control strategies and ...200818031934
a survey of ectoparasite infestations in stray dogs of gwang-ju city, republic of korea.this study was designed to investigate the incidence of ectoparasite infestation among stray dogs in gwang-ju city, republic of korea. a total of 103 stray dogs collected in the animal shelter of gwang-ju city from november 2003 to august 2005 were investigated in this study. ectoparasites of one or more genera were detected in 45.6% (47 / 103) of the dogs examined for dermatologic lesions and/or skin scrapings (from 3-5 affected areas). otodectes cynotis was found to be the most frequent parasi ...200818344673
no evidence of deer mouse involvement in plague (yersinia pestis) epizootics in prairie dogs.plague, the disease caused by the bacterium yersinia pestis, can have devastating impacts on black-tailed prairie dog (cynomys ludovicianus) colonies. one suggested mechanism behind sporadic prairie dog die-offs involves an alternative mammal host, such as the deer mouse (peromyscus maniculatus), which often inhabits prairie dog colonies. we examined the flea populations of deer mice to investigate the potential of flea-borne transmission of plague between deer mice and prairie dogs in northern ...200818447619
oropsylla hirsuta (siphonaptera: ceratophyllidae) can support plague epizootics in black-tailed prairie dogs (cynomys ludovicianus) by early-phase transmission of yersinia pestis.plague, caused by the bacterium yersinia pestis, often leads to rapid decimation of black-tailed prairie dog colonies. flea-borne transmission of y. pestis has been thought to occur primarily via blocked fleas, and therefore studies of vector efficiency have focused on the period when blockage is expected to occur (> or =5 days post-infection [p.i.]). oropsylla hirsuta, a prairie dog flea, rarely blocks and transmission is inefficient > or =5 days p.i.; thus, this flea has been considered incapa ...200818454591
molecular evidence for bartonella spp. in cat and dog fleas from germany and france.nine hundred and fifty-two fleas were collected from 148 cats and 133 dogs at 18 widely distributed geographic locations in germany and france and examined for the presence of six different bartonella spp. (bartonella bacilliformis, bartonella clarridgeiae, bartonella elizabethae, bartonella henselae, bartonella quintana, bartonella vinsonii subsp. berkhoffii) by pcr. thirty-five specimens (3.7%) tested positive for either b. henselae (14 positive fleas) or b. clarridgeiae (21 positive fleas). d ...200818489542
parasites of importance for human health in nigerian dogs: high prevalence and limited knowledge of pet owners.dogs are the most common pet animals worldwide. they may harbour a wide range of parasites with zoonotic potential, thus causing a health risk to humans. in nigeria, epidemiological knowledge on these parasites is limited.200819068110
evidence for the involvement of an alternate rodent host in the dynamics of introduced plague in prairie dogs.1. the introduction of plague to north america is a significant threat to colonies of prairie dogs (cynomys ludovicianus), a species of conservation concern in the great plains. other small rodents are exposed to the causative agent, yersinia pestis, during or after epizootics; yet, its effect on these rodents is not known, and their role in transmitting and maintaining plague in the absence of prairie dogs remains unclear. 2. we live-trapped small rodents and collected their fleas on 11 colonie ...200919302321
occurrence of rickettsia felis in dog and cat fleas (ctenocephalides felis) from italy.abstract : rickettsia felis is an obligate intracellular bacterium belonging to the spotted fever group, suspected to cause a murine typhus-like illness in humans, with a cosmopolitan distribution. this study was designed to estimate presence and occurrence of this pathogen in fleas collected from dogs and cats in different areas of italy. two species of fleas were identified, ctenocephalides felis (80.3%) and ctenocephalides canis (19.7%).overall, 320 fleas (257 c. felis and 63 c. canis) collec ...200919426447
discovery of the development candidate n-tert-butyl nodulisporamide: a safe and efficacious once monthly oral agent for the control of fleas and ticks on companion animals.nodulisporic acid a (1) is a structurally complex fungal metabolite that exhibits systemic efficacy against fleas via modulation of an invertebrate specific glutamate-gated ion channel. in order to identify a nodulisporamide suitable for monthly oral dosing in dogs, a library of 335 nodulisporamides was examined in an artificial flea feeding system for intrinsic systemic potency as well as in a mouse/bedbug assay for systemic efficacy and safety. a cohort of 66 nodulisporamides were selected for ...200919445514
