
monophyly of the species of hepatozoon (adeleorina: hepatozoidae) parasitizing (african) anurans, with the description of three new species from hyperoliid frogs in south africa.haemogregarines (apicomplexa: adeleiorina) are a diverse group of haemoparasites reported from almost all vertebrate classes. the most commonly recorded haemogregarines to parasitize anurans are species of hepatozoon miller, 1908. to date 16 hepatozoon species have been described from anurans in africa, with only a single species, hepatozoon hyperolli (hoare, 1932), infecting a member of the hyperoliidae. furthermore, only two hepatozoon species are known from south african anurans, namely hepat ...201729198245
ddt congener effects on secondary sex coloration in the reed frog hyperolius argus: a partial evaluation of the hyperolius argus endocrine screen.organochlorine compounds such as o,p'ddt can mimic estrogen effects. we compared the effects of o,p'ddt and six other ddt congeners to the effects of estradiol by comparing in vivo color changes in the reed frog (hyperolius argus). premature female color pattern induction in h. argus is specific to estrogens and the current study suggests that this assay has potential for use in discriminating between xenobiotic estrogens and non-estrogens. animals were treated at forelimb emergence and maintain ...200010874170
the effect of sex steroids on primary and secondary sex differentiation in the sexually dichromatic reedfrog (hyperolius argus: hyperolidae) from the arabuko sokoke forest of kenya.the current study examined the role of steroids in primary and secondary sex differentiation in the african reedfrog (hyperolius argus: hyperolidae). this species is sexually dimorphic: males have a solid green dorsum and females are reddish-brown with large white spots. this study is the first to report the effects of sex steroids on the development of a sexually dichromatic species and the first to examine the role of sex steroids on development of the vocal sac. both males and females metamor ...199910417232
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