evaluation of speed and duration of efficacy of spinosad tablets for treatment and control of ctenocephalides canis (siphonaptera: pulicidae) infestations in dogs.a controlled clinical trial was performed to determine the duration of efficacy of a new oral insecticide formulation of spinosad for the control of experimentally induced ctenocephalides canis infestations in dogs. twelve beagle dogs (two groups of six) were used in the study. dogs in the treated group received spinosad tablets per os on d0 at the commercial dosage. all dogs were infested with 100 fleas on days - 7, - 1, 7, 14, 21, 28 and 35. the dogs were combed four hours after each infestati ...200919585890
potential role for dog fleas in the cycle of leishmania spp.several species of leishmania spp. cause diseases in humans that range from self-healing cutaneous lesions to fatal visceral leishmaniosis. it has been observed that besides being transmitted by sand flies, leishmania spp. may also be transmitted by arthropods such as ticks and fleas. to investigate the possible role of dog fleas in the transmission of leishmania spp., ctenocefalides felis were removed from 22 dogs which were positive according to elisa and rk-39 tests. a c. felis sample from ea ...200919595512
ectoparasites of dogs and cats in hundred eighty-one dogs and 26 short-hair cats from suburban areas around tirana, albania were examined for ectoparasite infestation. the dogs were examined on several occasions from 2005 through 2009 representing three seasons: winter (december-february), spring (march-may), and summer (june-august); the cats were examined in late autumn (november). in addition, deep ear swab specimens of 30 dogs were examined for ear mites. the arthropod ectoparasite fauna of the dogs included two tick spe ...200919690887
prevalence of flea infestation in dogs and cats in hungary combined with a survey of owner awareness.a survey was conducted in order to gain current information on flea species (siphonaptera: pulicidae) infesting dogs and cats living in urban and rural areas of hungary, along with data on the factors that affect the presence, distribution and seasonality of infestation. in addition, owner awareness of flea infestation was evaluated. practitioners in 13 veterinary clinics were asked to examine all dogs and cats attending the clinic and to collect fleas, when present, on 2 days in each month from ...200919712149
bacterial communities of disease vectors sampled across time, space, and species.a common strategy of pathogenic bacteria is to form close associations with parasitic insects that feed on animals and to use these insects as vectors for their own transmission. pathogens interact closely with other coexisting bacteria within the insect, and interactions between co-occurring bacteria may influence the vector competency of the parasite. interactions between particular lineages can be explored through measures of alpha-diversity. furthermore, general patterns of bacterial communi ...201019865184
detection and identification of bartonella sp. in fleas from carnivorous mammals in andalusia, spain.a total of 559 fleas representing four species (pulex irritans, ctenocephalides felis, ctenocephalides canis and spilopsyllus cuniculi) collected on carnivores (five iberian lynx lynx pardinus, six european wildcat felis silvestris, 10 common genet genetta genetta, three eurasian badger meles meles, 22 red fox vulpes vulpes, 87 dogs and 23 cats) in andalusia, southern spain, were distributed in 156 pools of monospecific flea from each carnivore, and tested for bartonella infection in an assay ba ...200919941605
inferring host-parasite relationships using stable isotopes: implications for disease transmission and host specificity.identifying the roles of different hosts and vectors is a major challenge in the study of the ecology of diseases caused by multi-host pathogens. intensive field studies suggested that grasshopper mice (onychomys leucogaster) help spread the bacterium that causes plague (yersinia pestis) in prairie dog colonies by sharing fleas with prairie dogs (cynomys ludovicianus); yet conclusive evidence that prairie dog fleas (oropsylla hirsuta) feed on grasshopper mice is lacking. using stable nitrogen is ...200919967881
prevalence of rickettsia felis in the fleas ctenocephalides felis felis and ctenocephalides canis from two indian villages in sao paulo municipality, brazil.we evaluated the presence of rickettsia infection among fleas collected on domestic dogs in two guarani indian communities in the suburban area of são paulo municipality, brazil. a total of 114 ctenocephalides felis felis and 47 ctenocephalides canis were collected from 40 dogs. a total of 41 c. felis felis (36.0%) and 9 c. canis (19.1%) fleas yielded expected bands by pcr, which were all shown by dna sequencing to be indentical to the corresponding sequence of a fragment of the rickettsia felis ...200617114741
bartonella infections in fleas (siphonaptera: pulicidae) and lack of bartonellae in ticks (acari: ixodidae) from hungary.fleas (95 pulex irritans, 50 ctenocephalides felis, 45 ctenocephalides canis) and ixodid ticks (223 ixodes ricinus, 231 dermacentor reticulatus, 204 haemaphysalis concinna) were collected in hungary and tested, in assays based on pcr, for bartonella infection. low percentages of p. irritans (4.2%) and c. felis (4.0%) were found to be infected. the groel sequences of the four isolates from p. irritans were different from all the homologous sequences for bartonellae previously stored in genbank bu ...200617252927
the absence of concordant population genetic structure in the black-tailed prairie dog and the flea, oropsylla hirsuta, with implications for the spread of yersinia pestis.the black-tailed prairie dog (cynomys ludovicianus) is a keystone species on the mid- and short-grass prairies of north america. the species has suffered extensive colony extirpations and isolation as a result of human activity including the introduction of an exotic pathogen, yersinia pestis, the causative agent of sylvatic plague. the prairie dog flea, oropsylla hirsuta, is the most common flea on our study colonies in north-central montana and it has been shown to carry y. pestis. we used mic ...201020550633
rickettsia felis and bartonella clarridgeiae in fleas from new fleas collected in new caledonia harbored flea-borne pathogens rickettsia felis and bartonella clarridgeiae in 81% and 5%, respectively.201120569017
population genetic structure of the prairie dog flea and plague vector, oropsylla hirsuta.oropsylla hirsuta is the primary flea of the black-tailed prairie dog and is a vector of the plague bacterium, yersinia pestis. we examined the population genetic structure of o. hirsuta fleas collected from 11 prairie dog colonies, 7 of which had experienced a plague-associated die-off in 1994. in a sample of 332 o. hirsuta collected from 226 host individuals, we detected 24 unique haplotype sequences in a 480 nucleotide segment of the cytochrome oxidase ii gene. we found significant overall po ...201120696095
neonicotinoid insecticides: historical evolution and resistance mechanisms.the use ofneonicotinoid insecticides has grown considerably since their introduction in 1990s. they are used extensively for the control of agriculturally important crop pests and also in the control of cat and dog fleas. imidacloprid exploited through an elaborated structural and substituent optimization of nithiazine was launched to market in 1990. the selectivity ofneonicotinoid compounds for insect species has been attributed to their binding on nicotinic acetylcholine receptors in which the ...201020737790
ddt to control cat and dog fleas and dog lice. 194620996726
morphology and growth characteristics of cultured leptomonas ctenocephali from ctenocephalides felis felis (siphonaptera: pulicidae) of dogs in confirm the taxonomic identification of a trypanosomatid found in the hindgut, rectum and malpighian tubules of dog fleas captured in belo horizonte, minas gerais, brazil, between april and november of 2005, 910 specimens of ctenocephalides felis felis were removed from street dogs and dissected, and isolates from their digestive tracts were cultivated in nnn-alpha-mem medium. four different morphological forms were observed in culture: long, slender, twisted promastigotes with a long flagell ...201121511398
the cat flea (ctenocephalides f. felis) is the dominant flea on domestic dogs and cats in australian veterinary practices.this study was undertaken to determine the flea diversity on urban dogs and cats in australia in 2009-2010. a total of 2530 fleas were recovered from 291 animals (151 dogs, 69 cats and 71 uncategorised dogs or cats) from veterinary clinics across five states of australia. the majority of specimens were from coastal areas. the cat flea (ctenocephalides felis felis) was the most frequent flea species identified (98.8%, 2500/2530). the only other flea species identified was the stickfast flea (echi ...201121515000
diagnosis and therapeutic management of dipylidium caninum in dogs: a case report.the present study is related to dipylidium caninum infection in dogs. three dogs about 1 year of age with the history of scooting behaviour and passing diarrhoeic stool containing white specks were presented before the clinicians. physical examination of dogs revealed flea infestation and faecal examination revealed the presence of gravid segments, which were confirmed microscopically to be of cestode, d. caninum. dogs were treated with praziquantel@5 mg/kg body wt. orally. dogs showed marked re ...201627876962
dipylidium caninum infection in dogs infested with fleas.the present study pertains to the dipylidium caninum infection in dogs infested with fleas. twenty dogs were presented to the divison of surgery, skuast-k for different surgical procedures. majority of the dogs had a history of pruritus, loss of weight as well as rubbing their perineal region against the wall. on external examination dogs were found infested with ctenocephalides canis. when dogs were anesthetized, motile segments were seen coming out of their anus, which were then identified as ...201525698864
the current status of fleas according to environmental changes in some governorates in egypt.a preliminary survey of domestic rodent and their fleas was carried out in different environmental governorates (ismailia, dakahlia, el-fayoum, north sinai and matrouh), egypt. flea index (number of flea/rodent) and percentage frequency of different flea species were recorded in spring (2009- 2010). the main rodent species found were the norway rat, rattus norvegicus, the grey-bellied rat, rattus rattus alexandrinus, the white- bellied rat, rattus rattus frugivorus, the house mouse, mus musculus ...201121634253
presence of ctenocephalides canis (curtis) and ctenocephalides felis (bouch├ë) infesting dogs in the city of aguascalientes, m├ëxico.abstract prevalence and seasonal distribution of ctenocephalides canis (curtis), and ctenocephalides felis (bouch├®) infestations in urban dogs of the city of aguascalientes, mexico were studied. between january and december 2007, 863 dogs in the municipal canine and feline control center were examined. overall prevalence of infestation was 12% (95% ci 10-14). seasonal distribution revealed that prevalences in spring and summer were highest while autumn and winter had lower prevalences. two infe ...201121671718
efficacy of fipronil, amitraz and (s)-methoprene combination spot-on for dogs against adult dog fleas (ctenocephalides canis, curtis, 1826).a novel spot-on formulation combining fipronil, amitraz and (s)-methoprene (certifect™, merial limited, ga, usa) was evaluated in adult beagle dogs in a study to determine its adulticidal efficacy against the dog flea (ctenocephalides canis, curtis, 1826). sixteen dogs were randomly allocated to treatment groups: 8 dogs served as untreated controls, and 8 dogs were treated once. treatment consisted of applying a new combination formulation to deliver at least 6.7mg fipronil/kg body weight (bw), ...201121777738
[tick (ixodoidea) and flea (siphonaptera) species on three red foxes (vulpes vulpes) in erzurum province].in this study, three red foxes (vulpes vulpes) which died after traffic accidents were examined in terms of ectoparasites, in the province of erzurum in january of 2009. 13 ticks and 74 fleas were collected from the foxes and taken to the laboratory in separate glasses containing 70% alcohol. ticks were taken directly from 70% alcohol and have been identified under the stereo microscope. fleas were cleared in 10% koh solution during 4-13 days and washed in distilled water 3-4 times and were iden ...201121776598
prevalence of giardia and cryptosporidium species in dog park attending dogs compared to non-dog park attending dogs in one region of parks are very popular in urban areas, but there are no current studies attempting to correlate visits to dog parks and risk of colonization by enteric parasites. the purpose of this study was to determine whether dog park visitation is associated with an increased prevalence of enteric parasites or an increase in prevalence of gastrointestinal signs in dogs in northern colorado. feces from dogs owned by veterinary students or veterinary teaching hospital staff members were submitted with a ...201121890275
Ticks and the city: Ectoparasites of the Northern white-breasted hedgehog (Erinaceus roumanicus) in an urban park.The European hedgehog (Erinaceus europaeus) is known to host several ectoparasites and also tick-borne pathogens, but there is scant information on its eastern relative, the Northern white-breasted hedgehog (Erinaceus roumanicus). We have studied an urban population of E. roumanicus in a city park of central Budapest, Hungary, for 2 years to investigate their tick and flea species. A total of 5063 ticks and 818 fleas were collected from 247 hedgehogs (including 46 recaptures). Ectoparasite preva ...201122108019
isolation of candidatus rickettsia asemboensis from ctenocephalides fleas.candidatus rickettsia asemboensis was identified molecularly in fleas collected in 2009 from asembo, kenya. multilocus sequence typing using the 17-kd antigen gene, rrs, glta, ompa, ompb, and sca4 demonstrated that candidatus r. asemboensis is closely related to rickettsia felis but distinct enough to be considered for separate species classification. following this molecular characterization of candidatus r. asemboensis, the in vitro cultivation of this bacterium was then performed. we used cte ...201525897814
field studies on dominant rodents and the efficacy of certain insecticides to their fleas in dakahlia governorate, egypt.a preliminary survey of domestic rodent and the efficacy of bendiocarb, diazinon and pirimiphos-methyl insecticides to their fleas were carried out in dakahlia governorates (aga, meet-ghamr, el-senbellawen, temi el-amded, beni-abed, dekernes, nabarow, talkha, menia el-nasr and el-kordy). rodent index (number of rodent/trap) and percentage frequency of drodent species were recorded from october 2010 to may 2011. the main rodent species found were the norway rat, rattus norvegicus, the grey-bellie ...201121980770
Gene flow in a Yersinia pestis vector, Oropsylla hirsuta, during a plague epizootic.Appreciating how Yersinia pestis, the etiological agent of plague, spreads among black - tailed prairie dog (Cynomys ludovicianus) colonies (BTPD), is vital to wildlife conservation programs in North American grasslands. A little - studied aspect of the system is the role of Y. pestis vectors, i.e. fleas, play in the spreading of plague in natural settings. We investigated the genetic structure and variability of a common prairie dog flea (Oropsylla hirsuta) in BTPD colonies in order to examine ...201121946710
ixodid ticks, fleas and lice infesting dogs and cats in hawassa, southern ethiopia.this study investigated the prevalence, risk factors and species composition of ticks, fleas and lice infesting dogs and cats in and around hawassa in southern ethiopia. in total, 200 dogs and 100 cats were examined from november 2008 to april 2009. of the dogs and cats examined, 99.5% and 91.5%, respectively, were infested with one or more species of ticks, fleas or lice. the overall prevalence was higher in dogs than in cats. a total of six different species of ectoparasites were collected and ...201123327214
a comparative study of leishmania infantum of infantile kala azar and leptomonas (herpetomonas) ctenocephali parasitic in the gut of the dog flea. 191919972481
rodent borne diseases and their fleas in menoufia governorate, egypt.a preliminary survey of domestic rodent borne diseases and their fleas was carried out in ten centers of menofiya (quesna, shebeen el-kom, berka el-saabe, el-bagour, el-shohada, tala, menoff, searth el-lian, ashmon and el-sadat) governorate, egypt. rodent index (number of rodent / trap) and percentage frequency of different rodent species were recorded in spring (2009). the main species was norway rat, rattus norvegicus, the grey-bellied rat, r. rattus alexandrinus, the white- bellied rat, r. ra ...201020503591
gastrointestinal and ectoparasites from urban stray dogs in fortaleza (brazil): high infection risk for humans?dogs are important definite or reservoir hosts for zoonotic parasites. however, only few studies on the prevalence of intestinal parasites in urban areas in brazil are available. we performed a comprehensive study on parasites of stray dogs in a brazilian metropolitan area. we included 46 stray dogs caught in the urban areas of fortaleza (northeast brazil). after euthanization, dogs were autopsied. ectoparasites were collected, and the intestinal content of dogs were examined for the presence of ...201020532563
whole-genome sequence of "candidatus rickettsia asemboensis" strain nmrcii, isolated from fleas of western kenya.herein we present the draft genome sequence and annotation of "candidatus rickettsia asemboensis" strain nmrcii. "ca. rickettsia asemboensis" is phylogenetically related to but distinct from the flea-borne spotted fever pathogen rickettsia felis. "ca. rickettsia asemboensis" was initially identified in and subsequently isolated from ctenocephalides cat and dog fleas from kenya.201525767219
fleas infesting pets in the era of emerging extra-intestinal nematodes.modifications in climatic conditions, movements of hosts and goods, changes in animal phenology and human behaviour and increase of wildlife, are presently concurring in the geographic spread of vectors and cardio-respiratory nematodes, e.g. dirofilaria immitis, angiostrongylus vasorum, aelurostrongylus abstrusus and capillaria aerophila. all these factors may also influence dispersion and clinical significance of fleas, thus posing relevant challenges in those regions where other parasites are ...201323497511
a molecular survey of anaplasma spp., rickettsia spp., ehrlichia canis and babesia microti in foxes and fleas from sicily.fleas (insecta: siphonaptera) are obligate bloodsucking insects, which parasitize birds and mammals, and are distributed throughout the world. several species have been implicated in pathogen transmission. this study aimed to monitor red foxes and the fleas isolated from them in the palermo and ragusa provinces of sicily, italy, as these organisms are potential reservoirs and vectors of pathogens. thirteen foxes (vulpes vulpes) and 110 fleas were analysed by polymerase chain reaction (pcr) to de ...201324589112
risk factors for prevalence of pig parasitoses in mbeya region, tanzania.a cross-sectional study was carried out to determine risk factors for prevalence of common endo- and ectoparasites of pigs kept by smallholder farmers in mbozi and mbeya (rural) districts of mbeya region, in tanzania. a total of 482 pigs from 220 households of 16 villages, eight in each district were randomly selected and examined. prevalence of taenia solium cysticercosis was 11.5%, gastrointestinal nematodes 63.7% and ectoparasites 21.2% based on ag-elisa, mcmaster technique and full body sear ...201526324243
molecular detection of zoonotic bartonellae (b. henselae, b. elizabethae and b. rochalimae) in fleas collected from dogs in israel.fleas represent an acknowledged burden on dogs worldwide. the characterization of flea species infesting kennel dogs from two localities in israel (rehovot and jerusalem) and their molecular screening for bartonella species (rhizobiales: bartonellaceae) was investigated. a total of 355 fleas were collected from 107 dogs. the fleas were morphologically classified and molecularly screened targeting the bartonella 16s-23s internal transcribed spacer (its). of the 107 dogs examined, 80 (74.8%) were ...201525865162
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